4 it liOtl Sffa (ifjxluwMmt -AND- ? labllshcd ovcry Friday morning In i the Oolumblnn Building near tlio j Uoart House, by 'OiCABIlEa D. BROOKWAY, Editbr tvnd Proprietor. Terms'.' Two dollnra n year, pnyn bio In advance. JOB PRINTING of nil descriptions executed with neatness and dispatch, at rcasonablo rates. m,o(iCBmiiu; dihkotoiiy. XOES AND TINWARK. JACOBMETZ, dealcrln stoves & llnwnrc, Mnln BU, ftbogj yurt lioiisc. vl-nl.1 AwMJIRUTEIlT, stoves nnd llmvnre, ltiM-crt .'"l()oS, Main st.. v.fst of Murket. V1-HI3 V( CLOTHING, AO. DLOWENllEltrJ, merchant tnllor, Mulu St., 2i ; floor nbovo American Imuse. vl-nn JW. CHEMnEUMN. wliole-ilennil renin iicni ," er in clothing, ttc; Unrtinim's building, Mnln street.', ! , ' vl-nu DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AC. linvmi ........ I , .....I nnntlicmrV. l-- I. chance block Mnln si. vl-nl3 EP. LUTZ, dmgglst nnil npotheenry, llnpert . block. Main St., west of Mnrket. vl-nll CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC. Jli P.NItY'ZUrriNOEn.Wfttchcs Clocks Ac.Mnln .street near West ft. LOUIil 'BEHNIIAnn, watch nnd clock maker, pear soutueastcorucr Mnlunnd lroii8ts. vl-ull SK.8AVAOE, dealer In clocks, watches nnd . jowelryMftln St., Just below American ouse. , t ' vl-nll ROA'rHCABT,wtcli and clock maker, Mnrkct st,, below Main. vl-n I.) 'BOOTS AND SHOES. G t niinWH lirtrtt n,1 ulini(im1t..r lnltl Rl l-fil (, opposite Court House. vl-nl l l Ror,r.EUE1t,mnnnrncturer nnd dealer In boots A and shoes, Mnlnsl., opposite Eplicopnl church vl-nll TIENIIY KLEIM, manufacturer nnd denier In 11 boots and shoes, groceries etc., liist lilooms burg Main st. vl-ull I1. ii ' 1 - l.rvAVllJ jlfiTZ, boot nnd shoemnker, Mnln fct.. JJ, poloWiHaitmnira store, west orMurketstreet. vl-lil.1 UltOFESSIONAL. "'t K. EVANS,'M. D. snriicon and physician south tl side Main at,,' below Market. - vl-nl.'l t1 It. B.'J. Kinney surceon dentist, teeth extrnct . episcopal wnurcn. v'"''j I T U. M'KEIiVY. M. D. snrReon nnd physician ij north side Main st., below Market. vl-nl.l N'T 0. BUTTEIt, M. I), surgeon and Physician. ) Market st.j above Main. vl-nU tTU H.' 0. HOWUIt, surgeon dentist, Mnln St.. U above court house. vl-n 13 I T B.llOBISON.Attorncyat.Law.Olllco Hnrt man's building, Main Btreet. vi-nM PI U IKELEIt, Attoriiey-at-lJiw.Olllce, 2d floor I In HiRhnntm lllnclf. iifnr f hrt "Kiphnnpn IIo- 'Cl T V311I I MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS. l,'ifRS.Ei MJNE, Millinery nnd l'ancy Goods, jjlMaln Street below Market. '?irIS8 LIZZIE ,BA1HLUY, milliner, liamsey i.'llbnllalng. Main st. vl-utl ll lIISS a;D.',WBBB, fancy goods, notions, books, .ill stationery, north sldo Mnln street below Mar-"jet.'- 't: VI-U13 7 PETEItMAN, millinery and fancy goods op f' J poslte Episcopal church, Mnln st. vl-nll ."f US. JULIA A. A HADE BAH1CLEY, Intllcs 1? il cloaks and dress patteriu, southeast corner llaln and.westst.1 Vl-n43 WISS M. DEItniCKSON, millinery and fancy goods Malnat., opposite Court House, vl-ull U K3. M,'B,FUBMAN, milliner, .Main st., below , II Hantaan'! store, west of Murket st. VM3 c. . MIIH MISijES'ltAltMAN millinery and fancy ' I goods,Moln street Just bclowAmerlcau house. J ' vl-nll A HOTELS AND SALOONS. T I.EACOCIC, oyster and eating saloon, Amcrl U can House, Main St., llnlucr Lencock superin tendent. V1-U15 ClSirlDMYEH.ft.JACOBY, coufectloury, bakery, II and oyster saloon, wholeialo and retail, Ex Jiafigo.block, Malnm. vl-m3 ?OC A WLRB,. confectionery, bakery, aud oys 1 ter saloon, wholesale and retail. Main St., Just low Iron. vl-nl.l "7XCIIAKGE HOTEL, by Koons A Clark, Main j U, opposite court house. vl-nl.1 1 MEKICAN HOUSE, by Joiiw Lkacocic, Main A St., west of Iron street. vl-n!3 .JOKKB HOTEL, by O. W. MAVOKll, east end of Main st. vl-nl.1 1 J) BTOIINEB, refreshment saloon, Mnln St., Just Ot above courthouse. vl-nU : rOONS 'ft CLA11K, refreshment saloon, Ex V change hotoll vl-nl.'l MEHCHANTS AND GIIOCEIIS. p JACOBS, Confectionery, groceries etc Main ,f; St., above Court House, vl-ulil 1 H.MILLER, dealer In dry goods, glocerlea, i. oueensware flour, salt, shoes, notions, etc. exchange block, Main street, vl-n U " If 'KELvY.NEAL A Co., dealers In dry goods, -l groceries,, flour, feed, salt, fish, Iron, nails jtc,thorlheascpriier Main and Market st. vl-nl.1 HVO. IIOWEll, hats and caps, boots aud shoes. Main st., above Court.llouse. vl-ul.1 r f C MAIt'lt, dry goodH nnd notions, soutliwest ' J. corner Main and Iron sis. vl-tii:) nN" V J. BUOWEIt, dry goods, grcM'cries, etc,, north- f. I , west corner Main and Iron sis. vi-nu W ' Ai BECKIjEY, Keystone shoe store, books and 'r La stationery, .southwest corner Market ntid jl llKlU stS. Vl-UU i-nrrlLLIAM ERASMUS, confectioneries, Main St., near the railroad, vl-uia MENTJENHAT.T.. penprnl stork nf tiierchnn. dlseand lumber, comer of Main street ami wick road. vl-u!3 ' '.'T J. HOUBINR, dealer In dry goods grcerles etc. i, J Shlve's block. Main st below 1 1 on vl-n)3 ur-. ' jr K. aitlTON, Groceries A Provisions, south .least corner Main and Iron Streets. vl-ull W", r- l"9. SLOAN, dealerln choice dry goods, llousp lrV keeDlnsBoods. fresh groceries, etc.. etc. Main ori.t.,J opposite court house. v-lnl3 M'.w. i i .m- iii. - irj. ?K.EYEIti merles and general merchandise Malm i vesi, vi-n ''f T. BHA-SXkas, dry goodr, groceries, boots. 'IJ,,oeji.et.hlVupcrt block, Main St., west oi larkeC.Sjjjj$gv ' vl-n I J cilAMRT3t. E. IIAYHUHST, Dealers In Joottown( south ld e, two doors aboe Urotst' ., fraEonmakRriihop. v -nl. f MISCELLANEOUS. . Bl. Vrlokou Mulnst., west of Market st. vl-ii r ytf tUnVY T ..-..lt., mn.na (,.-.. b.am. .i1 J. THORNTON, wall paper, window shades, p. undflxturcs, ltuirt block. Main st. vl-n 13 ' V ' 1 V r ItOSENSTORK. nlintnirrm.her r.Tchniiirn block. Main at., opjioslte court house. vl-n!3 IT U'.HAMPLE A CO. Mnchlillsls.PstBlooms. 11 L hnrnr iiearratlrosd. (stiuim iimde at short E7( lire- -machinery mode and repaired, vu-n'-l X X 8. KUIIN, dealer In meat tallow, ete,. Chern ir ,,",l-',R,,e3,-,,oclnr American hfise, vl-mi ""'n .J. BIDLEMAN, Agent Mnnson's Copper Tn p. bular LlghtnlngUod. v2-ull JTJ.B. PURHELL, saddle, trunk and larness WJ maker. Main St., below couit, bouse. vl-nW . f- itt'p FOaTEB, aine Maker, and White nnd fancy U Taniier,H9ottowu, vl-n.7 HtunUJOMsnURO LUMBER CO., manufacturers Dand dealers In Lumber, of all kinds, pinning - iui earui,rttiiroau. vi' . ftH-J ' - - 1 -WITilAN, marble works, near southwest ' A. cugawMaln aud Market sts. vl-ul.1 'SiR HRJtiLKIt,deoU'r lu pianos, orgaus nnd olf.IV.imeloioas.atO. W.CoreU'sfurulturu rooms fl' W--B. vl-nH rKU ItOBlltNH, liquor dealer second door from Ut nrlhwMtruer Main and Iron sis. vl-nll f WITr PEACOCKjNotary Iblle, northeast corner II Mtiln and Jhakel st. vl-nU ,Tf .UN A. rUNSTON, mutual and cash rates fire il Ihwrance coiiipuny.uorlbeastcorner Main and nnuSVr". vl-ull jstlV- l,J!l'CAMUEI, JACOUY, MarWe and Brown Btono V,, O Worlts.EastBloomshuiB.IleiwIckroad, vlu!7 Mar ',1. VOLUME III NO. 15. OHANGKVILLE D1UE0T0UY. DTt. O. A. MEOAUOKL, physician nnd surecon, Mnln st., next door to Hood's Hotel. vl-nl7 BUICIC HOTEL and rorrcshment saloon, by Win. Masteller cor, of Mnlunnd l'lne nt.vliU7 mVAV HOTEL, the, upper house by John Hny O der. Main st nbovo l'lne. V1-U47 TTAUMAN IlItOTHEIW, TnnncM nnd mnnnrhr II tuners uflcnthcr, on Main St., below UoouV Hotel. V--IH7 D AVIt) HEUIUNO, Hour and Grist Mill, nnd ucaieriu grnui, aiiunirccu vi-nn BOWEH & lir.ItniNO. dealer In dry Roods, groceries, lumber nnd genernl Merchandise Mnln st. VMH7 TOHN FHYMIIIE, saddle nnd hnrnessinnker ) .Mulu st.. above the Bwnu Hotel. vi-un A A E. W. COLEMAN, Merchant tailor nnd Uent's furnishing goods, Mnln St., next door to the brick hotel. vl-n 17 MH. llAYIIUltHT.CloclcK.Wiitclies nnd nuns repaired. Guns and Watches for sale, Mnln at., below l'lne. vl-iU7 JAM lis 11. IIAUMAN, Cabinet Mnker, nnd Un dertaker. Mnlu HU, below l'lne. Vl-nl7 ICHAEL C. KELLER, Confectionery, Oysiers O.C., on i uiu ou, uukwt'eu .uitiu mm .mil. i. it II. AC. KELCHNEll.lllacksmllus.oll Mill Street, near l'lne. vl-u!7 1LI.IAM IJKI.ONO, Hhocmnltcrnnd mnnufnc- turer of lirlclc, Mill HI., west or l'lne vinw ' EWM IT. BCHUYLEIl, Iron founder, Machln Jlat, and Mnnuractuier of plows, Mill Ht.vl-m MILES A. WILLIAMS A Co.rnnncrsnnd Man-ufncturei-s of leather, Mill Slieet. vl-n!7 JOHN KELLEIl, Boot nnd Hhocmnker, Pino street, opposite tho Academy vl-ul7 i 11. HI'.HUINO A llltOTHEn, Carpenteisnnd L. Builders, Main Street, below l'lne. V1-UI7 SAMUEL HIIAItPLKHS, Mnker of thellnyhurst Grain Cradlo. Main Ml. v2n5. TM. IIAHMAN, saddle nnd linrnesH maker . Oranmivlllo, opposite l-'ramn church. vl2nll OATAWISSA DMECTOKY. SUSQUEHANNA or Brick Hotel,H.Kostebauder proprietor, south-east corner Main nnd Second Street. . V2-U12 H. CUEAHY, dry goods, groceries, and gen eral Merchandise, Main Street. v2-nl2 SI). IHNAIID, dealer In stoves nnd tin-ware, . Main Street. -2-nl2 TM, II. A11HETT. attoruey at law.Malu Btreet. VIJU GILUUUT & KLINE, dry Koods, erocerieH, nml general mcrcIiaiulUc, Alulu Htreet. v2-nl2 r ICKILKU, bllllnnl saloon, oysters, and Ice U. cream In season Main Btreet. v'!-nl2 B P. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., , Uobblns' Building. v2-nI8. D n. J. IC. nOBDINB. Burgeon and Physician, eecouu est,, ueiow main. y-uio. JB. KISTLEH'Cattawlsallouse'Korth West . Corner Main and Second Streets. v2-nl8. M, M. 11H0I1ST, dealer In General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. v2-uls. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. PETEIt ENT, denier In dry goods, groceries, Hour. feed. salt. llsh. Iron, nails, etc.. Ltubt street. vl-nl5 JTEItWILLIOEll, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker aud Chalrniaker. vl-ms H F. OMAN & Co., Wheelwrights, nrst door above school house. vl-n 16 M KS. E. XLINEi millinery aud fancy goods. TV, BANICEY, dealer In Leather, Hides, Bark, i) etc. Casli paid for Hides.' vl-ul6 w M. M. ENT, dealer In stoves and tin ware In uuiis uraiicnes. vi-mu fOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer nnd dealer in ' boots and slides. vi-liGI J. LEISEIt, M. 1). Surgeon nnd Physician. Oftlco at Keller's Hotel. V2-H27 ESPY DIRECTORY. " 1). WEKKHKIBElt, Boot nnd Rhoo Store . and mnnfuctory. Shop on Main street, op- poslte steam Mill. v2-m0 TJSPY STEAM FLOURING MILW, C S. Fowler, Pioprletor. v2-nl(i Bi P. REKIIIATIP, ABItO., dealers In dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, vliiill T, W. EIlOAU, Susquehanna Planing Mill nnd Box .Manufactory. v!2nll BUCK1I0RN. DIRECTORY. MO. AW. II. SHOEMAKER, dealers In dry goods, giocerlcs and general meichandlse. Flibt store In south end of town. v2-nia. JACOB A WM. HARRIS, dealers In dry goods, groceries, drugs uud medicines. Kiist store tn north end ot town. v -nlH. JEUSEVTOMNDIUMCTOHY. TACOli A.HVISIli:u,dcalerln Hides, Uather tJ Ihirk -tc. MudlHun towubhlji Columbia county I'll, vi-uiu HOTELS AM) SALOONS. JXCIIANGE HOTEL, 1-J-iUUMMlfUltU, i,Ul.UlI .V., J.'A. TIia iiiiilprHlirnoil lmvtn niirrhilKfHl thlnw.'ll- knowuandceiitrallylneJitedluiiie,thuKxchni)(e uoiei, Hiinaie on jiai.- ,in iiouiuhuurK Immediately opposiiB theColuinblacounty Court House, rchpectlully Intorm their friends and the fmbllo In eueml that their house In now In order or the reception und enteitutument of travellers who may bo dit, posed tc favor It with their eus torn. They ha e spared no expense In preparing the KxchaiiKO Tor theentertafnment of their guests neither tshull there bo anything wanting on their part to minister to their peronal comfort. They house Is spacious, und enjoys an excellent busi ness location. Omnibuses run ntnll times between thelx chaugu Hotel and the various railroad depots, by which tiuvellers will 'be Pleasantly eonveved to nnd from the respective ktations In due time to n t li rtnra VriHVU A- I't. ll 1.' llloombUiirg, April J, lbtij. OltK'S HOTEL, utuuuu v, AiAUUJ.il, iToprieiur. The abovo well-known liotel has recently under KOiie rnd'cal cliaiices In Its Internal urranuemeutS: ami lu proprietor aniiouucetf to hts tormer custom and tho travelling public that his accomodations for thf.mfort of his triiists are second to none Jn me country, ins lauie win uiways wo iouuu suj- nieii, not oiuy jiu uuosiujiiiu. hhui, uu. win. he dcllcuclfsnf the ..ensnn. His wines nnd li quors (except that popular boveraee known as. ,,jt,ie?iiv")1purehateil direct from the Importing Houses; are entirely puie, anu iree irom au poi sonous drugs. He UthHuklul for n liberal patron ace in me posi, anu win rnnuiiiiw loufsnrve n in "PXCIIANGE SALOON, The Proprietor of the Exchange Saloon has now on nnuu n large sioca oi BUJIMEU ItEFnCSHMENTri, consisting of SflCKIl UVSTKllH, HAUUIKF.-, TJIII'K, 1!0-0(1NA 1 HIILEI' lONOUK, 11011.K1) K003, BWKIT7Kn OIKKSK, LAGEli J1EEU, ALE, AC. n- COME ONE, COME ALL AND BEE. "GO LAWSON CALM AN. Kuperliileudent, Bloomsburg, May 3, lttrr. WE bog lenvo to Inform you (lint wo j I are prepared 10 oner ior your inspection, ourusuul uhsortmeut of MILLINEHY GOODS, Pniiiilbtitif? nf tli TftutU Miaifft 111 Httaw. Hllk and UImp Huts, Rounets, lc Velvets, Hllk (loods, Ribbons, Mowers, leathers. Ruches, Crapes, lllonds, llrnlds, Orunntents, At). Ac. Yv shall tw happy to wait on you at our Mure or receive your oruer, vncts mw ior iusii, Vouri. Ao.. II. WAHI. Nos. hit, lui und 107 N, Btcoml bt. l'liliud'a. Mar,Woy-2t. W AINWIUGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OHOOEICH, N, E. Corner Hecond and Arch Htreets, I'MlLAlJKJ.l'lllA, Dealers In TEAS, HYHUro. COFKJJE, HUO AH, MOIWVSHKH HICK, Ul'lCKS, 111 CAl'.U 6UUA, AC, AC, B- Orders will receive prorart attention. MaylO, ISOT-ly. fife BUSINESS CARDS. JOU PItlNTING Keatly executed at this Office. lit. L'VELLE, ATTOItNKY-AT-LA W, Ashland, Bchuylklll County, Penn'o, c. W. MILLKIt, ATTOIINEY AT LAW, omco with K. II. Little, In brick building nd Joining Prat Olllce. Bounties, Bnck-l'ny nnd Pensions collected. sep2u'67. JOHN O. FBKEZE, AT TO II N E Y-AT-L A W, Otlleoln Iteglstcr and ltccordcr's ofllco, In tho basement of tho Court House, Bloomsbnrg, Pa. JOUEKT T. CLAKK, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW Offlco corner of Main nnd Mnrkel streets, over First National Bank, Bloomsbnrg, Va. II. IjITTIiB, A T T O 11 N K Y-A T-L A W. Olllce Court.Houso Alley, below tlioCur.UMiiiAN Olllco Bloomsburg, l'a. Q B. I1I10CKWAY, ATTOIINEY AT LAW, HLOOMSBuna, pa. Office Court House Alley, below the Co luhMan Olllce. Janl'(i7. J n. runsEL, HAHNESS, SADDLE, AND TBUNK MANUFACTUREK. nnd dealer In CAHPET-BAOS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, nUFFAI.0 ROBES, HOUSK-Iil.ANKETa da, which ho feels confident ho enn sell nt lower rnte than nny other person lu ths country, Ex nmlno ror yourselves. Shop first door below the Post Office Main Wreet, Bloomsburg. Pa. Nov. 15, 18(17. g C. COLLINS, FASHIONABLE SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND SIIAMP001N0 SALCON, Over Wldmayer A Jacoby's Ice Cream Saloon, BLOOJISBUIIO, PA. Hair Dvelng nnd Whiskers colored black or blown. Hair Tonic to destroy dandruff and licnu, tllying the bnir; will restore hnlr to Its original color without soiling the finest fabric, constantly on hand. apil2'(J7. D E NTISTItY. H. C. IIOWEU, DENTIST, Hespectfully otTers hU professional services to the ladles and grtutlemeii of Uloomsbun: nnd vi cinity. Ho Ik prepared to attend to nil the vari ous operations In the line of his profession, und Ih provided with tho latest improved I'oucklain Tkhtii which will be Inserted on tfold pintlug, stiver and rubber bnso to look as well as the nat ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new and most approved methods, and all operations on tho teeih carefully und properly attended to. Residence and ofllce n few doors above the Court House, ame side, llloomsbury, Jun.Gl.'GMf pOWDER ICEGS AND LUMIiEIt. AV. M. MOXItOEACO., Uupert, Pa., Manufacturers of TOWDEIt KEGH, and dealeis lu all kinds of LUMfiKK, Ijlve notice that they are prerxied to accomodate their euitom with dlspateh, and on the clieiest "QNION HOTEL, 11 O II R B II U 11 O, V A. The undeihlcnrd would respectfully Inform tht travi'llni; public that he has pureluised and refitted in the best maimer the nldstaud former ly occupied by A. Kline, and that be Is now prepnied to arcniiiiiioitatc bin irlends with all the com lot ts ami cniivchlriice ofu tlist-i-hiss house. A liuunew bain has b n built mid the surroun dings placed in perfect finltr. Hm bar will al wa s be stocked u lib tlio iliotstsl HquurK and cl uais, and the table (urnMud with the btst the market airuids. JAMES V. CllM-AHl'IK. July 3,'tih-ir M ISS LIZZIE HA UK LEY has Just n turned from I'hlladelpbla, and lias bought, nnd Is now olleiliii; the best assortment or FANCY GOODS, TltlMMINQS, BOS. NETS .te. Ac, everexhlhlled lu Bloouisburi;, and is prepnied to mnko up ilress.s and all oilier articles of female waidrobe, at short notice, and In Iho best and LATEHT KPUINC1 STYLES. Booms m Iho ltamsey Buildings, on West MalnlStrett. Call and see her vnrled stock of Spring floods. May 1,'IW. lyr E W COAL YAH 1). JLi Tun undcr8lne,l respectfully Inform the ciilreus of Bloomsburc and Columbia county, that tbey keep all the dlllerent uuuihers olstnve cisil ami selected lump coal ror smllhlui; jairpo e, on their wharr, udjolulnu M'Kelvy, Neat A Lo s l- uruuee; wnu a goisi pair oi nsuaio scales on the uhnir, to eluh e(,al, hav, and straw. Likewise a hoise and wagon, to deliver coal to Uiomi who destie It. Aslhev plllchase u larire iiinouut or coal, tbey Intend to keep a superior ar llclc, and sell at the very lowei.1 pilces. Please call und examine Tor J ourselves before ptuchas AUOUSil'lirt MASON.' rpilE uiitlerslKiictl will take la ex- J. clianuo lor Coal and Clioceiles, tho fallowing numcd nrtlcles : Wheat, Itye, Corn, Oats Pota toes, Lard, Haui.Hhouldcr.uiul slile meat, Butter, Ebbs, Hay, Ac, at the hlBlicst cash prices, at his (Irocery more, ailjolulni; their coal yard, J. w. ii.Mil2llIIOT. Illoomsburi: Mar. 10,'6Uly, C, II. JIOfiNK. W. 8. i;iMl. J. 11, bF.YllP.IIT. TTOHNE, KING & SEYUEItT, W1IOLFSALE BUY UOODH. No. 313 Market Stieat, , PHILADELPHIA. Orders tilled promptly at lowest January 3, 1SS, CHAS. Q. BARKLEY, Atloi'i.c)' al Law, UI.OUJISBliltO, COLDMISlA CO.. I'A. Offlca in the KxehaniA Uulbilnr.ieconil vtor.nver Widuiyrr it Jnchny't ('unftcttunery, HecosJ Awr nbnvn Iho l.iclisnee Hotel Kloomntiurf, Jati, J, IVtO, 0, E. SAVAGE, PltAUTICAL WATCH MAKEH A JEWELEIl. Mulu Ktrtet, (near the Court House, BLOOMrlllUUa, PA. Coiutnutly on handnflneussortmeutof Amer- cau uuti nwiss ivaunes, eiocas, jsweiry, suer. ware of thelst drtorlttloii plaulou white met al, consisting of butur dishes, goblets, knives, forks, snooiui. naoklii rluus ele. Masonic marks made to order. All iioihIs and work warranted. I Jan. jgSTABLISIIED 1703, JOItDANAllUOTIIEIt. Wholtsulo Q rou ts, aud Dialers lu KALTl'ETI'.U AND BHIMBTONE, No 9 North Third Rt, rhlladelphla, jyrKUCHANT'S HOTEL, tl MOUTH t'OURTlI BTBIET, ritlLADELl'IIIA. J. & W. a. H'KIllUtN, Proprietor. May in m-r- Milliwatt BLOOMSBURGr, PA., THK VAtlAllO.VDS, Wo nro two Irnvcllcrs-ltoger nnd 1 1 ltogcr's my dog como hero yon scamp I Jump rrom Hie gentleman mind your eycl Over the tablo lookout for tlio lamp t Tlio rogue Is growing n little old ; Flvo ycais we'vo tramped thro' wind nnd weather, And slept out doors when nlglils were cold, And nto ni.d drank nnd starved together. We've learned what comrort Is. I tell you j A bed on tlio floor, a bit of rosin, A lire to thaw our thumbs, (poor follow I The paw he holds up there's been frozen,) Plenty of cat-gut for lny riddle, (This out door business Is hard on strings j) There it fow nlco buckwheats hot from tho griddle, And Uoger nnd I set up for Kings, No, thank yo, sir I never drink ; ltogernnd Inro exceedingly moral Ato'nt we, Itogcr ? Sco bin wink ! Well, something hot tnen wo won't onnrrcl. He's thirsty, too see him pod his head: What a pity, sir, that dogs can't talk I Ho understands every word that's said And ho knows good milk from water and chalk, Tho truth Is, sir I now reflect, I've been so sadly given to grog, I wonder I'vo not lost tho respect (Here's to you, sir,) even of my dog; But bo sticks by, through thick and thin ; And this old coat, with empty pickets, And rags that smell of tobacco and gin, He'll. follow while ho has eyes In his sockets. Thero Isn't another crenliiro living Would do It, and rlrovo through every dis aster, , Bo fond, so faithful and so forgiving, To such a miserable, thankless master I No, sir I see htm wog his tnll nnd grin 1 By Ueorgo I It makes my eyes Just water? That Is, there's something lu this gin That chokes a fellow. But no mntter. We'll have somo music. If you're willing, And Roger (hem I whatnplaguo n cough Is, sir,) fjhall march a little start, you villain I Stand straight! 'Bout face ! Saluto your ofll cerl Put up that paw 1 Dress I Tako your rllle 1 (-omo dogs have arm, you see,) Now hold your Cop white tho gentleman gives a trlllc, To aid a poor old patriot soldier. .March I Unit! Now show how tho rebel shakes When he stands up to hear bis sentence, Now tell us how many drams It takes To honor a Jolly new ncnunlntiiucc. Flvo yelps that'sflvo; he's mighty knowing! The night's beforo us, nil the glasses, Quick, sir! I'm 111 my brain is going Some brandy thank you thero It passes. Why not reform ? that'- easily said ; But I've gone through such wretched treit luent, Sometimes forgetting the taste of brend, And scarce remembering what meat meant, ' That my poor Rtomach is past reform ; And there are times when, mad with drink big, I'd sell nut heaven for somo thing warm, To prop a horrible Inward sinking. Is there a way to forget to think f At your age, sir, home, fortune, friends, A dear girl's love but I took to drink ; The sauio old story! You know bow 11 ends If you could have seen these classic features You needn't laugh, sir j they were not then Such a burning libel on Uod's creatures ; I was one of your handsome men. If you hod seen her! so fair and young. Whose head was happy on this breast I If you could have heard the songs that I sung, When tho wlno went round, you wouldn't have guessed, That ever I, sir, should be straying From door to door, with fiddle and dog, ltaggcd and penniless, und playing To you to-nlghtfor a glass of grog I She's marilcd since a parson's wife, 'Twos better for her that wo should part Better Iho soberest, prosiest life, Thau a blasted homo aud a broken lit art. I have seen iier ouco ; I was weak and spoil t On the dusty road ; a carriage stopped ; But llttlo did sho dream, as on she went, Who kissed tlio coin that her lluuiers droppol I You've set mo talking, sir, I'm sorry. It makes me wild to think of the ctinu.ro ! What do you care for a beggar's story ? Is It amusing? Yea and It's strange ! I had n mother so fond of mel ' Twas well she died beroro do you know If the happy spirits lu He wen can see Tho rulu and wretcheJuesi here below ? Another glms, and strong, to deaden Tilts piln ; then Itigr nul I will st irt: I wonder h.is bo such a lumpish, leaden, Aching tiling, lu place of a heart. He Is sad souiitluios and would weep If h could, No doubt remembering thlngi that were ; A virtuous female, with plenty of food, And hi mst lr n sober, respectablocur. I'm better now, that glass was warming You rasoal ? 1 1 inbcr your lazy feet I Wemust bo fUdtlug and performing For supper an I bed, or starve in tlio street. Not a very gay life to lead, you think I But soon we shall go wuero loglugs are free, And tbosleepersnoed neither victuals or drink, And tho sooner the better for Hoger nnd me. Siberian DogM. Theue limy often bo seen, of late, in tlio streets of New York, doss of lingo size, sometimes whlto-nntl-blaek, but oftenor n mouse-color or yellow tan. Tbeso nro Siberian blootlboumla, tho original stock of which, wo believe, wns brought from tho Ural Mountains, whero tbey tiro employed for bunting wolves and other llereo beasts of the chase. In tho city, of course, they aro kept merely us curiosities, and aro not half ho useful as a smart Scotch terrier, who will kill rats in the cellar ami rIvo warning should nny strango footstep eonio prowling about tho bouso In the night. A moro useful kind.of Siberian dog than iho majestic one referred to is tho breed much prized by tboSamoye- des, Tunguslans, nnd other northern tribes, as beasts of burthen. Those of Kamtschatkii nro said to bo tho best. Fourof these animals, yoked to a sledge, will easily draw a man with two hun dred pounds of baggugo, nnd will run from thirty to sixty miles it day accord ing to tlio condition of tliosuow uiiu tho character of country traversed by thein. During tho winter theo dogs aro feil upon dried llsli. In summer they aro expected to provldo for themselves, and tho facility with which they catch llsh Is very remarkable. Thoy remain out of doors throughout tho fine season, living llko otters or seals, but us soon its tho hard weather sets in thoy leave the shoro and betako themselves to tho huts nf their respective owners. These dogs tiro endowed with au Instinct for locality so wonderful that their masters, when driving them, leave tho selection of routo entirely to thulr Judgment. Wlicnn heavy Morin obliges tho team to blop thoy crouch In tho snow, close to their m ister.soas to keep him warm In return fur all this, when one of thc.su dogs grows old and Is past work, tho unberg-llko iceberger that owiib him kills him for his skin, out of which ho makes clothes for his own less-worthy carcibss. Wofl'l. He that would hnvo his business done well, must either dolt himself, or sou tho doing of it. FRIDAY, APRIL 9, A NIGHT WITH A.MANIAO. Tho mnnltv: was n glnnt. Ho had bro ken his heavy chains ns Sampson broko tho withes bad torn open tho door, of his cell torn tho keepers literally in pieces burst tho outer door killed tho watchman with ft heavy Iron bar, that ho wrenched from tho door and es caped with bis formidable weapon Into tho city. Tho town was aghast with tho news : nud wo students at tho hospital and dis secting room, who woro connected with thonsylum, had to ncrvo ourselves to help enpturo tho escaped wild beast. I hod gone to tho dissecting room itloiic, nnd was about to commence using tho knlfo on a subject. Thero was ttsto.-in raging, and with a low sob tlio winti swoiioa tiirougii tno long alsio or forest trees and dashed with tlio gather ed forco Of an ocean wuvo against tho demlhouso. Simultaneously, n hand struck tho light door and the yell, of n maniac rang through and through my brain. Abovo tlio door, through a small ven tilator, tho faco of the madman aud tho murderer peered nt mo. 'Ha, ha I I have caught you at lost- hero nnd hero nlonu. I hnvo been waiting for you. You took tno onco didn't you V Ha, ha 1 Let mo lu." Thccooliicss of Imminent peril brought my powers to action. I held his eyo au instant; but it was evident that ho wus too wild ; that his blood was up, nnd it roved with eager ferocity through tho room and over the frail walls. With tho light bound of a leopard I gained tho door, and shot tho double bolt. A gleam of rngo darted from his eye, but ho laughed : "Ho, ha I You think that you will keep mo out." Ho leaped to tho ground. In nn in- Mant tlio light whs out. "Walt," I cried. "I liavon weapon in my hand keen ns n razor. It is pois oned by tho body I hnvo been working on. Hurst the doer and I will plunge It Into your heart. You may kill me, tmt I will kill you alrto, as certain as thero is a God." The swart giant shook tho door un til its hinges creaked and groaned be neat 1 1 bis hand. Then laughing again low to himself he, muttered : "Fool 1 I will outwit you yet." Anil lit! stiilu oil' In the darkness. I heard him, for an instant, pressing ngaiu-t tho wall of tho building, and it swayed and bent inwards with his weight. Then silence. Tho din of my pulses made thunder in my ears, us I tried to hear his stealing tread, nnd sob bing wind rose anew with wicrd shriek, and made my efforts fruitless. A thousand times I heard his low, devilish, murderous laugh. A. thous and times I felt his brawny strength against tho door, and saw his wild faco look down on mo through the gloom; lint still ho did not come. I tried to think bo had abandoned tho design nnd slunk off discournged ; but 1 knew it wns not so I know ho was crouching in somo corner on tho watch, to spring upon mo when I pass ed. Could I stand thero till night? No, certainly not. An hour moro and Harry Leigh ( my young wife's broth er ) womil como and seu mo come unconscious uf tlio danger, until n bloodhound nt his throat would chuko the brnvo young II (u down thero for ever. 1 lislciird in the intervals of tho now fitful storm to hear if he was breathing near me. 1 put my soul In tlio sense of hcurlng.but no human shadow of sound greatcd it. When the storm swelled again I drew tho bolt and looked Into tho night; a black pall hung over tho earth nnd sky. I had us good a chance to pass him in tho obscurity ns ho to catch me. With my knlfo In my teeth anil tho massive thigh bono of n negro to fell him with, Ifl muit, I drewoir my shoes and step ped out Into tho darkness. A sudden whirl of tho tempest almost took mo otfmy feet, nnd a brick, dislodged from ouo of tho chimneys, grazed my head In Its pasaajjo, nnd broko In half on tho pavement. With bated breath, and step like tho trend of tho panther scenting his prey, I parted tho thick darkness and turned my faco toward the hospital. Ho might bo cither here at any step along tho passage or hid in the angle of tho wall at tho door through which I must enter. This seemed most probable ; but thero was another door, known only to tho doctors. I thought I would eluilo hint. With Infinite caution 1 began to scale tho high wall, dreading horribly least somo sub den break In tho sky might reveal mo to tho wild eyes that watched for mo but no. Safely passing tho summit I throw my leg over tho descent, and felt my foot seized. It was but tho clinging toudrilofn wild vine, skirting tho wall. Grasping my knife lu my right hand, I crept along tho bushes lor fifty ynnls, thou btruck across tho lawn for tho sldo entrance. Tho darkness perplexed me, but I thought I was steering straight. Suddenly my loot struck bricks. What wus this? I tried to recollect. Thero was no pavement round that part of tho hospital. I pushed on uncertainly and feeling it weight lu tho air, put uut my hands to gropo forsomo clow to my wcreubouts. I was lu an alley flanked with stono walls nbovo my head. I gave a sudden turn. In nn Instant I know I was In tho subterranean passugo of tho asylum. I turned to retrace my steps tho opiupuo density of somo heavy body crouched between me and tho outer air. I heard its stilled breathing its stealthy troail approaching me, My Uod I ho hud fol followed mo from tho very door of tho dead house hcrul A struggle for life with u mad man in these narrow gloomy vaults to Ho lu tho pool of one's own heart's blood In this undiscovered touib and my young ylfu Coustuiico I 'twas maddening. For un Instant my brain was on lire. Thou I thought thero might bona exit 4- 1869. 00L. other devious windings In which I could cludo ray deadly pursuer. Going deftly backward, I turned tho nnglo In tlio wall, and then plunged at tho ut most speed of a young, nctl vo man along tho black passage. Instantly I knew I was pursued. Meeting another crossed path I struck into It In nn opposite- di rection. Tho maniac instant followed me. What a raco through thoso caver nous depths of tho madhouse! What tragic pitfalls might lurk ntovcrystcp? what black nnd stagnant pools Ho wait ing to engulph mo 1 wlmtdecpor depth of icy bluckness Into which tb full olid fall forever I Tho passago grew narrower. Wo wcro perhaps, under tho very center of tho building, and farthest from tho outer air. I had tried to brcatho noise- e.s3ly; tho effort exhausted me, I knew nothing of tho labyrinths ; could only guess nt our position by tho distance from tho entrance. I had counted tho turnings wo had made. I thought I could retrnco them. My strength was failing. I was fleetest, but ho wns most enduring. l'rcsently ho would, run mo down. It w.ts tcrrlblo venture, but tho necessity was Imminent. I would try it. Gnth- eiing all my forco I darted llkoanarrow on into tho darkness. Tho suddenness of my increased speed bullied him. I succeeded In putting fifty yards between u, gained nnd turned tlio next nngle, then drawing myself against tho wall, with every nerve nnd rausclo strained Into preter-naturnl tension, with tho mighty heave of my chest crushed into siJoncu hy un iron effort of despairing win, waited tor him to pass mo. I henrd hi in como rushing on with new strengtli through tho blackness, reach tho nngle, turn It striking his massive body aga inst tho Jutting stones. I heard him spring Hkennnnlnialon along tho track. Ifelthls hot breath like steam tho foam of hisi set Jaws flung ncross my face and ho stopped. I felt that ho was feeling for mol that ho wns crouching, on tho stones. I saw tho red flro of his eyeball glare up to mo through tho darkness. I relt tho touch of his icy flesh on my hand. Llko lightning ho raised himself, nnd throwing his vnst weight against me, pinioned mc to tho stones. All tho mnd rage of a man nt bay surged up ward to my brain. I clasped my knlfo convulsively, and seized him by tho throat, resolved to dlo hard. It was hairy-It wos shaggy. Tho hands against my chest had n thick cont of fur. Iclasp- ed him to my breast. It was Lion my dog Lion 1 "Great Heaven. Winter Kteuo 1 Wlnft kept you tho wholo night lu that cursed dead houso'.' It Is near by ; tho door lias been open these twohours,nnd Derby and King hnvo been asleep. I was getting on my boots to look for you." "Why in tlio namo of common senso did you lot this dog out after me? Will you tell mo that?" "Why, ho howled llko a maniac, and clawed tho door till If I had been sus picious, I should hnvo thought you In somo danger nnd could not keep him In." "Danger 1 Well, wo can't talk now Itottso yourself.I have had au interview with your maniac, nnd ho is prowling around tho grounds after mo now. Call up tlio men. 1 must go utter Phillips immediately." "My God 1 you don't say so V" "Yes, don't waste a moment." In flvo minutes tho wholo forco or tho hospital was out lu tho grounds. Wo took him in the angle of tho.great door, crouched behind tho Jutting wall, wait ing for mo! Ho drow his Hps back over Ills teeth, in the dumb ferocity ofu mad brute, i.s ho saw me, nnd his eyes settled into a dull, lurid gu.e, Impossible to do scribe, as ho hissed out: "IIu! this Is twice twice your t rl umph, wait till tlio third time." Around tho blazing grate of the tump- est-tossed night, wo shook hands over tho glad reunion, nnd after the story was over, and tho horror llrst, und tho story lifter (at tho close of my adven ture,) and Derby and King had left.itnd Unrry Leigh nnd I stood tit tho window watching the young winter day rise over tho hllh-,thcrc wnssomothing very like tears In Ids bright blue eyes us lie pointed to tho granite walls of tho mud house, nnd said : "Constance would havo gone there, Winter, had you died, und mtuu would hnvo been n heavy life after." A Toad Undkessimi. On last Mon day nfternoon wo witnessed a toad un dressing himself. Ho commenced Im pressing his elbows hard against his sldo anil rubbing downward. After n few smart rubs his hide began tn burst along his back. He kept on rubbing until ho worked nil his si; In into folds on his .sides und hips; then grasping ono hind leg with his hands, ho hauled olT ono leg of his pants tho same as anybody would; then stripped off tlio other hind leg In tho same way. Ho then took his cast off skin forward be tween his fore-legs Into his mouth und swnllowed it; then, by raising nnd lowering his head, swallowing as his head cauio down, ho ntrlppcd olf his drawers underneath until ho camo to his' fore-legs, then grasping ono of thoso with tho opposite hand, by a singlo motion of tho head ho draw It from bis neck and swallowed tho wholo of hU clothes. Qaineivlllc (2'Va.J Era. One oi' the Hoys. "Whero have you been, Charley?" "In tho garden, inn." "No you Inwo bceu swimming; you know I cautioned you about going to tho creek, I will havo to correct you. Look nt your hair, how wot it is." "(), no, ma, tills Is not water it Is sweat?" "Ah, Charley, I havo caught you fibbing, your shirt Is wrong sldo out." (Hoy triumphantly,)"-), I did that Just now, ma, cUmblny ltefaKef" It Is contended by vomo that follow ing corn with oats or barley, und thou with wheat, Is not In any sense it Tola tlon, as (ill tbeso belong to tho kuiiio family. DEM.-V0L. XXX11I NO. 8. Now York Familoim. BONNETS ANIl IfAfa Tho first bonnets donned for' siirlnc nro trimmed with broad ribbon. Tho Fnnchon of last season is stylishly mon dernlzed by nddlnr? a mrnnnfr. nf ote.it, and flowers, a bow and strenmers of rib bons behind, with long strings fastened iow uown in iront by a bow with fring ed Clld.S. Klrnu'.rnlnrrwl rlbbnn o.lti. scarlet nnd black popples, thin Tuscan straws to uo worn with black silk suits nnd straw-colored kid gloves. Whlto cnip with coroncls of Ivy or of fern leaves, tho tendrils covering tho bon net nnd oxtcndlnir llnWn fllM III, lob Innn ' -- -- .mu iuvu circlet In front, aro inneli n,imtrr.,i Ivonlng bonnets nro of tho embroider-, 1 tllllU. WhItO. With IMpL- rnt.o.l .w of shaded colors.or thostrlpcd Mallncs,. black or blue, with frosted threniia. a novelty this season, Is striped crape, iunr coior, pinK or blue, with shaded penciiings or unrkcr tints. Crapo 11-so Will bo Worn morn tbnn nlnln mr Young ladles and misses wear the round sauccr-siinpo rez in gray stray, trimmed wlth iiullth.g of groy sntln around tho crown, a cluster of pink roso buds In iront. VEILS. Itenl laco veils fusion behind thn rhlo- non, nnd servo with both round bnta nnd bonnets. Thoy nrostrnitrhtnttho top, short in front, round Just benenth tho chin, slonlnir nwnv to hind. Tho nattoms in thmml i very small dots with nnrron- vino bnr- der. Very nrettv ones are snlil fin- .t . CO. Otheas cost $15. GLOVES. Tho fashionable kid cloves r(P viui. Ing, for theatre and tho opcrn, aro pnlo outi or Tuscan strnw-color. Tho em broidery on tho volanto Is bluck or whlto as ono fancies. For shopping, tho dark Utruscanlbrown, Pomona green and cedar-berry colors aro selected. An excellent kid glove, with two buttons, Is made for children of all sizes, from almost nn infnnt up. THE rOLONAISE HOUSE DItESS. The Folonnlso Is n -rnopfnl .1, house dresses or wash materials. This Is simply tho Tolonolso of Inst Rensnn extended to tho length of a dress skirt. u tuners from saequo wrnpper pattern in having side bodies; from tho abrl ello only In thoslopcd senm behind. Im ported dresses of piquo nnd muslin nro made In this manner. Tho French use a great deal of tho old-fashioned, wiry oooK-muslln ror morning dresses. THE CHEMISE ItUSSE. Tlio chemlso russe. or blouso waist, nf bwiss muslin and of black grenadine.is embroidered In colors this season. A pretty Swiss blouso bus woolen dots, black and scarlet, outlining a broad col lar and cuffs on tho coat sleeve. Black grenadine blouse. bnvn lnm. padour squares and brctclles outlined by wreaths of Held flowers, daisies, nml oi myruo, worKcil with silk floss. Th price I.s from $3 to $10. M.VE.V AND LACES. Linen collars nro turned down straight all uround, nn Inch of linen with n flu ted or plmtcd rufllo Of tlio same width. Others aro edged with Vulenelenncs, or with embroidery, tho now styles nro moro fanciful than tho nlaln tucked collars worn of late. Suuaro cuffs huvo ruflles, embroidery nnd laces nt tlm wrist to match collar. Tho marlno col- lar, pointed on tho shoulder, appears again this senson. A startling noveltv lu hum) kernh (of- is nsmall square of cambric with wldo ooruer oi mack laco. Tho flnest Chan tllly Is used, and tho handkerchief costs $30. Cheaper ones at $10 tiro ordered from Paris. Tlio popular cambric hand kerchief lias a hem two inches wide, with several tucku abovo it. rOMPADOUIl TKIMMINGS AND COI.LAItH Frencli loaders of fashion talk of a ro turn to medieval styles, to tho day of HeurJ 111, and the MedJei; but this Is averted for (mother season, and during the summer wo shall see nn Increased furore for tho pastoral costumes of Louis XV, At nrcsent evorvthino- is christened Pompadour nnd Wnttenu. WATTEAU BASHES. Wldo sash ribbons striped in tho pnlo Wnttenu colors aro tho choicest of tho season, With neck-tio and lint ribbon to match they eomnleto a while tolletto most charmingly. Other sa h ribbons of wldo poult do sole, or rieli color, with thick cords of strnw-color on the edge. Solid black sashes havo Pompadour clusters In each end, or else n cash mero figure. JCECK-TIES. Kqunro silk ontvuU nro ninonc tho Importations. They nro In Uio bright ploldf, In Roman bars, nnd in Pomnn. dour brocades. They nro to bo lootolv knotted nbout the neck llko th ft vneht. handkerchief of last summer. $2.2.j i tho price. CUIHOLINK. Very small hoops nro worn both for tlio houso and street. Thn tournuro Is Inrge, but thero Is no lucreiisq of size from tho boons downward. A twin spring skirt, two springs In each hoop, me noop placed rar apart on broad tapes Is very popular. It Is light and flexi ble and does not get out oforder easily. Another stylo has a tournuro that may no worn or not, nt tho pleasure or thq wearer. Skirts or crinoline or halr.cloth nro also worn, hut hoops uro preform! ior warmor weatticr, (JHIONONS, Tho hair Is ns elaborately dressed for the street us for full evening toilette. Chignons uro nt; largo and high as over, and must continue so while bonnets re main at their minimum. Tho newest chignons nro smooth and shaped llko enormcu. bows, with long, tjilck ring lets down tho ccntro, but tho stylo gen erally worn Is u crimped or braided chig non with short curls falling over It from tho top. Crepes nud frlzzod curl n fronf. Harper' Jlautr. CiiuHou Full, An uxiGovernor ro latas a good story of a man whosu Ufa had not been entirely uuspotted, who applied to a worthy deacon for admis sion Into tho church. Unwilling to of fend him, anil yet not Inclined to re ceive htm, tho doncnti replied, "Tho church is full Just now; when thero Is it vacancy I will notify you." KATES OP ADVEitTIBINQ.' Onowjuarc, (ten lines or Its equiva lent In nonpnreil typu)onuor twoln.er Hour, ll.iV)) thrco liidertlmiB, $2.00. space. . k 2k. Sm. 6k, ir Onft()os.ri.itlM( () v li.oo moo 110,00 Twrlsibrei4-.Jioi (jb,(Xf t T.ud ,M '15,00 Three squares lifin j,oo 0,00 12,00 111,00 Foursquare 7,ot) o.oo 11,00 it,oo Ki,O0 Quarter column,. 10,00 IJ,oo 11,00 ao,!!0 30,00 llalfooumn....jll,oo 180 S0 00 JIO.OO 00,00 One column..-.. 80,00 S8,f Wfit? tafiO 100,00 Executor's or Administrator Notice, $3.00; Auditor's or Asslgnco's Notice, Local Notices, twenty cents a lino; by tlio year ten cents. Girth III tlui "nirnr.tnrv" rnlimirf. $2.00 per year for tho first two lines, nnd 1,00 for each utldltlonnl line. CliurlcN it, Itticlmlciv. On tho fourth day it next month this gentleman will vncnto tho seat ho has OCCUtlled In thn Knnnfn nr ll,n TT..I Stntcs, during six oventful yenrs, nnd go mm mat gracorul and studious ro tlrcment which Is congenial with his tastes and culture, nnd In nccordnnco with the determination crntic party, to which h ft hnlnnml pnh. corning him. That ho nosscsses tinnninl i.im. nnd solidity or understnndl dod by his political onfinnnnt! na Y-mlt ns wns over asserted by his associates nnd supporters. To this nntural en dowmcnt, ho.hns superadded n trnlnlng moro exact nnd elegant than that which nos ianon to tno lot of most public men in this country. His bcaring.moreover, Is frank, manly.courteousatid 1 Icntflpil. such us well becomes tho high plnce ho niisin mo national councils. Ho Is nboVO liretcnslon nnd ilnnltr.lt,. -opin io bo rated only for what ho Is, and con scious that such admeasurement Is aufll clcnt to gratify a reasonable ambition, jNor is mo mental side or his charac ter tho only ono mcrltlnc snecinl rnn. sidcratlon und respect. Ho Is uniform ly under tlio Influence of strong convic tion, with which ho nover trifles, but always follows wbeiovor thov mnv inmi. True, his convictions havo often been nt vurlnnco with our own; but ho has always borno himself so as fo command the confidence nnd insniro the esfppm nf oven tho most radical nnd uncomprom ising or tlio Ilcpublican Sonnlors. Viewing him on both tho mental nud tho moral sldo of his character, ho is certainly tho most conspicuous nnd ublo of tho Democratic members of tlio Sen ate. On tho Republican sldo hols sur- passcu ror general grasp nnd power on ly by Mr. Fcssendcn. nnd for snecinl nccoinplishments only by Mr. Sumner. -- Entering fho'Sonnto during the Re bellion, his thought nnd ptlrposo wero to so net ns to be truo to himself that is, to exhibit Ills own principles nnd de cisions instead of the passions nnd prej udices or his party. This Was a task or dltllculty and delicacy; for his co- partisans, nlmost without exception'luul tuken ground which the Impartial ver dict of ultimate history will pronounce deeply tinctured with incivlsm. They demanded a full representation or their peculiar Ideas and feelings by Mr.Buck alew, nnd failed to get it. Nor yet did ho seo proper to Identify himself witli tho Republleans by a breach of fidelity to his party, nnd a contradiction or his wholo previous political career, such as Mr. Cownn was guilty of. His fixed do termination was to maintain his own individuality, nnd so deport himself that ho should nfterwards hnvo no mis givings as to his conduct. While ho has steadily differed rrom tho Republicans' on most points or con stitutional law which havo been under dlscu;sion,nnd has asserted his opinions with great plainness of terms, bo , haw uniformly addressed the, Senate in such manner as to command rojpect for his powers and acquirements,' and for the moral convictions by which bownsnni niated. To do this lu times of great po litical heat and acerbity, llko thoso in which ills Senatorial lot was cast, gives assurance of high qualities. In his re tirement to tho duties nud enjoyments of private life, und to thoso graceful and comparatively rurcsludies to which lio i.s devoted, ho will carry witlt him tho personal friendship of nil tho Ro publican Senators, n3 well ns n wnrm appreciation or thoso gifts nnd attain ments which mako him it statesman rather than a politician. Viltsburg Ga zette (Radical.) Quinine is produced rrom it forest tree In South America, known us tho chinchona, or which there aro, many varieties, but tlio chlnchomt causayu and chinchona rubra yield tho medicine in greatest abundance. So gieat has been the demand that, in mu.-t.of tho districts whence it has been obtained, tho supplies arc gradually diminishing; and ns no substituto or equal value i.s likely to bo found, it is of tho utmost importance that new sources shall be discovered. In Jamaica the cliliicbona rubra has been cultivated sulllcleiitly to show that it will grow well on that Island, and the Government is urged to encourugonnd assist lulls cultivation on an extended scale. It seems howev er, that only upon mountains from 1, COO to 000 feet high, wher. tho forests are bedewed with , mitts, does, this tree, arrive ton perfection Hint, wilt muku Its cultivation prolltablo; but thero nro several sections on tho. island which will answer tho requirements. Ho-sides, there uro. other islands in this quarter of the. world wero similar conditions prevail, and If duo efforts aro made the world's supply of qululuo may contlii iio unexhausted, A Countiiy landlord, wishing to gi vo au elegant entertainment at bis house, sent to a neighboring city for two dozen boxes of sardines, which ho was Inform ed wero tho elder delicacy In tho mar' kct. His chlrography, however, was so bad as to mnko 'tho order read, "two dozen boxes syringes."'-ho night or tlio paity came, untl, us supper time drew near, tho inudlord looked anxiously down tho street for tho uppcaraucu of tlmstngo which was to bring tho prln. clpal dish on the bill. At last (t arrived und with a packngo for Iho pxpcctnnt landlord, Directly thero was a great outcry, und a pound of eurting lu tho bar-room. The entire party rushed out to sco what was tlio matter, and thero stood llor.lfaco puffing inul blowing with rage. "Seothorel 1 gent to Du buque for two dozen" boxes' 'of Hardline for supper to.ilgl)t,iind thocussod fools sen tyei.ty.t.hreo boxes or them powtur squirt-guns, uud says that's .all there was In tho murket," The ruin of most men dales from somo Idle hour. Occupation Is no ar mor to tho soul, That Is my "Impression," ns t)to printer t-uld wbtn ho hlsM'd his Jiwev.t-heart.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers