THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Prince ('tiMl, (Xullmied,) When C'lii'rLcrmv up, nnil wiw cni:i lild of ii-ihoiiIii.SIii) Foiiii li'iinil Hint HUT!) WtW IHltlllllj; M) OllilHW I1H to 111! proud, vnln, nml uhstliiitU'. Ho nitule sotno cflbrtB to correct himself, but lie hurt tin furtumituly con Irncteil nil tlicnc tlcfccls; nnd n bud lialilt la very dim cult lo eradicate. It was not thnt lie bad nnturolly a bntl hearts lio wept with annoyance wlioti ho had commit ted a fault, nml snld, "How unfortunntc nm I In having to ught tints nil my days tiKalnst my prlclo atul my temper! ir they linu corrected 1110 when I was younp, I should not now lmvo Imd bo much trouble." Ills ring prlckod Iilin very often. Some times ho stopped immediately, nt others no persisted In hw Ill-behaviour; nnd what was very singular was, thnt It pricked him very slightly Torn light of funco, but whon ho did iinvtlilncr really wicked, it would mako the blood spirt from hi linger. At length ho grow im patient at this, mid wishing to sin at his case, ho throw nwny liln ring. lie thought himself tho hnpplest of men when ho wan released from its pricking. Ho abandoned himself to tho follies which entered his head, till at length ho becamo quite wicked, nnd nobody could benr him. Ono day that Cherl was out walking ho saw a young maiden so beautiful, thnt ho determined to marry her. Bho was called Zolle, nnd bIio was ns good ns she was pretty. Cherl imagin ed that Zcllo would bo most happy to becomo a great Queen j but tho girl told him, with much firmness, "Sir, Inm only a shepherdess ; I lmvo no fortune j but In splto of that I will not marry you.' "Am I displeasing to you ?" asked Cherl, n littlo offended. "No, Trince," replied Zello; "I think you aro very handsomo; but what would bo tho ndvantngo to mo of yoor beauty, your riches, tho lino clothes, and mng nlllecnt carriages which you would glvo mo, if tho bad nctious I should dally boo you commit forced mo to despise nnd hato you ?" Cherl becamoonrnged with Zelle, nnd ordered his officers to carry her by forco to hia pamco. IIo brooded all day long over tho contempt with which this girl had treated him; but as ho loved her, no couiu not mako Up his mind to harm her. Amongst tho favourites of Chcri was ids foster-brother, whom ho had mndo his confldnnt. This man, whoso inclinations woro ns low as his birth, nattered tho passions or his inastcr,and gavo him very bad ndvico. When ho saw Cherl so sad, ho asked tho cause of nisgnei. xno rrinco having replied that ho could not bear tho contempt of .one, nml that ho had determined to correct hlmseir of his faults, bocauso ho must bo. virtuous to please her, this wickcu man said, "You are very good to give yourself so much troublofor n littlo girl. If I wero in your place, I would forco her to obey me. Itcrocm ber that you nro King, and that It would bo n shamo for you to submit to tho will of a shepherdess, who shotlld bo only too happy to ho amongst your staves. Mako her fast on bread and water; put her in prison; and If sho continuo to roftiso to marry you, let her die by torture, in order to teach others to yield to your wishes. You will bo disgraced if It bo known that a simplo girl resists your pleasure, and all your suojects will forget that they aro placed inthisworldonlytoservoyou., "But." said Cherl, "shall .1 not bo disgraced If 1 put to death an innocent girl? For in fait Zolle is guilty of no crime." -'No ono is innocent who refuses to obey your commands," replied tho con iidant. "But suppose you do commit an injus tice, it Is hotter to bo accused of that than to let it bo known that it Is per mltted to be wanting In respect for you or to contradict you." Tho courtier knew Chori's weak point; and tho fear of seeing his authority di minished iriado such an impression on tho King, that ho stilled the good im pulse which had given him tho wish to correct himself. Ho resolved to go tho samo evening Into tho chamber of tho shepherdes?, and to ill treat her If sho fitlll rofused to marry him. Tho foster-brother of Cherl, who fear ed homo good change In him, assembled three young lords as wicked aa himself to caiouso with tho King. They sup ped together ; and tho courtiers took (aro to cloud tho reason of tho poor I'rinco ,y making him drink deep. During tho repast they excited 1 Is anger ngalnst Zello, and mndo him .o ashamed or tho tenderness ho 1 .id shown for her, that ho rose like a mud man, Hwwirlng that ho would mako her obey, him, or boll her tho noxt day in a slave. Cherl having.ontered, tho chamber in which tho girl had liecn shut up. Was surprised not lo find her there, for ho had the Key In his pocket. Ho was, in ingniiui mtr', and uworoto lionveii'' ed on those whom ho should suspect of Having aided her to escape. His confi dants hearing him upenk thus, resolved to profit by his ungor to rid themselves of a nobleman who had been Cherl's governor. This worthy man hail occas ionplly taken tho liberty of pointing out to the King his faults, for ho loved Jilin as though ho had boon his own sou. At flint Cherl had thanked him, but at length no grow Impatient at belnir con tradicted, and then began to think It was only from a spirit of opiosltlon that Ids governor found fault with him. whHsteveryonoclsepralsedhfm. Iloor- derod rctiro from court; butnotwithstaiidlngthisorder.headmlt ted now and then that ho was an honest man ; that ho no longer loved him, but unit no esteemed tilui In splto of him self. Tho favourites wore nlways In dread of tho King recalling tho goVer nor, and thoy now imagined thoy had found a fuvorablo opportunity of get ting rid of him altogether. Thoy re presented to tho King that Sullrnan (such was thonainoof tho worthy man) had ijsted that lie would set Zello at liberty. Thoy bribed throo men, who deposed that they had overheard Sull man apeak to this effect ; und tho Prlnco, transported with anger, commanded his foster-brother to tend a guard to bring tho govornor lo hlui fettered Ilko a criminal. After having given theso orders, Cherl