THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLO OMSBURGr , COLUMBIA .COUNTY, PA. j' &ot Uc ilartno dolus. Tile (lootl Wtunil, Continued.) "Why," said ho t hhnsoir, "coulil Mlrlls not restore my spirits, with nil hor kindness, wlillo Ltretto hnsdonolt with u Alni?U) llttlo word? Two Is ono too many Llrotto la enough for mo." On tho other hand, Mlrtln saw plainly thnt hor hrothor mndo n. dllVcronco ho twoon her nnti Iilrctto. "Wo nro not enough horo, being throe," snltl sho. "I ought to. havo another, brother, who would lovo ino ns much as Flnfln does my ulster." Ijlrqtte was now twelve years old, Mirtls thirteen, and Flnfln ilftccn.wlKD. ono evening, nfter supper, they wcro all sooted In front, of tho cottago with tho Good Woman, who instructed them In a hutired agreeablo things.. Tho youtlirul llnfln, seeing Llrotto play ing with thojowcl on her neck, naked nis near mamma what it was for? Sho ropllcd that sho had found ono on oach of them when thoy foil Into Iter hands. Llretto thon said, "If mlno wowu but do as I telllt.I should bo glad. "And what would you havolt do?" shed Flnfln. "You will sco," said she; nd thon taking tho end of tho ribbon, "liituo ciicrry," alio cont lined. "I should llko to hrtvo a beautiful house ot roses." Atthosarao moment thev heard slight noiso behind them. MIrlls turned around flrst, nnd uttered a loud cry; sho had ciiuso: for Instoml of tho cot tago of tho Good Woman, there ap- puareu ono or tno most clmrmlng that coma possibly bo seen. It wai not lof ty, but tlio roof was formed of roses that w'ould bloom in winter as well ns in summer. Thoy entered it, and found tho moat agreeable npartmcnts.furnish- cu magniuccntly. In tho midst of each room was a roso-trcoin full flower. In ft precious vaso ; and In tho flrdt which thoy pnteted, thoy found tho partrldgo xinun nau lost, which flew on to his shoulder and gavo him a hundred ca iesses. "Is it only to wish?" said MIrtia : nnd taking tho ribbon of her Jewel In her hand, "Little medInr,"sho continued, "givo n3 a garden inoro beautiful than our own." Hardly had sho finished speaking, when a garden wns presented to their view of extraordinary beauty, nnd which everything thatcouldbo Im aglncd to dollght tho senses appeared in the highest perfection. Tho young folks began Immediately to run throueh tho bcautfnl nllnv. amongst tlio flower-beds nnd round about tlio fountains. "Ho yon wish something brother," said Llrotto. "But I havo nothing to wish for, said he; "except to bo loved by you as much as you nro loved by mo." "Oh," replied she, "my heart am satis fy you on that point.' That does not do pond on your almond." "Well, then," said Finlln, "almond, llttlo almond, I wish that a great forest should rlso near hero, in which tho King's son shall eomo to hunt.and fall in lovo with Mir tls" "What havo I dono to you ," replied tho bcautlfal girl. "I do not wish to U'hvo tho innocent life which wo lead." "xou aro right, my child," said tho Good Woman," and I say that this King is a cruel usurper, who has put to death tho rightful sovereign and all his family : perhaps tho son may bo no better than his father." The Good Woman,; however, was quite astonished at the strange wishes of these wonderful children, and know not what to think of tho m. AVhen night was como, sho retired into tho house of roees, and in the morning sho found that there was a largo forest closo to tho;houso. It formed a flno hunting' ground for our young shepherds. Fin hXoften hunted down In It deer, harts, and roebnclrs, Hs gave a fawn rhltor than snow to tho lovely Llretto ; it followed hot as tho partrldgo followed Flnfln ; and when thty wore tecarattd for a short period, they wrote to each other, and seilt their notes by theeo messengers. It wns the prettiest thing in tho world. Tho family lived thus tranquilly oc cupied with different employments, ac- coullngto tho seasons. They always attended to their flocks, but in tho sum mer their occupations wcro most pleas ant. They hunted much in tho winter; (hey had bows and arrows, and some times went such long distances that they returned, with slow stops and nl most frozen, to the houso of rores. Tim Good Woman would receive) them by a largo fire ; sho did not know which to begin to warm llrst. "Ltretto my daughter Llrette," sho wouldljsay, "place yniir little fuel hero." And Ink lng Mirtls In hor arms, "MIrtN, my child," continued the, "give mo your beautiful bauds to warm ; and you my son FinBn, como nearer." Then placing thcrh ull.lhree on a sofa, sho would pay them every attention In the most charm Ins and gentle manner. Thus they passed their days In peace nd hajiplnos. Tho Good Woman wondered at tho sympathy between Fin fln and Llrette, for Mirtls was as beau tiful, and had no less amiable qualities; but certainly Flnfln did not lovo her m fervently ns the1 other, "If thoy nro brother anu sister, as I believe," eald tho Good Woman, "by their matchless beauty, whatshall I do? Thoy nro so similar in everything, that they must assuredly bo of tho same blood. If it bo bo, this affection Is very dangerous if not, I might render It legitimate by letting them marry; and thoy both lovo mo so much, that their union would ensuro Joy and peace to my do- dining days." In hor uncertainty, ehp had forbad Jen Llrette, who was tiytl advnnclDg to wo manhood, to bo evernlono with Flnfln, nnd for better security alio had ordered Mirtls to bo always with them. Llretto obeyed horwlLh perfect Bubmjsalon.and Mirtls did also aa alio hud commanded her. Tho Good Worn a u hod heard speak of a clover fiury, and resolved to go In search of hex, and endeavor to en lighten horself uiwUing tlio hUtory of tliero children, Ono day, when Llretto was slightly disposed, nnd MlrUi and Flnfln wero out hunting, thoOood Woman thought It a convenient opportunity to go In search of Madam Tu-tu, for such was tho nauio of tho fairy. 8ho left Llrotto therefore nt tho Itouse of noses: but sho had not got far on her way betoro sho met LIrctto's fin, which was go ing towards tho forest, and at tho samo tlmo taw Fiolns partridge coming from U THc-y Joined "h otherd o to hor. I.'WaaucAydtiiout: ustonlshmcJit that eho i:aw rouncuim nuck of lachti lIUlo ribbon, with a rmpcr nUnched. She called tho partrldgo, which flew to her, nnd taking tho paper from It, sho read these lines i To Llrotte, dear bird, repnlr Absent riom her sight I languish All my lovo to her declare Sccrotjoy and silent nngulnh. Much too cold hor heart, 1 fear, Such apasslon o'er to know. ' , Wcro I to her but half ns dear, No greater bliss I'd cravo below. "What words I" cried tho Good Wo man, "what phrases! Simple friend ship does not oxpress Itself with so much warmth." Then sho stopped tho fawn, which camo to lick her hand, sho unfastened tho paper from Its neck, opened it and found In it theso words s Tho sun is hotting you nro nbfent yet, Although you left moby ltscnrllest light! Return, dear Flnfln ; surely you forget Without you,dny to mo is endless night! "Just ns they did when I was In tho world," continued tho Good Woman ; "whocould hnvo taught Llretto so much In tho desert? What cnu I do to cut betimes tho root of so pernicious nn evil?" "Eh, Madam, what nro you so anxious nbout?" said tho partrldgo "lot them nlono thoso who conduct them know better than you." Tho Good Woman romalnod speech less: sho know well that tho partrldgo spoko by means of supernatural nrt, Tho notes fell from her hands In her fright; tho fawn nnd tho pnrtrldgo picked them up : the ono ran and tho other flew ; nnd tho partrldgo called so often "Tu-tu" that the Good Woman thought it must bo tho powerful fairy who had caused it to speak. Sho recov ered herself a llttlo aftor this reflection but not feeling equal to tho journey sho had undertaken, sho retraced hor steps to the House of Itoscs. Meanwhile Flnfln nnd Mirtls had hunted tho llvo long day, and, being tired, thoy had placed their gamo on tho ground, nnd sat down to rest under a tree, whore thoy foil asleep. Tho King's son also hunted that day In tho forest. IIo missed his sulto, an d camo to a placo where our young shep herd nnd shepherdess wero reposing. IIo contemplated them forsomo tlmo with wonder. Finlln had made a pil low of his gamo-bag, nnd tho head of Mirth reclined on the breast of Flnfln . Tho Pilnce thought Mirtls so beauti ful, that ho precipitately dismounted. from his horso to examine her fea tures with more attention. HoJ udged, by their scrips nnd tho simpli city of their npparel,that they wero on ly some shepherd children. IIo sighed from grief, having already sighed from lovo, and this love, even, was folio wed in an instant by Jealousy. Tho position In which he found theso young people mado him bclievo that such familiarity could only result from tho affection which united them. In this uneasy state of mind, not be ing able to tolerate their prolonged re pose, ho touched tho handsomo Flnfln with his spear. He started up, 6ceing a man boforo him, ho passed his hand ovor tho faco of Mirtls, and awoko her, calling her "sister," a name which dis sipated in a moment tho alarm of tho young Prince. Mirtls rose up, quite astonished; she had never seen any quo but Flnfln. Tho young Frlneo was tho samo ago as her self. IIo was superbly attired, nnd had a faco full of charming expression. lumcr'ji gfintrtwcitt . Public Roads. In this country a load for two horses is obout sixteen hundred pounds ; four horses, thirty flvo hundred pounds. Occasionally wo seo n slx-horso team with from flvo to six ton i. These loads aro placed upon wagons that aro built of the strongest wood to bo found in tho country, nnd heavily Ironed. JThoy weigh from thir teen hundred to threo thousand pounds Light carriages driven over tho samo roads nro capablo of making from fou r to six miles an hour, provided tho horse Is a good walker,aiul understands plclclug his way through mudhole?, over deep ruts and stones, Tlio carria ges nro built to stand this gait for two or three years. In England tho load for asinglo horso is from threo to four tons. Tho cart or dray is not half tho weight of n wagon to carry tho samo load here. Tho speed la very much greater. Tho reason Is: Hero our roads aro generally In a bad condition. They aro mado by plowing tho earth along the Bides, nnd throwing It up towards tho centre, We suppose tho Idea is to mnko tho top act as a roof for tho water to run off from. Tho Hirinll stones aro thrown up In tho fence corners, and tho largo ones loft In their old beds. Tho result Is that tho mud of which tho road bed Is composed be comes soft and cut up into gullies, gut. ttrs, mudholcs and ruts, making any thing but a convenient and comfortable road to drlvo over, oven without a load while in England th'o roads nro covered with broken stones and kept In good condition, with asmooth surf.ico and a foundation so hard that tho heaviest loadH, do not injure it, enabling tho carter to carry heavier loads, mako bet ter time, with lcs3 wear to his horses and wagon. Tho amount of m,onoypald fo'fcxtra horMS to do aglvon amount of carthngj uiu uiira ii'cu, mo wear mm umuiiiur n ess nnd wagons, and tlmo lost In get ting tho repairs doiw, to say nothl ng of tho Inconvenlcnco of belngstuck In tho" mud, or corapolled la lie Idlo In bad weather, In flvo years would pay for taking tho loose stones from thu fence corners and tho adjoining fields, placing them In tho road and breaking them sons to form n solid and smoth road bed. Homo farmers aro so wedded to the old condition of mud that they havo never attempted to mako a clean smooth road between their houses and barns. Their hitching place at tho house Is a mudhole; their road to their carriage houso Is n mortar bed for threo or four months of u year, and of courso their Jiorseo and cnrrlages aro either dirty, or a largo amount of time Is wasted in cleaning them, and tho paint of tho carriages badly injured by the operation All this could bo remedied by making a good broken fetono road nnd a lovel hard uottom around tho hitching post. How iiB DitEW It. Lately a gcntlo man sat down to draw a deed and began with "Know ono woman by theso prcs ents." "You aro wrong," said a bystander; "it ought to hot Know all men." ""Very well," answered thoother, "If one woman kuowv it, all uieu will of COUM8." DRUGS &. MEDICINES, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. Frcpnrcil l.y Dr. o. nr. Jackson, riuiLrsn, r. 2'tie Great Remedies roastx BiitutiorTii I.IVER, sToraAcn, or DIGESTIVE onOAKS. Hoofland's Gorman Bittora la emnpminilM of ths purs Juices, (or as they art mMIciliftlly term Itooti. Hero tnJ lUrks, mik lilfflilr eoncen Imrftwrnnr&Uon, imtf a. ana cniirv yJrttfmJ.V coA&'te ainirmn tfanj l-iid. Hoofland's Qoman Tonio, ! ft eomV-1 nation of all th HgrMlMit of tho Hitters. with the) purtii mullty of Sdntu Out rn, vranifc, tic.. mMn! Orange, ttc.. iTivi, rtc.. msUnj otta ot the rooit Ti'l tgrteaUo remejiea ever offereJ to ie rniMJo. Thot prcferrlnB n MeJtcInt fret from AIco holla aJniUture, it 111 uu Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In caves of nervoTjf depression, whea iom tlcohollc itlmulus It neeemry, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio drald he usil The niltm or the Tonle sre both qnallj good, and contain the tame medicinal virtues. The itomach, from a variety of causer euch aa IndleeiUon, D)a rjr-r- PPia, Nenoue Debility, et., la fiffftik very apt to have Ita fanctloni de t JnJ rani;flL The re sult of which it, f that the patient suffers from several or mora of the following Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Files Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of tht Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Pulnesa or Wt-UUt in tho Btonia I, .( -tr Eruo tatlous, binkmit or Flut tering at Pit of tho Stomach, Swltuainfr of the) Head, Uurncd cr Difficult Breath ins:. Fluttering at the Heart, Choklnar or BuiTocatin . Sensation when In a Lying Posture, Dimneis of Vision, Dots or Webs before) the Slent, Dull Fain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow nesa of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the -tv. Side. Back, Cheat, Lira 'fc? nS ra, etc., Bud den Flushes cf Xa 'W Heat, Burn ing" in the sw Flesh, Con stfini Imafftnintra of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Tliew rcmedlfs will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jnundlre, Dypepxle, Chronlo or Nervons Debility, Chronic l;iarrha, Dleeate of the Kidneys, and atl I!hppb artclng from a Disordered Uvtr, fc?umach,or InleUnei. RiscLTiva raoH tti Catss wbatitih; PKOSTi-tATlON OF THE SYSTEM, 1MDV0ID BV tibtRRt l.lBOh, UiRDSflirS, Cxroii'Ks, fjvi&j, ito. There la bo mctlitint tiiMii nal tt these remedies In such cj A toi,. aua Igor U lm parted to the Bjsfem, the A p petit la Btrengthencd, food T,7-ij ts enjoytd, the stomach d 1 gt sis rlTTU promptly.lhe blood Is puriflcJ, 'Pf the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yel low tinge Is eradlcatud from the ejes. a bloors la given to the chevks.and the veik and cenrooa invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. Vevsons Advanced in Ufa And fee1rr ihe lm'l t unr weiifning neaviry upon Item, i:h ,' n -ttier.Unt Ilia, will find in theuso of il.I- HI i KUM,rtr the TONIO, an ellilr will ,ni, iif into iheir veins, restore la a rniMitrf ilie energy and ardor of more outhful d..ji, hul.d up their shrunken forms, and Kt- l.tthb ami happluasa to their remaining 3 t-irs It Is ft Tell-rMi'l!i(,l bet that fully one-half of the female per iw- . lion of our popu lation are eljum lif m the enjoyment ofpoodfcfalth.iH, j t ! to uie theft- own Hprfori."ni'T GUfmcJ feel well." They arelaugiiM, dfioii ml fiergy) extremely ner Tone, ard hat rt aj-itltp. To this clafti of fcit 11 the BITTERS, or the TUNIC, U etj'iK-'.ai) recoin mtr.ded. WEAK MID DELICATE CHILDREN 'Are male nn' ir.e ue of either of these rcmftllr. TtifV cur every cat of MA" 11 A KM U, wlt;tii Ml. Thou 1.1 1! irf ci'i:u -fl'es hio accnmnhtcd n the (i tli , ro.'rii'tor, but pnre will a.low of the putilicjiiyo ul tut a few. Those, It will be obxirrcd, ate uu n of noto and of itch stand' leg that iWy mnt to bcilevtd. TESTIM0inAL3. Hon. Geo. W, WoodwarJ, Chi'Juitict olAt Suprtmt CVcrt 0 Ta., write J'hikdclphta, March 13, 1937. "I fln ! Hoof- land's (Jernun rittera la a L'oo.1 Vik tonic, ueful In divvauesnf tied! jTT gtiiive orgiia, and of grtal hen fe&i Dolut3 tUi In case of de " i flni Mroof- ; lllily, n.d want of ticnoua action In the eji'.tm. - xo'tiia inny, Hui:a V. WOOD-WAKD' Hon. James Thompson, ikfl L'u Suyrtmt Court of J'tnnrjtianuu PhOadtlihta, April 2S, ISCO. ul conrldcr MIoolliiada r.tta' a taliuilU mediant In case of attacks of 1 ltd! tril lion or Diala. 1 cuu certify this from uiy experience of It. " Vours. with respect, 'JAUEd TUOMrffOW," Viom Eev. Joseph H. Kennard, Tetter 0 Qa Ttnth Bsi'iiit CJiurc, PAftKWj'V Jr. Jaekton Daar Bin I have been fri-jnc-ntly requested to connect my name with km r.iaetc ditloDi of diffirent Utids of mediclm., Iu, r- garding the puo rjrs. fJ l'f appropriate iPyiT rpttre, I tu i auciuvsdicli'ltd: Vfl but wdb a clear proof in tailous bu z-Ji lnstai(crcndpi.r ticuiarlyln my own family, nf tn u.f Jlni'fs i f Dr. llwflftnd's German Haters, 1 drp-iri t..r cmco from my usual course, to express my full Liilct Uon that, for otntral dtlihty itf th tjtlnn, on i ttjxciatiy Jor livtr ComjJattd, it u a i-ijt an,l taluabli preparation. In some rosea It iu..y Uti ; but uunly, I doubt net, It wilt 1m cry bviKuvul to thou Htio suffer from the above ciuntn. Vgurs. very refcpwi fully, J. II. KKNNAltP, From H07. 33. D, Fcndall, Miidani.ijitor C1r(t!ian ChrtmicU, Philidd: X have derived decided benefit from the use ol lloofland'a German UUcra, and feel U my privi lege to recommend them aa a most valunble toule to all lu are puttering from general debility or from dliewi arising from derangement of tie Ufer. iourstrcly, K.1). 7XDALU GAUTIOIT; Uoofland's aerman nemedlesara toonterfelt d. He that the 5. elk-nature of 0.11. JACKSON i on ' iRB i? the wrapper iA each bottle. All vh Jpj others are odd Principal Office tod Manufactory at the Gsr nan Medklne tiWre, No. til A HO II UUest, l'oil a&slpbia. CHARLES UL EVANS, Ucnnan DrugTlit, i'roprtetor, Formerly V. ii. Jcno it Co. For sale ly all JJrugtflsU and Ualu t la Uedi einta. PRIOE8. Ileofland'l Oerraaa Bitters, per bottle 11 00 m u tiif doieiL,.,, I W Uoofland'a Oermaa Tonle, put tip In quart bottle 1 M per bottle, or a half doxeo for ? 10 S3T Do not forget to examine well the art! tie 158 tuj, in order W get tht geoobi. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, January 11, iH'ix. DRY GOODS. M1 ILLUIVS BTOBE. 1ST FitCSlI AimiVALOK FALIj AND WINTER GOODS. Tho subscriber hn Jnst rclnrncil from tho cities with another lnrgo nnd nolcct nasortnicnt of sruiNG amd suitMnn aootw, purchaKcd 111 New York nnd DillnJelrhlaiit tho lowest figure, nnd which ho Is determined to sell on ns mralernlo terms ns enn lo procured elso whero In llloomsburg. Ills stock comprises INDIES' DKI33 QOODJJ of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo Inssortmcnt of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of tho following nrllclcs ! Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsstmeres, Bhnwls, Flannels, Bilks, Whlto tloods, Mnrus, IIoopBklrU, Muslim, Hollowwnro Cednrwnre nrnniiro. Hardware Hoots nnd Shoes, Hats nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, , Umbrellas, Ixwltlng-Ulnssoa, Tobacco, Coffee, Bugnrs, Teas, Itlco, Allspice, Uluger, Clnunmon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN KAI.T.Y. Iu thort, oTcrythlug usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites tho nttentlon of tho nubile generally. Tho highest pilrowlll bo paid for country produce In cxcliango for goods. H. It. MIIXEUASON. Arcado llulldlngs, llloomsburb', I'a. REAT REDUCTION IX 1'IUCES AT rivrnu ent's btokk. IN DiaitT STRKUT, or FATJi AND WINTKIl GOODS. Tin.: .liliF.erllier has tusl received nnd has on hand nt his old stand in Light Street, n largo and t.rtnt. ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purrhaed nt tho lowest figure, and which no determined to sell on ns mouei nio ujrm bo procured elsewhere In Light Street, ron cash ob cpuxTiir rnonucz. ltls stocli consists or LADIES' DIIESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carrcts, Silks, Bhnwls, READY HADE CLOTHING, Satlnetts, Cassimers, Cottouades. Keniuciiy jeans, "GROCERIES, JIACKEUaX., fluccnsware, Cedarwnre, Hnraware, jibikiom, Drugs, Oils, I'alnts, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In n conntry store. The patronage of his old menus anu mu public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country pro duce. . VETEJIENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1807. J J. B R O W E R , Is now oflering to the public his Stock of SPUING GOODS consisting In part of n full Uuo of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPET S, Flno cloths and casslmero for Ladles' coats. HANDSOME DRESS GOOD3, of all patterns and qualities, Inlatds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good n&sortment of LADIES' A CMLDIlEtrS (JAITEKS HOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New nssortnieut GLASS AND QUEENS-WAKE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half nnd one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho tlmo to mako your selections, as I am oucrlni coods at very low prices, nnd our motto is fair dealing to nil, and not to bo under sold by nny. J. J. BROWJSU. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1SC7. II O W E R, opened n Ursl-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUR STOHIi nt tho old stand on Main Street, RloomsbnrK.afow dooisabovo tho (Joint Ills Mock is com posed of tho very latestnnd bcststyles ever otter ed to tlio citizens of Columbia County. IIo can aecommodato tho public wllh the followlnggoods nt the lowest raxes, iueirs neavy uuuuio euit-ii slogn boots, men's double nnd Muglu tap soled kip hoots, men's nonvy stoga snoes oinu kiiiuk, men's lino lioots nnd shoes of all grades, boy s double Miled boots of all kinds, mens glovo kid Unliuoral's, women's, boys s .1,1.1 tnUi.f.' Inkilii!-cnlleis. women's ulova kid Polish very flnc.woinen's morocco ltnlinonilsaud CailSlloes, Wl'lliejl b iiiiu uuiiuiini ers. In short boots ul all descriptions both peg gednudsewed. IIo would also call nttentlon to his fine assort, nieutof HATS, CAPS. FURS AND NOTIONS. .L-iitMi pmiinriseH nil tho new and popular varl ctlhs at prices which caunotfallto suit all. These goods are offered at the lowest cash rates and will bo guaranteed toglvo satisfaction. A call Is solicited before purehsslng elsewhere bb It Is bolicved that butttr bargains are to be fosnd than at any otuer piaco iu tuo coumy, Dec. 0'U7 QAHKIAGE HiVNUFAOTORY, llloomsbur?, Pa. M. C. SLOAN llUOTIIEn the successors of WILLIAM SI.OAK A SON coutlnuo tho business of making CAltHIAGnS, IIUCQIES, and every stylo of FANCY WAdONS, which they havo constantly on hand to suit u tomcrs. Nevtr uslus any mater al but the bo and employing tho most experienced workmen they hopo ly continue as herctoforo to give entire satisfaction to every customer. Au Inspection ot their work, and of tho reasonable price asked for he same, Is sure to Insure a sale. A R R E N ' S t a nd cement ji o ofjnq t The ad vautncea which this composition posj sesses are many. It Is both water-Unfit nud lire-proof. It Is not affected bv heat or colli. It can I ii can no up lof, one inch to I It I. . null.' idled to an almost peiftctly Oat roof, one inch uio.iooi oeiugnu iimi rcquireu. uiu. ijuuKiy rvpuireo, i runt. i it'a iitun uny 51' ntlier tlrc-i'ibol rmif now In use. Testimonials trom all parts of tkotountry as to Its durability, security und cheapness will bo shown by JOHN W. KltAMnit, June SC'GS. Agent, llloomsburg, Pa. A lino trcc'menof Hie rooflnircun be seen at W II, Koous' new ouse on i'tll li btreet, puMi'S i vmivs fou sale. The undersigned begs lenvo to Inform tha rill tens of tlilsplace and vicinity that liu Is prepared to furnUh, at short notice, one of tlio best Wool) UN PU.M I'M for Wells aud t'lsttms ever oirered to the public. They are guaranteed Iu tliruw inoro wuter In less lime and with Its. labor than any other pump In this part of the country and they ennnol bo surpassed for beauty or rinltdi, or simplicity of lu-raiigcuient.nlso combining chea p ness and durability 1'ieh pump being warrant, ed to perform Us v ork well or no sale. KUag Hhuman Is agent lor Columbia county. Price 75 cents per foot I Iced in tho well. Ciders by mall or otherwise vrompt ly attended to. ept, V08-ly KLIAH BUuMAN, Cat aw lssa Pa. , A HTM AN, C. It, nil.LISaEH. K. K. It ATM AN, ItTMAN, DILLINQER & OO,, NO. 23) KOttTU TUII1D 8TRXBT, (.Vtarfef oppotitt Jamtet, Kntt, Hmntte it Ot.) Wholesale Itls tn YAKUlf, isATTI, WADDIVO, CARPKT8 uu, cirrus, BiiAui-s, rLY nets, QHAIN JIAas, COUDAOK, AC. AI.80, WILLOW AND WOODLN WAUK, llllL'BlirJ), TltVMUM, LOOKISU GLASSES, TO. May 10, 15ff7-ly, lllll.l I I TT. C. uu RAIL ROADS. OllTIIKHN 0ENT11AL RAIL- c WAY. On nnd nfter May loth 1808, Trains will leave NoiiTiiUMnniiLAND ns follows I NOIITIIWAIID. 12S A. M.. Dally to Willlamsport, (except Bnnday) forKlmlra, Cniiaudalgnn, Rochester, llulfalo, nupuimiuu jtrmge, mill ai. ruun. G50 r. m., Dally, (except HnnUays) for Elmlrannd llulfalo via I'rlo Itatlwny from Klmlrn. MO 1. M., Dally, (cxceptBuudays) for Williams- ' TRAINS SOUTlIWArtD. 2.33 A. M. Dally (except Monday's) for Daltlmoro. WII.MINQTON AND l'lIILADELl'IIIA. 0.110 l'.M. Dally (cxepptBundny's)forUaltlmoro wnsiiiugion nuu l'uunueipnin. KD. a YOUNO, General l'asscngor Agent. T AUK AW ANNA AND BLOOMS XJ UUltU UAiLAOAD On and p ft;r Nov 30tli, OT), I'asscngcr Trains will run luuuwsj aolngSoutli. doing North. Leavo Leavo Arrive Arrlvo ii.m. p.m. n. m. p.m. ... 6.S3 1.10 1M .a. 15 I.cavo .. 0.00 1.17 ll.M 0.10 .. W3I fl.'i'i 10.57 MO .. C.IJ 4.5 7.11 8.M ..7.11! 6.10 11.0.' 7.IM ... 7.W 0.15 8.30 0.M .... KM 0.5-1 7.41) 0.10 .... Kit 7.47 8.IS 0.(10 .... V.Ot (U 7.40 6.21 Arrlvo Arrlvo Leavo Leave ... 9.43 J.05 7.10 4.45 Jcrnnton 'lvinnutli Hhlckslituny.. iierwitK Illoom The 11. 10 Train nt Hcrantrm makes connections with Express Train for New York at 8 o'clock p. in,, arriving in riow loiit n. m. 1W. 18(18. "DlIILADELl'IUA AND ERIE JL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TA11LE. Timouon and iioutr nisTwr.EN riiitA- lir.U'iiiA, DALriMoiiF, iiAiimsiiunu, wil- I.IAUSrailT, AND Tim OREAT OIL REaiON OF I'UNNSYLVANIA KT.rdANT si.r.r.piNd cAna On nil Night Trains. On nnil after Monday. Nov. iKrd 160S. tho Trains un the rhllailelplilnErlo Itull Houd will . UII lUilUWD. WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves I'ldlndell.liia 10.15 n.m r.011 iuiiiLieri.ii U...U.1UU.111. " nrr. nt Krle 0.50o.m1 .uu'i leaves i'jiuaieiiuia ji.w uu .Minu u.uu p.iu. ' " nrr. nt Kile 10.e0n.Ill. KI.MIKA MAIL leaves I'lilladelnliln H.U0a.m .Ullllll I.JJ.lll " 11 nrr. at Lock Haven .7.1-jp.m EASTWvUlD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10.55 n.m, " ?ortird '4'ijn.m " " nrr.ntrhllndclnhl.i Kl.OOa.m ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie 0.'ij n.m, " " " NortM o.aoa.m nrr.aiiiiiuuieiiiuia i.jup.m. Mall nnd ExiirPKH eniitiufts with oil Creek nnd Allegheny River Hall Road, liaggage chocked lUlOUgll. A. L. TYLER, Oencral Superintendent, Willlamsport. n ATAWISSA RAILROAD On nnd J nfter MONDAY, Nov. a, DM, Passenger linlns on tho Cut awissa Railroad will run at tho following named bonis i -Vail toith. Dep. 7.5") n.m 8.10 " 8.50 " " I'.IO " " 11.62 " " KM3 " " Id.'Jj ' " 11.10 " " I2.o0p.m " " STATIONS. Willlamsport. Muncy. Watsoutowu. Mltton. Danville. Rupert. L'atawlssa. Rlngtowu. Summit. Ounknke. Mail A'oriA Arr,0.1dp. m. uep. 0.1L 6.13 ' 4.53 " 4.10 " 11.5) " aa " 1.5H " 1.40 " 1.1M ' 1.10 l.(M) 2,15 4.25 10. ilahony Juite. Dine.Tainaiiua. Dine. 1 ltevdim;. ' hi.IU Arr. 0.15 I'liiladelphln. I To Now York via. Hoaa lug or Muucli Chunk, 10.50 Jlaiifh (Jhunlc. f r.oo NoClmngooi cars between Willlamsport nnil I'hiladelpnla. UEO. WEUll Htiy't. READING RAILROAD. Orcat Trunk Line from tho North nnd North west for rhlladelphln.Ncw York, Ucaulng.l'otts vllle, Tunnuiua, Ashland, Lebanon, Atleutown, East on, Eplxruln, Lltlz, Iancatcr, Columbia, c, Trains lea to llarrlisburg for New York, ns 10I lows: AtVjU,tVauUi'illun. m., 12,40 noon nnd l!.Uj iv y,sup.m.,cunnt'ctmg wuhfehiniariraiusoii the l'a. iullroad. und urrlvlni; nt New York nt 3,U0, 1U.IAJ A 11 ,w n.m t SU 7.4U A 100 p.m. oiCL'pius cars uvi'uiiiiiuiiyiiig uiu u.m, uuu lU.ou p.m. trains wunoiu enauge. Leave Ilarrlsburg lor Heading, rottavllle, Ta, Mlnersvllle, Abhland, l'mo Orove, Allen towu and Philadelphia at 8,10 a.m., and 2,05 nnd 1,10 p.m., btopplug at Lebanon and principal way HtnilmiH tliu n.m. iiiakins connections fur riiUadelphUand col iimlrta only, l-'or Tottsvllle tichuylkill Uaveu and Auburn, via Schuylkill and busqut'luuina lEallroud, leave Ilarrlsburg at a,"0 p.m. ltctuiuing: Lcao New York nt v,oo n.m. nnd l.'.oom., and 5,10 and b,00p.m, Sleeping carsnccompanylny tho U.00a.m.,nnd5,10 aud s,oo p. in., trains lrhout clmuEe. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt7.C0u.iu., returning rottuvitto nt a,' m.,aud ",4a p.m., Ashland (3,0il n.m aud 12,19 noon, nnd ,00 p.m., Taraaiua nt Leave ottsvlllo ffx Ihuriaburc. via Pehuvllcll nud Husfiuchaun. l!dlioadnt7, and 12,00 tltlUII. lteadiug Accommodation Train leaves Uendlng nt u.iu., it. i urn ma uoui x-uiiaueipinu n.9,w p.m. Pitttstown Accommodation TrainMenvesrotts- town nt U,4j n.m,,, returulug, leaves Philadelphia nt 4.30 p.m. rolumbla Itallrond Trains: leavo Ttendlmi nt 7,00 a.m., nnd 0-J5 p.m. for Ephrata, Llllz, Latieas- l'tTUluuitii wm Atit-tua ivitc a Junction nt y.ou a.m., und 6.55 p.m. Heturulng : tipftinc with similar tralUH un IUndlnir Railroad On Bnndaye, letivo Now York nt H.U0 p.m., Phil adelphia a.m., tho Mu n.m. truin ruunlnn only to Heading; Puttsvlllo 8,00 n.m.; Ilarrlsburg ofzi n.m. nud 4,10 nnd u,So p.m.. nnti itm.tliiiir nt 1.10 and 2.-j and 7.15 n.m. for Harris burg, and 7,00 a.m., nnd 11,40 p.m. for.New Y'ork, anil ito p.m. iur i'im;iut--ijim;i. rnmnintntlmi. M ili'nire. Hentsnn. HcJiool nnd Lx curlou tickets to nnd itoni.Hl points, at reduced Kiggtige checked tlnough; 100 poundanllowcd to cacnpa.senr. a. A. NICOLI.S, General bupcilllleiulent. r.cadlus, rn May 20. UiH. rpiIK 11EST IS THE CIIi:ArKST ! Till: SINflEIt BEWINQ MACHINE HEADS THE LIST, And lends thorolumn 1,058 ahead of all others. This Machine is the MOST POPULAH IN USE. It uses tho finest needle of any Machine In ex istence. Any lady wanting n good SEWING MACHINE, Will consult her own Interests by buying n BINOKU. It Is easier to ruu, learn and keep In order than any Machine In tho world, OVER SJO.OOO OF THEM IN USE. The fullest Instruction given those who pur chase.and tbo Machine will he waukanteu to you for ono year. Please call at my Sloro and sntlsfy yourselves. Here you will find Needles, T.iread and Silk. ' DAVID LOWKNIIEliU, Agent April S.HS-lf. Itloomsbuig, Pa, c U Mil I A UY HOUSE, llEUNAItD HTOHNEH. ilAVlNd lately purchased and fllteil up the well-known lloblsou Hotel Property, located a rEW 1)00 B3 AliOVE THE COU1IT HOUSE, on tho same side of the street. In the town of Illnonisbiirgi and having obtained u license lor I lie same us a It E S T A U Jt A N T , the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo ple visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MOltU 11O0M. Ills stablln: also Is extensive, and lsfllled up 1(1 pill IMlggU'Sllim CU1IU1' IU lUUMI) . lio I'.uilt- Ises that e ery thing about bis establishment shall liu nnmltif tril lii im nriWrlv mill lawful manner! and ho respeetlully solicits a share of the publlo 1 atrouage. !niyl7'U7-em, TJ.ET THE 11EST. llunsou's Copper Tubular Lightning Ho.1 Is the best prtecilon against illtjul. r by lltlitnlug ever tuvnedo. The ntwtrtber Is stent for the novo Invention. iui all imlfrs by mall or In erson wtll be jireispuy tiniea ;. Mpj U,'i E.11.1I1DLEMAN, QIIILDItEN'S SHOES 1'IIOW TEV ITri, I'EIt TAIU T TWO BOM, AIM AND A Ui.LV. AT I.W. KAMttfAIM ,i ti'atoi GROCERIES, &c, ONFEOTIONERY. Tha nndershrned would resneetfullr announce to the publlo that be has opened ft FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, In thsbnlldlnx lately oecnplwt by Roman! Btoh ner, whoro ho is prepared to furnish nil kinds of rLAIN & FANCY CANDIES, FuENClI CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RA181NS,'4C, AC., AC BY WllOLESAl.n OR RKTAII. ... . mil n..n.tMHnl rt nit mv.1i 111 his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Ilolldnys. rnrtlcular attention given uj DI1EAD AND OAK KB. of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OIIISTMAS TOYS., A call la solicited, guaranteed. and satisfaction will be Nov. 22, 1807. ECKHART JACOIia REMOVAL OF u. u. Al a it it n NEW STORE TO 8 HI VIS' 3 11LOOK, ONTiiKconsEn or m.miket and inoK streets. Tlio undersigned having received from the city n full nnd completo supply of SPRINO AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND nAUD-WAHE, CEDAR AXD jriLLOW-WAtoS, pONFECTIONEUV, (lAHS-WAttE, TOBAOOO, 21 ATS AND SHOES, FLOUH, HALT, PISH, AND MEAT, nil of which I propose selling at a very low figure for ciwh or proilnco. 47" Call nnd sco. April 12, 1867. C. O. MARK. GRAND OPENING OHAND OPUNTNO UHAiN If UI'K?INCJ GUAN'I) OPKNINO OP WINTK1I WINTKIl WINTKIt WINTlIIt WINTHIl FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL AND AND AND AND AND OOODH, OOOI1H, OOODH, aooDa, O00D8 consisting ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY OOODS, DltY tlOODa DItY (100 DH, -i DItY ooonn, DItY GOODS, ITATO AND CAPS, HATH AND CAIH, HATH AND CAIK HATS AND OAPfl, HATS AND CAPS, hoots and snoisi, P.OOTS AND SHOES. HOOTS AND BHOFX HOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MADE CLOTHINO HEAD Y-M A UE CLOTH I NO, HEADY-M A DE CIX1THINO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHIMO,' I)OKIN(I-OLAaSES, IOKINO-OLAKSI-N, LOOKINO-OLASSKS, l.OOKlNO-OL.RSI0M. LOOKINU-ULASSIM, NATIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES. UltOCEitlKS, (iu(n:i;iui'.s, (IKOCEIHES. OllOCEUIES, tniEENSWARE, liUEENSWAltll, tJCEHNSWARE, UUE1CNSWARE, liCEENSWAUE HAP.DWARE, HAUDWAltU, HAllDWAUE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE,' TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, HALT, SALT HALT,- . SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, l-'ITll. PISH, GRAIN AND GRAIN AND SEEDS, 8KUDS. GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SKKI1S, AND SKKDS, AND SEfclDS, Ac, A-c. Ac., AT jlcKKIA'Y, N11AI. A CO.'S, McKKI.VV, NKAI. A CO.'S, McKKIA'V, NKAI. A CO.'S. McKHI.VV, NKAI. A CO.'S. ilCKlil.VY, N11.VL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and MurUet Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest co ruer of Main and Market Streets, I1I.OOMSHUKO, PA., HI.OO.MSI1URO, PA lll.OOMSlllIRO, PA 1II.OOMSI1URO, PA., 11I.OO.VIH11URO, PA. IRON AND NAII.S, IRON AND NAII.H, IRON AND NA1I1, IRON AND NAII.S, IRON AND NAILS, In large quantities and at reduced rates, alway on baud. CCIIELL, BEPvGEIl & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos, 12! aud 131 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Sole agents lor Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. vyAiNwitiaiiT & co.f WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Corner Second nnd'iArch Streets, Philadelphia, Dealers lu TEAS, SYRUI"S, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, 1UCK, Ul'ICES, Ul CA111I SODA, J.C., SC. Orders will receive prompt attention. May 10, 18W-ly, -JJ V. PETERMAN, with LIPPI NCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLIBALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, and No. Si) North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. AyEAVEIl A SPHANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 235 and 227 Arch Street Philadelphia. Nos. jyj H. MABPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIKH Y, GLOVES. AND FANC1 GOODS, No, a North Third Street, Philadelphia. I." WAL'l'ER, Iite Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QDEEN8WAHE, No. U1 Marktt Btreet. Philadelphia. JOHN STIIOUP & CO., Successors to Btroup A Brother, WHOLXKAXJ1 DULIMW IV TIMI, j il If aatfi Vsuvu, mi W Varth Wate r Bt., IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, llloomsburg, Columbia county, i s. The sobscrlber. proprietor of tho nbove-r amcd extensive cstnbllshment, Is now prepared to re celvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, ULAtaT FURNACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Aa He 1. also prepared to mako Stove, of nil .lies WlNDOW-aLAPS, LAMri LANTERN . SO i,d patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually DAS, SOAPS, ALCOHOL, WINLS A LIO.UOR8 and patti mado In first-class Foundries. Ills oxtonslvo facilities nnd practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will bo taken in exchange for Castings. This establishment Is locatod.uear tno looks wanna and llloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMYElt. OTOVES AND TINWARE. A. ill. IIUI announces to his friends nnd customers that continues the above business nt his old place on MAIN STREET, 11LOOMSI1UKO. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In a Stove and Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, nnd on tho most reason- nblo terms. Repairing done at tho shorttst notice. 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. EV STOVE AND TIN 8UOI ON MAlk fltBBKT vr0Hm mhhX' DLOOMS11URO, TENN'A. The undcrsluned has Just fitted upand opened nis now STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In HiIn tilnrp. whpre Iih In nn-iinrod to matte nn new Tin Wauk of all kinds in bis lino, and do I repairing with neatness ana tuspatcu, upon tuo most reasonable terms. IIo also keeps on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which be will sell npon terms to suit purciiascrs. ulvo b m n can. Hols a cotni mecnanic. anu deserving ot mo puuuc patronage. iliwu iiin.j. llloomsburg, April 2(1. 1RG7. Q.EOHQE II. ItOHEUTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Aa, No. 811 North Third Btreet, above Vine, Philadelphia. JAcon K. Smith. J. R. Seltzer MIT II & SELTZER, Importers nnd Dealers In Foreign nnd Domestic II .A It D W A,It E, OUNS, OUTLEttY, AC, NO. t(J0 N. THInD BTREET, AB.CALLOWHILL, pinr.AiiFr.piriA. Nov. 22,07-tf. TOBAOOO & SEG-ARS. pr W. RANK'S WllOl.l2AL.KTOJlACCO, SNUFF, AND CIQAU WAREHOUSE,. No. 116 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia. Q L. WOODItUFF, Wholesalo Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, AC, Ac., No. 13 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. 0 MNIBUS LINE. Tlio undersigned would respectfully nnnnunce to the citizens of Rloomsburg and tlio publlo gene rally tint he Is running nn OMNIBUS Id N 12 between this place and the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South aud West on tho Catn- wissa and Willlamsport Railroad, and with those going Nortb nud South on the Iickawanua and llloomsburg Railroad. Ills Omnlbnsses are In good condition, commo dious aud comtortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charga by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB,! OIltTON, Proprietor, J IIEATIICOTK & COMPANY Vi O I Jj Ji Ji W O Ji JC S, COHNRll OK WEST HTKBET A IlLACKTlIOItSK ALLEY Ilavlii" increased onr facilities in thewav of I Isnop room, macniiipry, .vr., wo nro prepareu io ninanfarture I.ot'O.MO'Il VliKI.lJU.niiil all kinds OISTKAM BOII.KHS, SMOKE-STACKS, TANKS, juKTiuo; ah wont promptly uouo bu uiuvr, uv uuueu, uuu SPF.CIAI, ATTICNTION PAID TO REPAIRS. Your attention Is specially called to the mem bers of our llrm-all being IvacticalJloiler Makers. Mr. IIkathcote lias had an experience of over thirty years lu the manufacture of nil kinds of ;-icam iiouers ; nnu irom our lougexperienee wo are fully awure nl tho necessity ofn well-mmU nnd sulllclcntly large Boileu, to secure not only safety but satisfactory results: nnd wo shall give our cusiumers oniy inoseoi inoucst. quality as regitrds matcrlal.workmnnhlilp, nnd ample heat lux surface, aud feci contldent tbat we can ren der satisfaction, nnd nt prices fully as low as auy other buildera uslug the samo quality of materi als. ve wonld call tbo attention of Rnlltvav Com. lanlis to our facilities fordoing LOCOMOTIVE iVORK, kitiikr UKrAins on new, as wo mako It i txilnt for ono of tho llrin toalwavs eivelila ner- sonat attention. wo aro also prepareu to uo an icinus of Kieam Fittings, such us llentlug Publlo and Private Buildings, Factories, fitting up Steam llollers.Ac, Constantly on band all kinds of. Steam Fit- Tisas STEAsr and Wateu Ouaoes STEAM Pll'ESl Uliu nil iuwu3 eutiuei iuii Willi llie lJUHllieNi., Also,Casttngsof all kinds, Boiler Fronls.Grates, Stoves. 1'Iowb, and all work connected with the geueraHoundry business. Respeetlully soliciting your orders, we aie Yours very truly, J. IIEATIICOTK A CO.'US ly pAIUIERBll TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOriPnATK It rontnlus three ier cent, of Ammonia, nn ample quantity to ulvo activity without Injury totho cgatatlon,Qnd a largo i-iereentago ot so luble Bone l'hospbtile ol Lime, together with Potash and Sodn, the essential eliments ofn COMPLETE MANURE. The lnci eased sales to lariiit-rs wbome using It with highly satisfacto ry results is a sure guarantee ol Its value. Price, 8o0 per ton of 10 bugs Liu lbs lach. Send for u pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., July 8,'C8.1y 67 Uroadwoy, N. Y. A NDKEWS, WILKINS & CO.f Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 60S Market Street, Phil .delphla. Q.EOKGE EOELKElt & CO., Wholesale Dealers lu WOODEN A WILLOW WARE, YARNS, Oil-Cloths, Wicks, TwIucs.'Baskets, t lc, etc. 219 ASM Market St., A 230 Church Bt., Phllada, June 5,'68. A H5I1JHUSTEH & BBOTIIEH, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOOES, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKINO GLASSES, and Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW "WARE, BROOMS, HOPES, TWINES, AO. No. 8Ui North Third Street, above Vlue, Philadelphia. jyjILLEU & HOST, Successors to Franklin P.BclUer A Co, Importers aud Wholesale Dealers In LIQUORS, WINES, AO., Nos. (10 and ill North Third Btreet, Philadelphia. jyjEnCIIANT'fl HOTEL, rosin xoukth stksst, PHILADELPHIA. J, A W. a. M'KIBBIN, Proprietor. May U, HVMy, DRUGS & MEDICINES. ENDERSIIOTT'S THARMAOY. orrosiTie amicricak noCflE, Where may be found a completo assortment of fresh nndlpure yiiitiKiaif rawipe"""eio3s MF.DICINIM. DYE STUFFS, COLORS, OILS. SYRUPS. PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, which nro offered ntold tlmo prices. Prescrlp. Hons accurately prepared. Jan 3'03-ly. VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! Orny.nciidctlIcnilo liavo tliclt locks restored hy It to tlio dark, luttrous, silken traits of youth, and are happy 1 Younsrcople,witli light, faded or i f d Hair, liavo those unfashionable colors changed to a beautiful auburn, nnd rejoice 1 1'eoplo whoso heads aro covered witli Dandruff and Humors, uso it, nnd have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps I BnIil-IIonlcl Vctcrmm liare their remaining locks tightened, and tho baro spots covered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and danco for joy I Youpg Gentlemen uso It becauso it Is rlclily perfumed 1 Young Ladles uso It becatuo it keeps their Hair in placet Everybody mutt and will uso it, becauso t. is tho cleanest and leit article in tho arkct I For Sale by Druggists generally. AND VOlt BALK BY I.. N- ntiH TT P. T.TTT7.. Tlmrvlftl. lllnnn-.lmn. nn.t f t IlTKItlU-P f'nlnmt..- ' January ui, TONATHAN HEISLKK'S TONIC 0 or Hitters hna never faflod to cure the ivoni Kina oi unpepsifti ib ineniosisucceasiui mcsi lclno yet discovered for the cure of Consumption Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, llronchitls, nnd nil diseases of the Throat, Chest nnd Lungs; is inaue cnnrciy oi roois nnu neros. unn nouio will oonvince am-ono who ctves It a fair trial. No mmuy snoum do without it. rut up in large , bottlen prepared and Rold byJoimtlian llelsler lo. ncuuy 111111 iiuvl'u. ru. unn ny nil untir. TAYLOR'S OLtVC 11RANCII BITTBRS A mild and agreeablo Tonio Stimulant, Stotn-j acliienud Cajmiuntlvo DITTER8, Extracted entirely from Herbs nnd Roots. High. ly beneflclnl lu DYSPEPSIA, GENEUAL DEBILITY, nnti Loss of Apiiotlloj and nn excellent Corrective for persons sutlcrln: from Disorders of the llowfls, l'lalulcncc.Ac. Soltl Everywhere. epot, No. Ill MaikctStieet, Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOR A CO, Sept. I,'fi8-ly. jglLLIAUUS ! BILLIARDS ! ! WILLIAM It. GILMORE Has opened a flno Billiard Saloon In addition lo bis well known ItlCHTAIIHANT. Hi) has S lfllj. with all tlio latest Improvements nnd In perfts uruer. no Acepg on nautl tile liosi LAOER BBER AND ALII which the market affords. OYSTERS lo bo lull ! at an times wncmn season, also Jiesr rongui. l icKieu iripc. uiaius, sc,, etc. The publlo nro Invited to call, and are prom-i Isod satisfaction ;elther In billiards or refrn-u-i ments. ins CIGARS AND TOBACCO cannot be excelled, lllooiiisbuig, Jan, 1,'CO, TN8UBANCE AQENOY. JL Wyoming tlW.cuS Attna. l,0Ofl,W Commerce ......... 00,WB Fulton. SOO.Wfl North America SCO.wB City 0,Ml International l.tOlVl Niagara 1,000.0' A2tua Live Stock 600.WI Putnam ........................... 6S0,ft'l Merchants .... M $mM Springfield ...... &70,l"l lusuranco Company of State Peun'a..- 630 Connecticut Mutual Life ..................... 10,000, I North American Transit 600,'l FREAS BROWN, Agent, inur8CT-ly, llLooiisiiuita, PA. TfEW FUBN1TUKE BOOMS, ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, TENNMl JAMES 0 A D M A N Respectfully Informs the citizens of this towiil nun vicinuy, mat ne nas at ins i urniture room. chairs of everv descrlnllon. btirruun. illnlna 14 I bles large nud small, bedstendsof the latcststyll card aud toilet tables, looking glasses, bcskluR many other articles of furniture of tlrst cluoL manufacture. i 'rlui r.ntilln nm rnr.llnllv tn llpd in rail nnil l-X-ll amino his stock. He will sell upon reasouaUis terms. M i-fcpeclal attention will be paid torcpalrlii oil kinds of furulture. Cheap for cash. Jun. 1,'wl J P. BEARD, with LIPPlNCOTT.llONDACO., Mauufacturcra and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, No. i 13 Market Street, Philadelphia. , JOHN 0. YEAQER. & CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FURS, No. 237 North Third Street, Philadelphia. y-AHTMAN A ENQELIIAJN, MANUFACTORY, Ml. 313 NOliril THIVD STREET, Second Door below Wcd, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WAUTJfAN P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers