The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 05, 1869, Image 1

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    - - ,.
1 WTtl
Published ovcry Friday mowing
, ltiltho Columbian Building near tho
Court House, by
.ciitor and ropriotor.
Teiimh. Two dollars ft year, paya
ble lu advance
JOB PRINTING of all descriptions
executed with neatness and dispatch,
nt reasonable ratca.
iTAOOU JII.TZ, dealer In stoves A tlnwnro, Main
' J.W, abovo court home. vi-nw
;3i'MSnUI,, slovos tj.l tinware, 'tap""'
A. block, Mulusl.. cst ofMuikct. vl-nlS
nTljOWr.NHEmi, merchant tailor. Main St., M
1 "door above American houso. -nw
Twf Clt EM11ERLIN, wholesale a nil retail deal
,) fn in clotlilng,ctc.i llartman's building. Mam
w.'ikr unvtjn .(nitttflatntiil nnnthecarv. KX-
1 1. clionso block Malu sU vl-n!3
n JV.1UIT7., ilrugKlBt unit awthcenry, ljnpert
Mblock, Main St., weBtofMarket, vl-"
Lotus nKUNItARD, watch and block makrr,
"asou throJt corn'er Main and Ironsts.v 1-nli
SfK.'BAVAnn, dealer lu clocks, walclioi and
.-Jowolry, Main St., J;i-t below American
ousel vi-im
nT OATH CA TIT, watch nnil clock ruakcr, Murlret
K'Kt.f below Main. vl-nll
OlMJllROWN, boot and shoomakcr.Mntn street
.opposite Court Houso. vl-iii'l
At BOLLr.DEH.mauufacturcr nnddoaler In boots
and shocs.Motn St., orposlto Episcopal church
jVjHk vl-nll
Tl ENRY KI.K1M, ninuufaoturer and dealer In
Jl: boots nml shoos, groceries etc., ISait Plooms
Cure Main st. vl-uU
DAVID Ill'.TZ, lioot anil shoemaker. Main St.,
bolow llartman'a store, west of Marketstreot.
' T Vl-lltl
T It. EVANri, M. 1). snrKoon and physician south
t Blue Alain SU, ueiow luuriieu
It: 13. P. Kinney suremin deutlst, toclhoxfiact
ad without naln. Main St., nearly opposlto
iplscopal Church, vi-nw
JB.1M'IvKIjVY, M. I), surgeon and physician
north side Main St., bolow Market. vl-nl J
JCtflUTTTEU, M. I), surgeon and Thyslclan,
!Markctst.,aboToMaln. Vl-P"
DT&U. C. 1IOWEH, surgeon dentist, Main St..
above court houso. vl-nli
TMi, noilIHON, Altorncy-at-Law, Offlco Ilort
, I . man's building, Main Street.. v2-na)
E. II IKELEH, Attorney-at-IJiw,omco, !d floor
In Exchango Block, near tho "ISxchangn Ho.
lol." VSnl
M1BS I.I'.ZIE IlAllICLCV, milliner, ltamicy
bullalni!, Main st. vl-nW
18S A. 1). WEIHJ, Inncy foods, notions, books,
; ill stationery, north sido Jlaln street pelow Mar-
jTI FETKKM AN. millinery and fancy Roods op-
poslto Kplscopal church, Main st. ' vl-nU
fHfllS. -.tlJI.TA A. & BADE 11A11KLUV, ladles
fllloroaksnnd dress pattern, southeast corner
-Slain and west hi. vl-nU
If 188 SI. DEnitlCKSON, millinery and fancy
Ugoods Main st opposlto Court Houso. vl-nil
Mllfi. M. 11.1'UUMAN, milliner. Main St., below
Hartmau's store, wot of Market at. nU
riUIE HUSHES If ARM AN millinery and fancy
X Roods, Mnln street Just below American houso.
T;I.I3AOOCK, oyster and eatlnu saloon, Amerl
i) can Houso, jloJu st,, liallzer LeacocU superlu
KndCTit. vl-nJj
TtripMYEIl & JACOI1Y, euufectionry, bakery,
chango block, Main st.
m .anil oysicr saiuon, wiioiueuiu auu retail, j-,a
JJIOX&WEHH, confectionery, bakery, and oys
ter saloon, wholcsulouud retail, Malubt., Just
elowlron. vl-ut'l
EXCHANGE I10TEU by Koous A Clark, Main
t;, opposlto court house. vl-n t'l
I MBRICAN HOUSE, by Joun Lkacock, Main
A St.; "west of Iron street. vl-n!3
nOItltB HOTEL, by OAV. MACOEn, east end of
Villain st. vl-nl3
T)t fiTOIINEIl, refreshment saloon.Maln St., Just
ljU abqyo court houso. vl-nl3
T700NS & CLARK, refreshment saloon, Ex
Xi chapge hotel. Vl-nl3
TT'JACOns, Confectionery, groceries etc Main
lU sc.anovo uouri Jiouse,
Q H:SHIjI.1:II, dealer In dry goods, groceries,
ijf ouoensware, nour, salt, suoci
oes. notions, etc.
Uxcuango btocu, aiain street,
M.'piiSLVY NEAL A Co., dealers In dry goods,
groceries, flour, feed, salt, fish, Iron, nails,
etc., northeast corner Main and Market st, vl-n 1:1
TT "dJnOWEIl, hats and raps, boots and shoes,
Jl Main st., above Conrt4TIoiiso. vl-nl3
Od MA lilt, ilrj- Roods and notions, southwest
. corner Main and Iron st. vl-nll
T.t;"BUOWE11, dry goods, groceries, etc,, north.
a wnst corner Main and-Iron sts. vlnl
T 'ASBECKI,EY,ICoyfctonoBhoe6tore, books and
l, stationery, outhwit corner Market and
WlEElAM EUABMUB, confectioneries, Main
, st, near tho railroad, vl-uia
Tl MENDENHALL, general stock of mcrchan-'
i-i.uisonnu lumocr, corner or iiioiu Birecbauu
llorivlck road. . vl-nU
JJ.'BOnillNB, dealer in dry goods grcorles etc.
Rlilve's block, Main St., bulowlion vl-nl3
i jT ir.tOlKTON, Orocerlcs A lTovlsIous, south
gjeast cqrnerMaln andiron HlrttU. vl-nll
mil WJIBLOAN, dcalerin choice dry goods. Houso.
VA 'keenlnircootta. fresh groceries, etc.. etc. Main
ffsUiopposlto court houso, v-ln!3
TCE,:EYi:it, groceries and general merchandise
Put. warn si., aoove cst,
.T&T. BUAlirLESS, dry goods, groceries, bo
I J; shoe', etc, lliipert block, Main at., wes
Market,l' vl
west oi
TflgonmaWer Hhop. ' Y u!8.
I'dOHN M GUOEL, Blgu, Ornamental nd Deco-i
rotlyp painter Bcoltown.corlth Allltst,vM3
w.JCOIlELL. furniture rooms, three story
l. brick on Main st., west of Market st. vl-nU
WTiir.TnoilNTON, wall paper, window shades,
MB' nd fixtures, Rupert block, Main it. Vl-uU
i, a ILOSENBTOCK. nhotomanher. Exclianco
i block. Main kt opposite court house, vl-uu
i i I. BROADT, photographer, llartman'a build
Xl iPnoxl1Bm t corner Main nnd Markett.vl-nl3
JTi J. BIDLEM AN, Agent Mmison's Copper TU'
1 J.nuiar Ltigutninuiiu",
TIB. PURHELL, saddle, trunk and .larness
J maker, Main St., below court, house. V1-UI8
'fl 5 FOSTER. Glne Maker, and White and fancy
U." Tanuer, Bcotuiwii vl-n7
JLOOMBHUna LUMBER CO., manufacturers
land dealers In Lumber, of ull kinds, planing
Ull dear too rau-roau, lis
r-jr llrm.FMAV. snddle nnd harness maker.
t 'Ji near southwest corner Main and Market st.
fUWlTMAN, marble wor
ticorner Main and Market
orka, near southwest
' In r.lanoa, organs nnd
'VK; wolodeona.ut G, W.Corell'sfurnlturo rooms
AUWinOHllINB, Honor dealer second door from
l; bo(;JhwMt corner Main and Iron uta. vl-n!3
A.lTUNBTOfi.'mutual and citsh totes lire
unco oompany.northtJOBtcorucrjMaln and
m;V, MurMe nd Urown Htonf
-I 'fcuurmtHJiwiOJtjoijia, vin'
Nt(6o- .ruciiiuery mauo unu nfdii a.
V B. BTJHN, dftUor In racAt trJUiw, ot... Uiom.
. l-oertm' alley lark of American ftc w- v url
DR. O. A. MEOAUUEL, physician and surgeon.
Main St., next door to Quod's Hotel. vl-ult
nltlCK HOTEI. and refrtshment saloon, by
ljWm. Ma-teller cor, of MalnamU'lnest.vlnlT
SWAN HOTEL, tho upper liotieo by John Buy
der,MalUBtub9Vorlnc. vl-n 17
HARM AN nilOTHElW. Tanners and manufac
tuaers of leather, on Main St., below Goods'
Hotel. vS-nl7
TAV1I HKlintNH, Klonr and Grist Mill, and
XJ JJcaicr lu grain, urn tiircei.
I)OWr.Il A 1IEHRINO, dealer In dry Goods,
J groceries, lumber aud general Merchandise
lain st. vl'iH7
GEOHOr. LAZAIlUfl.saddle aud liaruoss maker
Main St., nbovo tho bwau Hotel. 1-UI7
1 A E. W. COLEMAN. Merchant tailor nnd
A. Gent's furnishing goods, MalnHU,uext door
to tho brick hotel.
MB. 1IAYHURHT, Clocks, Wntohvn and Wnns
, repaired. Uuus and Watchca for sale. Main
M bclowTlno. vl-n 17
JAM EH II. HAUMAN, Cabinet Maker, and Un
dertaker. Main Mt bolow l'lue. Vl-nl7
MICHA1U.C. KKLLEll, Confectionery, Oysters
Ac. Ac.oiil'luoBt., bclwocu Main and Mill.
vl-n 17
IT If. A C., Illacksmlths, on Mill
1L. oircci, near 1'ino,
WILLIAM T1ELONO, Khccmakernnd manufac
turer of llrlck, Mill St., west of l'lno vln)3
LEWIH II. BCltUYIEll, Iron founder.Miiehtn
ist, and Mannfactuier of plows, Mill Bt.vl-nl7
MILT.H A. WILLIAMS A Co;,Tanuersaud Man
uriicturcrsoflealher.Mlll Htrert. vl-nl7
Tolin KELLER, Hoot and Bhoemaker, l'lno
,) btrect.oppoiltotbo Academy vl-n!7
1 D.HlinillNOA riHOTHEH, Carpenters nnd
A. lluildcrs, Main Street, below l'liie. V1-U17
SAMUEL BHAIII'LESS, Maker of the llayhtirst
Uraln Cradle. Main Bt. vsnii.
T M. 1IARMAN, saildlo and harness maker
tl , oraugovllle, oppolto Fraroo church, vl2ull
proprietor, south-oast corner Main and Bccoud
Btroot. ' vi-nl'J
J II. CRKABY, dry goods, groceries, and gen
, eral Morehiiudtsc, MaluBtreet. V-'-nU
1). IUNAR1J, doalor In slovc3 and tin-ware,
, MalnHtrect. va-uU
WM. II. ABBETT, attorney at law.Mnln Btreet.
G1IL11EIIT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and
f general merchandise, Main Btreet, v2-nhi
KEILER, billiard saloon, oysters, and lco
, cream In Beasoa Main Btreet, vSnl2
p, i;;XUUflWVHi i'lvivuuub Aivuvi vvuiiu iiin(
. Robblns' Building. v2-nls.
DR. J. K. UOBUINB. Burgeon and Physician,
Beco ml St., below Main, vnlS.
J 11. KISTLEH,"CiittawlsalIoui.e,"North West
".Corner Main and Second Streets. v3-nlK.
MM. BIIOUST, denier lu General Mtrchao Use,
, Dry Goods, Groceries Ac vii-uls.
1) ETEll ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries,
flour, feed, tall, fish, Iron, nniLs, etc., Llftlit II. C. IIOVEH, DKNTIST,
hlrcct- vl-iii3 Itesnectfully offers his professional services to
tf lUHChatrmaker. I-niu us operations In the line of his profrrslon, and
H , ,, ,.,.,,",,, ' Is provided with tho latest Improved Poucklain
F. OM.VN A Co., Whcclwrlshts, first !"WTi!r.Tn which will bo lnserteA on gold plallnir.
above school house. vl-nlj" sllvpr nIlll mMwt lmse to )oo)i; s wt.ti B,'he
" ,' " ;; ural teeth. Teeth extracted by all tho new and
Tl 1 RS. E. KLINE, millinery and fancy goods. most npproved methods, and all operations on
ill vi-n4i the teeifi carefully and properly attended to.
' . : Restdenco mid oflico a few doors above tho
JW. SANKEY, dealer lu Leather, Hides, Hark, Court House, saiao side,
etc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-nll) llloornxburg, Jan.31.'Kitf
WJr-1,1 r,NT. dealer In sloes mid tUi wnro In
W allltsbranehcs. vlO KKQS N LU3IRER,
rOHN A.OMAN, manufacturer and dealer In
iioois anu suocs, yi-hu.,
J. LEISEIt, jr. V. Burgeon and Physician.
Oflico at Keller'a Hotel. v2-n27
- D. WERKHEIBER. Boot and Shoo Btoro
and raanfactorj. Shop on Main street, op-
poslto steam Mill. vU-iitO
1,101 1 D1XVA1 1'liUUlllUJlUliAi V, 7. X' UW11T,
ll Proprietor. vS-iilj
BY. REIOnARD, A lino., dealers In dry goods.
, groceries, and general merchandise. v!2nll
V. CALDWELL, dealer In dry goods, grocer
ies, quceuswaro, naraware, inu,suii, imu-.,
etc. vhkill
etc., cict
W. EnQAIl, Susquchanun Planing Mill nnd
Box Manufactory, v!2nll
Til 0.&-V. 31. 81IOEMAKKR, dealers in dry
liL goods, groceries nnd general merchnndUti,
First btore in Bouth end of town. V2nl8.
JACOB & WM. IIAUUIS, dealers In dry Roods,
groceries, drngs nnd medicines. First store in
nortU end of town, v nl8.
TACOH A. SWIHHER. dealer In Hides. Leather
I Hark etc township Columbia county
ra. vl-nfU
DtooMsuuno, Columbia co ta.
Tho nnderslfrnod havlncr purchased thlri woll
JlOtCl, RltlintO Oil iMAlJN fcSTUl.Ur, Ul illOOIUhbUIK
Itouso, respectfully liifoun tholr friends and the
immeainteiv onposueineuommmaconuivst'ourt
fiulillo lu geueral that their houso Is now lu order
ur tho receDtlou nnd entertainment of travellers
who may bo disposed to favor it with their cua
to m. 1 ney unvo sparod no exrPO In preparing
the Kxclmuco for tho entertainment of the Irenes 1 6
neither shall tliero he anything wanting on their
Cart to minister to their personal comfort. They
ousol spacious, end enjoys nn oxcellent Lust
nec.s location,
OmnlbUBen run at nU ttmoe between tho Kx
chanco Hotel nnd the various railroad depot h, by
which travellers will bopleneantly conveyed to
and from tho rcepectlvo nations in duo time to
meet the cars. KOONO & CLAIllf.
uioomsuurg, Aprn a, ltya.
ULunui, w, ;iauuli;, rropnoior.
The above well-known hotel haa recently ander
gone rad'ral changes In lta Internal arrangements,
and Its prt prletor announces to his former custom
and the travelling public that hU accomodations
for the comfort of his gueBts nro second to nono Jn
the country. Ills table will always be found sup
niea, not oniy wiui enuKinnuu ioou, uut wim hu
he delicacies of the seasou. Ills wines nnd U
ouora fexcent that nonular boveraee known as
McIIenry"), purchased direct from the Importing
houses, are entirely purp.nud free from all poi
sonous unigB, no is umnaim iura iiueroi patron
age lu the past, nnd Will continue to deserve it lu
illB l roprieior ui iuo Lxcuuuuecwiwiijiua uuw
on hand a large stock of
aricEO ovsTEus, baudinej, Tiure, colours
Bloomsbnrg, May 3, 1SC7,
The subscriber respectfully lufornishls friends
and the pnblls, that lie has taken the ubovo well
known lloniw of Entertainment, and will be
pleased to rMtlve tho custom of all who will
rnvor mm wiiu a can,
a Bar well stocked with (he beat of LUfnora, nnd
every euort win ue wuuh r renuiq- eimrn iuu'
faction, O. n. D1KTTERICH.
Espy, Pa., April 18, 1887.
V M. Curt.' r Beoond and Arch Blreetn,
"inimo.' . .
i , .'jier i m
TEs.H,imtLi ,t'OFl)'i HUti VI MOl
Jllfll, SflCIW, lit CIU1 hODA, AO., 4,
ta. Orders nil r"f Ive pror' r" r' itloii,
M'yio 1C7 ly
Neatly executed at this Offlco,
jyj M. L'VELLE,
Ashliuid, BchnylklU Counfy, renn'n.
Offlco with E. II, Little, In brick building ml-
iolulng Post Olllco. 3rBonnttoi, Back-Pay nnd
'euslons collected, scixj'(f7.
OfUcoln Register and Recorder's oflico, In tho
bastmcnt of tho Court Houso, Bloomsbnrg, Pn.
Ordco corner of Main and Market streets, over
First National Hank. Dloomsbure, Pn.
II. L I T T L E ,
Oflico on Main street, In brick building below tho
Court House, Bloorasbnrg, Pn,
. H-OFriCE-Court Houso Alley, ticlow Urn On.
lumbUm Oflico. .lanl'trr.
Havlni? followitl tho profession of labile Vcndno
filer for many years, would lnlorm Ills friends
that ho Isstllf In tho Held, ready nnd willing to
ntlfiidtoall tho dutleH of his oilllnu'. Peisons
desiring his services should call or write to him
ut lllooinsburg, Pa, (inui8'67.
and dealer lu
which ho fools confident ho cun sell nt lower
rato than nuy other person in ths country. Ex
amine for yourselves.
Hhop rlrst door below the Post Oflico Miln
Street, Bloomsburg, Pa,
Nov. 15, 1SU7.
Over Widmoycr A Jncoby's lco Cream Baloon,
Hair Dyelnj: and Whiskers colored black or
brown. Hair 'ionle to destroy dirndniU nnd beau
tlfytur Ihohnlrj vUl rthtoro hair to Us original
color v if nont soiling thotluest rubric, constantly
on hand. (aprl'r(,7.
E N T I 8 T R Y .
Rupert, ra.,
Manufacture or
n?iilere In all kinds of r
glTO notice Unit Uiey nro prepared to iiuromixlato
their custom with dispatch, ncd on tho cheapest
R O II R B B U n G, PA.
Tho iindcrslcned would resncctfullv Inform
tho traveling public that he has purchased and
reiuieu in mo oesi manner ine oitibianii lormer
ly occupied by "W. A. Kline, and that he Is now
prepared ta accommodnte his friends with nil the
comforts and conenlcucesnf a llrst-clabs house.
A tlnenew barn has been bnllt and thesnrronn
dings placed In perfoet order. The bar will al.
ways be stocked with tliocholscst liquors nnd el-
gars, ami ineiuuie luriusiieu wnn ine oesi too
market nflords. JAMES V. G1LLAHPIE.
Havlnir taken nosscsslon of this vetMtnnwn
hnnse. so lone keot bv Knmni 1 1-:vertt. tluIrn.
prletor hasmitlu It permanent repair and furnUli
ed BAR ANDLAItDERwlthlheeholeistlliirtors
and newest delicacies. His stable Is not excelled
in me county; and no nalus will be spared to
occommoilaie guests ' fnpr.)ife
has Just leturned from Philadelphia, and has
bought, and Is now offering the best assortment
ever rahlbltod In llloomsburg, nud is prcporod to
mako up dressm and ell otherarticlcH of female
wardrobe, nt short notice, aud In tho best nnd
Rooms in tho Ramsey Buildings, on West
MnlnlStrcet. Call nud tee her varied stock of
Spring Goods
.May 1,'ai.
c. n.uonNE,
w, s, Kind.
3, it, ti'.YiimiT.
Wiiuiji-via'j nut sjvvua.
No, 313 Markot Btrcot,
Ordu fllkd promptly at lowest
January 3. 1 idt.
Attorney nt Law,
Office Id the Exchange nulldinff.iecoBd ttorr.o
Widoijer L. Jaeohy'i CoDfectioDeryi Be com a d
BfOTe ine Licmnge Hotel
Ulooiuiburg, Jau. J,
Main Btriet, (near the Court House,
Constantly on hand aline assortment of Amer
cauandHwits Watches, clocks. Jewelry, silver
ware of the beat description platedon white met
al, ronslstlng of butter dishes, goblets, knives,
forks, spoons, napkin rings etc.'
larticulur attention paid to repairing' watcheft
and Jewelry. This department Is under the su-
Iiervlslon, uf A. E. Bavage a practical watchma
cer aud Jeweler ot twelve yiars experience in u
large Wholesale nnd Manufacturing house.
Masonlomnrksinado to order. All goods and
work warranted, (Jan, 1,'CH.
Wholesalo Grocers, and Dealers In
Na210NurVU Third St.
Philadelphia, -
i . c . , . airtr,
rjin rn -4nA.
J, It W 0 M " .iff Proprietor,
U-y - ! " ,
' Voii hnvohenrd,'' said n youthto lilt iweethenrt,
who stood
While ho sat on a torn sheaf ut da light's do
cllue "You liavo heard of tho Danish boy's whistle of
I wish that tho Danish boy's whistle wero
"And what wonld you do with It 1 Tell" mo she
Whllonn arch smllo played over her bcnutirul
"I would blow It," ho answered," "nud then my
fair maid
Would fly to my si do and there take her place.'
"Is that all yon wish It for? That may bo yours,
Without any maglo," tho fair maiden cried;
"A lavor so slight one's good nnturo secures I"
Aud she playfully seated horsclf by his side.
"1 would blow It ngnln,"sald the youth," nud the
Would Work so that not ct en Modesty's check
Would bo hblo to keep from my netk your fine
arm I"
Bho smiled and Bho laid her fine arm around
his nock.
" Ytt onco lnoro -ould I blow, and tho music di
vine ' "Would brlns mo a Ihlrd llmo nn exquisite bliss,
You would lay your fair cheek to this brown otic
of mine.
And your Ilia stnllngpaotll would give me a
Tho maiden hiULihed out lu her Innocent glco
"What n fool of yourself with tho hlslle you'd
For only couslder how silly 'twould bo
To sit there and whistle for what you might
if. zciiokki:.
the THMrrr.p..
I was now resolved to bo oft". I hail
pnltl mino host; anil niy servant with
my trunk on his back vrns going before
mo, when on tho steps of tho hotel I
met my brotheron wheso account I had
como to Prague.
Ofeourso all thoughts of starting im
mediately were at nn end. Wo Trent
back to my chamber. Thero I heard
with Iplcniuro that tho embarrassed
circumstances of my brother had been
retioved greatly to his advantage. In
stead of suffering nn lmmemo loss ho
had mndo u largo profit on ft specula
tion In cotton mid coffao ; and ho had
now hastened to Prague to attend to his
affairs himself. "I liavo got my sheep
out of tho pit, now," said ho, ''but 1
havo had worry enough. I will bid
good-by to businesd. I will put my
money oat at moderate intoreat, and so
run no risk of being to-day a million
aire, and to-morrow a beggar and swin
dlor. I havo como now to thank yon
for your Drothcrly kindness, and to
bring niy baslncsn connections forevor
to a close."
I hadio accompany my brother to
different houses. But ho caw my Im
patience nnd homc-slckness, and thero
foro after a few days advised mo to re
turn homo without him. I resolved to
do ao tho moro readily, aa his etny In
Prnguo would bo prolonged hovoihI
weeks. I took an oxtra post, and flow
townrds my dear homo.
On tho way the strango Mandovlllo
continually aroso boforo my imagina
tion. I could not forget tho-odd llguro
with tho red coat, tho club foot, and the
Ill-omened features. I eould not help
thinking too of tho bushel of black hair
which stood about his brow. Perhaps
thero was rt Httlo horn undor it, nnd
then was ho Beelzebub coraplcto from
top to too.
It is true, ho had brought back my
pocket-book ; no man in tho world
could havo acted moro honestly. Ho
had read Fanny's letters and my broth
er's Instructions to mo and so,natuKilly
enough, had bceomo acquainted with
my secrets. But his fuco no, nature
could not havo written so llllgibly!
Enough, had I over believed in the cx-
istouco-ofit Mephistophilcs, I should
hovo had no donbt of it now for a single
I followed tlila train of thought, and
will not deny that I gavo myself up
right willingly to tho play of my Imag
ination j for It bejuiied tho time. I con
cluded that my honest Man-devil might
bo tho real dovil, and his honesty a
mero trick to snap up my poor soul on the
way to heaven. And If lio really wero
tho dovll, what had ho to offer mo?
Gold ami goods? I was never avaric
ious. A tlirono? Yes, that I would
havo been glad to havo for a week, lu,
order to glvo peace lo tho world ; but
thou I should want to go back again to
ray own slmplo dwelling to cultivate
turnips with my own'hand, llko a sec
ond Clnclnnatus. Pretty women? A
harem fiill of tho most beautiful Hel
ens, Arraldas, nnil Armandas? No,
wlen I thought of I'anny, tho loveliest
CJreassiana seemed to bo but old wo
men. I would not havo given a straw
to bo Dr. Faust. And why V I was
happy I Happy? No, pot qui to bo,
oveu becauso I was bo happy. I trem
bled n llttio at tho thought of tho Skel
eton, who with tils terrlblo scytho
might so easily mow down my Fanny,
my two sons, and oven mysolf. And
thon thero was always tho great ques
tion, Whether nnd how wo should over
como together again In paradise? I
should havo liked to havo thrown a
look into tho future llfo, Just to quiet
myselt. But sup'poso my devil had
granted mo my pious wish, and let mo
peep through a crack In heaven's gate,
what cleo could a subject of Adrame
lcch liavo been ablo to show but his
own dark abode?
But enough of this noneeiise.
I had been two days nnd a night on
my way homo, and it Was gottlng Into
ou tho second day. In vain did 1 scold
tho driver, and urgo him on with words
and money. It was growing latoi nnd
dnrkcr, and I was becoming moro and
moro impatient. Ah, I had not wxm
runny for almont threo months, nor
v ! I"'1 , ' ' h- n v t t-i sides
4 1 i'i die,' nut'.ar nko twi u
buds near u hardly blown rojo I I fairly
troml led with delight, wben I tlioui'li
F1UDAY, FEB. 5, 1869.
that my wlfo, tho loveliest of hor box,
would bo In my arms that day.
It is truo that I had loved boforo over
I had bocorno acquainted with Fanny.
I luul onco had u Julia, who had been
torn from mo by tho prldo of hor parents,
nnd wedded to n rich Polish nobleman.
It was our flrst lovo to both bordering;
on mutual Idolatry and dlitrnctlon. At
thomomcntof separation, wo had sworn
eternal lovo, nnd kisses and tears had
scaled tho oath. But all tho world
knows how It goes with such things.
She becamo tho Countcsa Bt. , and I
saw Fanny. My lovo for Fanny was
holler, riper, moro tender. Julia was
onco tho Idol of Imagination, but Fan
ny was now tho adored of my heart.
Tho clock of our llttio town Btntck
ono as wo drovo into thoslccpingstrcets
I got out nt tho post-hou3o, and leaving
my servant behind mo with my trunk,
ai I Intonded, in csso nil wero asleep at
home, tf) rctnrn and pa?s tho night
there,! wnlkcd out to tho BUburb,whero
tho windows of my dear home, under
tho high nut-trees, glimmered in, tho
IIATErUL visit.
And all slept I Oh, Fnnny, Fanny,
had you only boon awake, how much
grief and torror you would havo eaved
mo ! They slept my wife, my chil
dren, tho doinestira; nowhere any light!
A dozen times did I walk around tho
house nil was fast; I would not dis
turb nny one. Bettor tho rapture. of
meeting In tho morning hour, when
ono I.3 rofieshed by .sleep, than In tho
fivofish midnight.
Fortunately, I found my boantiful
new summer houso open. I entered.
Tliero stood my Fanny's work-basket
on a. Httlo tnblo; and I saw, by tho
moonlight, on tho tablo nnd.Beats tho
drums and whips of my children. They
had probably spent tho afternoon thoro.
I htso trllleo mado mo feel almost as If
I woro with my loved ones. I Mrctchcd
myself upon tho sofa, nnd determined
to pans tho night there. Tho night was
mild nnd balmy, nnd tho fragranco of
flowers and garden-plants filled my
Ono who has not slept for forty hours
finds every bed ft. In my weariness
I soon fell asleep. But I had hardly
closed my oyes, when tho ereukliig of
thosummer.houso door awakened ino.
1 sprung up; I saw it .man en tor, I
thought it was a thief. But imagi no
my astonishment : it was friend Red
coat I
"Whero do you como from ?,' said I.
"iTrotn Prague. In half tin hour I
must "at out again. I was determined
to keep my word, and to seo you nnd
your Fanny as i passed through. I
heard from your servant that you had
gono on before, and I ospictod to find
all awnko at your house. You do not
mean to pass tho night hero in tho cold
damp air, uud get Bick?"
1 went out into tho garden with him
and quaked in overy limb. In my so
crot heart indeed, I laughed at this su
peratitlous fear, and yet I could not rid
myself of It, Such is human nature.
Tho hard features of my Praguo friend
appeared by tliopalo moonlight oven
moro torrible, and his eyes glittered
oven moro brightly.
"You havo really frightened mo llko
a ghost," said I; "I tremblo all over.
How caino you to seek mo in my sum-mer-houBo?
You seem to know every
Ho smiled maliciously, and said
"Don't you now know mo, and what I
want with you?"
"I don't know you now nny better
than 1 did at Prague. Butjust for tho
joke, I will tell you how you appeared
to mo, you will not tako it amiss:, I
thought that if you wero not u wizard
you must bo Satan hlmsolf."
Ho grinned again, and replied
"What if I wore Satan, would you
mnko a bargain witli mo ?"
'You will havo to offer mo much bo
foro I should glvo you my blind upon
it. For truly, Mr. Satan permit mo
to call you so In a joko my luippiiicss
is complete"
"Oho! -I shall offer you nothing,
glvo you nothing. That was tho cus
tom in old times, when people believed
In tho devil, nnd so wero on tho guard
against him ; then ono of them
had to brlbo them. Hut now-a-days
when no 'ono bellovw In tho
devil and overy thing Is carrlo I
on by reason, tho children of men aro
ns cheap as dirt."
"1 hopo It otlicrwlso with mo, al
though I do not btllcvolu Beelzebub. A
drniilini of reason Is worth moro to mo
than a bushel of faith In tho dovil."
"Just so! Your proud security, yo
mortals permit mo to speak in the
charactor you havo assigned me your
proud security supplies mo with moro
recruits than a legion of recruiting ofll
cow in Satan'a uniform. Since yon
havo begun to consider oteruliy as a
problem, and hell as an Eastern futile ;
since honosty and stupidity havo como
lo bo considered as virtues of equal va
uo ; ainqo licentiousness Is held to bo nn
nmlablo weakness, selflshnesi maguan-
lnilty, public spirit i folly, nnd moro
trickery prudence, yon glvo the devil
no troublo to catch you. You como to
mo of your own accord. You havo rea
son upon your Hps, nnd tho might of a
hundred p.isaioii3 In your hearU. Tho
best among you, corrupted creatures, la
ho who has tho least opportunity to
"This Is talking llko tho dovll In-
doed," cried I.
"Certainly I" cried tho red gontltjman
nnd grinned. "But I speak tho truth
b'ceauso you peoplo do not nny longer
bcllevo It. So long ns tho truth was yet
sacred among men, Satan must needs
bo tho father of lies. But now tho caso
Is reversed. Wo poor devils aro always
tho antipodes of mankind."
"Then, in tho present cass at least,
you nro not my opponent ; for I think
Just as you do, my philosophical Mr.
"Good I tlren you belong to mo nl-
ready. Lot a man glvo mo hold of a
single hair, nnd I Trill havo his whole
hwd i nnd but ltn rool hero my ear
r u,x fjii sj, All louity 1 inusUlr
So good-by."
Ifo went 1 tieeompanled him bdek
to tho post-liouso, whcro-Jjidood h Is cur
rlago stood waiting.
"I thought ou would como In and
drink n parting glass of punch with
mo, which I ordered boforo I wont after
J accepted tho Invitation. Tho warm
room was very ngreoablo.
Tho punch was standing on tho tablo
when wo entered. A utrangor waa
walking, moody and tired, up nnd
down tho room. Ho was n tall, meagre,
elderly man. Baggago was lying
around on tho chairs.. I noticed a lady's
shawl, bonnet, and gloves.
Aa wo wero drinking together, tho
stranger said to a, servant who brought
in somo baggago "Tell my lady, when
alio conies, that I havo gono to bed, Wo
must start early."
I dotcrmincd not to return lo tho cool
summcr-houso, but ordered a bed for
tho night, rho stranger retired. Tho
red gentleman' and I chatted together,
nnd drank tho punch-bowl empty. Tho
brandy warmed nnd exhilarated mo.
Tho Red-coat hastened to his carrlago,
and aa I helped him in, ho said "Wo
fhall sec each other again." With this
tho carrlago rolled nwny.
When ,1 went back Into tho room,
thero was n lady thero taklpg away tho
bonnet and shawl. As alio turned to
warda mo, I lost all solf-possesslon. It
was Julia ! my first lovo, upon an ex
cursion to Italy, us I afterwards learned.
Sho waa no less startled than I.
'For heaven's sake, Robert, It Is yonr
"Julia 1" stammorod I, and all tho
rnpturo of first lovo Mroko In moat this
unexpected meeting.
I turned respectfully towards her. Her
oyca woro full of tears. I drow her to
my heart.
"This 16 not my room," said she,
drawing thoshawl around her. "Como,
Robert wo havo much to say to each
Sho went; I followed her to her
room. "Hero wo can talk freely " said
she, and wo sat down upon tho sofa.
How wo talked!' Again I lived In all
tho fovcr-tumult of an old lovo,which I
had auppoaed was long ago extinguish
ed. Julia, unhappy in her marriage.
treated me with all hur former tender
ness. Sho was moro beautiful, more
blooming than ever. Sho found mo
handsomer too, ns sho was pleased to
Thero was a roeglc, which I cannot
describe, in Julia'o words and in her
manner. All tho past roso vividly be
fore mo. Our first acquaintance at her
plater's wedding-ball; tho emotions
which filled us then ; our mectingagain
in the garden of tho ducal castle ; then
tho excursion upon tho water with our
parents ; then but enough.
Suddenly the door opened. The tall,
lank man cnterod, with tho question
"Who is this with you, Julia?"
We sprang up, terrified. Tho count
stood for a moment speochIess,and palo
as a corpso. Then, with threo steps, he
etrodo towards Julia, wound her long
chestnut locks around his hand, hurled
her shrieking to tho floor, nnd dragged
hernbout exclaiming "Faithless wo
man I false wretch!"
I rushed to hor id. Ho pushed me
away with such forco,that I tumbled
back upon tho floor. As I roso to my
feet nirnln, ho lot go tho unhappy Julia,
and cried out to me "You I'll throt
tle 1" lu my desperation I caught up a
knifo from tho tablo, and threatened to
plunge it intohim if ho did notkecpstill
But tho frantic man throw himself up
on mo and seized mo by tho throat. I
lost breath, nnd brandished tho knife in
nil directions. I thrust It repeatedly at
him. Suddenly, tho unhappy man fell.
Tho knifo waa In his heart.
Julia lay eobbing on tho floor bcsldo
her murdorcd husband. I stood thero
llko a statuo. "Oh l".thought I, "wero
It onlyn dream, and I lay waking on.
tho sofa in my summer-noueo I A curso
upon the Red-coat 1 A curso upon my
pocket-book 1 Oh, my poor children 1
Oh, my dear, unfortunate I'anny I up
on tho very threshold of my domestic
paradise, hero am I hurled back into
hell, such as I havo never dreamed of!
I am a murderer!"
The noise in tho room awakened tho
peoplo in tho houso. I heard them stir
ring and calling. Nothing wns loft to
mo but flight, to escape dlscovory. I
siczed tho candle to light mywlf out of
the houso.
As I rushed down tho steps, I resolv
ed to hasten to my house, awaken my
wlfo nnd children, picss them once
moro to my heart, and then, llko a sec
ond Cain, wander forth In tho world, a
fugitlvo from Justice. But on tho stairs
I saw that my clothes wero sprluklotl
with blood. I trembled nt tho thought
of being seen.
Tho streot-door wneT'lockbtl. As I
turned to escapo tlirougti tho jnrd, I
henrd peoplo crying nnd calling after
mo from abovo. I ran across thd.ynrd
to tho barn ; I know that thenco I could
get out Into tho gardens and fields put
sldo tho town. But my pursuers woro
closo behind mo. I had scarcely reach
ed tho barn when some ono seized mo
by tho coat, With fearful desperation
I toro myself away, and hurlod tho
burblug candlo into a largo haystack
nearby. It suddenly' caaght lire; sol
hopod to sava myae(f. I succeodod.
Thoy let mo go, their attention being
diverted by tho flro j I escaped into tho
open country.
I rushed blindly forward over hedges
aud hillocks, Tho Idea,, of eeclng iny
Fanny, and Augustus and Leopold, was
no moro to bo thojight of. Tho instinct of
seir-preservatlon took preccdenco of v-
cry thing else. When I thought of
my return homo yosterday, and of my
expectations of tho coming morning, I
eould not bullovu. wHat had hnBpeucd,
But my bloofty and clotted clothes aid
tho cool morning ntr, which chilled mo
through, convinced mo onry too truly
of fho reality, I ran, almost breathless,
until I (quid ntn mo Imgcr, Had I litul
nny weapon al death about mo, or had
a itrram boon new, I should bavocornetj
lilyiC with nwcmt uud utterly cx
han-rtt'dtWlth trembling knooj I contlii
DEM.-V0L. XXXll.,,N0. 51.
ued my flight at n slower pace. I waa
obliged at times to stop and recover
myself. Several tlmea I waa on tho
point of fainting nway.
Thus I Bucceoded In reaching tho next
village Whllo I stood hesitating,
whether to go round it or go boldly
through It. for It waa bright moon
light and tho sun had not yet risen, tho
vlllago bolls bogan to ring, and soon I
heard bolls from more distant quarters.
Thoro waa a general alarm.
Every stroko harrowed mo. I looked
round. O Heaven 1 behind mo appear
ed a dark-rcd glow; a huge pillar of
flamo licked tho very cloudsl Tho
wholo town was on flro, I I w5 tho
Incendiary 1 Oh, my Fanny 1 oh, my
children 1 what a horrjblo awakening
lias your fathor propared for you I
Then It Boomed to mo aa if I woro
lifted up by tho hair, ami my feet woro
light n feathers. I ran;laplnu furious
ly, round tho vlllago to n pino wood.
Tho flamoa of my homoBhonfj. llko tho
day, and tho moaning alarm-bclla rang
with heart-rcnding.tonen thraugh my
dlalracted soul.
Aa soon as I had reached tho depth
of tho wood, and had got bo far In that
I eould no longer sco tho light of tho
conllagratlou.which had hitherto caused
my shadow to danco boforo me llko a
ghost, I could go no farther. I throw
mysolf on tho earth nnd cried llko a
child. I beat my head ngalust tho
ground, and toro up tho grass and roots
in my frenny. I would gladly havo
(Hod, but knew not how.
. A faithless husband, a murderer and
incendiary, nil In ono short hour I Oh,
tho Retl,coat was fight ; thero aro nono
innocont among us, except thoso who
lack.oppartunity to sin. Offer tho dov
ll a hair, ho has your wholo head.
What accursed fato led baton to mo in
the summer-houso? Had I not taken
his punch, I should havo seen Julia
without forgetting Fanny; I should
not hnvo murdorcd tho eounfcj I should
not havo lain hero In uttordospair.n hor
ror to myself, and cursed of mankind.
In tho mean time, tho alarm-bells
boomed most fearfully, and 'frightened
mo to my feet again. I rejoiced that it
was not yot day, I eould still hopo to
get a good stnrt without being known,
But I sank down again, weeping, when
I recollected that it wast tho first of
May, my Fanny's birthday. How had
wo always kept tho ble.sed day In the
circle of our friend! And to-day!
what a day! what a night! Then it
suddenly occurred to me, It is Walpurgis-night
! Strango! tho old su
perstition lind,ov,cr mado.this night tho
night of horror, in which bad spirits
keep festival, aud tho evil ono assem
bles his witches on tho top of tho Black
Mouutalu. I eould almost havo believ
ed in tho truth of-tho silly fable. Tho
horrlblo Red-coat now occurred to mo
moro vividly than over, with hisstraugo
speeches. Now why should I deny it 1
now would I havo given my soul,
woro ho really tho uersonairo whom
hq had pretended" In Jost to be, that ho
might eavo me, tako all mem
ory of tho past, aud glvo mo my wife
and children, In souiocomerof tho earth
whero wo might spend our days undis
covered. But tho alarm-bells Bounded still
louder. I discerned tho gray of morn
lng. 1 sprang from tho ground, nnd
continued my flight through tho bushta,
anil camo upon tho highway.
Herb I took breath. All that hap-,
pencil waa so horriblo, bo sudden, I
eouui not beliovo it. I looked around
me ; tho reflection of tho conflagration
glowed thiough tho pluo-trtes. I felt
that my clothea nud my fingers wero
all wot with tho blood of tho count.
"This will betray mo to tho first that
meetamo!" thought I; audi toro off
my spotted clothe, and hid them in
tho thick bnshes, and washed my hands
In tho dew on tho grass. Thus, half
clad, I ran out on tho highway.
"Whatnin I now V'snld I to myself:
"whoever sees mo, will pursue mo.
Only crazy peoplo or murderers run
through tho woods half-naked : or I
must pretend that 1 have been robbed.
Could I only meet a peasant whom I
could overpower, he should furnUh mo
with clolhes.sol might dlffjuiso myself
for nwhtfo. 1 might hide myself in tho
woods by day, and continue my flight
by night. But whero get food ? whero
money ?"And now I recollected that
I had loft my pocket -book in my coat,
which I had thrown away, and so de
prived myself of nil my cash.
I stood for a moment undetermined,
thought of turning back to seek my
pocket-book. But tho blood of tho
count I I could not havo looked unon
that again, had n million of dollars
been to be got by It. And to go back,
to havo continually baforo my oyca tho
light of tho conflagration flickering
through the pino trees I
fib", tho flames of an open hell rather !
So I wandered on.
I heard tho rattling of a vehicle per
haps a flro-cngino nud peasants running
to givo their aid. Instantly I throw
mysolf Into tho bushes, whonco I could,
look out. I trembled lllta an aspen
leaf. A handsomo open traveling car
rlago, drawn by two horses, and loadod
with baggage, approached. A man
sat In It, driving. Ho stopped Just bo
foro mo, got out, nnd wont back a littlu
way -to pick up something ho had
"It would help me mightily to got
off," thought I, "wero I onlyin that
carriago 1 my logs nro giving out ; they
will drag mo no farther. Clothes.monoy
swi ft flight, all within reach. Heaven
certainly means to favor me. I'll tako
tho hint. I'll Jump in!"
A boy nnd girl of frn-dor years wero
disputing na to whnt tholr mothers
could do. Getting Impatient, the little
damsel blurted out by tho way of cU-
max and as a clincher: "Well, there's
ono thing my mother can do thatyoum
can't; my mother can take ovcry ono of
her tcctk out tit onto."
The consecution of Mw Iter. Dr,
Morrle took plo ut Ut. Luke's Chureh J
Phll'a., Det. aj, The coikralor wisi
Uiu Ut. Rwv. BUUupc Lev, Odcuhelwer,
Villi, Kerfoot, P iiidal and Ctarkson.
Ono s'qunre, (ton lint4 or l.fc , Iva
lent In nonpareil typ0 one or tw lr
tlons, Sl.rtO; three InHerlton. $2.(T
irMm. lit.
One) srfltnse t MB
Xwo squares . S,iO
Three squares.. . .,)
Four square 7,09
fluar ler column., 10,00
Half column ,oo
Ono column 30,00
7, ()
8, )
SO 00
Executor's or Administrator's Notice.
W.00; Auditor's or Atfllrfneo's Notice,
Local Notices, twenty ecnta a line;
by tho year ten ecnta.
Cards In tho "Directory" column,
$2.00 per year for tho first two linn,
and 1,00 for each additional lino.
seems to ua tho following la worthy of
tho defunct Wotiton Von Twillcr !
"If tho Jury bollovo from ovldenco,
that tho plaintiff nnd dofondr"nt wero
partners In tho grocery business, and
tho plaintiff bought out tho defendant,
and gavo his noto for tho interest, nnd
the defendant paid for tho unto by de
livering to tho plaintiff a, cow. which
ho warranted not breachy, aud the war
ranty wiw broken by reaion of tho brca
chlnessof tho cow, nnd ho drovo tho
cow back and tondcrod her to tho de
fendant, but ho refused lo receive her,
nnd tho plaintiff took her homo again,
and put a heavy yoke upon her to pre
vent hor from Jumping fences, and by
reason of tho yoke sho brbko her neck
nnd died; and if tho Jury further bo
llovo thnt tho defendant's interest In
tho grocery waa worth anythlug, tho
plaintiffs note waa worthless nnd tho
cow good for nothing, cither for beef or
milk, thon tho Jury must find out for
themselves how thoy decido tho ease;
for tho court If sho understands horsolf
and sho thinks alio does don't know
how such a caso should bo decided."
A Griiat Curiosity. George H.
Warren, of Troy, Now York has a pair
of deer's heads, tho antlers Interlocked
In such it manner aa to dofy tho. power
of any man to soparato them. Mr. War
ren ia indebted for thom to n merchant
of St. Paul, who whllo hunting, camo
upon two bucks with tholr horns
locked together In tho manner in which
thoy now appear. Ono of tho animals
waa dead, and tho other was nnablo to
dlaengago Itaolffrom Its cumbersome
burthen. It must Inovitably have re
mained in that position until it met a
lingering death by- starvation, had not
tho hunter put an end to its Bufferings
by dispatching it on tho spot. Thoonly
explanation of thia straugo conjunction
of tho nnlmnla la found in the supposi
tion that they woro ongagod lu a fieroo
combat, and rushing upon each other
with great forco tho prong of the horna
bent under tho forco of Jio collision
Just sufflcent to allow tho callers to slip
Into ono another, and springing back
held tho bucks together oye to eye,
faco to face and defying all efforts to
separato them.
Tun following conversation is ro
portcd as having taken place lu tho bar
ber shop attached to ono of our princi
pal hotels, tho other day :
First man and brother (reading a,
newspaper) I seo ilia Mr. Rosschllda,
what Jos' dicfl, was worth fo' hundred
million dollars.
Second man and brother (scraping a
razor) Who?
First m. aud b, Mr. Rosscliilds.
Second do. How much was ho worf,
did you say?
First Fo' hundred million dollars.
Second Goslmmlglity ! He mus'had
a good dlstrick.
First Oood district! What do you
mean ?
Second I mean a good dlstrick; dot's
what I mean. I 'sposo ho was a whis
key inspector, elso how could ho mako
so much raonoy?
(Xrl Reporter.)
Kkroscnk ExrixwioNS. Scarcely a
week passes during tho winter montha
but wo read accounts of frightful acci
dents from kerosene lamps exploding,
and killing or scarring for llfo men, wo
men nnd children. A simple knowl
edgo of the inflammable nature of tho
fluid would probably put a stop to near
ly all tho accidents. As tho oil burns
down Into tho lamp a.highly-inflammn-bio
gas gathers over ita surface, and as
tho oil decyeascs tho gai Increase..
When tho oil Is nourly consumed a
slight Jar will often Inllamo tho gas.and
antxploslon lasuro to follow, dealing
deatli ami dontruction. A bombshell
is not moro to bo dreaded. Now if tho
lump la not allowed to burn moro than
half-way down, Buch accidouts nro im
possible. Always fill your lamps every
morning; then you never need fear an
A Rkmahkablu Feat. Hi .Bath,
Me., n few days since, n small lnd was
riding down hill at fall speed on tho
steep road which crosses tho railroad
track, when n freight train eawe along.
Tho Httlo fellow struggled hnrd to turn
his sled from tho path to apparently
certain death, bnt was nnablo to do ho,
and was carried forward nnd downward
with tho speed of lightning. ,
Bnt Instead-of being crushed ho shot
across the track, betwoon (no wheels of
ono of tho ears, llko an avrow, coming
out safely on tho lower side. A mora
thrilling econo waa probfiMy never wit
nessed, and tho bystanders lnld their
bacnth In terror, oxpoctln? to rnjo the
mangled remains of tho lad as the cars
passed on, But tho lad lives unharmed
to tell tho tnlo of thia wondorful adven
ture. A cunious legal question Is ponding
In California. In n barroom two men
woro ongagod In dickering about tho
purchaso and sale of a nen, which, nt
the time, waa resting quietly in a cor
ner of the room, At last th,o sale vv.ts
effectod, and Immediately lifter It waa
discovered that tho lion hndjuatlald an
egg, Tho purchaser claimed the egg as
his; ibut tho former owner pf tho fowl
maintained that tho ejrg, ot being
warm when found, had beeinlald pre
vious to tho completion of tho pur
chaso. The purchaser, doubting tho
statement, ia about to open legal pro
ceedings to recover the valuo of tho
During the homeward trip of tho
Henry Chaunooy, from AspUiwnU, tho
steerage pawengera wero so uumcrv us
as. to make them uncomfortable. As
for bleeping accomodation, It waa aptly
described ly a CuHfurnlan who ap
proached Hio captain, and said;
"I shouN llko to have n Bleeping
berth, If you pleao."
"Why, whew Jivo ypn bocu bleep
kig theee twe Ifct nights slno we
" TV'a'll, I'v beu atop of tv slvk man;
tut ktVs got i-v now, nud won't
Mand It any longer."