THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMgBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Sho limrenoej of Disease Aianilft Donttet r Anlcauls. A vkiiy curnory oxanUiattoti of r- rlculturul stivtlstlm mitl roporls of lif furont orgMilzatloiiH rohirivo to Hit? ills-' ease, of tloinostlc animals, brings promt ftenUy to vlow the ftiottlmt tluwo tllqpiv km nro on tho luercftso. Tho cutise.' which engender thU mijjivu'ntr.Uoii of disease) nro an interesting mitl imporiuut ubject of stady. Soms light may be thrown upon It by u consideration of tho origin mitt progress of human ills caso3, with which tho diseases of mil mala nro In many cases identical, nnd in othqr ltwtrtticoA bonr'ii) Strong a re Bctnblanco that tho principles of pathology may bo considered as cqunl ly applicable to both. Tho medical faculty nro generally agreed that In tho human race, dlsensw orlglnnto iArgcly from tho nrtlflclal hnb Ha of civilized society, wTilch, although many of therrtrcally conduce lo health, as clennllnessylho nbsenco of tho pecu liar privations attending eavngo llfo, etc., nro attended with practices contra ry to tho laws of health. Tho Congregation of people In large cities, hlfrli seasoned food, nrtlficlal itimulimla, sodontary linbiln, etc., no fruitful causes of illsoaso. Among tho very poor Inhabitants of largo towns tho want of proper ventilation, light nnd food, adds lo tho iwUtlogtio of "ills which flesh is heir to." If wo examine) tho mode of feeding, Ktu'. ling and breeding cattle, wo shall find some of the same causes of dfcensra in tlr !r improper management. Dark, 11' V' titilatctl stables; too stimulating tv 1 c ncentratcd diet ; tho crowding of animate in large herds and pens, arc counter-types of tho causes of human disease. Those cause? aro well recog nlzed among breeders, and wo shall thcroforo not dwell upon them. Our object la to call attention to a fact which has its analogue. In tho culture of vege tables. Tho diseases which havo from timo to tlmo made such havoc with the potato, tho hop, nnd other plants largo ly cultivated, havo been ascribed to over-cultivation. Not that ovcr-culti votlon Is tho direct caTtsD of dlsea9e,ba( that tho constitutions of tliu plants in question havo become-t weakened by It tlmt thoy hnvo tlina boen rendered suscoptlblo to -diseases which otherwise, would bo resisted. Tho practice of breeding stock In or der to develop particular qualities, to, Wo believe, fraught with danger beyond a certain point. It is nil very well to havo horses that can trot In 2:30 j hens that lay but will not set; sheep that will furnish a largo lleeco of a desired quality, or cows that yield thirty quarts of inllk per diem, if these qualities can bo obtained without tho risk of Initia ting diseases that rago Indiscriminately nmong nnd ravago our flocks and herds destroying alike good and bad. AVe do not bellevo that this result of tho Inter breeding, so much in voguo among our most celebrated breeders, has attracted sufficient attention, or that tho constitutional-peculiarities and idiosyncracles of highly bred nnimals havo been suffi ciently observed., Now that tho atten tion of tho world is attracted to tho ep idouiics and contagions that aromaklng such havoc, raising tho price of food and rendering thopcoplo suspicious of its effect upon tho health of mankind, this point demands thorough lnvosliga tion. Scicntlfto American. Foon Value or the Potato. There is probably no other vegctablo food, ex cept wheaten bread, of which so mnch can bo fairly said in its fiwor. Its mer its, however, vary very much with tho kind of "seed," tho period of maturity, nnd tho eoH in which thoy nro grown. That kind sliouid,b3 prefered which be comes mealy on boiling, nnd wlileh, when W'-ll cooked, can bo thoioughly crushed with tho finger. Tho potato which is known as "waxy," and those which rtinaln soniowhat hard when boiled, do not digest so readily as the meaiy kind, but for that very reason they nro said lo bo moro satisfying. It Is not material in referenco to nourish ment whether tho potato bo trolled or roasted, since in both methods it should bo well cooked. In point of economy mid convenience, howovor, it has been found belter to boll than to roast them; for, whilst the loss In boiling upon one pound of potatoes scarcely exceeds half an ounce, thnt in tho most careful roast ing is two ounces or thrco ounces. It is also moro economical tojeook them In their skins, and to peel them immed iately beforo thoy aro eaten ; but this Is not very convenient In many iumlll. h, nnd tho color of tho potato is not quite bo agroeablo ns that of thoso which havo been boiled nfter peeling. WIfcn thoy aro peeled boforo boiling, nnd par. ticularly wben thoy nro small, nnd tho operation is performod carelessly, from one-third to one-fourth of tho whale weight of tho potato is lost, and if then) b3 no pig to eat tho poolings, tho wholo' is wasted ; whilst tho weight of tho peel which Is removed after boiling would not amount to moro than ono ounce In tho pound. "When potatoes havo been roasted, tho loss in weight from tho skin and drying h moro than ono-fourth of tho weight beforo cook ing. WATKii-Titouoirs kou Stock. A great many people who ooUeavor to tako caro of their animals in tho best! posslblo manner nro not twaro how much many of them aufl'er, in cold weather, for want of a supply of water, In many instances, ten or moro horned cattle iFVo watered in n tub or small trough that will not hold a barrel of water; and frequently so inuoh Icoac cumulates In tha trough, that a half n dozen pailfuls will till tho space left tor water. A boy, perhaps, who novor re fleeted whether a ow or u bullock would drink ona gallon of water, or live, is directed to water tho Btoek. Ho draws ns much as tho tub or trough will contain, and is then olf. Tho re sult Is, thrco or four of tho master ani mals empty tho trough, while half tho herd gotjiiouc. The remedy is to provide a moro spa cious rccoplnclo. Ton.cowH or bullocks, or ten horses, will often drink two pail fuls, or six gallons each, nnd ovon tljen havo a stinted supply. Homo largo oows will rcqulro twplvo to flftcen gal lons each ; and thoy will not yield a full flow of milk if such n quantity of puro water U not supplied. A trough wJkto leu full-grown iiiiIwuU nro wa-tr-ml si. M bo capacious cunugu to hold not -u than flvo barrels of water. Then, ulmu ico accumulates on tho iusldo, it should bo cut out overy day, o llmt tlio trough rulry bo filled wflh I water lnstaul ol' ice. Troughs where sheep drink nrc almost nlwnys loo small to contiln uipply for tho llock. ?. 3!ll .iTntlllrt lnltf l! 'Dip Good TVailnnn, (lmfiintcd.) Tun KlMg hail caused this beautiful blrtl tobo pine I thereby his hunters, to wrvo 03 a sura'o for the shepherds ! ho fully expected what had como to pass. They had led Ijlrotto and Finfln beforo tho crnel monarch, who nbuscd Ihein terribly, nnd had them confined In n dark nnd strong prison-: It was then thi'V began lo liimunt that their iltle cherry and almond hnd lost their virtue. The f.uvn and tho partrldgo .'ought for them, but thu fawn not being able to roo thotn, trhed somo tears of grief, aud finding tho King had given orders thnt oho should bt taken and burnt alive, p.hosaved herslf by running fast to Mir Hi. Tho pnrtrldgo wnsmoro fortunate, fbr she saw them overy day through tho grating of their prison: happily for them, tho Klig had not thought of separatftig thoiu. "When ono loves, llisn plcasnro Id aufTer to gcthcr. Tho partrldgo Hew back ov.cry day, and camo to tell the tvews to aradnm Tu tu. tho Oood Woman, and Mirtis. Iilir- tls was very unhappy, and without tho hnml-omo I'rlnco sho would have been inconsolable. Sho resolved to wrlto to thesa poor captlvej by tho faithful part ridge, and hung n littlo bottle of Ink to her neck, with somo paper, nnd put n pen in her lcak. Tha good partridge, thus loaded, presented herself at tho bars of tho prison, and It was n great delight to our young shepWertU to sec her again, l-infin put out his hand and took from her all sho brought him, af ter which they began to read as follows; illrtii amllh! Prince to nnd Infln. "Know you how wo languish durJng this cruel weparation ; that wo sigh la cesMntly, nnd that pr-rhnpa It may kill us. Wo should already havo dkxl, bad wo not been sustained by hopo. Tjjat hopo has suppQrted us etor slnco Mad- time Tu-tu has n'.surcfl us that you still lived, llellovo us, dear I.Iretto nnd Finfln, wo shall meet again, despite of mallco, nnd be happy." This letter had a powerful effect on tho minds of Lirette and Finfln. They were filledvlth joy, nnd wroto imme diately this reply : iRrrtte and Tlnjln t IMtltimd the Trincc, "Wo haro received your letter with extreme pleasure. It has rejoiced us moro than wo could havo anticipated In these regions of horror our torments would bo Insupportable, but for tho sweet consolation wo derive from each other's practice. Near tho object o our an'ectlon.s wo are insensible to pain and lovo renders everything delightful 'Adieu, dear Prince, ndiofi, Mlrtis. En courage your mutual passion. Ua al ways inspired by a tender fidelity. You nold out n hope to us in which we par ticipate. Tho greatest blessing which can occur to us will bo accompanied by your presence." iintln having attached this note to the neck of tho partridge, sho flew away with It very quickly. The young shop herds received great consolation from it, but tho Good Woman could not bo comforted from tho moment sho had been soparatcd from thoso so dear to her, nnd whom vho know to bo in so much peril. "IIow quickly my happl ness has vanished," said sho to Matjamo Tu-tu ; "I Becm to havo been born on ly to to continually agitated. I thought I had taken tho only "means for, cjisn. ring my repose ; how purblind aro mor tals!" "And do yon not know," r& piled tho Fniry, "that there is no slate of cxLstonco in this would in wnlrirono oin live always happily."' "i m piled tho Good AVoman, modrnfolly: "and if oil's cannot And happiness in one's self, it is seldom found elsewhere Hut, Madam, consider tho fato of my children, I beg of you I" "Thoy havo not remcurbored tho" orders I gavo them," replied Madamo Tu-tu ; "but let us think ol a remedy." Madamo Tu-tu entered her library with tho Good Woman. Sho read near ly all tho night, and having at length taken down nnd opened n largo book, which she had frequently passed over, although its sides wore eoverctl with plalcs of gold, sho uppeared plunged, on n b'irddeii, into a stnto of excessivo sadness. After somo timo, and Just as day was breaking, tho Good Woman observing n few tears fall on tho leaves of tho book, took tho liberty to ask tho eauso of the Fairy's sorrow. "I griovo." said sho, "at tho Irrevocable decree of tato, which I havo learuod from these pages, and which 1 shudder nnd trcin blo to ni-qnalnt you with." "Aro they dead'."' cried tho Oood "Woman. "No," pursued Madamo Tu-tu ; "but nothing can savo thorn, unlets, you or.1 go and present ourselves to llw King, and sat Nfy" his vengeance. I confess tho truth to you, Madam," continued tho Fairy, "that I do not feel bufllcicnt affection for them, nor enough courngo, to go tnus nnd ovposo myself to his fury, nnd I question, also, if any ono could bo found capable ofsuch a sacrifice." "Far don mo, Madam," replied thu Good Woman, with great flrmnws; "I will go seek this King ; no sncrlileo is too great for mo that will savo my children. Iwill po;ir out for thanf, with nil fn'y heart, owry drop of block! which I have In my veins." tt- Av iKTrnnsTrNt- VP5HSKB-"Wlien n girl of 16 years of ngo morrlps n mn of 15 yrs ho, of courso, is thrco times aa old as she. After having lived togeth er for 16 years, tho will be 30 and ho TVllI bo CO years, tho husband bolng but twice as old us his wife. How long, ac cording to tills rulo, would thoy haYoto live togclhcr that she would bo of the MamoagoJ' FrjKZi.U, Take soventeen matchcs,or anythlmg of that description, nnd ar range them on a table or lovol surface In tho nuncxed shapo : Ilcmovo flvo of tho matches thus ar ranged, ro that Unco squares only shall remain , A wiUTim In tho Atlantic Monthly gives Borne slnrtllng ovldonco lo prove that cousnmptlon Is mainly caused by tho dnmptfess surrounding tho abodes of thoso attcked by tho disease Ho says that extended and repeated obser vations In England and Massachusetts show boyoud doubt that, other things btiliig equal, coiuumptlou auioog tho pooplolslu direct proportion wlBi Hio inolstum of tho locnlltfe where they live. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAHD'S SEBMM B1TTEKS, HOOFLAHD'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoodand's German Tonic. rrerarcd hj Dr. c. PI. Jaclon, raaiDvLrsu, Pi. y4e Great SiemttUes f OK ALL DISIllIlorTIS MVElt, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE OIHJAN3. Hoofland's Gorman Bittora Ti cnmpoiinilM of lh pur Julom, (w m tliy nr . mcdlclua It term i I e.1, r.nracu) ol nlUrkii.malC' highly conefn- I sfrafrmJtr ltootR, llerbi tt4 J Inj ft jTopvntlon, !hTV' tmlPI, nl eDtlrs WfcJal Ui coKotis adnxxiurt pfany hind. Eoofland's Gorman Tonio, li a combination of fcll the ln?rMInU of the l!lFtir,xltti tlio pureit mullty of Santa Cm Jiun, OraiiEf, etc . mn I. In y ona ol the moat Tucani ana nrecame rttneaiei ever onetea to til ci Iht iubHc Thoaff prtfenrinu Medlcln fret from Alc Iiollo ulniliture, mill tiM Hoofland's Gonnan Bitters. In cmpi of narroui dfprculoa, when eoitt eJeohoUa ittmiilui U Deoeiary, Hoofland's German Tonio Sionld be ni(i Tti Bitten or the Tonic tu both equiOtj good, aul contain the enme meUiclnal vlrtufav 'Xlie atomaeh, from a variety of caaaes, tuch aa pepsla, Nervoui Very apt to have 'Ita function da ranged. The re UH of whtch that the natlent lutTera from eeveral or more of the fouowlos dlicaiee: Oonstlpation, Flntulnce, Inward Piles Fulness of Blood to tha Head, Acidity of the Stomach, NAusoa, Heartburn, Dtswuat for Food Pulness or Wblht In tha Stomal h. Sour Eruo tat ions. Sinking or Flut tering at tlio Pit of tbA Stomach, Swimming of th Head, lluiriod or Diincult Broath InK", Fluttering at tho Heart, Choklna or UulTocntln Sonaationa when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, DoU or weba beforo the Sistht, Dull i'ain In the Hond, Uefirioncy of Porsnlratlon, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In tho sr&$& Side. J Jack, Chpst, Iim Jti ba, eto,,8ud denFluohesof Vy Heat, Burn inc In tha w Flesh, Oon Btnn: Imaptnlnea of Evil, and Great Dopresaion of Spirits. Then remedly will ffactnally cure Liver Complaint, Jnundlre, D'epitla, Chronic or Nervous Uchlilly.Cliroiite Iiarrbcaa, Dlieaso of the Kldncye, end ell Dlacitsei arising from a DUonleml Uver, Intcatlnea DEBILITY, TliitcLTivo rantt art Crii weitrtkr; B1103THATI0N OF THE SYSTEM, Indcoid ay Hivaae Lisoa, IliaDgaire, Exroapaa, Fivim, ito. There la bo medicine etunt eoval Ui thue rcmedlei In euch ratee. A tone and vigor Is tm parted to the whole System, the Appetite la Strengthened, food r- iril Is enjoyed, tha stomach dlgeat a iFfTT promptly.the blood Is purified, ij&rP the complexion becomee sound and SiM healthy, Uii yel low Unge la eradicated from the eye, a bloom la given us the cheeks, and the weak ana nerrgai Invalid becomes a etrong and healthy being. X'crsons Advanced in Life And feeling the Ur.d of time weighing heavily rpon theio, with all It- attendant Ilia, will find la the use of ihls HITf KK8, or the TONIC, an elixir that will hull new Ilia Into their veins, tutor In a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful daj, build up their shrunken formi and give health and happiness to their MoaJolng y tare: NOTICK. Ills a well-eaUhllahrd fart that fully one-half . the fetna'e por tion of our iwdu- or tiit fema'e )or latlon are aMcm of good health. rt tion of our popn In the enlovment a io use mirr own feel wclL" Thev wnoii ,HmuT rjrfi, i!r(r..l i Aft B-icrgy, extremely ner WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Ar rnadtf ptrong liy ih. du of elthfr of thei. remMlf. Tlify cui. every cm. of 11A. I1ABMUS, wliliml foil. nf etTtltlcutca have fteeamuT&tei 'n tlie h.nli of tlio j.ntiirielor, hot nce will allow of thu imVlcjllon ol out few. 'I'lioso, Hwill b. nUuTtvl,.!. men of note and of eucti lUno nt Uial tUy mutt be Ulievul TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. 'Woodward, Chi'Jtutia nfVit Suynm Court qf Ta.t write, rhOaMphla, IT.reh 1, 1S07. "I find 'Il.njf- , Uri.l'e tUrman nillere'liaptol F, tonle, uacful In Uneaeaof lliodl ,,JT"7i, snllve ori-am. and of Kreat ten ft truiaj cllllnraieaofde Ulity, and want of nervous action tu the avitetn, Voorl trtilr, "ULO. W. WOODWABU." Hon. James Thompson, iki 0 tt Sujirtut Vnurt 0 I'aintylemla. nHl lr'1'hl, AlilllI', IMS. "1 couitdfr Mlooltaud'a U.Trcun Mtlera' a HualU mtduntit In euso of attack of UvUnv' Uon or IjtipU. I can cirilfy aiafrom iuy .zneriunie of IL Voui. with rerwt, "JAiltS THUUl'SON." From Eev. Joseph E. Kennnrd, D.D, Patlornf tl,t TliUMlJttttl Church, ntkJtlpM. Dr, Jaclicn Dear filrl I have Ve n fre'incmly requeaulto rotinext my Mine Willi rect iiimeii' dation of diffvrc&t Linda of roodirlnt, hut, rif girding the prac rii cia tire a out of my .pproprlato TVvTr irhire, 1 hale In hut a clear proof la varloua UU Las Inatanct- and iLf tlcularlvln mv own Limilv. of thu uerilm.. nf lr. lloofland'a German Uittera, I dv art tor from my uaual eourae, to expre my fu' convic tion that, fur central diluujf cf tht tyl'm, ar.J irpeeiallv or Litxr Comjirii, u 14 d iyi ae.f taiuillt prtpat alton, in ome raica It may fall : tnt uauaily, I douht not, U will U very lo those w no suffer from tlie ahove rautti. Voura, very rvapertfuliy, 1. II. KUS.SfAIII), Eighth, Ulow Coatoa 6t Trom Hev. E. D. PendalL, MthUitU Edtior Clirittian ChronUU, iVt&UtJ- 1 have derived deehled bcrpflt from the tiaa of Iloofland' (Jcnoaji llttUrs, uud feel it my privi lege to recommend them as a moataluaUIe tonle Loll who are aufluring from general dcbliitv or faam dlaeaae arising from derangemant of the liver. Vour truly, K. . FENDALU OAUTI017, XlMlsnd's German lUmtdlt art ocnt(rflt A..?f!,l!!MUl ' i.i.i-t n signature of a U. PMu Pm wrapper of ch UU1 All Jj Jjg other, ar.un. l'rlnrlpal Offlce and Uannfactorr at the Osr. man UedlcIiM SUTrs, No. UI AHUIX tjlreet, l't01 adelphls. CHArtr.E3 M. EVANS, Ucrmen Orugglal, 1'roprletor, rormerly (J. U. Jaoaaoa A Co. For sale if all Dntgglata and Iealaialsa(d FIUOS. fJoollalid'a Oerman JHtUr,parhlU tl W " . " ". half deiao..... 09 UoofUud'i German Tonic, put up In Quart settles) (, 1 HrbolUe.oraUlfToVenfo'r!,"""! J H V Da not forget to examine well the article hoy, la order to git the genuine. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, January 31, isss. dry goods. lpLTjlSU'S 8TOIIE. rnusiL Attittviuur FALti AND W1NTEU OOOI'S. Tlio subscriber litw Juit rcturnMl from Hi f ltlci with (mother lnrgo nuil Bcicct norlmont of BVUINa AWU 8WMMUH 0601)3, imrrhiwoil 1 11 New Yiirk niut I'lillrulclplitn nl tho lowest flgttrr, ntul to Rcll on ns moilernlo terms ns crm bo piocmcu tUo whero In llloomsburs. Ills stock oompilscs IiADIES' DUE33 O00D3 of tlio choicest styles nnd latest fitshlons, totjether wltli n lnrgo Inssortmcnt of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of tho followlnc at Helen 1 CnrpcW, Oil Cloths, " Cloths, Cnsslraores, . . 1 o.4 Bhatv Is, Klnnuols, .Silks, White Ooods, '''' Wncn, ltoop Skirls, Mnsllns, 1 , Ilollowwnro Ccdnrwnro Onocuswnro. Jinniwnre Hoots nnd Bliocs, lints nnd Cnps, " i ' (nUoopNots, jt Umbrellns,., . a "t IjokinB-GlatwOJ, , Tobacco, , ! Coireo, Hugars, , . Tens, ' ' nico, Allsplco, Ginger, Cinnamon Knlmrss, AND NOTIONS GUN ItALLY, In shorl, everything usually kept in country stores, lo which no Invites tho attention of the public generally. Thohtghost prlco tvllt bo raid for country produce lu exchango for goods. H. II. JtlLLrilASON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Tn. riltEAT REBUCTION IN TllICES AT 1'ETEU KNT'S STOltE, IN LIGHT STIIEKT, 01 EALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received nnd has on hand nt his old stand in Light Street, a largo nnd select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt tho lowest flguro, nnd which ho determined to sell on ns modernto terms as bo procured elsewhere In Light Street. for cash on couxTisr rnoDvex.. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles aud latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Glngliams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Bntlnctts, Disslmcre, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. 4C S CI &C. GROCERIES, MACKERAL, Ouecnswnro, Cedarwnrc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, I'aluts, Sc. BOOTS & SIIOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept in a conntry store. Tlio patronage of his old friends and tho publlo generally. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market prko paid for country pro duce. rjffiKU UNT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1S07. J J. B R O W E R, Is now offering to the public his Stock of SJJiIJSTa GOODS consisting In part of a full Hue of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Fluo cloths and casslmcre for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of nil patterns and qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities nnd prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS AMD BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' A CHILDREN'S GAITERS 1100T& Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In ono-half nnd one-fourth" barrels. Now Is tho tlrno to make your selections, as nin offering goods nt very low prices, nnd our motto Is f.ilr dealing to nil, nnd not to bounder- told by any, J. J. 11 ROWER, Bloomsburg, April 12, 1807. JPEDP.UAUY LIST AT I.W.HARTMAN'S. s PLENDID WINTER DRESS Goods Selling nt n low flr;nro, nt I, W. HAHTMAN'S. A FEW MORE LONG SHAWLS AT A Gil EAT REDUCTION, AT I. W. HAHTMAN'S. JADIE'S CLOTH SACKS Mnrkcd down from So 00 to 83 00. at I. W. HAHTMAN'S. REAICFAST SHAWLS AND Wool Scarfs wltli few Ladles' Bridal nnd other Hoods down in prices, nt I. W. HAHTMAN'S. FEW MORE .REMNANTS of Prints, DoLnlns, Muslins, Casslmers.Ac, nt cost or less, nt I. W, HAHTMAN'S. rjUIREE NEW ROLLS OF Carpets Just received at I. W. HAHTMAN'S. JfLOOR OIL CLOTHS 4.1 3-1 6-1 S-i ft nice pattern of each at I. W. HAHTMAN'S. jyjEN'S, LADLE'S, & CHILDREN'S Arctlo Qums.nt I, W. HARTMAN'S, J) ASINS, PRUNES, DRIED Peaches, ChcrrUs, ATples, Soup Beans Ac, on nana at I. W. HARTMAN'S TVTINISTER8 OF THE QOSPEL who llvo by Preaching aupplled with goods tow iorcasu.ut, I.W.HARTMAN'S. A R R E 21 'S ANDWATEll HKOOr latfltOVED FIltE FELT AND CEMENT HOOFING I me advantages vjhlcli thlsccmposltlonpossesses .. . moiii wuier-ugtit unu ure-prooi, It la IlOt affected llV hpnl. ftr nl.l 1 nn n... plied to an almost iwrfectly flat roof, one Inch to lliejfoof being nil that Is required. It Is easily and quickly repaired. Its cost Is less than nny uiiernrv-prooi rooj now In use. Testimonials trom nil parts if tlio country ns to lta durability, security uud cueiipncsg will bo shown by JOHN W. KRAMER, JuneSCM. Agent, llloomaburg, Pa. A flno specimen of tho looflng can bo seen al W 11, Ivoons' new ousa on Finu Street, pUMPS 1 PUMPS FOR SALE. Tho Utldfjrtliznrul hem laav tn hirhrm Out fill. tens of Uilsplaoe aud vicinity that he la prepared J?Jurn't,M ' shartnotloe, ono of the best WOOIV V.H PU MI'S for AVolI andClstems ever oirbred to ttto lutilie. Hier are guaranteed to throv morel oatew In tisia alniA ui.1 vltw lpia lalvir tlu.n any oUirr pninpln Ule partofiuorountiy and tkw tuiiiniuiruii) for beauty orflnlah, or M'iniVi''rKli4lnct,alaotxiinblnlngclicup. laiau id tilrabllltJ- Kaon niimn beiiiK warrant- (Mt to ttOTaTrfm tu ' crk will or Siiiatimi la awut fcr ColuinbU oouutv. lie hnie. J'.llim Prico Mciontaijeriedt Ijced In Uie well. Oitlcre by mall or otherwlso iVromnllv Attroidn.1 ti. tpt, 4,'08-ly i:i, IAS WWUfAN, Ouawlia V. RAIL ROADS. NOllTIIEHN OENTltAIi JIAIIr . . WAY. . run nnu niter wny lout mm, Tinins will leavrJHoitTiiuMnKntANn ns follows t NOIITIIWAUD. 42i A, M.. Dally to Willlamsport, (except Hiinday) ror Ulinlm, Uiinnudnlgitn. Iloclieeter, lluUUlo, Kllfttmiivlrtil Itrlilirr.. ntul M. K.illu. 6)0 1-, M., Dally, foxcviit Butulnys) fir lilinlra nnd . lluiralu via Krlo llnllvrny fioitt Kllnlm. O.ll) p. li,, Dully, (except Hiindnysi for Wltllnms- lWt ' TKA1NB feOtTlIW'AUD, ,3j A, Jt, Dally (excert Jlomlny's) for Baltimore. VII,5IINQTON AND I'IIII,ADELV1IIA. 0.30 I'. Jf. Dally (execrltSttnday'sjforBaUlmoio i'.D. H. YOUNO, ucntral rnscugcr Agent, T .ACKAWANNA AND HLOOSIS- i-i 1 BIV.U KAiLAOAD On nnd 0 ftr Nov nth, IW, PasscnscrTralns will GotngBouth. Going North, Lenvo Leavo Arrive Arrive n.111. p.m. n. m. n. 111. Hciuutou 6.25 i.iu l'AM IjCruvo n.m 10.07 7.11 !'.( 8.W) 7.4H H.H 7.10 Leuvo l'lttston (1.00 4.17 B.!i1 1.51 6.40 n.n 0.&1 7.17 0.10 H.I0 7.M Illusion oji l'lvmouth 0.11 Hhickshluny,.,. 7. iirswicK tt Bloom 8.:ia ltupert 8.33 Danville Ml Arrive 11.16 u.uu Lenvo Arrlvo D.U3 xvortnu v.u 7.10 1.15 Tho ll.lOTrnhi nt Rcmnlnn infttres pnnnpetlntta ttllh Express Train for Now York nt 3 o'clock p. m( . nrilvlmr In Net7 York OJio n. m. 11. A. l'UNDA, Bup'l. 1. ISA PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE JL RAILUOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. TllKOUnit ASD UntECT ItOUTE IlETWJtltN 1'IUI.A- nm.i'iiiA, HALTiaoiiE, liAnitisnuna, LIAMSl'OKT, AND THE CHEAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ra.rnANT si.eepiso CAE3 On all Night Trains. On and nflcr Nov. n)r,1 Ibr. Trains on'tho l'hlladclphia Al'ilo Rail Uuad will I llll !U JOMUV. s; WJSTWAHD. MAIL TRAIN lcavis Philadelphia orinuinurrinua...u.iu n.m. " " arr, at Krlo. y.ji)p.m :itIE EXPRESS leaves l,hUiulelph!iu...ll.,W 111. " " " Nort'd o.!Wp.m. " " nrr. nti:rlrt .hihiu ,11. ELMIltA MAIL leaves Philadelphia d.ti'Jn.m. " " nrr. atLocktliiviu!!!!!!7lljp!m. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10.M a.m. ' " " Nortlril J.Mn.111. " " nrr. nt l'lillnilfliihlii tiMMin.m. ERIE EXPRIiJS leaves Erie... (I.S5 p.m. " Nort'il tf.miH.m) " " nrr.atPhllndelplila 1.31p.m. Mall and Exnreps ronnerts with (ill Crpflr nnd Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggago checked IU1 uugu. A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Willlamsport. CATAWISSA RAILROAD On and nfter MONDAY, Nov. 13, lius, Passenger lining on the CuluuISha Railroad will 11111 iittiio lollowlng named hours : Mall Soitli, STATIONS. Wllllnmsport. Muncy, Wntsontowu. Milton. DmiiUIIc. ltupert. , Catawlssa. ltlngtown. Summit. Ouakalxc. Mail North Arr, CIO p. m. Dep. 6.11 " " 0.12 " " 4M " " 1.10 " 3.ii " " 3.M " " " " 1M " " 1.10 " " 1.20 " 1.10 " " 10. 10 Dep. 7.50 n,m KM U.10 " 11.52 " 10.12 ' 10.2S 11.10 " 12.30 p.m. 12, li " 1.U) " I.. Mithony June. Dine. Tamaqua. Dlno. Ituudlntr. 2.I., Arr. u.A5 " 10.50 i;hiliulciphla. s.15 " (To Now Yoru vln.Rend I jug 1 or Jlnueli t'lmntr. From New York la. niaueii 1:111111 r. 1 7.C0 NoChntigool cirs bctwteu Wllli.imspnii mid l'iill.iiklpula. GEO. WEU1J Suy't. iVDING RAILROAD. WINTER AKRANOMENT, Div. lilb, lit'.. Grent Trunk Lino fiom tho North nnd North west lur Phlladelplilu,New Vork, Ueuulng, I'otts vIllo.Tumuqua, Ashluud, Lebanon, Alluuiown, litston, Ephrata, Lltlz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. Trains liuvo llurrlbnrg lor New Vork, as 101 lowa: At3,j0, 0,60 uud Ion, m., 12,10 noon nnd 2,00 &10,aip.m.,eunuecilug with similar truing ou tho l'a. italltoad, and uulvlug at Now York at 11, UJ, ,.t ll,co a.m., A 3,51) ;,Oo A io.m n. m Sleeping cms accompanying thu 3,50 u.m, uud 10.60 p.m. tuilns without change. Leavo Jlurrlnburgior Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta maqua, Mliieibvlllc, Abhliind, l'nie Gtove, Allen town and l'lilladtlphlaate,10a.maud2,03 nnd J,10 p.m., stopping at Lebanon uud principal way stations; tuu 4,iup.m. making coiincctions for Philadelphia uud Columbia only. For 1'ottsvlllo bchuylkill Haven and Aubuiu, via Schuylkill nud busquehuuna ltullload. leave llnrrlshnr.. nt 3,30 p.m. Returning: Leave New York nt 0.00 u.m. uud 12.00 m., nud 5,10 nnd s,oo p.m. Sleeping cars nccompuuylny the U.oo n.m.,and5,10 and fc oj p.m., trains wlrlioul change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 n.m., returning lrom Hooding tit 0,35 p.m stopping at nil stations; Pottsvlllo at 7'30 n. m., and ,Mj p.m., Ashland 0 w a.m and 12,10 noon, aud 2,00 p.m., Tamaqua at 'Leave 'i'ottsvllle lor llaiTlhburir vin R..imvivn nud Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 u.m. and 12,00 Rca''&lr?ir Accommodation Train leivroa Trnn.ll,. at 7,30 a.iu., returning from Philadelphia at l.lj p.m. 1 Pottstown Accommodation Traluilenvesrotts. town at (1,43 a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia Columbia Railroad Trains; leavo Reading nt ler, Columbia, tc., Perklomen itall Road Trains leavo rcrklomeu Junction ut 0,15 a.m and p. 111. Iteturnin-' : Leavo Sklppack at 8.00 a.m.. ami 1.1.', n m ucctlng wall similar trains ou Reading Railroad On rluiidnys, leavo New Y'ork at s,uo p.m., Phil adeipbla 8,00 u.m. nuirj.ljp.m tho 8,00 a.m. train vim, ilntr milv to lti.niliii.;. i..u..ti'in u.u. :. ... : Harrlsburg 6,50 u.m. and i,lu nudlo,5o p'.in.,niill unu o,vj nun 7,1a a.m. ior Harri burg, nud 12,50 turn., and 7,31 p.m. lor New Yoil. and 4.25 n.m. lor Plilladclnhlu. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nud Ex cursion tickets to uud Horn all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed to uttu iKnntnbi , . O. A. NI COLLS, General Supcilnteiideut. Rending, Ta., Dec. 11, ltUS. T niE REST IS THE CIIEAPICST.l THE SINOER SEWINO SiACHINE HEADS THE LIST, And lends thocolnmn 4,098 ahead of all others. This Machine Is the MOST rOrCLAR IN USE. It uses tho finest needle of any Machlno In ex istence, Any lady wanting a good SEWING MACHINE, Will consult her own Interests by buying a SINGEH. It is easier to tuu, learn and keep lu order than any Machine in the world, OVER 350,000 OF THEM IN USE. The fullest instruction given those who pur chase, and the Machlno will 11 e wakiiantej) to you for one year. Please call at my Stnro and satisfy yourselves. Hero you will find Needles. Thread und Silk, DAVID LOWEN11ERO, Agent April 3,'CS-tr. Bloomsburg, Pa, LUMBIA HOUSE, BERNARD BTOHNER. HAVixa lately purchased and fitted 'up the well-known lloblson Hotel Pioperty, located a few noons above the codkt hotbe, on the same side of the street, In the town of Bloomsburg; and having obtained n license for tho same as n RESTAURANT, tho Proprietor has determined to glvo to the peo ple visiting tho town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. His stabling nlsn la extensive, and Is fitted up to put buggies nnd carriages lu tho dry. He prom ises that everything about his establishment shall bo conducted In un orderly and lawful mauner; nud ho respectfully solicits a share ot the public I atrouage. (myl7'67-Cm. ET THE BEST. Mnnson's Conner Tulnilnr T.tehtnlnt ltn,l fa tho best prlcctlnnagtilnat disaster by lightning erver Invnedo. The enbaerlber In agent for tho bove mventlon. ana nil tirders by mall or In craon will be promptly Attended to. MaylS.'Ctt E.B. BIDLEMAN, Q. W. BLONAB & CO., Manufacturers ol OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW sUUDiSi Warehouse, No. 124 North Ttilrd Biroet Plilladelphla. GROCERIES, See, 0 CONFECTIONERY. Tho undersienM would rcnectfnllv nnnonnco to tho publlo that he has opened n FHaT.CL.VS3 CONFECTIONERY STORE, In t ho bulldlnalfttoly occupied by Ilcrnnrd Rtoh ner, whoro ho is prepared to furnlh nil Iflnds of l't-AlN.A PAKcV t'ANDIIX, FRENCH CANDJEH, rOHEIGN DOMIST10 FllUITH, NUTS, RAlBlNSAC, AG, AC. ny wituti.BAMs on nnTAii.. In short, n full nsortmrnt of nil goods lit his lino of business, A grout variety ol DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, snllnblofortho Holidays, l'nrtlcitlnf attention Hlveu to BREAD AND CAKEH, of nil kinds, fresh every day. OIIRISTMAB CANDIES, OIIISTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited! nnd satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1807. ECK1IART JACOBS. REMOVAL OF C. O, MARK'S N E W S T O R E TO SHIM'S flt.0 011, osTHEconsEn op mahket am inor htheeto. Tho undersigned having received rrosn the city n full and complcto snjiply ot SPRING AND BUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AUD WILLOW-WARE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, U A 1 S A N D ,V II O E V, FLOUlt, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, nil of which I propnso fteltlngnt n very low flguro ior capit or prouuee, Call nnd sen. April 12, 1-H.7, C. C. MARK. 1O.UAND OPENING VS GRAND OPENING GltANI) UI'KKINII OltAXI) OPENING GRAND OPENING Off FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AND WINTHU GOODS AND WINTER (1001)3 AND WINTER GOODS AND WINTEU GOODS consisting ol conshllng of consisting of conslsllng of consisting of DHY GOODS. BUY GOODS. DRY GOODS DllY GOOD.S DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS HATS AXD CAPS HATS AND CAPS! HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SIIOF.1 HOOTS AND SIIOIX' HOOTS AND SHOKS HOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES! HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING IlKADY-MADH CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTH I NO. HEADY-MA DE CLOTHIMg; LOOKING-OLASSr.t. I.OOKING-GI,AHS;s! LOOICING-GEASSICS LOOKINd-OLASSIM LOOKlNG-GL,VSSIli; NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS, PAINTS AXD OILS, PAIXrS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS I'AINIM AND MIH, I'AIN'IS AND OILS! OHOCERlnS, GHOCEKIES UKOCEHIES GHOCEH1ES OHOCEHIES, IIUEENSWARE, ItUEENSWAHE, (llIEEXSWAHi:, tU'EENSWAHi: tiUEENSWAKE HARDWARE, HAHDWAHE, HARDWARE, HARDWAHli: HAHDWAHE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, HSU, FISH Fl fH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS, AC Ac, AT MclvELVY, NEAL Ml'KELVY, NEAL McKEI.VV: NI'.Al. A CO.'S, A CO.'S, I'O.'N. MoKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Ml'KELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Miiiuand Muikct btieets, Northwett corner of Malu nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner 01 Main and .Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main uud Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., BLOOMSHURO, PA HLOOMSIIUKU PA 1ILOOMSI1UHO PA. . BLOOMSItUHtl, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In lot go quantities nnd al reduced tales, nlwny on hand. OMETIIING NEW. The undersl"neil Iipl'S lenvo tn iiilnrm Imr friends nnd tho public genirally, that she hits opened lu LIGHT STREET a fvesh stock of goods In the lino of MILLINERY mill TRIMMINGS In connection with Dress Making; nnd Is pre pared lu addition, to COLOR STRAW HATS ou the shortest notlce.nnd lu the best stylo of tuu mi, i-rices eucap nnu wora sniisiactoiy, ... , MRS. E.KLINE, Light Street, October 4, 1S7, gCIIELL, BERGER & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, At'., Nos, 122 and 121 North Wharves, abot 0 Arch St. Fbilidelphla. Solo agents for Wilcox'a Wheel Grease, In bar rcla, kegs, aud cans, JJ V. PETERMAN, with LIPPINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Strcf t, and No. 2T North Delaware Avenue I'hUadelphla. "rEAVER & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos, 225 and 27 Arch Street Philadelphia. I. " WALTER, Late Walter A ICaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLABS, AND QUEENSVr'ARE, No, 121 Market Street. Philadelphia, JOHN STROUP & CO., Sueeouora to Hlroup A Brotiier, WUOIJSaALU D1IAIJ1RS IN FISH, No. 21 North Wharves, and 20 Nartli WaUr Bt., Philadelphia, IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, lilootnsburg, Columbia Counly, rn. Tho siilwrllXM, proprietor of Uio ubovo-I aineit extcnslvo cstabHs!imonl,Is now prcpareil to 19 eclvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR C0LLIEUIE8, BLAST , FURNAUFS, HTATIONA RY ENGINES, ' ' MlM, TitltlHINtr JIACHINEH, Ao Ho 1 ntsoprowii lmako Htovesof nit Blrcs and patterns, l'liw-lrons, nnd everything usually made In llrst-chtss roundrles. His extensive Pw-iiimm nnd practical workmen warrant hint in 1 "wlvlnit tho largest corttrncts on Uio moit reasonable terms, ' Ornlii of nil k'nds will bo taken In exchange for Castings, Thlsctlnbltshment Is located near tho Lnotf wanna and Blooinsburg Itnllroad Dcimt. .PETER ElLtJIYER. QTOVES AND TINWARE. , & ' A. M. RUPERT nnnonnces to his friends nnd customers thnt continues the nbovu business nt his old place on MAIN BTREET, BLOOMShUKG. Cnstomcrn can bo nccomodatod with ' FANCY BTOVE3 of all kind?, Dtnvrplpes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of nrt Iclo found In rt Stove and Tlnwnro Iji, tnbllshment lu tho cities, nnd on tho most reason. nblo terms, Rrpalrln jdonoatthesliorlcstnotlce. 25 T07EN MILK-PANH on hand for sale. 5W STOVE AND TIN SHOP. on ;rAt stukkt, nitAnr.Y orrostTK' HTOUK, . BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. The undcrsl,"tipd hns Just fitted up nnd oiupd STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In Hits plnco, t; 1 oroho Is prepared to make tip new Tin WAnt: of all kinds In his lino, nnd do repairing with neatness and dispatch, utton tho most rc.isouiiblo urms. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF V RIOUS PATTEltNS A STYLES, which hn will t M urton terms to suit purchasers, GltohlmnciU. Ito Is a ttond mcclianlc, nud ucservuig 01 i' ! puuno pairouug jacob metz. llloomsburs, AMllai, 1W7, Q.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer and Dealer In HARDW " IS, CUTLERY, GUNS, AO., No. ,111 Kor'.h Third Etrect, nbovo Vine, rtitladf.lphl.1. Jacoii K, Smith. J, It. Sm: IT II & SELTZER. Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLER AC, NO. 100 Jf. TUllin STREET, AB. CALLOWIIILI., . . PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tf. TOBACCO 8c SEG-ARS, JJ W.. RANK'S v'iioi.i:saLe tobacco, snuff, ani cigar warehouse, No. 116' North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west aid Plilladelphla. Q L. AVOODRUFF, Wuolcsnle Dealers In TOBACl OS, CIGARS, PIPl'-S, Ac., Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, above Marktt, l'hlladclphia, 0 MNIBUS LINE. inonnuersigned would respectftilly annonnco to tlio citizens of Bloomsburg nud the rubllo gene rally thu ho Is running an OMNIBUS LINE bclwctn this place aud tho dUTercut railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), toconnect with tho several trains going South and West ou tho Cata wlssa nnd Willlamsport Railroad, nud with those going North and South on the Lnckaanua and Bloomsburg Railroad. HlsOmulbussesaro In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, nnd chnrges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de P r.i t, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels. JACOB L QIRTON, Proprietor. J HEATHCOTE B O IDE It A COMPANY ir 0 it k s. coitsEn ok west sxr.EL-r A jii.ack;iiose alley Havlug Increased our facilities In the way of nrlr nt tw Innr.Inp nt .hnri -.,,1 4 J SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRS. Y'our attention Is specially called to the mem be of our tlrm-nll being l'raettcalJloiler Makers. Mr. llKATlirflTV.. hnfilind nn nvneirnnn .t thirty 5-ears In tho manufacture of all kinds of i.iui lioueiH ; unu irom our long experience we nio tull.v nwnro olthe necessity ora weli-mado and suillclently largo secure not only (afety but satisfactory results ; nnd wo shnll give our eiistiimeis only thoso of tho best quality ns li gurds materlal.workmanslilp, nnd nmplu hent Ing surface, nud feel confident that wo cim ren tier iMitlnr.icilon, nnd nt pi Ices fully ns low ns nny other builders using tho tamo quality of uiateri- Wo would anil thenttonllon of Railway Com iiniilestoonriacllltles fordoing LOCOMOTIVE . Oltk, EiTitiit ithPAins or-hlw, ns wo make It a point ior ono of tho lirm tonlwuys glvohls pei-l-iiiinl ntlenlli.ii. 1 t-,V.0 aru ulsi; ' eimrril to do nil kinds of Btenin I'lttliigs, kiieh ns lliallng Public nud Prltuto Buildings, Factoiles, fitting np steam llollers.Ac. Constantly on hand nil kinds of Steam Fit- TISOS-STHAM AN11 WATEnGnAflM STEAM Pll-rSl and nil ilttlngs eonnecteil Willi tho busltuss. Also.CnMlngsof all ktnds.lloilerFiontB.Oiatrs. Stoves. Plows, nnd nil work couneetedwltli the gi iienil loundiy business. Respectfully soliciting your orders, wo nie Yours very truly, J. HEATHCOTE A CO. 1 eb.2.i ts ly F A R M E R SI! THY THE ALTA VELA PHG.OPiiATE. It contains thrco per cent, of Ammonia, ou ,,lll""! '" using it wuu nisniy satisraclo-5'"ulsl"-uruEU.imuitceof lis value. Price, SoOper tonof lu brigs 200 lbs each. Send for n pamphlet. Addnas THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO.. S. S. BISHOP A Co. Agents, 200 N. Del. Avo, Agent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia nnd South New JeraVy. July 3,'tJS-ly 57 Bror.duov, N. Y. NDREWS, WILKINS & CO., Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DItf GOODS, No.503MarketStreo'., PhllVdclphla. Q.EORGE FOELKER & CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, YARNS, Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twluts.i.Baskcts, tic, etc. 219251 Market St., A 230 Chunk St., Ihllada. Juue5,'C8. RMBRUSTER A BROTHER, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, ' SHIHTS AND DltAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING BILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SO APS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BUUSHES AND LOOKINO OLASBES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac. No. 306 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JILLER A HOST, Buccessoja to Franklin P, Bel tier A On. Importers and Wholesale Do&lcara In I UQUOtta,,WINIM, Asu, Nos. iU Md HI Jforti lfclrd fUrwt, I-hlladalphla. A VA KINDS OF JOB PRINTING -fl. neatly execwUid nt TueCoi. umbjan Htoatri Printing Offioe. .imiiii., j u, Kiu nciiviiy without injury tollio vi-gutiitiun.midft liugo percenuigo ul ko lttblo Hone I hosphnto ol Lime, together with rind Soda, tho cssrntlnl element nr.. COMPL1.1EM. DRUGS & MEDICINES. .JENDERSUOTT'S PHARMACY, ofro-UTn AMEnlcAN notiSK. Where maj' bo found ncomploto nssortmenl of frcsH nndputo MEDIWNrH. DYI; STUFFS, COI.OI1S. OILS. WINDOW-GLASS, LAMPg, LANTEnN , no. DAB, HOAX'S, AIiCOiiui., vt iJ- a LUJiJORs SYRUPS, I'EHFU.Mlilll, iUtlilil' AND FANCY AHTICLLl hlcll aro oircred nlold time prices, l'rctcrln. lions nccnrately prcpnrctl. Jan S'OS-ly. JONATHAN HEISLER'S TONIC fj or Bitters has never fulled to euro the wont UIHU Ul irVfJUl-ail., l..U.m.g.a,i,i.iMiUi 1111(1. lelno yet discovered for tho ran of Consumption Dysrepsin, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, una an diseases of tho Throat, Chest and Lntigsi 1, made entirely of roots nnd herbs, ono bottle win conymcenny ono who piyes it a lair trial Kn tnmilv ahoilttl 1)0 WlttlOUt It. Put tin tn lr... bottles, prepared nnd sold byjonathnn llelulir A: Co. Hcnuylklll Haven, Pa, and by nil Urn-. gists. i""K. 11, t.iy j DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH B I T T E R 8 Ainlldniidngrceablo Tonio Stimulant, stoin. nchlc nnd Cnaminntlvo BITTERS, Extracted entirely from Ileilm nnd Roots, llld. lybeuellclnlln DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, mid Lo.ssof Appctlto; and 1111 cscollcntfcorrcctlvcfor persons sn fit 1 from Disorders of tlio Bowels, Flatulence, At, t.- ,1 Sold Evcrywlicio. epot, No. 413 Market Street, I'hllndelplilii. J. K. TAYLOR A, CO, Sept.4,'CS-ly. Ayer's ! Hair Vigor For restoring Gray Hair li its natural Vitality and Color, A dressing wliic! is nt onco ftgrceaUi licaltliy, and cfTcctu; for preserving thi hair. Faded or an. hair is soon rcttort. io its original cob wait the gloss freshness of yoi(i Minn linn- 13 unci encu, falling hair checked, and la!. licss ollen, though not always, curei by its use. Nothing can restora tl hair tvlicro tho follicles nro destroyc." or tlio elands atrophied and ilecnyea But such as remain can ho saved fJ usefulness by this application. Instcaj of fouling the hair with a pasty scig mcnt, it will keep it clean nud vigorous! Its occasional uso will prevent tlio liw from turning gray or falling off, rr.. consequently prevent baldness. ViA from thoso deleterious substnnccs whig make somo preparations dangerous ten injurious to tho hair, tho VJgor cd only bencflt but not harm it. If wantel merely lor a m HAIR DRESSING, notliinrr clso can bo found so desiraHl uonTnininrr neit ner 011 nor uve. 11 a not soil whito cambric, and yet 1 long on tho hair, giving it a rich glo lustre and a gratclul pcrlume. Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Aver & Co "PnAfrrirjAT. Awn Awatvttoat. Hnnn LOWELL, MASS. rniOE $1,00, Feb, 5, !(!). Ayer's Cathartic Pills nurnoana of n, Lazaur Terhnna no one mc clno Is ao unlrcrtw nulrcd by everybody 11 cathartic, nor was e ly adopted lato e evcrvcountrvanilaliK nil rl.iaKca. aa tali El hut efficient pttrgui 1111. Thn OUllOUit flnnU.tliat it 13 a more ll.ililn nnd f.irmoi'CCS ' ttial rcmedv than nthi. Tlin.n w I10 h tried It. know It cnreil thpm thnse. alio ll. and all know that what it doea onco It doci atw that It never falla tliroucrli anv fault or neglw Its linn.. Wti h.ivn Ihnus.andaiDOa U Sands of certlllcntea nf lliclr remnrknblo cures 0( luuuii iiiic cuiniuuinia. uut alien cures uru ercrv neiirhbnrhnnil. nnl vn neeil tint nubllgll tl iiuupicu 10 an ages ana conuuions in an ciium coiitafninz neither calomel or anv deleterious il nicy may bo taken with H.ifety by anyuouy. 1 snrar coating prcscrvoa them ever ft'csli and m: no hnrm ran nflsn rfnnt ir. nun In nnv riuautif 'J'licy opcrato bv their nowcrful lnllticuco on iiiiemiu viscera io iiuriiv mo uiooii ana eumui.1. into hcallitv nr-.llnnrrmnvqtlinnlmlnictlouiOl fitoraacli, bowclj, liver, and other otvoas of body, reatorintr their Irrixrular action to luwlUi. by corrcctlaor. wharevar LheT exlat. such derat uioati a art Uio first origin of disease. the bor, for tho foUoniris eeraclalaU, Maloiil I i-UjranldlTeurai I IVor Uyapejpala or Xai1li;siln, Ustlrl ttctsf, JLucaor aad Jbeisa ot Apanlltr.ul aaaolil k lalea raeaeratelr le sUiaulale ins tut nek aad reiWre Its healuiy lone and actioa. I . rer (.Irar Cemeplialat aad ItaTariooi rrl tm, llllloMe Unulitcbe, Sick Ke-udactl JTauudlca or Orepse Hlcburse, JUIioI uolle) and Jlllloua Vevcrt, they ahoal.l w I diciaualT tAkan fnr 01u.l1 rjiH. tn Mrrfrt thAflisr-a I action or remoie the obstruction! which cause It I For UyacBtery or Ularrboeit, but van 1 1 del Is eenerallr required. Far JlbeiuBaatiaiM.CleDt.aravcl, P-il'l ieatloaa of the. Ilrart, Pulit la llin Mil ammu auta MMimt, uiey mould bo continuou. Ukea, m rxinlml, lo chance tho diseased actio) Iko rsteia. With euch chango thoso complc disappear. tor "ropey and Itropalcal Hrllln? t should bo taaca in largo and frequent doses tot doc the effect of a drastlo purge Tor Nupprraslon a largo doso Ihould bo tail as It produces the desired effect by lyinpathr. A' I'M, tako one or two VUU to I' mole digestion aad relievo tho atomack. Aa oecasloial doss etlnnlatea tko stomach 1 Mwla tart kealtky aeUea, rratorfa tho apt. aai rariroralef tko tyatena. Hence It il oflen wskiwii wkero eerlona derangement ex Oae vko feels tolenblyiretl, often finds that ad rf Ikeeo Ja Makes luni feel decidedly better, fr tkolr eleaaalng aad renovating effect on the a'i ttro orparatne. ZJJf . J, a. Si CO., IYactfcat Chcmlt LOWELL. MASS., V. 8. J. JN BURANOE AOENOJ Wyoming .... JKtna Commerce ,. I Fulton. North America I City, IntcrnatIonal....,,.,....m... Niagara.,,., ,....,. Ktna Llvo Stock l'litnam ..,., Merchants ,. Kprlngtleld ............ ,..., . Insuranoo Company ot Rtarte) 1'ea.a. Connedloat Uataal lara Mooh jLuerteaa TrasuU PUKAB BKOWN, Aginl, null trr-ly, llixKiaisuuiia, V.ll, Ml e I1W lyUllllUIIJltll UJJI V, JUlWUiRw... For ou tho Mcdlclno. 1
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