The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 26, 1869, Image 2

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131.0 twi so una, pa.
KltlllAY MOU.NIXJ, UAKCli, XO, 1800
Tf T1IK COI.UMI1IAN lint the I.urR"!
Vlrciilnlluil T nliy paper published In
Northern Pennsylvania, " ls 10 "
miiclt lnrger sheet lliftn nny of Its eolem
iornrUi ami la lliercrors the best medium
fornilvertlslng III tills ccllon ortli Stale,
In obedience la tho deatnj of n majority thereof.
Hie liemoVrnllo Bt,Uo roinmlllee urn lcqutnted.
In nice I nt jlulloirH Hotel, Hnirlsburg, on Tiles
lay, theDuth'n'ay' of M irHi, ISO), nt 7$ o'clock,
r. M, lit lis Hum of holding the Democratic
Slab) Convention,
It. li.ivin Ou.dvki.i, Hec'ty.
A ISiirpralii for 1'iiiilcrs.
Jlv tlmrrixiit tiurcliiiso of u Gordon
I'runt anil of tlio Columma Democrat
printing oniec, wo Imvo nciiiilrctl nit
Un necessary number of Presses and
material. Wo thereforo oiler lo tell one
Washington Press sizo No.4 In coin
lltto running order j ouo Washington
Press Foolscap size almost entirely
now; together with n quantity of bour
goto., nonpareil, wood, metal and
display ypc, imposing stones, cases,
rules, and .all tho material necessary to
start u flrst-cluss country printing office.
If tho. material cannot bo hold in bulls,
It will bo disposed or in lots. Terms
cash. Address tho editor by letter or
in person. 3t.
lilooiu Township Election.
Tiiouan both of tho political partita
nominated full tickets, our contest last
Friday waa less partisan than It has
been for years. At no previous election
Jim. there been voted bo many mixed or
scratched ticket, and tho result showed
tho indifference of tho people to party
nominations. Wo givo the vote below.
It wllliMjsien that tho entire Democrat
ic ticket was elected except the caudl
dates for School Directors, ono of tho
eadidates for Constable, and tho caudl
luto for Auditor. . Our; candidate for
Judgo had forty majority. Wo give tho
,voto iu detail. -f
Democrats. . lifpubUcam,
Win. B. Koons 250 Enos Jaeoby 210
inspector '
Ell Jones 1 221 O.Wi SnytUr 23i
J. 13. Cnsoy 225 E. R.Drinker 230
J. J. Barkloy 214 C. Fort.wald 212
M. C. Woodward 231 Jacob Evans
J.F. Fox- .- 17UB. Leacock
Ji DieiTunbach 212 I.W. Hartman
M.JjYEyorley ,220 Cuspor Thomas 223
J. II. Furmau 202 Jesse Shannon 209
John Leacock 235 E. B.Bidleman 21Q
Moses Coflmau 258 J. K. Eycr 217
Chas. Thomas 212 John Dialy 210
James Frcezo 220 John Rlukcr 203
The Xaiiibs" at. Work.
In view of their near enfranchise
ment by tho Legislature,, tlio negroes
havo already begun operations in this
State. Tho dispatch explains itself.
"Lot us liavo peace."
CuAMiiEuanifRa, Pa., March 21. On
Thursday afternoon last,a girl, thirteen
years old, and two young ladies al
whito and daughters of neighboring
farm ere, living within two miles of this
. . i .... . i . i .
iiiuuct nwu ruvisneu uy u negro, uq
Friday u negro, nineteen years' old,
'nam'ediCaln Norris, a nativo of Cham
berhburg, was arrested and is now con.
lined ,l(i Jnii as .tho perpetrator .of these
outrages,, hnd there seems but littlo
dohbt of his being tlioguilty party. Tho
oxcit cment in'the community is Intense,
On Friday night uu effort was made to
,titko Norris from Jail with tho intention
of hanging him. No less than eight
hundred people gathered about thq
building, but, speeches having been
mado by a number of prominent clti
y.tms, tho.mob was induced to disperse.
Tlio.prison lias sinco beotx guarded by a
posse comitalus, summoned by thoshdr
Iff. Tlio young ladles outraged' ard
daitghtars of thrco'of our most respec
tablo farmers.
.tOalil orornnl.
Quant no'cr had tho full coufldenco
of his parly, and nothing shows their
ear of treachery more plainly I ban
. tho failure to repeal the Tenure of Oftlcq
'.law) Tho Seranton JiepuUlcan, with
iu In,depQiidenco characicrlstio of that
Journal, tayti:
. But no man holds .tho Itcvs of the fu
turo. Wo, may havo another Andrew
Johnson after Grant. If tho law bo
Salutary, let it stand. Let us, while wo
jl-hii, provme jor jouusouiun emergen
Wo would not Iio niucii surprised to
hear of imottigr Impeachment trial iu
less than a year.
'Tub, refi?nl Iq, permit tho people of
.Pennsylvania tp vqtn upon tho napp-
tion pr f ho Negro Suffrage"
Amendment is, tio grossest outrago
that was over perpetrated. When thq
Radical members of pur Stato Leglsla--turo
decided to force tho matter through
without discussion, on their part, they
admitted their uttoriuabllity to defend
tho courso they decided to pursue.
Thoy know they could not etand up and
discuss tho proposition to submit tho
question, tq tho peoplo. Tho whito men'
of this Commonwealth .will read tho;
proceedings with proper feelings of ln-i
dlgnation', and when tho next election
icomes they wlll io ready to choos6 a
Legialaturu. which .YfJll retract thorati-j
.fication as promptly.aslt was endorsed.;
Tho issue is made up, nnd tho result, ls
not doubtful. Tho jtadlculs can not
shirk tho discussion before tho people 1
King caucus will bo powerless there
Said the 2Ves on Saturday: "Tho
"flfteerith constitutional amendment is
" but tho natural d6velopment of tho
" organic loW of tho Republican party."
Ycsl but when you wore beforo tho
peoplo of Pennsylvania last October,
you sworo tho laW of your party was
,k thb'gunrantyV by Cbngross, of ctjual
tuffrdgo'to'allloyal men atfio South
wus deniatided by every consideration
" of jiubllo safety, of gratitude, and of
"iisilce, and musf bo nialntalued;
" whijo tho, ijuostloa of syffrago hi all
" tho lpyai States, propvrly bolougs to
, ",J Jeoplo of thoso States." Chicago
J'lulorm, Uay 21 , 1SC8,
Hon. CliurlcN It. liiicktilciv.
TUB retirement of this distinguished
gcntlemitn fioiii (lie coiiik'IIm of Ihoua
lion tit UiIm June' urn f puhlln iillUIri,
whoii int'ii nf miiiikI xlMli'smau-hlii nnd
eapaclly iii'ii so 1'iire, will lie deeply u
grcltcd by all who know htm. Tho pu
rity of 1 1 1-4 private Itfn and hts gouuluu
moral worth, no lea-i than hU ncknowl
cdg(! nullities-'n a stntwnmn, liutilo
him an ornament of tho United Stales
Senate. No Senator eitjoyt-d tho tecpoct
and coulldcneu of his colleagues to a
greater orient than did he. Had it been
his fortuno to servo In a time- when
sound reason and true pntrlottsm, In
stead of f.lnatlcisiu, blind prejudlce.aud
party hatred, controlled tho actions Of
tltoso who held tho place I of legislators,
his lulliicino must have been of tho
mo-it coiiitimiiding charttcter. But with
men bent on a contnmptuotw dlHrcgard
of the popular will, whose avowed pur-
piwo It was to legislate outsldo thu coin
stltullou, the arguments and appcals.of
a statesman Uko Mr. Bucknlow, wero
littlo Iieeded. Tliero wero times, how-
over, wneu tno mauness or party was
hlayed In Its career by his calm reason
iiigund forclhlo argument. Tho histo
ry of his career iu tho Senalo of tho
United Slates and his connections with
great public measures lias yet to bo
written. It will bo long before Ids
place in the Senato of tlio United States
Wl bo adequately tilled. I'atriol &
Union. (
Conference Appointments.
Bixow wo give tho appointments of
the M. E. Conference for tho Danville
and Wllliamspjrt Districts. It will bo
seen llov. Qcro goes to Montoursvillc,
llov. B. F. ltiddlu is assigned to Ber
wick station, llov. A. M. Barnltz goes
to Milllln, W. II. Norcrossgoes to York
Springs, his former charge. Itov. Eycr
and Fortucr has charge of tho Berwick
UANVI1.LE BIHT. 11. It. CUEliVEU, 1'. E.
Danville, Mulberry st.F. Hodgson.
" JlontourClinpel J. II. Mc-
Northumberland J. F. Ockerman.
Washlngtonville II. Wilson, T. O.
Bloomsburg Ji A. Mcllck, D. U.
John, Sup.
Espy and Llghtstrcet W. M. Mem
mlnger. Orangoville J. F. Brown,' Isaiah Ed
wards. Berwick B. F. Riddle,' Q. Day, Sup.
" Circuit P. F. Eycr, Harry B.
Fortiior. '
Bloomingdale B.. F. King,
Crosthwalte. ' '
Muhlcnburg E. II. Yocum.
Whito lluven W. C. Hcsser.
Weatherly-J. F.Wilson.
Ilazleton 1). Sheffer.
Jeansvllle J. B. Cuddy, C..1
A. C
scotor. 1
Catawissa II. E. Dill. 1
Elysburg II. S. Mcmlenlmll j A. L.
Sliamokln N. S. Buckinghnin.
Centralia To bo supplied.
Mt. Canriel-E. T.-Swnrtz.
Ashland A.. M. Crelghton.
Troverton J. F. Crulg.
fenydertown D. B. McClosky.
Sunbury W.AV. iJvtins.
SelinBgrovb Q . W. Miller.
Irwin .Hi' Torrenco, Secretary of tho
1 Pennsylvania Bible Society, member of
Montour Chapel Quarterly Conference.
WiM.tAMSrduT''DiST. w. l. srorrs
'avood, r. v.
Wllliarrisporf, Mulberry st. AV. S..
Vililamsport,I'inost'.--Wm. Harden.
" Trlco Chapel D. nar-
Willlamspor't, Third st.-J. B. Pols-
Wllllamsport, Newberry S. C. Swal
low. . ,
Wllllamsport Circuit-P. Bird.
Montoursvillc J. A. Gere.
Hughesvlllo E.'M. Chllcoa.
.Laporte J, C. Turner ''' '
Muncy II..M. A.slu ' ' ,".
Watsbntowii P. Gearlmrt, i, Pamii
Milton E. W. Klrby.
Lowlsburg S. Crelghton,"
Mlflllnburg N. W. Colburn.
Saladasburg Q. Leidy, J, Hunter,
Liberty Valley R. ,11. Colburn
Jersey Shore B. F. Stevens., '
Jamestown L. S. Crane.
Qrcat Island j ,X. Olxsa. i
Lock Haven M. it. Foster.
Solona M. li. Crosthwalte, ,
Westpqrt and7Farrandsvl)le, To' hq
suppueu, ' I
ltenova A. 31. Kestcr, J, ,
rock, Sup.
Leidy Wuw Antes.
Slnncmahoning II. M.. Hawkins, E.
T.1111U. i
Efnporlum JI. L. Drum.
Caledonian A. B. Hoover.
T. Mftchell, President, and H. A
Curran, Professorln WilliamsportDlck
iuson Seminary, nicnibor qf MuJ
berry street Quarterly Conference.
J. F, Davis, Professor la, Williams-
port Dickinson Seminary, nnd member
or Pino street Quarterly uonierorco
Tho noxt annual session of Confer
ence will be held atLowlstown, Mlflllti
county', Pa,
OuANai:vir.i.E School,, On motion
of Senator Jackson, a ' committee has;
been appointed to visit tho Orangevlllo
Orphans' School, and rdport th6 facts
concerning its' removal, nnd tho amount'
of remuneration If any which shquld bo
mado to Prpf; Walker, Tho following
aro thu committco': Brown of Mercer,
Olmstcad, Graham, Miller, and Sea
right. TitEiuobofonico-hunterspowlnWash-ington
is far greater than it was y)icii
Mr. Lincoln was .inaugurated .eight:
years ago, and of courso Infinitely great
er than it was four.years ago. Thoy
spend their lime principally in borlpg,
iutriguing, drinking ,and "blowing,11!
It is a denioralWug business, lioth Ac
tho individual uud tho country, ;
JIiin J, B. Sxauk, wo understaud,
has purchased tho Wyoming Vullqy
Hqusp, Wllkcsbarro. Ho pays aCout
t!,0O0 for It; it cost $175,000. It is onp
of tho best keptajidjncst located hotels
in pr put of tho SuTfo. , '
,i 1 1 ,' i
TiiEDemocrats havo carried tliqUor
rough of Danville, cloetlng A. S, Am
merman flvo imvlority.
n , , , .. mm . , , , ,
In another column wo givo a synop
sis of tho new Registry Law, as propos
ed by tho present Legislature., s .
Tho McConnelsburg (Fulton) Dem
ocrat ls responsible for tho story that a
man in, that place made asausago forty
eight feet long. T
nuivniilu I.eRlntiirc.
IlAnutsmmn, Marctt 17.
thdjopenlng of tho hcnsIoh, Mr.
Heck, of Lycoming, mado A statement
In regard' toa'lilll .passed on Monday
night tu his absence, which action ho
declared to bo an outrngo on thu rights
of tho peoplo. of his district, nnd of nil
courtesy to himself, and ho wasoorry to
tlnd, that somo of Ills Democratic col-.
leagues had beca so mistaken as to
voto for It. Tho bill abolished tho Twon-ty-ltlnth
Judicial District, nnd ho felt
confident that tho wholo thing was tlio
result of a conspiracy, flrst to sccuro,
hu abscuco In Philadelphia, and then
to perpctrnto this outrago, concocted
mid put through by n resident of Wll
llamsport, who ho charged was- ono of
tho most corrupt kcouudrcis that enter
ed tho halls pf lc-glslutlou. Mr. Beck
concluded by n3klng that tlio, bill bo re
pealed, and ho offered a bill for that
purpose, which, after somfi discussion,
was passed.
Mr. Olmstcad read in his p)nco and
presented to tho Chair a bill to prevent
tenants In common ot timber lands
from cutting or removing timber trees
without tho consent of nil their co-tenants.
Tlio general mlllttn bill, No, 00, wos
taken up, and tho yeas nqd nays wero
called on a motion to postpono indefi
nitely, which was not agreed to. On
tlio final nassaco of tho bill, tho bill
ivas amended by striking out tho tax of
"ono dollar" nnd Inserting 'fifty cents,"
providing also that tho Oxpcnso of col
lecting shall not exceed fifty cents.
Tho bill passed.
Mr. Turner read in his place and pre
sented to tho Chair, a bill establishing a
ferry at Hicks' ferry, in Salem town
ship, to Luzcrno county,
Houso hill rovlslng tho militia law,
by requiring tho payment of ono dollar
tax, or tho performance of mllltla ser
vice, was discussed.
Tho militia bill wn finnlly passed,
with tax reduced to fifty cents.
3fr. Whito, ono to nlldw Writs of cs
tropeutent to Issuo to stay waste, perill
ing writs of error, in partition and
other real actions.
On motion of Mr. Jackson, tho Senato
proceeded to tho second rending nnd
consideration of Senato bill No, 1031,
entitled A supplement to an act for tho
better and more Impartial selection of
persons to servo as jurors In tho several
courts of this Commonwealth, approved
AprlllO, 1S67.
Tho rules wero suspended, tho bill
read a'thlrd time, passed, and sent to
tho Houso of Representatives for con
currence. Tho special business of tho evening
was tho discussion of tho fifteenth con
Etitutlohal amendment and Its ratlfica
tion ny this State.
The 'following preamble and resolu
tions wero agreed upon by tho Demo
crats,1 in caucus, during tho afternoon,
and an attempt was mado, at tho open
ing of the discussion, by Mr. Rogers,
of Philadelphia, to bring them boforo
tho House. They represent tho views
of tho Democracy.
IFftcrea, It Is provided In tho Stato
Constitution that all the amendments
thereto must bo adopted by two succes
sive .Legislatures and ratified by tho
people;' and whereas, tho amendment
to tho Constitution of the United States,
known as tlio tifteoath amendment,
now'beforo tho .House, will,fif ratified
by tho Legislatures of three-fourths of
Itho several States, practically and rndi
cally alter and amend tho third section
of Articlo I.- of. our Stato Constitution
and whereas, tho citizens of -Pennsyl
vania may, by-votes of the Legislatures
of tho States whoso institutions aro for
eign to our own, bo deprived of tho
sacred right of determining .what
changes, if any, shall bo mado in their
organic laws; therefore, i
Jtetolved? That tlio. considemtion of
tho so-called fifteenth amendment bo
posfponcd untll tho' second Tuesday of
January, 1870, for action of tho Legisla
ture then ini session, 'so that tho sover
eign peoplo or .Pennsylvania may
through tho representatives 'elected for,
tho purpose, record their decree in'favor
of its adoption or rejection. Tlio aboyo
.preamble and resolution, woro objected
to by Mr. Davis, (Republican) and were
Evening session was hold for tho con
sldcratlon of tho General Registry law
for tho State.
' -Tho bill makes it tho duty of tho as
sessors' on tho first Monday in Juno' of
'each year to' rovlso tho transcripts
which they havo -received from tho
County Commissioners, and prepare a
correct list of voters, with placo of res
idence, nnd also imiko a separate list of
all'asgcssmcnts for tho commissioners.
They aro also, prior to the flrst of
August, to po3t ono copy of tho list on
tho' houso" whero an election is held ;
and they shall add to their list tho
names of thoso claiming tlio right to
On election day any voter whoso nama
has been omitted, may, by taking oath,
substantiated by tho oath of ono witness
ris to certain points, cast his voto.
Tho Court of Common Pleas is to ha vo
power,on requestor citizens, to'nppolnt
two overseers to bo present with tlio
officers of election. It also makes it
Illegal for any prothonotary, clerk or
deputy to affix tho seal of olilco to any
naturalization paper, whereby it may
bo fraudulently used, or aid Iu permit
ting tho Issuo of fraudulent naturaliza
tion certificates' t or to 'voto on such
It also providesthat all city, ward,
borough , township and election officers
shall bo elected on tho second Tuesday
of October. That all elections shnll bo
held between 7 A. M. and 0 p. m. This
act doe3 not apply to Philadelphia.
Tlio Legislative committee; by n voto
ofsoven to six, decldo In'favor of Mr,
Thayer, giving him 1,700 majority over
Mr. Greenbank, for Judge 6f tho Dis
trict Court of Philadelphia.
ItEliKTOFonn'it has 'boon tho'custoni
that tho purchaser'ofa property paysfdr?
tho title papers and thq stamps, and ho'
had tho priyilego or selecting his own
conveyancer. But a lato' decision of tho
Supremo Court has changed this. A.
caso camo up peroro it recently contest
ing this point by a purchaser who re
fused to'pay and the Court decided thnt
It was right. Tho seller must, nt Ills
own oxpense,'gIyp'n good nnd sufficient
Wlb.JIdrrmutg JWeprapJi.
WU iilvo our readers tlds week tlio re
stilt of bur1 'township elections, nnd a
list or tho Jurors drawn (or tho May
MWftV xr r-i i
IVnsIiliigton Kcivs.
' WABinNdTON, March 18.
ar.buniA to nil ueconstuucteh ovr.n
, , 1 AGAIN.
A most infnnioiis bill was reported to
day' from tho'Scnalo Committco on tho
Judiciary, concerning thoStato of Geor
gia. It substantially remands thoStato
back to oxcluslvo military government,
restores negroes to Boats in tho Legisla
ture, itc. overthrows tho bo called Re
construction or tlid Stato, nnd places
tho peoplo thereof nt tho mercy of somo
military despot. "Let us havo pcaccl"
In thu Senate, to-day, Mr. Wilson,
from tho Military Committee, reported
a bill to conttnuo tho Educational De
partment, &c.i &c, of tho Frcedmou's
Bureau until tho first of January, 1871,
and it was passed without amendment.
Next year a bill for a further contin
uanco of tho Bureau will bo introduced
nnd passed in tho eamo way.,
Case ov Oeneuatj tonostueet.
Tho delay in acting upon tho nomi
nation of Gen. Longstrcct for tho sur-
veyorshlp or tho port or Now Orleans
gives rise to tho'oplnlon that It will ul
tlmutcly bo rejected. Tho "carpet bag"
Senators nro understood to bo opposed
to tho confirmation, and thcro Is no
doubt that tho cxlrcmo Northern RadI
cats nro of tho Bamo way of thinking.
Thus tho ex-Gcncral is again placed
"between two fires."
Washington, March 19.
It is ouo of tho most romantic hid
dents connected with tho hunt for place
here, that In this city, at tho present
moment, looking for an office, nro mem
bers of a faintly living Just out of St.
Louis, who know Mr Grant soverai
years ago, when ho used to haul wood
from tho city to tho farmers In tho sub
urbs. Tho pica special wlikli thoy put
in is, that on ono occasion Mr. Grant
carted somo fuel to them, nnd that tho
mother of tho household called him in
tho back kitchen and carefully darned a
const Jornbly dilnpldntcd overcoat pf tho
.then teamster and now President,
SIuco then tho family havo met with
reverses, and hearing of tiio "great
Amcricau glft entcrprlso" set up in this
pity since-' March 4, havo sent on soverai
of their nutijber for nn ofllco for tho
husband of. tho lady who sowed tho
historical garment several years ago.
Tho Supremo Court or tho United
States has decided not to render a decis
ion, at this term, on tho four cases
pending beforo them involving tlio con
stitutionality of tho. legal-tender law.
This determination is construed in
many ways. Tho cases wero finally ar
gued in December last, so thero has
been no lack of tlmo iu which to decido
them. Thero is a very gravo suspicion
that, notwithstanding tho decision in
the Bronson case, tho court has como to
tho conclusion that tho laws making
,tho United Stutes notes a legal-tender
havo been decided to bo unconstitu
tional. ' .
'Wasiiinciton, March 20,
Tlio'ScHhto Committco on'Commerco
has made a- favorable' report on tho
nomination of J. F. Casey, to bo Col
lcctBr of tlio port of New Orleans, and
has reported back' tho 'nomination of
LOngstreet without recommendation.
white house.
A very largo number of Senators and
Representatives called at ,tho Whito
liousn on Saturday. Tlio. Pennsylvania
delegation, headed by Senator Cameron
called In a body and had an interview
with tho President.
TiiclHouso refused to-day to take any
now action pn tlio question of final ad
Journmcnt, but'it seems informal
ly agreed that Congress, will adjourn
sme die about April 10.
Washington, March 23.
Tho debato.Jnttho,Senato on tho pro
posed repeal pf tho tonuro of-ofllco act,
and thobplitln tho Radical (Senatorial
caucus, yesterday, thereon, havo creat
cd a profound impression in political
circles ncre, anu givo nso to serious ap
prehensions among Radical leaders in
regard to tho ruturqsuccess'ortlieirpar
ty ; which, it will bo remembered, liaj
hitherto preserved its solidity by tlio
rigor or its caucus rules. Tho dis
affection or Sprague, as manifested ,in
his spcccli tho other day, followed by
,1110 withdrawal pr six Senators rrom tho
caucus yesterday, points unerringly to
such a division or sentiment on vital
questions, as to Justify tho opinion that
tho'dqminantlmajorlty which has ruled
tho Federal Legislature as "with n rod
of iron" ror tho past nlno years, is about
to undergo tho natural process or dlsln
tegration and ero long meet tho'fato its
wickedness justly deserves.
It Ls now definitely understood that
tho, President ,wjll shortly send to tho
Senato tho nomination or Mr. J.Lathrop
Motley, pr jlass., tp bq United States
Ji ulster to England. Tho namo or
7oraco Greqley was prominently men.
tloncd iu connectlqn with, this impor
tant mission, hut it is said that somo or
his party In, tho Senato nnd 7ouso
thought himibettor .qualified, ror a less
conspicuous place, whereupon, it was
adjudged and determined that this lion
or should bo conferred upon Jr. Jbtley,
who has somo reputation as a diplo
Thero aro nearly fourteen hundred
applications already on file for tho ap
pointment or Consul ati. Frankfoid-ou-
tlio-Jaln, and undoubtedly flvo or six'
hundred morq will bo filed during tho
next two weeks.
i Washington, March 15.
Gen. Qllcs'A. Smith has been appoint
ed 2nd' Assistant Post -Waster General
and -Vqses Grlnnell Collector 'or tho
Port br'NoWYork.
Thq Senato has adopted tho report or
tho Judiciary Committco for tho Repeal
qivtho,Tpuuro,of Olilco Act.
'Qkn1. Quant's" first military order as
'President, assigns Sheridan to tho only
placo ror1 which 'his unfitness and In
competency had been completely dem
onstrated;1 and aftor sending to tho most
prominent stations generals of iowor
rank and lew brilliant services than tho
orilygcncral named its his competitor
ror tho Presidency, Hancock namoly,
him General Grant seiidA io Dakota..
'Tills is magnanimous.
Ulccllon Itctiiins.
Benton, Justlco.Samuel Rhone: Con
stable, Samuel Applcniani Supervisors,
Tiios Davis, h. M'nonryt uvoisecrs, ,i.
WoolIver.R.GIbbons; School Directors,
John C. Doty, E. Lnubnch; Assessor,
J. Stiles; Judgo or Election, I). P. Sut
ton; Inspectors, S. J. Benjamin, Win.
S. Knsc; Auditor, J. O. Dlldlne.
Beaveu. Justice. B Horn Consta
ble, A Shtiman; Supervisors, DSwaup,
Peter Shcllhammcr; Overseers, Henry
lIoutz,'W Longonhcrgerj School DIrcc
tors,,John Michael, Israel Bchcll; As
sessor, Allen Mann; Judgo or Election,
rotor l'ltrvcr; inspectors, iu cniicnor,
Chas Michael; Auditor, G P Drclsbach.
BttiAncr.EEK. Justice, Win. M.
ICIInctop; Constnblo, Gideon G Hossler;
Supervisors, Emmor Dclttcrlch, Jacob
Mostcllcr: Ovcrscors, Wm.MKlInetop,
Georgo Evans; School Directors, Win.
1 n mmi Tlmi Ailnmot A canaan Tnattilt
JJillJIVJil i.U3i .C&..llllli3j ilCWlMUlUUJiit"
B Mnrtz; Judgo or Election, Samuel
Kelchncr; Inspectors Slhw E Moycr,
Win B Hnrtman; Auditor, Stephen
BEitwiCK. Justice John McAnall;
Cbler Burgess, H O Frcas; Assistant
Burgess, win C Barnes; Town Council,
A S Philips, 8 B Bowman, W II Wood
in. Michael Frantz. D Reedy; Consta
ble, II M Hockman; High Constable,
Casper Frantz; Overseers, R Thompson
O II P Kitchen; School Directors. John
Fcnstermachor, D Bauchcr; Judgo or
Election. A Thompson: Inspectors. J
M Snyder, G H Wells; Auditor, Lcroy
x. xnompson; Assessor, j juanuman.
Centualia. Justice, Pat Klllccn:
Chier Burircss. Anthony O'Donnell:
Assistant Burccss Win James: Town
Council Thos Gaughen, R Welsh, Chris
Cottingon, James Brahany, TI103 Geri-
ty; constable, Bam iticnarus; iiigit
Constable, Martin Gaughen; Overseers,
J Dalton, M McNnlly; School Directors,
Ed Curley M O'Hara; Judgo or Elec
tions John Spring; Inspectors,J Kcaly,
A u i'ortner: Auuitor, u weisn; as
scsor, Thos Clenry.
Catawissa. Justice, Lewis Yctter;
Constable, P G Campbell; Supervisors,
John Strous, John Kelffor; Overseers,
Peter Kern.H 1) llcinharil; School Di
rectors. Abel Thomas, M Hartman: Av
sessor, Clinton Ellis; Judgo of Election
Geo. H Willlts; Inspectors, J Mllawly
uco juannaru; Auuitor, m jh. iiroust.
Conyngham. Constable, Wm Good
man; Supervisor, Richard Thornton;
Overseers, J Brennuii, P Shoughnossy,
Sr; School Directors, Thos Monroe 1 yr,
Pat Burke, M Mullgan 3 yrs, Wm Chap
man 3 yrs; Assessor, Luko Brennnu;
Judiro of Ulectlon. W S Wliittior: In.
spectors J Brcnuati, Peter Loaly; Au
ditor, Wm Dolphin; Town Clerk, M
Flanagan; Treasurer, J Dowoy.
Centue. Justice, Samuol Neyhart;
Constnble. II D Knorr: Supervisors. A
Shcllhammcr, S Hagcubucti; Overseers
Isaac Whitmyer; Auditor, Edward
llartman; Town Clerk, a Neyhart.
Fishing Cheek. Constable. S Buss:
Supervisors. Philin Annlcman. John
Weuner; Overseers, Chas Ash, John'
Sutton;' School Directors, II McHenry
nam xnomas; .assessor, vj lvramer:
Judgo or Election, Sam Shlve; Inspec
tors j u btocKer iuoses juciionry; au
ditors D Yost, J V Hutchinson tie.
Fhanklin. Justice, T P Cherlng
ton; Constabio II P Clark: Supervisors,
Clinton Mendcnhall, Michael Monschi
AsseRsor, Wm Teplo; School Directors
W G Fisher, Clinton Mendenhall; O ver-
,V,H U11U, i.VliUUl. O XIJ. U.UULUU1U,
Auditor, Jackson Cleaver; Inspectors,
x JU jjicnscn, Anurew Jjonrmau
Greenwood. Constabio, P Kline:
Supervisors, Wm,ltoto, AJ Albertson;
Overseers, Wm Koto, Wesley Morris:
School Directors. A F Kline. J L Pres
ton; Assessor, J McMIchael; Judgo o!
.Election, II P Whiteman; Inspectors;
E -McHenry, David Albertson; Auditor
atnuci jucttenry.
Hemlock. Justice. N. P. Moore
Constabio, D Neyhart; Supervisors, D
B Wagner, II D McBride; Overseers
P Folk, Eli Ohl; School Directors, A
Smith, S Pursell; Assessor, Jacob Kin
ney ;u uugo 01 Election iseui miocmaKer;
Insiiectors, Sam Girton P S Brugler;
jvuuuui, jomi ivppiemau
Jackson. Constable, A Manning;
Supervisors. II Wagner, A McHenry:
Overseers. N D Kilo John F Dorr:
School Directors. G W Fnrvcr. David
Yocum; Assessor, David Yocum; Judgo
or Election. Joseph Yorks; Inspectors,
J II Fritz, Hugh Shultz; Auditor, Asa
Locust. Constable, Sol Fettcrman
Supervisors, M Hower, Jacob Stine;
OimraAnH Innoa T 1 i.l ! r 1 1, ! L' ..... 1 1
u . ..h,wc wuuiu ..uiviit. jhi tail oiiiuil.
School Directors. Wm II Itelnbnlil. (!
T311llg; Assessor, Gorn Hower;' Judgo or
Tlfcl -I.l 1 TT .1 V
.luuiiuii uwaru jvreuiser, lnspcciors,
Frank Itembold, R Watkius; Auditor,
T ,. n.i . ... ' I
j-ieuusu x'aiinngcr.
Maine. Constable, A J Bernlnger;
Suncrvisors. J M Nuss. Win Lnnyen.
berger; Overseers. It Sliuman, Michael
urovcr; cscnooi uireciors, wm T bnu
man. A Miller: Assessor. Francis Fem
ming; Judgo or Election, Chii3 Nuss;
inspeciors. u x onuman, uaviu Knu
man; ivuuuor, josopii iiurtzel
Madison Constabio. Isaao McBride:
Supervisors, John mith. Joseph Hess,
uvursuers, xiugu lucuouum, wm li
ucmott; Kcliool Directors. Wm. Mos
teller, Thos Ilunyau; Asjessor, A Carr;
tjuuguui jicuuuiiu iwirisuunc; xuspec
tors, Geo Supple, Wm McBride; Audi
tor, S P Demott.
Mount Pleasant. Justice, D P.
Applemanj Constabio, Joseph Ikelor;
Supervisors. Peter Hlpncnstccl. Manil
as Gilbert; Overseers, E Howell, Sara'l
Johnson; School Directors, P Miller, II
It Grimes; Assessor, John Kline; Judgo
or Election, J M W hlte; Inspectors, E
iKcier. ciincon picuick; .auuitor, ill
ram Thomas.
Montour. Constabio Evan Welllv-
er; Supervisors, Win Hollungshcad,
Bent Kruin: Ovorsecrs. Sam Gltrer. P
llclmbach; School Directors, E Welliv
er, Henry Lazarus; Assessor, John Q
Barkley; Judgo or Electlou, P Helm
bach; Inspectors, Joslah lloberls Peter
ii Jiivans; auuitor, JNoan xaouscr,
Mifflin. Constabio, P. J. Lantz;
Supervisors, L Creabey, Geo Sliuman;
Overseers, H Hetler. L Eckroth; School
jjirccioru, uuwis jLcurotu, u ys., uoo,
urown, iys., jonn j liartzei. l yr.:
jiisrasur, ij j. hum, uuugo UI Election
Chas Werkliolsor; Inspectors, Isaac An-
, 1-v . IT T 1 I- Y . " . .
urews, j u xone; vuunor, i l.uiz.
Oranoe. Constabio M Keller: Sun-
ervisors, Daniel KHuo, Itouben iiellis;
School Directors, Wm P Whito, S M
I'ettebonc; Assessor D IS Iluyman;
Judso or Election, A B Horriner: In.
ppectora. il Hagenbuch, O Coveuhov-
cn; ivuuuor j u iiarmou.
li.T.. r'., ,, 1,1 rrn . , i r., i f , .
pcrvisors, Joiin Wliltrayor, Jos Itob
llsou; Bcliool Directors, Thos Mclirirto,
E liotrart: Assessor. 1 W Bonos: Juiln
J V WeUiYer, Fred Wagnor; Auditor,
ItOAltINO CltKRir. .rinimtnliln Toonli
Lonconbercor: Su'ner visors. Jos Lovnn.
Henry Hoil'inan; Overseers Joseph Loi
van, Abrm Witner; Bchool Directors,
David Long, .Peter Lovon; Assossor,
ounu jionaur; uuuguoi j'jiecuou, Aurm
iteaver; inspectors, M Myers, Samuel
Stouifer; Auditor, John 0 Myers.
RlTnAIlT.n.ll.i Pnnalntiln W.n A l.-lln.
Supervisors, Wm L Ilerllutrer. Samuel
iiess, su; uverseers, j n utitx, John
Alex Iless: Assessor, Win II Moore;
Judgo or ilectIou, Jesso JIurtraan; Im
sneefprs', A Iless, A, J Frl.zj. Auditor,.
E Peterman; Town Clerk, A Ijaubnch.
' Scott,
Justlco, Jdsoph Llily; Com
uiucl ICressler; Supervisors,
ane, P D Keller; Oversown,
stablo, Samuel
Anrnti llnntiA
UFOman.D Whitmyer: School Dirocl
tors, ii u Jiciciiucr a r. m u mcco nm
a yr, Geo' W Johnson I yr; Assessor,
II II Brown; Judgo or Election, O V
Entt Iusnector W A Barton. D Snvden
Auditor, Wit) M Ent. 1
r ureasy, j Aioiimati; scnooi JJirectors, --'-"i .. ... ..w6.. .
EI.Kclehnor, Wesley' Ilessj Assessor eight thousand root accidentally drop-
II JBeiterlch Judgo or Election, Sto! pedadog. The aiilma Is supposed to
tihon MeEwen: Tnn1ectnrs. lr H iVlrks. mlvo sustained internal injuries ns no
IVcivh Items.
A mnn nnd wlfo who havo thirty-
ono children, claim tho "champion
ship" InNowYorU.
-England and Wales contain a mil
lion or paupers.
A rViilflnh Kvnst recently taken on
tho Banks with eight trolling hooka In
his paunch.
-Roverdv Johnson has forty nnd
moro grand-children.
-Thorn Iq nut a Jewish beeirar in
Now York. Tho Hebrews support their
own poor.
Tho Klug of Slam leaves 2,000 wid
ows. Tho prico or mourning clonics
has gono up in Slam.
-Wolves havo bocomo so abundant
In Yazoo county, Miss., nnd their dep
redations so great, that tho board of po
lico has offered n roward of $7.00 for
every won scalp.
A Mississippi paper says tho crops
that havo not failed In that Stato this
year, aro "pumpklus nnd boy babies."
A set or ralso teeth wero attached in
Kentucky, by a sheriff, for taxes.
About a hundred thousana bushels
or peanuts havo been exported rrom
North Carolina this year.
Over 60,000 copies or Alexander II.
Stephens' "Jlistory of the War'" havo
been sold.
A street car driver and his son, in
Now Orleans, wero killed recently by a
negro, for demanding his rare.
During tho San Francisco earth
quake, a carpentor was ot work on a
church splro 100 feet from tho ground.
Ho didn't like it.
Thcro Is n lady In Columbus, Ohio,
eighty years old, who Is cutting her
third set of teeth.
Ono actress In Paris wears $80,000
worth or diamonds. Another has just
bought n houso worth $300,000.
Mr. Welsh, of Philadelphia, has re
ceived In good condition tho racer "La
dy Thorn," nnd paid for her seventeen
thousand dollars.
Tho largest man in Maryland died
on suntlay. iio used to weigh ouu
pounds, but has lately grown thin,
weighing only -100 when ho died.
A citizen of Belfast, Ireland, thirst
ing for fame, has climbed tho splro of a
church there, and been photographed
whilo standing on tho ball.
Tho world has been doing tho lato
king of SInm great injustice by printing
him simply Mong-koun Clin. His namo
was l'rauat bomdet
l'ra l'aramendr-
Malta Mongkut.
l'ror. JJrooks went up iu a balloon
Nathan Copo, living about two
miles north or East Falrllcld,in Colum
biana county. Ohio, has sold one thous
and barrels or apples rrom his orchard
this year, at $3 per barrel, and has about
ono thousand barrels still on hand. His
orchard consists or about eight acres.
An Insano woman near Bowmans
villo, Canada, on Tuesday drowned her
two children in u barrel or water, and
when discovered was herseir getting in
to tno uarrci neau lorcmost.
A, married woman says that when
her husband is a littlo drunk ho kicks
her, and when ho is very drunk sho
kicks him. Sho congratulates herself
that sho docs tho greater part or tho
Tho cravo of John Harris, tlio
rounder or Harrisburg is at tho foot or
me ireo to wmcii no was onco lieu uy
Indians, and a tiro kindled about him
to burn him alivo. A simple iron fenco
surrounus mo grave.
A rcsldont or Ebnira reached homo
tho other night Just in timo to provent
ins who iroui roasting mo oauy, sno
having tho stovo ready heated and ex
pressing her intontlou to "huvo one
good meal out of that child."
Tho Lecisluturo of Ohio has passed
a law requiring every broker or banker
in that Stato to mark or stamp every
counterfeit, worthless or nltcred bank
note that may como into ids possession,
under penalty of a flno of from fifty to
ono uunurcu uoiiurs.
Somo ono has calculated that the
peoplo of tho United States spend an
nually for tobacco and cigars nearly
enough money to pay tho interest on
mo iNatiouai ucui.
An old man in Eastern Bradford
savs somo years aero ho mado ono hun
dred dollars iu u single winter, hunting
foxes. Ho killed ono fox, sold tho skin
for ono dollar aim nau nincty-nino tlol
lars' worth or run.
Pclcrllerdlol Peter Iterdlc I
.'ou should bo embalmed la song;
You liave bought the Legislature,
Do you moan to keep It long T
Bitch baso'inldnlght legislation
Old Lycoming won't endure,
And they'll beat you like tarnation,
When you run for Mayor, sure.
Don't you cay neck understood
Well this littlo game so sly,
For no man who knows him, would
For a moment think he'd lie j
And tho ha slo you made to carry
This foul measure luto law,
While ho Innocent, unwary,
Tho sly Joker novcr saw j
C-eary walling In his night dress
Willi the gooscqulll In his fist.
And yourushlhg tohlmbreathlesy.
Laden with this little grist ;
"Old Lycoming goes for Geary
If thU little thing Is done,"
Many feet wlllyet bo weary,
E'er Lycoming's vote ls won,
Peter IlerJIo ! Teter Ilerdle I
Yon aro laid up high nnd dry,
City bonds won't save your bacon,
On that you can Gamble high ;
Nor I fancy will your pavement
Tho sweet people's voices gain ;
Wllllamsport you for a slave inoant,
Hho her freedom will maintain.
Old Lycoming I Proud Lycoming I
Hand and foot bound tight and fast,
And by purse-rroud Peter Ilerdlo!
1'ackcr, llrludle, rlso at last.
Call tho people true around you,
lUUy to the light once more,
Hurst iho chain wherewith he bound you,
He Lycomlug, ns of yore.
Noua Verkons.
JlasjUemovcdhlsMnuuructory nnd Salesrooms to.
Wherehls "Own Make"of ChamplonHoonSklrt.
especially adapted to First-class Wholetule unui
.ttiitit iruuu. wen uoiouuti 10 emurace tuo mutt,
LXteuslvo assortment In Ihu Union, nml nil ti...
latest und most desirable Htyles, HIiupes.LciiKthK
und Mlica, . fflX, 2, yards round, of Plain,
nnd Uored Punlers, Wulklng Hklru, Uecptlon.
7 rails, de. A ctogether with over ninety illlllrelit.
varieties or Misses' uud Children's Hklrls, all of
which for symmetry of style, llnlsn, lightness,
elasllcliy, durability and rent llituimtu, uru un
eouuled by unv other uoods in the niarki-i. nti.i
are wurrauted In every respect. Hklrts made to.
uruur. Aiiereu unu iteiiaireu, Wholesale and
Full llneaof IIW Iiricml PjulArti Mbl. Ulrl.t. ('enLs!AIUnrlni;s.4Al.iLsr 'JM,irl.,u.M
65 Units- M Uprlngs, 05 Cents; and 4U Mprtugs, ii
fercnt styles and prices, from 73 Cents to I7.UU..
embracing: it. Worlloy,"Heckel," Otovo Flttlug.'1
Madam I-'oy's Corset Bklrt Rupiiorters, Mrs..
Mootly's 1'ulU-nt 'tfelf-AdJustlut Abdoiuluai"
Corsets, French, English und lioiuesila Hand
made Corsets, and superior French Patterns of
Cotell Corsets, "Our Own. Make," to which wo In
vito t-speclul uttentlon.
Ctunnlete ussuttment nf IiIIam Ifiuler flar-
ineuts, ut very low prices.
lierlor to any other beforo the public. Fifty-two
of these No. 1 Machines,' Price each, are being,
sivt u away io our order lo gel Uieui,
introduced. Kvarv iwrun lu want of article In
our line, shoulO I examine our goods before pur
chasing elsewhere. Cull or send for circulars, at.
our Mauuiactory uud Bulearoouis. No. lllii.'hest- i
nut St., Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS.
1 irnm ininaiina nni nr t in nnii. it ni
or dog.
lllooimtinrR Market Ileporl.
Whent lcr lumlicl
llyo ''
Om-ii "
Onm. , " .
, It 00
, I M
. 12 01)
.. 8 01)
. ami
,. 41
. fi
. 1 ou
. 3 61
,. 12
.. SO
MouriHT luirrri -
llrliil Apple
lMrk - - - -
Hldc nnil Hhoulders
I,nnl per poiuiil .-....-
Hay per ton
Hemlock Hoards por tuomanil feet.......
llno " " (ono Inch).
Joist, Hcantllntt, rinnlc, (Hemlock) ........
Hlilniclos, No. I per thousand. ...
gtdlng " " n.
No. 1 Scotch pla
Nn. 2 " ,r --
Illoom ........-
... ia oo
..... una)
.... 15 W
8 00
.... 7 01)
18 00
, ill
.. m
LlRlit Street Jilnrketa.
Corrected weekly by TctcrEnt, wholesale and
retail dealer In Bfnln, Hour & feed and general
Wheat per bushol ...... Ji
Corn " ' ...
, 1 00
. 1 00
IlucK Wheal
, 70
, 460
, 2(0
, 1 60
. 40
Wheal Flour per iuu im...
luck Wheal Flour
Corn Chop, .....
Ilutter tier ft
l'&t per iloz.,
Potatoes pr bin
iincuAppios - ...............
licet per 100 Tbi -
l'ork "
ldird " lb ,
Onlonn tier bushel...
clover Heed '
. 200
. 2 20
. in
.11 on
. IS)
. m
, 300
Timothy " " "
l'hllailelplila Markets.
Northwestern snperline ot..
, ti.em 5.23
norinwesiern exiru..
Northwestern family - j...- 7.o M5
Pennsylvania nnd Western suiiernne.. 6.(JosS0.5o
l'ennsylviinlanud Western extra .5.7o3 0.75
l'cnnsvlvanln nnd Western faintly... O..VK4II.011
ivunsyivauia mm vyesiein muuy .......
live Hour
WiiKA-i Pennsylvania red, V bus
Houtherii " " .......
Culiroruia " "
' . whito " .......
Hye Pennsylvania rye, V bus
C011N Yellow, ' ..-
While, "
Pl(uvill0'8 Mens Pork, V bbl M
Mess lleef, "
Dressed Hogs, t lb
bmoked Hams 11
" Hhonlilera-ntt)
Ird. 17c'M!o
HKfc.ns Clovcrsecd bus
Timoiuyseeuii ous ."
Flaxseed S2.75
Catti.k lleef tlattlottlb OcOlUKc
Cows, A head ti'mSM
HIIKKI' H ft. tsa,Va
llOUS 1UU UiH Cl(gi91I.W
WKItKlIinsnU LUNOER On thelCth Inst., at
the Laiuieran I'arsonage in iiioouisimrg oyivev,
II. 1 . Alleman, Mr. J. w. wcrKiieiser oi r.spy.
to Altsa Kimiru lounger oi iwursourg, ioi. in,
niiAWi.'nnt WILSON' At Danville, on Feb,
llthlMi, by llov. M. Llglitupr. U. M. Crawford
oi Mt. Pleasant twp. to Miss i:nima j. wnson
of Hemlock.
Match, that gives us a new President, ls also
the Inaugural mo nth of many harassing disor
ders. Entangled in Us fogs are the seeds of
coughs, colds, and of thnt alternation of frigidity'
and Uro, more widely known than admired, call
cd fever and ague. Tho only way to avoid thoso
"little unpleasantnesscs,"is to render the system
strong en ough to fight off the atmospheric poison
that produces them, and the best way to endow
It with this repellent power ls to tone it with
If a wayfarer were credibly Informed that
rulllau was waiting at the next corner, he would
doubtless turn in his tracks, and tako a safer
ruulo to his destination, Willi just about tho
same amount nf trouble, the attacks of diseases
prevalent at thH season may be evaded, Nay,
the troublo will bo less, for drug stores Ho in
every one's route, and every respectable drug
gist In tho Union keeps on hand IIOBTETTER'I
HITTERS. Tho article ls a staple of trade, and
It would bo ns easy to find n grocery without su
gar, as the stores of an apothecary without this
popular tonto remedy.
In view of tho experience of the nation with
regard to tho article, during tho spacoof twenty
years, it seems ulmost unnecessary to recapltn
lato its merits to Americans. But as our popu
latlou ls Increasing at the rate of ncouple of mil
Hons a year, In tho nnturnl way and by Immigra
tion, It may bo as well to hint to tho rising gene
ration and now arrivals, (tho old settlers know
all about it,) that IIOSTETTEB'S STOMACH
HITTERS Is tho most wholesome and potent
vegetable tonic ever manufactured ; that it ls
specific for debility, dyspepsia, biliousness, and
mla8inatlo fevers ; that It prevents, as well as
cures, these complaints and their complications;
that It in not "bad to take," nnd ls absolutely
Full stock of STAPLE nnd FANCY
Mar. LD,'C!)-5t.
t7E beg leave to inform you that wo
i V are prepared to oO'er for your Inspection,
uui usumi ussuruueufr VI
Consisting of the Xeuint Rhapea In Straw, Silk
uud Ulmp Hats, Honnets, dc, Velvets, HUk
(loods, Illhbons, Flowers, Feathers, Huches,
Crapes, lllonds, Ural. Ik, Ornaments, Ac, 4c. We
snail be nappy to Walton you at our store or
receive your urtier. prices low lor cash.
Vours, Ac.. H. WAItl),
Nos. UU, lOo ami 107 N. Second St. Phltud'a.
Will be sold at the resldeuceofthe subscriber
In Catawissa township onMonday the nineteenth
uay ui April laou me louowiug properly io Wll ;
a lot of Milch Cows, lot of young cattle, two wag
gons, ono sled, plows, harrows, und cultivators.
one wind mill, forks and rakes, corn, wheat.oats
und potatoes, a lot of vinegar, a lot of harness, al
so u lot of
together with a large variety of other articles too
tedious to mention.
Halo to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M of eald
uuy wnen terms will be made Known by
marai'09-St Catawissa, Pa.
Hor, 377. llLooxsnuna, PA.
tho uuderslgnod Committee at Numldla Col
umbia county ou Saturday the luth of April 180V,
between the hours of 1(1 and 3 o'clock of said day
for ihn ..i-ilnn rii i.rioir r.tttimrnii and Uermam
Itfii.inu.l M,i,Ml, in i.vitii rt u,iih(lnllerley.l'lau
anil speclllcutlona will be exhibited on duy of
l'l-.TEll SWANK, )
ilar.l'JXU tt.
This undersigned rtvcclfully Inform the
citizens of Hlooinsbunc uud Columbia county,
that they keep ull the dlllorent numbers of stove
coal una selected lump coal for smithing purpo
ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Ketvy. Nel i
Co'u Furnace: with a good pair of Ualfalo scales
ou thu wharf, to weigh coal, hay, uud straw.
Likewise a hoiso und wagon, to deliver coul to
thoso who desire IU As Uiey purchase a large,
uniouut orcoul.thoy Intend to keep a urlor ui
tide, uud sell ut the very lowest prices. Please
call uud exuuiluu for yourselves Iwfore purchas
ing elsewhere. J. W. .HENUElWHilT, 1
Avuuvrus mason
rpilE uudorslgned will tako ill ex-
X chaugo for Coal uud (Inieerles, the following1
uuiued urtleles I Wheat, ltye. Com, Oau, litu
Uies, lArd.'Haiu JShouldur.an4 side meat, Hutter,
Kggtf, lluy, Ac, ut the highest cash prices, at tils
Uloomsburg Mur, l,'CS-ly,
XI Whei
lercoa my wife Mary has loft ray bed and
to give uotloo thai all person are lorblddeu 10
trustor harbor Iwr.on uy uccountrU I will pay no
debts of her coulructlug. UANlELUllibll. 1,'W-ai Montour Twp. Mar, 17, im. ,
Illoom Wm. Kvnu. l'uter nillmver i,-.,., ,
Ilurtnn. "flf
neaver Mienaei luiiciinouw, Thoin .J
llentim-l'eleur Kane, "I
llrliircroak Isaiah Mcllck. Wm, Wain 1 mi
Centre llllllnijtnii Huckle, ' " TT,
(Vntralln Joiin M'Donalil.
l-'raumm Jniues jvemer. sotm
fcMsiiiiiifcrcck Nathan r'lcekenttliiA . r
Ili-nAiiWiSoil Wm. EveS. Johl,.,. m IPI
l)avl,l'rankllnUerr. "l.'
JBCKSOU 1Y nimiii ...uuuiutj. tiw:
ixieiisi uern i tower, umi anrinirer. AT
Madlsou-Johu llendershot. OTA
Mimin-AluertO. Millard. w5',
Maine-John J. Oearhart, T "I
Mt. l'lPAvuii Isaao Cnln. fnr I
Hcotl-Uluw. It. IJIettcrlch. rmu
' Ham'
j90Slri0 '"rV'iWji?1 & Deckle, RNej
Wcnncr, Jolm A. l-'unston, Oeo.' W. Coreif 11
lleniou ivonriu iieuijr, r urman Kmltli.
ltiavir ltcnrr lllnderlltcr.lsiuui U'li....... I
David Davis, Jacob Jlarrluer.
Uervjlck-iltram It. nower,RlcliaraTliomft
Clarence O. Jackson. 'M'i
Urlarcreck jonainan v,i-jck,
Couvniiuam William Williams, ai....
Williams. . '" )?;
Catawissa unas. iiarunan, Jacob I). Kl
Frederick l'halcr, Waltcrbcolt, Peter Keru law-
I'.nlrn Itmirv 1). Ktlorr. Vrnl'lr. II...'.".
Cyrus Uoouo. John Watts. John Uomimn.AiOn C
llower.Wm. Miller. Win. lllil, Ucorge u m 'H
i.euirHiii.ivii" mv.
rlshlngcrocic joun Andrews, Cyrus KoU 'F
I.nnn lilinnr.
Franklin jonn Aruey.
Greenwood Samuel 11. 1
Klsuer. n
liemiocic jonn u. neivas, wm. AnuUPOri
,ewls 8. llurtuian, Win. Uowcu.
Jackson Kruterlck WUb.
Icust Augustus Cncrlugton.Ilubcnl'iiliT!, 1
CllasCroasv. Oliver Kvnus. llenrv v. v'.Vi
Win. Fink. "HV
Madison wm. jJiiiuino, James Welllverilnfui
It. M'llrlde. Wm. 11. DeinotU In?"
Mllllln-Allreil W. Hess, Win. l'etlt. Ml, day
Maine John Nuss. Win. T. Hhumaii, '
Montour tjamuel llccdy.
Orange Daniel Kline, Jonathan Punst. ),PP
Hayniau, Michael C. Vance. 1 in i
l'lue Samuel Musgravorhoraas M'llrlde I .
P. .Lyon. ' gab
All, l'leasanv wm. uman.
ItoarlnKcrcck Join D. Honck. Jttdali ci...
Scott John Kill, James Meredith, fa
Sugarloaf Alexander KUnger, Ezra O uCUtt
Miles Sulliir. jn"
In testimony that the foregoing Iscrrt, m,
drawn Irom tlio wheel, and euterad upog Will
nanus and soils muzA!, day of Marca. A. h '
Wm. Kiiickiium. Clerk.
ELIS11A HAYMAN. 1 jidvir
A concentrated mnnuro combining the rtli
fcrlltlzlug propertlesof HONE DUST or OIK) W.6
HONE, wllh the active elements of PL'nur! -
NOTICE. Wo nrennro bnt tho mm V
guaranteeing it as standard, reliable anil.aW-
nons in (ualL
.re crenerRlloLUIhl
duced by dlllerent proportions of adulluriL't,
runners cuusuve money oy reuueing tuo l-fm r
ly ineinneiveH. wu use only none anu no rntf
lihatlo Uuano for Phosphate of Lime, sent
"FiLrtnAm Mnniirn I lul.ln "
turer's rate by Tl
A. J. AT.nrcnTKnN. Ttnl,pt,. I
Mar,18,'l-Cm. WALTER SCOrr.Catan li"".'
Tlio public aro hen
o nubile nro herphv nnlln,1 liml n.. u,1
day of March, the undersigned purchw.
Constable's Salo tho follow lng personal i.rm 1
of David Shook and thnt he has loaned the
to Alice Shook : tinogray mare, ouestto(i7tn
ncss, ono cooking stove, one bed and bed . , '
ono dining table, one pair of bob-sleds.slxcla118
ono sewing set lly-uets. two hav
All persons nro cautioned against luttrlelS
with or molesting tbo same. joa
Mar.l2,'(S).3t ALFIIEDI'EC'
kinds of UrasH or Iron casting made toiirri
upon short notice. nw.
Uloomsburg, Pu.
ii. r. diiaiui.ux) as 1. a. iijii.iu
.u uuu.i.ucu.iMciuiuf ut 1,110 1U3I, nili.
testament of Isaac llavls.late of Heaver towuor
Columbia county, Pennsylvania, dec-used,,,,,
expose to sate, by public vendue, on Thi'sjH
Aiirll Mb, Ibcu, at a o'clock In the afternouiitni
following described Heal Estate, to wit:
T11AVT No. 1. All that certain tract oft
situate partly InUnloulownshlpHchuylkllla A
ty,uud partly In Ueavertwp., Columbia c c
bounded nud described as follows: HegianlinO
a ciicsiuui oua.1.1 11 corner on lueoouuiy UD-f f
Iwecn Schuylkill nnd Columbia; thence by sL
of parties uuknown north seventeen and 1 IaII
degrees cast ls.(I perches to a stone ; thrnt
lauds now or formerly in Uie namo of Isuis t
vis, south seventy-two and a half degrenc
one hundred nnd seventy, nine perches toaslUO
thencu by lauds of the same north one aulinJU
degl ccs east sixty-four porches to nchestnul.u,,
ttieuco south forty uud u half degrees east, ivtm
ty-four perches to a gum; thence south sen
seven uud a half degrees cast slxty.fuuiat J
elght-tcnttis perelies to a stone; thence v "
forty eight und a half degrees east elghtem
eight-tenths pcrhes to u stouo ; theute s o
seventeen und a half degrees cast ouo liuii'.i,
and lorty-tlneo and four-tenths peritiw un
chestuut oak; thence southtltty-oueund al-'lor
degrees west ninety perches ton chestnuts
thence north seventy two and ahalf digmiilec
three hundred und seventy perches lo the V'.
of beginning, Pt
and allowance; about 870 acres of which U tP-'
to In Union township, Schuylkill
many this ls known as the lleUncr Trait""
tltlo ls guaranteed. Al
TiiAc-r No. 2. All that certain pleco of bit
lng lu Heaver twp. aforesaid, bounded w Pf'
scrlbod as follows: Heglnnlngatapostoatg.i
of James M'Ncul, mow laud of Garret IDU
lllaragem,) south one hundrod and slxty-Cgg.,
and one-half degrees west ono huudreduuds.
ty-slx perches to a pine; thence by vacunt 1
south soveuty-three nud one-haif degreeii
three hundred and sixty-two perches to &
nut; theuco by vacant land (now Isaac l''.
north one hundred and stxty-sevennnd onr-ufl
degrees east one hundr.d uudulnety-slx lfeoi
to an ash; thence by landofJumes M'Nt'Ul,!'
or heietoiore Ueorgol)allas,)uorth sevcat);
and one-half degrees west three huinliiili,, t
sixty-two perches to the place of beginning - .
more or less, It being the Bame piece oftuj
which was sold by the Commissioners of CwH ,
hi county, for Uixes July Will, 1852, nnd bougt (81
Charles F. Mann nnd W.o. Hurley, for wha'. 1.
Deed wus made to C. F. Mann, nnd beings"
part of lour hundrcdand eighteen and oue-fsn.
ucros us lies In Columbia county, of a tw,
landsurveyed for Daniel Reca by virtue of j'ot
runt dated the 3rd day of January A, D. 1W".
being the samo pleco of land which LlisrWUO
M.1111 did by his Indentnre dated the Uu M
May A. 1). 1838, convey to Uurtoa W. Uortw -n
TiiAcrNo. i. All that certain piece ol v
situate In Union twp. Hchuylklll county,
ed und described as iollows 1 Ueglnnlngati
heap, adjoining landaof Isaac Davis aud HWpC
ltehrlg di Puxlou, thence north seventy-nv
oue-liulf degrets east one hundred una uH
teuths perches to a hemlock ; thenco along utj.
of Peter Foos north six and one-half degree
stxly-thiee.uud four-tenths perches to a 'm
oak; theuco along lands of Isaao Davis soutni
ty-seven und one-half degrees west one hupo on
uud forty-one perches 10 a stone heap; tiy
south forty-eight uud oue-half degrees tiu
eighteen aud eight-tenth perches to the pis" w
giuutug, contuluuig t
TBACT No. 4. AU that certain piece of 1 .
situate In Ucuvertwp, Columbia couuty,buuo ir
uud described as follows; Hegluulng uta sn,
on land of Isaao Davis, north soventy-twosDllj
lull degrees west ono hundred and eltlH)'
perches to a stone; thenco by lund of Daniel "
north nineteen degrees east one hundred
IUtyierchesloasloue;thenceby laud of I" tl
Davis uorlh twenty.elght degrees west nlf..
two perches to a stouo; thence by. lund ol !,
Davis uurthoue and a half degrees east nlw-rp
ono und u half iiercues to the pl ico of beglm
cuulululua 0
lt being the same tract of land which Hazel Tt,V
conveyed to isaao It. Davis by deed und A"
iiient dated August mtlKA.D.ISM, oud after-
nppmlsed to Cuiharlno A. Davis widow of W'1
It, Davis, late of lleaver twp. deceased, as l" ..
her share of Isaao U. Davls.deceused, est. due ' '
uuder the three hundred dollar exemption ,
and the same tract which the said UaUiaruii
Davis deeded to llurton W. Former by 1M t
demure datcil May ard, A. D.185K. , . , 1
The ubove lauds are In close proximity to tv 1
Vflssa Creek, uud the Cutawlssa Hall Road i-, I
through poll
tloua of Ihem, uud they k
being only 8 miles from Shenandoah City-lp
uiUes from Muhanoy City, and li miles
Ashland. The properly Is well timbered v;,,
Rock Oak, Yellow Pine and Pitch Pine,
for Framing Timber, Wood, Hark, bllK.i'1'-
Conditions ok sale. Oue-fourtlrof th'l" 1 .
chase money u be paid down 1 oue-fourth luj .
luouths, aud the balance lu one yoar, wnu '
terest und wllh approved security. Purcbw'n
are requested to meet at Ilehrlg's Switch, '.
tllllU UIIIMlllllMl fltr tllAMtflA l l.vlll. when au?.
tluusaslotha title, and oLher luatters wul'.i
Mar. liOMt.
neatly executed at TUXU3L UMBtAN tw
iviuung umee.