THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 35he Columbian -AND- IILiOOMSHUllQ, PA. Itcliuriiil of the tU ninltii ul Mrs. !iun:it(. 'I'o l) iY tin! iiiiinliis of Mm. Kurrutt wi le litirii'il tin) third mill, It N hoped. KIHIIAY ltIt,l.(l, l'KII. 1U, INOO - TUB COLUMHN lull llir i.nrriesl Cllrcillntloit or nil)' paper published 111 Nortliirit Iciuibi Instils, mill U nliio n luiicli larger sheet thisi. nny of llct)trm- liorrlta ami l tlirrcfure (lie best mrilltt tu for uilvrrtMiiK In Ihls section nftliA State. TO OL'lt I'ltU.MtS. Aiteii much dohiy hi the completion of our new olllci', it been finished, and our machinery moved Into it. Wo have employed, nn experienced man io lo our Job work, nnd wo nro now nblo to do all kinds or printing from the hirgo-st poster, down to thu smallest iunN, with neatucMj and dispatch, at rate h lower tliau can bo procured in the elites. Our Moek of Job typo Is the largest in the country, and wo feel iw Mired of our ability to print In the best stylo books, phainplilcts, posters, cards, bill and letter heads, envelopes, pro grammes, etc., on plain or colored pit- per, with plain or ornamental inks. Wo liuvo just laid in a larco stock of material, and ak our businessmen to give us u trial, Patronize your home institutions. -It Itcvululioiini'3' l'rocccilliiRH. If anything was needed to convince tlio people of the Revolutionary ten dencies of tho Radical parfy.the count ing of the electoral vote on Wednesday of last week should prove tho fitet. The scone was not only disorderly and dis. graceful, but the cflbrt to excludo tho electoral votes of Georgia and Louisiana shows to what length u partisan major ity can go. Georgia has been reconstructed and is now represented in tho Housoof Rep resentatives. Shots thereforo as much entitled to hitvo her electoral vote coun ted as South Carolina or Massachusetts. 1 f wo concede tho right of Congress to reject tho votes of States by this means they might altogether defeat tho will of tho.people, and by manipulating re turns, declare elected a person who (ill not actually have a majority of tho electoral votes. To add to tho Indecency of tho matter it was resolved "that if tho votes of tho State of Georgia did not niter tho result of tho election they might be counted; and if they did alter the re suit they wero not to bo counted," as If the political complexion of tho State added to or took from lis rights. Ry the samo reasoning New Jersey or New York might havo been excluded. Wo now expect to see tho Senate con sistent witli itself. Having accepted the vote nf Georgia, it Is an acknowl edgment that she Is a Stato mid in the Union. If so, she Is entitled to repre scntation, and tho refusal to admit Sen ator Hill is an act of gross Injusticc,nnd self-stultlflcitton on tho part of the Senate. t'KiirpaMoii. Many Republicans havo clung to their party organization in tiio belief that after tho election, conservative In llucnces would control It. They cannot s help but havo noticed that moro and uioro extreme measures are beingndop ted day after day. At present they are trying to engraft an article on tli i Con Btitittion forcing negro sum-ago on all tho States regardless of tho will of tho people. Months ago they stripped the President of all his powers, and the rights of t ho States havo been ignored for yo ire. 1 Tho Supremo Court Is now an object of attack, and will soon wo fear,becomo a mere machine for registering tho de cisions of a partisan majority. To show how hteadlly the party Is advancing in its march of usurpation, wo quoto a remark made by Senator Drake, a leading Radical : Mr. White, (Democrat) or Maryland asked him whether, If tho Supreme Court should decide tho Legal-tender act to bo unconstitutional, thu decision ought to bo respected? Mr. Drulco replied Not at all. Ho would bo found standing in ids position anil Loth Houses of Congress would have to come to that position ut last, or ilse simp from the tench of the Supreme Court the men who dared to attempt to cripple, by their Judicial decisions, the law-making poicer of the country." Can thoughtful, law-abiding citizens Justify or tolerate such language? And yet nofhsinglo Radical in or out of Con gress lias excepted to It or expressed dissent.! tho last time. Wterd.iy afternoon, as staled, her body was taken up from the grave In the Moro room of ono of tho ar-ienal buildings, which nlso contains the temaliisof I'ayne, Atzerodt, Har old, Wlrz and Rooth. Tho nody was disinterred In accordance with a permit granted by tho President to Father Walter, p.istor of St'. Patrick's Catholic church, giving tho relatives of Mm. Surratt the privilege of removing her remains fieni the Arsenal building to a cemetery. The remains were taken to Mount nil vet Ceincteiy, about two miles ii'irlhrti-t i.f Washington, and nlm-ed In a vault At lull-past ono o'clock this afternoon, Miss AnnioSur- ratt, Miss Hoiiora l-'ilzpatrlck and a lew of tho relatives and friends of thu deceased, about twenty In number, its scmhlcd at tho residence of Father Will- tor, where they took carriages and pro ceeded to Mount Oliver Cemetery. Tho remain! had been transferred from tho rough pine box In which they were de posited by government authorities, and placed In a walnut colllu whlcii was en closed In a pine box. The remains were in a rather good Mate of prosorviv lion, tho dress, gaiters and other arti eles of apparel being entirely whole, Tho workmen lifted tho body from tho box on three spades and laid It, in tho co ill n entire, with tho execotion of tho head, which had become disconnected from the body. V lion removed to tho building, beneath tho body was found a common bottlo containing a piece of parchment oh which was written, "Mrs. M. E. Surratt." This had been enclos ed with the body by the military au thorities, In order that the remains might bo Identified after the lapso of years, In caso tho grave should not bo opened before time had mouldered its contents into dust. When the carriages had arrived tlio small circle of friends repaired to tho little chapel in the cem etery where stood tho coffin. Rev. Father Walter, assisted by father Kano performed tho funeral servlco of tho Catholic Church, after which hnlfndoz- en ot mo woriimcn employed at tlio cemetery acted ns pall bearers tttrl ear- ri"d the cotlln to.'tho extreino northeast corner of the ground, where tho grave had already been prepared. Tho mourners followed, somo riding and some walking. Tho Cemeterial Board had presented to Miss Aunio Surrattan entire lot, No. 