13LOOMSEU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, farmer's 8i,iu'tm,Ht. Cauu of Haiiniwi. Our lllttu chili lielil 11 minttner iiici'llns dtirliiK uuo ol lliu lulu rntuy ovculng'. TIiu subject ol unuvcrMitloti wus lliu C'ti of Humes.-, MtKt tlui following Iri lliu sj.lrlt of It : Tlmt 1.4 n very iuil policy, for nil but .Unit-Midler, to keep K-ar.s In or nrn'rtlio kotrlU otiililo. Ou.8 (if tliu tuvifitie rx who luiil diililil! In cliciii !.( ry, showbtl that aiiunoiiln Is very Itijuvlniis. to Iwitkvr, Rpcclally when It eonVnliis i Iiro inmitil of Rrcnso J licnco, gprH which bio iilloUcd to remain In the stable art) niu'nj'H mnro or Icm Injured by tlit mniuoiitj which constantly urine.-) from Hlw immure ; Iriit this Injury Is In pro portion to tho nmoutit of ck'nnllncs. which 1.1 ubfCrvud hi the. stable. Of nil klmlri, thoeo in which horses or sheep ro kept nro most Injurious, lie enuso of tho volatile nature of tho nifttinre. If cow stublos nro kept clean (ttt they liould for other rcusoni bo) tliu Injury to Rears kept la tin in Will bo but rilchfc, The best plan Ik to haven naall, dry room on purpose; stich a room can, with n few boards and nails, eooii lis made, mid the saving In tho harness will soon repay tho trouble. Unu of tho members exhibited n piece of culfckln which he hnd used u.-i a ccrlfJ fur hii harltliorn (liquid ammouia) bottle, for five, daygj the leather was so corroded that it might bo picked to plefe.i with tho fingers without any nfilcultyi Whether any of thw mem 1m.ts Wero wiser forthoilisous-ion or not I will.not state, but I notice two new harness rooms which have, been con etructetl, and one of them Is on linden sblro farm j not because there was tlot odu there befoio, but becuuso Uio first one wns-too near tho bitrnyardand near ly over a wall. I do not think tliatthoro Hs ono member of tho club who has npt been banefltcd by the discussions whicl hove ulrcady listen phKO, and in order to loeelvo this benefit .ionic ofthein rid three in lies. When tho iAtbJect of olllrtjr or trreas lug hnrncm was brought up, thero were several plans given. Tho plan was to isepnrnto tuo harness Into tho sniallenit possible pieoea, and, If heavy harness wash each piecowcll in cistllosonp and water until cleaned ofall outside grtasi and dirt; tho pieces then to be laid oi board or table, and neat' foot or tun iter's oil applioil with u brush, general ly using from half a pint to a pint o oil to a pair of heavy farm harnesi ; to clean carriage harnoss, only tho dirty parts should bo washed and then greas n before ;if yon wih to give tho gears n black appearance, at tho expense o clean nanus, a small portion of lamr black irray bo mixed with tho oil before applying It to tha leather. One mem ber recommended n. solution of copperas mauoTcry weak as a blackoner, but tins was vetoed by :t voto of fourteen t five, as being Injurious to the leather, All agreed that neat's foot oil was the best Mib.ftaiipo for mnklng and keepin icatlicr pliable. Another plan proposed and practiced by ono of tho members was to grease mo gtiirs nsin tho lornier plan, tuul tlion nfter they had partially dried in, to give mem n com or varnlsli made by dissol Ing shellac in alcohol. Tho rule eiven for making thin varnish Wiw to place tne siioiiuc in a Dottle, and pourin ejoo alco'iol until tho shellack is covered then add a small lump of camphor, nn cork up tho bottio; inn few days, if th alcohol Is good, tho shellao will bo dis solved, and utter a good shake and th' addition of one-third moru tdcohol, the varnish Is rcudy lor ue. It should bo put oil with a common paint brush Enough varnish for a set of common e-trrlago harness would cost about ten cents. Gears so treated remain pliable for a long timo, for thu varolii will turn Iho water; tho mwnber who prac ticed it mud that his heavy iian.usi re-'i quired giianlng but once a year. This plan cannot bo practiced where the gears aro kept in tho Mnble, as Iho ammonia will soon ilcMroy thuvarnUh. Tho varnisji if uuulu of good materials, will dry in two hours nt Hie furthest. tteniiimtown Tcleyroph. IillAKS of tub Faum. To feed nub bins of com or dr ground feed to cut tlo; becausoitis not properly chowed, as intended by Nature, and us U ikcch sary to bo entirely digested. To leed eattio in blacks, bceatii-o I hey waste more tbun they eat. To allow cattle to roam at will nil over tho country or tilt farm; because they trample and Injuro valuable grass hNids or graln-cropw. Keep them nt home, soil them, and havo warm sin- bin; you will savo food and ecouoimio Tota. To allow hay to Ho lato In tho even lug. It Is better to neglect your corn to xecuro your hay early. To burn valuable timber for fuel, at present prices of timber. To let unlilled land lio waste and un used when It would bo quite easy to do vote It to tho production of trows for thu purpose of building. Tho wood-fuel any farmer uses each wintar would by worth in mouu ButUclent to purchase coal for two years. To let cattle out of the stable on cold daye after wiling dry feed and bo hen off to fill themselves with ico-water ami get a chill, or stand huddled up in some fence corner thegrcattir pari of tho day To cultivate nny more land than enn bo thoroughly taken care of and well manured. Jf every farmer will look Jong and hard enough, ho will find moro leaks than he In nwnro of. 111 paper buforo the Now castle Farmers' Club, Mr. Thockley .said: A few things strike mo which ought al ways to be remembered In tho manage ment of ntltle: First; never buy a bail bred beast. Secondly; buy them rtioap and they urn half sold. Third; feed them on tho bust food, Fourth ; givo them their food regulurljr, and let it bo clean imd wholesome. Fifth ; keep them warm and comfortable. And lastly, sell us soon uj thpy aro'good beef, as that U tho timo tho farmer gets mo"t profit out of them. A eoriespomlint (4 thu American funnert' Jfapajlnt helped to build a eorut'rlb in Vermont flfty-fivo years ago, which Isstlfl In good ordor, and in which no rat or mouo was aver known to be. It is set on stone pillars, two feet high, each capped by n broad, flat stone, smooth on tho underside. (Jaiiiiaoh Jhm.y. Holl Cabbago In tho usual way, and squeeze it inn colan der till perfectly dry; then chop small ; wlil i little butler, pepper uud salt; prckstho whole very closely into un earthenware mould, and' bake one hour either In ti aide oven or In front of tho lire. When dono (urn it out. Ilk lUoil WtftMfilt, s (I'ituctuiM.) MaiVmi 'fit in could not kiiflluiently 1 mt ru m grand a resolution ; she niniNed to assist her in ever way in er power ; but that Mio found henelf lulled In this Instance, In eonfiqwenco f the fault which they had committed. he Good Voninti took leave of her, and would iifct acquaint illrtU of tho rlnco with herdcslgn.for fmrof affciH- ug them aud weakening hw own do- termlnxtlon. She sot out with tho part rldgu (lying by her rk!c ; and as they i.isd the Iron (ink, tho partridge ?na tell er with her beak a Utile nxs.1 from its iiink, aud placed it In Hit hands of tho ir)od Woman. "W hen you aro In tho greeted peril which ran befal you, vald she Jo hrr, "throw this ms$s nt tho feet of thoKlnfi-." Tho Good Woman treasured u( tluw words, and hardly had she advanced six steps when she was sclxcd by some of tln wicked King's foldlcis, whom ho always kept In rcudlnes-son tho outskirts ofthodo' main of Madam Tu-lu. They led her beforo htm. "I hnvo thee nt last wick ed creature l1' eald lie ; "I will put thcoto deatli by Mio most cruet torture 1" "I came but for tbnt purjiose," replied she, "and thou mayest exercise thy cruelty as thou wilt on me, only spare my chll drcn, who aro so young and Incapable of having offended tlieo. I offer theo my life for theirs." All who heard thet-u wods were filled with pity at her magixmlinlty ; the King alono was un moved. Tho Queen, who was present, shed a torrent of tears. The King was so Indignant with her that ho would havo killed her, if her attendants had not placed themnclves between them. She fled, uttering piercing cries. Tho Imrbaroua King caused tho Good Woman to bufchut up, ordering them to feed her well, In order to render ap proaching death more frightful to her. tie coinmamlcd them to fill it pit with snakes, vipers, aud Mjrrwits, promising himeclf the pleasuro at precipitating tho Good Woman into it. What n hpr rlole mode of execution I It imikcts oilo slimhlcr to think of itl Tho ofllccrs of this unjust l'rlnco obeyed liiui witli regret; nud when they had fulfilled this frightrul ardor, the King cuino to the spot. They wero atout to bind the Good Woman, when she begged tbem not to do t-o, assuring them that faliu had bufKcieut courago to meet dbuth with her hands free; aud feeling she had no time to lose, she ap proached tho King, and threw tho moes at his loot, lie was at that uiumunt close to the frightful gulf, aud stepping forward to inspect it uguin with pleas ure, his feet slipped on the iuos, and he tell in. Hardly bad he reached the bottom of the pit, when tho sanguinary reputes darted upou him, unit stdug him to death, and tko Good Woman, at the ume instant, found herself In com pany with her dear part' idgo in the House of ito.-H. Whilst these things were happening, Finfin and hlretlo wero almost dead with misery in their fearful prison; their innocent affection alouokept them alive. They wero baying very sad and very attesting tilings to each other, when they perceived on n sudden tho doors of their dungeon open and admit Minis, thn handHome Prince, and Mad am Tu-tu, who threw themselves on their necks, and who, though speaking all nt once, failed not, In the midst of this Joyful confusion, to announce tho deatli of tho King. "Ho was your fath er, Finfin.us well as that of the Prince," said Madam Tu-tu ; "but ho wits unnat ural and tyrannical, and would n hun dred times havo put the Queen, your dear mother, to death. Let us go to keek her." They did so. Her amialjo nature made her feel bomo regret at tho deatli of tliu King, her husband. Fin fin and tho Princo also paid aH decent respect to bis memory. Finfin was ac knowledged King, and Mirtls and LI retto Princesses. They went all togeth er to the House of Ito-es, to see tho generous Good U oiuan, who thought she should dloof Joy in embracing them. They all acknowledged that they owed their lives to her, and moro than their live, as they wero Indebted to her for their happiness also. From tiiat moment they considered thenihelves perfectly happy. The inar l iages wero celebrated with great pomp. King Finfin espoused tho Princess hi retle, and Mirtls tho Prince. When tliesu pplendid nuptials wero over, tho Goo I Woman asked permission to re- tiro to tho Houso of lloscs. They wero very unwilling to consent to this, but yielded to her sincere wish. Tho wid owed Queen ulso desired to pass tho rest of her life with tho Good Woman, and the partridge and tliu fawn did likewise. They wero quite disgusted with tho world, and found tranquillity In that charming retreat. Madam Tu tu often went to visit them, as did the King aud Queen, tho Princo and Prin cess. Happy those who can imltato tho ac tions of thu Good Woman. Such gran dutir of soul niiut over meet dub re ward. Little do they fear being wreck od on tho ohouls of Fortune, who can give up till with so much courage. Dis cretion, Sense, Virtue what may not mortals owo to you, their truest friends In need. ACi.Kitii'Ab ANKcnoTi:. Tho Iev. Samuel Clawsuu a Methodist preacher of eccentric manners, bometlmes called the wllil man, wns very popular In Western-Virginia, some twenty years ago. Ho was ctovi-eyod and wiry made, tuid very durk-skimied for a white man. At tliuej ha wn.s surprisingly eloquent, always excitable, and occasionally ex travnsant, nn onco accompanied n brother minlite-r, llov. Mr. R., n prom inent p&stor, In n visit to u colored ehuroh. Mr. H,, gavo tho colored preacher the hint, and of courso Claw- mu wu Invited to preach. Ho did so, and daring the sermon set tho Impul sive Africans to shouting nil over (ho house. This, In (urn, set Cfuwson to extravagant words and actions, and ho leaped out of the pulpit like u deer, nud borau to take the hands of the colored brethren, and mix in quito happily. Ho wept for Joy. Theu, prcsslngJ through tho crowd, ho found brother It,, and, sitting down l3sldo him, ho throw his arm around hU neck, nnd with tears streaming down ids cheeks, ho said: "lirother It., I almost wish I had been born a uogr. These folks have intra religion than wu have." "YoH, well," said brother It., "you com ho near it that yott iwedrt'-t cry alipitt It!" MISCELLANEOUS. ltOSI'KUTUS. "TIIU AOI2," fur S!. UlllCUliATK TI1K DOCU- .V HN'TS. -1 JMti mid Wtcdy Democrat ic Journal in Philadelphia I Jinprottmcntt in every Department, lolftical, JAltrary, Vommereiid, financial, and Agricultural. Tho publishers of The Age beg to call tho attention of tho Detnocratio nnil (Jonscrvn tivo masses to tho Daily ami Wcokly issuo ol' tlicir popular Journal. Tho general (lis Fcin'matioii of sound political information . . I. . . 1 .1 1 inu.si rcsun in great goou 10 mo jcuiocniuu party. Wherever Jiadicalisni tends iti pois on, let in be prompt in urnishing the unti dotel . . . . Wclvivo Just finished an cxcitinc political struggle, ami tho Dciuocialie party, vigor 0K3 iiim! undismayed, ii now rimdy to begin tlte liglit again, ana to light on until victory croww our clTorts. Ono of the most powerful energies in se curing victory li tlio Domoeratio prc.n of the country, and svery man who enn afford to fiib'cribo for a Democratic- nowspapcr should atonco do so. Till: DAILY AOK Will eonlinnn to bo ia the future what it was in tho past tho earnest defender of tho Union nud the Constitution tho bold and fearless adrocato of Dcmocratio princi nles nnd tho constant and nnyicldinc foo of Jiadicalisni in every form that it presents itseli to tho pcopto. It will contain tho lat est news from all narts of tho world. Dis cu?ion.i of all subjects of concral interest nnd importance; editorial comments on gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, nnd nil tho current questions ol' tho day, nnd will hnvo nil the characteristics ol a live, iMUing, progrcsavo journal. TIIH WHKKIA' AGE Will bo ncoinplcto compendium of tho wows ot tho week, ana will contain a largo quan titv of orieinal. nolitical. literary, agricul tural, and miscellaneous matter, making it in nil respects a hrst-ciass lamity journal, ns well lor the politician w the genera reader. TERMS OF THE DAILY. Onoennv. ono vcar. S'J.OO: six. months, S4.50; threo months, $2:50; for nny less perjod nt tho rate ol ono Dollar per month. Payment required invariably in advnucc. Postage- on mo uany, uurty cents per quar ter, of one dollar nnd twenty cents per an num, to bo prepaid at tho ofjico of delivery. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY. Ono copy ono year, livo copies, ono year, $!); ten copies, ono year, S17.50; twenty copies, ono year, 633. Postage on the wcciily, fivo cents per quarter, or twen ty cents per annum, to bo pre-paid at tho ofiicq of delivery. In order to piaco tho weekly within the rcaji of all, tho publishers present tho fol lowing extraordinary low OLUD RAXES. Ono Hundred copies, ono year, nil ad droiscd to ono person $100.00 And ono copy extra to tho getter up of tho club additional copies nt tho tamo price. Seventy-five copic-1, one ) car, nll-nddrcss- cd to ono person $81.00 . And ono copy extr.i to tho getter up of tho clud-ndditional copies at tho same price Fifty copies, ono year, nil addrowed to ono person $C2.50 Oho copy extra to tho getter up of tho club additional copies at the samo price. Fjrty copies, one year nil addrciscd to ono porson $52.00 And ono copy cxtia to tho getter up of tho club -additional copies at the samo price. Thirty eopie, one year, all addressed to ono person . $-12.00 And ono copy extra to the gecter up ol tho club additional copies nt the tame price. Twenty copics,ono year, all addressed to ono person $3000 Aud ne copy; extra to tho getter up of tho club-additional copies at tho wine price. Ten eopies, ono year, all nddrcs-ed to ono person $16.50 And ono copy extra to the getter up of tho club additional copies at the same price. Five copies, ono year, all addressed to ono person $S.50 Thcso prices, which nro cash invariably in advance, apply only to yearly subscribers, and tho papers must, in every case without exception, bo tent to ono person, and not addressed severally to tho members of tho club. It will bo observed that our offer of nn extra sopy.to tho getter up of .i club, re fers only to a club of ten or more, E" The nbovo terms will bo rigidly ad hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post oflieo Orders, payable to tho order of the Publishers, Icing safer, are prcfeablo to any other niodo of remittance. All who send money by Express must pro-pay l-lxprcss oharccs. Specimen copies of tho Daily and Weekly tent gratis on application at this of fice. Advertisements inscitcd at moderate rates. WELSH & RODI1. 14 and Ifi South Seventh street, Philadelphia. 'QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pn. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER thu successors of i WILLIAM SLOAN A HON contlnuo the business of making CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, aud every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they havo constantly on hand to suiters' tnmcrs. Never nstns nny material but tho best and employing tho most experienced workmen til iy hopo to continue as heretofore to give entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection ol their work, nnd of the reasonablo price asked for l.e same. Is sure to Insure n sale. J II. JIAI.E'S MAMMOTH ailOCKRY, tilIVU' BLOCK, MAIN ST., IlJ.OOMflllCllO, r A laigo assortment of fancy GROCERIES constantly on liand.Cranberrles, Kcfdlcss Raisins Valentin Rosins, KuhIIsIi Currants, Citron, Mac. nionl. Canned fiuliCud Hsliund Maclienil.Extra family Uour, buck wheat Hour, com meal, feed nnd provisions of ull kind, tobacco and segars. Cashiald for butter uud eggs. Uumls dellverid loall parts of tho town. Jan. 1,'bO RM FOR SALE. Will be sold nt nrlvnto sale n valuable f.irm sit. unto In Madison twp.. Columbia county, about two pi lies from Jerseytown. and one nnd one- nan uuioi irom r ruiibiowu, eouiaimug ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES of land inoro or less; about 25 acres Is well tim bered, and the balance In a blub state of cultiva tion, and un orchard nf chotcu irult, wlieri-ou uru eruricu iiyn bets or liuiitiings. All Inroruiatlon In regard to tho properly tun bu had of Clark jiuuiue on me preminesor jonu iiiiuine, i.uue stone twp., lontour county, Pa, (Dec, 2Y(U-l!in A It. M E R S Can b supplied nt nil times ttli ground NOVA SCOTIA PLASTER. JARVIS ISLAND GUANO, AND PHOSPHATES, At tho mill of PAXTON A HARMAN. Rupert, Dec, 18,'ii-Srno. $2000 A YEAR. Willi llttld Inlmr. soinrtlttlil. entlrrK- tiiiv fur all thosoout of employment, nslnnlsbing results heard from, every day since discovered (Sloth) per dsymailo by every alio who has yet taken hold of thu busliift,, open lo ull, no capital re quired. All those having uuy fiar ol being hum buged will obllgo me by not noticing lids; all uiiiii. MiiuirM nm wiiiiuuv iieiiiy. i-ur purlieu, lars please ruelnso staiiip for circular. Address Vuleiilliie Blank, New lilonmneld Perry Co., Pu, Nov, V7,'ls-0m, g ADDLE &. HARNESS MAKER. OKAM1J.VII.I.E, t'OLUUllIA COUNIY, l'ENN'A, THE undersigned respectfully Informs his friends and tho publlo that ho has bought out Thouah Rrt-KJ.11:, and will continue thu business ofSADDLEund HARNESS MAKING, In ull Its varluus brunches, at thcold stand ulsiro Snyder's Hotel, and hopeft to deserve nud recelvo the pat ronage of all who need nrUcles In his line. Feb.24,'bH GWjltlli: LAZARUS. NOT I G E 'I'lm nubile uro hcrt-br nollned th&ton tb 4th davuPL-brnarY ls(J9 I nurchused at Constublu's H4le,lhu following pruperty, sold as the goods ami cnaiiws oi t in, i nur, vi&i Onti Cook HUivo, 1 llnrtnu, 1 Dot. llmlrs, 3 Rocking Chairs 1 iU4 slid Bedding, ii yards of Carpet und olio llrsjis kettle. ITU nubile are hereby uotllled thst I have loan- (-4 sulj porsoual pron.-rty In Wllllaui lircr, uud are re.uetisl not In purchase, nor molest llio ssnie. j-.. A. jk2'.l.lJ!?E.Ui MiNiinvllia, Vnu.vi,n,u, DRY GOODS. jyIIjhliK'8 BTOItE. KAM. AND WIMTF.lt C100DB. Tlie subscriber liiw Juit returned from the clttM with nnolhcr largo nml select imsottmcnt ot Hl'IttNO AMU BUMMUlt uoons, purclmspil In New York nml riiltmlclphla nl llio lowest Ilnuro, mid which no la determined to ncll on ns moderate- terms m can bo procured clso where In Uloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DltliSS GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, tot-ether Willi nlnrgo rnssortmcnt or Dry uoous nnu un ccrles, couslstlng of tho following articles I t'nrpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths. Casslmeres, Hhnwls, Vlnnncls, Bilks, While Ooods, I.tncns, Hoop Hklrts, Muslins, Jlollowwnro Cednrwnrp Quecnswnre. iinruwnio Coots nnd Bhoes, lints find Cnps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-aiassoJ, Tobacco, CotR'O, Hugnrs, Teas, Wee, Allspice, U Inner, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS QKN ItALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites tho attention of tho publlo generally. Tno highest price will bo paid ror country produco In exchange for goods. 8. II. MILI.Ell&SON, Arcado Buildings, Uloomsburg, Tn, HEAT ItEDUCTION IN PItlCICS AT PETEll ENT'S STOKE, IN LIGHT STltEET, OP PALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received. and has on hand nt lits old Btnud In Light Street, a largo and select ASSORTMENT OF 3IEIICIIANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, aud which ho determined to sell on ns moderate terms as be procured elsewhere In Light Btreot, Fon cash on couxthy nioDvcn, Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashions, Calicoes, Musltns. Utnghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Bilks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Batlnetts, CnRslnicrs, Cottoundes, Kentucky Jcnns. AO., Ad AC. GROCERIES, MACKERaij, Qucenswnre, Cedarwarc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CArS. In short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market prlco paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1SC7. J J. B R O W E R, " Is now ottering to tho publlo Ids Stock of SPUING GOODS consisting In part of a full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Flue cloths and casslmero for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of nil patterns nnd qualities, Inlalds nnd Prints of vailous qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND EROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES? t CHILDREN'S QAITERSJc BOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL in one-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho timo to mako your selections, as I am offering goods at very low prices, nnd our motto is fair dealing to nil, and not to bo under sold by nny. J. J. BROWER. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1867, JEBRUARY LIST AT I.W.IIARTMAN'S. s PLENDI1) WINTER DRESS Goods Selling nl n low llgure, at I. W. HARTMAN'S. A FEW MORE LONG SHAWLS AT A GREAT REDUCTION, AT I. W. HAUTMAN'd. JADIE'S CLOTH SACKS Marked down from f5 00 lo $3 no. nt I. W. HARTMAN'S. UKAKFAST SHAWLS AND Wool Scarfs with'fi few LntlleB1 Uridal nnd other Hoods down lit prices, at I. W, HAUTMANIS. A FEW MORE REMNANTS of Prints, DoLntus, Muslins, CassImcrs.Ac, nt cost or less, nt I, W. HARTMAN'S. T HREE NEW ROLLS OF Carpets Just received at I.W.IIARTMAN'S. F LOOR OIL CLOTHS l-l 5-1 0-1 8-1 a nice pattern of each at I.W.IIARTMAN'S. "jyjEN'S, LADIE'S, & CHILDREN'S Arcllo Gums.at I. W. HARTMAN'S. "JASINS, PRUNES, DRIED Peaches, Cherries, Apples, Soup Beans dc, ou band ut I, W. HAltTMAN'H "jyINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL who live by Preaching supplied wilti goods low for cash, at I.W.IIARTMAN'S. ""y A R R EN'S AKDWATKK 1'llOOY Illl'llGVEU riKX FELT AND CEMENT llOOFINQ I Tho advantages which this composition possesses nro many. 11 Is both water.tl in a nd nru.nrnol. It Is not affected by heat or cold. It eun be ap- plied loan almost perfectly fiat roof, ouo Inch I ineiioot ueiug an mat is requireu. It Is easily uuii quicKiy reiKiireti, r.tber llre-nrooi roof Its cost Is less than unv r.ther Ure-proof roof now In use. Testimonials Irom all parts ol the country as to Us durability, security uud chtupness will be shown by JOHN W. KRAMER, June G'C8. Agent, Bloomsburg, Pu, A II no specimen of the roofing can be seen at W 11, Koous' new ouse on Filth Street, pUMPS I PUMPS FOR SALE. The undersigned Irgs leave In Inform the citi zens of thlsplui-o and vlclulty that he Is prepared lo furnish, ntshnri notice, one of the best WOOD EN PUMPS for Welta undClstt-rns ever ottricxl lo the public, liter nro guarante-M lo tbrow moro water iu less I rule and with Jess labor than nny other pump in Uiis pari of tho country nnd they cunnol bo surnsAscd for beuuty or finish, or slui pllclly of urrangenifnt,alucomblututf cheap ni-h. utnl ilurulillllv l-'jicli iiuinu belinr Marram. -d to perform Its ork well or no sulo, Elius Kliuiiiiiii Is liifent lor (Tfiliinibia county. Price 76 cents per foot J iced In tho well. Orders by mull or iiiuerwiso iiriiiupiiy iiiiuiiutui t-pt, i,'C6-ly ELIAS HUUMAN, CutawlsP. RAIL ROADS. NOIITIIERN OENTIIAL HAlh WAY. On nud after May loth 1SCS, Trains Will leavo NoiiTHUMnnni.ANn ns follows I NOItTHWAllD. 125 A. H., Dally to Wllllnmsport, (except Humtny) rnrElmlni. Ciinaiidatgnii, Uich(ler, Ilulliilo, Husiienslon llildge, amlN. l-'nlls. C'A p. ii., Dally, (ex ii-i a HuuUays) for l'.linlra and lltitliild vlii l.rln lliillivuv Irotii lollnlm. OLIO f. m Dally, (exccptBundnys) for Williams- port. TKAINS BOUTHWAtlD. 5.15 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 0.3) P.M. Dally (cxeoptBimday's)forllaltlmoro wnsiungiou una rniiaueiiiua. i:i. H. YOUNO, Uenernl l'ussenger Agent. I A CK AW ANN A AND 1JLOOMS JJ UU11U ItA.LAOAD On and vSUt Nov 3Jth, 1MH, l'assengcrTralns wilt ruu us iouowsi aolugBouth. Leavo Leavo Doing North Arrlvo Arrlvo n. m. p.m. a. in. it. in, .Scr.mlon (,:a 1.10 t'.n 1,1'IU 0 i:.:J lu.57 7.11 7.W 8.18 7.111 Leavo 7.10 Plttston 6.00 Kingston il.'.-J I'lymoutli (I.Ii HhleliKhluny.... 7M 4.17 G.'li 4.H ,').ll) tl.l', 0.5, 7.17 R'.'O o.io H.IU Ki'i 7.a-t Dll ,V,Li& H l.i, llloom H S.atf (I.1U (i.eu lluport S.3-) Danvillo D.UI ' Arrlvo Arilvo Leavo North'd U.4J l).W 4.13 Tho 11,10 Train nl Bcranton makes connections Willi Express Train lor ew York ut a o clock p. in,, urriviiig JU ow itirKv.jo p. m. II. A. FONDA, Bup't, ISM. 1SC8. DIIILADELPHIA AND ERIE X KAILllOAD. WINTEK TIME TABLE, lllllOUGII AND DlllKCT 1IUUTE 11KTWF.EN THILA DCLl'llIA, BALTIMOUR, llAKIUSUUltU, WIL LIAMSPOKT, AND TUB OltEAT OIL UEOION OF I'ENNSYLVANIA, KLEOANT SLEKl'l.NU CA11S On ull Night Trains. On nnd nrier Monday, Nov. Bird 1SCS, tho Trains on lliu 1'hllaUelphla A- Erlo Hall ltoad Mill ruu as lonows: WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.11p.m. ' ' " Norlhuiuberlaud...0.10u.m " " nrr, at Erlo O.Oiun ERIE EXPREbS leaves Philadelphia U.A) in. " " " Nort'd 0.50 p.m. " " nrr. at Erie lu.iu u.ni, UI..M1UA leaves l'liiiaueinli a Lffliun " " Nortird 4.'rp.m " " arr. ntLocklluvcu 7.15 p.m, E.VSTWARD, MA1LTRA1N leaves Erie WJVSa.m, " " ' Norlh'd '.Vlin.m. " " nrr.nt PhlladcliihKi lo.nua.iu. ERIE EXPREbS leaves Urlo 0.v.- p.m. " " ' Noit'd .O.HOn.mi " ' nrr.ntPlillailetphla l.'JOp.m. Mail nud Exnress c-onuects with OH Cieekimd Allegheny RlYtr Rail ltoad. Daggago checked IUIUUUUi A. L. TYLER, General Suverlntcudeut, Wllllaiusport. pATAWISSA RAILROAD On mid J after MONDAY, Nov. a, Itw, Passenger tialnson tho Cutawlssa Railroad will nin nttuo following named houis : Afaff Smth. nrATioNs. Wllllnmsport. Muucy. Wnthoutown. Milton. Diiuville. Itupert. Cntuwlssa. ltlngtowu. Buuiuilt. Ouakake. Matt North Arr, CIO p.m. Dep. 6.11 " " 6.12 " " 4JU " J.10 " y.63 " " 3. " " 121 " " l.j) " " 1.-I0 " " 1,20 " 1.10 " " In. j a.n.. Dep. 7.W n,iu 8.20 ' " 8..5I) " " U.IU " tt.52 " " 10.12 " " lU.'Jj ' " ll.i'J " ' 12.30 p.m. " 12.W " 1.00 " 2.15 " 1.23 Arr. o. 1 . Muliony June. Dine. Tniuuquu. Dluu. ' Revdluir. Pbllndelphla, 8.10 " 10.50 J To New YorK vlu. Read- Ing or Mauch Chunk, i-ruiu ,i-w York via. t Muilcll l?lilllltr. r 7.(0 NoChangoof ears between Wllliamsport and Phlladelpulu. UEO. WEUli Suy'l. READING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGMENT, Dec. 11th, lbul. Great Trunk Lino fiom tho North and North west lor I'lilladelphlu.Nuw Yntk,lteaulng,Potls VIlle.T'uliiaiiua, Aslilund, Lebanon, Alleulown, Uustou, Epluula, Lttlz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, 'iiulus leuvo llurrlsbuig lurNew York, as mi lows: At3,.jo, 6iO uud 8,lu u. in., 12,10 noon aud 2,05 U0,oip.iii., connecting with bluillur trains on tuo l'u. ltutlload, aud airivlng al New York ut 11,0-), 11,00 n.lii., & 3,50 7,00.1: 10,05 p, m Hiveping cms ui-cimipuuyiug tho 11,60 u.iu. nnd 10.60 p.m. itulns wliliuui elitiuge. Leuve IlnrrlbbuiBlur llcuuiug, Pottsvllle, Tn muqua, Mlnersvllle, Asbland, l'ltio Uiove, Allen town nnd l'lilladelpliluut 8,10 a.m., uud 2,05 uud 4,10 p.m., stopping ut Lebanon anil principal way stutious; tbo 4,10 p.m. making connections lor i'!itluilciphluaudi,olumbluouiy. For Pottsvllle bciiuylKill lluveu uud Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd busquehiiuuii Kallro.id, leao llairlsbulg ut a,ao p.m. Returning: Leavo New Yolk ut ti.oo a.m. uud 12.00 ui., uud 5,10 uud 8,oop.ui. bleeping cirsnccoiupuiij my tbo 0,00 u.ln.,und5,10 nud 8,00 p. in., trains wliliuui etiauge. Way Pusscnger Train leaves Phlludelphlaui 7,30 n.iu., returning irom Reading ut 0,35 p.m stopping at ull stntlons; Pottsvllle at?-liu. in., aud .bljp.m., Asblnud U,00 atfll uud 12,11) noon, uud 2,00 p. in., Tumaqua at 8,30 a. m,uud 1,00 aud 8,13 p, m. Leave I'ottsvllle lor ilaulsburg, vlaSchnylkll nud susquehnuua ltaUi uad ut 7,i0 n.m. aud 12,00 noon. Reading Accommodation Tialn leaves Reading nt 7,S0 u.iu., returning Horn Pblladelphla at 4A ' p.m. I'ottstown Accommodation Trnimleaves Polls town ut 0,15 a.m.,, returning, leaves Pulludelphu ut -1,00 p.m. r Columbia Railroad Tralnv. I.nv. irmi.ti.,.. n 7,00 a.m., uud 0-15 p.m. lor Ephratu, UlU, Laucns. l'eiklomeu 1UU1 Road Trains leavo I'crklomeu Junction ut 0,15 u.iu., una 6.55 p. m. Reluming i Iahwo Bklppuek ut 8.00 u.iu., and. 1,15 p.m., con necting wun similar tlalns ou Reading Railroad uiioumiiunu.iuw lUlUllie,UUj),n.,l'HU K adelphla 8,ii u.iu. nnd 3,15 p.m., the s,00 a.m. trulu ruuuiug ouiy iu iicaiiiug; 1-oltsMUu 8,00 a.m.; Ilairlsbiug 6,50 a.m. uud j,lo undlo.W p.m.,und Ueadlug al 1.05 and 3,(j0 uud 7,13 a.m. lor llallis burg, and 12,50 n.m., und 7,31 p.m. lor New Yoik, and J,2o p.m. lor Pblladelpbla. Comiuutatton, Mileage, rienson, School nnd Ex cursion tickets lo and Horn all poiuts, nt i educed rules. Baggage checked llirough ; 100 pounds nllowed to each passenger, G. A. NICOLLS, GeuerulHupelluIiuilcut. Reading, Pa., Dee. II, Dwi. IJHE REST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE HEADS TIIR LIST, And leads Ihecolumn 1,01)8 ahead of nil others. Tins ainciuuo is tne SIOST TOPULAR IN USE. It uses the finest needle of any Machine In ex istence, Any lady wanting n good SEWING 51 A O II I N E, Will consult her own Interests by buying n mrtui-.ll. jl is raster to run, learn nnu jteep in oruer man uuy Aiacuiue in me wuriu. OVER 850,000 OF THEM IN USE. Tbo fullest Instruction clvcn those who nur- chase, and the Machine will lis waiikaxteu to you lur ouo yeur. Please call nt my Store nnd satisfy yourselves, Here you wilt find Needles, Thread nud Silk, DAVID LOWENI1KRG, Agent April S.'CS-lf. Bloomsburg, Pn. LUMBIA HOUSE, BY BERNARD S TO II NEK, Having lately purchased and flltcd up the well-known Roblsou Hotel Properly, located a FEW E00K3 ABOVE THE COUKT HOUSE, mi tho same side of tho street, In the town of iiioomsuurgi ana Having omulutda license ror tho same asu RESTAURANT, the Proprietor has determined to Klve to the neo- jde visiting tho town ou business ur pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. His stabling also Is extensive, and Is fitted up to put bugglcsnndcnrrlagesluibedry. He prom ises that everything ubout his establishment shall be conducted In nu orderly uud lawful manner; and ho respectlully solicits a share of the publlo I alrouuge. lmyl7'0"M)iu. G ET THE REST. Mnnsnn's Cornier Tubular T.lnlitiiltifF lliul lu tho best prlecilon against disaster by llghlnlng ever lnvuedo. Tho subscriber Is ugeutfortho novo Invention, nud all orders by mall or In erson will be promptly attended lo. Muyl5,'(W E.B. BIDLEMAN, Q. W. I1LARON & CO., Manufacturers ol OIL CIX1THU AND WINDOW MHADEfl. Wiurehotua, No, Ui Nortb Third HUoot I'bUAdtlphU. GROCERIES, Etc., QONFEOTIONERY. Tho nnderalirneil would rrsnectfullp announce o tho publlo thnt ho has opened ft FIItST-CLABS CONFECTIONERY STORI III thobulldlni lately occupied liy Iternnnl Blih ncr, whero he Is prepaied lo (urulsli nil kinds of PLAIN FANCY CANDIIiS, FRENCH CANDIES, FORF.K1N A DOMESTIC F11U1TH, NU1H, RAIS1N8&C, AC, AC. 11 Y WllOLEHAl.K On 11KTAI1.. In short, n mil assortment of all goods in his line of business. A great variety of -DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for luo Holidays. 1'nrllculnr attention given to DREAD AND C A ICES, of nil kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHIHTMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1807. ECKHART JACOBS. REMOVAL OF U. V. MAllll'H NEW STORE TO SKIVE'S BLOCK, ON THK ConNKR OF MAUKET AND 1HON BTrtEKTU. Tho undersigned having received from tho city a full nnd complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE CEDAll AXD WlLLOir-WAllE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, T O 11 A C O O , A 7 X A iV D HII O E S, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling nt a very low figure lor ensn or produce 49-Call nnd see. ' April 12, UOT. C. C. MAUR, GRAND OPENING (IRANI) OPKNINO (UlAND OPKNING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER UOODH PALL AND WINTER GOO Dh' I ALL AND WINTER GOODS PALL AND WINTER GOODs consisting ot consisting of consisting or consisting or consisting of DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS, DRY OOOI14. DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIN HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAP! BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES' HOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES! BOOTS AND SHOES! READY-MADE CLOTHING. REA DY-MADE CLOTI UNO READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHlIlo! LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOK I N (1-G LASS KS LOOKING-OLASM1X LOO K I N O-G LARS Es LOOKlNO-OLASSl-ii; NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS NOTIONS, notions! paints and oils, paints and oils pa i nth and oils paints and oils paints and oils, groceries, groceries orocerieh! groceries, groceries, queens wake, ijuek.nsware! Itl'EENSWARE ItUEENSWARE UUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, TINWARE tinware! HALT, HALT, SALT HALT, SALT, I'ISH, FISH, FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, URAIN AND SEEDS! GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND MEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, , Ac., Ac. Ac., .dcKEI.VY, NEAL A MeKELVY, NEAL it Mi-KHLVY, NEAL A McICEI.VY NEAL & MeKELVY. NEAL & CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'H. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest corner ol Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of .Main nud Muiket Streets, Northwest corner of Main aud Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Mnrlret SUrr.tu Noilhwest co ruer of Main und Market streets, I1LOOMHIIURG, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA 1II.OO.MS11URO PA., BLOOMSUURO, PA., llLOOMHlllIRG, 'A. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In inige quantities aud at reduced rates, alway OMETIIINQ NEW, The undersigned bee:s leave to inform li.-r friends aud the public generally, that she has upeneti in LIGHT STREET . , a fresh slock oi goous in ine lino oi MILLINERY linil TRIMMINGS In ronnecllnu wltti Dress Making; nnd Is pre- I'tii.u iu iimiimiu, iu C0I.0U STBA1V 11AT1 ou the shortest uotlcp,nutl In the best stylo of the nrl. Pikes cheap aud work satisfactory. Light Street. October i. 1807. ' ' KUNE gCHELL, HERDER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, HALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, 40., Nos. IS! and 121 North Wharves, nbove Arch St. Phllidelphla. Sole agents for WUcox's Wheel Oreose, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. JJ V. PETERMAN, with LIPPINCOTT & TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Btrcet, and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue Pblladelphla. TEAVER & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 223 and 227 Arch Street Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, iJito Walter Jt Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENBWARK, No. 421 Market Street. Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP & CO., Successors to Btroup A llrotiusr, WHOUWAIJ3 DHAIJfJtH IN WUK, No. 21 North Wtiwrrea, sndiS Nnll Wstlt St., PtdtadslpbU. IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Uloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa, Tho subscriber, proprietor of iho abovo-l nmed (tensive establishment, Is now prepared to ro celvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAMT FURNACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ao Ho Is nlso prepared to make Stoves of nil sites nnd patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually made In first-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largost contracts on the most reasonablo terms. Grain of nil kinds will bo tnken In exchnngo for Castings. This establishment Is located near tho Lackc- wauua nnd Bloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER 1.ILLMYEU. STOVES AND TINWARE. . announces U his friends nnd customers that continued the nljove business nt his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSUURO. Customers enn bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In n Stove, and Tinware Es tablishment In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason ablo terms, Rcpalrlngdononttheshorlcstnotlce, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. TTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STBEET, NBAnbY OITOSITE MILLER monic, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up and opened ins new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, in this plnco, whero lio Is prfpnrod to mako up I new' Tin Wake of nil kiiuU in his lino, nml lo repiilrlng Uth neattic8 timl dtspatch, upon the I most rcusonauio terms, no aino Jtecpa onnnuu STOVKS OK VAHIOU.S PATTKUNB & BTYLKS. whlcli ho will sell upon tcrma toenltpurchtiscra. I Ulvo mm a rail. Hols u kom mechanic, nnd ucfsurvmu ui i no puuuo pairounge. uioomimrff, April isw. Q.EORQE II. RODERTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nbove Vine, Philadelphia. Jacou K, Smith, J. R. Skt.tzkr g M I T II & S E L T Z 15 R, Importcrsnnd Dealers In Foreign and Domestic yjass.; 352iscj? HARD W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AO., KO. 10U I. THIRD STltEET, AB.CALLOWIIILI., m nilL-VDELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tf. TOBACCO & SBGARS. JJ W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, botwecn Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. Q L. WOODRUFF, Wholcsalo Dealers in ' TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No, 1.1 North Third Street, alwvo Market, Philadelphia. - 0 5IN1RUS LINE. Tho undersigned would respectfully nnnounco to iiiociuens or uloomsburg nnd llio public genc- nuiy iiia no is running nn OMNIBUS LINE between this place nnd the different rnllioadde pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains golug South nnd West ou tho Cnta- wlssa nnd Willlnmsport Railroad, and with those going Kortji and South on the Lacknwnnna nud uioomsuurg RaUroad. HlsOmntbussesnro in good condition, commo dious nud comfortable, nnd charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do- p art, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge uy leaving timciy notice nt any of the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor. T IIEATIICOTE & COMPANY ' 11 OILER V O li A" S, COltNEIt OK WEST BT11EET A IlLACKlllOllSE ALLEY Having Increased our facilities In tho way of i, . iv,-.t wu uru prepareu lo mnanfacturo LOt'OMOTI VE.FLUE,nnd all kinds ol HTKAM BOILERS, SilOli E-STACKS, Tanks, siiEKT-InoN oiiic, Ac. All work promptly done to order, nt short notice, nud SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRS. Your attention is specially called to llio mem bers of our firm-all being 1'racUcaUMlcr Maktri. Air. llKATHf'OTK linn hull nn ,v,n, l..,. r. ...... llilrly yi nrs In tho manufactuiu of nil kinds of . n . ' iioih our lougexperienco we . : ' ui" iit-eessuy oi n weu-maita nnd sulllclently largo BoiLEit.tosecuro not only salety Unsatisfactory icsults: und e shall give our customers ouly thoso of tbc best quality ns ...,E, ,,wiiiii,iii.iiiI,, uiiuuiupieueai lngsurface, nnd feel contldent Hint wo can ren- ... Pino iiYuiiu, nnu ut prices iuiiy as low ns any otbei builders using the tame quality of mated- Wo Would call tbo attpiif Inn f TTnll,Pn., r. panics to our facilities fordoing LOCOMOTIVE ORK, KiTHEii itKi'Aiits ou new, ns we make it ,. mi i i iii inu iirui louiwnys give ills per- sonul attention, ' t..V, "ro alh. Prepared to do nil kinds of Steam I- itttiigs, such ns Healing Public nnd Prlvnte Buildings, l-actorles, fitting up hlcnm Bollcrs.Ac. lonvtantly on buudall kinds of Hteam Fir- HMJS ,JTKAU ASU WATIUiUITAGia STEAM PlI-ESl and nil llttlniT rnimiitr-il L-ltl, 1 1. i.... i..n. ' Also.Cnstlngsof ull klnds.BolIerFronls.Or'ales. stoves. Plows, und nil work connected with the gviiL-iui luiiuury uiisincss. ieieeuuiiy soliciting your orders, we uic 'ours very truly, J, IIEATIICOTE A CO. Feb.2s'CS ly A R M E R St! TIty THE ALTA VELA PHOSPiUsi'iO. Itcnntalns thrrn ncr ,--nt. nf A..,.n..irt nmiileiiuuntllytoclve activity without lnlury ",lVu,t'!l,,111,i0U.B'1 huge perceniaiie of sii o! .'Ii1. ;ui I-lnii-, logeirur wllh !'?,', ,!', J'..',1. SKla, jhe etsenllal elemints ol n inu,iiisnsunr. jno llicreiisctl sales ti larincis who lire using It Willi hlsbly sntlsiaetn. ry risults lsusureguuruulcoof Its vulue. 1'ilce tuo per ion or 10 Lugs au lbs eaih. bend lor a '1 HE ALTA VELA GUANO CO.. S. S. III&HOF A Co. Agents, 200 N. Del. Ave. Agent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia nud nuuiu isew jersey. Jiily3,'tW-ly 57 Broad w oy, N. Y QEORGE FOELKER & CO., Wholesnle Denlers In WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, YARNS. Oll-CIoths, Wicks, TwInes.'Bnskets, ilc., etc. 2I9A231 Markctst., A2G0 Church St., Ihlladn June 5, 'OS. ' RJIDRUSTER & DROTIIER, Importers and Jobbers of HOSlHRY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS. 11001 SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWINO SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE M0NNAIE8, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING aLASSES, and Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS. ROPES, TWINES, Ac No. 300 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. jyjILLER & HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Seltier A Co. Importers and Wholesale Dealers In t LIQUORS, WINKS, Ac., Nos. 110 and 412 North Third Street, Philadelphia. gNYDER, HARRIS fc BASSETT, jsaaunuroirers aaa JOBueri or MHM'B AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Nos, 625 Market, and 623 Coramsrcs Street, PhUadelpbla. 7-1 -7 DRUGS MEDICINES. JONATHAN HEISLER'S 'f0, V or Bitters has novor failed to euro ti, i'S kind of Dpepslni Is Iho mosl successful ZJt Iclno yet il iseovcreu ror me euro o UonsumJ diseases of Iho Throat, Clu-st nud LuC-J .nn.ln n.illrrtlv nf mnf. nml lifirlia ft. K W will i-Miivuiivuii ynw wu k x."- i UiriKfl No family should ho without It. Put up in if 11 -n, l, rui'iuf't inn, nun. wtj wu, iii.iuiii 11, jl Schuylkill Haven, Pa, and by an i.'l gists. aug. 11,'iki, J DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH HIT T K R S A mild nnd ngrccnblo Tonlo Stimulant. l nchlo nud Cojminnllver- WITTEItB, iirncicu euiireiy iruui iieius u.iu llootn, Vj ly beneficini ill DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL. DEHIIjITY, nud Loss of Appetite; and nu excellent Correct tvo for pci-'in from Disorders of tho Bowels, FInni'i , Sold Everywhere. epot, No. Ill Market Street, Plillaii , J. K. TAYLOR A CO, Bept.V0S-ly. Ayer's air ViRoll ID For resloring Gray its natural Vitality and Ccfc tOXP1" Thin Imir i 3D' nicil, falling lmir i-liL-iKnl. nml acj" iioss odcii, tliotipli not iilnj, pi? by its use. Nutliin can idle Ini liair where tlio follioloa mo ilii feg1, , or tlio RlntulJ ntropliioil nml tit 11 llut such as rciiiuiii e,1u tc Mj usefulness by this npplicntiou. I gF of fouling tlio hair with u l.'lMft meat, it will keep it clean nml v,. jrrr Its occasional uso will prut rut il M from turning gray or fulling conscfincntly prevent Lnlilmt'. Itil from those tlelctcrioiis siiblniicc ninko some preparations iliiiictt Ml R injurious to llio. hair, the Vip- Jioh only benefit but not harm it. Il merely for a Ugi HAIR DRESSIN( nothing else enn bo fotiml o tli' mm Containing neither qjl nor lyc. i -MB1 not soil white cainbric, uu.l long on the huir, giving itaritlip lustre nml a grateful perfume. jj Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer kW Practical and Analytical CurW,1,, than LiOAVELL, SIASS. l'KIOB 1.00. t.te Feb.5.1SC0. 2 EXl t. Ayer's Cherry Pecto For Diseases of tho Throat and fc, AJ such as Coughs, Colds, Whocpirrrr Cough, Bronchitis, Asthai, noil nnd Consumption, r,Mi rrobably never before In tlio uliolt! f-Jso-medicine, has nil) thing won so i iili ly audi I'D I r upon tlio coiiudcncc of inaiiklud, astliutifJU, a leiucdv for pulmonary complaints. Tbrcvlps. feries of years, and among most of 11. rtfLrf:r men it has risen higher and higher in tlu j V y i tiuii, as it has becoino better known. ia ffxV.c1 (iiaractcraud power to euro tlio v.ii loth i-vX of tlio lungs and throat, have made it knon Sr t lialilo protector against them. U lillc au QT.ul milder forms of dlbcaso and to young tin finE at llio samo time tho most effectual tcimia . be riven lor Incipient consumption, aol'Sh; : gei ous iiD'octioiu or Uio throat and lungs, laf iston against sudden attacks of l'ror..b- bo Kept on hand in every family, nml 1 . r. ij nio sometimes subject to colds and c N, . tliould bo provided wlUi tills antidote to'SBxpf, Allliougfi settled VontumpUmt U U fZ. curable, still great numbers of cases unrp -rr c.tso seemed settled, havo been roroplcujir'K and llio patient restored to sound nra-I1 JJ1 gr CViii-i-w rectoral. So complcto is li'tetci oi cr tho disorders of tho Lungs and It pi- v tlio most obstinate of them yield to it. " i big elso could reach Uieni, under tin! ""BTT1 f toval they subsldo and disappear. EXJ J SUujtra (mil J-uiillo Speakers BllJfuJt. tcctlon from it. , . f. .li Atlhma Is always relieved and oncrm, cured by It. ' I V. Uroiicltttts is generally cured by I! , " Clirrru I'crrorann small and frequent I T z So generally aro Its vhtucs known tu"'wj, not publish Uio ccrtiOcatcs of tlicm lierc.i " .1' than assuro Ibo public that its ijuautioi J3T matutabicd. I 1) 'si Ayer's Ague Tor Fevnr nnd Ague, Intcrmltte: .'. Chill Fovor, ltemittont FevetJ -Aguo, Periodical or Ddious Fi'lli- and Indeed all tho affections wtf .l- ?' irom malarious, marsh, or CBZtZI!. poisons. -r j.' As lis namo Implies, it does Cure. a B" Bn full. CoiitaiiiliiguolthcrArscnic,(JiiinBi'raTi .Inr, nor any otlier mineral or iolonon V I J?J; Mlialuvcr, it in nowlso injiircs anyimt" luimbcr and imnortanco of Us cures lnvJiij trli-n, nro literally beyond account, and "Jf-J,'' j nltliout a parallel In Iho history of AWViW Our prldo is gratified by tlio acfcnoli''isiO rcreho of llio radical cures cffcctoil l'ltlTtf cafes, and w hero other remedies lad Vf'P. I ? ti I n.sccllmated persons, cither rcU'E".-.- travelling through mlasmntlolornlitl,iB -Jfji, lected by uklng the AOVJ1 CUM-' ' TT1- I or I.tver Complaint', arlilng lie w, Jl of tho Liver, It Is an excellent rcmcd)', iEark Uio Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Dlsonlers and Liver Comi BCt an rxcellent remedy, producing nuui'SlU, ' markablo cures, where other meilh'hic aHOott Prepared by Hit. J, C. Airit Co Kwago nnu Analytical i;ncmuu, i.ou en, -w all round tht world. mice. si. oo vim jiuii'i (rut JN8URAN0E AOI-M Wyoming WS JlCtnu - WE; Commerce i HzL- Fulton...... 1 IT North America liMi city .... iiTiv International ,.. V'J'i'U Niagara ... , iS rff A'tun Live 8tock.,.,-..........s..... , , t lMtnara .IZ.... rfld Merchants i.Bv' Sprlugileld - .Jl Insurance Company of Hta'.o pf Connecticut Mutual Lt-fo ,-- North Amcricnu Transit v. r 'T FItllAB lltt;iN 0 ) muisoT-iy, . . I puicivERixa it awBi nrx; jinnumrturea HAND. SOUAIli: ANllli''le" i llecctved tho First Grand (1 ''J, ' .'"'"Ih 'V higher m-oull? I,1'' THEcnosa of Tiin Ll-:t,'l,, Ml 1TKTVPT1HAT. l.'Vlillan'IdN, PAll pi.,.. . .i. i.i. .. ..l.trds of til Hon, nnd llio house oi I'linl"""1'1' AB the onlvonk so honored. L... i,f,.M'H' In the United Hlntts wo Xif. Vi,r,B BlXTV.NINlcFlUST PlIEMIUJIS i 1 tltlou with the leading nuuuiifi.'.'sM ! country, indadhoonut Li-ifiirs nvif.-tei.ru inu iigutt uuuiil Kil"T, If iiiuiiufuctuicmlu thu United Hluti. I rSl i-uty-one First Pfitnluius, and Ibo nu" IL " 7 lug testlmoululs Irnm the leading nl'1"6"' world. SAMBtoooui ,.rTri MO. 11 1SABT TOUItTKENTII BT SK SV. net Keen llroadwuy and Fifth N5 i i. Feb, 6,'i,n,.sino, tMKf V ff- FOR NEAT ANJ MNtti'i lr JOB PRINTlf-- Call at Tho Columbian Office, Ulow Kr