THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, EL00MSEU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tlio tlooil IVom.111. Tmciiu Win onuu upon n tlmo n kooiI w.i.nmi, win) w.h kind, candid, anil enurd ;iiw. Sliu lmd uxjiorli'iiwl all th i vl "l-i4tiulos wlilvli can lurltitto hit in ui cxlilonce. ri.m hmt resldod fit Court, unit linden-dun-l all tlio MoniH to which It U bo subject : -treasons, iioiuilh'-i, lnfldull Hot, low of wotilth, lo of friend-). So, ilisKiwlcil with dwelling In u place In wlttoU dissimulation and hypocrisy have csliihllahed their empire, and wea ry of an Intercourse wherein heart never appear ns they really are, sho re hoUv 1 lo unit her own country and go t' a distance, where sho could forget the world, and where tho world would h' ir no more of her. Vji - sho hellevcd herself far enough off -Lie built n small Iiouro In no ex tn in ly agreeable situation. All sho (.ouhl then do was to buy allttto Hock of rih.'ip, which rurnished her with food m.d Uolhinir. ;;.if hi.d hardly inado trial of this mile of life before sho found herself p Tfocily happy. "Thoro Is, then, some Htato t f existence in whicli ona may en Joy coutent,' said sho; "and tho choice I havo inado leaves tno miming 10 tie hIiv." She passed each day In plying hfir dKtaff and tcndlmr her Hock. Sho would sometime:) have liked a little so eiety, hut sho feared the danger of It. Sh" was Insensibly becoming accuatom- ed 10 tho llfo sho led, when ono day as was endeavor! lis to collect her Jloi '., It began to scatter Itself over the co.mtry anil tly from her. In fact, It 11 1 hj lint that In a very short tlmo sho could scarcely see oneof her sheep. "Am I a devouring wolf?" cried sho: "what luiuns this wondor?" Shu called to a favorite ewe, but It appeared not to Know her voice. Sho ran after it, ex claiming, "I will not caro for losing all th' rest of the llock if thou dost but re main to me!" Hut the ungrateful erca' hire continued its fight, and disappeared with tho rest, 'flic Good Woman was deeply dis trussed at tho loss she had sustained. "I havo now nothing loft," cried sho; "maybo I shall not find oven iny gar den ; or my little cottago will be no longer in its iihce. Sho returned blowly, for sho was' very tired with the raco sho had had. Sho lived upon fruit and vegetables for somo tlmo after ox baustlng a small stock of cheese. She began to seo tho end of all this. "Fortune," said sho, "thou hast in vain sought to persccuto mo oven In this re- moto spot ; thou canst not provent mo from being ready to behold the gates of death without alarm, and after so much troublol shall descend with tranquillity into thoso peaceful shades." Sho had nothing moro to spin, sho hnd nothing moro to cat: leaning on her distaff, sho bent her steps toward a littlo wood, jtnd looking round for place to rest in, 3ho was astonished at seeing run towards her thrco littlo chii dron, moro beautiful than - tho fairest day. She was delighted to seo such charming company. They loaded her with u hundred caresses,'and as sho seat ed herself on tho ground, In order to re celvo them moro conveniently, one threw its littlo nrms round her neck, tho other encircled her waist from ho hind, and tho thirdcallod her "mother." Sho waiteda long time, to seo if some ono would not como to fetch them believ in.; that thosowho had led them thither would not fall to return forthem. All tho (buy passed without her seeing any one. Sho resolved to take them to her own home, and thought Heaven had sent her this littlo llock instead of tho ono sho had lost. It was composed of two girls, who wore only two or three years old, and a littlo boy of ilvo. Each, had a littlo ribbon round Its neck, to which attached a small Jewel. Ono was a gold en cherry enameled with crimson, and engraved with tho namo of "Llrcltc. She thought thnt this must bo tho namo of tho littlo girl who wore it, and bIio resolved to call her by it. Thoothcr was a medlar, on which was wrltcu "Jllr- tis :" and tho littlo boy had an almond of green enamel, nround which was written "Finfin." Tho Good Woman felt perfectly satisfied that thcao were their names. Tho littlo girls bud somo Jewels in their head-dresses, and moro than enough to put tho Good Woman in easy circumstances. Sho had very soon bought aiK'thor flock, and surrounded herself with everything necessary for tho maintenance of her interesting fam Jly. Sho mado their winter clothing o tho -bark of trees, and lu tho summer they had whito cottondrcsses of tho fin est bleaching. Young ns they were, they tended their Hock. And this tlmo tho llock was faithful, and moro docllo and oho dlent to thcin than towards tho largo dogs which guarded them; and these dogs wero also gentlo, and attached to tho children. Tliey grow visibly, and passed their days most innocently ; thoy loved tho Good woman, and were nil thrco oxcesslvcly fond of each other. Thoy occupied themselves In tondlng thr-lr sheep, fishing with a lino, spread ing nets to catch birds, working in a littlo garden or tltolr own, ana oiupioy cd their deliento bands in cultivating flowers. Thero was ono roso-trco, which tho young Liretto was especially fond of; sho watered It often,and took tho great est caroofit; sho thought nothing to beautiful us a rose, and loved It nbovo all other (lowers. Sho had a fancy ono day to open a bud, and try to find Its heart, when In doing so siiopncKeu nor finger with n thorn. Tho pain was sharp, and idia began to cry) tho bciiii tll'til Flu fin, whp vow seldom loft her, approached, and began to cry too, at seeing her suffer. IIo took her littlo finger, prossod It, ntid squeezed tho blood gently from It. Tho Good Woman who saw tholr alarm at this accident, approached and learning tho eauso of It, "Why so In quIsltivoV" said sho j "why destroy tho flower you loved so much V" "1 wutit edlts heart," replied I.lrotto. "Such desires aro always fatal," replied tho Good "Woman. "Hut, mother," pur sued Iilretto, "why has this flower which U bo beautiful, nnd which plena cs mo so much, thorns?" "To show you," said tho Good Woman, "that wo must distrust tho greater part of thoso things which pleaso our oyoj, und that tlw most agrcoublo objects Iildo snarea which may bo to us moat deadly." "UowV" replied LIrotto. "Must ono nouiu'ii lovi everything which Ispleus. nntv 4.No uuftaiajy,! satj tho Good . oinan, "ami ym muSt (ako B00d caro rot to do m, ..jJut i iovo ,ny brotllcr with all my heart," repjjedsho; "ho Is so handsome mid ho' charming." "You may Iovo your brother," replied her mother; "but If ho wero not your brother you ought not to Iovo hlin," Llrettctdiook her head, and thought this rule very hard. l-'iiilln meanwhile was still occupied with her linger; ho sqiieeaulon tho wound thujulcu of the roso leaves, and wrapped It in thcin. Tho Good Woman asked him why ho lid that ? "Uccauso 1 think." said ho 'that tho remedy may bo found lu tho sanio thing which has caused tho evil," L'lie.GoodWoman smiled nt this reason. "My dear child," replied sho, "not lu Ihlscuso." "I was In all cases," said ho ; "for sometimes, when Llretto looks at mo, sho troubles mo greatly ; I feel quite agitated ; and tho moment after thoso bamo looks cauto mo a pleasure which 1 cannot oxpress to you. When sho Bcolds mo sometimes' I am very wretched ; but let her speak at length ono gentlo Word to me, I am all joy again." Tho Good Woman wondered what these children would think of next ; tlio did not know their relation, to one other, nnd sho dreaded their loving each other too much. Sho would havo given anything to learn if thoy wero brother and slslor; her ignorance on this point caused hor great nnxlety, but their cxtronio youth re-assured her. Kin fln was already full of attention to tho littlo Iilretto: ho loved her much better than Mirtls. IIo had nt ono lime given her some young partridges, tho pretiest in tho world, which he had caught. Sho reared one, which became a fine bird, with very beautiful plum age; Lirotto loved it excessively, and gave it to Kin fin. It followed htm ev erywhere, and ho taught it a thousand diverting tricks. IIo had ono day tak en It with him when ho was going to tend his llock ; on returning homo ho could not find his partridgo ; ho sought for it everywhere, and distressed him self greatly nt its loss. Mirtis triad to console him, but without success. "Sis ter," ho replied, "I am in despair. Llr etto will bo angry ; all you say to mo does not diminish my grief." "Well, bnther," said she, "we will get up very early to-morrow and go in search of an other ; I cannot bear to seo youso mis erable." l.i retto arrived as she said tills, and having learnt tho cause of Flnlln's sorrow, sho began to smile, "3ly dear brother," said she to him, "wo will find another partridge ; it is nothing but the stato In which I sco you that gives mo pain." These words. sufficed to restore serenity and calm to tho heartand coun tenance of Kiiiflii. (Continued.) farmer's Department . Why Fowls Cannot jic ICept in Large Numbers. It is pretty gener ally conceded that no ono is successful who attempts to keep together a largo number of fowls, and that thosowho keep tho smallest number together gen erally obtain tho greatest proportional number of eggs. And this is,wo" think, not only true, but easily to bo account cd for. Every ono who has kept fowls knows that they aro very uncleanly birds They even wash themselves in dirt, and that evidently not for tho purposo of cleanliness, but to rid themselves of vermin. They prefer clean, light sand because if in tho sun it is generally warmer, and is easily moved ; but they seem equally to enjoy any soft, dry earth, although it may not be very sweetand clean. They aro notoriously filthy in their coops, roosting under each other, taking no pains to avoid tho droppings, Roiling their food,watcr and nests with their droppings, nnd doing no act apparently towards cleanliness This is moro apparent in tho houses whore they ard confined, and whero tho air should bo as pure as possible If they aro at largo and few in number they movo arouiuLso much that they rannot sour tho grouud. They aro by nature clean, but by habit tho rcverrio, and tho only way to keep them in tho natural stato is to give them range onough, so that they cannot soli their haunts, or else cleanso their haunts carefully and faithfully every day. Wo onco kept ono solitary lfcn on our plnco for fcoveral months. Sho was of tho common barnyard breed. Wo never sawn healthier fowl.or ono whose feathers kept so fresh and perfect, and she was a constant layer. No caro was taken of her, and we always attributed hor thrift to tho fact that she hud tho whole rmigo of our place for cxerclso nnd her quarters were always perfectly clean. As soon as your flock becomes largo you will find them crowding together, and always souring their haunts, if thoro aro a sufficient number of them to do It. You may do something to wards preventing this, but you cannot keep very largo flocks very clean. Wo havo often scon it stated that not moro 'than flfly hens should bo kept in n hen-house twenty feet by ten. E eept with constant caro and cleaning, that number cannot do very well in n smaller Bpace, Closo up such a houso somo cold night, when yoi) havo neglec ted cleaning It for a few days, and go in from tlio fresh air in tho morning, and you will bo surprised nt tho Impurity of tho air therein. Drive tho flock out iuto tho open nlr and you will soo what n chango It producos In them, nnd how lively they will becomo In a fow min utes. Tho bIzo of tho flock must always de pend upon tho extent of tho nccommo datlous, nnd even then tho largo flocks cannot bo kept so cleanly nnd healthy as tho Biiiall ones, and therefore aro not in proportion so profitable. Country Gentleman. INTERESTING TO FARMERS. Tho Commissioner of Internal llcvenuohas doeided that farmers have no right to havo their grain manufactured Into flour, and then sell tho flour in any manner, without paying n Hcenso to tho Government, and if they do, thoy aro llnblo to tho penalties provided by law. J).iy by day tho people aro becom ing moro acquainted with tho faco of tho tax collector, and nro growing moro and moro familiar with tho ramifica tions of tho Internal Itovenuo law. HOW TO MEASURE POTATOES.