The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 02, 1869, Image 1

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1 11,9
Jl Itlltf1
leal ctrp
led ovory Friday morning
iolumblnn IhllldlliL' war tliu
.. u't.rjJ! mi-m' T-i-r Tin n tinnnwlttiiv
i'lVwEnbr and Proprietor.
Ji,'"'TKM9. Two dollars n year, pnya
'lybe ICadvanco.
' idB'PniNTINQ of nil descriptions
bxecnted with neatness nnd tlisintcli(
nt rcospndblo rates.
dealer In ttoves A tinware, Main
court house. vl-nl-1
Ailt'HtltT.ttT, aloVci ninl ttn
. block. Main hL wont or Market.
1 u.;.t
. '.ffrOV
ui D.
door above American linuxu.
J"' WIRMlli:KI.IN,wlKilcnloftMlrfUHrtil.
. r lu cloUilug.ctc; llartiimii's building, Main
i"'NPMOYEK, druiiglst and apotliecory. Ki
ll, chamta Mock Mulu t. vl-u!3
BP. XX5TT." druggist nnd apothecary,
. block, Main St., west of Market
1 nimr noutheostcoruer Main and Iron stn.vl'nU
wnir n nun cujcii iiiui..-r.
hHAVAUr. ii. hi- ........ .
l, jeweiryvtmain su, jusi
T CATHCABT, watch and clock raakor, Market
ru, ueiow aiain.
GH, DROWN, boot and shocinaker.Maln st rect
,'opposlto Court Home. vl-ull
80LLEDER,manlifactnrcr and dealer In hoot
ana nuoea,uninsi., oppoaito r.piscoi.ii;iiuiiii
i . - i, vi-ni.)
SENRY KLEIM. manufacturer nnd dealer In
boots nnd shoes, groceries etc., East lllooms
rg Main at. vl-nll
41 rv AVID I1ETZ, boot and thoomakcr. Main St.,
) beW Uflttuiau'n store, west of Slarket street.
JR. EVANS, M. D. surgeon ana phyaiciau soiun
Ida Main U below Market. vl-u!3
;TR- D.V. Kinney s
i ft Lt ed without pain.
suraoon dentist, teeth extract
Main su, ucuriy opp
Episcopal Church.
i T B. M'KELVY, M. V. surgeon and physician
" ' J nortl aide Main St., below Market- vl-n 13
i TC. RUTTER, M. D. surgeon and 1'hyslclan.
'""I 'J Market it.; above Main. vl-uia
R. It. a HOWER, surgeon dentist, Main St..
Move court house.
13 Kt B.ROBI80N, Attorney-at-Law, Office Harl
nnd . .man'a bnUdlng, Main Btreet. VJ-n3)
', 'n (ftIKELER,,2dllnor
CitOrtu la Jxcuango jiiock, neur iiiu
Exchange HO-
' ,,rtlilLLIN.ERY & FANCY GOOD3.
DARKLEY. milliner. Hamsoy
halloing, Main st. vl-nl3
i .:HIf A. IVWEBH, fancy goods, notions, books,
1 'flll stationery, north side Main street below Mar
it ilnkeU ..mi vl-nl3
off,!? PETEIIMAN, millinery and fancy goods op
El noalU Episcopal church, Main st. vl-n 13
ill cloaks ana 'urcss pattornj, souiueast corner
Mainland -west st.
-ll!00d Malnst,. opposite Court House, vl-ull
IfRS. M. B. PUIIMAN, milliner. Main st., below
91 Hprtman's store, west of Market st. vl.I I
I1HB MlHaESJ 1IABMAN millinery and fancy
0 UcsirJ. KOuus,Aiain sticctjust uciow Aiaenaiu uouru.
J I.EACOClt! oyster and eatlns saloon, Ameri
can louae, Main St., Bultcer Uacock superlu
indent.:."! ft " vl-nO
IITIDMYEH'A JACOBYconfuctlonry, bakery,
rt ' - . ,rf;r: 7m..." . .a ...
l un, nvKtAr sainnn. wnoieiUiiA anil ruuiii. 1'jx
Lllumango uiock; Main bi.
FOX'AiWrvBB; confectionery, bakery, and oya
ter saloon: Whotosaio and retail, MalnsU, Just
jelow Iron;
by Koous & Clark, Main
U it., opposjUCQUrt house.
p;iiMEBIOAN llOU8E,byJoiiN Lkacock, Main
"li. at., weal oi iron street.
0 noUKBfatfTkli, by O.W. Mauokk, east end of
ecr)tn BTOIINEK! refreshment saloon.Malu st.,Just
, nor D, above conrt house. vl-nlJ
1 Iulo f i
itryanAIT'OONS' A'CLAKK, refreshment
. 04 tilv change hotel.
saloon. Ex-V1-1U3
nt r-. '
far in m, . .
v! n. JACflBS,.C4nectloncry,
groceries eto Main
ioso c 1 U awve wu r i. iiousu,
ti nur ,ii .... i'h' l i
itorBst- U.'MittEni dealer in dry
i Ti,ncit,.JeeuwfeI flour, salt, sin
,l.3 "friTiidln blocV. Slain street.
goods, groceries,
es, notions, etc.
utccurc!- 7jt,7t":7., r.rrJ '
urct- "i ; i.i "i ,
''".'IfMrKELVT VEAIj & Co., dealers in dry goods,
? Wfll'tfrOOTriea.'-llonr; feed, uilt, tlli. Iron, nails,
b Ij Pf WW"' corner Mai u and Market st. vl-u U
irtlyrCWI'Oi'nOWEli; hats and rapi, booU and shoes,
iny i;c-iL Main st,'.' above Court.IIouse. vl-n
nncn i - ' '
,n,l fta 1 .!
tmctidffrf "CMARRVdry goods and notions, southwest
orputLv cornel Main and Iron sts. vl-iH3
mill fai- ' i. -or '!
Hc. T J. BBuwEB. dry goods, groceries, etc,, north
is wrj-t I weat corner Jluiu und Iron sU. vl-nll
BEOKLEY,Ivpystoneshoeatore, books and
. lMlfj atatlonem southwest corner Market and
liliriM Main sU.-v a
ir in Main sU.-., a 1- vl-nl.1
S.r XTI WAM.EIWftMUS, confectioneries, Main
lirri - railroad. vl-ntt
ji MENDKNIlALL, general stock or merchan
!i. dlse; and-'luuibcr, corner of Main street und
orwlck roail: vl-nl3
ii l"' 'T'j. riOBBINS-'aenler In drv coods crcerles etc.
I jiii piiivcsuiocjt. .Manibi.. ueiowiron vi-nia
u ili(T' K.--mKTON.,Orocerles A Provisions, south'
0 coniMAost corner Maluiindlron Streets. vl-nll
ea5ritfJi' ,i".;i 1 ., 1,1 1 1
oso cor 1, 1 8L0AN, dealerln choice dry goods, House
nMewttgsodds. fresh groceries, etc., etc. Main
1, rlllCjSjttoslte veurt house. v.ln!3
BR'Wroceiies and general merchandise
B1IUVO yYCSt. Yl-Ill
,ItSS. drv
:roccrles. lioots.
Bnpert block.
aln sL. wet o
.iirpnif n CRAMER A A,
E. 1IAYIIURST. Dealers In
ihi,Htf-iV (lrocerletj.- Confectioneries
dlyl! Icottown. south side, two doors above Brohst'a
ana lvotions.
ct onisVagonmasershop. v -uis.
' 'S W mr'IYMltl'T.T. rnpnttiirA rooms. (hreA utnrv
lT)trick0U Molu st,, west of Market st. vl-ui3
u ii"T7'
' tr. THORNTON, wall paper, window shades.
ana natures, uupen oiock. Main st.
IT ItOHENRTOCK. nhotouranher. Exchaniro
llv block;Mainst., opposite court house. 1-U3
. - ST wl''Am. Machinists. Enstninoms,
upcrioi p ,.,nrB JltB1. railroad. Castings made at sliorl
Jt rur ttlce- .machinery made and repaired,
yes lieu.tni T
Its UK 1 irflirN.'dealer In meat tallow.
coat If rlra; aley, buck of American hr ise.
,wr ccnlp J,BIPLEMAN1AgeiilMunion'aCorrrTu
ouior luiffutnius itiKi.
T) B., PUBSELU Muldle, trunk and mrness
I maker, Main St.. below court, house.
n,,t P FOSTER, Olue Maker, and White and fancy
' .iVTanner.coiiown,
AH Uul ,i ,Aantmn t itunt'ti
. ...iiiuniiuiituiHi nu.iiiuii j..
manufacture in
US J.1L )iid dealer In Lumber, of all klinis, planing
mwm"f1 u. iuv ruu-ruiwi,
I "I, v.TT-'
U I' 1 WITMAN, marble works, near southwest
A., cortwr Wain and Market sla. vl-nU
at (J. W.CoreU'arurultureroonia
V.'ROBBINR. Uouor dealer second door from
, northwest corner Main and lion sts. vl-nU
T PEACOCK. Notary Public, northeast corner
I Mfln and Murket at. vl-nU
7.Z- Vil
a...- Ye
,Tf W A . TflTNSTON. mutual and raili tnlni Are
fltHuranca comnauy.norUieaslcoruer Main and
.u'a...- Weatau. vi-uw
. DjIMUEL JACOBY, MarWe and Brown Stone
1411 worlulKaat'iooiusuuic,iiciwicKnai. vi-iih
Main St., next uoor to
iaixV Hotel. vl-n 17
- , ' , .-...... 1 ...
in. Masteller cor. of Mnlnand Plnosuvinif
lv lltjll'.l. biiu ri-irtwiiiiivii.. ...luuu, uj
tho upper lionso by John Hny-
O der, Main at,, ubovo
UOVO l'lll
vl-n 17
AHMAN imOTIIEW.Tonnersatidmanufnc
II timers of leal her, on ilalu si., below UchkN'
Hotel. V2-H17
AVI!) HEllUINO. Plonr and Orlst Mill, and
Uealerln grain, Mill Htreeu vi-un
J)0Vi:il A lllinniNO. dealer In dry goods,
) groceries, lumber and general Merchandlso
lain st. vl-n 17
TOIIN KltYMIlin, saddle and hariicsamuker
O Al
Main St.. above tho Hwnn Hotel.
A& E. W. COI.KMAN, Merchant tailor nnd
, Uent's furnishing goods, Main Bt., hcxt door
u tho brick hotel, vl-11 17
MH. 1IAYHUUST, Clocks, Watches and Ouns
, repaired, (Juns nud Watches for sale, Main
bt., below l'lue.
JAMES B. 1IAHMAN. Cabinet Maker, mid Un
dertaker. Main BU, below Pine. vl-n 17
MICHAEL C. KEM.EH, Confectionery, Oysters
ic. Jte., on Pino BU, between Main and Mill.
TT If & C. KELCHNKK, Blacksmiths, on Mill
, Btrcct, near Pino.
Wll.Jjl.Vi,. J'J.liUJIlI, I-JIHJI-IIIJII..1 mi,. .
turcr of Brick, Mill Ht., west nf Pine
ILMAM DEI.ONO, Bhoemntterand manufac-
T EWI9 II. 8CIIUYLE11, Iron fmmder.Maehln
Jjlst.nnd Mnnutiictuicr of plows. Mill Bt.vl-nl7
MII.E3 A.WII.IjI.MS A CoTnnnersnnd Sinn
ufacturcrs oflcalhcr, Milt Htrcct. vl-n!7
Bhocmaker, Pino
J Btrcet, opposite tho Academy
All. HEUUINa & linOTHEU, Carpenters nud
. Builders, jMnln Street, below Pino. vl-n.7
SAMUEL HHAIU'IjESS, Maker of theHayhuist
Oram Cradle. Main St. VJnS. .
JU, IIARMAK, Baddlo nnd linniewi maker
, Orangevllle, oppodloKramo church, vlinll
proprietor, south-east corner Main and Second
II. CREASY, dry goods, groceries, nnd gen
eral Murchnudlso, Main Btrcct. vH-nl'2
SD.RINARI), dealer In stoves and tin-ware.
. Main Street. v'J-nl'i
TrM. II. ABBETT, attorney nt law.Maln Sfroet;
GILBERT & KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd
geueral merchandise, Main Btrcct. v2-nh.
KEILER, billiard saloon, oysters,
, cream In season Main Street.
und lco
BY. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St.,
. Robblns' Building. v2-n!8.
Burgeon and rhyslclan,
l) Second 8tH below Main,
11. KISTLER,"CattawjsaIIouse,"North West
. Coruer Main and Second Streets. Vn IX.
M. BROBST, dealer in General llercliutule,
Dry Goods, Groceries Ac v2-nlS.
nETEU ENT, dealer in dry gomls, grocerk's
X uour, ieeu. ban,
Iron, nulls, etc., Uyht
TTEHwILIaaEH, Cabiuetmnkcr,
ti 1
I and Chalrniaker.
abovo school house.
IW. E. KLINE, millinery and fancy goods.
JW.BANKEY, dealer In Leather, Hides, Bark,
etc Cosh paid for Hides. vl-mu
dealer 111 stoveHMiud tin wuro lu
all Its brunches. vl-nitl
TOHN A. OSIAN, manufacturer and dealer In
1 boots and shoos.
J. LEISER, M. D. Surgeon nnd Physician.
, Olllce ut Keller's Hotel. va-ir."
T I). WERKHEISER, Boot nnd Shoo Rtoro
1 and manraclory. Shop on main street, up.
posllo steam Mill.
Proprietor. v--um
BY. REIOHARO, 4 BRO., dealers In dry goods
, groceries, nud general merchandise, vl.'nll
W. EDO AR, Susquehanna Planing Mill and
, Box Manufactory. vlllnll
O.&W. II. SHOEMAKER, dealers lu diy
coods. groceries und general merchandise.
''irsl stoio in south end of town. v"-nls.
JACOB & WM. HARRIS, dealers In dry goods,
irroceries. drills and medicines. First store In
nortn euu 01 town. v -mo.
ACOB A. SWISHER, dealer In Hides, Leather
Bark etc. Madison township Columbia county
a. vl-n 1(1
The nndprsltrned hnvlnir nurclianed tbla well
known and centrally-located house, the Exchange
iioiei, snuaio on ni ntatii, in Jiioomtuuri
linmediutclv onnoslie the Columbia county Com
House. remtectmUv Inform their friends and tho
fiubllc in eenoral that their house Is now in order
or the reception and entertainment of travellers
who may be disposed to favor It with their cus
tom. Thev ltavHsnarcdiioexnunseln nrenarlntr
the Exchange for the entertainment of their yuoHts
nenner snau mere ne anyiuiiiK wauiing on uiuir
pau to mmisier to in en personal eoiniori. 1 ne
house Is fcnaclous, and enjoys un excellent busi
11PSJ lOPiltlOll.
Change Hotrl and the various railroad depots, by
which travellers will be pleasantly conveyed to
and from tho respective stations In duo time lo
umnumM-M run aiau limes ueiween mer.s-
meet the cars. JCOONH &. CI, A UK.
mooLukumy, April 3, tsus.
ponies HOTEL,
Tlie abnvo welUknown hotel has recently nnder-
iroiift radiful chances in its Internal arrangements,
Htid itu nr. nrtfttir nminiitwoM to IiIh former custom
tiiiu me inivtMiuiij puuuu limit inn iiv.iuuiiii.i
lor ineeomiori ni iuh KueKiMurustKuiiu iu iiunu iu
tho ennntrv. Hiit labia will always be found bllP-
Hieii, not oniy wjiu suukiuiiiiui hkju, uui wiui "
ne ueiicacicsoi mo heason. 111s wnn nuu n
quoro (except that popular bovcrajee known a
'Jtfnn'M.mireliiihed direct imm iho imriorttm
It onset;, aro uniireiy pure.nnu irc iruui an in
snnousdiuira. lit isilmnulul loru liberal imtron
ago in the pust, and will continue to dt'HHrve ft In
TitK Proprietor of Iho ExchnugcHaloon has now
on hand a large stock of
consisting of
llloomsburg. May t, 18U7,
AXTE bet; leave to Inform you that wo
1 f uro prepareu to ouvr lor juur impi-cuou
our usual assurtiueui, ui
CoilsUtlngof the Ifevttt Khapet In 8lraw, Bilk
aud Ulmp Hals, llouucta, Ac, VeUels, Silk
Goods, Ribbons ,- Flowers, Feathers, itucnes,
Cruixs, Blonds, Braids, Oruainents, &a ic. i
sliull lie happy to wait on you nt our stole u
receive your oruer. 1'ricca low lor iuhi.
' Vours, 4c,. H. WARH,
Nos. 1U1, 1M a rtil 107 N, Second Ut. Phllad'n.
WAiNwmaiiT t co.,
N. K. Corner Second and Arch Btreels,
Dealers In
UIOK, HflCKa, UI CAllU SOU A, H.U., o,
3. Orders will receive rrompt atUntton,
Neatly executed at this ORICO.
jyj M. L'VELLE,
Ashland, Behuylklll County, Penn'n.
onieo with n. II. Little, In brlctt liulldlng ad
joining l'osl Olllce. .77-Bounties, Back-I'ay nnd
Pensions collected. Isepj3u67.
OITlco In Register and Reconlcr's olllce, In tho
basement of tho Court House, llloomsburg. Pa.
Office corner of Main nnd Market slretls, over
First National Bank, llloomsburg, Pa,
ATTO U N K Y - A T - Ij A W,
Olllco (ourt-Iouo Alley, below Iho Culuuiuak
Olllce nioomsburg.Pa.
3- OFKirr. Court House Alley, below the Ou
(umMan Olllce. Janl'67.
and dealer In
which ho feels confident he can sell at lower
rate than nnv other Derson In thn nmmlrv. V.t-
amlno for yourselves,.
Shop first door below the Post Office Main
Street, lllooinsburg, Pa,
J1UV1 inui.
Over AVidmoyer .t Jaeoby's Ice Cream HhIimui,
Hair Dvelns nnd AVhUliern rnlnrpil lilnrtr nr
brown. Hair Tonic to destroy dandruirnml beau
tifying the hair: will restoio hair to Its nrltrinul
color without soiling the finest fabric, coiibtantly
on iirtuu. laprijitt,.
ReHnootmlly olreis lils professional services to
the ladleH und Kntlemen of Iiloomsburn und vi
cinity, lie !h irennred to at lend to nil tho vurl-
iiih nprrnnons in ineiincoi ins proiehBion, una
nritvfiliMl with Mm IntpHt linnrnvfil lVinci.'f.iiv
Tllth which will bo Infaerlt-d on no Id nlatltnr.
silver and rubber bnse to look as well astlioimt-
ralK etli. Tecln extracted by nil the new and
tost nnnrrtved nictbodR. and all oneratlonu on
the teeth caiefnlly and projicrly nttundt-d to.
HeKiilencu and olllco n few doors nlnivu the
Conrt lloiivp, sntno side.
Kimimsimr, .lan.-n.-twir
W. iI.,lMOJMlJK A uo,
and dealuis In nil kluds of
Ive nutlco that they are prepiued to acciiiuodnte
their custom with dlspntch, nud oil mo chetipCHl
u ii n u ii u it u, p A.
The undersliined would resnertfullv Inform
th traveling imbllc that ho lias purchased ami
refitted In tho best mini tier the old stand former
ly occupied by W. A. Kline, and Hint he Is now
piepitled to accommodate Ills liielidMUilhall Hie
co in i or in hiio roil e, irm ti ii iiir..-.'jjii ji,i,-i-
A flue new liainlms been hut It nnd the surroun
dings phieed In perf.itt older. The bar will al
ways bo slorltcd with the ehoUest liquors and ci
gars, and I lie table furnished with the best the
mari:ei niitiius. jaah'.m v, uiijIjicu-jc
July :i, oJ--lf
jypss lizzie babkley
has Just rt turned from Philadelphia, nud has
bought, mid Is now oflcrlng Iho best assortment
FANCY coons,
ever exhibited lu llloomsburg, nnd la preimred to
mnkoun dresses nnd all other articles of female
wardrobe, at short notice, and In the best and
Rooms in tho Ramsey Buildings, on West
MnlnlSlreet. Call and sec tier varied stock of
Spring (loods.
May lDH,
XI 'I'm: undersigned respeclfully Inform tho
cillgenH ot lltonmsburg nud Coluuiblu county,
Hint they -Keep an too uuiereni ntlinoers oisiovu
coal and selected lump coal for smithing purpo
ses, on their whnrf, udjolnlllg M'Kclvv, Neal A
Co's Furnace; wltlin good pair of llalliilo bodes
on tho wharf, tu ut-lgh ciuil, hay, ami straw.
Ijluew Iso n horse una wagon, to tleliver coai to
ii,w itfwlt-o It Autlmv iiiiri-Iinse a litree
nmount of cool, they Intend to keep it superior ar
ticle, unit sen at 1110 veiy lowest. ,riee. i-jcjinu
call nnd examine for yourselves ln-foro nurrtiHs
iugelewlieio. J. W. HENIiEHSllilT,
AUUI1U jujkovj...
aHE unilfrsiKiitul will tnko In ox
. cliaugn for Coal and Urocerles, the following
named articles wneal, liye. ijorn, uais, i-oia-toes,
IJird, IIiuii. SI, , miller. imil side meat, Butter,
Eggs, liny, Ac, at the highest cash prices, at his
Orocery Wore, udjolnlng their coal yard,
llloomsburg Mar. 19,'W-ly.
w. 8. lUNIl.. J. 11. StVIltllT.
wiiui.i'nAiji. uni uuuui),
No. 313 Market Blreot,
Oulers lllli d promptly nt lowest
Januarys, IW1K,
Attorney :it,
Office in tlio nichansn Hull J I nf. second ilotv.ovir
Widiuytr 4t Jachny's l.'onlrctjoivery, tiecouil ilimr
IiliDVi, tlio nstliuiisu llotdl
Ulooiubburff, Jao. 1, U03. -
Mala hlrtel, (near the Court House,
BI.OOMailUlta, PA.
t'oiiktntlv on hand u line assortment of Aiuer-
(uu and Kwisa Wutclu, clocks. Jewelry, sllver-
wurpoi uieiM'siuescririioii piautiuu wiuw int.-.'
ul, rousUtlug of butter ill. low, gublets, knives
furta 1.1U10MH minlrlii rhorii .tj-.'
MiUtOlila marks niaile lu order. All goods and
workwarrauted, (Jan, 1,'tV.
Wholesale Grocers, and Bt alers In
No 2M North Third 8L
it P0HT1I F0U11IU HTllttT,
J. A W. a, M'KIBBIN, Proprietor.
May KUNfMy.
(Choir cSottrtj.
nv il, I). rnanTlcE,
How sweet (lioliindsinpo Morning twlnoi
Iter trcsCM round the Wow of Day,
And bright mists o'er tlio forest pines,
ljike nappy splrltn Iloat away
To revel on tho mountain crnwii,
Whence tho glad stream cornea shoutlug down
Thro woods and rocks, that hnng on high, .
Like clouds against the deep-blue sky,
Tho woven sounds bf bird and stream
Aru falllnxbcnulllul nnd deep
Upon tho spirit, llko n dream
. Ofmuslalutbohour.of sleep,. w
And from thcwIldgWoods' dewy bowers,
Boft murmuri.ilko'the bro'iith of flowers,
Aru winding through yon pttrplo grove, '
Aud blcndlni, with tho notes of lovu.
Tlio strennia In veins or sliver flow, '
Tho sunrise gale, o'er flower and tree
Bu lightly breathes, it scarce would blow '
A lalry bark upon the sea;
1 1 comes bo fresh, so calm, so sweet,
It draws tho heart Irom lis relreat
To mingle with Iho glories born
In tho llrst holy light of morn.
A cloud la ou the sky above.
And calmly o'er Iho young year's blue,
'Tls coming, llko n thlngof Love,
To gladden In tho rising dew;
Its wlilto waves with the suulight blend,
Aud gcutlo spirits seem to bend
From Its unrolling folds to henr
The glad sounds of our Joyous sphere,
Tho lake, tinrufllcd by the breeze,
Smiles sweetly In unbroken lest.
And if t'wero dreumlng of tho trees
And blossoms pictured on Its breast,
IU depths aro glowing bright and fair,
Aud the blue skies seem hallowed there,
Soft trembling as they felt tho thrill
Of rauslo echoed from tho hill.
Tho living soul of Beauty fills
Tho air villi glorious visions bright,
They linger rotiud tho sunny hills.
And wander to the clear, bluo light ;
Off to the breathing heavens they go,
Along the earth they llvo aud glow,
Bhcd o'er tho lako their happy Bmttes
A beacon too IU glittering isles.
Oh that this hour when air or earth
Aro gushing love, nud Joy nnd light,
And songs of gladness hall tho birth,
Of all lldngs beautiful nnd bright.
Each puhso beats high each tho'tls blown
To flame tho spirit drinks tlio tono
Of Eden worlds, nud melts away
In visions of elornal day.
" I tell you wife, it must not be.
had ns soon &eo tho nrch-llcnd himself
in our pulpit as a Freemason."
"But ho is nn excellent preacher, nud
as tho church is well satisfied with him,
tho Conferenco will, doubtless, return
him to us for another year."
"No, Sarah, they shall not return
him. I wlll'tnlco euro that tho brethren
learn what a viper they aro cherishing
In their bosoms. It is fortunate that
tho next Conference-Ms to ho held here
in our own plnco."
"Let mo beg of you, husband, not to
bo hasty In this. Our minister, Uro.
Eulrbauks, appears to bo really a worthy
and pious man, and as tho church is
well pleased with him, why not allow
the matter to rest ns it Is? I really can
not iieiicvoium to lie so uau it man its
you fear him to bo."
"Can a man bo a Freemason nnd not
boa guilty, perjured wretch? And
shall ,1, Gtorgo Graham class-lender
for fifteen years bo so fal&o to my duty,
as to remain quiet when Satan sends his
minions into our very midst? No,Mrs.
Giaham; if you would ovado your duty
I shall not evade mine; 1 am a poor sin-,
tier, It is true, but n willing servant of
my Lord und Master, and this wolf lu
fchcop's clothing shall bo driven from
the fold. 1 shall protest against his re-
urn to this church. Fortunately only
a few weeks remain beforo tho Confer
enco meeting, I shall begin work at
once," and tho pious, earnest, but fan
atical George Graham walked to his
book-ease, tint, taking down n package,
of anti-Masonic almanacs, which had
tho appearanco of being' nt least forty
ears of ago and had only been pro
served from tho ravages of tlmo by tlio
reverent caro they hnd received from
their owner, who hold them next to his'
Uiblo in value, ho placed a broad-brimmed
hat upon his head, and sallied
forth under tho scorching rays of an
August sun.
"I declare," said tho old mini to him
self, "this ts a hot afternoon. I shall
miss my map to-day, but, then, duty
must not bo sacrificed to tlio weakness
of tho flesh."
Ho called upon ISros. Jones, ICccler,
Carson and several others, all of whom
opened their eyes In holy horror whon
they found that their beloved minister
Uro, Fairbanks was tt Freemason,
nnd they agreed at onco to unite their
influence with that of their class lender
tosccuroanew minister tho ensuing
year. Tho sun was Just sinking below
tho western horizon as Mr, Graham en
tered tho ofllco of Judgo Winters ono
of tho oldest and most Influential mem
bers of tho church, Thero was a mis
chievous twinkle in tho Judge's eyu
whon Mr.' Graham inndo his business
"Well, what do you propose to do.iny
friend? ho inquired, nt length, when
Mr. Graham paused for breath,
"Complain of him, and havo him ox-
polled from tho Conference silenced"
"Hut do you think that cau bo done?"