retired to his room ; but. hardly had ho catered it, when tho ground trembled, he heard a tremendous clap of thunder, and Candid appeared before 1dm. "I promised your father," mild aha to him, inn severe toue, "to give you advlco, and to puukh you if you rerusod to follow it. You lmvo scorned that advlco, you havo retained hut tho form of a iiiiiii your crlinw lmvo changed you Into a monster, the horror of heaven and oiirth. It N tlii.c I nhotihl fullll my promise by punishing ymi. 1 condemn you to become lllso the beasts wlmsu liicllniittn4 you already copy, ou have resen i n led ine lion in your rage, the wolf In your gluttony, tho se pent by wounding htm who luu been joiirsecond fiither,and tho bull by your brutality. ou Miall bear In your new rorm the trace of all theso anlmnls." What do tho Arnbs of tho desert live on, paV" asked n roguish girl of her father. "Fuiljro, Nelly, that's nn old co uundrum. Thoy live on tho ( it.ic7 Is there," "es, hut, pa, how do they got 'em?,' "Well really, Nelly you have me there. I glvo it up." "Why pa, you know that the sous of Ham are bred ami mustered In the Wlldorness?" "Come, come, my daughter, thnt Is loo killing, don't sny another word." "Oh, yes, do tell mo what thoy eat on their sandwiches?" "Eat on 'cm; why what do thoy eat on 'em ?" "Butter to bo sure." "Uuttcr ? How do thoy get their butter?" "Why do you know, pa, that when Lot's wife turned Inton pillar of salt, all tho family but her ran Into tho wilderness." -fiumtr'ji gtynrtttunt. A Lovely Ileait. A VjKOVa Idea seems to prevail with somo that a good cow makes her milk In somo mysterious way, drawing it from tho depths of her moral conscious ness, rutlicr than from tho food which alio puts into her machine. Some far mers seem to act upon this theory and thus tnko pains not to supply their cows with plenty of good succulent food. Verily, theso Sol SUcox farmers have their reward ; their cows look meanly, and feel meanly, and glvo ns littlo milk ns possible. Theso men tnko no prizes ut agricultural festivals, they envy thoso who do, and they aro apt to bo slowabout paying up their grocers' bills. There nro n number of them about tho country, but wo trust tho last will soon die out. A good cow deserves a better man than that. A good cow docs her utmost to minister to our pleasure nnd profit and deserves careful and good treat mcnt. Remember thnt, nfter u sort sho Is violating her nature, to plcaso ua The natural or wild cow gives milk to suckle her young for a fow months, nnd then runs dry somo eight or nino months of tho year; whllo our cow gives her milk for ten months in tho year without ceasing; Wo doprivo her of tho pleasuro of suckling her young and say to her : "Grind up this fodder into milk fur us work I" nnd sho does it, producing for us somo thrco thousand quarts of milk per year. Wo havo in duced her to forego her own pleasure, to forget her child and to work for us; and, for my part, I hold her to bo u lovely beast. IIo, therefore, who strikes a cow, or kicks a cow, or starves cow, deserves tho stick, tho kick, and starva tion. When I am king, I propeso to myself to keep, for such follows' use, a breezy knoll, wind always north, thcr momctcr at 10 degrees, a gentle sleety rain seasoned with hail, a four-rail fence, mostly tumbled down ; in this delicious retreat I proposo lo allow the Sol Sil coxes to staud without overcoats, with their backs up and heads down ; thero they can chew their cuds, und perhaps -find them sweet as tho good cows do not. What wo ask tho cow to do, nnd what she does do, is to convert cheap or un inviting food into good nnd dear food. That is, wo put into n cow, per day, say Twenty pounds of liny, ut one-half cout. ...... 10 Nino pounds of sprout ur meal, ut twocents 18 Totul . ..S nnd wo nsk her to produco from it ten quarts of nice milk, worth, nt bIx and n half cents, somoslxty orslxty-fivo cents. Now, tho cow docs not wish to do this, sho wishes to suckle her calf, to lick it nnd play with it, and then to wander at I her own sweet will along tho meadows and bushy pastures. But sho foregoes her own. wishes, and pleases us; and moro than that she does It kindly and serenely. Is she not then n most lovely benst? la thero any human beast who ever does so? None! not ono! "The Milk Makers," in April Galaxy. Haw to Make- Horse's llctl. If tho ideas of a scoro of farmers touching tho mannor of making n do cent bed for n horso could bo written out, doubtless tho document would bo a strange commentary upon Btnblo man agement and grooming. The best ma terial lor making a bed for a horso con fined In a stall is short straw, chatr saw dust, or dry tan-bark. If straw bo long it will pay to run it through a fod der cutter that will cut it in lengths of thrco inches. Then after removing all tho droppings of tho animals, let tho litter whatever It Is bo spread evenly over the entire stnll lloor, not less than three Inches in depth. This will not tall to mako it eomfortublo bed for n weary animal, tifltr ho has HnlshetUhls evening feeding. Whon short machluo straw is employed for bedding, tho first thing, which will always bo found of prlmo importance, is1 to remove tho droppings from the stall. It may beem strange to many grooms that wo Insist so strenuously on tho removal of tho accumulations of tho stall. But It is a practice with a great many farmers to clean their stalls only ouco n week ; and in many instances, tho part of tho stall round the hind feet of tho unimul Is al lowed to bo filled with manure, and packed down six Inchon In depth. No animal can lio down with any kind of comfort whllo his bed Is so unoven. Let tho droppings bo removed back bo yond the feot of tho horse, every cvo hlng, if nothing moro. Thpn, with u woodon-ttiicd stable fork, ehako tho straw to pieces und scatter it evenly over tho stall Jloar, not less than ono foot deep. Thero Is nothing lost by us ing a largo quantity of straw fcr bed ding. On tho contrary, thero' wlf be much gainett in two ways, vIaj In tho saving of valuablo liquid manuro by