THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. fanner's gcjiavtmc nt. Cahk oi Young Stock in Wihtku. -tAII klmlu of young stock nro tomler nml rcqulro nioro protrctlmt and vara than oldiT ohm. Colts that luivo be 'ii wpiiiumI In tlio fullHliould hi Blil)l('d ut nlglit nnd bo Mlultorod from hIoi-iih In tliutluy tlmo; thi lr -tiiblts rboilld bp well vuntlliitml nnd tin' immure rcniuvoil frequently, tlio ofti'iiur llio bettor. Eyes and limbs nro both olten Injured by thohrntlnp; of nimiuru nnd tbo rising of nmnioiila. Tho skin Rhould bu ki'it clean by ti'lnj n still' brush nnd woolen cloth j If tho curry comb Is uueil It should he linndled very g ntly cam not to hurt or Irritate thcryuiliig unlitnd. Feeding nnd wa tering should bo regular ut stated times Jtwt enough of food to cat and none to waste, Onlvra and young cattle should bo treated ns nboro stnted if you wish them to grow fast and keep In good condition, nnd young stock will never pay you unless you keep It constantly growing, for If they once got stunted It cosli almost moro than they nro worth to glvo thorn a good start. Tlio truth Is that many of our calves mid colts get n "stunt" whtlo young, which they do not recover from for years, If they over do. A perfect ani mal can never bo obtained unlets Its want nro liberally supplied, in regard to food, shelter and comfortable accom- iiimlnttuiH. Some nnlumli arc fed well but uroso cramped for room that, like n vigorous treo In a stono wall, they can scare lyKrow without puibliig the barn ovur. Others aro fed well, but nro mi espoied to cold and storms that they grow very slowly, or yield little milk. Too liberal uo of grain foryoung an imals is undoubtedly injurious. No farmer of good Judgment need err in this particular. Faumku Cluim. Thcie should nbound in every agricultural district ; nnd wli.-re there Is 110110 to bofouml,tho reason, by looking nrouud, Is soon ox plained. "Oh," s.iys one, "what Is to bo gained by a farmers' clubV Does any ono pretend to teach mo how to raiso a crop of potatoes, of oats, corn, wheat, rye, buckwheat or n.trloy ? Why J'vo been all my life ut It, nnd if I nm lgnornnt of my business ut this time of day, 1 may as well give it up." Tlio old proverb, ".i wlso man in his own euneeit," Ac. It is dlfUcult todeal with wlo men of this sort. They scout nil Idea that they can bo better Informed In their business, and at the same timo thoy uro unwilling to assist in instruct ing nnd helping nlong others who nro not so wise, experienced and superior ns themselves. ilio truth is, tneso are tlio very peo ple to take tho lead In getting up social clubs, and if they had tho disposition thoy could do inoro than any others They possess tho knowledge, means and position to mnko themselves felt in their instruction, example and ex ftcrlo. ees. These clubs should bo in formally organized and thus he of n liltlo expenso as. possible. Tho (weekly evening of meeting at ono another's houses should bo specific, and tbo pla ees designated at a preceding meeting. All that is necessary is that there should bona intelligent secretary. Any pro ceedings taking placo nt these meetings wlienover they possess any interest, will tlnd a ready wolcomo tu theso col umns. Oermuntoiw Tel. How to Savh Cattijj Kood. Far mers plow nnd harrow, and sow and reap, thresh and garner their crops with commendablo industry and skill, and yet, by a want of closo -Attention to minor detnils, very frequently loose thu larger propojUoo at their profits. In a former article wo n.sertcd what nil cxpcriejico has proven to bo the truth, that comfortable shelter for stock Is equivalent to a certain amount of food, that Is, that stock can bo carried through tho winter in as good condition if well sheltered, upon a much miialler qunntity of food, than if exposed to tho inch money of the wejithcr, as Is too often tho case. .Lot uny farmer, w-Ikaso sheds aro bleak and open, ponder this subject well. Lot him try u little experiment on ptirl of his lock, Givn to one (nation or it a is iiifnrtablu warm, but well vi-utilatid apartment, and to another, one that' Is opt ii and exposed to tho elements. Let him sto to it, that the well sheltered poruon is regularly housed In weather requiring It, while the other is periull tul to take its chances, hot htm care fullj weigh or measure the auiuiiuUf An d mpplied to each, aud if, whoa sluing comes, lie clous uat thul his wi II cared for slock lit hotter condition upi.n n greatly Hinftller nmount of food than tho other, wo will consent to bo set do w u it perfect Ignoramuses upon this point. Try It, wttlsfy yourselves nnd let us hnvo tlio lesult. Jottnwl qf Farmers. i Quinsy on Ui.cuiiatud Souk TnnoAT. Those who suffer from tills distressing malady, will bo thmkful to hear of a simple and elHcaclous matlo uf rollof viz : nn onion poultice Uako or roast three or four largo onions, or half n dozen einallcr ones, till soft. I'col thetn quickly, and beat them flat With iv rolllug-pln or glass bottle. Then put thorn dlrcclly Into a thin muslin bag tliat will reach from car to car, and about thrco inches deep. Apply it speedily, nnd ns warm ns possible to tho throat Keep It on day nnd night, changing It when tho strength of tht onlors appear to bo oxhnubtcd, nnd sub stituting fresh ones. Flannel must bu worn round tho neck after tho poultice is roinovod. A Goat Eats GBKENiiACKB. On Saturday a citizen paid his servant girl her regular week's wages. After receiv ing them sho walked into tho yard,and whilo hanging clotlier upon a lino, sho dropped tho nionoy,wlthout her knowl edge nt tho moment. A goat Unit was browsing In tho yard taw tho tempting roll, nffd was engaged In lelsurejy eating It, A half-dollar nolo was hanging out of lis mouth when tho frantlo servant discovered her loss. Sho only succeed ed In saving tho currency note. Tho others havo gono where gpeelo payment will nover bo resumed. rhll. Keics, Wood Ashes, Every bushel of wood nthes nppllcd to tho corn crop, Is worth ono dollar, Tho truth of this assertion has been repeatedly demonstrated by tlio result of experiments accurately conducted. On nil light soils tho action of nsUcaiHliIdhlyenergetlodnd salutary they exert a warming nnd Invigorating influenco, nud promote tho rapid growth of almost overy cpccles of production. ttv ic y nun ottiji. ltliUil lllh tlit Tun. (OinchulciL) At length arrived u Princo t-o rich, no witty, and m handsome, that she could not help fteling an Inclination for him. Her father, having puicelved It, told her that ho loft her at perfect liberty to choose n husband for hcirelf, and that sho had only to mnko known her decision. As tho moro n-nso wo possess, tlio moro dllllculty wo ilnd In ninklng up one's mind posltlvuly on such a matter, sho requested, after hav ing thanked her father, that ho would nllow her some time to think of It. Shu went, by ehanco, to tvalk, In the same wood whore she Imd met with Itlquct witli the Tuft, III onler to pon der with greater freedom on what sho had to do. Whilo shu was walking, deep lu thought she heard a dull sound beneath her feet, ns of many persons running to and fro, and busily occupi ed. Having listened moro attentively, sho heard ono tay, "lirlng mo that saucepan j" another, "Glvo mo that kettle;" another, "Put somo wood on tho lire." At tlio samo moment tho groui'd opened, and sho saw beneath her what appeared to bo n largo kitch en, full of cooks, scullions, and all sorts of servants necessary for tho prepara tion of n magnificent banquet. Thcro enmo fortli a band of from twenty to thirty cooks, who went and established themtelvcs In an avenue of tho wood nt a very long table, nnt who, each witli Inrdiug-pln In Inuid nnd the queue tie. nttrtl behind the ear, set to work, keeping Hum to a melodious song. The Princess, astonished at this sight, Inquired for whom they were working. "Madam," replied tho most prominent of tho troop, "for Prince Itlquct with the Tuft, whoso marriage will take place to-morrow." The Princess, still more surprisrd than she was before, and suddenly recollecting that it was just a twelvemonth from tho day on which sho had promised to marry Prince Itlquct with tlio Tuft, was lost in amazement. Tho catii-o of her not having remembered her promises was, Unit when she mudo it sho was a fool, nnd on receiving her now mind, sho forgot all her follies. Sho had not tak en thlity steps in continuation of her walk, when Ulquetwith tho Tuft pro seined himself boforo her, gaily and magnificently attired, llko n Princo about to bo mnrrled. "You soo, Mad am," said lie, "I keep my word jninc many, aim 1 uouuc not but tliat you havo como nlthor to keep yours, and to make mo by t!itglft or your hand, tho happiest of men." "I confess to you, frankly," icplled tho Princess, "that 1 havo not yet mado up my mind on thnt mutter, and Hint I do not think I shall ever besiblc to do so to your satKfao tion." "You astonish mo, Madam," said Iliquet with tho Tuft. "I havo no doubt I do," wild tho Princess; "and assuredly, had I to deal with a stupid person a man without mind, I should feel greatly embarrassed. 'A Princess is bound by her word,' he Mould say to me, ,:iud you must marry me, as you have promised to do so.' Btitns tho poifon to whom I speak is tho meet sensible man In all the world, I sun cer tain lie will listen to reason. You know that, when I was no better than a fool, 1 nevertheless could not marry you how can you expect, now that I hnvo tho seno which you havo given me, and which renders tno much inoro diffi cult to please than before, that I should tako u resolution to-day which could not do then? If you seriously thought of marrying mo, you did very wrong to tako away my stupidity, and cnablo mo to see clearer than I saw then." "If n man without Braise," re plied Iliquet with tho Tuft, "shoujd meet with somo indulgence, ns you havo Just intimated, had ho to reproach you .vith your broach of promise, why would you, Madam, that I should not bo equally so In a matter which alfects tho entire happiness of my life? Is it reasonable that persons of intellect should bo in a ;woiu condition than those who havo none'.' Can you nsscit this you who have mi. much nnd have so earnestly desiied to possess It ? Put let us como to the jMiint, if you please. V itli the cxeoptiun of my uglines, is there anything hi mo tnat displeases you'.' Aro yon dii'-ntiMIed with iuy birth, my nndor.slninllng, my to inper, or my milliners'."' "Nut In the least," iviiUnl.tho Princess ; "I admire iu you twrythlng you have mentlonul." "If so," ti'Jniued Klquot wl Hi tho Tuft, "I shall' o happy, as you hnvo it in your pov,rr to nmka mo tho must ugreeablo of men." How can that btfdonoV" wld tho lVlnccsS. "It can bo done," told Itlquct with llio Tuft, "ifyouiovomo sullleiently to wish that it should be. And iu order, Madam, thot you bhould hnvo no doubt about it, know that tho samo fairy,, who.on thu day I was born, cndoweiVttic with tho power to glvo un derstaudlsii: to tho person I chow, gnvo you alio tho power to render handsonio tho man you shoulu love, and on whom you wero dc.'iirous tobestow thntfavour.' "If such bo tho fuct,".said tho Princess, "I wish, with nil my heart, that you should become thc.handsomest Princo in tlio world, mod. I bestow tho 'gilt on you to tho fullwt extent of my powon." Tho Princess Imd no sooner pronounc ed thesa words, than Iliquet with tho Tuft npjienred to her oyos,o-&l men in tho world, tho hamlsomesli, tho best mado nnd most mnlnblo sho had over seen. Thcro aro somo who assert that it was not thobpell of tho Fairy, but : lovo nlono thnt caused this metamor phosis. Thoy say that tho Princess, having reflected on tho persoveranco of her lover on his prudeiico, nnd all tho good qualities of his heart nnd miud,uo longer saw llio doforuilty of his body nor tho ugltness of his features that his hunch appeared to her noth ing inoro than tho eil'ect of a man shrug ging his shoulders, and that Instead of observing, ns sho had done, that ho limped horribly, sho saw in him no moro than n certain lounging nir, which charmed her. Thoy say also that his eyes, which tqulnled, beemcd to lice on lyinoro brilliant from that dofect,whlch passed lu her mind for a proof of tho in tensity of ills lovo, and, in fine, thai his great red no jo had In It something mnrtlalnnd heroic. Howovcr this may bo,tho Princess promised on thodjiot to marry him. provided ho obtained tlio consent of tho King, her Father, Tho King, having learned that his daughter entertained n great regard for itlquol with tho Tuft, whom lio know also to bo a very elover and wlso prlnco,accept cd him with pleosuro for u son-in-law, Tho wedding took placo tho next morn ing, as Iliquet with tho Tuft had fore seen, nnd, according to tho Instructions which ho had given a long tlmo before No licauty, no talent, lias rower above BomolnJcIliillo clinuu illi.ccrn'it only by love. DRUGS 8c MEDICINES. HOOFLAHD'S B1TTEHS. HOOFLAHD'S GERMAN BITTERS, Hooflaiitl's German Tonlo. Prepared bj Dr. c, PI. Jnckton, l'liiLiDiLrmi, Vi. SVie Great JiemctUes FOB ALL DI1I1I1S Of Til I.IVilU, STOITIACII, or DIGESTIVE OKOA1V3. Hoofland's Gorman Bittora la compounded of tli xvn juice, (or At thfy art meaicmniiv term mtri nmm -u (racuj oi Uooli, llcrlit lllr tr nnik,mi Inifal-rtiwmtlon. nigoij concen-IjrteromJl- trntci!. nml onttro coWtc admixture qanjr ltn Hoofland's Gorman Tonic, Tu a oomUtitUlpn nt til the ltigrtdlenti of tho HiHnr, with the tiwrent onalHy of Santa Cm Jtinn, Onuipp, rlc. mAUnR una or the most j.'uiiKaiit fcnJ &ret&h1e remedies tier offered to the jiuhlio. TIi one 1'refcrr.rjt UeJrcInt fre from Aleo hollo (nlmliture, will tii IIooflaud?fl Qorman Eittors. In cifcn ct nfrron dcpreislon, when torn luce hollo stlmulm 1 bceeiiir, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio tmld tecsesl. The P'tlf or the Tonla trt both rqnallj gott'l, nnd contain the iaid mMIclcivl virtues. The rtomaeh, from &riotjr of cause, such u Ii.illeeiitlou, Dje -35 pepsla, Ncrroui DUtlty( et.( le vSa Tcry apt to hate It Junction da Jp) ranged. The re mit of which ti, Ma that the patient ulTeri from aevvrol or more 0! tli foUowlDg dlBtMCI : h Conatlpfltlon. Fliitulence, Inward FUea Fulness of r.ioocl to the Head, Acidity othB naach, Nansea Heartburn, -niat for Food, Fuln-Ri 1-htlntho Btoii. -( X t Urtto tatloi. .. or Flut tering t t it of the Stomach, ..-1 un of the Head, nurr; 1 c tnlcult Breath Inar, Flutter p t. mi Haart, Ohoklflff or BufTonAtTi, '-ntlona when In a Lyln . p.t ir, Dlmnesa 01 Vision, -tiol nt Woba before the Dtrht, Dull I'aln In th INmI, Dofldency of PTTrtlratlon, Yellow nettt of the Ukin and Eyos, Fain in the Side. Back, Cheat. Llm b. elcBud- den Flushes of A ' J Heat, Burn ing in the FIftnh. Rnn. atnn lintel nines of Lvll, and Great Ocprcn fiod ox opirits. ThoM rvmUi. -mil pji-omally eure TJrer Complaint, Ja-imllea, lPita, Ohronlo or NtJiroyi IM.hllj.Cl.runk l'M.11 rlicr Mmask of tho KUneji, and all (riaxxf nrltthig from a UUordjrud IMet, Htniiinh, or IrU'ntlnei OliliM 1.1 IT, IlascLfiKo rii lit 11 1 ftn; FHoaT,.ATij:; ci tub system. Then la no nuJiur tin u thav remeoietln aueh cm ui and tlfc'or la Itu- parUd to the wlwiW S)lvitt tit Aj.iH;tiW U enyed, the tomach d 1 a t a ri i, in 01a pll 7, th 1' lh bccoaie sound and H health v. tlm heiuthjr, Uia yal- low UriJOvli rnwlUHltd rj. anjo-'ii rnwiUHitu flora in eyti, a Diooa ll given to the chix and the tik and ntrroo tnalid boootueaa tuchs and hcallhy being. Person Advanced in XAfa And ht thr iwf.. i if.r TTiLnin narii upon thvm, with .1 iu n udmiirin, will find hx the uk of ihif u IKI .r th TONIC, an elixir that wtll life tiito their Tflne. rcitor in a ir . . onerny and ardor of more outhfji .U 'ui.d up tlt.-lr ahronken forma, acd .ivf ti- aik) happlua to their rftmalnln ytua It la a rcliijtt.iui, of the fjnm v )r , lattoo are -II..1. t that fully oibe-half iiori vi uur pvpu In thu enjoyuteot I j to uite thtrlr own '.vfl f.ei wtJL" They j' mrny, eatremely ner 1. ih nrrrKue, or tt. 'mtiitiucudtd. 01 good Loiiil, exprtindwfi, "1. Tua, and luir n ( ( To lh! u!y, LiTit TONIC, U WEAK AND ! :ate children Aro i- rompdlf T ItAHMl. wii ne of either of lhea ue ervry cue of MA- Tlinti.irnU m i'(riilUnl'ji hae accumulated 'ft the hitnl i-f li-o profrh-'.or, but upace tU1 allow of the pulntcail n oi but a few. Tho, It will be oUmfil, tt tuf. uf note and of aych atand lag thai lLt inuti be UlU'ei TESTIMONIALS. Hou. Geo. W. Woodward Clu Juitia fithe Suprtmt tWl of fa,, wrffe. J'UHi.tetiMa, ifnrrh Mil. I find llixf- Mini a uirniim I'lttcra' 4 a l'hi1 tlUiawaof tledl and of rrrt l.mi (1 tonic, n'ful Iji liiily, utid wunt of iitroi. In the )i:ciii. Voun truly, "uila w. voonVAnn.,' Hon. James Thompson, JuJffi tf 0t Sitj-ritut Cevrt vf 'iMtylueU. rhi'llfti-i .pr.l ifg ul oiikUUr ' Ilotillaiid'a Uvrm-in l!.' vnluaUt itt ticine U cisa of aitatkt ut I .g t'on r Dpi-mla. 1 cm crtSiy tV. fwiu m-j tlj-illouceuf It. Your, v Uh rmiK'i't, TllOMlVOy." Prom Rev. Joseph H. Kennard. DD, rattoreftht Ttnl JlJitt Ckn, VhiUMj.M u. 2r. Jaitn lVr Fir: I bate Uvu fjiuntly rvqucatfd to roimet-l iny miiiie tvUh rm nnifii dailon of difft'Kiil a I ml uf rnciiu n- m., n appropriate P&TV rh're "'v' alicuiduiilliiidi j hut .iih a I roof lu ailuje Vm J tiia'a: taund m r leutarly In my own Ianill), uf thu u iJi. oil Dr. llixiflnnda Otrman Uitttr, 1 di.M lui 01 k from my uaual oourae, to xpuxu m in liuivic tloli thai, for statral dilvt? tf ln , am I ttjrtiily for Liv'tr IW'jJuitU, I 11 u ntft mi.-l valKtU prt pa ration. Id ome taM U nt.t, . tut uiua'.Jy, I doubt not,Vt will bt t r Uiui.. j 1 Ur thou v110 mOcx from llto uWt tt ua.k Youre. very iriptrtrijlly, J. H. KKNtiAHN, Klhlh, b.low (Ju-Ut!.V From Rev. E. D. Fendall, Jttistani 4ttor Christian CWronitU. J'f.ilidu I LaTt derlTtd deddod benefit from the uit oif Ilooflabd'a Uerman lUttera, nd fel ItmyprlvU lege to recommend tbemaa a moUftliiahle Wnl loau v-no are auuenng irom general debmt' Ul i fiom dlMuaei ajlalne from derangement of thar atra dr. & 1). I'KNDALU CAUTION. Uoofland'a Oerraiu lUmcdWear aonlifeU d. Hoe that the fjrrz-. aUnnturooI 0. U. JACKfJONlaou jlBvi wapjtr of each botUo. All - Jp3 Hw coun- l'rlnctpal Ofllce and Uanufactory at the Otn nan MeOlclne btore, No. Ul AUC1X UlrcjL 1'IOJ adalphla. CHARLrfl M. KVAN9, Utrmui DruMUt, 1'rojinttor, i'oruerly 0. 11. Jickiom it Uo. ror aal ly t'J Vivz&iU and UvuJ'.ia lo Modi clnta, r IXoofland'l a Blttur. per tot tl II oft . M , w d0"n 00 Iloonand t ueruaa Ton!e, vui op la quart tottlea 1 M- er bottle, or a fcaJf doicu for ,' T 10' 03 Do sot forget to eiaitrTno well (hi article von luy, la ordur to fit iLv k-vbulno. HOOFLAND'S CEHMAN TONIC,. January i, DRY GOODS. M1 IlitjEB'S BTOItE. F11ES1I AHItlVAUOF FALL AND WINTEH GOODS. Tho subscriber hna Just returned from tho clttM with (mother largo nmt select nesortmem or BPIlINa AND SUMMEIt 000P3, rurchased In Now Yoilc nml I'liiindeipnm si wio i lowest (lauio. nml which no n ucicrniincii in bom 011 ns mmlcrnlo terms ns ran bo procured elso where In llloomsburg. His stock comprises LADina' nitusa ooodb of tho choicest slyles nnd lntest fashions, tORCtlier with ft largo Jassortmcnt or Dry Uoods nnd Oro ecrlcs, consisting of tho following nrtlclesi Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, . Cnsslmeres, Bhawls, Flannels, Billed, White Goods, I, Incus, Hoop Bklvta, Muslins, Hollowwaro Ccdarwnro Hueenswnrc. Hnrdwnro Ilools nnd Blioes, lints nnd Caps, Hoop Nels, ' Umbrellas, Looklng-Glnsse.!, Tobacco, CofTcc, Sugars, Tens, nice, Allspice, Ginger, ' Clnnnmou, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY, In hhoit, everything usually kept In country kioves, to which 110 Invites tho attention of the publlo generally. Tho highest price will bo raid for country produco In cxelmngo for goods. S. II. MILLEIl&SON. Arcndo Uulldlngs, nioomsburg, Fa. REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES G AT PETER KNT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Ttrr. Knhsrrlber has Inst received nud has on hand nt his old stand In Light Street, n large nnd ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, nnd which lio determined to sell on as moderate terms ns bo procured elsowlicro in Light Street, Wit CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carrots, Bilks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satinotts, Cowdrncrs, Cottouadcs, Kentucky Jeans, AC.. A" AC. GROCERIES, MACKERaIj, Oucensware, Cedarwnrc, iiaruwaro, Aicuicmtn, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS in short evervthlne usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the nubile Generally, Is rospccuuuy soncuou. Tho highest market price paid for country pro' dnce. I'd jiii rrii. Light Street, Nov. 8 1807. J J. R R O W E R, Is now oirerlng to tbo publlo Ids Stock of si' ii in a a o o d s consisting In patt of n full lino of INGRAIN. WOOL AND RAO CARP ET S, Flue cloths and cnsslincro for Ladies' coaU, HANDSOME DREfcS GOOD3, ' of nil patterns and qualities, Inlaid, nud PriuU of various qualities and prices, Tit.WAniiKn AND BROWN MUSLINS. LAJJIJS'd l4 HJirN Ull UUltOIilD, 1"li'liJ ,tT Ann BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good u&sortmcnt of LAOiKsr a auLDimirs uaiteiuiji noom Fresh Groceries and Bnlcts. New assortment GLASS AJiD QUEJENS-WARK, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In ouo-hnlf and out-fanrtk barrels. Now Is the time to mnko your selections, ns I nm offcrlnc: roods nt very low prices, and our motto Is fair dcallnst to nil. nnd not to be unucr. told by nny. J. J. BROWER. llloomsburg, April 12, 1S57. HC. IIOWER, ipenod n flrst-clnss llOOT, SHOE, II AT CAP, AND FUR STORE. at the old stand on MalnBtrect,Illoomsbuig,afow Honrs nnovo 11101.11111. iuhimi. iiiihunwnNH. ..rill,, wrv Inlrht nml bcststvli's uver tiller ed to the cltlens or Columbia County. Ho can lucoiiiiuodato tho publlo with tho following goods at tho lowest rntes. Men's heavy double soled ktogu boots, nun's duublo nnd single tap soled U'fn luMitN. nK-n's heavv slona shoes ufnll kinds. men's lino bouts and shoes of nil gindes, boy's double snleil hoots nnu.suoeti 01 uu Kiuus, men s glovo kid Balmoral shoes,nien's, women's, boys's ,,,,,1 tnlhK, luKtlnir cnltprK. women's ulove kid lollhh very rlne.wonicu's morocco llalmornlsnnd Call snuci, women m XKiy uuu ivm ,nui"u,- k,', ers. in short boots ot all descriptions both peg. get! nnu sewed. Ho would nlso cnll attention to his fluo assort ment or HATS, CAPS, FURS AND NOTIONS. witioh nmnvUpM nil llm new nnd nonular vnri- ctlhsat prices which eannotfallto suit all. Theso goods mo offered nt tho lowest cash rntes and Is solicited bcroiopurchssliig clsculiero ns It Is believed that better bnigalus nro to bo fovud man 111 nny oincr piaco iu 1110 cuuuiy. Doc. (i'(J7 QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, llloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN & BROTHER tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN & BON coutlnuo the business of making CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, and every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on liaud to suit tomers. Never using nny iiinter nl but tho bo nnd employing tho most experienced workmen they hope to continue as heretofore to give entlr satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection ol their work, nnd of the reasonnblo price asked for ho same, Is sure to lnsnre a Kale. AIIBEH'S lUl'UOVU rill B AND WATEK 1'JIOOV VEhTANIi CEMENT 1100F1NQI The ndvanUgeswhleh thlseomposltloniiossesses nremnny. ltlsboihwnter.tlKlitnnd llre.proui. It Is not ulTi.ted by taent r cold. It can lie lip- jiUcii to nn itlBieHt mrkttly fifttroof, obo inch lo It Is easily I find nnlcklr renal red. 11b coat la fa thnn nny I other flrv-proof roof now In use. iisiimoniau i itrT AS t llS dnrabllllT. security nud cheapness willVi isbowis by. JU11W TV., Jnnolt't. Agent, llloomsburg, r. A Ono snc.lmenof the ronnnir can he se W II, Koons'iiew ouso on Filth Btieet, 'DUMI'S 1 TUMI'S FOR SALE! The nbdartlcnetl fcrn leaf tft Inform tho el 11- icns of thlBplate & Tlelmlty tlmt h U prpard to rurnUli,MRhrrlnotl.nnGf tli bni TJOI KN 1'LIWI'i-iforAV'elli d CliltniH trvr ottfrH to the public. Tliff re cuaranteed to throw more water In Jons time and withies labor than nnjr other jiuinp lu thin pari of the countrr and l her cnnnol heiiurpa&&eu fcr beauty orllnuii, or aim nlleltT of arrangement. nlso comblnlna- theun. ne m and durability i-aoh pump being war runt cd to perform tn V ork -well or uo fciilo, Kllaa Hhuman Is ntent tot Columbia county, l'rlco 75 cents per foot t ict4 In the well. Order by man or oinrrwue i rnniniir mirnncd in. ip, 4,'6S-ly f-I-UH HHVitAX, Cat awlnca f. M. AttTMAN. 0, It. DU-LiNOER. E. Jl. H ATM AN, KTMAN, DILLINOEIt & COM NO, 'flWUUTJI THIRD BTItEET, (AVnr-ty oj'itosiie Jame$, JCait, Ortntee dr Co.) Wholesale Dealer Ju YAHNH. ltArriNO, WAUDINQ, CAUl'ETH OIL VIJJUH, HUAVEH, FLY MLT, ciuain liAaa, conDAais, ac, aijjo, WILLOW AND WOODLN VAUK, JJBUSIIES, Tit UN KB, LOOKING OLAHt, ETU. May 10, !W7-Jy. RAIL ROADS. TV-ORTIIERN CENTRAL BAIL- un nnu nncr jimy luin imi, lTnina win I loavo NoitTHUMnEitLAND iu rollows I NonTUWAUD. 42'. A. M;,DMly to Wimnm. 111 HuVMiViimi liriUKoTKnaif; WlK r-m .uni ITiAP."'''" 0.10 r. v., Dally, (except Himimys) ror Williams' i"" TitAINB BOUTHWATII). SM A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for ltftlllmore. WILMINGTON AND 1'lIILADELl'IIIA. O.Wl'.JI. Dally (exeeptHundny's)forllaltlmoro wnsuingion nnu l'liuauoipnin. Gcnernl l'nsscngcr Agent, TACK A WANNA AND BLOOMS I UUIIG I'iLAOAl) On nnd 0 ;r May 11111,1601', rnsscngcrTralnswlll inn us iuuowb: aolngSouth. Going North. Leavo Loavo Arrlvo Arrive n, m. ... b.m p. m. 8.3U n. in. n. m. Mcruutou 11.10 Leavo io.:w lo.uo 7.11 0.0? KM 7.40 7.8(1 7.02 Leave 0.17 Plttston , 0.(10 4.0s I..VI 5.10 0.15 (l.5j 7.01 0,10 8.10 8.23 7.S1 0.M Kingston Flyinoutli II. ri Blilckshluny.... 7.'i! Jlerwlck 7JV5 Hloom h:m Itupcrt 8.111 Dauvlllo 0.10 0.10 0.(10 6.30 Leave 7.12 Arrlvo Arrive North'd O.W 8.25 4Ai Tho 11.10 Train nt Scranton makes connections with Express Trnln for New York nt ii o'clock p. in,, nrriviug in now 10m v.w p, m. Ill A. UHUA OUp I. 1803. 1SCS. "PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE JU 11.V1L.UOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE, TUnOUall AHD TJir.ECT HOUTE BETWEEN rHII.A- DKI.VIIIA, TJALTIMOnE, UATIRISDCRO, WIL- I.IAHSrORT, AND THE GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT BLEETINO CAILI On nil Night Trains. Trutns on tlio l,liiladclnhl:i tkKrlu'lLiU KotuWlU I run uh iuiiowhi WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.-T, p.m. iNoriuuiuucrinnu...u.iu a.m. 44 nrr. nt Erlo.! .iur, ij-xi iii-"5,"5 leaves 1 imnucipma,....ji.w 111. 44 44 Norl'd 0.00 p.m, 44 nrr. nt Krlo 1(1.00 11.111. lSLAUKA JIAiLi lenvcs l'liuniie ulna, ntiinu i.ip.uii urr, utijocKiiaveu ,.ijp.iii. 1I.VSTWARD, MAIL TRAIN lea es Et lo 10.55 a.m. 44 44 Kortiru 2.33 n.m. 44 nrr.nt l'lithulcmnia lu.oun.m. ERIE EXPREHS lenvts Erlo CIS n.m. 44 Kort'a o.30a.mi nrr.nLi'iiiiatiei 0111.1 i.'zun.m. Mall nnd Exoro.s eoniieets with OH Crec.k nnd Allegheny River llnll ltoad. Jinggngo checked VlllOUgll. General aaccrliilenJcnl, Wiillumsport. riATAWISSA RAILROAD On and J nfter MONDAY, Nov. a, IWJS, Passenger I trains on the Catawi&sa Railroad will run nttlio loilowing nnmeu liouis : -Vail Soilh. STATIONS. Wllliamsport. Muucy. Wntaontown. Milton. Danville. Rupert. Catnwissa, Ringtowu. Summit. Ouokakc. Jfoll JVbifA Arr, 0.16 p. m. I Dep. 7.50 n.m 8.20 8.00 44 0.10 0.52 " 10.12 44 44 5.12 44 4.53 !4 J.10 44 3.53 44 3.3.3 44 2.28 44 1.511 44 1.10 44 1.20 44 1.10 44 10.25 44 11.10 44 12.1X) pan 12.45 44 l.(X) 2.15 J.25 44 E. Mnhouy June 44Dlno.Tamaqua. Dluo. 44 Itetxllntr. 44 1(1.10 I Arr. u.15 l'hllailclphla. H.I 3 ,1 To Now York via. Rend- 10.50 I lug ot Maucli Chunk. From New York via. i JIauc-li Chunk. I 7.1-0 NoClinni'oof cjirH belwei'ii Wlllfamsiiort nml x'luiaueipuia. uuu. Viuis uy'l. T) EADING RAILROAD. 1 . WIKTBU AllKASUMtaT, UeC 1 1 111, IMS. Great Trunk Lino from tho North and Norlh- Wost for Phlladclnhla.Ncw York.Rcaulne. 1'ottb- vllle. Tumaoua. Ashland. Lebanon. AllunLown. jasiun, j-.piiraiu, jjiiiz, xjaneasier, ijoiuiuuin, tve., i Trutns leavo Ilarrlsburg lor New York, ns iol-1 lowsi At 2,60, 5,23 and 8,10 n. m,, 12,10 noon nnd 2.05 A 0.35r.m..conucctltm witli similar trains on the Pa. Railroad, nnd arrlvlug at Now York nt I 5,00, 10,00 A 11,50 n.m., A 8,5U 7,10 A 10,30 p.m. hleeplng curs uccnmpnnylng thu Vfll) n.m. uud io.u'j p.m. iruins wiinuui t'unngo. I.ciivo llarrlsbnrg lor Rending, Pottsvillo, Ta manua. MiuerQVllli'.AslilaiKl. l4Ine Oruve. Allen-. town and Philadelphia nt 8.10 n.m.. and 2.0.3 nnd 4.10 u.m.. stoiiDllli; III Lebunou ami Drlnclnal wav Buuiuua; iiiu i.iuii.iu. Juauiug cuuneeiious lor I l'hlladolphlaandcolumblunnly. For Pottsvillo I Sdiuvlkill Haven unit Auburn, via Bchuvlklll I nndBusiiuclianua llallroud. leave llarrlt,bunr at I t&ffij&fiiffiSR WASpSlS I ttccompauylny thu 0.00,nnd5,10 nud 8,i 1 p.m., trains wiriiout chnugo. Wny Passenger I Tnuu luives riiiuuei)iiiiunt7r)0n.iii.. returning inu iwjuuins i.i iv" '.m "i ni ui mi suuioni, PotUiVllleutb4Wn.m.,uud2,t5p.iu.,AHhlandO,oii and UJ'J noon, nnd 2,00 p. in., Tumaqua ut I o,m . iu,iiuu i,w (tiiu n.-ki 11, 111, Tnvn I'nftuvllln fn 1 In, ri.hnn, ..In D.t.n ..1 1. 1 1 and B&quchnunii, Railroad nt 7,10 u.m. nud 12,00 noon. llcKUlui: Accorammlatlon Train leaves Itamllnir I nt U.UJ., ruburiuug injiu x'iniaueipuia nto.o p.m. l'ottsto Accommodation TrnlnilenTPs Potts- town at G,tt a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia I ul i,30 pjn. I Colmmbla Railroad Trains: leave Rcndlnc at I 7.0U a. Ki., Hau o-ia yMX. iw jipuruut, iiux, i aucos- Perklouu UuU OoaJ Tsnlos laave Perklomon Junction nt P.0U H.H., nnl &.ai p. . lUtaruliig t j ncctlngwitti similar traluson.IlMKllBs iv'lroad On Kuuuays, leave flcwi or nt e.uu ii.m., rial ndelphia 8,00 n.m, nnd 3,13 p.m., tho 8,00 n.n. trnln running only to lieauing; I'ottsvlUo 8,00 Ilarrlsburg 5,25 a.m. nnd 4,10 and 0,35 p.m., nnu Reading nt 1.10 and 2,53 and 7,15 u.m. for Ilarrls burg. nud 7,00 a.m.t nnd 11,10 p.m. for New York, and 42S p.m. fur Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Benson, Sthool and Ex cursion tickets to nud from nil points, ut reduced rates. . 1 araiico ciieckeu through : iuu pounus nnnwea 10 each passenger. , U. i1! ILUI.lf,, Oenernl Superintendent. Rending, Pa., Mny 110, 11.08. rpiIE REST IS THE CHEAPEST I THE SINGER BEWING MACHINE HEALS TUB LIST,. And lends tho column 4,993 nhond of nil others. mis Ainciuutt is lue MOST rOPULAR IN USE. It uses tho finest nccdlo of nny Mnchino In ex istence, Any lady wanting ft good SEWING M A 0 II I N E, Will consult her own' Interests by buying a BINulul. 11 IS easier to run, learn nnu neep in oruer than any Aiacuine in tuo worm. OVER 350,000 OF THEM IN USE. The fullest Instruction elven those who mir chase, and the Machluo will he wahiiamteu to you for one year. I IU11 11, UIJ .II,',D ,,uu nn."" Here you will find Needles. Thread nnd Bilk, ' DAVID LOWENHERU. Agont. April a.Wtf. llloomsburg, Pu. O Ii U M n I A HOUSE, n K U N A It D HTOltNKlt, llivtwi lnll mirolinuful nml nilnil m, tlm I .unll.l.t.r.u,,, llnhlmn llr.til Prntiprttr. InJitinl sl .,... .... I . . on the same side of the street. In the town of ut ' loomsuurg; una nnying ouiuineu iiecu.. lor tuosamonsn ItJ'j o 1 A U It A IN X, tho Proprietor lias determined la give to the peo ple visiting tho town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. Ills stubllng also Is extensive, nud Is fitted np to put huggtcsand carriages lu the dry. Ho prom ises that every thing ubout his establishment shall I,.. ,i,uliiiLiul In nn orderly ami lawful nianuc r! und he respectfully solicits a shuro of tlio public I ttiruunge. (in ii vi-vin. IOK OP INCORPORATION. Notlcols hereby L'lven that nnnllea tion hath he.n mode to tho Court ofTjommon l'lcas of Columbia county, to grunt u dinner of Incorpo ration to tin "Locust Mountain Miners4 and La luirers4 ll.uevolent Associstlon,44 tho object of said association being to proMiit tin inteicstl oi us iiirmurrs. vj muiuut mrtinwnw. O R S A I E, A Ilnusenud T,ot lu I Vtt Town, adjoining prop erty of David llrobst. Formerly owned by Ivi HhoemaUer. Tliehousols oflrame, tiro storieu high, In good condition containing one room on tho lirst lloor und lu o ruoms on tlio second. Tho lot fronts on Main Hired, running buclc Inwards Thlid Btioet. 1'or full urllcularsireguidlng terms tto. npplyou the pieiulsiw. MAHV If, illtoaiT, Ulooiuibuig Dec, lb,,'i.ll. GROCERIES, &c (J " i 'Hi UT 1 u nil Y Tlifl nnilArMlnrnM wmilit rrwtifiRtriillv &nnatince to the publlo that ho lias ojiouixl n FIIUST-CIiASa CONi'EOTIONEnY BTOttE, bnMru lMely oceuploJ by nenwrrt Btoh- wuoro uo " rrernrcu'" '"'"" " ul FLAIN A FANCY CANDIEH, FIIENCII CANDIES, FOllEIGN & DOMESTIC FItUITB, NUTH, ltAlBINH.'AO., AO,, AC. BY wholesale on nr.TAtu ,11 nnu, i., it lull iiui iiui'iib ,,i mi luuui ,,, his lino of business. A grent variety of DOLL B, TOYS, Ac., suitable for tho Holidays, rnrtleulaf attention given to 11HEAD AND 0AKK8, of all kinds, frcsli every day. OltniSTMAS CANDIES, OHIBTMAH TOYS. A call is solicited, nnd satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1807. ECKIIAItT JACOBS. REMOVAL OF U. U. MAHll'U NEW STOltE to a 11 1 vi;' a n look, OB TUB COllNKn Or MAKKBT AND 1110.V STKEETS. Tlio undersigned having received from the city n full nnd complcto suppty of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE CJSDAIt AXD WII.LOW-WARK, CONFECTIONERY, G LABS-WARE TOBAOOO, A TS A JSTD 8 II O 13 S, L'T MITII CI k T TI Pfutt lrti tft.ItT nil of which I nroiKmcsrllliiiruLn vt rvluw lliruro for cash or produco. v Cnll nnd son. April 12, 1S07. V. U. MARR. AND OPENING (IRANI) (1IIANI) (IRANI) UllAND OI'KNINd OI'llNINU OI'KNINd Ol'KNIN'O or winti:h WINTKH FALL AND KALI, AND aoons, (lOODH, OOOIW, (loons, OOODit, FALL KALI. FALL AND WINTl'.ll AND WINTIIH AND WINTKU consNMng ot consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY DRY DHY DRY DRY" GOODS, GOODS GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND OAIM HATH AND CA1-S HATS AND OAl4, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND RHOISt, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND HllOliS llOOW AND SHOES, READY-MADE READY-MADE READY-MADE READY-MA DE READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHING CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTIIIKG, IX30KING-OLASSES, IX)OK I NG-G LASSES, LOOKING-GLAKSIM LOO K I NG-G LASHES, LOOKINO-OIxASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, 14AINTS AND OILS, I'AINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS, GltOCEHIES, GROCERIES, GROUEltllX, UROCl'.RIEH, GROCERIES, IIHEENSWARE, tHIIlENSWAUE, (lUEENSWAltE, llUEENSWARE, (lUEHNBWAKE hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware; TrNWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE. TINWARE, SALT, SA I.T, SALT SALT, HALT, risu, FISH, FISH, FIT1I FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN UltAIN AND PEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND HEEDS, Ac, AT idcKEI.VY, NEAL CO.'S, MUKKLVY, Nl'.AI. A CO.'S, McKEI.VY NEAL A CO.'S. MC'KELVY, NEAI. A CO.'S. McKKLVY, NEAL & CO.'S. Northwest corner 01 Mulu and Mniket Streets, Northwest comer of Main and Mai ltct Streets, Northwest corner of .Main and Market streets. Northwest eornir 01 Main and Market Streets. Northwest co uur uf Main aud Market btieets, I1LOOMSIUIRO, PA., llLOOMSIItllltl, PA HLOOMSIIUl'.G, PA., llLOOMSlllJRO l'A HLOOMSIUIUG, l'A. IRON AND NAIIJi, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In largo quantities nnd nt reduced isles, alwny on hand, CCIIEUj, BEROER fc CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, 4o., Nos. 1H and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Sole agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. TyAINWRIGHT A CO., WHOLESALE G It O O 12 RH, N, F., Corner Second andArch Streets, PjJILAUELl'ntA, Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COITEE, SUOAR, MOLASSIM, RICE, 81'ICES, 111 CA1III SODA, 40., AO. ts. Orders will receive prompt attention. MaylO,lS07-ly. V. PETERMAN, with LIl'PlNCOTr 4 TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 81 North Water Stroot, and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, WELTER & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE aitOCERIUS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. !3 and 227 Al ch Street l'biladelplila. jyj- m. marpIjE, NOTIONS, IIOSIEP V, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, No. U Noi Ih Third Hti ret, PlilladelphU J II. WALTER, , , Late Walter Ji Knub, Importer and Dealer lu CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARK, No. CI Maikct Street. Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP A CO., Successors to Btroup A IlrothN', WIIOLFALK DEALERS IN FISIt, No. 21 North Wharves, and 23 Naitli Wider St., Philadelphia, IRON, TINWARE, TIONAL FOUNDRY llloomsbnrg, Columbia County, Pa. The subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovc-t nmed extensive establishment, Is now prepared to ro celvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIER! EK, I1LAHT FURNACES, STATIONARY' ENGINEH, ' MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, AO Ho Is also prepared to mako Blovcsof nil sires nnd patterns, riowlrons, nnd everything usually mado In first-class Foundries. Ills oxtenslvo facilities nnd pracltcnl workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on tho most reasonnblo tenns. Grain of nil kinds will bo tnken 111 exchange for Castings. nils establishment Is loeatod near tho Lacks wanna nnd llloomsburg Railroad Depot. l'CTER 11ILLMYER. QTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT .umouuecs to his friends nnd customers that continues the nbovo business nt his old plneoon MAIN STREET, DLOOMS11URO. Customers can be nccomodntcd with FANCY BTOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of nrtlclo fouud In n Stove nnd Tlnwnre Es tablishment in tho cities, nnd on tho most reason nblo terms, Repatrlngdononttheshortcstnottco, 23 DOZEN MILK-rANB on hnnd for sale. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN RTREBT, rEAl!I-Y OP10S1TK Mil. LEU HTUU:, iii.ooMHRURO. it;nn'a. The undersigned has Just fitted np nnd opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this place, whero ho Is prepared lo mako up new Tm Waiie of all hinds In his lino, and do repali lug with neatness nnd dispatch, upon tho most reasonable terms, lio aim keeps on baud BTOVI'.H OI' VARIOUS l'ATTERKH ABTYLRM, which ho will sell upon tornis to suit puieh'tsers. Ulve him n call, lio Is a god meiliaule, and deserving of the publlo patronage JACOll MUTZ, nitMimsburg, April fd, 1807. Q.i:ORaK II. RORERTS, Imiwrtcr nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, Jfo. 311 North Third Street, above Vino, Philadelphia. Jacoii K, Hmith. J. It. i;i.Tzmi T 'A V. II, gM IT II & I Ell Importers nnd Dcah rs' lu Foreign nnd Domestic n A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. W3 N. Tllllm STREET, AU. CALLOWIIII.I., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tr. TOBACCO & SEGARS. JJ W. RANK'S WHUI.ESAI.l'iTOIIACCO, HNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 118 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd ltiu e, v. ct side, l'hlladelphia. " Q L. WOODRUFF, . Wholcsalo Dealei-s In VoilACCOS, CIGARS, PirlX, At'., A I4., No. 11 N'orlli Thlid Slieet, nlxivo Muikei, Phlhidelphla. o MNIUUS hlNE. Tho undci-lgned would respectfully iinnonme lo the citizens of llloomsburg and tho publlo gene rally tbn ho Is running an OMNIIIUS LINE between tills plneonnd thedllleient railroad do pots dally (MnndayH excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South nnd West on llio Cata- wlssa and Wllliamspoit Katliond.Und with those going Isorli, nnd South 011 the Lickuwnunn and llloomsburg Railroad. Ilts Omulbusses aro In good condition, eommo dlous nud comfortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or sco their friends do- p ni I, can bo accomodated upon reasonnblo chargo by leaving timely notice at nny of tho hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor, J IIEATIICOTE ' Ii OILER it COMPANY II' O It ICS, corxei: oir west btuxct A iiLAciOionsa Havlug increased our facilities in tho way of shop room, machinery, ie., wo nro prepared to manufacture LOCOMOTI VE.FLUE.alid all kinds ol STEAM IIOILERS, SMOKE-STACKS, TANKS, MmiET-lRoN Wouk.Ac. All woik promiUIy done i(, oilier, in H.uri iiuiiue, uuu SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID. TO REPAIRS Y'ottr attention Is specially called to the mem bers of our llnn-all being VmctietdJlolU r Metiers. Mr. HKATirroTic has had an exr Tlenfl' of over thlrly oars lu tho inanul.utuiu of atlkludsof ii am Honors ; unu irom our long experience wo mo fullv uwaro nl tho necessity of a well.mudj and suuteluutly largo seeuiu not only safety bul satisfactory results: and wo shall glvo our customers only thoso of tbo best iuullty as ii gnrus inaicriiu.wnrumansuip, anunmpie luai Inif surface, and feel conlldent that wo can ren dcr sin Isfaetlon, anil nt prices fully ns low as nuy uiiiui Mini. ti'i n lining viiu r, ii, iu iiiiuiiij in iniiiri i" U1H. Wo would call the nttenllon of Rnllway Com names to our facilities lordului! LOCOMOTI VI WORK, Kirnnit ncPAii'.s on new, ns wo innku It a point for ono oiinoiiriu loniwnysglvcnis per Kfnml nllrlillon. Wo aro also prepnreu lo uo nil Kiuus or steam Fittings, sueli as Heating Public nnd Prhnto lillliuillgs, I'licionui, lining up niciliil lioiieis.iic, Conslantlv on hand all kinds of Steam 1' it. TlNliS.STEAM ANn WATEnGllAOM SfKAJl Pll-ES) lino an lining Luiiiiccico wiin nm iiusiuess, Also.Castinirs ol nil klnds.llollerFionts.Giates. Stoves. Plows, nnd nil work connected with Ibv Ei'ticrul lounili-v business. llespectlully soliciting your orders, wo nie Yours very truly, J. IIEATIICOTE St CO. Fib.'JabS ly 17 A R M E R SI! TRY THE VELA 1'HOidi'iiit.TE. ALTA It contains threo per cent, of Ammonin, nil nmplo quantity to give activity without Injury to tlm veentution. and a lnreo nerccntnee nr so luble lioue liiosiihuto of Lime, togcthir Willi l4ntash and Sudn, tho essential eleuiints of a COMPLETE MANURE. Tho Increased salts to farmers who aro using It with highly satlslncto ly results Is a sure guarantee of lu vnluo. Pilco, Sallper ton of 10 bugs 1XU lbs each. Send for a paitipiuci, Antilles Til 11 ALTA VELA GUANO CO.. July3,408-ly 67 llroudwoy, N. Y, NDREWS, WILKINS A CO., Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMUST10 DRY GOODS, No.CWMarket Street, Phil .delphla. Q.EORQE FOELKER A CO., Wholcsalo Dealers lu WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, YARNS. Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twlnes,;llaskels, tic, etc, 2I9AZ01 MulketSt.. it CM Chinch St., rhlhida, JuuoVOS. A R5IURUSTER A RROTHER, Importers nud Jobbers or HOSIERY, OLOVI, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, HUTTONS, HIJIiPLNIiKRS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWING SILKS. TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAI1H SOAPS, PEItFUMERY, FANCY CltO'!", AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Mantiluelurers of 1IR1ISHES AND LOOKING OLS.Sli, and Dealers lu 11- in, . , vTi, n , T mi, iifii.i. 1UUWA.1I, ,,.1.U,, IV.l.Vl., 11ROO.MH, ROPES, TWINIW, Af. No. :m North Third Stieet, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. jyILLER A HOST, Successors to Fruuklln P. SelUer Co. Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers In . X.IO.UORS,: WINES, Ac, Nos. 110 and 412 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JERCHANT'S HOTEL, 48 XOUTII 10CXTII bTKKCT, PHII.APKtPniA. J, A W. G, M'K'UllItt, Proprietor, May ID UlMy DRUGS &, MEDICINES. JJENDERSHOTT'a PHARMACY. OlTOStTK AHElltCAN HOtlaK, Where may bo found ncmnpkto nssoilmcntuf frcsli nnd.'puro MEDIC1N1M, DYE; STUFFS, COLORS, OILS, WINDOW-GLASS, LAMTH, LANTERN , BO DAB, SOAIfl, ALCOHOL, W1NIH A LKlUOltH SYRUPH, PEItFUMERY, TOILITT AND FANCY ARTICLES, which nro offered ntotd tlmo prices. Prescrip tions: accurately prepared. Jan 3'03-ly. wor VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE I Orny-ITcailea roonlo liavo tliclr loclts restored by it to tho dark, lustrous, silken tresses of youtli, und arc happy I Yiiunsl,cople,wlttifiVif,o(i(Jor)'ciZHiilr, liavo tlicso unfasliionablo colors changed to a beautiful aulurr, nml rejoice I 1'ooplo wlioso licadj nro covered with Dandrvff and Humors, use it, nnd havo clean coat3 nnd elenr und healtliy scalps I rtalcl-lIcalol Vctci-miH liaio their remaining locks tightened, nnd llic taro fpots coerodwlth a luxuriant growth of Hair, nnd danco for joy I Young Gentlemen uso it because it is ricldy perfumed I Young Ladies uso it bceauso it keeps tliclr Hair in placet Everybody must nnd will uso it, because tt is t!io clc'ancst nnd lest article In tbo jrarket I For Salo by Druggists generally. AND TDK SALE BY I,. Tf. MDYEIt nml 11 P. I.HTZ. DrumilsK Illoouisbuig, and M. M. 11ROI1ST, Catawlssii. January 21, isu-j. JONATHAN . IIEISLER'S TONIC V or Ultteis has never failed torure tho worst kind of l)spepsla; is tho most successful nu'il lelno yet discovered for tho euro of Consumption inspepsm, 1.1 ver 1 oaipiunu, itiuiiciiuis, 111111 1111 dlsoasesof the Throat, Chest nnd Lungs; h made entirely of loots nnd herbs. Ono bottlu will convince nny ono who gives It a fair trl.d. No family should bo without It. l'ut up In lnruo Hollies, prepnreu nnu som ny joiiiiiiiau iicisur itCo. SenuylUlll Haven, l4n, nnd by all Drus- gists. nug. 11,' J D It. TAYLOR'S II I fr T K 11 3 iV mtkl und nyrfwiblo Tonlo, Htom- nchlcniul CiumluatLvo 1J I T TEHS, Extnu ted entirely from llirbs nml UooIb, 111)1- ly beneficial In DYSPEPSIA, GHNKHAIj DKIHLITY, and TjOh of ApjetUo ; nml nn cxe-clltnt C'orrcvlhofor iH'ihOiwsuIIfih.. fiom PlhordoiR of tho ItowoU, Flntulcnco, Ac. Sold ICvorywhcre. iiliot.Iio. 113 MnikoUJtieot, riillAtlrlphl.-i. J, K. TAYLOH ift CO, Bojt. ve?-ir. rpiIK A JL AND I AMTCUICAN HAY KNIF1 ot Columbia County witnchRetl tho of !) ioiu4 on ino jiinn m xiv, i-ursei. in imiu To-.vnshlp, nn Monday, May 7, lhU'J, btUvttn M Ainnrlfnn liny ICniie und I-ort manufactun il HMri:il, WAUX SIlHINilit d Co., of Ipwi buiir, ra nnd tlio Uuinlors TatcnL nay IM Thfi American Fovic 111 tod moro linv in oi drnuht than the Itunrtel In ttirco. Wonrcs-ini uod it wtll tauo ns mueli liny into tu mow n ' Rood liorscH cum draw, wo nlso mw It cui'n hay, nud think It cannot bo bent nun hay Urn and cht'i'ituUy recommend It us tho best ltuy u nnd linlfe we hnvo ever sr on. C. lltTTi:MlKNlH:it, i)lt. r. U. ilAltUJ'.N W. H. Koons, JmtN Doak, John mrrEitiCK, Daniki. Novnt, II. DIQLUMIM.KR, HVLVF-STKIC TUKM-L Mu'jiaf.t. lliiLi.F.u, John Woi.r. Thoy uImi mnnntactuio tho culelirntcl llin'u. Ucaj't-r nud Slower, and other ngricultmal intr ments. IN S U It A N O 13 AOENC Y Wyomluj: tl' 1 Ktua W Comineico -ii' Fnlton. North A'merlca 3i, , City i'J'. Intcruattouul 1,"" Niagara i,'' -Etna Livestock Putnam - llerchnnla Hprlnulleld 6T0'' Iuaurauco Company of State Penu4n.,... W Connecticut Mutual Life 10.W1 North American Transit . BW,'- FllEAK IlItOWN. AnetU, niiir8G7-lv. llLooMsuuno, I' -pOAYHy'JSTON & CO., J-V 3" llnn'-A.Uo'.. vholeualB Dealers In COTTON YAltNS, CAHPCT CHAINS, llATPB, WICKS, TIK YARNS, COltDAOi:. BUOOMH. WOOD AND WILLOW WA1; LOOH'O'-' ''"'l,CLOCKS,rANOYIJABKli TiU., v'mOOR, AND CAr.KIAOK OIL CLOTH3,Ac, No. A3U Market Street, touth aldo, Plilladelphla. J V. I5EAIID, with LIPPINCOTT, 110ND iV CO., Manufacturer and Wholesale Dunlcii. In HATH, CAPS, PUItS, AND BTItAW GOOD.- No. llSMurkot Htur.t, Philadelphia, TOIIN O. Y'EACJEIt A CO., Wholeealo Dealers In HATH, CAIfl, HTItAW GOODd, ANU LADI24' I'Ult-S, .No. ?o7 North lUlril Btieet, l'hlladelphia. "TrAllTJirAN ENI3ELMAN, TOI1ACCO, KNUI'l' i KKUAK mAnukactouy, KO. 313 N0IIT1I TlUllBSTUEET, Bccond Uoor below Wood, PHILADELPHIA, J, W. Wahtmax 1'. KKorW I.OUIS BKOWK, CAH.' J KW T)HOWN tt EWALD, WHOLI'HAI.i: OltOCKItH, N. I . Of. Tiuitlii YluoM J IULAVEI rillA. Mil'J), 14)1 Out i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers