The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 05, 1869, Image 2

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    SCItc dfolunrbian
i- THIS COLCJIIIIA.V lias the I.nrRnt
Ulrciilnllon nf miy paper published In
Narlhrrn Pennsylvania, mitt ! no n
mmli larger sheet llinu any of Its c-olem-iornrlcs
nml Is tlisi-eforethe licit medium
far iiitvertWIug In I his section ofllie Stale.
IN obedience In Itia desiro nramujorily thereof,
tho DeiinhTitllaHltfe Committee nro requested
to met t fit Bolton's Hotel, llnrrWburg, on Tues
dny,tho.10th dy of Mirch, 1WJ, ut V,i o'clock,
r. , In II x llms of li'ilillng llio Democratic
Stato Cuuvciitloii.
It. Haviii Caluwkll, Heo'ty.
Tub Democratic voters of tho several District
In Columbia county nre requested loineetnt tho
ttmil place of holding the general, special, and
liwnshlp elections, on Saturday Ilia 13H1 tiny of
Jin cli 1110 between tlie hours of three o clock In
the Httcruoou, Bnd seven o'clock in tho afternoon
nftlmttlnr, nndeloct by bllot two persons to
iepr.enHtioDlst let inacoiintyConventlontobe
liuM nt tho Court House In IiloomsburK on Mon
iliiy, March Hat 12 o'clock, noonj to select two
He iilorlal Conferees and two Bepresentatlvo
Conferees to meet similar Conferees, Irons the
other counties of tho District tii agree upon a
Senatorial Delegate and n, Beprmi'iiliitlvo Pelo
tivte to rcpresont the County live. Shite Convcn
glon, to nominate astute tick, t
A Ilurgalu lor I'l l liters.
Hv tho recent purchaso of a Gordon
Pros nnil of tho Columbia Demochat
printing ofllco, wo havo ncqulred an
unnecessary number of Presses ami
material. Wo thereforo offer to sell ono
Washington Press slzo No.l In com
plete running ordor; ono Washington
Press Foolscap slzo almost entirely
now; together with a quantity of bour
gclos, nonpareil, wood, metal and
display typo, Imposing stones, cases,
rules, and all the material necessary to
start a first-class country printing olllce.
If tho material cannot bo sold in bulk,
it will bo disposed of in lots. Terms
cash. Address tho editor by letter or
in person. St.
A Word of Caution.
We obscrvo that many of our DcinO'
crane coiomporarues aru niivocuuii$&n,e
claims of their favorite-iViua'dates for
OoorMHriTtTijn of the Supremo
jurt, with moro zeal than prudence.
By tho time tho Convention Is held they
will havo made up their minds that cer
tain defeat awaits us If any other can
didate than their own is chosen, or nt
least feel that Injnstico has been dono if
their efforts are not crowned with suc
cess. Wo also disappro"vo of tho plan of in
structing delegates for certain candid
ates montlis beforo tho Convention will
meet. Our wisest, ablest men should
bo chosen as Delegates, and after a full
comparison of views, they should nora
inato tho strongest man without any ref
erence to his claims on tho party. Tho
party claims support from all its mem
bers, and no ono or two havo tho right
to stand in the way of success for tho
moro idea of rewarding past fealty.
We want success, and desire to nominato
any good man who can achlevo It. If
any of tho candidates named havo tho
necessary strength they should bo nom
inated ; If not, and wo can win with an
entirely now man, let us tako him up.
Our defeats In 1860-G8 in tho Presi
dential contest and in 18GG in tho Gub
ernatorial ono, wcro owing to tho fact
that tho majority of tho Delegates wero
Instructed, ana however much they
may havo desired to nominato other
men, their hands wero tied by tho ac
tion of nominating Conventions. Do
not attempt to forestall events. Tho
Convention will not meet for months
heuco, and many tilings may occur to
render necessary tho choice of a man
now entirely unthought of in connec
tion with that ofilcc.
"Let us have Pence."
Tm: war, so far as It concerned tho
State, witli regard to expenses, ceased
In 1S02, and wholly in 1SC5, but tho
Itadical leaders still hold on, at Harris
burg, and last year, as appears by tho
roport of the Auditor General for 1808,
the amount paid for military expenses
was $120,000.00.
Wo still havo an Adjutant General,
acting as Paymaster General, with a
salary of $3,000 per annum. His official
duties being to organizo and pay his
army of Clerks, Messengers nnd
other loafers, for tiielr services in vo
ting tho Itadical ticket. This army
alone, cost $21,003.73.
Thcro has all along been great need
of n competent Senator or Member on
tho Democratic sido, to exposo itadical
plundering at HarrUburg, and drive
these lazy rascals away. Why is it not
In Itlemorlam.
Whereas, It lias pleased an allw'iso
and merciful God to removo from our
midst our worthy Vice-Grand, Elisha
Albcrtson, In tho midst of his useful
ness. Therefore,
Jiesolved, That wo bow in submission
to this unexpected and sudden bereav-
ment.knowlng that God dooth all things
Jiesolved, That tho Lodge feel deeply
tho loss or a laitiinii nnu cincient ouicer.
a kind nnd loving Brother and a valued
Jiesolved, That wo deeply sympathize
with tho bereaved family of our broth
er, and mingle With theirs our teaw.up
hold them with our affection, and rec
ommend them to Him who alone can
dry tho mourner'ij tears.
Jiesolved. That a codv of theso IleaO'
Jutions bo bent to the lumlly, and also
ono to each of tho county pupers for
P. I). Black, )
Jah. L. Phehton. I Committee on
JtoiiEitTPoiiSEL, Resolutions of
Bvii. Amikhtson, Wyoming
Fhank DEitit, Lotlgo No. 2,
TiiomamKeeck, A. O. of
O. H. Hahdeu, aood-Fellows,
J. W- FoilTNKIt,
Kohrsburg, Feb. 27, 1800.
Countkiu'Eitb. Tho country Is
flooded with counterfeit nionoy. Ten,
twenty-flvo, and fifty cent ehinplaBters
do Inrgoly abound, while tho counter
felt bills of the denomination of ono
dollar nnd upward aro detected every
day, A Jargo addition of $10 and $20
notes of this sort has Just been added to
tho llnunco of tho country, and our
xeaders.wlU do well to examine bills of
thoso denominations, dated 1802,proj.ty
Commit nlcutcil.
MUM 14.
"MI1 pleasim-H mid palace tho' no may roiiin,
Do It tver so humble, there's no place I Iko home,"
Home I What a world of interest and
luipplncps Is crowded Into that word I
How tho bo'oin swells with deepest
feeling and profuundest emotion nt its
very mention. What hallowed memo
ries nnd poul-liisplrlng associations clus
ter around thatsacrcdtlirlne,oiir child
hoods happy homo, liver do our minds
llvo in busy thoughts over tho scones
nnd remembrances of this i-anctuary of
our heart's purest and holiest affections.
Its clieerful .uplrlts, sunny faces, nnd ro
vcrcd forms, whatever changes tltno
may havo wrought xlncu our severance
from llio old homestead, uro all vividly
before us, and wongaln seem to bo liv
ing ovor tlni halcyon days of tho event
ful past. Wo ciiii never, no, never for
get that hnppy family group, Composed
of father, mother, brothers nnd sisters,
of which In other yours wo formed a
member. Although long years havo
pas, oil siiiio wo wero wont to gather
around that familiar hearth-stone, yet
tho wliolosceno in all Its Interest and
naturalness, Is Indelibly Imprinted on
our minds. 'TU mournfully truo that
somo of tho members of that household
perchanco that devoted father, or pious
mother, or brother, or sister, havo gonn
down to tho land of shadows and of
death, hut still there is a sanctity and
sacrcdncss lingering around that prec
ious spot of earth that will ever endear
It to our heart?. And why should it
not ho so? It's wliero wo wero born 1
Tliero wo spent tho days of our child
hood; and tliero for tho first timc,around
that family altar, celestial influences
operated upon our hearts, und sought
to win them to tho skies. With such
holy and hallowing memories attaching
to that sacred place, why should wo not
Iovo nnd vencrato it 1 Why should not
mellowing and soul-touching influences
play around our hearts, when
"Fond memory brings the light
Of other days around us."
Even tho old man. who lias long had
a homo of his own, sheds tho briny tear
as ho talks about the homo and associa
tions of his own childhood. Tho foun
tain of tears Is unsealed ovcry tltno that
In memory ho rovisits thoso familiar
scenes. Heaven intended that homo
biioulu Do a cherished spot, and man
would bo untrue to all tho higher and
nobler instincts of his being if it wcro
not so. Tho lovo for homo andJitettrcJ
n Unit grows cold In
man breast. Even tho savage,
dead to sympathy in his heart for tho
wiilto man, cherishes an almost idola
trous rovcreiico for his hunting ground,
and graves of his forefathers. This sa
cred principle of veneration for homo
anditscherlshcdobJcets,runs all through
the lower f nd higher grades of human
ity. It obtains as much In tho humble
cottago of tho poor and unlettered, as
in tho splendid mansions of tho opulent
nnd tho great. Tho sentiment is unj
versally received, that "Thcro's no
place like home." How sweet and
beautiful aro tho touches of an anony
mous bard upon this subject,
"I've wandered on through many a clime where
Mowers of beauty grew,
Where all was blissful to tho heart and lovely to
the view;
I've seen them In their twilight pride, and in
theirdressof morn,
But nono appeared so sweet to mo ns the spot
where I was born," S. J-W,
Illoonisbiirg State Normal School
A committee, consisting of Hon. J.
P. Wickersiiam, Stato Superintendent,
Dr. W. Worthington, Speakor of tho
Senate, Senators J. C. Brown and G. D.
Jackson, Hon. II. M. Hoyt, of W likes'
Barre, and several County Superintend'
cnts mado a careful examination of tho
school and all its appointments, at
Bloomsburg, on Friday, Feb. 10th, and
reported to tho Trustees and tho large
and intelligent audienco that met in
tho fino hall of tho Institution to hear
tho report, that they not only accepted
tho schools and property as fully meet
ing tho requirements, but did so with
prido ; that tho buildings wero tho best
Normal school buildings in tho State,
and did great credit to tho citizens of
Blooms burg and tho surrounding coun'
try ; and aro a monument of tho wis
dom, skill, and persoveranco of tho
architect, builder, and Principal of tho
tchools, Prof. Henry Carver. Blooms
burg may well honor the man, and ever
feel that sho owes a debt of gratltudo to
tho founder of such a school. Fow men
could havo seen tho material in so small
a town,or seeingit,would over havo been
ablo to innko it nvailablo In so short a
time for tho accomplishment of such a
work. It is to bo hoped that tho young
men, nnd women who shall avail them
selves of tho advantages of tho Normal
Schools of tho Sixth District may im
bibo its spirit and diffuso It throughout
tho district. Scrantan Jlepublican.
retirement of tho Hon. Charles It. Buck
alow from tho United States Senato
tlio cause of general regret. Whiloho
has occupied a seat in that body ho lias
not only been faithful to Constitutional
liberty, but esteemed for his ability nnd
integrity. He is looked upon as ono of
tho very ablest debaters In tho Senato
and when ho speaks on any subject, ho
issuro to bo listened to attentively. His
clear, logical mind, and .excellent rca
soning Illuminates any subject he takes
hold of. Ho is tho author o(.jevcral
valuable measures among thorn: is tho
cumulative system of voting, which
will bo adopted sooner or later, Ho
enjoys tho confidence of all his brother
Senators, of whatever party, no less for.
ills ability than tho purity of his prl
vato character and his modesty of de
portincnt. Pennsylvania has never
been represented In tho Senato with
moro dignity, and wo doubt, If with
moro ability; and wo Jiavo novor had a
Senator who was mori respected by his
peers. The absence f such a man from
a legislative baUjfiS" not only a Joss to
tho State an.l pcoplo ho represents, but
to the wholo country. Doylestown
Powder .11111 KxpluNloii.
Wavwaloi'E.v, Pa. Mar. 2, 1800,
CArr. C. B. BllOCKWAV,
A most horrlblo accident occurred
hero this morning; tho Dupont Powder
Mills blow up about 8 o'clock, with
about 2,300 pounds of powder In tho
Press Mill. Two men named Wesley
Wildreck and Moses Eckroto wero In
stantly killed. Both legs pf tho latter
wero blown off, ono being found thirty
feet from tho body, Eckroto leaves a
wifo nnd two small children, Sho bo
came distracted ou witnessing thoslght,
.and tried to Injure herself, fo that It ro-
quired soveral men to hold her.
The scouo was a horrible one, and I
never wish to witnoss another llko It.
The Temperance Convention.
Tin; Slnto Tcmpcrnnco Convention
which assembled at Harrlsburg on
Tuesday was composed of 101 delegates
initio and fo male representing twenty
nlno counties. Tho permanent officers
President Hon. S. B. Chase, of Sus
Vivo Presidents Jacob Mr Barr, of
Dauphin j John ailmore, of Franklin;
llov. W. C. Best, of Philadelphia.
Secretaries O. J. Search, of Phila
delphia; E. II. llatich, of Lancaster; L.
. Wright, of Lancaster.
Treas urer L.F.KiitiiTiiiaii, of Schuyl
Tho point of interest in tho proceed
ings was tho effort to commit tho Con
vention to tho policy of a scnarato po
litical action by temperance men. This
effort resulted in tho adoption of tho
following !
Wheheas, In n number of districts
of tho Stato friends of prohibition havo
been chosen members of tho Bona to and
Houso of llepresontativcs, nnd under
tho system of "locnl legislation" wliolo
somo nnd prohibitory laws for certain
townships nnd borouchs havo been se
cured, sustained by public opinion and
successfully enforced,
Anu Whereas, In a number of oth
er districts tho pcoplo aro now earnest
ly petitioning tho X,egi9laturo for simi
lar enactments, and in vlow of tho fact
that tho pcoplo of the Stato at largo aro
not yet sufficiently educated In sound
tcmpcrnnco principles to warrant tho
formation of n separate political tern-
peranco party, wiucn, in tno juugmont
of this Convention, would onlv nrouso
and Intensify public prejudlco against
us, and not only fail to produce any
good results but seriously endanger tho
existing prohibitory local laws referred
to, ami also ueiciu all lurther enorts now
being mado to secure similar benefits
nnd blessings in other districts through
out tho State, It is
jcesoivca, riint local proiiiDitlou,
wherever it Is posslblo to securo and
enforce it, is tho truo courso for tho
friends of tcmpcrnnco to pursue nt tills
most Important period or tho tcmpcr
nnco movement.
Jiesolved, That wo recommend tho
Eassago of a well-digested general law
y tho present Legislature, submitting
the subject of tho prohibition of tho
manufacturo and salo of nil kinds of al
coholic preparations to tho voters of
each election district in this Common
wealth; and that if a majority of tho
legal voters or sucit district snail vote
in favor of such prohibition, no license
shall bo issued by any court for such
iiisirict.umiisiicii vote snail do rovorseu
at a subseouent pipp.t'.r.r. ' and this Con-
vOTrt-irrjreby authorizes and instructs
-JtsllusincssCommittcoto preparo and
present to tho .Legislature tno uraic oi
sucli a law, nnd with power to call this
convention together to consider tho ro
sult when In their judgment it may bo
necessary to uo so to turtner tno oujeccs
in viow.
This was tho most important business
1'ciiUNyIvaiiia Lcgls'aturc.
February 25.18G9.
Mr. Jackson read an act authorizing
tho borough of Laporte, In tho county
of Sullivan, to lovy n tax of twelve
mills on tho dollar of valuation for bor
ough purposes.
Thursday afternoon tho Senato met
for tho purposo of considering Senato
bill No. 01. an act to revise, amend and
consolidato existing laws for tho assess
ment and collection of Stato taxes and
county and townshlo rates and levies.
Passed finally.
Tho orders being called, tho Houso
took up tho public calendar:
Bill No. 151, an act to secure tho pco
plo of this Commonwealth against
fraud in tho salo of patent rights was
under consideration when tho Houso
adjourned this morning. After somo
amendments tho bill was passed fiually.
Mr. Scott, on leave, read in placo an
net to nuthorizo tho erection of a poor
house in tho township of Bloom, county
of Columbia.
On motion of Mr. Scott, tho rules
wcro suspended, tho bill was read tho
second and third time, and passed.
Several gentlemen asked leavo to offer
bills, but tho orders being Insisted upon,
tho Houso proceeded to consider tho
bills upon tho public calendar.
No. 123, nn act relating to interest,
and allowing parties to contract for the
payment thereof.
An amendment cbnngiug the legal
rato from ten per cent, (as tho bill pro
vides) to eight, was amended to soven,
and tho question recurring on tho
amendment us amended, a motion was
mado to recommit tho bill to tho Gen
eral Judiciary Comratttee, which was
agreed to.
Tho Senato considered tho following
bills on tho public calendar :
Senato bill No. 122. an act to provont
and punish tho publication of obsccno
advertisements and tho salo of noxious
medicines. Passed finally.
Senato bill No. 123, a further supple
ment to an act to regulato arbitration
and proceedings in courts of Justice, ap
proved tho 21st day of March, 1800
making two verdicts and judgments on
tho snmo tltlo final and conclusive,
Passed finally.
Senato bill No. 121, a further supple
ment to an act to enable Joint tenants In
common and adjoining owners of mln
cral lands in this Commonwealth to
manago nnd develop tho same, approv
ed tho 23d day April ono thousand
eight hundred and fifty-four, and its
soveral supplements. Passed flnnlly.
Senato bill No. 200, an act for tho
more convenient dispatch ot tho public
business In tho courts of this Common
wealth. Passed finally.
February. 20.
Mr. Jackson, road an net to exempt
tho mortgage- and bonds of tho Blooms
burg Literary Institute issued for tho
purposo of exempting State normal
school buildings from taxation.
Tho Senato then considered Senato
bill No. 3S5, entitled An act to Improve
the efficacy of tho police force of the
city of Philadelphia, providing for tho
election of the pollco commissioners
and tho appointment of pollco officers.
Mr. Henszy defended tho bill, and
Messrs. M'Cundless, Fisher and Lowry
opposed tho possago of tho same.
On tho question, Will tho Senato
agree to the first section of tho bill?
Tho yeas and nays wero roqulred by
Mr. Wallaco and Mr. Council, und
wero as follows, vizs
Yeab Messrs. Bllliugfelt, Brown
(Mercer), Coleman, Council, Graham,
Ilenszoy, Kerr, Olmsted, Stlnsou,
Whltoand Worthington, Speaker, 11.
Nays Messrs. Beck, Brown (North
ampton), Burnett, Davis, Duncan,
Fisher, Jackson, Lludcrmati, Lowry,
M'Candless, M'lntiro, Miller, Naglo,
Osterhout, Randall, Roblson, Stutz
man, Tuylor, Turner mid Wallace 20.
So tho question was determined In
tho negative.
Tho Senate then adjourned until 7
o'clock on Monday, tho 8th day of
March, in ordor to permit members of
tho Legislature tonttond Grant's Inaug
uration. By Mr. JACKSON !
No. 425 (Houso No. 100), an act to au
thorize tho appointment of auctioneers
in tho borough of Danville, Montour
Passed finally.
Mr. SCOTT, n bill entitled An act to
authorlzo tho Supervisors of Briar
Creek township, Columbia county, to
lovy and collect n tax to rclmburso J,
O. Smith nnd John Klsncr monoy ex
pended by them for bounty purposes.
Bofcrred to tho Committee on Mili
tary. Mr. SCOTT, a bill entitled An net
creating an additional election district
in Conynghnm township, Columblr
Rolcrrcd to tho Commlttco on Elec
tion Districts.
Also, n bill entitled An act repealing
certain acts rolatlug to tho road laws of
Conyngham township, Columbia coun
Referred to tho Commlttco on Roads
Bridges and Ferries.
Washington It'cwg.
Washington, Feb. 25.
Following tho interviow of Moor
head, Dlckoy, nnd Pettis, with Grant,
yesterday In relation to a Cabinet posi
tion for Pennsylvania, in the now ad
ministration, comes another meeting
to-day, between Grant and Alexander
McUuro, who called at "Headquarters"
this morning to inquiro if ho (Grant,)
in stnting yesterday that a citizen of
Pennsylvania should havo n scat In tho
Cabinet, rcforred to ex-Governor A. G.
Ciirtin, General Grant replied that ho
did not. Well, said McCluro, I trust
you will appoint somo man thoroughly
nnd prominently identified with tho
Republican party, and not such men as
Boric, Welsh, Smith or Stuart; that
they would bring no strength to tho
party In tho State, and that somo gov
ernment support was absolutely neces
sary, othcrwlso tho Democracy would
carry tho Stato next fall. To this Grant
replied that ho could not seo what ob
Jcctlon any loyal man could havo to
Georgo II. Stuart. Mr. McCluro said
ho had none, but ho had known tho
politics and politicians of Pcunsylva
nia for twenty years, and If Stuart
wero appointed, ho should havo to nsk
him (Grant) for an introduction" to
him. After somo further conversa
tion, Grant said that "although elected
by a political party, ho was not tho
representative of a political party."
Whereupon McCluro withdrew, re
marking that at previous Interviews ho
had mistaken Grant's status, and now
ho was glad to find It out. Tho Radl
cal members of tho Pennsylvania dele
gation aro in "high dudgeon" over tho
story as told by McCluro around tho
Capitol this afternoon and all sorts of
maledictions are uttered against tho
loyal Ulysses, for daring to assrt that
ho had a will of his own, and was "not
tho representative of a political party."
Tho Houso this nftcrnoon ndopted
tho report of tho Conference Commlttco
on tho Constitutional amendment cs
tabltshlng negro suffrago In all tho
States. It is said that tho words "hold
ofllco" aro stricken out, but that makes
no difference. If Congress can declaro
negroes entitled to exerciso tho prlvi-
lego of suffrago in States, it can, with
equal propriety, declaro them entitled
to hold ofllco. Tho Senato will, no
doubt, concur In tho action of tho
Houso,and thus tho amendment will bo
submitted to tho States.
Thcro was a Democratic caucus held
at tho Capitol this morning, when it
was agreed to hold tho regular caucus
to select candidates for Speaker of tho
House, Clerk, Ac, on Tuesday evening
next, In tho rooms of tho Judiciary
Committee of tho House. Tho occas
ion led to a general interchange of
views In regard to what would bo the
wisest courso of tho Democratic party
in tho future. It is understood that tho
determination arrived at was, that
whllo they would make no factious op
position to General Grant's administra
tion, they would contlnuo in the future,
as In tho past, firmly to maintain their
principles and keep intact their organi
Tho Conference Committee on tho
Diplomatic appropriation blllhas decid
ed to report In favor of tho appoint
ment of a United States Commissioner,
at a salary of $3,000 per annura,for Hon
duras, San Salvador, Nlcaraugua, and
Costa Rica. In Central America. Also
for missions to Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru,
and Uruguay, the salary not to exceed
$3,000. Tho salary of tho Minister to
Chllo not disturbed.
Tho President to-day gavo an order
to Louis Schado, Esq., for tho removal
of the remains of Wirz, oxecuted by
order of tho Military Commission, com
posed of Yankee officers, in this city,
in tho summer of 1605, Tho remains
wcro interred at tho arsenal grounds,
and will probably bo removed to tho
residence of his widow In Kentucky.
Tho bill Increasing tho rates of duty
on Imported coppor is now a law, hav
ing passed tho Senato to-day over the
veto, by 38 to 12, It parsed tho Houso
yesterduy by tho necessary two-thirds
Washington Feb. 27.
Mr. Dawes having written a letter to
Mr. Blalno declining to be a candidate
or tho Speakership against him (B.),
tho latter is now tho most formldablo
candidate, and It seems that, by com
mon consent, ho will bo tho nomiueo of
tho Republican party. Tho Democrats
liavo not yet determined whom thoy
will voto for, but tho probabilities aro
that cither Hon. James Brooks, of Now
York; Judgo Woodward, of Pennsyl
vania; Mr, Eldridgo, of Wisconsin, or
Mr. Kerr, of Indiana, will bo tho man.
Ait ovenlng paper 6tatos that Mr.
McPhcrson, Clerk of tho House, has
mado up a roll of tho Representatives
elect thus far to tho Forty-first Congress.
After excluding tho members from
Louisiana and Georgia, and several
whoso seats nro contested, tho numbor
foots up 137lladicalsaud 'C2 Democrats.
Tho latter havo 71 members already
elected, but, of courso, a number of
them will bo counted out, cither by tho
Clerk or tho Houso.
Hon. Columbus Delano had a long
Interviow with Commissioner Rolling
to-day, nnd that fact, in connection
with tho mention of Mr. Dolnno's
nnmo In connection with tho Internal
Rovcnuo Bureau, evoked considerable
Boutwcll had n resolution in his
pocket yesterday from tho so-called
Reconstruction Commlttco, declaring
tho seats of tho Georgia members va
cant, nnd that Stato still unreconstruct
ed, but nccordlngto nn afternoon pnpor
of this city Grant visited tho cloak
room of tho Houso yesterday nftornoon,
sent for Boutwcll, had a talk with lilm,
nnd oxprcsscd opposition to ills (Bout-
well's) resolution, consequently it was
not reported, and tho Georgia members
will not bo turned out this Congress.
Magnanimous Grant 1 Disappointed
Boutwcll !
A most disgraceful spcctaclo was wit
nessed on tho floor of tho Houso yester
day nftcrnoon In tho debato on tho
Loulsinna contested election caso. A
negro named Menard, a claimant for
tho scat, was allowed fo rise on thejloor
and address the House, which ho did
for half an hour or more. When ho
had concluded, a low-bred whito Radi
cal mcmbor from Illinois, named Cul-
lorn, went over and congratulated him.
Tho scene was disgusting In tho ex
treme, and ought to consign thoso who
brought it about to eternal disgraco and
Washington, March 1.
Tho last rumor Is that Jay Cooko is
to bo Pennsylvania's Cabinet officer;
nnd probability is lent to It by tho fact
that after tho fourth of March, Secre
tary McCulloch is going as a partner
into Jay Cooko's banking-house. The
Intimacy of Jay Cooko and McCulloch
has been so great whllo thoy havo been
occupying their present positions, that
thcro will bo no difficulty in each chang
ing placo with tho other without detri
ment to tho public servico or tho prl
vato property of cither.
It is understood that nil tho Cabinet
officers, except General Schotlcld and
Attorney-General Evarta. havo official
ly tendered tho resignation of their
portfolios to President Johnson, and
that they will bo accepted to-morrow.
In thomcantime, their respective de
partments will bo left In chargo of offi
cials next in rank as acting-secretaries
In caso Secretary McCulloch retires be
foro Wednesday, Assistant-Secretary
Hartley, or General Jeffries, Register,
will bo detailed ns Secretary acf interim.
Judgo Otto will bo left In chargo of tho
Interior; Assistant-Secretary Faxon, in
chargo of tho Navy ; General Skinner,
in chargo of tho Post-ofllco Department,
and Hon. Wm. Hunter, in chargo of
tho Stato Department.
Washington, March 2.
Senator Buckalow to-day mado a ro
port from tho Select Commltteo on
Representative Reform. Tho bill re
ferred to them, and now reported, pro
poses to securo fair and complete repre
sentation to every important political
Interest in tho country; to strlko nn
effective blow at corruptions in popular
elections ; to securo moro of harmony
nnd contentment than now exist among
tho people, und to improve tho compo
sltion of tho popular branch of Congress
by facilitating tho introduction and
continuanco of men of ability and mer
it in that body.
Ii.tho published programmo of tho
Inaugural ceremonies, I notico tho
names of soveral gcnulno Africans for
Assistant Marshals for tho procession
This Is a new feature, but not at all sur
prising, sinco a negro has been permit
ted to address tho Houso of Representa
tives, and claim a seat therein. What
can tho while peoplo of tho country bo
thinking about? It Is high timo that
somo speedy disposition slisuld bo mado
of tlicso negroes and their while allies,
otherwise tliero will bo no room in tho
country for a man who believes in tho
supremacy of tho whlto race.
It Is stated that Grant will not resign
his commission as Goneral of tho arm
ies, as In his opinion, it expires upon
bis inauguration as President, aud that
lio will on Friday next transmit to tho
Senato, tho namo of General W. T,
Sherman to bo General of tho armies of
tho United States.
Whatover may havo been tho motlvo
that induced tho attendanco, It Is cer
tain that President Johnson's farowell
reception to-night was tho largest that
ho has held for a long whllo, not even
excepting tho New Year receptions,
From tho timo tho doors opened, at 8 v
m until after midnight, tho crowd
poured through tho halls and paid their
respcats to tho Chief Magistrate of tho
nation, whoso term Is so soon to expire,
Tho pardon papers for Arnold and
Spangler aro In course of preparation at
tho Attorney-General's office, and may
be signed to-night or to-morrow.
Tho Radical caucus nominated Hon
James G. Blaine, of Maine, for Speaker
Edward M'Pherson, of Pennsylvania
for Clerk; G. N. Ordway, Sergeant-at
Anns, and Buxton, of Now York, Door
keeper. Without nominating a post
master, tho caucus adjourned. Ordway's
reuomlnatlon Is generally regarded us
an endorsement of the corrupt lobby
which dictates it.
Gen. Grant has finished his inaugural
address. It covers six pages of letter
paper, and is estimated to bo of about
tho samo length as that of Mr. Lincoln
in 1805. Nothing deflnito concerning
Its tenor has transpired, except that it
will urgo the ratification of tho Constitu
tlonal Suffrage Amendment and tho
paymont of tho public debt in coin
Secrotary Seward nnd family will
Icavoon Friday for Auburn, prepara
tions to that end having been cotnplet
o I.
President Johnson will vncato tho
Exocutivo mansion on Thursday morn
ing. Secretary Welles will retain hU pres
ent resldcnco till May.
Edgar Welles.Chlef Clerk of tho Navy
Department, will resign to morrow.
It Is understood that soveral chiefs of
bureaus will tender thir resignations
immediately on tho formation of tho
now Cabinet.
Rkad tho call for a County Conven
tion in another column.
Homo A'cwn.
Nashville, February 5. Mr. Bon
ier, Speaker bf tho Senato, was Inaug
urated Governor to-day, In placo of
Governor Brownlow, resigned, In prcs
enco of n convention of both branches.
Hlsnddrcss foreshadows no policy for
the future.
Richmond, Vn., February 25. In tho
caso of James Grant, on trial for killing
H. Rives Pollard, several hundred cit
izens having been questioned, and only
two found who hod not formed opin
ions, tho Sheriff was directed to sum
mon citizens for tho Jury from Alexan
dria and Norfolk.
Portland, March 1. The Demo
crats carried Portland for tho first timo
since 1800, electing William L. Putnnm
for Mayor. Tho voto stands, Putnam,
2207; Drummond, 2077. 1ist year tno
voto stood, Putnam, 2277; JMcnaiiam,
Grant had 1,312 majority in Portland
In November last.
Kausas Is tho first Stato to ratify tho
rnnstltntlnnal amendment. It was
passed by both Houses on Saturday.
Tho voto In tho Senato was unanimous.
In tho Houso the voto stood 51 to 07.
San Francisco, March 2,-Tlio Legis
lature of Nevada yesterday ratified tho
Congressional amendment, to tho Con
stitution providing for universal, sui-
foreign Xcwn.
Cni'KNiiAOKN. February 21.-Gencr-
nl Raasloeff, Minister of War, nnu
formerly Ambassador of Denmark nt
Washington, urges tho salo or tno nan
lsh West Indies Islands to tho United
Havana, February 21 Evening.
Accounts from Santiago do Cuba aro un
favorable. Tho cholera does not abate,
nnd tho Insurgents nro plundering and
destroying tho plantations in tho vicin
ity. Paris, March 1. Lamartinc, tho
eminent Poet and Historian, is dead.
C K.
Tut tmiillnnrn herrbv notified that on the. Kth
of Feb. thoumlerslgneil purchased alConstablo's
tale the following personal property of H.G.Ort,
and that lie has hired the name to wild Ort;
One Ury Horse, One Hay Horse ; ono double set
rTn UortiuuB nml ni'a llrnwn (!nw.
All persons nro cautioned against Interfering
with or molesting the same. ,,,,
BloomsburE Mar.5,e'J.3t A. J, HMMETT.
nnlil nnnnnnrn In tllO clt Izens of IlloomH-
bum nnd
tinrnmi vlplnltv. that lie has Just received n lull
auu compieto uui huuh u
FixTCiins, conns, tassi:lh,
nn.l nM liftr irnrtils In Ills If lift Of bllsIllCSS. All
tho newest nnd most approved patterns of tho
uAY.nre mways 10 ue luuim m iiufwiitiJiiiiiiicLiu
Ulnlli Ul linll.Iir Af.l fir At
D. Wilson&Co. Thos. H. Morrow,
i Sas Frahcisco, a. u. uiiamueklik,
t:ai, I naw iuiik.
finr TiUfl nnd Mound Vineyard Wines and
Hranltcs.ho popular on the Pucltlc Coast, nre
pressed from as line fruit ns is produced ill tho
world. We urow the grapes, run our own pres
ses, and otter them ns our own production. Wo
invito orders from tho trade under the full
Kuarnntce of tho house of their nbsnlntn purity.
Mar.5,'C!)-lm. -15 Murray Bircet, N. l.
TWO if IU MAPS rou 1.
Of America and Europe, America nnd
tho Unltoil States of America.
Colored-lu 4000 Counties.
TllFsl itrpnt. Mons. now lust completed, show
.vnrv nloi-n of imnortnncc. all Railroads to date.
anu me latest iiiiuranuiia iu im Yin wm xuivyi
nn Htntpg. ThpMi MauH are needed In every
School nnd faintly In the land they occupy tho
spaco of one Map. and by means of the Ueverker,
either slilo can ho thrown front, and any pari
brought level to tho eye. County ltlghts and
largo discount given to good Agents.
Apply lor uircuiurs. leimx, mm "i''
for Bauiplo Maps, to j. i. ujui if,
March S,'C9-lm
Tho undersigned would anuounco to tho t ill
zens of llloomshurg nnd vicinity tint ho Is pro'
pared to execute
in all Its branches.
Carefully attended to.
Strict attention to business and good workman
Bhlp It Is bclloved will mcnt nfalr showof public
Shop on Catharlno Street between Third and
MarA'03-ly. WM. T, IiODINE.
.1.1.. JVI U lllUUlui-Bl, nit, Lii-nt, nnu . " I I
niar. Thev are all written by such standard
writers as Captain Carleton, Captain Mayuo
Held, L. Augustus Jones, Edward H. Ellis, 4c, Ac.
As books for tho young, they are unequalled by
any works published; ulways pure In tone, live
ly, aud full of adventure. Persons desiring thoso
books will please order "Mukko's," and see that
none others aro given in their placo.
The folfhwlng uro those already Issued ;
Vn. 1 Tim Hunters 74 Itlack PrODhot
'2 Trapper's Hetrcat 75 (lid Norte.the llunte
3 i'airiot jiiguwaymuuiiF uger-cye
4 1' u i: 1 1 1 v o of tuu 77 ltevolutlonary Joo
Mountains 78 Jack, ltulfalo-Catcher
a rracK oi rue iu loin iiiruiu, iruppei
a Man. Eater W Bcout ol tho tit. Law,
7 l.'liarlollo Temnlo reuce
8 Death Knee
0 Indian Hlnyer
10 Turtle-Catcher
11 Hunter's Triumph
12 Ocean Hovers
11 Tory Outwitted
11 ZpknHternnm
pi jAiuiucr ii'gs
82 liloody lirook
83 Wotf-Hlayer
81 Long llou
85 Coonev Hush
811 Itnblu Hood nnd his
Merry Men
15 Hcourife of Ihe Seas 87 btv c
of the Delaware
ltl Captive Maiden 8 "Old Kit," Scout
17 Img-Leiged Joo !! Hunk Wiggins, Esq
13 Wild Scout of thcOO Spider Legs
Mounlains 01 Old Trapper's Pride
19 Korosl Lodge, W Murksmau the Hun
20 Holllcklnr; It ngers ter
21 Itattlesnuke Dick 03 Grizzly Jnko
22 Illcketly Tom, theOl Spotted Don
Hover D5 Thellloody Footprint
23 Impaof thePralrlo or, tho Adventure of
21 Uobber's Terror n New YorkNowsboy
25 Joc,the"Sarplnt" K0 Old Itube, tho Trap-
26 Ligatfoot, tho Scout per
27 Ulant Spy of UunkerOT Jllg-Moutued Trap-
Hill per.
S3 Bear Creek, tho Wild 88 Panther Jako
Half-Dreed lr9 Snake--Eye, or tho
29 Squint-Eyed Bob lluudlt Miller
30 Snaky Huodgrass, 100 Old Nick of the
HI Itolllug Thunder; or Swamp.
Iheltlvul WurChlefslOl Gamecock of the
82 Heavy Hatchet tho Sunleo
scout 102 Old Zeko
S3 Sly Sum. tho QuokerlUl Dog-Faco
Spy 101 sharp Snout
SI Three Daring Trap-105 Tuscaloosa sum
HI 1 Vliil Marksman
31 Eagle-Eyed Zeke
SI lllg lU!lu Mek
88 lloidScalp-lluntcr
SI Tory Spy
40 Prairie Jake
41 Wealth uud llcaaty
41 Hover at the Forest
41 Ulant of the Woods
leu mini Jim
107 Hed Itattlesnuke
los mack Sampson
loo Ugly Iko
110 Squatty Dick
111 Hardskull.tho Aven
112 Turkoy Foot
113 Hnwk-Eye,tuo Hun
111 Madman of tho
41 Crazy Trapper
45 Liou-Heaueil Hunter Oconto
4 old Jim of the WoodsllS David Hunker
47 Mad Mllio 110 lllnziug Arrow
43 While-Headed IIun-117 Hickory Jack
ter 118 Twin Trappers
49 DlK-Heartcd Joe 110 Hiding Tom
50 Scout of Long Islandl'.TI liloody Wolf
ill Silverheels, Ihe Dela-121 Long-IIeailcdMIko
wuru 112 'thunder-Cloud '
52 lllack Bill, tho Trop-123 Harold of tho 11111
per VH 'lexas Joo
Silled Mon of the!23 Creole Forgo r-lly
Woods Capt. Mayuo Held
61 Orlm Dick, the Ono-120 Hed SturoftheSeml-
Eyed Hobbcr poles
M ludlau queen's Ito-127 Iluliet-IIcad
venue 128 Hunter Zeb
66 Old Scout of tho Cavelisi Scout of the Sclota
57 ills Snake the HurouliU Forest Hunters
M Mexican J o;e, thelSl Mad Betsey
Snake Charmer 131 Indian Stratagem
59 Steady II n u d, IlielM Pale-Face Indian
ShariisliootluglluuterlJI WhlteSavugo
60 Ulpsy Jack 135 Wilehof thcHwamps
61 Scarlet Warrior 130 Old Paul
61 Scout of Tlppeeauoo 137 Uunter'sSecret
0. 1 Schtuderhauues 134 ltl vul Captains
01 Bride, ofWolfUleu lit Little Foot Trapper
eo Bullalo Jack, Tran-110 Wild Hide
per 141 Having Dlck.llunter
66 HcoutoftheHoarandolll Fighting Nut
071)arlugllackwoodinaull3 Hunter of tho Black
08 Clumsey Foot Hills
1. 'J stranger's (Jrava 111 The Indian Spirit
71) Mud Nancy, the Fe-115 Iron.-Huudod Trup
uluu Fortune-Teller per
71 Loug Wile Hunter 110 Hunters and lied.
72 Woodeii'Legegd Spy skins
7t Long LtgSflliuSquut-
Thes books are for tale by all newsdealers,
aud are sent, postpaid ou receipt ur price Teu
Cenueach. OKI) HUE MUNHO,
I'. O. Box 6657. 118 William street, N.Y,
list of Iiottors n-omainiiiB' n tho
Tost OQlccc, March 1st, XBO
llrlghl .lnmcs
Creamer .lolm W.
Illgglns Hrynu
Hlso lillrabeth
Hammer A (1
Ilollnuin Jesio
Moylo William
Miller Hnllln 11
Muslon Ahraham
Morris Bamucl
Nolton Hnmucl W
l'nrmer Wl lHam
Parker Clemucl II
ItobcrtsMrsJonathan (1)
lloinh David J I
Hhiimaii Miss Zulu
Kclafrcld Henry
Ht-eils William
Thomas Hutlcr
Thomas John
Walle E 1' . .
Walsh I'utrlck
llacr nr
.1 inles James
ifnmiftn 1
Knylor D K
Keller iinis i.nn
Lavan Oharles
Mulr Wm (i l-'orclgn)
Morilan Hills (2)
Mmmra llmi-lino
Millard Jacob
J. 11. PttRsr.L. P. M..
lllooinsbxrit Pn.
Illoomslmrg Market Keport.
per bushel -
11 00
I 35
1 no
12 CO
Oats, . " ,
Cloverscid "' Urn
Flaxseed 60
l-'loiir per narioi
7 W
Potatoes .
Dried Apples
1 flu
2 61
Sides nml Hhonldcrs
Inrd per pound , .7.
11 ay
! per ton
Hemlock Iloards per thousand rcet.........
, ., ,i 11 fn-in lnclil ..
, 10 00
, isaii
Joist, SeantUnp, Planlt, (Hemlock) 15 00
ttlimgics, rjo. 1 per iiiuiioiuiv..
8 00
7 00
18 00
Siding "
No. 1 Scotch pi?..
No. 2 " " .
Dloom "...
ft. .
.. 110
...S3 1
Light Street Mnrkets.
r. 1... Tilr,r T.'ti, wlinlrsnln alld
retail dealer In grain, Horn' & feed anil general
Wheat ncrbnsliol 8'
Hyo " "
Corn " '
Duel: Wheat
1 W
1 (
1 00
Wheal Flour per 1W) IDs
Duck Wheat Flour
Corn Chop,
6 50
I r
2 U)
1 60
nutter per Ih f.
;rks per uoz.,
-olatoes pr bus
2 00
Irled Apples '
2 31
llcef per 100 lbs
Pork "
ax reeii
U 00
11 (W
Ijird " ro
Onions per bushel-
7 0
lover seed ' " ....
Imothy " " "
PhllatUlpliIn Markets
Flouii . np.
Norllnvcslcrusnncrnneai zt.wm
Northwestern exiriu. f.2o
Norl I. western ramlly ivn) .to
I'eiti.HyUitnla nml Western mipertlre... 5.0030.50
Pennsylvania und Western cxtiu ,.51o9 6.7
'eimsyivunm nnd western mimiy v.wksu.w
'euniylvnufa unU Western ancy U.5Ui$1J.2j
m e Hour
Wheat Pennsylvania red, bi
81.01, ,'2
.southern " ,
California " .
' whito '
Uyi5 Pennsylvania rve. V, bua....
ijoiin lenow,
Oath hus ..
KOVISIONS Mess lorK,T bbl ,
Messlloi'f, ,
Dressed Hogs, V B
timoked Hums
124 .IM
: (SIM
Hhoulderb lb
Laril, V Hi 17c20$o
rseed bus t7.03,l).'i)
Skeps Cloverseed
Tlmothysced V bus 1:1.75
Oatti.k lleef Cuttle SB - DcOlOKi
cows, a head (llKgiW
BnitKr H 11) (2ic
Hons 100 lbs 163.S17.50
DAVIS-OIHSON-Onthe 5th nit at the.housoof
Jonas Itantz by 1. K. Krirubaum J.i . Jir, A. 1j.
Davis nml Miss Sarah U.Gibson both of Ilenton
Columbia co. Pa.
linf.MI'H Itozr.r.I.r. On tlintllnlt.Lv the samo
al ins oinco air, .losepn 11. iioimes oi j-xior
Luz. co. nnd Miss Irene Ilozelleof lleutou, l'u.
I.nwr.ItV MHI'.T.MITMHIt On Thursday Feb,
Qith lMJ-nt 1 leiisrsoniiireln I.lir it street. 1)V
tho llov. A. H. sherls, .Mr. Isaiah Lowery of
urnngo twp. to Misssnrnusnciimmcroi centre
iwp. uoiumuiu cuumy i-ii.
LEMON CIIAMHEIIS At tho residence of Miss
s. M'Kelvy, Muncy, Pa., on tho 11 tilt, by Ilev.
T. M'NuIr, Mr. Hervy lemon of Millvllle,
Col. co. aud Miss .Mary Chambers orMuncy,
UUNYAN OAUMEll In tho llorough of New
Columbus on tho"tii ult. by llev. Dr, Jos. I,.
KIlKoro. Mr. Jno. D. ltiinynn, Esrj., aud .Mrs
Mnltza uaumerbolli of Catuwissajl'.i.
SUTLIFE n.YM.MA" At New Columbus on
tho lull ult. by Ilev. Jos. L. Kllgole, Mr. ltoss
C.Sullliranil Miss Sainh A Itumaiy, both or
llunlliigtuu twp. Luz. co.
OHI. In llrlarcrcelc at the resldcnco of Levi
Alkman, Esij., Mrs. Lena Old, relict of the Into
John Ohl, in tho seventy-ftrstyenr of her age,
TnUJIP-On Saturday Feb. Wth, Charles M'Clcl
laii Trump sop of Samuel and llarbara Trump
nt Uloomsburg. aged about 2 years, of Iullniu
inatfon of the Luugs.
March, that gives us n new President, Is llso
tho Inaugural mouth of many harassing disor
ders. Entangled in its fogs aro the seeds of
coughs, colds, uud of that alternation of frigidity
nnd lire, moro widely known than admired, call
ed fever aud ague, Tho only way to avoid theso
"Utile unplcasantncsses,"lsto render the system
strong enough to fight ofTthe atmospheric poison
that produces tlicm, und tho bebt way to endow
It with this repellent power Is to tone it with
If a wayfarer were credibly Informed that a
rullhm was waiting nt tho next corner, ho would
doubtless turn In his tracks, and tako a safer
routo to his destination. With Just about tho
sumo amount nf trouble, tho attacks of diseases
prevalent ut this season may bo evaded. Nay,
tho trouble will bo less, for drug stores lie in
every ono's routo, and every respectable drug
gist in tho Union keeps on hand IIOSTKTTEH'S
BITTEH3. Tho article is a a Inploof trade, and
It would bo us easy to find a grocery without su
gar, as the stores of au apothecary without this
popular tonic remedy.
In vlow of tho experience of tho nation with
regard to the article, during the spaco of twenty seems almost unnecessary to recapitu
late) Ua merit! to Americans. But as our popu.
lation is increasing at the rato of a couple of mil
lions a year, In tho natural way and by Immigra
tion, It may be ns well to hint to tho rising gene
ration nnd now arrivals, (tho old settlers know
all about it,) that HOSTETTEK'S STOMACH
BITTEHS Is tho most wholesome aud potent
vegetablo tonic ever manufactured; that It is a
specific for debility, dyspepsia, biliousness, and
mlosmatio fevers ; that it prevents, ns well as
cures, these complaints and their complications;
that It is not ' bad to lake," nnd Is absolutely
$2000 A YEAR-
With little labor. Enmettilnir enllrntv dkw fnr
all thoso out of employment, estoulshlng results
heard iroin, every day since dlscoveied t5 to 810
per day Hindu by every one who 1ms yet tnken
hold ofthe business, optu lo nil, no lupltul le
iulied. All those having any feur or being hum
buged will oblige uiu by not noticing this; all
olhers nddress Hie without delay. For particu
lars pleuse enclose stamp for circular. Address
Viilentlno Blank, New Blooinileld Perry Co., Pa,
Nov, ir7.'uvi-0m.
THE undersigned respectfully Informs his
friends nnd the public, 1 lint helms bought out
'1 mom ah Hucki.e, nnd will continue thu business
orsADDLI.nnd HAltNISMAKINO, in nil its
various branches, ut theold stand uboro Snyder's
Hotel, und hopes to deserve uud receive Ihe pat
ronage of nil who iiccdurticles in ills Hue.
Feb.2i,'ta. OEOllUE LAZAHUH.
Tho nubile nre herehv notified thatnu the 4th
lnv of February IhUI I purchased nt CousUthle's
Hale, Ihe following property, sold as tho goods
and chattels of Wm, Piter, vizt
One Conk Stove, 1 Bureau, 1 Doz. Chairs, 2
Hocking Chairs 1 Bed aud Bedding, 2j yards of
Carpet and ono Brass Kettlo.
The public ure hereby notified that I have loan
ed suhl personal property to William Plfer, uud
uro requested not to purchase, nor molest the
same. E. A. KELCIINElt,
Can b supplied at all times Willi ground
At the mill of PAXTON & IIAHMAN,
llupert, Deo, 18,'0.iiiq.
l,'rom Dlspensnlory of tho llnllcd Slatii,
piioi'KUTiK.i.rTliclr odor Is strong, uiiiu.h
and koinewhut aromatic, their Hum uuterl
nro lienlly stimulant, vvltlift peculiar teim,.,
to tho Uiluary organs.
Tl cyuregheniii comp Inlnts of tho Urlu,
Oik mis. Mini n uraycl, chronic- Cuinrth i,i ,
illadder, Moibid Irritation of tho linu,it.r
I i'ctlia,i)lsoasoof th6l'roUto Ulaim, nnu I
Icntlou or incontinence of Urine, Irolu n lu,i
I ,i,n nnris concerned In Us ev,i,,,i
Tho remedy has also been recommended In i
pepsin, I'lnonlc Hheuuiatlsm, Cutaneous ah
l'HKLMiioLU'HPixTnACT llucnu Is Used l,y ,,
sons iroin tho ngeB of 18 to 25, and from jj tii.
incut, or Labor Pains j lled-Wettlng m eimar
In allectlons peculiar to females, the Ejtt
HUChU IS uueiiumwi uj .wi 'i-iiicuy.Oi!
Chlorosis, ol itetcnlfon, Irregularity, fift,
ncss or suppression of customary l.vaciwtii,
Ulcerated or brhlrrous SUUo of the L'ttt
Lcucorrhen, or Wilti"j.
Diseases oi my i"i "ravel, t
Dropsical Swellings. Tills medicine hiiun
tho power of Digestion, aud excites the Au"
bents into healthy action, by wh ch tho Wat.
or Calcareous depositions, aud all Unnatural j
largeincnts nro reduced, ns well us Pain uUi
HK1.KM1IOL.U a i!2iiiii-i. imtnu mis cu red cv
case of Diabetes Hi which It has been giu n
rltution or IhoNocu, of tho lllailder, and Inn ,
nation or the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Km,,
and Bladder, llelcntiou or Urltie, Diseases or
Uravel, llrlck-Dust DeposIl,nud Mucus ur .Mi
Discharges, mid lor enicebludund delicate i
stltuUous, of both sexes, attended with n,
lowing symptoms! ludlsjioslllon lu Kxvri,
Loss of Power, iMsa of .Memory, Dlilkuin
inclining, oiuwiervcs, ireiuunug, llurru,
Disease, Wuliclulness, Dimness or Vision. 1
Intheliack.llotlluniis, Elushlug or mc ',.,
Dryness or the Skin, Eruption on the Kace, l
Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the. Mu
Ur system, 4c
llelmboid's Extrnct lluchu is Diuretic
llloud-Purliylng, and cures all Diseases an.
Irom habits of dissipation, excesses nail iu
deuces lu llio, liupurltlesot llio Utuod, &c ku
scdlug copiiloa lu uil'ectlous Tor which u i,uj
huch us Uoiiorrhtt'a, Oleels of long stuuiliiu
Syphllltlo Allcctlous in these diseases, us
connection with llclmbold'a Itoso Wush,
Bold by nil Druggists and dealers every vh
Iioware of counierfelts. Aslc for Hcimim
Take no other. Prlco-Sl.ti per bottle, or
lies lor 0.00. Delivered tu any oddrcs. bw
symptoms In nil communications.
Address It. T. 1IELMU0L1)
fill llrotulw.iy, X.
steel-eugiuved wrapper, with fac-shalte ol
Chemical Warehouse, and signed
Feb. 7,'09-2m,
Tho Auditor appointed by tho Orphnm'c
of Columbia county to mnko distribution ol
balance in tne nanusorunviii ijowenbergEr
lor ol the last will and Testament orjaeob I
lato of Dloom township In said aountralecn
will meet tho parties luterested, lor the i,nr
of his appointment, on Friday tho Pith ua
April A. 1I.,1S0U, at ten o'clock A.M., at lils i
In llloomshurg Columbia county Pa.
Mar.5.'6'J-4t. W. O. Hurley, Audit
The undersigned nppolnted an niKtltor It
Court, to distributable fund lu the luunlso!
vld Lowls Executor of Silas Jackson UccMte
among tho legatees and legnl represents!!
Bald Testator, will attend nt Ills ollkeln III,,
burg on Saturday April 21,1500 nt loo'elutkl
to f u 1 1111 tho duties of his uppolutineiit. All
sous having any claims are reipilred to pre
tho same to the auditor or bo forever iltba
from comlug In on said fund.
IS. W. MILLE11, Audit
Mr. C'CO-it.
I lln the Orphans' Court for the County of a,
bln.ln tho mntterof tho cstnto of Fredericks,1
deceased. Tho Auditor nppolnted by the I,
to make distribution of tho balance hi theb
of Lewis Yctter, Administrator or I'm
Sclllee, deceased, among tho creditors of the
Intestate, will meet tho parties Interested f
r,urpose of ills appointment ou HutimUy, .
7th, A. H. lhllli, at 10 o'clock, p. m., at Ills oil'
Uloomsburg, Columbia county. Pa. i
AU persons having claims ngulnst t he eslnt
hereby;requlred to presen them to thcAtuli I
on failure to present the samo ho forever lt
rrom coming in for a share of the said esi.itt
J. O. FltEEZE, Audlli
Mar. 5,G9.4t.
lu thu Orphnns'Court for tho County oil ,
bin In the matter of tho estntoof AndrewLihr
Into of Columbia co., Pa. Tho Audltornpjl
ed by tho Court to make distribution ot the
unco In tho hands of Lowls YetterAdmlim'i
of Andrew Lohrmati, deceased, utunng
creditors of the said llitestale, will laiet tit
tics Interested for the purposo of his up;
ment on Wednesday llth day of April
at ten o'clock, a. m. at his Olllco (luisk:
ltloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa.
All persons having claims aiittist tlie,'
nro hereby requlicd to present them tiitlie ,
tor, or on l.llluro to present the same tu-1, '
debarred from coming In for n share o!t!si
estate. rt
Mnr,VC9. it. J. G. FltEEZE, Aud
Letters ofudinlnlstrntlon on the est.ileo'
Uohrhach, late of Sellnsgrovo H n ;
County, licensed, havo been grunted t.
iiegisier oi hniuuouuiytio ii.uiiei r iauin
mlnlstrator,who resides lu Franklliitnr
tho said estate are requested lo present 11 1
settlement without delay, and lliuc hull
mako payment.
DANIEL P. itoiirtm
Fob, 6,'C9-Ct,
Letters ol ntlmlnlstrtttlon on the tstuteo: (
ham Dietterlch late of Centra twp. I'oluin
deceased, havo becu grnutcd by the 11 ;
said county to Isaac) Unuvt.u ot ,
toivushlp. All persons havlug elal'J
demands against the estato ol the decul'i
requested lo make them known, umllli,
debled lo make paymcut, . 1
Feb.l9,'C9-Ct, AdintuUlf
The unders'gned appointed an order to 1
lain debts against bald deceased, aud '
debtedliess or the heirs or suld dec d to
cedent: and to distribute tho moneylutLt
or John 11, nnd Isaiah Dietterlch, Allium
of said decedent; and also the moneyluUv
of Isaiah Dietterlch to whom tho real et,
awarded by the court; to the creditor sill
and legal represcntatlvies of said dt'ctiuf
attend at tho Heglster's OHlce In Blooinl!
Tuesday March 30th lt9, ut ulno o'clixk-f
fulfil lliodutles of hisnppolntment. 1
All ncrsons liavlmr claims or dtninni'r
the said several fundsnre herbey required'
cut their claims beforo said Audltor.ur ben
ng in on said mini-. .
Feb. 20,'CD-lt
Ihe Commonwealth of PeunsylvanlatiD
las KlndLMnthias Kindt, Barbara Junsk
bara Kindt, Mnry Kopn late Mary KlnatJ
Hohr, Anuii Kludt, John Kludt, CbrWte
Anton Kludt.Barbara Kludt, lleury Ms'
caret Kindt and Mary Kindt, biiillu j)
Daniel llollman, Hegina Hoiinuin am.'
erlckn Hoilmull Heirs ot Frederick IH
of suld couutyaleccnsed, nnd to ull other r
Interested, Orcelnff.-You'r hereby riled tm1
appear before the Judges or our Oiiiiiit
ut uu Orphans' Court to beheld at mooi"
on tho llrst Monday or May next, then Mjl
to accept or reluse to tako tho real csliiw
Frederick ltoho,dcceojed,atthoupralt
Hon putupou It by the inquest duly aS
tho suld court, and returned by the bliynw
hereof lull not. Witness the llonorafw B
Elwcll, President of our said court, tl "p
of February A, D, ouo thousand elgul u,,
and btxty-iilne, , ,i
Feb. 19,'C9-0w. J
Februnry 13, 1609. Tho Jury Loiiiuil" 1
Thos.J. Welliver, Ellshu Hu niuii, oik .
the bherlir M. Millard, met ut Ihilr ','
Bloomsburg and drew Iroin the Jur " ji
names of eighty persons toheJUio"
Couuty Court or Oyer und Terminer lo wi
ut Bloomsburg In und lor said coiiuts
Monday to wit: thoflfteenth day ol '
100. ut two o'clock In the alleriioonorw-j,
Bloom-Hlram Palmer. Thos. J. M"r'L!.
Thomas, Joseph sharpless, Jure;! 1- LT'
Benjamin P. Sliarpless, Clark M.UruiI J, i,
Jones. V
Berwick-Henry C. Freas, Slim E. Wa; T
Bentoii-Siuuuel llcucoik, Joliu t. 1m; 3
11. Pennington,
Beaver-Charles Michael, Charles ll.'1'r i
CcntroJcsso Hoffmau, Jumcs HlU, J !
Centralia JInrtiu asughcu, lunlil 1 j
mun, Tiiomus Uerrety,
Cutawlssa-Abel Thomas, Joseph M-i'M
V. Bodlne.
Conyngham Richard Hughes,
l.'l' llli(r,rnr1rAfi,n Il,.kM .TlllubSl
ham llobblns, DaUd Yost, ClusH
John D, M'lleury.
l'rauklin-eth Hartmau, Joiiatli.ini
Orecnwood -Israel Bogatt, -tiJn
Willi.... .IWI lll.... "
,i iti.M,,. i.-i m.i.-u jviiiit,
Hplillnclr .lull n 'inn 11
l'lillln A.Stroun. Isaao N. lAildy. '(I
Jackson John Jaycox, Henry
. Locust Joseph Illlllg, I'.noch
Kline joiiii stokes, Adam Miiik
lis (i(,. ..
Malne-Jolm II, HurUeJ, D.iulel Millie
Miitiin Samuel w uss, Anron Audiei'
iy, nmuu, iJuuiei ai, iiutieusuue.
Mudlsou lleuben Wilson, Jacob -V
Daniel lUitfi, William Johnson, Joll
Ml, Pleasant Howard Q rimes.
Orange IllramH.Kllno,JttiuesB.I!oriu.'
ley Bowman'
K Pine Joseph Sweeny, William Kershu
Potter Hlruiu Shultz, Jacob Loug,
Hoarlngcreek-Peter K, Meiuh,
Scott Elisha II, Pursell, Charles Jones
Kiesslcr, lleubeu Culp,
Hugarlour Walcott Harvey.
In testimony that tho foregoing Is co
drawn from tho Jury whei 1 nnd entere
tho inluutes of the olllco. Wo hnvo;
our jiuiids this luth day of Februuay A. D.
Allisl, . ,
Win, KmciiUAUM, Clerk. T ..
MOllill.1 'A I AIILW'' id C
ELISHA 1LV!,a,n,Vpi! fed
Feb. 19,'OU-liu.