The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 02, 1869, Image 2

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    3fltt (ifotumbiiur
13 LO OMS li UHO, PA.
fiiiOAV mou.hino, Aran, a, inno.
49- TUB COI.CMIIIAN l. tha I,rR"
Clre ulilun of any imper iubllsl'l
Northern Ieiiitiylvnln anil Is also
much Lrger aha.t than tnr rlUcotem
porarlesi ami Is therefore H best medium
for ulr.rtlslnjr In Ihli aeetlon oftlie Stale.
A llnrffiilii for lrlntcrM.
llv (ho recent lurchnsu of it Gordon
I'rciM mid of (ho Coi.umiiia Democrat
prlnllns ollleo, wo !mvu uwiulrcil nn
uiineci'tWHry number of l'rosses nnd
iiuitcrliil. "Wo lliureforo tiflor lo w?ll one
Washington I'rcm aho No.l In coin
pit tu runnlni; order; one Washington
Press Foolscap IJ -nlinost entirely
now; together with n qunntlty of hour
gulos, uouruVrcll, wood, metal hnd
display type, imposing utoncs, rases,
rules, nnd all tho inuterial necessary to
start a flrst-clasa country printing ollleo.
If tho material ciuinol bo sold in bulk,
it will bo disposed of lit lots. Terms
cash. Address tho editor by letter or
In person. at.
HeprcKcntnttvo Itcform.
In the Senate on the U. 8.,
January 13, 18CD.
Mr. Duckalkw asked, and by unan
imous consent obtained, leave to bring
in n bill 'cntltlcd'"A bill to amend tho
representation of tho peoplo in Con
gress ;" which was read twlco and re
ferred to a select committee consisting
of Messrs. Bucknlcw, Anthony, Forry,
Morton, Warner, Rico, and Wado.
Maimjii 2, 18C9.
Mr. Wade, from the Select Commit
tee on Ilcpresentath'O Reform, reported
tho bill without amon-lment, as follows
JJe il enacted by the Senate and House
if Representatives of the United Stales
of America in Congress assembled, That
in elections lor mo cnotco or represen
tatives to (ho Congress ol tho United
utuius, wneuevor mora tnau ono repro
Bentativo is to be chosen from a $tate, elector or such fcitaie. uuiy quail
iled, shall bo entitled to n number of
voU's equal tu the number of represen
ting ves to oaciiosen irom tno suite, unu
m.iy give all such votes to ono cuiull
date, or mav dtstrlbuto them', enuallv
or unequally, among" n greater number
'Of candidates; and tho candidates high
est in. vota upon tho return shall bo de-
.iitrcu elected.
Sin tho, same day Mr. Hue siilew from
tho saute, committee inado an clabpratd
written ,lwport to accompany thq wild
biil and in explanation and vindication
of thq reform proposed by it. Wo have
had an arrangement miulo for forward
Ing to many of our subscribers oillcial
copies of this- Report, but it is not pos
wiblo to Kupply all, of them, and the
great length of tho Report renders it
unsuitable for republication in our, col
umns. Under theso circumstances wo
havo. concluded to prepare nnd publish,
from tlino to tjiuo, a number of brief
iirticlo.1. on tho subject of reformed vo
ting which shall Include tho views con
talned in thoSenatoRenortabovomcn.
ttoned, and in other publlcationsin this
country and Great Britain. Thus all
our readers will, in duo time, have pre
sented to them full information upon au
Important question which will hereafter
undergo much debate and probably re
sult, inJmportant changes in our elec
toral system. For the principle: of tho
proposed reform is capablo of very- ex
tenslvo application aqd is ono of the
highest importance to the duo.' working
of our republican institutions. Fortun
ately also it is not ono of a partisan
character and may claim tho support of
nil parties and of men of independent
The unanimous report and. approval
of tho Senate bill (above given) by the
Commlttoo to which It was referred, Is
'auspicious of Its success hereafter when"
it shall be further considered, and par
ticularly, when aid, shall bo afforded It
by public opinion formed outside of
Congress. .And the present representa
tion of parties ini Congress ls'so Imper
fect, or rather so 'unequal and unjust,
that there will be a generaljdisposltion
toward reform whenevera practical and
effectual measure to secure it cornea 'to'
bo understood by tho peoplo.
Tle Columbia Co. Invasion.
Wb shall commence In our next nu m
bertho publication of a series of arti
cles under the above heading, pursu int
td our" promise mado .to our readers at
tHo coinmencerrient of our present vol
' time. In recalling tho events of 1601 in
this County It will not bo our object to
revive tho passions of that time, nor to
treat unjustly any of tho persons ImplI
cated In the great outrage then perpe
trated upon our peoplo Our object
rather will be ono or Justice and Instruc
tion f to vindicate those who were then
unjustly assailed, (and some of them
cruelly persecuted,) nnd to point out
the lessons .to be drawn from tho execs
sea o. arbitrary rind lawless jiowor. Wb
bupposootlrnrtlcles will extend to half
ailqiicn In .nuiubef, and they will con
tain many particulars and Incidents of
the , Invasion never heretofore publish
Thk following Is tho iicw Hoard of
Directors of tho Pennsylvania Airrleu!
Jural AsHociatlon, chosen AVeduesday
morning: President, Amos K. Kapp;
corresponding Secretary, Elbridgo M
Conkby; recording secretary, I). V.
Seller; treasurer, John B. Rutherford.
Cnpt. M'Conk'eyV appointment will
give much satisfaction (o Ids numerous
friends In this section. Ho was a brave
ofllcer, and Is an accomplished gentle
man, fully competent to perform tho
duties of bis onlce.
Qeoroia was formally re-ndmltted
Jnto the Union, and represented In the
last Congress. Tho Radicals have again
put her out of thd Union, and she Is
not rcpresentcdjnt'heprei&nt Congress.
Why ?' Because she has no negroes in
her present iLeglalaturo. Yo would ask
overy candid soldier If he fought, for
such a stato of things? Is It a Union
whero States can be made and unmade
nt the dictation of a party caucus '(
The most magnificent 01 ft Enter
prho of tho day.
au who Invested Uborally, secured
largo prizes.
Till) Stt,- of ItuKoiiH,
"1'l.KAHi: sir, hIvh inn it liilllnii,"nald
a blui'-eyed.dliiiphi-cliiiiti I lUlluulil.tlm
ntticr day, ut 1 Mnml walcliliit; lliu dill
drcii going fitim Mi-lumt.
"And what do you want with it but
ton, my llttlu lady V" 1 asked.
"To put on this siring." And shu
loosened from her neck n string of but
tons, of all sizes, forms and colors.
"Why, you liavo tiultb a fotof thoin."
"Yes, sir, I liavo two hundred and nlno
nnd yours will mako two 'hundred and
"But what lu tho world are you going
to do with so many buttons?"
"Why, keep them to remember my
friends by."
"But you cannot recollect who gavo
you all those buttons V"
"Yea, sir, I can," nnd sho commenced
moving them tut tho string, nnd named
the giver,of each ono as sho passed it
"But, you will soon forget them, nud
will not beitblu lo tell ono button from
"No, elr, when I get all I can, I mean
to liavo them put In a frames nnd tho
names of the givers written under them
then I can remember thorn as long as I
live. Please, sir, glvo mo one, do."
"If I glvo you a button, will you put
it on the string, nnd in tho frame, nnd
count mo among your friends ?"
"Yes, sir, I will."
I gavo her n button nnd sho ran off,
showing her companions that sho hnd
mado nn acquisition to her. string.
There, thought I, is u "book of ro
mcmbrauce" nsslmplo ns it is cheap,
and us beautiful ns it is novel. Should
that child live, years after thissho Will,
read over this "string of friendship,?'
and as sho "telU her buttous'Mvhat
memories will bo awakened? Themlnd,
will crowd 1U way back through tho
ovvnts of her life to) the days of her
childhood. Uow bright nnd beautiful
It was. Full of sunshlno, no shadow,
ns yet, hnd fallen upon her pathway.
Her innocent heart knows nothing of
this world's sin, and .felt but 'Httlp ofi
this world's sorrow. The recollections
pf tho past had no tortures, nnd tho fu
ture was full of hopo and happlnejs.
And by tho contrast that life's experi
ence, lias t.iiiL'ht. sho may oxclaliiuhap
py, hnppy, childhood I But, ,whcro are
my early friends? Hero, is n record of,
tho names of many of them, but whore
are theyt Somo I have lost sight of.nucl
know not what has become of thcin,
hut how many pages of, tho history of
human, life do theso buttons
much.of sorrow nud pleasure, of vlrtuo
nnd vice, of llfu and .death., Yes, .of
death, for, many ,o( tho. names hero
written, liavo been since, written on
marble slabs, erected to their'.inornory.'
Some, nipped in, tho bud Jnst .flushed
with thq. crimson ofj Hfc,, some withered
nnd fell,' Just us ,tho rose of life was
blpoming, but liavo let,a fragrance that
will not soon be.forgottcn. somo blasted
in tho very midst of fhpir frultfulness,
while others liavo somo down to their
graves, "like shocks of corn,fuil ripe. in
Its season." How few, of .thq liiany
friendi of my childhood nro still on
lifo'n, pathwny, both old nnd young?
Soou, others will "tell tho buttons," but
cannot read tho history. Within them
there will awaken no recollections of
friendship. bring no .light of othtr.
days as.theydo to mo, and will prob
ably cast them nsido as an unmeaning
thing of buttons.
Stillwater, March 3C9. .Raven.
Orphans' School nt Ornttgevlllc,
Columbia Comity.
Mil. Jackson, ourScnator, offered tho
following resolution, which' was' twice
read :
Whereas. Tho soldiers' orphans'
school nt OraiiKOvlileColumbla County,
nas uecnremovcu uy inosupcriiuciiuuiu
of soldiers' orphans' schools, as It Is be
lieved, without Just cause and to tho
great injustice to the mothers of the
children, as, woll as, it la. believed, to
tho prejudice of the best Interests of tho
orphans themselves, and
Whereas, it is right that tho suujcct
of said removal should bo investigated,
and, reasons therefore ascertained ucd
tho wrong done, if any, bo remedied;
Resolved, that n' committee of three
Senators bo appointed to investlgateand
inquire into tno causa or saiu; removal,
If any, nnd geuurally to examine Into
nud Investigate, tho whole subject nnd
report to'tho Senato at this session, nud
the said cominitteefbhall have' power to
send for persons and papers, and nro di
rected to visit, urancoviuo nnu ranno
tho necessary exomlnatlon.of !tho"aub-
feet there'. ' 1 "
Tho resolution was amended by- In
structing tho CoratnIttco'bntHducatloh
to Investigate tliffabove subject nnd en-
largo their duties', so as to' investigate
nil other alleged abuses connected with
tho schools for soldiers' orphans in tho
Tho Committco, whoso names wo
gave last week, will bp lero onr Satur
day to examine, witnesses, and wake
tho proposed .Investigation.
Jf every subscriber wouhV ,nsk Iifs
neighbor' to subscribe nnd head his
namotous, It would not. only double
our subscription list nnd encourage us
to publish n still bettor imper, but It
Would bo n personal ad van t ago to every
subscriber. There Is more- happiness'
and prosperity In neighborhood wh'erq
every family takes u newspaper than
whore they tnke none. ,lt mnkos homo
happier, the father inOro thodghtful,
tho mother moro cheerful; and tho eyes
or. tho children sparkle with Joy wbon
ever tho newspaper.'cdmes'.
The Radicals uro making, strenuous
efforts to secure tho Itidppendoncp of
Cuba. It seems that rebellion is nil
right overy place but at homo.
By tho way, before passing resolu
tlonsi In favor of Cuban Independence,
Would It not bo as well to restore the
Southern States to their position as eo
equal parts ofour Confederacy? "Char
Ity begins at home;" so should liberty
and toleration, ,
,i i
The following proposed law Is not
very lutclllglhlo to us; but,,,ns it lias
been Introduced la the Legislature, wo
can puuiic intention to it;
That no person shall have mora tlmn
three years utter tho last payment on n
mortgago is due, to pay it off and hold
tno property tiescnuod in tlio mortg tgo
but Iho said property "shall fall buck to
tne mortgager, itny laws or decisions) to
tho contrary notwithstanding.
When prepayment of correspond
ence by stamps Was" made obligatory, n
letter passed through un office In the
interior of this State, on which iwas
written, "paid, if tlio darned thing
sticks." To-day 'my Cabluot" Is nil
rJ(fllf( t.Jf (ho (,arnt(, mng itIcka,i,
Melting Alurinrct.
Tnl: hi-sonr thoJludleal .ledcfa, hits
iiiitoiily.alafi1i6d tlth mass of iho party,'
but haVfrlilliU'iioiU'sumo of lis promi
nent members. Tiio fallowing extract
from 'nspcech recently delivered )y
Senator Spraguo deserves general clrcu-'
Tho iiolltlelans had never been wil
ling to let tho people know the truo
state of tho country. Thoy had failed
to warn them of tho approach of tho
lute war, and had plunged them littO It
unprepared. The politicians still ad
hered tn tho snmo blind policy, but ho
had already done something to let tho
people know the truo condition of tho
country, hnd ho meant to do lnor'6. Tho
objector tho majority In Congress seem
ed to bo rather to perpotuato tho exis
tence of a party than to promote tho
welfare of tho peoplo; but no party
could lulvo his support which did not
mako tho prosperlty and contentment
of tho pooplo its chief object. A party
which failed in this, failed, lit tho groat
purpose for which' nlono It hnd n right
to exist. In conclusion ho said ho was
In favor of repealing tho Tenuro-of-Of-ilco
net In any case, because If )w had to
subject hlmsujf to any tyranny, ho pre
ferred tho tyranny, of ono man with
Sonic huirianlty In hliri mid occupying
a responsible position to Hint of nn Ir
responsible body like iho Sennto.
I'citiisjlviiiilu JLcglNt.nturc,
Tltn following bills were rend
By Mr. O'Neill Ono supplementary
to' tlio act of April, 18C8, to lay out a
Stato Road from Foundryvlllo, In Co
lumbia county, to Good's School House,
In Luzerne county.
An act requiring ono of tho County
Commissioners tn perform tho duties
now required of tho Judgo by tho sec
ond section oftlie Jury law of April 10,
18G7. This bill npplles td Luzerne, Co
lumbia, Montour, nnd other counties,
nnd has passed tho House.
Mr. White, providing for tho regis
tration of tho marriages in this State;
nlso,- preventing any but regular gradu
ates of mediclno from practlclng'in this
An act to erect n Poor House for Con
ynghnnr township nnd tho borough of
Centrnlin in Columbia County.
Tho Senate bill to exempt mortgnges
and bonds of the Bloomsburg Literary
Institute, issued for tho purposes' of
erccling'Stalo Normal School buildings,
from taxation.
Tales of the Living Aoe A
House irfk Cards ; by Mrs. Caslicl Hoey
Prico 7o cents.
This story 13 by;n newt .writer; but is
felicitous In stylo, 'nnd hns very great
interest in character and plot. The Loiv
don Jleview says :,
"iA now novel, .written by. nn un
known author, will always excite a ccr
tain amount of interest im the render's
mind. There is no knowing what may
bo in store, for. liilu. It is somowhat
like an investment in induing shares
tho chances are u thousand to ono
against receiving any return, but then
the .ono in n thousand is fortunato in
deed. Wo confess to having opened
th(Me volumes with despairing resigna
tion, but before tre closed them tec found
tee had drawn a me.
Wo shall look, with great interest for
itnothcrnovel from Mrs.. Cushel, Hoey 's
Tho foregoing was first published la
this country, in IAtlelVs Living Age, n
magazine Issued onco a week, nud con
taining tho best stories, reviews, criti
cisms, pqetry, isclentiflc, biographical,
political nnd other articles, gathered
from tho entire body of foreign period
ical literature. Littell & day, Publish
ers, 80 Broonitleld. street, Boston.
The. .Radical papers, praise General
Longstjcet ns n rebel who "cheerful
ly ncceptcd tho situation," mean
Ing, probably, tho situation of
tho Surveyor of tho Port of New Or
leans. There Is no doubt that plenty
of "ox-rebels't would cheerfully accept
similar situations. Cannot somo cheer
ful old rebel In Kentucky bo found who
will accept tho situation of Postmaster
at Covington '? Tho placo is put down
In tho blue-book as worth $3,1Q0 a year.
Grant's fjther has It.
"Patent jiiauT" men nro now
sivnrtulng' oyer thp country like the
.locusts of tho plains, seeking whom
tlioy piay'dovpur, 'They liavo g'pt to be
an actual, pest, and' should recelvo no
countenance from anybody. Bid you
ever hear of any ono getting his money
back on one of tho numerous inventions'
now .being" peddld"arourid tho country?
"Look sharp befoVo yon bdyi
A Washington correspondent men
tions as an honorable incident connected
with tho Into President, that "Mr. John
son nnd his family left the, White House
In very good condition, and did not car
ry off anything belonging to tho United
States." A day or two.nfter Mr. John
son left, ho was blamed for having car
ried off Ids private papers,, but wo bo
Hevo It is now admijted, lie had a right
to do that.
AtyONG tho wonders of tho ago, which
howevor, liavo ceased to striko tl(o peo
plo with wonder, Is nn order of Major
Gcnernl Stoncman, of tho United States
Army, deposing .the Governor of Vlr-
.gliilu, and assuming hU functions. This
is done in the nineteenth ccqtury, In
tiici uluety-rourtJi iyear,pr tho Jndepeii
denco of theso United States, and tho
fourth year of peacp.
The World Almanac Wo liavo
on hand nnd for. sale, this very, useful
nnd valuablo book for 1SG0. It contains
tho Acts of Congress, nnd important
events of the post yenr, crops of tho
United States, odlccrs of tho Govern
mcnt, full nnd compluto returns of the
Into election, and n thousand other items
of uso nnd Interest.' Prico 20 cents.
It Is now imdcrstpod that Attorney
uenerai loar, nas ucciucd mat tno ar
dohs.Issued by President Johnson, but
witnneid by President Grunt, wero lo
gal, and that such pardons cannot b'o
withheld; or f withheld, that the par
doned, can sec uro relcaso on habeas cor
pus. What vlll bo Grant's uext mis
Twentv-bix thousand dollars worth
of statues aud ornaments of different
characters and descriptions, arn now
being placed lu and about tho Whlto
Houbo, Would it not bo well for Con
gress to inquire who is to foot the bill.
The sale of valuablo timber land, lu
Centre township, advertised by Samuel
Neyhard nud J. W. Mlllor, to take place
March 20th, has boon postponed until
April 10th, nt 1 o'clock, on account of
tho Inclement weather.
Washington A civs.
; AVabhinuton, March 21.
'- the Ni:WjJrnNuitE-oF-OFFiOE nir.t.
"roportcil to-day by tlio Sennte Judiciary
ComraUtoo, ns anticipated In theso des
patches' lost night, and ns reported In
full cTsowli'ero, goes to tho limit of con
cession on tho part of tho Radical mem
bers of tho Senate, and gives up every
thing except' tho flnnl nsscnt of tlio
Sennto, In tho last stages, whereby to
consummnlo n rctnovnl. Tho President
may suspend nt will nnd without cause,
or statement of cause, nnd may nppolnt
whom ho pleases to tho places. He
must report tho names of successors to
those suspbndcd within thirty (lays
after the Sennto ro-nssentblcs, nnd then
that body must by nu nlllrmatlvo vote
resolvo to proceed to consider tho sus
pension boforo that suspension can be
come oven n question boforo them.
Thd Houso election committee, to-day
decided in favor of John Covcdo occu
pying tho scat in Congress' pending tho
final decision In his contest with Henry
D. Foster, of Pennsylvania. The vote
was fivo to four. Palno and Churchill,
the most respectable 'Rndlcais on tho
b6nimlttce,lvotiiig with tho Democrats.
It is said to bo determined that tho
President will nppolnt Colonel Ell S.
Pnrker, of his former stuff, to bo Com
missioner of Indian Affairs. Colonel
P. is u nativo "Red Mau," nnd is tho
snmo "Big Injun'' who couldn't bo
found on tho day of his appointed wed
ding, n year or two ngo.
Washington, Mnrch 23.
A rumor of tho death of ex-President
Johnson readied the cnpltol this after
noon, nnd created, a profound Sensation.
Inquiry, however,, failed to confirm the
correctness of thu report, atthough it is
said that the ox-President lias been
stricken with paralysis, aud that Doctor
N orris, of tho army, hns been tolegrnpli
cd for, nt this city, to repair, lo Green
yllle, Tennessee, to attend him.
it is believed there will bo a warm
contest lu the Sennto over.Longstrcct's
nomination ns surveyor of Customs for
tho port of New Orleans. Several prom
incnt, Radical Senators liavo declared
their dctorminntipu to defeat him, if
possible. Tho Democratic Senntors
httvc, nfter consultation together, de
termined to vote for his confirmation.
Washington, March 20.
wns nggravated by tho action of the
Houso, to-day. After very long debato
tho motion, to concur in tho amended
bill of tho Sonato was defeated by
veto of 09 nnys,,ngainst 70 yeas. Tho
square majority of 29 cannot bo over
come, and is mpro likely to bo increased
than otherwise.
representing tho Conservative nnd Had
leal elements in that State, Judgo Sum
morel, ex-Governor A. G. Brown,, nnd
Mr. Watson, of tho former, nnd .Judge
Jefferds, Cuptnln Flsk, nnd Major Wof-
ford, of tho lnttor, paid a visit ,to Prcsl
dent Grant. Tlio. President thought the
.best plan to quiet tho opposing parties
In Mississippi would bo for Congress, to,
authorizo the Constitution to bo again
submitted to the people, n separate voto
to be taken .on tho features objected to
by tho Conservatives,, and, that moan
time tho. present military commander
should control tho Stato.
Miss E. J. Ketcham, of Philadelphia
has bccil 'appointed to a clerkship in the
Treasury! Department. Miss Ketcham
is the first colored woman appointed to
a clerkship In any of tho departments
by tho new administration.
Information has been, received to
night from Grecnvlllo to tho effect that
ox-President Johnson Is very much
better In health nnd, is now out of dan
Washington, Murch 27
It is said that tho Secretary of tho
Treasury nnd tho Commissioner of In
tornal Revenue, with tho consent of the
President, liavo determined to mako a
clenn sweep of n number of Internal
revenuo officials in Pennsylvania, con
8lstlng of collectors, assessors, more
keepers, and gangers.
It is rumored that 'Mrs. Dr. Mary
Walker, after soveral applications, hns
received nn' answer 'from President
Grant that sho might have nn Interview
with him whcnover sho-wlil appear In
n dress becoming her sex.
Washington, Mnrch 29.
Senators Trumbull, Edmunds nnd
.Grimes compose tho Senato Committco
of Conference upon tho disagreeing
votes of the,, two houses upon tho. tenure-:
pf-offlcp act.) , The Houso had not up to
tho timp of tho adjournment, been inf
formed of tho action of the Senato.
A prlvnto despatch from Macon,.ro-
cplved hero to-night states that Aloxan
der H. Stephens, .formerly vice presi
dent of tho rebel government, is on his
Tlio President is unwell again to-day
and is receiving no visitors. Ho was
in his ollleo only n short time this morn
I n'g.
Washingt6n, March 00.
Tho Houso, td-day, passed n resolu
tlon providing for tho adjournment of
tho proscnt session of Congress sine die,
on xucsuny next, tno. utu Jnst. Tlio
Sennto will hardly agreo to this, nnd
it. i , ,..' . .. . . ...
inu eiiances nro mm tno miter oody will
extend tho tlmo n week or two longer
nt least.
Washington; 'Mnreh 31. '
TiioMIss'IssippI ulll, wjll fall.
Tho visitors at tlio 'Whlto Houso to-
day wpro considerably less than hereto-
iuro, ,
Tho Presldont spent most pf the day
oit doors walking.
Ahout 70.000 Odd Fellows nro expect
ed to participate In tho seml-ccutcnnlal
anniversary of the establishment pf tho
Order, which Is to bo held In Philadel
phia on tho 20th of April noit.
Two thousand eltlzenu of Indiana.
polls signed tho pledgo nt tho beginning
of tho year, and cloven of them nro be
lieved to huvo kept It thus far.
Tho Hon. TSdward Bates United
,"Mcs Atlornoy-Gcnornl under Prrsl
t A Lincoln, died In HI Louis on
Thursdny afternoon.
acucrnl Stoncman, on Saturday,
Issued nn order removing Governor
Wells, mid assuming tho duties of thu
ofllco himself.
There Is it bill before tho Pennsyl
vania Legislature forbidding tho em
nlovment of persons In Drugstores who
nro "not graduates of somo collego of
pnar m acy.
Another terrlblo' murder, coiinlcd
with tho crlmoof suicide, took plnco in
Philadelphia. A man named Blnck
stone killed his wlfo and two small chil
dren with nn nx, nnd then committed
sulcldo by throwing himself into tlio
Delaware River.
A Buffalo gentleman has received n
reward of fifty cents for finding nnd re
storing to its owner n pockot book con
taining $1,100. Another gentleman, of
tho same city, stopped n runaway horso
nt tho Imminent risk of his life, on
Wednesday last, and was presented on
tho spot with fractional currency to the
amount of ten cents. Such generosity
is exceedingly touching.
Tho heirs of Noah Webster recolvo
$2o,000 nnnunlly from tho snlo of his
Uloomsltiirc Market Ileport.
Wheat per bushel..... 1 00
Ryo " . 1 Hi
Corn " 91
Oats. " ......... 70
Flour ier barrel . 12 til
Cloverseed ... H U)
KlaxseedM.UMIHH.... H 2 W
Ilutler ii
KL'ttl - Zi
Tnl loir ............................ 12
Potatoes 1 ("I
Dried Annies H 2 61
Pork 12
Hams ft
Hides and Hhoulders U
Ijird per pound ............... 25
llay tier ton 10 vu
Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet. fid 0
Pine " " " (one inch). . Uniw
Joist, Rcantllng, Plnnk, (Hemlock) . 15 lJ
Hhlnglcs, So. lper thousand. Oi
"2 " " 7 111
Hiding " ft . .18 0i
No. I Hcotcll plg. t!2
No. 2 " " ... t(U
Uloom ..J3I
Light Street Markets.
Corrected weekly by l'eterEnt.wholefalo nnd
retail denier In grain, nonr & feed and general
Wheat tier bushel.......
Ryo '
Corn '
Iluclc Wheat
Wheat Flour per luu lbs
Iluclc Wheat Flour
.51 TO
. 1 10
. 1 M
. 1 CO
. "0
. 4 M
. 2f0
. 10
, 111
.. 2 W
. 2 20
,. U 03
, II 00
. a)
,. CO
. 7 Ul
. 3 00
Corn Chop,
Ilutler per n ,.,
Kggs per dor.
Potatoes pr bus
Dried Apples "
Flax Heed "
Hcer per 100 lbs
Porte , "
Ijird ' It
Unions per bushel..
Clover Reed ' ' ...
Timothy " " ....
Philadelphia Markets.
Northwestern snncrfiuo at i.'.Ooa 5.C."
Northwestern extra. "i.-Vicj) I:S
Nortliwesteru riunlly 7..V)(,il 7.74
Pennsylvania nnd W estern suiieiilue... S.oo,4lt.U)
Pennsylvania nnd Western extra 57538 0.75
Pennsylvania nnd Western, family ...... BJM&IIJM
Pennsylvania uud Webleru fancy 11 JUtaU.2i
live Uour .
W1IKAT rennsvlvan areil. bus l.oii!i,
California "
I3.1.VH 1.10
whlto "
Rye Pennsylvania rye, vbus
CoitN Yellow, "
Whlto, '
Oats bus
PuovisioNS Mem I'ork, v bbl
Aless Ueef, "
Dressed Hogs, Itb
Hmoked Hams 14
" Hhoulders V in
, , iJird.VlD.... ...
SKKbs Clovcrseed V bus
Tlmothysceu V bus.....HM....
Flaxseed 44
Cattlk lleef Cattlo 1 lb
Cows, ahead
HHKF.P alb
........ UIM
, t3X8M
Uocm-li 100 9m 516CiS17.SU
LKIDV VANPEIWLICK.-At the Parsonage of
li.o iLQv.u.i. kid,;, in wasningionviiie, on mo
eve of tUoaistof Ucc. lSG,Mr. I. N. Leldy to
fillip Columbia co. la.
AIIIiE5f AN BOSTON. On tlio 25lli the
M. E.' rarisonuge In Omiifievllle hy tha Ho v.
f oaron urowu, air, neuueu Appiemau 01 uen
ton.toillsa Amanda K. llostou of Fairmouut
Luz, co. lu
COLI-HTATTON.-In Orangevllle at the par
nonage, by He v. N. tjpear, Benjamin 1). Cole of
1ueu10n.10i.11ss unsauuan tsimiou, 01 ureeu
wood Col. co. l'a.
MAP ON CLIN EL On the 23 Jnst hv Ttcv. J. A.
Mel lie It, nt tho M.E. Parsonage at Uloomsbnrtr,
Wm. C. Ma&ou to Miba HcbeccA Jane Cllue. all
ItAUU-ZAUn. On tlio lilh tho Kev.Wm.
J, Kyer, Mr. Hlmon ltaub. of Cutawlttha, l'a. to
juss i!-ivinaz.arroi rranuun lownunip.
JOIINSON.-In Jit, Pieaajntou Mar. Slth, Jacob
johUbou,ngeu M years 4 months ana 20 days.
THOMAS. In Illoomsbnrir. on tho 22d ult. Qeo.
,Io Reamer Thomas, only bon of acharlah uud
Auuto ruomos, ugeu moutus, ana il uays.
REEDEU.-In Franklin twp., JIar. 23, 1M, nfter
unci iiiuusB, u. uruuioiu, sou oi iiuamj,
Rccder Esq., ned 17 years and 7 mouths.
"Leaves huvo their time to fall,
And flowers to wither at tho north wind's breath,
And stars to set but all,
Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O, death I"
A. mourning home, a vacant chair,
Tho oiio we lov'd so well, oh where
Oil where Is he, '
That stalwart though still youthful form,
That, late the glow oi health hath, worn
How can It be.
At borne, abroad, where'er ho went.
Ills presence always pleasure lent,
Tnoughtful was he,
Of other's happiness and Joy
Jle truly was a manly boy,
Kewlllio we see.,
Naught heard we o'er of language rude
Borne called him "coward," others, "prude,"
A man was he,
Ilo tcorn'd the tannltng sneers of those,
Who tho vile ways of vlco had chose,
Vlceless was he.
.Hit schoolmates all his loss now fee),
Ills brow thus mark'd by death's cold beal,
Hath oft In thought,
Mastered Uio problems of life, '
An d oft engag'd in friendly strife
, With the so who taught.
, Tho vacant soat oft claims our thought,
ho .blinding tears como hot for naught,
We miss him thero';
A'valtted friend, thou art not hero,
To slay the swiftly falling tear,
For one so (air.
If 0 mora thy (arm , will grace tho scenes,
Of old, that flll'd thy boyish dreams,
Thy bright oyo dim,
In death, no more will Hash and gleam,
No mere of victory wilt thou dream
O'erev'ry sin.
Kay Father shrink, not from tha blow ;
Thlno eldest born uo mora shall know
Of sorrow there.
And Mother weep not for thy son
Hoot far above ho beckons,"come,"
Ills Joy to share., ,
And Wilbur though thour't !of"louo
Thy brothers' spirits both havo tlowu
To Joys unknown.
Seek then. "The pearl of prico" that thou
May'st meet them whero they Joyous bow
Uefore Clod's throne.
Yes lltusronu RuAUin thou art gone.
No moro we see thy well known form,
In vain wo try.
To rcallte tho loss, thour't gone ' ,
And we are left thy loss to mourn,
To weep and slgK 1
Hut, and tiio thought brings peaeo and 'Joy,
Thour't where pure bliss bos. no alloy,
Thy harp doth sound,
The praise of him w ho died lor theo
Whose glories now e'er thou dest see
Praises redound
Then weep not lor the son so dear
There's one still left thy heart to cheer
Fprget htm pot.
Pit him to meet lilt brothers there,
Tune ye hit harp with greatest care,
Fulfil thy lot.
Then when thy work"on earth Is d6no,
Jtsi's will say, "up higher come,"
Thy sorrow o'er,
Tuoul't striko glad bands aud striko thy harp
With Joy, thou never more shall part.
No never more.
r'roml)lsieiualorjr of tlio United BUilcn.)
rnornnTira.-Tliclr tulor - It tlroim, rt imisl ,vc.
nnd somewliat nronmtlc, limit Unto bltttilsli,
MKmcAi)l'noriHiTiiM.tMiUsKS.--lliic "ilonvc;
nro Kcntly Btlmtilnnt, Willi a iimillur tendency
to tho Urlnnry OrRuiiK. -i,
Tlicy lire clveu in romplnlnltMlie Urlnnry
llladder, Morbid Irritation or tho Madder i; id
Uretlia,l)leMoottliol'roUfito Uland, nnd Uo
tentloiior incontinence of Urine, from n Ion or
tone in tlio )nrl concerned In Us orncun cm.
The remedy fins nlno been recommended I u J it
pepsin, nironlo Rucumnllsm, Cutaneous Alice-
UEi.MiioU'H lixiiUcT IlirciUJH used liy per
sons irom tlio ages of 18 to Hi, nnd from Jl to ,or
... . i. .UaIIiiii n nlm linii lit 1 1 fit nttPT (;i)11llUL,a
.un.UMnitr0ulnn nf t'liitniulirv KvnCliallOll,
Ulcerated or Behlrrous State of the Uterus,
Lcucorriictt, ur i into, ,
Diseases of tho llladder, Kidneys, Gravel, nnd
Dropsical Hwclllniis.-TUIs mediclno Increases
tlio rawer of Digestion, and excites the Absor
bents into healthy action, by which the Watery
or calcareous depositions, nuu nu ui utiti
largemenis are ruuuceu, ns wen iw ."
Hklemiiold'8 Extract Ruchu has cured every
case of Diabetes lu wiilcu li nas uceu B"f"i '
illation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of tho Kldiiej s
nud lllnddcr, Retention of Urlno, Diseases of the
ProstntoUland.tltonelu tho madder, Calculus,
(J ravel, Urlck-Dust Deposlt.nnd Mucus or Milky
ninclmrircs. nnd for enfeebled and delicate con-
. in mi ul inn iMfinir. ni inn mnutier. itiiu. i ..
slltutlous, of both tiios, ntteiidiil with the roi
lowing symptoms! Indisposition to I'.xertloii,
I,oss of Power, 1iss or Memory. Di llculiy o
iirouthlug, Weak Nerves, Trembling. Horror ol
Disease, Wakelulness, Diuiucss of V islou. Pain
in tho Jack, Hut Hands, Flushing or tho llody.
Dryness of the HUln, Eruption on the I ace. Pallid
Countenance, Universal Lnssltudo of tho Muscu-
larHelnibo(ds!'Extrnct lluchu Is Diuretic nnd
lllood-1'urllylnK.aud cures all Diseases arising
Irom habits of dissipation, excesses and Impru
dences In lire, Impurities of tlio lllood, Ac, super
seiliuK Copaiba lu nll'cctlons for which It is used,
such ns Uonorrhu'ii, Olccls of long stniidliig.nnd
HypllllltlO Alll'Ctlons 111 lllCKO diseases, used 111
counecllon with llelmbold'n. Itoso wash.
Bold by nil DrugsUts mm dealers everywhere,
Ileworo or couuieifelts. Ask for llelinliu d j.
Take no other. Prlco-tl.2i per liottle, or 0 bot
tles lor 80.50. Delivered lo any address. Describe
symptoms In all communications.
Address II, T. HELM BOLD.
sleci-eiigrnved wrapper, with fae-blinlloof my
Feb. 7.'C0-2m.
DO NOT Tltll'I.i: Willi DANGER.
A single spark may kindle n Ilnmo thai will
consume n city, and small nllincnls neglected,
may cud In fatal disorders. Hearing this bet i"
mUd, lot tho flrnt symptoms of debility or n'er.
vous prostration bo met promptly Uh Invigora
ting treatment. Foremost among tho vegetablo
tonlcsoftUoagosUndsII03TErTEIl'3 stomach
UITTEI19, and whenever tho vital powers seem
to languish, or thero Is any reason to suspect
tho animal functions essential to the sustenatlon
aud purification of tho body are Imperfectly per
formed, thlslnvaluablolavlgorant and antiseptic
should nt onco bo resorted to. Indigestion always
produces weakness of the bodily powers. Homo
times it happens that tlio nppellto demands moro
food than tho stomach can digest; though not
more, perhaps, than Is refpilrod to keep up tho
full Btrength of tho frame. Tho object, under
such circumstances, Is In Increase the dlgestlvo
capacity of tho assimilating organ, so as to mako
It equal to the duty Imposed upon it by Iho ap
petite, aud capablo of supplying tho building ma
terial of the eilem as fast ns II Is required. This
object Is' fully accomplished by tho nso of tho
Bitters. They tono nnd gently stimulate tho
cellular membrane which secretes the gastilo
Jutco nnd tho result is that Iho solvent Is min
gled wlththofoodln hufflclent quantity to con
vert all Us nouilshlng particles Into puro nnd
wholesome clement. If, on tho other hand, there
Is a deficiency of appetite, without any corres
ponding deficiency of dlgestlvo power, the effect
or tho tonic Is to stimulate n dcslio for rood. In
nlnetocn cases out or twenty, headache, nausea,
nervousness, falnting-llts, spasms, and, indeed,
mottof thocasual aches nud pains to which ha
mnnlly Is; subject, proceed primarily from In
digestion complicated with biliousness; nnd for
both theso complaints HOSTETTER'ljSTOMAClI
HITTERS nro recommended ns nspeedy and cer
tain remedy.
Tim rr..iinrlnnrr.hln heretofore exist Intr betn'i'OU
Montgomery Cjle and Ezra, O. West, nt Cole's
Creek Columbia county l.t ns merchants In
Dry Uoods, Jrocerles, rrovlnlons.ete.explred by
mutual consent on tlio tth of March Itoa.
The business wilt by continued at the old stand
by tho undersigned, who will settle all ouUtand
iug uecounts ot tbe late linn,
MON'lUOMiniY con:,
Colo's Creelr, Apr. EUU-lt.
Notice U hcrebv clven to nil nerHons lntendlnii
to apply lor Llcenne to Keep a Hotel, luu, or
Tavern, that they must, previous to hald appli
cation, havo tho ashehsor of tho rcsnectUo twp.
or lloroimli, make au tbtlmale and assebsmtntof
the yoarly rental value of tho house proposed lo
be .o kept, and of the amount of annual bales of
uiiugrn, uuu rt'iurn mo buiuu iu uiu iuiiij
CommUtdouerH. Asbesborj are reiue&ted to per
form Hit dn'.y,
11-... 1' ...n.'.. 1 K.r Plni-V
1IAV11) YKAOKll V Com'
npr. JJ.VO-it,
V11I bo hold nt the residence of the subscriber
inCatnwisNa townslilnouMouday tho nineteenth
day ot April liU'J the following property to wit :
a lot of Milch Cows, lot of young cattle, two wag
gons, one sled, plow, harrows, aud cultivatnis.
one wind mill, forkn nnd raUcs.corn, wheat, oats
aud ltotatoes, u lot of vinegar, a lot of
uo a lot of
together with n large variety of other articles too
tedious to mention.
Bale to commence at 10 o'clock A, M., of f-nld
day when terms will be mado known by
mar2tXGs-3t Caluwihwi, l'a.
ritlli LI3T AT I. W. IIAIllMAN'S.
Itecelved,.I3ult all sizes
call and seeut
IIEETINQ 4-1 0-1 & 10-1 WIDE
AT I. W. UAllTMAN'.-i
htai'lu a 00 as, can in-; had
the Dlslrlct Court of the Uni
tea Hlutes for the Western District of l'eiiiikylva
nla, lu the matter of Iouard 11. Ilupert's, 'st, u
bankrupt. To whom It inav concern! Theuuder.
signed hereby give uollra of his apiioluiiucut
us usslcnea of fonard 11. Itunerl. of llloom
incut, or iJibor Pains s Ued-WctUng 1" children.
Innirecllouspeculiarto females, tho Extract,
lluclm is uneiimlcd by nny other remedy, ns In
C'lilorosls, of Retention, irregular ly, Pa nut-
towuslilp.. In the county of Columbia, und Utute
of I'euusylvuuta, who liusbeeuadJudKedu banU.
rupt M his own petition, by the District Court
of said District. Dated at llloomsburir. the etli
day of Jan., Isttt. V. U. DAltKLEY,
Mar, 1 J.'OV-SU Asslljuoo,
.... 1 1 it itr i Itt.-. v t . lUTATt!.
Tho undorslcncd, Kxeoulnr rilia hut will nud
l"iiVi"i.U enmity, lV,l,y,!!,l'M,n'5nnViY
Dtiiiwn in s.i e, by pub o vendue, nn liunwnyi
ai fuStli, ' ntl! 'clock in tno nri.;riiopu,iho
m li vlmi described IWali;, lit will .
n act N". I. All that certain met of land,
.in, i , riivlnlliilniilowmhlpSeliiiy Itlllroiin-
Ul Y.l.l, ll.ll. . ........
iv nmi urn li v lu llenvertwp.,t.'nliiii'la county.
b!n!.c,V.'n!HlesJlbed ns follow..' IW""
a oiicsliiiu unit u ""V1 i,,; p,?i,v lands
W&WX.Xi ?nlcV'byf
vis. ' llisovcnly-lwi; nnd a half degrees e st
theme by muds or Iho same north oi o nnd it hal
y.lourTwrcues to a gum! thence south "eyeutjr
seven nnd it half Uegieus east s d
''!.. Y,y.r . .inriiM to ii stone ! thence squill
sevciileulhandnhalf degrees east one liunu itu
and foruy-llireo nud lour-lcnUis re'ehes to a.
cl Mtnut oai Ihencosoullilllty-ouoimd
degretstwest ninety perches . W "ft1 "l',t
tlifiiceuorth seventyaHonndn halfdeBiecswosI,
llireeliundrodundsoventy perches to tho plnco
. .1 . .l.nii nminl U'lllcllls sltun'
. ii. iti.inn tmiiuhln. Hehuylklll county, uy
many this Is known ns tho"lfcirner Tract." il"
tl,'.!?. !' ' llilSlcV1 ... nleco of laud ly.
. ... .'..'...,l IxlllflllCll lllld flO
BCUbcJ ns follows!' Jicglunliisatnl'oston land
ol James M'Nenl, (now land of Garret v mi
maragcul,) souill onu nuuuruu uuu !;"'.'"
nuu lllie-llliii uu.i;ii . ... .....j - -. ,
ly-slx perches to n pines thence by vacant land
bouth seventy-threo nnd onc-hnif degrees lust
t ireo hiinurcunnu sixiy-iwu '"",r.i7i
I l.t vnnnnl Inml llflW I K L 10 D.lVlS.J
nurlh ono hundred andslxty-scvcnand one-hair
Uegrees east one unnuriu uiiu.iiiuii--. '
or heretoore OoorKoDallas.Jnonhsoveiity-ihreo
and one-half degrees west three hundred and
sixty-two pcrcnes to tiio piaco oi oi;b""""B'
AliD unr.-ruuaiu avi.wi
moro or less, It being Hie snmo piece , of land
...1.1..1. ...n u.;i,i iiv tin. r!oiiiniissioni:isoi Uolum-
bUotinly.ror laxes July Ullli. IMS, and bought by
Cliai les V. Jlniin und W.i. ll urley. lor which tho
II...., in.,11, till' F. Mlllltl. Utld belUL- Ull tbilt
nirt (il lour hiiudiednnd eighteen nnd one-rourlh
acres ns lies in Columbia county, or a tract ot
land surveyed loriuuiei iiees uy viriuo oi u u.
rant dulea thoilid day or January A. D. 1701, una
beiiigthosamu plceo or land which Charles J',
Mnu did by his ludeutuio dated tho 8U1 day ol
-ii... a i. ij-,4 ......inv in llurtriii W. Iurtuer.
litAur No. 8, All that curtain pleco or land
sltiiiuu In Union twp. Mehuylklll county, bound
ed nnd described as lollows: lleglnnlngiitaslono
i ii ii.iininiii,. liinds of Isaac Davis and lluglies,
Itehrlg & Puxtuii, thenco north sovelltj -live ami
oiie.luirdrgrets east nnu hundred nnd ulno-
or l'eter Foos north six una one-hall degrees ciu.1
sixty three and foui-leulhs perches tu a wl"tM
iinii H4 i,ii'fii inn iii'iniiicji : ini-uuu hiuiik ...i.i.n
oau: meucu iituu mum .v...... ...
i..,,m,ii nmi ntin.hHll ileurecs west one hundret
und foity-ono peuhes tuftstoiio heap: thenco
south foity-elulit nud one-hair degrees east
eighteen and eight-tenth pelciies lo llio piaco uo-
gluilns, containing
Tii mrKn. I. All that certain lileco of land
Hlluulu Inllutvirlwii, Columbia county.bouuded
ana ucscrioeu hh ioiiowsi jit-guiuuiK ut,., imjh,
lnn,t nf Ikihi!. ll.iVN. liortll SOveiUV-tWO ttlld ,
half degrees west onu liundiea und eighty ono
perehes to n stone; thenco by land o! Daniel Itees
norlh nineteen degrees oast ono hundred nnd
titty perches in n stone; thence liy land of Isaac
ll.ivln nnrl ti tw(?ntv-oljlit tlourcea vot ninety-
two perchi'H lo u sumo; the nee by laud of Isaac
imvi'i nui in mu nnu u mm urftitvo cask iiiMv-iij-one
anil n half iereue to the placo of beginning
lthelnKthosatnotractof laud which Hazel Then,
mnvowul to Jsiuie It. Davis by (teed ami Asslcn
mcntitatcd August lUtli. A.IU45J,uud a Her ward
appraised lo Catharlno A. Davla widow of Ifibaa
1U JJIIVJH, Jllio Ul juuuvui utiriweu, 11a f.n i ui
lier hluiru of Isaao It. lUvis,deccasod, est. uuo ho
under the tlirco Hundred uoiiar exempli on act,
nmi Mm KJiiiio trnct whifh the said CatliarlnoA.
invli deeded to llurton WM'ortner by her Iiv
denluio dated way am, a. u. ism.
Tim nlwtvo landn aro In close nroxlntltr to Cat:
wlssa tlrcelc, and the Catnwlsaa lto;ul runs
inrougii poriiuus oi lavin. uuu 11117
bp.liiir unlv- & ni Ilea from Shenandoah OltV.
nilltb j 10 in Mahauoy CUy, and 11 miles from
Ashland. Tho nrotwrty U well thnbvied wltk
J toe It Oak, Yellow Fino and Plteti 1'ino, Miltablu
for Framing Timber. Wood, uaiK, lt.i;. bills, eto.
CoNntnoss or Bai.k. One-fourth of thepnr-
cnafcc money to no nauiuown ; ouo-iourin lawi
terckt. bud wttli appiovexl security, rurchascni
are requtted to meet nt Ilehrlg'H Hwlteh. at tho
time appointed for tUealo tobvt'fn, when que
UouKaHtotho title, and other inattera will be
saturnctorliy nnawureu,
Mar. 12,'u9-3t. lxocutor
Tho New Yolk Times, started In September,
lsji, nas mr many years ueen recognizeu i
usainonir the most successful, and li
lluentlal nowpaners In tho country. It Is still
uuuer mo couiroi uuu management ni lis origt
mil lounders. who. with meiillv increased ic
sources nnd cxperlcnee,wllIsp.tro no pulus to ex,
tenu and strengthen lis claims upon tho conil
denco nnd support or the mibllo.
In Its political discussions nud preferences the
Times Is Republlcau, and supports the ordinal
principles una loaillng measures of that party as
on tho whole best calculated tosecuro tho peauo
uuu prumoio me tirosperiiy oi uu sections Ol on
common country. It was umnnir tho llrst tn ud
vocalo tho nomination uud election of General
Oiunt lo the I'lesldcncy, and will sustain, with
nil Iho ability It can command, the principles
ana policy in ins Aiinunistrntion.
The 'limes will insist upon Uelorm In all branch
csofihu public service, economy in llio ndmln
lstiatlou of llio Government, the payment o
the nubile debt and tho maintenance of 11m null
He credit, the adoption of equal and impartial
homage, me removal or useless political uisa
unities: tho nieservntlon ot nejiee. tno cluvn.
tlon of labor, the vindication of our untlonnl
rights, and, in cencral. such mcasutcs ns will
streiigihen onr Republican Institutions In tlio
coullueucu of our own people, and commend
Ihuu to t ho respect nud admfruliou ottho rest or
tho world.
Its Correspondence, by Telegraph nnd Jjy Mall
irom nil prfiisof the world, will bo lull, prompt
reliable aud Interesting. In this respect It will
maintain tho high reputation It lias thus larch
its Reports of proceedings in Congress aud
in the blalo Legislature, of' the liw Courts,
social, political and literary ussoclallons, public
meetings, nud of whatever else may enlist of nl
tract the public Interest, will be proiiured with
care and with special uttent Ion to the convenlcneo
and Instruction of the body or the Reading Tub
lie. In lis Commercial, r'inauclal, Real Estate
and general Market llepoits, special pains will
be taken to embody the latest news, lu tho most
rellablo nnd acceptably, lorni,
A Literary Department will be ina!ntalued,ln
which will be given Reviews and notices of all
tho Important aud Interesting Issuesof the I"ress:
aud the l'luo Arts, Including Mulc, Iho Drama,
palming and sculpture, will iccelvu .caretul at
tention at the hands or competent aud experi
enced critics.
Tho Editorial Department of the Times will ho
devoted to tho Intelligent, temperate und useful
discussion of the current events tho day, in every
department of public activity and interest, with
the general aim of Instructing uud guiding tho
public miud rather than exciting public passion
or ministering ton morbldcurloslty. Special caro
will betaken to exclude everything which can
deprave the inoruls.or lower the taste of tho great
body of Intelligent renders.
Tho Times lbsues three editions, all of the very
largest sl,0, on largo quarto sheets, each oontaln
Ing fjlu-'tx columns, printed In clear and leglolo
type, ul tho following rales :
HAIL suiiscBinciuj.
Tlio Dally Times, per annum .J 12
Tho pally Tlines, exclusive of holiday Kdlilon.dlu
'1 ho Semi-Weekly Times, ono year 3
The Hemi-wt ekly Tlines, two copies, oue year t5
1 ho Weekly Times, ono year ,. fl
Klvo copies ,
Ten copies w t
Those prices nro Invariable. We have no tiav
eliiigiigenis. Remit In dralls an New-York or
l'oit oinee Money Orders If possible, and where
neither uf these can be procured send the money
In a retrhrlcreil leitcr. All postmasters are obliged
to register letters when lequested to do so, uud
tho system Is un absolute protection against
losses by mull. Address
Times Olllce, New-York,
Member or Iho Pennsylvania Agricultural Socle.
ty.Aiaorlcun I'oinologlcal Society, l-uunsilva-ula
llurilcuiturnl Society, etc., etc.
faecreltiry Muss., stato Hoard of Agricultuie.
asij oriiLit riucilCAL AquiCuLruiiAi.
uiu i Kits,
.... . . HUHJECTS!
.r."? Lny'ne Out aud Construction orsione and
. lB Drains, llio Theory uud I'rsclleo ur l'low
'"e. iho llnsbandtng and Application or
MUllUreS. TllH I'lirOllllH niwl t f L . . I . 'm o.i.hI..,
I erlillzers. Tho Selection, Use, nud Core ol lin-Iileiuuuts.-The
Culture or nil lIieUrulu,Orasses,
Cereals, and Hoots. The Cultivation or special
Crops, such ns, Cotton, Tobooco. Hops, Flax,
Hemp, etc., etc. The llreedlnit and Management
iif Slock of all kinds, IIoiseB.Catllo, Dairy BtocU,
Sheep, Hwluo,, Uoats, I'oultry, uud lleeSf-'J ho
syiiiptoius of every Disease of Doniestlcr Aul
inuls, wltu Plain, simple, and Haslly Obtained
Remedies. Fruit Culture In oil Its Ilrauehesi
Apples, I'ears, reaches, I'iurus, Cherries, small
f mils, Urupo Culluie.aud WlnoMaklug Mur
act Ouidculng, Furmers' Gardens, Vegetables.
Melons, etc. FariHllulldlugs, Houses, llama.
Sheds, ribcep Hums, Stables, l'gger(es and l'oul
try Houses. Domestic Economy, Receipts of all
Kinus. Domesilo Medicines, the Symptoms' of
Diseases of Children and Adulls.witU Wain Di
rections for llio Trealiaeutf Diseases.
n., , 0 9,.N D I T I ON H. .
The Work will eoutulu over BEVKN'.iiuxniiKU
amo rmv oitavo i-auks.ou heavy tuiier. lu
new type, und will be illustrated with
by Sartuiu uud other artists, una will be furnUUed
lo those only whu order It or our agents.
M. C. M'COLLUM. Dluotusuurgra.
Ageut for Columbia County,
neatly executed at TuxCol- uxbian Staua
'rmllui omoe.
pOUItT IMtOOnAMATlON. I'.iwcih pi.
mine or thu omrt of Oyer nmi Tolmii,.
'Iierai.inil iionvery, uonrun tiiiiuer v
llio I'oacuntid (Jotirtol tAiiutnou I'd.,,
uli'ri i:.lrt III tho aitll Jll llelul li,.,.!"."
iHised lit III,) niiiullcs of Uolumliin, Hiiliiv '
WyiuiilUK. and tho Hon. Irani Durr iinj V.
Ilerueiu, Asioeiaio juuiies or uninmhi, :
invo Issmsl tlielr piecepl, iMnilnmiat: n
day of y ell. in tno eur or i,ur i;,tJ
iiiousiinu, niHi. ....... mi. mi,, nixijiniae
modlieeled lor ho dlnuinjoiiilor wjvr iui
miner nnd Uenerai uuitrter HesslonJ i.r if." ,
and llrplian's Court, nnd Court of Uomiu,,,,
U lUOOIiiiiiuiK. I1 i"w vuitniy Ol lAlllllnl,,
l,n 11 rat Momtny. bellnr t bo thlr,l h.-".1?1
uoxt tocontlnuo ono week.
Notlco Is hereby given, uitho Coroner i
Justices or tho l'enee, nnd tho Constables ,
said county ur Columbia, thnt they be 11,.
1,1 ilt.l. hrnnnr tiorami i! I,. ...r V,e
forenoon of snld third day oi Way, witliiL
ords, Inquisitions nnd other reiuombra I
ilothosothliiBS which to their unices on .
to bo douo. Aud thnso that are buiA,
recognlrjinco, to prosecuto aualnst 11,;
oners that lira or may bo; in t10 jmi
thero to prosecuto them ns slinll bo jfj
rors nro icuuestcd to bo punctual In theirs'
ftuee.ngrceably tothelruollces. Dated ntlM
H. of our Lord, ono thousand eloiVi
drodnnds xtv-nlnc. nmi i,,u..r''
second year of the Inilepcndeneo or tho i
Blates of America. JilOltUlX'AI JIIIXii'
.11 ...ul.i.r. A r- n lUJHI ".ll.
U,WnH,S, ..r..,
lierwica jiieiiu L,io.viuii.
llloom Wm. livans. l'ettr llillmior u,
Ilarlon. .......
Heaver .Micnaci iiiiiennouse, Thoniu
llentou l'eteer Koso,
llrlarcreelt Isaiah Mellck. Win. Wiitn
Centre llllllnutou Ruckle. l'
Ceutralln Jonu M'Ponald,
Fraulcliu James Kcster.
r'lshlngcreek Nathan Vleckenstlne,
clreenwuod Win. Eves. Join I.m,.. n-
DnvH. l'mukllii Derr.
daCKSOU W IIIKIIU .Uilllllilljr.
Locust (Jerallower, Lewli l-'iihrliiicr
Mndlson John lleiderkhot.
.MIUUn-Albert C. Millard.
Maine John J. (iearhart.
Mt, ricusant Isana Cillp.
Heott Cuas. 11. Dicttcrlcll.
llloom Joun jv. uiriuii.ij.mici A. lleekl,
L. MUanuoll,' Win. O. Mhuw, Win. ISrasraa.
Weuner, Joun A. l' uuslou, Oeo. W. Cot3
llenion itonr pi-iienry. I'lirinaiihinith
Heaver lluurv lillidurliter.lhuac K'lin..
D.ivld ll.ivls. J ueob llari lacr.
llenvlclc Jllnini It. llower.ltlchardTl, ..
Clarence O. JacUsiin.
llrlareroen joniunan y. jxne.
Couyuguam William Williams, m
Cuiawihsa unas. uanman, j.icob I: t
Ic'iedulclt l'lialcr, WallerMcott, I'eierKm
l!i,iitie lleurv D. Kuorr. FrL'tl'Ic. it,.,
Cyrus Uooue, John Vvutts, John lloilmjo,'
Slower, i in. miner, win, jiui, ueoruoLl
Centi alio Allred J umes.
rlshluscrcek John Andrews, Crui ft,
Isaac Labour,
r'ran kiln John Arllcy.
Urecuwood Samuel II. Klsucr, Ilolnrtl
Hemlock John O, Nclras, Win. Am
Lewis H. jlurtman. Win. llowcu. "
Jackson Kiederlck; Wile.
Ixicust Augustus Chcrlugton.RubcnFah
Ellas croasy, Oliver Evaus, Henry v. i
Wm. Kink. ' 1
Madison Wrn. Dllldlno, James Wcllln
II. M'llrldo. Win. 11. Demott.
MlUlln-Alrred W. Hess, Wm. l'elli v
Heller, Oeo. llrown, Stephen Dietlerlck
Maine John Nuss, Win. T. Mhuiiuin '
Montour Haiuucl Ucedy. '
Mt. l'leasant Wm. Uiuim.
Oronuo Daniel Kline, Jonatlian l'omt
Hayman, Michael U. Vance.
l'lno Samuel Mn9grnve,Thonias MT.rii
1'. Lyon,
Roarlngcreek John D. Houck, Jndah C
Scott John Ent, James Meredllli
sugarloaf Alexander Klluser. IOz.Ma
Miles sutnrr.
In testimony that tho foregoing lcir
drawn lroin tlio wheel, nnd eutero,! ap
minutes of tho olllcc. wo havo hereunto
hands ana seals this M. day of Marea A.
Wm. Uiuckiiauu, Cleric.
Mordeeal Millard, Rte
A. II. 16l.
William Davis vs Marjarct llrlmany.
Tho WestBrnncrs lusurauco Co. 8ii
Kuwnrn iiri;aii ei ni vs jonn Mwee tier.
Thomas J. Vanderslico vs Robert lloua
Lnvina Davenport vs William Klluittp
John Coleman vs Michael Crouuu. i
John Cooper vs Daniel Hower and Is
John uuroy vs wm. is. sterner.
Conyuglium township vs l'eter L.KI1&,
Isauo begely vs James W.Saukey. 1
Abraham Young vs Jncob Woollier. ;
Charles 1U Grecu vs l'elcr Hclittg. 1
Samuel llcnner vs John Hlntcrllter. 1
Lucas N. Moyer vs Geo W. Collainer, J
D.ivld Lowls Guardian or the lain 1
Hess doe'd. vs Collins Butlltr, ,
Win. Ikelcr vs jonu uavago el nl.
A. 11. Erasmus vsMathew WynkoorCi'l
kee of Henry Ulcer.
Joseph Thomas vs Joan Ilnun. 1
Potcr Appleman vs SUaa F. Kuriis. i
Christiana Fox vs John Jones; '
Henry J.Yeaple vs Isaac Drum Alcrnti.
I lenry J. Yeaplo vs Isaac Drum A tcrre I
Rudolph Shuman vsUeo. llrelslt. I
Chas. ICrelsher vs Henry Knapp.
John Applegato vs Thomas l'ulk
John Applegato vs Thus, l'olk.
Simon C ShTvo vs Hannah E Armstn; .
William Nugent vs D.F. Saybcrt. I
Nathan llrothers vs Henry A. Weldeac
Henry Gable vs l'eter Hower und line. 1
Austin Church vs Andrew Clark.
Jcsso D. Klen vs Nathan Cromls.
lteubeu 11. King vs Kllsha II. 1'urxcll. 1
Joseph U, Lelby vs The Townsiilpc-fi .
ham. i 1
Robert Gorroll vs Barney McUrearly, :
Etl ward Fmgeson vs Columbia Cuuul;.
Edward Sheall'er vs Columbia Count?, i
Samuel Richard vs Columbia County. "
Henry James vs Columbia Couuty. 1
V. Welchcl vs John F. Caslow. ,
Gideon Arndtvu John U. Lelby. .
Geo, Mmgessor vs Jacob Yoke Jr. i
Robert S. Hampton vs Richard Watt,
Thomas lleulleld vh Umlali CluunOttU.
Daniel S, Laubachvs liwry Cole. .
A. it J. Relnoehl vs ldickawauus SI '
burg R. It. Co,
ueorge . iu vs iv m. rcuuj iit,
Alexander J. Colly vs Allna i Cole, m
hereby given to all legaUes, eredi"'
oilier persons Interested In thoestntinl '
spccllve decedcnbi and minors, tlialllK .
lug administration nnd guurdi.m accoi.
Leen tiled lu Ihe ollleo ot tho Urguler r
bin county, nud will bo presented lort .
tlon and ullowanco In tho Orphiins'io'-,'J
held In llloomsburg, on MouUuy, the U- .
May, laOJ, ut two o'clock in tho ufleruwf
dlL First und final account of Jot
guaidlau of Almlra Karnes Als-I
12. Second and tlnal account ol Jolia i
ex'r or Hsniuel Malher late or Oretuy
il. Account of James llurtou ex'r el J. "j
gerlateorMoutourtwp. dee'd.
4. First nud llnal account of Ilobert
goiucry iidmr. of Robert MoutgoiiiiT) '"
wood deo'd. . . ... "i
5. FInul account of Benjamin Alia ,J
of Daniel O. Ent Into or orange trp. J
e. First uecount or l'eter Eut ex r.ollj
Montgomery of Orange twp. dee d. .
7. Flist nccouut of l'eter Lnt snJ JJ
Melllekndnir. of W.W.Melllckorbco- jL
K. First aud llnal nccouut of bi'J'Sr
ndmr. of George A. llowniau late of Ji-'i
"v. Account of Ezeklcl and Gooreo f".'.'
John FrIU late ol twp. dee 11 .it
in. Account of E. T. IJender uiliur. eli
Yaplo late of Flshlngcreek twp. dec i re
11. Final nccouut of Moses llartuiM f, .
or James Harlmau dee'd. , . .A
1J. Flist and tlnal account of MVk
admr. of Johu Huttou late of CiulKW
la. second account of Thomas LW"
admr. or Ell Crevellng late of Scoll i
11. Account of Ell Crevellng die
Abbott tiled by Tho. C"T
ndmr. or Ell croveluig deo'd. ,i"
15. Flist und tlnal account of W"J" i'
udmr. of George Miller lateol Main if
IB. Account of Jacob Mclllck una HJ,t
rle ex'rs. of Andrew Melllck lute.el ',,
twp. deu'd. . , h --H1'
17. Final account or Peter I;fJf.SJI
ex'r. of JoUu Luubach late oi UeuMW
IS.. Account of Samuel NeyhardsilniJt
I'ller late of Scott twp. dee'd: , u
I1H. Aceouutof l'eter Eut. adrar. ii " t
with the will annexed of Richard Hu
twp.d.c'd. j.aFBtA
Bloomsburg April 2, 1S69. ' U ?
Tho following appraisements i of rJ
sonai properly set upurt io 'y,uV itT,
iuvo ueeu uieu in lue u,..iw ,Y:,,;u(,f iiI
iilumblu couuly.under llio Uu Its
will bo presented for absolute L "R!Zf
tho Orphan.' Court to bo he id in lj.
May, lua ut two o'clock r. rfi -SJ
exceptions to such coullriiiallons n" 1, 1
riled, or which nil persons lutcruw jj.,
estates will take notice I . m
1. Widow ot Ellsha Albcrtsou, ei t
'WldLw of AlcxauderW.llcs.of C'-M'
deo'd. , r MA
3. Widow of C, 11. Relfssnydci-.
twp. deo'd. ,rnpiiii','r
4. Wlduwof Samuel Mears,oiLMu":fo
fl fcVWow or Johu K. Eves, uf one" au
Widow of William WarJIn, o'll
deo'd, ,f.ire
7. Widow of l'lilllp Baltic. riC'n Je05?t
Widow of l'atrick Douuelly.e'1-"" It
U? vttdow of Jacob Goho, of MJSJf'jK
lo. widow of Abraham jmh.-
twp. deo'd. J01,N 0,1
Bloomsburg April 2,liiilii,
Wyomlus; i.....i,.n
JStuo. H
Fulton ...........
Norlh America.,
City. ,
Merchants ......
Farmers' Dauvllle,...
Albany City,
lAncaster City.........
V.ipL- linn,,, nni, A. Tlift
....M'"""-' tit
Home, New Haven.. ' t'
Dauvllle, Horso Thelt '""";,. 1