-i-It should bo generally known by house keepers, that a flour barrel will hold Just thrco bushels of potatoes, well shak- on. Sixty pounds Is dollned by law, as tho weight of n bushel of potatoes. A vast deal of cheating Is perpetrated in tho na!o of tills vegetable, many persons uogleutlng to obsorvo what measure thoy recolvo, or having no culdo by whluh to flz their doubts. DRUGS & MEDICINES. IIOOFLAO'S GEBMAM BITTERS. HOOrLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. rroarcl by Ilr. C. Ifl. Jnckaon, 1'eilidslfkia, Ti Great Remedies TOIAM. Disiuiior f MVrtt, STOITTACU, or DIGESTIVE OXICUTV3 Hooiland's Gorman Eittora Ti eoiniontiilcj of th pura jutan, (or m they tr medicinally term mvua ncra w Xztracit) nt llooti, Ilerbi V- frfr anUtrk,mik.. Ing ft prcixiration, Rf"fel hlhly concen trate,!, itn.1 entire CSiJ uiffia y fTi from Al coholic aJmixturt any kind, Iloofland'fl German Tonic, In a combination of all the lnijrrdlpnti of the Hlr.fre. with the pnreFt quality of Santa Cru Aun, Orsnee, Mo.. mVinp one of the rnoet pleasant rjiJacrte&We reraedlfi btct offered to tlio tniUle. Tiiote preferring a ITdlclne free from Alco holic Ailmliture, will on Ilooflaud'a Gorman Bittor3. In cne of nerroTti tSeproulon, vrh&n tout alcoholic ftimului Is nccefliary, Hoofland'a German Tonio The B'tlera or the Tonle at both finally tool, and contain the tame tn edit I rial Tlrtuea. Tlio itomach, from a artety of camti, uch at IiitllpflUon, Dji c33- pepflla, Nenuns Debility, etc., ia Atwh very apt to have It functions da IfeA Jzi) ranged. The re sult or which is, "Ifc that the patient suffers from several or acre of the fouowlcg diseases: Constipation Flttulence, Inward Pilea Fulnesa of 11. ood to tho II cad. Acidity of the 5 totnach, Nausea Ueartbur.i, ni?uot for Pood, Fulness or vaU'ht in tho Bicia.i ur Eruc tations, & -tin or Flut ter! nc at ; !?it of tho Stomach, 5 Uih.ing1 of tho Heart, Hurrlod or DiMlcult Breath lnj? Fluttering ut the Hoart, Choking or ttutibcatin Stiisattrna when in a Lyinu Tosture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before, the Sis Ut, Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellow noes of thd Skin and Byes, Pain In tho Side, Back, Chst, Lim (Mc, ts. etc., Sud den Flushes of 4 JPJ Heat, Burn lne in tho s Flesh, Con stnnt Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. Thce mmfdlet will effectually cure Iirer Complaint, Jaundice, Drpepn!a, Chronic or Ncnom PeUIlt j, Chronic IH.irrhtra, Dmeue of the KM(K'), and all Dihi-um-i arising from a Dlcordcml Mm, Intcsiliics DEUILITY, lliri.Tito rmN ii rr wT?Tt; PIlOSTtiATION OF TIIK SYSTEM, lMUtX'SD 8T HK 1 KN l.iBI'R, IllkD.Hird, Utrotcn. Kavsss, sto. There Is no mcdicln- aztant eiival theite remedies In uch ennes A tuns auJ 1or Is Im parted to the whole tfteia, the A-ptlts Is Strensth'jiiotl, food , t U enjocd, the stoniath digest a ifcT?y promptly,ths blood Is purtttrd. I'iKJ the compleilon becomes sound and healthy, the yel low Unyo Is eradicated from tho is. a bloom U glyan to the check,and the weak and nerrous lnUJ becomes a strong and healthy bolus. l'crt0)9 Advanced in Lif4 And feellnf the Iifm ui um wvtgring nea-iry upon them, with all iu -ttcn.lnt ilia, will find In theut of this IllTTKItrt. er th TONIC, an elixir that nil) Ihlii now life into their veins, rtstore tu a mciuiue the enfrjy &nd ardor of more youthful l;s, build up their shrunken forms, nd irlr tivalth and happluess to their remaining j cars NOTJCl-I. It la a wen-ff LahKshcd fact that fully one-half of the femaJs por Hon of our popu lation are wlJim ,Wr h tbe enjoyment of joodheslih.or, IJ.1 lo use theft- own expression ."nerer Cis3id feel well." They are lanpilJ, dfftoW f til enerpy, extremely ner Tons, and hair no appUlfl. Tothlclasof pejftns (he DITTKU9, or the TOlC',1 f recomrn ended. WEAK MID DtLlCATE CHILDREN Are mad t-j the ne of either of these remedies. 1'iwt mil clm eviry case of MA ttASMUd, wiildiut fill. Thourandw of ctiiirlrntes Lave accumulated n tho hiii U of thv iii'rrk-ur, hut siaw 'will allow of thu .iihli -atlou ot but a few. Thone, It will be obavncd,aie lui-n of note and of such slaJ lag that they inuit te Delisted. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. V7, Woodward, ChitfJuttUt oftt Suwnt (Xurt cTd ( writes. rUla'Ulphia, Uarch 19, 1837. "I f.M 'Hoof- Jjiid's Ocrrain lilitcr' U a pood . tonic, useful in JUiiUL'Sof ihJi if'vK p"tivs organs, sridof iffcat Un S-i mZLU tilt In cisv-sof du bliity, and wautof nervous action iu tue sjstca. Yours truly. "GIIO. W. WOODWAnD." Hon. James Thompson, itJt e Oi Sitjirtm Cdurt of Ptnnvjtvanit. rhiUUthi April 2!, ISIS. I coittldcr MlootUad' Uennan Ultto a valuable nuJictnt In cae of atticks of li 1 t' tlon or ItysfK-pnI. 1 e&o certify thl from wy experience of it. Yoi.r, wUh respect, -JAULld TlIOMl'SO.NV "From Rev. Joseph H. Kennard, D.D, ratter if tht Ttnth Dai titt Church, rhiU&tyhi. Dr. Jjc ion Dear Sir: I have bceT frequently requested to connect my name with minmnrn datlons of different Unds of mudlcinvi, but, rw gardinif the prua rza fTS3 !'t0 u ol'1 of n,y appropriate phtn-, I U,w In J cases declined; j Vv ut utlh a clear proof in various t-l uui instances ami ptr ilcutsrlyin my own family, of the uiwf Jlmss of Ir. Hooflmd s German J.ttrst 1 dvp irt fur onco from my eaual course, to express mi fu'l t-unvlc-tlon that, for gtnrral dtliiiff of tt iyttrm, an4 itjcially for Zivet CMnVuini, tf u a tuft and valuable ittjxiraii9t. In some eases It nuy fail: but usually, I dnubt net, It will U try bentlkUi to those who suflcr frou the alove causes. Yours, Tery rf snTtfully, J. il. KfcNNAItD, KifhUi, Ulow CoaUl t5t FromJlev, E. D. Fendall, MittUnt Sdttor Christian ChrenicU, rkxUd j)Afa. I hare derlred decided berflt from the nie ot Jloofland's (Jerman Illtlers, and feel it my privi lege to reoommend them as a roost valuable tonio to all who are suftirlng from general debility or from diseases ulslnj from dcrangtment of the Uver. Ytrarstrcly. IE. D. VENDALI i GAUTIOIi Uoo (land's Uirman Hemedles art onnttrfslw t Htethat the , -- signature of CM. JAClCtfONison "Tan "TO the wrapper cf each svtUe. All IGH 'jjm others ar coon Urfelt. c-v, Trlncipat Office and Manufactory at the (ler man Medicine blore, Ko, UI A KCii tilrwt, l'Lil sdslpUa. CHAHLE3 M. EVANS, Uermao Irug?lit, Vru rivtor, Formerly O. M. Jscssoi ft Co. For isle by all Druggists and Delcis ia Modi, einea, 3?ItIOEO. IIoof!and' German Cliters. per bottle II M M, w d0,en w Jloofland's OcrmiB Tonle. put up In quart bottles " ,..:,., 1 (0 per buttle, or a half dozen for.. 7 19 Bar Do not forget to examine well tht article lev boy, U wUi lo get the giuul&a, IIOOFLAO'S GERMAN TONIC. Oanuavy n.ig'S, DRY GOODS. jlTlLLEU'S STOKE. rnnsu AltnIVAIlo FAMi AND WINTlUt OOODa ,Tbo enbacrlbcr lifts Jnst return M from tlio cities with another lftrgo nnd select lusorlnicnl of Bl'ltlNO AND SUMMEK 0001)3, piirrlmwd In Now Yorlcnud llillmlclphlnnl the lowest Usurp, nnd which ha la determined lo Boll on iw modcrnto terms n.1 can ho procured flo whero lu HIoomKlmrff. Ills stock cominl(.ca ladius' Dittss aoous of tho choicest styles nnd latest fnshloni, tORCthcr with n largo Jwsorlmcnt of Pry Goods mid Orr ccrlcs, conslsllng of tho following nrtlclea ! Cfti'i'ols, Oil Clolht, Cloths, Ciisslmcrcs, l'l.anncls, Bilks, White Uoods, Linens, llooiiBklrts, Muslins, Jlollowwnro Ccdarwnro Quccnswarc, llnrdwnro Hoots mid Bhoes, , " lints and Cnps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Iiooklng-Ulassoj, Tobacco, ColTco, Sugars, Teas, ' nico, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN ItALLY. In shoit, everything usually kept In country stores, to. which no Invites tho attention of tho public generally. Tho highest prlco will bo pa(d for country. produce In exchango for goods. S. II. siii.ij:u&son. Arcado llntUlngs, llloomsburg, l'n. HEAT REDUCTXOX IN P1U0ES AT PET EH ENT'S STOUll, IN LIGHT STltEET, OF AND WIXTEK GOODS. FALL TlIC subscriber has Just lecclvcd and lias on hand nt his old stand iu Light Sticct, n largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MEKCIIANDISE purchased nt tho lowest figure, and which ho determined to sell on ns mndcrato terms ns be procured elsewhere In Light Street, foi: ob couxtky produce. Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Saliuctts, Cnsslmcrs, Cottonades. Kentucky Jeans. AC, iCl AC. GROCERIES, MAGKEUaij, Ouceusware. Ccdarware. Hardware, Medlclucs, Drugs, Oils, 1'nluts, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS &. CArS, In short everything usually kept In n country store. Tho pntronago of his old friends and tho pnbllo generally. Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market prico paid for country pro duce." l'ETEK ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1SC7. J J. B R O W E R , Is now otltrlng lo the public Ids Slock of ,? jjiixa a o o d s consisting In part of a full lino of INGRAIN. WOOL AND RAG OA UP UTS, Fine cloths and casslmere for Lndlcs' coals, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, lulalds and Trlnts of various qualities nnd prices, . BLEACHED AND HP.OWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' J. CllILDIlEX-S OAITE11SA BOOTS. FrosU Groccrlo3 and Bplccs. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WAUE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half and ono-fourth barrels. Now Is tho tlmo to mako your selections, n 1 am od'erluir coods at very low prices, and onr motto Is fair dealing to all, nnd not to he under sold by any. J. J. BIIOWF-R. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1SG7, HC. IIOWER, ijicned n rtr&t-class HOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AND I'UIt STORE, ntthe o.afitani1on3IainStrccttUoomsburp,aiow doors nbovo tho Court House. Jits stock laconi-iio-,cilof tho eiTlntcstnnd !cststyK's over oIIlt nl to tliocltizdisof Columbi.i County. Hocnn nci-oimnodato tlio public with tliofollowinggoods at tlio lowe&t intes. Men's heavy double holed btoga boots, men's double nnd bitigiu tap oled l;ip boots, men's heavy slog.i Mioen of nil lctmls. men'H flno lootn nndshocii of nil prndes, boy's double soled boots mulhoes of nil kinds, men'H glove hid Jlalmoral blioes.mcn's, wome:i'i,boyh's nnd lasting gaiters, women's glovu hid Tolish very Jlne,wuen'Hmoroeco llalmornlsnnd calf bhoes, women's very lino hid buttoned Bait ers. In (short boots oi nil descriptions both peg ged nndEciwed. He would nUo call attention to his fine assort ment of HATS, CArS, FU1W AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tho new nnd popular vari ctihsat piiccswhlUi ennuotfailtu bult all. Tluho KoniW nto oilered tit tho lowest cash ratei nnd will lo Kunranteed toslvo Hntlfactlon. A cull Is Koiiclltd before puiclissliiK else whero ns It Is believed that better bargains nro to bo foNUd than nt nny other place in tho county, Dec. 0'C7 QAURIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN A BUOTHIUt tho succcfc&orsof VILUA5rSU)AN A SON coutlnuo tho business of making cauiuages, uuaains, and every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they havo constantly on hmnl to suit in lomers. Never using nny muter til but tlio bo and employing the most experienced workmen they hope to contluuo an heretofore tft give entire satismrtlon to eery customer. An Inspection ol their work, and of the rensonablo prlco asked for ho samo, Is sure to iosuro a sale. ABKEN'S jarr.oTE rimt and watkb rnooif PEL T A ATD CEMEW li O OFINO ! Tlio odvuntaRM which thta eorapoBltlonnotiiiewies nro many. Itltboihwutar-tliflitand tlrc-prooi. It Is not nlfecUdby bent or cold. It can be Ul I'tli il to an nlaiott iitrf. ctly Mat roof, ui inch to llietroot liclnKail that li r.q.lriHl. II u eonily and quickly reimlred. lis ottl lwsthan any Mher flro..roof roof mow In inc. TeitimnnluW trom all imrtnof Ike country an la ltsriurublllty, .. joim w.KitAMnn, JimoM'C8. Agent, lllooiubbure, I'a, A flno srcclincncf tho ronilns ran bo Ken at w n. jiooim'ucw oukoon j iniisutfi, pUMl'S ! I'UJII'S FOIl SALL The undervieued bees leavo to Inform the citi zens of thUjilntu and vicinity Hint liu U nrepaied lo furnl.h.iitbliort nollci, onco Hie bt WOUU KN I'UMl'S for Well and (.'l.terun ever otlcrid to tlio xjublle. They are cunruutf.d to throw inoru wilier in let. lime ana Willi lra labor than nny other muni) lu thlH nurt ot the country and tliey eanuol be.urixused lor beauty orlltilkh, or ftimimciiy in urniuKeiiieuaibucuinuiiiineeueap' iieK.nud durability Jieli luutin beltur warrant ed to pel form lu V nilc lvill or no bale. Illlim Htiuiiiun is agent for Columbia county. 1'ilco 73 rent! per luui I iced In tho wi II. Oidcrs by mall or olherwlbo iroiiintly nttemled to. 1 1-1, (,' KLIAM KUUMAN, Cut uwlkia Ta. U. AHTilAN. C, II, IlILLlKOEn. E. R. 11ATMAM, KTMAN, DILIjlNQEIt A CO., NO. OXI K08T1I T1U11D BTltEBT, (AVj cjtpotitt Jama, Kent, txitiir d- Cb.) Wliolrmlo Ixealeni In VAUMJ, IUTTIVU, WAl)l)IKO, CAIU'irTH OIL ILOTIIH, BIIAUE8, FLV KCTU, UllAIN JIAOS, COHDAOi:, AC, AUiC, WILLOW AND WOODIiN WAUB, BRl'SIIta, TBDNES, I.OOKINO OLMStS, ETC. May 10, lSli7-ly, RAIL ROADS. NOltTUEUN OENTltAIi KAII, way. . un nnu nner stay lutu itm. Trains will lcavoNoUTiiu.Mnr.iu.ANn ns follows I NOltTlIWAni). 123 A. M .. Dally to W'llllnmsport, (eitccpt Pnndny) iiiri'iimirn, lunnmiuignn. llocncKlcr, Jliuuiiu, Husnenslon ltrlilce. find N. Falls. ft'O 1'. m., Ually, (except Hundnys) ror Elmlm nnd lluilulo vln l.rlo Itallwny fiom Elmlrn. 0.10 r. M., Dully, (cxeeptHuudays) for Williams- T11AIN8 BOUTItWAni). iS3 A.M. Dnlly (except Monday's) for Ilnttlmorc. WILMINGTON AND 1'1I1I,AD1:L1'1IIA. 0.;M l'.M. Dally (cxecpt Sunday's) for llaltlmoro HsiuuLuii huu x uuaucjinua. .111). H. YOUNG, General l'usscngcr Agent. T .ACKAWANNA AND li LOOMS- J-i 11UHU J'iLAOAD On nnd p ;rMay 11th, 1SCJ, rasscngoi Tinlns Will 1U11 US 10110WH1 Going Boulli. Going North. Lenvo Ik'UVo Arrlvo Arrlvo a. in, p. in. n. m. ). in. ,.. 6M IUU ll.W tl.17 Leavo ,. 0.00 4.0S 11I.S0 0.10 ,. KM 1.1') 1U.U0 8.10 .. I'.Ji I...5 7.11 ,. 7.SI 6.10 IWV 7.: ... 7A 0.15 MO CM .. WW 0.M 7,10 0,10 ".ui v.m U.10 7.42 7.Ui 0.iM Arrlvo Arrlvo Leao Lcnvo ... O.C0 8.1S 0.2j 4.ii Scrautou rittstnn Kimrston l'lymouth Khickshtniiy,.., nerwii'K Hlootll Itilpert xmiiviiio North'd .... Tho II. 10 Train nt Bcrnnton makes connections with Express Train for Now York at iS o'clock p. m,. nrrtvlng lu Jow York 0.60 p. in. Ji a. iu.a.i, up i. 1S01. 1KB, DlIILADEhPIIIA AND ERIE L IIAILIIOAD. WINTElt TIME TABLE. Tlll'.OUall AND rJlllLCT riOCTE UCTWEHfl 1'llllA- ljr.i.i'itiA, jiAt,TiMonE, nAiinisutino, wih- T-IASUrOlIT, AND I1IK Git EAT OIL r.EGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELKOANT SLKF.riNa CAItS Ou nil Night Trains. On nnd nur Momtiay, Nov. 23rd 1S0S, tho Trains on Iho Philadelphia & Erlo Hall liuad will run as luiiuws; . WESTWAltn. JIA1L TIIA1N leaves l"hlladcl.hla 10.1. p.m. joriuuuiuL'riauu...u.iu n.iu. " nrr. nt. Irh. 1l.riOii.iii! r-iiic x-.iivcnr, leased i uiinueipuia....,ii.oi in. " " " Nort'd 0.50 " " nrr. nt Erlo lO.HOn.m. ELMIItA MAIL leaves l'lilladelplil.l tf.00a.tii. " " " Noilh'd I.ilp.m nrr. ai lock iiuveii i.up.iu. EASTWAHD. MAIL THAIN leaves Eric 10.M a.m. " gorilla n.m. ' " nrr.nt l'lillinlelnlila 10.01) n. m. EH IE EXPltUS-i lenves Erie... 0.28 p.m. " " " Tortd l'.,W n.m " " nrr. nt Philadelphia J.'Jip.m, Ainu nna lixnrcss ennneeis w i l un ureeK ami Alleulienv lttver Hall Hoad. lhurixuio checked J. II. 11 l.l.ll, General Surerlntcndeut, Willianisport. On VTAWISSA RAILROAD-On and 1 tains on IhefutiiMlsML Hnilrund will inn ut Mm loiiosviug liniuca iiours: Mail tiOVth. BTATIONS. Jnl A'oirt Dep. 7.r') n,m Willlamspoit, Arr, 0.10 p.m. h.:o Finney. Wntsuntown. i't p. .i i " 0.12 " " 4.5-1 ' " 1.10 " " :w " " :i.:n " " 2.2S " " 1.5') " " K.) " " IM0 " " v.ii " " l').!2 ". " 10.2.5 ' " II. IU " " 12.C0p.m. " 12. li " . .MUtOU. Danville. " Hnpert. " Catuwlsa. " Hluglown. " Huiiiinlt. " ounkakc. '.' i.w " " li'. u, S.15 " " 1.00 " 2,1.-1 " 1.2.1 Arr. 0.13 " 10.50 K.Maliony.Ttmc. " Dine.Tainatiun. Dlue. ' Holding. " 1 l'hlladclphla. " J To New York via. Head 1 lug or Maueh Chunk. r lorn New oik via. i Aluueli Chlllil:. I No Change of cars between Wllllnnispnrt nnd 1-UU.tUUipUUl. ULU, IV L.UU Oily I. TREADING HAILHOAD. NVINTEU AUHANQMLNT, Dec. lllh, liLS. Great Trunk Mnofiom tlio North nndNorlli "West lor rhllndelnhln.New York. Uenuimr. Polls vitU',Tamu(jua, Ashland, Lebanon, Alleiitoun insion, i.piuuin, imz, inncnsicr, U()iuiuuia,ic. Trains leavo llarrisbiuii for New York, ns 10I lows: At'J.W. S.-and8,lua. m., 12,10 noon and '.0o A. 0,&p.m., connecting wlthsluiiiartrnlnsoii tho Pa. 1 lid 1 mad, nnd nriiving nt New York at o,uu, iv,w ix. ii.-ju n.m., s i,w tv nv;u p.m. sleepln enrs acoompauying tlio n.iu. nnd lU.oU p.m. iinins wuiioiu ciiange. lA?ao llurilsbtirg lor Heading, Pottsvillo, Tn manna. Mlnersville.Ashlaiul. l'lno drove. Allen touu and Plillade)phUntbllDn.m.,nudi:,U.j and J,1U p.m., Ltopping at Lebanon nnd priueipnl wny Hiations: tho -l.lun.m. makiim cunncctions fur Philadelphia nnd ColumbUionly, Por Pottsvillo bchuyllall Haven nnd Auburn, via Sehuylitlll nnd buhtiuclmnna Hallioad, lea e HnirUbuig nt 3,31) p.m. lieturnlng: Lcao New Yoik nt ),w n.m. nnd l-.0Um.. nndC.lUnud S.OOn.m. Hltenlni' cars nccompauylny tlio 0,W)n,m.,niid5tIO and 8,W p.m., trains wirhout change. Way Passenger Train leaves rimnuejpniaai7,rU n.m., rciuiulng lrom Hendlnznt UJ15i.m btonnliif; ut nil stations- Pottsvillo at b'-15 a. m., nnd 2,-ijm., Ashland 0,00 n.m und l,ll noon, nud ,00 p. in., Tarn aqua at Lenvo Pottsvillo for Jlarrisburir. via Scliuvlltll nud btisquclianna Hallrondat7tHJa.m, auulj,00 noon. A HeadlnTiVccommodation Train leaves Heading M.7W a.m., returning from Philadelphia uUlf p.m. Pottstowu Accommodation Tralnrleavcs Potts town at U,15 a.m.,, returning, leaves 1'hlladelphia 111 ,OU Columbia Hailroad Trains: leavo Heading nt 7,ou a.m., nnu two p.m. jor ipnram, ijiiiz, tineas l'erkiomen lbdl Ho.nA Traini loavo Pcrklomen Junction ai o.iw n.m., ana p.m. i(iurning mmrl I IK n w r.n iiprtinc with Blmllar trains on. Ilendine fkillmml On ttuutiays, leavo rew i oric ni p,w p.m., rnu ftdelphla B,ou u.m nud 3,15 p.m., tho 8,oy a.m. train running uiuy lu ncuuiug; i-uiisvino o,uu HnrrUburg 6,'2j n.m, und 4,10 nnd'U.i'S p.m., nnd Heading all. 10 nnd a.&S and 7,15 a.m. for llurrls lmrir. nud 7.00 a.m.. nud 11.10 n.m. for Now York. und -J,' P'm' for I'iiiladclptda. uummuiniion, uienge, heusnn, ncnooiBim jx curslon tickets to nnd lrom nil points, nt reduced rates. Uuccnco checked through : 100 noundi nllowed to eacli passenger. General Superintendent. Reading, Pa,, May IU, Ho. T HE UEST IS THE CHEAPEST.! THE SINOEIl SEWING MACHINE UFA P3 TUB LIST, And lends thocolnnm 4,093 ahead of all othiis. 'JliU Machine is the MOST rorULAB, IN UfeE. It uses tho finest ucedlo of nny Machine In ex istence, Any lady wanting n good SEWING JIAOIUN E, Will consult her own Interests by buying a SINGElt, It Is easier to run, learn and keep lu order than any Machine In tho woild, OVER, 350,000 OF THEM IN USa Tho fullest Instruction given thoso who pur chase, nud tho Machlno will uk WAiiiiAHrEU to you for one year. Pleaso call nt my Store and satury yourselves. Hero you will Ilnd Needles, Thread and Silk. DAVID LOWENIILltO, Altent April 8,'es-tr. Illoomsburg, Pa. c O L U M B I A IIOUS E, 11 K 11 N A It D BTOIlNElt. IIavino lately purchased and fitted up tho well-known Uoblsou Hotel Property , located a FEW DOORS AIIOVK THE COURT IIOU3K, on tlio tamo stdo or the street, In the towii of Hloouislmig; and tuvlng obtained a llccns for tho same as a R E S T A U R ANT, tho Proprietor has determined to give to the pco plo vlslllug tho town un buslucbs or plcusure, A LITTLE MOltE HOOM, ' His stabling also Is extensive, and Is fitted up to put buggies mdiurilagculu tho dry. Ho prom ises that everything about his establishment shall bo conducted In an orderly and lawlul manner; nnd lie respcctlully solicits n share of tho public 1 utronage, Imyl7'ti7-tm. JOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice lii lierehv ulvpn Hint niiiltiatlon hath hecn nuulo to tlio Court of Common l'lean of Colu tnhia county, to eumt aClinilerof Ineorpo nvlloiito the "Locust Mountain Miner' nnd Im Ixirertt' lleuevoleut AbWKiation," the ohjeet of said association helug to proMoto the inreiiMt ot IU member, by iNutualaMlstanc. CenUalU, Uc HAI 12. A Hnnseandlxitlii Lcolt Town, nil lolniuic nron erty of David llrubst. Formerly owned by IajvI Hlioemaker. The liouso Is oflrnme, two stories high, lu good coudlllou coulalulnK one room on thoilrst lioor and two rooms on tlio steoud, Tho lot ironU on Main strict, luiwiug bark luwariN Third Street. 1 or fuUibirtlisunuati giudlng eto. appl.u UiopMiuLu. MAUV P. ItUUWA', IllouiabSmrg Dec, js,j(.n. GROCERIES, &c, QONP EOTIONERY. Tim iinilrslEfnpi1 wnnlil resncrtfiillir ftnnnuuco to tho public that he has opened n NIWT-CLASS CONFECTIONEUY STOItE, In the building lately occupied by Dcrnard Btoli ner, whoro ho is prepared lo furnish nit kinds of .'LAIN & FANCY CANDIES, nilSNCIl UANIHIi, FOItF.IGN A DOMESTIC FIIU1TS, NUTS, UAISINSAC, AC, AC. BY W1I01.KSALK Oil linTAII.. t.. .I.mI a A. 11 BUn(r,.nnl :t nit ft. his lino of business. A gicnt variety oi DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to 11 11 E A D AND OAKEB, of nil kinds, fresh every day. CllHIHTMAB GANDIEB, OHISTMAB TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1807, ECKIIAKT JACOBS. REMOVAL OP (J, U. il.VKK'H NEW STORE to suiv ii h ji i.o a ic, OX TUB COKNER OK MA1UC1.T AND IKON STREETS. Tlio undersigned bavins received from the city a full and complcto supply of BIUUNCI AMD SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE 'AND HARD-WARE, Cr.DAK AXD VlLhOTV-WAUE, CONFECTIONEUY, OLASS-WAItE, TOBACCO, A T 8 A N D SJIO. E S, l'LOUIt, SALT, l'IKlI, AND MEAT, nil of which I propo selling at a very low flcuro for ensli or produce SCall and seo. pi 1112, !Vi7. C. C. MAHlt. ND OPENING OIIAN1) (1UAN11 (lltANI) UllAND OPEN I NO OI'HNINO OI'ENI.VO OVENINU or FALL AND WINTE1I (IOODS. FALL AND WINTElt (JOODH FALL AND WINTIMt (100 DH, FALL AND WINTLIt OOODS FALL AND WINTElt GOODs coniistlug ol conslsllng of consisting of ivjnsistlug nf euuslMIng of DltY (loons, IlltY (lOOIW, DHY (100 ns, DltY OOOtW, DltY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS 1 1 ATS AND CAPS 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, 1100TS AND SHOES. HOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SlIOF.l! HOOTS AND SIIOIX' HOOTS AND SHOES, HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO IlEADY-MADi: CLOTHINO. IIEADY-MADII CLOTHINO U1CADY-MADE CLOTHIrtO, L00KIN(1-(1LASSE, LOOKINO-GLAxSKS. LOOKINO-ULASSIX LOO K I N 0 -( 1 L A SS EN. IAIOICINU-OLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND OIES, OILS, OII.H, OILS, OILS, GIIOCF.IHF.S, OltOCIlltlEH, (IHOCEltlLS, (UtOCEltlES, GHOUEltlES, (iFEENSWAEE, IJlIKENSWAltK, tiUEENSWAItK, CltlLF.NSWAlli:, liUEENSWAUE HAP.DWA11E, HAHDWAlti:, HAHDWAKE, HAUDWAItF, HAltDWAIlE, TINWAUK, TINWAKK, TINWAUK, TINWAltll, TINWAUK, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, risn, FISH, F1T11 FISH, GItAIN AND SEEDS, GUAIN AND SKKIIS, GHAIN AND SEEDS, (JHAIN AND HEEDS, UAIN AND SEEDS, Ac,, i-?. Ac, AT ilttKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL .M CO.'S, McKELV Y, NEAL A CO.'S. MlKELVY NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S. Korthwcbt corner oi Main and Market Streets, Noithwest corner of Mntnnml Market Streets, Norliiwi st corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Mnln nnd .Market Stiects. NoithutBt corner of Mnfu nud Market Streets, lILOOMSIHIItO, PA., lll.OOMSlllIUG, PA iiLoo.Msmmo, pa., IILOOMSIllIUO, l'. HIAlOMSIlIIUtl, PA. IKON AND NAILS,' IHON AND NAILS, IKIIN AM) MAILS, IHON AND NAII.s, IKON AND NAILS, lu laiuo fiuantlliiB nnd nt uduccd rates, alwny on hand. CCIIELL, UERCER & CO., GENEItAL COMMISSION MEKCHANT3 Dealers lu FISH, SALT, CHEESE, IT.OVISIONS, Aa, Nos. 122 and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Sola agents for Wilcox's Wheel Orease, lu bar rels, kegs, ami cans, TyAINWRIGHT & CO., WHOLEBAE ailOClEHB, N. E. Corner Second andJArcli Streets, PniLASELrniA, Dealers In TEAS, BYItUPS, COFFEE, SUQAlt, MOLASS1CS, HICE, Bl'ICES, BI CAltU SODA, AC, AU. a- Orders will receive prompt attention. May 10, lBlff-ly. H. with V. PETERJIAN, LIPriNCOTT THOTTEIl, WHOLKSALJt GUOCEUS, No. 21 North Water Street, and No, 20 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, WEAVER & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE OKOCEIUES AND COMMISSION MEItCHANTS, Nos. iZi and 27 Arch Street Philadelphia. IiL.TiIARPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIEP Y, GLOVES, AND FANC GOODS, No. U North Third Street, . Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Late Walter A Kaub, Importer aud Dealer lu CHINA, Glass, AND QUEENBWAltE, No, 121 Market Street. Philadelphia. JOHN STHOUP & CO., Successors to Stroup Ilrothsr, WHOLESALE DEAI.EUy IM VLHU, No. SI Nulll Wuarru, andi Krth WaUr St., Philadelphia, IRON, TINWARE, &.C. JVATIONAIi FOUNDRY, tlloomlnirg, Columbia County, l'a, ITjo subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovc-1 mcd cxtenslvo ostabllshinent, la now prepared to ro ech o orders for all klndi of MACHINERY l'OU COLLIEllIEfl, FOItNACEH, STATIONS 11 Y ENOINEM, MILLf), THIlESUINa MACHINES, Ao Ho 1 al.o prepared to mako Stoves of nil sites and patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually mado In first-class Foundries. Ills extcnslvo facilities nnd practical workmen warrant hint In receiving the lnrgest contracts on the most reasonable terms. drain of all kinds will be taken In exchange for (lutings. This establishment Is located near tlio Lackc wanna nud Illoonisburg Ilnllrnad Depot. l'ETEIl KlLLMYEIt. OTOVES AND TINWARE. a.'m. nui'Eivr nnnounces to his friends nnd customers that continues the nbovo business at his old plnco on MAIN STUECT, lUAlOMBHUlta. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY BT0VE3 of all kind", Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found In a Stovo and Tlnwnro Es tablishment In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason, nblo terras. Ilcpalrlug done at the shortest notice, S3 DOZEN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. Jy"EW STOVE AND TIN SIIOP. O.t MAIN STREET, NEA11T.Y Ori'OSITll MILLER STORE, ULOOMSDUllO, PENN'A. Tim underslgucd has Just fitted up and opened STOVE AND TIN SIIOP, In thin plnco, where ho Is prepared to mako np new Tin Waiik of nil kinds in hli line, nud do repnlrlng wltlnieatuesH and dNpnteh, upon tho mot.! icnsounuio icmiH. no niM) Keepi on uauu STOVES OF VAltlOUS 1'ATTEltNS & STYLES, winch ito will sen upon terms, lo suit purchasers. Olvo him u call, lie Is n Rood mechanic, and deserving of tho publlo patronage. , JiVVUll JlblA. Illoonisburg, April 28. IStJT. Q.EOKGE II. R01JERTS, Importer nud Dealer m HAHDWAKE, CUTLEItY, GUNS, Ac, No. 811 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. .lACOll K. SSUTII, J. It. SELTZER g M I T II & H E li T Z E R, . Impoi (era and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLEIIY, AC, KO. 100 S. TniRD STREET, AB. CALLOWII1LL, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tr. TOBACCO & SEGARS. W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AD CIGAIl WAIIE1IOUSE, No. HG North Third Street, between Cherry and Hnce, west side, Philadelphia, c. Ii. WOODRUFF, Wholcsalo Dealers In TOUACCOS, CIGAKS, PIPES, AC, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, abovo Market, Philadelphia. 0 MINIBUS LINE. The undersigned would respectfully nunonnce to tlio citizens of Illoomsbnrg and tho public gene rally tha he la running an OMNI11USLINE between this placo nud tho different railroad do pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South and West ou tho Cata wlssa and Wllliamsport Itnllrond, and with thoso going North nnd South on the Lackawanna and Hlnomsburg Ilailroad. HlsOiunlbussesaro in good condition, commo dious nud comfortablo, and charges rcasouablo. Pel sons wishing to meet or seo their friends do- p ni t, can bo accomodated upon rcnsouable charga by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB L GIUTON, Froprlotor. J nEATHCOTE ' X O I L E Ji & COMPANY W O ii K S, CORNER OF WEST STREET IlLACKIORSE ALLEY Having increased our facilities In tho way of siiup loom, miiciuiiery, Ac, wo aro preparcu lo manufacture LOCOMOTI VE.FLUE.and till kinds ol STEAM HOILEKS, SMOKE-STACKS, TANKS, Siinrr-InoN Work, Ac All workpiomptly done iu uniur, v SHurt uuiicu, uuu SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRS, Ynnr ntlenllnn is Rneeinllv rnllml n 1li mm hers of our llrm-nil belni! iraclic.iil Jlmlpr Mnkem. Mr. I1i:ati:cote has luul nil exnerienen nf fiver thhly years In tho innnufacturo of alt kinds of rueain uoucrs ; una irom our long experience we aio fully nwnro ot tho necessity of n welLutudo and Minlcicntlv lnrco to secure not oulv sulety but satisfactory results; nnd wo shall gtvo our customers oiny inosooi mo uest quauiy as rtg.irtis iiiiiieriiu.Moruiiiiiiisiup, nuuninjno ueni Inn surface, nnd feel conlUlent Hint wo enn ren der hat Isf.ictlon, nnd nt prices fully ns low as any other builders ilsiug tho samo quality of ma ten uis. Wo would call tho attention of Hallway Com panies o our facilities fordoing LOCOMOTIVE YO!llv, EITHER REPAIRS OR NEW, aB WO mako It n point for ono of tlio linn tonlwaysglvohls per sonal attention. to do nil kinds of Steam Fittings, such ns Heatlug Publlo nnd Private Buildings, Factories, lifting up Steam Hotlcrs.Ac, Constantly on hand all kinds of steam Fit- TINIH.STUAM ANII WATER GUAOES STEAM PlI'ED nnd alt tittings connected with tho business. Also.Cnstlngsof ail k!uds,UoilerFrout8,Orales, Slovcs, Plows, and nil work connected with the geneiai inuuury uusnicss. Hcbjicctfully soliciting ynnr orders, wo nie Yours very truly, J, IIEATIICOTE A CO. Ftb.atl4-ly J7 A II 31 E 11 SM TKV THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. Itcontnlns thrco per cent, of Ammonia, an ainplo quantity to give activity without Injury tothovcgatatlon.nndn largo percentage of so luble Bone l'hosphnto of Lime, together with potnsii nnd. Soda, tlio essential diluents of a COMPLETE MANUHE. Tho luereused sales to fnrmeis who nro using It with highly satisfacto ry results is n suroRuaranteo of its value. Price, SM per Ion of ll) bags 'JJ0 lbs each. Send for a pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA QUANO CO.. July3,'C8-ly 67 Uroadwoy, N. Y. jNDKEWS, W1L1C1NS & CO., Dealers In FOUEIQN AND DOMESTIC DltY GOODS, No. 603 Market Street, Thll idelphla. Q.E011QE FOELKER &CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN & WILLOW WAItE, YATtNB, Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twlnes.'.Ilaskels, etc., etc 219 itS51 Market St., AS30 Church St., Phllada, June6,'63, HIIIimUSTEU & imOTIIEIt, Importers and Jobbers of HOSlEHY, OLOVES, ' SIIIUTS AND DUAWEILS, BUTTONS, SUSI'ENDEUS, HOOP SKIItTS, 1IANDKEUCH1E1--S, TH HEADS, SEWINO BILKS, THIMMINOS, POIITE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PEltfUMEIlY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS QENEItAI.LY, Also Mauufticlurers of IIHUSIira AND LOOKINO GLASSES, aud Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BHOOMH, HOPES, TWINES, Aft No. 300 North Third Street, above Vine, ' ' Philadelphia. jypLLEIt & HOST, Successors to Franklin P, Seltter A Co, Importers and Wholesale Dealers tn I .LIQUOKS.'.WINES, do., Nos. 110 and 112 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JEHOIIANT'S nOTEL, II KOVTB torli!! IT1IBT, PHILADELPHIA, J, ik W, a. M'KIliUIN, Proprietor, May 10, lfOT-ly, mmw k DRUGS &, MEDICINES. JJENDEtlSHOTT'S PIIAR5IA0Y. orrostTE AMERICAN HOUSE. Where may be found a complete assortment of fresh andjutre MEDICINES, DYE; STUFFS, COLOIIH, OILS, WINDOW-GLASS, LAMTS. LANTEHN , SO DAS, SOArS, ALCOHOL, WIN1S & LHiuOIta SYltUl-S, TEUFUJIEllY, TOII.Ei' AND FANCY AHTICLE8, which nro offered at old tlmo prices. Prescrip tion, accurately prepared. Jan 8'0S-ly. VE&ETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE I rny-IIcmloil roojilo have tliclr locks restored by It to tho dark, lustroui, silken tresses of youth, and nro happy I Young reoplc,wlth?iV''ini'f''orreJlIa!r, have these unfashionable colors changed to n beautiful nuburr, and rejoice I l'coplo whoso heads arc covered with Dandruff nnd Humors, uso It, nnd havo clean coats nnd clear nnd healthy scalps 1 IIiilil-TIorutcrt "VotorniiH havo their remaining locks tightened, nnd the baro spots covered with n luxuriant growtli of Hair, and danco for joy I Voting Gentlemen uso It because It is richly perfumed I Young Ladles uso It because It keeps their Hair In place 1 Everybody tiust and tci7I uso it, because It is tho cleanest and lest article in the -market I For Salo by Druggists generally. AND FOR SALE BY L. N. MOYI-'.ll nnd T!. V. T.HT7.. Dnnrirlsls BloomsburK, nnd M. M. DUOBST, Catawlssu. TONATIIAK IIEISliER'S TONIC O or Hitters lms never failed to euro tho worst itina oi uvRpepKm; i xnoinosisuccessim meii lclno yet illscovcietl for the euro of Consumption DyspepRla, Liver Complaint, Jironchltis, mul nil diseases of the TJnoat, Cliret nnd Lungs; h mndc entirely of roots nud herbs Ono Imttlo win cimvmconny ono who pivcs 11 n mir inn, No fnrully Bhould bo without Jt. Tut up In lnrno bottles, prepared nnd fold by Jonathan llelMer nnd hv nil ItriiL'. glStH. fftUg. 11,'CS-ly J TA YLOIl'B OLIVE BRANCH 11 I T T ii It S A mild and agrecnblo Tonio Stimulant, Stom achic nnd Cajmlnntlve BITTEItS, Extracted ontlroly from Herbs and Roots. High ly beneficial In DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL, DEBILITY, mul Loss of Annetlto; and an excellent Corrective for pcisons suffering from Disorders of the lloMelsrFintulence,it. Sold Everywhere. opot, No. 1 13 Market Street, Philadelphia. J, K. TAYLOK II CO, Sept. 4,'aMy. THE AMERICAN HAY KNIl'E AND FOHIC Wo tho undersigned cltl.(in ot Columbia County witnessed the trial of liny forlts on tlio Itirm of Mr. Purscl, In Hemlncs Township, on Monday, May 7, IMJil, between the Ameilrau liny Knlfonnd Forkroanufacturid by SLIFEIt, WALLS, SHHINElt Co., of Lewl.-.-burg, l'n., and tho ltundel'a Patent Hay Hook, Tho American Fork lifted moro hay in one draught than the ltundcl iu three. Wo nro satis fled it will takons much hay Into tho mow as two f:ood horses can draw, we also saw it cutting uiy, audtlilnlc It cannot bo bent us n Itay knlto, and cheerlully recommend It ns tho host hay fork and knife wo have ever been. u. iiitteniii:ndeu, l)n. F. c. jiarhiso.i, W. B. Koons, John Doak, John Dkteuick, Daniel Nover, II. Diolcmilleu, Sylvester Puiisei, Michael Helleh, John Wolk. They nlso manufacture tho celebrated liuckeye Ilcaper aud Mower, ami other agricultural imple ments. JNSUIt AN CE AGENCY. Wyoming 8130.WK) Aitun Commerce -lilO.WH Fulton 300,0(0 North America City -TiO.M International 1,IOO, Niagara iEtua Llvo Stock - 600.0W Putnam KW,ui0 Merchants lt, Springfield tXO.VB f Insurance Company of Stato Poun'a C3O.0 Connecticut Mutual Llfo 10,000,00 North American Transit 600,00) FHEA8 BllOWN, Agent, mar8 07-ly. ELooJisnnuo, PA, pOYE HUSTON & CO., Manafioturem nnd Wholesale Dealers lu COTTON YAENS, CAIU'ET CHAINS, BATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, COHDAGE, IlItOOMB, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK-'Q OliA H3ES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKirTS I TABLE, FliOOn, AND CARRIAGE . OIL CLOTHS, &C., No. 630 Market Street, south side, Philadelphia, J P. BEARD, with LI1TINCOTT, BOND 4 CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers tn HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, No, 413 Market Street, Philadelphia. JOHN C. YEAQER & CO., Wholcsalo Dealers In HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND . LADIES' FURS, No, 257 Norlli Third Street, Philadelphia. WARTMAN & ENQELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF 4 SEGAR MANUFACTORY, wo, 313 north third street, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTUAN P. EKOILWAH .'.ouis unowic, CJUJ. 1. HVAIO "nilOWN A EWALD, WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. E. Cor. Third Vino Streeu, PHILADELPHIA. May'l, lUH-Cmo.
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