absorption, und In nfiordlng quiet rest: for u horso after having performed naru bcrvlce. most horses aro exceed ingly fastidious about their beds, and unless a comfortable nnd clean placo has been prepared, thoy will not Ho down for sovoraf successive days, On me contrary, if tho bed be mado as di rected, horses will lie down for many hours, when thoy would other wlsoiiavo continued to stand until their limbs wero so swollen and weary that thev could keep on their fe!t no longer. A horsoj a very neat animal, and lie.wljl not lie down In filth, or on a cold floor, unices ho U oxcecdingly weary. Ar. V. jxmes, MISCELLANEOUS. LIFE lNSUItANCE CO. OF TUB UNITKI) STATES 01' AMEIUCA, VASltlNfJTOX, II. C. cHAnTEituunvsi'KciAriACTOPcoNatinsa ArrnovKD July M, ISM, CASH CAPITAL, l'AID IN lXLL. $1,000,000. nnANOII OFFICE! FIltST NATIONAL BANK DUILDINO, PHILADELPHIA, Where tho general business of tlio Company Is transacted, nndlo which nil general corrospon Jence should bo addressed. O F F I 0 15 II S : CLARENCE If. CLARK. President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Flnanco nnd Kxecutlvo Committee. HENRY D. COOKE. Vice-President. EMERSON W. FEET, Secretary and Actuary. This Company offers tho following advantages: It Is n National Company, Chartered by speelal act of Congress, ISM. It has a paid-up capltnl or 1 1,000,000. It offers low rales of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other com panies for tho samo money. It Is dcnnllo and certain In Its terms. It Is n home company In every locality. Its policies aro exempt from attachment; Thero are no unnecessary restrictions In tha policies. Every policy H non-rorrcitaiJie. Polices niny lio taken which pay to tho insured their full amount, nnd return uli tho premiums, so that tho lnsurauco costs only tho Interest un the annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for risks upon tho lives of females. It Insures, not to July dividends to policy-holders, but at so low a cost that dividends will bo impossible. Circulars, rotnphlcls and full pattlculars given on application tollio.IlriiBchOlllcoof thoComiw ny, or to K. V. CI.AUK CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JOEri E. 11UADI.EY, Dloomsburg Pa., Special Agent for Montour & Columbia Counties Feb. lO.'CJ.-lyr. JJNPAILING EYE PKESEKVEBS, Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS IIAI-.TFOIID, C0K Have, Willi a view to meet tiie Increased demand for their CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEBB, 8TAT10NER, I. o o M s n u n o, l'A As their sole Agent for this place. They havo taken care to glvo all uccdful Instructions, and havo confidence In tho ability of their agents to meet the requirements or all customers. An op portunity will bo thus afforded to procure, at all times 8PECTACLE-J UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOB. THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES, Too much cauuotbo .ald as to their BUTEHI- OR1TY over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glimmering, wavering of the 9igU, tltzztneis, o other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary. from tho peculiar construction of the Lenses they nro tooUUng and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to tho wearer, and PRODUCING A CLEAR aud DISTINCT VISION, as in the naru rat heulthu tight. They nro the only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And nro the CHEAPEST bocauso tho BEST, al ways lasting man v vnAits without change bo ing necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, jiLOOMsii una pa., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed in this place. tar WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. lOCS.-ly. w E HAVE NO T R A V E I ING AGENTS I'armcin nnd Dealers whokend thclroidersilfrtcl to us, can nvuil themselves of tho LOWEST PRICES Aud mve the Commission. Esrlyiordent will be advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. UAKUFAL-rilllKKS Of , iJiritoyED SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME, AND TUB A M M O N I A.T E U FERTILIZER. PERUVIAN GUANO. Wo bcII only No. 1 receh cd direct from the Government. , PISH GUANO. A splendid Manuro packed lu barrels. We alsooITrr for salo' Puiij- 'laxp I'LASTmi, lITiiiiAULio Ceuent nnd a full assortment of Oils nnd Candles. A' DISCOUNT TO DEAL ERS. A L L'E N & NEEDLES 12 South Delaware Avenue, delphla. Phi la- 12JTA1ILI8UED IN UU. For sate by THE BLOOUSUUHU I HON CO., Feb. lS.'OKJm. llLoousuuau Pa, gNYDER, HARMS A BASSETT, Manufacturer aud Jobber of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHINO, Hut. 623 Market, and 632 Oouuero Street, I'MUulelphl. 1,000 M E N WANTED so tier week nroflt on IS CanlLsl. HaineUilua BUtlrely new. Send for circular ami Terms. No f.ft enterprise ur humbug. A(l(lro ILS.YuruUI, rt Cannon street, N, Y7 I'eb. UHMKIui, DRY GOODS, M1 ILLKIVS STOItE. rnE3It AIUUVAIi OF FALIi AND WINTEIl O00D8. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with nnother large and select Assortment of sriUNQ AMD BtlMMErt GOODS, purchased In Now York and Philadelphia nt the lowest figure, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured clso where In Bloomsburg. Ilia stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large Assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles I Carpots, Oil Cloths, Cloths. Cosslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Ilollowwaro , Cedsrware Queensware, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Loo king-Glass OJ, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Itlec, Allsplco, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which e Invites the attention of tho publlo generally. Tho highest prlco will be paid for country produco lu exchango for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcade IluUdlngs, Illoomsburg, Pa. rillEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'N STORE, IN LiailT STREET, or PALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received nnd has nn hand at his old stand In Light Street, a large nnd seloct ASSORTMENT OP MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, aud which he determined to Bell on ns moderate terms oh bo procured elsewhere In Light Street, Fon cash on country rnoDucn. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ehoicost styles nnd latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnctts, Casslmera, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. AO., 41 4C. GROCERIES, MACICEliAXi, Queensware,. Cednxware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, paints, 4c. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short everything usually, kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT, Light Street, Nov. 8 1SS7. J J. B R O W E B, Is now offering to the publlo his Stock of sp it in a a o o jds consisting In part of a full line of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Fine cloths and casslmero for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORBETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTSi Good assortment of LADIES' S CHILDREN'S Q AITER8 A B00T3. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX-NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-bnif and one-fourth barrels. Now Is the time to make your selections, as I nm offering goods at very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair dealing to nil, nnd not to be under sold by nny. J. J. BROWER. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1SS7. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS Has Removed hlsManufactoryand Salesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT, BT. PHILADELPHIA, Y ucie ilia unruiaiunc m KM.uifUJiiuuuu.ii m.. especially adapted U First-class Wholesale and Retail 'Irudo. well be found lo embrace the most extensive assortment lu tho Union, and all the latest and most desirable Styles, Shapcs.LcngtliH and Sites, 1!. S !. yards round, of plain nnd Gored I'uulers, Wulklng Skirts, Reception Trails, Sc. Actogether with over ninety dlUerent varletlcsof Misses' nnd Children's Skirts, all of which lor symmetry of style, tlnisb, lightness, elasticity, durability and real Cheapness, ore un equaled by nny other goods In the market, and aro warrnnted in every respect. Skirts imule to oruer, Aiiereu nnu jiciiaireu, tviiuiesuio uuu Retail. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, 1.1 KnrlniM.H5 Cents! rXi Hnrlncs.45 Cents: 25Snrlags. M Cents; 20 Springs, 6 Cents; aud .0 Springs, 7a cents. COlWETSI CORSBTSII CORSETS 1 1 1 57 dif ferent Btylcs and prices, from 75 Cents to'tf.tx). embracing IU Worlley,"Beckel,'l Glove Fitting," Madam Toy's Corbet Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Patient Self-Adjustlns Abdominal" Cursets, French. English und Domestic Hand made Corsets, und superior French Patterns of Cotcll Curvets, -'Our Own Make," to which wo in vito especial uttenUon. Complete assortment of Ladles' Uuder Gar ments, at very low prices. GENERAL AGENT for the 11ARTRAM AND FAN TON FAMILY HEWING MACHINES, su pciior lo any.olher beforo the public. FUty-two nf these No. I Machines, Prlcevtf each, nro being titvuu away to our cutomers,lu order to get them introduced. Every person in want or articles in 'our line, should examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Cull ur send for elreulais, nt our Manufactory aud salesrooms. No. lltM:Jiest uut St., l'htladolphtu, WM. T. HOPKINS. inar,'4i'UJ-fui. 1869. SPRING 1869. 01'e.nino of NEW SILKS, Openinq oit NEW SHAWLS, Oi-kmino or N.EW CHINTZES, Oi'Eniko oif NEW 1-OPLINS, "' Full stock of STAPLE and FANCY SPRINiG 0 0.0,0 8... eyre & lan d.e l l, I UUUT1I AtD AUCll BTBEET3, Philadelphia, Mnr, 20,'09-St. LEHIGH VALLEY AGRICULTU RAL CHEMICAL AVOHKS. BREINIG & HELFRICH, 1 kAhufactuukrs or . UltEINlG'B COMPLETE ' l. BONE MANURE. A concentrated manure combining the rcllablo fertilizing properties of BONE DUST or GROUND BONE, with the nctivo elements of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME. NOTICE-We prepare but the one article, guaranteeing It aa standard, reliable anil unl 'or.ra,..I'ow,!rPraSe" and variations In quality to sultdlirerent Ideas of prices are generally pro. duced by dinrrent proportions of adulluratlon. Farmers can save money by reducing the quali ty themselves. We use only Bone aud no 1'iios, iihstloUuanofor fhoaphateof Lime. Head for fcFurin.e' Manure Guide," For sale at Manufao. turer's rato by A. J. ALBERTSON, Rohrsburg. 1'a. J' JRUUINHfttV llloeui.hurr Pu. Uar.l,'00-lm. WALTER SCO IT.UiUwhial'i, PUMPS 1 PUMPS FOR 'SALE. The uuderslgned begs leave to Inrurm the citi zens of tblsplace and vicinity that he Is prepared H'.u.rn.'f h.atsUorl notice, one iiflb best WOOD. EN PUMPS for Wells nndClstrus ever.orrr.rtsl to the public. They are guaranteed US throw wore water In less time and wltk less labor than auy other pump lu this part of tho country aud they eanuul be surnasseil far lieatitv nrn nl.t. ... simplicity of arrangoiueut.tlsoooniulalng cheap, ness and durability Kaoii pump being warraut ed to erfnrui Its f ork well or no sale. Kltas Hhunmu Is iigeul (or Columbia couuty, 1'rleo 74 huU per (u3t I Aood In the wen. Orders by lasll or otlurwlsa i.rouiiilly attended to. Sfpt, ,'08-ly ELIAH SflUMAN, wlssa 1'a. RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On and nrter May luth 1SCS, Trains wilt lCftVO NOItTHCVnKllLAltD BS follOWS I NORTHWARD. tSi A. ,. Dally to Wllllamsport, (orecpt Sunday) forElmlrn,Canandalgua, Rochester, llullUlo, Suspension Bridge, nnd N. Falls, CoO r. M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Klmlra and llullulo via Erie Railway from Klmlra. 0.10 r.., Dally, (except Bundays) for Williams- port. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 2.3o A. M. Dally1 (oxcept Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. (WO P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore Washington and Pnlladelplila. El). H. YOUNG, General I'asscugor Agent. T ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS- JU UUliU KAiLAOAD On and p ft jr Nov Nth, 1SCS, Passenger Trains will run us follows: GolngSouth. Leava Lcavo Going North, Arrive Arrlvo p. rn, a. m. p.m. 1.10 ri(tt 0.13 Leavo 1.11 11 JO 9.10 5.VH 10.57 H.I0 4M 7.11 (US 6.40 V.n? 7.IM 6.15 KM 0.53 (i.r.3 7.43 0.10 7.47 8.18 6.00 &W 7.40 6.2J Arrlvo Lcavo Leave V.US 7.10 4.45 Scrnutou t:a Pittston..., o,M King-don vja Plymouth .. 0.41 Hhlekshlnny... t.sei ilerwlck .... 7.M Bloom 8.3(1 ltuert.. ...... Duuvlllo u.ol ... .... Arrive North'd ............ 8.M Tho 11,10 Train at Scran ton makes connections with Express Train for Now York at 3 o'clock p. m,. arriving In New York 0.50 p. m. 11. A. FONDA, Sup'U "PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE WINTER TIME TABLE. TIIUOUCIIX A24D DIRECT ROUTE BKTWKKIt T1IILA' DKl.ri!IA, 'jlAITISIOHR, IIAlilUSIlUHO, WJL. LIAMSPOKT, AND TIIK GllE.iT OIL REOION OF PENNSYLVANIA. KLKOANT BLEEriNQ CARS On all Night Trains. on mul aner JIohdat, Nov. 21rd 1808, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road will WESTWAIID. MAIL TBAIN leaves Philndnlnhln in.4. n. " " " NorthumberlandU).10 u.m. kiitm tfVTrit-i?'.Vlirit'.7-iV.'iJri'''vJ''l,.'l.'l ' " Nort'd 0.60 n.m. maiu leaves i-miHueipma......t(.ou a.m. " " " North'd tjav.ia arr. ntljockllayen ...7.45 p.m. iSASlWAUD. MAII.T11AIN leaves Erie 10.83 n.m. pruiu.........-i.oa.m. , "' ""i"' Phllodelphla.....lo.oon.iu. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erle... tun. .. .J'.-.flf.?.'!Jr.'.-.T.vr yS?' Mall nnd Express connects with Oil Creek nnd Alleulieuy River Rnll Road. Baggage checked ' A. L. TYLEIt, General Superintendent, Willlnmsport, riATAWISSA RAILROAD On nn.l V, after MONDAY, Nov. 23, 1S08, Passcnijer trains on the Cataw Usa Railroad will ruu at tho Mall Smth. STATIONS. Hail Nartlt uop.7.50a,m Wllliamsport. Arr,0.10p.m " 8.'J) ' Muncy. Dep. 5.11 " " 8.50 Wntsoutown. " 612 " ' tl.10 " Milton. 4.65 " ' 0.52 " DanvlllO. " 4.10 " " 10.12 " Rupert. ' ZM " " 10.M ' Cntawlssa. " 1135 " " 11.40 " Ringtown. " !i.2s .i VilpiP' "uu'm't. " " 12.4a Oaakake. ' 1.40 " h-fi L K-MahouyJuno. " 1.20 " " 2,15 "DincTumaqua. Diue. ' 1.10 ' " 4.25 " Revdlng. ' m.lo a.rt Arr. 0.45 " . Philadelphia. " s.15 " " lora " J To Now York via. Read '" lug or Maucii Chunk. P'rom New York via. i ' . m No Cliangoof cars between Wlllfamsport nnd Phlladclpula. GEO. WEllli suy'L READING bailboAd. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Dec. llth, 1S0S. Great Trunk Line from the North nndNorth- n eu iuri' xorir, xteaulug, Potls- VUle. lamauua. Ashland. HhnmnVfn AUciitown, Eastou, iiphrata, Llllz, Lancaster, lnmtilhln Art ' ' . Trains leave Uarrlshurg for New York, as fol lows: At 3,oo, 6,00 und 8,lun. m., 12,40 noon nnd nvj biv,uup.iU.,uuuuuciiug wan similar trains ou le Pu, lUllrojid, and arriving nt New York at 11.U0. a.III.. A I'Jai tinnn Jt, HrjiTlui m. tun and 0.15 a.m respectively, sleeping cars aceom- uv . in., uuu iu.ou p.m. iruins without change. Leave Harrlsburir for RcnHtn- Pn(tt.nTa na- maqua, 'Minersvllle, Ashland, Bhamokin 'pine u ,u,Dt .."tiiwHu o-;uua'u,ai,iua.m., &2.05& 4.10 ll.m.. StODDln ut Lehnnnn nnrl n.ltifInnrV..n.. statluns;the4,i0pm.trutns making connecUuns lor Philadelphia and Columbiaonly. For Pottsville Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Rullroad, leave Harrlsbure nt 3,30 p.m. Returning:- Leave Now York at 0,00 Dhla nt 8.15 n. m. Rri',1 :um n V.i 1i1i,iT T. accompany the li.oo a. m.,nud5,10 and 8.00p.m.. trulns Jrom N.Y.wlthout ciinnini. Vnvin..anuJ Train leaves l-hilodelphla at 70 n.ra.;coiinecllng with similar train ou East Pa. railroad returnlnS jrum ueauingnt (yisp.iu stopping at oil staUons: lcavo l'ottsvllioat7,30 8,45a. m.indA43p.mJJiiamo; klunt 6,i5 a. in., Ash laud at 7,O0a.maud 12 30 n m Tumaouaat SJlun. m.. ami asii n m tni i.i.'n..' delphla. " ' ' ' r ' " iLeave PotUvlIIo for Harrlsburg, via Schuylkill and Susquelianua Railroad at 7,10 a.m, and 11.30 a. m rorl'lneUroveandTremont; T ReudlniE Accommodation Train Iwivh naa.iin atm' a'm'' returalnB ttota- 1'hlladolphla ut 4,15 l'ottstown Accommodation Tr.iln.l town at B,4q a.m. returuuig, loaves I'lilladelphla ut 4,00 p.m. Columbia Raltroiul Trains lonm Trnn.ii.. 7,00 u jn., aud 0-15 p.m. for Ephrata, LI tlx, Lnucas- Perklomen llaU Road Trains leave Perklomen Junction at 0,15 a.m.. and 5.30 p. in. Returulua Leave Sklppockut8.l0n.m., and 12,45 p.m.. con necting with similar tralus on Reading Railroad On Sundays, leave New York nt 8,00 p.m.; Phil adelphla 8,00 nnd3,15p.m., the 8,00 a.m. train running ouly to Roudlng; Pottsville 8,00 a.m.; Harrlsburir 6Ji0 a.m. and 4 in nn.iui.oi yl,n ....1 Reading ut 1.05 and 3,00 nnd 7,15 a.m. for Harris burg, aud 12,00 a.m., and 7f1l a.m. for Now York, and 4,25 p.m. for Philadelphia, Commuuitlon, Mileage, Seuson, School and Ex cursion tlekets lo aud lrom nil points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through ; 10) poundsnllowed to each iiosscnger. U. A. JMIUOIjIS, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa Deo. 14. llts. DELAWARE, LACKAAVANNA, &. WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter nrrauge- luein, ima-uv. xraius leava ns roiiows; n-EHTWAitn.- KAsrwAnn. T3 g A.M. o.oo 7.30 11.16 11.30 11.47 11.57 12.05 12.30 12,401 liVi 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.18 2.05 2 20 2.10 a.o2 3.13 A.M. 3.2'i 10.30 3.65 4.17i 11.30 4.25 12.00 4.41 lJAi 6.01 13.53 A2S 1.20 6.45 1M UU! .'Jj STATIONS. ...New York .l'llllailclphla...... ..M..u.New Hamptou... - ..Washington ...... ............. 'Oifonl Brldgevlllo . ....Manunkn Chunk... .i.. ...........Delaware Mount Bethel Water Gap......... ...Htroudsbu rg...... Spraguevlllu .... ....... ....Henry vllle . ..Oakland ................ Porks............ .Tobyhauun ....... ...G ou idsboro....... ..............Moscow..... Dunning... ............Greeuvllle.... Scrantou ...... .Clark's Summit.., ........Ablnglon .....Factoryvllle...... Nicholson....... ....Hopbottom. . Montrose New Mllford.. ...Great Jleucl....... 4.15i 0.20 2.40 .2.20 2,10 2.00 I. 50 II. 45 1.20 1.05 12.51 12,11 12J1 12.11 11.50 11,17 11.21 I1.U1 10.M 10.38 10.31! 0.48 0.40 11.21 0.00 8.43 8.5) im 7.10 Dinner nnd supper at DcUwarestatlon. COKKECTIOMS. AtNew Hampton, with Central It. It. of New Jersey .forNewYork,Ellzabetb,F!a!u!le!d,Somer vllle, llaston, Ho. At Washington, wllh Morris A Essex K.R., for New York, Newark, Morrlstown, Hatkottstown, Easton, &c. At Mauunka Chunk, with llelvldere Delaware R. It., fur Philadelphia, Trenton, Phllllpsburg, llelvldere, e. At Scranton, with Iickawannn & Bloomsburg 41. R., for l'ltutou, Wllkrbbarre.Bloomsburg.ltu pert, Danville, Northumberland, Ac, also, with Delaware & Hudson R. It., for Olyphant, Arch bald, and Curbondale. , At Great Ilcud.wlth Erie Railway, for Bingham ton, Etiulra, BuiTulo, Jthaca., Syracuso. and Oswego. R. A. IIENIIY, Qeu, Pass, und Tkt. Agent. QOLUMBIA HOUSE, BERNARD STOHNER, Havino lately purrhaseil and fitted' up the well-known lloblson Hotel Property, located a VjCWjDOgUS.AUQVlt TUB COURT IIOUSI, nuthesamVtldeu6rihe streel, Irl the town of Bloomsburg; and having obtained a license for the same as a - RESTAURANT, the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo ple visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE, ROOM, Ills stabling auto Is extensive, and Is fitted up to put buggies aud corruuiea In the dry. He prom ises that everything about his eetabllshmenishall oe conducted In nu orderly and lawful mauner: aud he respectfully solicits a share of the publlo 1 atronage. uiyl7'li7-0m. Q W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers ot OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third. Street Philadelphia, GROCERIES, &c., QONFEOTIONERY. The nnderslened would respectfully announce to the publlo that ho has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In IhAbnlldlng lately occupied by Bernard Bloli ucr, where he Is prepared to furnish all kinds or rLAlN FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMlTIO FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS.'iiC., AC, AC. BY WltOtESAI.K OR BTAII In short, a full assortment of all goods In his line of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention given to BREAD AND CAKES, of nit kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OUISTMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nov. 23, 1807. ECKHART JACOnS. REMOVAL OF t C. C, MARK'S NEW STORE TO BJtirE'8 BLOCK, ON TUX CORNER Or MARKKT AND IRON STRBRTS. Tha undersigned haying received from the city a full and completo supply ol , SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, N O T 1,0 N S, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CUD Alt AND WILLOW-WARK, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A 7 S AND SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT. all of which I propose solllngut a very low figure ror casu or produce. f Call and seo. April 12, 1S07. C. a MARR. RAND OPENINQ OHAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTEIl GOODS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. FALL AND WINTER, GOODS FALL 'AND WINTER' GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODs consisting nt conslRtlug o( consisting or consisting of consisting of , DRY ' GOODS, DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS ' DRY GOODS DRY OOODS, HATS AND CAIW. HATS AND CAPS' HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS, AND CAPS! boots -And rhoW ,b00ts and hhoks hoots and shoes boots and shoes boots and shoes;- ready-made clothino, ready-made clothino ready-made clothing, ready-ma de clothino. READY-MADE CLOTHING; LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKINO-O LASSESJ I-OOKlNO-GIiASSIiS; LOOK I N G-G LASH lis! looking-glasses; NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS NOTIONS notions; paints and .oils, paints and oils, paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils; groceries, groceries groceries! groceries', groceries, tiUEENSWARE, ' UUEENSWARH i liUKENSWARE ItUEKNBWARE QUEENSWARE hardware, hardware, , hardware ' hardware; . hardware; TINWARE, tinware; ' " TINWARE ! i , TINWARE, TINWARE,-' I i " SALT, " !' SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, fish; fish; 1KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, , , GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS; GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS! Ac, &C. Ac, AT NEAL &' CO.'S; NEAL CO.'S, NEAL A CO.'S. NEA1, & CO.'S. NEAL Ji CO.'S, Main and Market Streets, Malu und Market Streets, Main tmd, Market streets. Main and Market Streets, Main und Market btreets, lift KELVY, McKKLVY, McKELVY McKKLVY. McKELVY, Northwest corner ol North went corner of Northwest corner of Northwest eorilf.r nr Northwest corner of BLOOMfinUfta, PA.. 1ILOOM8UUKO PA 1ILOO.MS1IURO, 1A BUJOMHIllIIto! 1'A.I HLOOMSHinw, 1A. IltON AND nAu.' IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NA1I.S IRON AND NAIL; In large quantities nnd at reduced rates, nlway on hand. i '' CHICKERING SONS, Manufacturers of v GRAND. SOUAHE AND UPHimiT Diivnc Received tlio First Grand Gold Medal, nnd still lilfrher repnTundncf. THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF- HONOR, Kb (UU UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1&S7. Hon, and the house of Chickkuiku & Sons wus the ON1.V o.nk so honored. i u mo uuueu mates we navo been awarded Sixty-ninis First Premiums In direct compe tition with tho lending- manufacturers of the country, -tint ut the areat Exhibition. In Loudon we received the highest nwnrd given lo nuy manufacturers 1 n the United states. Total Seventy-one Flint Premiums, und the most llatler line testimonials lrom tho leading artists of tho world. wareroom: NO. 11 EAST FOURTEENTH ST., NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Fifth Avenue. t cb. 5.'60.-3mo, gOMETinNG NEW. Tho undersigned begs leave to inform hor friends and the public generally, that she has opened lu , LIGHT STREET of good, lit the lino of a fresh'stockf MILLINERY and TRIMMINGS In connection with Dress Making! and Is pre pared lu addition, to , , color straw iiats nn the shortest, notice, and In the best slylu of the art. Prices cheap nnd work satisfactory, LlghtStrect, October.. 1807.MK3E-KWNE- H. with V. PETERMAN, tlPPlNCOTT & TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROciiRd, No, 21 North Water Street. . , ,' .. - and No. 20 North Delaware A vcuue Philadelphia, ,n 'ii, . '" 1 "i ' m.' i ' T'T.'n n "i J H. WA'L'l!ER, . . , ' LU'te "Walter 'Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND Q.UEENHWARU, No. 421' Market Street. Philadelphia,- . JOHN STROUP & CO., Buceesiori lo Btroup It Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, Ne. 14 North Wharves; and 24 Nwrlb "Wolei bt, Philadelphia. IRON, TINWARE, &C. jATIONAl; FOUNJJRY, Bloomsburg, Columbia Couuiy, m, Tim siibseritiur. nrorrletor of tho abovc-J auied dxtenslvo establishment, Is now prepared tn re colvo onlers for all kinds or MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATI0NA RY ENOINEM, MILLS, TIIRUSHINa MACHINES AO Ho Is also nrennrod to make Stoves of all sizes and patterns, Plow-Irons, aud everything usually, modo In first-class Fnnnurics, Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts oil tho most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will bo taken m excuaugo ror Castings. This establishment is located near tne uicae wanna nnd Bloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER iiIL.1.31 1 lilt. QTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends nnd customers that continues the nbovo business at his old place on MAIN.STIIKET, BLOOMSBURO. Customers can bo accomodated with JtFANOY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnre, and overy va riety of article found in n Stove nnd Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, nnd on the most reason able ttrms. Repairing done nt the shortest notice. !5 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for Bale. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, NEARLY 0Pr4lTE MILLER STUUK, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. The undersigned haslust fitted up nnd oponed ms new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this place, whero ho Is prepared to lnnko up new Tin Warm of all kinds lu his line, nnd do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS & STYLES, which lie will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. Give him a call, lie Is a goed mechanic, and deservtugor luopuoiiopaironage. Bloomsbmy, April 20, 18C7. Q.EOUGE II. ROBERTS, Importer nnd Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, AC, No. Sit North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia, jACOlflK. SMI1II. J. R. BKLTZER gMITIi;& SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign nnd Domestic HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, Aa, NO. lit) N. TniRD STREET, AD. CALLOWU1 LI., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tf. TOBACCO & SEG-ARS. W. RANKS WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR -WAREHOUSE, No. HO North Third Street, . between Cherry and Rnco, west side, Philadelphia. "ARTMAN1 & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF A HEGAR MANUFACTORY, NOi 813 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTMAN P. ENCIELUAN STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY& CO., 601 BROADWAY, HEW Y0BE, bflit th titH nf U Trd U tWtr iuul tHorlaitiit ( Ua ett ! Uir aUwaltMa n a ar( 4 ,mftrlml,,. 'W MHU fn TtfMcasI AhUr SUiimiU ! Tii Ceiual part, tirUwtro, Rtw Orriad, Vaais)( Th AMm, Omr InparlKl TUwa mbrar t(( tttorlmtit, lefladUf Ik itnt frodnrlUa f V. LotKad, Q. W. WiUn UtJ, b4 lair ilal pbtlairaphti. Biati ( wltllrtiiJ, kala. rrrettfM, pal. Tuilcrlta, Trll, tfj.ui rin iTiel, ITrrtvlaiittm, FalHBilUaa, I aaipfiia, Viaallla, Ktu.M, Bolut, 4 , ftft THE 02? THE BIBLE, A latMlr laitTMtla riM. A1t,1l)nlall aaa Tiaatr-f list Vlar,la froaloarlot. W tr alto titlusiva Aieata laArntrita Ut FCRUKK'S OLlrf HtyT vM , l.A 7PI.Jil3 iMflwii. Ageattfor frith' SttlM f I 1-4 1-9 la. rbuti.ia.Lka Vt im -lMrJ4. Ua ktar KtUB4. IcallaJ, alt, . ITPlIOtCOrE!!. Vf tnariar Yrr lariH. iad Utt l lrt tk ( ( Utl t(M t la twwmt fM.r rnOTOOIAMHO ALBUM t.-Oar Miaar(trr Albania It writ iVtri tJ "lU' "fatlef la tjaablf itJ I U CHROMOS. f..T.'lT ''" ltM. tll tt HHiwnuUt fr.n it toV.i mV. ' " " "4 M"" lM " &H. T. ANTHONY & C0.f 501 Broadwat. N. Y., linporttn tad ifanuf r of r)otnrailiiQ Uattrlal Feb. pfla'-tf 0 JINIBUS LINE. T(io imdersiKneit'wouId rcsDectfullv nnnounn to the citizens of Blooihsbnrg' nnd tho publlo gene.' raiiy uia ne is running nn OMNIUUS LINE between this place nnd the different ratiroiul dy. I'uu, uuuy isuuuuys cxcepiea;, 10 connect Willi the several trains going South nnd West on the Catn wlssa and 'VYlWamsnort Railroad, ahd'wUh those going North nnd South on tho Lackawanna nnd Blooihsbnrg Rallroad.- HIs Ouinlbusses nre.ln koW condition, commo dious nnd comlortable, and charges reasonable; l'ersous wishing to meet or see their friends do part, call be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any.of the, hotels, JACOlf L GIUTON, (Proprietor. A II M E U SII TRV TUC ALTA VELA 'IlOliMA'i'E! It contains three per t ent, of Ammonia, an ample quantity to iitvo activity without injury jo tlie egatutiou,nud large percentage of so luble Bono Pbospuoto of Lime, together with SftVSVA PSA', ti.!1!;.!ll, essential elements .of a COMPLETE MANURE. The Increased sales to farmers who are using It with hithly satUfatto. ry results Is asuroguarauteeor Its value. Price, t50 per ton of 10 bags 200 lbs each. Bend for a pamphlet. Address -THE ALTA (VELA GUANO CO., S. S. BISHOP & Co. Agents, 200 N. Del, Ave. Agent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and' South Now Jersey, " JnlyB,'l)8-ly WBrpr.dvY,N;,Y. ' " 1 "" '" " ' ' ' 1 i ) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- . t .., . gllAllPL'ESS it llAHMAN," .' EAOIX roUKnuY ASH JIANVl'JK-TURINQ I0l STOVES PLOWS WHOLESALE & RETAIL THIS VKLKHlSATKn SI0KTR0HE JROX lJUAU ANp T(p IIUTTON WOODEK REAM 1-i.OWB. Cnstl nen and FJro Brick for r'cpalrl'niiclty Stoves. All Kinds of Brass nrlrrmrituttiiirniiuli. inAnl., .upon short notice. i. r. niwvui l.r. x r. B. JIAIIHAN, GEOIIGE FOELKEIt & C0.4 , wnoiesaio ueaiers m WpODEN.'AVlLLOW Wa'rE; YARNH Oil-Cloths. ViCE"s, IVlims.'Biikels'eio.'.'cio. ' ' ' ' t'1 .nit; i i! i ' . I ' tilD.AiCl. MarketSt., A 23a Church Ht, I'Ullada. Mm A Wt - m '., f . . . , H TE n Y VARIETY I0ST FA,VOUAl)LE IIATE3, JOHN TJIOMAS, Au CArPEll J, TII0MAH, Box, 277. liLOousnuiirj, Pa, Mar.lU.'li'J.lyr. DRUGS & MEDlCINPft t-'.!.4 I A11IA1N 1IIjIST.T.'.T1Iu ... O or llltlcrsliasiiovcrfuiledtociii .t'A kind of Djspepslni Is the moisl, 't $1 icino yoi uiscoverea mr me cure oi ifri"' ij In Dyspepsh L ver Complaint, llrrathi f! diseases of the Throat, Chest niiO i i ''4 nntlrSlv.Of rnnU .n.l I .J ''HUB m will ouiivlncoany ono who itiv.r.u .U5'.W No family should be without It , i.J 'k' A CO. Be, gists J) R. T A Y L O' It S OLIVE BRANCH B ITT1511S A mild nnd agreeable Tonlo Blimni.M . ftchlenndCajmlnntlvo lVr BITTERS, Extracted entirely from Herbs nnd rtocu. lD ly beneficial In 'J. DYSPEPSIA, Sll GENEIIAL UEUIL1TY, nnil, , Loss of Ainielltoj and an cxcelleutCorrecllvofor persomm from Disorders oftho Bom els, riatulemy j L'. I Sold Everywhere. cpol, No. 413 Market Street, l'lilhitys ' ,, J.-K.TAYLOR A CO, Bept.l.'llS-ly. , Ayer's J1' buri For ncslpring Gray Hai'p ils nalural Vilalily and Co'M A;t!l in ut onoo ngrplVli licallliy, mid ef Eptl Hti; presenbrs; liair. i acWiJ n. hair is toon nfx to itt onjiiulJ.M rifi the ii'm frcslinm cf U' Tliin lmir h't I cneil, falling l.nir clicckcd, nail ' lies ollcn, inoiigii not iiuvim.p ollcn, lliougli not iilav!,p ) by its use. IS ot Ii i n x i-nn rcs!o"i XTil.T "v Jiitii' wlicro tho fuiliL'ik't mo ucr; nr tlio gliitiil.i ntrnpliicil nnildr- M Itut such ns remain can le fai-JTpj itscfulncss by tliis npplicntion. IjIm of fouling tlio lmir with n rs'.'7ii mcnt, it will keep it clean nnd xhv Its occasional uso will prcicot llfns from tuniing gray or falling tl!f conscquoully prevent balduess, from thoso .deleterious tubstitDct'jji p make somo preparations tlanersrrj injurious to iho hair, the Vi;tlcl only licnclR ;nU pot liann it. 11 ij merely for a go HAIR dressin; nolliing else can ho fotinil so di Contajuing neither .oil nor dye, not soil whilo fiuiihric, and jc long oi tlio hair, giving it ii rici, lustre and a grateful 'perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AyeriJ Practical and Analytical CtJuiI mWETX. TXfASS. lia'lu MASS. 1'IUOB $1.00. ?oc Ur telou 7XC Fcb.X ISO. Ayer's SairsapanrMi ron iuiiiri-ixQ arm; uuzh. The ''4 j.!,, cfllent niclicm' Ii dcrhcil friitai te, many of iiludiQ inaru-ll.iu.. lt. at cabes of ScrtiL1 ease, ulicre it 7.00 K'eincd FatilrrtV cli con niJtloii. 1 purilleil mul 1 tvi herafiiliiiKMl. ilidorilci,uij Kmiahil ly W" bini .,,i:r-.i;,; st. t'icy were pninfullv nnlk-tlntr. hate Ixin ' i-iiriyllti i-ik Ii jrrcat iiinnbers In nliwirt tv tion of the roilntrv.tint the iiiihli. i-jn J 'I et-oilntry,tiiatthUinlj!i.' rjn II led of 1U vlitttcs or iic, V V1 ous poijOuiAnnepf Hie mo1!'' ixchi UU IIIIUI illl'll u bcrpfulous enemies ol'our race, ortnn. flu. itilci-h. of tlu oririini.lii umlei mine l!crt , 111 litHtcitnitlcUl'Orta, r,lri iorenfc-Minitnrr.t. 'i, spit Ion ol It iiicmw i,, B,, stliinlliii!iii!l.oiiitlr . f imuinviicsiiicnlluckore h lutein inciting ft snrpt it ficenis to bl-eeil iiiriv tl. then. On Sotnitftivorftlito n, Into one or other or its hideous luiiii,iJtTaf' linliicc r iiiiioinr the i li.ili. In Hie I " H V lies inity bp Middcnly deiiorileil in ttia lii'iuf, or n-'tiiinors formed in the liu-r, c'LVT Ils iiieaenco bvei-unilfinsiiii tlieilln.orlri. r ntlunion i-uinujitniof the Imth, Iliiiir'J.'co sionnl tine or a IhiuIc of ihU ..nxi'iniftr-v. MdUlilC. eLlL ulicn no ni t in unnit.'IM w: oppenr. l'ersous nlllli-ted ilh the IoOjt t J. )llnt4 generally, llud iinnuiiiale rrW 1 w leiislh, i-uie, by the iimi of llili ,s'.,' If .. ...U ..Ir M. Anth'nitl'4 J'ire. Jltixe or I'V ii. Tetter, bull llhi am, beuld fi.i.M) Hare 12iiit, Auid j.Viin, und oilur ir "."' li.ible jonns of Herufutvu ditctiio. I1"1"" moio t'oiu'enled luruiii, as i.iini'lffii Jir jiitueur, l-itt,, i:vUiii, i"rjnri aud Uie vttiiuns t7-i-rs aCc(tlcinii'II-;i lufnmt ncrroiis syttcin. "' .sW''l'or I Viri'll Olid jrViriirM'p M nlu i-iii'cil livlt, tlioiitrti a JoiijrtluicU rt Pj 'dl Fiibiiuinjrlliefu iiii,tiiiulc niiiljiliohi i)efi wi Hut loiiK Ciinliuttcilltto nr llli-t innlsim r Ihu complaint XrnWi-Aciarir II fill''.1!" J. 1 Vlerratluiit, and J'tuiilfe llhnitn, J Shi nionly toon rclleretl and uitlninlcly ruft-- ' I'tirllilnif and InilKumtliiK elicit, ty'l'i Uuu for cull case arc found in eur An.--iea.n l'linl Sratla. I(..-iiiikii.iii ami 1 ; y lis thoy olU-n dot frotii the laulllnit jwTK blood.' This SllSAVAltII.T..l U 'JtN ruivr ini7 uiRiiruiKiii nnu v:. . f H.OfOMhn nru J.i";nW and .rr"'I ft-nf, MeepUtt, and trouWedvltli synilitoinntio or W'eaUnru, n 111 f ud nn.l!.... .1.1..... ilflUIt ...... WIIIWVUIB v..vv . T lo cr upon trial.- g J PRE PARED BY seott' r I. fit0' sir.;. .1 oc j.u" - rractleafi find ,Anulytlcul "" fnr,. .... ... fvrMfi&V PVUU 111 Af.UI'UUUUlOia ' ' WW JJ J3.N DUBSIIOTT'S pi qE'jfA'N' oattltc roffip.a"; ThM l'owdor is bellovcd to be '"P"'! Jlorsaor pattlo Powder In use. H V'''H j blood, cleanses tho systcm.nnd fit1'" 11 1 i4ri Hon atid tone to the stomach. 11' wlll'ilniprovo, lnlflosli, nnd tho r""'!!.!. .smooUi aud ((lossy, pVbi Cows fatten nnd glvo twenty r t! 'aillic. Sin. Bheep Iluprovo nnd ploduco ulieari tjnn. Uooeo, t hZr' Hobs fatten and aru freo from sorel.'rj Fi (oiuper, nnd allpeu diseases. Yri,1' IIEKDEIIHHOWB Wro'Big oi'PoaiTB JUtEU'C 'nii , Feb, p.'CO-tf, jlLOOJ""crrr PlibPOSALS VItL llH -!?c. tha uiulerKlguod Cumroltte at t.ur J umbla l-ouuly on Haturday tho WMIV. Iwtweeu the hpurs of W and p rl?S ' for the erection ofa brick Luthersri r RetormIOhuroh4Ubyofeetwl'u,(1ro. V ardJO'flUona ,wlfl be eltlloU1 J n JAIXJII LONO, . f 11 .. MSTUHHWAHK, I V juar.irtif lb. TfJI (I Itax i" Ki o iiuiiev mm ail ih-sw' . T. 11 trust or harbor ber.on my aeoount.M i ' debu of her eouiraclliiu. l'AN,',ii Mar.m,'Kit Montour i