"Not a doubt of It not a doubt of It:
didn't the Masond murder Morgan ?
Here Is an account. of tho wholu nlfalr
and trinl of tho murderers" (nud Mr,
Graham laid tho package on the table);
'how ho wns nbdueted from homo, ear'
ried a prlsoner'to Fort Niagara and fl
milly sunk In thu river, Tho Innocent
blood of Wm. Morgan (scrying to lieav
en 'for voiigeaiico to-day J1'
'U)o you think, Mr. Graham, that tho
ovldenco wns ngnlnst those wio
were arrested for (he, crliuoT"
"Clear as tho sunlight, Judge."
"Then tho criminals were of course,
punished according to law?"
"I'uulshcd I no, not ono of them 1"
"Why, how was Unit ? What do you
"I mean, sir, that Dowttt Cllnton.tho
Govornor of New York, was a Freema
son. And ho dofeatod tho ends of Jus
tico, sir; ho bacrlflced tho majesty of tho
law to Ids Freemasonry, sir."
"Hut," Bald tho Judge, "If I undor
atanil llio mutter correctly, Qovcmor
Clinton, who wua tho tlrst oIHcer of tlio
Grunil Clirtptcrof Hoynl Arcii Mosqn.i
of tlio Btnlo, oirorctt n, 11 rut of
W.OOU, then (ifM.OOO, niul fluully of10,r
000, fornny Information which ehotilii
lcml to theconvtctton.of tliu irullty par
"Well, will." lnlcrrniitetl Mr. Gra-
hnin, "that, wits pnly n riwc to, conceal
lil.s real foaling, und hU Hyinputhy
vlth tho iieriiolrdtors (,f tho horrltt
deed. Tho inlirtlercn wcro nrrostetl',
the uvltlencu wits ndltint them,
b u 1 1 1 1 o j tuca i ted 1 ' '
"Uro. urtiliuin," ntud JihIko Wlnlurrt,
slowly but curncstly, "If nearly tliu uu-
tiro lejiul strength of Now York, nftcr
Hovtjral yearn' trial, found It Impossible
to convict u singlo ii i a ii charged with
tliu erlnio of murdering Jforsatl, wh6
have. inndu law tho btudy of nij llfofllid
niueh room for doubt of their gutl('.-J-lot
bellevo In u God of JuStlco who
will cut off a truo that beareth not good
fruit. Ereemasonry Inn survived thb
wrtck of used U to-day youtig nd
vlgoronH'. I.'i not an Institution which
God In Hlu lniliilto wisdom ban seen lit
thus to preserve worthy of your im
partial study ? Will you allow 'your
reason, your good senso and Jtulgmont
to bo wnrped, nay, controlled by rt sot
of nntlvMasonlc almanacs, which wcrb
spread over tho country by misguided,
excited men nud unprincipled politi
cians? Whnt would you say to tlio fact
that n majority (If tho ministers In our
Conferenco aro Masons ?"
Mr. Graham started to his feet us If a
viper had stun-? him; for u moment ho
stared wildly upon Jutlgo Winters,theli
noting a stmlu upon tho Judge's lips, ho
seemed reassured and said:
''lJro. Winters, you aro trifling. A
lawyer Is so fond of argument that ho
will neglect no opportunity of indulg
ing in It, even nt tho expense of his"
religion, ho was going to say, but
ho checked himself.
"Ho KCatcd, Uro. Graham," snld tho
Jiidge, ''I havo something more to say
upon this subject; and now prepare to
ho surprised, but do not bo hasty.
ni Freemason, nnd havo been oneftir
twenty years."
Mr. Graham turned paht and then
flushed crluiMiin, hut he said nothing.
The Judge e-.ntiuued: "I have never
known Fr.-c masonry to defeat tlio onus
of Justice. I havo sentenced men to
years of toll lu tho State prison whom
I knew In lni members although un
worthy Ones of Iho Maonlo fraternity.
The fuel of (heir connection therewith
did lull save them from u single hour of
Imprisonment. Thb mail, who has been
1 ik-s.-ed with thoHubliinomoral teachings
of it M'isonic Lodgo Is doubly culpable
for :tn Immoral net, n violation of hj-f
duty to his neighbor, his country or hi-i
God. You sny you liopo to seo our
minister, Uro. Fairbanks, dismissed
from tho Colifereneo. It will not bo
done. You may prevent his return to
us, but ho will bo sent to another con
gregation, while Wo shall, perhnps, ro'
cetvo In his plnco ono inferior to him In
both'tnlcut inui piety."
Judge Winters paused, Mr. Graham
who hltd iiguin risen to his feet said: "I
do not believo there are so many, Mn
sons usiyou say in thu Methodist Con
ferenco of this State. You aro ti Free
mason, and have un interest in defend
ing your Institution."
"Well, Uro. Graham," said the Judge,
"I will make you a proposition. Muko
you no further effort ut present to excite
antagonistic feeling towards Uro. Fair
banks in tho minds of members of his
congregation, and if, beforo tlio close of
tho Conicronco meeting, to bo held
hero in October, I do not prove to your
entire, .satisfaction that'll majority of Its
mom burs tiro Masons, ,1 will not then
object to your plan of procedure against
our minister."
Mr. Graham muted fur a moment.
"Judgo V inters," ho said, at length,
"I accept your proposition. If, what
you claim in regard-to the ministers of
our church bo true, It must, of course,
effect my prejudices somewhat, for I
bellovo no church embodies moro real,
piety than ours. Uut mind you, Judgo,
tho evidence must bo clear, and amount
to positive knowledge,"
"Yes, jes, Urn,,Grahaiu, it shall bo
entirely satisfactory. Meantime, hero
Is n moro reliable Masonic library than
your's (and he glanced at tho almanacs)
which Is entirely at'your service. Ilore
Is Masonic history, jurisprudents and
text-books, landmarks, 'Constitution'
and 'ancient charges.' Tako as' many of
them as you please, and return them
when you have finished their perusal."
Mr. Grnham did not know how io
could consistently refuso to read some
of tho standard Masonic; works.although
he felt a great repugnanco to doing so.
Ho therefore, selected a history anil
text-book nnd, bidding thu Judgo gobd
evening, left tho ofll.-e.
Tio early October days wero Jqvoly
In tho thriving vilhigo of II r. Its
streets presented ii very unusual num
ber o I iutejllgviit looking blrungoM In
black broadcloth mid high silk hats.
The hotels wcrq fllod to overflowing,
und priyato resiliences wero thrown
open by hospitable owners to receive
tho pious, men who iiad devoted their
lives to tho service of God and tho
preaching of His will as ruvealed lu
Scripture, Tho larga new Methodist
church nfforded amnio accommodation
for, tho transaction of the usual bnslncs
of iho CoiiToroneo, but 11 was proposed
on Snbhalh morning to hold a, lovo
feast, to bo (ollowo'd by sermon by tlio
bishop, T'.u church would bo insula
ulent to accommodate tho largo number
of people who would doubtless bo lu
attendance, and tho Agricultural Socio
ty tendered tho Conferenco tho usu of
their fair grounds, "t jrnrt of which wero
covered by a grovoof beautiful maples
Sabbath morning dawned bright nnd
bcautliul: light fleecy clouds wero float
ipgidl he, sky", tho. birds wero flitting
ttbout uinpni! tho whispering leaves o(
tho maples aid singing anthems su,ch as
only (lioso lYeaveii-tiiuglit minstrels
know how to slug,
Bo mo two (hosusaud people wcro col
lectod In tho grove, A tompornry ros
tru m had been erected, somobf tho inln
Istors wero upon It, others wero boated
around and, In front of It i Judgo Win
ters and Mr. Graham wero scaled bcsldo
each other and directly lu front of tho
rostrum. Tho "lovo feast" had Coin
tuenced, .Mid ono after another spoko
eloquently nud feelingly of tho beauties
of the' Christian religion, tho duties and
rcspbnslbilltlcs of n life lu tho ministry,
nnd tho pleasures of a reunion llko this.
An 6ld, man, whoso ,whlto locks swept
round Jits high intellectual forehead
llko' mist clnt'(l3r,rtniiid a mountain's
brow, spoko of tllOprobablllty of tills
botug his 'lint meeting' with his, breth
ren as n body, exhorted nil to bo faith
ful to their high calling, nnd closed by
"To my young brethren Just entered
upon tho field of labor I would say, en
deavor now to storo your minds with
useful knowledge, apply that knowl
edge, to Jjvo faithful discharge of youv
duty to yournelghbor, your country and
your God, and in old age you will enjoy
Urn happy reflections consequent upon
tcetl spent llfeand die in hope of a glort
ous immortality."
Judgo.WIntcrs touched tho arm of.Mr.1
Graham and wh!spered,"Hoi!ja Mason,
I think."
A young minister, who was much In
terested In tho American Ulblo Society,
now spoko. Ho thought that "tho Ulblo
das and Sabbath school wero tho Jachin
and U0117, upon which rested tho liber
ties of tho nation."
Another thought that "we, as minis
ters of the Gospel, should endeavor not
only to tench others theirdiity, but first
to divest our own minds und consciences
of all their vices and superfluities,
thereby fitting us, as living stones, for
that spiritual building, that houso not
mado with hands, eternal In tho heav
ens." Uut tho time alloted to this portion of
tlio morning exerclso had passed ;tho
choir sang a grand anthem of praise
and thanksgiving; tho oldman with tho
silvery hair offered up a short t.ut ear
nest prayer ; and tlioUlshop S ap
peared upon tho rostrum and announced
tho subject of his discourse- It wns
"Faith." Clearly aud concisely hu laid
down the proposition to bo discussed
and tlicpolnts to bo proved. Then, with
an oioquencc Which won and swayed ull
hearts, with Illustrations drawn from
thu book of nature, and applied analo
gically to tho subject under considera
tion, he passed Ito attack tho strongholds
of Infidelity. His mind seemed'a vast
sterol iou8o of k no wlcdgc,nnd very fo w I n
that largo congregation had over beforo1
listened to so able n. sermon. The his
tory of tho world, Its warriors, statesmen,
and philosophers, seemed to pass In re
view beforo them. Through tho plane
tary system" ho led thorn and tlio infini
tude of space, studded with its counties?
worlds. Only boforo tho Throno of tho
Living Deity did ho pauso. Then,
stretching forth )iis hands, lutt voice
which thrllod every'henrt, ho exclaim
ed. "Child bf mortality! is not this
enough ?"
"Yes; yes, It ls'enougli J" cried a him
dred voices : "lt is enough."
"Then," sald the Uishop.nnd Ids voice-
sunk to a deep pathos, "let' us believo
that, when tho scythe of tlmo' shall cut
tho brittio shredof human life, wo. shall
bo'Middenly revived by the ever green,
and ever' living sprig of faith in the
merits of iho Lion of thotrlboof Jtidah,
nnd doubt not that, in tlio morning of
the resurrection, our bodies will riso
and become as Incorruptible as our
souls. Let us welcomo death as ii kind
"messenger, sent to translnte us froui'this
Imperfect to that all perfect, glorious
and celestial world where the Supremo
Architect of the Unl verso' presides."
Tho Ulshopliad finished his discourse.
Tho choir sang a hymn'of praise, a ben
ediction was pronounced, and tho con
gregation dispersed. 'Mr. Graham and
Judgo Winters walked homeward to
"What a holy muu is our Bishop,"
snld tho former. "It feema ns If 'tho
heavenly fire came down to consume his
offeringof pralsoand thanksgiving. But
you hiivO'bowllilereil nie by your fre
quent intimations that such or such
wero Masons, However, you'must re
member, Judgo, 'tho ovldenco was to
bb'elear nnd nmount to positive knowl
"Yes," returned llio 'Judge, "I re
member, and mean to provo all that I
havo 'nfllrmed. V 111 you comuup to
my ofllco td-mnrrdw evening, at six
o'clock ?"
"Yes, I will bo there." And, bidding
Judgo Winters good day, Mr. Graham
turned up tho walk leading to his resi
Six o'clock ofMonduy evening cmno,
nnd, prompt to his appointment, Mr.
Grahnui entered tho ofllco of hlrf friend.
"Well now for tho ovldenco," said
the Judge. "Take n seat hero where,
through thu open door, you can com
mand n view of thu hall, and observe
who puss up Into tho Musouiu Lodge
room ttbove." Mr. Graham' took tho
position required, with n somewhat1 In
credulous smile.
lie- had not long to wait, however,
before ono alter another of tho gentle.
men in black broadcloth nnd high silk
hats passed quietly through tho hall
und wero heard ascending thu slnlrcaso
at the further end. Mr. arahani could
bcnreejy credit tho ovldenco of his own
eye.". Ho noticed that tlio Judgo ap
peared amused, arid realized that hLs
own position was uncomfortable. Was
hiyufter all, In error? wero tint good,
pious', self sacrificing men Masons ?
Presently Bishop Ulmsotrap-
penrcd, and pausing" In tho door way
said :
"Aro you not going up to tho Lodge,
Uro. Winters?
" Yes " replied tlio Judge, "in, it
few moments." The Bishop passed ou
Esqulro King oaino Into tho room and
said : "Cannot you go up and open tho
Lodge, Uro. Winters? My child isslck
aud my wlfo has scut for mo. Pu
Bro. Fairbanks In your place in tho
W cot, rand, ask, the BUhop to act a
')Aro thero many of the mliilstors up
to-night?". asked tho Judgo.
"Yes, somo Bevcnty-llvo or eighty,
H . i'r- ft ft i
l llti I
i i I'
ll) I ,
think, nnd there wero not a lass number
on Friday evening. They nro tli6 best
workers lover saw."
During this llttlo dialogue Mr. Gra
ham had arisen nnd walked rapidly up
nnd down tho room, glancing now at
Judgo Whiten?, now nt tho broadcloth
still filing past tho door.
"Judgo," ho said, abruptly ; "I will
bid you good evening,", and, taking his
lint, ho lea thonflleo, nnd walked slowly
homo ward.
"Proof, proof I" ho said tohlinsolf, "I
should think this teas proof, enough j
Get Brother. Fairbanks out of tho
Conferenco! I mlght os well attempt to
turn un angel out of heaven 1 Am I ti
fool or a bigot !'
Thus soliloquIzlng.Mr.Grahain readi
ed his homo to find his wlfo nndl Mrs.
Fairbanks discussing tlio sermon of
Bishop S-i
"Hocleared up many points that havo
always been dark to me," said Mrs.
"HI? sermons are always Instructive,"
replied Mrs. Falrhanks. who was n.lndy
of about thlrty-flvo years of ago very
intolllgont nnd highly nccompllshod.
"Uut how do you like tho Jilshop Uro.
"I'scarcely know how to nnswor you,
Sister Fairbanks," wa tho reply. "I
am an nntl-Mnson, nnd tho Dlshon be
longs to that' fraternity. What think
you of that institution ?"
Tho minister's wlfo tdrned her ihio
dark eyes lull upon Mr. Graham. "I
think." sho Bald. "Masonrv Is ono of
the most valuable agencies over brought
into existenco by Providence' to bless
mankind. It-is n, ti lofty mountain
grand majestic, beautiful;' but between
which nnd them mankind have rtlacetl
tho heavy mists of error ;' they haVo
circled it with dark clouds of super
stition, bigotry and ignorance. At times
tlio clouds pass, the mists arise, and
then bright glimpses nro caught' of rip
pling streams nnd verdant slopes. But
tho mists settle agulti, 'th6 clouds' grow
thicker than before, and tho world looks
on and says, "Itis a dark unlovely pros
pect; tho beauties wo beheld Wero but
tho 'offspring of our excited f.liieies."
Uut, Mr. Graham, I, in imagination,
behold 'llio misjudged mountainous it
will be scon by'tiio generations of a not
distant future; tho mists' of error hrenll
of bigotry and ignorance discharge their
last thunder peals and float aWay for-,
ever, revealing the grand old mountain,
uaseu iirmiy'iu eternal truth, tho hoary
head covered with the crown of count-
lesis ages. And thero aro not only1 rip
pling streams and verdant sloties'. but
evergreen glades and frultfiil vines hnd
trees, and lower down' brood patches of
wavlnggrain. Thousands of laborers
aro In Us vineyards nnd ileitis' j many
toil up' steep but flowery paths'for higher
fields of 'labor and a' moro extended
viciv. And there' nro seven lovely god
desses, with brows of light, chid1 In
snowy'vestments of purity; Temper
ance, beside a crystal stream, presents
her cup to" b'very passer by ; Fortitude,
inspiring all with firmness and courage;
Prudence Is Just- beyond;' and .Justice
with her golden scales, lifted to test tho
weight of motives as well us .words,
Higher up is Faith, wltii soft uplifted
eye and linger1 pointing heavenward :
Hopochcerlng all with visions of im
mqrtnl glory '; whijd'hlgh.nbove all,,be
side a copious reservoir, stands meek-
eyed Charity, collecting nil tho lion von
ly dews to send them In -fertilizing
streams along the lowcr.slopes and vnl
leys anil gather hi their downward
sweep a thousand sheaves of plenty.
And nil around tlio mountain's' foot uro
seen ,tho hosts of theaged, tho wldowedj
tlio orphaned, who gather up thcTr copi
ous supplies audi lift their hearts! in
thankfulness to Hlm who is tho widows'
God nnd tho Father of tho fatherless.
You, -Mr, Graham, are too good a man,
too earnest a' Christian to bo an nutt
MaeorJ, 'Let too beg of you td Invest!.
gate'the matter calmly and Impartial
ly ;( do uot bo skeptical, do not stultify
re'.isoti(dq not wrestleugalnst conscience,
but consider that no Institution can bo
corrupted thtitjs honored and loved by
so mucli nobleness and talent."
On tho Wednesday evening1 preced
Ing the full of tho moon of December of
tho same year, Hiirmony Lodge, No.10,
met in regular communication, Thero
was a full attendance of tho brethren,
and thu prayer of tho Chaplain, Bro.
iilrli.mks, was lull or deep leellng as
io besought God to cherish the Order,
tho vino of Ills own planting.
A candidate, for thu mysteries was, an
nounced, and as tho door opened'nt tho
bidding of thu Worshipful Master,
George Graham was conducted jut'o tliu
Jut!!, and. as ho passed tluoiigh tliu ,ol
cum ceremonies of that .hour Ills last
Ijstrustof Masonry vvns eradicated; and
wiiou ull vfiin over, and ho wiY4 pro
nounced tin Entered Apprentice, 'nnd
stood elotiied In thd 'emblem of' Inilo
cen co and thubadgo'of n Mason," It was
with an earnest heart that ho grasped
tho hands of his brethren ntidthnuUeil
them' for bringing hint from "darknrt
lolight.v n n
"Dos.'t you know iiiu?" said u Ken
tucky .soldier to hts former uummau
"No, my friend, t
"Why, sir, you oncn saved iuy life,"
"Ah, how was that?"
"Why, sir, I served under yu at tho
battloof Furt'Ioiielsou, und when you
ram avrny'at tho b'eglnnliig'bf tiny llht,
I run after you, else t mlgiit havb been,
killed. God bless you, my preserver,
my benefactor I"
Court Scenk. "Sir," said a Uerco"
lawyer "do you, ou your solemn oath,
swear that this i not your )mndyrlt-
lug ?" "I reckon noli" wa tho -ool
reply. "Dom it rusemblu your writ
lug?'l "Yes.sIr.I thjuk ltd-jn't," "Du
you wcur Hint H dou't rcsouiplq your
writing ?" "Well , do, pldbond.' i You
tnko your column oath that this writing
does not resoiublq yours In a sligq let
tor?" ',Y-o-s,slrl" ".Now, hqwdoyou
know?" "Causo I vnn't wrto.'
Ono squnrc, (ten Much or Itfl itiulvn
lent In nonpareil tytw) onuortwoliifcr
tloim, Jl.oOj thruo Insertions, (2.00.
nrAcc ' lxi in, 3. 6m, It
OOaViiiareijrvl 'U,)IW 10,00 110,00
Twoiinhroiiit.LV'' S,)
Threo squares.-.., 6,00 7,00 0,(10 12.W 18,00
Four squares...... 7,00 9,1)0 ll,( 17,00 l',00
Quarter column. lli.U) 12,00 11,00 Wfl) 30,00
Hlffolmon;..t.il5,oo is,cki 3000 .v,aO o,oo
dne colu'mW....... su.oi) M,w 'o,r co.oo n,09
Execitlor'u or Administrator's Notlw,
M.00j Audltqr'iior AssIuneo'D Notlec,
Ivocal Notices, twenty cents n line;
by tlioyenr (en ceiilfi. v , ,
CnrdK In tho "Directory" column,
$2.00 per year for tlio llrt two lines,
mid 1.00 for each additional HArJ.
An i:xicnilvo llrrultumh
Tjuinu scorns' ,(o,i!u it jJivrslty bf
opinion ..about, ono of Cleopatra's
breakfasts. It wa tho1(mpst cosily
broaklast that has over b'ecn'served to n
slitgld human being. I will, therefore,
tell what L know about it. After hav
ing parlukon of Cleopatra' necklace,
Mark Antony determined to devlso tjio
costliest breakfast over given. After
sovcral days of gastroubthloal iiiodifa
Hons, not having found what ho was
looking for,ho summoned his cook to his
presence, and told him (hat, if ho could
get up n, dainty breakfast for n lady,
which should bo, composed pf as few
and as small dishes as possible, hnd, nt
the same- time, uomost costly, ho would
reward him accordingly.
Several, weeks aflenyards, thq cook
entered Mark, Antony's study, nnd told
him tiint ho wns ready to servo tio dalu
lylireakVast asked of hi'm', and that lt
was composed of ono olivootily. At tho
appointed hour tho cook entered tlio
dining room, followed by one hundred
men carrying tho ollvo (In its artificial
on volopo) ou their shoulders. They de
posited Item a tnbio made for tho occas
ion, and flfty carvers wero set to work
on It. After sovcral liours of hard work
tlio triumphant cook placed the ollvo
boforo tho Egyptian Queen, who looked
at It with amazement, still with perfect
delight. ' -ii
Tho olive had been prepared 'in tho
following way: After having' been
stoned, it was stuffed With a rich cus
tard, then put Inside of a boned cannry,
which was used to stuff 'nrf ortolan.
Thcflatter was plftced inside oi a boned
oriolewhich was used 'to stun" a thrush,
which thrush stuffed a boned lark. A
boned snlpo was stuffed with tho lark
ant) placed Inside of n' robin, which
was used to stuff a plpvcr, arid which
latter bird filled a quail, w.htch was
then placed iusldo of a pigeon. Tho
pigeon filled a woodcock, tho woodcock
d partridge, thd latter a, thu
grousba pheasant, tho pludisitnt a chick
en, tho chicken a guinea fowl, which
was placed Iusldo of n goo3"o; tho goViso
filled ii turkey, tho turkey a swan, tho
latter an ostrich,, which v;vs Used, to
stuff a sheep, the Hhuep a eaif, tho c.ilf
nn nntelopo.-tho latter n plg, the-pig a
deer, tho deer a bear, tho bear a Heifer,
thb latter an elk'tho elk'nn'o'x, thft'ox a
hippopotamus, the latteran 'elephant.
Tho' ollvo'wns'thon roasted in Its' envel
ope', which' envelope' was thrown rfwny
and thoollvo'lJnly w"u'scrvM.-i-PiEitttE
Blot, in March Oalaxy.'
Thrillino Adventure. "Jingle,"
of tho New York Sunday Nows, tells
astory.which h'psthcnlr of probability.
Whllo with thenriny of tho Potomac,
in tho summer of 18C3, Dr. Walker vis
lied tlio headquarters'of Colonel, nfter
word Gen. Sain. Carrol I ( of tho Second
nrmy corpsj. Falling lil'iill her efforts
to obtain a regular commission' ns sur
geon In tho army, and havlngdnly per
Thissimi to remain with 'tho troops In
tho1 capacity' "of nursd, 'the '-'Doctor"
WnS'-ifrequeiltly obliged- td'hccdpb tho
hospitality or tho officers.-' On tho oc
casion referredl to, sho'pluiiily'statcd to
Gen, Carroll her intcutf&n'of tarrying at
hisdieadquarterrffor' ivfew'days' foY'tho
laudablo purposo 'df looking after tlio
sick. Of course tho General consented,
and being 'as gallant'as' ho Is brnve, of
fered hor:thosolo usoof his tent, which
she accepted. So far so good.
Early on the morning after hcr'arriv
nl, a Meld Gflleer of tho Seventh Wost
Virginia of Carroll's brigado 1 bluff,
honest, bravo, devll-may-caro old back
wopdsulan took.'n walk brigado
headquarters, and noticing that tho
flies of Carroll's tent wero still tied,
thought it somewhat strange that his
commanding officer, generally an early
riser, should remain in'sn late
an hour. "I have It!" said he) think
ing' n moment and approaching tho
tent he quietly untied thol canvass
doois, winking at the same timo to sov
cral staff officers who worn near by 'en
dcavoriug, to control their, rlrfl bltltios.
The fnco ofitlio sleeper was hidden by
tho bed coyerlngjand tlio offlcerquietly
lifting the clothes ut the foot of the
couchj and onclrcllrig two-warmlnnkla
With his, brawny paws, while he, watch
ed, tho head pf tlio, bod Intontly to seo If
the sleppfr nwpke, shouted ut tlio top
of his lungs as ho dragged tho body
completoly.out of tho.bed to.tho floor,
"Carroll, you lazy cuss get. up hero! It's
eight ' ," Tho rest .of thu nentpneo
was lost in a piercing scream, such, as
.only ii leuialo In distress, ewn furnish at
short iiqticfl, and tiq Jolly old, officer,
abashed and dumbfounded 1
from the tout llko a stag struck! by a
three-ounce bu)ot TJiqiJa-kl) wtt? "J1"'
gether too good, to keep, and tho-iodult
was that, every soidlor in thq tjeeond
Corps fcoou.kuqw io Ptory about Colo-iio1t-o)
tho.Sqvquth yjrginla, , pulling
Dr. Mary Walker.put.of lied,
iRiriHJi'AN' ANil FmriLEi Aii Irish
man", J list coma to tills country', liud
nevor'iieen n flddl6." A man faiininlo
u hotel with out), tinder his arm. Ho
riooii bcgiip to tuuo ft up. Ono, of tho
screws silppcd, and hu,splt to
mnkolMiold,titidthcn.bcuu'fodruw tho
bow". Tho Irishman, who wai watching
him, could stand It no longer, hut bolt
ed across tlio street, Into another hotel,
cxclalm'lpgi,"! thought tuts, was, a land
pf,f Ibcrty inui frcednm, m tpo devil
tako such a'liind whpro yq ubusu tho
ehllder so bad."
Landlord Who is ttbuslng- tho chil
dren?'! 4
Irlshnianr-Why nuianaino Into, tho
tavern Just now, wlthittHtUttboyiUnder
his una, and ha .began Xa. torment the
dear Jltjlq creature. First, io began to
pull, and twbftji'ja cars, tfiiyi to, provoke
him more, hp Bplt tif.his'fBce ahtl then
nq.iH'aw'u, aruir itcrpssjs 4e(iy, aim
roly7yrgVit how ho screamed.!
'H.'O. IlAlfii related the following" mi
ocdoto at tho dltlncr-tnUla or t distin
guished poet In L&ntldui 'A word I lug
waaonbo visited, In hi Illness by a well
meaning but dolorous1 clergyman, who
disfigured his countonuiled uiid 'woro a
faco of perpotuul. mourning. As his
sad yljago appuaro.1 in tho doorway,
tho sick mail started up und exclaimed:
Why, what's tliu matter? You look
as if your rollglou iWuV "MM with
you '
N. All"