THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. SUfcc (Ifoluwlmm. llLOOMSIIUKO, PHII)AY,.TAN. Uil, 1801). Wjc nrc under obllfratlons to Bonator Jncksounnil Representative. Scott 'for valuable. Legislative, documents. NoTWiTiiBTAJtmita tlio largo num bcr of lioiiBCfi elected in town tho Inst year, dwelling.') nro bIIII In dcmand,nnd largo rents nrc naked and received. John' Vanmkw lios our thanks for a -inlwsln": muiiliwiif tho Columbian, John TO sMter of this placo also lias been kind fenoufrh (o glvo us Noi 85 of tho Blooms tlitirff Democrat, Tjtr. nnptlslsofthls placo havo began Id sttccesful revival. Thoro nro also pro- Hrnctcd meetings going un at tlioMctlw Idlst and Lutheran rhurches,fi'om which much good may bo expected. Go and hear Cullls nt tho Court Hotisd I Monday night. Comn from tho neigh r boring towriu nnd villages with your i lovers nntl Bwret-iicarts, by loads and 'sled-loads. Teachers, Mudcnts, all aro i Intrra-.ted and can gather instruction. Wn'nro informed that tho Itova'. A H. Irvino and U. Swandlo, aro holding u very successful protracted meeting in Light Street. Some forty-five hnvo professed conversion. As many as tweuty-soven havo presented them selves for prayer In ono night. B" A roousn reportobtalned circulation in Schuylkill county to tho effect thata .man was shot in an attempt to break " in or out of tho Bloomaburgjail, lately. ij; No such attempt was made, and no man V wns shot. Every thing is, and has been ; quiet. Thero is no feeling or exclte- - Incut, and neither tho public good nor ' the public pcaco will bo sacrificed. We see by tho Legislative Record that Senator Jackson has been placed on tho( . important Committees of Flnimeo nnd .Federal Relations and made Chairman of tho Committee to compare bills. Hon. Geo. Scott lias been placed on tho following Committees: Federal Rela tions, Military, and Municipal Corpor ations, i Tiik New County. A number of citizens liviiiirin tho unncr irnrt of our if I . . r 1 ,. l ! . 111! r I wuih, iuu uucuiuutig ii'iiuuus mvor- ihg tho erection of a now county out of tho north-western part of Columbia. Tho County seat we presumo would bo nt Ilenton or 'Ceko Cole's. How much strength thero is in tho movement wo linvo not ascertained. Kntkui'iusixo. Tho organ of Rad icalism in this county "could not find loom" for Geary's Message, and its readers had to depend on tho Colum bian for it, which they borrowed from their Democratic neighbors. Wns our neighbor ashamed of tho Message, or did ho fear his readers would not havo ilk1 patienco to read it. . Don't lull to go and hear Prof. Cul liy famous lecture, "Tho Idol of Mod ern Times," at tho Court Houso on next Monday evening. Doors open at tho first ringing of tho bell. Admission 25 cents: reserved seats CO cents. AH of our cotemporarics.speak of tho Lecturo IrTtho highest terms, nnd tho lecturer enjoys a wido reputation. iWi: would call special nttention to tho communication in nnother column H igncd "A Working Man." Wo glvo itlwithout alteration or amendment. It Isjwritten by a laboring man ono who has always been a Republican, nnd who up to this time never voted tho Demo cratic ticket. It is a strong appeal to h'ip own class, and should bo read by 'ttu-m, without regard to party. jThk Important duties of the County Auditors havojust been concluded, and In a few daystlteir statement of tho re ceipts and expenditures of tho county, for 1SG3, will bo laid beforo tho Court, and ordered to bo published. Our citi zens can then examine tho matter, item by Item, nnd judge if tho wholo is cor rect and proper. We venture to say th'nt not a dollar wns misspent or mis- applied. Tho Auditors and Commis sioners are honest men nnd faithful of- gjrs- An Important Business Ciiangk. BM. 1 Lutz, now doing business In Wilkes Harre has lensed thoStoro room jiijhe Exchange Hotel now occupied byjMr. A. J. Sloan, for five years from the first of next April. Ho will also purcliaso such good3 as Mr. Sloan may hjayo at that tlmo. ,, Wo welcome Mr. Lutz Into our midst. MftYp know him to bo nn active, enejget Jjfcyoung man, deserving tho support of I Sur. citizens. Ho is well known to ma nyxf our citizens having been born and .ITitj&cd in this county, fAi tholicad of tho local column of tliq Republican, wo find tho following: V fi'J'hc Republican has the largest clreu- lalton of any paper published in Oolum Lbla county, and is consequently the very mbest advertising medium I" RIt is considered moro dlsreputablo to upubllsh n falsehood than tn communl icato It orally, because publication Bi?n deliberato net, and gives it a wider jfcirculallon, Tho nbovo wo pronounce Rtolio untrue, nnd In token of ourslncer ty In claiming ecverol hundred larger ' cijculation, wo proposo to our cotcmpo- trqry the puuucation or tno nctual num ber of subscribers by n Commltteo to bo mutually appointed. Either come to line, or linnl down your sign. iVk nroanxloim thnt tho present course o lectures should provo a success j not becauso wo aro In part responsible or pecuniary loss that may onsuo j but for lio good namo of our town. Number ling our population by thousands, aim- ling to bo a leading town on nil literary 1 I I ....... Klimi.'rtt, I1UVIUK 1,1 ullr iwual. iw uiiubu- Illy largo number of ministers, teach- and persons of literary tasje, It Is singu lur IndeoJ if wo cannot support Fantiuall. a courso of lectures. The ' Committee, self-appointed it is true. yet acting from tho best of motives for tho general good of tho whole commu i ntfy havo placed I ho prico of admls I slon within tho reach of nlllour citizens, nnd there Is no excuse for any staying uwuy. If tho enterprise Is not a losing one, it Is tho Intention tho following Huh on to proem o the highest cla.'s of talent in tin. nullum I or this renvoi', . more liiuti any other, wo urgo our I friends to patronize tho present courso, THE KALEIDOSCOPE ' A map of busy life, Its fluctuations anil ltnvaslconcerna.' HO. XCII. Al'TKIt BQUMHELB. Titpitnaro doubtless many inhabi tants of tho county of Columbia, moro ospecinliy In Dloomsburg nnd tho sur rounding towns, who lmvo never ex perienced (ho pleasure which Its wood ed hills aiford, of squirrel shooting. Fort tine having thrown nn opportunity within my grasp,-t seized It nnd found Indeed that It was worth tho grasping. The townships of Benton nnd Sugarloaf wcrothe onrrfwhtcli offered themselves. It was In tho most delicious of nil sea sons, the elenr, cool, bright Autumn, with tho leaves Just beginning to put on their gorgrom coloring, decking themselves as It wero for their death so soon to follow, When tho keen breath of northern winds should rob them of their beauties and tear them dry and 1 1 ("el e,w from tho boughs. I had tho good fortune to havo sevoral tramps through the woods itftor tho nlmblo caters ot nuts, but tho proceedings of ono day will sufilco. Fancy a clear star' lit sky, n bracing air Just cool enough; to flush tho cheeks and brighten tho eyo.nud to net asninostadmlrnblonppo- tizor. as is apparent nt tho breakfast ta bio, after our nblutlons nro performed. Tho horses havlngbcon fcd.guusandanv munition looked up and everything pro pared for a start, wo go into tho dining room for breakfast. We eat by cnndlo' light, ns it is but four o't lock nnd wo Intend to bo many miles away beforo tho "God of Day" makes his appcar.inco over tho hill tops. Bendy at lrst, we rattle away over anything but smooth roads, our cigar.- leaving a thin blue lino of smoke floating upon tho perfectly still air. A drivo of about eight miles brings us to our placo of destination, nnd, the hors es having been slnblcd nnd cared for, wo make for tall timber. Slowly and cautiously wo movo along, after enter ing tho woods, avoiding dry leaves and drier sticks, keeping a sharp look out to right and left, on ground nnd tree top, for theso bright eyed little forest rangers aro ns keen of sight ns a hawk nnd as timorous as nn autolopo ; n careless step a cracking of dry twigs and presto 1 thoy nro gone. And whero? Ah I that is indeed n difflcult question to answer; perhaps on that bough of tho neighboring oak-porhaps down tho trunk to tho ground and perhaps that holo in tho vory top of yonder tall troo is the hiding-place. Waiting, watching, listening, wo slow ly movo along ; at last there is a sound ; it is th e short, sharp bark of tho groy squirrel, called by tho farmers in the neighborhood tho "big squirrel," (a term by tho way .applied indifferently to either gray or black squirrel.) Now, indeed, tho excitement increases : there is moro need than over of cautiousness. At length wo reach tho spot wheuco the noise proceeded; wo ser.rcli tho tree tops, nnd examine all the grayisu look ing knobs upon th'; bouglis'and yet no pqulrrplisvisiblo. Still keeping perfect ly quiet, we wait for n movement, and hero It is at last. TTIs squirrel -ship who had suspended his breakfasting fornrao tnent, resumes operations; a movement of his body, n pause of n second or two, n sharp crack, and his last meal has been eaten ; bo comes tumbling from limb to limb nnd finally drops up-m tho mossy ground, dead with n riilo ball through his head. Cruel perhaps it may seem as you lift tho pretty llttlo creaturo from the ground, his black oyo not yet dimmer, but as you aro not in tho woods for moralizing nnd are for squirreljshooiing, you poeket this first ono for tho day nnd proceed. Many and voxntious nrc the Impediments wo meet during tho day; now it is that a squirrel has chosen for himself a tree around whoso trunk the young snplings nnd underbrush cluster so thickly as1 to render tho top of tho tree invisible, nnd lifter wearisomo stretching of necks nnd straining of eyes, wo glvo it up in de spair; nt another time, tho squirrel, whoso color is almost exactly tbat'ot the bark to which hocllng-f, has 'O oc it re ly hidden himself In the fork of a limb, that not evon n hair of his long buiy tail can bo discovered. They are cun ning fallows the.-o squirrels, but men nro moro cunning than they. After having satisfied ourselves that he Is yet In tlio tree wo a regular siege. Tho tree is jarred by heavy stones thrown ngalnst It, but with no effect . At last wo espy n heavy rail , nnd tills is brought Into action ns a battering ram. Tills proves too much for tho squirrel's cqunnlmity -nnd no springs up,vard seeking a securer placo of refugo. Fool ish llttlo fellow 1 had you but remained where you wero, you might have bid den defiance, ns it is, tho movement has cost you your life. Tho unerring riflo has dono its work nnd "Bunny's" pleas ures nnd troubles aro ut an end. To n person who has never enjoyed n day in tho woods, spent in this manner, it would ho dilllcult to explain what an Imenso amount of excitement thero is In It. Perhaps tho absoluto quietness nnd cautlun which must bo observed nt first, followed by tho ride shot, tho ea ger rush for tho game, nnd the tempo rary reieaso from silence, may, by very contrast, havo something to do with tills, i'o any lover ofNaturosuch a day Is n perfect treat in itself. Thero Is no season when woodland Hennery Is so perfectly captivating as during tho Au tumn, The eyes never weary of watch ing the play of light and shadow on tho hill sides, colored as they nro with tho brilliantly tinted fullugo crimson, yellow, purple, red, brown and green and glittering In tho early morn with liquid Jewels of n thpusand hues. Tho air, too, Is of that perfectly rlenr charac ter which belongs alono to this season. Tho hazy, smoky atmosphere of tho i u dlan Summer has not yet commenced, and distant objects teem to bo drawn closer, whilst those nearer at hand are seen wlthstartllngdlstlnctncs. I remem ber myself to havo climated tho tils tnuco of a certain mountain nt less than flvo miles I afterwards found that It was somewhat over thirty I Ah n euro for dyspepsia, sleepless nights, Indiges tion and general laziness, I do not be lieve thero is n medlclno known to tho Mcillcal fraternity which will pro-e bo perfect n cure, hs n week or two spent In the pure nlr of tho mountains, whero tho day begins with breakfast beforo sunrHo nnd ends only with tho falling light. Try it oh! disbelievers. It Is not necessary to go out of Columbia county. There urons well woodod hills as lovely tcenery nnd ns hospitnblo In habitants Iv ro ns you vl'l find rny wheto. My own experience jirovts to ino Mint I can never express my own thanks sulllclently for tho courtesies I received. Although not coming within tho scope-of this nrtlclo I would mention nnother kind of sport (bo .called) In which I indulged, I will not Bay enjoyed myself, on several occasions, rind which I regret to Bay, for tho sako of those who nro fond of It, If nny thero bo, I did' not thoroughly appreciate At dif ferent tlinos rumors had reached us at Hcnton,of thonbiindauco of 'Coons to bo hnd In vorlous localities. Wo vis ited thoso localities with com mondablo regularity, but up to the present writing the 'Conns haVo not put In nn nmictirnncp. Tho irmcrnl sum mlhg up which I havo mmlo Is, that It Is excessively hnrd work for n remark ably small remuneration. To hunt 'Coons properly It li necessary that you should utterly forget nil thoughts of yourself nnd of your comfort; you should bo prepared to wndo creeks of unknown depths, with slippery moss covered stones nt tho bottom, whero If you fell the chances wero against your over getting up again, tn sound tho depths of mud holes, to clamber over rocks, stumps, logs fences, and anyjand nil Impediments which may como In your way; to tempt Providence by crawling nnd scrambling up nearly per pendicular hill-sides, to runnt full speed through woods with which you are not nccqualnted ; to fall down nnd get up ngnln In tlmo to prevent the man be hind you from trampling you down; to follow a lot of Irresponsible dogs whorever they chooo to bark (which they generally do as far away as possl llile) and, after all this, to return homo 'Coonless, wet, muddy, with scratched face and hands,torn clothes, tired limbs and, If your experience Is like mine with most immitlentcd disgust foj-'Coon hunting, which is by tho way mi entire' ly llll'erent thing from 'Coon catching, VlATOll. On Monday lnt, Mr. Scott, our Rep rc-scntativo read in place a bill for tho relief of f . 1). Walker of Ornngevllle, on account of the removal of the Or phans' School. Ho claims Slo.OOO dam nges. Wis keep constantly on hand n first' class assortment of deeds, mortgages, leases, marriago certificates, notes of nil kinds, summons, mthpeenns, war rants, etc., etc. 'it. A SI'MINDID ASSOKTMKNT or Dry Goods, Groceries, Queenswaro, (f I is waro and House furnishing goods gen erally, has just bei'n received by WOLF A BARTON, nt their nowstoreon Main Street, below Iron St. Every thing fresh nnd new and of tho bo t deserip tion. The very latest patterns of dress goods. Call at once Last year the pasting and folding of documents at liarrisburg, for ninety days cost $.'17,000. Thisyinr n respon sible firm offered to do it for $7,000 and the proposition.only received two Rad ical votes in tho Senate. Rjason the Radical cx-niombers aro seeking and receiving positions as imtte '' vgers ! Think of it tax-payers I Tiik Commonwealth vs Georgo S. Twitchell, Jr. John Campbell, 7-10 San son! St., Philadelphia, lias in press and nearly ready for publication, tho full report or this exciting murder trial. No pains havo been spaied to make it in every respect complete, and full as tho trial wns of most interesting points of law and scientific information It will ba a mint viduablo book of reference. Tho work will bo handsomely bound and contain GOO pages. Price fG.00. Foil perfect taso and comfort com mend us to well fifing clothes. Thero is no such thing us enjoying life with one's garments either too tight for easy breathing or so looso as to appear as if they had been put on with n pitch fork. Clothes of either kind wear badly, and look worse. Chcmherlin has, however, obviated the necessity for such dressing. IlUsuits nro admirable; eny, well lil ting, elegant. He is well deserving of tho support of the public, nnd we trust hlsnlready large custom tuny be still moro increased. On tho night ,f Soj icmbor 2Sth Ib07, there wero st-.len rom tin lire-proof safo, in tlio Commissioner's i fllce, liloomsburg, $535.00 In Greenbacks, United States Bonds, and Currency. Immediately upon tho theft bein dis covered, Information thereof was given to Scnntur Buckalew, Mr. Neal, Mr. J. P. Titstin, Cashier of the Bank, Mr. C. R, Pixti,u, Mr. John K.Grolz and oth er gentlemen; and upon full considera tion it was determined to keep tho wholo matter quiet, for reasons then nnd now entirely satisfactory. The County Treasurer, tho Commis sioners, and the County Auditors weio in duo tlmo notified of tho Tacts. It was well known to all the nbovo offi cials, that originally there wero dupli cate keys to tho ofilco door, and to yio sofo door, nnd that but one key to each of tho doors was delivered toMr.Kriek- baum, when ho was put in charge or tho ofilco; nnd they fully concurred In the, conclusions nrrived nt ns nb'ivo stated. These reanonii nro still in full forco, nnd except the baio facts, which wero thou known to many people, it is not yet deemed prudent to state what was and what Is still being dono to detect the thief. Pnoi'. Adams' Rkadinos. In accor dance with tho published programme, Prof. Adams, on Inst Friday night, at tlio Court House, gave a selection or readings from tho pools. His first se lection was two scenes from tho "Mer chant of Venice," which was exceed ingly well read nnd tho various charac ters truthfully personated. The next selection wns of n humor ous enst. "Dnrlus Green nnd his Fly lug Machine," by J. T. Trowbridge, of Boston. This piece nlnnn wns worth the price of admission. Tho next piece was "Tlio Vagabonds," by the samo nuthor nnd wns full of feeling nnd pa thos. Act V., Scene I. "Tho gravo dig gers" probably Shakspearo's master piece, wns then read, and thoso who never had seen Booth net It, found un known beauties in tho tragedy. This was followed by "Parrhaslus and tho Captive;" "The Letter," a delineation of Irish character, and "Tho Ghost," whlchdiowover solemn in sound, proved to bo a piece of much humor. The au dlenco though not large, was select nnd d) relative, r 1 v ! to their homes fully tntlbtkd that (hey had got the worth of their money, LECAL NOTICES, 1DOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. Tho fnl In wit itf nntirnUpmpnU of rrnl rtml n Ponal property net npiirt lo wMown of (Urctlent), muv u ut-iu iwuu in tuw uiiico vi uiojw'aifitr in WO tuiiii'iuiuiuiiji um it i mu itunn in KUUilf mm will Im, prm-nlcd for absolute conflt-irmtltm. to tlio OrplmnV Court to bo hold in IHuottirUmk, In nnl for fcnW county, on Monday, hir I ijikt Day or Ffc. lbuu, nt two o'cloclc i, m., of gftM day, utilcM exception to mien rouflrmn iimm nro pi evimmiy nicu, m wmcu mi persons lnlori-Hti-tl In kiiIi) estates will tako nntltot 1. Widow of HV. Crrruty, late ofHcott lu p., 2 Widow uf iMnk'l Yi-Mur, InO of Muttm twn. ilrppfHii'i!. 3. Widow of Jobu IIoM.'lnlo of KWilnRcrcck IWP UlCULHUU, joti:f a. nu:i:zn, UciBicr. Hloi)inbiirK. .Inn. 1, ISfl'J. A DjMIKIHTUATOIVB KOTlGti. KMfATE OF CAIA'IN It.') Lotf(!rfl fif udfiilnNtrntlnn nn lhn ttl itn nf i;umn ji. HiiunyutT, mto or citmwK'm Col umbia Co dtcrnvod, have been granted by Dig llrclsUr or said county toGcorne Hcott.of Cutu wlssii. All rcrmrii imvlnf claim or dcinnnd ngulmt tho tututenf t lie decedent nro rcuuesled to mnko tliem known, nnd tliovo indohttd to rnnke 1U3 mem, urAJMWl, iM,ui i, Jan. 15W)-Ct. Administrate. ASSIONKK'S NOTICK IN DANK- - UUITUV.-In the District Court of tho Uni tfd KUdf-Hfor tho Wcfttern lilMrlctof ivntmylva hln.ln Lite matter of (ltoFrnRlPinmkrrtuankriipt, To whom ll tnnv concern l Thu imdf rtiliiieil hfrn by gives notice of hlsnppolntmenlns iiHslguroof Oeo.I'ViiKtermncherof jfloimisburK.ln tho county Ul V1U JlllJItk, Ullll t?LllU Ml 1 tUUBjllUllUI, WIKI hafl been ndjmlKod ft bankrupt upon Ids own pe- uiiuii.LJ iu u i strict uuurb ui sum iiixirici, J. It. KOMKO.V. Jan, 8,'(J9-1t, APHljjEtue. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE IN BANK UUlTOV.-n tho MslrlctCourt of tho Uni ted ritates for tho Western District of Pennsylva nia, In thu mutter of Uiiundni K. Trowbridge, n bntiltniht, Towbomltmav concern: Thpiiniltr. Kilned hereby uIvch notice, of hit upulntment as assignee of Kphralm K, Trowbridge, of linar creek twp.. In the county of Columbia, and Htato or reiiUHylvnnla, who has bceu adjudged a bank rupt unon his own petition, by tint District Court 01 niki iMtiuct. allien ai junomimtrix, 1110 xin u.iyni Jan., law. u. iiaukijKY, JuJi.H.V.t-Jl. Assignee. lXErUTOliy NOTICE. XU MTATK OF V3I. WAU1HN UKt'Ml. Lellers tostamenliiry on th eslnlo f Win Ward In. late of Luiitro townidilti. tinhim, Lla county lmvo been rrantod by thuIUKtnlor of Columbia County tojaineft WhkIIii orWmtlt eriy iaroon county i'iu au peisoui lnivuiu 1.-1.11111 upiiiisniicvKiuit'iiii' rctimui. to pit'M'li them to l-lduard M. Ward In. of HliHinshtiit- (vt umbla county, Va, Ihoso Indebted toihucstato either on note, Judgment, inortgnKo or book ac count win uwku 1' ino ixeeutor lth out delay. JAME.S WAUDJX. Km fiiioi, Jan. S.'CO. N OTICE IN ItANKKUPTCY. 'this U tn L'lvnnnttfO (Inl nn llmfitlt tiv r Jan, A. it. 1Kb", ft warrant in HankrupUy was Issued ngalnst the estate of Icunard 11. Itupet wi iiiuiiiiiriiius 111 lllUTOHUI) Ul VlJlllIIIiJlU, III1U Htate of rcnnsylvnnln, who has been mljuded n llanki'upton tuiou n jK'tltlon; that tho pnyin nt mmiy ulniw anu unlivery 01 any property uc lonatmr to Mich Rinkrunt. to hltri. nr for hu in and tho transTtr of any proricity by him aie ior- thos-Ud itunkrtipt, topnno their debts, and to chooMionoormorutiMltciiceHof hln estate, wdl bohildutn ('ouitof ll.mkruptcy, lu bo huldm at tho j:xchango Hotel lu BtoomsbuiK, In Columhla county, IVnnsj laula, bcluro ifward uvi-nuii, jr., uegi.-ier.oa uiu -nn nay ori-eb, A.i., lsty at I- o'clock, in. TIIOJIAH A. IIOWMIV, . U.K Mamli.iL Itl .10. II. Coolkauoh. Deputy. Jan,lV'-K N JOTIUE IN UANKltUliTCY. I tll4 iMtd L'iVfi liotlfn thnt nti fli.. Kti ilif nf jiui. .. ii. i.mi, ii xiirnni in i;,mi;l uiilov w.ts Ifcsm-iUKilnht Urt" I'sLilenl WilllM'n ILSchlalucli of lli.i liir. cif linrwluk In tho County vt L'o1 liliibiu and Mute fit IVmitylvuiiln, vim Ims Ijitii ailJulKit a fun Ic i u jt m hls.m.'n ritllinn Hint tliti .IVMli'l Inrmtv tli'btH mill ilillMri' rn tttiv jiriin ny iK-iuliiclnctoMH'll llnlikrupt, lu Mm or i iiiv tiuu liiu iniiiMer in any iroHrtv ny hliu uiu iuili Uittiii liy law; 11 nuetlut: ul tin' rifilltoiHor lluinatil llaukvapt, lu provo their llcUt. Illlll LU L'lltHliiU llllll lir 1 1 llll II AKrilt " tit III. Khtali. will Im lie-lit at u Court of ltaiikruiU'y, to in; iii-n.1 ii. .nn uiui'u in inn jii-j;iiivr ai mo r.x c'liaii'ju llotti Itl Itlooiusbiii'g l'a. liefnro Ijilw.iril (Hi-ruill.Jr., Itcgllaiur, on lliu Sllli iluy of 1'ibuaiy a. ii., liy at lu Jcloik A. M lllOMAS A. ltllWI.KY, u. M. Jliirnluil, Ilv II. 11. Ciioj.uauuii, Uiputy. Jan l.'i.'U'J.-lt. TOTICE IN UANKHUPTOY. This Is tn nlvo notice : That on tlieJUiday of l tti. a. i. lsu), n wariunt In ll.inkrupicy was Ihmu'iI nLjiihi5t llioestnto of John H.Klctknur hi mun iwi. in mo foamy 01 uo;u:nDto, and HlHtuol rt'niwvlvrtllln. who bus tioen ilIIii.)"..! n llankrupt on lila own pcllttnn ; Hint thonaynicnt of any ilibts iiml ili-Uvcry cf ony properly be longing to sndi llankrupt, to Mm, or fur his use, anil tho trmisftT of nay propi-rty bv lilrn arc for bidden by Ihw ; tliut a iiumI1iii; of tlio C'n dltorduf tho snid llnnkrtipt, to itovo tlmlr debts, nnd tn choose one or mora nssfLtnt'es ol his estate, will lie held atnComt ofUankruptoy, to tic holden at the KxrliaiiKB Hotel In llloomsburL!, Columbia csunty. l'enus.vlvnnla. before I'Mwnnl Overtoil. Jr., HeglKier, onthoHhday of l'cb. a. ., lhcy, at 11 U LI(K'K,ll. III. T11UJIAS A. HOWI.EY, U. S. Marshal. Uy U. 11. Uooleauoii, JJcnnty. Jan. 15,'G!Mt. N JOTICIC IX BANKRUPTCY, 'Ihlals tOL'lve notice: th A on tho 4th diiv nf Jim. a. i. Ibtji), a warr.ilit Ih llanlmiptcy wujiiihuedjaiialmt the eutate of li Irani 11. (frown of Sentt T owiiblil p in tho County ol Columbia, and State of ivnusj I van la, who law been adjudged u Bankrupt on Ids own petition that the nuvtneul of auv debts and dolivur jf any propetty betoiiBlng to nuchliankrupt, to Idm, or lor his use, and Uio transfer of any prrjp tTty hy him areforbldden by law; thata meet ilia of ilie Creditors of tho said Uankrupt,to provo thulr debtu. and to choose ana nr morn nMKlirmtu tif Ids lb tat c. will be held at, a Court nr ltunki unu be liolden at the illoouih- uurK, uoiuniuia couniy, I'eiinwyivama, Lu.ore lMwurd Ovoton,Jr UeKister, on tho'lthday ol t'cb, a. P. lWU,at li o'clock a. in. Juu. 15,'CU4t, liy li. li.CooLUAUUii, Deputy, s UlKlllFF'H SALE. Jiy virtue of ft writ of Fieri Knrclas Issued out of tno tlourt of Common r ens of Columbia coun ty uutt to ino dittedd, wltl bu exposed to public mle or outcry at tho Court House in lltooinsbur,,, j .uui.iiy ist i-'iii, iiiDiouowiiisj personal projiti tv ui.d leal tstjln u wit : AU that thnt ctrtptn lot ofKi-ouud Hltiiitteoin C'tntervlUo hi the t iwnMdp ol Centre county ot CoIUHibl.i and Statu of Pennsylvania, buiinded bviotof Abiahaiii ldeiUTieli.V'lllfam ICaneatid a publtu sereet, containing one-third of nn acre noro orits, uu wiuen is erecitu a two stoiy Icune with the appcrtenanccK. SelzHit taken inexeeutiou and lo bu sold :n tho proly i.f Henry I,ohmnu. juu. i.i, uj iuuiau.i;Ai -.iiwijAiiit bherill". S HEUIfE'S SALE OF HEAL USTATK; llv vlttue of a writ of Vend.Uxnonas. is.siuxl out of tlio Court of Common I'Icua ol Columbia coun ty, and to ino directed, will be exposed t- I'tibllc alo or tho Court House in 111 do ins. huruou .Mommy reoruury. in, jmrj. Tholdiuwiio(dovcrlbed lotofUrounl bituato In lliu HnmiiLrh nf f Vntf-ftlliL- In wit ltniimlxil on tho South by llallroad Avenuioiitho liht by lot oi irN.iiouneiiuy,uii uiu ioriu uy ariaiiry.ou the V"c t bv siieet, containing tweutyiivn let't liont bv one hundred and forlv-iHn deep, on uhleU hi eiCLted a two-stoned frame ifucumt; iiouso ui.u appurieunueea. taken in execution and to bo sold mi tho pioperty of i'atiick I'oryarty. -.V. , X ll14-l lb t , JUU. 15, 1SJD. bheilir. gllK HIFF'S SALK. OF VAl.UAIiLR USTATi:. IH virtue of a certain writ of I'leil Facias Issued out of the Court ol ( Ollili.on Pleat of Cid- umhla county and to inn direet d will In exiuiscd to bale by publie ttuluo or outcry at tho Couit Houso lu llloc one o'clock in tho after noon of iSalutdiy .lanuurj 10, Itti'K tho iullowlnt; mentioned and dcM-iibed leal Ktato httuatu lu tliokuiu county. No. 1. Tuounnlvtjod thirtieth part of a certain iecti of land Hituutu la Montour towmddp, -on- Jatue.1 Itarton.and the Flthtngcrvek, wlieretui li ertcttni a iraine nourunr 111111,11 name tiweiitni houhC aurtu Jrame htablo.wltli liiouppurtenaucc. No. 2. Th undivided thirtieth part of a cer tain piece of laud tdtuate In UltHtm towubhlp.eon tAni ten acre more or loail!olnlnlftndii of Ca leb lUrtnn, JamcH Itartou, M'JZclvy, Neal and oiucra wnen-nu ja ei eeiooft iramo nuusounu ia bio with ihuuppurlemincett. No, S. Tlio umllvhud thirtieth part of ucir- tain niece, ol laud idtuate 111 llloom townhhtn eon. talntn eighteen acres more tr Uhh, ttdjuttdn liudH of .lames ll.irtmi, M'Kelvy A: 'j liu ittooiuttouru non jtt,t aim oimrfc. .neuon ih tuiltilii li nine dwelling house, a loubain and out housc, with tho iippuiten.iueoH, No. 4, A ceitJilu pieeoof land ltuatoin llloom JolniiiKbindHof M Kilvy A Nciil, I. J. Wader, nnd Uio Not tit lljuncll Cutud, wlieretui lu ui cited u frame Moro house with the appurtcmiticcH, No. 6. Tho Defendant' interest In u curljilu pltceorlniid fcituato lu Moutour township, ton tain Ihk one acre, more or lean, adjnlujnj' Iniub of Daniel Gli'cr.Winliowbildue. Jutiu autl ti leti tcr 1'urhel andoUiei-h, wheuou ii tin led u liaiiui thu-lllny hoiue with ilut appurteiuiut.ei. ALSO At I ho Court llout.0 In lllooiust.uru 011 Hatunlav Jim. tfL day of January next ul one o'clock P. iu.iue i't if iiiuini n win rt it 111 a 101 mmi-iiu the wvftl ulde of W'vhl htteet adloluinif lid of T. J. 1 horn ton on tho north, uu alley on Mm wot, ami iiunuoipii iiayman on 11.0 roinu, ic;u,i ti n et front, ami about Joo fett det n. Mheicon fi erited u brltkhou'.e. bei.cii lauen in evecuuon ana to ne Mti n ino properly of 1 .1 tumid ll. HiiiKri. MuuDixiAi m:i.!.aiu, Jan, 1,'Wt. hbcriif, glllCIUFFS SAIjK. llv lrtue of a urlt of Vend. Cxnciitux. Uunl out of the Com t of Coiuiuou VUu of ColuinbU oounty, and to mo dlrtuled, will to iiuuueaie or oui-try, ui tue Louri iioue in ltloouibbun:, uu Monday, Fibruury lkt,lbtU, thd follow I on real tblute to ullt u (-t-rtulu lot of urouud tdtuate In tho Horoutth of Cinlralla Col umbUi fount y lou tided and dekcrlbedHH fultowit; on the wol by Iteust Avenue, 011 the north by iot now occupieu ov iunc uauuiee. on inetuui oy a twenty iihi (.iiey.on thOMiutu ity lotor Jtw, ji j.umie, ou which uenci led a tu 11 ktorv fr.miH loU' Ntuhleiihd Utn:ou Mied.u 1th Urn idi r .1 to bU 1 l 4 li J Ah J.'CJ, t 'i 1 hi uiid MOU'JKtAI MIM.AIH), 1 ti rl MERCHANDISE, jJ-EW KTUL'li UP CiiOTIilNU. I'resh nn Ivnl ol 1'ai.i. ,uit i;m:ii oooiia. DAV1U LOWHNIIHIU1 Invites nltent Inn u hU nUitk of Olt l'.AI' AND t'ABIlIONAHI.K L1.0I1I1NII. nt his 6loro un Main Rlrect, twodoors .llmfr Hie I nurlniit Jlom lltaotn'.lairc JM., whiru ho hu JtMt rrwlveil rrniit Nw Vnrkmd l'lilledol.!ili n full nssoritnetit of MKN ANll 110 VH III.O'I'IIIMI, Inrluilln,- in; ino.t ri..)ilii;.IOc-. iliirr.Uo, r.. Iiiitulsoine l)ltliH OOUIM, eon.tlm; of lliiX, MCK. ItOCll, (lL'M,ANItlil(,.(ll.OTll COA'IMANI) I'ANIH. of nil iMrts.tdS'.'.satiJcoljr. ttutiasnlso ni'liti lshed tils ntriiii'ly lnttfu tttock of l'Al.l. ANlJ U l.'.TjlilMlIAWlt, S'l'ltll'UI), KU)i;UKII, ANll 1'I.AlN VI ATH, RHlf.TH, (,'ItAVAT.-(.B'!l-KS, COI I. His, iiANDKi:r.ciin:iH ui.oviji, HUMl'K.VI)l;I!.M, ANll KANt'V AI'.TII't.l He niui nitmtmitly on luunl a latmi hint nvlMe eeted nisortiaent of CI.DTIIH ANll vixrisni, which he In I'M'i'.-irwl to niliku to older Inloanv kind of clothltib', on very ulitirt ncllee. nnd In lif bent tiinuner. All lliu clothing U made u wfcr, nntl iiiol of ll Is of homo manufacture. OOI.U WATOIIICH AND Ji:VKMlV, of overy dekcrlpilon, flncntiil ehenp. Ills rasnof jeweiiy la notBttrpansed ln thls'plon'. O.ill ixud cTiitnino hlsKcneiiil nssorlnieu of ciothino, WATcurs', jr.wni.nii, sc. DAVID l.OVKNl!Uit. jJJ 10 lit! II AND! HE. kotilt. ih itn r.nv nivr. To my friends and lliu public .enxrnlly, Hint all kinds of I)UY OOODS, (iUOCEltlEH, QUKENSW'AUE, NOTIOxVS, AO., nrn citiittniitly on hand nnd for unlw AT HAUTON1 OI,l HTtXD, llLOOiKlllUIUl, IIY jaiiw k. i:vi;t4. CVIfnil, Sole Alr.'lll tul I'LM.I' I'ltOiUIATHtJF la:. Ijiw lot i.t;ulin,ll ,ii l.ulid. fvbS'l". c iLOTIIKS BY MACinyjiJtY. The underslHiied would reocc!fullv call the ntletitlon of tho public, to Ida new ami r.i pruved method of inaklLj; clotlitb by a r-yMem 0.xd unon tutithcnutlcat prlneipHs, which rciileilt Impossible to bo other wtso than iM-rfoctly acenrute Jie eintms lor thu method the following ai vantnes. KIltST. Feifect accuracy. HIICOND. A Kivinsortwothlrd-ofthtl!:in mindly t!i en Ui cut out the cloth. mini). Ability to nn a.s;iii unyfKiaefo ns to Initea I'tJlIIUil. 1 hid It dots iwy with the lu( of IV.ff tncauicd miuelhiiii oiue.iiH often ii tho C4 lioiu lh mirapj reliLiivh n or mUtako of I meaMiier, lie would ure the public to rUc It a ttinl.ns K ltfalUtUd that it will c,le pcrfct satUf iction. lie M Ol- happy to exhibit and explain Hi wort;. Ins id nn.1 time to vUHoib. , J. w. t ncMPur.r.iN March tfi NN Main St., below Mat ket. gllKUU-T'ri SALE. Hy lrtneoi a vu otWul. i:pnn.ii . b..inl mil of the I'niirt .f Conmi'in l'h-as of i 'oluiiilla enmity, nnd lolile dlreitul Mill l-n t-Xpieil in tinlilluonle or nut-cry, ul the l ourt HoiiKe, 1n lllooni!.linrK,oll Monday, 1 ehtnary 1st HI, tLw tnllouliiL- rial t-stsio to wit : a lot of n round 1.1111. ale In the lloumt'li nf Ucnlialla, Coluiulila tonn ly, lii'lni; one lot tenly live feel fiont, anil one 1 Hi i ul i it 1 unil lolty fietdicp, Imnnilcd on lliu t.'lM hy land nlAlilhony I'urhlli, on Ihe witllli hy IhiHrnud slrtel, on tho wcsl hy lot of 1'ntlli-k li'Kiirty.on the north hy an alley, on which Is erected n two story Inline dwelling; Ihiu-d with the appurtenant is. Stl7td,inkrn In execution, and to ho ,,o!d as lhn property of Ann (,'afty Don ntllyi'.nd. iitilck Dounelly. A I, S O: At the Mimo tlmo and pbec a lot ofuround sft nute In the llorouidi nf CVnlrnlla, lintindttl and deerilii.l as lolliiv. l: ,.n lid inst by 1'aMiui blltet,!!.! thi'soulhli) Itu ot Daniel lleaver.on Uio west by au alley, on tuu norlli by Janus ,lin iiIiiku, on which Is euttcd n Iraino tlueltltl u llh tho aiiptirtenani cp. Seletl, tnUcn lu execution ami tobesol.l iisllu properlj of Janus il Alllllf. MOIIDKCAI MIl.L.Mtll Jan. Vol). Mietllt A PPLKJANTS KOH XIOKNSlvS. Fi:nniiAitv ti:iim. iwto Notice N hLreby lVcn Unit tliefollowlncnamttl pcifiOiiK lmvo inadenrpllcntlon to Ihe J'rothotio tnrv of Columbia tJijimle. ft,r Thy itii mul nihtr IlceiK'iH. tu bo I'm nt td to lliu coiiiliiir rpbrnarv Term ot Ciuirt: CaUwinsa, Gilbert & Kline, LlquorKtwv. (Jreenwood, Dogart & Kramer, " iiuuipnrey i-.irKer lavcrn. John Leircot " Conynnham, Thomas Monroe, I jitliilloii. - i"iity -o i'l.ienou Uor, Hetwlik, Hlcnard lie rt " Henry M. Hockmau. " " ( has. 1. Fowler Tavern. IUoom, !torno H. llrown, IMIo.iu. r.inton, Teler Anplernr n, TaviiL Ml I'lentuiu Hfurv Main, J.K. liuffcdK-mor " Ihiarlrcek. tiiuoun Cl. Ilnhhr. CeutiMll.i. WUUiiiii I'ifu-. ficott, Mary K. (iricn. .IKHSl! COI.lIiiA.V, Pliilli e.olati it', Jan. 1 161,1. rioot.i&bu WYOMING VAliIiEV C'ANAIj T T 0 0 M P A N Y. A mtitlnuof Hie Stool.lM.Mors of the Wl limine'ey nn.ilL'omptmr will bo held at tl!"ofllee of fie Company. Nn. 8I!'4 Wiilnut Kireet Plilliflel nhla. nt tweli e o'elcck nt.-on Situiiliivlbn ltrl day nf Jnnrary Isn't, when tho Joint agref t.iewt liueiv i ntereil into hy tlie llo-ird or .M,ius"t-s of tho Wyoming Valley Canal Company, and Ihe lluatdof llireetnrs of the lvtiusvlvnn a (?niint l'o npany. for I he ennsol Ida! Ion of the said Com- Catiles and merper nf the Wyomlnu Valley Canal uuuinny Into the IVnnsyhauIn Canal Compmiy will tie suhtnltted to the stock holders, and a vuto by ballot, In person or by proxy, taken lor tho adoption or rejection of tuesame. This notice Is Klveulnnccord incowlth the pro. visions of an Ait of Avsumlilv approved April .'nd W1. ANDUKW C. liUM.Iii, Jau. 15,'W9.-Ct Seatlary, J O T I C E. 'lim nilhllcnrn linrntiv nntlfl.-it t tint r.n 1 St dav of January hut. i ptirehaud ut ( oiistjibio'n ,s.ile, tho following, propel tv, sidd nx tho ikkN and ehuttles of (JeorKU hii.i Jnhu Shelllmmer, lx: Ono Wa;; n TW'KNTV ACItES OK CiHAIX In tho Krouud. ono east beam plow.ono liny llaio an 1 ono (liny Hoarse, Alt-o ut Ihenajno tlme.yul at Constable's Kale, ono lihuk Hoite, rnd ouo )I.iy Horse. Moidas the property ut John Shell, h.nner, Tho publto nro hereby nolltled 1ht I hae loaned hald personal projterty W tietgnd John htiellhaiiier, and are leciiidUd t:oi tu pu eh eo or mcdent the Mime, H'M. MIA Fl-Wt. I'eulro twp. Jau. a, ty. St. O JI S A L K . 'Itmundeibluned oireiH tor kido the 1(oua nnd I d now occupied oy hlin in the tou li of IhiiUut, Columbia ctnuity. Thl M'hs formerly uted ieu Tavern nnd Hiulmlr.ibly u-lapUd ior that jtir poe. If not sold by thollrU of April next, tho prorer ty will bu.ruiiled on rpavnuld ternn. r'ull palilalia ituurdiuy; price or untMf., ran (hi ot(nluud ou api Ucatiou lo the uridciidu ed on tlio premlbcs, I'o.-fifcl'in given ou too Ul or April IMIU. Heulon, Jan. s.'i 1T.TFU API'LKM AT. J A b T N OTIOJ3, 'Jho coilctor of Columbia Comity holding Un settled duplicate, for Uh7 and preioui frn uieiKpilndPi pay tho hulaucu of their dupli cate on tho find weckoi I 'eh. Term of Court, noil, oiiierwue Jeual rnuee'dns will be- com int need lortlio ndleetion of thu mine. Tho colUctors foi ln, Imvtug uuvettUd dupll pj.icn, nie all it filmed toMdilu their duplliutts during 1 lie two wet kn vt Court. Ity Ordir 1 1 MONT. ( ou: HAVIU YKAUnil, WM. (I. tHMCK, Jiin. 8,'8' Commlfcloners of Col., (.:. g a mi i j i-:TTr7v uniws m aki iT." OltANOKVU.T.E, CtlLVMIllA Coitt , VlZSH'X THi; underdjned rcHpot tfully In Ton us Irl inl.t nnt the public that ho has liouht out Tiio:t s ltuci; LK, rnd will continue tho IilisIiumh ofHAlUUd'.and UAUNlH MAK1MJ, lu ull ltt vnrloiu bniiHheH.uttheold bland uboYoKu)der' Hotel, and hopes to ilesei vn and receive thdiai rouiujoof al' ulionecil articles in hU line, h..'os tJ;tmui; ia'.aiil'h. N T 1 0 E Thu Ovciriccr of the lnr of l!l.nm tu n. Iia In l y and ulrW rauliii; luau from fcev en lo ten f r, lor wtioui hu it tlcirou of rind 1 114 biiilablu muten l'arllc-i applying well ricoiuiuendol, enn h.ivooneor moruof thu ubovuclilldreti,Hillclol to them for a nutuhol of er. JOMAIl 11, riUtMAN, HliRUiifcbuitf Jhu,15,'CA). St ()LU'revrof tho loor N JKWFIItM, NKW GOODS A?M m:w piiici,-juisTIii:ci:ivi:d rami New York n few inorj sets of tho corn Pattern Tin Waro, at S. V, HAKTJiAX'ii. JHMNANTH 01" CALlCO'lCS, DKIiM.Vl-N, COUI(H, CSSIMi;itK4, MI'S 1N ie, 4 Fur sale nl frt ally r i'ii il pr -r 1 1 I W IIUtTM.Wtl. DRY GOODS, ETC. N E W V 1 U M A X D Jo- r HOWUK it IlEItniNO, )tnlnii taken tin) imj.ulnr stnn.l of D. K. Hltun, In it . OiMsaitvil.t.i!, CoLVnntA CotlNTV, l'.i?,. Itespectftillynnnounte totho friends nftliointnli IlKliuitut, ns w.ll n to hew eustntuers, that they hnvo Just reeclM-il n lnigo supply of NEW (IOOD8, sultnblo to tho i-envons consisting of DItY (I0ODS, (lllOCKllinf), ClUKIJNHWAltH, IIAIIDWAIIM, llOO TH AND I4II01X, IIATH AND TAl-H. DllUOH AND .MEDICINES, nnd lu khort every urtlile u.unlly kept In n first. class Country Htorei In which they Invito Ihont lentloti of their friends and lhn public ceneinlly, ThiMiRood wtto purclnised nt the lowest rntes nnd they proposo to soil Hit in on nn mndernto terms, ns slnitlar cnods can la hot hero or elso wheieln tlio county ,flr cash or country produce. Dee. IOs-Sm. DOWIltl A IIEItltlNO. KSwdraMKiasuw vjsornvsjri s .OMETH1NO NEW. Thn itii.lri.l.,nn.t i. r, .-,... '. so ivii.r in niiorjii ner rrlcnds nnd the public generally, Hint the, has opined In I.IOlI'r HTUCKT . . a rresh stock of kooiIh lu Uiu lino of MIM.IXEUY nntl T11IMMING8 In eonniH-tlon with Dress Mnklnei nnd Is pre paied In nddltloll, to COLtllltlTKAW HATS on the shortest unllee.nnd lu the best style of the art. Pilcis iliiap nnd work naur.irlnty. MKH. H Itr.fNK I.Uht Htrcel, October 4, 1W,7. CJCIIUTZE A LUDOhrF, KJ (laT.llll.lSHKll IN 111-,.) tlfcA1.,i11AN..IOK?IJl Iniitlf''ebiunry'Jjth, IM: Wniriilittillorlloyenrs. l nrcrooms, va liroouie-su, Jfpw York. 1 ho patent .Monitor l'lato i'liuwt by their re eullar eonstructlon nref uperloi- to all others, and their merit cunslM In thuw rest pljul. belce nip purled by the Iron Irntne. allowing n laret r '.pn.-o rot- the souiithn Ismid IhiKi is po-sessed bv nny other Kind of l'inlin. liy this mean. Ihetiunhlllv as well ns Ihe quality of the tone Is largely In creased. 'lime l'lnnns been pronounced by the In st Judges to he unrlvnllcd for l'OlVI'.UAMl hWr.H'I NI li j OrTONK. Kasv and nereeibte tonMi mwi Y...mnt in..iui ""'t llatti ilnir cirllllcaU's of exeilleucu fro'ni .iuwiicik, v.uui.ciiHia.r-iraKO'.i'n, leutcmps. nun a Liriso tunnbei nf the most dMIiiBUlshed l'roria surstind Am.ilmrs. 1'roin I na exp"rlrncc nnd superior facilities for MnmifaeiurlnK, wo tiro ena bled to nirer our jitiiuos tit .is low piictuusiire nKkid hy liiforlonnnkern. M-iid tnr circular tiud priio list. Mnr.O'iiS-ly J I''or dalmii I'nmllr wnslilmr tn l,B ...i cheapest ni'inner. Ouaranleed equal to nny In the world I las nil thesttenKth of.ild rniln soap with the mild nnd InlltPrlnKriunlltlCHnf Li-nnlno i 'itstlle. Try lb s splendid son p. fold by i he Alden Clii'inlciU Works, JS North Front street Phils. Hep. I, c3-ly. $2000 A yKAR- With lllllelnlior, roinethlnc; entirely new for all thoiooutot employment, n'tonlshlnaresulu hi aid lloni.eM'iydiiy since dlMiivcml 45loiw per iliiyiiiadebyeMiy one who has yet tnlten hold Cl till' I LSll.rss. or tn In i.ll i... .....iui .... piiired. All thobHhnvliiKoiiy fmrol belnu hniu brjul will oblis.' mo by not nntltlni lhlsjiill I'm luiiliu- iiirs pi.i.seii.cio.esinmpKr clriuh'.r. Addni-s aliulltlii llhilik. New lilocmtleld Pun Co . Pi:. .Viv, LTliS-t m. J KEINHEIMEU & 151tOTlli:it, lll.TAir. IIClMiiS IN M UN'S A N D I! O YH' C! L O T II I N Q AND GKNTO- r u rt n 1 8 n i ii o 000118. South Jiiilti Street, liflow Mnrl;i;t, opiiosllo Correll'H ytiue,) JUsOOJSJlUJtG, PA. Jan. I.lSttl-tf, CriH KOTJDRIIBSS VOIiTJjyiE, On January 1st, lfcti3. LITTEIjL'S LIVING AGE Kilters upon its One lllllldrclli Voliiinc. It has leethed lliu commeliilatlou of Judeo tltory, Chatiii-llnr Kent, President Adams Ills lorlllis ).:nlis I'.PMsitt, llancrolt, and '1 lellllnr, Ilev, Hi utj Wir.l Leeelier, and many oth-r ; and It ailmlltidly "conllnues tn sland at Ihe llltlvlllt Its l 1 U.S." I Is is -mil eiery Sntuida.i, i:lvin(! lirt-lun tuitubeis nisiMy-futir pages each, u th in ItikKJ. 'Ilto lsa.mi doublo-eoltimii oeliiio pu.s ot rindiiicialtsi 5 early; Fiinlilliiu It to present n lull lesunie uch us Is atlempteiniv 110 oilier pe rlodiiaOof the valuable literature of I bo dav.eni liriu Ina tho Uktim lews.Crllleism.sriilts.l'Ketry, l.ltliiary Kcleiilifle, llioRraphlcal.Ilistoileal, and I'.i lilial irom the whole body id l.nahMii peiiodlcal llterntnro and Irom the pii.sul Ihe nldist llllnj! wiilels. II is uu uric ttieh t omineud llsulf to nny one ul.o has 11 Instil i ir the hst llteintureof thd Mn1.1r.l1us and ltevlews, 01 Mho care tu lii-cp up Willi the e nits 01 the time. Exlrmts fiotu Xollees. Prom llev. Henry Ward lleecher, May, l07. "Were I, lu view of nil tho ciiinpe.llo.-s that nro now lu thu Held, to tin iosa, I should certainly choose Tiik I.tviNn aik Nor Is there, In any library that I know of, ku much Instructive nud t nlcrtMlulua rcndluii In tno s imeiiuuibcrof volumes." the Neiv-Yoili Tlincn. "The tnHe.Ju lKtnent, nnd wise net, displayed In the selieilou ot articles nro nbovo all praise, lieiauso Iluy have ncir been equalled." Fioni tho Philadelphia Iminlrer. re.iderof "I.lttell" Is ever enloy Itn; I ler.irv ndvniitiiL'i-s i.litnln.iiiio 11.m11.-1, n.. oilier Hiuice," From Iho Philadelphia rie&s, ptW, '"Iiui 1 Livi.Ni! Auk continues to slnnd ut the head of lis class," rroin the itlehmond Wis,, ''II umiin wero to tend IdtteirsiniiBa.lnoieiju. Inrly, and nail not lii.-i: i-.t-n. he would be well Infoi nied. m all prominent subjects lu tho gene ral II, Id ol l.umuu linuwicdKiV' l'n. tn Ihe I hliiio Dally licpuhllcau. "limirt I.iviNti At.K Is the oldei.t, and by fur thodnst, eoi.eentratlou of iholce iiirlisllisil literature ptltittd In this country. It necuptesn Held filled by no otlnr iieilodicul; and Its aiuplo luiEcs eonstitutnn rcpei lolru of tho mixstudinlra-blv-siltelid uilscellatiy from tho entire ranee of the hi-st home tint! foreign Journnls and tnai;.i rJuik. TheBiibsirlliertol.lttel finds hllnselt In isisesslou, ut the etui of theyiar, of lour Inrire volumes ,fsi.tli niullnuns eati be obtained lu no other f'irni, nud comprlslut; selecilnus ftnin evry dejiiirlment of science, art, philosophy, nnd hellu'letlits. Thoso Mho ilislro a ihorouuh compendium nful! thill is aduiiruble nud nuin wortliy In the llteiary world wilt ho sp.ued Uio lloilhle of wndlnc; throlii;h the sea of revli-usalld inauuzllies publl-lusl abro id; lor they will Hud the msinti ol ul) compacted mul coureutraled here. Anrrliiicli's Xtiv llnmatiir. Ill ths nuiiiher nf Tho I.lvlni; Aue for Nov. Sis) Inst was beitiiu, by nrianKnneut wlthllio llosioti inihtlshers of llerthold Auerhneh's wtults. u new Hom.iuceby that most eminent or llvluir lietmnu uoiellsts, tulliled "Till: Couni'hv-HoI'hk on Tin; llitiNU" which Is nowiipiieiirlntt serlully lu (lernmnj', Auei bach's last work, "On thu llt.Hlill.Vwiu iironcunceil "Iho 111.1st reuiarltn I'lonoMd that come to us from the homo of (ioelhoiliirlut: tho present century:" and John (1. Haxo pronounced It "olio of thu lew Krent works ofthe ace." Tlio new wotlt will upnear troni wiek lu wick In-'Ihe Ivlng Ate" unlit complet ed. The I.I. lliu Aft. ficu lu Juiiuary, ISO'J. Tho luihllshers oHi r to new nibscrlhers re mltlltiK to them for lliu iur Isoa. Ihu wiekly iiuiiibersi.f tho "The Living Ape,''fiom the lw tlniilnnof Auerlueirn slory to tho uud of Imw. Ireo of charge. Tltu Lit tuu Attn Is pulillshisl eel;ly nl tin year, free of posture. An 'Miatoiv' sent irrnlls lonny otiuKettluEUii ll Club nt l ive NiM MubM rlls l-s Adduss I.ITI'KI.I. A HAY, S.i llroiiiileldHlritt, lliulun, JOY.S' CAI'S, HATH, t-CAIIPH AND UI.OVIl', VKUY CUllAP AT I.W. HAUTMAN'S. IHlIWSfSllIl JJHY GOOra, GltOCKUIES, HAUDWAirK QUKKNSWAIti:, ITDAUWAHH ITU ITt'.. I X. i llANllFD llllt PlIOM' ll. AT , , I W II MiTM N,- P'.u 1 . ' MISCELLANEOUS, lI.OUlt AND EEED. 'ho 1ini1orlititl llmnltfnl tnr tin.t nnlynini.i Iicrs tn tiunouce to his friends nd to lite public thai lilt N E W M I L Ii Is now In complete rutthltiirorttr,mid flint ho Is pri pared lo do nil kinds of Milling without delay 'rnrtles from n tljstniiec enn have tlielr crlstii Kioutnl without delay, sons to tnlto them homo tho sniuoilny, nnJ n n rulo nil wotk brniiKhtto Hie mill en he done In twenty. four hours? My prtsentnrrnnviiicnls nro such nn to preclude, tho necessity of inji ir" tho mill tin account Of Ice. high or low water. TJfl; Hi!' hAMll.i' l-'I.tilllt. ns w ( 11 a the low i r gi mil s, niid nil It Inds nf chop axd Fi:ur hipt on band liimiaiillly.ulid forsnla nt tho low, ust turreiit intes. Ornln of nil kind, putchascd. IilghtHtreet, Dee. f,'BS-ir. l'KTKlt K.VT. QTEAJI EIKE-I'IIOOF SAFES. miiiuiiriin i.uciil' hub i-en ill'IUOIlsirHieU IJJ the inft thornuuh practical tests tn be vnslly su- ,n-i ii ir in nro prom iiuuiuios in any niuer inntters Iboln? watt r In copper tubi herinetlcnllyseulrd) prcrenllnK eniuplelcly nny cviiimrnlloii nd is the driest snfo in uso. The pateutcan be npplled to nny snfo. Itufore tiurchaslui; elsowhcm rail nnd cxatume, or s nd for lututiiilit eontnlulnif the reitillrnlesof trials with nil olherinnkerssafelE . . "iwi" ii . imi jvi.i OI.I Jirilltll wny. New Yonc. (Doc. 1 1 .'M-Soi. JATEIiY OPENED. 'J lio utidertdtrned wmild rpMnrtPidlv itifnnn ih, citizem of lllofiiufeburu and vicinity, thnt Italian i -l n "UUP 1111 inmnireci, uciwccn iain uim iniru, wuere oh ioiiow the cabinet ma klu huhluubs In all Its branches. Orders for metallic on onrcn corKiN9 filled with promptncBH and deipatch. llcpniri-j uiiviiiiij iiiwiu iu uu iLiuun i)i lurniiuro, inuiuu IhK the replaltlnt; of onnebntlomed chairs. VaV teriiH for eautlntrH madn nnitlvnnil oTi-lirfott. ly, nnd orders are solicited e itl ler In person or by mull, l'lcturo frames mode to order at fchort no llrs . KOlitlvI ItUAN, April 10,'68-tt. N W. SAJII'LE & CO., MACHINISTS & ENOINEEKS, MAIN 8T A I.. & 11. 11. It, IJUlO.MSllUltCl, P.I., Aro prcrnred lo furnish nil kinds of Machine work, such ns STEAM ENGINES, IJOIIiEUS, flmfllus, Pulleys, lfnnu-crs, Conplinus. Mlllnrnr lug. Saw manJrlls, etc., flnnne cocks, Pet cocks, Woam pipe, toKPthtr with nil kinds orptcnm flt- tiUKs coustuntly ou hand. inresiiniij .Mnchluesntid l!ort,c Powers made loonier. AH binds of Aji'i'uKiiiii Mnrhlner tcpiilri.l. Maya'.'tJt 'VO THE I'UBLIC. Tho undctslrtiici! irsnonlfiillm lt.r..r..-u i.i i- friends nnd customers that ho has rtlltteil his ii ... ... rcnuy to do wool enrdlni; In (-iiikI order, Whin Rood, clenn and ( udiiii-. ColorliunnildiesslnB Cloth, done to order. Wool left at Ilnrtmnn's More, llloorts liuii;, will bo takcu and returned ever two or 1'rr,fc.x!r''sw".,")"lorw"rl- The raV ho m';01 nt. Orai'Sf'vnie. nl either of tlio stores Will be attended to iiromtittr-. . No wool wnitnii Is running fur ine this summer iiVii.t..; V'"."""";" n'""i "'Biirevuie, ior 1110 ac- ' QRtiltdll'VANC'K' June 13, im K0ar Orangevllle JJOJIESTIC ECONOJIY! CAMPILI.ION CAHPETI A new, clicnp, duruble, henlthy. nud Iieautllul ELOOU COVERING j A Mi'istltute fur oil-cloth atone third tho cost. Thls cnniet Is produced by 11 pectillarcninliinn tion ot.t runs, heavy 1 aner. prfnted In ornamen tal colors, and coaled ivlthu wiugh, cltisllc, water 1 roof enamel which receives tho water, protects theeoluisuiidpspereniluics Mashing, unit ren (lets the carpet bright and heiuttruf in the ex. ti-i'ine, Its ad Mintages nro us folloiis t Its i ost rmdns It tnnllable lo all classes; It Is exeiiillngly ainoolii nnd glossy, and It ncctilnu laes lien to midlist ; Itdois not linulre to lie taken up nnd 1 leaned like other carpet, nnd thus wiVrii"";?1' '"im' "L"1 ,ro'1,,lei ' ro-coathig iiwiinu origin ; in us use no rellnneo wh itevci s piucod upon the paper lor wear, but exclusive, 1 II till. I Mill. ll"fl IcKiin itif r.i.n I Ii... .1... '. jier being used only to seenru tlic colors. Pnixir hns recently been used for ti nrlety of purnosis oveu for trunks, roofi, Hour bags and wearl ignn parel.hul the Hrst nttenipt, either lu KuiopS iir America, tu convert It Into carpet or Uoor euve Ine. nil concide It to bo nn entire success 1 We have purclmsed the right for Columbia county and eau lurulsh thu carpet to merchants al manufacturers prices, irYou aro Invited to call aril examine the goods at our store. JI K1ILVY, NEAL & CO. liloomsburg, Deo. ll'm-tf. P LO0MSI1U11O NOHMAL SCHOOL AND LIT i- KIIAIIY INS-TITUIK. HOAHD OF INSTIIUCTION. nr.NiiY cAr.vEii, a. it., rnucipai, ProfesMirorintelltetualnnd mornl science nnd theory un 1 prnctlie of learning. Mls Snrnh A. C'nri-er, Preceptress. Teacher of I icucll, llolany and oruamcatal branches, Isaac O. Jlest, A. H., Plofes.tor of Ancient Languages nnd ncgllkh Urnmmnr, t. , A-.'i- Firu e, A. JI. Profeksovof Jfntliemntli.s. nnd pnu Ileal ns troi.nmy. Ilev. 1). C. John, A. JL, Profo korof chc.mli.lry uud physics. , F. JI. Hates, Tmrlnirof geography, history & Hook -keeping Jnnus llrown, Ansi taut teiicher of innthcm illes Knallsh (3r mmar. Mis." Allte JI. Carver, Toniheriif Jliulcon the piano nnd meltsleim. Jlrs. Hntllo L. Pest, I miber of Vocal Jluslonml Instrumental music MlkK .lull.-. f;ttet. Ten l.n of model School. TI1M VI. .I.. Ir-... -Hlll nnd linlll our I.naidlni! hall Is ready for owupnn- lio'funded :.Vh laaue; m i;ii;aiit iandlh?,: "' i ?' 1 1 mi '',lll''",N loeommeneont thoop- hletliev ism etiier ut any time. .-.Ill 111 .11 i-iis. ' H. MAIZB'.S MAMMOTH GUOHURY, Bitivra' nuicK, main Hr.,iir.ooitslli'iio. r.i. .V lara cssorttnt ut of fasey O It O C E HIES v"ni'i,i.l;,0",lm":.'C',!,.",,"'rrU"- Heedless Ilalslns nleui n lias ns, Kngll.h Currants, citron, Mac- a! vti;;',','i'S,,1,rU''VJ W M'w-Hernl llxtfn ll 1 1 I r, ! l I ' '" 'j V,'et"! V""1 '"""'i i1 . . -iii'i, lAjuiteisi nti'i si-irnr-. - jau. i. uo UliNllV WOI.I-. K. C. UAItTOK. (bui-iiisor. toH. c. fehlve.) 'pine suiisciiiiu:hs having J. Leased the pinning JIII1 .ml JInchluo Miop foimerlyiKcuplnl by h. c. Mde. will eontlniui tile business ol mnli'ilas-luiing DOlir.fcl, KAf.lI, LI.I.NDH, 110ULDINQ , llrnckeU tc. Wo nro also prepared ti furnUU dressed Homing, khlnslisuiid nil oilier lumber requited In the consiitiitlou or buildings. All kinds of tnriilniT dnni-nt klw.rt tn.ii.. inn r... Joist and othir frame sttiir tilted wli'h prompt lifts nud cine. Utihn rir.peilfully H'llli-lttil. April 17,'K WOLF A HAltTON. AIAIAIILK riltii'liUTY TOU f HALM 1'he ujilerkigueil Mill offer iitprlvalemle his Iran, e duelling housiiuilh an outhiiilke ndlolu ing, with u well or inner f illing water ou the poreh ; it largo to Mory fiuinu i-ulilnrt shop. Ilitilber liouseund ktnble, with all the tu-eossary iiutbullillns. 'Ihu propnily is n Milualilo onf', terms will nn inndeeus) and sisit.iou alien m Ihe Hrst of April next. Jau,-, l'J-3iii. V. II. IILLWIO. s IIAV US TEN IMUt CENT I.KMS IN PIMI.TSH aiNCll TIIK NUW YLAIt, AT 1. V,'. HAKT'yAN'H iJiF HOOTS iiiti;r.n down ritoji iS.OH to 1 .0(1. nt I. W, HAUT.UAN'rt AWES' OAITEHH i VOlt PIITY ClINIH A PAtll AT I. W. UAUTJIAN"- gg- l'Oll KEAT AND CHICA1' U ttt Uio I'okminiiiti OlScc. Ulno.ikbur l'o. -i-, ljuMiit-l nniip anil 1,01. klluatlil lllSluti. town, IiiH-ust'juwKhlp.ColumlilaCoiinly.ulong thoMiiio hadliig from Cituwissa to Ash- l.llldllll Wll Cll .1 ITt-l-lHTl S vnil.UIn.l I ..... .....ii MI8CELLANEOUG. ' iit- uurs mm). 5tiR'ri(Ui FnitiicciurnlN lo fttili. BCl'lllCl'N. The l.itdjr'f TllenJ ntimnmrr. Iho f.iltowlnj nor. elm for leiill.- " To," br l::linh,-n, rr .. foil, s.lher ef' llntr Werasi linn lie) Wur " "IlisPfU. efTwo Mrn' l.lvn." hy Amur'. j! Ilourlx. Ililllior of Th. Delisrtjr Kotlnh. ' fit J A New Nnvclct br Lnuiro Clinlmler .Mi.iil!, n tnuh of nf "Fl'.lnf ftnin Pnt. " fc. ; nn.l . Net N I by sirs. Henry IVoil, Hi. lUttifitut.i? f n.t. Niivcll.t tintlior if"Biil t,t rut. " ttr ir. Woeiti. ( tttltlnt It bv III nr.nili vilitinu nitron. Ehnittf Fii.rl,. ,. iriilism i,v 0ri.r writers. ' "lhi t.jity'. I'rl.tul n III ,lvs n finely Y.rutrrl HtPi t ntiffravmr, n hsnil.nitio liouble page i Itir-ly color-sl I'a.lilon I'lit.-finsr.reil en Kt.el- nn.t n larro s. .nrinieni ef Wooa cut., Illu.iratiii, ih. I'.ihi.n. Fancy. Work, &e, In ivrry nilnitier It will five a popular pleco nf llm eo.t if ids Mnr,r.ln- In lt.elr-ln ev.ry number A copy ol th. Unto tuu! beautiful I'reinlum Strel 'r.njravlne-'-llui 8nrit al Home at H, a"--i mr.vej .iprs.rly for our renuVr., at a ro.t fortliseniravlaK aloueof nearly Cltnrul-ulll La .ent, po.i innl, ii el cr; full (Jill.) iiibttrlUnr, arel to t-vtrv ner.nit cmllnjori a club. Tin rticravln; l. a tumid Ail I O-to NKW fUiwcitimii:.s rnrk rtSi,.S!ii ub.cribcri wbo .cnil In tlisir naioi-s for Isill kcfiirn1 Ih. flrllrf November, .hall rrtilr. tho Noriudirr anil Ui-cenibrr number, of till. )ear In abtlltiinf inakinir fnurleen luontli. iu all I Anil alt n-w ub arribtr. ler Isti'J .tiallrecelrcltiV maieincent Hcrnie tor Holiday number, rooking tliirtcvn laoaib. a all, TKUMS: 1 copy, aiti' ihfl larffe jiremlmn ' njrjvinjf JUu i0? , . 0. 0 3 . an J ono cratl t. , . . t io . . . nrtil nndgrnln, , , i-d OAc cty eatli of Ludy'i 1 tit. and Va. t uud frfinluui nngruvlne. t) TJio aelier up ol a club will always tctAiitr h way or tlie I'frmliiui KtigruvltiK Slcmljpr fa club winii In; tin I'emltim Cufriivinr', oiuit rouul Cue Outlar extra. Hpcclutcn coflo tent cm in, Aildreii, UiiACO.V & Pi-n CRSON, , 313 Walnut Sweet. Cliiladolrilila. OctoberSO, 1603. 3 w. ' TIIC JHEAPKHT AND hHifC IN TIlC WOttLD Sr SPLENDID OITOS KOU 18C9 -a Tlili popular .Mnnttily Masnzlno glvei moro fur the nioupy lima any In thu viurltl. For will be areaily iinjiruvril. ll will contain UNI! TllOUa N1I I'AtUotl FoHflfcn njiluniliii titccl I'lalm Twclvs Alaiomutli taiLloii i'iuU I 'J'nvUc Colored Kvrlln rAtreruHl Nino Ilitmlrfd VVooiI Cutl TweHty-fuur 1'ugrM rr Mmiol AUthltwlllcuglrcnforunly TWO DUMjAKSa car, or n dollar Iob tlian MaeajHiii'i of 111 Cissi of I'fitoMon." It 'llirilling Tutcs nnd Xovolblti aro tbii bttt publiihcJ tuiywhvre. All thi moblpoiuUr wrltors are employed, io write orincin nlly for 'Peterson." lu ltiJ, lu nddltioit u it ustml qmmliycf eliort itorlcs, i-'our Otiginal Unpyrivhi Mm-lew will be given. viz( "Mary Aniioncu'R Tal isman," by airs. Aim S, StcplienB ; "iho Mistcryof Ularkwooii Gransf," by the rutlior of "t-ir Noel' Iklr;" "Katie Wiutcr in Valiini;tiii,M fay Frank Liu CcreJict; nnd "The Hory of MinTnlc' by the aulpir cf "Sa$y J Diary," Mammotti (JetttreJ Fash itm I'tatcg Aliead of all tihar. Theio plain arc en graved on Hvwll, twice Ihe uiual wlze, nnd fonuin. iff ilxUgurcn. They will bo superbly colored. Alto, a pattern, ttoin whieh a Drei, Maiititla, or Child'n Dreii run be cui out. without the uhl of a mantaii. maliLT. A'.in, vcriilr.aoii of llouaehohl and oilier rea-ipto . In r cvvrythtnS int. refine To erty reron getting up a Club for In i win bo tent GBATHi a copy of our m-w and iplcnilid Miz zotliiLfor framing, size 'J 4 luetics by 10. ''The Btar of LVtLlehcin.' nfur tho celebrated kiaitr-r piece, by fieroim-, the famoits tVtmli artist. Thin is tbs ino.t dfBirnble premium ever ollered. For lare Olubs. as will Lo ittvu Klow, an utra ctpy win UJuiiU In ailtiitiuii . TCTlM3-AMVAVa IS ADVAM-'U. Ono copy for one ear. t 2 tn) Three copies for one year. 5 po l'our et fipji for one yenr, C tw Five copies 1 jenr. and 1 to npiter ap ot club. 8 bi) hlsht copies I year, and I to gtttpr up of club, 15 w fourteen copin 1 yr,, and I to gf tier upcfclub.SU 00 Address, pol paid. ciiAurr. J. PHTLRSOV, N'ii 30G Clietjtnut tiUvti, Philadelphia, Pd Ocoir S.ltn. Gormantown Tolcgrapii. -1 Family and an AgriculturnlJournah Deoted to choice Liifrature. Includina Pntry, Novelt-tli. Tales, and Moral nnd Cntrttainiiig Head in?, getK-rallj. In the Literary Department Mirhil presuiitthH rhoirpsi vnrtetl. within the renrh of our eitended meun-. Th Novetetto, Tale. P.vtry. tic., shall bi supplyrd frnm the bnt and iilghcu tourccs,nnd b e'lnal to anj thing tobc fouml In nr.y Journal or maenzmc Ayrlculturfl and llortlcaltur. cmt.rtirln? rrmun", tiardeniiis. rniii-Iinlhigt etc Our labors In lit ltpiirtnifni for ore r thirty jcar have nu t the c ir didl approbation of lhn; public. Our purport' h- l vrt tu furuUh utft'fulAnd rtii.iHe inlormation on th e very Important briinrrius ofitidunry nml toprourt them so far as within cur powt-r o;nlnt the f ' doctriuesand elfish nurDOiui cf the u.anv tntiftnp. and seusation advcnlures by w hich a tanner 1 iuces inuy maaiieu. uim pinion or the (ltrmf,toir Tdtgraph u atone worth ine price of nbcruition NMYa DEPMirMUP.-Tlie .ami in Im'ry, C1M and discrl uinatlou 4n Rathenna and prepirlni the stirri is events of thu day, cxiresuly for tln pinjr, which hitherto Ins bcn mi'i or its nnrltpj fdUiirt't Bivitnj iuch umvcml nat5laclian, will In contiini j 1 wilh redoubled cftjri to meet Urn i:icrea.l,u dt lusndi of the public. TCUM3. Tiso dollars and lifiy cents pr amum. Ao orders rervived wlihout the ca!t,and all saiicrlu tlons stopped at theend ofthe tune paid for speci men number sent AdJrci piiilip n. rp.c, Editor and Proprietor, Juno 17, Ij8, flennint ivn, Plnlale'i hi i, l'i. JOOK, READ, AND hEARN, THAT TIIK Great Shoslionccs Remcily! op Tin: cni.rLr.ATVj inpian DR. LEWIS JOSHEPJIUS, ot theillstlnsulbliej Trllnof ftho.linnocfi,Coluru- iiia Territory Is now lorwilttln Um Union. This all pufset-nln;; trout leinuly, li warranto I una in uroau mm cnipiiauo iHiiguii, wo am Kill ly iay, mtvv be rltwl uimiii to inako a penmi iKntcuroofnil iIIcjkoh gi iho Throat. I-iuiuS Iihtr, KUlLey, DiKCstlvo Ort'ims, etc., As veil iw KGtnlnlo. tho various slciti tllseasoi, Hit mors, and ull linriurlty of tlio bkxxl, excepting tho third fiUi ufConhumpLhni. In Ciuiiida where IliU great rcntcily hm Ixmi In for a fclintt llmo It,imUi.'J i;rW'Ul hOMioof thf mo-tt murveloiiti ciiriu! evr riML-i ilrtl l'i tlicununN of litt)iti-n uiftliciiio, Hm h Ih ln tlin (f In r.tldttltjti to 1U lornn r rriwwu In tol umtiJa 7orriU)ry we duly humanity io dlsimto tlio Irwt that IliU On'iit Kho.lio!H'fs Homed, U tlnTcnu'dy of nnu-illoH ofthe ly'h Ci'iiiury. and tlio Ktvuti ht 1-oou over laid itl thu altar of hull'cr ini: hiiinnnlty. l'rii-o of Uu- IU'tnedy In larno pinU.Sl. jit. ManufiiPttind hy Ur. Yomig Urof., nt Syra cuse, N. V. Tor ealo by all dcnlciH la MfdicHie, llioOrmt Shtishonpts ltomwlytifDr, Josciilitis, I oltimtilu Territory which lia nlfco lieou inaliu r.iettu-cil la Ctitiuila, Is now rorthuilnt tltnu lu tlio Union, Ijt'lnir iimmitiictiirLil by Dr. Young A llro., i-yrutUM-, . V, Woudcrful euro of Conuniitlon by tlio Great Slioshonecs Rcmctly. Mca.r. Chamberlain .1 Co., Gentlemen, I. Wllaou stonns.niBko oath ami hay,I feel anxious lo let you know wuiitthcUu-atSlioilioueealleiii. cdy linn ttrecteil for me, Jtr wlfo was ufllleteil wiui L-uu.uiiiiiiiiiu, iinu uiou. i vai auo Httucteu with the same ilUenke qntl after her denth, I con .Inkliiit jukt mslie hadiloue. I had very buvero llllillt Mieutv. t-otll;lieit m-ni-H lilt tilul.l anil every nljlit, coul.l not aleep uiif.nn little luiiam iiiiiriiiiiB i . ruueii over iv tiuari ui matter every 21 hour!, tifill heTprn nuln In tho lime ett.,elc.,iinU waKietlT ilelillliHteilj In tact t win BOlnj as fa't lis l""iil l.l wtw tiiklnu lilf llclua Irom a legulitr ili) altl. n, lint It illil nut even re llvo my cuukIi. X weni hy lhn vlllnitu one ilur iilKiiitiintiarlerurii mljii, wlihh took me to k'i a.i'l iioine, uliutit two limit.; uliiluthiio 2 uiw Hqnlte WcllliiBtrn, an,i hiiiii, m-il Uiliim, '1 n j-iiii ei-utdy.- inn Miiiici tilli' i , ilitvu m; "ui;i in- iu.i --tiiirii h :l lti -l lift nn U''ilV jiul inlr mil .-i' ll.-. Il-nl.. r in. It r,,r b!llu, mid 1 Ih Ilev il wll cti-e ou. umiKiuBiuiwiii, 111111 iiiutiitiii. ii i ii ' noma Willi till', took a Ua-iooiilui at ..iu ivu u J felt throimll tnv M lirilni.i-hl..iii. Ai n. -I 1 ... In. HlioOllllll.Ullll llfcted ui-JI at n lulu iiinratttiiitieil in un. ii.ii uiriv IMK1H. nil' ilul'll. IJ 'Ul, hreiiii., r.iUlux of Matter, imlii in tin- luti -, tn., Krudually'lell me, and I tint he irtv nml hti -.n, I luck only tlin-e Itottli b. 1 inn in, l inifin" ti n,,w and I uiu Jiwn tjr pad ui ,vll tm 1 er win In my life.- ily .Isler-lir-tnn'- was wilh mo fur it vilille.vho wua uillMul with llv. r eiim-ilaliit, vhe una taken tlio renieily ami K will. Tits cor- umviiv juiwuuj- auow uiutrorid iljniiikiii.i., WILSON bTOltMH. Brliililim. P. W Hivorn liefori. mat IlrlsMdn" ( Y, .in. imuii;m Au-u.l DW, J, II. YpUNO. J. I. Hi eve. 1, St, WUM.lS-fU'ON, J. I'. Jiilm l'.lIenry,f'uevabiHi-(olitin.i llarueaACo. iitw iu(k. ufiit-haiu jvirtjit. Tor ule liy all tho Imfiutl lu llloumsLuu. Juii.t.'l'J. A. FARM TOU SALE. V ill lie hold nt nrlvataKul n vnlmiliiji irm u. uslii lii Miullmii iwp., Cclitmlila county, about ivrti mllmi fiotu Jerwttuwn, ami one uud uno lialf mlle fruit) I'rulUtovn, oiiVuIiuub OKK JlUNDlllil) AMI pixi;y AC'B. a of IuliI moro or lr.; atxiut ano. In ui 1 tlm beiril, ami the Imlajiio In a hU.Ii state ot -u"lva lion, atiituu urctiatd nreholai fruit, n her - u ur erected two tela of l.'ulhllim. All lntom itlou hi riurii Ui th. ri-i ,-rly ran be had nf I iirk DtUllne oil the pr.lllUi s or Jlilm Pllittlii', I Hue. atone twp., Montour ouuuly. l'ti. tlieo, iti.'GWiu. p A It SI 13 It S Uiu b buriilled nt all tltm-H villi Ground NOVA SCOTIA I'J.ASTKJt. JAItVIS ISIiANl) OUANO, AND I'HOSl'lIATKH, I r in "lull-, Hiiln rl, lVe, 1 ' 'ti "mil.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers