SUfa ($0lmn.bhut, IILOOMSIlUItO, FUIDAY, JAN. IS, 1800 Wanted, to complete a Mo, No 33 of mo Columbia Democrat dated Oct, 21st IPGS. Tin: Greene Faux limestone quarry was (sold ly (ho Sheriff on Tuesday Inst to H. (I. CrovclliiK, Esq., fur $2,823 00, Tim iroierly'of Hculien Wnssor, of ' Ceiitrtillii was Bold by tho Hliurlif on mat Wednesday to James Duko and II, A. Weldensaill for $300.00 '4 JIiih. A. W. Hannon-, teacher of Cen I-Jtralla Fehool, was on Chrlalinns ove i7......,..i...1 ...hi tn i iHook, a cla from tho pupils of her Heliool. Niixt week wo begin thu publication of a now and thrilling story, which will run through several numbers. Persons not (jotting tho Cor.UMniAN & PoioeitAT should subserlbo at onco Wnaro Informed that on last Wed nesdny morning while Mr. and Mrs. C, H. 1'axton woro out Hleiirli riding, tho linrsos got frightened and ran awav They were not seriously injured, but mo mcigi wn?. Wi: would ask our leaders' perusal of l lie prospectus of the Germanown Tel- etjraph, to bo found in our ndvertisim: columns. It Is n good paper, well and learelully edited and authority on Aeri K i . . . - iciiiuuiil topics. Ouit new office Is still siirouded In jinie, mortar, sand aifd dust. Wo hope 10 navo all in order beforo tho Fcliriinry Court, and after that If wo fall to nub. ;llh tho best paper In tho Slate, our suiicriiicrs may well complain. A nor.TiiNR.Mii.T, between Ij- .13. It. It. Depot and tho Canal is talked of. o hopo tlio rumor may bo veri fied. It would give an additional im petus to tho improvements already made, or to bo made ir. our town. At a meeting of tho Stockholders of tho Orangevillo Male and Female Acad emj , the following Trustees were elect ed : Silas Connor, II. C. Eves, Jr. A Williams, D. K. Sloan, Nathan Fleck, cnstlne, H. It. Klino and John Slalcy. Jmv. J. It. Shasta i'elt. Wo learn from Mr. SlmiiaMt that he has accepted a unanimous call to tho Fastoratooftho Fourth Baptist Church of tho City of rittsiiurgli, and that ho has already en tered upon his labors. Correspondents will aditross him at No. 7GV1, I'cnn St., Pittslmh, Pa. 'Owr.'fi to tho numerous corrections and additions to our mailing list, n fow ofjotir subscribers woro not supplied last week. All tho corrections havo uqw been made and tho post-masters will bo respnnslblo for mWtnkc.s hereaf ter. Any person who fails to gut his or her paper regularly should notify us. Wi: would call attention to tho (spec ial dispatch to tho Scranton Republican published in another column. It is good Iiadical testimony to show what scoundrels they havo elected. Just think or the U. R. Scnatorahip put up tojjtho highest bidder? Honest Kepub licans must blush with siiamo at this exhibition of bribery and corruption. Itjis a repetition of tho farce of Owner oiuvs I'urtin money vs brains. D. C. John will deliver a lecture in tho' Institute hall on next Wednesday evening. Subject "Oxygen Hydrogen and Nitrogen." A special effort will bo made to popularize tho subjectand ren der it interesting to all clashes of hearers. CiUzPiis and Students aro respectfully invited to attend. This is designed to bojtho Jlrst of a series of lectures by the faculty of the Iiutltuto and it is io bo hoped their labors will bo rewarded bv I'llberal attendance. Admission free. 1 fA vane-lets oeiwrenco lianncncd at lhOPo-,l Olllco on hist Friday evening. Aandoring cur, (it is eto-roiitly re ported) either moved by curiosity, Ini lielled by hunger, or instigated by an unfortunalo desiro to 'cry favor by jotting a copy of deary's message, at icinpled to enter tho olllco through tho window instead of by that usual mcth idjjof entrance and exit the door, rho result was that Mr. Pursol is minus i fine largo pane of glass. Tho canine deserves amino. Wi; clip tho annexed extract from bttj J'ublio Ledger, an independent ournal. It does justico to Senator UucUalow, and asks tho Radicals to 'Match him." They havo'nt done it, m'd'can'l. tCjindldates aro urged on grounds of xpediency, on grounds of an eijulta distribution of lienors, on personal jrpunds, on geographical grounds and various other grounds, but with very Htjo attention to tlio right ground, viz.: liability, integrity and Illness of tho Senator tiiut is to be. How gladly ivou)d tho masses of tho dominant par y seo their representatives tako that !hlgh ground 1" Tlio Senator who Is ibout to retlro is n man of ability and jure character j certainly tho Itopubil. an party can "match him" in thoso es--ential qualMes, and tlielo will bo a -flail endorsement by tho peoplo, If they loSi .TKNT-KiaiiTS AaAix. Since wrl Jng on this subject, our attnution bus icon called to several other cases, in vjdeh YankeoHwindlora havo succeed ilgi swindling our peoplo. Tho plan if opcratlnn is about as follows : Somo person-corned along with what purports pbo a patent right for a hay-fork, a jiurii or something of tho sort, and do jrjja to sell township rights. In order oniako tlio triinsaetlon seemingly fair luoffers to tako tho victim's note, pay ible nt some future time, With tho col ral agreenicut that tho note Is not to ipald until tho prndts roach a sped IwJ amount. This souim f.dr and tho frulii Is concluded. Tho sequel shows haj tho patent Is a humbug, or that tho i'erMm had no right to di-iposo of It. riio noto Is sold to somo person for a aluablo consideration and tho poor lupo has no chance to plead violation contract, or tho worthlessuess of tho onsldoratlou. W would again warn .ur readers agaliut being caught in uch snares. And If tho udvlco conies oo date If notes havo already boon Ivon containing tho" usual exemption duuso and confession of Judgment, wu .vottld advlso against their payment until tho Court decides, In a test case low beforo It, whether or not notes of that class nro negotiable, THE Ij. T. Siiahfi.isbb would again remind thu citizens of Jiloomsburg nnd also thoso residing out of town, that ho Is determined to disposo of his largo and superior stock of goods, because ho Is selling at greatly reduced prices. BANKS, Dt.VSMon.IJ it Co.. Dili and. Coates Streeta Philadelphia,' Manufac- ..f a i.-.i u..K. V. ... Oitilo. Trn.,. nrni,, nin.c,.... ...i V.....7. F ... Ill IVIIll Ullli- ter Scales nnd Ilaams. Eveay variety of p. I.. ... . .. . . ' . ' ocaies. iro n n lenr-r i.i nnm in n mn. chlno for testing Iron and other metals manufactured. All work warranted. i is no exeuso wnicli a man can offer now-a-days for not being well Uicssed. Clothe of ihn brat, innlm nml of stylish and fashlonablo goods can bo nroeured at nrices which urn vim.. sonable. Ciiv.Mitnut.iv nf ihu ii.. i- ono who keopsjust this class of goods. Ills i.rires will suit you and his clothes will fit you. Just try them. l.V,. W...11.. v... .v..... . iii ni-wuw iiiiii iiiiiiuuauiu . ,. . .... ,,, """""s "v "" "i an uieaiis recom- Ilium nllf lYlrm.l: .....l tttr ....l.lln ..... itn.t iuu 1IUUI1U UUIIUC- .1 . , . " ally to n. LowKNiir.iid. JIo has had I.;;.,:, , h i rT" ,s .w r , . ,,w " Inforlorgoods will bo found in his stock and everything is well made. Don't -a,l to call on him and satisfy yourselves that wo siieak truly. - Foil TltC COI.VMIIMX Sunday School Convention. Concluded. Mil. Editoh: AccoiiDiNO to promise, I herewith furnish you with a short account of tho proceedings of tho Inst session of lhn buiulay School Convention lately held hero, tho chief buiinees of this session being tho organization of a Count v As sociation. fter tho opening devotional exvrcis es by Pnif. Uest.tho Chairman addressid mo convention on tho great discourage- ments huperlnlendauts meet with In irregular nttendaneo of tenchersand tho warn. 01 interest, manirested by tho ChUrcll. j uiu uruer oi tins session helmr Held chlelly to consider tho trrcat neces- uyui luniiinga county Association, it wai on motion, decided unanimously that we proceed to that business: It was men put to tlio test by a motion, that us uimii utu wining to iieip in tlio great woriv ucioro us, should rise, when i.ugu jiarnii mo uonvcntlon rose to .t.,.t.. men ilui. :V eommitteo of ono from every church iuiic.-emeu, was appomtcu to prepare a constitution lor tlio Association. ino eommitteo reported the roIowhiL' iniiuivs wjiicii were taueil un ser nlim and adopted! i. xius Association sunn nn rn ml tin snnlnlinn. nnvlllnrVln M. . 1". wut ii iii Miib uuu uv oiiuiiiiLii .-spnnni au- u.,i..' A-'V ..... uit.iu uiiijij.iiii oiTiiiiiu jvHsni-niTinTi." 2. Its object shall bo to i.rnnini.. ilw. Sabbath School interests in the ennntv. .'!. Its members shall be the ili'lpcnlns present lroill tllO Sabbat hSchnnl nt mi. CimvnnHnna .111,1 a,t..l. ,,11 - . " oi' in may irom iimo to time sign tho Const! tutfon and contrilnito to tho funds, 1. Tho officers shall be n President, nnd Vico President for eacli townshiii in 1110 county, a secretary and a Treas urer. Tliey shall hod olUpn fur ,. year or until otliers aro elected to 1111 meir places, 5. Tho President, or in hisnl ico rresiuent shall, preside at all meetings. 0. Tho Secretary shall keen tim mln. utes oi Conventions and other meet ings, nrocuro statistics of tlm Si.iw.nis ! tho County, keep a list of tho namo and addrcasof each Siiperlnteudent.aiid duced in tho House, to-day,' a' hill un report annually. tK1 repeal lor tho Tenure oi Olllco act. Tho Treasurer shall i-pppIvi. mwi (itsDurso the money or tlio Association subject to tho order of President and secretary. 8. Tho Vico President shall assist Hip Secretary in collection of statistics, and in oiiiri- wuriv. in meir resnpp. vn sliips. Si. No person shall beconslderi d an of- ucer oi mis Association until lio shall havo signilied his acceiitaueo of the of fice. 10. The Cimvenlinn of this Association shall bo held at such placo as may bo agreed upon, on tho ilrst incsilay alter Christmas, of each year. year, and in making arrangoments Tor Conventions, Institutes, etc. Tills Constitution may bo aliered or amended by a two-thirds vote, at any annual Convention. On motion or Itov. 1). Hockley, Prof Best was elected President of the As- .-r., 11 l.l 1 I UI, C5LT1111 Villi WHS I'llllSPII I becrotiuy, and Col. S. Knurr, Treasurer. An Kxeoutlvo Committee consisting or Prof. II. D. Walker, J. B. Kobison, ami 'iiios. Creveling, Sr., was appoint ed. As tho county was not fully repio- sonted several townships having no representatives the Vico Presidents could not all bo chosen at nresent. Tim . 1 Ininmnlnf fill l ' i.., i.wwii.Tj iw nil uiu VilUillltlW. llio following were chosen, provided they ucccopt thoofllce: Bloom Twp., Itov. Jrr. Jlohr Kev. Mr. Beckner. ltev. Jlr. Uickson. Itov. Mr. Itlco. Itov. Jlr. Spear. Jlr.S. Ale. Jlr. 0. Merrill. uatawissa Berwick, Scott Orango " Hemlock" Greenwood, Thu chairman returned ids thanks to tlio convention for tho kind courlesv shown him as presiding officer of tho conveiiuoii, lonowing it ii with somo rery impropriate remarks of tha trreat good ho felt was in liavlng met lieru witli cliristlans of dlilcreut uainesj that In walking sldo by sldu in so glor ious a cause, with our energies united In laboring fur our Master, our hearts aro made to bum within us; our lovo . mid .sympathies become knit together: i . , - . .. ... ' mm, wu are imuio to icci thu rea v that wo aro ono In Christ Jesus. Prof. II. 11 Wnll.-or llw... ........ ., l.lii.l 1 , li- .1 .. . j r I.I..VI.-MW1U1I L-.eii;isu jor mo cnimreu, I....1 i.. Ill i........ , 'l '"r I'ttnLiiuj iui ii, during tho time occupied in organizing tho convention, and closed the labors of tho convention with pmyer nml ben ediction, Thus ono of the most delightfully In. torcsting meetings of christian ladles and gentlemen that ever convened iu tills county for mutual Improvement In a great anil good work, has passed away only to live in tho heartsand memories of who wcro nresent. Our mC- regret Is that so largo a port of our county waa unrepresented. Had they known what an Intellectual roast was . ,, ,, , .. .... . . ., iu iiu ci-ivtn ii m-iti-i leiiiesuiiuuiun i.i i i . . wouiii nuu kcuii inesciu io ii.iriicipaiu uiu iiuai Lunveiiuuu to neupersuns iruiu every school In tho county present. lU'spcctrully, J. H. 11. i n I'.xecutive Lommitjeo or three bullion prepared hy tho llistrict-Atti.rii- suall bo appoii ted at each annual Con- ey. Thu indictment was first found a ention, tueo-operato with the olllcers true hill, but reconsidered, anil it is in carrying on tho work fortlionnsiiliiL- -nm, n.,.,1 i, ,i-.,s ti,.... i...'.i i COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCllAT, BLOGMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Bloom Township Toor. KlUTOtt COMJ.MMAN! -Sv.'-Tlio subject of this article Is ono that Interests every porson In tho community. Tho burden of Poor tax is intolerable, and Is yearly crowing moro onerous. Is there no remedy? Vllh.1" .to1.1 ycara iho tnxe3 would ,mvo I boilL'llt lmlf tho farms In lhn T.iu-i.1,li, ' nml havo kept t ho Poor Into the bartraln, I 1 . , , " Put 10 W0.nro wlth a llcbt to W (lf linarlV flvn ilmllMiml ltnllni-a jsi. " -" mniu )vo ro lyS lwlS a taxation up to tho last mill allowed by law; with tno prospect or an additional hiipplo meutory tax to pay existing Indebted newt. Tho Duplicate In tho handa of the Collector "uw, Is iGD7i!.Sl, oveiy dollar 1,11,1 uln uu ",ul famllieH nro provided with ''Hllsu ''t'"t llt ft""ul expenditure ot; , 1 11 '5i'u',,u miu wit" ll"J runts 11 wwy to predict It will not bo less iuai. 'uui, jnu.-u nine lamiues aro kflit. In n uit.n ........ Ill, I.. nr .,m. ... O.I.JIIUI i s.'t..n nn i....... , . ..... 1 iiiuiu, nun llll'&u ivu aiu ino smallest Itnnm 'P 1 ....... , -I...1 I... .1... I &...u .i.u nu nil iii mi uv lliu r,..ui i...... ..r... ....... nuani in its nurse's arms to tho bed ri(I(Il' oogenarlai. j some In ono place ,i t. V n . . dy ocJnnult e n 'of n. ....,. i iu not uieau io bhv mat iiiev are t ...... . . . not all proper objecls of tin.' public boun ty, nor can I guess how the account may stand this year, but it is coital n that in former years wo have been run ning in debt terribly. 'the taxes of two years, to wit $mi)13.iS would buy and stock a farm. sufficient, If properly managed, to sup port our iioor without ono single cent or luxation. Shall wo do it'.' A Tax Paykk "She Scnatorship IlAititiMiuiio, Jan. 5 11 v. ji. Go Ing, going, gone 1 A seat in the United Stales Senate at auction I Tim claims of talent, of statesmansliln. nf hrll liant public record, of a long tried and faithful servleo onarfv. and of local!! v woro all ( In.ilnv I... (1,,. nowor of mnnev. " in i n !j , In two weeks from lo.ihi v.tnl.i, u,t nr lluntingilon county, will be elected United States Senator. Tho Camerons declared for Scott this evening, and and, backed by tho Pennsylvania CVn iral llallroad. havo aken llm ivi.l against tho Kcmhlo-Moorhnul ,.,m).! nation. This movement viilimllv .... ltavus (iiim- nut il )!n. ,.,,ni,,.i ,,o i. lias never expected to suceed If tin, s atorship was put up at auction. Moor- head's friends aro said to have oflW-i-.l 11 vo and six thousand rioiinra ni.i...... r, votes lo-ilnv. T iwh Um ; r their success, however. ini. viw.m.i.. i, r.,..,. r c..i i... r... ..i .1 ... 1 ..... . "'""""m. jinny navo imil meir own delegation of itiimmIipis frnm A tli.,,1.,.,,,. " ...... ..... . logetner several times lo-day,tlio rosult being at lust as at liist four for Moor- bead and four fur Marshall. Tho Scott fuctinn lmvn fni, i- ..I- 11,,,,.. l 1 . .. " redemption. Uy sucli paltry, venal, and dishonorable iniluenci s do the nu- publican members of this Legislature permit tho sacrifice of Mr. (Innv, who, a majority of them will not deny tho rauit and lllo ol iarly in tho Slate most generally desired and expectedshould bo elected Senator! A hundred thousand dollars for tlio place. Truly is King. Jfurnlny Jlcpublican. Washington litems. Tuxuiin oFoi'-noi: act. Mr. W.isliliiirnn ,r I ... i : , The bill is tho same as ono introduced uy Air. niitlor some timo ago, which was killed lor Iho n resent spssinn. uv lis relereiicv lo tho Judiciary Cniii.iui teo could as tint c'.iniiiiitni- could not, i i thu tegular couine, lie called thi.sse.ssluii. Under the spur ui the previous qui-stlon the nill hiteilily passed the lluiise: all the Deniocrais present voted for it. it is gunetully un der.t (id that the Senate will soon con cur. IMP It' I'M I. NT AGAINST- oUItltATT Id- .NOKIH). The (iraiid Jury of lliis llistrict liavo Ignored the indle.niout a,'.i!nst John II. (juenco of thu President's recent geuer u iiniiiesiy proclamation. l'AlSDOX 01" lilt. MUDl). All tho Democratic inein .,1' Un. senate and lloiiio havo signed u not!- tion for tho paulon of Dr. Jludd, and the document 1ms been pcescntcd to tho Pri'sillullt. - . l.l.OAI. TENDIUl ACT. It is rumored that lour indues of il.i. Supremo Court aro in favor of sustain ing tho legal tender act; three oppose itas unconstitutional, and o..e is ilmilit. ful. .lOSKI'l! II. llltA 1)1.1, V, Sit. Tho .Supremo Court of tho United States decided to-day that Joseph II. IT.... ,1 .... '.it. .... . -, ! I'11-1'11 IIIU OlllircilIU i Olirt (,I 1 114 1 )! ! ft ill" I il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...! tho issue ora peremptory mandamus to compel Ills reinstatement. It will be remomuerod that on (he conclusion of tho Hurratt trial, in Novenihcr. 1R07 Jlr. Bradlev wasdisinisspil fiirpnnli.mnt .'ji u tiiiuu x-i.--iii.'i .iiii-ii iiiiioiiiir i-riiiiiiini Court. Tlio IJistrlct-Suorenio Court nf. firming this decision, ho appealed to MIHSOUltl CONTJTKI ELlXrriON OASK Tliu IIOUKO Coillllllttco mi Rloftlmw rniMiiittml ft.iln ........ i ..r i.. session that Mr. Switzlcr.tho Democrat- io contestant. is entitled ton soai to rep tusunt, ino xsiniii llistrict of Jllssourl. llluiitnvlitir Market llviioi'l. Whuii pt-r lnulitil... Ityo " - .. . ii 00 . 1 a. . 00 , 12 M . Ii 00 i l0 M SI .' I 00 . t M . II UI . 10 IKI till III Im.O . r. .o S 111 7 'II . ll 10 .... Ill !'! ...IH Corn Hiiw. " Flour ppr Imiii'l .. .. rUivt'i-st.M h,'1"!""''" I I III II iir i:i8.. Tullmv iMtmi - . !.'r!V'1 A''i'u 11.1111a - iu - t.ii, mum ,,' i, iH'r i'"uuu, I.U.MISi:i(. lItfliltin-1. I'lhiiilH per tlnius,iii,l fei-t , l'llie - ' inn., in. I.. JiilHl.Ki-iiulllnif, l'lnn k. 1 1 l.-ni I. . k l ' .-7IIII1KU-1., .si., .t'i inou.ioiil 1 ItU.N Nil. I M'lltl-ll plu Nu. . ' UIIXIIII , I.lBliI S(i,it Markt-ta. Cnrlrctl'll wt't'klv liv P....r Put. .Ll,r.lvulu .i..l null ileulfr ill tmlii, iliiur Itud nuil Bmitral lueri'lmliilUu. Wlient pi-r!.. ti i . 1 M 1 ui 1 il 7.5 u ui S (0 aro Ml 51 -m 1 H) ;.' u ".""'.!!.'.'."!'.!!!'"!" 5 m , , r! 1 1 ' .... in "urn !m,' Wlient 'i't.-.'i"ur nrr"" iiucit Wlitiiniour i urn cnoji, llrnu. iiulo - r m B. r.uu. i,i-r il.i. lirliil Apple ' , Kin hi. J , llccf p.-r urn 11, , 1'orlt iJinl ' ft hurratt lor eiiu.igiin: in thu ro- . dtlarriiiijfji. IinOClCWAY-CAMPJJKLIi- On tho ail oi niny, 1803, uy llcv. f. P. Jiycr.Mr. frank . Hrockwiiy and Miss Cora K, campucu, an ol Halcin, liuzcrno county CAMPBELL ItOlllSnN.-O., 7.I, !s.i by tho liov. 1). J. Waller. iAIr. Nathanlal JLcampucii ol Mis Isabella llobi ron of Jtlooinsbtirir. COLK 1IKSS. In Siicarloaftivi). Sundny Jan. 10(1, by it0Vl H.F.Sav.U'olH Clin- Irtl. I '..In U ll.M.... If l T.."l.. liiii'.ii uAiAi. Un tlio 7th hut. at 1.1. ... .. . . i looniiDiirg. oy nov. A. Jlartinan, Mr. uuurgo it- r.vcrQit to llcuocca U. Oma nil ot Mt. Pleasant. IVUAMUII-KLIN '.-At tha jmnoiiago in Orangovillu Nov. 2Cth by tlio ypv. I'aron ltrowa Uco. W. JCramor to iiiis iiooocca ivlino ol Jit. Pleasant Col CO. J01IiNS0iV.-01trMK.S...Atil,n by tlio Mine Dec. 31st HobcitC. Julinion to Mis iAIarlha Uruuc?, tho former of jjiHiu Direct tinu tlio latter ol Jit. Pleas- mn. ioj. co. UAKKlt-JIUSOftAVM.-Oi, tl10 : oi lice, by llov. V. JI. Jlcmingcr Mr. cbKy w. jiiiKer to Alas Jluggio it Mm- NvyiiK-tHlliTr. At tl.o of mo imno. ny tnoMino in liipy on tlio 31st ui uw, ,ur, jaincs won to Air. J (Ji'Clt. OTIlT Hit i . oiiiiiiiv i Ai-i.r.. At tlio nmo timo mi l placo by tlio same. Mr. lloubcn Sidler to JIts .Susan Raple. All of Columbia co. KAIIliKlt-Dm'KNnKNI)I-:it.-On tho JGIh of Deo. by tho Ilcv. J. P. llcntz, Kim i-. a.iim.i , vi uoiiiiPiicm anu in us llosan na llittenbonJcr, of Luz. co. CltMASV-HAanNCUCU 0,.il,n"C,l " ''J- Vv A-1-"""''"--l:n,fsi'muel II. Lroajyund JIiss Sarah A.IIiiechLucIi. UUlll UI VyUIUIU. iWiAiXK-i5iiyiNK,-0n tho 3ht of iuc. at r.vansvii n oy itov. A. 1 1, Irv.iiic. Mr. Jniiali 1 13 Blank, or Hliickshimiy ami Jli-s l-.liiabcth C. Krwlns, of liriai creel: IUNI1S11I. QyiCK-FltKICZIl.-On. Tlnirsdav, .Inn I til lliorpiili.iw.on(,il,l,;,!',.' r.,i. tho llcv-TIioinas Cullcn.Jaiiius Qiilck o Montour township to JlissSallio Freeze ui iiiuuui lownsiup. It M-ns nnrEOoit fort una lo bo ono ofRnmnsrvi ty pcreoni wlinwllnnvcKl lliis Imppy tvuil. Our Kiuucu w MicRncroinpany tliolinppy (ouple.wli imvo ru nus niciousll- Cllllilli lceil if r i-nifl .... II.,. si.iniiiminnmny. Wo Unit llu-y m Hi nvolil Iho Nmai,nniiquk-i;suiipsvlil-,b"-,ol...u many vnj-n Koi-yiitu iicltlierpvcriVKrct Hie n-olli h i solemnly p. K. ...... . i." i iiii riiiinini'tii j.mvMi'il huh iimr. in 'llOl.hlllCO tliul CMMlt.Wc ,1, ,imul fnr JUIIiVbU.N'. In lilooms'mrz on Kuinl.iv liinairy lotn Uli.irlos Jolmsnn, of dm sumption a;rcu Slycaw, 8 moullij an l 2 nays. DlvAKK. In I5lnouisbiir on Mombiy Jan inn ..liny ii, i'i-hkp. a-'cu ji vc.irs. i:xituiii;itANr iiiiai.tii Is n lilosslm; vniieluafihl tti few. Evi'Il tllrna wlio iiiim- ikoh r.ivoroil by n.iture Willi Hlrom- oonstl unions ma vigorous li'umes are np: tn nrglvct un- pr.'onutlon? noooisary to nriHfi vo tli- ma clous fiulownienla. ImU'Oilas nrulo, tlir mnro IK-Mltny ana rolmst n imn Is the mora llbortle no is inclined lo tako with his ntn iilu-.inMr.. Is sumo consolation to tho naturally weak nml ivcbic lo icnuw mat tlicy can uo no Invliair.ili' ami built up proper uso of tho ine.nia wliicli rcI uco 1ms iilncul nt their illsnnanl. nu to haven inueii Holier chnnco of lone Ufa niul exomnllon freni ilkeasound pain, than Iho inostatlilotlo or nielr lellonn wlio nro roollsh cnouuli lo nunnoso tlicmsclvEa Invuluci jhlc, ami act ncp.mllulelv. his not too mucii to say dint nioiu than liair Iho peoplo oriho rlvlltzul worlil neeil nn oocii". lonal tanlc, to enable them to Minnort Ilia uli-alu upon their boi'.lol anil luliicls, h hich tlio fast lira in iui u-i.iji.-M4 ngo occ.-isi.mi. in fact, a lairo wnousome, iinrxeiiiiii- tonic is thognin.l ilcild raunn oi iiioi.dsy millions, nml thoy liavo the nrllflo 111 21 is HTO.MACH IIITI'IIIIS II is a ilanilnnl medicine. I.e., It Imparts penna iiniii siionmn to wcaK systems nnd Invigorate tiellcnto conitllullins. lis reputation and lis Miles Imvoiilei.dlly Increased. Competitive nren- matlons havo been Introduced nd libitum, and a-s funis tlio public Is concerned nd naiisenni, iu the uopooi iiviuingu; but they have all either per- lii iilli-liiiit.m- bcenleft fnriiitho rear. It lias bicn the ureal M'rcrs jf the lsipiUo ccrlnln that no pionrlelnry moil clnoln this country hi. wide known, oras gcneinlly used. len llghtnlm; presses, riinnlui; Inci-nsanlly (sunuays oxccpled.) Iho wholo jmr lliroiiKli, barely supply Iho demand for tho Illusiraled Al iiim n.ic, lu wlileli tho nut uto and uses or tlio pre- lieratluii sro set foilh, tlio clr.-iiliill.ui now bo over flvo millions it, j ear, MISCELLANEOUS. yT 1 1)0 WS' AI'IMl AISKJtK.VTS. Till' ftillowliicniinnilsenicnlK of mil ilikI i.i r Mmal imnit-rly hvi iiart tn idevs r ilmnl. tits, lia t hocn llletl lti the ottli'D of tlm It en litter ul Cn- luinht. t county, under tho Hitk-. nf Court, and tvui nt' int'-Hfiut'ti nil iiiuimu riuiui minion, in I Iu t trpliaiis' (m t to he hclil In lUooiuslnnu, in titul lot sal I tmmty.fin Iomay, 'inr. 1 n v (ir i isw, nt two o cio K ; m. ot viiid tlav. iinh'vs exciMitfoiiH to such coiulima. Itotit are ini'vfiiiislv lllcil, of whteli nil peisous iiim it'Mfii in said rMiiit'H win uuce nouco; , vi l.htvt ol JI. I U'ay, l.ito of Scott twi. ni-i-rn-i-.i. 2 Wiooiir of Hanltl Yttlcr, I.Uoof .Malntt twii., ;l. widow vt John Hess,;; ate of rNhln-.t-u twii., (Ut fahtil, .TOIIK f3. FHKK7.K. IteyUUr, ItlootnRhiirp, Jan. 1. lhlVJ, SO A DDIjK & IIAUXK&S 3IAKKU. OltANGKVII.I.K, COM'MllIA CoUNTV, Ii.NNA TIIK uiult'iJti,'m'd rvpcclfully lutoritiH his in thlHaml tho ouiulu that holtas hotiiiiii otit '1 Mipmas Hcckm:, nml will rontlnuo the uttshio orsAI)llI,i;aiu I A ,Jh3 AlilM . ii a 1 It various hratichc..Ht lliuolil bland ahort Snyder' lioici, anu uoj" " i" tii'MTvu aim rrri'ive inn nu ronaun of nil wliom-fd articles In hi Unit. "J7 o U .S A Ii E. Tlw undiMsl'iicd oih forhalu tho lliatio and Lot now uccupii'd him In llu'l'jwn of Ituitoii, Coluiuhlnrounly. 'l'litswa- fortuciiy umiI ana jAcnr aim is aniuu.uay uiautu nir inai -m-poc. If nut ht) y Uto Ilrst of April nuM.tho jidi et--ty will tia routed on ivu-nmaMt IcniH, 1'ull pa'rtlctitais leytttditit,' lritc or lent i-ic, can ho nhlaincd n ait liration lo tho tiutU .hin id ou tlm piuniii-.t, l'o bbioii yit-u on the Kt of April Xttiiloii, Jan. K, il li.TI.U Ai'i'M.MAN. l.UDITOU'S NOT1CK. fu tho Orplmu'H (Tourt lor tho i'ounty of C'olum bla.ln the lafitturnf thuuslateof Jidm l'e-iltr, Jr., dixvnsi'd, Tho Auditor uiK)lutttl by tho (,'oiirt to iiiuUo dlblrlhullon of thu hahmru fn Hin lmtnii ofHolomon Jltms, AdmlnUtrator of John IVal (I'.Jr.. tlccuuc-d, ninoiitf tlio crt'ditorsofllio wild Intttato, will meet thu partien Interttwl for Iho purpo?,u of his apnoluliuent on Saturday, Jim.. 3)lh, A. I. at J o'clock, I. M., nt Uln olllco In lllooiiiislairK.L.iiltitiihl.i county, J'a. All m-rMjiiH ImvJnir t-laliiiH lur.ilnst lhn PKtato uiu hftchy icq u 1 1 td to picscnl to thu Auditor, or on failuioto pit-sL-nt tliDhaine hu fou'Vcr tlelmrifd jrom coimn; in ior a simiu oi um khhi isnnc, V. II. 11AU1CM:V. Auditor. DcO. 2CMt. A UDITOH'S NOTICK. In tlin )ipliuu'iCaiit for tho County orColuin hla In the mutter of thu erdatanf (Icci, Kicnuinr, latfi of ('ohliuhl)i co.. I'll, 'llic Alltlllor Hiiolnl. cd hy tho Court to maUpilKtrlbullon oi thu bal-uiu-e In tho ImiiiW ot JuliN It, Mot Kit, AUiuin httalor of (.coryH Krt aincr. dtcouv-f-d ainou: the Cicdltorsof Dm Miltl tulf-Mato will nu tt tlio pa,- iich nut icKicti iur mil' purpuno r.i inn appoint" iiieiiton Snluidav lloth duv of Janutirv lu-jti. nt it u o'clock, n, m. at liN olllco In liloonuhuii;, i 1 1 ii 1 1 i ii ii I'onniy, I'll, All ncisons havlh chi inn iuiilnt.t llio iktiu ait hcit-liy required to pieent llitm to the Audi tor, or on failure toprcMMit Iho hiimo ho loiver dehnried from couilnu In lorn sham ot tho ald ota to. c. (l. llAUKt.KY, Autlltur. Vtv. S-VUS-lt A I'lMJCANTS Toil IjU'KNSRS. Ki:iiULfAltY TllltJI. 1M.-I. N'ollcoU lui ihy ulvi n Hint Iho tolhm lumuuieil ln'iMJini luto imt'luiipplicalKui to tlio 1'ioihouo- lirv Of ColUtllhia I'ollllt V. tor TuVI-lll nml nlli.r IkviueM, to ho fjtiiiilett to the i-ihiuiik t'ohvuaiy Teimtd Count CuIawKhi. (illhert Iv'lliie, l.luuor Store. Hiinucl lloyait, " lluinpliiey J'arkcr Tavern. John I-emt Thoinnk Monroe, llatlnu llmue. Mary M'Maunon " Itlcuuiil Iteii-tr (lieenwtKid, ColiyiiKtiaiu, llor, lterwltk Jlwuy M, IliM-kinnn, ('lias. I). l-'nuier ravcrn. IIUhiiii, llt'lllllll. Hiui'lio II, lllolfll, ILIIolise, .Ml Picas. nit Main, llil.irt'iiik, r. nllali.i. lll-l .IINlll'llll-ll, liivilll. Henry W, Mellil;. " ' J 11. M)nuellbeli.'er " llenrBll II. Hosier, " ii jiiiiim rner, M Mary F. llieen, " Jl'KNM IH1I.I MAN- !', II, ... neon, Illtaiiiiabuiif, Jau, 1), l-ti'J, ' MERCHANDISE. jlCW HTOOK l)P UUoTTuiKT.' 1'rct.liarrlral o! kai.i. Aiai wiNinii aoemj. IiAVIli lX)Vl!:tllKHO Invltt. attention to bin stock or ClllIAP ANDrAnlllOXAIlI.r.ClJTlltNO. tldiitoreoii o.hmrlivelhr Ami-rleiin Hon.. niiMiiiAhiitg, 1 whre he htijint rei-ilrril Imm N.-w Vorli and rnilnilclplilit a full kmoi'IIiiciiI ut MUN ANU HOV CLOTIIIHO, lutluillni! tha inoil falilnn.le, duuilile, nnd unr.iiniiii' con-ilnlltel of I10X, HAUK, 1K1C. I, (It,'!, AND (l!l,.(lI,OTIl COAINANUI'ANTM. ofallniilii,m7.isnnilcolom, lie liaintsu lei.len- I. !.(.,! I.lw .,1 , 1 . 1A!.I, AMI) WI.STIlltSllAWI.S, HI'llllTdi, ridLIU'.li. AMU I'l.AI.S VMW, miir.'iH, cr.AVA'iK,.sri'( K,, iiu.lahs. lIANllKKliCllir.lH OI.OVIW, KunrK.-in-.ii, ,jiu I'ANUY AltTlt'l.lS He u-uKiiuntn-llly on hnm! i Inrgi- , ccted nnoi Itnent of CI.0TIIH AN!) VlXliNim, which l.e In pupared In mat.o lo ordi r Into any kind of cliilhhi'', nn vciy ulioit notice, and In a,r liei.t mnniicr. All lili i-lolhlmt I- In wrnr. and most i.f Ii I, of home man fiili,u. IIOI.l) WATCIIJCS AMI. 1 1.W1. 1.HV. ofcvi ry drerlpllon,Ilnuiind clieiip. Ills ciieof J Mill- Is lioUiiiiaMid In tld pln.o. Call uiu! oMitninu hlHfieliernl asuortinLli of CI.D'I'IllNO, WA'I'CHKH, JIIWHl.Irt , AC. D.vvii) i,owi-,Niitnui. K K V II A N D 1 S 12 . NOTICK IS HI! llllY '1IVI4S To my friiuli ami tho puhlle fiwmlly, that nil K1UUSOI DUV UOODH, cmocKitnca, (IUi:kn.svaiie, NOTIONS, ,10., are .oiiHtnnlly mi hmiil nl.d for Mdlit AT IIAIITON'H Ol.ll STAND,, nv JAMKH 1C. KYl:lt. iu-l!jo, Jolo Ai.'i nl foi 1'm.i.h' Viio1'Iiah: ok I Ml. Lniwi lol comtiihtly on li i.d. (l.-hrtc. Ql.OTHKS IJV ArAf'IIINKUY. Tho iili.leislKUed would iei.ecrul!y call the ult. nlloii of the public. In his new un 1 approved method of mnkhi:; elolhcH hy n y.-ltin bflM-d .......... ,i ...... ui.on lualhemaUi-al pilnclplcs, which undera II Impossllila n ho iithi rv. 1-c tli.iu pel fcclly nccuiato ne t iniu f, for this iiiiiluU Iho fojlowii.u nd- Minutgen. r.K-si. Pellecl i;icuiacy. t'LCOKl). A KintiKiiftwolldrdu of the timo u .unity Ink Clllo cm out tl'C Cli.lll. Till 11 Ii. Ahlllly to liivti mo any U-jiiio o aa to In.i re ft rounri:. riuil II di is nwnj- Willi tlm iK' of beta; .ai-uri'il more than mice, as oili-n In the ca Irom the luhs.i.-u-l.i'usioii or :ni-t.i.o of t me.isuur. He wmil I ni.o I ho i nhlie loii.vo It a Irlnl.ns 1. is wills!, c.l II. nt II will ,. Hi' pemcl HOMIII he l'.ippv toi:.l.ll.ltai:i!cxplnlnlUwoiU. init nl any time to !slu r. I. w. rill'.Mli7:i:M. M.ueli at, 1-..V Main !!., heliiw Mhlkcl. gUKUIFF'ri SAUS. Ul- V.M.'AJIIiK HUM, KSTATK. J!V V11I11-? al n. ivil i n ur t fit rl ji-hi-ii uui. iii uiu um 1 1 tn i oiuinoii riean or t ul umhl.ieounly and to mo dln-eled w 111 hi expnscil '' I ill "um: in linn I ill. Hit! I Ollll """'v i" imv mihimiikiKIj o o eioeii in u:t arter noun ol S ttuidav .Ianu;it ui. lstt. iii., i,,n. n.-i,,,, mcniioiitii and deserlhed leal (statu bltuatu iu uiu bain county, Xo. 1. Tlu)undlvidcillhIrth-lhi:irtofac(.itahi nlti'H ol land Kltu.ito in Jlontonr tnu-nOiii, Jarnt'S Karlon.nnd Iho I'lshliiueieelc, wherron is iTut'ti'd a Irani it limit 1 111 mill. .1 hMum .in-.,i k., . tw.iaM.v ,iiir.iij huh tunuuieiiunccN, -in. 1 11 1 is in i j v a ten iiiiii 1 e in part 01 n -i- iuo iiii'W! 01 i.iiiii t, iu 1 ; mo in iiwiih n i..ti. taln lenaeu'M moieor oh a I'olultijj lands o'f t'a- leoiHiiion, jaiues Ha Hon, .M'Kelvy, Neat and others In rron J- eieetetl 11 Iranio house ami htu- iiiu uji i nu iiiMiurirniiiKt NO..'!. 'J IlO llUlIU Ull'll ll.ll'llclll hiillnrnr. tain ihee 01 laiitUltiuito In lilooin ton nshln eou lillnlil'' 'hteen in it iiiorn f.r imn luuN of .l,ime-t llaiion, M'Kclvy t: X...!. 'ihT ihikmiisiioih iron i;o ihiu 01111 ri, u In rewil N (Hi tid a liaine ilwi Hiot.' I1010-' n in.- 1. ,, 1 1 out housi-s, with Iheai'i'iirtenaneo--. No. 4. A eeitahi t)kf''rriiind KliuntHio 111,.1-nn Joiniiii; lands of .M'Koley A. .Neut, I). J. Wjiflur. ni" iin 1111. ft 111 1 :ii iiiiiir i nio 11 ci i iMi t (. ni 1. . v ... 1 anil I lie .Mil Ih lunoeh ( hum I. h n n it uim ltd 11 1 uiu mum; i ntiic wim ini' -it M'tiitnees, n. a. liui Dereud intS lui'-i'Ml in a cert 1. in 1 1.11111 Miu. ue ;n .iioniour iowummp. eon tain Intone a. le, iu.,i'i.i It".., u,IJi,loii,u hmiis of 11 1111 1 mm i,. iii.-i iiiuhii.ue, Ju n ,111,1 s hes- rut -.1-1 an, ol it 1 s. 1, it-11 on k i-...-i. .1 if..,,.,. UWt Hill. IIOIISO W-IIl llll 11 l'l'll J Is-lil.tlL Die. Si, IHf. A Ij S O ai un-1 .mi t ii,,i,ve in l.lo.imb'.ur;: un .-i.tiuiil.i. UIU. .1.1. lll OI .11 111.11 'Vt .It ...I,, - .. .- 1 1 .M.lim I if ti-l.tlaht'tt Inttii'M Inn Ini ,.luit.. t ie west sldo ..1 V. est. Hll. t u.lf.iliili,'. h.i ..i r 1 Tlioriilou on llio north, an alley o.i tlm vt, and It.iml.ilph iluyuyiu ou llio oulh, UoLiii IJ led ii.iin, aim uooui i. ei uecp, uiicasou I. erelud a liiit-klioUM-. iseii-ti lain n in CArrullon and lo I us tlio nujien-i oi l.i-on.iru li. lillier. .:uiii)i.i;.vi :.i:i.i,aiiii, .Ian. 1,'CO. hhc-iiir. s. ity lrtUHof a wilt id' Vtutl 1 m.oih... uncd out of the t'tairi of IVmuiiun That ot ColuiuoU ininiy, u 11.1 to niu iiuutu, Mill ij .iotil tu none t-aie or tn ii . at i Laut jioih-l in mooiiiMiurL'. on a in . 1 1 .1 - ut. in ii. ih.' lol owlnu ual tslaleto win a initnin ha of loiiiiu Miu-iio in use i.o otiiii o ttmtaila l ul uinlila eouiny luKinded nnd dtMilladah lollowh; Oil Ihe eL hv Locust A tuiltt'. mi lliciunili hv lot now oteuj'dtil h Mil t -Waliulte, on tlieeaCt o a vweuiy iooi nney, on ui-jmuiiii hy lotol .h H Knmie, on hieli i. eu eted a luubtoi li.iiue livruhlnu llouve. Maulenmi uiiiioii shtil.uiih the aiijanlt iianees, hei.ttl Ulitn iu tieut;uii aud i oy sum h mo i-riift rtv of 1 1- nt v t Jsiier, JIUUl'l.-wAl .Mil LAKP Jn. ita.. snuin. S IIKUIKK'S KAU'2. 1!V Vll'tllc of ii writ olVfiid. I'.vinioiiM. U-to il out of the Court of t'ominai I'Ii-.d oi t'olunihla oiiiny, nnd lo hie dheeti'd ili hi i xi-mcd to uhllehnlo or out-ery. al the (onit Houe. Hi ihiouihhlirir. on .Monil.i . 1:,L IMS' tli. lnlhiU 1 Hi H al t Klnle lo wit : a lot of iiround situ. iv v iu mo liortmtn ul uentraiia, uoittuiiila toun i.v, hi. iiu oik' lot tuuiiy lle luu fionl, and out- hundied ahd loilv lt t t ih t n. hounded on the cum ii land ot Aiilhinj Jtuikm, on the kouil, ov liauiuad sttu t. on H.iMvoi l lot ol Taiili i'Katty, on tho tioitn l an alley, on whleli let ted u tuo Ktnrv trmin owi IIIdp 1h.idm wiih I lie iUiDurti'iiJiiict-M f. iv. il. tn I; o tn .-nt imi aud lo ho t.old the pi on. ny ot nn Casey Don- nelly mid i utrif liounclly. A I. S 0 i At Hi O HU lllli 11 loo nml tiliiro ri lol .if ..., in. I uli . IIAlit III lllo tlm. tii.,1, .,1 I'.-i, Imil., I ....... .1 ... 1 .....I desellbod US lollou-si fill Iho 1-at.L he I'uilnn Mrei-t.on Ihusnulliliy lot of ll.llllel lleaM Hie osi by an nlli-y, on tlio noiih by Jniuea Jtn lllnus, on Hhlcii Isilicled a ll.iloo iluelllln.- lions. nt, ii,.,iii ieiiiiiii.1 s, nen-eo. niiteil ill mil V?.";'"!,"""11"1 '" I'osold as thu proiierty of .lames ... ..nun. .M(llllli:i'Al SIll.l.Allll Jan. S.'ffil. blurlir, XKCUTOU'.S NOTICIiV. i.elis-ia lestiunint.iry on llio estate of Win. atiliu, Into or leiilio lowusliip, C'nluiu ,i comity havo Ijt-eu aiauu-d bv iho lu-t-'istcr oi L'lilulnilia t'ouuty In James Muiulu nl Wealli. riy iiiiuoii eoiiuiy i-a. All persona luniuij laiius nL-alllst llieestiitoalo letiuesteil In tnseoL Iheui tol:dwaul M. Wardlli, ol lllooiiisliuri;, l'i I-mubl.-i i-otinly, I'a, 'Ihosu iniU bled to the estalo i-iiueron iioie, jiuiMiiieiu, innri ut.i;it or i.ool: ac count will malic j'liyiiii-ni.lo ll.o Ixecutoi- vulli mil del.iy. J Jir.JS M Allium. Ian. N.'t,0, 1,'iu ult.r. A SSl(iNI'2I-2'H NOTICK IN HANK 1. Ill ni;V.-In the Dlsirlot Court nf the IJni- ten Mans nu mo wtsierii Ulsiiiei or fi i.n-ylvn-uiu, iu Uiu mailer nf Ih lirslin K. 'I lou lu iJue, a UlUkrilllt. Tn Whom ltlllliv eoilei'lli t '1 1, ninln. sinned Iieieby ulves nolho nf his iippolntment s assitfiiee ot iiphruliii li, irnwlirl.lff. of llrlar. let k livn.. in Hie isiuutv nf I'.illliillint. ami Hlatn oi riiuivj i ii n i.i. uln, nus in en in IJ u jet n bank nipt insin his nun pel II Inn. bv tlm llistrict I'nllll ot sal'l UMl li-l, tale. I at llitlnlilshurif. the sill II ,f .1,1,1 ISIUI I ' 11 II . II I.' I I. - Jim, h.'i u-.ll. Assign!-! Jl'JW 1'IU.M, NI2W HOODS AND NKW ritlL'KS. IltST UIHT.'VI'I) I'KO.M New Vnrkafew mori-selai-rtheeorn l'ultcrn Tea Waio, nt , W. HAltr.MAN's. O HMNANTiS OK (JALIC01W, I IJKI.VI.VIH, ClIltNtH, msslMllltlH, .Ml'H' INS. .1'. .ie, l-'or sale ul iiivatl)-li-iluieit pilccs, nt I, W. HAIITM N rt DR.Y GOODS, ETC. i: w i'i n m and"' aw doom. M IIOWKH A IIKHUINtJ, N HavliiR tnlieii tlio imimisritlmiiJ of 1). It. 1 OllA9EVII.t.-S, (XlLUliniA COON-IT, I'A., ltexpicirullyniiii'iuiice lntli frlemln nf theMtili- "!1,l,"t'l,li W,!l ni In new emlomcro, Hint 'lliey Imvo Jut ti celled n lntge mipply of k w a o o i) a , Millalilo to tlioEeanonn oon'il.tliif of UHY HOODS, oitocmuin, QlJKR.VSWAl!!!, IIA!t!lWAlt!; WIOTS A.V1) HIIOISI, II ATM A.VIl fAlW, DIttKiS ANll MKDJriNE., nml In thou ceryMilcleiiimnllrlieM In tir.i. tlansComili7 Hloici lo ldch Ihi-.T Invl.n llif nt tenllonof thelrfrltndiiiiiiUlio public boi - rnllr, Tlmi-o good were purrlineod nt tl.n lowest inlcs and they propoiotonfll them nn ui inorlernle Icrmi, na i-lmllar goodj can hi feot lie ro or eKe- win rein ihe counly.foi iaili ortounlry pnluce. in-.-, i, in-un. iiownis .i- iiimnixn. C10METIIINO NBW 'J . 1 l.e Uli.ler-tlvnpil l,r... uav .......... .. friends m 1 ilii- i,nhii ,,..ii. n.,, ..; - i : opuicd In '"', i.iuni- bTitiii'.r a fiMti ..lock of ijoihIk 111 Iho line of MII.MNT.HY mill THIMMISOS lJ",',l,.1V""nn f1'1"1 ,hfH Miiklnx; n It pre- ( 01.0K WltAW IIA-M I on IliAKimrlMt mlir,.,r.nd In the host Mr It of "" iioiiji anu Hnii.-nu.ioiy, IMHIrecMMohorl. im."' KMJttt 0( ilUTZK & liUDOLKK KJ (KarAiii.i.miMUK IM,.) il' '.'.'.I'lANO ! Ullii:,pnlcnied l'olarv isnli. y nir.iuioil lor lIM.yi.iirK, levoomi. Ilriioini -si. v..,.. v.,.i. . 1 ... patent Monitor I'lalu I'lanoi hy their ne-cull-, i , ,,M i net Ion a re nupcrlor to nil olh.-i , nnd thou- ii,. ri i onsists In Hie wiesl plunk li.-ii,( Vtip- ' "", " ''"!"? oard llinn Ih psr wVl hv nr.v mln i hlii.l ol l'niuii. uy mo, ,,!, n, ,.?,' as i -ell u li, crense.l. imiiin oi no time is huycly In. '1' he ... 1'i , ... I'll'.Vl'll AKIl MVIX'IMM or ' KlNH, !:nv and iiKleeohio tench nnd hcnulv nf finish. .'iost. Ilaiu-llm: eerlllleales of i-xrvlli-nru from ThnlberK, Jnllkclinlk,str.ihrAli, Vleuleinps, i , imil- .. :-: , ,,,..r,i .iisiiiiirinhi.w, o-n-M- v.iii. in it Amur, tiru l.'. i r: . - , I...,,- aiiji ll'lll' llllll i ..' i . ,. """ i 1 ',r .'"'iiiii ictur.n-.;, wo aro cn.i iil il to oiler our pianos at na low i, lt.r ils ,ir.. .IVItl ll 1,1- Inlu.ln. .....I., m. " ! nn lor circular jnd pi ice list.'iJS-ly 1 or tin off a famllv wnKhin. iti cheapest manni r. Ouarantee.1 (qi.alto any in V'?,w:;il ,,!I,W nl,lh.v Btrcuf rM rosm M,ai j avlile. Ti v th ssplf mild wip. sold liV ih A "n ChPinlcal Wtivlii, IS North Front btrtH I'hllft $2000 A YEAR- Willi lmiehibor, something entirely m- for sll t ho us nut of eiiilnj mi nt, aMonMiln:! u suits leiiid 110111, eciy nay slnio iIImom-u-iI fotntjlii ptrilnj madclycstiy mm hohasj.t laum hold nl llio 1 tis'.i-i ss. in., 11 1,1 .111 iiilrid. All thus,. I,iiriji,ny icarof hulim hiiui hnjed will ohllue 1110 by imi l.liclni; lhl-ill olneis mlilni-s 1,10 without dii.n. ,,, ...a-,,,,; lam lilt use i-ni-Io.i, wtirinii i,.i ,i,'..i... ' .,. Viilenlln.. lll.uik. New liloemtuld I'.nv'i'..' V. Nov. .7,'iii-im. " I. llIIlXlilOIJlKlt A- lillOTHKli llKTAH, DIIAI.KttS M U.V8 A N l) JIO YN' U h O T II 1 X 0 AND (IK.V1W I-' U It N I H If I -V U (1 O O 1) 1. S-'oiilli Jtuin Shcut, UpIuw ilarki't Cu,posIle Coirill's .store,) JlLOOMMiUUG, , Ml If, J'A. On January Int, Iffl'). UTTUUS LIVING AGH Ilntcie upon it- 4Iitb Ilundiril Vol mm . it oab irct ivt'd Ihe eoiuiiiHiiiI..! .1.11 a Jm.,.., t'llV. L'l.t IU l iloi 111 lit. 1'lKllIflil An iinv. MK. toi l.iiiK S.mrks 1,. s . t "mil i.i.i tn..! ii,.)-,,... ll'. UeJirv V.'itd Me vh. , ait t ,'n my uiJi-m: lilfi JI mlitilii. I v ,.liiti,.. ... ... . i ... lie .dof It-t iluKs.' It H fs-titd e.M-y l-aluiilav. Jikt Mfti-iiro llliiMtii is ttslXtV-lotir nm'i'u imiMi hp .... i TI. h. Tlin t ia'm. doi.h.e-eol iluu (M.lao fniig oi ii .uUiik ntailar mly; enahlinti HI" iu.shhu fn'l nviiine(U(h a . is atltim ti d by noutlier lit-r-.ihe-iljorthu -iu.ihlPl!tL'iitture ot Ihedav.eni hi'iM Jut; the htbt ltoiewH,CrIllcl!m,TalnM,.)tto. l.ttUiai VHelentlllc, liioKiaidilt-al. Jlistoileat, and rodlicnl Itiriirm.itf.iii tnii-ltf-n't ,1 ii,.. ..'i...... body of i:n4lMu-idleal lltemiur.i nnd irom the I 'CI IS (jf Ihlt tl,loKt 1 1 Vltirr Vrll. i si ti I.o ....i. vU i tu.uiuuN jiself to u)y ono who luihti tie i r Un- hci lltetnture of tlio Mtiuyitieh ami I.i . s. i i w'i'i eiU. ttihii'p Miu-ilti ih. -v. in,. HI tl.l tllltf. IZvtraLik iVoiu Aolii-.fc, Fiotu Uev. ileury Wunl Hee.-her M ly, I, nr. 'Were I, tn view ui nl) tiit eo'iipellior'. that j now in th it-iii in i.n..,w,. i i,,. ,i i .-...i..i.. 'Iioos.i 'i hi: Li vi vu Am.-- ' " Noi li thfre.inany lll.raiy lint I Jtmiu- ol, . mm iT lin-tuietUu and .meiMlulntr leadlnu m l i.o Mine nu ni her ol vduines." J- ton the Ntw-Yml; 'rJtm-s The I ivtc. hi li'Mit-ii!. mi t ii-i., t .itJ .i ,.r...i 1 jiMlu-sylt.-Muii iit' unii-If-i utt) iImvu all p.'til-e, Kimti thu Phll.idelnhia Iiuinlier. Aeniistniit ri'.iiI.M nf "F.n t.!i ,...i.... i ....:..('..::" ? iiniv i"'s lut'iniv MU.lllUHtrtM l II 11 i n innitr i in. "inn n'liiici-. l'lom the I'.iiladelpUla I'ivm. lsl, "'Jim LlVlNd Afir iiniiiinii i.i .),,., i I-'lum the Ith'huioml W'Ik, i f i ii.uil I It ..lio . jarly, anil lead iiothirif imm. he TOiiId' ho well Uiioiin. d on nil iHoiniuem huhfeeth lu (I o trmji- lai leid oi human liiiowhdue. ' I'rol.i Uiu liil.-i,. 1j.ii ) liipubllcaii. I.i ri i i.i. h I,i i m. Ai i is tin. i,i,.i nn.ii.i. f.M'tlie heal, cow Cl lltrutl. ,u id choice piriodle.ll lller.ilui-i' oiillted ill Ibis i-iiuiilrv. II ..... in. I.. in-lit iiiii-u o- iio inner periouicul ; ami Ksumiih iHrs r.iiisiuuio ii -eneuoire oi ine mosl aumir.l iMV.seleotetl iiilsn, um ri-..i. n, ii .,..,,.. zluis. 'riieauliscrlbi.rliil.Utfl llnds lilmsell In pi jession, atlliecud or iliejciir, or lour largo VOltllllea oruuCll ro.nlill.u.s call lm i.titiitn. .1 fn lit. "iiier nil ill. mill ciiniiirisiii,. u n,, iui. ir.xo cBiy ilapnruuvnt or aolouco, art, phlloaopliv, and iiel t-iettres. Tliosn th,i ,1mI, ,. 1 1, , -,.!, ,h i oiiiii, lelliim t.f iill tli.-il lit iidmliaoiu nnd luilt- ni.iioj-in uiu uierary worm will lie searuf Iho tumble nf wadlm: llirnnih tlm kiul, n-v,iii ni.iK'Zilieii publisiied abroad; fur tluy Mill llml in" .Miiii-u in nu ctmipitcioil anil com-eutratijil Aliurbacll'a Kesv ltoui.iuce, III llio 1111 inher i,n in I.I vli... A.... r. .p v.... it. . la-l was bet;un,by arraiiL-crueiit w.ih tho llosbm .niiiisiiers in iieriiituti auei iiai'h a works, miew in nil uco ov 1 III lliosi v n. lln,,i, How-lists, enlllleil "Tim CiillNrnv-llotiaK iin lili: ItiiiNi:." whlcliis nowriiiieailnKserlirliy In iiernmny. Auerbocira last work, -'(in tiii: IlKitmis " was pronoiinocd "the most renurka- r ttnoel Unit hus eoiiio tn us ii. un il... i...... ... ..ut-iiii.tiuriiiij, iiiuiiroiieiii eentur-: - unit John il. Sii xii pinnoiinci-d It "ono id the ft w mrnl world .i-. , u,-( ui;ii ivoiii win an un r tloiil The l.lllnu Axt file tn January, lf.R0. 'Iho mihii.l.eiu ,,tr. r t,, ni.i. ..,i..ti. .... mlltliiK to them for tile yi-ir lsfti, ihe .-kly niim jfi-aof llio ;"iiio Uvlns Awe," riotu ihe Is). clunlniiorAiiuu.icli'abtory In Iho end nf IMK li'ei. nrihai-ij. The I Ivlim Also Is publlsliid luikly nt K,n year, free or iosi,ij;e, A n i-M nnsjpv sent m alia In any cnu t: tlluiip it I'luli nt Kilo KewMilaeilheia i .vniltsa I.HTKI.I. A- HAY. so liri.inilel 1 sjit.i i, liosiou, J'MlYS1 i'.l'. II VIS, M'Altl'X A'l' UI.ilVi:', VI-UV C'llllAl' AT I.W. IIAIIT.MAN'; )UY OliUW, CIHOCWUl ItintiU'llie iii.ei'i.ji.. .. IIAIIIIWAHK Ill'l'K.SVWAllK. l.llAUWAIli: I TTI'. I li', 1 V iiamii ii n u nn. id u., .vr I. W II IUMAN ri il II, PaT MISCELLANEOUS, JLOUU AND l'KRD. l'houiidenlgn.U!inti1ifi)l feif nost lmlroiuiEe J'JloaniioueetrtUhfriilidsuudlii llio puhfTe N 12 W M I L li J" in csrMiir.Iotp i-nutilnr rr,Te r, nmt llml lie Is proproil tiido nil kliubiof Milling without delay I'nrtlw from a dlMmon eun lmvc Ihrlr urlntM Kioundwllhimt delay, no nmo inko them home ??i,!,ilJS't;',"illn!'.',,',,l''n11 w"rk hroimlit in tlio mill can hn dono In Iwenir.fiiur iKmrn. .My prewni nrrmiiimeiitii nro micii iu tn preeiude Ilia neeesHlv ciriHiippliiB the milt on account of Ico. hlijliorlovriviaer. ... TIIKHKisT I-A5I1LY I'UlUIt. I B well An tho !(. r grwlcr, nnd nil kinds f CHOP AAV) FEED kepi on hnd Inqimntlly, nd fornaleat Iho low pat current ruten, (irnln of all JUiiiIh piirclnwed. MghtStroel, Hoc. I' I'llTER n.NT. QTKAM PIUK-l'llOOK SAPI-2S. SiiiilMirn's lvtent 1ms Uen deinoiutrnlrit l,r Iho iuohI ilmroiuii prncih -il tems lo he midly u perlor In fire proof iuj-.rill.-s to any other milkers (twine iMileriin opjier Inher heimetlciallyieiiiisti liroventlnr ennpfeli ly nny cni'mallon nnd Is ,,,u.t, in ii..,.. j ue imieuicati iw tiMiiieil lo 1111V KSfo. llifnt- fMnr,.l.,,vl., r l...l. .'J Ll.,t and exnmlne, or neiul lor psmphlci eontnlnlnir I new rUmitcor iii us with nil i.i her msliers a(a ..-.i,, 1. iiiiii-ire-L-roorraro i-ii., .s-ki iiroid i.i.y, olV YofK, ije. n.-iju-lji L AT ELY OI'KNKD. 1 ilO irr.l.l.l r.Dhu.11..,! .. .......... . l. . illlzcinior llloniiut.urnnd vli-lnlty, lint helm. iV i -Vf'T"!'' ll"l'-Poli IrouKtiutt, between Main i.V 1,MM,t'. " o-ec ne Tviu miiowine eimnet ma .jii-.ijii.Hi. in nu iib oranchiyi. Unlnrft for MKT.U.1.IC OK Ol'Hlir. COFFINS 1. CM Willi ni-nmti ll.SN Ullrl la.,l1s Ih..I.u iheiitdy imulotn nil kinds of liiriillurr, In'-luil-lus iho lcpln'tliwof caro-botlomcd clialrK. Pat. ern rorenutiiiiis made neat rand eini-ititlous. v. mid oiileru un. M.,ll,.lf .l I., ... ... I.lllll. riCllire fmincs ni.i,Tr I., nnlrr nt .l.nrl nrL. . IlOnEIlTllOAN. ,prn 10,'in-tr. (V W. SAMI'i.K st CO., JIACII1NISTS & KNGINKKitS, M.V HC, A U A II. 11. It.. IILOOM-III'IUI, P.I., Aro prepared to fjruUU nil kinds -of .Maihtno k, imen iui STI2AM KN01NI2S, I10ILKP.S, Miartliiii, I-ulleya, llnngon, rouplhig, Mill-gear Ing, Saw luatulritp, t to., Himcecoi-lis.lvt e,Kk, fleam pipe, logeihrr wllli all kinds of iv-enm flt- ua'ju eonstaiitly on hand. Tr.reshlng Moclilms, ami llorso l",i-erii mvlo io-der. AllLlntldOf AKlii-uiluri JIaehliier May i.vvif 'VO TIIK l'UHUO. I he lludeislu-ne.t r.K-i,.,ir.,ll,. i.,r. i.t.. ..t.t (ili lidsaiiil i-uslomi-ls Hint ho iris runted his iinilii iiumi.isii w , ,i .) 'ai'it 111-ill I'm. ,,r,lt r V'1,L., h,V- 'X-i'vV.m.'1 l,""-nt n,y I"'""'1 "y ,,,,'i,l1,ll&i;,,,,',,,l.,.,'t?,Vll,lw,,1,,l l,"uo older. on) lell .,1 irnrl..,-...1 i,.... i.i bvri;, will bo taken and leturnod every two or if'.Va't'iranS-r"1 k' T!'U i.mbe,l.1.SdMf,;:pVoin:;;tKiM,h ?.o wool wng.iii Is runnlnix for mo this bummer joiv lollloomsbui-jnnd iiran--ine, f: the AV. i".hitnoil.uioli ortliose at li ilLiaiu'R, . iniep), IciKt. v,r Oi-ai.ifo.!l J) U IJ L I C K A Ii Km W VAI.UAllf.!: It MAT. liST.VTE. In iiui-sieiiieo of an order orthe Orphans' Court ol i lu.nbla County will bo c-TpoM-il to I'uhllc jalu on llio pi villi, os mi Thursday llio nisi dm-or aniury next by John Wenner.l,ii,, ator orMiloinoun Hartman. hue nfilio I, i-n. ,f llilni:cieik,nilj eoimty deccmed. 'I ln, lollow. lnj; tn.ct ol Hind lo ult: all that certain mes. miax.ialid Unit of lantl hounded nn tlm o.lsl bv laii.Kol t, hells orsamutl Weaver ih teased, on ti. . .01111, i,y lands orsatnuil Thomas, oil tlm .wTm Vr i1"""" "f J!',J"'"I" IIm-k. and nu the mirth hy lands 01 s.imm-1 Yost, ami olliers, con Mllllnii one huiiilied icles moro or liss, whereon selected a oue and one liall sloij I,.,K ilivtillii bousc, a flume b-inl; bain, wn-on house am" i I'.r'Vrln1"! 1,1 "S. "-''! f water nl Iln. iln 11 or the tlwiiiin hou-it, aaooil sjn-Iiu of . lirneiirlhe li-u-e, a unnd iijpio orchard. Iho lulil.-ii'lm,'.15 "" :'u'' la '" ' tf-'""lut "ir j-nlc to eoiiiliiriiieai 10 nelml; In (lie lorenooo oN-lldiliy. .1 1-:- il : COIXMAX. llliHiliKOIini, Hoc. i), IstH, eilt. O. O or salh.-t. n i r i-i-m orouo mm th orthe in iehaso money Iii hi .aldonila ot sale, onolouillilisslho leu 1K.T eeiil nu llieciinlliiua t on of the sale, and lllo bahinco lu one veur ri-oni the ilrst ; or April next, with lnteu-st Horn tho llrsl of April llexl. Possession iven 011 tin. i.t r April next, l'lirchauer to deed ami siamtis ,, . -.M J0'ix wi:.n-.m:ii, l)ei',".i,(!s. Admlnlstridor. "jojiESTic i:cono:,iy! CAiirn.Liox cAiiruri A now, cheap, durable, licnllhy, and lleanllful rr.oon eovnniNG i A siihstiiule f.u- od-clolli nl ono-lhlrd tin- rost. 1 his i ai tail li proilueetl liy a peculiar lain of slioiu; lit.ivj ini tr, pi filled In miMmcu colors, ituitisiateil witiia loiu,li, el.i-tlie, water lii-oofeiianul -.ihleh irci ics the wntir, proiis-ts It,-ioIois and p-tpi-r emlurt's washlm... imi ren- ' iiiii in j't i i-i-i;m nun i.-aiiiiiul lu Iho tl -imu, lis .idvanllt.-e.s ate as r.dl.tUN: Its tost ri lol, -is il .t.d!aMe s; Iti' -...;i.v Miitiuil, in, . uj.isj.y. an.! it nci-orim- ......... M.i.i ii lines not, reiiuui -o h iiii.en upnnii cleaned like fiber e-irin t, ttml tho. . ni i ' ni K'aioio; i.v re i oat'ii.' ' - .iiu, i j. i -ii 1 1 1. N-'MSlOteii , ,.s t-ttsj uii-.v r,-iiioe,ti men nisi,, imi iiinr!,. , a win '-.St ill i ii.. i.-l . ei n ii-i -i..-,.. m,l i... , new Hid In i,tii j In its use no reliant n tii-utever ' "'" ', i'is'i- iff wear, ijut exihislve- ... ii..i. ir , ie--,r..iu t I-.Hi.'. II.- tlKUr, I i." pel , inj! fsiil tni'v to ni-iii-. is. P!,-, has 1 1 coin , i-.i , ,1 r. u mi, kly id i.iiv . ', . t". en tor irunUs, mi'.-, Hour baiv, and w. ai in.-iii-imifl.blll I, :e i.ts! atle.-o.l, . nher ill Klllo-" i ...... , ,u.i. i,, .-.i.i, en ii nun t-ii pel tu 111,01 , ivt.. . ...I..,,..-11 t.j .jc ui. t I'l.nt succ, ss: Hi- tune purchased ll:e 1 .hl lol- e jltinil 1 wiuii.v nu. 1 1 no iiirui .11 to. 1 t-drp.1 to lu01el-.11 Is at ili.tntlf n liners pilees, ii Vim avu to call r.r.l e.vumln.i the I, .. u. 111 1. 11 i, in-, .11 ji.i. y rtAI.A t'u. 111.11 illlsbtl,?-. Doe. Il' ' ,""""- Gr;r:r.aiitoT?n Tulegraph. .1 Fuii.i' fin! r: Jyrtiitllu.-.dJuvr.uik Ilt-ti!uil 1,1 tlii,' I.u. rnttirt. ItichiJh.e rettry f.i,v.-li-IH T.ilt-.. 1.11.I Meal uiitl b'iiti-ii.111111,5 H,.;i int.-, Si-uiir.ill), unlit. I.ii.-iarj- lloi.ntiii,-.,t ,u. ,mi tie..Mii tli" 1I1. i,.iet mri. He., uittiin Iln- ti'inii n' e-ir ,-i.lfiiJitl 11,, ini-. Tin, Vnvelt'lt., T.iIl.. I'.j. try Hi-,, hli.ill I,. s'iiil,r,l iru.i Hut be, 1 nml liljlie,! .iniiCH,, 1,11 1 I,,. i'.ioilin 1.11)11.1111: i l ,,. 1,1,1 uv Jouriotl or ni.ii.-iiiii.- Aiiiliiilturi- iistl llntlii-.tlttiri'. i-iiil.riuiiiir r.iiuiii,:, II. triit'inii. Frsil-lUi.tnz t tr liiir tali rs Is t'u, 1'' i.iiliiiini' r llilrly jear.. Ii . 0 int tlm iur. .Iui iiiiioli..lifiii ui tie I imlilic. Our I'Uip,.,,- Iia. Lti n fi Iui in ill ni iiiiini.i nn ti le iittetiii.tieui ul u 1 tli,'it leiy ln.initint liratlcltt . it itnjii.iry ami tn i-riim Uicm .a far ag williia car u.iir ut.ilu.1 the fal.e t'l.rlihir. 1111,1 el:bli ,tir oi,.-. or lite iituoy enaierics ,iil.l tua.alltin ittli em 11 r. l,j Hlurl, n lalini-r ii Hue. .ii.lly ii.iuili-,1. porliuii of Iln- (UrinMtMcn 7Vi-ri-,ji I, nloiie uniili Ihriniccul -iili.ciiiilica. M.U'a nid'Mll'Mli.N'I'.-'llio .mm.- Iiultialry. Lire liinl iliscriiniiiatitJii in f.-itlirriiic a-ui 1 rei atitin ijie Hiriltii it,eiit. ol the t'lij n 11 ..! f.,r tin wlitrli liiilifrifi Iia. Iiu'ii tititi or 11. inarkt tl fealurt . emus; .titii univrriul .nti.iat mil Ik- ii.niii.u. il ullli riileulliil lOeils .t. It... I tin- 1111 un, Ini' iia laiilil. of (lie pulilic TIlliMa.-'i nu ilullar. .uui fir. siiittnii .Nu enlt 1. rtt-i iU'tl iv-liuiiil tliv t a. li, mill nil 1. uli. cue noli, aupjii d ill the einl ..f (lie linn- ealtl ler l.i-il-it 1 a nunnjer. .cut Attuii'.. ni imp n. i'rh-ih. . , I'lhlnr iniil l'ru,rit lor, uiie 11, li 03 Rcrinaltl ivn, l'lulatlel I11.1, I'a. j "ii.TiXizk's MAMMOTH OHOCKUY, aiuviv jitbaic. main rr.. ui.nanaIluno. i-a. A liirgt, assoi 111, enl of fnhcy 0 K O 0 12 II I 12 S constantly nn'iriea, HeJdl.sis I ul. iitln ltiialns, Huulli-h i.'uirnnts, I'liroi -kh Ualalna Ir.... M .. .. . it mil. Can ne. I liulil-inl e .ii, , ,.l ii. .,r,.i' . I noil,,- ll.ilit , blli-k .ihe..' Hour, corn iiiB..'l.'r'l ml pun it ions- or all 1.1ml, tobacco i.nd si-uar. iis iiLiiii toi imiii'l' iii,,i .,.. n,....i. .i. n. .: . : I.i all mi ta of tlio town. ' Jan, 1 v! QUA I tTl-2 II h Y It 1 2 1'0 1 IT. 1)1 l-'llivr NA'IIONAl. HANK, !l.OiMM'lta. JAM' .Mil- , ISUl. llIMHUIti'KS, l.n.ins.v lilseountH I', r . liuntbi to secure olriiiinUou . " " on hand inn- iiniii Jituihs I'urtinl i Kiu-fs Cll'll Hems !4itiful Atii'icy HII.IiI0,! M.u-0 ( .- H.Ii,H ISU1 ii.aii JV.3ul,ii UABKilUlJi, t'UpllSl M. 1. rstiriniia Iiiwaiunt llxvh.ii'iiit iV liilcipst l'rii.ll.t I.fina flri'iihlloil IHpnalta Due I la it lis, i. HMiikers SK,,'illl,'ll 'lite alsivo ui uoiiM.1. Jau, !,,'( .1, i, 'I I'M'l.V, ('u.Iiler, yAIiUAHIilCHTANl) VOIt IiKAHE. I'hoWtnie ItiKim nfthe tixchnnao Hole! will lo reutid alu i-eiisouabl.i rate. I'rninsaU will to ..-..i.e., iiii.i, inv .ui, ui di4aiu.i y, ilialltiii h t o o k o v a o o D a now i.n'luiu.l, will In. d, Tbea-i 140.KU urenf Vi'fc.!' 1,y t','t,,),,ty and id Un In'i-at st I, , Nn i lileii Ity will ne expirlt need by iho punh iser lu i'is, ,i then,' 'i'hty ,,i,., niu'ed i i, Jhe si, ic Him ni i-. ni liir i njre .1 't' busll-..s. .all of tl. bun nnd la inl-ointi n iiinp't d f .r i itlii-r It i , . r ,,,i , 1-ni u nn ubint 1' ' i In l i "u i A,, o 'i MulN till SI K t MiJJuJ lorai ,5Wtl ll.THi.-Ji i,4.'l,-:tl I.T7U, A cncwTs wajjtkd" pou" flRCRSTS 01 TI! t OtiKAT .-III. A work dencrlptlvenf Ihe Virtual, end lt ti. m iiiyslerlfn.mliisries nd crimes of .SewYork Illy YOU vVIU'l to know Ion- rnrllini in OAilA . Inst In n .(.. Iln h imen ire rnliid In iKli sireeti hnr '-IVilllllt-rinii" n,. awinMUrl 1.,- OL er; How Mlntrteri. find Mem, - e n ,, hifietinMleil) hnir lum-n iln S i7oncerlfAhions nr msimnNl : how i.m i n Ilinmea nml Ixitterlesnie I '.n.iueied bui i ' oil L'ompinles onulmiie end lio ill- In e hutil, rend Hits work It coiiinliimw t! ei r. Inns tell, nil tlmnt th rnyMlrlil. nml i , f oAhi j.Mtt.r oi"1 Bmi """'" ONLY J2.G0 I'ISH COl'Y. a-end f-.r elr.ulnrs Rid net i.ur l n i. ,. , I run iiev-,piHn ef the w.rk. Ad 1. ess Ilrolliern A i.'o., Plillndelpliln I'a. HUN'l'Rll'S (JUII)E AKI) illAi IKIl'S lOA!PAIIIO.T.-IIeT, t, 1 , , Hap all Rtilnm,, t lti, furs, mike trn s 1 1 r-to. worih tl0loin furmeror bey. i- 1 laimis 'refeliii.s." Well primed r.nd 1 1 1 .iw. On v-..eenls j tforll. Address I. 1 . ler A 10., Jlinndale, J,. II. ' pRl'2H VOli AS CENT ST AMI'. ..'v.,''' '""ul,'liliille I'r -I (itltl,sul.!ertoIv!eill.dn. Allnlt. ... Ihtiilsnnil -N'wspnporii, (lhcfsl mlt-i -ulunis.i ami price einU showln- t-.d-. raleii. AddieMUeo 1'. ltowgll ami l o., 'jniE a'm Kill CAN UNION " rmci: iikijucedi n.m a t:;ai .J1.1'. f,n""0J,R''1"yJnrRlim!!. 1 . , sent losubjiiiiberii for MHO nor yen eppy i-en' .me y,.r to miy pem-in , , jlx names, Mid lo.-wnrds them with i - . y fou,"- .V."'""-!-nonis. we will send Ins r r il.Vm, Ttils iaakc the Cnlon The Clicnipl Rtnry Vnpnr lu An x It cotninna arc filled with capltel khih l,t tlio bi-BI wrllers.nna lhl eharmliiK imKi In poillr.r v. .1 end eeoeral mlureilariT, s w. ' i culatoil 10 pienin ail lm tni;i,r n sl ie:.ii.. SOW IS Till; TIME TO 6i;iim.T.l 1.1 Minnie ooplcs, idi oents. All Ueslersiieil n A 1 ufCMKili 11, lininieaATBlbai, Boslon. 'ts.r. NATIONAL AaiUCUI.TUUI.-.T AUD l'lIN'KSTI.VANIA FAItlt JOt'P.H Af.. BKVOTK!) TO Asrluil'ur, II irlicullure r-nnrir r l't'iiiiinrinn at wtmiu'roh, pa. r. nr. a fi. ii, irusTrT.n, Kdiior-, Asslslc-i byaCorpnofl'raftliftl roiitrtb.itor.s. TKiiMi:-3!.is-jp.r annum: rencorlm '7.53. i,.A-li!.cnl5lniI-'S,,-n" PTlm'f'ir 'M:ilns r- QTAll .SI'ANOl.ICO HANNKIt. A V i"''Ie f'1 column paper. Wrb.rsre an-lraer.t 1 ?iV. ' , 11 -Iloticll.t Mod pl.ue, "rre"- lo - r snbsi .-li.,-. 1 inly ",j els year. "l.Tan -rtiiia' la at f.'. HuWrlbe NowSpV ,-lm en, T 6 ' St.. Addie-slluui, rOI'.lee, H. WANTH1), AGK.VTy $75 to .ool It? IntSr1 ' 'VW'',';,"1 "1 '.:- enibioidei- in a mo.t'suieii'or innmier. l'n -e m. ii.. !..'"' -i'nlid lor flte yum. vm , ... ..... i,,, ninumne mm win,,!,. a & ., ei, 111010 ueiiulitiil. or 0,01 . i-i. wt 1,. t.. , ... Ollll. It mskeit llie mslm 1,.1, .tlii.,1. V- ery s.iMiiil s'l'chean l euiil and still iLe cl .lli . Uliol l,s p.ilu-l apart mt'ioul t...s n. W l'aj agents rminKS lo f Sim per month and eir,t-i" its.orur-oinnils.don from wlttra twice il e u t can ho made. Aildrissfio.-oinb A Co., ah -'J.-..-', ..j.iss., or mi louis.ln. . 'AUTIOX Doliol he Imposed upon by i her nart es oa tn n.r j,ii-ir,,rii,i:. . y. : undel Ihe sniiieliaineoriitl.iii-.ise. Oili's K the' onij genuine nnd nally ihtr machine mitnu. JaUumt, GKNTS WANTED Tusell lieo. IMtoTiell.t tVs., AMUKIi'AN NKwui'Ai'cr. liini.cTonv. A haiul.omo Octavo Voliimo or (WOpagM bound In clotli. PiloocVO. It contains tvicur.ite I I'M or all lhoowpi,ptr.'amip!Vlo.llcals.inbI. ,1 In tho United Slates and Territories, and t o,,v minim or Cansda, and IMllsh Colonies or N ,rt"i Alnerka: t;cihr villi il di-RcrlplSn , ' Towns and elites In vlilih ll.ey aru p;;b,vh"d. Kvi-ry IliisjncM M'nn wants it. Kvi-ry I'ruri'mloiisil Miin w.mti ii. Kvi.-ry Ailvertispr must liavo it. Iirjrest CDiiiniiMions paid. A town can bo canvrusei fir tills hgi.U in ono or two days, and from JI3to UJtwwreil In can mln'on. Advance slich- thvv!:st; the itjle tlio ii irk now ready an will he n-nt mi um cation lojtther with leruu In ii.-i.uta Ad.I'L .Velum rlusinan. No. 10 Pari. Itnc. l.'. v i'..,u C'uixii'in!, iliun , .-ij I., tt 4 IV.ewili: l.' Hi. i i.i -ket An ' Ml 1.1 Ijo ,-, 4 jilt v l'l'::is Uai.d i u Iwsi.i. Vi.iirs Truly, 1 .t.flip'fil d.i'l'w.s f.- i a tho Had : cUt t Ax i - i 1 In . Axo oonslsli. ill It.. ' '.r, ,' "'Hi"- not m tiiarf.I p.ili.l lb. Ki-il .lick el" i a I ir alw 1 v rtsti. niir.lw .loduiii, rannd lh Mnulacinr.-r-,, P' .t n.ikcwjl', Pillsiurju I'.v, ma ..p. WANT12I), AO 1-2 NTS, Tn"i.!' iMo 1 1 Anyrlfiiii kultllnif r,.u i, Till f'oipl. i' fh.uncvtiii.i! !.,; i.u,'.,. ,j .yrinve.-ii.-.l. will knit :..x.iiit ..r iui no tile, tuduociiwtits l., lo-nu. Ami ais -lmencai' Knlltln Mii-.lpau or SI. Iifmli. .M. i., r.o.i, la.s rpnf-2 AMI211ICAN NI.W.Sl'Al-nit DII'.KCTDr.V '"."ill b.i 'iKiiit-.l Jnnuiry, 1. 1 IH". Hl'.i-rii'rnos' puicK, - . wit.i. rtixr.tiM A list nf the Newspmitrs ini-l oilier In i3 in no h Sii-.te. Ti ird, i.' . l'n,:uee mi '! i, . Arialis'oil AlphnLiHeilly by T i, unm. i N',ilnyse,riisiu,sliW,sub:crlptloi i. Iil.-s -ir KWierjl c iai-,i-re,-. clruulnMon. h and piiblbher'a names, ate of e.tibU-!i - i nnd other luloiinatiou. A list of towns mt i cities In the Pn'.i. t - and Tirrltorles.and the iMiiilulen nrca-iii I , i American ivonh- lu iililch N.- i -e nruthtr, mo pibli.lif.1, nini.i.el a Phnbd eiiiy by ('.itiut!e,ijivlu jsipulst, m I Hon, bionch of tn iistryfrom wldeh II d, "i a It. Impoilatieo. an.l oilier As Ihe edliiou will iw llnilttd. uauoiu w.sii copies will do w.l in send lu order, ut oar, , A Handsome. 11,-luvo Vjl., of Sit) jsljes, ' em t in riotli, price 55 Addre sonlore toOeo. P. Powell A I'o. Ushers, i) Paid; Itow, Uow York. Pub. go rat CJ2NT, SAVED Tn Utiusekeeiiera nnd nlbor. who order tin Ir C.OIH1. Hoin i, or lit Ono ll illar Satlo .rl ry l.tasls. rncy tliila. IMatud Waie, Will'siy -" etc We send clrtul., fies tif'sr-in-.e t-. nr pii" '.I Iho ITnllisI Males; send fbrolie ual a a .oil l. rnij Von wl'l save iiniii.', by n i ll e, on (lit.. linden A To, I", Ml ajJ-Ajenla wa' in ever) town In ll., e un try- (Ihe i;, ' i gOUTIlKitN HOMI'2 JOUr.NAD K Oil 1 8 fl 9. Tl-iHM!: IR per annum. Pour iop.f. for sin l.ltfut it pii for S'.lJ nud anrxlra i lu 1 be itl or tip of I tie club, A l')fitverwatih forSCSulHefltfers. AUtDCMd wnlcll rnrlOMlbbrrtTtl. A llio Oold Wntili ror 14 f-ubacrlbera. If on do not set enouuli tongui- tl,a piati iaa Ml Will Il'lliW J CHI Ui C lit. U MM tl ,i j at IS. r-i.niple,i,l..'n. .. lrly lu the u tiilnavi.luiiu, , bl.sll t . ni u n Npluiilld New r-fiiry, ly Aleiiiml, . I i v, nil cli will lai rlntisirrom ad twice tlnei- i. nl' Imi on tolbla pnpar. Jul.ii V. uluiei, I a. liahtfr, ilalllintire, Mil. J1'2W FI Hi? liAiN c'i CUNITCllf; IIOOM.S, c'ill'.l.T, ill.OOilUll'Iill, ' N A. J A M 32 B 0 A D M A 2s Ilis.nlfi,ily luf .rmalluitillz.-na ni il . nnd vicinity thai 1,0 Una hi hia Fumiun. yUuliaof evfiydiBcripilrii, uurwiua. f HHs laiiwijiuil mnall. Uslsiftiiliof ihe ,,i . caul oiitl lid lm tublte, ha Ulna -, many idliur rlu-Ua nf inrutturu uf Hi iiiHiuilttotura. Tlio put Heme ctMdlally I n tiled men' amliie UlUik. lie uillsWI uiuu t .. I emu, all kimU ol fiirulllira. Ohwip fur nvli. ' i J,"1 STAIN liSDJ-D 171. ,ll ill i s 'I Ji Hill Tl'Sfl U li .JS t' i. i s.Jisaln.tu Al.'il 1 llll A?l. VlUUt-tl N1V, : IU Jiorlll't UllA t I'bl lis 1 1 ta .f ' - ..I. . . . l . "i .1 . s'l'l ., ..h ',
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers