The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 26, 1869, Image 1

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    "t; v
0 II .
om intHumea every Friday morning
j'gMrt'qumblnn Dulldlng near tlio
uHrt geeso, by
EdifeeH and Proprietor .'
Tf.rms.4Two dollars a. year, payni ,
a in advance 1
JOB PRINTING of nil descriptions
tccutcd.wjth neatness and dispatch,
t reasonable rates.
ACOB MlfTZ, doalerlH staves A tlmruic, Main
sU, above court house. v-n 13
'M.'H,EBT, stoves una tinware,
l block. Main st., west or Market.
'TKaI i.1 H T rtrnrrt-vTr-,
waif. ,B(y"-'
M -J ... '
V LOWENBERO. merehi-nttallor. Main s. 2d
i'door Above American limine.
! '.W. GHEMnERLtN.wholesalcandretaJl ilcnt-
er In clothing, etc.; Ilurtmuu'a building, Main
treat,!!. , , vl-llll
, ..drugs, chemicals, &c.
i ,
N. MOVER, druggist and apothecary, E
I change block Main nt. vl-nl3
'' -TIT" - .
1 P. LUT?!,".lrngglst nnd apothecary, Rnpert
j. block, Mam St., west ofMarket,'
OUIsVllERNUARD, wntch nnd clock maker.
near aoutbeMt corner Mai n and Iron sts. vl;B M
i K, RAVAGE, dealer In clocks, watches and
Jewelry jMaln si., Just below American
,ous. .Vjwtfi' vl-uM
tAATHOART, watch and clock maker, Market
tsl., below. Main, vl-nu
BROWN, boot and shoemakcr,Mntii street
.opposite Court House. vl-iil'l
I' and suoc;Malnsl., oppostto Upiscopulchurch
t i?-iver, . .
I ENP.Y KLEIM, manufacturer nnd dealer kin
I ItfWitjl find shoos. irroctTltis etc.. lxut ljlooms-
u.trgMalasUt; vl-iU3
US' :
1AV1D HETZ, boot nnd shocmniccr, Jlain st.,
itt below Hartman's store, westofMarketslieet.
U, .1.1 vl-uw
1 IL ISVAN8.M. D. surceon nnd pbyslctau south
llu rBiae nun ueiow mnrKeu
' fR. UjF;Kltneysnr(remnlentistf teeth extract
,1 '.ca iwunoui.paiD. jutun si,
nearly opposite
).'icppsl Church.
Y. M. D. surceou and nhs-alclan
7 north aide 1
lain St., below Market. vl-n
(Market St.; above Main. vl-n 1,1
Llf 1 ,
ubovecoarthouso. vl-ntt
' ' I'D. llOniSON, Attorney-at-Law, Oluce llart
,V hman'e'balKUog, Main street.' vi-u-D
i I'll IKELEIt; Attorney-at-lJtw,Offlce, 2d lloor
p. in Exchange illock, near tho "Kxchango Ho
'l 1 Ki ntiJAiir.m ' V3nl
. it', -i: ?tn;-,i't,- 1 , lili.
a, LIZZIE .BAHKLEY, milliner, Ilamscy
illaing.' Main st. vl-nfl
' llBS'Ai'p.'WEBB, fahcy goods;
f stationery, north side Malnsli
notions, books.
reet below Mar-
n.r K PETBRUAN, millinery and fancy goods op
'.. k posit Episcopal church, Mnln st. vl-u
Ililia. JDIJA.A. A BADE BAItKLEY. ladles
1 eloaka and ;dress patterns, southeast corner
ilH an4 west st. vl-nI3
fWriSSM. DEIIIUCKSON, millinery and fancy
1 " Igoods Main kV, opposite Court Honso. vl-nil
' JiJItSJ M.'B1KUIVMAN, milliner. Main St., below
(c ylarUnan'a store, west of Market at. vt.13
I J HE MlHaESHAUMAN millinery and fancy
t R Kwxl'.llajll ttrcctjust below American
IEA'bfJCl? ovster anil eating snloonl Amnrl.
can House, Main st., llaltzer Lcacock supcrln-
rXDMYKR A JACOBY, confcctlonry, bakery,
I and oyster saloon, wholesale and retail, Ex.
ange block. Main st. vl-u 13
OX AWEBfa. 'coufectlonery, bakery, and oys
. tor aatoonJivholekalii nml rctjiiK Mnln tt inut.
iow lronjTv vl-nU
CttXCllAMORJlOTEL, by Koons A Clark, Main
Kt. .1 nnnnalta Mtnrl. tirmuu
rtriltJAN'ilOuSE.'byJonK Leacock, Main
J jfcaron street,
h?STOHWr! refreshment unlnnn Xn ti of .Ink!.
Uicw bov ourtliouse. vi-n!3
j ehurlg4JoteI. vl-n
refrialiin pnt .nlnnn l?-r.
i. M " l " .
'1'' l'JVCOir!;.'jponect(onery. groceries etc Mnln
Lc-,sj.,abv4,folurlHoasc, vl-nl
ktI,'ri!EM!5f,!drnler in' dry goods, grocei
''Hiecraiware,"fflour, salt, shoes, notions,
' icfinnge block;'Mitln street, VI'
I''t&CVY HEAIj A Co., denlera In dry goods',
V I groceries, Hour, feed, salt, fish, Irou, nails,
hire., northeast corner Main nud uarkct st. vl-n U
1 'rVoMl'QWE'iiv'fiats and
yl' Main st., above Court.
raps, boots and. shoes.
House. vl-ntl
rt dtf
ird','ttA)ttn,riy gooUsand notions, southwest
J WW ali and Irou sU. Vl-nt3
'ffj, BTtlVrErt,' dry goods, groceries, etc., north
yes; cqatian and Iron' kts.' vl-uu
VtiGVOX,X, Keys tone shoe sWroTbooks and
-,'f.ltloterjrK southwest comer Market and
lrlttb mtvta. Vl-nl3
gf. -i.l.S. '...J'JJ ' '' "I r-r , ,
'; 1W!AM KItARMlIS, confectioneries, Main
J'l St,-, Bur the railroad, vl-ma
ySOTBWAIjL,Beiiorol,stock or merchon
.dlSB'4jt(J,lurnber1 corner pf Main street and
jjerwlckyoaa, vl-n!3
,4iiibflBINS,''ilcft)er In, dry goinls grccrlcs etc.
, (iHhwes block. Main ft., below Iron'l
(jtCy.iiriK, 'OrbcerlesA Trovislons, south
t't.)iflTnrMlnandI;onBtreeU., vl-ni)
ffflrrsliOAif.dealerln choice dry goods, rjonsc
' Lvkwsplnggoods. fresh groceries, etc., etc. Main
. f.PWiplte.eomthQua.o, V-1W3
Ties and aeiieral inerclinmltKe
HWsjKjvo West. , vl-nu
PT.iWfA.RWiBB3. llrr irooils. irrocerles., InxIi.
shoes, etoilJlu pert block, ilalu st., west ol
"larketl.snwti .. , . vl-nll
tj''''!-'..'-'! '
'1.flrpcerle,rX:onfcotlonerks and T.Jioyons,
cottQwu, south side, two Uoora above Brobst's
I.'agoninakersJiOii. v
ti, Tin,-
WVrqiBr.Ij, furniture' rooms, three stnrr
. brick on Main st, wett of Market st. 'vl-n fa
lAJ.lTHOnNTON.wall paper, window1 shades,
jUJ aaxturtj. Itnpert block, Moln st. yl-nlS
X'Ui''".'n'!i:"Jv" " 11 1 1 1 1 ,1.
T ,IS,Rf.8T00K' Photogrnpher, Exchange
.c Iv bloelt.1 Main st,, ojiposlte court liouso. vl-nl3
tJlll.J TO " '
1: J W. HAM1-X.E A CO. Machinists, East Blooms
,,r1 . bare netrrallroad, Casting made at i liort
it.tlcOf machinery made aud repaired. vi-ul
B. ICUHN, dealer lu meat tallow, cts,.
1 iberlln'e alley, back of American lir ise.
1 1. J. ilUUKMAN, Agent Munkou'a Copifer T11
i balarWgUtuluglUnl. v2-nl0
"h", 1 1
f' iL rUUSEI.i. saddle, trunk and ,ario
J.uukert HMn st., below com t, home, vl-ulil
jFOSTKlt tatne Maker; afad Wlilto and fancy
, ; Tanner, Boottown,' Yl-nl7
ILOOMflnrBQ I.UMI1EH CO., manufacturers
- janu aeaicra- in i.uiniier,or ull kincu, planing
uHrVWi"9XtHI-roud. y-ul3
marble works, bear southwest
Am and Market st, vl-n I J
LEIl.dealef In pianos; organs and
W.vPrelrsiurulture rooms
- " ' vl-nu
I . . UMl
. lloiinr jtnalAV tMnnA Arutrtntm
,uvrtawet corner ilala ami 1 run sis. vl-uil
jll1 TI -1 1
TfJINJUFUNBTON, rout ual and cash rales flro
I l&irancecoinpauy,uortheastcorner Main ami
jffii'y " Y'V"a
-lAMltKI. JACOBY. Marble and Brown RCina'
O works.KastllloomsbuiE.Beiwlckroad. VI-UI7 I
'm ja.ic
IR. O. A. MEGARdEL, physician and surgeon.
17 Alain su, uojli uoor to uouu s jiotci.
DRIClt HOTEL and refreshment saloon, by
lJWin. Mastcller cor. ofMMItnnd Pliiost.vlnlY
CJWAN HOTEL, the upper house by John Bny-
ucr, iuuiu si auovo 1'ine.
TTAllMAN BROTHERS!, Tanners nnd mnnufitc
Jl timers of leather, on Main St., below Good'
Hotel. V2-1H7
TvAVII) herring
Klonr nnd tlrlst Mill, nnd
V Dealer In grain, Mill Street.
'nOvi'ER A linilltlNO, denier In dry Roods,
.1) crocerles. lumber and general Merchandise
.Main st. vl'nl7
lOMN KHYMIHE, saddle nnd harnessmakcr
U wain su. noove me nwnu iiotei. vi-l
A A E. W. COLEMAN, Merchnnl tailor and
. Oent's fitmlshlng goods, Main Bt next door
IM the brick hotel. vl-n)7
ill S. HAYIIimST, Clocks, Watches andOnns
ill. reiuureu.
Uuns and Watches lor sale, Main
ueiow l'tue.
TAMES 11. IIAHMAN. Cabinet Maker, and Un-
fj uei Ltt&ui, Auuiii nu, ueiuw x Die.
ll f ICIIAEL C. KELLER, Confectionery, Oysiers
jJJl &c. Ac., on l'ino Bt., between Main and Mill.
KELCIIKKIl, Illacksmlths, on Mill
11, Btrect, near nuo.
WILLIAM HELONO, Khoemnkernnd innmifnc
turerof Brick, Mill Rt., west of Pino vlulS
T'EVVia II. HCHUYLKU, Iron founder, Mnchln.
JjWt, and Manufnctuier of plows, Mill HUVI-U17
MILES A. WILLIAMS Co'rnnncrsnnd Mini
ufneturers of leather, Mill Street. vl-n!7
TOIIN KULLEU, Boot nnd Shoemaker, Vino
J mrcet, opposite tho Academy V1-UI7
II. IILIiniNn & n.tOTltmt, Cnrpenlcrs nnd
llullitcrs, Mala Htreet, below Tine. vl-n7
SAMUEL HHAHPIiKtHH, Milker of the Itnyhutbt
Uiuin craitlo. Iuiu 8t. vi'n'i.
M. HAUMAN, sailOIo nnd lmrnoKfl maUcr
, pmnEovltle, oppo-ilto Frumo church. vl2nll
SnsqUEIIANNAor Brick IIotct.S.Kostebnndcr
proprietor, south-enst corner Mnln nnd Hecnnd
Btrect. v2-uli
II, CItEAHY, dry goods, groceries,
eral Merchandise, Main titreot.
and gen-V2-U12
Sir. i.iivibi', ueuier iuihuiycs uuu bin-warf,
. Main Btrect. v2-nl2
WM. II. ABBETT, attorney at law.Malu Street.
GILBEItT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd
general merchandise. Main Btrect. v2-nl2
bllllnrd saloon, oysters, nnd lco
Ll. cream In season Main BtreeU,
n P. DALLMAN Merchant Tailor, Second St.,
XI, ttuuuius liUlliUUg.
DIt.J. K. ROBBIN'S, Burgeon and Physician,
Second 8t below Main. v2-ul8.
JB. KI8TLEU,"CattawlsaHouso,"North West
.Corner Main and Second streets. v2-nlx.
MM. BROBST, dealer In General Merchandise,
, Dry Goods, Groceries &o. -v2-nls.
PETER ENT, dealer In dry'goods, groceries',
Hour, feed, salt, Hsu, ,trou, uaUa, etc., Light
and Chalrruaker.
Uudei taker
TT F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, tlrst door
JRS. E. XLINEi millinery and fancy goods.
O etc. Cash palii for Hides,
ir a t x?rriv
dealer in Leather, HldeH, Bark,
WM. M. ENT, denier In stoves and tin wnio in
all Its branches. vl-ulS
boots nud shoes.
manufacturer und dealer in
r J. I.EISER, M. U. Surgeon and I'hyslclan
1 Ofllco at Keller's Hotel. -2-n27
X U. WERKHEI8ER, Boot nnd Shoo Store
ti nnu maniuciory. Bnop on juninsireei, op
posite steam Mill.
Proprietor. '' v2-nlo
V. REIOHAItl), AI1R0., dculers 111 dry gols
groceries, and general merchandise, vl2nll
rp W. EDQAR.S'usriuehauuH'Plaiilngi Mill and
J, Box Manuuclory. vlSnll
AW. If. rtllOKMAKEll, dtnliis In dry
M gOIKll
ulocerles and ucneiiil meiehaiulise.
toru la south 'end of town. v2-ul.
TACOB A WM. HARRIS, dealers In drv eooils.
U irrocerles. llrlles unit liledlcllics. VlrKLHtnrnln
uoriu euu ui lowu.
TACOIl A. SWIS1IER, dealer In Hides, Lenther
rj Bark etc. Mndlsou township Columbia county
t. vimu
The nndersluned bavlni? purrhaseil thlswfll.
known und centrally-loca teil house, the Exchaiigo
iiuici, tuiuuLu uii oi ibi.cj , in juoomBourg
Immediately opposite the Columbia countyConit
House, rcspcctlully inform their friends and the
nub! la In eenernl that their hniisn Is nriw In .inlpi
lor the reception nud entertainment of travellers
wnu wily uo uiuponeu 10 invor itwun tneir cus
tom. They havesparcdnoexpenseln preparing
neither shall there be nuythlng wnntlng on their
liu 1. n luiuisicr 10 meir jierfcunai eoiniori. 1 :iey
louse Is spacious, and enjoys an excellent busi
ness location. r
Omnibuses mn ntnll times between' the Ex-
change Hotel nnd tho various rabnuul depots, by
Which travellers will Lo nlelikntitlv rnmovmltn
cd to
and from the respective stations In due time to
meet the cars.
nioomsuttrg, April s, i3,
uwiiat; Yy; iiAUUtat, proprietor.
Uhe above well-known hotel has recently under
gone rad'cal changes la Its Internal nrrangemeuts,
and Its prv prletor announces to his former custom
and the travelling publtq tlint hts accomodations
for the comfort of his guests ai e second to none la
tho country. His table wlllnlways bo fouud sup-
luieu, 11111 oniy iviin suusianiini ioou, nui wllil nit
the delicacies of tho season. Ilia wines nnil 11.
nuors (except that popular lioieraKe known ns
".Uc7inri"),puulia.eit direct from tho Iiiijioi ting
houses, are entlicly pure, nnd free from all iwil.
sonnnsdrugK Hu Is Ihnnklul for a liberal iatron
ago lu tho past, and will eontlnuo to deserve It In
the future. UEOItUE W. MAUQER.
TiiK Proprietor of the Exchange Saloon has now
on hand a large stncjt of
consisting of
spiced oyBri!R,s, sAKnnM,i Tniru, notoatfAs
Bitxitp Tonacc, lioitKn kqos, sweitziu
, Superintendent.
Illootiisbure, May 3, 18CT.
jV. v01011"1' v.owri fit,
Tn r snbscr liter reslCt full v Informs IiIh
nnd the piihlia, that fie has lakeu the above well
known lloaW of Kntertstument, and will be
ueusea 10 receive ttie unmom or alt who will
avor him with a fall,
a Bar well stocked with the best of Liquors, and
every emjrt wui ue inaue 10 renuer entire khiuh
tmiion. . V ... , . . aji, niETTERirii,
rapy. va., fipt)i ii, ti(.
WUUUpSAlib Uliuuillin,
N, E. Corner Second and Arch Streets,
'- Dealers In fit
Iiics.tartcui, nt. cai.u huua, u., v,
vs. Orders will receive promnt attention.
Nently executed nt this Office.
jyj HI. L'VELLE,
Afchland, Bchttylkill County, Peun'n.
OITlcewltli K. II. Little. In brick bultdlus ml
olnliig l'ost pillee. -as-Bounties; Ilaek-l'ny nnd
l eiiBiuiin cuiieeieu. sepTU7,
OHlcgln Register and Itecorder's offlcc, In tb
basement of the Court House, Bloomsburg, Pa.
A T T 0 It N E Y-A T-L A V
Olllco corner of Mnln and Market streets, raw
r Irst national Bank, Blonmsljurg, ra.-
Ofllco Court-Honse Alley, Isdow tho Cor.uMtiiAN
unicu mooinsuurg,! a.
uhriri-wourniouso Alley, i.ciow the o
ImnhliiiL ntlrt ' ri.Hi,n
v...t .mn ,
iiih iimuHi-u ui i-iNwsion in l'uunc venuua
Crier for many years, would Inform his friends
thatlielsstlllln the Held, ready nnd willing to
nflpiwltnnll tlin .ImIIb. .11.1.
de'lrlng his services should call or write to him
nnd dealer n
carpet-bags, valises,, fly-nets,
which he feels confident he can sell nt lower
nmtno for yourselves.
Shop llrst door below the Post Olllce Main
Street, Bloomsburg, Pa.
ihib ui in iiuv DLDcr nerenri in in. rvtntitrv,
OverWldmuycr A Jacoby's Ice Cream Baloou,
Hnlr Dyeing nnd Whiskers colored black ttt
hrown. Hair Tonic to destroy damlruirandbcaii
lllylng the hnlr; will restore hnlr to Its original
color without solliuS the llncst fabric, constantly
on hand. fnprl2'87.'
IttHPectnilly oircrs his professional services to
the ladles und gnutlcmen of Bloomsbuig and vi
cinity. He Is piepared to attend to all tho vari
ous operations In the line of his profession, aud
is provided with the latest Improved PoitcELAIn
Tkktji which will bo Inserted on gold plating,
silver nnd rubber base to look as well nstho nat
ural teeth. Teeth exlraeted by all the new and
most approved methods, nnd all operations on
the teeth carefully nnd properly attended to.
Residence . nnd olllco a few doors above the
Court House, samb side.
llloomsliurg, jHiUl.'lwtr
W. M. MONROE A (X).,
Rnpert, Pa.,
Man uf.ic! urera of
and Ueaje ra lu all kinds of
give notice that they are prepared lo accomodate
their custom with dispatch, and ou the clie-t
R O II R H B U R O, P A.
Tho underslgndl would respectfully lunula
the traveling public that he M.h purchased nnd
relllted In the best mnnnertlioldstnnd former
ly occupied by W. A. Kline, und that lie Is now
prepared lo accommodate his trleiiilswlihnllthn
eoinlorls nnd eolivenleuccsofa tllst. cists hour..'.
A llneliew bnin him been built find the surioun
dlngs placed In pel fjet older. Hie bar will al
wnj s bo slocLed Willi the cholresl llipiors and cl
gnrs, and tliotulilqfiirnli-hFd villi the btxt the
market airbills. JAMES V. Oil.LASI'lE.
July 3,'fix.if
Having taken possesion or this well-known
nouse, so long keiit by Siimuel Everett, IhePio
nrtetnr has put In It permanent renalraud furnish
ed BAR AND I.AHl)l;l: will, thecholeeslllguors
and newest delicacies. His stable Is not excelled
In the county; nud no pains will be spared to
aci'fiir.tiio.late guests apr3 ti
has Just returned from Philadelphia, and has
bought, and Is now oITerlng the best assortment
ever exhibited In Bloomsburg, and Is prepared to
make up dresses nnd all other articles of female
wardrobe, nt short notice, und In the best and
Rooms in tho Ramsey Buildings, on Witsl
Maiu.Street. Call and see her varied stock or
Spring Goods.
May 1,'C3.
No. 313 Market Street,
Oidcis nilid promptly at lowett
Januarys, 1868,
Atloriiuy at Law.
Office In the Exchanjfl Hiii1dinftterond tory.ote r
Widuiytr 4- JaclMiy't iCuulecttuuery. Btcouu door
Itnre ilia Uxdiouge 11 etui
(Hooiiictiurf. Ju(. li.ldbSJ,
Main Strf et, (near the Court House,
Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Ainer
can und Hwia Watches, clocks. Jewelry, silver
uarti of the best description plaU-d ou white luet
nl, eoiislsttng of butter dishes, goblets, knives,
fui ks, spoous, napkin rluits etc
Masoulo marks made tu order. All goods and
work warranted. (Jan. 1,'W,
-Wliolesalo Grocers, and Dealers in
,jypltCHANT'Si HOTEL,,
J. 4 Wt O. M'KIBBIN, Proprietor,
May 11, IM7-Iv,
(Chiirc gattru.
ron tub coLUjini as.
nv 1IAVKN. $)
"THE coming mnn'Mial man Is here,
Is seated lu the chair of State,
With mingled sens-i of hope nnd fear,
Willi anxious hearts wo WAlch and wait,
To see what things UJt man will do;
We're heard the hohlo words he spoke,
But wilt his courage" bear hint through,
Or will Iiq by the Vpressuro" break?
Saj'.WIll ho listen to the truth,
And il'iro to do what dnty bids;
Will he regard hU sacred oath.
And dare opposo what law fotblds 7
And will he Ivldly take his stand,
Llkb pue whoso head and lieari(aro true,
On that gfeat."chartcr" of the land,
In spllo of nil IhatWcmljcau dor
O, will ho dare, Ills manhood show,
And act for the wholo people's good;
No North, Wo Southno section know,
Aud stand whtro Andrew Johnson stood?
Or will ho fear"Inipeachment'fl farce,"
And shrink when complain
or daro In call their wisdom scarce,
And treat thcni with d proud dlsdalnT
Reform, retrench, nbel,
Economy In every thing;
And seek to pay tho lintloh's debt,
And honor on iho nation bring?
Will he regard tho laboring poor.
And seek to make their burdens less?
Or will he heap tip more and more.
That "blessing" Mill the moro to bless?
Wo noon shall Bee what rourso he'll take;
And If he realty has n plan;
Aud If a "President" he'll make;
And ifIndeed, lie ls "the man."
Till then let pepplo's'praycrs'bo said,
That God will guide him In tho light.
If Wisdom's In the choice wo've made,
The' country yet may nil be right.
Stilt. WAteh, Mirclifl, 1803.
Fifty-four years nuo I took ti run
through France, bocnusolhail plenty of
money nnu nothing t6 do. Igottliroligh
tho northern departments pretty fast j
but I inndo ti rather lengthy stay. In
Aiivcrgno, among the inns j In fact;
stayed there all of ono suramer.
.1 arrived therein the early days of
spring, when tho wild blooms of tho
commons wero fresh nnd now, und the
leaves of tho grapo wcro silky ami light
green. Tho country was so wildly beau
tiful, anil the air so lifoglvlng, that I
could do no less that to decido that I
would tarry for n fow days. A mighty
fine placo that Auvargno Is for a young
fellow of twenty-one : for, truly, tho
skies aro fair and maids aro fond.
doubt if thero Is a spot of equal slzo.uii
ess It bo CIrcassIa, whero tho samo
amount of femalo loveliness may' be
found that is to say, unless It has
changed amazingly sinco I, was there
well, not to bo. tedious. I came, I
saw, and was conquered by a littlo maid
whom I shall call, for convenience,
Marie her surname is of no conso
quence. alio was tho daughter oi a
count, and beautiful as tho, creation, ot a
dream. So beautiful was she, that I lov
ed her with all tho soul I had, and
my. attachment grow stronger and
stronger dally. I boated upon tlio wa
ter with her, and rodo among tho hills.
I wad Hko hor'sha'dow liko her second
self j only wo were of different sexes.
Soon J discovered that tlibro was somo
secret sorrow preying upon her somo
blight of tho mind that deadened all her
pleasures ; and begun to think that my
suit was'vain. ThlS'Idea almost took
away my wits; bur to know tho best or
tho worst) I resolved ib bring mattcrd
to a crisis by offering myself to her,body
and .soul. This I did; and met witli
what I feared a refusal.
"I respect you," said'sho, in a French
phrasu i "hut, ohl heavens I I can
lovo you never. I shall nover love a
man again."
"Again 1'' said Lwlldly. "And Jiavo
you loved another?" '
"Ah 1" she- replied ; "how well 1 I
have loved as woman never loved be
fore .us' woiiinn shall never lovo
Then I felt that I was fast becoming
a sort of second fiddlo hero In n French
romance; and It mattered littlo to mo
when, where, or1 how slio was loved;
yet, to" carry out tho matter lo Itslogical
sequence, I Inquired us to tho particu
lars. 'Must I, alas I must I," 'cried Marie,
wringing her lauds "must I onco
moro tell that talo of horror? Oh, Mon
sieur Raynor.I cannot, I cannotj indeed,
I cannot relato it now. Conic to mo to
morrow, when tho sun goes down I am
calmer then ; and I will onco moro, for
tlio second and last time, tell to mortal
cars a story that freezes my blood by
tho thoughts of it. Adieu, Monsieur
Raynor. till then."
I went home, with my mind lu tho
condition of a vessel thatls being driven
about by tho angry gale. My hopes
wero u hopeless wreck j and feeling that
I had'nothliig now to. attach mo to
tenco, I pniyed..yes, I prayed for death.
Can It bo,I asked of myself, that Maria
sho whoso angollu snillo nnd gentlo
volco has won mo to prize my life ns
doubly precious can novcr bo mlno?
Oh, perish tho thought j gho wishes to
dissemble for tho time only to prove my
affection. Her sweet oyes cati never
havo novor smiled for another as they
have smiled for mo. Hor volco cannot
havo given Its entrancing tones to oth
ers' ears. Shodbos,butJest with mq fpr
a truo purpo-so. I fuel It to bo so. I will
go to her to-morrow eve, nnd hnvo it
from her own lips.
Tho day camo upon tho cartli.tlio'next
morning with all th0 rich anil varied
glories that dawn ever brings to France.
Tho landscape was gorgeous with tho
commlnglod tints of the oarly sunbeams
and tho emerald of the vegetation, and
tho groves wero vocal with thcglad carols
of tho blrdu ; hut there was no Joy In It
all for lit". 'Tl)o bun usecuded tu its
fervid uierldfaiu und slowly oh, so
slowly I'-passod over westward in nil
ItsgUlcn splendor j tlecjlupd, finally,
a lid pauk below tho' horizon', like a
grcntjjory ball. Tho day seemed to last
for a l)uiidrcil' ycarjs,
- Just nUhobottiiig of the nun, I leap,
cd over tle wall, of 'tlio' fence belonging
tfMarJoV father. Showas thero fath
fulovpr her proipltfo,
f(Jb, speak, MorJytM t oriqd wildly,
"Speak qulckly.andsay you did buttrlt
ilo with my feelings yesterday. Say
ithdt I may yet hope that you will ono
day bo mine."
"Alas!" shercpllcd, "Monsieur Ray
nor, you know not how Impossible it
Is that we can over bo moro than friends,
1 promised to tbll'you tho reason of my
refusal; sit busldo mo, Monsieur, upon
this rustic scat, and listen, wlille I ro
Into ivlut shall tear open afresh tho
wounds of my own heart, and what
shall, perchance, causo a chord In y6ur
bosom to respond to tho touch of pity's
fingers, for inc."
l sat down besijlo her, and l( was for
tho last time. Bho then narrated to ino
a story In, as nearly as, I can reproduce
them, tho followlng'words:
Tlireo years.ago I lived tit Troyos, In
Champagne, with my father. I was as
Joyous nnd happy u maiden as lived
uny Where in Franco. My, friends said 1
wasas. it picture of the Vir
gin, and I myself knew tlint 1 sung-the
lH-elong day llkou bird., My father, as
you know, Is a member of that depart
mcnt of tho Government which has the
carooflhu mechanical Interests' of the
Empire, and, cotiseqtitntly, has for
many' yearn cultivated the society of
such persons us tro acquainted with the
parts and the practical workings of.ull
kinds of machines; null, while wo lived
at Troyes, our visitor wcro chleily men
of that class, whom my father would bo
closeted with f6r'houri, engaged In ma
king drawings and models. One of our
visitors was n youtiggcnticmiiii,a mem
ber of one of tho decayed families of no
bility. He, I learned casually, camo
also bti business' connected with my
father's ofllco, Io soon began to bo very
attentive to mo, and he was all that was
good and nobo. I gradually camo to
love hlin ; but, being naturally coquet
tish, when he oirercd mo his heart and
baud, I refused, although my heart was
bleeding for him all tho time.
Oh, how ho was stricken when I told
him I would not lovo him 1 and how ho
went nbout talking with tho air for
weeks! I did not, however, cast him
off; no, no, I loved him tco well for
that. I gavo' him my sincere and sweet
est Millies, knowing that after a while,!
would accept him ; nnd then T would
frown and pout, Just fortho pleasure it
gavo me lo see him temporarily miser-,
able for my mike. Well; monsieur, I
would not tiro you, und 1 will hasten.
M. Alexan Iw Gerard for this was his
name on three separate occasions, fell
upon his kneos before me, nnd prayed
that I would havo meicy upon him ;
and for the third time, I affected to
spurn'h is offered hand. Still he Mutter
ed about mo j tout I could seo that a
chango had come over him. Ho wns
not, so .llght-hcartcd as, formerly ; his
eyes began to appear grave, and I had
Just conio to thu conclusion when ho de
clared his passion again to me I would
accept, because IJinew I had pressed
hilli with coquetry about as far as was
Jut then Alexandre disappeared. Ho
wits gone for moro than a week, whon
as I uxpec'ted, and as I had so keenly
desired, camo back. Now there wero
smlles'tipoit'hW beautiful features when
heasked mo to rido with 'him, and I,
was happy in tho thought than when
ho had driven to Arnioromaritic'spot ho
would again request ,iny hand, for I)
wns sure I, should not deny him uguln.
Oh. monsiour,it wns heaven to mo to
bo tints near him again I Ills soul seem
ed to have divined the. truo stato of my
feelings for him: nnd all his words wero
oflovo fir mo, and of tho p.iradiso of a1
hoinu to which ho would lake me.
Aflcr a while wo came to a point
wheru tho iorest bbrdercd the road up
on one side, nud my lover stopped tho
"Let us'dd.-cend," said ho, "my own,'
my darling; lot us alight, and walk1
among tlio 'shadows of' the grand old
forest, for here wo may meet faco to faco
with Nnture'rt self, and hold'sweet con-
verso with' her."
Then wo nllL'lited from tho cairhige.
IIo'w supremely happy I was thus to bo
ulouo with him that I loved best of all
else on earth I I leaned upon his arm.
He was'struligcly eloquent nil tho tluiu
that WO trod the mazes of the woods.
"Everything Js" beautiful," said he,
"everything ethereal; the tarfh, the
trees, sky, nil, nl aro glittering. Thd
birds warble'tholr softest songs, and the
flowers exhale their sweetest odors for
you. ' Rut oh 1 none of these will com
paro with the entrancing scenes and tho
ravishing sounds tlint await you In thq
enchanted hemic to which I shall ero
long' bear you, my own, my darling
Our walk led us to a fairy spot whero
grow many sweet flowers ; and ono of
them became moro sweet, moro price
less' than tlio others, hecauso Alexandre
plucked It and gave It to me."
" Smell tho fragrant bloom," wild he,
'sweet Marie; It Is odorous and falr.yct
not half so fair as you."
I took tho flower nnd smelt It.
"Tho scent Is very Bwcct, indeed," I
"You love It, then, Mario," said ho.
I have hero the triple distilled extract
of thateamo blossom."
nd Alexandre took from his pocket
a vial of perfume, und poured some up
on o white handkorchirf.
"My love," hosnitl, "tho odor of tho
flowor Is too gross for so nngclie a be
ing. Take you tills handkerchief aud
luhalo the. same fragrance, divested of
(ill Impurity, und concentrated, Tho ef
fect you will Cud lo bo exhilarating:
nay, spiritual."
I could rcfuso no request pf his now,
and compiled.
I remember that tho odor was surpris
ingly sweet, and the effect, ns Alexan
dre had declared, exhilarating.' It wai
more, Intoxicating I I continued tu
breathe if. Tho moro I Inhaled of It,
thu more I desired. Soon nil things be
gan to recede, growing spialler, liko
things. In far perspective, Oh, how tho
tret did wjilrl bout me, and tl)o,yhUo
clouds roll and splpJ. AW 'TWd "
then: bet aiat) inyUlble; all dissolved aud
beciune u great, blank, Then I seemed
to bo raised to an Ijicqneelvablo, aij
fa nee; then I felt that J was, sinking
downward Into the endless abyta of
eternity, und tlio conviction soiwl .mo.
that I was nbout to attain to tho nicaUtit
or annihilation, taught by the religion
of the Uunnans. After this, 1 thought
and felt no moro, nnd must havo been'
lor sometlmons dead.
When consciousness eomo to me, I
was; reclining In a small cointiartmcnt
closed ull round, which wns mado of
bamboo wicker work, and hung with
damask curtains. It was open at tho
top; und, a opened my eyes, I could
see nbovo mo the circular, shining gido
of homo great body, with a great num
ber of cords runnlngdownwnrd from It
and scouted to tho framework Just over
my head. Heyond this I could seo tho
blue sky, with hen! and there a floating
wlilto cloud ; a fow feet from me, also
above, I saw the flag of Franco floating
In tho breeze. I wns sensible of n sort
ofinotlort, which gave mo sensations
such as I. havo felt when n littlo girl in
a swing. Close by mo sat Alexandre
Gerard, with some bales of w'hnt I took
to bo tarred hemp. He wns gazing up
on mo with Joy In ids eyes.
"Oh, Alexandre!" I cried, "where
ant I ? Speak 1 Am I not at pen, on board
"Ah, no my love," he replied ; "wo
anion tho way to the enchanted homo I
toid you of tho Homo of tho Most,
wcro none can tako you away from mo
where wo shall bo happy forevcr.'Tls
a trackless path, lovo; but I know the
way. Aro you not happy, dearest? Re
niovo the curtain near you; takonlook,
and say if tho way la not clear ?"
I felt sick with theswlngliigof wiiich
I hnvo spoken, and very languid : but
I did as ho desired. I withdrew tho
curtain, nnd looked out. Oh. tho scene
which met my gaze. Wo wero in mid
Yes, were lu mid air; and, as I cast
my eyes downward, through the awful
depth between mo and tho earth, I saw
tho country, spreading out toward tho
horizon, looking less liko a map than
tho bottom of a vast bowl. Throutrh
tho midst thero was aserpcntine.sllvery
line, that glittered Hko polished metal:
and in tho centre, exactly beneath, lay
a town with many bunrlshed spires.
"Great heaven I" I cried, with my
brain swimming. "Alexandre tell me.
oh, I conjuro you, tell mo whnt menus
nil this?"
It means," ho replied, "that we are
on tho way to our futuro chateau in
cloud-land; nnd 1 believe," rising up
and looking downward; "and I believe
the stream you seo is thoLoire.and that
city tho ancient ono of Orleans I Be'
bruve, my treasuro, like Joan of' Arc
that city witnessed tho greatest of her
I cannot describo what ray feelings
wero then. I was speechless with hor
ror nud amazement, for I realized that
I was more than two miles from earth
in a balloon, with an aeronaut whom
coquetry had deprived of reason.. I sank
down nnd lay as ono dead, for I know
not how long, in tho bottom of tho car.
Aroused by tho voico of Alexandre, J
startcd quickly to my feet, but was pre
cipitated immediately against tho oppo
site side. Tho balloon wns driving
along at n fearful rate, nnd the wind was
blbwlng nn nwful galo. the car
didawlng, and tho wind whistle among
tho ropes 1
"Oh, God 1" I cried, ns Isntupngalii,
"I am lost!"
"Lost, darling?, you nro
not. I know whero wo are exactly; and
if If wcro not that a stratum of clouds
lies between us and tho earth; which
wo have quitted forever, I could show
you the city pf Tours. Wo nro not moro
than eighteen or twenty miles to tho
northward of it. Ro calm, my love! I
am calm. as a midsummer's eve."
"Oh, Alexandre," I cried, "I pray
you let this dreadful machine descend to
the earth, nud I will bless your name
forever nay, ,1 will give you myself,
body and soul I"
"Poor woman ! you forgot that we
aro already married, and that you are
mini; while- life lasts. Descend? Ah,
my cherub J it grieves ineto the soul to
deny youu request made thus early;
but, would yoii return to thatold,chllly,
ball, called earth ? I had thought better
things of ypu, Mario mine, than this.
lJelievo me, tho world Is not for such
ns you; thero is naught but disappoint
nient thero ; none of our darling dreams
aro tiiero realized; it Is over thus with
those who ivo there, that Just as they
expect their dearest hopes aro about to
bo realized, that the cup of expectation
Isjust being changed to that of enjoy-
;,;lt is rudely dashed from iheir
hands, and thoy nro miserable. Ask
mo anything but to descend, audi will
grant it with Joy to my Marie."
To my infinite. Joy, I could presontly
feel that tho. machine was rapidly set
tling. A few minutes later, upon look
ing out, I saw that wo wero nmonghomo
dense clouds, which surrounded us
above, below, and upon ovcryslde. Oh,
thought I, if it could only bo that 11,y
mad lover's fsupply of gas should be-
como exhausted ! As tills thought flash
ed across my brain, he, too, seemed Im
proved with tho Idea that wo, were gra
vitating., "Ijie gas is running law, Mario,"
snd he, "and a good aeronaut, liko iny
celf or tho Moutgolflers, should seo that
the supply is kept up."
Then ho took ono ot tho balls, and
carried it up into tlio upper lmi1 f '!10
balloon. Immediately I felt that tlio
muchlno was rising again. We shot up
out of tho clouds, into thu broad ghiru of
tho sun; and I could Bee the shadaw of
the machine driving along upon tho
billowy surface at appalling spced.Thon
I swooned away uguln.
How long I remained unconscious I
do not ktiow. When I awoke, Alexau
dm had hold of inyiirm trying to annuo
"Ah, my love," ho began, "thero Is a
scene In aforu for you. Do not go to
sleep again, but eomo hero nud look
Hodrow aside thu curtains: and there,
not far away, lu tho direction n which
wo were flying, lay a great mass of com
pact, und awfully .black ulouds. Thuy
stretched away to the right und left
farther than the eyo could reach, and
were boiling andlrolllog like the bottom
lea pit. Anon tho lightiiliigV crimson
tongues would ieajt upward from them,
miu.-tuo iiiuiiuer'n volco burst forth.
"Now, my precious Mario," continu
ed lie, "you havonn opportunity which
no balloonist over vnt. hint Mint r ou
ting In tho laboratory of thn tlnimUr
aiurui, uuu -meeting mo lightning eyo
to eye 1' Tho other dav. thosn f.
neronnuts, Riot nnd Guy Lus?ac,thougl,t
mciiiscives lortunato when, at nbout
llllS lieigHl. UlCV COUllI (nk-nnntnr. ,tl..
servatlons of tho movements of flm
magnetic needle. How much more
fortunato nro wo vvho shnll nnn M
Jovo forging his thunderbolts 1"
in a row seconds tho mnchlno went
plunging Into tho black and
vortex! And oh.. Monsieur
how my soul shudders nl Mm f,m,t,t
of the fearful rolling of tho thunder
and tho hissing of the lightning which
took plncoall around' lis I At nnn inn.
mcnt all was darkness; at tho next,
wnu n urcauiui Durst, nil would bo
flooded wliliblazo! That WaA rnnrn bni--
rlblo than till olso, and I swooned agrln.
vnco moro i woko to sensibility.
"I think you aro sink mv ilr-tr ual.i
tho voico of Alexandre. "These alrv
voyages sometimes make tho most m.
perienced of us 111. Lean your head
upon mo; thero Is no sickness whero
wo go !"
Wo had left tho thunderstorm. T wn
very cold, and I saw that frost had set-
ucu upon tho locks of tho mnnlnc.
"You nro cold." said lie: "T wn
obliged torisoaliflJo higher lhau I in
fended, lu order to iit nut rr tin. .,,.,
The thermometer usunllv htnticls nt. titU
altitude below zero. I will descend a
littlo now, and wo will sail along paral
lel wth tho earth, until wotratnnt, in
sen, when it will bo safe to begin our
unai ascent. It Is not bo cold over Iho
ocean as over the earth at tho samo
height. Soon wo shall bit! farewell to
Franco and tho world. Wo passed over
Anglers two hours ago. Now Nantes
Is nearly under us. Within forty min
utes wo shall bo at sea ; then, ho, for
the upward flight!"
For an hour longer I lay in tho bot
tom of the car, as, ono hi the midst of a
trance. Afterawhllo I began lo reflect.
I turned my eyes upward, and gnztd
at the huge dark side of tho balloon.
How quick tlio descent would be,
thought I, if an accident should mako
a rent In tho silk!
"Marie, como hc-ie,"eried Alexandie,
exultlngly ; "ho for tho tea and heaven!
Farewell farewell to France! Adieu
to the earth !"
Ho removed the damask. and I be
held the, inachino sweeninrr off (ho
shore, and away to sea!
Now to descend death. Rut
then death had long been certain, and
tho thought of it had lost all its bitter
ness for mo. No terror could frighten
mo now. Tho sooner, thought I, the
catastrophe comes, tho better. Tho
machine did not, swing now. It was
riding In tho still air tlint prevails at
sunset. I looked upward again, as I
had somo moments before heard a
strango fluttering sound from tho tipper
part of tho baloou. Thero I saw a thill
stream of smoko issuimr from the sido
of .tho canvass. Tho next niomeiit.lho
upper end of tho ropes fell down. It
hnd been burnt in twain and was blaz
ing. "Alexandre," said I, strangely calm,
"tho air-ship is on fire!'
"Ha, ha, ha !" ho laughed. "On flro?
My beautiful balloon ou flro? Never!
sho is indestructible. Firocnnnot lnjuro
her. hy, my love, sho out-rodo tho
lightnings. They pierced her through
and through, and. yet she Is not Injured
sho Is a splrR!"
As ho ceased speaking there was n
shriek of the escaping gas; the vast
hllkeu globo collapsed, nnd tho carj
which had been for scveinl minutes
settling; began its fearful descent per
pondlculnrlv toward the Sen! Faster
aud faster It sped, foster nud faster, un,
Just here Mai io 60111110; from iirr suit
besldo me, and with the words, "Aye,
by-the by, I must show you tho steps of
mat new oanet." becrnn Dirouettine: un
nnil doun the cravoled walk, r wns
dumbfounded; I saw Instantly that I
had been navlm? ni v nddrrssi.a tn nn In
sane girl, and I irut out of that earden if
second quicker than I went lu. Upon
inquiry, 1 learned that Mario had read
tho accounts of tint nurlnl vnrnirris nf
Monlgolfler, I'ilatrodo Rozlers, lVAlnn-
His, ami, In fact, of- everybody el.'o
who had made any, and had afterwaid
brooded over Iho subject of nerosfatloi)
until sho becaino crazed.
Some arithmetician i-uleulnl is I lint I r
u tobacco chewer consumes two it'ehe-i
of plug n day, for fifty years, ho will
enew in that period, G.-175 feet, or mar
ly half u milo of solid tobacco, half an
men inicK ami two inches broad.costlug
f2,0U3! And ejecting one pint pf sulivi
per dav for fifty years, tho lolnl' wnnbl
swell Into nearly L'.SOO gallons-it respect
able lake and almost lurgo enough to
noat, tne urcat iiusitin Jn!"
"Did you know.'' said a cunninL-
Gentllo to a Jew. "Hint thrv Ihiiil-,
Jews' aud Jackasses together In I'ort-i
lanti?" "jnueed," retorted Solomon,
"den It ish well dat you and I Mi not
A WAOOlHll editor says thattheetreets
of ono of tlio wcfltem cities aro to iio
lighted with red-headed girls. We'd
Hko to hug tho lamp-posts In tlint ( Ity.
"6t of 'sight, out of mind," but wo
dou't'beo It; wo lost our wallet the oth
er day and It hasn't been out of our
mind since.
A lock of hair from a young woman's
head Is, offer tho key to a young man's
"I am ou the trail ofudear,!' a a gtn
tlemaii said when ho trod on u lady'
When la an ofd cheese liko tho Airerr
lean dollar t When It Is ull.mltoy.
u, .! I "j, ;!
"What 'makes' overy bodyslcli but
thoso who Kwnllow It? Fmtery.
Onosquarp, (ten lines or lis equiva
lent In nonpareil fypo) uneor two Inser
tions, tt.Mn thiec Insertions, $2.00.
bpack.' m. sj,,sk. ex, i
Onel,atiariX.i ti.rt tim am ium sIam
Twrrlna'ns ,S0 (l.oil 7,r) M.oo
Three tnunrcs R.W) 7.10 8,00 U.00 m
Four annum fun llim imm !Ki
Quarter column.. 10,00 12,00 n,ou ao,M 30,f0
Half mm aim anno anni
One column...... 31,00 30,00 40,00 00,00 100,00
Exoeiifor'n nr Aitmlnlalraf
W.00; Auditor's or Assignee,')) Notice,
Lopftl Knitnoa. firmiftr rvitita n linn.
by tho year fen cents. '
flirflx hi II, , 1llr,.,.lr. ,.!...
12.00 linr vour for ll,i tlr'l ll.-,. II,,,..,
null 1.00 for each additional line.
Curious n nil InfcrcKtlim- History
"f tlicJMost Itcmnrnnliio lad
Stone l'trlmps Intlie World.
For tho first time In our lifo wo saw,
yesterday, u gunulno 'mnd-slono and
heard Its history from tho owner, who
inherited It from Ids father. Tho fortu.
ualo possessor Is Colonel B. Lco Milam,
of Wotcrford, Marshal county, Missis
sippi. Colonel Milam lan prominent
citizen of his county.and his statements
set at re.t nny doubts which wo muy
have had about tho clllcacy of mud-ktouo
In curing tho bites of mad dogs, cats,
snakes, spiders, or uny other venomous
animals or Insects. Colonel Lco Milam
Is a native of Madison county, North
Alabama, from whenco ho removed in
1835. Tho family came from Virginia,
and tlio Colonel inherits also his middle
name, being n second cousin of General
Robert E. Lee.
Tho mad-stone In his possession is
about tho size of a hen egg ; as heavy
as so much brick and rather moro por
ous, and is of a light clayish color. Ono
end is flat as if It had been sawed off,
and n grain runs through tho stone from
end to end ns If It hnd, In some former
age, been so much wood or bono. About
llfty years ago this stono was Bpllt In
three or four pieces, but was carefully
fustoned together with a wire, which
still perlorms Its olllco. Tho stono wns
brought from China, in tho year 1810,
by Dr. Darker. Tho doctor died in n
fow years, nnd tho stono was sold nt
public salo nmong his other property.
Mr. Jarvis Milam, tho colonel's father,
j;as the purchaser, and at his death he
willed tho stone to tho present owner,
with tho condition that all tho family
should havo tho use of It ns often as
necessary, freo of charge.
As to its virtues, Colonel Lco Milam
states that It has been npplled with suc
cess In over one thousand eases, and has
only failed in1 two, and In thoso tho
parts affected could not bo successfully
reached. Ho has used It himself over
two hundred and fifty times. When
tho poison Is all extracted the stono
falls off. During tlio process a very
ofrenslvo stench fills tho room, making
tho air sickening in the extreme. Tho
stono Is then soaked lu warm water
from, twenty-four to thlrty-Blx hours,
when it again becomes ready for use.
Colonel Milam assures us that he. can
euro any case of dog, snako or any other
bito whero madness or dissolution has
not actually set lu. Cures have been
effected oven as long ns two weeks after
tho bite. Lost week the stono wns suc
cessfully tried In several eases. It is
known for many leagues around, nnd
the people comdfrum far and near to bo
Colonel Milam has been offered fivo
thousand dollars for this wonderful
stone, but always refused to entertain
the proposition. . Ho taid playfully,
yestordny, that ho might sell it for ten
thousand dollars if the buyer would
promise to always allow him tho uso of
it. Memphis Avalanche.
A Dutchman Abroad.
''Hello, friend, can you tell mo tho
road to Reading?" Inquired a Down
Easter tho other day of n Pennsylvania
Dutchman, whom' ho found hard at
work bc3ido tho road a fow miles from
''O, yaw, I coald tell you eo pessor as
enypody. You must first turn do barn
round dopritch overdo prook upstream
den do first house you comes to ish my
proder Han3' pig barn; dat Ish do plg
gest parn dero ish on dls road; It Ish 18
feet yon way, and 18 foot pack agin.
my proder Hans thought to thatch It
mlt shingles, but hcsold them and shin
gled it mlt straw, and clapboard it mlt
rail; after you go py my prodar Hans'
parn do uext.l)ouso you eomo to ish a
hay stack of corn stalks bllt mlt straw,
but you must not go dero too. Den you
goes along until you comes to tree roads
an i den you git lost. Dcti you git over
dofencolutoa great pig pen mlt no
fnnce round It. Don you tako do road
upon your shoulder nnd go down as far
as to prltch, den you turn right again
and rend tho slgn-poard mlt no readln'
on It an' proko down. Von you ish
coming pack, den you comes by a houo
dat stands right pack alongside or yallcr
tog. He rum out ami say pow, wow,
wow, and pltes'a littlo plecb outofyour
leg, den ho runs and shuinps into an
empty pig' pen dnt lire! four sheep In it.
Dop you look way upon do hill down in
doHwnmp dere and sees a pino white
Iioiho painted black mlt red paint, mlt
two front doors ou do pack side; ish
vcro my proder Ilunsllve.and ho would
tell you pesser as I could. I don't
know." '
A Lady having tho mlsfortuuo to
havo her husband hang himself on un
applo free, tho wife of a neighbor Im
mediately camo to beg a branch of that
trco to havo It crafted Into one on her
orchnnl, "for who kubws," says she,
"lint it inay.tiKiir tho same kind of
"Fompey," said a good-natured gen
tleman to Ills colored man, "I did not
know till to-day that you had been
whipped last week."'
"Didn't you', massa?" replied Pom.
wy. "1 I know'd RJlst dosnmotimo
it occurred."
Lord Norbury, having been usked
to contribute a shilling to bury an at
torney who had died poor, exclaimed,
"Only a shilling to bury un nttornoy 1
Here's n guinea; go aud bury twenty
ouo of them t'
"I wish you would pay a littlo at
tention to what I am paying, sir,"
roared an irritated lawyer to an ex
nsperatlug wllpess.
"Well, I am paying us littlo asl can"
was .the exasperating reply,
, i v T?
- The piohcr of a largo family was ono
uay.asueu.uio nuinner, or nor cmiurvn.
."La, me " she, replied, rpcklug to
jiiid fro, "j'vQEOt'fourteen, mottly boyt
aid glrltV
Thin Man. "Roy, what's that hun
gry lookhir'd''S following ma fort"
lNsUi.Tf.Nfi Roy, "Ho UilnUa you
area bone, I reckon l"