THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY ?A. lrcM,u nhi.. (I "Mao I, W 'I lvllk 'A iV'ioT 1)1.1 M ! til. r,Mi( iioiuw , iiger. . llk!- . Cureil, I hlllM, KllOj,,, rtlTliui is, Alt C. llJih. ulliruiLi ard, She it( rlltcr. turner, i htlm ill. iuly. i twp.w ex r. wi lU'ri' mil. lUmilHBIl, ritlDAV, AI'lllI. 9, 1800. - bui It "."J tvP'?SfP Bai'E8 For 1,10 bonollt of ,rrw t'lkKylng bills printed at this offlco, iin.iTiior"itIvettl8li)g them in our columns, f"St projioAo to keep a register or utiles utr, i, tot tbo Information of tho public. iMoS u. Iu Davit'! Et. Benver Apr. 8, Hont IjiIqIO, '? IlieniUm.!!. llKw'ntot. Miniln " in, " " lock i M.NejrhRrUAMlllerConlruMtr.15), " " " "''II . iwiivi nteioi onpiisin wns minimis- ' .tht.tcreU to flv? 'children on Sunday hut,nt .K'.Kt. I'a'iil'alrEtiUcoiml Church In this lnllilf,. WB- i e'shtf ...WKVK'fSflin i-'rror in staling lnit wit tjie nit thatVWuOKuto win cltulitl SuihtvIsi fit Isor nxAiii in Greenwood township; tlio lertlllcato wns given to J. I). Wilson. .. . QxofRovr a. young man of about 25 years of nge, died sudduuly in tlds placo last week. IIo was burled on Fri day the 2Gth wltli military honors, hav ing be'en a soldier in tho Into war. "V '" ' .. Quite n number of Republicans in u,wi this County cull thciusclvcs friends of Senator v.Buckalou'. What must bu, their feelings In seeing their organ hcrornlludlng to him ns n "slimy old plotter."'' If Rumor is to bo believed, money Is unusually scarce this Spring, and great Is tho disgust of ninny who havo pay mouts to 'make Greenbacks like tho complimentary calls of cherubim, nro "few and far between." . Wtft'Bunaisas, tho former Preceptor of tho Qreonwood Seminary, has taken chnrgo of it ngaln,- nnd it will bo open for tho reception of students on and af ter April 10th. Mr. Walker, tho form- jtui itscr prlncipnl,3intcnds to go to Nebraska. Marti 'Ttatyilipubltcan is trying to gain in, Aw'comfort i'from tho liloom election by comparingbo voto on inspector, on r,en"1. office 'to which both candidates were litre ' y ' td'.bi eUcltd..Tho proper test was Judge, Wclll'oatwhtch wehnd-10 majority 1 This is itrlci 1,1 our true 'majority in tho Township. Tiik Commissioners should set aside I'oih! ono of tho rooms in tho Court Hou'cfor iMiwi holding, Arbitrations nnd Audits. At inJjhc present it Is tho custom to occupy tho rcrfitii lrotbonotary's or Register's ofllco, ' 'much to tboannoyanco of thoso officials, L"a to tlid hindranco of public business and ns licirih'o Incbnv'onicnco of attorneys and par- '"orito'Ucs interested in suits. larcuA ' n i . . - W. Ii. Smith, formerly of Ornncro- i ylilo, ,rias..wrItten us and announced his ' ''safe arrival at Rolla. Phclns Co.. Mo. IIo gives evidenco of his deslro to know AY Ttwhat is going on in this county, by sen ding for tho Columiiian. He says, "I o"yiicannot ddwltliout it, for I value it as ivceney. rtntld-IMend." Wo already liavo a '""dargoriumbcr of subscribers In Mis nun." sou'rIi'v'': ! r umlL ' ' ',M if ' i . r. Tirtfhver is very high from tho lato '""rains. Communication between this iiiw. place and Oatawls;a Is cut off tho water roventlng, access to tno bridge. Tiie ats near Kingston nre all overflowed, ntid the (rains havo been unablo to get nkoofOrthrough, pose nortliward bound hav ing beeii forced to return to Northumber- ir"s- land. Sorlous fears nro entertained of Jjjgreat.'dnmago to property on tho river mil. UQUK. t. ' TilEitE la need of another chandelier rt'' in tho Courjiroom. Tho present ono is iiid i um hung so low as to bo on a level witli tlio If. heads of persons occupying seats near i'urneii. the door,,nnd Is totally inadequato for 'Million 4il J"ii3. li.ii r l mo j.un;iiiiiiij ui DU luiguuiuuiu, ''. ffi'ir ProvUlon has beon made for tlio hang- countf. )ng of. (wo, chandeliers, nnd wo trust another may bo put up,nnd tho position tT ttlm nnuinf nnn nlmn irrwl A t nrndnnf ?jV.trtltlai 'difficult to distinguish tho face of a 'iimiriiier$on standing upon tlio platform un- auui ii 'ess In cmso.proxlmlty. .I. uuk. , THEVentertainment given by tho - -i"Continental01d Folks" on Wednesday '.Nm night of last week, in tho Court House, MMt was a success. Tho singing a3 a whole n umoI WfW.KWjRtld tho selection of songs va guuri rled andrwell cho?cn. Tho "Grecian i inns' Iff- llendlvellclted much merriment, tho li'ai'niM, truUi'hlipeSs' of tho representation ,,f joti1!!!OD,n,en(,l& Il8C" t0 n11, Th0 ladies' Iio ai fashions of a century ago, as presented, 'jrci wore almost as ridiculous as those at i'r"tJ. prpiieiiVJn', vogue. Tho Court H01190 itobeti JwsJyil flljod nnd tho largo audience .omiry , nnDarentl v wul 1 nleascd with tho oven- JVJ1,1W iVn'tertalnment. fit- Wb recently maue a tour amom? tho ' "'.dlfferent'iichools in this township. Tlio teotMi' lhostof them woro in good coudition; fact; as a class, wo think Bloom has iuir"tV o best' twiners in thocounty. Acouplo ''if'0 111 -buildings aro badly located nnd zin.n uiuipiaaieu con union luirini! The ttendance, though large, shows S.Slhoreaoarkablo fact that ono-half of tw'1!-?itliole entitled to attend our free schools M labMtit'thcmaolves. Our Normal School iam w(S4.fm9ntl fr labor nro noi tho .iu.1 iuoy erne 'for tho delinquency. Tho K?oQd streets are Ucd with boys. rdaam", Bhow8 h'owllttlo attention is given to ar.oe xnis sumeci uy many or our citizens, niumi i. t. It iaVfrequent occurrence' to seo ly. ing in our Streets and alloys tlio cast off 3EMEf",,00Ps of norao lady's gear. A fow days .) inco ono of our honest country farmors lowiufy was driving down Lontro Stroet, when u!c"o(i b.qpbseryed thutlil.i horso suddenly bo . ''IfS camo very lame, and finally stood still ,y, iiiei-tinaJ(e to move, Tlio frightened driver iawr;jnmpeu oui, anu uiscovereu mat ms uurwi" ;"oreo wa3 fctlered by a eel of hoops. It ,n, of & was with the greatest difficulty ho loos of cen'vcned tha animal, as tho "cussed thing' ... nt &f as ho called It, had got wound round ' uii.'i'01- '"HP?8 '?0 u,uIer bo shoes, and '( cin" wall efforts to cut tho "trap" failed. Af- otc- ter much difficulty, ho succeeded, nnd tho man went homo, doubtless to lee iotceU'-itura hUiWifo on tho advisability of not Mimtni'twirowingjer "uxins" into mo Bireoi; v u. : RoniiEiiY, On Thursday last tho It, j It, ofllco at this place was entered and . vv robbed of about two hundred ticket A Lih'da'smftll sum of money. Tho day f provIansTten dozen eggs lind boon stol " lenirom a barrel standing upon tho plat '"'""'iilfi'xWilPAb waiting transportation. Bus. -(ploloiii MiinirUpon two little boys who aeeu in tho vicinity, they .wj-'ro .'Tirreatea una, when at tho Justice's or "'"1 1,Si.HlB'"y produced tho tickets, and stated that tho eggs wero hidden in .....- hay-mow. Tho names of tho bovs nro John Struthers and JienJ, Bladen, age i r?9RCir5Uyc'y 12 ftml yarii- tat- mer waS'Soni to jam mo latter win -..'"Jh'loil'ljv'his father for upiiearauuo at Till! belief Is now pretly tronoriilly entertained that fruit will not material ly suffer this season. Wo trust Jhls view may prove correct. All applications for Hotel or Res- nurant Licenses must bo presented by some Attornoy, Thosolntercstcdshould guldo themselves accordingly. A iiKltiliT light was seen on Wed nesday night last, in n southwesterly direction from this place, which was highly Biiggostlvo of a fire. At tho llmu of going to pres wo Imvo heard no particulars. Aa n iloek of sheep was crossing n bridge at Danville recently, ono of them concluded to Jump over into the water. Of cnurso tho rest came immediately to tho R.i i no conclusion, and tho result was that eight of them wcro mutton In a very short time. Tin: man who cannot afford to spend four cents a week for a wookly newspa per, but docs Hpond from thirty to fifty cents it day for rot-gut whisky, may not bo well read on passing ovents, but as general thing !s tuilto thoroughly red on tho point of his uoso I Van Camp Lohcie I. O. of o. I, of tli Ih place on Saturday night Inst elected tho following officers for tho ensuing term: N. G., M. K. Appleman; V. G., B. lirockway; P. 8., C. P. Knapp; S., John Powell; Treas., James K. Eyer. Joa. B. IvNiTTi.r. takes tho storo for merly occupied by MeNlnch .tSliuiimti nt Cutawlssa. Mr. Ituittlo has had eon siderablo experience ns u merchant, ami wo are glad to learn that ho has decided to settle among his old friends and neighbors in preference to moving to tho west. We nro pleased to nnnounce, that tho Ilnrrlsburg Morning Patriot, now reach es us In the morning's mail, eight hours n advance of the Philadelphia nnd N. Y. dailies. Persons desirous of obtniu- ng a really good paper, with tho latest nows reports In advanco of any other, should send in their names at onco to tho "Patriot" Harrisburg, Pa. CouitTS of Luzerne. Jury List. , W. Everhard, Hollenback ; R. And reas, Hollenback; Edward Rlie, Salem; Weiss, Hollenback ; Samuel Fowler, Salem ; James C. Stookcy, Salem ; T. Dodsou, Now Columbus; Stephen Hess, Holloiibnck; G. Huff, Now Columbus; Nathan Ruber, Salem; Samuel Snilth- crs, Salem ; G. F. Driesbach, Salem. Another disgraceful fight occurred on Main Street, on Monday evening last. In this affair, no distinction wns mado on account of color, and it termi nated, llko Congressional legislation iu tlio South, in proving tho superiority of tlio African person over tho "poor wliito trash." Wo would stato hero that our firm conviction is, that "Evil comma ideations corrupt good mnnners." Ouu thanks aro duo Gen. Win. J. 'aimer for a copy of his valuablo "Re port of Surveys across tho continent in 1807-08 for a route extending the Kan sas Pacific Railway to tho Pacific Ocean." It is a book of i!o0 pages and contains n map of tho route. Much valuablo information concerning the country through which tho surveys wcro made, is not forth, and tho whole book is well worthy of perusal. The Sunday School Anniversary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, look place on Sunday last. Tho amounts sub scribed by tho different classes during tlio year wero ns follows: Missionary purposes, Easter offering, Chancel window, (now church) Baptismal font, Communion table, 2 fi9 10 00 .'(! 05 10 00 r'i oi Total, $101 05 The Iccturo of Rev. Dewitt Talmage on Tuesday last was excellent, a very happy combination of humor and sen tlmcnt. Tho anecdotes wero frc'sh nnd to tho point. Wo havo seldom spent a more pleasant evening. Tho room was well filled and, doubtless, had It not been for tlio very inclement weather, would havo been crowded. Tlio Rev. gentleman can certainly count upon tho eudorscmeut of Bloonnburg to his claims as a really good lecturer. Tho course for tlio season is now concluded It has not been so well attended as it should havo been, but wobeliovo that, should another course bo inaugurated next winter, and lecturers feecurcd of tho calibre of Dr. Talmage, thero will bo no doubt of well filled halls overy ovcnlng. New Postmaster. Mr. John Ruch, has been appointed Postmaster in this place, vice J. S. Sanders, removed. Wo prcsumo ho will tnke chargo of tho of. flcoontho 1st of April that is provi ding ho receives his commission in timo. It will bo removed to tho rooms of Michael Frnntz, a fow doors south of its present location. Mr. Ruch is well ac quainted with tho duties of tho office, having been Postmaster under tho ad ministrations of Presidents Buchanan nnd Lincoln. Although our official ca reer has been a short one fifteen months wo havo striven to do our du ty faithfully to tho department and to the general satisfaction of tlio public How far wo havo succeeded, It does not become us to say. Wo leave it with no regrets. Jiericich Gazette, Movino. Wo never approach tho first of April without feelings of tho profoundest commiseration for thoso of. our unfortunnto fellow beings, who aro compelled by any cause or combination of causes, to changotheirnbodesjon that Inauspicious day. Naturo in a melting mood, usually londs a helping band In Increasing tho discomforts and difficul ties appertaining thereto. Now, under thn clearest sky und on thq dryest roads moving Is not n pleasanttask, uutwheu wind, rain, und ull tho powers of uir, conspire witli Mother Earth to render locomotion well nigh Impracticable, then, indeed, it becomes a trial both to soul and body. Wo shudder to think of tlio datqago to goods and chattels from mud and rain, nnd of tho sorrow ful faces of neat housewives over tlio brokcirghiss and cliltm, lost und mislaid household utensils, und tho thousand and ono niishaps'lncident'to' tho time. It is unfortunnto that tho season of mi gration dhould nlso bo tho ono of rains. Thqmovers havo our hearty sympathies and wishes for better roads nnd less damp weather. THE KALEIDOUCOPE A mnp of Imay 1 1 To, Ha fliiciuailoiiinml wvnslciincrrnn." FIT.-aitEENE HALLKCK. The Poetical writings of Flts-Grccno Hnlleck, 1 vol. 12 mo. pp. 839 with steel portrait nnd Illustrations. Tho Llfo nnd Letters of Fltz-Grecno Ualleck, 1 vol. 12 mo. pp. C07 with steel portrdltand illustrations. Uniform with tho Pootlcnl writings. I). Apple ton & Co., N. Y. Prlco 45.00. These ato beautiful books, Iu paper, type, and binding. They nro worthy of tho delicious poems they contain, and they will Increase tho nffectton of overy lover or tho puro in tasto and style, for the most gcutilno poet Ameri ca has yet produced. Mr. Ilnllcck seems llko n man of tho last generation. When wo consider for a moment, that wo find oursolf approaching tho ago of forty-four, nnd remember to hnvo do claimed "Marco Dozairls" In our school-boy days, and that it was then a classic; wo can hardly realize tho fact that its author passed from among us, only a little over a year ngo. Ho was a gentleman of the old school, almost tho last of a raco of men, to vli6m we look back with respect, and of whom it may well nnd truly bo said, In these do- generato days, 'wo no'er shall look up on their llko ngaln.' Pltz-Grccno Ilnllcck wm bom July 8. 1700, In Guilford, Conn., nnd is descen ded on his mother's side, from tho cele brated Rev. John Eliot, tho Apostlo to tho Indians. In May, 1811, Ualleck went to New York. IIo secured a situ ation with Jacob B.irker. a leadlnir banker und injicliatit. Mr. Barker hav ing failed, Hnlleck went into business as a commission merchant on his own account, and himself failed, because of the destruction of trade by tho war of 1812; and ho returned to the counting- houso of Jacob Barker, wlicro ho re mained, in nil about eighteen years. bout four years after leaving Mr. Bar ker, to wit, in 1832, Halieck entered tho counting-housa of John Jacob Astor, where ho continued for nbout seventeen years, retiring in tho spring of 1SI9. Ho roturned to Guilford, his native place, and took up his rcsidenco with his sis ter. Ho was never married, and seems never to havo been sincerely iu love, except in verse. Thus for thirty-fivo years with tho brief intcrvnl mentioned above, wo find tho classic Ualleck, the exquisite Poet nnd genial companion, chained to tlio daily drudgery of tho counting-room; and yet durlug this time, ho was tho cherished acquaintance and friend of all tho eclobratod men of tho day. What n charming book would havo been tho diary of Ualleck, gossiping with Coop er and Poe, with Drako and Dickens, with Irving and Hawthorne, with Jas. K. Paulding nnd Geo. P. Morris, and other distinguished pools, statesmen and politicians, running through n pe riod of so many years. In 1S22, Hnlleck mado a brief tour to Europe. Ho visited many of those cel ebrated spots which ho so happily styles "Tho Meccis of tho mind," and met many persons, whoso careers aro part of tho current or literary history of tlio world. It Is not our purpose to do moro than merely mention some of the pro minent facts in tho life of Halieck; re furring tho reader for details, anecdotes, scraps and history, to the very pleasant volume nt tho head of this article. Mr, wiisou lias executed his task with u real love for his subject, and completed his work with n full und exhaustive In dcx, without which no book is perfect. We cannot forbear giving one anecdote, Halieck always entertained u high opinion of General Jackson's military abilities, and during the late civil war, meeting n veneiablo friend of nearly ninety, who was extremely feeble, Hal leek said to him: "Well, my friend, if you aro soon to bo taken from ui,asyou anticipate, I wish, when you reach the other world, that you would do me the favor to ask General Jacksun if hu won't return nnd tako command of the army of the Potomac for a fow weeks." Wo havo taken up so much space with the life of Halieck, so quiet and une ventful as not to havo been well known that wo havu no space left to .speak of Ills poems and yet, who needs to be told of them ? What hchool-boy docx not kimw "Marco BozzarlsV" Who bus not read and ro-reud, his "Wild Rose of Alloway," tho most elegant and touch' lug eulogium ever pronounced or writ ten upon tlio Poet, Burns? Has any body forgotten his exquisite address t(i 'Red Jacket, Chief of thoTuscaroras But wo forbear. At this rate we hhall bo giving a list of his works. No man who lias written so little, has left so many lines that linger In the memory. Of him who could stand be sido tlio grave of Burns and not feel his soul glow with tho dlvlnest feeling, ho has well said, that man's 'Xnnie;is written ou Tho roll of commou men," And of tho resting place of Burnt. Itseir "Biu-li bijivch iih 111 ure i-Hfllm-shrlncs, Hlitlucu touocixle or crceil conlluoJ Tho Doli'lilan valon, tho VhIcsIIiich, Tlio Mcccum of tho intnil," And so in that dlrgo, known overy where, in memory of his friend Josepl Rodman Drake, tho following lines havo been oftoncr quoted than almost any others wo can recall. "Nouo leuow tlice but to lovo tlicc, Nor immcil tlico hut to praise." And while on this subject, wo would llko to mnko a suggestion to tho author and editor of tho "Life, Lqttors, and Poems of Halieck;" which is, that ho gives us as companion volumes, tho "LIfe.Letters and Poems of Drake." In those he can work up tlio material on hand, and placo this generation under lasting obligations. Wo givo a couplo of views of 'woman,' and reading them, bo It remembered, Hulleck was a bachelor. "Dul woiuuu'n love all clmutfo will mock, Ami, like the. Ivy rouuil the ouU, UlhiK closer Iu thi) hlorni." Then this. 'All liouor to woman, tho Uweothoart lliQ wlfj. The delight or our lioincalcuJs by night uml by day. The darling who never docs harm In lier Ufa. Except when determined to have her own way.' And then wo havo "Fanny," "Tho Recorder," "Tho Croakers," all brim ful uf fun, poetry and satire, which must bo read, to bo.fully enjoyed. Among Mr. Halleck's. earliest poems, 1810, Is one, to "Roligton, written on n blank leaf of my Prayer-book," which give his earliest as well as his latest sentiments. Ho was a life long mem ber of tho Episcopal church, uver attcn ding her elovout scrvlco, and loving her beautiful liturgy, ho d eel In her blest communion, and over his grayo wero repeated tho Impressive prayers of her burial service. His remains rest In Us natlvo Guilford, and on tho monument erected to his momory, nro thoso up propriato lines from his most celebrated poem. Ono ot tho few, tlio Immortal name That wcro not born to die. I.ocnl "Votlccs. Pnosf Nr.w Yotuc Miller & Wolf hnvo Just received n complcto assort ment of Spring Dry Goods, Groceries, Glassware, Ac, all of tho newest nnd prettiest patterns. Their stock Is so ex tenslvo nnd so well selected that they can hardly fall to pleasu tho tastes of nil. Don't do it! That Is to say, don't buy your Spring clothes until you havo called on David lowenberg and looked nt his assortment ol cloths, tho best without doubt, over offered to tho citi zens of tills county. Tho styles nro un usually pretty this yenr, and Lowen burg has obtained tho choicest. By all means call on him nnd satisfy your selves. Ui' to time. As soon ns the weath er will permit tho wcnrlng of light clo thing, wo may expect to seo the storo of our friend Chcinbcrllu filled Wlth enger buyers. IIo has everything to be de sired in tho wuy of clothing. All tho la test patterns of spring goods now re ceived and ready to bo made up In his unequalled style. Moderate prices nnd satisfaction guaranteed. NliW. Tho first number of a new mngitzlno with tho title of "Our Own," ins been received. It is Illustrated by two full-pago engravings, und contains, besides, well selected l'ros'o und I'octry, threo pages of music by Alicu Haw thorne. Among itscontrlbutors we no tice the names of UShclton Mackenzie, Huth Fairfax, Alico Hnwlliorno nnd other writers well nnd favorably known Edited by FannloWnrner and published by Glllin, M'Gulgan & Grlllln, 701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, at $2 a year or 20 cents per number. In ono of Dr. Ayer's lectures hestates that Chemistry confera more practical benefit on mankind tban any other science, ytt from no other sourco could woro bo so easily obtained. The arts and economics which chemistry would leach, if moro thoroughly nnd generally studied, would speedily exercise a most beneficent Influence. Ho freely confes ses that ho is indebted to this hcience for tlio virtues of Ills remedies, nnd ad vises that tho practical application of chemistry to medicine, thcnrls, manu factures, nnd agriculture, bo enjoined upon ourcollegesand fechools. Wrights- villo (Pa.) Star. ItECOKI) OP A STllONO COMPANY. Tho National Life Insurance Company, which received its chnrtcr from tho na tional Congress in July last, lias already mado its record in unmistakable charac ters. With its agencies ns yet only iu process of organization, It lias, as wo learn, issued Insurance to an amount exceeding seven million dollars. Thi3 wo think is a very marked success it is so much needful work well done. Tho Company does nstrlctly casli bus incss as ueing in its Judgment tho sim plcst nnd best for both tlio insurer nnd insured, and it never complicates its a iraii-s witli eitiier notes, loans, or divi dends, and thus leaves no door open to misapprehension or disappointment in tho future. Whilo the principle of "so much Insurnneofbr so much money" is rigidly adhered to, nnd every policy has thus a fixed nnd determinate yaluo, all accumulations that might otherwise bu declared ns dividends nt 6omo future time, are discounted in advance, nnd the exact pro rata is counted in with the amount of each policy when it is issued Managed by men of tho highest llnan ial ability and undoubted Integrity, protected by n largo paid up cash capi tal, and possessing ull tho elements that havo given success to other similar en terprlses, wo should expect tills would become ono of tho most successful insti tutions of its kind. An Irish girl, of Easton, has fallen neir to iwu.uuu. sno is uciicvcd to lie much hundsomer than formerly. A Minnesotn man who had dislo cated his Jaw. walked twelvo miles will his month r.gttpe, to have tho disjointed mcmticrbci. A Faribault (Minn. 1 physician trim med uconi tooclosuly; gBiigrenotet in, amputation of tho leg becamu necessary, ami tlio day louowiug tlio operation lie (lieu. Receipts of "THD COLTJZVXSZA1V' for March, 1869. J It Malie Jacob Uelehard t 1 40 ,W M Ikeler O) 1 li 2 0,1 Centre twp Moth Hhoemaker Wm Howell James Dtldlue Jesse Merlcle Tho Welllrer It J Millard Isaao Lauderbach J II Harmau IVrrv Wlillenhxht ,2 ou-Uohn It Davis 2 ooj l ool III II I.lttle l.i W Daniel tsnyder 11 60 4.5 4 UU 7 l 4 IU - m J M l rnos rrencn ll 10 u O Marr Jesae bhoemaker Samuel Keicliner 1 I J 2 .VI 2 10 2 no Daul (User John ICoom Chaa Michael () C Ilurllmun Ii) l'mt Olllco Depart- 2 U 2&I 2 (U h t.'J HI 1 t) 111 2 ID A IU 2 141 :i on 1 141 1 U) meut 1)1 O'l OdMnrr John Hmith INllier Dletlerlell John W Miller l'eter Miller' lint Coleman Horace Halloclc I I. lllcll J O Free a I) W Hemaly Win Torrey J M Kreck 1 c 1 Vl 2 00 u out 2 (Ml) 1'hlllii Appleman Ur. I il nutter .1 II Mnl.o K J Kline Ulauka (Joo Aiinlcman 11 lit i:lius Miller .1 I) l :i l J, 1 u, II no 7.2Ui 2 UI1 J il nucuaieiv K l-'leekeubtlue haml Hai;eubucll tieury wuiiuer wm Auoott 1 t'J lohu umall Friendship 1-Tro Co 3 (l Daniel Haiieubucli .HUl'Li It I'rnniUKUm i ol wm tiofHimau J llasenbucn ltlanks Walter Hcott D IC Hloau tleo Cavlneo reter Miller Henry I-n. irus Noah Mouser Moht-s Hower John Held 2 0ir :i on 2 2V 2 ui Slki1 kleo Drlesbach -' u a 00 i (O 7 a) 1 ui 2 lit J (4) i OJ 2 UI 1 141 2 11 2 IJ 2 Ul II 141 1 Ul 1 Ol 2 11 i (XI :i (4i ui ui 2 IU 2(0 2 UU 2 All 1-1 1. Adams () A Jucoby n f Kcmiiaril I'ntlluk Honey Jeremiah Hess W V lloblsoll I'eter lowns Wm Kai-Ltiuer 4 Ulj 2 lM' 6 SHI I 2 (ni l 2 IU I 2 III , H i 1 DO I IV I iuhn 1-esier Amzl Cralif Ullna llnf.rt ltlllllkM U K ileliM-lt ii T si'Kiernan James Kmmctt .lnstenli I.lllev n w Armstrong 1 CI l(!vrus lleiiiott prllWM'lteynoMa lit, v u sinrr U ISuml Ohl 7 (W Daniel l-'ry Ii Coutlneuials ! i. Dr. 1'. John who H Hs3 2 UHUohn Shetler jniin hwariwout i; J l'hllllps ai wynaoop K (I Hickel ta Isuiie Kiluo Samuel Oman J I. K ranker i out A J Alberlson 1 Ul Ezra VuiiJIiio J V Keeler Jniin Ls eizott 5 Oil John Snyder Samuel l-ller's VmI ti Neyhard A Miller" 2 511 KjiuI Neyhurd i ' .Koiomou Harmau 2 Ul 210 2 Ul 2 10 2 (10 2 Ul 2IU 20J lllcharil Kltcheu Iuhn M While lllauks 1 11 Amanda M'llrlde Wm Miller I'eter swank John I.evau wvfiinlna lu&uranco INunpany 15 T41 IMilllu I.ltchard a Si John Hchell Johu Mlebuel John Moser 3 LEGAL NOTICES. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN DANK- liili-rov. In thu District Court of the Uni ted stales for the Weslem District of rennsylvu nlu.ln the matter of Wm. HJk hlabacli.bankrupt. Tu whom It may concern i The undersigned hoi e. by gives uotieu of bis upputntmeiit as assignee of Wm. II. Schlabacli.of Ihu county of Columbia, and Stutu of I'eiiusylvaula, uhu has la-en luljudgiul Ii bankrupt upon his own .- lilion, oy ine jfisir,vv vuiii.ui """V ,, :' J, 11. UOlllSO.V, Assignee, JIar. t;J.W. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN HANK-IttllTOY.-ln Use District Court of (lie Un led States fo. tho Western district of I'ensjlvu. nla, in Hie mnllerof Juhn 11. Khclinir, baiikt rinit. Towhuiu 11 may roneernl 'llio under. sigu'sl heieby gives notlenot Ids uppiiuUiient ns nlgneoof John II. KKchuir. of reotl tup, tu iii nriViltmibla. nnil Htate ol l'etinsvlvn. lilu.ubo has lieeu uilJmisi-U a luiukrupl um his own petition, by llio lll.lrlcl I ouii ii sa Id Ills. Irlct. J, 11. UOIIISON, Assignee. Mar, I2,'l-:!t. MISCELLANEOUS. MUNRO'S '''N CENT NOVELS. J.V1. Aro UitMiliU'ftt. tholicM, nlul the lnoltK) uliir. 'I hey nm nil written by nucli Mniidnrtl wrllcM h Cupliilii LVrlrtnii, t'liptiiln .Muyno Kelt!, ti. AtiKtiiuii Jonci, IMwiird H. KltiN.Ac.,ftf. An books for iheountr. ihvy nro lineiivmllcil by nny wnrkx iiuhlUliiHli hIwuvh pure In louo, live ly, nnd full tif adventure, lvrminsttcntrlug Unite Itooka will pleaooriler"iilDNiio'M," nnd Kcolhnl none nthem aroKlvcu In their place. Tho foiniwlniriiro Ihfwe nlrendy In lied t No. 1 1 ho llinilcii 71 lllni It l'rophot U Trnpper'n ltelrcnl T ulit.Norle.ihe Hunter X l'iitrnit lllgliwnymnuTil TlM-ri-ye 4 riiiiiivon ur i 0 77 iw'voniiinnnry joo .llOIllllHIIII, 5 Truck of Klre U Man-lIuteM 7 Uinrlutto Temple M Death Kmco 0 liutlun Hlnyer IU Tiirlle-Uati'ticr It lluuler'M 'Irluinpli li Oct-iiu Uo, ra II Tory Oulwlllcd 14 .oke Mcminn l.i Mcimre or the Hi us In CiibtUe Maiden 7 .tack, liuiralo-inlrlier 7u Tom 'luihln, .ruinicr H) Hcoutul the Ml. Law. re nee HI Leather ijpb Kl lllood llroolc M Wolf-Hluer M IIHK lloli M Cooney lllmli Ml Itoltln IIikkI ii n t Ills .Merry Men f7 xpy of tho Dvlawuru 17 IrfillK-l.-J.tKCil.Joo IS Wliil Kcolll or Mountain U Hank WiKvliix, Kau theft) Hplderlx-K-i 111 (mi lium,, r'n l'rlilo I!) l-'.ireit Ijihli;?, Miirasinau the Hun- 131 ltolllckina It lleera lt-r 31 Killln-miuke. Dick U1 (Jrluly Jako 22 lllckclly I n in, t lie ll I Hpoiiiil I nm Hotcr Ui 'liieltliHuly Footprint SI Inn uf thn Trulrle or.lho Advenliirieof 21 Kobbcr'it Terror n New YorkNewnboy a Joe, ilio-H.irplnt" Ml Old llnlM", the Truii UI l.lK.llfool, the Hcnllt ivr a UlulitUpy of lluiiUirii? IHk-MouUiciI Trap- Hill per. 2i bear Crtek. the Wild OS ruulher Juke lliilt'llleed W Huilke-hJi', or the '."J H(Ulii.:.ic,l Hull Knmllt Miller ill Kuuky r-iimlKiiuui, 11X1 Old Nick of the 1 Itoltln '1 liumler ; or Kwniup. IhulliMil Wur clilelslOl Uitmueoek or the 32 Heavy llutclict tho isan'ee Hciml lie Old Zcke SI My hum. the Qimkerlul Hoa-rin-o hliy 10 1 shurli Hliullt 111 Tin. -ii Daring Triiii-lo.1 Tuvcaloosa ham lull Hllni Jim l-'ubil Maiksiuau Ii? lted ItatlkHiiako lus mack hampMin liv Uuly Ike llus.,uiiliy Dick 111 Halilkult,lliuAvru iter 112 'I urkej' Knot 113 lluwk Kyi-,lln- Hun ter :n Kuir i--ll ci zl-iih 27 III)! Illllu .Mi l; US Itoidheulp.Huiller .w lorv hi iv la l'rulrie Juke 41 Wealth una lleiiuly i junii or iiiu i orihl 1 (JlAlitof the Wo.nU 41 I'razc Triinner 111 M n d in n u of the -ii l.toti-llt-jtUetl Hunter On III (lid Jim of lli.j Woodill.i David Hunker 47 MndMlko Hu llhuliw Anow ll WliUe-lIeailiil llun-li; llickoiy .luck ler lis l nln Tnippeis 19 lliK-IIearledJoo 111) lllitiiiii'lom fiU hcoutof Louie Irtlulidl-'O llhioily Wolf 31 Kllvclheell, the Dela-121 1 lOllK-IIciiik-d Mike warn 12 '1 liuiiileii:liiiul 02 llliu-k IIIU, the Tloji-lia Harold uf the HUN ht iz, jexn-i jiki 51 lied Moll of IheU, Creole l-'iirncr-lly Woods dipt. Muyno Ueld il Orlmlilck, the Onc-I.O lied hturoi iiiehcim- i:yed Itohlicr note Z5 Ionian Uuceli'ri Ue-127 llullet-lleail veii;u 12s luinu-r ai-ii Ml Old .Scout orthe Cuvell-J Smut uf the Sclotu r7 Ulir huiiuu Hie Huroiil;lu Forest Hunters iS Mexican J o!e, thclsl Mud Dclsey Hnake Charmer US Indian Mtrutiieoiu H'J hloudv 11 il ml, tlielJTI rale.rucu Intlluu KharpliooiluaIluuieri:il While Ha vuge ft) Olpiy JacK 1.13 WIlcllortheHWumps (it Scarlet Wnrilor VU ild l'aul lijfcout or Tliipecanoe 1:17 Htinler'sMeeret al Kciilnilelliaiiliea I2 Itlval t.'ilpnilus 1 1 IlrlUe of Wolf uluii U'J l.lltlo l-'oot Tiupper l llullulo JacK, Tiap-ll) Wild Ulile per IU HoYlui; DleU.lIuuter ft BcoutotllieltoOrandeUJ riKlitlnn Nut U7Djrluirti.ukwoiMlmuulI,t lltintci- orthe ltluck M ClUlilney l-'oot 1IIIU o'j isirauKei b uravu in ino iiioiau hpirit e Muu bailey, me t-e-ii iron--iiuuueu Tinp- nlull l-'ortuue-Tellt-r tier ;l lxiin: ltllle lluuiei 110 IIuiiterH nnd lted- 72 Wooden-l.ei!etfd hpy skliu 7 Ixini; lx-gs.tnutiimat- nr. Tlife bvoks nre for tule by nil liewsdcalern. anil in e bent lKtpalil nil receipt or prlcu I'eu (clilsencli. (ll-.OUUr: MUNltO. 1'. (. IIox.'iIj7. US William hirevt, N.Y, Mur..i,vj-im. T HE UEST IS TIIE CHEAPEST I TIIK KINOEn BKWINCI MaCHINK HEADS TIIE LIST, And leads tlie column 4,998 abend or ull others, This Machine Is the MOST POPULAH IN UHK. 11 uses the nnest needle of any Mnehlue lu ex IbtelHO, Any ludy wantlui: l, sissl S K WINO M A C II I N K, Will rmisiiil htr own tiltrt'Kl ly tm.iiK n H in (Jr. il ts t-iiHif r i inn, Hunt iiiiuuifpui nuier any immune in uiowmjh, tlVEIt JWyiTit OK TIII-M IU UHK. Tim fiillesl' Instruction glvuii tlnwe who tun ciin&r ,Ht'i me iMaciniu wu,i. ite h-ahhamkh von for one venr. I'lL-asc t alfnt my Hloanttnl witlxfy yonrmMirs, Mfrpyoti win nun jx-tcit", i unnti uihi nine. 1AVIJ I.OWKNIlKltO, AkciiI April .1.VW-lf. IlIooniHUnru', l'n. PUIII.IO SALE Ol' VAMIAIIl.E HK.M. l'.srATI- In pulsuiiueu ofiiu otiler of IbeOrphans' Court of Coliiiiitiiii counly, Tu., on s.itunlay the luih dav. of Ai'ill tiet.nt luo'eloik in I ho fori noon Kauiul Cica.v, A(ttnlnit.trfitiir ot Chuilcs H. HeHS'H Ehlale lab of Mltllill twi In said (ouuly, di-i eu.s. il, will e.Hise to tale, l.y r-ublle vendue, on llio pii ihIms, n certain uudilded halt of n mesMiue or 1 O T O 1-' (I It O U N D, wltiintnlii rentervllle. (llunlbln eoillltv.Mlnnlel Jamison ownli-ir iheVitber undivided bulf ol thn wild ol.luiiloln nir the main rniei two niu-ys and the Kvniicelleal or Albrlehl M III dht Cliurcn lot witli the appurtenances, wneieou is erect td n TWO STOItV 1'IIAMB IIWEM.1NO HOUSE. IjiIu th estalo of said deceased, situate In tlio township ol Celilr' and county aforesaid, llioomsburt', l'a., JE-shE LOI.bMAN.Cirrk. 'I i:ks ok sai.u Ten lier cent of one-fourth oi the purchase money In be uild ui Ibe strlkliiK down ot tuupropetty; thuolie.f.iutlll liss llio ten percent at theeonnrmatloii nbs lute, and the remaining thiee-louiiliH In one yiur thereafter, with lutcrebt 1-oni the eoiillrinallou nr,f. SAMUEL CP.EASY, Admiuistrater. Mar. ll'iJ-.t. I? O it SALE. " VACUA1ILE HE A I, ESTATE, llio subscribers oflr at pilvate vulua. ble Unci of land lying In Oraute lownsblp, Columbia county, about one hulriuile from I.1011T STUEET: ou the publle load leading lo Orungevillc; and known us the Towder Mill l-'urm, and ismlulu lug about SEVENTY AGUES OF LAND, of which Fifty acres Is denied, und under good cultlvuliou, Tiiero are on tne pi'i mlseu A COMI'OIITAIH.K DWEI.LINO HOUSE, n l'rumeKlnlile, fcoinci null lins.u spring of goo.1 Miller, uuit the 1 lslllcl School House. I'ICICi: EIGHTEEN HUNHHE1) HOI.L,AHS. Teiims. One third eusli, and the balance se cured by llond nnd Morltuige, on payments lo suit purchasers, Noui nenc: The water powerfonoerly usoil lo drive the rowdor Vltl, aud sullable for u Saw Mill. Tannery, Woollen Kmlory, Distillery or other light iiiiinufaeiurlux puniosesi will be sold either with llio above or n-ioruicly ut (iJOon the same teiins. ivi.i,i,inuiiin ri. nu t, JOHN U. rllEEZli llloomsburg. I'a Mar.l.VCO-Sm.: S2000 A YEAK- With little hihor, Mimethlu entirely new for thoho nut of employment. iniioniHlitn rebuus heard from, cycry day tluco dlncovcrtd (5toflU lu-r dnv mnltt hy etry ouu who hu yet taken hold of the liutinchs, (ipt'ii ratiltol ro nulrod. All those hnvtug any fenr of lelii(C hum bused will oblige nm by not noticing thht; All otheift addr Hie wllhout delay. Kor partleu 1m rw plt-ui.9ejtcIohf.tauiii4Cvr Hreulnr. AddrHM Valentino llliiiik. New IU-Kin(if)J IVrry Co., l'u, Nov, n.'&H-Oiu. Bl). Wilson&Co. HAN rKANC'lACO, A. I. DIIAMIIKKI.I.V, fiUW YOltK, Our l4ike nnd Mound Ylueyard Wines nnd )sjiular on the raclUo Coast, aiu pressed from as tine fruit us is prisluced In thu unrld. We umw the cranes, tun our own mes ses, und oiler Ihem as our own production. We lnlle orders from the trade under the full guarantee of the house oft heir absolute purtly. viij4u:v, Muuuuiv ,t t;iiA.iiir,ui,iis. Mur.5,'0!i-Ii!i, MMurruyH'reet, N. Y. TIIEIJ4EST. MtuUnn Conner Tubulur Lluhtnlus llod in the Uht prtevtlouaKuluktdltuuterby llKlitnlng ever Invucuo. The kubEcriber U agent for the novo Indention, nnd all otdirw by mail ur lu era on win no prompuy aiicuoeu in. Mfty lVM U. IllDLKMAN, TfiSlUNICVVS NOTICE IN HANK- xlltUIT(;Y ItitheDUIiletOourlof the Unl-li-d Hi at i lortlHi Wemt-m DUtrlct of l'eunnylxu nlu. In the nnil ter of JUram ILHrowu.luiukrupt, uniiKuii 11 ntni'-uriu i u uiiuernigueii neie bv Ktvei notu-eof hlMiippolntuieJit nuttslgm-eof illrwm II, Itrouii.uf rkiiitt toumhlp til the coun ty nl Columbia, and mate oi lViinylanhi, uhu hau breii uiljudgtd it bankrupt upm hU own pe tition, by the District Court uf hUI DNttlet. M. WiilTMOYKH, Vt, AlKfo.-. ui)n;oiiH NOTIC10, Thn undernlcued npnolutd by the Cntirf of (Toiujuou Fleiut, an Auditor to distribute tho, iim eta ttrhUog from tho Hierlll'H Bale of tho Ileal ItMaic ot joiiaiimu iv. liomnrr, nmoiiff 11111 fieu ereilltors, will meet the prtfen inlrestetl at thu lrothonotarv'a ottlco In HlooinKbnrir. mi Thur day the MU day of April isW at lOu'ehnk A.M. for t uiueu 10 imw.1 fav of Anrll lSitU 1 thu purpose; of UU npixilntmnt, tJIU), H. COLKMAN, A ml I tu r- MftM2,N!0.1l MERCHANDISE! JEW STOCirtji'LOTlTlNtl. rrtli nrrhnl of KA1.D;AM). WlffTllIt OOOI ih. DAvii) LowiiNiimto Invites nllrullon to Ills atockof CH KAt' AND I'ABHIONAni.i: CI.OT1I1NO. tlilssloro on Main Btrcet,lwodoorsboYO tho American Hou Uloomburir, I'o., where he Um Juat received ftoiu New York mid l'lillmleli bin n full assortment of MUN AND I10Y8' CLOTIIINO, IlirltiO lli tlio inot fafthluuuble, dnhible, ami liamtxotne DUKsa OOODM, conhtlng of 1IOX, HACK, ItOCCI, HUM, AND OII.-tlI.OTH,-COATHANDl'ANlf. f of alt soilri,ril7esnndclora. Ho haa iilao replcn lnhed his already lurc stock of KAUj AND WINTllH HltAWI.", HTntfnu, KiouitKD, AJ i ri.AtN vihth, HI II HTrl, CP.AVATH, 8T0( 'Kh. i t i ,I,A ILM, HANi)Ki:iiciiii:i'H, ouiviss, fillHl'KNDIUW, aS'D FANCV Af.riCI.IM He mot constantly on baud n lare and well-f-e-ectM assortment of CLOTHS AND VISiTINOH, which ho U prepared to make tu older Into any kind of dollilug, on very fthm I notice, and In the best manner. Alt Ids dothln is made to wear, nnd most of It Is of homu iiiatiufaepire. 001.1) WATCItm AND 1 KWIiUtY, of overy description, flnoand cheap.' lfls easeirf" Jewelry la notaurp.-uKed.In Cult and cYnmlno his general nabortmcu of CI.0THIN0, WATC1II-J1, JEWi:i.ll, AC, DAVID I.OWKNBUItO. QLOTHKS Y .MACIIINEltY. '1 he undersigned would resptctfiilly cull the attention of thu public, to Ids new and approved method of mnklng clothta by ii s(.tem baseil ution miithcmnllctil principles, which renders It Impossible to lie otherwise than perfecllyucs urate He clalina for this method the follow lntr ud vanluKes. FIRST. I'.-rfecl iiccuiucy. HECONI). A savlui! of two thirds of thu lime UHiially tak en to cut out tlio eloUi. TIIIItD. Ability lolucioiuieiiuy fl;uroKo as to lnsurou :ood III. I'UUHl 11. Tliut It does niuiy Willi the nectsslly of belns measured more than once, as oflen Is the imc, from the mlsapprelienston or mlbtuke of t lueaMiror. Ho would urge the public to uhu It a trlal,iusl. Is MitlsiU-d that It will rdva perfect satlhfactlou. Hu will be happy to exhibit and explain its work ing ut any ttmo to visitors. J. W. (HKMIIEnt.IN Mnrch 20. lis, Main St., below Market. M EU01I AN DISK. NOTICE IS HE UBY OIVEN To my friends and tbo i-ubllo tcuerally, that all kinds of DllY GOODS, GItOCEItlES, QUEENS W All E, NOTIONS, AC, ure constantly on hand and for sale AT IIARTON'S OLD BT.AND, nLOOUSHUKO, 11V JAMES K. EVEIt, i-llo, Solo Anclit for Ellis' I'iiosi-iiate or jf. Iargo lot eonsluutly en Land. febS'07, A 8 5.00 G It E E N 15 A C 1C Of full value sent freo to any IJook Agent AOKNTS WANTKI, FOR MATTHEW HALE HMITH'H NEW HOOK; ",cun',hlnc nnd Shadow In New Vorl;.' A WlltK IH-.I'I.KTK WITII ANKCDOrKH, INi'IllHMd OI-1 I.IFK IN TIIE CHEAT MhTltOI'OLI-, ni.iNd a Jllltlioit or NEW YOltK, ur.n.ia-r-JKUHIlial-X'ltiri'SOl-' THE OltEAT glTV. Ono Auent sold SO In ono dav. nnother sold and delivered 111 15 da s, another 110 1 lu" dajs. No ihiiik ever iuun-utu inai seun so iiipiuiy. IT YOU WISH TO KNOW HOW l'OUTUNES A ill. 31A1IU Afil L.UI3T 1 A 1IAY ; HowRhrewd Men ere l-ulnr d In Well Street; now uounir men are swnuueu iiy siiuriieis bow Ministers and Meicliantsure lllui-ltiiinili.,1 how llnilee Halls nnd Concert Suloons nro Mini UKedl how (jumbling Housea nnd Lotteiles ale conducted; bow Stock Companies Originate and now inu iiuoiiies uursi, Ac. rcaii nils wori.. Jl tells you about the mysteries of New York, nnd eouiaius spicy nice skciciks oi its noieil mil- tli,i,ilp..u i.,.,l,.,nl. a i,,.,.., .-.. uiue.T-U isiges, l-'lnely Illustrated. The lamest MitnmUsion given. Our3-J pngo elreulir und a $.i,INI (Jreellbuek sent lieeotiapplleullon. For lull jiariieuiars nuu terms auiiressine sole iiuouMicrs, J. II. IIUlllH CO., Hurir.n.l Conn I-'ib. VI."lono. JEW KrPIIlE SKWiNO MA CIII.NK. i.oi'KHriicjr. IlKCICIVKI) TIIK FIIIST VIUZK AT TIIIJ (1KKATFAIH OK THE AH BH I CAN lNrilUTK, III Now Yoik, Oct. 7, 1SG7. Aud luuhext riemlum for l!ert Man uf.icl urine Mitehtnu at l'ails option, July, lbC7. AVIIY IS IT TIIK I j EST ? It inns ov. r rninK all rljlit. It will take flfty htltches to tho luchlimr Uiati uuyotln r machine, ir wirrHKv in;AVii;n and ihicki:u goods than AN V OTIIElt MACIIlSn. It uses any ami ivery Itlndof thread. 11 m-wh tvlaii-ht'd tjiHidsns well asunstaHhisl ft Hews the Mori Delleido, Thin, Koft Fahrle. MtthouldiuttlU. It Ktws u lllasi ieum as well as any other, j Agenth Wanted. Lltieral discount glxin. KMmti: KKWINO 3IACIIINL COMPANY, fj Dowery, $vw York, KVFUV MACHINE WAHKAM KI, Feb. (jiiD'ouiuo. B AUOUVS It AW rinvsriiATi; iiONK t UPEH OF Ll M II bXAXIiAKD WAimANTM'. Wk vtTvr to FAJiMfiJi and Dkai.kio In Mil nureM the present fccahon our Kuw Hone Super rhowplmte of Limn us being highly 'mpiovt il. It U nut necessary at this dny, lo argue thu claim of thU manuie, nw a uvefal and eiouomle ul oppllcation ft-i COltN, OA'IH, and all tipilug crops. Thu urtlchi hioi n tepulatlon of nwr Jlf teen jearshlundlnir. nnd 1' ullll muuulacturtHl Uy the original pioprletorK. l'armeis will pleahu fend their ordcru to thu Dealir early, us this only will eiiMiin a .supply. 1IAU01I Si MJNH, bol.i: XIANUFAl-rilKHit I'iliie No. Ut)Snutl) IVlaware Ayo. riiiLADKi.rn (a. ryb.iy,'iit)-?mo. QA1UUAOE 3MANUFAOT011Y, nioomhburg, Fa. m. c. 8 loan t imoniMt thu HuccfMrn ol WILLIAM HLOAN A SON continue the buslneiviof making CAUUIAOF-S, HUGOIKM, and evety otyle of FANCY WAUONH, which they havecouita'ntly ou hand to uulteif tomerri. Never Indus any material bnt tho bdft ami t-nipluyliitf themoht experienced workmen they hope to continue a heretofore to give entire atlsfactltm to every customer, An Inupoclhm nj their work, und of the reasouablo prlco u&ked for he Mine, U mire lo Iiohum a wit. 'Couec-ntruted Imlli;o.J ion Tin: laundiu. It lu wan anted luA to tioak(or in any mamier Injure thu Uncut fubrhti. Ft ilil l'AlllI.Y IIKK hold In FIVE cnts. TUN fioiuj uiui 1 v i-.r 1 x ceum onxiJi. Kuch TWFNTY cents lix,betites havlrgFlVK XI ftW'Js lis luucji uiue hm uie riy iv,eeui ihjx,co.i IaIoh u tKU'kct iiluLUtJiIon or tuierv bat;. Fur ilolei aud laite Uiuudiy Uhe, ItU put up 111 uuiuoxcit, se that JIox lut.t propirTrwile Mail:. Forbtdeby H il MllXKU 0. -SON. llloonifcburg I'a. Feb. USUV-'lim, HKNUV WOI.r, K. l 11AUWN, (iiuceeiorkio h, c, snive.j MMIE SUUSOHUJEHS II A VI NO JL I Mked lhrinnlnn Mill und Machine Shop loriueily (M-eupted by K. t. MiHe, will eoutiuurt thu bukUiikkoi nuui'ifueturlnic DUillUH.AhU, I1LINDS, MOULDJNU , Uraekrtu Je, We tire nlo prewmtl o fuinUh drekkeil Moot Ing, khlugtmand all olhrr lumber 'rWiuIttsl In tho roiihlrucllon of Lultdlnicii. All kind of tinning done at hi.rt notice, Illllu for Jolht and other liamu ktull Illlid tlth prompt' uehHaud rate. Ordeiw rcnj.4fetn.1lly holleited. ; April i7,'Wi WOLF A IIAUIO& -v IUILniNO HTONE. I J The uudentgeed ImvliigpuuhuKed iheHinne (juarry of Daniel Lei by, known tot thu Dry hw Mill, mhl-uuy hclueih lu-ru aud Dauville, will be pre 1 -arid to kupily htone of a biipei Inrmmllty for eeltur wuIIk. klllK. wnt.rtuble fctn ti. iiulmt te,, at any point on distance tinier Nor 1 011 1110 canai, ai .u jrt psouuviti North-wurd or Kouth-wurti, iw WMin iu navicaiittu npciin. Htone delivered lu uuy part of )llnonubmif nt liiiMternleprieiii, J. KLilVlVl.KH, Mar l'J.V-ML lUloumttbui, Fd. DRUGS & MEDICINES' JjOOK, HEAD, AND LEAltN, THAT Till! ('lent, Bhorlioriccs Itemed., 1 ok tub cr.t.r.mtATKii imiuan DK. LEWIS JOSllEl'ilUH, ol the itlnllimnlshed Tribe nf ftlioslionco, Colum bia Territory la now lorHilf In the union. This all possessing ureal remedy, la warranted, nnd In broad and emphatlo lanuunno, wo ejin wifely ny, mnv be relied uiwii to innkn n perma nent cure of nit dUcasos ol the ', lAiiik. Mver, Kldue)'', Dluestlve Orau. He., Aa well ns scrofula, the various l;ln illt-eaiuM, Iluinnra. nnd ull Impurity of llioblooil, cxeepllng the Ihlrd ntneoof Coumiiiptlon. . , In Cannda wherollils (treat remedy haa been 111 me lor n Hiort lime l.t lnn.lnueod iirecleil omo or the tnnu mnrvelnin cures ever recorded In IliotinnnlsnfhlnlorUnl medicine, Hucli beliiu the cane III Addition to li tmiuer renown n Col uiiibUTeirltory wo doiy liiniiniilty to dlspuio tho fact that this Orent Slioshonccs Iteluedy, Is the remedy or rnnedlcabrtho lutn Cenuiry. and the urtntcKt boon ever laid nt the altar ol niirer Intr humanity. 1'rlennf the Itemedy In larjto plnta.Sl.y. . Momifiietund by Dr. Y01111B& Ilios., lit Hyrn. cuke, N.Y. , For sale by nil dealers In Med!"lnc. The Orent Slioslioncf-s Ucmetly of I)r. .loscphin, Columbia Territory which IibhiiIso becu maim fjicti!rUn Cnnmln, Ii now for tlio nrst llmo lu tho Union, beiau nmunlactiired by l)r. ouug a lire, Hyrnciwo, K, Y, Wonderful euro of Consumption by tho GrentShoslionces Itemedy. Moksm. Chniubcrlnln a Cn.. Goutli'inen. 1 WIIhoii HthrinH.iniiko oath uml Ml v. I feet niixlous to let you Uuow t lint the (Ircat Hho-ihoiurfiHein-tly has I'trcctetl for me. Sly wife wns nni.ctttl WJin consumption, iuiu uilhi. i vns uuoiiiuivil'u vitli thoBnme tllst tibo nnil niter her tlentli, 1 con tinued sinking Just ns shy hail done. 1 liuU very feGvero night hwcuts. ecitiKlied nearly nil n is lit find every nlfiht, could not Mcep unu-usu Uttlu toward morning ; I rnlctd o or iKiiinrt of matter every lil hourn, imd fcevero pain In the lelt lung, iit.,utc.,and wusKreatly debilitated; In fact I wim poliiit as fa-vt ns IcouId.I wns taking medlclno iron, a rt'Riuar p Uq my couch. rom a regular physician, but It did not even re idu niv coimli. I went by thu vlltaiio one da nbout u quarter of n mile, which took mo to pi um id in1, about two hour: whlhi tht-ro I buw r-ftuiru wemiijiinii, ami jhi'uiii'i iffMij- iu nun, "1 wibll you Ciimu kivu nie MiiuuinniK to rejiuvw lnvcoii!!!!." IIo Kit ill Hifro tn a ort'iit Indian itHitwdv tntit Jnirodtici'd J)r. JUikcr hns 11 Ibr Mile, and I belicva It will cure yuu. I tooli his advice, and brought n lotllo hnmi Willi UU', UUK I ll'IfSJKJUIllUi Uli lm'f. 1V1I1CU 1 lilt through my whole (-ytitein. At nlgut n table kpooulul.and lusted well at Highland continued u rest veil every id-lit. Iho eouuh, nltiht- weai8, raiHiiis oi jiimier, pam iu me tuna, vie. grauuniiy leu me, ami i uoi ueariy nuu Huong, i toolc only three bottUs, l ain not tnUlnj? It now ii tiii mil nu iiinriv nnn 114 vpii um i ever wiih in my lift-. My slsli?rlndaw was with irio for n wldlf. who wns mil I cud with liver comnlalnt. 8UQ lias uikcii inu if mt'tty uiui is win, ii in cur iiuenieyou maybuow me worm uyoupjeo&e, WILSON 8T011MS, Urlghton, a W. Swnrn befoiousnt IlrlRlilon, C, W. inn -oin uay oi AuguM, iwmi. J. 11. VOUNO. J.l'., lUee. 1. M. WKId.INOroS. J. V. Titl m T. Tf rorf fflHrfKt In lcinfit ll.irnm .t fiL frvw York. WiiolfWilo Agwit. I 'or fcale by all tho Druggist In lilooiiihburi,'. Jah, .via. 100,000o LIVES LOST YEAltliY o tiik usu or TOll AOUO. Kiivn vmir inonev nnd restore onr health by Uhllll IT. ll ru n .lllluoic lr iiiiwihi, iini is notatubstltuiti hut a cure lor bmolihiir. Chew lni,andHiiuirtnkMu. l-'iw peri-onH aiu nware ofiho ttrrltilQ eiri-t'tsof the noxious wer? on the human syhlem. j), iieaoai ne, uietie of the LUtr, hallow Complexion, Cotilvtness of tho Hovels, LukhoI Memory tint olherdlbeiiscs aiu the nllllctionH brought oil by Uh use. 'Ihe Antidote Is purely veitetahle and harinUf.Itacls n a tonic on tho system, purltkulhe bl(KHt,nud enauies a jitrsou ut uiReL inn iitiiriii".. iww, JSiunplts sent tree for oil i enls ik-j- do.on. AildrotH M. J. Yarucll, K7 C.uui'ju M, X, Feb. i(J,VJ-sJm. TRAF2CI-S. BL1XDXESS AND I 7 Catarih tieated ullhtLuutmost miccchk. by .i.JHAArri. lM.lh. and l'rofeoi" of IhHmsi'iiof Uie t't.r i tut I L'ur.thi ruvcittltuMix the Mitllvut Colletre tif rennsytiunnt, lujcors vrjvience, tiormerly of lA'yuuii, uoiiuiui.f io, ouo.iicii r:um, a iuiu, Tvstniionlals can be en nt hmoince. 'ibe meat' ertl faculty nro Invited to aeeomiuny their pa tients, iihuu l.a-t no Mcuti hi his nructlco. Ar- tlllclal yes InseiUd without pain, 2s o thuito jor exanuimuou, Jan. IU, 'tD.-r, COUGH CIJ1113D 15Y T T DI-IiliVA IJ H CKIjI'.HIIAI JilJ HhMKUYi Jta- IMco FIFTY Cents. 1'iepared at Six and Wood fets., 1'idlaM 3Aslcjour Ih-uguUtlorit. Fen.y.vlyr. CONSUMPTION CAN IiE GUltED livI)r.CiI.(lnrrif-on'Knewi)ioc'.hof trrHtmeut, Call ov addretH Dr. 0. U. OAlttllbON, I'll Mutu i-.iuui Ji Mreei, I'linaiieiiuiia, 1 . V.H. Special atltutlonKlvuu to TllltOATand ijUtu uiseuM'H. rt u. n, t y-iyr, JJ O. IIOWKR, huN opened a. Urht-clavi liOOT, H1IOU 31 AT CLU AND FUJI .STOUF at IhoohUtnndun WalnKlrcf t,li:viiisbui,ufcM iiooisauou inoi'ouit ills nock Ueoni povedof the very lattst and iKfttfet vlcs tsi;r filler- id lo tho cltlxens of Columbia Counly. lie can accommoilnte the publlewllh thefollowJuoodN Ul UIV lUTiCOfc invert. .UUU H UlUVy OOUOIU bUlt'O stoa boots, men'u double ami hfi ingie tap hoho kin hootH. inen'h heavy fttoza kIioch of all kindi. mtn'N line boots uudhhots of all etudes, boy't double soled IhkiIs und(shoed of all kinds incii'tx glove kid Hal moral khftc-b.mvn'a, wnmen'K.boys'h and misses' lasting gulteiv, women'a glove kid 1'oIImIi ery flne.uojncirajiioUKfo ItalmoralHaml win bnocK, woiueu k very une kiu umioiicu gall' via. 111 Miutt -junta 01 an uciLTjpiioiis com pe; eed andhewel. lie would airmail fctU'iilluu to his Une aiort mciu 01 HATH, CAFS, FUUS AVD 0'IIO;.. which eoiniulses all the new mid nouular vail eilhs at piit.e which inn not hUl lo suit all goiHU ate oneiid at tho lovet.t cash mtts am will le gutiiautenl toxive batliifaetloh, A eal i Houciuu ueiore nuri-nbHUiv eiewlieu a it h helltved'that better bargain) nre to tw foim until ai uuy omer piac iu me county HIT, ! II." Mlljol B, It. AlllilAN. f. 11. lllLLlKGl-.U. M. XOUV. A HTMAN, DIlilJNOEll & CO,, 3S' O. 101 3-OMIl TItlltll hT. l'illl.AllF.M'IllA, Two Doors above Alvli formeiln-.M, HANV'AClUlltRl AN 11 .IQUJ.I.1IV IN CAUri3TS, COTTONS YAUNrl, IIATTINO, OH, CLOTHS, CAltl'KT CHAINS, (X)ItIA0K, OI I. HIIADI3H, (I KA IN 1IAGH, TI K YAUX, WlCK YA1IN, WIN1IOW 1'AI', fl.lVKRI.KT4, AWJ, WILLOW AND WOOJlliS W.AHI3, IIUOOUS, HKl'hlld, I,OOKI".l lll.Asi.ltf,, ritUNKU IVb.S.'d) EWAIU3 OK jUIK IMPOSTKH. I hereby wain nil portnnof tho United htalcf utialuvt purthukliiKiiuy Ulght of my "Fruit Tree und Vino Insect Destroyer and InvJusir.tor,"or lohn Ahearn triiaUlinoe, A he Is an Imioitr and n fccouudi el, and h.u no right e,ct pi a copy of n Deed and LetteiH J'.Uent, stolen hy him from tho table of Heruard tJarter in Haltlmoro on tho 5th d.iy of Juue l&ai. Mr. i; J. FhUlliwuf K.lonohuKluijllijllCo in thoonly lawful owner ofiorluhl for 'orth'd Montour,' Columbia, Caihoit, Xortiiiimpton and lluckHCnuntlu'tttutheKtalonf lVuu'a. IILNJAIIN HIT. Feb. lOUr-iu". I'atehtw. lrKW KUIIX1TU18E KOOMS, UN M IS STltLiri", DLOOMhllUItf;, l'KNN'A, J A M E B C A I) U A S IteMiectfully fufoiiny UiucHlkeitd of this town und wilully, that he hu at hi Furulturu rooma eouiiHOi tvrry oetcrinnui, ouienutt, uiiiiuk ih IiIpu I h Pirn und ktttitl Ktjlk.tiiiifl d it flit lnl4.tMl lu earubu lopet miiiib, ioouinx tm-t'H, lAMije many omcr urtlclca of mrnltuie cf ftrtil dv mauuiuciuie. . 'Jim puMiciue cniuniiiy ittvin n to run ox uinlnoliUklulc, lie will u ll upon terms. AirHpeell alteiilloii wl!J belaid to repAlrliiif all kludi nliuitiiiure. Cheap loretuh, Jun. ,'U, ALUAHIiE IMlOrEin' VOIt HALR Vila The uodt rkluned ulllolter at iiilvalr k.ile hlt lloiue. Cabinet HhoitaudLot, tdiuated InHUb. town, ijO(UstTuwulitp,L'4ilumbla t'oimty.iilcmt; theSlalo lload hailluii from CalawlHbu to Ah. bind, ou which U eie led a aood vImhI two tt ir' frume duellimi houowlih an outhouoiuljolii Iiir, with uwelt or never fatllue water mi the iKiitlija Uiiiu (wo .lor.v liamo eidilm-i, hop, lumU r Lminjaiul fclable, with all IhiWitCiS.'inij untbuihlliiK Theptowity U i valuable iiv, tt huh will m mn J ma by aud wifoihuiou utvt n f u Ihe llrt of Ai-iil nekl. Jali.T.'UU--- W.M.aiLLWIO. pUMPB! I'lTMl'B VOW HAKE, . fho undenltted Xnti le.ivd tu innnui tlio cltf teuu of Ihupliiouaud vlclullr that hu U iiiep&r.iiJ lit fin nUh, at hhurt notice, one ufiuu JkaI km H i KN FUMFrt hr WelU iiiuK'lhteriih'vver olltret to the puolic. Tho uio Kunrnuleed U thitiw moro water hi 1e Mne &ud wlU lefut l&tMr than Bpy utlwrpmnp m llu inittot Ihetounliy .gul tlii'V 1'iLliliol hi' kii 1 1. um i .1 for Iii mi It .ii lliiLli kUntllellyofairaiiM H' oi nuu uuruuitu iliUi JfcU l Uion tit in 4 mhV Uh r th vi 11 nr novlr, Fill it uL ,or OoluluLlii tiiuut. lilcjt ru io p,rinrm hhuiuuu U i tii' 13 i-t'iiU pi r foo iot tied Iii t e Oiger lV mail or nthurwlxu t ttinmili' uiifiidpd la. leg ta. iitlawl I.i. 1' 1 ltiMHIJlflUI NOltMAJjSfllltK)!, AND LIT i.iiAitv iNMilnr. 1IUAHD til' INKTItUCTION. II ENHY ' OAKVEn, A. M., Principal, I'mfcunr of Inlollertual nnd moral science, nnd theory mil pracllcoof teaching. Miss Rarah A. Carver, rrceentress. Teacher of Frciieh. llotnny mm ornamental branches, IsaaiO. ltesl.A. II., I 'i nr. ssnr of Ancient lyiiit-tmgcsnliil I'.ngllali Orolnmar. J. W. Ferrer, A.M. Professor orMalliciniillco, nnd prnctlcnl ol ; tiouoiny, ,)!ev. D. C. John, A. f Profe sor of chemistry mid physics. F. M. liatts. Teacher of fit-ogrnphy. hUUirj A Hook kctrlug ' 1 Jamen llrown, Atil Irttit leftcher of niiillnnir.tlcs Ungllsh tlr 'inmaf. Miss AllcoM. Carver, Teacher uf .Muslo on the piano nnd nieludcnti. Mrs. Hftttto 7 llm,t, TeaeJier or Voenl Mnslonud liistruiiienlul muslo Miss Julia M. Guest, Tcncht. r of model (School, TheHprlnu term will eonimence Apr. 11), isu), and until our Imnrdluu; hall Is ready fur occupan cy, on iip1lrnt!on to the Principal, students will bo furnUbcd wltli homes In plcotnut families. II Is better for students to commence nt Ihenp eiilnrrof llio term, but when this la linproctlcu bin l hey can rater nt any time, Mai ell 20 1SUS. OMKSTIO EC0K0J1Y! cam pillion avitrnri A new, cJicup, durable, henltliy, and Ucnullful KLOOIt COVKIIIXQ t A substitute for oll-clotli nl one-third the cost. Tli! carpet is produced by a peculiar combina tion of strong, heavy p'M'cr, printed in ornamen tal colons aud coated w(tha toush, elastic, water jirooi cnuiiici w men rcceivts inu water, prou-cn the eolunt and tapi r etulurcM wiuthlutr. and nu di'14 the carpet bilht nnd beautiful lu tho ex ifteinc1, iim luivuuuicH ure as ioiiowr l vul rendfru It available to allclnxsci; It Ik exceedingly smooth and Rlovsy, nndll uccumu latcfl next to no duit ; ItiloeH not require lo bo taken u) and cleanett llko othr earpvt, and thus t-aven much Jnlor and trouble; Ity rcefKitlng with tho Campltllou Ku.imeUoeo.vdonally aa the taso may require, (which costa but nlrlile,)ltwlil last ludefln'iely. even nil n?ctand always appear newami uriyui ; in us use no rcuancu wnatever Ik pi :i ceil upon thu imper for wear, but exclusive ly upon Kho water-jiruof uoatln)!, tho Ilgured u er btilu( lifted only to seen re tfioeulorK. 1'nper ihs recently been usctl forn variety of purpose,, een for trunks, i oof", Hour ba nnd wi-nrlnsap-jnuel.bul the ilrst attempt, either In Kuropu or America, tit convert It Into enrnpt or lloor fuvt. Inc. all concede It to bo nn entire fiucce&il We li.uo purchowxl tho right for Columbia county and tan furnish tho curi-et to meiehauts at moMuhicturerH prlcw, inu nro iuueu in can aru examine the BWwH atuurfttore.i M'KKLVV. TJAL CO. jglLUAltDS! miiWAllUS 1 1 WI'.UAM II. OILMOUU Has opened ft lino Hllllnrrt Hnlonu In nUdltlon In his wi ll known ItlXl'AUUANT. llo lias .1 laliltn Willi till the latest improvement! And In iiorfecl urder. llii kecpH ou hand tho best LAOIIIt EEEU AND ALE vhli.i llie ninrkot nlforda. OY.STi:ttS lo ho l.iul lit nil llmeH when In peason. nlso lleef Tonum. l'lclcled tripe, Ulillns, &c, u. The Mllillc nro inviltd lo call, nnd mo plotn iscil K.itKntitlon .clt lier lu utlllartMor ri-liesh- uieum. ins CIQA1H AND TonAcro ennnot lit; exei'lled. IJlouriiMJurgr, juii. 1. i,f. JJIPOllTANT TO HUII.T)r.IXa,HOU,Sr.lIOM)nH .tTllNANTS. Tho undcifclgned would nuuoimce lo tlio cill. zens of llloomstnirii nnd vicinity that ho Is pio paied to execute It O Urt 13, 8 I O K, AND O It N A M 13 Jf T A I. 1' A I ff T I N (1 lu till its brauehes. 1 A I' E 11 II A if' 0 I N O Carefully nttcmled tri. htrict ntleutloti to huslnensaiid good win U man Rlilp It Is believed will mint nfalr show of public lntronnKC ' " Shop on t'ulliiulno Hlrcet lielwiun Third nnd 'Fourth. ' " Mor.V0l-ly. WM. K. UODlNI'3. J" W. SAMI'hK A'CO., MA CI 1 1 NISTS '& KNO 1 NEKKS, MAl.V ST., .V U Jt II. It. It.. llLOOMSimitO, PA., re pieiared to fiuutbli nil klul4 of Machlnu woi lr, such ns STEAM ENGINES, BOILEItS, Miafttng.Ynillcys, Hangers, Couplings, Jllll-gear lugS'aw mandrils, etc., Gunge cocks, Ktcum pipe, touetlier with Hit kinds of Hlinm fil lings constantly on hand. Threshing Machine and Horse roivi,r,i made to order. "All klutbt of Aglleulllliu Maihtlirr repalrul. May J,J,'(!3 LOUlt AND FEED. n.Hiinderft.L'nedthaukful for nnst iiiilrrmniro b's to annouto lo liU frleuiH audto the publle ththU ' X E V 1M I h h Is now In iomplele luunluc oider.and that he Is prepnreiUo do ull Ulmliof illllln without delay l'aitles Irmu u dlMance can have their triM fttonnd without delay, no as to lake Hum homu 1 by sumo day, and a a rule all upik bi ought to the mill can b dono In twenty-lour hours. My pleseut aiiaUKintnlHnre uch rh to preclude the ii eerily nl Kloppliiif the mill ou luumnt of Ice. hltfiior low watci. iTHU I1E.ST FAMILY FLOUIt. in wt II an tholiiwer giaden, and nil Mniliof CHOP AND FEED kept on hand In quantity, und forxnleat the low-1 cot cur lent rale., CJialn of all kludi purehoued, Light filrtet.Dey. JCS-tf. I'LTKH KNT. J. p. iiEAni), wim Mi'i'iMxirr, donii txi.. Miuiul:u luters mid WlioleKAl IVultm In HATS, avl-H, KUIIS, AND HTRAW OOODH, , ,,Ju, llSMnrViet Btreet, . .ftUlndalphU, 17 J, .TIIOKN1 JLj vouldnunonni burif and lelnltr. tin rrnoaNTON 11 co lot lie film its of llicoms- at ne bus juhtiuepeu a tun and (ompie,ieaH4ruuiii oi LLr'Arpit, "WINDOW W A 8 II A D E H, riITC, OIltH, TAMU, nhd till ther pooda In Ids line of hutlne?. All Ihe m-wot and uiOft appioid i-alUinK of Ihe (in, nre Hlwa tc be found in hiiiiidanMhiimt ut, Mar.5,(0tf Main H. telow .Matkt l. JOHN C. YEAUEH & CO., Wholesale Iealer& In lIAlfi, OA1-S, BTUAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FUltS. No. tea North Third Street, Wur.U'.'CS-ly FhlladelphU. "17 O XI X1 Tin; iv Ii E A s j: . property known uh tlie "Lcnir 1'oud llntel.f Kltuati d iu ulllvon County, mi plinth Monntalu, In torrent on naKonable Hrimt. The nnnautle situation uf the pin re, Jtt lino huuilnt' aud lulling urouiuU make it i-n ummi ally flnu jilace for n iiminerTeoit, Jubsinu ttwi ApiUHt '' Iul iar tlculurti apply 1 peiton or by h Iter to aawcKKriH, Mur,lft(0-3t, Oiani;gvile, pOU HAL K. Tuk uii'li rhl;Ud ofieu at pihule hale TlTniTV X'Cm OK KAKD lu u Rtrnd kfateof ctdtlvntlbu oiiMhhti U eiteted itdHellluK hiaiHo .nnd barUlii unod Older ami eoiiultlftn. Itlifcltuatcd lulhtnwiithlpnl Hhmm aud Within ten lulnulew wtk oflhe I uuil H( ue, t-or ruti nn main u piy at inmcmi e. tiur,iv, wui. C, II. DltDt'KWAY, ,W- E N. W A. J T E 1) 'S3U Ser'weil: piorlt ou''j5 ?iii'linl. Kniiuthliiir o.illiBl)-neir. U ml tor tlr-ulr unit Tfrini. lu ulll iiu i i lc or liiiiiibu& A Oil 1 1" M.J.iuriiiil. MM'dnliiin HUM!, N, V, Vtu. acusiui. TCI1 KPA'f, ANircAV tall at ilit I uln u. Lint t ll.ii, li uiui Vut J'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers