(ganun-'iS gciwvtmtnt. J praisrrntlnii u ir.l ;i Carriages. A j.auoi; (Mitti'm of lluwowlio own harness niul cmitIaku, otthnr tlirouiili Ignnriiucu or airelcMiioH pay po little tittintlon to tholriirervntlon,tlint In n few months they Kncrolly look soiled and old. If proper curw U taken, this nmy ho avoided. Tho principal dim eutty rinults from nllowlnt? tho mud to rwnain on for t lsiiR tlmo or from the manner of washing It oir, nnd wo will Klvo i few hints nhoiit keeping linrneM nnd enrrhip;e In good order. Tlioao who have tho caro of harness need not ho troubled to prevent It from gottliiB wet, for leather, If In Kooil eon tlitlou, IsfL'ldom Injured by water. Cnro should bo taken however, to hang up thu harness, and not allow 1 to hu thrown Into a heap on tho floor, to Ho nml mould, Instead of drying off. Tho leather should bo kept falily ollctl, hut tho harness j-houhl llrt to taken apart an 1 washed with i-oft water, and tho nil nav ho rubbed In while Iho leather li niol.it, euro buhl!; taken that tho ap plication Is thoroughly made. For this purpoao neats-wot on is uonsiuurcu mu best. If tho harness also needs black lug, nllttlo lamp-black should bs added to tho oil, and tho running snom MP ttl, .nv bn smpttiui iiiiu v.w... ....... - Mseil in wiping"" ""-" being soiled. leather varnisn snoum never ho used on harness. In cleaning tho plating, rotten, stone or whiting m.iy ho used, hut generally an occas ional rubblnsr .off with u woolen cloth will ho all that Is neccswiry. The first thing to ho remembered In cleaning a carrlago is that tho mud which may accumulate is not to bo tak en off by rubbiug; if it is dry, (and it should never bo allowed to become so if it is possible to prevent it), soak It woii nod lct.lt get sort, so that by throw ing on water it will run off. After tho carrlago has thus been thoroughly rins u,i rr nml nil tho corners cleaned out, tho work may bo finished with a pail of clean cold water and n goou sponge, If the- bpongo is not clean it will bo likely to scratch tho paint. After wash ing, a piece of chamois skin thould he used to rub all the paint and polished work until it is thoroughly dry, It Is hardly necessary to say that no ono who cares at all for a nico looking enr riago will over leavodirtin tho comers. There need be no fear of washing a carrlago too often; if waahed overy time it is run out, and dried well with a chamois, thero will generally bo less Uoublc about tho cracking of tho paint. But tho care of a carrlago does not end with tho washing. A nuitablo room to keep it lir, Is always a very important consideration. A coach-liouso that is not properly ventilated, or In n-damp place, whero steam of any kind passes through it, will, in a short time, furnish tho opportunity for destroying tho best painted carrlago eror made, nnd In theau casts it is too common toattrlhulo the fault to the painter. Harness anil Carriage Journal. Trusty Farm Hands. Any man who goes into tho employ ment of nuother, should take Ills posi tion with tho determination of making tho connection between himself nnd employer ono of mutual benefit. Farm hands aro liable to loso all but a selfish interest, and mako their chief object to nass awav their timo and recolvo their money. The; objection is not usually an unwillingness on tho part of tho em ployee to perform sufficient labor, hut n lack of carefulness nnd perfect trust. Somo hired men are too sensltlvo and appear unwilling to ho instructed In tho performance of any Job, others nro wilKhg to dolany way suggested, right or wrong, and to execute It In tho quick est possible manner, regardless of re sult. Now theso faults aro both un pleasant and unprofitable to thepartlos concerned. A hired man should bo como as ono of tho farmer's family, and make his employer's interest his own, "and show himself trustworthy. It makM no difference, how much muscular labor ho may ho ablo to per form, If ho cannot ho trusted out of tight with thocare of stock, the uso ofa team, or tho performance of any Job of work, ho cannot obtnln wage tho yoar through, equal to those of a btrlpllng youth who Is honest and vigilant. A fHrmer wishes to know when tho "barn chores" aro finished, that tho eat tlo and hortes nro all in their proper places, and made Pecure, nnd that they aro plentifully but not wastefully fed ; that when this team is away upon the road, it is plentifully tared for j Uiat bars, fences, etc., nro left in good order nfter passing through them j that gates and barndoors aro closed at night j that Bxes. wedges, hoes, and other tools aro laid up in their places. Thero inn satis faction in having a man about tho farm who,wJll attend to U theso matters with as much euro ns If they were his own, and a hired man of this stamp need never search for n position or work for common wages; ho will always stand at a premium, and tho only trouble ho will find that is unsurmoun- t'nblo will bo to nccommodato all who wish to sccuro his services. It requircsno moreoutlay of strength, no moro timo, only an exercise of cnro to do work right, and by this study to do things as they should be dono.hahltB aro formed, and theories Inculcated, which will bti of great valueand lasting benefit when tho employeo shall have become tho owner and manager of an estate Ohio lUrmtr. Ouciiaui) Bites. Thoso who nro about forming now orchards should study well tho location, remembering that an elevation of only a few rcet oi teu rendtirs a location 4rco from frost, and thus Insures tho crop of fruit. Aealn, It Is not only that tho hills nro moro exempt from frost than valleys, but that tho Increased tempcraturo of tho valleys In summer causes n moro rapid oud Bueculent growth, less capa. bio of enduring uninjured tho severity of winter. Tiik Philadelphia Weekly J'ress eays that tho acknowledged oxoellcnco of Philadelphia butter Is caused by tho iiorsovrlnir attention of tho makors to all the little details of manufacture; nerfect cleanliness which tho abun danco of cool spring water on most of tho farms has aided and abetted, has a great deal to do In tho matter. Tin: othor day a "minister was innr rylngn male and femalo, tho mnlo n Uttlo tight, nnd wlion It was said, "Thoso that Clod has Joined togotlior, lot no mun put assunder," tho nowly mado iiusbwiti shouted, "You but I" THE LUlU Tlimulllii(, ' Oncu upon a tlmo there was a Wood culler who had seven children, till boj; tho ehlett was hut ten years old, mid tho youngest only seven. People won dered that tho Woodcutter had to many children in so short n tlmo; but tho fact Is that his wlfu not only had them fast, but seldom presented him with less than two at n birth. They were very poor, and tho seven children troubled them greatly, as not ono of them nw yet nblo to gain his llvllhood. What grieved them still moro wns that tho youngest wns very delicate, and sel dom spoke, which they considered a proof of stupidity Instead of good sense. Ho was Tory dlMilmillve, and, when first horn, scarcely bigger than ono's thumb, which caused them lo call him Little Thumblittg. This poor child was tho scapegoat of the houe, was blamed for everything that happened. Nevertheless ho was tho shrewdest and most nenslblo of nil his brothers, and If ho spoko little, ho listened a grtat deal. There came a ve ry bad harvest nnd tho famlno wns so sovero thnt theso poor peoplo dctermln iil in !...( t i - - - - i mi i i in nrr 00r-rtw ,oi meir cmiiiren. uue evening when they were all in bed, and tho Woodman was sitting over tho lire With his wife, ho said to her with an aching heart, "Thou seest clearly that wo can no longer find food for our chil dren. I cannot let them dlo of hunger Uofore my eyes, and I am rieolved to lo.M' litem to-morrow In tho wood.whlch will ho easily done, for whilst they aro occupied In lying up tho faggots, wo have but to inaku off unobserved by them." "Ah I" exclaimed tho Wood cutter's wife, "Can.t thou hnvo tho heart to loso thlno own children?" Her husband In vain represented their exceeding poverty ; sho could not con sent to tho deed. Sho w.is poor, but she was their mother. Having, however, reflected on tho misery it would occa sion her to seo them dio of hunger, she at length aesenttd, and went to bed weeping. LlttloThuiiibllng henrd everything they said, for having ascertained, as ho lay In his bed, that they wero .talking of their affairs, ho got up quietly, and slipped tinder his father's stool to listen without being seen. IIo went to bed, and slept not a wink tho rest of tho night, thinking what ho should do. IIo roso early and repaired to tho hanks of a rivulet, where ho filled his pockets with small white pebbles, and then re turned homo. They set out all togeth er, and Little Thumbling said nothing of wlutt ho had heard to his brothers. They entered n very thick forest, wherjn, at ten paces distant they could not seo ono another. Tho Woodcutter began to cut wood, nnd his children to pick up sticks nnd mako faggots wit h.. Tho father and mother, seeing them oc cupied with their work, stolo nway gradually, nnd then fled suddenly by a small winding path. When, tlio chil dren found themselves all alone, they' began to scream and cry with all their might. Littlo Thumbling let them scream, well knowing how ho could get homo again, for ns ho camo ho had dropped all along tho road tho littlo whito pebbles he had in his pockets. Ho said to them, "Fear nothing, broth ers, my father a.id mother havo left us here, but I will tako you safely home, only follow me." They followed him and ho led them back to tho honso by tho sawo road that they had taken into the forest. They feared 10 enter imme diately, but placed themselves close to tho door to listen to tho conversation of their father and mother. Just nt tho moment that tho Wood cutter and his wifo reached homo, the lord of tho manor sent them ten crowns which ho had owed them a long time, and which they had given up nil hope of receiving. This was new lifo lo them for theso poor peoplo wero actually starving. Tho Woodcutter sent his wlfo to tho butcher's Immediately. As it was many a day sinco they had tast ed meat, sho bought threo times aa much as was necessary for tho supper of two persons. When they had satisfied their hunger, tho Woodcutter's wifo said, "Alas! where now are our poor children; they would faro merrily on what wo havo left. Hut it was thou, Oulllaumc, who wouldst loso them. Truly did I say wo should repent it. What aro they now doing in tho forejtl Alas I Heaven help mo! tho wolves have perhaps, already devoured them I Inhuman that thou art, thus to havo destroyed thy children I" Tho Wood cutter began to loso his temper, for sho repealed moro than twenty times that they shonld repent it, and that sho had said they would. Ho threatened to heat her If sho did not hold her tongue. It was not that tho Woodcutter was not perhaps,cven moro sorry than his wifo, but that sho had mado auch a r.olse about it, und that ho was llko many other men who are fond of women who can talk well, but nre exceedingly an noyed by those whoso words always eonio true. Tho wlfo was all In tears. "Alas! whero aro now niychlldren, my poor children V" Sho uttered thin, at length so loudly, that tho children, who wero at tho door, heard her, and began to ery altogether "Wo aro hero I wo aro here!" Hho ran quickly to open tho door to them, and embracing them ex claimed, "How happy I am to seo you again, my dear children ; you aro very tired and hungry. And how dirty thou art, Pierrot ; como hero and let mo wash theo." Pierrot was her eldest son, nnd sho loved him bettor than all tho rest because ho was rather red-hoadod, and sho was slightly so herself. They sat down to supper, and cat with an appo tlto that delighted thole father and mother, to whom thoy related how frightened they wero In tho for.est, speaking almost all together. Tho good folks a'ero enchanted to seo their chil dren onco moro around them, and their Joy lasted as long as tho ten crowns ; but when tho money was spent they ro- lapsed into their former misery, and resolved to loso tho children again, nnd to do bO effectually, thoy dotcrmlned to lead them much further from homo than thoy had done tho first time. Thov could not talk of this so prl- vately.but that they wero overheard by Littlo Thumbling, who reckoned upou Kitting out of tho hcrapu by tho same means us before ; but though ho got up very early to collect tho littlo pebbles, ho could not succeed In his ohlect.for he found tho noubo uoor uouuio iockcu. Ho know not what to do, when tho Woodcutter's wife, having given them each u piece of broad for their hreakfiut, It occurred to him that ho might mako tno bread kiipply tho nlaco of tho peb bles by strewing crumbs of It ulong tho path as they went, and so ho put his piece In lib pocket. (Cbirtimied.) COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, MISCELLANEOUS. J" A T I O X A L .LIKE lNSUPvANrjK CO. oi'Tiir. SIATKH OK AMI WASII1KOTON, P. C. UNITED UK) A, ciiAim;nninY8PixiAiiACT0FcoNunEs3, AiTitovKii July 23, im. CASH CAPITAL,- $ 1,000,000. paii in rtiLU 11IIANCII OFFICE! rntsT national bank building, Where tho general business of tho Company Is transacted, and to which all general correspon dence should lo addressed. O F K I C U 11 fl t CIjAUDXCK H. CI.AHK. President. JAY COOKU, Chairman Finance aud Executlvo Committee. HENUY 1). COOIvi:. Vice-President. EMEIIHON y, ruKT, Hecrctaryand Actuary. This Company, National In Its character, offers by reason of Us Lnriso Capital, Low llntcs of Pre mium nnd New Tables, the most desirable means of Insuring Ufa yet presented lo the puhlle. Tlio rates of premium being largely reduced, aro mado an favorable to tlia Insurers as those of tho best Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notice, Divi dends, and tho misunderstandings which tho lat ter aro soapt to causo tho roller-Holder, Several new nnd attractlvo tables aro now pre sented, which need only to bo understood to provo acceptable to tho public, fcuch as tho IN- coMK-rnonuciNQ policy and ketuhn PIIEJIIUM POLICY, In tho former, tho policy holder not only hecuros a lifo insurance, payable nt death, but will receive. If llvlng,afler- period of n few years, nn nnnual Income equal to ten per cent. (10 per cent.)of the par or Ills policy, in the latter, the Company ngroon to return lo tho nsslired tho lotnl nmonntof money ho lias paid, In addition to tho nmount of his policy. Tho attention of persons contemplating Insur ing their lives or Increasing tho nmount of In snranco they nlrendy have, Is called to tho special advantages offered by tho National Life Insur ance Company, Circulars, Pamphlats and full particulars given onnppllcntiontotholiranchonico of tho Com pany, or to E. W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania nnd Southern New Jersey. JOEL E. IlItADLEY, Moomsburg Pa., Special Agent forMontour& Columbia Counties Feb. 19,'aviyr . UNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS, Messrs, LAZARUS & M0KRI3, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS IIAItTFOIlIl, CONN.. Have.wlth nvlew tamcct tho lccrcnvcd demand ' for their C E L E B R A T F. D PEItKECTEU SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WERE, STATIONER, II L o om s Iiu n o, Pa As their sole Agent for this place. They havo taken earo to glvo all needful Instructions, nnd have conlldencc In tho nullity of their agents to meet the requhements of all customers. An op. portunlty will bo thus afforded to procure, nt nil times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOR THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES, Too.much cannot bo said as to their SUPERI ORITY over the ordinary glasses woru. There Is other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary. from tho peculiar construction of tho Lensos Uiey nro soothing ami pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, nnd PRODUCING A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION, as luthonnii rat tealthy sight. They aro tlto only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS "WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT I And aro the CHEAPEST hecauso theBEST, nl ways lasting many yea us without chongo be ing necessary. :0: CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, JiLOOMSli una PA., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed In this place. US- WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. 19,'03,-ly. J II. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH QROCERY, SIIIYES' ni.OCK, MAIN ST., BLOOMSBimU, P A largo assortment of fancy GROCERIES constantly on hand.Cranberrles, Heedless Raisins Valentin Rosins, English Currants, citron. Mac aroni. Canned frultCod Msli und Mackeral, Extra iumuy unur, imcu wneai uour, corn meui, leeu aud provisions of nil kind, tobacco and Hegam. Cash mild for butter nnd cues. Goods delivered to all parts of tho towu. Jan. 1,'titf A It M E R S Can b bundled nt all times with ground NOVA SCOTIA PLASTER. JARVI8 ISLAND QUANO, AND PHOSPHATES, At the mill of PAXTON A IIAltSlAN, Rupert, Dee, ts,'r,s-3uio. $2000AYKAK- With little labor, nometblnr cntirolv new for all tho Be out of employment, aKtonlMlungreMUlta heard from, every day fciuce dUcovereil 5 to j to Iter day made by every one who ban yet taken lold of the builiietm, open lo all, no capital re quired. All thotie having any fear of being num- uukl'u win iimhku i" uy nui noticing uusitui others addreui Hie without delay. For particu lars please enclose Mump for circular Address Valentine Itlank, New Ifloomfleld Terry Co.. J'a. Nov. n 'tw-tim gADDIiE t HARNESS MAKER. OiCANUEYJLLK, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PJCNN'A, TIIK undersigned respectfully Informs his friends nnd the public that helms bought nut Tjiomah Hl'CKi-K, and will continue the buslneas ofHAlJM-;umi HAHiNiJ-H .MAivinu, in anus various branches, at theold stand utwve Bnyder's Hotel, und hotes to deserve and receive the pat ronage 01 uu wnoneeu ariicieH in inn iinu, FeU''Od OEOUUU UAKAUUH, IOE. The mibllouro hereby notified that on tho 4th day of J'ebruury louu i purchased at Constable's Hale, the following property, sold as the goods ami cuaiioism win. i nur, viki Hocking Chairs 1 lied and Uuddlng, 23 yards of Carpt't und one ilrosi Kettle. The nubile are hereby notified Uiat I baveloau ed said ronat properly to William Wfer, and uru leuucsU'U not to purchnse, nor molest tho same. K. A, KKLCJINKK, JIKHinvllIreb.lVoWIt, DRY GOODS. TyriLLEtt'S BTOItE. FIIE8II AnniVAIj.OF FALli AND WINTER. GOODS. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another large and select assortment of SPniNU AMD SUMMER GOODS, purchased In Now York nnd Philadelphia nt tho lowest flgnre, nud which ho Is determined . sell on ns modernto terms as cau bo procured else whero In llloomsljurg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo Assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consist Ing of tho following articles i Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsslmercs, Shawls, Flanuels, . Silks, Whlto Goods,' Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, llollowware Cedarware Queensware, Hardware Hoots and Shoes, Hats nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Lqokl9J-Hlassi., louacoo. Coffee, Sugars, Tens, KIco, , Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutme&s, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites the attention of the public generally, Tho highest price will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcado Buildings, nioqmsburg, Pn. G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just recctved nnd has on hand nt his old stand In Light Street, n largo and select ASSORTMENT OP MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, aud which ho determined to sell on ns moderate terms as be procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOR CASH OR COUXTRT rRODUCH. Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnctts, Casslmcrs, Cottonadea, Kentucky Jeans. AC, Act AC. GROCERIES, MACKERAX., Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Sc. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market prico paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 18C7. J J. B R O W E R, Is now otlerlng to tho public his Stock of spuing a o o i) -9 consisting In rart of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAO C A It'P E T 8, Fine cloths and casslmero for Ladles' coats HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of nil patterns and qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' iS CHILDREN'S GAITERS & BOOTS. Fresh Groceries aud Bplces. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half nnd one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho tlmo to make your selections, as 1 am offering goods nt very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair dealing to all, aud not to be unuer- sold by any. J. J. imuwKu. Bloomsburg, April l: , 1867. "pEimUAKY LIST AT I.W.IIARTMAN'fl s PLENDID WINTER DRESS doods Selling nt ft low Hgare, nt I. Y. HAUTMAN'M. FEW MORE LONG SHAWLS ' AT A GUEAT nUDUCTION, AT I. W. lIAKTMAN'd: LADIE'S CLOTH SACKS Maraeuuunu huiu j v iw. w. i.v I. V. HAKTMAN'H. BREAKFAST SHAWLS AND itr.i c. r.. ...ltt.n T n.l(ncl lld.lnl nud other Hoods down In prices, at I. W. HAKTMAN'S. FEW MORE REMNANTS of Prints, DcLalns, Muhllns.CassImers.&c., nt cost or less, nt I. W, HAUTMAN'S, IJMIREE NEW ROLLS OF uarpeis just rctcivcum I. W. HAUTMAN'S. LOOR OIL CLOTHS 4-4 5-1 6-4 a.1 a nice pattern of each nt I. V. HAUTMAN'S. jEN'S, LADIE'S, & CHILDREN'S Arctic uums.at 1, w. UAivuiAiva. T)ASINS, PRUNES, DRIED 1'eaclics, Clierrlc, Apples, Houp Beans 4c. on baud at I. AV. IIAUTMAN'H ATINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL who live by Preaching supplied with goods low for cash, nt I. W. HAUTMAN'S. A R R E N ' B and watch rnoor lurnovBD rmx PELT AND CEMENT POOPING Tlie advantaxes which this composition iposltlonpossi ilit and llre-p .eases uraiimnv. It Is both water.tlu prooi. It Is not affected by heat oreold. Jt can be a tilled lo uu almost perfectly nal roof, one Inch ihelfoot being all that Is required. It Is easily aim quicuiy reimireu. lis cost is inui inau an r.lher llro.iiroor roof now In use. Testlmonla iroiii all purls of therouutry as to Its durability HCCUmy RUU eueitliueiui wiiiw.iiuhu lir JOHN W. K11AMKH. Juno Sires. Agent, llloomsUurg, Pa, A Hue specimen of the roomie can be se W u , Koous' new ouse on Filth Htreet, pUJU'S ("PUMPS FOR SALE. The undersigned begs leave to Inform the till xens of thlstdace aud vicinity that he Is nrenarct t.U PUMPH for Wells unci Cisterns ever ollt red to the iiubllc. They are guaranteed to throw moro water In less lime and witwiess lanor thai 4iuy other pumji In this part of the country an ll.uu hamuli In, ktirnnkk.l fnr heAUlv nr tlnlitlv n lmnllrltvnf urratiueliieiit.uisoeolnullltlizchenii. uess and durability Kach pump being wurram. ..it tn twirffiriii Its v brit well or no sale. Kllai. Mluinmn Is agent (or Columbia county. Price 16 emits per foot i teed mine wen, orders by .mull or utnerwiso i.roiunuy uiieuueu to. pt, 4,'W-ly l'.I.IAS HilOMAK, CatawUa lis. RAIL ROADS. OKTHEKN CENTItAIi HAIL way. On nud nner Mar loth 1808, Trains will leave Nouthomukiiland ns follows t NORTHWARD. 425 A. K. Dally to Wllllamsport, (except Sunday) lorElmlra, Cnnnudalgna, Rochester, Uuffulo, Suspension Ilrldge, and N Falls, 030 p. M., Dally, (except Sunday) for Elmlra and llullulo via Erlu)Cullwny from Elmlra, (1.10 i m., Dally, (except Sundays) for Williams- 1,0rt' TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 2.M A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 0.30 P.M. Dally (oxcptSundoy'sJfor Baltimore Washington and Pnlladclplila. ill). 8. YOUNO, (Icnerul Passenger Agent, f ACICAWANNA U UUna RAiLAOAD AND HLOOJIS- On and jftjrNov30tli, lbC, Passenger Trains will run as follows! Going South, Lavo Lcavo Going North, Arrive Arrlvo a. m p. in, n. m. p. m, I. 10 12.U5 ti.15 Lcavo 4.17 11.30 0.10 S. 10.57 H.I0 l.r.i 7.11 .' 5. 10 IMS' 7.Jt 0.15 H.00 U.M U.,V. 7.40 U.10 7.47 8.1S tl.UO 8.10 7.10 6M Arrlvo Leuvo Lcuvu II. Oj 7.10 4.U Scranton 0.-5 Pltlston (1.00 Kingston tun Plymouth o.il Hhlckshlnuy.. t.-ti Berwick M 7.M Bloom H.;is Kupert s.:w Danville U.UI Arrlvo North'd V.IJ The 11,10 Train at Scranton makes connections with Express Train lor New York at 3 o'clock p. in,, nrrlvlug in New York 0.50 p. in. " it. A. iOKDA, Bup't. MS. 1S0S. IJllILADELPHIA AND ERIE L RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. TIIKODUII AND DIHKCT 110 UTE 1IKTWEEN PHILA DELPHIA, 1IALT1MOHK, llAUllISllURa, WIL LIASISPOltT, AND THE GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING, CARS On all Night Trains. On nnd after Monday. Nov. 121rd 1S0S. the Trains on tnu PlUludelphla AErlo Rail Road will ruu im iuuuws; WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.13 p.m. rioriiiumucrianu...u.iu a.m. " nrr. ntKrle ll.50n.mt ERIE EXPRESS leaves Plilladelphiu.....ll.50 in. oriu u.oup.111 " arr.atErle 10.tun.iii. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.0Oa.m. isortiru i.-ip.m ' " nrr. atLocklluvcu ,7,15p.m. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10.55 a.m. " ' Korthd aJ..'Ua.in. " nrr. nt l'lilhulelnhl:! lu.Ijo n. in. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 0.'J5p.ni. Nfirt'd 'J.sou.mi " " arr.atl'hlladelpliln l.J0p.ui. Mall nnd Express connects Willi oil Creek and Allegheny River Rail lloud. UiitrL'inro clieektil through. j. u. x l j.r.u, General Superintendent, Wllllauisport. CATAWISSA RAILROAD On nnd after MONDAY, Nov. S3, lnn. Passenger tialnsou the Cutnwlfcsa Railload will run aL tlie following named liouis: Matt Soith STATIONS. WJlllam&port. Muncy. "Wntbonlown. Milton. Danville. Rupert. Culnwlsfn. Rlngtown. Summit. ouitkultc. Mail ..VortA Arr, G.10 p. in. Dep.ft.ll " " 0.12 " " 4.5.3 ' " 4.1U " " 3.5i " " UM " " 2.28 " " LSI " " 1.40 " " 1.2U " ' 1.10 " 10.40 n.liv. Dep. 7.50 n,m 8.a) 8.50 " W.10 " " 10.12 " 1U.2J ' 11.41) " 12.S0p.IU, 12.45 " I.1XJ 2.15 4:ri 1 1-;. Muhony June. Dlne.Tumuqua. Dlue. 1 Iteudlng. Arr, (1.45 I'liiiaueipuin, 8.15 " 10.59 J To New Vol K via. Rend' I lug or Muuch Chunk lToruNew orkvlu,l .Illlllfll culm c. i 7.C0 NoChangoof cars between Wllllamsport and Phlladelimla. UEO. WEUU buy't. JKADINQ ItAILHOAU. ai.kaaujim, uec. litli, lbcn. Great Trunk Line fioni the North nnd Kortli. West lor riilludelnliiu.New York. ItL-uuinir. l'ottn. vllle.Tuinaniui. Asliltind. Lobiiuon. Alhniou'n jusiuu, ipumiu, iJinzt ljuncusier, ijoniiauia, Ac., Trains leuvo llurrlsburtj lor New York, ns lol- locsi At S.iU und 8.1u n. in.. I' lit tmnn nml 2tvi Al0,&0p.mM connecting wlthMmilartmluaon the l'a. Uullroud, and airlvlng at New York nt 1I,W, U,W U.1D,, & 3,50 '(,UU & Ilt,(Jj p. m bleeping cuih ftccoinpitiiying tho y,0U n.iu, and lUivv y.ni. HIUU3 nuuuuk i:iiuugt'. Leave llunlbuii lor llwidina, Tottsvllle, Ta matiua, iHnersvlllu, Aohland, 1'ino Grove, Allen- 1 town and rhlladelphlaaia.lUa.iii.. nnd 2,0.5 and ,IU p.m., htonniug at Lebanon aud principal way Biutioun; thu -l.luiMn, making conductions for rhlludciphlauud colun.btuonly. For 1'ottsVlUo b4jHuylkul lluveu aud Auburn, via bchuylklll and ftufcuueliuiinu Uuilroud, leuvo llurrlaburg at 3,W p.m. Returning: Leave New Yolk at t),0O u,m. and lw m., una 5,1U and ,uu p.m. tsleenlug c.ubuccompnuylny the y.w u.muudd,10 and 8,u p. mM iiMiua Miniuui, ciiuiigu. way I'ussengur Train leues 1'hiladelphlu at 7.tHi a.m., returning irom Heading at ti,U5 p.m olopping ut all btatlomt; pottHVlUo ut7'o0 a. in., und ,Mjp.mM Abhlnud ti,w u.iii'aud I2tli noon, und 1W p. m., Tuiuaqua ut ti.yu u. in,uudl,UUuudti,ljitiu, Jjcuxe'otuvlllo tor llaiiisburg, via Schui'lktl and bUHquehuuuu Itallroad at 7,10 a.m. and U.uo UIKJU. Ituudlug Accommodation Train leaves itendlmr at 7,lWa.m., returning Xrom i'htludelphla at 4,t3 .m. 1'otUtown Accommodation TrnludenveaPotta- town ut O.iiu.m... returnluir. leaver Putliuleitihin at 4,W p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains: lenve Heading at 7tU0 u.ui.t und 0-1 j p.m. for KpUruta, Llllz, Luucaa- purklomen Hall Road Trains leave Verklomen Juuctlou ut U.15 u.m., und 5.5G p. ui. Returning ; LCU u oniiipuvft ui cw U.U1,, UlIU p.m., COI1 necling wuu biuinur inunu on Reading Railroad On Huudays. leuvo New YorkatKixin.in.. Piiil- adelphlu u.m. uud3,15p.m.t tho duu u.m. truln ruuuniH n, iwiiuing; lonHviiio e,w u.iii.; llarrlhburg 60 u.m, und 4,lu andlU,50 p.m., and Reading at 1.U5 and U.ou nnd 7,15 a.m. for Harris- UUIbl UMV , IJ.Ul! iUI n A UI li, and if'X p.m. lor rniladclphla. uommuiiuiuii, uncage, neuHon, ncuooi nnu ux cuihIou tleketu to and lrom ull polnUt ut reduced raUH. Iluggnce checked throush : 100 rounds nllowed to each pobbeuger, General bupeilutendeut, Reading, Ta., Dec, 11, hud. WE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! THE SINaUR BKWINQ SiACTUNE HEADS THE LIST, And lends tho column t,m nhead of all others. This Muchlno Is the MOST POPULAR IN USE. It uses tho finest needle of any Machine In ex istence, ... Auy lady wanting a, good SEWING M A 0 II I N E, Will consult her own Interests by buying a 8INOr.lt. Itlscaslcrto run, learn and keep lu order than auy Muchlno In the world, OVER 850,000 OF THEM IN USE, The fullest Instruction given thoso who pur chose, and the Machine will UK wauiuntku to you for one year. . , Please call at my Btoro and satisfy yourselves. Here you will find Needles, Thread and Blllt, ' DAVID LOWENIIKRU, Agent April S.tB-tf. Illoouuburg, Pa. L U M B I A HOUSE, DY BERNARD BTOHNER. Having lately purchased and fitted up the well-known Roblson Hotel Properly, located a raw P00113 AliOVE tiik court house, on the same elite of the street, lu the town of Illoonibburg; nud having obUunoda license for tho same as u RESTAURANT, tho Proprietor has determined to give to tho peo ple vlsltlug the towu on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM, His stabling nloo Is extensive, and Is fitted lip to put buggies and carriages In the dry. He prom ises that everything about his establishment shall bo conducted lu an orderly and lawful manner! and he respectfully solicits a share of the public I strouage, myl7'VI-4lm. GrKT THE BEST. Munsnn's Conner Tubular IJehtnlni. Itnd la the best prtcclloii against disaster by lightntng ever luvuedo. 3 ho tubscsdber Is agent for the bove Invention, und all Mders by juull or In erson will bo prompt!)' attended to. Mayl5,'W K. 11. 1IIDLEMAN. Q W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers ol OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. IU North Third Htreet Philadelphia, GROCERIES, &o., C ONFEOTIONERY. Tho nmteralirnnl would resnecUuIly announce to the public that ho has opened a FlllST-CLASS CONKECTIONIiHY STOUE, In the ImildliiB lately occupied by nernard Htoh ncr, where he is prepared to furnish nil kinds of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, KIinNCH CANDIF.S, FOUKION A DOMIMTIO FltUlTfl, NUTH, HA1B1NS, AC, AC, AC HY WllOLESAI.K OH HrtTA'II.. In shorl, n full assortment of nil goods In his lino of business, A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, nillablofortho Holidays. Particular nllentlon given to BltKAU AND CAKES, of nit kinds, fresh every day, CHIUHTMaS CAN 1)1 EH, CUI8TMAS TOYS. A cnll Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nov. 22. 1867. ECKHABT JACOnS. REMOVAL OF C. C. MAKll'S NEW STORE TO SHIVA'S J1LOOK, ONTIIBCOIINEK OP MARKET AND IKOM STREETS. Tho nudcrsigned having received from tho city It full and complete supply of SPBINQ AND RUMMER DRY G.OODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AKO WILLOW-WARE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A 7 S AND SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propo'fo selling at a very low figure for cash or produce. 49- Call and see. April 12, 1807, C. C. MARR. G HAND OPKNINO (IRANI) (HtANI) (UtANI) GRAND Ol'KNINO OPKNINU Ol'KNINH Ol'ilNJNCl op FALL AND WINTKI1 GOODS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER OOODs consisting ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY GOODI, GOODS GOODS GOODS, GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAlVt HATS AND CAPS! HATS AND CA1"S, ROOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES ROOTS AND SHOES' BOOTS AND SHOES! READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MA l)E CLOI'HINO READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MA HE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHino! LOOKING-GLASSES. I.OOKING-U LASSES. i)OK I no-g lasses' looking-glasses! looking-glasses NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS NOTIONS, notions; paints and oils, paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils painis and oil!; groceries, groceries, groceries, groceries! groceries, queensware, liUEENSWAEE, IJUEENSWARE UUEE.NSWARE, liUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, HALT, KISH, FISH, FISH, PITH FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND HEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND HEEDS, AC, Ac. Ac., AT McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, MlKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Ml-KELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Malunud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main aud Murketstieets, Northwest corner of .Main nnd Market Htleets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest to rnt r of Main nnd Market Streets, RLOOMS1IURG, PA., lIUIOM.smiRO, PA llLOOMHlllIltG, PA., IILOOMSIIIIRI), 1A 11LOOMH11IJRG, PA. IRON AND NAIIJJ, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAII, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities nnd at reduced rates, alwuy UU I1UI1U, CHICKERINa & SONS, Manufacturers of O RAND, SQUARE ANJ) UPRIGHT PIANOS Received Iho First Grand Qold Medal, and still iiigiier recompense. THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, TAUIS, 1807. Tlithe wero the hluheitawftrds of tho Ilinosi tlou, nnd the house of CiucKKJto JL. Konh was the oNliY oNKiso honored. In tlio United IStnteM wo have hcen awarded Bixty-nink KutbT Puf.miitm In direct compe tition M,lth the lendltiK iiiunufacturerB of the country, nd nttho Greut Lxliltmiuu in London v,ti leeuhed lle lilglieit auurd given to auy uiuuuiuviuirm m uw uuuni nuiitn. ioihi nev eutvone Klrbt rretuluinu. nnd tliemowt flattt-r. line ten Union lain lroui tlie leading urtlsUof the worm. wahkuuuui NO, 11 EAST I'OUHTEENTII BT NEW YOHI Hetwecn Uroadwuy and riftli Avenue, VKeb. 6.'bD.3mo. OMETHINQ NEW. Tlie undersigned bees leave to Inform her friends nud thu publlo generally, that she has UIHT11CU 111 LIGHT STREET n fresh stock or goods in the lino or MILLINERY mill TRIMMINGS In connection with Dress Maklug; and la pre. pared lu additlou, to COI.OII STIIA W II ATS nn the shortest notice, and In the best style of ine art. rru-cs t-ucap unu woru saiisiuciory. MRS. E. KLINE. Light Street, October I, 1807. JJ V. PETEUMAN, with LIPP1NCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No, 21 North Water Street, and No, U) North Delaware Aveuue Philadelphia. J H. WALTER, Late Walter A Kaub, Importer aud Dealer In ' CHINA, GLABS, AND QUEENSWARE. No. 421 Market Street. Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP !k CO., Successors to Btroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KISH, No. 21 North Wharves, and 6 Neilh Watei St., Philadelphia. PA. IRON, TINWARE, &,C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Moomsburg, Columbia uonniy, i . m.o niin.riner. nrnnrletor of tho nbovc-f amcd cxlenslvo estnbllshmeiit, is now prerated to re colvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY Fort COLLICniES, BLAST FUUNACnS, HTATIONA HY ENQINES, MILIJ3, THIIESHINO MACHINES, Ao He Is also prepared to mnho Stoves of all sires and patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually mado In Hrst-clnss Foundries. His extensivo facilities and practical workmen warrant him In recrlvlng the largest contracts on tho most reasonable terms. drain of nil kinds will bo taken in exchange lor Castings. nils establishment Is located near tho Lackr wanna nnd Bloomsburg Itnllroad Depot. PETEll BILLMYEH. TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that coutluues the above business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLO0M8BURU. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found lu n Slovo nnd Tinware Es tablishment In thecltlcs.and on tho most reason able terms. Repairing done at tho shortest nol Ice, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale, JyTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIS STItEET, UEAHLT OrTOSITK WILLEn' BlUlvK, RLOOMSBURO, I'ENN'A. The uiidcrslifued lias lust fitted un nnd opened mi new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this nlnre. whero ho Is prepared to make tip newTiN WAUKor nllklnils lu his lino, nnd do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the must reusouauie terms, ne nisu Keeps on uauu STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which he will sell unmi terms to suit purchasers. Give him a call, lie Is a good mechanic, and deserving of the publlo patronage. jatuu iur.ij. Bloomsburg, April SS.IW. QKOItaE H. JIOBEUTS, Importer and Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nlovo Vino, Philadelphia. Jacou K. Smith. .1. It. Bui.tzk gJIITH & SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign nnd Doraestla HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, XO. 100 St, TIIIHD STREET, All. CALL0WIIII.L, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tf. TOBACCO & SEGARS. JJ W. RANK'S WHOLIWALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia. L. WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, AC, No. 13 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia, QMN. IBUS LINE. ine undersigned would respectfully announce to uiecuiMns or liioomsbnrg and the public gene. rany tua no is running an OMNIBUS LINE neiwecn tins place nnd the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South nnd West on the Cauv wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those golug North and South on the Lackawanna and Moomsburg Railroad. IlisOmnlbussesare in good condition, commo- uious ana comiortabic, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their frleuds do p art, cau be accomodated upon reasonable chargo uy leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor, J HEATHCOTE & COMPANY 'P. OILER WO It ICS, COKSEK OK WEST STItEET A IlLACOlOltlE ALLEY Having Increased our facilities In tho way shop room, machinery. Ac. wo aro nrennre,! mannfactuiH LOCO.Moi'I Vi:,''LUE,ohd all kinds ol STEAM BOILERS, SM O i E-STA CK S, I'A NKS, Siieet.Ihon Uoiik, Ac. All workpromptly done U.Ul IV BU1 uutivi nnu SPECIAL ATTENTION TAID TO 11EPAIU8, Your nttrntloti 11 snpHnllv nlln.l tn tt.n .nM. hers or our llrm-ull being iTactical Jloiler Maker. ..Mr. Heathcotk linn hud nn esiK-rience of oer thirty ycurft in the manufacture of all Kinds of niL-um jjom'ia ; ami ironi our longexperlenco we nro fully awuro o tho necetflty ofn velliunda nnd Hulllclentiy lnrao Iioii.KK.io secure not only J '"HBinmnnn,,. itniii(a;uuut)BllUIIKI our customera onlv those of iiih lipvt. mmiiiv reaards innterlal.worlcmiinshlp,andnmnluheat Ina (surface, nnd feel confident tlint we can ren in- r hiiusiumon, nnu ni priees luiiy as low an an im.i umwi-iD uauij; luu miiuu iiu.illiy Ol lllUtei als. We would call thonttontlon of Itallwoy Com WOHK. EITHER ltFl'AIIIH OH N EW. Iiu vn imilrn a iulnt foronuof the llrm touluyHulvehls ner boiml attention. ' We nru nlstt uronnipil tn iln nil irlmiu ufunn Fittings, hiich its Heating Public nud Private uuwuiiiya, r uuiunes, niiiug up ieani lioilerH.dc LonMuutlv on handall klndH nr htvam t-'i-r. TI .N fiS.hTKAM A ND WATKK G UAO KS HTH AM Pi VL Att.fi f:iut trifTtinffill i ...lu ttnltc, i.,k.,.a i Btoves. PJowB.and nil work couuected with tho gtriiuiui lUUI'Uiy IHIMIiebn, Hetipeclfully aollcitlna your orders, we ai YourH very truly, J. HEATHCOTE & CO. A It MJ3 II S!I THV TUB ALTA VELA PnOSl'HTiJ. ll.ntnlna flirnn r.r..- nf A m ... .... I a ample quanllty to eive activity without luu! totbecgatation.auda largo perctnlage ut s lublo Boue I'hcsnhnte of Lime. k,l. ilu r wl rVltll Potash nnd Suiln, the isnnllul tlimeuts ot COMPLE'lE J1ANI1HIL '11,.. l,i.w, i.lui farmers who are using It with highly tatlsiacto. .y nouns in u ui e gUHrUllIfU Ol 1IH VaillC. 1 TK 150 per ton of lu bogs 'AO lbs each, fctud lor I'lllUpillCl. JMIU1C1.M THE ALTA VELA OUANO CO., S. B. BISHOP 4 Co. Agents, -W N. Bel. Ave. Agent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and uouui rew Jersey, JuIy3,'W-ly 57BrorJoy,N.Y. Q.EORQE FOELKER &CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN &. WILLOW WARE, YARNS Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twlnes.Baskets, ito., etc, 219 4251 Market St., ASM Church St., I'hlladn, Juue 5,'as. RJtlinUSTER &. BROTHER, Importers and Jobbers ol HOSIERY, GLOVES, 811 1 HTH AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, BUHPEMlEES, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWIHU SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING GI.ARSEH, and Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS. ROPES, TWINES, &c. No. SOS North Third Street, above Vino, Philadelphia. jyII.L)ER & HOST, Successors to Franklin P.Heltler Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers In . LIQUORS, WINES, Ac., Nos, 410 aud 112 North Tblrd Street, Phlladslphlo. gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTIIINO, Nos. 625 Market, and 622 CoumtrM Street, I'MUUolpliU. m DRUGS & MplCINES.IWj ONATHAN HKI8L15IV8 To?1 iver failed to cure t(,,i H'ub J IS thO most Slli-r.! ?. - i or Hitters has nover kluci or i leino vet Dyspepsia. "foncliiiu JX'oart UlSUIISt'H (llMUIIrtvn i iisj m. in ui, uii-rL find I lii, 1 tv l i sM maile entirely of roots nnd herbs. ilM 1 wlllconvlncoany piio who gives It a r.i.l TTVlJ No fnrully should bo wltlinultt. l'ut uD jl Ecll V..V u'XrJiiJni Voir " w'y ,.0.n'.l'n i : ,S aiK" ' Magri':'S.WTBRi ;')io in i JJR. TAYLOll'8 OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS TACOll A mild nnd ngreeablo Tonic Sllraulani t-1 nll ncniu iiuu iiuiiuiiiuLYo r.)l ..... i i .1 . 11. UK BITTERS, Extracted entirely from Herbs and Ttoou. t ly beneficial In V. dool DYSPEPSIA, GENERAIi DEBILITY, nnd Loss of Appetite j r N. nd U changi and nn excellcntCorrectlvofor personii,Ij, from Disorders of tho Row els, Flolulcnet" n P. LUl block, oil 'OUIS Bl J near sol Sold Evcrywlicrc. 1 E.SAV1 . Jowelrjl Luuse. cpot, No. 41J Market Sliect, 1'hllaJel, I M.BRCa J. K. TAYLOR & CO, Bept.V!8.1y. . opposltl , bolleJ ! and ahl Ayer's I ENRY 1 L boots al v Vigc irg .Mnmi . UAVIU 1 St I below 1 For rcsloring Gray Hai ils natural Vitality and & R. EVA A ilrcvin. side Mi is nt oucu 113 TT tl licallhy, ed w'll lor iire-enin: y linir. M'll . ""'no limr is soon ri j C. ... ""JTMarlcel trim int. mcj ... i. : R. H.i 7 abovel linn limr ii ' ..J cncil, falling liiiir clicckctl, nil m'an'l ncss often, tlioiipli not nlwaj",' jK its use. ISollim can itslc.lnKi linir where the follicles nie iloi. or the glanils atropliicil nud 4-. J But such is rcniniii can be hi usefulness hy this npplirntinn. IBS Li IUUIIUq ...u ...... ...... .. 1 mcnt, it will keep it clean luiihifftl Jls occasional uao win picvem i; from turning gray sr lulling o! pet consenucntlv prevent halducs!. positl from those deleterious Mihstnuee.-ts. JB mako some pveparatious ilniiKcr(?1J0j injurious to tlio Hair, the igt j ouiy ucueut yui uui jianu a, "loodgl merely for n, , H HAIR DRESSING nothing clso can ha fonrul foicwdsj Containing neither oil nor dye, i not soil whito cambric, nud je jfi Ion" ou tlio hair, inviti" it nnct- i,,m, .t ,. ,ii',,i n,.,.r,,,,. EACd .. b. ........ ........ lu Prepared by Dr. J. C, Ayer 1'ltACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL Cttigo bl LOWEIilj. 3IASS. ir sail PRICE tl.OO. wH Fcb.5.IR(0. CHA opl Ayer's Sarsapar Tim vontilltinl1" rctlcnt iiictlicuu"'" Udemrtl fromcml many of Mtuctbovl mar venom, s cases of bcrot" pusp. where ttON.J eccmcil faturtbndj cormiition, w. mirllletl aiidnr" tirftfii.iiiin)T,fX''T 7,r ui8onicr,wiiiu they were rialnflilly afllicUriff, liave LnJ.,ft curcu in auca preat iiumuera in tunr-''. tlon of tho cotiuiry.that tlio public ecaite bo Informed of Its vlrtnna nr iir. h firrnfnlQim tinlann la nnn itf tlio mmtiUM enemies of our race. Often, this unwoi111! lenniu or me organism unuenmncBUiPcok, nnu inviies mo attar ic orrnrcrit iniror wurw- m ithout eicltinir n Hiiantinn nf t u nresenc- It secnia to breeil infection throughout lb J,(J Into ono or othrr nf Ito Mrlcntiq fnrma. EUrfaco or nmont? tho vitnlA. In the UVi 1 t'les may bo suddenly depoftUcl in mJ its nrcaenco bv enmiinnn on Hia tlJn.orr" ctlons on somo nail of tho boilv. Ileaij 1 felonal ttso of a bottle of this ,Srj(oj",orl Tisauie, even wncu no nciivo eym r"""" niilinnr Dascanc AniUlA,l i. III. Hit. fil OT IuiuiiiB Kvncraiiy unu immcuiaif n"". i enKth, cure, by tho uo of this to Alt H vet T.At St. Atl,n, r,. ItnP Of J -J Tetter, Salt Jtheutn, Scald Hcad,Hl aore j.yc8, nore jarat ana ihiht -:u lslblo forms of Serofulou ili&taP- H move conccaiea ronns, as uut pn"- llfnrt lilae,,. t'lln. Alt Mill. A nnU tlio various Ulcerou aaucttODJor jaraiKinenouARystcms. . .3 Kyph Ut or Vrttere at and JHVrr uriai? nro cured by it. though a loiijrlimcU niuuiung incso ousimmo nmiadics vt ".' Itnt Inna f-nntlnti.l ntr. nf II1L4 lllCilllufl thocoiuiilalnt. J,eucorrliaaor tthtUm Ulcerations, ami rental vwp"m monty soon relieved and ultimately cii l.liPil irrntia. Jthittmttant OTli Cl tnutcd by accumtdatlons of cxtrwl In tho blood, yield quickly to Comptatnta, rorjttdtti, Congfutionu nation of the Liver tiw Jautt'tlce.ym ry o- ns they otten do, from tho rnnUJ3fF; Thoso u ho aro LanuaUl nml if-Tll dent, toteepletif and troubled wiUi -Jl jtreneuMtona or j-eart, or an1v' VI kvmntnmnlln nt II'mInmi. will CBB 1 relief and convincing t video ee of lu ; Or. X O. AYEll A CO.,1"'1! rractlcal and Analtttcal Cht9 SOLD BY ALL UIIUGQISTS WWi TT ENDEBSH O TT'Sl GERMAN OATTLli r0T This I'uwder is believed to ho utfri Horse or Cattle Towder in inc. blood, cleanses tho system, ami t'"y Hon aud tone to the stomach. V will linnrovo In Uesh, and li smooth and glossy. Uii mlllc. yI i Bliecu liubrovonnd moduvo 1,1. fleece.- V'li, I I loss fatten and are free froui so. temper, and all pen dlseasis. VI Wholesalu und ltetall Del IIENUHUSHOTT'S Urusjj I'-eb. in.'KMf limOMH' , JNSUKAN OE Wyoming jKtna AG'. Commerce , Fulton.. I North America.. City... International Niagara.., .AUuttLlveHtock.. rutuam ilerchanUi ,... Bprlngaeld , Iusurance Coianiny or UUte I'euu'o. . Couneotlcut Mutual Life . - NortU American Transit. -'). KUlfl Fit HAM IlKOWl'.'eilni'H ) CATHC i St., bek I m maisn-ly. liw