The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 19, 1869, Image 3

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1 afwIumMmi.
.Hojilio' Sales. For tho benefit of
hoS6 having bills printed nt this offlco,
r advertising them In our columns,
'u proposo to keep n register or sales
ir tlio Infornirttlou of tho public,
'flnlel Snyder, Keolt March S), l'cr. 1'ioperty
lm C. Hnyder llloora ' 21, ' "
erry WhltonlRlit, " " , " "
ssse Rhoernnker ilueklinrn M ll, " "
leoh Itotcliard, Inickhorii ' 'J7, "
L. Hlcll, allrceliwood " 21, " "
.T. lkler,ii llenton ' si. " "
nitlrl ItujienDtirli Ccnlro " 21, ' "
remlnli llaffmuiti"i. ' "
mac INivt' Ext. llenvcr Apr. , Ural 1-stnte,
imvi 111 fima rmw .'ilium m,
lm. H.IIcm'h Kt, Mllllln ' in, "
.Neyhnrd&MIIlerCmtru JIrr.21, ' "
Sknat'oii Huckai.hw nnil family ro-
urncdihomo on Inst Snturtlnyinnrnlng,
E. W., Wynkooi & Co.'h Spring
jrm of school will commenco April
th. ' lit
Tub Election to-day is ai,t, im-
Oiieat excitement In town Inst week
loyd biw nlong ofllclnl envelope In tho
olonel's box, nml fled on wings of tho
Ind to toll him. IIo thought It must
o his hut ll wasn't.
Uiol Win. Shuman, Esq., of Mnin
llle, In this county, killed, lust week,
hog eighteen months old, which
elghed G17 pounds. All of which is a
rgo thing for so young n pig.
FnoF. J, W. Feiihei: will deliver a
,ibllc lecture In thohall of tho lilooms
irgStato Normal School, tills (Frl
ty) ovenlng nt half past seven o'clock,
.ilijcct Astronomy. Admission free.
IP you wish to bo certain of a good
,rgaln, go to C. C. Marr's, Main and
on Streets. IIo has a lino lot ot&prin;
30(74,' Groceries, etc., nnd ail of tho
,y" best character. IIo is determined
Increase his already largo custom, by
easing all classes of customers. Givo
jn a call.
'On. P.' John has returned from his
ir South, and innkes n good report.
The "report" In question Is that ho
ught a house and property, tho form
or which cost $20,000 beforotho war,
'$3,000. This "good report" Indicates
I good' effects of a public war.
V. Denial. Bradley denies having
d In Catawlssa that tho patronago In
3 county under tho present ndminla
tion must como through him. Our
jormatlon comes from Republicans
,,'re In good standing In society and In
''Ir party. If a "Ho" exists It Is be-'
i en himself and ids party friends.
jlKOWEK, of tho Montour American,
; s hls' party friends to retain him in
; ee". He says his paper docs not pay,
4 1 In effect that ho expects tho Gov
ment to make good Ids deficiencies
ncome. Of course tho Doctor's am
on sorlously conflicts with tho aspi
lions of piher Montour patriots. "Lei
'tave peace,"
.Useful Exchancie. Tho Daily
' zette, published at Williamsport con-
is n synopsis of all tho telegraphic
,hffl published in our city dailies, and
plies hero at 11 a.m. six hours in ud
imco of any other daily. Persons de-i-ng
to get .tho earliest news should
lf',5crIbo for it. Wo would suggest,
"70ver, that tho proprietors should
n that It ; is regularly mailed.
iVHAT'a.'WitoNG? On last Friday
, wing wo received the Dally Lancas
, 'lalejltgeneer containing an editorial
'Med from 'tho Morning Patriot. Wo
i not'recelvo tho Patriot containing
8am"e'nticlo until Friday noon. Wo
If ' see no reason why wo should not
slvo tha'P'oiriot tho same day It is is
'' Jl, If.'thls could bo dono thero would
1 iq dlffictiHy in getting for it in this
'v'n nt'leaBtsevoiity-flvo subscribers.
Ji.XMOSt'a Finn. On Stiudny uiorn
last, by a very fortunate combina
' i of circumstances, Mr. C. O. Marr
I led to'pass through tho oxtensivo
' (ling ihill 61 Woir & Barton. V hen
' r tho boilers ho discovered that tho
i' ring was on flro and promptly ex
n julshed the ilamcs. The lire had ov
' atly beon smouldering forsomotime
vyhaps. all,night. Had it not been for
Starr's discovery wo might havo
,,1 to chrbnlclo a greater destruction of
'"pertyithan lias ever befallen our
hi, Tho building Is a framo one,and
'ad ugltJki, with dry wood, shavings,
dust and other inflnmablo material
ufolild havo been dltllcult If not Im-
iislblo, with tho high wind prevailing
.'J Sunday, to havo prevented tho bur
!c'g of all tho. surrounding buildings.
' . .
;,jir.K Poor House Question. We
jj1 illshttiiS week the acts relating to
'.ofrjHpuse. So far so Bloom twp.
.' pneerned It is already a law, and a
i iMATCibgJtaken to-day in several
,'iVpsliipie8oiB whetlier they will join
$$q scjmeIOt lier townships can al
r bin by p"eWMonlng tho Leglslaturoto
oi.t ctfec qtpnee.
;a havo no doubt it would bo a mca
50 of economy to most townships. For
'jimple, if balf a dozen towuahlps ad
lUjlng us would go In, it would only
.f uiro a (ax of ouo per cent, o tho
J.uaHon for ono year to buy a farm,
killings, stock, Ac, worth $19,000.
fo'cuo doubts that In sucli an Institu
?'t.t tlitSpoorJcan bo better and more
Juply kept than can bo dono under
''' i prcsent?Bystem, and thero Is no
T'stIon that tho number of paupers
uld be materially reduced.
Jn the night of Wcdncsday.Miirch 10,
iw.' town was disturbed by tho riotous
ire. I disorderly conduct of a party of
. iuing men,, acting under strong cefo
J 1 excitement created by an undua
si' "sunt of "benzine" Matters finally
ratnaieu iu mo iorcioio oreaKiug in
the door and windows of tho house
lZ.i i coioreu iamiiy living ni ino lower
?A of town. Constables Eyer and
. tins succeeded In arresting ono of tho
i?J'ty tho- samo nlglit and three
CriPfH-fntftdlirerent time;!. Ono is
": 1 at larger Ball has been given In
h COBO for uppearanco at Court. We
""rain frompubllshlng names at this
lWi jo and earnestly hope that tho lesson
, oi-y prove ono which may provent any
""jure infractions or tho law.
. '"Jloomsburg lias reached a position In
f lnit0f progrcssond population, which
itiiioianda a strict enforcement of law,
. 1 tlio lflt,e;ests of tl o publlo require
'' it decency auu jjiorallty bhall pre
OiiANOEViM.i: Cliurcli Matters.
During thu war, and slnco that, owing
to political prcacldng and praying, tlio
attendauco at religious services was
very small as compared to former years.
Recently, wo aro glad to say, tho eauso
of tlio nllenatlon being In nboynnco, If
not wholly removed, thero Is u much
better attendance. Tlio ladies belonging
to the Union Churcli,(aernian Itotormcd
Presbyterian and Lutheran) Inspired
by thlsstato ofthlnps, linvo undertaken
to ralso money to buy a cabinet organ
Tor tho church. A festival was hurried
ly started last week, and proved emi
nently successful j over $80 was realized.
Another on a larger scale, Is In contem
plation, in nshort time. TlioolJectU
a deserving one.
Tlio German Reformed congregation
Is still without a pastor; Ilov.Mr.Slien
kel not having accepted tho call exten
ded to him. Tho Lutherans havo tho
pulpit supplied occasionally, by tho
Ilov. Mr. Slicrts. Tho Prosbytcrinns
havo a resident minister, llov. Mr.
Spear, mid preaching every two weeks
In tlio morning. Tho congregation Is
small but somo encouraging signs of ln-
creasohavo recently appoared, and a
number wero added by tlio rlto of bap
tism and communlon,n month ngo. Tlio
Methodists havo nlso a resident minister
and preaching every two weeks; tho
congregation is small hut Is holding its
own, and probably on tho Increase. Tim
Kuv. J. P.Tustln, of Uloomsburg, (Bap
tist) preached In tho Methodist meeting
house on Sunday last, and administered
tho rlto of baptism, In tho creek Just bo
low tho new bridge, to threocnndldatcs.
Thero was a largo concourse, of people
present to witness tlio ceremony.
A mkktinu of tho ladles of Blooms
burg was held In tho parlor of tlio Ex
cliango Hotel, on Tuesday evening, 'Jtli
Inst., to discuss tho best means of pro
curing bed clothing for tho Normal
School. Miss A. D. Webb was called
to tho Chair pro tern.
It was determined to canvass tlio
town for contributions of muslin, mon
ey etc., and committees woroappolnted
for that purpose
permanent organization was formed
by choosing tlio followlngofflccrs:
Mrs. Dr. Ituttcr, President; Mrs.
Funstoii, VIco-PrcsIdent ; Mrs. McKln
ney, Treasurer; Mrs. Best, Secretary.
Tlio meeting then adjourned to meet
at tlio liouso of Judge- Elwell, on Tues
day ovenlng, March 2.'Srd, '09.
Mns. Dn. ItUTTEr.,
Mas. I. O. Uimt, Sec. 1'rcx.
'Comb Gkntli: Spkinci," Chembcr
lln is ready for you. Ills shelves are
filled with tho choicest selection of
goods suitable for tho season. Nothing
now or beautiful has escaped his notico
and ho calls on tho public to determine,
whether his stock Is not tho best to bo
found in tho country. Ills prices aro
as rcasonablo as they always are, nnd
his workmen aro well skilled.
TltK March number of Peters' Musi
cal Monthly has Just reached us. Jt
contains several new and beautiful
hongs besides somo lino instrumental
pieces. In addition to these, there aro
llfteen pages of i holco reading matter,
making a really first-class family mag
azine, well worthy of tho perusal of all
lovers of music and superior literary ef
forts. Published by J. L. Peters, N. Y.
at $3.00 a year or 30 cents per number.
The Would Almanac. W o havo
on hand and for sale, this very useful
and valuable book for 18G9. If contains
tlio Acts of Congress, and important
events of tho past year, crops of tho
United States, ofllcers of tho Govern
ment, full and complete returns of the
lato election, and a thousand other items
of irso and interest. Prico 20 cents.
Patuiuk M'Kenna, charged with
the embezzlement of the State mid
county taxes as collector of the borough
of Port Carbon in 1607, wns tried, con
victed mid sentenced to threj years im
prisonment and a line of tlio whole
amount embezzled, $3. C19,30, nnd costs.
Ho ivas a witness at tho last February
Court for tho Defendants.
John W. Geaiiy, Governor of Penn
sylvania is said to bo ab'-ent minded
occasionally. Onco upon a time, recent
ly, a man accidentally ran against him
on tho Street, Jarring Ids hat of. IIo
instantly asked "pardon" of Ills Ex
cellency.. Geary told him to call nttho
State department, ns ho had no blanks
with him.
Notice. Hotel nnd Restaurant keep
ers, proprietors of Liquor Stores and
others desirous of obtaining licenses for
tho coming year, aro notified that thoy
must present their applications for tho
samo on or boforo tho 10th day of April
next, otherwise they will be unable to
obtain them.
Dhy Goods for tho season. Grocer
ies. House Furnishing Goods etc., suit
able for all seasons. Prices to plcaso all.
verythlng of thu best quality. Mil
ler & Wolf in their new storo aro pro
pared to satisfy tho publlo tasto in ev
erything but poor jioods. Those they
don't keep.
can and Should win.
llohl JLleck M'Cliiru, a coininliteuof onu.
W Ith lullt'niuuj promises jmiitt-U Willi gU-o.
To fix Up Ibo btuto nt tvulrged Washington,
Huvliitf lienrd tliftl Iblneu tlirp were nil tlrlft
liig n'leo;
And lu u short talk Willi tlio hcml of iiit'ulrx.
Itofcnw very plululy bud wcutliera-breuln',
And whllo on 111 mind feiit republlcim rurvs,
Ho held up n Curtln 'twlit tlio pony mid ruin.
Upon It wt-ru painted In enllantavriiy
Many deeds of emprUo I hut his hero had done .
How ho luthcrcd tlio Democrats tuleo,nud uvruyi
How lu martial urray to Aullvtam hu'd kouo,
How Lincoln had basiled lilm bow Gettysburg
With his name and his fume, when (lino slid
The eutlUB aiul flahllug wero chanted or sum;,
Of llioio blood-tbirsty sbajx, ih lulllllu of
Untold "Winnebago" now came to tlio fori),
And tuo"lMiMMrds" Hocked round" tu partake
of the feat,
An.llowu went the Curlln braro Aleck upboro j
He'd hoped that Its war-paint would save It, at
least ;
Hut wiir-piUnt.dQvlois and portraits ware stun".
Compared with the steel plates the currency
And Aleck well knew tlist the whole name was
When he saw the old "moccasin tracks," at the
He rolled up his Cut tin nnd hlnl liluuelt back,
Not wiser, but sadder then over before I
Tho Ifcu nnd the Telegraph how led on his track
And Ueary went bark on his promise ouee more',
Tho nation went wild o'er Ihls Cabinet ruts,
Not oven the Loaguo could sues w bo 1 1 would be;
Hut M'Cluru Iml his laugh tho "rtii'eufui mut"
lu the laboring mouiituin, came forth A llorle,
Noun V'HUkosa.
A mp of busy life,
It fluctuations nnil It vufit rnnrcrim."
The stylo and mnmicr in which n
woman should dress havo been much
discussed, nnd tlio reasons pro and con
siaicu. tiio proper cnanges
have not been mn-lo. and tho tiucstion
Is still open. A few considerations arc
therclbro suggested towards arrlvlngat
n sound conclusion, to which attention
is called. Tho distinction in sex nnd
tho dllTcrenco In duties nnd labors be
longing to them respectively, It Is sub
mitted, nro not sufficient to require or
demand such marked distinction in
their costume. The total dissimilarity
which now exists between tho habili
ments of male and female, bus not al
ways existed, but man was nono tho
less man, thuugh In (lowing dress. In
Scripture phrase, men girded up their
loins, preparatory to walking. Indeed,
In looking at tho prints of olden times,
but for tlio beard, bolder features, and
moro athletic form wo should bo unable
to determine tho sex. Doubtless this
unmanly garb was laid aside, because
of its Inconvenience nnd natural unfit
ness. That thero should exist a striking
dlfferenco between malo and female at
tire Is self-evident, but that this differ
ence should bo mndc, at tho expense or
,tho convenience, comfort, health and
delicacy or tho weaker sex, Is unfair.
ir, ns somo seem to think, woman
was designed to be a parlor ornament,
witli no euro but the tasteful adjustment
or her drapery, thero could bo no objec
tion made to her wearing hkitts of tho
amplest dimensions. Thank Heaven
this is not her destiny, hut n life of ac
tive employment. Her duties nro gen
erally household labour as welt as
pcrrMon. In stooping, long skirts aro
homuch in tlio way ns to call fortli Im
patient ejaculation oven from thoso of
proverbial equanimity. Going up stairs
with both hands engaged Is next to im
possible. It can bo done, only as every
ono of the alllictrd knows by ungrace
fully throwing tlio feet out sideways.
Then iu descending, If followed by
another unless care be taken by both
parties, the trailing robo will inevita
bly ho ripped or rent; tho slightest dust,
through which sho walks, is carefully
gathered up In tho hem of her drcss,and
tho snowy stocking In an hour is unlit
to bo seen. If it bomuddy,tho vexation
is increased: for in that case, a good
dress must either bo ruined, or held up
out or danger, and this ulternativo is
modest and gracehil to such a degree,
ns generally to fasten women iu tlio
house, In bad weather.
Thero aro somo however, whose dally
avocations compel them to go out in
dust, mud, rain, or snow, as tho ease
may bo; and iu either rain or snow,
tho clothing must bo dampened, if not
thoroughly wet. Iu tills condition, too,
sho must frequently remain for hours.
What constitution, however vigorous
could bear up under such t course of
procedure? Tho writer lins known
consumptive symptons Induced in a
very healthy subject, by sitting lu her
school room with stockings anil skirts
dampened by walking through the
snow. How ninny cases or slightcoiigh,
neuralgia, rheumatism, chronic affect
ions or thu stomach and bowels, Ae.,A-e.,
owe their origin to attending church in
bad weather? What a devotional in
fluence has the sight or u lew drizzled
or snowy church slips, on it Sabbath
Tho present co.stumo is warm in slim
mer and cold in winter. Tho (head or
milking Die outlines of the form ap ttr
eut, leads to the wearing' of too many
"petticoats," even iu the hottest sea-on.
What es'er quantity bo worn in winter,
it cannot compensate tho lack of it clouo
lit, to protect ibo body from every cur
rent of wind. Thero is in tho sex an
instinctive shrinking from marked
singularity. Therefore, whatever in
customary will bu worn, oven to that
outrage upon symmetry, the lampoon
ed "bustle." However stromrlv the
judgment of sensible women may con
demn such ridiculous appendages, yet
when "icor)i,"'they are, against their
better sense, soon or late, forced Into
the measure. Just so with very long
dresses. And indeed, In such a style ot
dress as the present, Warmth, if not
delicacy, requires thu skirt to be long.
Tho writer has never seen the. Bloom
er costume, and can give no opinion or
its claims to adoption, but thu evils or
tho present apparel havo long been felt,
and Its supersedence by smoothing
more suitablo and natural, earnestly
desired. Moro diminutive in length,
would violate modesty and endanger
health, and only partially relievo tho
inconvenience. Thero must needs bo
an encasement of tlio legs, for that
woman is bicrurul, can nut be denied.
Let tho trowsers bo made very whlu
and gathered into a band and rulllo at
tho ankle, and tho overdress bo model
ed after the sacks now so current, and
reach below the knees or, If waist and
skirt bo preferred, be it bo, though tho
sack, buttoned up to the throat, would
be moro simple, easy and beautiful.
Such a dress would leave woman ft-eo
to uso her feet, which aro now so re
stricted. It would admit of her enter
ing and alighting from n carriage with
out that leellng of helplessness nnd
aching dread of exposure, which is now
go burtlicnsomo to tho Independent,
sensitive spirit. No marvel woman
should bo so timorous, in situations
whero men aro conlldent. Sho is not
only trammeled, disabled from helping
herself, but iu case of accident, Is liable
to sutl'er, what to her Is moro than a
broken bone. Tho proposed costume
would bo incomparably safer and moro
moduit than tho flowing drapery.
Tlio long waisted habit must bo stiff
ened with whalebone, to keep it in its
place. A garment so made and stiffen
ed, however must, bo oppressive to
somo part of tho person. It does un
questionably tend to les.-en tho thoracic
cavity, mid allows but a partial Inlln
tlon oi tlio lungs. Let any ouo quietly
observo tlio respiration or tho sexes,
and see ir that of men Is not Aillcr, less
frequent, has not moro motion of tho
abdomen, and less clov;itlon of tho
shoulders, than that or woman. The
pressure of tho waist, ami tlio wnlght
of tho skirts nro alike detrimental (
health. From this eauso, weal: backs
are now as frequent, as onco they wero
rare. Any experienced physician will
testiry, that certain distressing affec
tions have greatly Increased slnco tho
fashion of long waists was Introduced,
indeed, physicians appear to bo unanl
moui), in their approval or tho propos
ed cliango.
Surely then, woman would not unsex
herseir by adopting a iiostuino which
convenience, health and integrity or
limb require, and modesty sanctions.
Her sack and Irotvsers would bear no
moro resemblance to tho male habit,
than her riding cap oi cloth cloak do to
those worn by gentlemen. And who
ever though tor questioning the proprie
ty orwearing these? May the time soon
come, as como It must, when locomo
tive) habiliments, shall take the place
or the swaddling clothes of tho infant.
8j'itN: Is at bund and tho cliango of
temperature will nooessltalo iwy ulcj
thing. Do not fall to securo comfort
and stylo in the selection of your gui
lucuts, but go to Lowenberg where you
can hardly fall to be suited. Ho Is so
well and favorobly known to tlio com
munity, that It is unnecessary to men
tion that his word can bo Implicitly re
lied on, Whatever lie sells will bo found
of tho tint quality.
Two years since, UmTjoiiorablo Lot
M. Morrill, United States Senator from
tho Stato of Maine wo lovo to dwell
upon tho salnts-broko his plighted
word and thcicby ousted Mr. Stockton,
of New Jersey, Now, Mr. Stockton
cntcm tho St riate ami tip Hpnorabo
Lot retires,
Rfnlfn vnni lilm frntiHnmnii. Wi.turuita
kcei Uiognmu,
(Kmiii DUpchvitory of tho tJnttml fltnUfl,
r.ioi'KiiTiKfl. Their odor Is fetronff, dliTmlvu.
ami nomawliut aromatic, their Uwiu bltivrUh,
uihIuuiUokoih to mint. .
MKim'Ai.rnoi'KnTir-sANn Urtra.-liticliuloavcM
nruKt-'iitlyftllinulntit, wltliu jHtullur tendency
In thu Urinary Oo?mn.
They uroBlvoii In mm pin In (A of tin Urinary
Orunim. miefi nst Uiuvi l Chronlo Cnturrli or tho
HlnUUer. Morbid Irritation of thu 1 (ladder and
Urellm, llUoiiKunntiti TiOnWiu Ulaiidj nml I to
teiitloiior Incnnllncnco of Urine, fruin a Iush of
tonuln tho iiarta concernoU lu Un ewieuntlon,
Tho rcinrdy has nlun been recommcudeU lit Iy
iMpiln, riminio Kheumatlsm, CulntieouK Alloc
lious, unit liropny,
llM.Mitoui'rt Extract KuciiU 1 used by pot
Rons I10111 tho hhum of (8toH mut Irnm nUft.or
in thudcollnuor cliaua of lllu; titter Oonlino
ineiit, or Labor ruin ; llt'd-Weitlng In children.
In ullVctloiiftpi'cullartu females, thu Kxtriu-t
Ihichii li imequutiM by any other remt-dv, as lu
ChloruHltt, ol lUdutitiou, lrrt pulnnty, l'aituul
ntvtsoriStippifsslou of ui'tonmry JWai'ihitloiw,
Ulcerated or Helilrioun wtutu of thu Uterus.
1 1 ucorrhou. or White.
DlKuasi1 of tho 11 ladder, Kidneys. O ravel, uilil
l)rupKk'al is well nut it. Tuls inedlcmu lnereafcen
thoiKJWer of IN set tlon, and excitus thu AliMr
bunts lulu healthy amiun, by which thu Watery
or Calcareous. deiKiHltlons. and all Unnatural hn
lnrtf emcnts nro reduced, an well aj X'alu uud In
Uauiniatlon. llKi-KMituLD'H Extract Huehu h;u cured every
case or Ulabetes in rlitch It ban been Klveu. Ir
ritation of llioNeetttOflhy Iiladder, and Iutlam
iu a tlon or the lCldnei'M, Ulceration or the Kldneyn
and IWnddcr, Uctontlou of Urlno, Ulseases of tuo
I'rostatoUlund, Hlunoln tho iiladder. Calculus,
U ravel, Urlclc-lJust Deposit, imd Mticu or Milky
UlschfUgen, and for eufeebled una Ueltcatu eon
slitutloim, of butti sesus, attended with tbu fol
lowing Hmploms: lndlHtM)sltlon to Jixertlon,
Loh of Tower, lxisa of Memory, Dllllculty ol
Hro.ahlnjf.WeHlcurvcHiTreinbllnc, Horror ot
Disease, Wakctutness, )linnersol Vision, I'atn
In tho Hack, Hot Hands, Flushing of thu llodv,
Dryness of the Hkln, Eruption on ino Face, I'aliiJ
Countenance, Universal Jjisthltude oft ho Muscu
lar issteiu, Ac. , .
Heliuboid'H l;xtrnct lluchu U DlUretlo nnd
lllood-riiillylni?, and cures nil Dlhca.seH arlninit
troiu ImbltH of dissipation, cxteNHCrt aud ltnptu
deuces In life, lmpurltlesof tho lllond, iVc, btipcr
feeding Copaiba lu allectlotwfor whlcii It U inted.
Mich a-s (Jonorrha'a, Gleets ol lon HuiiidltiK.aiid
hyphllitto Atlectlons In these diM-iises, u.Mjd in
connection with Hclmould's lto Wash,
Wold by all DruKfilsts nnd dealeis everywhere,
I.ewiiro of eounteifettH. Atl; for HcliubuulV,
Taku no other. I'rleo pur bottle, or (j hot
ties lor 0. Delivered to any addiuss. Descrlby
symptoms In all comimtnirailouo.
Address JI. T. 1IKT.MIU1.D,
5'Jt llrouduay, N.V.
ntecl-enKiaetl wi upper, with fne-Muillo ot my
Chemical Waieliouse,and hlguod
H. T.lIia.MUOM.
Feb. 7,'60-Sm.
jtS. ItUlTOY.-In tho Dlsttrlct Court of tlio Uni
ted Htateslor tho Western DtRtrictofl'ennsylva
nla.ln tho matter of Win. H.Schtnuach.bankrupt,
To whom It may concern : The undersigned here
by Klves notice ofhl.snppointmeutnsasslgiueof
Win, II. Kchlatmelt, of tho county
of Columbia, and HI ale of IVniiflyHaiila, tlin
has been adjudged a baukiupt upon his o u lie
tltlon, by thu District Court of wild District.
J. H. ILOllIUti.V,
Mar. 12GO-nt. Abhlynce.
IIUITCY. In thu DUti let Court or tho Uni
ted stales lor tho WoRtrrn dlstilet of rcn.yha
tila.lntho matlcrof John JI. K lech tier, bank
rupt. To whom It mny concern: Thu under
HiKiied heieby gives notico of his npp dulment us
asslsnco of John II. KIcehner, or heott twp. iu
tho county or Columbia, nnd Statu ol IVuus Ivu
nl, i, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his
own petition, by tho District Court ol Mild Dis
trict. J.Ii. ItOIJlKON,
Mar, 12,'6i)-:it. Assignee.
CY. In thu DIMrlef Com t ot th Uni
led Stales lur tlm Western DlKtriel tif lVnn-ylu-ula,
lu the matter of Ijeouard li. llupei t's, h'st. u
bnukriiiil. To whom It may concern : Thu under
Nlned hereby Klves notice- of IiIn uptoiutmeiit
it.s aluueu of lseonaid JI Kupeti, of IIIimiiu
lowiiKlilp., In tho county of Columh.u, and Statu
ol I't'imsylvanta, who has Ik en adjudged u ban It -i
apt noon IiIh own petition, by tlio Dlntrict Com t
ot Mild District. D.iltd al Itlfiomsbuii.', tho Mb
d.ieof .Inn., 1mi. C, (1. ll.MtkliKY,
Mnr, li'.'tiMi. ANslyneu.
A SrilGNEE'S N()T1Ue1n llANK
XlliUlTCY. In Ihu District Court of tho Unl-t-
d Mules lor the West em District oIIVtiiikj iva
nla, In tho matter of lllram II, Drown, tmnkrnpt.
v.ln m ll m.iy eoneei n : The undersigned heie
by Hiies notico of his appointment as usslnnreti I
Hiram H. liniwn, of JSeott township In thu coun
ty of Columbia, and Statu oj IVmixylvunln, w ho
ha.s been atljndued a bankruj-t Uvm his own io
tltlon, by the Dlhtrlct Court of Mild DMtict.
Mnr.12.WU. Ahsisnee.
Ihu undciKltucd appolnlid by thu Court of
Common 1'Ieiis, uu Auditor to dltdilnuto tlu ns
Kets arising from thu siieriir's Kalo ol thu Heal
Kdatuof Jonathan K. Clordncr, anions tho Iku
ei editors, will Jucet thu pHrtlus Inteiestwj at thu
1'iothonotary'H olllco In ltloomsburg, on 'iliur--ihiy
Ihu Kh day of April IhWi nt loo'clock A.M. for
thu purposu ol his appointment,
gi:u. is. coij:max,
Mar,12,'C9lt Auditor,
Tho Auditor appoint d by the Orphans' Court
of (Columbia county to make distribution of the
balanco lu thu Intudsot Davit I Lowenberg lleeu
torof the last v, ill nnd Testament of Jacob Dielil
lato ofllloom townsiilp lu said eouuty.deeeased,
will meet the puitlea lnterentetl, lor tuo purpose
or hiMuppolutment. on Friday tlio 10th dny of
April A. !., at ten o'clock A M., nt his oillcu
In JllOKm&burg Columbia county Da.
Marjw-Jt, W. U. Hurley, Audllor.
Tlie understifiied anpolnteit nu auditor by tho
Court. todlKtrlbutothe fund lu thu bunds of Da
vid Lewis Kxecutor of Hilnjs Jackbon dee'dtonnd
aniont; tho Legatees nnd legal lcprif ntntlieH of
baidleittntor, will attend at his ofllcetn Jtlooni1
bur 011 Hnturdny Apill"l,lit'lat luo'cloijt A.M .
to tulllll tho duties of his appointment. All per
sons having nny chtlms arc required to present
tho hnmo to thu audi 1 or or ho forever dcbairetl
from coming In on said fund.
C. W.MILLKII, Auditor.
Mir. A,'u1-lt.
Id 11 thu Orphans' Court for tho County of Colum
)la,lu thu matter of tho estate of Frederick Neb Ice
deceased. Tho Auditor nppolnted by tho Court
to make distribution of thu balance In thohnml.s
of Lewis Yetter, Admlnlstintor ot P'rcdeiick
Kchh-e, dt ceased, iimoTig the creditors of the wild
lntchtate, will meet the parties interested for thu
purpose of his appointment on Satuiday, Apr.,
I71h, A. D. UtM, nt iu o'clock, p. m., nt liU ulllce In
Hlooinsburg, Columbia county, lt.
All pui sons having clatniM ngalnst thoestntti aie
hereby requited to piexcn them to thu.Vudilor.ur
on talluio topreseni tho sumo ho forever dchnricd
fiom corning In for n share ofthe Kald estate,
J.'llKKZti, Auditor,
Mar. 5,G9-It.
Jn the uiphaiu'Couilfor thu County of Cotum
hia lu the matter of the estate of Audi ewLohrm.m
latu of Columbia co., I'u, Tlie Auditor appoint
tsl by thu Court to maldistribution ol the bal
ance lu tho huucUof LuwU Yette?AdmlnHtrator
of Audtew Lohrmnn, deceased, muon tiio
ci editors of tho said interstate, will meet the pai
tles luterested for the t( lila nppuint
juent on Wednesday 14lh dav of April next,
at ten o'clock, a, m. nt htriUillcuUegii.tcr,N) lu
Jlloombburg, Columbia county, l'a.
All lersuus liuvlug claims lufalust tho estate
are heieby required to present them to Ihu Audi
tor, or on lallure to present thu Mimu bo loroer
debai red Iroin coming In forubharo oltliu said
Mur W)-lt. J O, FHi:i:;K, Auddor.
Letters ofudmlulstratioii on thu ewtateof Jacob
I toll r bach, latu of Sellusgrovo S n 3' d e r
County, deceuseil, have been granted by the
lteglster of saftl DanUTF.ltohrbaih ad
mliUNtraior, who tesides lu Franklin township.
All persons having claims or demands against
ttffi Mild estatu uro requeslud to present them for
peUlenicpt without delay, and thoso Indebted lq
' jiANii:L v, nonmiACH,
Feb, 5, '00-61, Al,,lllul&trul4,r
1a tiers ot admin bd ration on tho esbito of Abra
ham Dlettericli latu of Cent 1 u twp. Columbia Co.
deceased, havo been grautttl by the IteyUter of
htild county to Isaau (Ikovku of Ceulru
louiuhlp. All icrsou huvlug claims or
demands ngulusl the estatu ol thu decedent niu
requested to make them known, aud those In
debted tu luuUupJimtuL
relj.lV-Ut. AdminUtraior
Thu uinleiH'giied upHdntul an order to tis-er
lulu debts meat in t suid ileceaed. and thu lu
dibtednesH of the lioiiHof said deu tlto bald de.
indent; uud to tllitti Ibulu thumoiifV In thu bunds
of Jutin 11. and Jsaluh DJetteiio.i, Ailmlustiutois
of said decedent; und uUolhe money In theltundi
of Isaiah. Dlcttcnch ti whom thu real t state was
uwurded by Ihu court ; to the ciedltois and he Ith
and legal representatives of said diseased. Will
attend ut thu IlegUtcr'u Udleu lu llloouisburg, on
Tutsday MurihJiith Jv.l), tu nine o'elockn, m, to
luiui iuu uuue 01 iiiHupiioiuiiueiiVi
Alt bersonn liuvlmr clulnis or demnuds unou
thu kind 1 1 vend 1 1 iuu aro her bey requited to pre
eut theirclulmit hefoiubutd Auqltqr.or bufopver
debated lor ebiuln lu'rui said lauds.
John u. fuiikzi-;, Auditor.
I-'cb. ilOUMl
(liEuwiiK uAztcrriatoi'v,
l tin Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Nicho
las Kludl.Maihlas ICIudt, Harlwra Jttnu lato liar
bum Kindt, Mury Kupp Into Mary Kindt, Adnm
Uohr, Auua Kindt, JoliuKludt.Chrlstlaii Kindt,
Anton Kindt, Uarbaia Kindt, Henry Kindt Mar
tinet Kindt mid Mary Kindt, bavllla Vruu,
panlul Hotnquu, HeiiUia llotlinaii nnd Fred
jrlclia Hoilmuu Iftflfn ol Fiederlpk itpho lat
of said couuly,det,eiiMd,niid to all other persons
luliuMled, urtvfloit.'You'r keroby died lu hu uud
uppeur before thu Judges of our Orphuus' Court
ut hu Urphuiu' Court n w held nt Hloombhurg,
on tho first Monday of May tiext, thru nnd there
to accept or refuse to tuku thu real estate of fa Id
Fiederlck Itohe, deceased, ut the uppruUcd ulua
Hull DUlUliuu ll by thu InoueHL dulv uumdeilbv
tuu (tii.i-iiun.uini reiuiueti iv me noeiiu. Aim
lurt-or lull 110L U'ltNi-jfcj the Honomulu WlHUm
il u e l. Drrldt)iilol our said dou'rt Ihu Hihiluv
pf February A. IJ.dn IlfJHiiund elgut JiUudml
JiU iL'OUMAN, atr.
Aro Ihn iiltlmt, lliolx-Nt.nuit (lia ii)fistmji
itlnr. 'llicy tini nil wrltU'ii lyji.tti'li. sli)tulivl
wrllcM t'Hiiuln I'mlftiin. (M.tnIti Mnyno
Held, li. AiiunHin .Innci, KdHnrd H, KUis.ititAr.
As b(M)ltsf.iriliu,MjUii, lliey ro uiicniiuIlLd )y
nuy workM pnhiwhli timitSn mfG Irr inni luu
ly, anil full uraUmituri. J'vitunsduslrliitf tliosii
IhhAh will lUlst'(lrlU'lUNHo'K,,' amt feiu Unit
iinno olliors ftrogivcii 111 tlirlr iilnro.
Tlio fiilrnwliissio tlMwo nlrcmty Is-lint 1
No. 1 Tho Hunters "I llla. li l'mplmt
1 TrnMnrs iicitnni 7 IsorU'.lliu llmilcr
;i 1'ittrlnt lllsliwiryinfinTIi Tlicpr-Km
I I' 11 u 1 1 1 v 11 s of 1. 1' 77 IU' (iliiliuimry Juu
Mmiiilnlns 7M .Iftf lt, l'.iiirnli).L1ilrhi.r
A 1 uii'lc r I'ltt TJ 'Juiu Tiiritliii . rntiuer
II Man-I j.tels W Bculltlil Iho HL. Uv,
7 I'lmrlolUi Tfini !o rune.!
n llctilll I urn
II IIHllKll Hlll.Vi'1'
ID Tiirtlii-Ciili hi r
11 lliinlt'i's I'liiiinph
'2 Ocean UnMrs
1 1 Toiy Oulu'iiiil
S'J llltHMly Uroolc
M Wttlf-MlnyiT
SI I.II1IK lion
K"i Cooiu'y Ittuh
Ml Kolilti 1 1 01 n I nuA Ills
Slorrv Mt.ji
11 .icrHiini
li hi'tiiirrfi! cir lliu 8tn -py (if 1I10 licliuviiro
17 iHMIL'.I.Jjai'il.liK' Ml llallk WlriKllis, i:ci
IS Wlul Hnmt or Hit) KMerlvKH
MDiiiiliiliis DI Old Iruppor's l'rldo
111 F.irost Liiduo, VI M.irUHiiuiii tlio 1 1 11 if
ill lliilllolilnit It liiirrH li-r
n Kullkmiuliti DIi-k III ( Jnliu
ValUikitly 'I'd In, ItuVI Spi.tud 1 1111
Ituvcr. M 'J nt Itlo.xlv Koiiliirliil
21 llilrs ofllui l'mll'lo cir, the Adtrtilurtc nf
VI ltobbcr's 'IVilor u Nuw YurUNewsltoy
ii Jur, tliu"M.irplni" HI old llill.ii, tho imp
'.tl l.lK.lirimt. Iho Hrotlt por
W llhilltspy or ItunlitlOT UlK-Mtil'lllid linn,
lllll inr.
henrCricit tho Wild f ruutlii-r Julio
Jiul.ln i.d 119 minko.-KM', nr llio
-.11 hiulnl-Ki-il lidh llimdlt .Miller
l Slinky MiislriiH, 100 Old Kli'lc or tho
.11 K11III111; 'Ihlliulcl': or HlVillnp.
ilu-llivnl WnrailcrslOl anmooook or tho
:i: II ill vy lluRiiut tlio Hniiiro
M-nia 102 Old Xuka
ill rlv Mini, tlio Quiikcrlui Iiog-l'm-o
Hpy nil Minrp Hiimit
31 Thru Daring Tntp-lu. '1 iisciiloosu Kam
HI slim .Inn
Hi 1 uilil Mnlksmioi
a ):iiiili'-i:yLii Ziko
n 1 He Kiiiu Mm
: lloidM;jii-Iluiilir
i Tory spy
i 1, l'rulr.o Jnko
41 Wiallll una lVatitv
a Hovorol tho 'oret
11 (limit ol Iho Wood
tl VlnA Tr.11.i10r
I1.7 lied ltntllcsiinko
Ills lllaelc KUupoll
im) Lfely Iko
1IU siU"U' Hlok
111 ll.iMhLtnl.tiio.u.'n-
112 Tin key I'
1U1 llD-u-i:yf,tlir llun
1 ..f
111 M 11 ll 111 it 11 or the
I', l.loli-lluiidtttl lllMitil-
M OKI J1111 ol tlio Wouilsll.i IliLVld llntiUi.r
47 Mud Mll-.o ll., lllnrln Arrow
U Wlille-in.ndlil lltlll-lli Hickory Jack
I it 11 Mill 'lruppuiH
in Hu-lU'.illi'il Joe 111) IllilltUiToul
W fniillfil I.01H! lsl.llldll.0 lllbullt- Wolf '
il KllvorhiAls, tho liii.i-kll l.onx-itoiidfilMll.o
win 11 111 'lliunilt.i'-i.loud
lllaik lllll, tho Trop-ll ll.iroldor llio Hills
pi-r 1JI 'ioi:n Joo
Gl Uni Men of lln.l'J3 i;reol.j l-'oriror lly
WoikH t'upt. .Mnyno lleiil
oi Orlui Iilcl:, lie OiiO'l:'! Hud tliu 01 UmKunt-
Knl Hoooer tioii
M liiui.iii (jiKcn's lta-l'.7,Ilulli!t-IIi.iil
Vello I's llunli 1 Zlj
SI Old Soout orihn Ctvol'Jl Meout f Ilia Hrlnti
.i7 UlKMimko thu llunnil!)) Koiot Hunters
j.4 loxk-all J u;r, llielil Mud Uuthyy
biiuko Charnidr 111 In.Iiun strut iiem
'IStotilv 11 a lid, llioli;! ralo-l'iieo ludl.ui
Mini! WliltobllVugo
60 Olpsy J.ieit 131 Wltiholtho.MUMliipn
III Suiiiict it'itirlor JVW Old I'nlll
0J soout ol TlppotaiuHj 1.17 lluntor'bHLci&t
111 ScliltidorhuiiiioH IH Ktt'tll Cupliiiu
ll llrldo orWoirulon 1.1J l.lltlo l'oot 'Tnipper
W llull.llo Jaok, llup-IIJ Wild ltlda
per 111 ltovlng lili'.i,llualcr
HI Scout cUhflloUrundulu I'lshtH:;: .M.t
(.injriiiKlinrkwuulinutillj llunur oltho liinck
01 Ullllltsny I'ooi llllU
i,'l Mtr.iiijjui'H Uiuvii 111 Bplrlt
7U Mad .uliey, Hit. IV-lli lloil'-Hitllded Tr:tl-
lilnil Kortilllo-Tellur per
71 Louis Ulllo lluiilei 110 lIuiitelH and Hod
7J Woii'leli-l'UOd Hpy sklllj
7.1 I,oii; LeljiuoSilu it-
Tneso buks aro lor salo by all newsdealer,
and uro sent postpaid oil Iteoipt 01 pilio roll
Celitsiacn. lll.OKlll; MU.NIIO,
1'. O. l'.o ,Vi7. 11S Wllllaill Kluet, A'.Y,
Tin: siNoi:n skwino jinniiNi:
And liiuls tliocoliiiriu l,tliS abend vt all otheiK.
TMh Aluelilue Is llio
It ues Ibo iln'-M needlooluuy Muchlno In tx-
Any lady tvunllug ukihnI '
SliWI N G M A O li I N K,
Will eonsuli hfr own inurt'Ms by iniiiuy it
SINflKlt. It Ik enfU r to run, Iciun und kei-jt In
oruer uuin nuv imhi iiiuo hi me oriu.
Thu ml lent instruction tilveii thoso who our
eh use, und the Machine vim. iik WAii'UKfRn to
j oil for ono year.
1'leiiio rullttt my loie mid ttjitlMfy yurKeIes.
11 ore 3'ou win uno nt'ctui'v, i iirctMi unu niiK,
April 3frMf. mooinsbur, I'u.
X oi.' valuaiili: ui:ai. J 'ST ATI.
In i-utf-u.inci) of nu order ol the Orphans' Court
01 v oiuiuoiu touuiy, ru., on r;uuri.iy me nun
day d At'ill next, ut Jo o'i loel; in the fort noon
KtmiH I t'reuv, Adinhilslrator or (huthsn.
IU-shV Kslut)1 luleofMllllin twp., Iu dd counly,
tlCTPiii-d, will ext' to riih', by il'hllt vendue,
on tho pn niiis, u errtnlu undivided lmlf of 4
liiewHu oi
U O T O V (J It O U N D,
ilttinlo In Cehlervllle, Coluiuhhuouuly.rDnnlel
juuniiou oMiiniu uieouiti uumimucu '-i.ii 01 in
mi id lot,) ndjoinln- tho mulu road l - utltys,
und the i:niitfcllfiil or Albright M th di-l
Church lot Willi ilio opituru-uuncti!. Whereon
It eieehd u
I,nto th htnl of wild docrnsed, hllunlo lu
tho township ol LV Ir- und eounty alorewild.
Dlooiuhhurt:, Iu.t .U'.K 1 oi.l MA,OJ-ik,
'IrioiHOKSAl.K. Ten pt-reeiit ot on j-hHiithol
tho ptiieluo-f money In Le paid ut tho Mi living
tlo, n of llio piopei tj ; I he one-fourth It te trie leu
percent ut tho coutuniutton aha lute, and the
n inulnlng tine lourths in one. 1 ear thennfier,
wllh I littlest f'oin Ihe ttmllnnutlou nisi.
hAMUKh Clli:Ahi'.
.Mnr. lJ.'i,i-d. AdiuiuUtiaiur.
17) K H A li 12.
J; VA I.UAIU.L IIHAI, uvrA'i n.
fhOMilihcnhosr.tK'rnt private t-nle.a vnlua
hln tiet of land lyhm In onmco lownshli.
Columbia cuu nt y, about ono hull nulv fr -m
en Uu public road lead 1 nil to Oratu Hie; and
known as !ju I'titjer Mid J-'arm, iud eouiuin
lug ubout
ortvhlili l-'iliy aeros Is cleniul, and uiulurood
(iiltivallon. '1 neiu nro on the
n l-'riiiiiehtiibb.,fonii. frtilt tus,aspilni; of good
tvatpr, mid thu" nistilctsUiool JlunC.
j'ltiuK r.ioiiTKKN iii'.N'i'Hi:n iioi.,.vi.
Tkiims. Ono tliird ensh, and Iho Kilniioo klt-
ured hy Iloiul and Moituai;1, on pajtnenls lo
mil iuieli:iMTH.
Nottt Htnoi Tlio tt uter pi'ttei forinoily insed to
tlrlvo therotrdui VIII, uud siplubln lor it ri.iw
Mill. Taiuuiy, Wnulfeii 1'iuloiy, liutltieiy nr.
other Huht nuiniil leiuilnii puipiisih; will I osold
either wllh Iheabotoor hepiiuiiely at $.iiufin the
Mituu U'ru.N,
Miir.l.VD-lin.: JOHN O. Hti:..y,io.
Itloouisbtirir. l'n.
TWO $10 MAl'rt fOltJl,
( liO Y D'fi
i'ati.nt nr.voi.viKii nouiir.iiMAiy
Of Aincrlcii mid Kuroiie, America nml
tlio United Statin of Anii'ilcn.
Colored-Ill i Counties,
TIII'KUuient JIups, now Just (oiuplittd, sl.ow
every pint oof huporltinei'. all Ualllonds In dne,
unu lliu iivni 11111 iui n. tin in uu t ill ions i .liropo-
fta Mllll'i, Tlienu lll. 1110 ncelled III mil
Soliniil timl funilly in ino laniU-tliey oetut'Y Iho
sii.ieool ono M1111. nml by means or llio Ueteiter,
eillier kWn (-.Hi bi lliiov.n fiont, and uuy ul
brought levtl In tint I'Ji', County itlhts mid
hiro dUeolilit ult'en touooil Aueiils,
Apply ltirciriiitiiu,"leriiiH. mid sind iiioupy
Mr sit . ploMups, lo 1, r, 1,1,1 1 YIi,
23Cuilll'lldlblltt1.N. V,
Man li .1,'LO J111
With little Inbnr. Foinc til tuir eulhelt- neiv fur
nil iIioko out ofriuplo) 1111 hi, iisloiilshlnir rtsulls
heard Ironi, every day slnec tllkiottrtil cloflO
iicrtlnyiimdi'liy eiry pnp Mini hut set laum
uilil cifilie bliklnifs, opril in nil, no iiipltal vo
Ulrixl. All tlioko liavlns uuy fear nf tictus liuiii
biieed Mill obllvo ino by not uotielnic this; nil
olbers iidilicss ne wIlhiMit iltl.iy. Tor puitluu
l.irs pltuso euclowittuinp Tor clivtihir. Address
VnlentltiK lllunlt, Nur Uleoinlltld I'eiry Co.. l'n,
Nov.V7,-CH-(,in, '
Bl). WiUoinlCu. I TIkim.II. Morrow,
Culr I Nl.lV Y01.K,
Our I.uUo nnd Mound Vliieyord Wlnos ami iKipuliir on tho l'ueipo Cuast, ,iro
iirestpd friini ns (ino fruit iu ll puluuiiil In' the
toiil, i iiBrntv Ihouiapis, ruu our own preK.
fr. mill oiltr them us i.tir own production. Yi
vile oiders fioin thu Irado under llio full
luarnnleool tboliousoorihelrabs.ihilo purlly.
W1I.-40.S', jiynnow .t. tlIA5llIi:ll,I',
MjrA cv-in. Mm. my mbi, n, V.
MmtMon'i. LVnprr Vviv
r 1 ii'nt
IT I'lV.u.ln ! Im mil .mil.,. . .f .".!
bno tiiwiiilpp, und nu oi nt i s i nuill or lu
I i-rson will bo Piomplly iitleiided t ). '
syl3,'M ll. U. 1HUH-MAN,
rrcRhnrrlvBl ofi
lnvlteftllpntlnii lo Ills iXaffi of
ntliUntomon v ' i
MnlnHtreettiwodoorBnliovothoVrnerflMU Hnui..
IllootnAbuif. Vit
where Jid Imfl Just received frUih New Vorlcnnd
rhUmkli-nia a full fiorltnnt rtf "
IneludliiK tho inoHt fiuUlunabli tlniuhk, nnd
handsome ' ' -
coifdfdtiiff of , - , .1
mix, rack, i;ocd,(iUsM,A::Dbrr;.'6i,oTir
of all idili,i.ptnhtlcolorK, IIo hn.Utlm reidoji
Uhed lits nlrendy JarotdoeU of , .
KTiurri), nuuiiiin, an i',AN vmhth;
HANDKKUUimiKH, OLOVta. , , (, v
He n:is eoiinUintty on ltund i Iut!" mm wolt-e-
eled tissorlmont of
which ho Is t'i,t,i,?"; "-5 umlt'o 1 11 01 dor Intouny
kind of clothln.'on ve.',i'!e!,uud'&i tho
hunt mnnner. All Ms clothing Iu nmdo to wi ur,
nnd most of It li of houm initnuri Into.
rf ovtry desci)llon, hiiuuiid ht.iV J i i- e.iet
Jvu-tlry itt notfeiirjiuHed iu liilsjjltu-e. Call uud
t'Viunino ht general iWhorUnru o
D.vvin towicNiiuita.
Iho undcrslKtird vould roKpeatfullyull tho
uttenlton of Uu; public, to JiU new (vud appiowl
method of liiuklnj; ilolhuj hy a -tem hoftd
ni'U inalheniaUeal principles, which rcudcis It,
1 in 1 oiblatobeoIberwlMjtliaiipcifwlJ ucturul"'
11 jl tlalJiJH Or this mtthod lUe foljowii.- ad-
rxiOT. - ' rt
) txiid awuracy.
. hii Uiii of two tliluUi of thu llUiA(tiKUtilly xL
n to tut out t he cloth,
THIltl). "i
Utility tu nuasurpnny r.R'iro hq as to Jti'Virurt1
i:.1flf. !' 1 1 ' 1
Th-t'ltttoii aay with tho lucesslly f f bolitff
mcaj-urixl moiothan onee,ai ofUn in tiif ciS,'
.iioiit tho MifnrprM,ensIon or mistake ttf t 1
IIo wituld nrg thepnhlle loglVo It a Irlal.asl.
Is 1-allslUd thallt yrtll fih'o inlUfrff tlon.
He vltU(jlmpt'V locslilbit andtsidathiUWiirk.
Iur at any time to vi'dlms.
.t. v. cnrMitniiMN
Mntvli ). lMS. Main M Iwdiw Martial.
j: a cir an n ihe.
notici: ih 11 r, r.nv hiviin
To my friends und tlmpahlle iprivriilly, tbiil ll
j)UY OOODS, ' ''
fsrt.oailni k.c-!,'
uro constantly on lmnd and for tab)'.
Ill.OOJHllfllO, 111-
.lAMK-J i:. KYIHt. ;
Qv-AI'n, Sole A': nl for !'! I.lri I llofMlA'. fc or
imp.. l.nrj;o lot (onsl.iull) on u li1.. If. I
.KY-lIktfl I CI
v $ .-.,n n
fi 11 K E N 11 A C K
i. 111 lull value 1
HI nee In eny; Air. ut
AOKNT.4 tfAMI.ll Poll
.MATJIIKW IIAI.K K.Mll'll'h NI.W lllillICj
".iiinsiilno and Shadow in N. v Yi.iK.'
A UliilK KI.I'l.HTII Willi AHKI'liOT.s, IN llin.M-i
)! i.irj; i.v Tin; uiilat jUTum'tn,!-,
1:1 inii A Jllltlllllt OP'KFAV YOUi:, 1:1
HlKSl.l ItlUM Ol' 'llli: Ulti.AT CITY,
line A'.enl nil.l Ml In one d.iy, annllier sold nnd
oeiiveri 11 : .1 in 1 1 iinHtiiuoluei';;ui In 7 il i h. No
iiouK eter puousutil llml sells mi tiipully.
ii.' Yi'ii wish to know now l-'oii'i r.Nr.s
Alii; maui; Au J.OST IN A HAY;
How slneMil lion lire riilnulln V, all Mrti
how rnnd Meretmiitsiire lif.iekiualie'l j
how imiue llrtlls and I'oneei t Hnhinni ntu .Mau
osed; lion- (liimbllnj Ilium's mid I,ollerle are
eoiuluele.l; bow Slock Unuipaules llrllualu uud
iiinv ine iiiii.iiii n iinr?,!, 4e. reau ini ttori.. ll
tolls jou about Iho luysterles ot .Now York, nnd
eolltalus (pley llko skelehes of its Holed mil.
Uoualros, ineichanU. ite. A lnrpo Oe!ao Vol
ume, "Jo pants, i'luely IlluMluled. 'Iho liil(,et.t
uF-i,iiii.iii Kiven. tiii-.u pnm eueui.r mm n
Sj.uii (irteubatk sent in ion. I 'or lull
l.ii iieu in 1 1 nun lei ins nun loss ino sine puuilMlcIt!
J. II, IllIKUiCO., HaiironlConn.
l eb. l,'CS.-vluo.
n ciiini;.
J.OCKSIITCII, tiik nu.vr rni.y at tih;
i i a i" t ka l ii op Tin! ASiauas l.ssriu.ii:,
In Now York, Oct. 27, 1SG7.
And highest l'leiiilmn forl!e-t MuiHif.iriiir.nit
.I1.ICU111U .It t .HIS ..'.pO.tll'll, JUO I IStll,
II runs ovtr Mints all ili;lit. Hvillliil.i llfly
sttlches to Ll.eliich liner tli.uii'.nyotli. '-iiui-hlne.
1 1 Ml M. Haw '
Jl!:.VVIUt AM) 'llIK Ki:it titlni'M '1IIAN
Il.nscs uny and t very 1.1m! of Hue ul, II seww
stauliLil goo us vicll us uiislmelied
It !-ewslhe Moi.t.l)eJloilo, Tlllli, 'oil I'lilale,
without dliiuill!,'. Ithewsalllus Mum as well
as liny tilhi l.
Agents Wnnltd, I.I I-1-1 r.I discount kIvi p.
'Jul 1'ottery, New Yoik,
l-'eb. r,,"lj,l,-'Illlo.
I J-Jll Hi'JIA'li: OK I.I.MU
Kr.tM'Aiin t.'.i;i:.iMui,
Wi: i fl'er to Rmimhis m.ll Jli: u.i n i In Ma
nures tlio prt sent stasou liu Haw. II. ino super
Piiosplale of I.iuie ns bdn bi'uly mpiovt d.
It is not m-tesfitry i.t this day, to iiigiiu the
claims of tills lil.ltlllie, ii-u uef .il nnd ceuuul'iri -al fur i OllN, OAlu, mid nil tprlnt
eiops.j Thiiiitielehusa repul.tllon or oiw flf
ti un'i.uvsmiiltnir. mid N still ludtiuu.. tuitsl b
tiio orliilnal pluprli tor
I-'nrinpr will picnic tt cir ou!trs lo II, t
lunlcr curly, ns Dili tnly v. Ill (i.suic ;i sii.plt , '
)l tNt'l AUIllsH,",
Illi'li No. StSolllll'lli III whlu Ate.
QA it HI AGE JIANU l CT( ) ! V V ,
lilnoiiisburi:, IM.
. , M. V, KUJAN A l'i:OTUi:jl
Ihu sins'tssorsol
WIIJ.1AM ,I.oa: A rttfjt' '
eonlluuo tlm biisintsuiof iiiuUUm
, CA1IIIZA(I1), 110OUII,,
ti. d every slyloof
which ibey tiavo I'oQsifiuily on tiund In Hiitct-
toiueis. Never lult-x any hut tho lust
nii.l cimihit loif tlio most t'Stiorlt iwimI u-nitrtu.ii
ll.,..- a ti. ...... I i.i.a tiu I... ul.r,.. I.. ....II...1
hdllsiiu-'Unti to cvciy customer, All lusptetlon rt
their work, mid of tho uusouuble price u,;ttl fi r
lie siiiae, Is sure to Insuie a sale.
'A U it E N E,
' Collet a I raliI Imli..,
ion tiu: lau.Niiin.
It s'ruuled not tii.(io.iI;,t,r lu any itiuhhi-r
lliluie Die llnest fabrics.
I oil I'AMII.y I'si; r-old in riVK ctnis, TUN
cei is und 'I WI.N'l Y cents boxts.
1.IICII Tll'INTVm Ills bos. lit kl..' but Inn 11 VI!
TlMl.'s us nun li blue as Ihe 11 VIlcentK I t.,toili
tain-, i. ii,i-i.i-t .ni eiiniii.iii i,r i-iuery i nu,
i'or lloltl and larto I.miudiy uealiispot up
In (JUllioNCl.
ste that taih iiox lias pn.pi rTnide Mntl:,
l-or Mtlo l K II .M.l 1,1. It ,t ho.V.
Illoouisblllj! I'.i. I tli. ;iv'-'.'lmi.
iih.vuv wui.v, k, r. ll linos.
(Successor to H. C. Khiva.)
rpilH KUllPrniltEltS HAVING
X l eased Ilie lir.nliiu Mill mid Mnclilm-Shop
fininellyiHcupliil bj s. r, shite, will continue
the business of innii'irutturlni;
notms, pasw, iu-inhh, MoriviNti ,
llraekets Jc, We are 11h.11 prpnrtil to futiiUli
ditssed lltitiililz, shingles and all ollur luiulur
rciiulied lu Iho eonstiuelloii ot hullillnus. All
kinds of tuuilnx done nl short nolle, lulls far
jyist ana ouiei inline sum nuisi Mini prompt.
liess and cme, Orders respect litlly sollclud.
April 17,'W WOLF .V lUl'.TOX.
POIt H A li K, ' l ."'
' A VBluiiVlo iirpirty-a mtwiy nsml. hotiK.,
lot apd slnblo uiimhotl, liieli.illnu ulinni lu-i
erf s njgroui d unu . i ei l w nai .
WdU I bo
. ii pr - I n i r'
I 1 i V "
iot. or puriicni ,ts li h i-
.... A J lJI t
VeKVl',1. Jl
THAT Till!
(Ircnt Stioslionor-i. ltctiu.ilyl
Ol' Till! 1'EI.hllRATED 1M1IAM
Dli. LEWIS .lOtitlEl'IIUB,
ol IhoilHlluKlililicd Tribe of HIiMhoncos, Ouluiu
IdnTeriltory Is now lor sale In the l iilon.
ri ni. nil' lireitt leuieilv. is wurrallleu
und lu broiiil nnd ciiiphiitlu lnni!une, wo cnn
snHiy my, unit tsi rein-u uiu to ,iuu juihi-
nuiilcuitioinll illsoiisus uLtlic ,'iliront, l.unsf.
f.ti.r iCmocv . liinmilts ? ore-fills. elc As tn II
ns scrofula, (no viirTousl(n illnsit, Humors,
nod till Ihinlirlty of tho bluish excepting thothlrd
stnet. "f Uinsmnptloii.
,iu I .tuatl.l wneieiii Kieiii. leinuuj wn .,tn
Ih llti'mr n Mii.rt tltniV It bnS.lllfleeil 1 Ilts'tnl
mine of Ihn most iiiarvelousrsirosover reifortjud
In ihentihliN of httoTlrtl inMlciiie, HhHt beln"
Iho ease m ndillllpli In IU former lnunwll III t ol
tiiiihla'i'ir..(ory mo iltvv litinianlty to dlput
tlio fin I lluil Hils'llientSlKishoatcs Koiuedy, Is
Ihiiremisly of iemcihif tho UU. nliiry. iirtd
tun uleatosl boou ONOr ul the alUtl ul Milltr-lii-t
jfluo or llio l. no jy in Juri'iM inn , i.i
TlfAlitiliirtuii .1 I t liil Yi i : . I ..'-.ft-
CUi, N. Y.
e or ss. e uy mi in iiii'i.. in .'. in nu.
Thoiieat hliolMued ItnmdJ.v of Dr. Josenhufi.
fUiuihi.i Tt 1 1 i'oiy Iileb lis u!m) heen luunu
liicturfl In Canada, 1 mnr for the llrftt lima In
the t'nlon, hcliiit ni.uralacturo.1 by Ur, Vunu A
Uro., Hyrficirto. N. Yt
Wonderful euro OP Consumption by
tho Great HhnUionces Iteiucriy.
Mr.M. Chnmherlflin Co., Gcntleincn, 1'
Vllw)n MnriiiK.muknoalh ami wiy,I fit I an xloiw
to kt 3 ou know what Iho (Jieat Hho.omi!te!ii
lily luift dkLtctl fur me. Mv wlto was allllcUiI
With iouhUiuptlou,uua illbd. 1 was alo tilll !tetl
with tli same dim use ami nlUr her tttiilh, I con
tinued t-lnitlufi Jiut ashe heal ilune. 1 Juulery
heere lilifht w e.iNi (oimtied m arly till uluht
ami overy liljht, eouhl net Meep unusn llttiu
lowaitl iuoihIuk; I ialeit ovrri nun ol matter
tvciy L hours luul t-eNeie pnin In tho Ult lunfr,
tt.,i(e.,and wusie.tily th htlltuU 1 ; In l.i t i v.
Koing mi xi-t Art Xcotilit, I wiw inking inwlh Ino
lioju tt 11 uiiUtr 1, it Ud not oven le
IleUt my K'l'fch. I vt hi J) ih vlilji one i!av
ahouta fiu.uti.rot u jniie, .a,iJi imik juu to km
a.niI'C')ii,'-luh'mi n.'rt flour-; v.: i.utu 2 snw
Soulu einnutoii, ami hd."'iirf lo to hltn,
"i uIij.'iii""lKU;lf ine ..iC.Iii 1 , 1 luI'VC
inv outuiir." lid fcaitl 'llnie in it tiiillftn
llcmeUy Ju-t Inliouiu'ea UuiUt,r has it lor
tale, atMl I tollevo iLit iil euro you,
1 Mtjii iub, mm uiouui. ii. ooitio no I lie
with tuo, took n teaspoon ful at one.-, whleh I
lelt thioiiuli my wlioleKyKU'iu, AtnlKlitntidilo
HiiootiltiLiuul luKietl v 11 at iillu and uutluti' 1)
10 reM wyll vi ry ulphl. Tiio eotiRh, n ht
iu alt-, riiUln; of .Mattel, imin Hi tho iitu. etc.. leujno, und J gut hetirly and str(u. 1
lool: only llute ix.'i'i s, I inn nut t.ikin It nuw
an 1 J am n hcailj ami iw uell as f eor vav In
my lll'. -My 'fc.Lsleiin-!.iw vnj with mo lor a
wlille, ht was alUietul wllh UVii colunlalut.
mic has UlKcu tho remedy and Is wi II, Tl is rcr
ltileatojm nmyhhow UioMotld tfoti jMeiuso,
WII-SOX srOUJlS, Ililghioii, 1. V.
Sworn l)f.routnt lhlfMoTi, c W,
this lit a Uuy of August, likni.
J. II. . (HTNii. J. life p.
1. M.Wt'I.M&lU'ON, J. 1.
.lohti I. IUnrv,(.-.iuet fhor to i;.uncs.t Co.
NiV Vulk. Viiikiilo A nml,
Ior salo hy nil Ihe lirulKt lu HIoomsnr
Jim, VW.
MVjy i ost vi:ahly
umi: OK
T O U A U U U.
Haeyoin money ami lii-tou j hi: ImmIHi hy
i.slni; tu. llvtn's Anlldoio 'i-ur.iti. 'Ihls is
not .1 sti" mii im ' ut a tr.i J"i Uhvw
Iff!, mul M tui!-tii):.rt, 'f' vr Mt ns n't- nwM'e
ot tlie i." 1 1I1 o 1 iUt ts 01 Um Jioi',yii' u eroou the
human dem I'jwpii, H'mlil he, Ih-C'u&e
Vl tho J-l t'l, t h!lo t oiuph'-tku, t'oHtt ( iiPM 1 f
lue lloei, 1 ohsol .M(inu i iui othu dlstuscs
vi tin alllh Hons hiouht-on hy tu u-e. 'Iho
Aidiilule ! j uiely eietaUle ai.d Ii'umki.,Une's
Din tonte Mt tin' KysU'in, j iirlfkH tho blood, and
toahlus a p.rou to dlt tho liaitloHt khiU,
!'iiii'li k M-nl fu f fr .'0 1 . nt. ;( pi 1 dnr.fii.
Andl'e h I. J Mni'll(h7CuUtluiiHr. Ii. V,
C'ltliurll tttated w-ltll ti elllmost bin-eets, hy
J. IstAt's. M. ti.,und l'ioleasorol'V;i4tmi(sri the
J'!,i- intt LVn,,lotv-(Hii)Vn thr MtttU'al OtlUtlc
oj J'luithyti, lAiuesujitriniri, tioimerly of
l.tjilin, lli'liml.j K 1. NSA11I1 f-lrttt, 1'hll.i,
'letllnt nluls tun bent n 1.1 his oiriee. 'Ihoiiu-tll-cul
liuultyr..,. niMitd to iiLLonip.iiiy ihtlr pa
tients, ns he li.i 110 st en Is Jn his prjelk-o. ii
tillelnl i)es mnjud ttuhout pnlu, e!i,iri;o
lor exnmitmlioli.
Jun, iu, 'i.-ij r,
Wiiooi'ixg couau cuuKi) hy
e l'iku KIK'IY l enls.
rrepared ut Mix mid Wood Ms,, rlj'd
Asft jour liuvulsi mr it. ten.a,'tii-l.vr.
lONHUill'TlOK (JAN HE CUK!';1)
v-ll.IH.l 1 .Li.u 1 tsoli'bliett 1 101 ...Mil ll'iulj.n nt,
1 '.n 1 or ft id 1 ess I r, ( ' (.. iiAllni' .' , ill .u .
KKlliTIl i-lleei, l'liiui.n.lplil.i, 1 1..
I'.S. S'peili.l .i.lfuli.,1. i;ltia t-i iill'.OATulid
IiUKll lilsisiits, .J.i). k.'i t-ij r.
Ii; c"' wIl" "
imi ojienud ft Uist-class ' '
ot hti olrt sl.iiit! on Main Street, IlloomHinrii.iirew
1I0 liei.,1111 JIoiim-. Illsslotklseom
Vo i'd ill il.u' erv Inlesl mid lieslslt-h., eter oller
tll I 1 I'm .t 11, 1 Culllll,b..t louul.v. Uucuu
iiuoiiini 1 i . 11." pi.l.'ic Willi Uu fnllou'liisiuissls
id ..l 1 . M.n , l.t..-.y ilin,l,lu ,0Ied
.t"..,.i i o..:-, men ,i:,,ni,ie mi. I singlr tr.p solid
L ji hoots, in. !'', henv.t stojju Jines of nil hinds.
1111 n's line Isiots i.',msht.ts of nil nni'lts, hoy's
ni.uuletolea hoots mul.fhoes of nil kinds, men's
yln iTe ; Id liiilmornl shoe-,nitn't', woineu's.lmvs's
und misses' hudliiKKalieiT, women's tlovo "kid
1 0IUI1 vuiy lliii-.uiJlii.-ii't-iiioioci-ii llul mol.iNiiud
eJll shoes, H-oinen's ttiy lino kid liuttiitied gull
ers. In iklrnt Isiots 01 ull descriptions hotli is-g.
fid nnilsevf.!. 1
llo Would Ul.oetlll I,' tuition tu his Bile nssort
li.t'ill oi
whleh compilsusnll thu now and nopulnr tarl.
?" i"" v.? ' eainnn iiiii lusuii 11 1 1. 'inese
Koods me oliired ;.t the lowest eaili mtes mid
Will 1 .1. I'l. lu :.. 1. , .1 l..ul... U...I.. .
si..i!lilUil.el.)ie 1 niehssll'.B tUtuliele ns It Is
LeliLVta Unit hU' ' hlllijains nro to he fjiud
Hutu in r.ny ollur ino In ilieeoupty,
Miijnri.. 11. Aiirw.iK. f. n. nu i.ii.i.n. ix oivv,
aT-MAN, iuLUxqua & co,,
Ml. 1UI Nllltlll 'iimtl.y.'. 1M11.ADI I.l'lUA.
Tm'.j llniii .ahi,e Adii lonuuly 'JlM,
MAvtM'.vrifiinw .mi jor.111 its r
OAltl'lTW. C0TTflX4 Y.lllVM mwivn
Oil. UUITlIti, (IAUWm IIIAH, (UltDAd'i:,
WltK V.I1S, WIN LUW I'.ll'Ili:, t' 1VMIIJ.1S,
WILLOW AND V.-ii,.ii:.v w niu
lmnitus, vl.Vntllis..' l.oriRlr. ui.aks nii't-t.
AI.,P,'.J !
KWAtlH (U'" i-llK IMI'OsSTKlt.
1 herein' tuirii nl! itisensitr Ihn I'nlteil Sinks
iKHliisl piinlmslniriiiiy uiuht of my "ITnit Trio
nnd Villi) Itnwit IVstiuser mid Iiivhiisuritor,"oi'
Int.n Ahemn si lliiltiin.iie. As ne Lull imsAttr
und 11 e.nmdrel, nnd no tight ixeipLiw'.im'
of a lU"iJ,ftiu iwimh Ol.ilWlnm'
irnm i uim.ioi woflinidiiiiivr In IUItlmnrn on
the 5th iU' of Jiino mi t
Mr. ll J. 1'hllllnsof M.NIel'.'olmlM lllll Ikll Oi
14 llMsutlr Uvfftil owner oftho Hslit fhr Korlli'd
J imnmr, iMinmliLi, uiitfin. Ni!rll:uiil(m
nnd I)ue);t ( uuntle's In ihe fit.tlo ot l'enmi.
. Illi.-'JA.MJ.N- 1IKST,
IVb.Ht.'in.tiim, lintntrv.
,j"Ev 1'uaiTuau uoojih,
on jt in urrnKAt, m.ooMuuiio, rrNN'A
llesi.... lr,itu t.n ..1.1 ..... ...
Slid Ui'lnlty, ,i,t in, ms bt his I'nriiltllle looms,
elmlrsof every ilirirlptlnn, huiemis, illiilim u'
tiles htre uu;l smulL liwlsle Hdsoi thu latest av Itt
eorUiiii1 nllil tnllis, ns l.nK kism., htlliles
inmiy ounr arllilc of iiiiuUuiu of iiWt iliss
llm 1 til.iciite (i.nlihll.t li, llul lo mil e.
teriiisU '" Nul1"" "I"'" Hlisolilitile
,f'l"0'tCtal iilleiillon will buinlil loreKilrlni!
ull l:in,Uolfiiniiluif, fheup foressh, (.hm, ),'m,
T A'iT.iiY oi'j:xi:n.
U .
j nu uniirrsiiiiieii wouin rosp. eiriilly Inli.iui the
clllinsol lilooin.tiuruuiid vltilnliy, itiiti Imijii
Just opt in d 11 si, 01. on I1011M111 1. 1 i,,.u Mil,;
mid 1 una. wi.ere he mil lollow tlm oueim Una.
Ulna hiisiu, ss In all it. I.rnru'lus. Oideis for
MLTALl.lf OU 01111,11 CuKKlNM
titled y t.U' p!o.npii. aim ai spul. h. Hi I jits
c'liianlv iiuvlif los.ll kimls .if lurri'inre, MiHiid'
Iui: the rtplullliij ol enii'-htaiuiiiisieliulrs, l'n.
. ..-..t,r. iinni,, nu. 1 eA ..iiinti tt
ly, 1 1 ji a orders me solliiiwl either In peiMinj, i.y
mull. I'le! lire irnne. mmle loonier Jishiift u.i
lice, . ui.iiifiir lint si
L t.l-ll 11 'flll.ll .w.....
I"" r t" '.
r amjaiiiIe
l'noi'CaTY' ron
1 h.i :
me"r;.i',in:lr't,'. S,!Kir. ,wwiiiii. uu
I es, , e f 'I "i : "'.".'.'". '"?. '(
I nu, .i uni. i, n.teM (..j ;lTfI, lwla ,;:
h -.' i'!' vl T, ," , .' V'V' HUetisoivtJttlll-
1 j'1,1 ,.M1H ,, ,'.
klel I
ntu i.mi
ti il u x
i ten,
Jrlif l7AN
BToiln;mi sotiuAiiHt ftoor. ash lit
,ICHAift,.l.fiHW. .
i i .1KAII1I iV IfMrTHlrtTION.
;fll!jmY"l'JtllVMit, A', il., l-iluclral,
IVnfcf.rtf'f.f !nl(4Ulttlll nhil'iit'onil elcnee, i.mi
theory ,mi 1 1 rncllcv uf lea. hliig.
Mint Sn rnli A. Cnrvor, l'rwplress,
'tichir of l'relich, llotniiy mm nruiimenuil
I'rolehMir of Ahcient lfiKoaye nml
,1. , Tcrrm, A. Mt
l'rofe4r nf MiilhomMfiM. nml imiotlwil hk
, Uouoiny,
Itiv, U; Ct John, A. M.,
rrofe nor of cheinlotr- and j-h; itrs,
fificherof ueogmnhy, hMWy A llbolr Urfjiin
.Tarn eft Iirown,
AshI Inut lcacherotiuthinAtlc linallsh
Or nmuf,
Tmrher Wf MontSplhn! nu l-Me-.n
' 'Mr4.' YlAtMo'T. hp,
'Hwihpr ofiVod MufUo'iiiiaitmliU'ut'n'.kt amnio
TlwBprlnff ttm wll( omWHrntnr .Yi. id, t,
inJ until :W''uaiuitiittii u raww fr nuw
t-y; on lijipilcMtlon to tnrtTrffiWprt?; Rthfln'H v 1
ho lurnKheii wlUi Jiomei hi pltiuaaiit luitilllcc.
Itli heller for MudetiU to eoinuu nee nt Uu oil
onltmofthe tnrrn, hut wliptt this In !mfructlei
hie they van enter at any tluio. .
March SO mv
A new, cheap, ilurahlf, healtliy, mjd UcuutUul
vr.oou covKmxa !
A Kihfcllluto for olt'cloth at one-thhd ih cot,
This rarpet Is prcxliucsl hy u ijeeullureoinhlnu
tlon'avy rftnpr.prfiited luornuinen
taleotiiif, andcouled wltlni wtti( .la-,Ue, ui t
proot enamel which nei-lvoR tho :4tit pn.. 1-.
tho colors imdiHiprrendureH ua.hln. nnd ltn
dera thu tarpet hiiaht and boiuttliut lu the
tKemo, Ha advanhiRes nro an f'jllnw :
Its cost reudoik It avallaUu lo ulUiaMe t U is
cxi redlnly tmionth and lo),aiidlt , uno
laioif noAl to no dust : It does not, inqulre 10 bu
tahen upat.dclettucd like other i jrni t, nnd 1 u
mi Yon much Jahor ami tronhk ; Uv letuuim-
itn the l ampillloti Unatuel'iM o.ui.iuiullv us u.t
c ap mny require, (whleh rmt hut a trhle j It wd'
hwl md'dhrivly, even 1111 ie.aud idways uiiit ir
newnml hrlhl ; In lt ue no ultniieu whu r
is ptueo"! upon llio paper lor wt?ar, hut ixt-lus,K-Jy
uiKin he wnter-pn.oi'eoiitin. thu l.uuii 1 ii -iter
hello nred only to M-mru ti.e tolors l'nin r
hu, mwiiy iietn iibed lor n arlcty of purooM s
paict.hul thu llut iitloinpt.oUhir lu I-Jirone i,r
imcrfca. to convert It Intoeuriu t or linur 1 -inir,
all conueda llto botau onlh iueer -wi
Wo hrivu puietiLSi-d lliu HuhL iur
tounty ami urn fumUh ihcehrft t to nvn ' t
nt manufucJuieiH pilns. 1 ,rt tim
MYoit nri! lnltI to call tint exiinln the, ,:M Kl.l.VV, M:vt, i
u-li Alius i wUii Anna i !
WlLI-IAil il. tllLSlUUU
liastj'Jud(ilntiHlll3nl Saloon In addt. n to
hl wilt linown UllAUnANT. lie Hits, u s
with all tho latest i!drrotments and In ieifet
otdtr. Jlu Weeps on hand tho beM,
LA(ii::i iji:ut a;;i Ali;
which tht) lu,il;tt airouls, OVrtlUllS to hu h.ul
id all llitipn w1i(n in n-awin, aMo lkif Tongue.
I'lelJlfd ti I lie, CJanu, Vc.t Ae,
Tlio inhlfo arc invikd to tall, utui ure j.ioi -I.seil
s.itlhfa;tlim oltlicr in btllturd'j or uiu'
nienlt. Ills
c;a.n-s a-nh toiiacco
cannot ho cxwMpiI. '
lUovni-shur, Jan. 1,'iAK
JMeoilTANT ,
to, iromr.iioi,in:i!.s ati:nan-w.
The iinilcislgncd tLiil. nnnoniieo to the nil
aensnr lllociiitliurs r.i,.TSlclriity ll'.il he I. pie
pnreil to exceuto ' ' ""' ' '
11 o u.s 1!, h i q'naWu p UN A il I N A L
In nil Us hr.uiflics.
I' A V II II ; ill A .K .0 i N (t
Cin fully nttondetl t. ''
' trlrt nt'.i iitl.,11 toniM0iilen.v",-lv-"I:ii mi
ship It Is Lclieteil will 111MI1 a I: -ly itiinv . f i .aiic
isttiouago, t,
bhop on CulliaiUiu lrtct bttweon Thlrtl und
Fourth. 1
Mur.t,'(B-ly,. , WM.'I'. IIODINE.
; ; 1 J ' -1
MA CIII X 1 STS ' A K NCI lNIi 131
MAIN HT., A L. A 11. It. !., Ill.lXlM'-mnHl. !.,
Ale prepmeil'lo fmnl.ii all 'tlnds ol ll.iehiu.
work, sue Ii ns
MmaiiiK, Pulleys, llnnsers.Coiipllnas.MIIi-cear
Itnr, miw m.iridrlls, cle., (iuniio eoiks Ivi nsh i,
sienin pipe, tOKethcr wltli nil klmts of pirnni r .
tlnjrs eoUHtuully mi liiunl,
Thresldm: Maehllieu nml Horse Pi.wei.
loonier. All Limit of Ab'ilttil'nrii l .'in,,
ropslre.1. ,
pr)i;a and kkei.
i'he Ull'l.'l.ilfflisilthnilt-rul rt,r in. I n ..o
1'iijSjt'iumiiiiKif tolils irltiitt-, un.i tu tin, puhiii,
Is now in louiph te uiiinln-nriier.nnd tint hols
'repnii'.ltoni.iill kinds ol Mtliliiir tvlihoutih 1 iy
lli i Ilea horn it dibiunee tun lisvo their ciutp.
liiiminl without Oelny, Jons to i.ike Im m i nn,
lll i snnioiluy, und its n lute nil work'lil ti.
Ihe mill imii I,,, itone In ttteltlt-i".ir 1 . ms
Plt'si nl iiiiiiMiiiii'iils mo sueli ns to pi. , Iuu i
nie.'ssily olsloipll.t; Uielnlll "unlet t'Ui'l i 1 let
hhih or low wultr.
TI 1 1 h U IW J A 1 1 LY 1-1.0 1; I !.
i s itil us the lutier Knnlt. mid nil klnilsuf
chop a. xj Fj:i:n
kept on hnnd liuiniiiillty, end fnrsntent tlm low.
tsl euiitnt iiitts. O'lulii oi ull liiuds purtliused.
I.lalil Htleet, Pie. l.'CJftf, l'l.l'HK 1:,T,
hi d Is of Win, l'lter, vl!
one 'oold blov,i 1 Ififrenti, 1 Dor. fhitl s.
Itis-klui'. l.halrji 1 lLsl
nil IVsl.liih ..A v....i'..'.
urpei nnu onit urni
ill is
'niepiiUllesrnlieiiliynptilliiliUitt Tlisteli'.in.
MlsBliwrsoiinliniriy In William 1 , u ni
luiuatKU Hot to purt'tm!, nor m..,. V i ,
1 A. Kl I, 11SML
MltlllnvllIf,I-l..l8,Vil.i. H ul ti -sr it.
y A It. M E "il S
C'tiu ti supidlcd at ull nuns unhyoumi.
JA11V1S iaiVNf) Gt ANO,
ANI) l'IIOSl'lIA'I'i:S,
At the mill t: l'AXTON 4 llARJIAN.
lyipeit, lYc, lS.'ss-Jlnio.
B A h K,
Tlinntiiti.rtliin(i.lniT...r..u. i.
lavern mid Isndinlrably uduited lor timt in-.
1 1 not sold Ly tlm tlrst 1 April limit, tlio i row-r-ty
w I lioruiiteitiiu ie.iAimtIel.tinis. 1
l ull iJirtleulars riKiinllnit prlte or rent etc..
rail lionijlU.tsloiiiippiinilioiiti,tlR.unui isicnl
" V" 'A"! l".l'lau' l'osstsslmi tlvtii on tin, i,i
ot vjrii lMii,
r.luloli,Jli.'l rmi.K Al'l'Ll.MAN.
J V. ltEAlll
Manuf-)urers und WholeWU. r-eslei-i in
Vo. 413 Market 81 ret.
AJ, vould atiiioi uee lolhe iltlii imtfl'ii cu -l
urit nml ylcliilly, that lie) uiislie filed u ml
mid iouipHlu.eitiiiiiii vt
w , 1. 1, 1- A V t: li, V 1 NJ ' o v i ii a J '. . ,
lxn'H, (ewrs, Tt' 1 1
md nil ollur l coils In his line fr I nmi ss. A V
ltit' in vc ' nnil mo t 1 1 1 io i a t.i'm k of. ivis
sv rte n'wi'l s I, I e fi "ti' i r 1 ' 'si Ilt-Pirfot
M 't Jli" m'iV11')'
A l 1. K .Sit OK jO.i il'MllNi
. ,v eitriit r.I 'nisli i. ti i itvu
! IfKI Will,
i.ttiii (.fle.i.