THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. utn AND BLOOMS BtJltGr, PA. FitiinrnuiMixn, jan. , tnno OS- THH CUt.UDIDlAN hni the Largest Clrculnttutt nf any tinticr published In Northern Pcnnsj-lTiilila, nnl Is fttsn much Inrgcr slieet tlinn any of Itacotem- pornrlcii nml I IhercrnrMlio best medium for advertising tit tills scottou oftHo Stii' loci:Ulc Canon for tl. 8 Ki-iiiUnr, Tuts body melon Tuesday morning tuul t suited In tho nomination of Wiu A. Wallaco, of Clenrflckl county. Tlio result waa uccomplUhctt by hard boring hUmXWs' uppllcd from tho com menucmeiit of tho sedo:i. To our per Boiml knowledso u largo part of tho inomboM regretted that they had com mltted thoiittolve to Wallace, and thought ho ought not to bo a candidate. but felt bound by their word. The victory is a barren ono, to Wallace iw it confers no power, bbt it wasun-ln dignity to our present Senator, which was not deserved, and will not tend to harmony in. tlio futuro. Wo call particular attention to tho votes of tho Iiuzunio inoiiibers VOTI5 OV SHNATOUS. Wallace. Jhtrkalac. LiludtTinnn, Naglo, Brown, Jnuksoii, Davis, Sotxrjglit. Randall, Iiurm tt, Turner, Duncan, M'lntivo. Wallace, did not veto; McCandlcss was absent.unU Deck and Miller dodged. VOTK OF ItHFKIMKNTATIVES. Wallace. " M'Gltnnto, Kojrcrs, Dailoy, Wit ham, Hottcnstoln, Drobst, Deans, M'KInstry, Porter, Place, Meek, Brown, Sl'CulIough, Cornnmn, IJuvmc c. Josephs, Jones, Davis, Vcott, . Sedgwick, Crcltz M'Miller, Stout, Goundle, Kaso. Beard, Nelson, Jllersh, Porter. l'layioru, l'ogol, Bossard, O'Neil, Westler, ... Eschbach, Shlvely, Nice, Brcen. i i Absent sick, Dill ; dodged, Mullin Wallace. , ..v. BucUttluw Wallace's! Majority '. .' History or s'cmisylvsuiisi Volun teers. Hon. Samuel P. B s.tes, Stato His-, toriau, has put us under lasting obliga tions, by placing on our tubje tho first v ohimoof tho "History of Pennsylva nia Volunteers:," a book of 1327 pages. It Is intended. to complojejliq, work in. - - ..aluTrnris us is oxceuuiugiy in teresting, especially to a participant in tlio lato war. It elves an accurato list of all the officer and tojdlcrs in tho regiments spoken of, together with n statement of tlio time of muster-in and out, &c, and a succinct nccoun. of tlio operations of each regiment and battery Of courso many will feel that the histo ry of their organizations aro not min ute enough, or that their individual nets havo boon permitted to go unrecord ed ; but whon tho vastness of tho en terprise, and tlio limited, timoandspaco at tho command of Mr. Bates is consid ered, it will bo scon that hp has given each regiment and cpnipany all the ppaco possible. Jlnvjiig over 200 regl menls to Incorporate In tho work, be sides tho history of a largo number of dctaclicdorindoondentiommanile,witl! tho niuno, rank and other data of each soldier, tho wonder is that ho has glvon as much detail as there is. As n matter of course Mr. Bates had to depend upon statements furnished' him by tho officers and soldiers for datn in tlio compilation of his history.- Though liable to abuso, tho eourco nftor all Is tlio most trust-worthy. No per son .would wilfully misstato an occur- renco to which ns a rulo thero would ?o many witnesses', and if ho did, testimo ny from other sources would probably correetlho error. From tho examina tion wo hnvo made wq should say t hat tho work is unusually accurate and will bo authority on nil subject's on which It treats, lis mechanical execution is not tho best. Many of the- pages nro pnlc, while othpra ha,vp loo much "color," In ma ny places tho "reglsfer" is poor, and numerous typographical errors occur. Upon tho whplo, it is n work or ex ceeding importance, in fact tho most valuable published by tho Stato for ma ny years. It will become any library, and to tho military student it Is indis pensable. Wp shall look with mpa ticnco for tho succeeding volumes. Niswhpaper DntECTOBYl V,'o havo been favored with an ndvanco bhect of a now and useful work now being pub lished by Messrs. O, P. Itowcll & Co. tho Now York Advertising Agents, be ing a eomploto American Newspaper Directory, It Is n compilation much needed, since nothing of tho kind hav ing nny claims to completeness has ever been published. Messrs. Kowell & Co have spared no pains or expense to make the forthcom ing work complete. Wo understand tho book will bo a handsome octavo volumo of about 800 pages, bound In dark cloth, and sold for five dollars per copy. As tho publishers aro Advertising Agents their issuing a work containing ko much information, usually Jealously guarded by those In that business, ahows that they aro confident of their ability to bo of sorvlca to advertisers, or thoy would not so readily placo in their hands tho menus of enabling ev ery ono to communicate direct with publishers if they bo dcslro. Mit, Ezka Ihaao, n converted Jow, was admitted to tlio Diaconate, Nov. 11, in Iowa. Ho is at present Professor of Hebrew nnd Sacred History, In Grla wold Coll ego. Ku JtOUKSKAU 1 It'll NOW - t- .... . ' f. I' M 1 . llllUl ltlt. t rrurbil: y umnu nftor tiireu i,u.f (fOd 61. John Minor t , .v; 1 5.?tt urMluy ut Culpopjicr, Auditor Ociicmt'M llciiori 1N0S. Tins l.i ono of tlio most Important documcnta lasuixl liy Iho Stntunutliorl- ties, unci wo iro sure If thoiieojilo would only uxnmlno Its eontuntM, they would ctoino so intrusted wltli tlio party In power an to hurl thorn nrek mul heels from tho places thoy now uipgrnxo. vo proposo to glvo them In n tow nrtlclcs, somo stubborn fuels. Tho plundering, stealing mul miil-odinttiletrritlon tire. continually growing worno. For In stance i Exponpoi of Govern- mom, isuu i.i)ii-),yuy uo ' 1S07 802,878 68 " " 1SG8 815,031) 80 An tncriwo slnco tho close of tho war of sno.uw m and that too, In tho teeth of a fact as sorted by tho late State Treasurer, In his report for tho year ending tho SJulli of Nov. 1807, that "by proper attention tho expenditures could bo reduced $200,000 bolow what they wcro during 1807, and all necessary expenses bo pro vided for." Now a largo amount of those aggregulo "oxpenscs of Government" nro puro plunder. For Instance, In tho nbovc sum Is tho item of postage. .Look at tho figures: Postago Senate, 18C0..., $ 0,489 09 ' 1807 , 8,828 05 " 1SC8 , 13,12-j 73 Making for tlio year ISM, a postal ex penditure for crtuh Senator of $397.75. Enough to pay tlio postago on 13,253 let ters, and which, if all expended for let ter postago or for radical electioneering documents at threo cents apiece, would f caller over tho Stato -137,01 1 of them Postairo llouao. lSGfl 81-1.212 21 " " 1BG7 1G.-103 4G " " 18G8 19,350 01 Making for tho year 1SG3, a Legisla tive- expenditure, for tho item of post- ago alono, of thirty-two thousand four hundred and seventj-fivo dollars and scventy-soven conts. No man believes that sum to havo been honestly expen ded for that purpose. 101: HIE C'OMIMIIIAN. Tlio ttacllcnls Say, "JLct us Save Pence." Truly wo nil want peace. But wo want something more than pcaco on their conditions; wo rcqulro thorn to return to principles of economy nnd re trenchment in our national expendi tures ; to case our Nation of its burden of debt and taxotlon which has been brought upon us. This is what they pledged themselves to do, yet in tho face of all tlils'tho Scc'y of the. Treas ury asks Congress to appropriate $.103, 000,000 for the next fiscal year ending Juno tlio 30th 1870. As a poor working nian I for ono am not satisfied with such peace eondlttons in timo of-profound peace, with tlio exception of a few negro insurrections, and murders, nnd other outrages committed upon poor defenseless women nnd children which is to bo attributed to Ib.dical misrule. Hero is anotherprpoTof their mlsrulo and extravagance. It is our depreciated currency. In 1SG2 during tho month of Dec, tho darkest period of tho war.'when tho civilized world expected tho disruption of he Union, the price of Gold was 1231 to 131: yot In tho faeo of all thls'slnco that- upngress, ana urant elected and tho party triumphant, in 1SGS in tho month or Dec, Gold ranged from 1313 to 13GJ. Let us have Peace. Bah ! Does this look like returning to spo clo payment? Does it look like raising our depreciated currency to its par value witli gold and stlvor? It looks as if wo wcro overwhelmed in a slough of despondency, and beyond tho r.cach of national redemption, witli negro rulo in tiiosouth.almost equaling tho reign of terror In Franco,and sqdal- Id poverty and pauperism in tho North. Charitablo Institutions founded in the year 1810 altcst to these statements, as regards tho condition of tho peoplo In New York, nnd this is attributable to Jtadlcnl misrule. Look at hatmv Massachusetts with her great alms houses, ono nt Tewk'jbury with her 750 paupers crowdcil under ono roof, "Why," said Oonoral Buttlcr in his fpeeeh on this subject, "tUU whole commonwealth felt outraged, beeauso there camo a report from Kansas that six or eight men had been killed, and thoy all wept over tho Imaginary wrongs of Knnsasand yet three hundred children have died llko dogs In kennol in Massachusetts almshouses. Eng land wltlt her creat Bastll cjuld nov er present a worso picture." Worklngmen how go( 1 tho election ? "Lotus havo Peace." A Wokki.vo Man. SiNauiiAK Case. Carrio Felster, n Iittlo daughter of Iteubpn FoNter, of this Borough, when but 7 months old. swallowed n diaper pin. No ono was present when sho swallowed it, but tho fact that tlio pin was missing nnd tho child was seized with choking spells imu ior tweivo hours remained In critical condition, left no doubt on tho minds of tho family ns to what had be come of tho pin. Sho, howover: par tlally recovered at tho time, but from mat time until tho present her health has bcetj delicate At Inlervnls sho has been nultoslck.coughlng nnd throwing up cotHidernblo corruption. During the pasi summer it was thought that the child had gono Into consumption, and was so ill tliat her recovery was regard cdas noxt to impossible. Sho rallied again, howevor, and although far from well, was ablo to bo about. On last Sunday week, Dec. 27th, sho was sefzed with ft violent fit of coughing which lasted for somo timo. Finally she sud donly put her fingers into her mouth and drew forth tho nilaIng pin. Tho pin is about two inches In length, with ft head 0-10 of nn inch long and of an Inch in circumference. It is black with rust nnd when coughed up was covered with corruption. Carrie is now nearly 9 years old, to that this pin has been embedded In her lungs (as it is bellov ed) about 8 years nnd i months, all this time abscesses forming nnd breaking, nnd rendering her llfo miserable Wo tiro glad to add that slnco its removal her health has been materially imnrov- cd. Sho Is an interesting Iittlo glrl.nnd it is to bo hoped that after so muchsuf ferlng sho may soon bo restored to health. Muney Luminary, The lJUhon of Ijndon. Dr. Tail, has been nominated Archbishop of Canter bury. Tho IJIshoj) of Lincoln Is promo ted to tho L'reat Seo of London : and Archdeacon AVordaworthsuecit'dsUluh. op Jackson In tho Boo of Lincoln. Da. Lm'uuoHN hai accepted tho UJnuoprlc of Loiif Ialnd. Judge Hlwcll. We publish tlio nnnoscd correspon dence of tho Patriot A Union. It is a deserved trlbutu to ono of our purest Judges, nnd by n fow weeks nnllclpatca what wo had Intended to say on that subject. LiArOIlTE, IJtC XI, TS. EotToitft Mousing PATitioTi-Thero is ono department of our political sys tem that, in all its parts, chould bo guarded with Jcnlous care I refer to tho Judiciary. Let us hnvo competent up right Judges, nnd wo havo n great salo guard against Iho machinations of bad men ami tuo cniorcument or ovu legis lation. Tho supreme Bench of Penn sylvania has been nn honor to our Statu nnu pcopio trout its earnest organiza tion. Tllghmaniuid Gibson nro quoted on both sides of tho Atlantic, and havo had, if not .heir equals, their approxi mates, at nil times In tho Snprctno Court in banc Its record abounds with profound nnd luminous nnlnions eluci dating tho great principles of liberty nnu inw. A Justleo Bced. under tho crncklntr whip of n Loyal League, may yield to superannuated weakness, and, forget fit! of Ills high office, loan Its very or ralno to partisan uses. Mr. Justleo Strong, oblivious of his obligations to tho party whoso principles and organi zation lifted him to Judicial eminence, may, oneiiient to tlio bene3tor YanKco dom and Broad street, resign nt a timo when a demngoguo Governor cau mako nn obnoxious appointment, and post pone for a twelve mouth an expression of thb will of tho people, nnd yet wo still havo 'a hope yea, n faith tliat wo can perpotuato tho reputation of our Supremo Court for learning, patriotism and integrity. When tlio next Democratic Stalo Con vention shall como together, let tnosug n namo well worthy their most careful consideration, tho Hon.: Win. Klwell, of Columbia qfjnty. Ho is marked at every stngo of his manhood as the careful. Mudiotis. able, experienc ed and fcuccessful lawyer; and in every relation of llfo not onlv stands without reproach, but commands tlio profound resntet of his eotemnorarios. On tho bench, which ho so well adorns, his modesty, firmness, ready tact and ac knowledged ability, placo him with f-carcoapeerin tho Commonwealth of l'ennsyivanta. Brought up In tlio po litical school of Thomas Jefferson, Judgo Elwoll. in 1815. while chairman of tho Judiciary Conimitteo in tho House of lieprescniatives, established a lasting claim to tho gratitude of his fellow citi zens uy.ropovting anil carrying tnrougn the Legislature, tho Bill abolishing im prisonment )or uont . tnus expunging from our statutes a feature of barbar ism disgraceful to a Chrlstain pcopio and inconsistent with tho spirit of our free institutions, and ever niter releas ing tho poor and unfortunate from tho loss of liberty as the penalty of their misfortunes. Subseouentlv. whilst his infatuated neighbors in the 13th Congressional dls trsct were, .with strango unanimity, yielding their long established political faith to tlio plausiulo herisles of a reck less demagogue, Judgo Elwell, with tho courage of strong conviction, and the dignity inspired by truth, firmly head ed tho diminished band of patriots whu still adhered totho political faith of their fathers, and continued to defend tho great constitutional priuciplos upon which rested tho integrity of tlio Union tho liberties of tho people, and tho prosperity of the nation. Such is tho man whom wo commend to tho warm support of every voter in tiiis Com monwealth who may still desire purity In our courts as thoonlv remaitiini; bul wark against tho'growing corruption Which now lnv.nles every department of our Government, nnd which, If not checked, must eventually convert tho blessings of self-government into a curse intblerablo to a peoplo whoso mor- flLtot-nitiittn u.lll Irl I'n rlinm fni- tirnlOl1 or ueniiotism. aunLivAif. ItUPltESKNTATION IW CONGlltSS. Mr. Iiuckalow Introduced a bill to mod ify tho system of representation of the peoplo In Congress. It Is as follows : Be it enacted, ?., That In elections for tho eholco of Representatives to the Congress of tho 'Tnlted States, whenov or moro than ono representative Is to bo chosen from a Stnto each elector of such Stato duly quullfled, shall bo entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of Hopresentatlves to bo chosen from tho State, and may give all such votes to ono canaiduto,or may dis tilbuto them equally or unequally among tho ercater number of candi. dates,i and tho candidates highest In yoto upon tho.return shnll be declared OJt'CtvU. ' ' On mollon of Mr. Ilueknlow. tho bill was referred ton select committee to bo appointed by tlio President pro ton, who at Mr. iJucknlew's request is ono of tlio Committee. Tho President announced a tho select committee, Jiesstu iJuc':nlow,Anthony i-cuy,..uuriuii,Ynrner,iiicoaiui Wiule We havo upou our Uook Tablo, tho prospectus of a most valunblo work, hitherto unpublished, to bo entitled 1 no bpanish Conquest of New Mexi co." it was written by tha author. Col W. W. II. Davis, during his resldenco in tho country, and ha3 received tho warm approval of Mr. U.iuci'oft, th o Historian, it covers a period of ono nunureu ana soventy-slx years, and presonts tho most valunblo information which has never before been presented to thopubllc. It is proposed to publish tho work by subscription nt tho prlco of $3 00. Its author Is well known as the editor of tho Doylcrtown Democrat which is n sufllclcnt guarantee that it will bo well written. Orders may bo sunt to lot. iJavis, at Doylestown, Pa. The Clearfield County Democratic convention lias Instructed for Win. A, Wallaco for Governor, nnd Judgo Bar rett ior Juugo of tho Supremo Court McCullough of thnt county deslted tho nomination for Speaker of tho IIouso. and Mr. Wallace has been Chairman of tho Standing ommltteo for several years, and hasjust received thonomina- tlon for U. S. Senator. If thero Is any thing olso wanting up in Olearfloid, wo iiupo io uo miormcd In timo. Nkw Counties. For tho infornm Hon of nil concerned wo publish Arti. clo XII, of tho Constitution of the Stato of Pennsylvania : "iSo county shall bo divided by n lino cutting oirover one-tenth orits popula tion (either to form a new county or otherwise,) without tho express assent of such county, by a vote of thoelectors: nor shall nny new county bo established containing less than four hundred square miles." The United American Mechan ics' Now Hall (In tho Brower block) will be dedicated on Thursday. Janua ry tho 2Sth nest at 2 o'clock p. ji. Bov. K. W. KIrby of Milton and other emi nent speakers aro expected to bo pres- Ont ThnnillillnnM .. 1 1 ,.w imuuv ttiu iraiiwiillll v llivit- ett to attend, Mit. OVNkil of Luzorno bos' had a bill passed through tho IIouso tosell tho old jail.nnd to nuthorlzo tho Commissioners tuoorrow money nisoven percetitto Luiuint-iu tiiu new ono. A DMINISTBATOB'S NOTIOii. JlX. .E8TATE OK JACOll OOIIO, CtO'll. ljOltCrS Of AdlnllllMlmllnn nn I l.n ..(.. ,Q T i. Ooho of JHlUiii tnwimhit. iV.T,;;.Tf i"-."." (l-iscd, havo been grunted by the Helter ui tald county, to Buiinml iTi-mv, of Ulnllnvlll souK lili)ifclliuiorilimlal,t iimdoccja. em hie riiui-.ie1IOMlietheiiikiiowii,Kiidlu.te lAdeotcsl tu luuka jhif meat. f AMIfKL f'ltl-lAHY. Mlflllnvlllt. t n I'Hr If (If 'IO. Bheiiadoali J " AiliatllMraturs. Uloomatiitrfc ftrkt Itriiort. Wbcnt per bnshel . f 2 1 Ityo " I I Corn " ............. 1 i o.ila. " Flour per nixrrDi - i" Clovpraml, ...... A. 7 Flaxseed 2 ' Putter..... Kkr - "- Titllow ... Potutoo, 1 Pried Apple M '2 It limns Hltlen n nd Hhmildei s ... utra pur pound liny per ton J.UM Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet. Pine " (one Inch). .lolit, Hcnnlllnir, l'lnnfe, (Hemlock). Shinnies, No. 1 per tlioiunnd. ..... , 16 iis lkn . II . s . 7 . IS R'dlmr " " ft, ., 1 1. ox No. 1 Kartell pli; ' No. 2 - ninom. i t Light Strcit .MnrliMs. Corieeted wctkly by Peter Knt, whnlcalo nt rclnll denier In rjrnln, Hour A Iced mid koQ' merchandize. Wheat nerbmhel !2 11 b ' .......... 1 Corn " ' 1 uncle Wheal ,...i 1 oats Wheat Flour per 1U 11 . 0 Duck Wheat Flour 4 Corn Chop, 2 jiinn, .... Putter per lb b'jRi per dor.., Potatoes pr bus Pried Apples ' 3 FlaxKewl " , - Ilcer er 100 lbs I'o.-k " Lnrd ' ft rillisdelphla Jfnlktll. Northwestern supcrnno at $1.2"ia f! J) rvoriuweeiorn exlra........ ....b.aus u jvortnwestern fiinilly 7.avD . I'ennsylvaula and Western superfine.. MWit. l'ennsylvaulnund Western exlra S.75JS .5 i-cnusyivnnia nnu western rnmny u.wfui' I'unnsyivauia nuu western raucy... Ityo flour II bat Pennsylvania red, V bus. , Southern " " Cnllforuu " " .... , . " white " .., nyh I'ennsylvnula rye. V but Cokx Yellow, " Whin, ' OaisVjus I'JlOVIHIO.NS Mess I'ork, V bbl . n.t van , Ji.srwi . tl.liOCsj . S1.21('t , ti.w 7Ucf.i fi uess iii-ei, Presied Hogs, till) Hinnked Hams " " Hhouldcrs V K-ird. is I7cl 7.lX)Pr t (Mil ? 1.3 f $11G58 BUEtis Cloverseed P bus litiiothyseed y bus flaxseed " . Cattle lteef Cut 11 o w lb Cows, & bend Miner1 lb nous 1 l'JDS sirrrajms. UARItlS It. nn t in lotli lust, hv 11 v. a. li. irvine, rir. ucorgo Jinrris to Misa ni;(o jvvsvvt. uuiuui oiiifua ,y i. umil. laj, rOLLOCK-.HIlJALL.-Ou tho 10th lubt. at huusu oS Josl'uIi Uurrlsou lu illoomsburt' bv ltev. A. 11. lrviue, Mr, Jacob ti. I'olloclc to Mh ijiii.ioeiu uiuau uom oi Rtiictn iwn. IIAUTMAN-IIE88. On the Uth lust, by llev, IJ. I'ultucr, Mr. llartuiau tu MH!i (J lain. MOWHY-KIKB'Elt.-Ou the 11th last M' t.u ltev. William J. hJyer, Mr. Je.eiututi Muwry, or Main twp. to M.hs KUzaboth K;tRrt ut L'alw vu,m, tvi. D1KXKU MIT, I.Kit. ln thfl Bnmo ilnv. hv tliii wine, Mr. toolouion Ulencr. of Mum iwp. to iixias Jiuuuau jiiiiur, ui L.ui:ub iwp, NICHOLAS JACOUY. On Tlmrsikiv. Una. 31sl 1JU3, by tUe ltev. 1. V. Joun ut tiie rtbideuco of rruus iiiuwu, ueoi-gqicnoias 10 juuo jucouy, both oi lilooiniiburg, OVKnTON-UOtiaidKL. At Wysox rariouage, oaJuu.d. bv Ituv. J. A. ltOHHt-uL utiier ui t'n bilUe. nselftteit by the Vmy. Win.llurrls.KdwaiU OvciLouJr., otTuwauaa.luMUn CuietluTl.uitbB Itojueel. It la MiiX thatmeu Imperceptibly tmke upou thoin uiucu lu contact. Our in uua Col. Ovcrtou is uu exauiuiulu uolut. An Items tur lu liauknuiicv tor Una CoiigieiSionul Blstrict ho hus been uiucu ubgoclatcd witu that uuioriuualu class of iuuu Kuowu us buiiurupts, aua tuoiuan'ti litis buI.t-U hluif nol iu tuu surubt, quickest jueilioU ol uc oouiplibhing tlio rebUtt nc has yot married, aud uaa uiuiu iuj puny jiiurestwu ins bsiyueu, Tiiu Uol.wus a Utuvoulllcer ur theola&ULti ltuii' anil though rebel shut uudbut-ll lalletl tu touch nw iitMn, au mrow irom cupiu b uuw uaa mi us llxedlt. una he hai ueeu lud n caotlvu to tin iiymtut-al ultur. Our ay hits ura wltli til in, LUCI. XuV. -Ut, liLnt her resjdencojn LouK- 4...vut iu iiiu j tjr oi ner age. OiJllCAU. Though young nnd hopeiul of iub, ucuin was uo terror to her. Two years i:in.i3 uo uowea to tuo amhorlty of Josus. nnd uu with tne Methodlat Churcli.aud continued an ac ceptable and fuitulul member of taac church uu til her death. It Is niiriat consolation tu lion, .hi lives uud friends lu this painful ununitlou to i-now that bhe lived u pious aud devoted life ls christian, nnd that when tlio mc-oseii-or of.le. th called lorherbhowasitady tOLo. Hlin imw, mil ail prebent nt tUalsoleum hour, of biroug laitti in lhoLo:d,and ontiro rislaniUu to his will. Sho Miowod the fullest coutldouce inn no wou d conduct her sa.'olv through ihn Jordnu of death. And la view of the hippy t ud cuchautng prospeeLn beyond jhi turbid watus, shecndu.idhor (.ufferiugs withgicat patiecoo: Her mind was calm and her hopo strong ; he departed til's llfo la peace and In lull nssurnnce ofahnppyjuiurobeyondtlw gmvo. Bhe rnude homo happy aud beautuul, uud her name, ni it trembiei thro' the heurt other sorrowing family uud friends, will call up memories of nil tliafvos hestnudbi.shtestof earth to them, May (.od glvo her sorrowing eh ' Id icn, brothers, slstocs ud mother grace to rtgaln their los. Weep uoi ,ior she Buffers not; uo il's thero, no sorrow s nor y. lug; neither sickness nor death. Peaceful ud sweet nio tiiu slumeers of tho lot ed one. EXHUnniANT H1ALTH Is a blcsslug vouchsafed to fow. liven thoao ivho havo been favored by natmo with strong eoti tl tutlons and vigorous frames are upt to nulcct the precautions necessary toprojervo these pre clous endowments. Indeed ns urule, tho more healthy.nud robuit n man Is tho more liberties lie Is incllued to tako with his owu physique. It Is somo consolation to tho naturally weak nnd feeblo to know that they can be so Inviunrated nuu uutlt up proper use of tho means which eel euco has placed nt their disposal, nsto havo a muclih tier chance of long life and exemptions Xrcin disease aud pain, than tha most athlctio of their fellows who nro foolish ououeh to sunnoso themselves Invulnerable, nnd net nccordlnlirlv. It Is uot too much to Bay that moro than half the peoplo of the civilized world need an occas ional tnulcto enablo them to Bupport tho strain upon their bodies nnd minds, which tho fast life of this restless ago occasions. In fact, n puro wnoicsome, unexciting tonlo la tho grand dcsld oratnmof the busy millions, nud they havo the nrticioinH3STliTri:il'8 STOMACH IitTTEltS- Jt is ft stnmlnnl medicine, I, d It Imparts norma nant strength to weak systems nnd Invigorates ueuoiuo constitutions. Its reputation nml Its sales havo steadily Increased. Competitive prep arations havo been Introduced ml libitum, nud ns farns the public is concerned ad nausenm. In tlio hopo of rivaling, It ; but they have all either pers in tuo attempt, or oeenieitiarinthe -tur, twins been the great jiliiitCAi. BuTcrH or the present century and, It Ismilte certain tlmt no proprietary medicine In this country Is ns wide ly Known, oras generally used. Ten llghtnlni presses, runnlna Incess..ntlr tiununys excepted,) tho whole year thrush, "J supply luuucinauu ior tne illustrate J AI- inanao , In which tho naturo and uses of tlio pro perntlon nro set forth, the circulation no be ing over n vo mUllcns a year. NEW ADVERTISEMENT i XTOTICE AND CAUTION. i.l i,ll1'"eby itlvfn hatmywifeitnry Ann li-1 If't my bed nud board.ln Itoarlugcrcet r-t . inniiOU Vi,y c u,or l'rovocatlon. This i lo lie- on niy account, m I wlllnav no dbts r" Jier K3!BS.. oi:ofioEcnAiGj;.J,fr riOMMITTEE NOTIOE. Not Iffl ( hffntiv trl van Uil. m t n Commltteo of Deborah Poan lato ofCatlw a. Lunatic, has n ivi hu .m,.,..,.,. .....i in the Court of Commonpleas of Columbia t.jun ty, whlrlt account will be presented to tho ( ourt . .. """'"'"wm u 'bi.wii ttemiesuiy tnesrduay of february uet, nt two o'clock r. it., JES313 COLEMAri, I'rolhonolary, V7" i o ic KIiOlU '8 A L ouinn pou i. J J I A nrkt Mllllnn nf Onn-11 Im.i Viek's Illnst.ntod CutaloguQ of Heeds nnd auids wnw t mnvruiiait-H is now puunsuou. it laukes i :,.... i"Ht 'uiiiuiiy iiiusiratea, witli bout 1 i r Ine Wood Lugravlugs of Flowero uud egetablesnud nn ELEOANT COLOUED rLATK, A BOUQUET OP FLOWEKS. It Is the most bfautlfnl. w1l tha mui In. itrucllro Flower uuMe published, glvlnr plalu nil tsoroigk directions for tkn CULTUIH! Ol' ravyf-KIWANI) 'VEOLTAIILUU. Iha 1 lorul Guide Is pnbllshtd for Iho benelll of my customers, to whom It Is sent freo without I'l'iiiuiiuu, uui win uuiorunruou touii uhnap. IV bV mall, lor T.m f-rnlji whlfh In I...I cost, AUC'OSK , J A v ta viCIf , Kosas.Ur, v. y. ' QOUHT P11O0LAMATION. WmtKBAn, tliollon. William Klwell, l'rcslilcnt Judgo ot tlte (Vmrt of Oyer nnd Terminer nnd Ueneml Jnll Pellvcry, Court of (Quarter HeRtlona of tho l'eneo nnd Court of (feintmm Plena nnd or phan's Court In the lltli Judicial Dlitru-t, coin poRcdof tho counties of ColumMa, Kulllvnn nnd Wyoming, nnd tho Hon. irnin Pctr mul 1'clerK. He rueln. ARKoclnto Judges of Columbia county havo InMicit tholr precept, bearing dato Iho lttn day of Dee. lu Iho cur or our Iord, ono thouftnnd.clghtlulmlrcdmutfdxty-olght, nnd to inodlroeted lor hotdiugnCourtnf Oyer nnd Ter miner nnd Uencrnl (Quarter Hesslons or tho 1'cnco, nnd orphan's Court. In lUoomnburc. In tho coun ty of Cotuinbln, on tho Ilrxt Mondny, beiuit Iho ilnv rtl February next In rimthmn nno u-enk. AND WUI:u1:A.S ALSO Umjhuuo Judges havo mpd thnlr nreeent hearlni latolhe twelfth dnv of Poeembcr A. P. one tbotiainl elitht hundred itndnlxty-eglit nuil to mo dlieeted for holding n Court of Over nnd Termiimr. (Jenernl ounrter Hcsslousof the Peace, Orphans' Court nnd of Com mon l-ieas in iiioomuurg in tuo eouuty ui l.oi- mom on ino neeouu iou(ia) , neing 1110 ciguiu IV Ol i oiiruiiry tic.ti, uiui 10 cnuiiuue nnu v. eeK. Notice Is heieljv iflell. to tho Coroner, to the Justices of tho Pence, and the Conslnbh-s of tho n.ild county of Columbia, that they bu then nnd there In their proper person nt lu o'clock In tho foicnoon or Bam xirst nay or. 1- eu, with their rec ords, Inquisltlousnud other leinemhrauces, to dothosethlngs which to their oilkes nppertnln ui iu none. nu inose mat are uounu rueoirnlrance. to nrosecuto mtalnst tho nrls- ocrs Hint nro or luny uo in tuo jaiioi me .M nmtllt' t.f I.. I.a ,1ml. nti.l there to nro-iecule them as shall lie lust. Ju rors nro requested to bo punctual lu llielr attend ance, agreeably to their notlcos. Paled at Plooms- . uurg, me iiu nay oi uee. in mo year I.S. i ui our loru, one tuousnnu eigui nun- ' ilreiSnnil sIxlv.AlDlit.niul IntliimlnctV. second year of tho Independence of tho United Stales of America. JIOUWXAI MILLAIIU, llKxim.slju.i;, Jiin.l, 1MM. Mbenii. EEGISTEU'S NOTICE. Notice ih hereby given to nil leirntcin, crcdltore nud uttier pcrsoim lutereHtcd lu tha CHtulcg of tlio ro spcctlvo decetlcuUaiiil m.noi-k. tlmttho followlni; Administration rtnd ftunrdtan nccounts have been xueu in tuo ontce oi tuo uc-itister oi tommuia county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation and nllownnco in ine orpmns- court, to ooneid In lJioomsuurg, on juotiun-, tlio tirsi day ot -en. lMiu. ut two o ciock in tuo niicruoon oi said day. . Klrst nnd partial account of Itolandos Illank nnd Wm. M. KUnetob ruUnr'n. of Kamucl PlanU laloorucntro twp deo d. z. i-nst nnu rtariiRi nccount or wm. a. uoso. Ex'r of tlio lnt'C.,-lll of Hester Orctt Into of Scott twp.tcicc II. a. ivccoiini. oi jiicunci r . i!.yeriy, mun r. ui Lconnrd H. Htlnninan lant of lUoom twp., dee'd. 4. Account of P.inlel Ilavlor.adm'r.of llllznbctlt llaylor, lato of Montour twp., dee'd. 5. Aitron Uoono Uuardlnti orMamuol W. Iloono, minor child of Mury ltonuodec'd. u. Aecoltntoi r, it. .Muier.gutiruinn oi iimira Wanlch minor child ol Haniuel Waulcli dee'd. 7..Accouut of H. 11..MII eririiarduin nf ioretta Hartrel minor child of Jacob Hartzeljr. deo'd. s. Account ofK. li. .Miller i-uarilliiii ol li lAl- beth dross minor child of Zehulou Uros, dee'd. . U. KlnafnccountorMlclinelllrolist.ex'r..or tuo est. of Ulzabclli Ueiislii;er,lato of CntawlnMt twp. uec ti. 10. Account of Martha Itflunti aumr'x. of Gcor-o Unupp, late of IiOcust twp.,ut-o'd. JOHN (1. I'KEE.G, UegLster. Illooinsbtinc Jan. I, ISW. TKIASL, WST, PKli. X., 1KG9. Petor Schue "uto" vs Willimn OCaso ctal Tho West Branch lnsnrauce Uo vs Simon 0 Shivo. Edward McCall ot al vs John Sweeney. F II Person vs John Cain. Thomas J Vnndcr.slico vs Itobcrt Howell. Lavina Davenport vs Win M Klinotob. John Coleman vs Jlieliael Cronan. Johu Uooper vs Daniel llowcr and Zimmer man. John Gilroy vs AVilliam K Sterner. Tho Township of Uonyngham vs l'otcr L KUno ct al. Reuben II lleaser and wil'o vs Jas Gliomas. Isaao l'cgely vs James W Sankey. Abraham ottng vs Jacob Woohvcr. CJiailcs It Green vs l'etcr Schug, Samuel llentier vs.John llinterlcitcr. Lucas N Jloycr vs Gcorpo W Uollimar. David Lewis, guardian of the heirs of John Hess dee'd vs Collins Sutleff. William Ikeler vs John Savaco et al. A B Erasmus vs Matthew Wynkoop, gar nishee of Henry Gigcr. , Joseph Thomas vs John Hoop. l'etcr Applcman vs Silas F lvarns. Christiana Vox vs John Jones. Henry J Yaplc vs Isaac Drum, and terro tenants. Samo vs Same. lludolph Shuman vs George Brcisli. Klias Snvder vs Adam Schuyler et al. Frederick Michael vs Henry Fodder. Charles Krcislicr vs Henry Knapp. John Apnlegato vs Thomas Polk. Samo vs Same. Gcorgo Kinly vs Gcorgo Vansickle. Simon C Shivo vs Hannah E Armstrong. William Is'ugcn vs Daniel F Soybert. Natnan Uro'tlicrsVs Henry A' Urcidensaul. Henry Gable vs Peter Hower and tcrre ten ant. Austin Church vs Andiew Clark. Jesse D Rico vs Nathan Cronus. Reuben H King vs Eliclia B Vttrsel. Itobcrt Gorrell vs Bernard MclJrcarty. Edward Furgesan vs Columbia County. Samuel Sliael'er vs Same. Gcorgo Richards vs Same. Hcrni' James vs Samo. Gcoito Nungojscr vs Jacob Yoho ir. Jesse Coi.kman, l'roth'y. Grand .lurors, Feb. Terns, Jienton Uharlcs S. Dotlson, Uriarcrcek Gcorgo 1. Learn, liloom 0, F. Knapp, Jacob Dei flen bach, .lushincreelc Abraham Kline, Franklin Washington Parr, Hemlock Itobcrt Hicharil. Jackson Jackson l)err, Locust Holandua Hcrbcin, Maino Daniel Culp, Jacob Fcnsterniach er, Mifflin Thomas Aton, Montour John G Quick, Henry IIus. Mt TJcasant-Klias Howell, John Un burn. Oraugc Thotnaa McIIcnry, Potcr Trump. l'ino James Masteif, Scott Kecco Fainuan, Susailoaf-Thomai Colo, Wheeler Shultz, Henry 0. Hess, Itiehard Kilo. IoHt Jurors First AVceli. Uoavcr Joseph Sliearinaii, l'etcr Knight, M6cs Schlicher, Klias JIUIcr. Uriarcrcek l'eter JI. Traugh. Jllooin Jofcph W. IlcnJcrshott, Steph en 11. .Miller, Elijah Shutj, licrnick llor. John JI. Snyder. Catawissa Adam I'cdcrplf'.Lcwis Yclter, Martin V. IJ. Klino, Jcsfo K. Sharpies, Mcholas 1). Harman, Solomon Hclwig, Gcorgo Iluahcs, Lewis Mctz. Centre baimicl Kclehncr. Conynfiham IJcnjamin LinJcnmuth. Contralia llor. Uharlcs Strau;er. I'iihinpcrcck Joseph II. Hess, l'etcr J caver, Mellaril Jones, Kli lloLbins, Jack. Jlcllcnry. Greenwood-Isaac Hcacock, John P. hoxtcr, David Dcuiott, John licpgott. Hemlock Samuel Alo, ,Iohn OruLer. Locust William Lee, Leonaid Adams. Main William 0. Iteighanl, Jonas W. John, iMadiwn-5ilas W. Wcllivcr, John Allen, Jacob Kifner. Mifilin Thomas K. lies?. Mt, Pleasant Geo. Cavenec, William Montour Peter Kvans, Noah Muoser, James T. larnsworth, Wesley I'leming, Scott William II. Haccnbaucli, Josoph Ij. Miller. Jacob TorwilRgcr, William C. llobison, William White. SECOND WEEK. Heaver Peter Schlicher. llenton Kred'k Lauhach, Wm. Holmes. Uriarcrcek Lamou Martz. Hlooni H. II. l.'reas. Philip Ort, Wil ?" Coleman, William II. Jaeoby, Samuel V. Uoono, 10. J. Thornton. llerwick llor-Jacob W. Deitteiich, Jer emiah a. banders. Catawissa ICliai Weaver, Conynghara William Goodman. Centre Samuel 0. llowcr, Paul Zancr. I'iihinecreek-John M, Uuckalcw, David Savage, Daniel Pealer. h'ranklin Josoph II. Knittle, Jlathias u ingles. Greenwood Wm. Ilreamcr, Isaac Do ;vttt, William Hobbins, William W. Par ker, John K. Mugrovo, Veflcy 3Iarr, Adam Utt. Hemlock Reuben Uomhoy. Locust Jacob K. Harncr, Isaac VUIicr. Main William Mensingcr, Michael Gro vcr. Mt. Pleasant Isaao Applcman, William I'. Kitchen, Daniel JlcUarty, Miflliu-Slephen II. Swank, William W. llrown, Lowis Kckroto, Willam V. Keller, Montour Mathias M. Monroe, Lloyd Paiton, Orungo Jeremiah t'omstock, Moses Lvcrctt, James Kvch, Klijah G. Mckctts, bainuel Henry, Pins Skadrack Kres, Soott-William M. Knt, Sngarloaf David Lewis. gNVDEH, IIAltHlS & HASSim Muuiiuclurtn aud Jobben of HUN'S AND 110V3' CLOTHINO, Um. Glj lluktl, &mJ UU CXimmoti KmI, u NITED STATES MAILS. I'ENNSTI.VAKIA. "Tost OrrtCE pr.rAnrMKNT, Washington, Jnnunry 2, ISO!). Ironottl1il for ennvnvllltf Ihn malls of tho Unit ed Htates from July,!', lwi, to Juno .10, 1S72, on tho 'ollowlng routes In the Htflto of Pennsylva nia will bo veeolvi d nt tho (Jontrnct Office of this Department until 3 p. in. of March 91 next, to lia April 20 following: lioai l-'r.m Poyleslown to llurklugham, 1 lnllcs nnu ohck n-x nines a wppk. Leave Poylet mwn dally, exo-pl Bnndny.on nrrlrnl of l'lilladlph'aiimll, p.ui! Arrlvent Jlucklughiim In ono hour, or by ft !in n m- Leave IiucltiMRhnm dally, except Sunday, allium; Arrive at Po lostown by 12 lit. 1311 l'rom Lancaster to WclTsvllle, I miles mul back, six times it tveelt. Leavo Ijimcnstcr dally, except Bunday nt 1 P m; Arrive nt KcTsvlltohy 2 p mi Leave NelliVIUo dally cxrent Sunday, nt 11 n in; Arrlo ntLfu.castorby 12 in. iHlt rrom l'cnn h Btntlon, by Hnrrlson City anil Manor Pale, t Murrynysvillo, in miles nnd back, three times a woek. Leave l'enn's Station Tuesday, Thurday, nnd Matnrdiy nt 1 p m; Arrive nt MHrraysvllle by 8.80 pm! Leavo Sturraysvll'o Tuesday ,iuursd iy,imd Matnrday ut7 n mj , . Arrive nt lVun's Htotlon by 0.30 n tn V Dili I'Vom Pnrnnssu, by If ow Texas, to Snrdlu, 11 miles nml back, threo times n week. Leave l'umansus Tuesday, 'Itiursday, nnd Saturday ut 8. n m; Arrive nt haulis by 11 n in; Leavo Hardla Tuesday, Tliursd-iy, aud Sat urday nt 1.3uniii: Arrive ut Painaitsus by 1 p tn. niM TTp..... Tnw n.. lit........ 1... Itl, Mtlla fn Hnneyvill -, Is rullc-M nnd bail;, ouco n wieit, Leavo Jeroev Shore Thursday nt 0 n in; At-rlvo nt Haney vllle by 12 m; Leavo Ilauoy vlllo Thursday ut 1 p in; Arrlvo ut Jersey Snore by (I p in. 2i32 From Clearleld to rcnfleM, 1C miles anil iinrlf. I n' I i'u n TPtltt Loavo Clear ncM TaesJrty nnd fUunay nt 8 i in; Arrive nt P.1 n field bv 1 n in; Leavo l'ennflia ilondny ntid Friday ft 0 a iu; Arriro nt Cioarneld ty S p m. iu mil vi i if, o iniii'i ii uu uilvji, uuiu tlmcHnwel;. IUdderH lo i raposo schedule cH'In nutovcr I wo uuuim running iiuio eaca uy, II Froxi Londi n Orove to Tous'dcenaiuon, 3 iniic-4 mm n icit, mix nines u wccit, SchnUile to Ijo arr.insod In close connec Hon with nitilllr.ilni and tn tue h.i Us fac tion of tho justuiiwtiir at Londou Oiovo, 2533 From HrldKowator.lty Oltford. I'Vastprvlllo aim itocKSViiion,o,,j 10 iiiununruunti-t; iiiui'N una unci, uirt'o uiuch iv wuru, Leavo llrUl'ewa'cr Monday, Wcdncsdiiy, unu rimny & p in, Arrlvo nt Illphhorotiiin bv 0 n til' Icavo ltlcbborotisli ilondny, V,t'dii(hd,iy1 aim rriti;iy ut uu m; Arrle ntUrldc water by 10 n in, 2530 From Nov IIone.bvnuclcnuinsvIIH'.toFlno' viiiu. ii limes mm uucit. m. liiiii"4 ii wt-'uit. Loavo New Hopo dally, except Buuday at o.oj n in; Arrlvo at Pimjvllle bv 10 n. m. Leavo I'Jiievillo dally, except Sunday, at u..w i iu; Arrive at liew Hope by in in, 2-717 FromLanca' XewDanvlllP.Coiiestoa, Maittaltville. OoleniativlUo. Mount Nubo, lUvllullle, Uflheada, mul Llboity Hqtnue. to Chestnut Level, mllya uud tiiii-lt. t firf c tliiift il u fell. Leave Ijanaxter Monday, Wtdnc&day, nnd aiuruay m p ui; IjCavo ItaHllnsvlllo Monday, Vdnesdsiy, ana baiuruay ai t a iu; Arrlvo at Lkncu&ter by 10.30 a m; Leavo Uawilnsvllo TucMMy,Tnurtday, uu Friday at 1 p in; Arrive nt Cliesnnt Level bv 3 n m Leavo Chebiiut Level Tuesday. Thurbday una i' riuay Kb i j in; ArrUe at nuwllusvllio by C p m. 'ZW From Union Station, by Miller's Store,(n,o.() Terro U1H, and KM.'k sioif. (u. ., lo Uhurchtowu, U miles rnd bade, twlco weelc. Leavo Union titatlon WeducKday aud Bat' ureaay ni i p in; Arrive at L'hnicliLown bv 5 n m: Leao hmcutown Wedneiiday and Hatur- uay at bu in; Arrive at Uulou Station by 12 m. i".J Fiout IfluUlbtown, by lXahnstown (u. u nud FryKVllle. (.n. o.,) to UtuimUnvn, nil k-s uud bacU. ilneo iliuen a wo. I:. Lea.No HiuUlttawuTutbdjytTnuudjytnud Arrlvn nt 1 ton ins town bv 10 a iiv Leavo lteuiustoWlTuei.diiy, Xlmrbday, and suiiKuay m i pin; Anlvo ut lltnkletuwn by 2.3J p m. Fioin Carperf,(n. o.,)LViIcbrnolc Kelley'8 Corner, (n. .,) to Muuut Joy. lit luueu ami imeii, oucuu wt'uii. Leavo Anuvillo Monday utlj.UJain; Arrive at Mount Joy by 4,30 p m; Loavo Mount Joy Tuesday nt 8 a in, Autvo ut AunviUo by 2p m. 2-j1i From l'nlmyra, by GimpbelLstown, ILieh inaii!vllUlfii.o.,)and Mount Jlurrli,)n,o. h'WSVii"iiiiowu. ii in i '- Leave l'almyra Saturday nt S a in; Anlvlnj ut KUzabethtown by V2 m; Leavo Ltlie ibetlitowu Haiuiday ut I p m; Arrive at l'almyra by 6 p m. jiJ Irom Reading, by mack Hear Tavcrnn.o.,) relscmer-t,(n.o.,) and Manatawiiuy, to & t 't'nto t.uw uiii-a a wi fii Leave Ilcadtug Laturdny at in m: AirHont I'lke by u p m; Leavo i'lko yatunlay o u m; Arrlvoat Ucadlnu bvlua m- i'ropotnl invited ior tcrvicu twlco a week. iow i mm uiey, uy uiceu lllll,(n.o.,) jfew Jerusa- n-in, nnu liryvnie, to station. 1111104 ami uiiclt. onrfl il vi fit . Soii.imi proptwaU Invited lorservlco fiom oley to few n lii v nc in, oyj ujiicd, LeaTO oly Haturday nt 2 p in; Anlvo at New Jerusalem by l p in; Leavo Now Jwruxalom bJuimUy at 13 tu Arrlvo nt Oley by 2 p in. ''SlllToiil OloV. bv Yellow ITnnvn nml Aiitlfv vllle, (nto,.j to l)oiHtlasVille, a miles nnd uiUUtt MITll, Leavo Olov Saturday nt 7 n m; AirivoutU.HisifsvlIlo byy.yoa in; Leavo Uoiii;la!sviltlo Saturday ut VI m: Arrlvoat Olev bv" lnm i'roposalfi lor nmru f.-enuent scrvlco Invited ViSJ?5iitSv Yn ' UY Mmiivlllof -u. o ,) uuiesiiu I uacK, uni'on week LwivuHju o svll uMaiuuliiyutSnui; .ii.iU vice uy n am; l.e ao Jncks'invllloH mii'iL.y ut 1 I p in, .ii r i. nai'sum'ino iy -i p m, !3l(J I'min 11 oilhe.idStatlonYii.n.livirj..w,,,.. tn i;ii..i,eili, 5 miles and b.ick, sl tni Leave llro Ibead station dally, exo Stiu- Ariivent Nu ireth by i m; Ltavo Nalntli dallv os. .pt I ly ft in: ' atli Ai 'Ivu nt Uri'dliev Hla too. by 7. i. am "i!7 Aslihind. by Oo.dou T.i jln.-viti.. .?Ty! ,(,!ry.V--K nn'1 ('l-li.impletim', u wtcic )lea"18' mil'"i -ck, onco LcaviiigAshlanilfiatuidav nt.'l n nv Airivln-rat lupins by 7 p in" ' ' Leavo luulns Ha'uulay nts a m- A l Imi at Ashland by i2 m l'uip i .N luvlied lormo.o i erpieut servlnj , is Fioni Oruis'.b'ji, by New IlluRsolil and Mountain, lo Meluivlllu. II iiiiks nnd b.i 'k, onejaweek. l.eiyo Oru lebnrR Saturday nt 7 a m; AillviiatStelnsvillo by 12 m; I.r-nvH Hti'insvllln Rntunlay at 1 p m. A 1 1 Ive at DrwIssbuiK by u p in. ?5I0 From Mount C'a-me , by Hear (lap, i:ivsbnm : . . , " l,J "m im, ii 'dilutes nnd bai k th eo times a week. Leave Mount Carmel Tnesliy, Thins lay. niulHaioTilayiitUftiii: " Arrlvo nt D'mvllloby 12 in; Leave IMuvlllo Tuesdajs, Thurridiys, nnd Kntutil.iysnt 1 p in; Aulvo at Mount Caiinel by 7 pin; i From Mendenhall's Mlllsdi o.) nn J Valentino VniiRlit'N, (n, d.) ti; Kirn- btinr. U miles ntlll bilelf. tw fn ,i i,.,. , Leavo I'atawlssa Tuesday mid .Salur l.i'y at II am; Arrive at Elj sburrt by 12 m; Leave Hlysbuig Tuuday nnd KaMrday at 1 u m; - Arrive at Catawlssn by 3p m. 2MI From Hamascns, by West Damascus. Fust Lebanon, nilditrieyvllle, to Cold Hj,rlnSs, l$H mllos and back, twlo:i week. Leavo Uamascus Tuesday nnu Saturday nt Arrlvo at Cold Rprlnu bj 4 p in; Ltavo Cold Hprlug Tuesday and Saturday at 7 n m; Arrive nt Damascus by 11 n m. 2CU From York, by Dover. Hossvllle, Wellsvllle. nnd Mount Top, to DllUburg, i I miles nn. back, twko a week. Lenvo York Tuesday nnd (Saturday atSn.iii' Arrlvoat DllUburi; by 3 p in: Iicuyo Dlllsburg Jlonday nnd Friday nt 12 Arnvo at York bv7 n in. Proposals fortervlco tlueo times a week In lied, 1 I rom l ork Sulphur Spi-liies, by Idavlllond ... iiutxttiiu iiiut.u nines nnu iini'i:, twlceaweek. ' Leavo York Sulphur Hpilngs Wtdnchday and Saturday at 1 p in; Arrive nt Wcuks by fi i in; Leae Wenks Wednesdsy and Halurday nt Sam; ' Alrlvu at York Sulphur fipilngs by 12 in, SMI From Scotland loOreenVIIlage.Sinllesanil back, Unco times uweek. Schedule muklug close connection Willi It. 11. mull train, tn Iho satlsiactlon of tlio postmaster nt Oreeu VlllBue, 2ir5 From Woody Hun, bvG'earvlllennil Widow Hells, (u u.,) to Orleans, Mil., (u.o)tri milts and back, onco n week. Leave Moody Hun KiUay nt 7 a in; Arrlvo nt Orleans by 0 p in: Leave 111 lo i ns Saturday at 7 n m; Arrive at Moody Huu by 0 ii in, proposals for extension lo Orleans XKoads. W. Va., luvlied, ' S5M From Now Paris, Alum Hank, uud Spring Mjadow, tost. Clalrsvllle. l5 miles nnd back, twice n week. ' Leavo Hcliellsbuig Tuesday and Saturday Arrlvent St, ClnlrsvJlloby 12 ni; Iave St. Clalrsv Illo Tuesday and Saturday Arrlvo ut ScUelUbursh by 7 pro. 2M7 From Mechnnlcsbiirgli, by 'SIddonburh, LUburu, Luwlsbeny, Newberry, nnd o luuilown, to Liters, 21 miles und baik, twlco u sveek. ' Leave Meehaulcsburgh, Tuesday uud Ha ureday at s a bi; ArrUe at Kttars, byl p s: frrlf. at Mrc.uilwGureU by I p uT; ' Tk"e ',T"' UmC1' wcls JVM From Nowvlllflto tllmervlllo, Omllci nml built ntiM ft woelc. liCivo Nowvllle Mnluiilny nt 3 pm', Arrive nllHimcrvllle by 4 p m; ljcao ItlourvllUiSnturtlny nt 12 in; Arrlvo nt Xetrvllle by 2 1 m. 2m. l'rom Mllrcv-. by RoMImvUIo. (n. o,,) lo Iiortto's .Mills, S tulloi anil Imck, threo llinp ii week. . , Lei o Mltroy Tuonany, Tlmm.lny, nml Rat- urday nl3 rnj ... . Arrive at. IincVi Mlltn by J p mj licnro Loolte'B MIIN TuesJny, TliumLiy, miiUl.iturrtfty at I p in Arrive nt Mil oy by 3 p mj 2K0 From Hm'lh'n MI1H lo Mmlelin, 5 miles and Letive fmllli' Mllln Tunulay nml TrMny t lpn'i Arrlv.uil Madelmbyspnij Limv" MnUoira, Tucstlny nml rtlilnyntOn Arrive nt Bmlth'a Mllh by U a in. "u i From r.iHjIilnn, by ltouslon, (n,o.,)loren- IlPHl, ii, nines nuu ilick, nuea n weei. Leu " Hnekii.n HnturtLiy una m; Aim at lvnn.-bl by I'J in; LeATu lentifeltl Rntiirdiiynt 1 p tu; A fit vent lUieltum b- ot r.i; rroj -sa! io Lenin nt I ullierRlnircli, four iii.I. ni!lU,niuil Ulslniico nml one lnur ailililiounl ,.mo, luvlteu. :V)jrroir IVillenVluilier, by fllll'8 Mills (n.o.) ni' i 'livil v.iinnei, oj io vniiuuiuirii, 17 nllennnit bnclc.oncon-weolc. IjChvi" t'lirrotluiwn rrlJny nt 7 n mj Arrive nt milen Timber by 12 m; I,C'iV" Knllew Timber FrlOny nt 1pm; Arr'V. nt CMrrolltown by 0 p m. i'J3 Fron ftfti' 01nser'fl,fn.o.,)KUler'9 Mil!, o.,)nml St. Lnwlenee, (n.o.,) to Mimut l'leuHint,(ii. o.,)?2 mllv nndbnek, o:u e rt weelc. Icnve t'otrolltown Friday nt Rruoj ArrH 6 nt Mount Flmunt by S p m; Leave Mount rie.isnut Haturtley at B n in; Arnvo nt Cnrrolltown by 3p in; 2t0I From rmncli, by Ninth WiKiblnglon, to Jienoou, u miie ami imcic onro n weeic, Ijcnvo Arinnijh Haturdny nt ,1 p m; Arrive nt llcshbon by 3 pm; I.envo lleshbcn yntunbiy nt 12 m; Arrlvo nt Ai ma?h by a p m. IMS From Clreonsburit. by Mlddletown. (n. o.,) isewMiamon, wnit's, nml Miuuson, to Fulton, 18 miles nud b iclt, threo times n weei:. Leave Hieen'liui'K Tuesday, Tliursday, and a tl iiuiii. lit n I, in; Arrlvent Fulton bv 12 m: Leave Fullou Tim lay, llmrsil.iy and Sit nrd.iy nt I p m; Arrlvo at Greensburg by 7 p m, avid From Lyelppus to Ittdgo View, i)i miles and Uil.Jt, lllllTIl Wl'Uli. Lea. e l,ytlipiiH Wednesday nnd Saturday ill, i in; Arm e in. H.di-o View by 5.3.1 p m; Le'ive Itlildo low Wnlnosdny uud Butur tluy nt 2 p in; Arr. vu nt l.j cippus by 3.D0 p m. 2.VT7 Fiom Wlttenber?. by Foenbontos, to Fimt- uui-K, .ii".. iiiucsanu nacK.onte a weeic. Loao Wlltenbeis Hat unity nt 8 a ni: Arrive nt Krnstbiiri: by 12 m; ljenvu Ki'o-tijurtiHautrdi'v nt 1 p m, Arrlo nt V utenbers bv i p in. KWJ From Mill liuu, by DrnUesown, t- llarncds. vine, i.i iusrnu n.ieK, oni'e a week. Leaio.Mlll Itun Haturday at 7 am; Arrive nt lluruelivillo ty 12 m; Leac Hal nedsvllle Saturday at 1 p m: Arrlvent .Milt Hun by Hp m. Keourate propoiils Invited pari of lb. routo between llarnedsvillo nud )ialtestown,5mlles, two hours runn'nis tltao each way. M l'rom Klrby, Mount Mor ris, Dilnkalil, and Wiley, to Ureeusbm-o', no mll.-H u id b.iek, twii'u a week. Leavo WnyuesbuigliTuesdaynud Hatuiday at7wn; Arilvo at Orccnsboro' by s p ni; LeooOreeU!,bolo, Monday uud Friday nt 7 n in; Airlvo at Wayucsburgli by 5 p lu. K70 From Ilodireinvillc, by Walnut llrush, u.o.,) Hurt Ml.l, (n. o.) nml ig Tree, (n. o..l to Cameron, W. Va.,?.'iulk8aml back, owe uweek, Lva o Iliidaor ivlllo Friday at S a in; Arrlvoat Cameron by 6 p m; Lenve earner iu Hatuiday at 8 a in; Arrlvo lit Itodgersvllle by 3 p m. "'71 From Clayvillo.Iiy Atchison, to West Mld dlLtown, 12 miles nml luck, twice a week. Loavo Claysvlllo Wednesday nud Saturday nt 'J a m; ' Ai rlvo at West Mlddletown by 1 n in. ' l,-no West Mlddletown Wednesday and Haturday at 2 pni; Airlso ut Oluysvlllo bytl p in. " ,a,l'iom west Alexander, by Dunsfurl, (n.o.,) tolmlepemlcuce, 12 luflesuud back, ouco a w 'el:. Leavo West Alosamter Haturday at 10 n m; Ai rlvo nt Dnnsfoit by 12 m; Li'iim xjuiiMuri, raiuiuay at s a in; Arrive nt West Alexander by lo a m: Leavo llunsfort Saturday ut 1 p in: Ai rlv o nt Independence by 3 p in; Leavo Independence K.Umd.iy ut 3 p Anlvoatl)uusiortby5im. J',73 Fiom llailon, by Wnll Uojo nnd Iilnlr, to l'eirysvllle, is milts and back, uneo a wiea. Lravo ll.iilen Tuesday at 7 n m; Aulvo at 1'jrryvlilo by Llm; Lea u lVrryvlllu Tuesday nt 1pm: A ilo at ll.uleu by 0 p m. o, 1 1 rom I iTeJom to Knob, .1 miles and back, luleo a Mfi'k, ' L ivol'ieodoiu Tuesday uud Friday nt3p wViuve ut k ttv llllnni. Leao Kilob lueaday nml f.'rlday ntl u in A 1 1 Ive a t Freedom by 2.JJ p in. 1 ' i i i, , . V. ? . to Liner's Mills, miles Lday,unrft'mt'U'' '" S.itur Arrive at Killer's Mills by 12 m; ''day at'S S m;"'S Wrt"V d Satur Aritvoat Hailiugioii by io..'ijn in. 2370 From Eijon Valley to Marvin, 3 miles and ufhS. ? s? Vn."ey Saturday at 10 a m; Ali lve nt Mmvin by a a m; tt!f?.?,',?',?hx s'rday at I n m; Arrlvoat Hnou Valley by H a in. i ii or,... i V. 'W Jacksvllle, West Liberty, nml Ilrownlugton, to llai.lsvltlc. lsinlhsiind back, twleen week. liVini ' ., . B " ".mesuny una Salur- Arrlvo ot lliirrlsvllle bv 12 m; daVVt lttr7;m1"e '""""''"J' :1-l Aiilvuat ilaiiaiisbiii'T by 7 p m. Jj.s rrom New Wilmlngteu. by Ncshannoek "" I vmaui, io i,eesuurg, il miles ami back, onco n woek. Leave New Wilmington Saturday nt 1 p m; Anlved at Leesburg by 4 p in; L, aj o Leesburg Saturday at u a in; iini.iiira wiuiiuigtou by 12 m; I'l'upiMuls for twlco it week service 2.-.7D From Ralilnsvllle by Mxtnw nnd Sun- deillnvllle, to Ulysses, 17 miles nud b lek. oli.o il week, ' L-ayo SaMinvlllo Saturday ut 0 u m; Ariivout Ulysses by I !ni; Iaayo Ulyi-sessatiudayntl nni; Arrive nt Sablnsvllle by 7 p m. 2js0 From Fall Brook to Alba, 11 miles nud back, threo times a week. Leavo Fall llrook Monday, Wednesday ami Friday nt p m; Arrive ut Ailia by 0 p in; Leave Alba Monday, Wednesday, nnd Fri day at It ft in; Arrlvo at Fall llrook by l,30p ni. 23U From Montgomery Station, by Muuut y.lon. in. o.,) to l.llmsport, 10 miles nml back ill lot il wvlr. jyo Montsoracry Station Raturday nt 12 Anivo at Ellmsport by 3 p m; Luayo Lllnispji t Satuidaynt 0 nm: An ivo at Muufjomery Station by V a m. 2C32 1'l oni ,I-nKllh (Vnti e. by Cumi) Corners (n o.) nml Moirls, to Wellsboro', 21 miles und back, nncu a week, Lesvo Fai-'llsh Centro Friday nt S n m: Arrlvo at eltsboro' bv I p m; Leavo Wellsboro' Saturday at 8 am: An Ivo nt Fngllsh Cuntro by I pin, f"ii From Alleghany Drldgo to Prentiss Vale I1 1 milts and back, onco n week. ' Leayo Alleghany llridge balurday nt 2 p m: Anlvoat 1'iriillss Vale by -CiJ p in: Leavo Prentiss Vnlo Saturday nt 12 m; Aulvo nt Alleghnuy llildgo by 1,30 jnii, 2VI Fiom llrookvlllo to Knoxdale, 8 miles and linetr. mien n Leave llruukvlllo Haturday nt 1 p m: Airive lit Knoxdale by 1 p in; jauii. m...iuMiu nuiiiniay la ii a iu: Airlvo at Ihookvillo by 12 m. "S3 From nrorkwnyvlllo, by Itoekdalo Mills "to Kovuoldville, 10 miles and bicJc, unco u week. Leave Ilrockwayvlllo Tuesday nnd Satur day nt7 ft m; Aritvoat lleynoldsvillo by 1 in; Leuvolteyuoldsvlllo Tucsdiiy ami Salurday ntlpm; Arrive nt Brockwoy vlllo by 0 p m. scpnrato niouosals Invited fur scrvlco be iwceiillrockwayvlliennd Itoekdalo Mills. 7 mllos, 2 liouis i mining lime eacli way. 2it,a From (larlaud, by Htar,(n.o.,) to RoutU West. It miles und buck, once a week. j.eavu ujriauu niiiuiuay nt 2 p in; AirlMintHnulh Westby S p in; iavo South West Salurday nt Uu in; Anlve at Oarlaud by 12iii. Proposals invited for twice a week rcrvice, 2CS7 Fi'uni Rciub Grass. (Wltheiup's V, O..) by ltocklaud, to NickicvMe, It miles ami Lo-ivo vilherups Tuesday,, nud Hatuiday ut2 p m: Ai rive nt Nleklnvlllo by .1 p m; Havo Nlclilevlllo Tuikday, Thursday, and Sslurdnv nt 7 ft in; Airlvo 111 Witliciups by 10 n 111, KS3 From cuUIsvHIh, by Calleusburg,7 lallesaml liaek, unco 11 week. Leave Curllsvlllo Filday at 10 a in; Arrlvo ut i'ulleusbur4 by 12 111; Leavo Cnllensburg Friday at 2 p m; Arrlont CiirlUvlllo byj put. I'l v'fw.ul.1 luvllcilloriuoioiAipieut setvlce, 25f,9 Fiom Jiimoslownto lioyalton, I miles and Imck, tlueo tliiusft week, Iiavejiiiiustuiui Tuesday, Thursday, nnd Halurdny ut 3 p uu ArrUoallt.iynlioii liyliun; L'nivo lloyaltim Tuesday, Thursday, and rvilurduy ut 1 pin; Aiiivu ul Juinistuwn uy 2 pm, 3 K) I'riuii Rai gf rlown, by Long's Stand, (11. o.,) ti llkHimlnj uIUy, 7 miles uud back, onco n week. ' Li avo fenegerslown Friday nt 2 p ir.i Arrive ut Mourning Valloy by 4 p m; Leavo lllnomlng Vullcy Friday ut lo ft in; Arrlvo ut Saetcrstown by 12 m. 2531 From Corliranton. byDecknrd's rtun,(n, o.,) Wnyno Centre, Wilson's Mills, Mack Ash. Sugar Luke, und WtlUcrvllle, (n. o.,) to Coihruutou,S miles, cilia! to liinlluauuil back, twleo a week. Leave Coelirantou Tiusday nnd Haturday at 7nm; Arrlvo ut Coclirnuton by t p 111, itlll From Titusr'll to PlfcuumtTUI, lallss aad buck, six times a Wfik. Lravo TitiuvllluilMly u-.i Sunday, ul I in: ' Anno nt Plcisantvlllv by i p in; ' m .... "lv"10 ,,tt" cxtipl hiiiiiluy, .V:.."? 1 2501 From Now Hanover, by DonelnM, l'loas.uil lltin, (u, o.,) nml lit Iokim, lo IVuiisbuli, luinllisand bnek, ouco ft week, Ieavo Nmv llftUoverTneRilny nt l p in; Arrlvo nt Fennsburgn bv 1 p m; Lo.ivo Feniishur Tii'wlay at !l a m; Arrlvo nt Now Itnnnvcr by 13 m. NOTKH. Frnjiosius must be to carry the mall with "co lorlly, i'orlalnly,nndecurlly,'' uslim the terim oftbolaw, nnd they lnustboKUflrnntleiV by two roapotnlblo persons, rerllUoil to ns such by n polmastcr or JuJijo of n eonrt ot reennl, No pay will bo made for Inps not perfoime'l, nml tironeliorf-ueliomls3lonn not sallnfnclotlly oxpiniueii inrro iimew mu pay in uiu irip may bo deducted. For arrivals rmiar bolilnd limo ns loiirenK eonncciion wiiu u"iieaiiinij mans, nuu not sutllclontly excused, one-fourth of Iho com. ennatton ior ino inp is Mtojcri 'in inrieiiuro, 'lueswlllbo Imposed, unless Iho doltmiucnev bo sntlsfactorlly explained, for neijloellng tn tako tlio man from or into n post omee; ror sur. fdrlnz It to bo Inlurod. ctestroved. robbed, or Inst: nnd lor refusing, utter demnml, to ounvey tho man ns rrenneutiy ns mo contractor runs, or is roueirneil In running, vehicles on the route. Tho rstiii.wlr lleucml inaj nnuul the rontrm t Mr disobeying tho post olllee Inns, or tho Inst ruc tions of tho Department, llu inny alter Mm schedule or departures nnd nrrlvnls, nnd nUo order nil Inci ease of service by nllowlhg therefor Iru ran inuieiinu uu tuu eiiiiirnci pay, no insy alsticurtnllor dUcontluuo the servlen tu -uholu or lu pari, nta proiiortlounlo ilectcaso or pny, al lowlnx ns lull lmlemully to tha rontrr.clor one montli's exlra compensation on Iho ntuouiit of service dispensed wllh, and a fro rntcomp.M.Ha- liuii lur tin. Hii . ,1.1, ii.'.aLiimi mill rniuinueu, lllds should bo nfldressetl to the "Mecond Assist ant rostraasler Oeucral," supersorlbeil "l'ropa. sals, Htnteof l'eiinsylvaula," and cnt by U'ir. ror loriui oi jiruiHiKiii(e., nun nmer ne Hon. see advertisement of Oct. SI. lsur.nnd nr tl.i date, lu X'-imphlot form, at tho prluclpil uuiees. ALliX. Vt. ItANDAM,, Jan. 2J, ISM. 1'ostmnster General. qUIE ONLY LADY'S X AMI'lltlCA. BOOK IN tlODUY'H LAUV SB'IOIf For 119. THE I IIKAI'BJT OF LADIKS' MACMKIJCIS, Uocause It Is tho licit 1 Tliofilend of women. Iho nrbtter of f.uhion thoeiieouip'jei'nnd puolisher nf Iho I st ei luro of tne day,tiiepatlorniittai wblchnll o.iiets copy. Tho best writers. In tlio.'ltcinry wotl . will contrlbuto to tlio pages of the Ijidv'o Umitc mir. Ins tho year lll. .Marlon llarland. Authocssof A'one, "Hid den L,atIl,""MosHlle,'"NelllC3lN,alld".M!rlam', Will coulilbiue ft sto.y eveiy iiiontn. our for mer olllelcnt corps of writers bas necu ie talned. The O. FOOY papers will bo conl tuned. 11EAUT1FUL STKEL l'LATKa, Oflhoso the Lady's Hook contains fouiiien each year, superior (wo challcnio compa-ison) to any publjshoa lu Hits county, either lu book or iei luuiiHii. OUR FASHION PLATES. Tho original double feshlott-platos wl)t bo con. Ilnued. Modoi Cottage. Too only ninwulno lu this country that gives theso designs Is tho La. dy's Ilnok. Drawing Lcsvms. In this wo an. nlsonlone. Or.c'ual Music, Uodey's Is Iho onlv inaiazineiuwuicu musio prepared uxruiv ior It uppcuvs. Vo hnvo ntso n Clilidrcu's, n Jtorti. eulturnl. and a Health department. Oodev lnv.lltlablo reeelnl.s iinnii ait... Ject, ior tho'Uoadoir, Nursery, liltcieu, ilouso, mm AjAiiui'i ) . Jlllieu! Jviniis. mis is ft series or loss that no uto lias attempted but ouiselves. They plvogieatsatlsfact'on. r.iuues' raucy c ,'nrk lleivi..nif.,f uHAn.A,,i ,i. I, Rli'liS 111 tnlK ileti.ll tin v ,if. nn t.rl ...... I ... nni In n stylo unoquuiled, ' TEHMS VOH 1SU0. One copy, ono year - Two conies, ono vear .... M 00 0 uo 7 10 Threo copies, one year . rout cupica, uuoyear ..... Five copies, one ywir, and all otracopy to tho person gettlug up the club, maklugslx 10 W copies. - . - . .ilea Elg ut copies, ono year, and nn exlra copy to tnopeisoa gettlug up Iho club, mnUlug ulno copies - . . .2i(s Eleven copies, ono year, nnd nu ext.-a. copy to Hie perso getting up Ihe club, mnklng tweivo cop es - - . . - 7 ci Gode) 's Lady's Hook and Arthur's Homo Mhei glnu will bo tout uuo year 011 lecelpt or 11 00 Oodoy's Ludy's llouk und Ouca a Month will bo scut ono y car ou rcculpi ot tl 00. odcy's Lady's and The Chililion's Hour will bo sent on one yeur or ri eely t of? 1.00. Ooiloy's Lady's lloou Arthur'sUouioMngjzluo and Children's Hour will bu sent one j oar on re ceipt of 0) 00. Uodey'a Lady's Hook, Artliur'Homo Mmiazlne. Onco a Mouth, nnd Iho Children's Hour will bo sent ono ear ou lucelpt ol SO a). Ha- Tho mouey must nil bo sent at ono time for any of the clubs, aud additions may bo luade lu clubs at club rules. no Cannda subscribers must send i'l cents ad dllloiial lor uveiy subscription to tlio Lady s Uooli.uml lieeuisfor ollboi'of tho other uiu a zlnos, to pay thoAuicricnn postaee. How to liemlt. In remiuing by Mall, a Pcii ollico Older 01 u Matt, 011 1'blladelphhvur New York. pa.Mlbleto the older of L. A.tiodey, Is pic ferablo to bank notes, ns, should Iho onler or Diait bu lost or stolon, it can 11 leucwed wlihout loss to tho sender. It uDralt oru Pusi-uillec Ol der cannot bo prudcuied. send Unlteu aiaies 01 13uu.t uults. Ad'tioss L.A. OODEY. N. L, Conur-lxth and Chcsiuut titb. Phlla d. Hl'ISOI-t-n, ITOTIC'UO. Mi cit has beeu mng of tho "Maid with Clol I. n Hair." No song, hovuyer, has jctbtoaablo tn maku that color n ivpular one for any coiisl.lcia bio length of time. Light led, faded or uamly hair uro equally under the ban of public opinion, Wo uro happy to uuiiounco to our renders who dcslio to chuugo those colors, that threo applica tions of lllng's Vegetable Ambrosia will give them beautirul auburn tiesiospo sessiug all that soft, luslioiur nppearanco so dcsirublo In Mil. chief aJornmeut of Feiuulo beauty, lm, So Physicians. New Youk. Ausnst 15th, HJ7. Allow mo to call your attention to my Prepar ation of Compound Hxtract llucliu. Tho 0111. poncnt parts aro lluchu, Long Leaf, Cubcbs, ju. ulperlierrlcs. Mows of PREPAn-tTio-V.-Ilueliu, lu vacuo, Ju. distillation, to rorm a flueglu, Cubebs extracted by displacement by liquor ol tftlned from Juuljicr Ilcrrles, containing very Iittlo sugar, n small propoitiou of spirit, ami moro palatablo thau auy now In use. Tho nctlve properties uro by this mode extracted. lluchu, ns prepared by Druggists generally, la of n dark color. It is n plant that emlls lis fr.i grajico; tho action of o llamo destroys this (in actho pilnciplo), lenyluga dark nnd glutinous ileecctlon. Mine is the color of Ingredients. The lluchu in iny preparation predominates ; the smallest quantity of tho other ingredients nm added, to prevent fermentation; upou inspec tion, It will bo found not to boa Tincture, ui made iu Phnrmacopcua, nor is It n Ryrup-anil thereforo can bo used iu cases w hero fever or lie llammallon exlts. In this, you havu tho knowl edge of tho Ingredients und tho inodo of prepar. nllon. Hoplns that you will favor it with n trial, anil tliat upon inspection It will meet with your ap probation, With n feeling of confidence, I am, very respectfully, H.T.HULMIIOLU, Chemist and Drujglst of 10 Yoars- L'xpcrlcnro In Philadelphia, uud now located ut ills Drii4 nnd Chemical Warehouse, 601 llroudwny, New York. From the largestMauufacturlngChomlsts intl.8 World, "lam acquainted with Mr. II. T. Hclmbold; no oecupleu the Hrtlir Storn nminultn mv douce, nud was suecesslul In couductlug tho bus- m micro oineisium not been equally so be fOle lllui, I UaVO bCCU faVOlatill- linn'n,u.l wllh his character and enterprise. WILLIAM WEiailTMAN, l'lrniu Powers it: WelL.lil,n,in,.i,L. Chemist , Nln.h and llrown Htrf.,.,u,.l, l. phla, " ' Ilclmbold's FlUld Hxlract Iludlll fne imtnis arising from indiscretion, Thu exhausted low ers of Naturo which nro accoinpuuled by so many uliiniiliig symptoms, among wlilth will be found, munniuiiii 10 jisertiou. Loss of Memory, Wakefulness. Horror nf Ulseaie. nr i.'.irei.,iii. of Evil; lu fact, Universal Lassitude, Prosti lion, nud inability to euter into tho euiiiviMi.nta of society, Tlio Constitution, ouco nHcctcd wltli Organic Wcakuess, itqulrts the nld of Mcdleluo lo strcngthcu nud luvljorato tho system, wit ,11 Heltubold's Extract lluchu iuvurlablo does. If 110 tieatment lssubitiitad to, Consuinptlou or Insanity ensues, Ilclmbold's I luld Extract Uucliu, In injections peculiar. to Females, Is uncquultil by nny other pieparatiou, ns lu Chlorosw, or ltctciillon, p.iln. lulnrss, or Uurpitsslou of Custoniaiy Ev.u;ua Hons, Ulceiuled or Hthlnus Slate of Iho Ulcrus uudnlleompuiluts Incident lo tho sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, Imprudence, lu, or Iho decliuo or chauge of llfo, Jleliitbolirs Fluid Exiruet lluchu uud Iinpiov ed Hose Wnsli will ludlcally exterminate from tbd system dUeasis arising frum habits of dlsi.1 puilou, nt llltlo expellee, little or no change In diet, 110 Inconvenience or exposure! eonnil. I..K- surcrscillug thus unpkwuut nud dangerous leiutuus, opaivn aim Mercury, iu nil these dls- cases, Uso llelmbold's Fluid Extract Dueliu In all ills. cases of those organs, whether existing In malo or female, from whatever cause origlnntlug.Bnd no matter of how long staudlug. Ills pleusant In taste und odor, "liuimdluto" lu action, and moro strengthening than uny of the prepara tions ef Hurls or Iron, those mlleilngfrom broketwlown or delicate constitutions, procuro the remedy ut onco. The render must bo awaio that, however sllxld may bo the uttark of the (.bovo diseases. It li certain to aifect tho boillly health and menial powers. All tho nbovo diseases renulro tho aid of a Diuretic. Hiiiutxild's Extract lluckii Is Ui grant Diuretic . I 4il'-Sold Lr drUBaiitu and itnnrlru .vn,n. i,,'i".ri'..,.'f'c""-2U'Or bottle, or six boltles tor MM Delivered to uny address .Describe ui inn. 'I' e I iiuiiuii 111 us, Ail-lteis. II T. 'I' u .11 inn d Win, 'bou , "I uro 1,. uiuuc mu gim, 1 luajnu 1, witu lac i.uiu ol uiy Li.iiulial iiieiiiaiMi, l.llil Slguetl, 11 i. Ill1 L&HJOLU. Airlvo nt Tltii'ivlllc by 10 n 111. Di i'r is, ita, :
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