TELE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJ11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. frBLOOMSnuun, nnoAV, jiaii. 13, isoo. ll'tniLio Sales. For tho benefit of ithoso lmvliiK bills printed nt lliis ofllco, or advertising them in our columns, Wo propose, to keep n register of sales for tho inforiiinlloii of tho public. Dlctterlck'it Ksl.fentro March lfl.l'cr. Property. John C. Rnyilf r Illoom ' 21, " ' Perry WhiicnlRht, " ?. Kano Zimmerman, " 1, .lereminhllm', orniiRo 11, HornceHnlloek.NCnliiinbtn" !, " JbcoIi llelelmrd, Ituckhorn " w, " ' 1. 1. Itlcli, ilrcemvood " 21, ' " A,T. Ikler, Denton " at, " " Daniel ItOKenbiii'h fcnlro " Si, .TeromlahHascnbueh, ' " :, " " Isaac Davls'a IX. Heaver Apr. , Ileal ljdnlo, Cliaf. lt. HcM'iilt. .Mllllln " 10, " " 4,1?S. 11ati:s, lins exchanged hi lot oniMarket Street, below Jolili A. Fun , slon,' valued nt $1800, for .lucob Scbtiy 'los houso vnHifcil ut )o00. on private terms. V. W. Wilson lias bought two lots on Market St., between Win. Slerncr's tuition alley leading to tbobrlck-yard.on which lio Intends to build this summer. Terms unknown. a!'petition signed by IY2 citizens of "Columbln county, praying for n repeal ' of tliolawof 1807 prohibiting fishing by nets', selns Ac. in Fishing Creole and its tributaries, was forwarded to llarris- burg this week. . - Oim Inquisitive neighbor over tho way Insists on knowing how much wo have' received from tho Government for , advertising tho mall routes. Tho nmount was regularly published amon? our receipts and to them wo refer him. The "late United Slates Medical Di rector of the Army of tho Potomnc" told tho people of Catawlssa that no offices could bo procured under this ad . 'ministration in this county, except through him hi? denial notwithstand ing.1., vDen got a tetter from Hcrcur tho oth er, day, and nftcr ppolilng over it for half, an hour, called George, saying "Hero's a letter from Mcrcur, and bo spells so bad hero's a fow words I can't read" and George read 'cm. Hurrah for Mercur's agent 1 v Huge. Wo thought our receipts for last month wcro largo, aud intended to compliment our numerous subscribers on the fact; but on looking over tho Re publican's list wo found ono item of $3400,00 and that swamped us. If it3 receipts keep coming in such chunks wovill havo to yield tho palm. vThe. Division ov Briauckeek. This measure, after a Kovcro contest, was defeated by twenty-four majority, nnd wo pre'sumo tho matter will now rest. Wo wero in doubt as to how tho thing would result, until wo saw tho measure advocated in tho Republican, and then lchowjt could not carry. Its friendship isdeath. Give'us Notice. Thoso of our sub scribers who intend changing their resi dence, on tho coming first of April, will oblige us by sending us timely notico whefp'they want their papers directed to. Please stato whero you movo from os well as whero you movo to. A little earolnthbj respect will prevent mis takes and eavo trouble. WE'.wcro favored with a visit from W. II.)rncoby, Esq., and dipt. Brock way ,f( Columbia. Tho former was lato , cdltoif tho Star of the Forth nnd member of tho Legislature, tho latter Is tiioTablo and cllieiont editor of tho Colitmtliaii, ono of tho best conducted i papers in northern Pennsylvania. Zy comingiGazclle. No Couiit in Maiich. For tho ben- ' eflt of 'our readers wo publish tho fol lowing com muni, ation : MortriECAi Mn.T.Aiti), Esq., Sheriff, 5i.; Tho causes for which u .special' Oyer and Terminer was ordered to bo 1 held onitho ICth Inst., havirg been con tinued for cnuso. by agreement of coun sel, you.wlll pleaso notify tho jurors by publishing this notico tbnt they need not attend nt that timo. Yours, &c, MarGj'GO. Wm. Ei.wei.u, P. J. '('Vii have received tho first number bf ; HowVs'MusIcal Monthly, a journal do- votedto the Interests of tho musical Vworid.. -ttis well printed and contains, besides' numerous pieces, a selection of thojnost popular songs of tlio day. Wo ' commend it to tho lovers of music as a sourcoof much valuable information. Published by Ellas Howo, 103 Court St. 'i Boston, Mass., at thirty-flvo cents each. '.T'V , The DemocratlcStandlng Committco of Sullivan county iiavoappointed Hon 'i Geo. D?Jackson and C. O. Finch as Sen atorial' conferees, Instructed to confer i With tho conferees in other counties of tills Senatorial district, aud urge tho appointment of lion, diaries It. Buck- I alow as Senatorial dolegato to tho next , , Democratic Stato Convention. ' Thoy.havo also appointed Hon. Geo. i D. Jackson as represcntatl vo delcgato to 'I saldStaMpcmventloii. II" Iris a notlceablo fact that vulL'aritv. a drunkenncssnd jirofanlty aro on tho increaso Jnur midst, nnd, bo far as wo i can see, .tlicflfis not the slightest effort inftdo fQ.clHtk them. Only last Sabbath we so win broad daylight a couplo of ounrjfhen reoling through our streets, -"'nttorjiig curses and obscene expressions yiioo'diJbVo would suggest tn our chur- - 'chca,Und our missionary societies that o it might bo ns well to bestow a llttlo of , ( .their missionary influence nt home. Wo 'rbink tho souls of somo of tho plckanin ,'., les on t)io shores of Africa nrolifless .mm li'L'r II1UU IIIUSU Ul PUU1U ut II1U (10 1111 ouvilvra ill uui IIIIU31. - - "u?il k 1 f o "r'; e Republican begins n now volupio A 'ci week, aiul starts out with a new U '. jo and hciid-letter. While less clumsy jhan tho old ono, wo think thero is still oom for improvement, especially In ho mechanical part of the paper, which W'A ifnerallv too nalo to bo read. At tho eciiiw : V . : . . . .. .. ,mv Htoriai neaii appears a mint imitation ast HUM I.IMU C111U11.-1I1, 1VU JIIUSUIIIU U .ed ' i tnllM,) r.r Mtn mnnp 1 ti bltwliincn ui Id Ut ; tno Doctor wo wouiu suggest that It uer " 1 uld look hotter if it teas not unslde Hull He Pf iJ . . icy m iMlttnrtnl rnfiirA in u.4 na (vii tn STtll.lf.,.,. l indouU OIU. Ili.llll I, .UjUM "1 AlS til iripj our contemporary result ten years hence' c-)U iioorl!oloWir Ittrranmn wnu ivrlllon liv rt' W Tnli.i na It'lllOiril Mfni- lit.nli.n i.rvird tJft 1 Vo livo bocn ImttHuK" u.( and ofon to hotly contested battles with tho - -tar of (he North, and Democrat year c 'ago, K. V. Wynkoop &. Co. 's Spring term of school will communco April Mb. lit Tnnrr. A young boy named Ilagon biich, aged about eleven years, stolo a pocket book containing $11.01) n few days ago from n, young lady in thU plncc. To Fa um At J. II. Jlul.o'a Mammoth Grocery, you will find a largo stock of now cholco Mackcral which ho will exchaugo for side mcnt, slmuldeH and Hams, "or sell for cash. Edwaiid Uawlinob Is erecting a new building on tho comer of Iron and Third streets. The cellar Is already dug and tho work will bo pushed forward with nil possible .'peed. Iv you doslro to got tho very best Groceries, Dry Ooods, Quccnswnre, Ghisswnro, Ac, to bo found in this or adjoining Cotiutleri, by all means go to tho now store of Miller & Wolf. They keep nfullus-iortmcntof articles In their lino of biiKlness.and what Is more.cvery thlng Is as good rts represented. "Hutciieh" Clayton was placed In Jail Wednesday night by Constablo Evans for llolous conduct, and molest ing a colored family. Clark Willinms was also nrrcstcd on tho chnrgo of dis turbing a religious congregation. Wo know of a fow moro who should bear them company. Gr.onious Kkws. Wo aro happy to Inform our readers that David Lowcn berg has just returned from New York with a splendid assortment of Spring goods. All tho newest and best pat terns aro to bo found on his shelves. Uy nil means let thoso who deslro to bo well dressed call at oneo on Mr.Lowcn borg, and cxamiuo tho stock ut least. J. W. Cirr,MiiiiKi.iN, still astonishes tho citizens of the county by the admir ablo workmanship and quality of tlio clothing which ho furnishes. To thcto excellent qualities aro joined durability nnd cheapness. Certainly no man can ask moro than this. Ho is prepared to furnish tlio lntest-pattcrns in Spring goods, and promises perfect satisfaction. IIo has n lino stock of gentlemen's furnishing goods, shirts, collars, cravats Ac. A NatuuaIi Cuuiosity. Wo wero called on a fow days sinco by Mr. Cas per Frnntz, of this place, to witness a novel exhibition in thoshapoofa natu ral curiosity. It was a double headed lamb's head. It consisted of two faces, four eyes, and two ears. It was doubt less dead-born, aa tho head or heads had been severed from the body. It was presented to Mr. Franlz by some friend in Ncscopeck, whoso name we h'uvo forgotten, by whom It will doubt less bo preserved as a natural curiosity. Jlcncicl: Gazette. Some timo ago tlio Republican inado a grand parado over be appoint ment of John M'Anall in Post Master nt Berwick, and event which never oc curred. And now comes another bullo- tin from tho samo source, (victimizing nnotber of Berwick's citizens,) announc ing tlio appointment of Loroy Thomp son as Gnugcr of this Congressional District vice J. II. Furman removed. Mr. Furmnn, wo may stato is still in tho active exereisoof hisduties, nnd tlio niinouncementin tIio7iV;iMSic(iH,tbough on tho slate, Is premature. Pltoi'. J. B. Anduews, of Phtladel phla, is visiting this county for the jmrposo of teaching Ills now, fdiort and simplo methods of calculation. IIo teaches to add several columns nnd to multiply by several figures nt once with as much caso and accuracy as by the common methods. His rules for inter est, banking and partial payments nro 10 shortest and slmplnst over discov ered. His terms are moderate. Ho takes no fec3 i.i advance, and gives full satisfaction or makes no charge. A Visit, vjiom Editou.?. lion. W. II. Jacoby, and Capt. C. B. Brockway, m Columbia county, aro on a visit to this city and mado us n call in ourF-aue turn. Capt. Brockway, is tlio Editor of tho Columbian, ut Bloomsburg, tho only Democratic paper at tho County Seat of Columbia, aud It U an ably conducted and excellent journal. Mr. Jacoby, was a long timo connect ed with tho press of 'Columbia county, as tho editor of tho Star of the Forth, and since of tho Columbia Democrat. lo is an nctivo Democrat nnd has twice faithfully represented Columbia and Montour counties, in tho Stato Legisla turo. Mr. J. is now a retired editor, and wo wish him health and prosperity in tho future, us ho lias in tho past ren dered Ids people ami tho country good bcrvlco alike in tho counsels of State and upon tho battle-field. Isjcomina Standard, Hon. 0. It. Buckai.ew, U. S. Sena tor. This distinguished statesman is about putting aside tho Senatorial pur ple, with it "Sun" not totting hut at full meridian, quietly submitting to the overwhelming tide, that In and outside of his State, lias broken down tho "old- timo" defenses of "personal liberty,' bearing with him to Ids homo thochcer- liig faith that before many days have passed, tho receding waves will have left behind a honcful view of tho lonir nsabmcrged glories of his country. Tlio recent raid upon old "caucus' customs mado at Harrisburg, under tho nifsplcesof nsplrlng men, to obtain tlio foot-hold of n compliment at Mr. Bucl alew's expense, will prove tho "fabled shirt" to Its discourteous leader. Mr. Buckalow may afford to rest for a season, having during n boisterous term, exhibited a purity aud eleannee of stylo In bis forensic efforts in the Senate, nnd In all his varied offichi transactions sucli a matchless purity of character, that his admirers can nove fall to celebrate his official virtues, and his enemies (if any) will lack the cour age to deny. National neender. f Uaiuusuuuu, March 8 Governor Geary to.nltfht binned tlio deatli warrantn In tho cafecn of Georgo S. Twitehell, Jr.. for tho murder of Mr. Mary K. Illllt and Gerald Eaton for tho murder of Timothy Heeuan Thursday, April 8, U tho day assigned for tho double execution. Benator J-owry read In tho Senate to day a bill ratifying tho llfteenth amend merit to tho united Slate constitution which wa referred to tho Committco on Federal delations. SPECIAL NOTICES. BUCIITJ. From Dlspcnatory of (ho UiillodBtatc", DIOHMA CIIUNATA-HUCUU I.UAVKS. PimpKiiTit'i Their mlor I slromr. illirmlvo. ad somewhat nromatlc. their tanu bitterish, nnd ntmloRom to mint. iMEUirAI.l'KOl'KHTIKIANII USEM.--IIUCUU leave rn uentlv stimulant, with n tiocilllur tendency to tbu Urinary organs. They nro given In complaint of llio Urlnnry Organs, such as Uravel, Chronlo Catarrh or tbu llludder, Morbid Irritation of tho Madder nnil Urettia, Dlscaso ofllio Frotnto (Hand, and Ite tcnllonor Incontinence of Urine, from n Ion of onu in mo pans coiiccrncu in us Yuniiiriu. t'lie remedy lias also been recommended lu Dys icpslu, Chronic Hlicumalhm, cutaneous Altec- ions, aim iiropwy. llrt.MiuiMi'H KxtnAi-r ntrrmi 1 used bv oer- nonn from llio nc of itt to 25, mid from 111 to&'i,or in thoueciino or cnungo or lira s otter uounoo inent, nr Labor Pains ( lled-Weltlnt; In children. in tuiecuoiis pecuiiurio illumes, inu j-.xiruct ItiiL'hti It miedttuled bv nnv other reinedv. at In Clilorotli, ol Itetentfoti, Irrritulnrlty, Pululttl iicsHorHupprfvdon of Cmtoinary Kvacttatlotis, uiieruiou or rrnii 1011a maiu ui inu uieiuti, curarruea, or nut".. lrlseaseH of llio llltulder. lvlduevn. Gravel, and Dropsleat mvelltiiK This iiiedlcino Inereatos tho power of liiuL'Htion, and oxcltea llio Absor bent Into healthy action, by which tlio Watery or Calcareous Uepotdt louts and nil Unnatural Kn laruenientRnro luiluced, as welt as Pain and In llaiiiiuatloti. Hr.LhMnoMi's Hxlraet Iluclm lias cured every caso of Dlabelt'i In which It lias been kIvcii. Ir ritation of llio Neck, ol the Uladder, ntul 1 anam ination of 1 lie Kidneys, Ulceratlou of UiuKldneyH and llladdcr, llclenuou of Urine, lllsetiHes of thu roMiiio uiauu, aiono in ino, calculus, I ravel. Urlclt-llusL lleooHlt.and bluetts or Milk v lllscharircs. nml lor entt'eblednnd delicate con. HtltutloliH, orbollibcxus, ntteoikd with tho fol loulutc Hvmptotnsj ludlyposltlon to Kxertloii. loss Ol rower, jxiss ol .Memory, uiiiicuuy ol Hio.itlilnir.WeakNcrves.Treml)llinr. Horror ot Disease, Waketulness, JJlranessor VIkIoii, Pain In tho Hack, Hot Hands, l'luslilni; of tlio llody, Urvuess of IhoHklu. Uritntion on too f-'nee. lMtiLl CoiiiitLiiaiKC, Universal lasiltudoof the Muscu lar Hyitcm, A.C, jitiinooiu a i.xiract imcuu is iiuireiio mid lllood-l'urllyiiiir, and cures all Diseases uiIkiiik trom liablts of tllsslnatlon. excesses nnd itnniu. tlcnccn In life, Inpuritlesoflho ltlood, Ac.. hiiicr. bedlut; Copnlha 111 title cllons lur which it is used, Mich as Oouorrli.ea, Oicets ot lone; stulidli,iind Hyiilllllllc Atlectlous ill tlieso diseases, used lu comiection with Helmbold'K ltoso Wuvh. aold oy an iirutjgisisiiiHiiieaitrs eveiy Where, llcwaro of counterfeits. Ask for Heloiboid's. Tiilto no other, llco !1.2o bottle, or II tint. tlis lor tttJH). Dellvereil to any address. Dcscilba syuiptoiuH lu all coiumiiutciilous. iVddress HrT. HEf.MHOr.Il, Mil llroadway, N.V. NONI5 Alti; OKNUINi: UNLESS DONE UP IN Bteel-eiiKruved wruppir, wltli rue-blmllo or my Warelioiue, aud signed 11, 1. 1111..MUU1.U. Feb. 7,,C0-:m. LEGAL NOTICES. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN BANK MX. ItUlTOY. In llio District Court of tho Unl- u. Htaies lor tho western uisiriciorreiinsyivn lo.ln tlio matter of Wm. H.Sch1abacli.baukio it. 'o whom it mnv concern : The undersigned bet e- iv e;lves notico of hlsanoolutnientns ussicneGor wm. ii. iierwicw iior.iutiio couniv of Columbia, and Btato of Pennsylvu lla, who lias been mlJudKcd n bankrupt upon his own po tltlou,by tlio District Court of said District. j. ii. iiuiiiku:n, -Mar. 12,'C0-3t. Assignee. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN BANK ItUPTCY. In tho District Court of tlio Ulll- .'it Htaies lor mo western district or I'ensylvn la. In llio matter of Jehu II. Klecliuer. bank- runt. To whom It inav concern! llio under- sained lierebv otves notico of his iinnDllillnelit as nssiRlieo of John II. Klecliuer, of .Scott twp. lu llio county ot coiumoin. anu male oi utn.who has been ndlod'.cd a h.ihkrunt uuoii his own pennon, by tlio District t'outt ot said ills- iriet, j. ii. liiiuiuiN, Jlur. 12, 03-31. Asslsnee. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE tN BANK- JA ItUPTCV. In t.lo District fVmrt of tho I'nl .hi Mates lor llio W( siein lilstrlet or I'elinsytva la, In tlio matter of I.eoua.'d D. Itupe.l's, Kst.n aiil:lunt. To whom it mrv concern: T.ioundcr. Icaed ue.-c'ov cives notico of his moiolntnieut as ussrriieu ui j,coniru ii. i.u,eri, oi jiitiiiiu lownsilip.. in ino eolliliy oi loiuinuia anu .nuo ii I'CI usvivan H. w no n is oeeu uuuiuueo a iaua- llot lioou his own netltlon. bv llio Dist.'ict Court oi sam iiisinci. uaicu in iiiooiuMiu.K, uie mii IIVOI Jail., l.MU, U. 11. 11AUUI.C1, iuar. r, iii-ji. .hsis"ee. A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN IiANIv-xVltUl'rCY.-InlloIHstiIctCmrtor thn Unl- l Stide- lor tho Cfitern DMr et of lennsvlva la. In thn matter ol lltram Il.lhovvn. bankrunt. 'Jtiwtiom It m.ivconecin: TheundcrMunedliL'ii'- iv irlves notlcoof his nwmlnlmont asussi-jiiL-oof iiudiii ii. lirown, oi Miai lowiiKiiiji in uic eoun ly ofCnlunibln, and Stato ot Pennsylvania, who I1US ML't'll .IIIJIUU'IBU u iKiuurujn, upon I us twu vv- 1 1 1 1nn, by tin) District Couit ofsald Disttlet. M. W1I1T.MOYDH, Mar. I i 'till-r.t. Assignee. A UDITOH'S NOTICE' 'Ihu iindersluiii'd anno nteu bv tho Court of coiniiuui i iciiN, ho Aiimmr in uisuiuuu um hh ds iirilhslrniu me Miernra K.UOOI tlio l eal tnteof Joiiathiiii it, (loidner, among l lie lien jedltorM, will liu'nt the p titles lntelfsted at tho 'jothoiiotnrv 's ouien in llloinasonrir. on 1 hur Inv tho Sth dav of Amll 1M,'J at lUo'cloc k A.M. lor ino purpose oi ms iipiHuimnent. uim rj, uiiii.w.i, Mar.l2,l0.1t Auditor. A JLTDITOIt'S NOTICE. XjL i-siati: of jai-oii nimiii in:c'n. Tin Aud tor ai-rolnted bv tho Oin bans Com t f Columbhi eiainty to maUu ilisiribullon of (lie bnlaiKO In tho bttndsnl David I.oweilbi'ii; Km cii tor ot tbu hist will niiilTef inini'iit id Jacob JJirlil L.ti. iif IU.M.H1 lllll'IKlllll lit kOld I-.HIIltV 1 1 will iiiei't the nartles Intel e-sti'd. lor lliu I'tiinoiu of his anpoiiituient on KriiUy (bo Ititli day of Apul A. D.,, nt ten o'clock A M ut aw ollleo in iiiof.msuurg uoiumoia couniy rii. Mar..j,VJ-tt. W.O. Hurley, Auditor. A1 UDITOH'S NOTICE. FS TATE SILAS JACK.tON lfc(i:ASkD. l lie umieiHluiii'U uiipoliiu-d an audllur by tlio l (Hit t. IO OlMriOllIh Ilili IUI1U Ul nit' imiMiN in ah hi Lewis r Xicutftr oi .-oas jucamiii uer u ui unu inong the I.i gal re and h'g'J icpi lm ntailo-s ut ,ild 'lebtulor. will aiietui ai ins tnia-f in iuoon bum on atniday April 21 1'lAial loo cloil; a.M tn mltlll tbu duiies ol h a am-oliitm nt. nil i-i suns buiiiiir ui.v cliilmi ale reoulied to tuuHunt ino taiiu) m mo uuiuiurtir uu ut-iniirtu fruiu (.oinliig In on a.xui in tin. M-r. 5G3-IC. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. iisrATnoi kiikpkhu'k scui.i:i; ii:c'u. mi iiiMiiritiiiiiis i .mi i l ii r liiii vtiun iti iimni, a. In tho tnatterol the estate ofKirdrrick .srhleo lretiisL-d. The Auditor in. pointed hv the Court to nnilto distilbutlon ot thu balaucu in tho hands of Lew-Is Yelter. AdiulnlMnitor ol riei eilelr srblei' ib crtiHi'd. iiniomr Ihu credltorsut thut-ald nt iM ale, w in meel ino parties imercMeu mr ino HUPO'.O til 1IIH ll)ItMll(IIIVUV IMl rilUUllclJ, 7ib. A. 1. iNi'.t. nt 10 o'clock, p. lu.. at his Milieu hi llloomsburg, Columbia county, I'.i. v 1 1 I Ii! I Mil IIS 1111 VI I III l lill llln IIUUIllSL Llltl t'SlIIIil 111 II lntebv.ieiiiiiied lo nimii tliunt to tbuAudllor.or on iaiiuru lo prettem iiiukuiuu uu ntnivt-i uuinti itii irom coming in tor a snare oi uies.iui esiaie. Mar. 5,M-It. A UDITOH'S NOTICE. ll-sfATK Ob' ANIUtEW' LOI1UMAK JtC'KAhKJ). t n ih.t nuiluiii'CmirL for tho Count v ol I oloiiii bin In theiuatlrrol tho estate of And rewLohum'ti lalo ol Columbia co., l'a. Thu Audlturuppolut- 1 by tno uotiri to mauouisiiiiaujou oi inu uui !n-ti In ihohundsot Lewis Yetler AdmlnUtratui of Audicw Luhrtnau, deceased, among the creditors ot uiosaui intestate, win mrei tno par ties lnieiesied lor inu pur)ose ai his apioiui niMiit mi UriHlniKilfiv 11th iliiv (it Aorlt iiixt nt ten o'clock, u. m. ut hW Ollleo (llegister s) In ltloomstiurg, Columbia eounty, in. All iirrsons rlalms anal list tho estale nro nereuy rciiiircu u juvm-iu nirm m mu nuur lur. or mi lullnri tu nrrsL-nL tbu sal u u bo lorevel debarred Irom coming in forashaie ot thu mid estate. Mar.5 VJ-4t, J. O, riti;i:ZU Auditor. i DMINISTHATOH'S NOTICIC. r i at at ii or JACOIl KUHKUAt'H. DF.CKAsnn. Jailers oindiaiuiKiruiiun uu uiu t'tiaiufji jui'itu ltolubucli, lale of (jellnrova n j il e r County, cW'CL'usi'tl, havo lict-n Krtmtutl by llio UeKlsit'r oi Mttuiomitytiu ii.tiut-ii'.Hoiiriiuin ua mliilhtrntor. who rt'blde lu r'rnukllli tullt!hln. All norkons liuvlnir t-lulinii or detannds tiLriilnt HmMLld ij&laloiiio i roncKttl to mt'bent them fur HoOlonicul without dtlay, uiul tuoiti iudebted to l'uli, C'bH-et. Adiululatmlor, A DMINISTKATOIVS NOTICK. X rTATK OFAllltAHAM llltTTKltll ll. Ill.ll'll lLltirii ol ndlillnltitriitlon on tho tbtulo ol Abra hum Dlntteilfh Into ot LVntio two. Columbia Co. ill ivasttl. huvo been minted by llio Hi'uHter of said county io.ihaao liuovi-.K ot ri'imo township, Alt ) iThontt having i-iatiuii or ih-mandti ai;ahibt Ihot'htalo ot lllu (lt'ci.h'nt aro reiiU'btii i inaito uioni unoivn, unu iiioso in dibtLMl tpinaUo oayiuunt. IVb.lO.VJ-lit, AdiulnUlralor A UDITOUS NOTION. X UiTATKUK JOHN IIIKTlKltlClt DKCKASKI). 1 ho undoru itni-d apjiotntud an ordi-r to asoer- aiu oeum auaiiiKi huin iieieaMHi. aim tno itv di-blcdnosH ot tho liolrxortiaiu ueo d lo Mild de redehl: nnd to d Htrlhulo thu money III tlio hand! otJohull.and l&alull Dlelteiicu, Aduilniiltatuitt ol Mild di-eeitent:aud alsotliuinoni'V tu llietiiiuil of Ihtlliih Dietleileli t I whom tlio lull etdulo uhh a wauled by the court; lo llio I'lctUlom and heir, and letiul retieii-utatlvltHofiiald deceiueil. Will attend al thu IteuUicr'n utllcu In lllooiiisburu, on 'luchiiay iannaHU iMutai niuu o'l'iocica, 111,10 fultil thodlllh'fl of hl appointment. All lier.unH liavihK clultnti or demnliilu upon inu miiu boveiai iiuuniaioiieiDey reiuireii to piu teiit llielr claluiubetorohiild Audltoi.orlio lorover Uebarcd lur eoiulim In 011 Mild IiiihU, JUHM u, i-'Ulit.i;, Auditor, Ib, UBIIWItiv OAZETTHCOl'V.J QOhUJIUIA COUNTY, 8S: llio Com ninu wealth of l'eiilisvlvaufalo Nicho las Kludt.Miilhlas Kludt. Uarbnru Jung Into itar baia Kludt, Mary Kupn Into Mary Kindt, Adam iiour, Anna iviiuil, John lwluut,Llirisii.iu jvinut, tour, Atiun iviiuil, John lwluut,Llirisii.iu jvinut, Intou Kludt,Uurbiira Kindt, Henry Kindt Mar ;arel Kludt und Mary Kindt, havllla Werun, latilel Jlnilmau, Itegluu Holiinnii and l'rid. a 11 101 garel Ilatili ericka llolliuau Heirs ol Frederick UuUe late of said couuty,deceaed, und to all other persons luleiebltsl, MrmdnvVou'r hereby cited to bo und uppenr bifoio llio Judges of our Orphans' Court ul uu Or hum.' Court to be held ut Uluomsburg, on Ihu llrst Monday ofMuy next, then and I lino to ueeepl or rctuso to tuku the reul estate of said Fredelick Uuhe,deceasud,ut tliouppruUedvaluu t Ion .iUUKin It by the Imiuest duly uuurdedby tlio said courl, und leturuod by the Slurlit. And hereof lull not. WITNESS tho Honorutilu William Klwell, 1'resldeiit of uursuid court, tho 17thUuy or February A, D. onu thousand eight hundred and slxtyiilue, JKS3U COLUUAN, Clerk. I'cb. 9,'dO Ow, ' STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES ov Tin; COUNTY OF COLiUMlilA, FilOM JANOAHY 1st 18G4 TO JANUAIIY Ut 1WPJ. Tlio AikIUom rlprtcil tn ftpttlA nnd ndttmL thn mhllo nccnunUt of Citumbln county, retctriil iK it'ii vo 10 rptri. nint inoy nave cxnmumi o until a from tho first day of Jnminry A. IK Isca to tho fliat Ufty of Jnnuary A. 11.180 nod rcxpoct I u Uy Iny beforo llio lion. JutJgoH of tlin i ourt of (Join tno n rienK, of nld 'ounty.tlio iotloHliiit ntnletnont nnd report, nKrccnuly to tho 22iu Hec linn of tlio AcLnfUcuernlAM' mlily of tlilsCurn tnoii wealth MifjKcd tho fourth dav of Aurli A. I. 1)H. Jnn, 3 To nmount outRtnndlne for 1SC7 nnn pievious year. t C-NO Si Utiles liiteTrunsurcrjier Aud llors report. tush ol K, I'leniltiff for brick frottiC. House. " t.cwl better fornn cstrny Hold by Jon. llruch In Cut WlfMl two. 3100 7 1 00 1170 'cb. 12 Mar. '27 Apr. 10 fusil oriii'o. i;vnnt or nrmr crrck twp. for ItpcpltiK c. ro w coo SKIB CO 72!) 87 1772 Ul ITS I 32 IWI S3 I Wl Hi 0.03 1 m 12'lCO 13 7i 4 C 200 Mny2S M Ctuh or John r. fowler for Wiitue Hold Juno 8 " Aiiiiiunt ofrouuty laxnMc Bfd for Hbs Aug, " Ami'imt of county tax on rtiufu mm unneuieu tniiu lUlurnn Amount on Hond Inx " " School " l'oor A llcmntv" Stpt 7 "('nsh of 1, Huvuko for brhltfo I UNI HIT KltlM Oct, 2 " Cahof L. KhceinuUir TorC. llotiHoinmoer, 10 " Cashol Ueo, llvans II Creek for kecplnn O. Hult 22 " Cash ol J, H. Uroul for Court II oil so hrlolc mld 8 " Cash ut Ueo, ltelswick for C. llouso lumber nold 31 " CnshofM.K.Kycrly CHouvo morlur sold Wov. 10 " Ca-sh of 1. UnnuKst for " lumber for It. Church 12 1 1 00 Dec. II ' Oadiof.Iuo.Hlcrner2bus.hnlr iromc. iioue. " Cali of T.J. Morrlflold bridge plank " Cash of J. C. Iluttor for C. Houko lumber plank Cash of B. &U. 8. land tax Rlnce Aug. last " Cash paid ners loraRsesslng doR taxforlKOS " Cash of C. (. Barkley Inst. on note foray earH , ' 11. Ilrtrton fori hhd, llmo and one hhl, calclno plaster from C. Uouko " Cash of Wm, Neal for CMIouso Mortar Ac ' Cash of M. Millard Rhrir.Jall expenses Irom O.Dowen " Cash of II. O. llower for 2,000 C. IIoufo lath " Cash of J, Il.IIarman forlot at second hand lumber used for repalrlngthedoublo Ilrldgo below IHoom " Cash of Ten day uss't. for tho year 1MM ' Cash of outstanding balanco Cash of Sundry taxes 1 CO I I 20 81 DO 4 00 1 20 21 60 33 GO 0 00 730 on. By Amount outstanding and uncollect- 81 00 " Kxonerutlousnllowcdcollec ors " Comm'rK allowed collectors M Tax lcfundul to M. C. Kel ler collector Orangotwit. IWi County orders redeem tU Commlbslon to Trca, on SI, 4VI 02 at 4 per cent " llallauco due .Kl li 721 II 1 27 210.11 2S 0T.S 21 1W1 1.7 11310 01 JAroil YOIlr. Jr. Treasurer of Columbia county 111 Acct. with Tux oil do!"t, Jin. Tn nmnnlit nnlhtniidtnirlor lS67nlld pre vious yearn i'i ' Abscshed lortho year im ISO) m I1C70 00 CH. Uy nmount outslmullng und uncollect. en lor inw 111111 pieviou yfui " KxotieratlousaUowedcollec lori " Commission allowed col'm " Sheep ordels redeemed ' Cash patil assessors forasK. doKtax " Tleas, Com. on G25 30 t CO 31 71 ITS IS 110 31 24 1070 00 statement Slum Im? the nmount of couniy and ftiurTnx nssessiil for isfs. Ill each District In the eounty with tlio namis of tho colltctors and thu 11.1UUICO uue irom eaen. District OMfcOtrit names Oi. J! (1 Cb, tlur, 11 loom J, lu Kurman 1173 07 l.Vii 2J Itenloii Samuel Amileman lilS 4 t n.crtcic Joiiu ii.smtiii nam 3.U r. Heaver Allen Alalin .V)i 33 Isl at IlerwicUUor .In hies Jacoby 3S.1 Nl 1110 M 1 VII Kil 177 12 mm 00 C0.1 12 Ull 37 1 1 Mi 03 ki: n 2il Ul 057 53 -Ml 00 0.1U 53 soil US 11 Ui 01 UIO 2.1 2lj0 2S 371 35 2 IS 112 13SJ 23 II. CutawtsMi .loim V. lloilliio Centro II, 1). Knorr Coliyil"halil l. T. M'Ktelian Cenirallallrrat, Klllecn 1'JJ 30 211 II 110 II 2iii n: raukllli JaenDKliltlle 100 IH 270 21 2(10 SI 3s7 :h !. Creeic Thos. J. Hutchison (Ireenwood Jacob H. Kvans Hemlock Iaac lldy Jaclcson .vilclinel llemiy Ctirlsil'in Kiimll 1). II. l'edcroll James KKiier 1'. J. lleinlmch 33 IS Locust 411 47 Mninn 101 21 Mii'llson 201 S7 r2 11 Montour Mt lMeasant Tin J. Wcittver !sl 00 23lS '.U .Mllllln Orange l'lno It. Creek Heulien Hellas .lacoli Ijoiiir N ilriosbach .1, 11, Frit J.Terwlllger 311 27.S 01 Hiik tr Loaf Scott 113 I 470 SI S2.JI1U Ul (7201 43 DeductlOdaysusscssluentol lus 11 11 Tax asscsseil for UGS SilJOJ 30 Dhtiut Illoom llenton II. Creek CoUeciirs mimes Duy Assl lhfj tltte J. II. 1'uraiaii M ( 20 01 namuei jvppiemaii ot ji John ll.smllh 0130 Allen Mann 03 30 30 31 30 Heaver 3.1 50 llerwlck llor James Jacoby 2-1 31 Catawlssa John V. llodluo 00 CO Centru H.I). Knorr til 50 ConyiiKliam 1J. T. M'Kleinaii 30 00 CenlraTlallor Pat, Kllleell 0 CO Franklin Jacob Knltllo 30 51) K. creeTE Thos. J, Huelilbou i ul lliecnwood Jacob s. i-Jvaus fcO CO 2.1 II Ul 2 30 00 0 CO ::s co 0. Hemlock Isaac iidy 40 Co 10 co 00 Jacksoti Michael llciuly Jl 10 I.iKUst Clirlstlali Small 110 50 Maluo 1). 11. 1'ederoll' 3100 MadKon James Kistier 0J 00 M ihtour 1". J. Ilelinbacll 41 0J Mt. I'leas.iutThos I. Welllvcr 13 00 Mllllln 1". J. I-imlz Ci) ttl Oialigo lletlben Hellas 4J 5') I'ino Jacob Iing 41 00 It. Lltek N, Dtcisbach 2(1 30 sunar J.oaf J. It. Jrllz 61 CO Buott J.'icrwlllger 30 00 SO 50 31 50 21 00 21 10 ai 00 3S 00 20 3J 30 CO 21 CO 21 0U 1300 50 COO 01 The following is tho nmount of County nnd Ui tax duo lor 1S07 and previous 5 eras, Oi due. Ioij iliic. H11u1rIu.1ri.sOI John W. Kilo nolo 21 uo KlslitnccreeklMljJolin Kulton 5 3S Madison IMli Jacob liechtcl ileavtr 1100 John llliiderlidcr C7 30 licutun " saniuel Appleman Hi 17 Celitralln" Win. 11. llelubold 11 10 CoiiyiiKham U0J " " 20 07 Heiuluck " IIukIi A. 13 13 .Madison " .lacoli llcchlel 171 30 Catawihsa 1S07 1'. O. Canipbell 3U 7S 1-'. Crock Joseph Coleman 40 12 Hemlock ' Daniel Neyhart 47 52 (i a 30 s 70 5 00 20 co 10 3i 31 50 11 00 0 30 000 01 S1.U2 07 7201 4i Duo fiom IsOS SSJll 42 (710 07 AUDITOKS' AND CLUIIK'S PAY. lly amouut paid auditors onl Clerk " C. v. Miller auditinx l'rothonotary aud KcgUter'a account ASSliSSOB'S I'AY, RonrlnEcrcelc township Jackson sugarloaf Fislilutfcieck llenlou " Montour " Hemlock " Scott " (Ireeuuood " Mt. J'lcabiillt " Centro ' Franklin " Caliiwissa Orango " Madlbon ' l'lno " Coiiyugliam " Maiiio 4 Heaver " tM W 11 00 (71 0 li 25 10 2i 21 2i SI 23 Is 110 11 2,1 2.) 2i 2i 2i 21 2i IS 23 21 2i ?, ' 22 21 21 2i M l.l 211 23 15 Ul 18 75 31 IO Si 00 27 23 25 Ml Illoom Ceulralln Iicust .Mllllln Hrlarcreek llerwlck llor. Iwp, llor. till) 50 200 10 intiDUi: coNTUAirw, lly amount bal pnld Peter HwankonCouu ty lino between Columbia and Montour lly amt, paid (leo, W.West, superintend. Inu tho work of tho above bridge lly ntnt, paid Wm A. Kilo, bridge In Sugarloiif lly ami, imld Daniel M'llenry bridge lu Flsuiugi reek 25 00 CiO 00 211 2ll UHIDUK ItrU'AliUS. liyamt. paid Is A.Clcrman, lor Lumber Jouas Fuhrluger repalis Cster fuinacodirlwlgo lly ami. paid l'lullp llarlinau plunk lum- iH-raud repairs lly amt. paid David Suvugo lumber Iron, und labia Uy unit, paid Win. It. Demott for plank " ' ltudolph hhiimau repair at Maluvlllo 202 S) 320 M 1277 77 Ii 20 Uy nint, paid J , W. l ieu plank nnd repair at Hrlarcreek Uy unit, paid C. II. While plank for lirldga Suudry persons 12 00 III 1,0 01 h'2 (21.17 on IILANIC 1IOOICH, Uy ami, imld for blank deed hooks for Itccoriler uud Assess tiooku tax duplicates uud sheep or der books COUNTY HUII.DINU'3. lly mill, peld fur repairs in nnd about th 9 Jail during the ear 137 30 210 00 CLEANING COUUT I10U8F. lly aint. paid Sundry rson for clean lug Court ilouku during )eur COMSIIIUIONEH'H ATTOUNEY. lly amt, paid U II. Little Attorney COUIIT CHIEIl. Uy unit, paid Moses Cotfman Crier for the year CONftTAllI.K ItCTUUS. Uy amouut paid thu several Constables during llio year COMMONWEALTH COSM. Uy amount paid Humiry persons 73 00 17 0 'M miiMikmoNilita ANll CI.Kltlt. lly ami, pnld John '. Fowler lor eApens s In lifddtm anoenl, In thn county 31 00 321 00 liyamt. paid Montieoniery Cole tin I lint red In holding appeal. throiwh eniinlv M (fl 02 00 lly mat, paid David Yeaeer 11 " ' " exlienHCK hold Im? anneals 13 10 30 t lly nint, pnld Win, (I. (tulck f Wot. Krr.,1iom t'terlt In Corns. (1711 00 ion m 221 K0 1312 22 129 75 673 10 189 00 280 00 12120 201 02 COttltT llfllISM I'.XTKNMIIIN. lly ntul, imld J. It.tlroulfor brick at kiln ' " " Hotiitre iti.rMimu lur , njil loir and lion ill Miults and for win dow vretutits lly fttnt. paid Wolftt Uarton lnrcarpen terworkmid material ruriitshuj Uy ntnt. imld Leldy ct Kegly carpenter Ii lly amt. paid for vault doom nuil win dows and putting lhem In lly ami. paid M. Wagner for Hlilckslilif ny stonu lly ntnt, imld M, Coirmau for cellar and nrd wall nlono lly ntnt. paid (loo. it Johnllcoute fur flat; stone lly ami, paid Sloyer A Samuels fordress. 111K nuicitsnniuy mono nnn Kll irill'llllllf nicies lly ntnt. pnldsuiidry pcrsonsfordlitutnu cellar and putting up cellar will I lly ntnt. patd Sundry persons for putting in, mica uui a, inning uown gn bin end ofold Imiisuttc 7S0OI 373 10 300 52 1219 70 313 00 211 08 ISO 81 255 30 15S 02 lly unit, paid Sundry persons for sand anu wiuei uuu iiauiunc oricic sand and stonu from ilenot lly amt. paid Sundry ticrsoiis plastering C. Houso making mortar Ao liyamt. patdsutidry persons for lumber nans nun material mru, llouso Ity nun, paid sundry persons for labor uooiiLi;. iiouso.puuingup wan at vard. liaullmr dirt ,to llyntut. p.ld Sundry larsons for llmo liatrcltj lltuoand calclno plaster fly nint. paid Moyu A llros,nnd Hcnder shot for tmlnts oil putty Ac lly nml, paid A. M.ltu pert for lour healers " .. it iwii"gcr lor paininij u. llouso lly amt. nsld Jacb MeU for spouting C. llouso 00 (10 lly ainu jiald J. II. urnul on account of Kcnrrtii superiiiicuueuco 01 1., House extension DISTllICT ATTOIINKY. Uy ..n 't pnld M. M. Trnugh. l. li. iiieier. i) to (131 IJ ui.Eono.v r.xi'ENrtES. Uy nm't paid tundry persdus, sprlngelcc- IIOOS, 9CI1 -I ain't paid general elections. 4'Ji 75 ' rresidcutlal election. 310 03 (1210 00 FUEL. ' nm't pnid sundry persons for coal for Court llousu and Jail. 100 OS FOX AND WILD CAT HCAI.IU. ' um't paid sundry persons (101 00 INllUESTS. nm't paid l.ei Is Yetlcr on the body of A. stok e r of Catawlssa. 810 02 ' am'tpald J,ll, Haiiuau,on bodyofE. Mcllcnty, Fis'ilngcreek. 10 02 ' ain't paid Lew , i ctter, 011 the body of Joseph Shay, 'alawls a. 10 87 ' nm't imld James Keaily, on body of A. iV. Ken, Ceutralla llorough. 10 12 ' nm't pnld W. .si. Hongland.on body or Wm. Jones, Couyngbam, 10 12 IN8U11ANCE. ' nm't paid T.tcnmlng lusuranco Com. (30 :.0 1 " V. 't 111 to (151 30 INCILI.NTAL EXl'ENSF.J. " ain't 1 paid Mbuylklll county for board- IllL- 1 luieo p'-isouers. CU 75 100 00 0 00 31 20 ' nm't paid sliult and Mnstellcr for tho arrestot mnndusschert, lewnni. " nm't paid 'Minis Kealy for tratiscrlpts lu thu t'eutlalta ,ollco suits. M ai'i't paid sundry persons luclilental expenses about house. " ain't paid W.F.Murphy ,t Sons ror hop ples r.nd liiind culls lor Jail. (102 Nl JlTltOHM' WAGES AND MILEAGE. 1 ain't paldjiirm'sduiingtheyenrisofl. 82072 0.1 JUItY CO.MMISMIONEHS. ilii'l laid l'.Usha Haymati. 'lhos.J. Welllvcr. IS 52 17 CO (.10 04 MEDICAL HEIIVICE.'l paid Dr. J. ('. ltutter, attendanco 011 prlsouiis. (11 to I'ltllTIIUNATAllY. ' um'tpiild Jcsso Coteniau, I'rothonat'y. 812 Ii POSTAGE. ' ain't paid .1. II, l'urscll, )'. M. I'UINrlNO. 1 ain't paid W. II. Jacoby, priming. l'oor Hmise clecllou law. ' um'l pAid J. s. s.iudels, tirlutlue. l'oor llouso chctlon law. 1 nm't paid l'.Joliu, printing, l'oor llousu election law, ' aui'ipald C. 11. llrockwuy, piiutitig, SS 00 (102 IO IMI 50 (102 tm co mi 1 2) CO on (102 40 60 00 l'oor House elcctloi law. (Oil li 1'ENITENTIAKY. ' um't 1 aid E. S. Toultenliary.suiUHiit- lugcouvlcts. 271 40 1 nm't paid state I.umille Hospital lor the support ot Cullulltio Milt. IM 30 3') ISJ (47S 70 ltOAI) AND HltlDOE VIEWS. ' ain't paid sundry persons as viewers. 5222 00 ltOAI) DAMAGES. " uiu't paid W. 11. Freas, Urlnrcieck twp. (10 0) " ain't paid Samuel Kuowlloli, Uiooiii twp., fall slut. HViOo " Jacob Ewuis, Ulnom, Ctli sfiect. 50 00 ' ain't imld Mls.Mueker. Klslilnticiei k. 25 0(1 " " E. It. Ikeli rilloom.Miuk't st. 2.5.1 00 .1. iicuiicrsuoii. ' --i'i 01 " " John Applelilan, ireuilock. .'til 00 " Albert Hunter, I'llle twp. " " 1 Hiigeubuch, Hloom, Cllist. " " 11. . I. Waller, " " ricdcrlck Hcuglc.Mt. l'lcas ant twp. " ain't p.tld S. and 11. Koiuwald, Illoom, 4111 street, ' am't paid Samuel Jacoby, Illoom. " " iVlil. Y, Mai'sliall, Hemlock, " " Cyius Heller,llilillisk. ' " W in. Molguti, Illoom, 5lh St. " E. II. Little, J, M. Chcmber- liit, Esiirs., and sundry pcisons lorex-pi-i.scs incurred In letnousirauces on 1 -iid duiniigo in t'tntie, Illoom ami . ucreck townships. iNj uo IM II) 100 00 75 Wl NO 00 150 0O 50 00 21 01 00 00 31 50 (Al.) MIElllFF'B DILU ' um't imid M. Millard lur bualdlii lirls- oneib during Ihe ear. (702 i2 ' am't paid ,1. .illllalil lorionveyiug j), siiiierand Win, lleuvcr lo E. S. 1'cll Iti Hilary, uud uliomas Doeblcr to llousu ol Eetugc, 1m ' uiu't laid M. Mllhud for conveying Geoigo lteuucr to llousu of itcfugc. 7i ailEl.l DAMAGE. " Illoom low ushlp. " ltit.ircreck " " lle.lNer " lleutor " " Lcntru " ' 1'r.inklln " " l-'lshlugcirc'k " " llreoiiMood " ' Hemtoclk ' " Locust Alt. I'lcasaut ' " Mllllln, " Mulno " ' Moiilour ' " Madison " Orango ' "silguilonf " " ltoailiigeieek " lllM'AVUH. M uiu't paid at ihu sevcuil cum Is. UO 30 TEACIIEI'.S COU.NTV INSTU'UTE. " um't paid C. (J. Ilnrkley, CotintySuper- luteiidei .,.ts per b.llieudtrcdlorsauio!110 32 EEOISTIIATION LAW. " nm't paid uascssois and for blanks, 103 30 STATIONEItY. " nm't paid lor paper Ac. fur courl, CO 23 STATE ItOADS. " nm't pnld John J. Miles', view In Co. lllliibuuud l.uci no counties, 10 U'l TAXES IIEFUNDED, ' nm't of, school, poor nnd bounty taxes liluuilLU to inu several town ships, and litteiiiptlon refunded. " nm't ot County orders Issued In IsGs, " ' Sjhocp oulers Issued lu lhos, 14 Wholoum'tof orders Issued lu IsCs, "deduct am't taxes letuiidcil In twps. " aluslieepoiders Isitlcd (C7CW 51 Expenses for Ihu year. IsO-l STATEMENT OF I 0(1 TAX, am't S. orjers uniedecmed for 1807, " ' " uw, Total uiirtHleeuicd f"r ls07 A ISGS Dcduci tax uuoulU'Cted S2Vs'll 50 107 51 t75 25 JI3I2 73 813 Ol Exces of Sheep pamago over said mud for said yeurs 1102 78 STATEMENT OF COUNTY OHDEIts. A inoiint Issued forthejearlsOS 3177113 udeeuud S04 203.11 Sd Deduct old orders redeemed 41 00 Ulvts ain't new oideis rcdteiutd Dt-duct new orders redeemed fioin am't Issued lu 1M4 gives um't now orders uuredemed Add nm't unredeemed for ISWH view ordeiM is tx Total tinredc emcd for 1M7 & lbC3 fim U Wo tho utiderslgued auditors of Columbia county being duly elected lo adjust and settle the lU'CouuWuf llie'lrcusurernud Commissioners do hereby certlly Ihitt wo met ut the ollleo of the Commissioners lu ltloomsburg. undcurefully ex amined the accounts anil vouchers of the samo irom thu Ut of J.ui A.l.W;s,Ut of JuiilMM and Uud them correct ns set forth lu the foiegolug st ttu luentundwellud n bulaucuduo Cuiumbtu eouii ty of one thousand tlx hundred ami nluetytwo dollars and sixty-, even eeuts.d KJr.'oTJfiom Jucob Yoho Jr. Trebsuicr of said couuty. Ulveii under ourhaudsthls sixth day or Jauua ry oue thousund eight hundred und stxiynlue, John V. Hunnou, ) County Jacob HurrU, V Auditors. A.J Alherlsoli, I Atttiit Win, Kricktmum, Wo tneunderslumHl. (ommlksloneru ol iihim Pi i re f.u 'o hereby eei I lly lliut Hie fiiei;olii Is it cor tatemviit iirtliuuecounts ofthosaUltViimy oynir I sin. V COLE, ii-.viii yi:aui:u, WILLIAM 11. Ollll'K'. 1 ia Coinnr.'s, 41 WWl KUU'UIIAUU, CU, MERCHANDISE, JKW BTO0IC OF CLOTIIINO. Fresh arrival of FAU, AND WINTT.ll ttl)om. WAV11) I.OWF..V11KIU1 Invite, attention lo Ills Block of CIIKAl'ANI)FA81I10NAni.KC1.0TIIlN(J. at lils storo on Main Hired, Iwoit oom aliovo the Atm iicjitt llotlq,, nioomsbttrg, l1i., wlicro ho Iim Just received from New York aud riillndelphlii n full asiortment of MEN AND UOYB CLOTHINd, Including the most fuslilenahle, durable, aud liaudsoino Ditnas ooods, consisting of uox, hack, uoca, OUM, AN!) OIL-OI.OT1I COATS AND l'ANTS. of nil sorts, sizes nndeolors. He lins nlso replen ished Ills already largo stock of FALL AND WINTKIt BHAWLH, BTHII'IID, FIOUItUD, AND 1'LAIN VliSTS, 81IIHTS, CItAVATH, STOCKS, ail.LAIlrt, HANDKnitCHIUFH. ar)Vl, SUHl'F.NDHIW, AND FANCY AKT1CLUH He nas constantly 011 hand a largo and welUse ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VUST1NOS, which he Is prepared to mnko to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCIILNS AND JEWELUY, of overy description, flnoaud cheap. Ills enseerf Jewelry Is notsiirpasscd.In thls;place. Cull uul examine his general assortmcn of . CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELUY, AC. DAVID LOWENUUno. OTIIE3 BY MACHINKHY. I'hc ho undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the public, to his new nnd Approved method of making clothea by n system based upon mathematical principles, which renders It Imposslbleto bo otherwise than perfectly accurate IIo claims for this method the following ad vantages. FIIIST. Perfect nccuracy. SECOND. A saving of two thirds of the time usually tak en lo cut out tho cloth. THIRD, Ability to measure nny flguro so ns to lnstiro a gCKHl lit, FOUKTII. That It does awny wllh tho necessity of being measuied more than once, as often Is (he case, from the misapprehension or mlbtnke of t mcasuier. Ho would urge tliepnbllc togUc It a trlahas 1. Is satlslled that it will glvo perfect satisfaction. Ho will be happy to exhibit nnd explain Its work ing ntuuy time tn vlsltois. , J. W. CHEMHEULIN March 20, ISGS. Main .St., below Market, ijJEllOII ANDISE. NOTICE IS HE EUY GIVEN To my ftleuds uud tho public generally, thut all kludsor DItY OOODS, GKOCEHIES, QUEENSWAUli, NOTIONS, AC, nro coustautly ou hand and for sale AT ItAIlTON'S OLD 8T4ND, Uloovsuuko, ny JAMIW K. EYEll. ri'Also, Sole Agent for Elms' riiosniATK of imf. Ijirt'o lot conslanlly on hand. febS'OT. A$TN0 0 GKEENUACK Of lull vnluo sent fiuc to ny IUo!c Agent Ar.ENTH WANTKIl Iflll MAlTIinW HALU8MITH,HNKH' I IO0 If; ".-Miiishliie nml Hhnitow lu New Ynik." A WfUtK HKl'I-im: WITH ANKCIlOrES, incidknts OF MKi: IN TIIK GUKAT MKTItOPOLIS, HKiN(i A MlUKOll OF Ni:V YOIIK, keklpct- inu tiik SKCUKTH OF THE GltKAT CITY. Ono Agent Rold 80 in ono day, another sohl nnd tielivereil VJ7 lnl5itnyH,nnotliuraui In 7 duys. No book ever puullstieil that hells m rnpldly. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW HOW KOUTUNI-S AIU'j lAlli; JAJST A DAY; How Shrewd Men arc ruined In Vnl Street; how (JsiuntrynuMi nro windled by siKirneis; lint .umnirnitiiu naUIUUIiaiirU lllUUHIIUlllLHl how Oiinco II.aIU nrnl Coneort Hnloons nm Mum uged; how CJninbllng Houses and lotteries aro t-oiiUuett'd; how Stock Companies Orlgluato ami iiuw me imuuifH isursi, ac, reno in is wont, ji tells you about tho mysteries of Now York, and contains hvlvy llko Bk etches of Its noteil inll- Munalres, ineichiints. tto, A largo Oetuvo Vol uine.TJU pages, Finely Illustrated. Tho l.tigest co-nmUsfon given. Ourai page circular and n t.),'u heni ueoouappiicaiion. tor mil Ii.iruuuiiws mm leriusauorestiuohoio puoiiHmjrs, J. II, llUItlt A CO., Hurtford Conn. Feb. VGS.-.-ino. JVTEW ErPIItE 1 CHINK. SEWING MA LOCKSTITCH. mxKivni) Tin: fiiwt rmzK at this (IKK AT KAItt OK THE AMKHICAN INTIIUTE, In Now York, Oct. 27, 18G7. And holiest Premium for Ueht Munufactmiug Muchliiout I'urls KxpoMtlon, July, 1m7. WHY IS IT THE BEST? It runs over Mams nil right. It will take fifty st Itch us to tho Inch liner than any otlur machine, ir wiLhsKW IIKAVIKIt AND 'I1IICK.EK GOOUS 1HAN ANY UT1IKU MACHINE. It uses any and every kind of thread. Il sowh Matched goods us well nsuiistuuhed It Seuhtho Most Dellwite, Thin, Soft fabric, without druwlug. HHewsuhias fc-cum as well as any otlu-t, AgeitU Wanled. IJheial discount glen. UMI'IIti; SIEVING MACIIINH COMPANY, VJl IJowery, New York. KVKIIY MACHINE WAUKAMEH, Feh. 5,b!l3iiiOt BAUGIPS HAW iiOXEJ UVEU I'Ht t-l'HATK OK LIME. KTANDAtlD WAItJlANTEI), Wi-. oirer to FAitunts aud Dealkus tu Ma mires the present season our Itaw ltoue Super Thosphateof Lime us being highly iitpiovd. It lr. not neccsMiry nt this day, to argue tho claims of this manure, as n useful and economic nl application fortOItN, OATS, and ull (.pilng crops. Theuitlclohusa reputation of over fif teen jtai s standing, aud U a till manufactured by proprietors. Farmers will please stud their ouleis to tlio Dtaki' i his only wlllonsuro iihupply, IIAUOH & fcONS. fcOI.K M AMI FACT UHEIt', i UU c No. 130 South Delawnro Ave. . ln,rn- l'HILADICLriUA. Fob.9,'ti9-?mo. QAKIUAGE MANUEACTOHY, i:l(M)insbqrg, l'a. M. L SLOAN A UHOTIIKU the wum-Ksors of WILLIAM SLOAN t SUN continue the bufcluesa of making cAKitiAuus, nuuau, and every style of FANCY WAOONS, which they have constantly on baud to sullcit lomers. Never using nny matoilal but tho Ust uud employing the most experlcuud woikiueu they hope lo continue as heretofore to give entire satisfaction to every customer. An inspection f their work, aud of tho reusonnblo price asked tor he tiitiiiu, Is sure to Insure a sate. ZUItHNU, lAJurcairuiuu ii.uiHu.j JOK Till! I.AUNlllt. It Is warranlt'il not tostrouk,nr liiunyinaiiiicr liijuru iliu iliifst ftilirlcj,. 1(111 1'A.MII.V ITKM Kul.l hi FIVK cnuts. TUN cunts, ami '1 WKNTY coins hoxe g. Iui( Ii 'i'WhNTVoriitsbux.lHslcics ImvlniiKIVK TIMl'lH us iiuilIi blue as lliu FlVKct'llts Ihjixuii- t&uts a pucKd pin rtibiiiaii tir emery imi;, l-'or llultl anil lurcu ljinudrv usu. Ills nut un ill S t Ui boxes. "w unit Lucu llux 1ms iirnpiT Tuulu Mark, l'lir mluljy H II .Mll.I.Kll J. bll.S. lllounikburts l'a. I'Yb. I'ui-Sinu, IlKNUV WOI.K, K. C. 11AUTON. (Hucccssora to H. C. Hhlvo.) HMIE A. Lease BUIJSCHIIJEHS HAVING used lh PlatiliiLT Mill uud Murbinii Klinn loiuieriy tH'cupieu ny n. u. isiuve, win couimitM the business of luuu'ifucturlng 1)00 HH, HA&U, BLINDS, MOULDING , Brackets ttc. We aro also ti enured to furnish dressed tloorlng, Khtughsnnd all other lumber required In the mnstiucllou of buildings. All kinds of turning done nt short notice. Bills for joist ami oiner irame siuu until witn prompl uess uud cure. uruers resptuuny soiictieti. April 17,'W WOLF & 1UUTON, "7 O H S A L E. .v vniuame properiy- a LTfU'crv ul nnd. )iiniui lot and stuble attached, Including about two noes of ground with u coal wuaifulong thocuiml of about i'O feet. The wholu property with tho stttck ul present on hand wlilbesoldutureasoua bleiuhe. Possession gUeu the lsttuy of April .. ," nn - A JACOIIV, l'ort Noblo I'll. IVb, 0, 69.31, DRUGS & MEDICINES JjOOK, HEAD, AND LEAltN, THAT THE Great Slioshonccsi llcmcdyl Or THK CELM1RATKD INDIAN Dlt. LEWIS JOSllEl'HUS, nl tho distinguished Tribeoffihoshonces, Colum bia Territory Is now 10,' wlo In the Union. Tills nil iHjssessln'jKrctil lemedy, Is warranted nnd In broad nnd emph.iiio I, ugungc, we can safely ny, may bn relied noon ,u innko it liermn nentcuroofall discuses 01 t.ia 'llironl, Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Dlsestlve 0i2ins. etc.. As well 11s scrofula, thu vnriousskiu diseases. Humors, nnd ull Impurity of the blood, excepting llio third stngoor Consumption. In Canada where this grw t remedy litis been In use lor n chort lime It lins.ludecd effected somo of tho most marve'ou cures ever recorded lu thonnnnlsof I10 lorlcul Medicine, Such being thoense In ndd.llo.i to Its foiincr renown in Col umbln Territory wo do.y lii'innnlty In dispute tho ract that tills O.eet ShoOinoees ltcmedy, Is tho remedy or remedies of llio lotti Century. nd the greatest boon cer lu 1 Ok onllarof kufl'er Ing humauby. l'rlco of thu Ilemci'y I lnrgo plot l.SI.W. Manuriiclurtil by Di, Voting & Uios., at Byrn euse, N, Y. For sale by all dealers In Medicine. Tho flrent ShoRhonces Itemedy of Dr. Josephus, Columbia Territory which Iikh nlso been manu factured In Canada, Is noi for tho first me in tho Union, being manufactured by Dr. Young a Ilro., Syracuse, N. Y, Wonderful cure of Consumption by tho Great Shoshonccs ltcmedy. Wilson Storms.mako oil!i nutt tv.t feel anxious to Ut you know whnttheU.eulhoAhoui'bsItein cdy has ellectetl for inc. Mt .i"o was allllcted with consumption, uu died. 1 was nlso nticted with tho same disease Pud nfle. her depth, I con tinued sinking Just ashe hnddouc. I had very Bevero night sweats, louhed ncuily all nhtht nnd every uUht,corhl not tslec i unles-in Jltllo toward morning; I niUed oer it ijimit of matter every 21 hours, nad scvtie jmln lu tho lelt lung, ect.tetc.,nnd w us greatly ebllltnled;iu tact x was going us fast as I could, I wivh tnkl.ig medicine i rum b regular pnyhiciim, um u uui 1101 oeu ic liovo my cough. I went bj tho vllliuo ore ' ny about ii quarter of a mtle, which ltxk mo to go n.ld come, nbout two hour wit lu llu-re I miw hqulro Wellington, nnu happened to say to him, "i wish you cuiiiii givu me sonieiiung to rcucu Inv coumIi." Ho said "theto is n (Jreut Indian KemcdyJuftt Introduced Dr. lUiker has it for bale, and I bellova it will euro you., nnu orougni u uoitio uoiub with me, took u teav.poontul at one, which 1 lelt through my wholosyslein. At night iUAble Kpooulul.und lested well at night end coutluucd to iesi neii every uiut. ino cuugn, mgiit swcatK, raising of Matter, pain in tho lung, etc.. grauimuy icil me, aim i "oi nonriy nnu stuuig. i took only three hot lb h, um not tidtlng it now and I am an hearty and as well us I ever was In my life. My fclsleMn-htw was with mo for n while, who was allllcted with liver comnlalnt. Hho has taken tho remedy and is well, Ttis cer tllicatoyou may show tho world if you please. WILSON STOHMS, Brighton, C. W. Kworn before usnt Itrlghtou, C, mis iu uay or August, juhi. J. H. YOUNO. J.P., Ueovc. 1. M. WELLINGTON, J, I'. John F. Henry .(Successor to Dcmns Harness Co. xvow iorK. wuoiesaiu ngeni. For Balo by nil tho Druggists lu Hloomsburg. 100,000J LIVES LOST YKAItLY itoM the ran oir TOIIACOO, 8aoyour money nnd restoie your health by using in. lljm'H Antidote for Tobacco, 'ihls is uotitsubstiiuto huta cuio for Smoking, Chuw )iig,undHnutrtaklng. Few lersons aiu aware of tho terrible clftcU of the noxious wero on the human svstcm. 1) stensla. Htadache. llense ol tho LUor, Sallow (.'omplexloii, Costlentss of mo now eis, i.iiss oi .memory inu oiner uiseases aro the ntlllctlous hroimhl on bv lU use. 'ihe jAutldoto Is purely vegetable mid lmrmles.Itacts las u lonlfl on tho system, puillles the hlooil, and eunuifs n person 10 uigc&i mo uearnesi 10011. S.imples sent fiee TorUi cents ?A per dozen, Address M. J. Yarncll, b7 Cannon St. N. Y. Feb. SiytrlKJin. TEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND J. 18AACH, M. D,, and rrofesor of Diteasca of the Ike ami J.'r. ihl wH-cialt) in the Medical Collrne of l'tumutittnia, l2yinraurj)cricncet (formerly of j.ruyueiit iitiimuuj ewfltcn Direct, rnna, icsiiiuoiiiHis eau ou seen in uisomco, ine meui cal faculty nre invited to accompany their pa um 1 "n "W l PVl iriB 111 (JIB JJIUIJIIW. - tltlclal eyes luseiUd without pain. No ehaigo in i uAumiinuiuii. Jan. hi, 'tiy.-ljr, T7"HOOPING COUGH CUItED BY T f DIJLKVAU'S CELKHHATED ItEMEDY. XTir l'ilco KiKl Y Cents. Frepared at Six und Wood ts l'nlla'd. r-A&k your Druggist for it. Feb.a.VJ-Iyr. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED VllvDr-CCUarrlson's new urocess of treatment. Call or address Dr.C. (1. UAUUlbO.N, '.Ml boutu C1UU 1 11 nifCI, I llllUUf IJUliU, I B, F.S. Spoelal attention given to THHOAT nnd ijU.u uiseascs. ro. s. iu-jyr. JJ C. IIOWEK, lias ocncd a flrst-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUIt STOUE, at tho old stand on MalnStreet, Hloomsburg.afew 1IU.I1JHUUIU uigv,vuu UUUSC, HIS BIOCK ISCOIU' ttosetuif the verv latest and bittlf.tvlM fvur iffr. ed to the cltlensnl Columbln County. Ho can uuv-uiiiiiuiuuiu mo iMiuuo Willi ineioiiowiuggoous ut tho lowest rales. Men's heavy double soled stogu boots, men's double uud single tui soled kip boots, men's heavy btoga shoes of all kinds, men's tine boots and shoes of nil grades, boy's double soled boots nnd4shoes of all kinds, men's glove kid llalmoral shoes, men., women's, boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glovo kid Polish very fine, women's, morocco llalmoralsand calf shoes, women's ery tine kid buttoned ga li tis. In short boots ol ull descriptions both ptg getl and sewed. He would ulso cull attention lo his fine assort ment of HATS, CAIB, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises all tho new and popular varl etlhs at prlees u hlch cannot fail to suit ail. These goods aie ollered ut the lowest cash rates uud will be guaranteed to give satisfaction. A call Is solicited beloro purchsslug elsewhere as It is believed that better bargains are to be fosnd thuti at nny other piace lu the county. Dec, SdnJOrK. It. AHTMAN. C. 11. DILLIKOEJ1. . UORV. UTiMAN, DILLINOER &, CO., NO. 1UI NOlnll TI1IUI) ST. I'llILADELHIIA, Two Doors nbovo Arch formerly S3), MANUFACrUlthKH AND JOI1IIK1U IN CAM'ETS, COTTONS YAltNS, HATTINO. OJI CLOTHS, CAIU'CT CIIAINH, COHDAUK, OII.HHADKS, OltAIN HAOS.Tir. VA11N, WICK VAIIN, WINDO l'AI'II, C iVKKLKTa, AIJ50, WILLOW AND WOODEN WA II K, 1IKOOMS, nitUSIIlM, LOOKIMJ 13 LA HS ICS, TKITNKS Keb.5,,C9 EWAItU OK i-IIK JMPOSTKH. 1 hereby warn all persons nf Ihe Unlteil Ktatts ugalnst jiureliaklng any Uluht ' my "Fruit Treo nrnl Vino luwect Hentroycr anJ Invlgiinrutnr'of Hum Aiiearn ul linitlmnre. A ho Is an Imnosk r ami a fccouinlrel, anil linn no right except u copy of n Heeil ami Letters ratent, stolen by him irom tno labia or Hernaril Caller In llalllmoro on IhoSthday of Juno 1S0H. Mr, Ii J. I'lilllhisnf M.NIciioIasPchujlklll Co Is tho only lawful owner of tlio right for Nortli'il Montour, Columbia, Carbon, Northampton ana Ilueks Coiintto'a In llio 8talo of 1'cnira, I1ENJAM1N HIST. l'eb. 10,'ftMmo. ratenlco. jCTRW 1'UIlNITUllE ItOOMS, ON M IN BTUEET, I1L00MBI1U11O, l'UNN'A JAMES OADMAN Ilektertfullv IllfiirtilM tlm rltlynu nt till- tnuiii iimi lclnlty, thut he bus at his Furniture rooms, " oVljr UVOUIljHIUU, UUll'UUH, llllllUg Iti uifB turicu uuu small, neusieausoi tna inittithiv km canlun Utllel tubliK, looking glusses, besides umiijr miier a r licit j. tu luruiiure or nrsl class nmnufacture, 'Ihe I'll Idle mtti COrdlullv llivllpd Inri.llun.l or. umliiu Ids stock. He wtlUell uitou uasouublo terms. WHpeelul uttentlon will In paid lo repairing ull kludsoffurulture. Cheap for cash. Juii. 1,'uu, JATELY OPENED. 'ihe undersigned would respectiully Intoiiu the citizens or IIIikiiii. burg ami vlelulty, that helms Just opened a shop ou Iron Mi vet, between Mulu and Third, uhele he 111 lollow the cabinet ma king butluess lu all Us branches. Ol ders (or METALLIC Oil OTIIEH COFFINH filled with piomptnesM ami despatch. Itepalrs cheaply luuue to all kinds of (multure, Includ ing the replaltlugol ealie-hottomed chairs. 1'al terns for cio-llugs mailo ueatly and exi'illtlous ly, and orders are solicited either lu person or by mall, riclure Irames made to order at short no tice. IIOIIKHT HOA.N, April IU.'SS-ii. "trAIiUAHLE PUOPEUTY KOH hai.i: The ujilcrshtneil will oiler at private sale his llou.e, Cotilm i Hlioiiaud Iaji, tliuated In Blab, town, IjiK'ust Tow iislilp, 1'iiliimbla Couniy, along IheMatu Itoad leading from Caiawlssn lo Ash In ml, uu w hleh Is eietied a nood slieil two story frame dwelling house with uu outhouseadiuln. lug, wllhawell ul never falling water ou the poieli; a large Iwn slory fniine uiblnet shop, luinlierhouseund siaMe, Willi all the neixssuiy outhulldlugs. 'IhiipHUH lly Is u aluable one, terms will be made easy and isistcsslou uheu ou the first of April next, Jttii,T,'liV-3iii, W.1I, IIKLWIO, MISCELLANEOUS. BLOOMBIlUlta NORMAL SCHOOL AND LIT Ell A UY INSTITUTE. 1IOAU1) OF INSTItUCTION. 1IENUY t'AHVEIt, A. M Principal, Professor or Intctkctttnl nnd tnr.ral Hvdciice, nnd theory on l prncllco of teoclilng. Miss Bnrnh A, Carver, Precept j earner 01 r rent 11, jioinuy branches. cntnl IftnncO. P.cM. A. R, Prnfcftsor of Ancient Language nnd 3ugllsh U ram mar, J. W. Ferree.A. M. Professor of Mathcmatlos. and practical ns trounmy, IlcV. D. C. John, A. M Profe sorof chemistry uud physics. V. M. Ilatpfi. Teacher of geography, history A Hook Vexing James Drown, Afisl tant teacher or mathematics Vntrllsh Or mmar. MIm Alice M, Carver, Teacher of Music on tho piano nnd mclodenn. Mm. IfntflA T. tir,. Tenchcr of Vocnl Music nnd instrumental music Miss Julia Guest, Tench! r of model School, ThoHnrlnc term will rommpnrn a rr. m ik?i and until our lonrdltiK hall Is rendy for occupan cy, on application to tho Principal, MudenU will be furntsheil with homes In pleasant families. It Is better for students tn eninmrnennt timnn. citing of tho term, hut when tills is lmpructlca hie they can enter at nny timo. junrcu m ison. JQOMESTIO ECONOMY! U t il 1 '1 1 1 U U vAlll Jjl I A new, cheap, durable, healthy, nnd 1 leant I ml FLOOIt COVEHING I A substitute for oil -cloth at one-third the cost. This enrnet Is nroduced bv n npetillnrromhtnA- tlon of strong, heavy paper, printed In ornamen tal cniors, ami con tea wiinn imigu, elastic, water itrooi enamci wuicu receives too water, protects he colors nnd nnncr endures washlm?. nml rcti. ders the carpet bright nnd beautiful in tho ex Isemo, llsndvuntuges nre ns follows: Its cost renders ItuVftllable lonllclnsses; It Is exceedingly smooth and glossy, nml It accumu lates next to no dust ; It docs not require to be taken un and cleaned llko other enrtwt. nnd thtm saves much hdr and trouble; by re-coating with tho Cumpilllon EnameltoccnMonnlly as thu case may require, (which costs hut n trifle.) it will msi luuenn'jciy, even an age.nuu always uppenr new and bright; lu Its usono reliance whatever Is placed upon the i mi per for wear, but exclusive ly uivon she water-proof coutlng. the figured pa fcr being used only to seenro llio colors. Paper ioh recently been used for ti vartctv of nurooses. even for trunks, roofs Hour bass nnd wearing ap parel, but tho first attempt, either In Europe or America, to convert It into carpet or floor cove lug, all concede It to bo an entire success 1 We have purchnsed the right for Columbia county nnd enn furnish tho carpet to merchants ui iiiivuui-itiurvra iuii'I'm, Ctf-You ure inuted to call nrd examine the goods nt our store. M'KELVY, NEAL A CO. iiioomsourg.iJec. n os-ii. gILLIAItDSl UILLIAKDS ! I WILLIAM II. OILMOIUi Hum onrnrd ft flnollllllnrd Saloon In addltloti to his well known 1 1 EST A U 1 1 A NT. Ho ban 3 tables with nil llio latest improvements una in peiiect, order. He keeps on hand the best LAG Kit BEEH AND ALE which tho market nffords. OYSTERS to bo had ntnll times when In senson, also Iteef Tongue, Pickled trle, Clams, Ac, Ac Tho public nro Invited to call, nnd nro prom ised Ratlsfoctiou , either In billiards or ulrcsh ments. His CIGARS AND TOBACCO cannot bo excelled. Bloomsburg, Jan. 1,'CO. JMPOHTANT TO BUILDERS, HOUSEHOLDERS & TENANTS. Tho undersigned would announce to the citi zens of Bloomsburg and vicinity that ho Is pic pared to execute HOUSE, SIGN, AND OHN AM ENTA L PAINTING In alt Its brauclies. P A P E K HANOI N G Curefully nttcndtd to. Strict attention to buslnens nnd gotl workman ship It Is believed will mentnfalrshowof public patronage. Shop ou Catharlue Stieet between Third and Fourth. Mar.V-ly. WM. F. BODINE. N. W. SAMPLE & CO., MACHINISTS & ENGINEERS. MAIN ST., A U A B. R R, BLOOMSI1UBO, Pa., Aro prepared to furnish all kinds of Machlue work, such as STEAM ENGINES, IJOIEEUS, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Couplings, Mill -gear lug, Saw mandrils, etc., Guago cocks, Pet cotks. Steam pipe, together with all kinds of 4 cam ill tlngs constantly on bund. Thieshlng Machines and Horse Powers made to order. All kinds of Agrlcnltura Machiner repaired. May jpLOUH AND FEED. Tho undersigned thankful for past patronage begt to atiuouce tu hit friends uud to the public tluthls N E W MILE Is now lu completo running order, and that he Is preporedto do all kinds of Milling without delay Parties Irom a disiuucu can have their grisU ground without delay, so as to lake them homo tho same day, and as u rule all work brought tu the mill can bo douo in twenty-lour hours. My present arrntigmtnls are such as to pieeludu tho necesvlty ol slopping the mill on uccount of Ice, high or low water. Till-: BIWT FAMILY FLO UK. as well as the lower grades, nnd all kinds of CM OP AND MUX) kept on hand luquuutlty, and forsalo at the low est current rates. Ontlti ol ull kinds purchased. LlghtHtreet, Dec. VOS-tf. FETHH ENT. IS7 J O T I (J E. 'llio nulillo nre linteliv imlldoil llmi m. ,.n j,i. ilavof I elirimiy IMil) I piircluseil nl CoiihiiiIiIii's too follouliiK prnperly, uiM as llio kix.Ih ami clwltelsor Win. Titer, vizi One Cook Htoe, I llurinu, 1 Doz. Chair, '2 ItoeUiUK Chain 1 lied find lledaing, ii janls uf Carpet aud ono Ilrahs Kettle. Tlio 'lubllc aro hereby notlltnl that I have loan ed.ali personal property to William I'lfer. nnd aro rciiuested not lo purchase, nor molest llio ame. E. A, KEIA 1INEU. Miminvllle.Keb.lJ.WJ.H. r.n, JP A It M E II S Can li supplied ntall times u II h ground NOVA SCOTIA PLASTEH. JAIIVIS ISLAND OUAXO, AND PHOSPHATES, At the mill of l'AXTON Jk 1IAHMAN. ltuiert, Dec, 18,'OS-Smo. pOIl 8 A li E. The undcrshrned orTent for sale the llf.ufin nuil Lot now occupied by him In the town of llenton, Columhlncnuuty. This was rurmerly uicil asu Tavern aud la admirably adapted fur that pun po.e. If not sold by theflrstof April next, tho proper ly will be .rented un reasonable lerms. l'ull tiartlculats regardlug price or rent etc., eau be obtained ou application lo tho undersign ed ou the premises. Vossestlun given ou the 1st of April l.a. Iltntou, Jan. t.,'10 TETF.K ArPLKMAN. J P. BEAItD, with umxcorr.nosiiiun. Manufacturcra and Wholesale Dealers lu HATS, CAW, KUIW, AND BTKAW (100IW, Vo. 413 Market KUiet, l'ulladelphla. "17 J. T1I011NTON Xj. would announce tutho rltlztusuf Illooms burg and vicinity, Ibat he has lust let en ed a lull aud complete assortment uf WALLl'Al'lIIt, WINDOW HI A DUB, IIXTI'IIIM, COU1M, TAS.4KU, and all other goods lu his line of builness. All tho newest aud most Approval 4illellis of tho iiay.are alwavs tc be found In hlsistabllshment, Mar.VCK'lf ' .Main Bt, lielnw Market, ALL KINDS OK JOU PU1NTINC1 neatly extouleU al Tllsl'OI. vmuian BUwjh Vrlutlngomoe,
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