31, section F, bordering on Olivet and St. Domlnlck avenues Tho lot is near to and can bo plainly been from tho public road, and is in the vicinity of.the gravoof tho lato Colonel J. r. uarascne. When tho mourners were assembled around tho gravo Fath ers Walter and Kane read tho burial service, and thu remains wero lowered into tliu gravo. Tho sad party remain eu until ttie eartli had been hanked up over tho grave, after which n boquet of lasting flowers, made In tho form of a cros, was laid upon the mound. Miss Surratt was deeply affected through all tho ceremonies attending tho rcburial, but her grief was greatly mitigated by the knowledgo that tho remains of her loved mother wero at last redeemed from their hitherto ignominious sur rouudings and deposited in their last abodo with tlio rites of Christian bur ial t'oi'ffi'essloiml mm Acwn Item, Washington, Feb. 10,1809. Tho Capitol has been crowded to-day wllli ladles and gentlemen anxious to witness tho formal ceremony of count ing tho electoral voles cast for Presi dent nnd Vice-President of tho United States. Tlio hall of tho Houoo of Rep resentatives, wltoro tlio ceremony took place, was densely filled with spectators. Tho galleries not being largo enough to accommodate the crowd, tho rules wero suspended, nnd numbers of ladles nnd gentlemen wero admitted to tho floor, where they remained during the pro ceedings. Tho reception of tho vote of Louisiana was objected to by Mull!ns,of Tennessee, whereupon tho Senato ro- tired to their own chamber forconsulla- tlou, after which tho Joint convention ngrecd that Louisiana should bo count ed j but Georgia, on motion of UuUer.of Massachusetts, was counted out, under tho pretext that tho electoral voto was not cast on tho day appointed by law, Tho voto on ruling Gsorgia out In tlio Houso stood, yeas 100, nays -17, and a motion lo reconsider was tabled. Tho Senato ngaln retired to their chamber for consultation, nnd after somo time spent therein, a resolution, declaring that under tlio previous concurrent or tier of tho two houses, tho Houso could not legally refuse to count tho voto of Georgia, was ndoptcd. Tho Senatothcn returned totholmllof thollousc. Sena tor Wade, as Presiding Ofllcer, called tho Joint convention to order, nnd mi uounccd that tlio objections of Mr. Rut lcr wero overruled by tho Senato, and ordered tho tellers to go on with the count of tho State of Georgia. Mr. Rut lor, amid great confusion, appeaicd,but the Presiding Oillccr refused to enter tain tho nppcal. Mr. Butler hero be camo warlike, and appealed to tho Houso to sustain him, declaring that tho decisions of tho Senato should not overrule tho Housei Finally tho Sor gcant-at-Arms was directed to arrest troublesome members, and tho voto of Georgia was recorded in nccordanco with Joint resolution. Tho result was then announced, that including tho voto of Georgia, Grant and Colfax had re- ceived 211 votes and Seymour and Blair 80; that excluding thu vote of Georgia Seymour nnd Blair had received "1 Tho Senate then retired. It becomes gravo question when n partisan major! ty in Congress undertakes to ovcrrido tho will ot tho people. I tako it, had tlio vote ol Georgia decided tho result tho Domocracy of tho country would havo scon that voto counted and re corded, or known thovrcason why. INSANE WOMAN AT THE WHITE HOUSE. A little after eight o'clock, this even ing, a young woman named Annio O' Neii, was discovered in ouo of tho cor ridors of the Wiiito Houso, running to wards tho privato apartment of tlio President, who, when asked what sho wanted there, replied, "I am sent by God Almighty to kill Androw John Tlio Police. It is unanimously conceded that the Philadelphia Police wero nevertbeHr uriiuiuu ur juuiu cuiciciu. an iius re' spect, ns In others, Mayor Fox'sudinln istrntiun has extorted pralso oven from his opponents. Notwithstanding this fact, tho Radical party, cha ed at hav ing lost Philadelphia, are determined to deprivo tho peoplo of that City of all control over their Police, and to piaco tho administration of that Department in Mrango nnd Irresponsible hand'. It Is not claimed that it will reform nny abuses, for nono nro charged. It Is not claimed that a Metropolitan Polico will tho better protect llfoor properly; thu condition of Now York shows tlio contrary. It Is not pretended that tiio citizens of Philadelphia demand change, nor Is tiiero any gqod reason why her local administration should be placrd In tlio hands of persons not clec ted for that purpose. It Is a purely po llticnleclieme, and ono which nono but the lowest of tricksters nnd demagogues would engage In. Wo shall watch tho result of the Bill before tho Leghluturo with Interest, and wo havo n right to Insist that all tho Democratic members bo present when tho voto is taken, and that they vote against the 011. Such dodging ns wits donoon tho Peltz Bill must not bo reunited. Any member doing this hhould bo burnt In efllgy, nnd adver tised ull over tho Stato ns a traitor to his parly, who has sold himself to tho opposition, Thi: pnfcfngo of a bill In thirty-four minutes, ut HurrJsburg, a Boston paper calls "legislation on tho high pressure principle." Increaso tho dividend unil thu "Ring" will Increaso tlioj prow sure to it Mill higher jmjIiiI. The iiain y Day Life In.sui-.ance ir wo "savo somethlog for a rainy day." when but little work can ho done. should wo not savo something moro for tho day when no man can work? Wo all havo our cloudy and rainy days, but as ivuijruw uiuur, mo nays may oocomo uanter aim rainier, until not only our uay s worK mil our ine'S worn is done. Tho little folk aro wisest. Tho rquirrcl lays up his stores, and tho beo makes lila.v ot liusy work, through all tho summer sunshine, that want may not como in the winter. Tiiero nro thous ands of us, who should stop nud consid er whether wo. and our families aro prepared for tho rainy autumn and that dark winter of life which no spring ev er dawns upon. You and 1 mav bo rich in tho best elements of happiness rich In tho lovo nnd confldenco of wifo and children and friends; nnd while wo havo tho astivo brain and quick hand, wo and ours may also bo rich in ail tho comforts of life. But perhaps wo havo mado littlo or no ac cumulations. If wo tho head of tho house shoul I bo taken away, tho wolf miu'iu soon oo nt me door, and our lov ed ones become the victims of want nnd poverty, or worse. Our benevo lence snoum prompt us to guard ngainst tho occurrence of theso evils to any one, and our duty should compel us to pre vent tho possibility of their inillction upon thoso who havo a right to our guaniiuusmp auu support. If wo liavonn amount of pcrlshablo property at risk, whoso Io3s would bo an i convenience to our estate, ice al ways insure it. H'cnro not only tho property oi our luiuiiies, itinu perisha ble at that, moro than anv other kind of nronerty). but we are the orotluntnn power, ir our nouses orgoods nro burn ed, wo may build moro und earn more; but if we are lost, everything is gone. If it is necessary to insure our buildings nnd merchandise for our own benefit, how much more to insuro our lives, which mate goods and merchandize, for tlio benellt of our families. If wo aro prosperous, a nill-pakl policy Is an in vestment for tho future, that Is beyond any contingency. If wo aro poor, a dollar moro or less per week secures a handsome sum at a later period. What should wo think of tho sailor who goes to sra without anchors, because it is fair weather when ho sails, and what should wo think of tho husband and father who makes no provision for wife and children became ho Is well to-day, although ho knows ho may not bo allvu to -morrow V Formerly, It was difficult to obtain life Insurance in responsible companies. Thero wero thoso which promised iargo dividends nnd lulvantages. without any sufficient guarantees. Life insurance should bo perfect securo boyond nil rinks or chance?. A company should not only liuvo a largo capital, but should be managed by men of tho highest In tegrity and financial ability. Wo bo liuvo that wo have such an institution In tho National Life Insurance Com pany of tho United Stntcs of America. It lias a full paid capital of a million dollars; and with such financiers as Jay Cooke, und Clarence II, Clark, and a board of directors embracing gentlo men of tho largest business experience wo nro not surprised that it is ono of tho most successful Institutions of Its kind. It delivered Its first policy Au gust 1, 1608 j and tho policies Issued sinco that time cover insurance to tho amount of Fight Million Dollars. Joel E. Bradley Agent, Bloomsburg, Pa. son," Being taken into custody, an old fashioned double barrelled pistol, unloaded, was found in her possession. It appears that she had entered tho White Houso during tho afternoon nnd concealed herself in tho meantime. Sho was evidently laboring under an attack of insanity, said to havo been caused by her apprehension that sho would loso the entire savings of herself ami sister, gained in tlio Treasury Department during several years past, and invested in n little homestead for her family,and which would havo to bo given tip, bo cause it was purchased under a tax ti tle. Sho was taken in chargo by tho police authorities, and will bo examin ed to morrow, preparatory to sending her, If need be, to the insnno asylum. New Yoiik, February 10, lSCU. An incident occurred this aftornoon, which fully shows how thieves and burglars hurl defiance nt tho law, and aro confident that, on all points, they are stronger than our polico force, Judg es, Juries and all. After tho adjourn ment of tho Court of General Sessions, while a deputy sheriff was conveying three burglars, who had been sentenced to .four and six years, from tho new Court Houso to tho Tombs, ho was sur rounded by a crowd of men, ono of whom handed a key to ono of tho pris oners, with which ho at onco unlocked his handcuffs nnd ran off. '.'.'ho sheriff, beforo commencing his pursuit of tho run-away, left tho remaining two pris oners in chargo of two citizens on tho street, but hardly had ho left, when tho samo crowd furnished tho prisoners with knives, which wero brandished in tho faces of tho citizens, who, of courso, not over desirous of being cut and stabbed for work that ought to bo done by tho police, let the culprits go. Tho first prisoner has been recaptured, but tho two others will never bo found. We notlco that In Cincinnati upwards of fifty lady teachers havo petitioned for tho salary us that given malo leath ers, stating In their petition that they itro obliged fo pay Just as mnch for board and the necessaries of life as if they wero incu. There Is argument in tho point. Wo sco no good reason why women should not, In the performance of tho narno labor, receive tho samo compensation. So far, wo nro In favor of woman'n rights. Washington, Feb. 11, THE LOUISIANA CONTESTED ELECTION Tho Houso Committee on Elections to-day put nn end to all prospect of tho advent of colored members upon tho floor of the Houso as Representatives of tho peoplo during tho present Con gress. They decided that nono of tho applicants for seats its representatives of thu Second District of Louisiana nro Io gaily or properly elected. Menard, tho colored contestant, had expectation of success Just ut tho heel of tlio sesslon,by which ho would bo entitled to tho scat, if but for nn hour. I'AltDON OF Hit. MCI)D. Tlio President to-day signed tho par don of Dr. Mudd, and It was sent to tho Department of State, where it will ro celvotho signature of tho Secretary ,und the seal of tho United States. It will then bo sent to tho commanding oillccr of tho Dry Tortugas, whero It will ar rive nbout tlio middle of noxt week, and Dr. Mudd will bo liberated. No action lias been taken In regard to tho cases of Arnold and Spangler, tho oth er two prisoners sentenced by Hunter's Military Commission. Tlio pardon is accompanied by a report of tho Attor noy General, mado by direction of tlio President, embracing tho history and points of tho caso, and reciting tho va rlous considerations moving the ox ecu tlve to grant the samo, which nro chief ly that tiiero now appears to bo somo doubt ns to tho complicity of tlio said Mudd in the conspiracy, ho only ren dcring aid by nttendlng to tho wounds of tho chief conspirator ; that tho mod leal profession of Harford county, Md., havo satisfactorily shown that it was tho professional duty of said Mudd, as a physician, to attend Booth, when called upon; and further, ho was very uttontlvo to thoMck at tho Dry Tortu gas, during tho prevalence of yellow fever tiiero last summer, saving the lives of many olllcers and soldiers, ho tide that of tho wife of Surgeon Joseph Smith, Ut S. A., who himself died of tlio foyer. It further recites that his pardon has been recommended by C9 Senators nnd Members of Congrcs3, and over 300 officers nnd soldiers at tlio Dry Tortugas, and others. CONSOI.IUATION OF THE DEPAUT-MENTS OF WAll AND NAVY. Secretary Schoflcld, in a statement beforo tho Houso Military Commlttoo, gnvo It as his opinion that, the depart ments of Avar and Navy should bo con solidated nnd bo represented by but cno secretary or member of the Cabinet, whoshould boa civilian. Of nil tho witnesses Jioforo tho committee, Gon. Schoflcld was tho most radical ns to re forms nnd retrenchment of expen cs In tho army. . THE IlEMAINS OF ATZEUODT. Relatives of Atzerodt to-day mado application to tho President for tho privllcgo of removing Ills remains to tho family burial ground. Tho Prcsl dent granted tho request. Washington Feb. 15. To-day the remains of Booth, Hcrold, and Atzerodt wero disinterred by order of the President, nnd delivered to their respectivo friends for Christian burial. Tills only leaves in tlio vault nt tlio arsenal tlio remains of Paynonnd wirz, No demand has been mado for tho body or tho former, nnd that of tho latter will bo removed in a few days to Ivcn tucky. Thus closes nnothcr chapter in tlio grand tragedy of Lincoln's AssassI nation. GENERAL- QUANT. Tho Committco appointed by Con cress to wnlt on General Grant and In form him of his election, performed that duty on Saturday. His spcccli In reply lias caused much constcrnntlon among Radical politicians and office- seekers. Thero Is no longer any doubt that ho Intends to bo the actual, as well as nominal head of his own adminis tration, nnd Democrats will havo no reason to complain if ho carries out tho principles Indicated. Wopuhllsh the following extract from his reply : " 'I can promiso tiio Committco Hint it will bo ray endeavor to call nround mo as asslstanti), such men onjy as I think will carry out tho principles which you havo said tlio country de sires to sco successful economy, re trenchment, faithful collection or the revenue and payment of tho public debt. If I should fall in my first choice, I shall not at any time hcsltnto to ranko a second, or even n third trial, with tho concurrence of tlio Senate, who have tho confirming power, nnd should Just ns soon reraovo ono of my own appointees as tho appointeo of my predecessor. It would make no differ ence." Ho will not make his Cabinet known until after tho iqauguratlon. I-AKDON. Pkesident Johnson, on Thursday last, issued n Sanford P. Con over, alias Charles A. Dunham, convict ed of perjury at tho December term of the Criminnl Court of tho District of Columbia, and sentenced to ten years imprisonment in tho Albany, New York, County Penitentiary. Tho President on Saturday nominat ed Judgo Lewis Dent, a brother-in-law of Gen. Grant, as Minister to Chili, in piaco of Gen. Kilpatrlck. STUIKING OUT "WHITE." Tho present Radical Congress seems to linvo a mortal antipathy to tlio word "white," and vote to strike It out wherever they find It. The Senato yes terday repassed n bill of last session striking tho obnoxious (?) word out of charters of Washington and George town, and out of nil laws relating to the District of Columbia, so that negroes, upon tho enactment of this measure, will act as Jurors, Justices of tlio peace, mayors, members of tho city councils, ivc, Ac, nnd tlio old Maryland statuto (now in forco hero), making it a penal olTeneo for a minister of tho gospel to marry a white man and a black woman, or rco versa, is likewisotobo abrogated. Washington, Feb. 1G. MU3. LINCOLN'S TENSION. A bill allowing Mrs. Abraham Lin coln a pension of $3,000 per annum, was taken up and debated at considerable lengtli In tho Scunto this afternoon. No conclusion, however, was readied, but tho Impression is that som o bill of tho kind will pass both Houses ere Iho close of tho session. JOHNSON'S CABINET. It Is announced that the members of President Johnson's Cabinet, except, probably, Mr. Evarts and General Schoflcld, will tender their resignations on or before tlio fourth of Mnrch, to take effect on that day. THE INAUGURATION. Activo preparations aro being made by tho managers of tlio forthcoming in auguration ceremonies to insuro a largo parado on tho Cth of March. Tho Chief Marshal of tho day is General A. S. Webb, an officer of tho regular nrmy, and now In command of tho garrison at Lincoln Depot in tills city. Tho cer emonies will bo far moro military thnu otherwise. Court l'l-occcillngs. j FEn. 0, CONCLUDED. Citation ordered to tho ndm'r of tho est. of Daniel Zclglcr dee'd., requiring him to exhibit and fllo nn account in tho Register's ofilco at least thirty dnys boforo tho first day of next term. FEU. llTH. Petition for a road In Bloom town ship near O.A.Jacoby's. Vlowcrs npp't. Petition for a road in Sugarloaf and Benton twp's., from Fzoklel Colo's to Fdson's store. Viewers appointed. Stephen Thomas for tho tiso of Rich ard Georgo va John L, Kline, Supervi sor of Conynghnm twp. Tlio Court or der that a rulo bo entered on John L. lino lo showcauso why tiio Judgment against tho township of Coiiyngham should not bo stricken off, to whlcii rule Mr. Clark appears and waives sorvlco. In tho matter of tho estnto of John Hess dee'd, on motion of Mr. Whit moyer, Mr. K. Jackson continued aud. On motion of Mr. Clark, Court grant a rulo on tlio heirs of Frederick Rohr dee'd., to appear at tho next Icrm of Court to nccept or refuso tho real cstalo of said deceased, or show causo why it should not bo sold. Com. vs Mary M'Manlman. Indict ment, selling liquor without license. It Is ordered by tho Court that ono week's court will bo held at tho regular term in May next und tho usual num ber of Grand nnd Travcrso Jurors drawn and summoned. Illootnabtirg Market lUyort. Wheat per Imihcl.. Ityo. " (inw: ll Flour per barrel M - ... Cloversecd M Flaxseed r. nutter Err: ..m Tititow H rntfltncfl Orlnl Amile-i Fork MnmH - Sides nnd Shoulders ..... Ijird per pound Hoy per tun LU.MI1EU. Hemlock Hoards pcrtliousnnd feet Pino " " (one Inch).... Joist, Rcnntllnp, flunk. (Hemlock) - Hliliik-tes, No. i per thousand...'. " 3 " " siding " " ft liio.N No. I Scotch pig No, a " " llloom . tl W ,. I ,. 1 l 70 .. 12 M ... 7 M .. 2 10 .. m M .. K .. 1 I'l .. a .'.I .. 12 ! so ,.. '.D .. 10 (JU , til 00 .. Ixn'J) .. IS 00 ,.. H III ,.. 7 VI is oo ...... f n ......s:pi ,....'.-) riOLUMBIA COUNTY, BS: .wcntllinflVJliiHylvMilntoNlfho; Inilt.Miilli nra ltohi Anton ;urei mil eni-Kii iii.i.i.M... ;.. n mher iiemons ,f Kttld cillllliy.uccca.e , ...... . ; . d leu, urmw i ;. court 'ffiine ?,.de or o 'Phans; rt nl iin oriihuus' Court lo be held at. llliioiiiBiiuris, on tl.c iflKS Monday of May. next. ,'' n,.l.fUiSS lo accent or reluso to iuku i no re... " FrUr ck H..hedecettsed.aUhoaP tlou put upon 11 by tho Inmjwt 4"&,wrf,p,0A ,,5 tlio s.ildcuurt.nml returned by I lioj ij1 wii.i,, 1 "f "')'"!!!- W?. V'SSrTt lu? 17U . !? x.iwi-11, .- - .....r ..i.l l.iindred eiiruury a. v. ono muust..i JE3SE COLEMAN, Clnk. M 2 ) 12 2T II ) 14 00 20 00 7 00 300 Tlio Tenure of Oflicc imr. It Is an old Idea that bad schemes frequently return to plague tho inven tor. It is so with tho Tenuro of Ofilco Law. Its avowed object was to tako all patronngo from Andrew Johnson, to cripplohis administration, to keep In olilco nil Republicans, good or bad, nnd to keep out all others. Grant de mands its repeal on tho ground that all appointments should bo under his con trol in order to executo tho lnws faith fully. Tho same argument should havo prevented its passage. Speaking of tho conduct or tlio Sen nto in tho premises, tho Now Yorli Times, a Radical journal, saysi "Wc believe that there lias not yet been a singlo case in which tho Senate has "approved" tho removal or suspen sinn of a single office-holder, If ho hap pened lo bo a member of tlio dominant party. Revenue officers havo been con vlctcd by tho Courts of crime, havo been sentenced nnd havo actually gone to the Penitentiary, nnd havo yet been kept in ofilco by tho refusal or failure of tho Senato to npprovo their romov nl." What a commentary on Radical poll ticsl Light Street Mnrlicls. Corrected weekly by l'cter Ent.-wliolPMilo and inn nenier in giuin, iiuiir bkc ....u cichaudlze. heat ner buslicl ' fo i... '.. .. i w l-nrn ' ' - 1 ( Illicit Wheal 1 S ,dl, .11 Wheat Flour per loo IDs i l. gj Buck Wheat Flour - 00 n..TM m,nn 2 KO iirnn, .... Hotter ucrlb " rani per lioz., roilliocs pr uus Dried Apples " Flux Seed " lteif per 101 lbs oris - .uril " lb Onions per bushel lover Heeti ' lmolhy Philadelphia Markets. M..rtl..t7r.cilnrn nihnrhnanl fl.OOtfS Northwestern extra 8.&H, 11.25'wturt. Int.illv 7.75 i. .... I.'...,....-.. u.t..rH..n ft Iklrrffl .Ml -eiuisj . will ,. ...... v... 'ennsyivilllia llliu irii-ru eiu "-y-'.Y-i," 'ennsylvanlu nnd Western Ininlly VMillm 'oun-.ylvuiila and Western fancy 1I.50W13.2.1 Ityo Hour 'J-'."-1 WliEAT-lVnnsyUaiihi ted,-p bus (1.0)8l..o Ciilllmnia " " . l.-fO while " 6.1.1V45.I.10 Itvr Pennsylvania rye. E bin - jl.009Sl.02 CoiiN Yellow, " !!?'-!?,' w line, ii.Txi lititi 7llcftti.jC! KOVISIONS Mess I'OI K, V UOI Miss lit er, ' NISO Ml cased 1 loss, V lb HMcCa Oo Smoked Hams " l'cSillic MiiouldorsTiia i-c His Excellency, the Pkesident, How few peoplo seem to know that His Excellency tho President Is a mis nomer, tho ofllclal designation of tho Chief Magistrate of tho Republic, so far ns ho has ono, being simply Tho Presi dent. In the convention framing tlio Constitution thero wero various propo sitions as to tho tltlo to bo given tlio Executive, and, among others, ono that ho should bo styled Excellency. This failed, as did all the others, tho decls ion being that ho should bo styled elm ply what tho Constitution itself calls him. It will bo noticed that Mr. Sew ard, who is scrupulously exact in theso matters, Invariably addresses his com munlcatlons to Tho President, and, peruaps, rigidly simple as this may seem, it was meant to bo ns full of meaning as tho plain title with which royalty appears, not His Majesty, or His Christian Majesty, or His Catholic Majesty, but "Tho King." The next Democratic Stato Conven tion will liavonn Important duty to per form. Its members will ho required not only to nominate candidates for Gover nor und tho Supremo Bench, hut tho best possible candidates within their reach. AH personal preferences must- bo thrown aside. No man must usk for a complimentary vote. Good nomina tions will sweep tho Stato with over- poworlug enthusiasm : bad nominations will mako an uphill contcit,aml render success problematical. Tho delegates now Imvo this matter in their own hands. Let them net prudently and wisely, and tho ticket they present to tlio people will ho invincible. Age. A illuttcr of In reading tho correspondence of prominent New York Daily Radical wo read tho following remarkable para graph on "Executive Clemency" oxer clsed by Scott, Carpet-Bag Governor of South Carolina. Wo wero uuabioto dis cover why all theso scoundrels were turned looso upon tho community until wo read tho closing sentence. Do our readers understand tho reason V EXECUTIVE CLEMENCV. "I have referred to this matter in a re cent letter. Within tho last few weeks nine criminals havo been turned out of tho Stato Penitcntiary(oneof theso.pei haps, from jail,) by Executivo clemen cy exercised b.v Gov. Scott. They nro Willis Wertz, Jerry Logan, Henry Ma this, Allen Drawdy, Joseph Allen Sancho Brantlev. R. M. Browno. Wil liam Maybin and Jeif. Ghee. Tho crimes for which thoy wero punished were murder, ratio, burirlar.v and .simi lar offences. Within tho same period live havo had their punisnmcnis com muted by tlio samo merciful hands from hanging to ono and two years in tho Penitentiary. Tlieselaro : Cain Cash Aleck Bclin, Adam Earlo, Wado Jones and Dallas llarleston. All of these both thoso pardoned and thosucommut eu l understand nre negroes." The Fkanking Piiivilecie. Many of our cotemporaries are calling atten tion to tho abuse of tills privilege by members of Congress. Tho best metli od of curing the evil is to publish tho names of thoso who thus swindle the Government. Wo aro constantly receipt of letters from claim agents, patent medicinemen andotliers, franked by tho writers by means of n stamp which can bo manufactured to order $0.00 per dozen. Wo regret that Mr, Mercur has resorted to this method franking. It is a gross imposition on tho Government, and should bo characterized. Ho can and should write his own namo and should not permit his followers to hawk his stamp about all through tho District. Wo aro in fa vor of abolishing the privilego, both at Washington nnd Harrlsburg. Ijinl,-ptb I7CS20UC nils c.t-ri-.'. Mrv.ns Cloverheeil I jinioinysoeu uus.. rr 2.75 Co ws. head - t IW 00 SllEEl' -p lb 6M1IC IIOUS f ltA ras e.iiyj?.A..t I'Mnxspeil Cattle lieer Cattle "lilt the Common -. Anna Kiimt, jo in '""i""?: ; n Klndt.llarbspt Kiimi, jieu ?V"".r,5n mid .Mary Md . say Ilia -I llnltman, lleglnii IJ" '"", ,'i,ir1a! SPECIAL NOTICES. A riMi licaitof hair Is nuclinn iudlWi,w)I(! adjunct to ucauiy mav no " woo pries gi looks should neglect louse the best preparation,! to no uau io increase iwi hi"""., resiuro ni ciilltl or preveiiv us iaiiiuh jtuiun egl-lsll, Ambrosia Is ono of tlio most effectual urtli-le, (j1 10 purpose wo jiuve nvwi bkii. "es.ucsuilijifoij,! f the most delightful lialr dressings mid l. ,, ! Hers txtant, It Is freo from thu sUeky and gulJ my piupertlesofinost other dressing, mi ' delightfully perfumodaocoiumeudsltsclttuit, ,' lady or gentleman using lino loucl articles, 1 of Fel.rnar.v nun sixiy-niuu yy e ii a v e n o TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers and Dealers whoseml thclrordcrsiHrcci to us, can avail themselves of tlio LOWEHT miCES AiidaieA Cammltiton. Exriy orucrs win advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. MANOFACTi-nins or IMrilOVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND THE A M M O N I A T E D V K II T I L I . U. , PERUVIAN GUANO We sell only No. 1-recclvcd direct from tho Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Mannro packed lu barrels. TO CO.NBUMITIVES, Tin. jdvcrtlscr.liavlnK been restori-d mi,,.. In u few weeks, liy u vo.y simple remm y. i,!, ! having sullereu several iears Willi u euie nUcclion,uudtliatdrettd disease, Coiisuiiu.ii,, "I .i.ivl,.... Ir. TltttUn lltll.tVI. Ifl III.. f..l . .! l,Jl1 the means of euro. f irt' TUHU ivnouesiro it, no wiuscuun copy or t prescription usiHl(lreoofcliargej,witii iiig,i,,s they will Una n sure cure for .ousuiui,Uuii C veitlseriu sending the presrlplou Is to i2t S the iillllcted, nnd spreau Information mmi? m conceives io uu imtuuuuic; uuu lie ,,, ij ... will iptf Hilt. rott.iM.v ..u M' m t hein no in lur. nud may urovo u bit.ii,,, .V ties wlslilug too prescripilou will please Sdj,; its -i . i; iiv,r. a1. ; :' i uec. ii, miy. Wo ulsnnirer for SUlO rUIlK LAN1I PtASftB, Cement and a full assortment of Oils and Candles. A DISCOUNT TO uu.n.w EIW. E N & NEED I A Ii L 12 South Delaware Avenue, dclphla. E S Phila ESTABLISHED IN ISM. i-or '"'a .., m,noM!4I)rna iron co. I,V1. II) IlmoMsni-nri VA, nrrmijD;). SI' Wednesday Feb. 10, James Kealey emi. in ueniraiia inonias Hpnrgoatn Mary Ellen Shullcr, Until or t'en tru! hi Dorough. DILTJINE MOOIIE. On tlio llli ln-.t. nt Orausc- vllloby llev. w.ispear, jonn a. iiumne in ni. Pleasant to Miss Margurttt Moore of Greenwood. CAMrilELL-VOUOHT.-On tho lllli Inst, nt the residence or tlio jirme s parcnis, ny kgv. D. Ueckner, Mr. Joseph H. Campbell of North umberland county, to Miss Juno Vouglit of Montour Co. Pa, HEED HUNTER. On the 13th tilt, by Wilson M, lives Eoq.,Mr.-.Mlcliaelr.liecuioaiiss auco Hunter, both or l'luo twp. Columbia Co. 1M. THE INCLEMENTXEASON', Ami Ut effects on the Weak and iVfWc. Tho drafts which searching cold makes upon tho vital powers of the debilitated mid ilcllcato oio not less severo than the drain upon their strength caused by excessive bent. The vast disparity between tlio timptialtire of over- htnted rooms and olUces, nt tills season, and the frliddlty cf tlio outer al r, Is n fruitful source of sickness. To fortify the body sgalnst tlio evil consequences of tho biiddcn nlteruatlons of heat nnd cold referred to, the vital organization should be strengthened and endowed with extra reslstent power by tho uso of a wholesome lu- vlgorant; and, of all preparations for this pur pose, (whether embraced In tPe regular phar macopoeia, or advertised lntho public Journals,) there Is nono that will compare In purity and ex cellence with HOSTEr-TEIt'S STOMACH BIT TE11S. Acting directly upon the organ which converts tlio food Into tho fuel of life, the pre paration Imparts to It u tone nnd vigor which Is communicated lo every fibre of the frame, Tho digestive functions being accelerated by Its tonic operation, the liver regulatod by ltsantl-bllllous properties, nnd tho waste matter of the system carried of! punctually by Its mild aperient ac tion, Hie whole organization will necessarily bo in tho best possible condition to meet the shocks of winter and tho sudden changes of tempera ture. The weak and sensitive, especially, can not encounter these vicissitudes with safety, un less their tender systems nro strenghthened und braced by nrtillclal means. E ery liquor sold ns a staple of trado is adulterated, nnd, wero it other wise, mere nlcoholjls simply a temporary excitant, which, when Its first cUccts have sub sided, leaves the physical powers (and tho mind as well,) in n worse condition than before, 1103- TETTEIl 8 llITTEItS, on tlio other band, con tain tho essential propertels of tho most valuable tonic and alterative roots, barks and herbs, and their active principal Is tho mellowest, least ex- .citlng, aud xnot inocuous of all diffusive stimu lants. TTNFAILING EYE PRESERVERS, Messrs. LAV, V.UU.S A MOSUIH, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS 11AIIT1-01I11, CONN.. Have, with avlewtomeet tho increased demand for their O E L E U II A T E D PERFECTED SPECTACLES, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Physicians. KW XOIIK.AllgllHIilll,,. Jll Allow mo to call your attention to my p ntlon of Compound Extract lluchu. l 1 Appointed Miss A. D. WERR, STATlONEIt, llLOOMsnURO, Va As their sole Agent for this place. They havi taken ciro to give all needful Instructions, nnd linvo confldenco In tbo ability of their agents to meet the requirements of nil customers. An op. porlunlly will be thus afforded to procure, nt all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED DV ANV FOU Til Kill STltENOTHENINO AND VllESEIl- VINO QUALITIES, Too much cannot be said ns to their HUI'EHI- 01UT over the ordinary glasses worn. There Is no glimmering, Havering of the sight, illixincsi, oT otherunpleasant sensation, but on the contrary, from tho peculiar construction of tho Lenses they nro soothing and pleawnt, causing a feeling of relief to tho wearer, and ntODUCINO A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION, as In tho nafu ral healthy sight. They aro the only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT ! And nro the CHEAPEST because the 11 EST, al ways lasting many years without change be ing necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. W ER B, STATlONEIt, ' JILOOMSIiUIlG I'A., Is tlio ONLY. Agent appointed in this piaco. CS?" WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. l-'cb. 10,-C.Vtf. potieut parts nro liucliu, Long Leaf.CuUti ulpcr llcrrles. MOUK Ol-- 1'JIEI'AIIATION, UUcllU, ill Vim nlpiT Dcrrles, by distillation, to forma iinr Cubcbs extracted by displacement by l,lu, tallied from Juniper llcrrles, containing llltlo sugar, n small proportion or s.m moro palalablo than nny now in use. 1 iie , roperttes are by tills mode extracted. llHchu, ns prepared by Druggists ecnm otn dark color. Ills nplauttlmt cnilhi:, granco; ino action oi a name dcstio)stLu iicLivu juiutiinej, icuviugii uaru: and glut;. uecociion, iiiiuo is mo color or ltigreuk-uu liucmi in my preparation predominate. Hiiiaiicsi. qii.iiiiiiy oi me tuner lligrcdHD-i added, to prevent fermentation! imou will bo found not to boa Tlnoin. mado in Vliarmncopcea, nor is it u Syrup-J luereiore can uo useu in cases wilero a-wr llammatlon exists. In this, you hae tlieiu edge or tlio ingredients and the mode of r- atlon. Hoping that you will favor It with atrl. Hint upon inspection It wilt meet Willi jr. prouniiou, With n feeling of confidence, I inn, very respectfully, H,T.11EI,M1:ul uicnust nud Druggist or 10 Voars' l;x In Philadelphia, nud now located nt In. and Chemical Wiirchouse, 0'Jl llru.xlwar York. r'luiu tho largestMuiiufacturliigCliiniM World.) "Iain acquainted .villi Mr. ii, T. licit t.u me urug rsioro opposite tm ueuce, uuu was succcssiut in couductllik't1 mess wuere oiuers uad not been equal!) lore nun. i uavo occn invorably lin-iresw. his character and enterprise. WILLIAM "WEIGH mi Firm a Powers & Wcightmnu, ManuU juiSff CI...I..UI Nlnll. o..,l I,-.,,.,.. , ' !5fc pnia. . Helmbold's Fluid Extract lluchu. fur wi arising from Indiscretion. The exluiuslt crsor Niuuro which are accompuuleU liys alarming symptoms.amoug w tilth u III U indisposition lo Exertion, Loss of wakefulness, Horror of Disease, or Kent oi iivu i in met, universal Lassitude, ri uou.nnu inability to enter Into the inji of society. Tlio Constitution, onco auecled w lih ( Weakness, requires tbo aid of lli-di strengthen nnd Invigorate the sjsii-m, iieimuoid's extract lluchu Invariable uo treatment Is submitted to, Consume, insanity ensues. Helui hold's Muld Extract lluchu, In a! unequuk-d liyau- lu Chlorosis, orKctiutte ruiness, or Suppression of Customaiy li Hons, Ulcerated or S cbirrus Slate olitil and all complaints incident to the sti.i arising from habits of dissipation, Ini In, or tho docllno or changoof life. Ilelmbold-s Fluid Extract lluchu m.J I cd Itoso Wash will radically externum the system dlkcuses arising fiom habit, patlon, at little expense, little or nu diet, uo Inconvenience or exposure, a superseding thoso unpleasant una djiitnot remedies, I'oisilvn aud Mercuiy, lu uli jjq euses. BAUGH'S RAW HONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. HTANDAllD WABKANTED. We ofTer to 1'aiimeiis and Dealers In Ma nures tbo present senson our llnw Ilono Super Phosphate of Lime as being highly Improved. It is not necessary at this day, to argue the claims of this manure, as n useful nud economic al application tor COIIN, OATH, and nil spring crops, Thonrtlrlohusn reputation of over nr teen years standing, nnd Is still imtnuructured by tlie orlglnnl proprietors. Farmers will please send thelt orders to the Dealer eatly, ns this only will ensure n supply, UAUQH & SONS. 80LE MANUl-ACTUKFllS, Olilco No. S) South Delawnro Ave. .. . PHILADELPHIA. reb.lO,'CO-fmu. 5 WARE OV 1'IIE IMPOSTER. ijuy youiiselv a HOUSE. An ex change very appropriately remarks that every poor lahoring man should huy himself a town lot get that paid for and then work to add tho necessary Im provements a little hero and a littlo thero will in duo tlmo produeo you a homo of your own, nnd pine you out sldo of tho landlord's grasp. Remem ber Hint $o0 a year saved-jjn rent will In it very few years pay for your own homo and tho money It costs you to move nnd shift about, will, withoutuny loss of furniture and of time, pay tho interest of n five hundred dollar Judg ment against your property until you can gradually reduce it to nothing. You enn all huy in that way why do you not risk it? If you fail you aro no worso off If you succeed, ns any cart ful man Is suro to do, you have mado a homo and established u credit equal to another which will start you lu business. Aids to Digestion. In ono of Dr. Lcthohy's lectures It is stated that the following practices are great aids to di gestion : "First. Proper selection of food, according to tlio tasto nnd dlges tlvo power of tho individual. Second. Proper treatment of it, as regards cook ing, ilavorlng, und serving It. Third. Proper variations of it, both to its na turoand treatment, so that tho appetite may not fall. Fourth. Exercise, warmth, and a genial disposition." How mnny of our Invalids who com plain of Injured dlgestlvo organs can piaco tho sourco of thtlr dUcaso Ir. a neglect of some or all of theso siinplo precautions! PURLIO SALE OF VEltSONAL l'UOPEHTV. lu Center township Friday March illi, 19, tho following paperly to wit I T II II Ii E II O II H E H, Four Head of Cattle, lJHheaduf Sheep, H head i.rili.KS, I Threshing Machine 1 Grain Drill, 1 Hay Hake. 2 Wagons Plows. Harrims. Cultiva tors. Hurness. Chains und many other articles, too mime rous to mention. 1SAAO 111241, Joseph Wlntersteiii AuoUodeor. Center, l'a. Feb. lit, ', I hereby warn all persons of the United States against purchasing nny Hlgutof my "Fruit Treo and Vino Insect Destroyer nnd Iuvlggorator,"of John Ahenrn f ll.iltlmore. As lie Is an Impostor and a scoundrel, nnd has no right except a copy of n Deed nud Letters Patent, stolen by blm from tho tnblo of llernard Carter In Ualtlmoro on tho lib day of Juno ISM, Mr. E. J. Phillips of St.Nlcnolas Schuylkill Co. is the only lawful owner of the right for Nortli'd Montour, Columbia, Carbon, Northampton nud Ducks Countle's iu the State of Feun'n. 11ENJAMIN 1IEST, Feb. 19,-09-31110. Patentee. pETIT JURORS. February 13, 1SC0. Tho Jury Commissioners, Tlios. J, Welliver, Ellsha lluymau, together witli tho Sherlir M. Millard, met ut their oIIIch In llloomsburg und drew Iran tho Jury Wheel the names of eighty jiersous tn be Jurors lu our County Court of Oyer and Terminer to be hnldeu at MliH.msburg lu and ror said county the third Monday lo wftt thellfteeutli day ot Mau-li A.D., l-0'.l, ut two o'clock In the uflernoon of suld day, llloom Illrnm Palmer. Thos. J. Morris. Clias, Thomas. Joseph Sharpless, Jared Y. Shannon, llelijamlu F. bluirpless, Clark M.llrowu, und Ell Jones, Berwick Henry C. Frens, Silas E. Walton. Demon Samuel Heucuck, John C. Duly, Jesse It. Pennington, Denver Charles Michael, Charles 11, Troy , Jesse Johnson. ' Centre Jesse Hoffman, James Hill, Josepii V, Couuer, Centralla Marllu aauglien, Daniel K. Wert luuu, 'lliuiuus Geriety. Catawlssa Abel Thomas, Joicph Martz, John V. llodlue. Coiiyngnam Ittcluird Hughes. Fishlngcreek Anion Hess, JacobStokcr.Abra bam Itobblns, li.ivld Yost, Cyrus It, M'ileury, John D. M'lleury. Franklin Sctli Hartman, Jonathan Fortuer. Greenwood Israel llogart, James l'reslon, William Eyer, Allred Kline. Hemlock John Mussellman. Dennis Vursel, Philip A, btrotip, Isauo N. Ix-Idy. Jackson John Jnycox, Henry Wagner. Locusl Joseph llllllg, Enoch Kester, Johl Kline John stokes, Adum Marks (Jeorge Thick-, Henry Fluk, Samuel Itelnbold, Malno-Johu II. HarUel, Daniel Miller, Mlttllu-tiamuel Nuss, Aaron Andrews, Itlghlcr W. Smith, Daniel M. llutleustlue. Madison llcuben Wilson, Jacob A, Swisher, Daniel Hole, William Johnson, John stcllUr, James W. Eves, Uriah Harrar, Mt, Pleasant Howard Grimes lluwinau1 isllne Joseph Sweeny, William Kershuer John Putter Hlriiin Hhullr, Jacob Long. lloarlngcreek-Peter K. Jlcnsh. Scott IMislia II. Pursell, Charles Jones, Ciuik Isiessler, lleubeii Culp. Sugarloaf Walcott Harvey. Ill testimony Unit the foregoing Is correct as drawn Irum the Jury wheel und euleicd uiou the minutes of Ilia olflce, Wo have bereiutn set our hands this ItHU duy of Februuuy A. V., 1M. Attest, Wiu. ICmcKUAUu, Clerk, , MOlhiKCAI MILLAllD.Sbir. ELIKHA HAYMAN, ) Jurv T1IOMAHJ. WELLIVEIl. J Uoin'J TNT A T I O N A L LIFE INSURANCE CO. or THE UNITED STATES OF A.MEIUCA, M'ASltlNUTON, 11. C. CHAItTEllEDllVSrECIALACTOFCONUItEHS, ArrnovEii juiy 23, lsca, CASH CAPITAL, PAID IN FULL. $1,000,000. II It A N C II OFFICE: KIIUT NATIONAL HANK UUIL11INM, PHILADELPHIA, . Where the general business of tho Company is transacted, and lo which all general correspon dence should be addressed. O F F I O E II S i CLAHDNCE II. CLAUIv. President, JAY COOICE, Chairman Finance aud Executivo Committee, HENHY I). COOKE. Vice-President. EMEIISON W. FEET, Secretary and Actuary. This Company, National in Its character, offers by reason of Its Large Capital, Low Hates of Pre. mlum nud New Tables, the most desirable means of insuring life yet presented to the public, Tko rates of premium being largely reduced, aro made us favorable to tlio Insurers as those of the best Mutual Companies, and avoid ull the complications aud uncertainties of Notice, Divi dends, and the mlsundeistaudlngs which the lat ter are soupt to cause the Policy-Holder. Several new aud attractive tables are now pre sented, which need only to bo understood to prove acceptable to tho public, siu-li as tbo IN-COJIE-PitODUClNa POLICY AND ItETUHN PIIEMIUM POLICY, In the former, tho policy, holder nut only secures n life Insurance, payable at death, but will lucelve. If living, after a period of a few years, tin annual Income equal to ten per cent. (10 per ient.)of the par of Ills policy. In tho latter, the Company agrees to return to the assured the total amount of money ho lias paid, In addition to (ho amount of his policy. The attentiou of persons contemplating Insur ing their lives or Increasing tho amount of iu surauco they nlready have, Is called tothosieclal advantages oll'sred by tho National Life Insur ance Com n y, Circulars, Pamphlets and full l-artlculars given on application lo the llrauch Olilco of the Com pany, or to K. W. CLAIUC & CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JOEL E. 1HIADLEY, llloomsburg Pa., Special Agent forMontouri Columbia Counties Feb. 19,VJ.-lyr. 1 r. ! Ol b' hi tl 'iri ii Gi n el; bo 1 c on lot Le ha ed Coi or, prl I C s COP tol chi mo luc coo 8tX)l strc I old ma su7i fbuj Use Helinbold's Fluid Extract llml.nLjJ ff" cases of theso organs, whether exMIni -tpM1 or female, from whatever cause urls-lni. iligC no matter of how long slaudlng. Ills; fe'.si lu taste and odor, "luimedlate' iuas -,'-pg more strengthening than nny of at, f'jglj Hons ef Dark or Iron. ' Thoso suireriugfrom biokiu-iloMiiu 42? coustitutlons, procuro tho remedy ntc -fOO The reader must bo nwnro that, IwM&Qtttie inoy bo the attack of tbo uboe ills- Jbllt certain to affect tho bodily hi-iilth Mi'1; nowm. ' 'J All the above diseases require tkii ; Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract llm-liuiii Diuretic. JT3r- Sold bv driieclsts and ibiirlr where, Price S.'2 itvr bottle, or six 1 1 i0.SU. Delivered to any uddrcss , Henri loins iu an cominuuicallous. mars llelmbold. Drug aud Chemical Wurt.t Uroudwnv. N. VI None mo genuine uulessdone up lal graved wrapper, with fac-smlleer my 0 Warehouse. ..iwi II T HkLin Ilnf-'P IS lSfH 9m 11 ... , .... sji.o- j , -j ( or J LEGAL NOTICES ..JJ 1 "'fruii A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTh' 'fortl j m.. f.statk nw jArnit itnintHAiH. vx liettern ofaJmlnlstratiou uulhot'i lrr.tii-l.n.1. Int.. nr Un1l,w.,l..,i i lk)untyt (Icceobcil, Imvo tiet-n prnntlltiAVfl V.Iri ll.ltlH'Il ...". -'LL:' iwsi 1 bon muv J frnril oi will Vyuuuiy.iu I'liiuei i r,i mlulstrntor.who resides iu FranUliL, vvOei All persons having claims or di-tiiat" ' 'Jif the said estate aro requested to pus.", , 18'0 settlement without delay, and tuose make payment Feb, 6,'C9-0t, DANIEL F. KUH LriAa A '" -mosi A DMINISTRATOR'S : X. fTATK OF CALVIN Ik I1KIISMH NOT that Cnlvin II. Iteirsuyder, late of OU'J' f i umbliiCo. deceased, have been eroL , -p. llegtsicr of said county to Georgo n "liif wlssa. All iwrsons having claims S - rdrri against tho estate of the decedent are fx- . JJ mako them known, and those liuU-i' Willi payment. GEOIUil Jan. 15,'OD-Ot. Adir W j i.i, roan ADMINISTRATOR'S Noi?' estatk of jacoii Bono, rWisLine I lA-iiers or administration an mens- uono or jiiiinn township, cowm' uvvciiai-u, iiuvu ueen granieu uj said county, to Famuel Creasy, of i uuu mcpiien uouo.oisnenauoau in-, is sons iuivlHgclnlmsor demands Hgatcf ent are requested tomakethem lut iuueuieu io maice pajmenr. SAMUEI. CltEASY. STEPHEN OOIIO. Jan. S2,'CI)-Ct, Ada EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, XU estatk of vm. WAIllllN utx-'n Letters testamentary on the u ' Wardln, lute of IXutro towns bin county nave been grnnieu ny u A.wtuukui C'w.iilv j-,ams Wal. claims against the estatoure ti-n them to Edward M. Wardlu, o?, uV umliia Fntintv. I'n. Tl.. it.T. Jin . cither on notelludVin-.i b'1:" count will maku nuviium .,. ," r. ..... .i..i,.v. tv 'u no i. rill Of h rirTiTr. llvei 1 nou i idor ( rvili A DMINISTRATOIll A.ESTATISOFAllllAllAM III Letters ntadmliilstrull.t.. .9 bum Dletlerlch lateorc'en t)v'. u-"Mnl WC. KISIll . said counts- to Isaai. township. All persiuii,0 demands against tneot.L.v,J v ., iiiu.u f ucuiru io luaae J.ayiui Feb.lO,'C9-Ct, XT E N D ERS It GERMAN CATl'Ll'" This Powder Is believed to 11 1lnnan.IS.ala U..v,lr. I,. ..( blood, cleanses tho svs.ein.nnl , Hon and tone lo tho stoniacJC ' 1 will Imnrovo lu rlesll. nt,C i smooth aud glossy. Cows fallen and glre twenty milk. Sheep Improvo and produce a ln I fleece, 1 1 ltnun futlfli nn.l nm fro., from Sl.r s temper, and all pen diseases. f " Wliolosulo and Uetul) I'r. HENDEUSHOTT'H Dru. OI-I'OSITB AMEKIM-s " Feb. IDCH-tf 1I1A10.M!- TdTlt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers