1 ofoUtmMan -AND- HJjowusifouvg mtmmt ULOOMSUURG. PA. KltltlAY flOHM.-VO, MAItOII. 10, tBOO O-TIIIS COf.UMIIIAN lins tlx I.oiR"' OlrculMlull of nliy impcr published Northern Penni ylr iitli nncl 1. l.n n lunch larger sheet than miy oflUciUeln liornrlei) nml la thererore be.t medium for itdverll.litf; In fl.l. eetloit oflhe St Me. IIK.MOCIIATIC STATE COMMITTED, In obedience to the desire of a majority thereof tho Democratic Bttte Committee nro requested to meet at Xlollon's lintel, llnrri, burg, on Tues day, the 30th dny of Mirch, 1S69, nt ;'A o'clocli, r. M., to rtx time of holding tho Democratic BUtoUonvcntlon. WM. A. WALLiACtl, Chairman. 4u David CAi.DWEi.t-, Bec'ty. A Itni'rTaln Tor I'rlntei-H. By tlio recent purchnso of 11 OorJon I'ress mid of tho Columhia Democuat lirliitlnj,' ofllco, wo havo. acquired nn unnecessary number 6f Presses and lhntcrlnl. AVo thereforo oiror to sell one Washington Press slzo No.l In com pute running order; onu Washington Press Foolscap slzo almost entirely new; together with iwiunnllly of hour Kclorf, nonpareil, wood, mcliil und ill.si!iiy typo, Imposing hIoih-s, enson, rule.s, iul all tlio inalcriat necessary to flUirtu llrat-cluss country prlutlngolMuc. If tho nmlcrlal oitmot, ho Hold In bulk, It will ho disposed of In loW. Terms wli. Address tho ctlltor hy letter or In person. 3t, County Convention. Monday last, March ISth, being the dny appointed for tho holding of the County Convention,waaau exceedingly unfavorable one. Tho storm and the very bad condition of tho roads pre' vented a general attendance. The Convention was called to order by John A. Funston, nnd organized by the appointment of John G. -Quick us Chairman, and John G. Freeze and Philip T. Hartman as Secretaries. The credentials of delegates wcro then pre sentcd, when tho following townships only wero found to bo represented: Ulooin, Briar Creek, Centralla Bor. Greenwood, Madison, Montour, Millliii und Scott, John G. Freeze offered tho following resolution which was adopt ed: ltesolved. That C. B. Brockwav & P. K. Ilerbein bo Senatorial Conferees to meet similar Conferees from tho coun-i ties of Montour, Northumberland and Sullivan, to select a Senatorial Delegate w mo coming uemocntuc :ato Con vontlon : and that they aro hereby in strutted to voto for lion. Charles 11. Bucknlow as such Delegate. John P. JTannon offered tho following which was' adopted : ltesolved. That W. II. Ent and Peter Blllmoyer bo Itepresentallvo Conferees to meit similar Conferees from Montour County, to select a Itonrcsentativo Dol egato to tho coming Democratic Stato Convention: nnd that thev do nerreo to tho selection of Jcsso C. Ammcrmau of Montour county as such Delegate. John G. Freczo presented tho following-resolutions which wero unanimous ly adopted ltesolved, That tho ratification, by tho Legislature of Pennsylvania, of tho proposed XVth artlclo of tho Federal Constitution, changing, as it does, the fundamental law of the Commonwealth on questions not of Federal Import, Is for that reason boyond tho powt r of the Legislature, Is revolutionary In its char acter. Is in violation of tho rlghtsof the people, and Is destructlvo ,of tho, sover eignty of thu State. ltesolved. That wo welcomo to our midst the Honorable Charles It. Buckn low, ou fellow citizen, tendering him our congratulations upon tho ability, ollleiency and purity of his Senatorial career, and pledging him our confidence and support in tho future. ltesolved, That in thosclcctlouof can didates for Governor anil Judgo of tho Supreme Court, tho best antl ablest men in tho party should bo selected, without reference to local Instruction or geo graphical position. ltesolved, That tho' watchword of tho Democracy this full. referrlnirU) tho.No- ro Sulfritgo Amendment as tho jrrwit uDsorning question, sitouiti uo "Jte peal." There being no other business before (lie Conventional! motion It adjourned Ilndlcul Trickery. Day after day add u fresh evidence of , tho r.wc.Ulty antl trickery existing amongst tho opposition leaders. A re cent uct of theirs will illustratoit. About a year ago Peter Ilcrdlc, a wealthy man of Wllllamsport, In order to provide for his sou-lii-law, got a bill put through tho Legislature, erecting a now Judicial District Including Lycom ing and Elk counties. Geary, appoint ed Bentloy to this position. Last fall, contrary to Ilerdlu'd antici pations, lion. James A.Gambto received tho Democratic nomination for Judge, and was olocted, notwithstanding the importation of 600 voters by Hemic. Thwarted in tills, ho rushes again to the Legislature, and with moans gener ally employed by lobbyists, succooJod in less thun threo hours In passing a bill through both branches of tho Legislature, und signed by that party toolJohn deary. Evorythlng is now .mado to bond to parfy; courts, J ustluo, legislatures, laws, and oven tho Consti tution Itself. Sinck tho eloso of tho war, making "treason odious" has been tho principal stock In trndoof our opponents. In fact a military orator of this county always began and ended his speeches by stereo typed allusions to tho "red-handed trai tors who shed tho blood of our heroes," (his wasn't spilled), and this was his nmln,argumetit, Alas, for these loyal ists, Grant, after continuing in oQlcehls father as Post Master at Covington, and appointing to lucratlvo positions his threo brothers-in-law his wife's cous insall who subscribed for this now housed caps tho climax by making tho rebel General Lougstroet Survoyqr of tho Port of Now Orleans I Wo wondor that tho ghosts, of those who ell at Gottysburij or wcro starved ut Andor rjonvlilu, do not appear und protest against this insult to u loyal nation. Is this tho way to "make treason odious?" CressweJI, an original secessionist, in tho Cubliwt, Lougstroet Hurvoyor of tho I'ort of New Orleans I Why not nt once mtiUo jecr. Puvla Socrotury of tho J rcasury, ami Breckinridge Attorney ClenerftlV AX ACT To authorize tlm erection of a Poor House by the township of Bloom In tho County of Columbia. Skc. 1. Holt enacted by tlio Senate and House of Itoprcbcntutlves of tho Coiiiinouwc.ilth of Pennsylvania In General Aswuihly met, nnd It Is hereby enacted by tho nuthorlly of tho snmo, that tho provisions of tho act "To nuthorlzo tho erection of n poor houso by tho township of Wilkes Harro In Lu7.eruo county," approved tho second day of April A. I)., 18C0 bo and tho samo ato hereby extended to tho township of Bloom in tho County of Columbia. ' Sr.c. 2. That John A. Funston, Jacob Schuyler, and B. F. Hattman of tho township of Bloom, bo and aro hereby appointed Commissioners with nil tho powers conferred, and to dlschargo all tho duties enjoined In said act until tho March elections tit tho year 1871. Sec. a. Tlint tho in-ovlslonsof tho first section of an net entitled "A further supplement to nn net entitled 'An act to authorize the erection of a poor houso by tho township of Jenkins, Borough of Plttston and township of Plttston In tho county of Luzerne,' approved May 8th 1857." approved tho 27th day of March, A. D 18G0, bu extended to any township or townships In tho County of Columbia, desiring to bo mado a part of tlio district for tho support of tlio poor established by this act. Six. -1. At the request of any ten tax able inhabitants of any township In the county of Columbia, Itshallbu tlio duty of tho Constable advertising tho town ship elections in March to glvo notice that at tho said ensuing election tho qualified electors shall decide tho ques tion whether mid township shall be come a part of the district for tho sup port of the poor erected by this, act by voting "For a poor houso" or "against a poor house," and tho ofllccrs of tho election shall return tho lesult of this ejection in tho samo manner as thoy mako other returns of tho election. 1'rovtded, That nil assessments shall bo upon tho basis of tho latest triennial as sessment. JOHN CLARK. Speaker of tho 11. of It. WlLMKll Woill'ItlNaTOK, Speaker of tho Sonnto. Approved the twelfth day of March, A. D., 1609. JNO. W. GEARY. AX ACT TO AtTTIIOntZE THR F.KECTION" OK X TOOIl 1IOUSK BY THK TOWNSHIP OK WILKIiS DAKUE, IN LUZI2UNK COUNTY. Section 1. lie it enacted, etc., That E. W. Stuidovant, William Hibler, John W. llorton, Alexander M'Clano and Thomas Quick, junior, of tho town ship of Wllkesbarre, In Luzcrno county be and urq hereby appointed commis sioners, whose duty It shall bo, or a majority of llicm.as soon after tho pass age of this act as practicable, to deter mine upon, and with tho ussont of tho court of tho quarter sessions of Luzerne county, purchase" such real estato ns moy bo necessary and proper for tho accommodation of tho poor of tho town- shin of Wiikcsbarro aforesaid : and it shall bo lawful for said commissioners to take antl receive proper conveyances therefor, In tho name and for tho uso of tho corporation mentioned In tho see nnd section of this act; and upon tho receipt of such conveyance, to execute, in tlio name of said corporation, nnd do liver to tho vendeo or vendees, bonds or mortgages upon said real estate, to se cure the payment of so much of tho pur chase money thereof as shall then re main unpaid, and also to erect thereon sultablo buildings for tlio accommoda tion and keeping of tho poor of said township ; and they nro also authorized nnd empowered to borrow' such sum or sums or money as may In their opinion, bo advisable and necessary, not exceed ing four thousand dollars, to bo used in tho payment of tho expenso of purchas ing saitl farm and creeling said build ings, and to secure the payment of tho samo by bonds and mortgages on said real entile. Section 2. That tho said E. W. Sturdovant, Willbim Hibler, John W. Horton, Aloxander M'Clano and Tlio'm os Quick, Junior, aro hereby constituted directors of tho poor In tho township aforesaid, until successors nro appointed and qualified, as hereinafter provided ; and they, and their successors In ofllce, nro hereby created a body politic and corporate, In lawto nil Intents and pur poses whatsoever, relatlvo to tho poor of said township, and shall have perpet ual succession, by tho name, htylo and tltlo of tho directors of tho poor of Wllkesbarro township; and by that iiiimo may bo Filed, plead and bo Im pleaded, receive, tako and hold, any lands, tenements nnd hereditaments, not exceeding tlio yearly value of threo thousand dollars, to erect and keep in proper condition sultablo buildings for tho reception, ue, accommodation nnd employment of tho poor of salu township, and to provldoall tldngsncc cssary for the lodging, malntcnnnccand employment of tho poor of said town ship. Section 3. Tlmtthosaid E. W. Stur dovant, William Hibler, John W. Hor ton, Alexander M'Clano and Thomas Quick, Junior,shaU continue In olllco as directors' until tho annual March pice Hon In tho year rino thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, at which time tho qualified electors of said township shall cleot threo persons to servo as di rectors of tho poor of Bald township, ono to tervo for ono year, ono for two years and ono fur threo years, and year ly thereafter tlio said electors shall elect ono person to servo as director ns afore' said for threo years; and tho returns of all elections under this nct,and proceed ings connected therewith, shall bo tho samo as in tho case, of tho election of township officers: Provided, That any vacancy In tho said ofllco of director, by resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by tho court of quarter sessions of Lu zorno county until tho next ensuing election of directors, when tho said va cancy shall bo filled by election, under tho limitations aforesaid ; and tho said court shall havo power to rcmovo any director for gross neglect of duty or other misconduct, upon tho petition of fifty or more of tho nfuresald electors, upon u hearing of tho coinplaitit, after reasonable uotlco to thp director com plained of. Section i, That tlio said directors sliall, before entering upon, tho duties or Mieir ouico, bu duly sworn or nillriiii ed to faithfully discharge tho duties of said olllce; ami tlio persons herein ap pointed directors shall, as soon as they shall think proper after tho passago of this act, appoint a treasurer, steward or superintendent, collector of poor taxes, anil xueli other assistants as thoy shall deem necessary, who shall servo until THE COLUMBIAN suecessotH nro appointed; nnd lu tho iiioiiin oi .mtumry, in tno year ouo thousand eight hundred and slxty-ono, nnd In tho month of January in each year thereafter, tho said directors shall appoint ti treasurer, a collector, n stow- aril, physician, nnd such other assist ants ns thoy mny deem neccsoary, to servo for ono year, nnd until successors nro appointed nnd qualified; tho, said treasurer and collector to glvo bonds, with sufficient security, conditioned for tho faithful performance of their respec tive duties, In such sum as Iho directors may require; any or said officcra or as sistants may bo removed by said direc tors for neglect of duty, or for Improper conduct in ofllce, and tho vacancies, ns well ns nil vacancies which sliall other wlso occur, to bo filled by them. Section 5. That tlio said directors, any two of whom shall constltuto a quo rum for tho transaction of business shall havo power annually, as soon after tho returns, of tho nnnual .assessments in said county ns is practicable, to lay n rato or assessment, not oxceedlug ono cent on tho dollar at ono tlmo, upon nil real nnd personal estates within tho township aforesaid, for defraying tho expenses of purchasing said farm, erect lug said buildings, and maintaining tho poor of, s lid township, which shall bo tlio samo rato per centum in said town ship, and shall bo levied upon tho bas of tho lost adjusted valuation mado for regulatlngcounty rates and levies ; and having caused fair duplicates of such rate, or assessment by them laid to bo mado, which shall bo signed by them, shall Issuo their warrant to tho collect or of such tnx therein, authorizing and requiring him to demand, receive nnd collect, from every person therein nam ed, tho sum wherewith such person staiids.chargcd, in tho.mnnner nnd by the samo process as poor taxes nro now by law collectable ; and tho said direct ors shall from tho time of providing by them of sultablo buildings for tho uc commodation of said poor, exercise and perform all tho powers nnd duties which ivcrsoor.s of tho poor may nnd nro now required by law to exercise antl perform within said township, except so far as such nets, duties nnd powers ns nro herein expressly prescribed or lira itcd. Section C. That tlio said directors shall, as soon as thoyshall havoprovid ed sultablo buildings for tho accommo datlon of tho poor of said township, fllo In the olllcoof tho cleric ,of tho court of quarter sessions of Luzcrno county, a certificate, setting forth that such buildings nro ready for tho reception nnd accommodation of said poor; which ccrtlflcato shall also contain a statement of tho real estato purchased, with a brief description or tho buildings there on, tho cost or procuring nnd fitting up the Mime; and thoyshall also thereupon glvo notice to tho overseers or the poor or said township of their readiness to rccelvo and nccommouato tho poor thereof, which said overseers nro re quired forthwith tofurnlslisaiddlrectors with a list of tho names of tho persons then a chargo upon said township, or receiving relief therefrom, with the place of residenco or each; and tho said directors shall thereupon causo such pcor persons, or such of them n3 thoy shall think it expedient, to bo removed to said houso so provided, and thereaf ter to bo kept, lodged and maintained therein, so long as such persons shall tontlnuo a chargo- upon said township ; nnd no person who shall refuso to go to said poor houso, or to bo maintained therein, shall bo entitled to roller or support from said directors, or from said township, during tho tlmo of such refusal: Provided however, That said directors may, IT thoy think proper, furnish assistance and nfford rcllof to any poor persons, without requiring them to ho removed to and kept at said poor houso. Section 7. That' tho said directors are hereby authorized to provldo work aud employment, for such poor persons as may bo able to perform any labor, or pursue any employment, nnd if any poor person unless unable, by reason of ngo, infancy, disease, infirmity or other disability, sliall romso to perform such rcasonablo labor or service, us shall be allotted to or required of him or her by said directors, sucli person or persons shall not bo entitled to, or recolvo any relief or nsslstnnco during such refusal, anil shall immediately upon such refus al, bo discharged from said poor-house. Section 8. That tho overseers of tho poor of tho township nroresald, shall, as soon as notified by tho dlicctors, in tho manner provided for lu tho sixth sec tion or this act, ceaso to net ns overseers or tho poor In said township, except so Tar us may bo required to settle, adjust and eloso their accounts as overseers with said township, or with persons with whom they havo transacted busi ness ; and they shall, upon demnnd, de liver to tho said directors, transcripts or all poor taxes remaining unpaid on duplicates in their hands, together with all books, papers, orders and docu ment's, pertaining to their ofllco ns overseers, nnd shall nlso pay to tho said directors, or to tho treasurer appointed by them, all the moneys unoxpeuded In their hands, belonging to tho said township, nnd tho said directors shall forthwith issuo their warrant to tho colIcctor,fortho collection of all such un paid poor taxes, which shall bo collect ed In thosamo manner as is provided for tho collection of taxes' assessed by said directors. Section 0. That if upon a final set tlement by said overseers of tho town ship aforesaid, of their account as over seers, any balance shall bo found duo them or cither of them, tho said balanco duo shall bo certified by tho auditors making such settlement, aud thereupon tho said directors aro required to Issuo their order upon tho treasurer, In favor of such overseer or overseers for tho amount or amounts so certified to K,o duo. Section 10. That tho steward or matingcr of said poor house Is hereby required yearly, on tho first Monday In January in each yoar, to furnish tlio said directors, a statement of tholucomu or said real estate, us nearly as tho name can bo dono ; also of excess of his ex penditure over and nbovosald income, tho amount and kind or personal prop erty then on hand, Including grain, et cetera, tho number of persons admitted and discharged during the year, with tho number then therein, tho length of tlmo each remained, und tho ago and sex of each ; tho treasurer shall annually on tho first Monday of each year, render to said directors, n J list and correct account of his rccclptsnntl dUburscinentsdurIng tho preceding year ; antl tho said direc tors shall annually, In tho month of January in each year, publish in ono or moro nowspapcrs, that may lo publish- AND DEMO CHAT, ed lu tlio borough of Wllkesbarro, a statement or thd receipts, disbursements and expenditures of said corporation during tho preceding year, with ostato- mcnt of property, real nnd porsonni, then held by them. Section 11. That tho auditors or tho township or Wllkesbarro shall constl tuto a board or auditors to settle the ac counts or tho directors; nnd which au ditors sliall meet for that purposo on tho second Monday or January or each year and sliall rccelvo for their services each ono dollar per day, for every day nec essarily cmpioycu. Section 12, That all orders issued for thoTclIef of any poor person or per sons, within said township, niter tno filing or tho certificated mentioned In the sixth section or this act, shall bo dl rcctcd to tho directors or tho poor or Yllkosbnrro township; nnd upon tho receipt or such orders, said directors, or nny ono of them, slinll Immediately proceed to inquire Into tho clrcumstmv ccs, nnd If tho person or persons therein named, arc found by him to bo entitled to relief, ho or they shall furnish euch relief, or causo such person or persons to bo removed and taken to said poor h6usc, nnd there kept nnd maintained until legally discharged; any ono of said directors shall havo authority to direct a person to bo admitted into said poor houso; but no person sliall bo discharged therefrom unless at his or her own request, except by tho direc tion of nt least two or said directors, SECTION 13. That tho said directors nro hereby authorized Id bind out tho poor children under their enre, whoso parents aro dead or unnblo to support thorn, ns apprentices, in tho samo man ncr nnd under tho samo restrictions ns tho overseers or tho poor mny now by law put out such children ; nnd tho said directors shall excrciso tho samo power and authority over all real nnd personal estato of any poor person under their care, as is now by law vested In tho overseers or tho poor. Section 14. That tho compensation of tho treasurer, collector, stoward, mil' tron, physician, and other officers or us- sistants, shall bo fixed by tho directors and tho compensation or tho directors shall bo fixed by tho board or auditors nt each yearly settlement, for tho next succeeplng ycor: Provided, That the compensation of said d rectors, from tho passago of tho act until tho first settlo' ment, shall bo fixed by tho board of auditors at tho first yearly settlement tho said directors to furnish tho said auditors a correct account or the time and expenses losl and incurred by thorn in.attcudlng to. their duties, from which account tho said compensation shall bo uxeu anu aujustcu. Section 15. That tho said directors or treasurer, or any ono or moro of tlio tax-payers of said township, may, with in twenty days from tho yearly settle, ment by tho auditors as aforesaid, ap peal from such settlement to tho court of common pleas ot Luzcrno county, in tho samo manner, .and under tho samo provisions and regulations, that appeal from settlements by township auditors are now auoweu. Section 1G, That uo money sliall bo paid by tho treasurer except upon or ders drawn by tho directors and signed uy nt least two oi saiu uircciors. Section 17. That all acts of assem bly, or parts of acts, hereby supplied or inconsistent with tills act, nro hereby repealed. JOHN M. THOMPSON, Speaker of tho H. of It. pro tern WM. M. FRANCIS. Speakor of tho Senato, ArrnovED xiioseconuciay ot April Anno Domini ono thousand eight hun areii anil sixty. WM. F. PACKER A I'urtlier Supplement To an net, entitled "An Act to author Izo tho erection of a Poor Houso bv tlio township or Jenkins, borough or I'lusioii, auu towusuip oii'ittsion, in tho county br Luzerne," approved May eighth, ono thousand eight hun dred and flfty-seven. Section 1. Bo it enacted by tho Sen ato and Houso of Representatives or tho Commonwealth or Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, und It Is hereby enacted by tho authority or tho samo, xnat tno township ot Lackawanna, :n the county otLuzcrno, bo and Is hereby nnnoxed to and mado a part or tho trlct for tho support of tho poor named in tho act to which thisisasupplcmcnt; but before tho said township of Lacka, wanna shall bo entitled to tho irlvi leges of tho said act, tho overscors of tho poor therein shall secure, to tho satisfaction of tho directors of tho poor or Jenkins township, Plttston borougli and Plttston township, such sum or moucy ns would bo tlio proportionate sharoortho said township or Lackawan nn or tho money already expended by the said directors in tho purchaso of laud, and other improvements mado thereon, as woll as for money expended in finishing their poor house, and for stock on their farm; such proportionate siiaro shall bo asccrtalnetl upon tho ba sis of tho assessed valuation of property mado taxablo by law in each district, for tho year ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine; when such sum, so to bo paid by tho said township of Lacka wanna, shall bo ascertained and satis factorily scoured, tho said township shall bo entitled to nil tho immunities nnd privileges onjoyed by tho present corporation, as named in tho said re cited net; but no part of tho present poor junus of tho said township of Lackawanna shall be paid over to tho said corporation, that being expressly reserved to tho said township of Lacka wanna; aud for tho; purposo of raising monoy to enablo tho said towushlp of i-iacKawanna to pay thosum ascertained to bo her share of the expenditures afore said, tho overseers or tho poor thereof nro Hereby authorized nnd empowered tp assess, levy and collect a tax for that purposo. I'l-oposiils for rami for Poor IlOUNG. The undersigned will reccivo propo sals for a sultablo farm on which pro visions could bo mado for supporting tho poor of such townships In Columbia county as may seo.propcr to nccopt tho nbovo law. Tho proposals to bo In writing, nnd sent in before (ho 27th Inst. Stating number of acres, situation, price, terms, etc, It Is desirable thnt'tho proposals should bo sent in as corty as possible, but no property will bo purchased until It is known what number of townships will accept tho law, by vote or special act of Assembly, Tho Overseers of tho Poor of tho townships accepting tho law, will pre pare a lint of tho paupers to bo brought in to tho Commissioners on a day of which notlco shall bo given. John A. Funbton, 1 Poor JACOl! SCHUYI.EIl, J-Ilouso B. F, ilAUTMAN, J Com, BLOOMSBUHG, WnslililKloii A'otiN. Washington, March 10. 11USI0NATI0N OP BECIIETAHY WASH- rtURNE. Hon. E. B. Wabhiiuiink tendered his resignation to-day as Secretary of f 1 1 ri-l. .. f I ! i.na Imnn I, coptcd, and a no'w nomination will be mado to tho Senato to-morrow. GEN. DIX'a ItEsfONATION ACOEl'TEI). Major-Gcucral Dlx will soon return homo. Ills resignation as Minister to Franco has boon accepted, and tho usu al letter of recall has been forwarded by tho Department of State Washington. March 11. WASI I.NGTON, Mnic 1 11. Iden to-day mado ho fol- Tho President lowing nominntions to tho Senate! GeorgoS. Boutwcll, or Massachusetts, Secretary of the ireasury. I Hamilton Fish, or Now York, Sccro- rv of otnto. I tary of State. General John A. Rawlins, Secretary of War. OTHEH NOMINATIONS. Tho following names wcro sent to tho Soualo to-day by tho President: E. B Washburno. of Illinois. Minister to Franco ; Frank Moore, Assistnnt-Sccro tary of Legation, Paris; A. K. Small, Marshal for tho District of Columbia ; C. A. Newcomb, Marshal for tho Dis trlct of Columbia; General Longstrcct, to bo Surveyor of tho Customs for New Orleans : Sidney A. Stockdalo, to bo of Internal Rovcntio for tlio Collector First District of Louisiana: Edward V Klmrslov.nfNow York, to boSccrotarv or tho United States Lc-'atlon at Mad- rid : Alexander Shame, to bo Marshal or tho United Stntcs for the District of Columbia: Chlol-Entrlncer Juntos W. King, to bo. Chief of tho Bureau of ed very attentively, and at tho coiiclus Stnnm Ent-Iiionrlii-r. President arant Ion said : "Gentlemen The disclosures states at tho bottom of this: "ill nlnco oflsherwood.whom Idcslrorcmovtd." Tho Senato, having been in exectitivo scs.sIon n few minutes, continued ,jir. Washburno as Mlnlstar to Franco in placo of Mr. Dlx resigned ; n'so Messrs. Boutwcll Secretary for tho Treasury, Rawlins for War, and Fish for Stale. A LOUISIANA AIHIANOEMENT. Tho members of Congress-elect from Louisiana, and tho contestants of thoir scats, havo mutually agreed, tho former to rosinn, and tho latter to withdraw all pretension, so that a now election can b9 held, and tho protracted scries of contests and investigations bo preclud ed. This courso has been adopted be- causo tho Conservatives-elect havo no chnnco to bo admitted, nnd because tin. dorSheridan's manipulation tho Radi cal contestants aro sure of their game. ,ALL IN THE FAMILY- Tho President Is giving an early ex hibition of nepotism. Colonel James Casey, nominated to-day as Collector of New Orleans, and Dr. Sharpo, nomi nated asi Marshal or this District, nro brothers-in-law or Grant. 'Washington; March 12. AN ACT OP JUSTICE. Mr. Randall, or Pennsylvania, lias introduced a bill in tho Housa to-day to extend tho bounties allowed to soldiers to men who wore drafted and served in tho army. This is so plain an net of Justico that it needs no commendation from any one. OENEKAL HANCOCK. Washington, rMareh 14. Sinco General Hancock has been as signed to a distant command, not at all commensurato with his high rank, mauy or his warm friends In Pennsylva. nia havo re-agltated tho question of nominating him for Governor of that State. It may now bo definitely settled that ho does not latent! to withdraw from that profession in which ho takes such pride, unless humiliation should follow exile, nnd his seir-rcspcct should compol him to throw up his eommls ulon, to effect which sucli earnest efforts wore mado by certain politicians during the past year. In declining such a high compliment from his own State, Qene ral Hancock feels that ho is not doing injury to any important interest, as there aro many prominent men who aro, perhaps, much better acquainted with tho State's local Interests, which iibscnco in tho country's service has pre. vented him from knowing thoroughly, Therefore, ho docs not wish to bo an obstacle In tho path of nny worthy gentleman, who could probably ad, minister tho Stato affairs to better ad vantage than himself. Theso viows hav iug been known for somo tlmo by his intimato friends, it is certain that Gen Hancock does not de3lro to bo a candi uato for civil ofllco so long as ho rc- mains in tho army, THE ORIOINAIj IMl'EACHEIt. Exit Ashley, tho original and puta tlvo Impoacher. Ho wanted to boGov- crnor of Montana, and, to get him bo yond tho confines of civilization, o very Radical Congressman signed for his np polntmcnt. Tho selection of another Ohloan, Campboll.to govern Wyoming, cxhnusts tho claims or that Stnto for such girts, nnd Ashley retires on his curls, General Butleu to-day introduced to Secretary Boutwell a colored man from New Orleans, named Jonbert, and recommended him for appointment ns assessor of internal rovenuo in that city. Jonbert said ho did not deslro tho office from pecuniary considerations, hut merely asked It to test tho disposition or tho party In power as to tho rights of his raco. Washington, March 15. THE TENUnE-OF-OI'l-'ICK ACT, Tho Judiciary Comraltteo reported a bill to tho Scuato to-day recommending a suspension of tho Tenuro-or-oDlco act until tho next session or Congress. This measure Is tho subject or a great deal of speculation and comment in Congressional circles to-nlgiit. Tho compromise indicated appears to bo ac ceptable so far as it goes, not only to tho President, who lias oxprcssod himself in reference to it, but nlso to tho major ity of Congressmen, A COLOUED Al'I'UOANT l-'Oll OFFICE. Professor Bassett, n colored man, con nected with tho colored High School of Philadelphia, is hero, an applicant for tho position or Minister to Haytl. THK EX-PRESIDENT. Ex-Prcsldent Johnson will delay hi departure for Tonnossee until Thursday, tho 18th Inst. Ho will thon go direct to arccnville, his old home, whoro ho lias not beon for soveii years. Ho will remain' there a tow da.vs. and th en nrn- cecd tff Nashvlllo anil there doyclop hi subsequent Intentions. CUII'I'LEl) BOLIHEKS A committee of threo, delegated bv tho Washington City Post of tho Grand Army or tho Republic, waited upon tho Proddent to-day to urgo tho claims ol' COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. . ... . . I I . A , itKAlnf ,,ftt. t In ITippiCU hOUIieiB lOl uHFUiimiivi w official positions. Tho President assur ed thorn that ho felt a warm interest lu ihls class of citizens, aud plainly inti mated that their claims would not bo overlooked. Robert Martin Douglas, son of tho B y iiu" "" " I'"? 11,0 ITCSiueui Washington, March 10. THE TENUIIE-OK-01'FICE ACT At this writing tho indications point rnnulv to tho final passage, by both houses, of tho bill Introduced lu tho , te , to suspend the opera- JtUoauov.0 mcntlor.ed net until n . rt .. t , n..ti- ..t.1 rrl, ..vfica. iienniio or luuuuiiuo iiujiuu. j.nu..-. uro In favor of giving Grant a loose I .in.. ,i oinwr. nnd oUvllllstnm,1n tho objcction f the im...i r i.r. "ins" to any sucn uiuuuitiuiuu m law as wl l render their removal less difficult, it 13 now very clear that tho ... . ...in 1.1 i. .Aain.n OKMfUC Crowu wiiiiriuiiipuiuiu . ... i c 1i.Ih,m ft,, na In rn. tlio Old uruui ui iiiiuks, nu storo to tho President tho power to rcmovo oxocullvo ofllcors nt pleasure, GHANT. HEAHS SOME DEMOCKATIC TRUTHS. t t Unoii nmi w urn p. simtison. Democratic members, who .hold certifi cates of election to Congress from South Carolina, had an Interview with iho President to-day of somo length. They frankly toiti mm oi tno rcsiricuo ...... disabilities under which tho Whites or their own and other btates labor, aim showed how completely and In what hrood faith tho situation luul neon uc- cental by them. Tlio President nsien-. vou 'mako ought to bo.knowii nud tin dcrstoodniUl consltlcreti oyuvery uiuun man and woman in tho country." i uo gentlemen tnen wnnurew. COMMISS10NEH OI' INDIAN AITAIUS The impression hero Is that tho Pros ident will appoint Colonel Parker of . . !..! .PT.lln.. nis iormersuiii)iAiiii;ii.-3iuui;. u. iinu Affairs. Colonel Parker is n nntlvo In dlan, having descended direct from ono of the western New York tribes, ami I tho opinion is, that ho will make a good officer at tho head of tho Indian liu rcau I'ciinsjlvaiilii I.cglN'ntiire. A hill from tho House, appropriating JoO.OOOtomectn deficiency in tho ex penses for tho support of orphans ofdC' ceased sailors and soldiers, was passed, on motion of Mr. Conncll Mr.Miller,ono makingtliolawftil rato of interest for tlio loan or uso qt money, in all cases where no express contract lias been made for a greater or les.-, rate, sev 311 per cent, per annum. Tho bill nlso repeals tho second section of tlio act of May 28, 1853, regulating tlio rato of in tercst, The committee appointed to decide upon tlio propriety of printing threo volumes of Bates' History of Pennsyl vania regiments, reported that it was oxpedicut to print ten thousand copies. Mr. Davis said that estimates of tlio cost of tho work had been submitted to publishing firms In Philadelphia, and It had beon ascertained .that tlio Stato Printer would do tho entire work with in thirty cents as cheap as any publish lug house. Tho Sennto bill declaring it to bo a right to take a writ of error ,to tho Su premo Court in cases, hereafter, where persons havo bceii convicted of murder in tno nrst degree, was passed Important (o Soldiers and their friends. ACT Ol' MARCH 3, 18C9. lie it enacted, etc., That when a sol dier's dlschargo states that ho Is dis charged by reason of 'expiration of'term of service.'ho shall bo held tohavocom. pletcd tho full term of his enlistment and entitled to bounty accordingly. Sec. 2. ijicf be it further enacted, That tho widow, minor children, or parents, in order named, or any soldier who slinll havo died, after being honorably dis charged rrom tho military servleo of tho United States, shall bo entitled to receive tho additional bounty to which such soldier would bo entitled if living under tho provisions of tho twelfth nnd thirteouth bections of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for sun dry civil oxponses of tho government for tho year ending Juno 30, 1807, and for other purposes," approved July 28, 1800, and tho said provisions or said net shall bo so construed. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That all claims for tho additional bounlios granted in sections twolvo and thirteen of tho net of July 23, 180G, shall, alter tho first day of May noxt, bo ndlusted nnd settled by the nccountlng officers of tho Treasury under tho provisions of 8aUl act nn'1 " s"ch claims us may on t"0 said first of May, bo remaining In tlio ofllco or tlio Paymaster General un settled, shall bo transferred to tho Sec ond Auditor of tho Treasury for settle ment. Sec. 1. And be it further enacted. That nil claims for bounty under tho provis ions oi tno act cited In tho foregoing c,,?n sI,aI1, bo 4vo11! u,1,es pouted In d orl l'r'or to ti.o first day of Do- cember, 1SC0. Loyalty illustrated. General Longstreet has.been appointed by arant Survoyor of tho Port or Now Orleans j while acn. Knlpo, a hero or fifty bat tles, and who shed his blood Hko water In tlio Union causo, ls'roinovod to mako wayforUergnor.adoscendantortho Hes sians, who held ofllco during tlio war and got rich speculating in mules, and robbing tho Government. This Is tho way arant rewards 'Royalty." Tho re moval or such men as Knlpo, and tho banishment or Hancock tho appoint ment to lucratlvo offices, or all his rela tives and thoso who have mado hi in presents illustrates woll tho potty character or tho man who broke his pledged word to Andrew Johnson. Justice Carter, or tlio District or Columbia, enters his "protest" against the proceedings or tho Supremo Court or (lie United States, though out of re spect for that tribunal ho consents 'to obey its orders. Wo nro glad of this, for It would bo awkwnrd Just now to have tho fJupromo Court utterly extin guished, though wo supposo Congress could easily ma co a now one. Wi! call our renders' attention to the advertisement of Sharpless & llunnan in another column. They have on hand a fine assortment of Iron und Wooden beam Plows of tho best kinds, and for sale wholesale or retail. IllnimuliltrK .llnrlcet llcforl. Wlll'llt lrf I'llMlW Ityo " t'nrit , f 1 m , 1 M . I" 70 . 12 Ml ., S mi '1 .. 41 r .. vi 1 1 .. a si .. it la O.tls. . " , Flour per mirrci ClovorM'i'd KIiixum-ii Ilittlur Emi Tallow rotutocN Drlfd Apl'li'S I'm Ic - - " it(.m HidMtimlHlMmldora - H1 ." 10 w umi ktiuiiu - liny iHirtmi - i.uiumt. IlcmlocU nojrd, 1- thouTnU-tiw M.nilfo,f.rinnlt.(Homl(iclt)-i IS") 8 ff) fl i Vi' S"""- 1 1 Bidina " " n. III) w J!;,.', Kcot0)1 ,,,,, t ' M ' t!2 liu I.IOlll Bircei wnw". ...i ;Huii ,,i eininr "our a reed muisencmi mM - cimmiir.o. fe'trriZZr::::' ft i i5! 51 W r,:cw. ll,ln. U-I.rnl 1 M tmts 70 f, M 4 M Jluc)t wheat Eiour Corn Chop. 2 61) 1 to 41) 0 til 2 UU 2 21) I) 09 11 00 20 IU J 00 3 00 lmlll lliitter tier lb ;,;r doz. lMtutoea pr im Dried Amilcs 1- lux rseuu liccr per 100 Ibi l'otlt ' " I.iird " B Onion r" bushel.. Clover Becd ' " ... Timothy 'lillnilelplilu Mnrlirt". ruum- , t3 ma r,.M gf;we;jCn l$XZ !."!3:::rr;::...o:w o.m ,', wv,Vern .upline... c.tw. l'ennsyivntini mm womitii uun ..." -- IVniisylvnuIn und Western l.uully ttglUW lViinsylvniiiii nnd Western lailey lLows l j-Jj SS.0II W'iikai rennsylM.ulu rod, V bus III... II, .Ml . 1.0K3S1.73 t!l.l5a1.10 SI.KH.il31.li-' tl.li$l.tB l.l-gtSI.17 7Uctfv7.ju HJ1.M 8; i. vi S'Jellc 170(3,111. Mouinern , Culiroinla. ". " " wlilto " Kvk l'euusylvnnhi ryo, X bm CoiiN Yellow, " White, " Oats V bus I'jtuvlHIONH .ic'ss j-oru, t urn iiiess fit't'i, Dressed llutfs, (1S tilnoked Hams " I.nrd,t.l! ITciaHtfc anoiuuers 'r. 10 Uri'iw (Tliwersi'i'd J. lius J iniomybteii v uus l-'tnTspi'il 1.1. 8J.75 luain'f.c CATTLl'-ISeef Cuttle TJ f Cows, i head '"""-I' ii tav.t5'J bslW J1H.4S17.50 u WJ.BjS , cpani!U)i!;i. itntvt-.n-it Ain-if nn ilm nth Inst, by itnv William J. J.yer, iir. urms jui:i, .u Harah Jlnuck, both of Ilo.irlngcreek township. HAUOK LONOISNllEIiOKU-On the sum o day liy tho Maine, Air. .mine, linnet 10 .is .-mo LongonbciBtr, both of ltourliiKcnek township. LEWIS STllUfSF.lt-On the samo day, by the snnte, 1- rnucls Lewis, 10 ii.isa juiw i3iui.i both uf Montour to.uishlp. anisiNar.it-nuFr-oii the mil inst. by ti.o llev. .1. .11. Ivice, .Mr. imvm iifisiitK--i ii wwi Ellr.atictll llnir, both ol Espy, Til. SMITlI-lIACKENIIACII-AtivColumliusI.ti?. eo. til. ine lulll .us., uy join, jviiuiim u. .. mlth to Mrs. Mury Aim Ilackenbach both of I'Vilrmouut l'u. l'OSTEN-JIiLLr.It-InllerwIck on tho 27th of l'Cll. lbirj liy llltt .lev. M. u, Ituuues air. r. n. lVsten, ot hcriuitnn, to Miss Jessi-i II. Miller ol llet wick, Col. eo. l'u. IIUItKI-: On tlio 10tlilnst.fttNcvColumbosMr. Jiuuts Uurke uj;Ldaboul70 years. Mr. liutkocinlgrn ted from Ireland many years ago, und lived In many localities until thu year 1812 when he catno to Now Columbus, lu which vicinity ho lcslded until old ngo aud other lullr milks relieved him from hard work, ills princi pal business for many years has been laying stone fcnci-,nlthoni;h his head was almost bowod to tho ground, llohad uo relations In America. Ho wns liberal to n l.mlt, and loft about ennugh toglvoiltlm n decent burial. Ho was an honest old man. WALLEV-On 1'itdny owning the 15th Inst, nt :scu cniuinims, r-aura (laugiuer ui ..onu nun ElmlrnWailey aged Oyears, after many years nttllctlou Irom liillmatecs resulting Irom disease. ltOIlIbON'.-Ou tho 1th liitt. in Heott township Mib. Mury K. Hoblson. vlioof W.u. C. ltoblsun. ruitssEr.L-in Danville, on tho morning of tho -mi iu-l.t .tiv, t. ii.it,c .nr. inn, imillllll muvnn Mrs. Auu Adelaide, wjio uf Di. J. l'urc-U. A 'MAL.VillOUa MONTH. March, that ulvea us n new rresldent. Is ilbo tho Inn ugural month of mauy harassing dUor tiers. Entangled in lis fugs ate the bceds of coughs, colds, nnd of that alternation of frigidity nnd liro, moro widely known than ndiulred.cnll ed fever nud ague. The only v ay to avoid these little tiniileusautntkses,"ls to render the system strong enough to light off Iho ulmosphcrlc poison that pioduccs tliciu, mid Iho best way to endow It will. Ibis lepUlcnt power Is to lone It with HO.STETEIMS STOMACH HITTERS, If a wayfarer wero credibly Informed that .. liilUiin was wnltlugat the next corner, ho would doubtless turn lu his trucks, and tako n safer routoto Ids destination. With just ubotit tho samo amount of (rouble, the attacks of diseases prevalent nt this benson may bo evaded, Nay, tlio trouble will bo less, for diug t tores Uo In uury ono's route, nud every rcspcctnblo drug gist In the Union keeps on bund IIOSTETTKIVS BITTERS. Tho artlclo is a staple of trade, nnd It would bo us easy to find a grocery without cu gar, ns tho stores of nnnpotherary without this popular toulo remedy. In view of tho cspcrlenco of iho nation with regard to tho article, during tho spneoof twenty yours, It seems almost unnecessary to rccapllu latolts merits to Americans. Hut na our popu lation Is Increasing nt tho rato or ncouplo of mil lions a yeurlu tho natural vay nndbylminlgra tlou, It may bo ns well to hint to tho rising gene ration nnd now arrivals, (tho old teltlers know nil about It,) that HOSTETTEIl'.S BTOMACH HITTERS la the most wholesomo und jiotent vegctablo tonlocver manufactured; that It lsn Bpeclllo for debility, dyspepsia, blllonsuess, nnd mtastuntlo fevers j that It prevents, ns well ns cures, theso complaints nnd their complications; that It Is not "bad to lake," and is absolutely harmless. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO T I O E . Whereas my wife. Mary has left my bed nnd board without any cause or provocation, this Is in give nollco that ull persons nro lorhidden to trustor harbor lier.on my aeeount.as I will niy no debts of her contracting. DAnIki.UIOBII Mar.l'JMMi Montour Twp. Mnr, 17, 1MI9. 'HUE undersigned will tako In ox- JL change for Conl und arocerles, tho following luiued nrtlHes : Wheat, Ryo, Com, Cits, I'otn toes. Lard, Hiim,HhouIdcr,und side meat, llutter. J;.gg, Jluy, Ao at tho highest cash prices, ut his U.oceiy Btoie, udjoiulng their coal yard, llloomsburg Mar. 10,'OtMy: W" DUILDING STONE. JJ Iho undersigned having purchased UioHtono Ounrry of DanloILelby, known ns tho Dry tiaw .Mill, mid-way between hero und Danville, will bo pri pmed to supply stone of n superior quality lor cellar walls, sills, water-tables, steps, paving etc., ut nny point on tho cinul, nt u reasonable distance either North-wan! or Houth-ward, as soon us navigation opens, Htone delivered lu any part of Illnnmshitrgat miiderutu prices, J. HCllUYLHIt. Mur ltVliD-st llloomsburg, Fa. 1? O R Ii E A S E . X "This properly known as Iho "Lous Pond i.otel," sllualid In Hulllwm County, on North Mouutuln, Is for rent on reasonable terms. The roinuntlo situation of tho place, Us line hunting und ashing grounds inulie It uu uuusu ully Hun place lor it summer re-ort. l'lissetsluu glveu April 1st IsUI), For full par ticulars apply lu person or by letter In Mur,19,00-3t, Uruugeville, Fa. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, xl EsrAi u ov John liiiii iumi, ukckaseo, lA'tters of administration uu the istuto of John llelchurd late of Madison twp., Colum bia ')., dceeused.huvo beeu grained by the Regis ter of )aid county toWllliaiuMastelltrof Ornuiio twp. All iiersons huvlug claims or dtinands iigulu. I thu estate of the decedent are requested to inulie Ihem known, nud those Indebted to luuko payment, WM, MAHTEI.LER, Mar, l",'ia-(lt. Admliilstrntor. SAL E. j im uudcrslguod olfers at private salu THIRTY ACRES Of LAND lu a good ttuto of cultivation ou which is erected udwellluj house und barn lu good order und (onUltlo... ltlssltuiiled tiilliulouushlor lllouni und wlthlu ten mluiiteswulkof tho Lour! House, Fur lull iMrtlculaisnpplyutthisolllce. Mnr.lU.'ou-Jiii. I'. 11. HROt'KWAY, s L A T Fi R O O F 1 N O, II V II It Y V A H 1 II T Y fl AT l MOST FAVORABIiK RATKtf, Ifl .lOlttf.TllQMAS, Al CABPEU J. TIIOMi ,S llox, 277, DtOOMSBUlM, ixlt JIur.lB.'O'l.tyr. pilOWlrtAt WIM. IH2 UEOIIlVill) mil X the tmilorslKhi'it Oc.iiiiiill leo tit Niimi,iiMl V tiinliln county oil Hull rdny Iho li th ot April in Iwiwccti tho hours of ID nmi .1 o'clock of nil ,'r" for me erection on. uiiv.- i,iitiii-iiiiii!ijij?ri,i.L Itcrnrmoil Church i) WW fUotwlUitl,illerl, tV. nud Hiicclllctitloiu will ho exhibited on d,t ,1 letting. T0UM ituiNtlOLT), 1 1r JAt'Oll I.ONO, I Oommitu'!!" Hnr.l9'C9 4t. -.jp) Nli W COAL Y A It ), : Tim ithdcreluned respectfully Inform ui,, citizen of llloonmburK : nnd CultimliU couti "ri Hint they keep nil tho dlllerent numbers o" ,'nn eonl nnd Kelccted lump coal for smithing Mmihrr o, on their whnrr, ndjolnlna M'Kelvy, uJ Co'Bl'iirnnceiWlthnKimd p.ilr of llslWo ' on tho wlmrf, to welsh iiml, liny, nud , a Likewise a horsa nnd wngon, to deliver coiijEr those who deslro It. As they purchase u t-TH ninount of ennl.they Intend tokecpnsiiinrrl: k llcle, niuUellnttho very lowest prices. l'u.lt enll nud examine, for yourselves Wf.iro mwiI' 1, elsewhere. g1' JOHN C. YEAGER & CO., Wholesale Dc.ilers lu 5ri th HATH, CAPS, HTHAW OOObrt, AM, LADIES 1'UHH. No. 2j" North Third Street, Mar.lD.VJ-ly l'hlladelnliln. T oi EI -G !oj 61. s IIARPLES3 & IIARMAN, KAtii.t: rou.NDKY ash jianui'Actuiiino In TIIK CTLKUBATEI) MONTHOSE InoS lmV 1 o'l i the iiutton wouiikn jikam rum Cn-sUngs nnd Flro Prick for repairing rltrst U upon siuirt notice. ' . ntnnniKlmrg, lit. l'rur'iie n, Mar.ltVlSMf. 91' re JJANKItUPT NOTICE. I.N THE DlSTllICT COUIIT OF THE llNITK.il Sl,- fOIl HIKWrsTEHN IHSTlllCT OF rENNSYIrulU Oci). I-'enslermnchcrn ILinkrupt under the i Congress of Starch 2d, 1NI7. having iipiiiii j', 1 ' Dlscnnrgo from nil his debts, nnd other c ,ivl provnblo under hnldAct.by order ot tli t " isotice is liEiuniv OIVEX, to all Creditor, till) havo proved their debts, nnd oihcrpersoimi. rested, to appear ou tho )3th day of Apr , at 1 o clock 1", M before E, Overton, jf'ilF lleglster, at tho i:xchango Hotel In Illiioin-k " l'u., to show cause, If any they have, wliy njTg chargo should not no granted to tho snl.llLnn rupt. And lurtlier, nollco is herehy ghen, the second nmi Third incctlnpsof Uieilitorn, ioi unld llniikrupt, required by Unii'Ttli mul 2-a, ttonsnfsnld Act, will bo had before tlm ry lleglster, nl tho samo lime and place. 8. C. SICUANllI.KSS 'I ClerkofU.H. District Court lor said DtatJ m Mar. ll),'(U-2w. r E1IIOH VALLEY AGUICULIn,, XJL HAL. CUISM1UAL WOUKK. " ir, BREINIG & HELFRICII. 1" Hi MANUrACTum:r.s ot- UK llllEINia'S COMl'I.ETi; of BON E M A N U it 11. V A concentrated mauurocomblulngll.cri: f. fertllllngpropertle.sofllONnDU.sTorCIIM'V1 HONE, Willi tho ncllvo elements of l'r.l'.l . j '( UUANO, AMMOIACAL JIATTEH. A- ti( SUPER PHOSPHATE OF U)PT NOTICE. Wo preparo but the out; nr.rt' guaranteeing It as stniidarit, relidilo iimfilr iurm. I.owergradcsanilvarlatlonslnrniiL suit (lltlercnt Ideas of prices ate genera!!; jet duced by dlitereut proporllous ol udtiltur.. e l-'iirmeis can save money by t educing the , ly tnemseivcs, wo u-.o only none annuo ijh ntiatlcOuannfor Phosphate of Lime, fcc 'Farmers' Mauuro Uulde," For salo at.Mjn B1! turer's rato by ' A..T. AT.1SKUTKON. IlnhrsliUR CO Mnr.lD.'KJ-Cm. WALTER SCO IT.CatMiil l, ICE. in IK Tin: nubile arc hereby notified that eni1 of Feb. thuuuderslgneit purchased atl'mut,, sale the following personal properlyef H.uoi and that he has hired the samo to snl.l Ono llrsy Hurse, One May Horse; iinsiit.i. Iff of Tug Harness, and ono llrown Cow. All persons nro cautioned against Ititi -will, or molesting the same. I Hlonmsbtirg Mar..),(jD-at A. J, DM!' jOTICE. is 'Uio public nro licreby notHUnl Unit on tf day oi Mm clt, tho undersigned lurctu-l. Ctinalnblu'H Halo tlio follow lhg iiorsunal d oT Uiivld Shook nnd Unit ho 1ms lout ml Ui CV to Alluo hliook : una gray muiv, oik1 Kit", nt hu, ono t-ooklna Htovy, ono bud und u-unf; ono dining table, onu pair of hoh-Hh'ds.Mii ono Kuwlng Htaml.ono htt lly-netH io iiity-91-1 All persons nro cautioned ugntn&t luu."7( with or molesting tho samo. MaraiVW-St AI.FltKIU'l tl J)UBLIC SALK .y, OV VAlAJAULU ItUAL UVl'ATU rtl Tho undersigned, Kxecu tor of the hut w tstainetitof IsaHo I)fivl3,liitt)onieavt'rhiKe( Columbia county, 1 'on usyivnniu.de. van exjHe to sale, by publlo vendue, on 'lJiiirOi April bth, lWJt nt J o'cloolc in tho nfttniu '--loilowlugdf-bcribed Ileal UsUUe.to wit. SB Thact o. 1. All that c-itnlii tiact fif,o, slluateparllylnUutontowuslitpHchuyikii VT ly, nnd puitly in Jiuiivcriwp.. Columbl.1 jl bounded and described us follow: lUii. a cheutnut oak at u corner on thu county. fl twet'ii Kclutyilcfll nnd Columbia; themi-l Jl or pat ties unknown norm (seventeen iuu ?V degrees east lvi perches to n Mono ; ID m InmU now or formerly lu tho iiHincof K vIh, south t.venty.tvo und it hnlfdinr one hundred and se enty-ulno perches to t hencu by lands or tho hiitno not 111 ono na .X. devices e4ist Mxty-four perches to nclieL i' thencu houth lorty nnd u half degrees uu r l ty-lourpercbeHtonguiu; theneu MHitln i o boven nnd n half degrees ctrnt 1M -olght-tentlis perches to n btoue: tht-iu. u foity i ightnnd a half degree eust il it. clght'tiulhs erhes to n btono; thtu Q' boventcen and a half degrees east one ' r t and loity-threo nnd four'tenth pert- , chosluuloak; thetieo soiuhlllty-onuauli rll tlejtrces west ninety perches toaehtn.. theneo north beventyawo and a hull' diKft JU threo hundtcduudbcvcuty percht'bto H fi oi besinntug, W CONTAINING 43S ACItES A!?? inciiKS, j,3 nnd nllownuco ; about 370 acres nf Iili lu to tn Union townhhfp, HelaiyJklll (oul pe many this Is lcnownas tho "Jlctliur Tnu tit to Is guaranteed. 'U. 'HtACvKo, ii. Allthatcertnlnpiecoof- , Ing in Heaver twp. nforebuld, boumltila beiibod ns iullows: llt'tjiunlngat a iostc tti of Jumes M'Neal, (now land of UarnS. Ulainguuit)houthono liundie.l nnd sixty oi mul ouo-halfdegreei vcitoueUuuilndaii li ty-ulx peichestoa pine; theucoby vacai.SU bouth beventy-threo nnd oneliaif uVfjtv-q, thieo huudred and ulxty-two perches to,wu nut; thence by vacant laud (now Jbiiac o nonh ono hun. 1ml and bixty-bfceuaimP f degrees east ontt hundrtd and;iiluely-(.Ul to uu nhh; theuco by land of Jumes Mi!, or Imr.'tnliin, I Innii-o I ).i li n Inm I Ii t.L'f lit fJ und one-half degues wtbt. threo huinlftiH- biiiy-vwo percues loiuopiucooi m,u" 7p( AU OlJ-tUUltiit Al"" moro-or less, It being the same piece Ml gn l. unit nun sum uv iuu i,uiiiiiiiB't""' n, bl county. for Uxes July ltfth. Jtt'A mul tf'"f Charles ft Maun and WM, Hurley. ir leod was made tot'. t Maun, und bt-lttft i )nrtot lour huuilrcdandelgiitetunnJow Oil ucreiaslies lu Columbia t-ouuly, of land surveyed forUauitl Hcwi hy lrW t miit dated ttieUrd day ol January A. boingthoHumo pieeu of land which j w" Muuu did by his Indenture, dated theMUQ tj May A, 1. Iti'xt. convey to llurtou W. mrit-. thact jmo. a, All Uu bltuuto In Union two, h I thai ceilalu pl ' Ull p.hchuyllilll eouiiDi'f,, loilowsi lleslnnluiilyi !in heap, adjoining landsof Isano lavl w''u J ouo-hulf degrcts cast ono hundred "? ua tenths perches to u hemlock s thence jiww-. , of i'eter I'oos north six und ouc-lialf uariy luiu. iiieueu iiuiiii."'-"'' gluuiug, eontululug j.' TWENTV-IIVE AOItra FiKT'V1 1'EItOlIES. ,ul' TitACT No. J. All that ce.Iiil:. i'.t situate lu Htnver twp, Columbia iui ;i .""a oud described mm follons; liiglnulng t 'ijj on luud of Isuao Davis, north sevi-iu;i u w hall degrees west one hundred uud '",. t' perches to u stone; theuco by laud u" noith nlneleen degrees east euo ""r',, l lllty peiches lo a stone; theneu by lau", ,,,111 Duvlauo.tu tweuty.eliht degriea 'K twnperelies to hsiouj; thence Uy w"1; ,, 1 Davis north one nnd n hall dctru-s enw one uud u hull pel'cues lo lite place ul l"s'"Pi eoulululug q ONU I1U.MIKEU AND KU-TEKN ACHES ASBTI'ilJ t'lVB 1-E11CI1E, K, It being tho same t ract of land n hlch l'?!'1.?.' eonveywl to Isano It. Davis by dei-d ' J,. I? ment Haled August ISth, A.I.tM,uml " ,J iippriilsed toCutharlno A. Davis wl""' H. Davis, lata of Denver two deceased, w.t Her share of Isaao 11. Davls.decoased, .'' J under Iho thieu hundred dollar ipi0l and tho samo tract which the said Cai'w . Davis deeded to iiurinu W. 1'ortucr If ml denture dated May 3rd, A. D. Mas. ,. I, 'Ihe ubovo laudsaru lu closepr-ixhiill) " yvLsai.-riek, aud Ihu Cutowl.su lull """fa thruugh iHirlluus of them, and they AUS CONVKNIENT TO THK COAl BBC,1!) being only 8 miles from Shennndiiah 01' y i.u.eN Ashlui UlK'U fori' lllf sixty.inreo und luur-tenuis perciirs . - r oult; thence along lands of Isuao D..uwV-iy-seven and ouo-half degrees west,0"8,"..!'! and forty-ono perches to a i lone liW'i. south loity.elgl.t uud ono-lialf SfJIM chiuumouey to lie paid down I one-louri jn months, und Ihu lu.laueo lu one jour. l lenst slid Willi upproied ccuiliy. areiuiuesteii lumeet ul llehrlg ' HIii it tluiu.ipiHjIiited lorthesalii lulx-iilu, .. Ilimsus iDthe title, and uihtr malt. II. sutlsluclorlly uiism ered, JmofKVl Mnr. I.'.W-SI. ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers