THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. imwftmmt aiLOOBlHIIUUO, PHlI)AYt MICH. 19, 1800. KTiiiif piist nltio on Thursday morn IngflWicr being out over seventeen boura, the Jury ncqutttcdThouina Dun hnoolof tho murder of Alexander W. iS We firo under obllBtitlona to several friends for copies of missing numbers of tho Columbian The unueunl phenomenon of thunder and lightning occurred on Wcdncsdny evening of Inst week. JfR' F6bmd. On Sunday morning In frontof our residence a silk scarf. Tho owner must call for it at this ufllco. m QOY and Theodoro Ellonborgcr, both formerly "f this plnco, nro dead, duy dlcd nwcclt ago Inst Suhday, of con sumption. JS, W'k aro under obligations to our over thoughtful friend 'Zeko Colo, for a flno lurkey. Wo now feel under obligations to urgo tlio new county sent to bo loai ted In lils vicinity. Thk attendance at Court hns been unusually large. Every avallnblo foot af spaco In tho Court House was occu pied, and tho hotels wore unable to find sleeping room for tho half of tho appll nta. We keep constantly on hand a llrst ass assortment of deeds, mortgages, eascs,L'marriago certificates, notes of ill kinds, summons, subpoenas, wnr-antSj-elc, etc. 'It. The very best Groceries, Dry Goods, lucenswaro, Glasswaro nndllouBchold ;oods, to bo found in Bloomsburg, aro :ept by Miller & Wolf, Main St., below ron. Go thcro and bu convinced. :heir prices aro unusually low. We havo been visited during tho past -eck by J. Irvlno "Steel, Editor of tho ithland Advocate, Ho received while icrc, by' freight, a hat, which, accord ' tig to tho bill of lading weighed three . 3d Mr. Steel had lost It whilo coin 1 igfrom tho editorial Convention at ' Iarrlsburg. ' ( e If you happen to boo a man about wttfvrho is inoro than ordinarily well ' reffeea.tho chances aro that ho gots his i othea,at Chembcrlin's. To a thorough nowledgo of his business Chemberlin 0 lds,od tasto,and tho result is seen In 1 io.,perfcctIy comfortable, stylish and . ci titling suits which ho makes up. ' y ail means call nnd seo him. hivo received tho second number ' ' ?Mr's -Musical Monthly" for tho roaent year, and heartily recommend J to; tho attention of alllovorsof music. '" i contains a oomplcto list of all tho aw'sobga and dances, and valuanlo In rihatioii of tho transactions of tho c i usical world. Published by J. L. Po rn !rs,'l98 Broadway, N. Y., at $3.00 per ' ear. 1 "' 'SiivBerwlek Gazette camo to us last , eck'-in a suit of new clothes. Wo nro ,i-ratified to observe this ovidenco of lv rospSfity in our cotemporary, and liope h 10 tlmb is not far distant when Mr. in derl will bo enabled to onlargo it. ; Is. always neatly printed, well edited "'ldtill of good sense. Its editor is l'oH,,Jlked ,lu his neighborhood, and iioroughly understands his business. ", Onk pt Ashland's prominent citizens Jy'rove'over tho bridge at Catawlssa Mills git atfbribus rata and without paying toll. '".fteK1 teaching hero tho matter Was ""rougiitf1 to his attention, when ho a tut3lttgized, and made a pecuniary com wjnsation. Tho stock-holders, wo learn 'yivlow of tho party's good character, cr a ve resolved not to prosecute him. etltbo a warning toother Ashlandors msot to .cross covered bridges without paying toll. ua '' ra Bloombbukq has been crowded with b4llsltora for tlio past two weeks and wo lcfro pleased to know that a largo part of 0,.ioia,bftVO exhibited their good tasto ocy calling on our friend Loweuberg for 'MoMiIbiK Ills stock of (roods is uno- ",uaH'4ii'in variety and quality, whilst u,, is prices suit all classes or purchasers, aifl'j Buite aro not only most stylish, but ro so well mado that thoir durability ..j wonderful. Don't leavo town with- amut giving him a call. ONEof our Iladlcal townsmen ob ""jryediio us tho other day that ho ,.,,'would'lll to advertise in tho Colum- iian t Deiiochat, butlio disliked tho iijeo' bf 'giving aid and'eomfort' to tlio ' 'neiny." n All right, sir ; wo aro publishing a ofJcmocratlcJournal, and proposo to lot '"lia fact bo known. As two-thirds of he DeoDle of this countvnro Democrats f ro woal'd suggest that thoy adopt tho L!ame'p1rinclplo. Any man mho is to siUci'bJ partisan that he cannot pa- eBl-nniVrt n ntnftntntn Amivnnl 9irmi uStrsiy i&tl he does not want Democratic I. MP ADVEBTisiNa, Many persons hav' PU ' quantity of valuablo goods or eal estato to sell, aro content simply to nouhco tho fact by a few hand-bills, uSfVo think' they make a cravo mistake, 'thiland-Vills aro not scon by tho masses, ijp'd'when seen aro not always read. Au ";'dvortHoraciit howover goes weekly In- I vo nimosiovexy lumiiy in mu vuuuiy. a. it effect tho advertiser sends out a fir- ular equal to our wliolo edition of 2S00 md.fijr.Bcvcral weeks, instead .of hand illln which nro soon bv onlv a few "'fViien it is considered that In nlno cases SwItifOf'ten au additional bidder will llllL,llOTO lllllll pay mu tusio ui mu iuiyw "Jlwment tho Impolicy or not -advertl ', Ins will bo Been. " H" ' hViiJt DirFEUENCE. Our cotompora ynsetonds to bo a llvo Journal. To accihOWt. tho dlfforenco In tho enter "",'iSiwof tho two papers wo would call vj;wttentlon of our readers to tho fact .(llwftt Dec. Court wo gave tho peoplo ll0tri$tail all tho proceedings of our Court occupying five columns, whllo tho He i piiWioan do voted about half a column . to that subject. Ijiat week wo gave our riifltlers an nhHlrnrl nt nil that had been Wtf3orftjn tho different Courts, Including ,iuathu,3elatls of drawing a Jury, making rauthreo'iind a half columns, whilo tho iic ubticKn gavo its readers n quarter of a oolumti. Peoplo' who really deslro to m know-what is being dono, should sub ""'serlbo-for tho Columuian i Demo ,V CUAT. The Auction Salo at L. T. Shnrplcss' will bo continued this nftcmoon nnd ovening and Saturday nflornoon nnd evening. The Enlr held during tho first week of Court by tlio ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, was n decided suc cess. Tlio grov receipts wcro over $700. The celebrated Peak Family will glvo an exhibition In tho Court IIouso on Friday evening, Feb. 10th. They are well and favornbly known as Bell Itlngcrs, Vocalists, Ac, nnd descrvo a full house. In tho caso of Geo. II. Gordner, Sr., John Gordner and Geo. II. Gordnor, Jr. of Jordan township, tried nt Williams port last week, on tho chargo of burn ing tho barn of Richard Woodlngton, of that township, In 1801, tho parties were acquitted. Tho caso occupied sev eral days nud attracted considerable nt tcntlon. Luminary. A CARD. Ed. CoLUMiiiAN.-DEAitRin: I am requested on behalf of the Jurjr, to mnlco known through your excellent papcr,ourhoart-felt thanks for tho kind hospitality and gentlemanly treatment wo havo received from Messrs Ivoons A Clark nf tho Exchange, Hotel, during our eonflnement as Ju rors under this trying ordeal. Also to their very obliging assistants, Messrs Hhlpmnii nnd Fry for their untiring cirorts to please, and so faithfully curer to our wants. Truly Yours .1. M.BNYDKIi. UlooiiisbuiB l'eb. llth, 18511. Illoomslmrg market Ileiiutt Wheat per hushel II do ;y " . i orn .. 3 no Oat. " 70 lour tier barrel 12 fjl eieiverseeu Flaxseed , Huttcr . 6( 2 110 to K 13 1 l) 2 51 , 12 . , 10 1J iiras Tul low 'Ota toes 1)1 led Apples l'ork..'. ., ,. Hams Hides and Shoulders uira per pound Hay per ton LUMllElt. Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet I'lne " (onolnch) tlS 00 llaJ) . 15 1 Joist, Scantling, Plank, (Hemlock) . oiuugiuB, iio. i per inousanu.., " " 2 " Hiding " " ft, .. , S III , 7 01) , IS 00 ... til KOJS 1 Scotch till? No. 2 r llloom. IH ...39 Light Street Markets. Corrected weekly hv reler Ent. wholesalo nnd retail dealer In grain, Hour A feed end general merchandize. Wheat per hushel ltro ' -..81 P0 .... 1 10 .... 1 00 .... 1 to .... 75 ... 0 U) .... 0C0 ..... ato ..... fin .... 15 .... 3D .... CO 2 till .'"! 0 5) .... II HO Corn " ' lluck Wheat Oats Wheat Flour per 10U lbs iiuck Wheat Flour Corn Chop, iirim, Ilutter per lb Eggs per doz., 'otatoespr bus Dried Apples ' lax Seed ". lleef per 100 Hjs l'ork Lard " ID .... 20 Philadelphia Markets. Ftonn Nortliwestorn super" ne at.. ...... Northwestern cxu-n , J.").00a B.M ,.H.UXii U.2.5 Nounwcsicrn famll. lv 7..'jii(a i.Tj 'ennsvl aula and wesie.Ti Rimerfi. ... ri.iMifi.riO 'ounsylvanla and Western extra G.7." (1.75 'euusylvanla and Western family. U.UKSU.OO euusvivaniaanu wesLem raimv ll.,'j0nsl:!.ii Ilyo flour iikat Pennsylvania lad, bus Southern " California " "l.OJfflfl iti0S?2.75 I3.1.WI.10 l.lX-t!l.C'.' 1.17tl.17 70c(al75c m,t) tll.f.O hlel)o licOlUc 13c 17c20!c 7.1S0.i whlto Uye l'ennsylvanla rye, hus Coun Yellow, " s..., Willie, " Oats Thus BoviaioNS uress l'oric, bul -juess ueei, " Dressed Hogs, to ttnioked Hams ' " bbouh'ers Vto Tjird. ft Beeds Cloverseed bus llmothyseed bus Flaxseed " t2.75 tllMiliO ota, (fc Siiasiiii CATTWC I'.eef Cattloto Cows. vj. hp.n(l RlIKKP V lb nous 1 iuu ion CHItlST Win.MYEn.-On 2nd of Feb.lSfi') nt tho J.uuierau l'arsonage Ialrdsvlllo Lycoming co. l!y Itev. Oeo. Elcliholtz. Mr. Peter ). Ihrlst nnajtussumo h. wiumycr oolii of Franklin ivp. uyuuiumg co. WIDMYEIl-LOW. At the same time by the nuuiu Mr. Auurvw i'. wiumyer oi iino iwp. Columbia co. and Miss Kate Low of Franklin iwp. Lycoming co. i'a. OMAN-OSMUN. At tho M. E. parsonage in urangevjne uy itev. l. r . urowiuan. ui jacou uiiiiui iv juM Dtirnu usmuu oi .ii. i leuKaoi. SEYIinitT YETTEIt.-On tho i the Itev. wm,j. r-yer, mt. uriusrseyoeri or Haiem luz. co. to Miss Ccrdelia Yetler of Malnvllle, l'a. riNFH-MILLEIl, On tlio 24th the Itov. ivonii, itev, i. ji, l'iues, oi inerpuoi, 1'erry rxt. I'a. and Mrs, Sophia K.Ml!Icr,oiH!m tw. Luz- co. l'n. HOWEn-OETTY.-Ou the 7th Inst., by Fctcr Kwanic, 1. 1'., flir. ciias u. llower to wary Ann Getty, both of Locust twp. Columbia co ru. OOHO. On Jan. 0th, Jacob CJoUo, aged M years 0 BEISHLINE.-In Fhhlagrheek, Jan. 21th, Small j., iuugmer oi Ajevi aim Jiaria IKl . llelshllne, ngeil U years and 15 days. THE INCLEMENT BE.USON, " -tlltl tt effects oivthc Weak ami Ftclte. The drafts which searching cold makes upon the vital powers of tho debilitated and dcllcato are not less Bevcro than the drain upon their strength caused by excessive heat. The vast disparity between the temperature of over heated rooms and offices, nt this season, and the frigidity of tho onter air, Is n fruitful tourco of sickness. To fortify the body against tho evil consequences of tlio sudden alternations of heat and cold referred to, tho vital organization should be strengthened nnd endowed with extra rcslstent power by tho use of n wholcsomo In vigorant; and, of all preparations for this pur pose, (whether embraced In the regular phar macopoeia, or advertised In the public Journals,) Uicre is nono that will comparo in purity nud ex cellence with nOSTETTEU'S STOMACH BIT- TER,S, Acting directly upon tho organ which converts tho food Into tho fuel of life, the pro parutlou Imparts to It a tone, and vigor which Is communicated to every fibre of the frame. Tho dlgestlvo functions being accelerated by its tonic operation, tho liver regulated by its anti-bill lous properties, and the waste matter of tho sj'stcm carried off punctually by Its uitld aperient lie tlon, the whole organization will necessarily bo In tho best possible, condition to meet the shocks of winter nnd tho sudden changes of lempcra turo. The weak and sensitive, especially, can uot encounter these vicissitudes with safety, mi' less their tender systems aro Mrcughthcncd and braced by artinclul rncaus. Every Ihjuor sold cm n staplo of trade is adulterated, nnd, weru otherwise, mcro iIcohoIfs simply a temporary excitant, which, when Its llrst effects havo sub sided, leaves tho physical iowers (and tho mini as well,) In a worso condition than before, HO.S TETTEK'S HITTERS, in tho other hand, con mlu tho essential propertcls of tho most valuable tonic and alterative roots, lurks and herbs, and their active principal Is tho mcllowett, least ex citing, and most inocuous of all dlffuslvo stlmtv lanU, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VTOTIOE, IIIO pUllllO UIO llCICUjr .luildvil IUUI IIU 1IIM 1111 day of February 10 I purchased at Constable's Haio.iue jouowiug properly, and chattels of Wm. l'lrl r, viz I UUU 15 ID t I , A UUITDU) ''- V 1 11.1 1 I., Itocklug Chairs 1 Hod sud lledding, 2J yards of r. n I. Liln..n 1 ll.i.B.n I Ty. i1.nlu uarpei sua one jiruss iveitie. Tfm nnlillft ArA noLllled that I have loan ed said personal property to William l'lfer, and aro requested not to purchase, nor molest the Mlflllnvlllo, Fcb.l2,, A ZU11EN E. Concentrated Indigo, rOU TIIELAUNPU1. It is warranted not toctreak.or lu.nny manner injure me unesi. iiiuran. . ... tiltt FAMILY UHK Hold in FIVE cents, TIS .. ...I rw I.-WPV Mill m linvnu. Eieli'l'WENTyi-uUbox,licsl;tihavlngFlVE TIM1.H ns mucn tuuoas inu r-r i-.i-nus iHix.enu i.imn tuuii nin ciikiiloii or emery baa. For Hotel and largo Lauudry ue, Ills put ui jusuiuoxes. , , , Hee that cucU llox has propir 1 r.v'o Mark For sa lo by H. 1 1 . M I LLE U iX bON, nioomtburg l'a. Feb. I2,'03-2uio. STATEMENT OF THE FINANCES OF THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA, FUOM JANUAIIT 1st 181 TO jANDAIir 1st 1W3. The Auditors elected to suttln nnd ndlust 11m inbllo nccounts of Columbia county, respectful f iuk icnvo Hi reiKin iiiafc mey iinve examineil io sumo from Lho first dav of January A. 1). lsas to tlio llrst day of January A. 11.1800, and respect fullv lav tieforo tho Hon. Judffos of tho lonrt of Common Fleas, of said county,tho following statement and report, agreeably to tho 22nd Sec tion oftho ActolOeucralAssimbly ofthlsCom inon wealth pnssrd tho lourth day of April A. 1). 1831 1 Jan. S To amount outstanding for If C7 and previous year. I 02HO & " Cash received of John J. Utiles Into Trrviurer per Aud itors rcnort. .110(175 Feb. 12 " Cash of F. Fleming for brick from C. House, 100 Mar. 27 " " Lewis Vctierfornn estrny sola ny jos, urcibcniu tata- wlxsa two. 0 70 Apr, 10 " Cash of dco, Evans of llrlar- crecK iwp. lor Keeping u. Hlllt SO CO Mav 28 " Cnh of John F. Fowler for bridge plank sold G 00 Juno 8 " Amount of county tax asses sed for ltUW 23202 50 Aug. " " Amount or county tax on neiiLFU una uuseuipu linu Itelurns 720 S7 " Amount on Itoad tax 1772 05 " " ' School " 1781 32 ' " " l'oor " 1511 32 ' " llounty" 1001 33 Hcpt. 1 " Cash of 1). Havago for brldgo luuioersuio oua Oct. 2 " Cash of L. Hhocmnker for C. jiousoiumocr. l ho 10 " Cash ol Oeo. I ;vans II Creek for keeping C. Bull 125 CO 22 " I'asu oi j. it. uroui tor court House hrlck sold 19' 2 " Cash of Oeo. Itelswlck for C House lumber told 4 05 31 " Cash of M.F.Eyerly Cllomo mortur sohl 2 00 Xov. 10 " Cash of 1", Unangst for " lumucr lor 1a cnurcn 12 u tec. 11 " i'a'liof.Ino.Sterner2bns.halr from C. Home; 100 Cash of T, J, Morris old brldgo plank 1 CO 10 " Cnih of J. C. flutter for C. Houso lumber plank 13 20 " ' " Cash if 8. A I'. S. land tax since Aug. last 31 W ii " fash pahl nssers for nssesHlng . dog tax for lKtls IS 00 ' " " Cash of C. O. llarklev lust. on note $.V for 2yoars 120 " 2S u. llnrton fori htul, lime and one but. calcluu plaster from C llouso 21 80 " " " CashofWm.NenlforCIIouso Mortur Jc ;V, 00 " SO " Cash olM. Millard Rhrir. Jail expenses from (l.Dowen 0 00 " 31 Cash of H. C. Huwer for 2,000 C. House lath 7 30 Casii ot J. II. Harmau foriol of second hand lumlier used for reiialrliuxthedouble llrl(li;o below Itloom 32 C5 " " Cash of Ten day nss't. for tho jeur Inn 211 II " Cash of outstanding balnnco 77 is 14 Cash of rumdry tuxes 850 01 1 13 10 01 cn. By Amount outstanding and uncollect ed, " Exonerations allowed collec ors " Comm'rs allowed collectors " . Tnx reiunded to M, C. Kel ler collector Orangolwp. IbOl County orders reueemed 41 Commission to Tres. on t23, ItU 02 at 4 per cent " Ballauceduo :m ii 721 II I'lS 21 1602 07 41310 01 JACOB YOIIE Jr. Treasurer of Columbtu county in jcci. wiiu rax on uogs, To amount outstanding for 1867 nud pre vious yenrH jtu it, ' Assessed for tho year 1MU 13uuftJ ill!7U ll CIt. By amount outstanding nnd uncotlect- eu lor imj.1 aim previous years " Exouerutionsallow etl collec tors " Ciimmh.sIon allowed col'rs 1" Sheep ordeis redeemed " Cash paid assessors for nssg. dog tax " Tleus, Com. on 02 &0 IK) U) 31 71 S( 31 2S Btntement Bhowltm the amount of count.v and dog Tax assessed for lSOS, In each District in tho county with tho names of lho collictors and tho imianco uuc irom eacu. District llloom Benton II. Creok ( ulUvfori names J. 11. Fuunan Cb.Aai'ul Co. ifiif. Hamuel Applcman Jolm II. Bmlth Allen Mann els lan 1 1 M2 33 5M Wl 1110 Si rm kj 1S77 4J 00.S 00 4.V1 K2 .11.' 13 Heaver 1S1 61 72 Pi BerwlckBor .lames Jacobv Catawlssa .lolm V. llodino Centre II, I, Kuorr Conyngham I). T. M'Klenan CeniralUUrl'at. Klllceii Mi 211 11 410 II 210 3 rranunn jacouKnittio F. Creek TIhh. J. Hutchison 600 42 VM 00 tOI 57 Htm 01 WJ 12 '.it UI 0i7 & Ml 00 W) 53 81KI OS 022 II Osi 01 m is am ) 374 ti 2 IS 02 USJ 23 2i0 Greenwood Jacob B. Evans Ml hi Hemlock 1'aaol.eidy JX7 3.S .".) IS JackHou .iiich.ici Hemly Christ l.inMmall I). 11. Fedoroir James Kfsuer Locust 411 17 Atiilnu Madison 101 21 201 87 152 1 1 hi tl'J Montour 1 , J. Htlnbach Ml l'leusant Thus. J, Welllver Mllllin 233 611 Oraugo ItcuLen Bellas Jacob loixt; N. Dries bach J, H, Fritz J. Tcrwlliger 311 I'lUO It. Creek 278 01 Bugar Eoaf Bcott 115 l: 470 t2 323110 01 872111 l". Lreuuciiouaysasscssmcnioi ltw 211 ll Tax assessed for 10S 823J0: District VuUcctors names Doff Ass Doff due Bloom J. 11. Furmau S3 lteutou Samuel Anoleman .'10 2U IU 3U.6 11. Creek John II. Bmlth 01 Beaver Allen Mann 0.1 Berwick Bor James Jaeoby 23 31 50 33 60 VI 5 Catnwl&sa John V. Bodlno 00 11 to 21 to 30 00 Centre. II. u. Knorr UI Conyngham D. T. M'Klernau 30 CentrallaUorl'at, Kllleon 0 0 30 .'IS 60 rrauKiiu jacoo ivmuiu rj K. Creek Thos. J. Huchlsou ( Orecnwood Jacob H. Kvuus W) Hemlock Isaao.I.ei(iy isi an 10 60 0 00 UI 60 31 60 21 00 21 10 :r no 3S 60 20 5J Jackson Michael Itemly 31 1J Christian Hmall 110 .VI 1). 11. 1-Vderoil 31 30 James Klsucr i3 00 1'. J. Helmbach 11 0J Locust Maine Matllsou Montour MU Pleasant Tims J, Welllver 43 OJ Mllllin I'.J. Lnntz iw in Orange Heuben Bellas 43 60 1'IIIU JUCOOljOUg 41 ui It. Creek N. Drelsbach 30 60 Sll 50 21 60 2S (X) Bugar Loaf .1. It. F'rltz 61 50 Bcott J. Tcrwlliger 30 W The following Is the amountof County and doir . Cb ttue. Don due. csugarioai ism joun iv. jviio iiu iu FtsnlngcreeklSUoJohu Huttuu 3 68 21 00 0 50 0 50 8 70 5 30 20 60 10 60 31 60 11 IJO 0 50 .Mam.sou iMki jueou neciuei Heaver If wi John Hluderlldcr 57 36 Hentonl Bamuel Annlemonll3 47 Centralia" Wm. ll.lleinbold 1146 Conyngham isuo " " i ui Hemlock " Hugh A. Hartmanlj 13 Mndtson " Jacou llechtel 171 30 Catawlssa 1W7 1'. O. Campbell 313 78 F. Creek " josepu Coleman 40 12 Hemlock " Daniel Neyhart 17 62 S1012V7 III 00 Duo from IMS tMl sj uiu VI SM211 42 nsrBNDXTURES. AUUITOllS" AND CLET.K'.S PAV. lly amount paid auditors and Clerk V" .. c. W. Miller auditing l'rothonotnry and Iteglster's account S7M 07 MO (J 13 00 S71 00 I't 23 AS4i:aOH'S l'AY. ltoarlngcrcek township Jacksou " Bugarluaf " Fishlngcreek " Beutou " Montour M Hemlock " Bcott tlreenwoM " Mt. Fleusant " Centre ' Franklin " Catawlssa " Oiangu Madison l'ino " . Conyngham " Malno ' Beaver " 10 21 23 23 IS 00 II 23 23 2 2) U 21 23 is 2: 21 IS 73 22 25 22 23 21 23 20 00 26 23 15 60 18 75 31 00 llloom Cenlralla liOCUSt Mllllin llrlarcreck Berwick Bor. twp, Si 00 27 23 60 22 23 15U'J t;io 50 Bor. nitiDui; coNTnACTB. By amount balpnldl'elcr BirunkuiiCoun ty line between Columbia uud Montour By nmt. paid Oeo, W.West, superintend ing the work ul tho above bridge By nmt. paid Wm. A, Kilo, bridge In Kugarloaf By amt. paid Daniel M'Heury brldgo In Flsfdn?creek 200 CO 23 00 630 60 211 20 11603 20 BIlinUE UKI'AIIIS. By amt, paid I.. A.German, lor Lumber " " Jonas Fahrlnger reiuilrs Fjiter furnace brledgu By amt, )uild Philip Hartmauplauk lum ber nml lepalrs By amt, paid David H.ivagti lumber Iron, and labor By Hint, paid Win, It. Demott for plank ' ltudolph Bhumau repair at Malnvllle By amt. paid J. W. Eck plank and repair at llrlarcreck By amt. paid ('.It. Whlto plank for brldgo .. .. Bundry persons 79 10 12T7 43 20 13 b7 12 (0 3.1 CO 01 t: t2IS7 6i BLANK 1100KB, By amt, paid for blank deod books for ltecorder Assess books tax duplicates nud Bheen or der books 1ST 60 COUNTY BUILDINGS. Bv amt. nold for ronalra In and about the Jail during the year 210 00 CLEAN1NQ COUUT HOUSE. By amt. liald Bundrv nersonsforclean. lug Court Houso during year 3S 00 COMMIBHIONEU'H ATTOUNEY. Ily amt. paid E. II. Little Attorney 75 00 COL' I IT C'ltlElt. Bv amt. mild Moses Cullman Crier fur tho j ear 17 60 CONSTABLE HETUttH. Bv amount natd tlio several Constables during lho )tar 2JU 10 COMMONWEALTH COSTO. By amount paid Bundry persons COMMISSIONElia AND CLEItK. Ily amt, paid John V, Fowler 370 CO ' " 11 fnrTnAiiiH In hnldhis anneals In the countv 21 no lly nmt. paid Montgomery Colo 321 00 " " fnr.npna ses Incurred In holding npiieals throuah county Mini Ilynml. paid liavld Yragcr 20J 00 M " nHAiia linlit. lnor anneals 1.100 By amt. paid Wra. (I, Quick 30 00 " ' ' Wm . Krlckbaum Clerk to corns. u) no J17II 00 1013 CO 221 80 1312 22 120 76 573 10 188 00 280 00 12J 20 cniliiT linirHF.nxTF.NmnN. Ily nmt. paid J. H.droul for brick at kiln ' ' Illltirll-v Mr.nn. In. rialltll. and Iron at vaults and. for win dow weights By amt. paid Wolf A Barton lor carpen ter work nnd material furnlsheJ Ily amt. paid Leldy & Fcgly carpenter lIK By nmt. paid for vault doors and win dows and putting them In By amt. paid M. Wiigncr for Bhlckshln uy stone By nmt. paid M. Con"man for cellar and yard wall stone By amt. paid Cleo, A John Beagle for flag slono lly amt. paldMoyer&Bamuclsfordrcss- nig miieHRiiiiiiix siuue iiuu sburnenlnir ntrlcs 201 02 478 GO 7M 01 By amt. paid Bundry persons for digging cellar nnupuuiuK upeounr wuu By amt. paid Mundry persons for puttlug Mil UIICK WJIR, UIH111K UUWIIKU- life end of old houso Aa By nmt. paid Bundry persons for sand mm nnivi miu tiumiiig uriuK sand and stone from denot lly nmt. paid Bundry persons plastering C. House making mortar Ac By nmt, paldSuudry persons for lumber 309 62 1210 70 311 00 231 03 isn si iimin mm uiuiciiiu iui u, jiiuiisu By amt. paid Bundry persons for labor UUUIlli. JIUllU, IUlllll UJI llll Hi ynru, Hauling uiri. oiu Byamt.pald Bundry persons for Brno liairelty II mo and calcine plaster lly ami. pnui inoyer iiros,ami ncmier shot for pnluts oil putty Ac By amt, raid A.M.ltupert for four heaters " A.TerwlillBer for painting C IIouso lly nmt. paid Jacob Mctz for siontlng C. llouso By amt. paid J. It. Oroul on account nf eencial superintendence of C. 2Vj 30 15S 02 CO 00 House extension 0101 2S DISTHICT ATTOUNEY. By nm't paid M. M. Traugh. SIM 00 10 CJ r,. it, lacier. t!33 00 ELECTION EXPENSE'S. Ily ain't paid sundry persons, sprlngelec- lions, ain't paid general elections. ' Presidential election. Slill 20 403 1.1 316 05 81210 Ml FUEL. nm'tnnld snnilrv net-sons fur coal for Court House and Jail. 100 18 FOX AND WILDCAT SCALPS. nm't paid sundry persons tlOS 09 INQUESTS. nm't paid Lewis Yetter on tho body of A. Stoker of Catawlssa. 810 C ' nm't paid J. 11. Harmau, on body of E. McIIcury, Fishlngcreek. 10 62 1 nm't paid Lewis Yetter, on the body or Joseph Shay, Catawlssa. 10 87 ' am't paid James Kearly, on laxly or A. W. Ilea, Centralia Borough. 1 am't paid W. M. lloagland, on body of Wm. Jones, Conyngham. 10 12 10 12 52 83 INSURANCE. am't paid Lycoming Insurance Com, 530 CO York " " 111 uu 1163 30 INCIDENTAL KAI ENSe.. " nm't paid Hthuylklll county for board ing three prlsoneis. 33: nm't. nalil hlinltx and Mnslpller for tho arrest of AmnudiiH Beybcrt, reward. 100 00 ". am't paid James Kealy for iranscrlpts In the Ceutlalla pollco suits. 0 CO " niu'l paid sundry jiersons lucldental expeuses about house. 31 20 " unit paid W.F.Murphy A Sons for hop tiles Mid baud cull's lor Jail. 15 23 mi t.o juhoiis' wages and mileage. 1 am't paid Juror's during the year lbCS. S2072 03 JUllY COMMISSIONERS, un't paid Elisha Haymnn. Thos. J. Welllver. 18 52 17 60 tJO 03 MEDICAL SERVICE. " um'tpald Dr. J. C. Rutler.nttendauco on prtsoucrs. PROTHONATAHY. " nm't paid Jesso Colemnu, Prothonat'y. POSTAGE. nm't paid J, B. Purscll, P. M. PRINTING. " nm't pald.W. H. Jacoby, printing. Poor llouso election law. " nm't pAld J. B. Banders, printing. Poor House election law. " am't paid P. John, printing. til 00 83 00 S102 (XI 100 6J (102 00 60 60 ;125 00 60 10 l'oor Jinuso election luw. " am't paid C. II. Brookway, printing. Poor House election law, S1UJ 40 69 00 t051 13 PENITENTIARY. " nm'tnnld V.. B. Penltentlarv. sunnort- Ing convicts. 271 40 11 nm't tutitl State T.unatle Hosnltal for the support of Catharine Suit. Kio oo 30 00 tl78 70 . ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS. " nm't paid sundry persons as vlowers. t CO ROAD DAMAGES. " am't paid W. II. Frens, Briarcrcek twp, 310 09 um't paid Samuel Kuowltou, Bloom two.. 5th stret. v',30 00 Jacob Evans, Bloom, 5th sfreet, 5'J t-0 " nm't paid Mrs.Btucker, Fishlngcreek, 23 00 " " E. 11. Ikeler Bloom, Alurk't st. 250 00 " " A. Hendershott' " " 230 00 " " John Appleman, Hemlock. 330 00 " Albert Hunter. Pino twp. Ifc5 63 I Hagenbuch, Bloom, 5lti st. 600 00 ' " D.J. Waller, 100 00 " " Frederick Beaale. Mt. Picas- nut two. 75 00 " am't paid S. and H. Fornwald, Bloom, 4th street. RO0 00 " am't paid Samuel Jacoby, Bloom, 160 00 " " Wm. T. Marshall, Hemlock. 60 00 " " Cyrus Heller, Hemlock. 2101 " " Wm. Morgan. Bloom, 6lh st. 0(1 00 " E. 11. Llllle, J, M. Chember lin, Esqrs., and suudry persons lor ex penses Incurred in remonstrances on road damago lu Centre, Bloom and Briarcrcek townships. 31 50 f3360 50 SHERIFF'S BILL. ' nm't paid M. Millard for boarding pris oners during the year. 1792 42 ' nm't paid M. Millard for conveying D. Snyder and Wm, Heaver to E. B. Pen itentiary, and Thomas Doebler lo House of Refuge. 10 CO ' ain't paid M. Millard for conveying George lteuner to Houso of Refuge. 7o CO f 1012 42 17 CO li'i 0J 29 CI 00 50 71 50 27 75 65 00 lbli 11 30 6J 22 60 22 10 7 W 7 00 11 io 0.1 60 41 6J 41 60 10 6J SHEEP DAMAGE. " Bloom tuwnshlp. ' Itrlarcreek " Heaver " " Bentor " Centre " ' Frunklln " " Flshlngcieek " " Greenwood " " Hemlock " " Locust " " Mt. pleasant " " MllUlu, Maine " Montour " Madison " " Oraugo " " hugurloaf ' ' ltoariugcrcek " (601 25 TirSTAVES. " am't paid at tho several courts. 100 f 9 TEACHER'S COUNTY INSTITUTE. " um't paid C. (1. Barkley, County Super- lutendent,as per hill rendered lor samotlSO 32 REOISTHATION LAW. " am't paid assessors aud for blanks. 103 60 STATIONERY. " um't paid for paper Ag, for court. 60 23 STATE UOADS. "am't paid John J. Stiles, view In Co lumbia uud Luzciue counties. 10 03 TAXES REFUNDED. ' am't of road, school, poor and bounty taxes reiuuueu to tue severui luwu ships, and redemption refunded. " um't of County orders lssusd lu 1863, " " bheep orders Issued lu 1S08. 837 20 31771 1 b01 23 SJ.'lAI 10 GS77 26 801 23 fCTlM 31 ' Wholuam'tof orders Issued In ISIS. ' deduct aui't tuxus refunded to twps, ' am't sheep orders Issued Excuses for tho year, 1WM STATEMENT OF DOCJ TAX. " am't S. ordcrs.redocmeJ for 1807, " 1UIS, Total unredeemed for lstff & 18CI Dcduel tax uncollected Execs of Sheep pamago over said luud for said years (25891 69 107 60 879 29 51312 71 81 07 tm 78 STATEMENT OF COUNTY ORDERS. Amount issued for tho year IMS 31771 fi " redeem! IsttS 29333 21 Dcduel old orders redeemed 41 60 Gives nm'tnow orders redeemed Deduct new orders redeemed from nm't Issued ill 1HQS elves um't now orders uuredomed 82ISO 2J Add um't unredeemed for 1SC7"11 view order" 12 CO Total unredeemed for 1687 A 1S4S f 249J 23 Wo the undersigned auditors of Columbia county being duly elected to adjust and settle tho accounts of t ho Treasurer nml Commissioners do hereby certify that we met at the oltlce of the Commissioners lu llloomsburg. and carefully ex amined the uceouuls nnd vouchers of the same from tho 1st of Jan A.D.lsOS.lst of Juulb69 uudflud them correct asset lorth lu the foregoing suite, meutandwunndabuluncadue Columblu eouti tv nt nno thousand six hund.ed and nlnetv-lwo dollars and sixty-seven cenu.(ttui207jfrom Jacob louo jr. iressurer oi saui county, niveti under ourhunds this sixth davof Janua ry ono thousand eight hundred nud slxty.nluo, John P. llmmoti, County jacou Harris, f jxutitwrs, A. J, Albertuou, ) Attat Wra. Krlekbauiu, Wo llieunderslgned, Commissioners of CoIum Ll.t. do hereby eeitliy that the foregoing Is a cor reel stutemeut of the accounts of the suidCounty lor mo year i03. MON1HOMEIIY COLE. CUIUIU IS, WILLIAM (1. IJUICK, Allot WM. KlIlCKlUL'M, elk. ) MERCHANDISE. jyj-EW STOCK OF CIAJTIIINQ. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WIN! Ell OOOM. DAVID LOWENI1EIU1 Invites attention to Ills stock of CHEAP AND FABHIONABLE CLOTHINO. at his storo on Main Htrcct, twodoors alxive the American Houso Bloomsburg, ln., where ho has Just received fiom New York and Philadelphia n full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHINO, Including tho most fashionable, durable, and handsome DltFJSM OOODB. consisting of BOX, BACK, UOCO.OUM.ANDOIL-OLOTH COATS AND I'ANTS. of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTEIt SHAWLS, STUll'ED, FIOU11ED, AND JPLAIN VESTS, BHIUTS, CUAVATH, STOCKB, COLI.AIIH, II ANDKEIt CHIEFS, OLOVEB, SUSPENDEnS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nan constantly on hand n large and woll-so- ccted assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINUS, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the best manner. All tils clothing Is made to wear, and most of It is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELHY, of overy description, lino nnd cheap. Ills case of Jewelry Is notsurpasseil.tu thls'placc. Call nud examine his general assurtmeu of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELIIV, AC. DAVID LOWENnUUO. E W F I H U A N 1) NEW GOODS. tot uowEii & HEitniNa, Having taken the popular sland of D. K. Blonn, IU OltANOKVH.t.K, COLUMlltA CoUMTY, PA., Respectfully aunounco tothe friends of thecstab llshmcnt, aa well as lo new customcis, that they Iwno Just rcielvedn largo supply of N E V CI O O 1) S , nultahlo lo the seasons couslKtiug of DUY GOODS, aitOCEHIES, QUEEN8WAUE, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, DHUGS AND JIEDICINES, and lu short every article usually kept inn first class Country Store; to which they Invito the at tention of their friends and tho public generally. These good were purchased nt tlio lowest rates and they proposo to sell them on as moderate terms, ns similar goods can bejgot here or else where lu the county.for cash or country produce. Dec. 4,'OS-3m, BOWER A HERIIINO. QI.OTIIES BY MACIIlNEItY. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the public, to his new and approved method of making clothes by a system ba.sed tiDon mathematical principles, which renders It ImiKissiblu to be otherwise than perfectly accurate Ho claims for this method the following ad vantages, FIRST. Perfect accuracy, SECOND. A saving of two thirds or the time usually tak en to cut uut the cloth. TIIIIU). Ability loniensuro any figure so as to lnsuron good fit. FOURTH. That It docs away with tho necessity of being measured more Hum once, as often is lho case, from tho misapprehension or mlstnko of t measurer. Ho would urgo tue public to give It a lrlal,as 1. Is satisfied that It will give perfect satisfaction. Ho will be happy to cxhlbltand explain Its work ing nt any time to vlsltois. J. W. CHEMBERliIN March 20. 18G8. Main St., below Market. I. ItEINHEIMER & imOTIIEIt, RETAIL DEALEltB MEN'S AND 110 Y8' O Ii O T II I N O AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. South Main Slrcut, liclow Iilarket, (opposite Corrcll's Stoic,). lu.ooMkJiuna, j'A. Jan. I,lll0-tr. M E ItCII ANDISE, NOTICE IS HE EBY GIVEN To my friends and the public generally, that all kinds of DRY OOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWA11E, NOTIONS, AC, are constantly on hand and for salo AT BARTON'S OLD ST4ND, llLooirsiiuna, nv JAMES K. EYF.R. -Ho, Sole Agent rnrELLU'.llioHi'UATX or itv. Ijirgo lot constantly on baud. feb8'67. JOHN 0. YEAGEIt & CO., Wholesalo Dealers lu HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FURS, No. 257 North Third Street, Philadelphia. A $5,00 OHEENUAOIC Of full vuluo sent free to auy Book Agent AOKNrd VANTKll OK MATTHEW HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK; "Sunshine nnd Shadow In New York," A WOWK UEI'LUTK WITH ANKCllOfRS, INCinENTH OF LIFE IN THE GHKAT MKTltOl'OLIS, liKisa A MIIlItOR OF NEW YOItK, iieflkct- IJfOTlIBSECREl'S OF THE GREAT -CITY. One Agent sold 80 lu ono day, another sold and delivered 227 in 15 days, another 301 lu 7 days. No book ever published that sells so rapidly. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW HOW FORTUN12S ARE MADE AND LOST IN A DAY ) How Shrewd Men are rutuedln Wall Street; how Countrymen aro swindled by sharpers ; how Mtulsters and Mercliautsnro Blackmailed ; how Dunce Halls nnd Concert Saloons are Man aged; how Gambling Houses and Lotteries uru conducted; tiow stock Companies Originate ami how thullubbleH Burst, Ac. read this work. It tells you about the mysteries ot New York, and contains spicy like sketches of lta noted mil lionaires, mere-hauls, Ac. A large Octavo Vol ume, 720 pages, Finely Illustrated. The largest commission given. Our32 page circular uud n t5,00 Greenbiuk sent free on application. For lull p irtlcutars uud terms address lho sole publishers, J. II, BU1IR A CO., Hartford Conn. Feb. 5,'C8.-lmio. pUIJLIO SALK Will be exposed to public h&lo nt tho resldent-o of the subscriber in Bloom township on HAtur day February 1.7th lfrtw, ttjo lolloulug iwrsoual pooperty t TWO HOltSEH, Ono Maio with foal, Tlirte Head of young cuttle, Three Cows, Five Sheep, Buckeyo Mower aud He a per, One Drill, Ploughs, Harrows, Culll vutois. Hay Hook, llopuund Pulleys, Windmill, IV r m Bull. Trover I'ower Threahlm; Machine. Humes, hall of Thirty. nvo acres ol tiruht. two Wagous, one Wugon Box, llevolvlng ltorio Hake, huy Laddtrs.ouu Hlove, uud various Farm ing Implements to numerous tonuutlon. Ttrm luauo Known on uay ui suiu vj DAVID WINN Ell, Bloom Iwp Feb. 5, '00,-U gNYDEIl, HAIIUIS & BASSETT, Manufacturer! and Jobbers or MEN'S AND BOYH1 CLOTHING, Nos. 625 Market, and 621 Cowm-ii Utrt, MOTIO E. All itersuns having unsettled accnuuts with tho subscriber are reiitubltd to call at lho Kxchautee lintel uuu seme tue sniiio uctwi'cit tins eiatu nun the luth or r'euruu.y licit, Jau.'.-.i,'W.-at. y. C. HAltltlhON, DRUGS & MEDICINES. JOOK, HEAD, AND liEAUN, THAT THE Great Sltoslionccs Itoincdyl OK TUB CF.I.nilltATF.11 1N1HAN DIl. LEWIS JOSllEI'HUH, nl the distinguished Tribe of BhoRhonees.Colum bla Territory Is now for sale In the. Union. This all possessing grent remedy, Is warranted nnd in broad and emphallo language, wo can safely sny, may be relied upon lo mnko a perma nentcurootnll diseases ol lho Throat, I.ungs, Liver, Kidneys, Dlgestlvo Organs, etc., A well as scrofula, tho vnrlousskln diseases, Humors, nnd all Impurity of lho blood, excepting the third stage of Consumpllo.i. In Cunnda where this groat remedy has been in use tor a short time It hns. indeed eucrted some of tho most marvelous cures ever recorded In the annals of historical medicine. Such being tho case In nddttlou to Its former renown In Col umbia Territory wo dcly humanity to dispute tho fact that this Great Bhoshonees Remedy, Is the remedy of remedies of tho llilh Century, nud tho greatest boon ever laid nt the altar of suirer Ing humanity. l'rlre of lho Remedy In large pints, 11.60. Mnmtfticturid by Dr. Young A Bros., nt Syra cuse, N. Y. For sale by all dealers In Medicine. Tho Great fthoshoners Remedy of Dr. Josephus, Columbia Territory which hs also been mnntt raclurcd In Canada, is now fortho first time In lho Union, being manufactured by Dr. Young a Ilro., Syracuse, N, Y, Wonderful euro of Consumption hy tlio Great Shoshonccs Remedy. Messrs. Chamberlain Co., Gentlemen, 1' Wilson SlorillS.malto oath and sav.I reel ntixlmm lo let you know what tbeOteatShoshouees Item- edy has ellectcd for me. Mv wife was mulcted wini cons umption, and died. I wns alto allllcted wlilt the same disease and after tier death, I con tinued Slllklmr lUHt. AM Rim luiil ilnne. t Imil vri' scvero night su cats, coughed nearly all night and every night, could nm sleep unless a little in., mu jimiiiiug ; i rniseu over a quart, oi mailer every 21 hours, nail severe pain in lho lelt lung, ctt..f tcund wusereattv debllltnteil In r,irt. i win. going as fast ns 1 could, I was taking medleliiH uum u tegular pnYsicnm, out u urn nod oven re lievo my cough. I went by the village ono day about u quarter or a mile, which look mo to go come, about two hours i whllo thcro 1 saw Squire Welllnglou, nnd happened to say to him, "1 wish you could glvo mo something to relievo my cough." Ho said 'thero Is n Urcnt Indian Itemed-Just Introduced Dr. Barker has It for sale, nnd I believe It will euro you, I took his advice, and brought n bottle home with me, took n ten-spoonful at once, which I felt through mv whnlosvstetn. At. iilirlil ntnlilA. spooulul.mid rested well at night nnd continued to rest well every night. Tho cough, night sweats, raising of Matter, pain In tbolung. etc.. hiiiuuiiii; .cm me, uuu x imv iiriu ly mm strung, i took only three bottles, 1 am not taking it now nnd I nm as hearty aud as well as I ever was iu my life. My sister-in-law was witlt me for n while, who was allllcted with liver complaint, she bus taken the remedy nnd Is well, Tt Is ccr tlllcuteyou may show tho world Ifyoupltase, WILSON STOllMS, Brighton, C. W. Sworn before us at Brighton, C. W. this 25th day of August, I860. J. II. YOUNG, J. P., Reeve. I, M. WELLINGTON, J. P. John F, ncnry,(Succes.sortoDemas Bnrnca.tCo. Now York, Wholesale Agent. For sale by all tho Druggists in Bloomsburg. JUU, 8,'6'J. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND Catarrh treated with tboutmost success, by .1. ISAACS, M.D.,aud Professor of Mitoses vj the V.V and .r, (All specialty) in the Mctltcal Colli ye o J'ennsiframa, Vi years experience, (formerly ol l.cjden, Holland.) No. 8u3 Arch street, Pblln, Testimonials can bo seen nt hlsofUee. rlbe medi cal l.iculty aro Invited to accompany their pa tients, as lie has no secrets In his practice. Ar tificial eyes luserttd without pain. No charge lor examination. Jan. 10, '69.-1 r, P. liil.H Opt C. II OWE It, opened a flrstclfisf BOOT, HIIOK, HAT CAP. AND KUH BTOUU nt the old Htand on Slain Btrect, Illooiuhburarow doors uliovo tho Court House. Ills stock .scorn jtosi'dof tho very latcstnnd bcgtstylcs ever otter ed to tho citizens or Columbia County. He can accommodate tho publlowilh the following goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy double boled siojin boots, men's double and single tap soled kin boots, men's heavy tttogn shoes of all kinds. mm'Hilno boots uud shoes or all grades, uov'b double soled boots nud.sboes of nil kinds, men's glove kid Balmoral shoes.mcn'H. women's, boys's and misses lasting Kilters, women's glove kid 1'olNb very nne,uiuenflmorooco llalmoinlsnnd calf shots, women's very lino kid buttoned salt eis. In short boots ot nil descriptions both cg god nud sewed. lie would also call attention to his Quo assort ment of HATS. CAPS, FUIIS AND NOTIONS. " which comprises all the new nnd popular varl etllm at prices width cannot fall to suit nil. These b'ooiU nro oilered at tho lowest cash rates and will bo guaranteed to give satisfaction, A call U solicited before purchsslug elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains nro to bo fosnd than at nuy other placo lu the county, Dec. G'67 EV EJIPIBE SEWING BIA- ciuxn. LOCK STITCH. HUCKIVUD THIS FIItST 1'IUZK AT TIIK IIUKA1 yAIU OF THIS AMCUtUAN 1 Nhl 11 L'TIS, III Now York, Oct. Ii7, 1SG7. And highest l'remltim for llcst Manuf.tcturliis Machine at 1'arH Kxposltton, July, 1M7. AV1IY IS IT THE BEST'.' It tuusover se-ams all light. ItM'UI take fitly si Itches to the Inch Hut rtliau any ollitr machine. ir wii.r. hkw IIIOAVILH AND TlUCKIin GOODS 'JJIAN any nniEii machixe. It uses any nnd every kind of thread, It sews stm died foods as well as uustarched. It Sews tho Most Delicate, Thill, Soft Fabric, without thawing. It Bewa n lllas beam as well us any other. Agents Wanted. Liberal discount given. KMI'IISK SirWINO MACHIMK t'OMl'ANy, 2iJI ltowery, New York. EVEllV JI.IC1IINE M'AU1IATED, Feb. Sl'tl'-tlmo. SCIIUTZE & LUDOIiFK, (ISTAULISIIKU IN lbffi.) Manufacturcis of tho new patent MONITOH 1'LATK 1'IANO FOllTi:, iutelllcd Febeuary 2Ulll, lMdl. Warranteil lor live ye'iirs. Warerooms, li2 ltroomo-Kt., Now York. The patent Monitor I'lnlo l'Jauos hy their pe culiar construction are superior to till others, aud their merit consists lu the wrest plank being sup peirtetl by the Iron name, allowing u larger space lor the sounding board than Is (Kissesseil by any other kind of 1'iano. Ily this means thoquantlty as tell as the quality of tho tone Is hugely In creased. These l'lanos havo been pronounced by the best Judges to ho unrivalled Joe rOWEK AND SWEETNF8H OF TONF, litsy and agreeable touch nnd beauty of finish. Most tlatterlng certificates nf excellence fiom Thulbcrg, Oottschalk,Htraknsch, Vleutemps, and a largo number of the most illsilngulsheel l'roles. bors and Amateurs. From long experience aud superior facilities fur Manufacturing, we aro ena ble d to oiler our pianos nt as low prices as are asked by Inferior makers. teuu rorcticular and price list, Mar.O'UI-ly -IIIICKElUNa & SONS, J Manufacturers of OltAND, SO.UA11KAND UI'IIIQIIT 1'IANOS lteceled lho First Qraud flold Medal, nnd still higher recompense. tiiu citoss of Tin: i.khion of honou, iu too UNIVlUtSAI, UXFOMITION, FAKIS, JfcW. These were tho highest awards of tho Imposi tion, nod the house of CltlCKFUlMJ itHONS Was the onlv onk so honored, in tho United Ktates wo havo been awnidcd Hixtv-nine FittST 1'KKWiuna lu direct compe tition Willi mo leaning inuiiuiuciuit rs oi tuu country, ml nttho Ureal Inhibition In lxiudon wo lecelvcd the highest nuaid i;lcu to auy mauuiaetureis in tne tJiuteu rtaits, iotai nuv i.iitv.ono First Pie iiilums. aud tho most llatter ltut teslimoiiiuls irom tho leaellug urllstsol the World. WAllfHOUAli NO, 11 KAS1' FOUItTUKNTlI ST., NKW YOUF, llctween llroadwuy nud Filth Avenue. Feb. eYbU.-Umo. OHIVATE SALE. Til s subscriber oilers forsaleat his residruce, Forks, Columbia County, lho following 1EF.AL. 1MTATU: The House and lot now occtipleel by him ns u Tavern Htand, situated ul the Junction of the matii roads leading to ltenton,Catuhra and New Columbus, Tho llouso Is In good icpulrauil the outbullUIugsaio wellnrituuged. The lot contains about one-quarter of mi nue. Also the Inrge BTOItK HOOM adjoining the Tavern, now occupied by James V.Wilson. ' No belter location for a Invent l tola) found lu lho County, Terms made easy. Apply on lho premises, l'ossesslun given April Ui istiu. KMANllUrl UNANOST, Forks, Fib. 3, 1SGJ..1U jTEW EUKNITUItE IIOOMS, O.N ii IN KTHECT, 11L00M8IIUU0, l'ia'N'A, JAM E H 0 A D M A N llebpe'etfully lnforma the ellUenH tif thla town nnd vlctiilly, lhat ho baa at Id. l-'urulluio tooinb, ehalruof ev cry description, bureauii, elliilug ta ble, largo and .inall. ladiileadx.of the lalevt bts lc curdou' toilet lal.ltK, ItxiklPK ghumea, beildea many other urtlclcx of lurnltuiu of llrat china luuuufaeduie. The pul lie are eniellally luvlled to call nud ex itiulne hUhtock, Ho vvillfccll tiputi reasonable termti. irr!icclal attention will bo ald totepulrlUK all UllKUufliiriiltuie', Cheap fi.ri-ash. Jau. 1,'U', MISCELLANEOUS, I) I,OO.MSBUIK1 NOItMAL SCHOOL AND LIT ) E1IA11Y INSTITUTE, BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. HENRY CARVER, A. M Principal, Professor ot Intellectual nud moral science, and theory nud piactlco of teaching. Miss Sarah A, Cntver, Preceptress, Teacher of French, Botany mid ornamental branches, Isaac O. Best, A, II., 1'iofcsr.or of Ancient languages ahd Engllsli Grammar, J. W. Ferrce.A. M. Professor of Mathematics, and practical ns Ironniny. Rev. I). C. John, A. M Trofo sor of chemistry nud physics, F. M. Bales, Teacher of geography, history Book keeping James Brown, Assl tant teacher of mathematics tr m mar, Enslisli Miss Alice M, Carver, Teacher of Music on tho piano and iticiodcau, Mrs. Haltlo L. Best, Teacher of Vocal Music and Instrumental music Miss Julia Guest, Tachtr of model School, The Winter term will commence Nov. 2, IJM. and until our lioardlng hall is ready for owupan cy, on application to the Principal, students will lie furnished with homes lu pleasant families, It Is better for students to commence at the op ening of tlio term, but when this is Impriirtlcn bio they can enter nt any time. March 20 186S. JOMESTIO KCONOMY1 CAMHM.ION CAllPETJ A new.clicnp, tlurnble, healthy, and Beautiful FLOOIt COVKUINO! A substitute for oil-cloth at one-third the i mL This carpet Li produced by a peculiar combina tion of stiomr. hrnvv rinnor. iirmlnl in or nti men tal colors, nnd coated with a tough, elastic, water proof enamel which receives tho water, pintwts lho ctois and pnper endures wahlnir. and ren ders the carpet bright and benutlful In lho cx tseine, Its advantages nro Tolhrrs : lt cost renders ltuvnllablo loallcliit-Kes; It Is exceedingly smooth nnd glofey, nnd It nccamu lutes next to no dust: It docs not reaulra to he taken up and cleaned like other cnnet, and thus saves much labor nnd troublflj By rccoatlng with the Cam pillion Bnnmelfoccasluunlly ns tho ease may require, (which costs but n trifle,) it will last lndelln'iely, oeunn nge.and always appear new nml bright : In its use no reliance, m ha. ever U plaeetl upon tho paper Tor wear, but exclusive ly upon she" water-proof co.itlnir. tho figured pa per being used only to fieenro tlio colors, 1'opcr lias recently been used for n variety of purposes, even fortrunks, ronfi.llonr bns nml wenringap parel.bul tho llrst attempt, either in Kurope or America, to eonvett It into carpet or tloor cove lng. all concede it to he an entire success 1 wo have purchased tho right fer Columbia ecainty and can furnish tho csrpet to merchants at manufacturers prices. CWYou nro invited to coll nid examine the goods at our store. M'Ki;iVV, SIXihA CO. Bloomsburg, Dec. ll'tW-tf. W1LMAM H. OIT.MOBK Has opened n tine Billiard Haloon In addition to hN well known UI-STAUUANT. Ho hns 3 tallies with all the latent ImprovementR nod In perfect ord r. He keeps on hand the best I.AOlCIt BKHR AND ALE which tho market affords. OYSIX11H to bo had at all times when in season, a!o Beef Tongue, l'ickled tripe, clams, fie, Ac. Thopublic aro invited to cull, nnd nio piom Ised satlsf.vtlon .either In blllnrdsor refresh incuts. Ills CIGAIW AND TOBACCO can-not be excelled. Bloomsburg, Jan. lti!. LOUH AND F1313I). Tho undcrslcned thankful for nasi natronncro begs to auuoueo to his friends nnd to lho public that his N E W M I Ii L ts now In complete running ordcr,nnd that ho In prepared to do all klndsof Milling wlthoutdclay Parties from n distance can hnvo their grlvts ground without delay, so ns to take them home the sumo day, and us n rule nil work brought to the mill can bo done In twenty-four hours, Mv present arrangments are such as to prteludo tho necessity vi mopping mo mm on nccouutoi jcc. uigu or low w aier, THE BEST I-'AMILY FLOUlt. ns well as the lower grades, nnd nil kinds of CHOP AATV FEED kept on hand in quantity, and for salo nt t he low est current rales, Urnln of nil kinds purchase! LightStrect, Dec. 4','CS-tf. rUTKU ENT. jj- W. SAMI'IiE & CO., MACHINISTS & ENOINEE1W, MAIN ST., AUA II. K. It. IILOOMSIIUKH, I'A., Aro prejiared lo furulsh all kinds tof Mnchluo .oi It, such na STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, fhafllng,rullej s, Ilangus, Coupllugs, Mlll-KPitr lug, Haw mandrils, etc., Uuagococks.Fet cocks, Hteain pipe, togelhcr with all kinds of Steam fit tings coustautly on hand. Threshing Machines and llorao Fowets made to older. All kinds of Agrlcullma Machlncr repnlicd. May 2!),'tM iienisv vror.r, r.. c. harton, (Successors to fc). C. Shlve .) rpiIE SUBSClUBEIiS HAVING L Leased lho Flailing Mill and Machine Hhop lornicrly occupletl by s. t;. .sidle, will coullnou lho business oi uianufactuilng DOOIt., HASH, DI.1NDS, MOl'I.DINQ , nrackctsde. Wo nro also prepaie-d to furnish etressed flooring, shingles and all other lumber required In the cnusltucllin of buildings. All kinds of turning eloue at short notice. Hills for Joist and oilier name Hull' filled with prompt ness mm cure, ejiuers re'Mwciuiiiy Mine neu. April 17,'M WOLF A IIAUTO.V. L ATELY OPENED. 'Ihoundersltrucd would iTsiHclfnllvlnformtho cltlieeiu of Illoonnburu and vicinity, that holm Just opontd'sii tali op on Iron Street, bet worn Main and Third, wlifre tie will lollow the laldnet ina- King uueiueRs iu au ns niuncnes. uruers lor MCTAIJLIC OH OTHUU COKFIKS filled with rromntness nnd dif rntcti. Uinlrs cliennly mailo tonll kinds nf luinlturo, luclud Iuk llif replnltlnBof cane-bottomed clmlix. i'flt- tuinu for ciibtiiiKH maiio nemiynuti oxpeuiuoin, ly, uud orders nio KOlU'lted either In peis.uor by mull, ricturo f mines miide lo order at Blinrt no tlfe. ItUlUiHXKOAN, April 10,'GS-tf. rAUAiUiE inoiEivrv KOU Tlio iiiiderslned will oiler nt ; i .vatoHHlo bin Hnuho, CnbtiiHt Shop unit Lot, Mtnuled lnKlnb towii, IjOcustTou iiMilp.Coluiubi i County, along IhoStnle Hoad leading from Cutawlxmi to Ah l.ind.'on which lb erected a tcootl fvlzed two htory fnnno dwelllnir houm with nn onthouo adlntn- tni;, with uwelt of never filling wntfr on the umber boukeniiil btuble, with all tho neeussary outbuildings. Tlio prupeity lb ft valuable one, temiH will bo mado tuny nnd possession given on lho flrht of April next, Jan. 7,0U-Sin. W, II. HHUVIO, "P O H a A h E. 'rheiinderblgncdoff'rsforaaie tho lltaue and Ijot now occtipleel by him In the town of lle-nton, Columbia county. This was formerly ti'i d u a Tavern nun isaumiraoiy ueiapicu lor iiuu pui. twse. If not Eold by the fired, of April next, lho proper ly will be.rcnted em reasonable lerliu, l'ull parllculars reganlltig price or rent etc., can bo obtained on aoullceilloii to lliu tiudcritgu eel ou lho prcmifcctf. I'oiRcrfltou given oil lho M 01 April iMia. lleulon, Jan. S,'C9 I'i;Ti:n AITUIMAK yAIlTItlAN & ENOELiMAN, i;, r.uAil MANUKA CTOUY, io, S13 noktii Tllir.liSTnr.ET, Second Door below WixkI, Dili LA DHL I'll I A. J. W. Wakthan I', Ekntj.MAN CTEAJI EIItE-lMlOOE SATES. Hnnborn'a l'atent hax lem demniihtrated hy tho mobt Ihoroutth liracllcut lee, I, lu lo vakllv i.u. tierlor lu tire proof eiuulltle, to any other maker, (being water In copper tubeii hermetically tculcdi nreventlni! eomnletclv anv evaiHiratlnn and la the drict aafu In u,e. The patetil etui la nppltcel to nnv bafe. llefore noreliaklne enewheie cult and examine, or .end for tmphlct contalnlus thecertmctdeieot, ve ith alt olher make rhtuife. American reieamf ire-l'rtioi halo e'o.,l llnmil way, New York, liku, llM-iiio j r. iiEAiii), vrlth Liri'INCOTT,ltONI)(X) Manufacturer, and Wuoiewile Dealer, lu HATS.CAl'a, FU1US, AND BTUAW fiOODH, Ho. 113 Market Btrect, VhlUlelpbU JglLLIAUDS 1 BILLIARDS ! ! MISCELLANEOUS. fjJIE WOULD l'OIl A BULLA It, iMiu. uu: tui-Ai'UTAMJi'iKi. ltao No New York Wckly (fill (ompnrn Willi U ill Value tat the Dcmoeratlcl'iirmeri Tim VVoeli.y Wen Id forltW). TIIK WOItK OF THK WOlll.l'. , "Li t lho detul Mist bury lis dead' Out of lho battle nml i nrtbil eleieai ot I'tis, the unbroken eolumnsvt thotoiisllluilonnlftiKl jmtiiull' Da. mociacy of Amerle-ii march lorvani lo new cult tllclsuiid to Until victory, flow tire the eonlllctH' beloro us most vigorously to be loughi 1 lluw Is tho victory which uwiilis us most pri'inpily and most ceiinjileicly Ihesunio tne piuo Ileal eitieslloiis ol th" tiour. And lo tliese ejue t Ions Tho World makes answer now. Urbaniza tion Is lho tecret lo vigoi in tho battli -held) or Italilzalloti 18 the ineatis, as lho rlghteuiisuess of our great cause Is tlio picetge of vicioi, What Jluelienllsm has dutie, uuu by doing hs w. a lu ileadly Metorles, lamocrHCy mtmi eiu u lie! ' '.ile. iiui u UHjr pssses wiuru uue.1 noe. run; ne, in enlurccineiilur this point, sut b lellei 'i u t.ieiui lowing st-tit to ns hy nn cntnest nnd I'soluto i-rjiiisfiYuuiiii iiemoerai ; "TullieKoIlororiiui Wnrlit During 1 n int.. campaign the Democracy of thlsviciMiy ui ulen tlloruugu Uglil,usinguatneilrcamptusu i i lho World, luuiur recollect lhat I, last win i,, raised In this and liciubuirluti touns n , iiu ,,i nbout hUsubFcrlbersiu Tho Weekly V orid. vt lids number many wcto Republican, Nmetiy every ono of them voted the Demotr it! t.'kst at both elections this lalt. Wo propose to con tinue the light uud udvnnco our hauliers, I.mIii mis we wlsii to raison still cuiger Club. I think 'J'ho Worht mado hero about tulrty Dvniociuilu voiov. We Hunk we can double our eonerien' xt jcnr.ntid wumcan tuclrctilalo neroiuoiisWeirids ihau Tribunes.'; llirei WO havo Iholltdrlt of the h.lttln nnil thn sound vsstiriitteo of victory I 'lho work to bo doue by tlio Delmicrucy is to mskece)nverls,nud this Is tho work of Tim World. 'lho luoie wide ly the llndlcals circulate their tt.ipers. tho b. ....i' It will bo lor the Democracy, u the lsintH "y, liku our l'eiiusylvuiila Irieiid, meet those 1 cr at every polm Willi lho World. Wo uu lot, shrtiiK irom wo Invite, wo entreat tin i lest uiscuslon of the giiat questions beloro th . n;n. irj . mu iiepouiiv is lo ue taveu lu this way, tiudin this way only. The thirty intti v nam lhc- world last yeurlound ltadlcala in (.'anion, amt whom It this jcar bioughtnp Demucm Ho the 1 mill, aiu but types of tlio veork which 'ihn uud has own tioing in l'cnnHyivnula a- w I as lu Aew lork, lu lndl.uin, aswellnsln .Vw Jersey, 'l'o ptisn on nils good work la lhc lb t duty, because It is the must solid lionet of efeiy good Di mociat within the Union. Nor la un iieair lo be lost In Uolng ll, 'ilie redempilon of lho lull day, and everyelav. nnlll the liuili.n is once more milled lo its ancient btnlielard e f uueiij proieetcu uy law, (.ouverls lire not, to lo made in an hour nor u duy. Form your ii, irletids of I.lbertv anil ot Ijeul i. ..!...! clrcltlato 1 no World. Keep circulating it, Whcie- yci iiw jk.ieueuis uavo tone taiore you. ti. io lollow theni up. Whertmr the banu is found, lucre pics.. tlio i.ntleli,te. Do mure, (lofuitbcr, lie nggtcsHlw In allaek as well as rcsohu. liido lince. ibeViorlti we prumisoyoit.wlllgive sou weapons, rile Worm inealis battle, be. ne lho W. i id liiuaua Victory. What we ask or., 'iu It Orgauljitloul Orgaiiljllloit I Organ!. I. m 1 (llvo lho WoiM Its Utldnnd The World will do its wont. EDITIONS. At mi. v: iiiiif.r,.., ;,,,.i ".'uss j"? va .K.- Marl;td the w vt t&nl.l'm11"'0 a!"hetsj fpeclal and valuable Hop Intelligence; n new and enlarged depurt inentor ABrlctilltiruI Heading, which w 111 Include u valuable series of pai rs on tlio f-clente and l'racllce of American AKricullure: all, "ellTr cotnprlslns an unrivaled hnduiKik eirciirreiit In formation K.r the Farmer, stock or l'roelue- Ileal cr. Country Merchant, etc. 7 'S l"'Keeir iiioro will bo reserved for l.uler talnlng Firesl.le Heading for Ilie ( Irrle. einbiacliiK the lushest uud beMHIorles. l'oeliy ltellglous lteiullng.elciindnpago lor lhc Dlf cusslon of all I'roinineut Toidcs ol public Inter- a. All the goo.1 Hooks of the Year will be eU scrlbed wlthearerulcrltlclsin. .J'llHL'J'.0??",1! wl1! I,e Klven 1,1 n condcu-ed " ." 1 1'rlef bu t lull nnd accurate summary, lho Semi-Week I v Worm i,ni,n.n...tin.,i...i same size ns dally, which, byemilTlhig the gitai : . WLJ 'I'leiiiM-inenis irom tlio lially, con tains the news or, aud the markets or, tlio liallv I'lhlav "dltloii, l'ubllshed Tuesday and The Dally World affords n complete romnen dlum nd dlwusslnn of all Ihouewsor every day. In every rost-ollleei district there h aild l,o .M..ii ui, ntn,r piioiie-spiriteit uemoerat, wlio will eonfer with his Deinocrtitlo friends ami make n determined ellbrt io form as largea tluh as peisslblo for heml-Weekly of Tne Weekly T E lv JI S B Y M A I L. WlvKKLY WOULD. ejnc copy, ono j ear , 2 10 I'our ctnles, one year, separately addre seed 7 0(1 Ten tuples, ono year, si p.irately ' 13 co And au extra eonv to L.,tter on ,,r r'luli Tvt tnty copies, nna-unr, to one address 25 to .im uu CAiru eupy to licucr UP OI t lilt). Iwenly coiucs, ono year, bepitraicly ad- etrosse-el ..,2T CO jvini uu e.iirn copy io getltr up ol 1,'luu, Ilfly copies, onev, to ono nildrefs. it l .iei ino penn- teaiy, I year togttte-i up of Club I irty copies, erne "ir, addrcit 3 to And the (ieml-Wiehly, 1 jear, to Jtf' . up of Club. One huudrcd copies, one ycur,l(ior. tuldrt'ss oo And the Daily, one j ca r, to retie-. up i Club. Ono hundred copies, ono year, scpajUcl" addressed '. HO Il0 And tho Dally, ono jcut.lo getter up of C'luti, hi:.mi-wki:ki,t would. One copy ,nno year i (o Four topics, oueyear.vepurately nddressed l'i if) Ten copies, eino year, lo ono addtoss. 2-J tm And an e xtra copy to getter up or Ou't. Ten copies, ono year separately addressed 22 10 An e.trn copy to getter up of I'luh. DAILY WORLD. One copy, ono year JM tt) with Hunday Fdillon . U M I) I KECT'IONS. Adelillon to Club maybe mado nt nnv mo In the' year ul tho above t.'luh rales. Changes lu Club Lists made only on rri.ui. of persons icecHIng Club l'ackoKe-.slallug d eer subscription, edition, post-oilkei and w e to which it has pit vlously been sent, and etich i mg tw. nty-ileo cents to pay for, troll I u . tho ehiin:i)to separaleaildrix. 'I nuts Cash in niii-nucc. Send IVii-oltlce Money Order or Hank Jlrnft. HlllsKeut by Mall will be t,ent at tho risk oftho senelcr. Wo have no traveling agents, specimen copies, pnMers. Ac., lent, fie-o of chnrge, wherever and whenever dulled, AeliLess atl eirders and let ter, to THE WOULD, S3 l'nrk How, New York. QAItUIAOE ilANUFACTOUY, Illoombburp, Va. M. C. SLOAN A WtOTHKH thf' RiiciCfeion, nt WILLIAM IS LOAN A, HON contluro tho bmluevs of iaihlng CAUUIAOKS, ilirGOlKH. nd every etyla of FANCY WAOONH, whleU Ihey Uavo constantly on bund to mii i tomers. Never uslug auyuwtUrul but thb if nd employing tho most experienced workim n they hope to contlnno a heretofore to Evtfentlro satisliictlou Uj everj' customer. Au InnpefL I their wort, and of thoteu'ionablo pilco tudie. f.t no eauie, Is suro to lusuro fi A.iia. J II. MAIZE'ti 3IAMMOTII OROCEHY, HIVI-S laot'K, MAIN r., niJHlMSllI'ltO. I'A. ,V large nnoj tmcut of f.iney g it o o j: n i e b onvtantlvon liniiiVr-rimnerileu k,llr.M Pr.lH ,m Vuleniln'Ibisliii, Unghtli Curranls, Cliron, Miw. urnnt. CnuncdliuilCod fUh nud l'x r-e lamlly Hour, hemic whtit'l)our, corn meal, le e'.i and provliduns of nil l.-lnd, tobnevo m. I n ,i Cash iald for butter and eggs. OooeK ileli-i-ietl iu uu part oi mu lowu. J.UI 1. 00 A w VVIM I, .VRM I'OU SALE. be Knld nt nrlvalemle a valnn' ,e t i 'uut no- uato In Madison iwp., Columbia county in inues irom jeri-eyiown. nnu nn. i . j hall mile1. Jioui l''rutttlown, coutHlulns ONU Ul'NDltKD AND SIXTY ACK1 of land more or les; alout 2ft ncru i vc 1 Urn- ne rcu, uuu ino unitinee in a uigu aiaie eit cuitiva tlnn. and an tirctinnl of choice rruil. v. Iieioii ar. erected two hets of HulldlUKH, All Inlormatlon in regain to ine iie)i'ii can to nei eir e lam Dlldtuc on the piemiet'ii or Jobti f)ll:,n - I ime Mouo Iwp., Jlouluur Louuty, l'a. Pe..-. .,'i .au. A Ii 31 E R S Can b ,upplld at all timet w UP foetid XOVA SCOTIA I'LASTEH. 9 ' JARVIS ISLAND OVANO, AND PHOSPHATES, At tlio mill of l'AXTON A I'AHMAV, Itupert, Dee, l,'e)-3nio. $2000 A YEAR. With little labor, nometblin. entire ,v new fnr all thn.eoul of cmplo) incut, iiktoul ,. re ulu heard Horn, every day Mute ilLn, vend -'(- fit) per duy tuadii by every une who has. jiu lakeu hold ot the buslneei,, i'pe-ti to mi 't. t re iiulred. All thoe i.u lug nuy (cur ollieui ' Jiuiu buged will obllgo me by not ntitlcing il..i:nll other, nddreu mic without delay, tvt pa leu Ian please eneltihe i.aiip lur etreular, Atiuren, VieluiitliiA niatik, New lllimmReld l'eny I J., l'a, Nov. V7,'W-tm, g ADDLE & HARNICSS JUKI e. Oi:ANai.VIl.LE,COLTJllUlA t'OUWTV. I'KSS I TIIK midcrelgnol iMpeclfitlly luf 'ni hi, frleiiiU nud the public that he has I u out Tiiowak and will routlmu' H '"ja n nAl'DLK and lIAI.NI'ihil.'iK i M ' i Inn-. Iiran. lieu, fitt' '"tdst im' " r , il iu I, and hope to Jrve ii .dre .lv t-'' ! etui- tall Wliollieiiwiiic'e' i'i nisiiii... (iKOUUi: IJVZAWl'S. Tho weekly World.n largo quarto shcct.samo size us D.1IIJ-.H now prlliteel lu wholly Inlgo Ijpe. and since Its union with tho New York Arius! has l ho largest circulation or any weekly journal PUblNhe-,1, save one. l'ulillshod WeelneJefaj-. A-