The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 08, 1869, Image 1

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    1P fir
Ono square, (ten lines or Its cqiilvn
lout In nonpareil typo) ono or two Inser-
uo, fi.ou; inroo insoruons, jx.ou.
1 llf.
Olid V)
Two stiinre 8,50
Three s'pinrei 8,on
Four sifunris.. ,,7,00
t)unrter column.. I0,(
Half column 1.1,00
Published ovcry Friday morning
In tho Columbian Untitling ncnr thu
Court House, by
Editor nnel Propviotoi.
Thumb. Two dollars n year, payn
blo In ndvnnco,
.ion PHINTING of nil descriptions
executed with ncntticfs nnd dispatch,
nt reasonable rales.
One column :,(
Executor's or Administrator's Notice.
$3.00: Auditor's or Asslgneo'8 Notice,
Local Notices, twenty cents a llnej
by tbo yenr ten cents.
Curds In tbo "Directory" .Column,
$2.00 per yenr for tbo first tjvfi lines,
mid 11.00 for each Additional ljne.
.i-iiiMi n
1' '
lACOHMl'.TZ, dealer In stoves & tinware, Mnln
J nt., nbovo court house, vl-hll
i M. Illll'l'.ItT, stoves nnd tlnwnre,
A. bloclt, Mnliist., west of Market.
DI.OWT.XHr.HO, merchant tailor, Main si., 5.1
, door nljovo Amvrlcnn houso. vl-nM
1 W. ClUlMlinnr.lN. vfliolcfMcnnilrrtnltilcnl
iJ. cr In cloth lug, etc.! Hnrtmnn'sbullillnir.Mnlii
st?icl. vln
I N. MOYE11, ilriiBSlstnnd npotliccnry, Ex
ll clinnijo block Mnln st. vl-nll
11 p. IIJTZ, ilrtiRSlRt nml npotliccnry, Itupcrt
I1;, block, Mnln st went nt Market. vl-n
r OU1H 11EUNHAUI), wntch nml clock maker.
It near soiithcnstcnrner Mnln nml lrnnsls.s miU
nr.. HAVAOIl, ilcnlcr In clocks, watches nml
.(. Icwolry, Main ft., Just uclow American
n CATHCAW', watch nnd clock maker, Market
K si.. In-low Mnln. vl-nl3
OM. llltOWN, hoot nml sliocmnkor.Mnliistrcct
.opposite Court liouso. vl-nll
I SOM.i:ilKH,mnnnlhcturcr nndilcalcrlnhoots
A" nml shocs.Maliint., opposite Episcopal chinch
1 1 HN'ltY KTiHISI, manufacturer nml dc.ilcr In
1 1 boots nml siloes, groceries tic,
:nst Illooms-
burg Mnln st.
nAVIl) HETZ, hoot nml shoemaker, Mnln St.,
I) below Hnrlmnn's store, vest of Mnrkctstrcet.
Jit. HVANH.M. 1). surccon nml physlclnn south
slilo Main st., below Market. vl-u!S
1 It. II. 1'. Kinney surireon dentist, teeth cxtrnct
loil without pain, Mnln st., nenrly opposlto
ftplscnpnl Church. vl-n III
..n-t.T l.V Sf iiirmuin ot,il ullVRlcllltl
iioi"tli sldo Main St., below Market. vl-ul3
o. iiirrriiK, w, u. surgcou uuu uijn w"j
.Market st., nbovo Main,
It. II. C. llOWEIt, Burgoon dentist, Main si..
uuovo court uoust
H. ItOHIHON, Attorney-ftt-Lnw,ome IlarJ-
lnmi'H buuuiug, Aiuiuaiix-uu
sjIHS U.Z1U llAUKLEY, milliner, ltamsey
lUbulUil'ig, .Main su
i M MA A. 1). Wl'.IUI, fancy goods, notions, books,
-A 111 stationery, uoith sldo Main sti cut below Mar
ket. vl-n u
t 1,1 l'OTEUMAN, millinery and fancy goods op
J posilo Episcopal church, Main st, vl-n!3
ft HADE HAHKI.KY, Indies
Vk ill clo.iks nnd dress pntternJ,
KOUlllcnsi corner
lalti ami ivestst.
HIIfcSM. niiltHICKSON, millinery nnd fnncy
llgomls Matust.,oiiposIto Court House, vl-nll
MltH. M. II. l'UIt.MAN, milliner, Mnln St., below
llaitman's store, west of Market st, uil
M'llE MISSES HAItMAN millinery nnd fancy
I goitU.Mnlu strccljust below Amurlcuu house.
'"? f I.EACOCK.oyslernml entlng saloon, Ameil-
I ,J can liouso, Main St., LalUer Leacock superln;
4 17il)M YEIt A JACOI1Y, confectlonry, bakery,
A M and oyster saloon, wholenalo uud retail, Ex-
T .,),. n Llnilr Mnln wt vl-tll3
l.iOX A WEllll, confectionery, bakery, and oys
I1 tertjiloon.ivholesalo and retail. Maiubt., Just
I nylow lion. vl-iH3
nxniANOn ilOTnL, by Knous & Clurlc, ilnln
lj '.. opposlto court house, vlnU
A st., wi-ht oriroufitri-ct. vJj43
iconics IIOTi:r, by U.W.Mauueh, oust end ot
'Ma"l"t- vi-mi, refreshment saloon.Malu bt.Jst
, nbovo court houo. vl-nU
lOONS A CI.AHIC, refru-jluncnt
Saloon, Kx-vl-nH
chnngo hotel.
l.iJACOIiS, ('onftTtloncry,
ll st., nbovo Court Hotfe.
groccrlc t?tc Main
II. MII.I.KH, tlenlcr In dr;
Hooji, KrocciUM,
ij .tiu-ci.sMurf. Hour, tail, slior. nolionn,
J t'fiJu:s-j block, MftluMrect,
M'ICr.IAT NIUli A Co., ilt-altTs In Ury gootls,
Hrocorles, Hour, ta l. calt. iKIk lion, nails.
i'tf., northenM. corner Mnln nml Maructiit. vl-uLi
Ul . il IP f I-.JI, nuts ilJiu u.niii miu MH'i'fi
.Main ( nbon Court-tlouHC. vl-nl3
i C. MAltlt, dry kikmIs nml notion-, houthwest
w, corner Main nnd Iron sti. vl-nll
t .1. i:i!OM'i:n. dry coo-In. KrorLrlc-. etc.. noith
i,vest corner Slain nml Irun nt.s. vl-nl i
nA. fli:X,KI.t.V,Kristontj.l.ouslorc,ini'ks ami
. NtatlotiM-v. Kotitln. est (.oilier Mnrket and
Muin t. vl-nll
Wi-rll.LIAM intASMUM. lonficlloncrlca. Main
J M., nenrthc! inllroad. vl-nlJ
n MrMlJnMllAI.TiroMprnl j-tK-k of incichitn-
Ij. tllsuuml lumber, corner of Main Mic-claml
lirr tele road. vl-n 13
1,1. HOIUUiNS, dealer In dry grinds (,rcei le etc.
ahlvo's block, MaluM., btdowlron vj-ni:
ri K. OIUTON. (iroceries x rrovlnlons. Routh
Jemst corner Main and lion Streets, vl-nll
CI . rl 1 WJ-ll., lliiiiiH mi-, i uini, i n,.
t. Main bt., btlow lion. vl-nll
I 'i .!. HI.OAN. dealerln choice drviroods. lloiifse-
) A irrriiinircnnd-,- Iri-hb irroceiles. ett. t'tc. Stain
i t.. onposlto courthouse. v-lnll
i I K. liVl.U, Kroccries ana fjciKini incicunnuue
i 1 1 Main bt., above wcbi, vi-
I elinii rti Itnnprl liliirlc. Mulu tt.. IVCht Ot
CltAMKU &. A. K HAYllUItST.Ucalerslii
l8cottown.Koiitlit.Ide, two doom above llrobit'n
i rirnf-riec i nnicfi iiiniTirs nntl iui out,
va iron ma kit miioi", -n.
'TOIINM OtfOEL, Sign, Ornnmenlal nnd l)c
" intlvo V"lulcr HcottoM n.cor 4th H list. v
bilckon Mniiist., west of Mnrkct st. vl-nW
Ii j, niuiti. iiJi., wan on pvi , iiiiiuii Bin..--.
j, and llxlures, import block, JInlu st. vl-uU
U ItOSUNHTOCK, photogruplicr, I'.xchango
, liiiick, Muin st opposite court liouso. vl-n W
MF '' lil'OADT', phologrnphtr. llnrlmnn'ii build
Vtl ml. iiuiusiiwi.i , .
::;r.,.V. : . i .in .,i iu,in i ct vl.till
ill Tl. 1UIH.E.MAN, Agent MluitiiirJl.vnipi'r To
bulur Lightning Hod,
7 11. I'UnHKI.L,
,J maker, Maoist,
saddle, Irunk nnd
, below court, house.
I'liHTPJl (llni. Mnkrr. nnd Wblto nnd fnncy
Tiiiinnr.Wpnlinwn, VI-1H7
I)I,UU?1S11UUW J.UJii'i.iv V'.t ""'nil""
n in.! .Icnleis In Lumber, of nil kinds, planing
mill ncartho nill-road, - vl-ulo
J. ItllU.EMAN, snddhinnil itnrness ninker,
lli'nr boiuuwesi roruur .Hiuii tiu
Market st.
...nrl.1.1 tl.irllB OPnr fcllUlllWtSt
corner Mnln nnd Mnrket sts. vl-ull
ii II HINai.Elt.denlcr In
titnos. nrgttns nnd
nuliideons.nt O. W.Con Irsluiiiltuie roonu
ill II. MASTEI'.S, ngent for CI rover A Iliikt-r's
I , fewlng maehlno, Main si, llaitinnu's bulld
og, upstairs. vl-nll
nW. HOllllINH, lliinnr denli r second iloorfroni
. iiiirihwiu.t corner Maliinnd Iron sib vl-nn
WI'EACOCI". Nolnry rubllc, noriiiinsi corner
Mnln nnd Market st. vl-ull
Tt UN A.FUNSTON, mutiinlnnd cash rates nro
w ,1 liisiirsucHcnmpany.uorllKnstcoriier Mnlnainl
fj AMIIEL JACOHY, MnrMn tfiid llrownHlone
r) W(irks,.r;nktlllooimbvrB,Ileilckrond vl'iill
T W.SAMM.E A CO. Mnchlnlsts.Kostilloonis.
V l.n.,, imn-rullrn..l Cn.tlnirLlnail. nl clmrt.
N'llec -mai hlitiry mtiiloniid rewilreil. 2-u'Jl
fil.dlc.r. Il' -d UT, nisnuriuturer nndupnli.
ririit'ii.-t n iiinchtiii s. r-uuiplei CuS Mil.
1 ip, USt IlllM Ill.'dllllB,
II if n
Vl I! I
Dll, O. A. MEtlAHUET., physician ana turmoil,
Mnlnst., next door to Good's Hotel. vi-ni7
BltlCK HOTEL nnd refreshment snloon, by
Win. Mnslcller cor, of .Mnlnnnd I'lnost.vlnl7
CIW'AJ" IIOTEE, tho tipper liouso by John Hny
O iler, Mnlnst,, nhovo Hue. vl-n!7
HAH MAN llltOTHEltsi, TnnncrsBiidmnnu
tuners of lenthcr, on Mnln St., hclow (loo
Hotel. TS-n
DAVID llllltUtNO, l-'lnur nnd Clrlst Mill, nnd
Uinlerln grain, Mill HtrcM. vl-nl7
nOlVI'.K A ltr.llUINCl.
i.iv, wnmi . i,
roccrlcs. tmulicr mid cencrnl Merchandlso
Mnln st. V1'1H7
if S"
Gi:oitGK IiAZAnUS.knddlo nndhnrncssmnkcr
Mnln st.. nbovo tho Hwan Hotel. vl-n!7
T H. SMITH, manufacturer of tin waro nnd
II , denier In stoves etc, Main St., nbovo the
Hwan Hotel. V1-U17
I & K. W. COLEMAN, Merehnnt tnllor nml
A. Ocut's fiirriKhlng goods, Mnln Bt., next door
to tho brick hotel. vl-nt7
MS. HAYHtinST, Clocks, Wntches and Onns
, rcpnlro.1. lluus and Watches forsslc, Mnln
hi., hclow l'lne. vl-n7
TAMKH II. HAItMAN, Cnblnet Mnker, nnd Un
J dcitakur. Mnln St., below Tine. vl-tH7
II ToiIAllL C. Ki:i.I.Ell, Confectionery, Oysicri
Jl Ac. .Sc., on l'lno Bt., between Main nnd Mill.
II. & C. Kr.I.CII.Nr.n, Illiicksmlths.on Mill
Htreet, near riiic. vl-n!7
rl.ljIAM IiHI.ONd, MhoeninUernud mnnufne
lurerof IlrleU, MllISt.,v.i'stof l'lne vlnll
f IWIS Tt., lion founder, Mnchlll
List, nnd Mnnuf.ictmerof plows, Mill Ht.vl-nl7
MlIfUM A. Wir.I.IAMH A riiTnnncrsnnd Mnn
ufnctureis of lcnlher, Mill Htrcct. Vl-ul7
TOIIN, Hoot nml Shocmnker, l'lno
,J Htint, opposite tho Acndcmy vl-nl"
i II. lIlUlllINdA llllOTnillt.t'nrpcntersnml
A. llulhlcrs, Main Hticot, below l'lne. vl-n 17
tAMUEL SIIARI'LESH, Maker ofthoHnyhurst
S Oraln Ciadle. .Main St. v2ur.
M. 1IAHMAN, saddle nnd lmrness mnker
, Ornngovlllc, opposlto Frnmc church. vl2nll
mil I II Niniiiliiiiii 1.1 ill I
proprietor, south-east corner Jlalu nnd Second
Street. va-uia
II. CItEAHY, dry goods, groceries,
ernl Mcrchnndlso, Main Street.
nnd gen-v2-n!2
1). IIINAIII), denier In stoves nnd tin-ware.
MalnSticct. - v2-nl2
H. AU11ETT, attorney at Inw.Maln Street.
PILHEIIT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nml
VJT general mcrcnanuise, imn nireei. i-m
ICKILEU, billiard Baloou, oysters, -and lee
J, cream in oeason Main Btrcet. v'J-nu
P. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Bt.,
, Uobblua' llulldlng. v-ulH.
kU.J. IC. I10I1BIN8, Burgeon and riiyfilclnti,
I Hecond Ht below Main. v-i-nlS.
11. ICISTLKlt,"CnttawlsaHouce,"NortliWfst
, Corner Main and Second Streets. vnlS.
t M. llitOnST, dealer in General Mcrchamuse,
ill. Vry Goods, Groceries Ac. v2-nl8.
ll'.TEIt ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceiles,
Uour. feed, bait, llsh. Iron, nails, etc., Light
street. vMWj
Ti:UWIIiLIGi:U, Cabinetmaker,
and Chalrmaker.
03i:ru WAT.TKH lllncksmlth,
opposlto post
If I'. OMAN .t Co., Wheelwrights,
first door
. above bchool liouso.
1!M P. VT.TMtf. mll1(nirv nnd funcv UOOd.
W, M. i l.lx , ueaier in ijeuniur, nmus, iai.,
etc. Cash paid for Hides. vl-utfi
dealer In ttoves and tin ware In
H nUlt.1 brauche,
OHN A.OMAN, manufacturer and dealer In
boots nnd nhoos. vl-nCl,
T J. LEIHHU, M. I). Surgeon nnd rhyalclan
uiuco nt Jvoiier s iioioi.
T D. WEnfCIIEIH.EIl. Hoot and Shoo Storo
niiu iiiiuiiiiuiury nii'''in ji.iu.iii.vt
poslte stenm Mill.
l'j Proprietor. T
D. griK'cilcs, mid general lueieliniiillso. vUnll
x l1'1fll r .1 fl T .Innl.K lti.1. inui.l.
D. CALDWELL, dealer In dry goods, gioo-r-les.
mieen-wnre. lltlldwtllo. llvtl. salt, mills.
'., etc.. vUllll
W. EDtlAlt, Susqiiehaiiliii I'latlhu
llox Manufactory,
.111; nml
v I2u 1 1
iNllHHWMAlilfiON.dealtrliidrv noods, tcio
A ceric, grain, lumber etc., Jerbcytown. vl-nU
fACOll A. RWlSIir.1l, dealer in HI Jos, Leather
rl ruilc etc. MadUou township Columbia county
lUMUV.MadUnn Hottl. Dro-
j vers unci Sliangers enttrtalncd.
v--u i
11 O, AW. II. SHOEMAKER, dealers In dry
111 p.oous, giocerics una general iiiereiiiimiise,
first store lu south end of town. v2-nlS.
TACOI1AWM. II AHItIS, dialers In dry goods,
" groceiles, dings ami medicines, l-'lrst storeln
north cud 01 town.
V -ills.
IlLllOMSni'ltO.COLUMllIA CO., I'A.
The underslencd havlmr purchased this well
known and cent rally-Incut ed house, the l:chaiigo
Hotel, sltuato on MAIN hTHEET, 111 lllnomsbuig
Iminc dlntely opposlto tho Columbia ci.unty Com t
House, respecttullv Inform tlielr filends nnd the
Jiubllc In general that their house Is now lu order
or the leceptlon and entertnlnim-nt of Haveners
who icny bo disposed to favor It with their cus
tom. They linieppareilnooxpeusoln prepnrlug
the Exchaugo for lliecntertnluiucnt of thelrtfiiests
neither shall them be anything wautlng on tlielr
pnrt to minister to their personal comfort. They
house Is siiacious, and enjoys nn excellent bust
111' llll'llllllll.
Omnibuses run ntull times between tho Ex
whlcfi ti-ai'llers will Iw plensnutly eonveyei'l to
nnd from the icsiiiTtlvu stations lu duo tfmoto
meet tho cars.
Apnia, iws.
UHOI1C1E W. MAUOEIl, Proprietor.
The aboeo woll-kiiowii hotel has letcutly umler
gono ltul'cal chnnges lu Its Intcriuilarrangciiiciits.
nnd Its pr. priclnr uunnunces to his lormcr custom
nnd thu trnvclltiig public that his accomodations
for tho comfort of his guests nro second to none in
tho country. His tnblo will always bo found sup
plied, not only with mbslantliil food, but wllh nil
mo neiuiicics oi ino sonsiiu. juk wini-n turn 11
nnois (except popular beveruue kiinirn a
irJmin"). iiiireliaseil direct Iroiu the Imiun tin;
nniiouu'driii'S. lie iKlbnulifiil forn llbeial ihiIi'.iti-
nge In the past, mid will eoiilliuui loilfsene ll In
the juiiliu. uiAJUMi'. i . .w.i'iir-!(
i llK rioprieior 01 me i';xcuaiigiiriiiihiii nns in
on baud n huge stock of
HUMMElt HErllEHHMl:t.'j'is.
couslstltig of
si'ii i:u iiVHTmis. s.i:i)iNl:i, tiui-i. .. .
siih;i- i n; i v ic. iioii.eii K(.i.s, swi:nziiit aii:ijt
Huperlntendi lit
Jllooinshiiig, Mny 3, istr;,
Tnr. subscriber respectfully Informs his filtuds
and tho publlo, Hint lie has tnkeu Die alnivo well
known llou. of Euleititlmiieut, nud will bo
pleased to relvn tho custom of all Mho will
lavor nun witnacnn.
nr. will un:r a tioou taum:
h I'ur well stoel'cd wllh the 1 1 t of Liquors, and
cv ryelloitwlll no i: naoiiirci i rr u i. ww
I.'f'lUH. . . .'-
1 py, l'nuAl 111 ,1 0
Ncntly executed nl this Office.
Jl. 1,'VUIiUJ,
Ashlnnd, Bclmylklll County, I'enn'n.
A 1 1 U 11 . f . I
omeewlth U II. I.llllp. In brick bnllillnir ml.
Venslons collcclcil. (sepal 'i7.
InlMlmr l'nnt. ninnft. n rtminltns ltnrL'.l'rtv nn.l
Offlceln Heglster nnd Recorder's odlcc, In tho
bnstnicnt of tho Court House, llloomsburg, l'a.
Office corner of Mnln nnd Mnrkct streets, over
! Irst Nntlonnl Tlnnk, illoomOmrg, Pn,
Ofllco on Main slrcel, In brlok bullJlnj below the
Court House, nioomshurfj.Pa.
q n. imocinvAY,
nr.ooMsnuito, va.
Or- Orrirc ('onrt Hons. AUi.t. Iic'iut tho ri-
Imnhlan Olllcc. Jiinl'(.7,
llavlnc followed lhft nrofesslon of l'libllc Vcmhii.
Crier for many yenis, would Inform his filends
Hint ho Is still In tho field, rendy and willing to
nttendtonll tho dutlPS or his cnlling. l'ersons
desiring his services should call or wrlto to him
nt Bloomsburg, I'n. ninrs'67.
and dealer In
CAltl'KT-llAOS, VALIK1JS, FLY-NIDI'S, r.onra, tioiisk-tii.ankkih ,tc,
which ho fetls confident ho can sell nl lowr
nmlno for ourselves.
rnio in in diiv oiner nerson in ins eountir. kv-
Shon llri.t door below tlm lNml Orilc. Hfiitn
Street, llloomsburg, l'a.
cov. 10.
Over Widmnyer & JacobyV Ice Cream Hnloon,
Hair Dvelmr nnd 'WbiKkeiR rnloreit hlndr nr
blown. Hair Tonic to destroy dnndruir nml beau
tirylnu the hair; will rcMore linlr In lt ordinal
color without boiling the Hncist fabric, constantly
on hand. nprl2C7.
Iteir.-r-clfully olIVrH hlti professional Hervlces to
tho ladies and Lrcntlcmcn of llloonihliurfr nnd vl.
clnlty. IIo Is prepared to attend to nil tho varN
oua operations- in tho lino of his profei-slon, and
is piuviucu wiui inn micst improved i'ohcklain
rLETii wnicn win ue mbcriei. on koiu pinttnc,
liver nnd rubber bnso to look ns well ah tlm tint.
urnl teeth. Teeth extracted by nil the new and
most approved methods, nnd all operations on
tho teeth carefully and properly attended to.
Ilctiidcnce and ofllco a lew doors nbovo tho
Court House, Mime hide.
inoomsourg, jnu.:ii.-ww
Huiert, Ta.,
Mnnunictnrers of
nnd J enter In all klndn of
Ivi nothTt that they aro prt-paretl In nceonajdale
their dibtPpi with dispatch, nntl on the cheat ed
Ii t j i it h ij t it i, r A.
Tins miilcrsl 'iifnl would rHtniM'tfullr Inform
thw traTcIln-; public Utat h ba purch-vid nnd
rofltte-d in thw test iiiimii-r the oldHtatul funner
ly (cupid by Y. A, Kiln, anil that lift It now
prepared to ncmii,mdatH bis friend with all tin
oimfiri "no ctnivepn-nrrboi it iirM-ciaM nimi,
A 11 ii i- new lutiilinH tifii biilli and thu i-urrouii
dliii;s phti'tt) in p-Tf.n onicr. The bar will nl-
ii j in' cini'ii ii mi nits t nc i At n i Kjnurik a nil ei-
aiN. ami nit uitu-riirni-nt u wuu mo lm-m ins
marl.4 1 nllor.iH. JAM1-S V. Cill.fiASl'IV,
.ItllV .tK-.-f
II u. hii! tnkeu oosti'sslon of thU wc-11-.knnwn
oiist, to lomf Ueid h tiuucl i;eiett, thu Pro
inii'tiirliasnut In it Pi-iiiiiLiieiit teniilrniia furnkli.
ed MAU AND IAll 1FH w lib I hit ehok est liquor''
iiiui newetii cieiiciicit-s. ui. kinoic is noi oAccueu
In thu county : and no n-tiuN r ho 8 fared to
neconiUi'Jafe L'uotflu uurZ tb
jy o u ii i n s
11.1.1 i itiu nuur l'l.isu
Maris a lasiimi siu.tu.
Th'ist. i bo bl.n k their Iloots on Snluiilnv nfulil
n Ith iiidlnary bl.ieklug. don't havo inni Ii sbme
on Sunday, lis the polish ludes Ml; but the shine
Lasts iirilny Night mid .dl iU) Siuulay.
It Inuts uiiy otl.i r liliuhin iiuidi'.
.Manlllai'llll-i-il t ml v bv J. It. lliibblus. nt his tin-
mi use Konn unit Hlni-Miig Winks, slxtli stitLt
nun uei minium n .winue, I'liuaiit'ipiua, l'a,
sa lu by
'. W.'liS-S
has Just rLlttiiifd finni l'hlladclphlii, mid has
bought, and Is now olleiing Iho best assortment
ccr cxblblled In llloomsburg, nud Is prepared lo
make up dresses unit nil other iirlules of remain
wnidiobe, at short not lie, and In the best and
llooms in tho Hnnisey llullillngs, nu West
MaliiiSlieel. Cult and see her varied sunk of
Spring tlooils.
May Win.
A now, clieapdutahl.', ht-aHhy, and lk-autirul
A Mii-MUutu for oll.cloth nt fuvUilrd tho tot,
'I'll U em i el 1m moihiced hv a necullarttouihiua
lit. n ni hiinhK- heavy i ni er, prinled In vinumt n
tal colony and ton let I withu uai;li, elastic, v.aUT
lio(reiiauK'l m hlch ncelvts iho ualer, proli i ls
tlio coiorv ami tuiper i'iiouie waMiint'. ami rut
(hit-thocarpet ltrltht and beaulirul hi tho ex
ui mi !ti ml vfiiiliiL'pH urn ns frlloun i
lt lost uiitU'ih it anllablu lo idl( lasns ; It Is
exieedlniily fciiU)oth and (flosi-y, and It ikvuihiw
laleb licit to nodut-t t ltdoeH not ict'utru to be
take n un and ileaiud llko other cuiin l, and thus
nvi-tt imuh lid or and troutdo: hy ro-eo,Uinjj
wlth ihoL'ainpllllon i:immelHcaKlonalIy an tlio
t aso may n i-utre, ( wlih h cokis but u trlilo,) tt will
ia-t liuis-illl'ieiy, uvrn mm ni-.iiini ihmhj
newanu uriuuv : in in uouo reimm-o wiau-1-.i
is phwtd upon tlio for wear, but exclilvf
lv iiimti kt.ii tiitt l'.niiriif coatlnir. tiio lU'urol na
per beint; iiketl ouly to ncuro tlm colorK. I'm r
linn reccully be?n uied for n vaiiety of pnrposvn,
een for truuks, roof,llour bauN and wcarlnunp
parcl.bul tho llrbt nttemnt, either in IMropo or
America, tu convert It intu carpet or ilonr eou
Iiil', all cuccde it to be an entlro tueci hh I
We hftvo purcliiistd thu rlht for Columbia
county nnd can furnUh thu carpel to merchant
nt iiiunufit.etiirrs irloM.
UJ"Vou nro luitctl lo call nrd exam Ino thu
looiU utour wiore, jii i I'.uv , lu,
Ulounuburis.ncc. irui-tr.
Munson's Coppir Tubular Lightning Hod Is
1110 lust plb 1 1 if ll inmost uisusier uy iigiuiiiug
oil luviuoi', 'luu mil ulber Is sgeut lor thu
bovu uiM-iiUou, aim nu oiuiis by uinll or in
i rsi.n will 1ki piouiptly ntti iided to.
Mnyl'M I II.1II11LK.MAN'. 4
&ntt goctrtj.
a hbmahkabisU rouM.
The following striking iioem wu
recited by JIIs-j Llzilo Duten,nSnlrltu
nl trnnco speaker nt the close of n recent
lecture In .Boston. Slio iiroics-ictl to rIvo
it iliiDroiniitii. so fnr ns slio wns con-
ctrnctl, nml lo spenk utulor tho direct
lniiiicnco oi mo spirit oi rigar a., roe.
Wlintevcr mny bo tho truth of its pro
(luctioti. tlio poem Is In several respects
n reinnmnbio one. Aim uoion is nppn-
rcntly lncapablo of orlBlnatlng such
nocni; If It wns written for her by
bomo ono else, nnd merely committed
to memory nnu rociteu uy ncr, mo po
em is nevertheless wonderful ns n re
production of tho singular music and
nllltcrntion of l'oo's style, nnd ns mani
festing tho samo intensity of feeling.
Whoovcr wroto tho poem must hnvo
been exceedingly familiar with Poo,nntl
deeply In sympathy with his spirit.
But If Miss Dotcn is honest, and the po
em originated ns slio says It did, it is
unquestionably tho most astonishing
thing that Spiritualism has produced.
It docs not follow, necessarily, In thatcaic
that I'oohlmself made the pociii,nlthougli
wo nro asked to bcllcvo n great many
spiritual things on les-i cogent evidence
but it U in any view of it that may
bo taken, a very singular nntl mysteri
ous production. Tliero is in the second
verso nn allusion to u previous poem
that purported tocomoirom the spirit
of I'oo. whicli wns publHhed several
vears since and attracted much nttcn-
tion, but tho following poem Is of a
higher order nntUnuch moro liko Poe
man tne oiner. nprwgjicia uepuuucan
From tho throne of life ctcrnul,
1'rom tho honioof lovo supernal,
Wheiotho nngel fect mako lnuslo over nil the
stnrry lloor
Morrnls, I havecoino to meet you,
Como wllh words of penco togicctyoti,
And lo toll yon of Ihogliio Ihntls inlnn fororer.
Onco bcfoi-d I found u nuital
Waiting ut tho heavcnl portal
Waiting but to cnichsjinoecho from thnt ever,
opening door;
Th ill I sol7Cdhls iiulckcnoil being,
And Ihiough all his Inward seeing,
Caused my burning Inspiration Inn fiery iloo.1 lo
pour 1
Now I como moro meekly human.
And the wenk lips of n woninn
Tomli wllh fliofronioirihonltai, out wllh burn
lugs ns of i ore;
Hut In holy lovedeseeliillng.
With her chnst Plied being blolidlnu.
I would 111 ifiuf souls wllh music from Iho bright
cijstlnl eh, ore.
As on,i hentt ynitrns for another,
As a child tarns to Its mother,
l'rom the golden guUs of glory tiirnt to the eiuth
once moro,
W here I dm ned Hap cup 0 f sadness,
Wheiu my soul wit stung to madness,
And llfo's bitter, burning billows swi pt my bur
dened being o er.
Hero tholinrplea and tho ravens
Human vnmpyrcs sordid cravens,
Preyedupon my souland substnneo till I writhed
In uugulsh soro;
Llfo snd'I then iccintd inlsmslrd
For I felt accursed nnd futcd,
Llko a restless, wrnlltful spirit, wandering on
thu Hlyglan! shore.
Tortured by n unmeliss ycnrulng,
Llko a frott-flro, Ircrzlrg, burning,
Did tho mini lc, pulsing life-tide through Its fe
vered chnnnels pour.
Till tho golden bowl Llfo's token '
Into shining shnrds wns broken,
And my chained nud chafing spirit leapt from out
Its prison door.
Hut while living, striving, dying,
Never did my soul cease crying; '
"Yc lfhoguldothii fates and furies, gjjre I oh, give
me, I lmploro,
Trom the myriad hosts of iifttloiis
rrom the countless constellations.
One ioor spirit that enn lovo me ono Hint Moo.
can tuloio I'
Thiougti this furvontnsplriitlon
Found my fnlntlnx soul salvation,
For, from out Its blncUeneU llr.-cryplu, did my
ipikUeneil siiUUsonr;
And my beautiful Ideal
Not to s.lntly to b real
Iliust moro brightly on my vision than thu fan
cy- formed Lcnoro.
'M1J tho surging seas slio found mo,
Willi thu billows breaking round mo,
Ami my smliloueil.slnklngsplrlt In her arms of
lovo upboro ;
Llko n lone 0110, weak nml weary.
Wandering In tho midnight drcjry,
on her sinless, saintly Uni im.broa.jlitiil u to tin.
henvi ul nhoro.
Llko tho breath of blossoms blinding,
Llko the pmyriHuf saints ascending,
I.llie the ralnbuw's sovcn.huod glory, tileiid u o
souls foioveiniitio.
Earthly lo.'iuind lust enslaved ino,
llutdlvlnost loo hath savud mo
And I know now, llrsl nml only, how In love mid
to nilorc.
Oh, my mortal hi. mis and biothurs I
Wo nro'i itch nud all auother'v,
And the soul that gKc most lieoly limn lis Iron
suie, hath Iho uioro.
Wvuld you loso vi.tirllfo. you ibid It ;
And lu giving love you bind It,
Like an umulet of safety, to your he rtfoiever-
iwiitiii mwnif ww
Fato of tho Apostles.
Matthew is supposed to hnvo siidered
martyrdom, or was slain In tho city of
Mark was dragged through thoslreeta
of Alexandria till lit) expired.
I.uku was hangid to an olive tiioln
0 recce.
John was put lu a boiling cauldron at
Home-, but escaped death. Eleil to tlio
Islo ol rntmos, in tho Grecian Archi
pelago, whero ho "was in n vision on
tlio Lord's day" data of tlio book of
"ltovelntions." Ho died u natural
death at Ephesus, Asia.
Juiues, thu great, was beheaded ut Je
Jaiiies,.tho less, was thrown from a
pinnacle- nnd beaten to death.
, Philip was beheaded.
Il.irtholoiuuw was skinned alive.
Andrew was crucified and pounded
whllu dying. Thu cross was shaped
liko the letter X hence "St. Andiew's
Thomas was iini through withn l.incu
Judo was shot wllh tin own. .
Simon Peter was crucified with head
downwards, becitiro ho did not feel
win thy U bu crucllled llku his Master.
Thu Greek eioss comes from this.
Matthias, wm stoned to duith.
Jariuib;n was stoned.
Paul was beheaded by the tyrant Ne
ro, at Home.
If you havo a yoko of oxen don't bo
ashamed of them ami glvu your nolo
for it span of hoi'sfas.
Don't buy patent rights to sell again,
Teach your boys to look upward and
forward, never down or backward.
Don't lonvo to memory what should
ho written ; it makes lawsuits.
When tliu labors of tho day nro past,
gut good books ami Invito tho young
sters t tho sitting room.
II. 7.SCI10KKF..
How I furt-d in Vlcntin, I hnvo nl-
ready told you. Tho lady Von Tnrnntl
hntl vniilslied. The hotel hnd passed
Into now hands j nnd so tliero wns no
ono to give me any luformiitloii. My
nciiiialfitnncts kuewns little of her nntl
her whorenlinnts us I. They wrote nt
my request to Augsburg, whenco slio
or her aunt hml brought letters of credit
nnd Introduction. -JJut tho Augsburg
correspondent had 111. tlio mean time
died, nnd his heirs could glvo Intelligence-
of no lady Von Tnrnau.
Enough ; I wns In despair. 1 wns
most hcnillly vexed with myself. Eor
wns it not my own 'null, that, during
my first stay In Vlonnn, I had been so
unpardonably negligent an not to Inform
myself of her family and residence? In
deed, then I never once thought tlntt I
wns going to fall In love with hrr a yenr
nnd it quarter afterwards.
In tho tnldit of my trouble, what on
livened mo tho most, although it In
creased my pasdon, was her room.
That room 1 now occupied. I found tho
sumo furniture still there, the very
chair on which sho cat, and the tablo nt
which she wrote. The whole past lived
so vividly before my eyes mid around
me, that I iibMilutcly sprung up from
my scat all In n flutter, upon thesllght-
cst noise at tin door, thinking that It
wan sno norseii aim uer aunt coining
In tho room itsolf nothing remained
iiiiBcnrclied, for I still hoped to discover
some truce of her. Twenty times did I
oxtimluo tho wMIs from tho lloor to tho
celling to llntl, among tho signatures of
travellers there, her mimc,or something
that would lead to Iho discovery of her
home. All lu vnlnl
Odd but trilling enough, the very dny I went into tho room, 1 found
in the drawer of the wrltlng-tnblo let
no ono laugh u bcuutiful, shining,
brown Mm. You know what a encred
symbol this vegetable, hnd become to
mo, nnd now I had found it in Jose
phine's room 1 I took up tho bean with
tlio greatest care. Ana its 1 now gnvo
up tho fond hope of ever finding the
loveliest being upon earth, I took tho
bean U) a Jeweller, nnd had it set in
gold, In order to wear it continually by
n silken guard round my neck, as it
m cmento of tho loveliest of hersex and
of my sutl rouiiHjoe,
I then left Vienna. 1 wns unhappy
and comfortless. I swore never to mar
ry. Ah, one swenrs many things in his
haste I
1 rciurncd lo my native city llko'
widower. All young ladles appeared
to me Intolerable, stale, common ; I
buried myself in business ; I diverted
my mind by engaging in largo specula'
tlon?; saw no company, made no visits.
Josephine's image hovered continually
around mo llko . a guardian angel, nnd
thu bean iijiiui my breast was as pre
clous a possession r.s If it had been bo-
stowed hy hrr own hand. iM no ono
grudgo Iho unhappy his dreams! I
even nt last imagined that the beautiful
Turunu had hcr&clf placed the beau In
the drawer of the wriliiiK-lable. A ha
py fancy is lu tho end as good ns any
philosophy by which one would fain
console himself.
My outward inuii, Indeed, not In
dicntivu of this wonderful happi ;
for all thought mu melancholy, sick,
mill liko tu die. Aunti and cuuslns iio
sut Hie Willi I'liliTittk's, iuvllu'.liiiii, and
plans ofjph'iii-uiu; oven physicians wore
sent to my houm. I would hnvo noth
ing In do with them.
Tu 1'ieo myself from my tin mentors,
nnd to show that I was still like other
men, I went now and then lo some of
tho evening paities at the hmisi s of my
One evening 1 accepted mi invitation
to Councillor Hilduliiniui'.. Now you
shall hear tlio cataitropi.u of my story.
1 wont to the councillor's. The com
pany were all known tu me. with thu
exception ot one person, who was in
tioiluied to Hie as a lli'titi'iiuut-coliini'l
In the Itu-alim service, and who had
latelySciiino Into po-u.rIim of an estate
about a leagtiu and a hall' lioin the city.
To this, however, I did not pay much
attention at tho moment. I bowed si
lently, laid aside my hat and took my
seat. Conversation was lively; no
much the better for mu, I had no espec
ial desire to talk.
Thu Hussion olllcer, a large, stout
man, or tni agreealile nnu iiigniiieu ng
ure, already past sixty, ..till full of ani
mation, chiefly engaged my attention.
Ho had a ribbon ut his button-hole, nud
a eoiiplu of sc.iri. on his l'urehcnd and
cheek. His volcu was lutul and author
Itutivo; It was easy to scu in him a
comimmdlug olllcer. Tho conversation
turned now upon Persia, and now upon
Moldau, where thu lieutcunnl-colniicl
had made campaigns. Thu company
listened to him with pleasure, and lie
told Ids stories well.
Aler supper the conversation grew
still moro lively, The old olllcer told
of a battle, in which, wounded lu the
breast, lie had fallen from his horse and
been taken pr.souer by tlioTuiks. When
lu thu excitement of his iianatlvu ho
toru open hii vest it) show tho wound,
wo' remarked that ho wuro next to his
heart a llttlo golden locket fastened by
u silken guard. Ho drew out tho loelfet
and exclaimed : "The Janissaries rob
bed mu of every tiling j but this Jewel,
tho most precious ol my possessions, I
Of course, all Imagined thai it muit
bu a diamond ut uncommon size, or u
pearl of luimeiisu value, ouu of his Eas
tern spoils.
"Oh, not at all," eiledho "it Is only
a Lewi!"
'A U'utt!" uxchiliued every one.
At III eo words 1 became, I believe,
ted its llru or palu its ilu.ilh, or both by
turns, lor 1 could not command myself
for f-.urprl.u, "How comes thu man by
n bean which hu wcai-i) bet In gold llku
a bticrtd rollc, Just llko moY" thought
I. Li tany one imatJuo hlnwlf in my
situation, mid lit) will know how I !'!(.
I longed to learn why ho worotliobenn'
"Jut I wns confounded; I could not
bring out n syllnblc. I tossed off n
glass of punch to get courngo to nsk tho
question. IJut I was saved tho troublo
by nil present.
"I will willingly tell you," snld tho
old officer, and niled his plpo; "hut I
am nfrnld the story Is not sulHelently
Interesting. Elll your pipes gentlo-
Every ono obeyed, even I.nlthough
I wns no smoker. l!ut I took the cold
plpo between my lips, from puro fenr
thnt the colonel should refuse to proceed
If he saw mo without his favorite In
Gentlemen, I was a cadet In my fif
teenth year, and n lieutenant lu my
twentieth, said tlio old gentleman.
Hut In his flvc-and-twcntlcth ono is
something moro than n mere lieutenant.
He Is n god, iiotn bciiu 1 if lie is in lovo.
And thnt was I.
Our colonel hnd a daughter, the most
beautiful nnd bewitching maiden In the
wholo kingdom, and I had, along with
two pound eyes, an extra sound heart.
This explains everything. Tho' young
cotintees of Obcndorf but I lovo to call
hci' to myself by her baptismal namo of
Sophia, for, notn bene! I was no count
Sophia then was Hlxteen yenrs old,
nnd 1, ns I said before, five nnd twenty ;
you can easily Imagine what mischief
aroe therefrom. Jt wns quite unnvold-
tble, I assure- you. You all see that
plainly enough ; but tho colonel, who
had the eye of nhnwk In regimental
matters, did not seo it at all; but my
!ovo,nota bcnol was no regimental mat
ter: for tho rest, I stood very high with
him ; ho wns ns fond of mo as n son.
Ho had known my ptrcnts, who wcro
no longer living; lie stood to mo as ft
father, nnd I would hnvo given any
tiling In tho world to hnvo been his son.
IJut thnt was not to bo thought of. Ho
was n colonel, I a lieutenant; ho a
count, I not; ho rich as Crcesus, I poor
ns a church-mouse. Now you know nil.
The distance betwccnjis was too great.
The countess1 Sophia did not make
such nice distinctions about titles and
wealth as tho old colonel, and yet in
many things bIio was moro prudent
than he.
I remarked, indeed, that sho treated
me in H'.njjra friendly manner than any
other of 1 th ljlijurs ; that she liked best
to'tnlk'TTith me'; liked best to danco
with mo ; liked best to vnk with mu
In ftip garden In summer,' nnd to go
sleighing with mo in tho winter, how
ever, I could not conclude from nil this
whether sho loved mo. Hut that I lov
ed, ndorcd, idolized her, that I knew,
nntl thnt I knew only too well.
A thousand tirmvj vffis I ready to do
clnro myself, nnd throw myself nt her
feet but, good heavens ! I have sinto
gono with my battalion to storm a bat
tery with n lighter heart than I was
nblo then to ndvanco a single step to
wards Sophln. It will not do snld I.
IJut I will notdctnlnyou longer with
tho history of my lovo nnd sufferings
but proceeded directly to the main
One evening I had to carry a report
to the colonel. Ho wns not at homo;
that, indeed, was no great misfortune,
for tho countess Sophia was sitting nil
alone, nnd sho permitted mo to nwiiit
her father's roturn iu hor company.
llnw curious It was I If wo met at
largo parties, it seemed ns if there would
bo no en J to our talk; but when wo
weronlono, tele a-tete, as they say, we
knew not what to wiy, nay, we knew
well enough, hut, notn bcnol we could
not say it ! Whether you over e.peri
enced such fatalities, gentlemen, lu
your young dnyo, I know not.
On the table bofoiethoyotiiigcoiinltss
lay a dr.iuglit-board, upon which a cer
tain gumo was played with it number
of while and brown beans.
Afturn long pauo in our convei.-a-tion
but, notn bono I such pauses were
any thing but tedious the cifuntei-'s In
vited mi' lo piny. She gave me tl:o
brown bums ami kept the white. 'I hey
belong! tl lo her, of course, on iiec.uiiit
of their color, the emblem of Inno
cence. Wd plilyed. The eouule-s won.
Thnt led to quarreling, and I liked to
qunirel with her, for then I could say
many things to her thnt I could never
muster courugo to say lu cold bloud.
And now It was just ns if wo were in
a largo party; that is wo talked fast
enough about the stakes. Tho cuuutcss
Sophia had wit ; shu laughed nnd tensed
me, urn! drove meso with her sallies Into
n corner, that In my despair I knew not
what to answer. In my vexation 1
took up ono of my brown beans, and to
punish tho beautiful Jester, who hitighcd
at ino so roguishly, threw it nt her.
Tho bean mndon parabola nnd threaten
ed Ihu delicate nose of my opponent,
but as sho drew back her pretty head to
avoid the light bomb Ah, my shot fell
through tho folds of her neckcichtcf
down Into Irer bosom. Luckily It was
no arrow
I whs terribly frightened, and wns nil'
in glow In my ugony. Sophln blush
ed, and enst her eyen modestly down.
Jest, play, and quarrel wcro nuw nil nt
nu end. I could not spunk, nud shu was
silent. I feared that 1 hud Incurred her
anger through my awkwardness 1
looked timidly towards her, sho raised
her oyes and east upon me rather u
dark look that 1 could not bear. 1
arose, and bent my kneu befoiu the
adored one, pressed her hand to my lips
ttud implored pardon, Sho answered
not a syllable, yet shu did not draw
nway her baud iroiu mo
"O countess! O. dear Sophia! don't
bu vexed with mi'. I should die," cried
I, "If you wcro angry with inc. Kor
only for you, only through you do I
live. Without you llfo is worthies.
You mo my life, my heaven, my till."
Enough; one word followed niiothor.
How much did I say to her with tears
lu my eyes, and with tears In her eyes
how much did sho listen tol 1 begged
for nu answer and yet gnvo her no time
for uu answer, and, notn bono I tho
colonel stood three steps from us lu thu
room without either of us having seen
or heard him outer. I believe bu must
hnvo glided lu like n ghost? God save
him 1 Ik Is now lu lYrudl-i-.
His awful voiccsturtlcd us liken clnp
of thunder, as ho poured out upon us a
whole string of regimental oaths, old
nnd now. I sprang up beforo him. So
phln, without losing her presenco of
mind, did tho snmc. Wo were on tho
point of excusing ourselves, If there re-
ally wns tiny thing to bo excused. Hut
lie would not allow us to utter n word.
'Silence I" shouted he, ns If, instend
of two poor sinners, he hnd to dent with
n coupls of regiments ofcnvnlry. "You,
Suphin, depart to-morrow nnd you,
31. Lieutenant, will iileaso nsk your
dismissal, nnd quit the province or
you nro a dend mnn."
With this ho turned upon his heel
nnd left tho room. I must confess, tho
prudence of tlio mnn in tho midst of his
fury was worthy of admiration ; for I
hold it wns very prudent In him thnt
ho left us nlonc; wo had still much to
sny to cncli other.
Tho countness Sophln Blood 'there in
the middle of tho room with her pret
ty bend bunk upon her brenst, and her
hands negligently folded before her liko
n statue.
"Oh Sophia I" snld 1, and rushed to
wards her, nnd, folding her In my nrms,
pressed her fervently to my heart : "So
phln, now I lose you forever I
"No," she replied firmly, "not forey-
cr ; so long nsl brcntho shnll yoilr Im
ago live In my heart." And this wns
said in n tone Oh, with a voice that
thrilled every nerve In me.
'Am I really dear toyott, Sophln V" I
whispered, nnd pressed my burning lips
to her rosy mouth. Sho did not sny
yes, sho did not ray no, but she return
ed my kiss, nnd tho oarth went from
under my feet ; my eoul was no longer
In tho body; I touched thu slnrs; I
know tho happiness of tho s'crnphlm.
Sho wept ; her sobs recalled mo to
"O Sophia," cried I, sinking nt her
feet nnd embracing her knees : "I swenr
It to you, I nm yours alono ns long us I
brentho nnd wherever my fate shnll
bear mo I"
A deathlike, silence ensued. Our
souls wcro silently swearing eternal fi
delity. Suddenly something fell upon.
the lloor. It was the unfortunate bean,
to which we owed all our wretchedness.
I took It up, arose, and held jt out to
Sophia, saying, "Tills is the work of
Providence I I will keep it ns a remem
brancer of this evening."
"Yes, it is a provi deiicol" whispered
sho, nnd turned and went Into tho next
Tho following morning, or rather .in
tne night, she travelled off. Tho colo
nel treated mo on parado with the
most scornful coldness. I applied for
my dismissal, received it nnd went off.
Whither 1 cared not. Krlends gave me
letters to Petersburg nnd supplied me
with traveling money.
"It is n provldcncol" thought I, and
started for tho rough North. Sophia
was lost to mo forever; nothing re
mained to mo but tho painful remem
brance and the bean. This I had set in
go;d,nnd I hnvo now faithfully worn it
next my lie art for two-and-forty years.
Aiy letter isoon obtained for mo n
lieutenant's commission. IJwns some
what indifferent to life, and so was
somewhat brave. I fought in Asia nnd
Europo, got booty, honor, orders, and
wliatover else a soldier desires. After
somo twenty years I got to bo iilieutcn
nut-colonel. I had grown old! inyenr
ly history was, Indeed, forgotten, but,
notn bene! tho benn was still denr to
When l was taken prisoner by the
Jiiiiissnrics ut tlio liallloor lllniiuru, lu
thu year 'KS, we had n hot day of it,
tho priiico of Nassau mado his cause
good by the way, they stripped mo of
everything; but the sacred bean they
did not Hml; It was completely soaked
iu blood. 1 expected nothing but
death. For two days 1 was dragged
about by the liillilels ; hut,
pursued by our cuvaliy, they at last left
me lying half dri.'l. So our people
found me. They look pity on me and
carried me to the hospital, and, to com
plete my iv.stot'.tiloii, 1 was sent at the
head of a transport back to Moscow.
The repose pleased mu. 1 hail to
live, and therefore llfo bec.imo dear to
mo. After twenty yiars' service and
seven honorable, wounds, I could rut
sonubly look for uu honorable distills
sion, I received it with a pension; that
wi all very well, but, notn bene! I
wns not long contented. Moscow Is uu
iigreeablu city, but for one of ih, who
are no merchants, intlu r dull. Pelers
buig Is u beautiful place, but all its
splendor wns not enough (o make mo
forget tho little town where I had been
iu garrison twenty years before with
Colonel von Obendorf, and, uotabeno!
with Sophia.
There was nothing tt delay me. "Do
you not wish once more to sue tint little
town, and, perhaps, also thu beloved of
thy youth, who is now either a grand
niamni'.i, orlsdctulV" Hlcsscd heaven!
how much she' must have changed In
thu m'ea'iitlmul thought I,
I received my passports and depart
oil. I looked about mu In all the cities
through which I passed, fori had not It
lug to hasten me, nnd so I approached
our former garrison town.
How my heart bent when I saw the
black-poiiitul church-splic w.lth its
golden ball, rsi behind the irtuiiciuus
gurdui s nud mil. arils! but, ihdi. b in !
It wits not thu spin'; but I tliouulit
Sophln, and that her grave mihi ini
bo far from tin. spite.
No one In tue town knew ii)i . ll Is
very true, u quarter ol n century is a
long lime. The leglmeiit to which I
formerly belonged was uu longer there
nnd Ihu . station wm occupied by dm
goons; Oolonul vm Obendorf had died
many years before, anil his daughter
had amoved to her estalss lu Mor.ivla,
that Is, not from Urunn. Whether
she were still living no one knew.
Shall I go there too? thought I; and
If shu bu lying In her grave, then gu to
her gruvu nud lake Iroiu Itsoiuu enrth
mill have It enclosed iu gold and wear
ll instead of I he beau?
Ill llrunn I lenrnud with Joyful sur
prise thnt sho was still alive, and resid
ed live leagues from th city on n bi-nu-tlfttl
estate, ail was still culled the
Ciiiihu von Obi ndorf.
Ono nlght,nflerlhnd occn nl.vinoruhs
on tho l9lniid, I was seated hy the fire,
wailing fortho I'lniilittis that were boil
ing In tho pot. Jonchln wus not in tho
hut, nnd I wns expecting him .home to
supper. ,t
Suddenly I heard his shout .tint-ide,
and the next Instant ho dashed juto the
hut, banged the door to, nnd threw the
henvy bar ncross It. Just ns ho fixed It
nnd hnd leaned his shouldtrngntnst thu
stout wood ns nn additional support,
mere was n shock so ncavy mm mo
whole hut quivered nntl mndo the door
bend. Another followed, ihon nil wns
I Mirnnglup nt tho llrstslghtof Jonrh-
tu, but tho scone passed so quickly that
no word had been spoken yet.' Hut
when, uftcr the second blow. on thu
door, thu attempt seemed to Ije. aban
doned on that side, I took tho, native
uy tlio shoulder and sliooit mm (or lie
seemed wild with fenr.
"Hnllo.mnnl" I snld, "what Is this?"
His nppenrnuco was ghastly. Tlo old
Guatamala Jacket ho wore, his leather
breechcs,cven his boots of alligator hldo
were rlppod and cut by the thorns of
tho acacias. His face streamed with
blood from many deep scratches, mi l
perspiration drenched his long hair.
"A black tiger," ho whispered. "It
has chased mo across tho savannnh, lor
my horso tired out. It is nfter mo. Oh,
11 ,teii!"
Then In tho silence, whllo wo held
our breath, and Jemciiin strained my
bund backwards and forwnids, I heard
tho hard snoringofn tiger Just Outside
the door. No 'doubt of it? TIlo beast
hnd singled Jonchln out, nud let the
horso go free.
Whllo wo listened, tlio dllection of
tho sound moved about, now up and
down, accompanied by raps against the
door, as If tho animal wcro resting his
paws against It as he raised himself on
his hind legs.
At length wo heard tho sound of
scratching, nnd I drew my mnchctle.
Iu n few seconds a black paw, armed
witli terrible crooked claws was tien
working on our sido of the door. 1
gave a downright cut, which nenrly
severed it, nnd the animal, roaring sav
agely, threw himself against the wood
again nud again in rage.
Then another pnuso followed. Very
soon a noise upon the roof showed, as
we had expected, thnt the enemy was
directing his attack in that direction,
nnd I got my old gun ready. As soon
as I saw the animnl'j fur I fired nud
wounded him, no doubt, for ho rolled
from the roof, nnd wo heart, him fall
heavily. Again and again hu returned
to thu attempt, nnd every time I caught
a glimpse of his black and shining skill
I fired.
His mariner wns terrible to hear, and
Jonchln, who nover hud exjrrrngo to
spare, snt on tho floor In a porrter, stri
ving to eloso Ids pars to the sound.
All night the struggle Instqdnt Inler-
vnls, nnd every crack of the hut was
tried by tills untiring foe. Hi dashid
upon tho door, he hounded upon the
roof, scratching thnt way, hut never
disturbed my flro ; hu trior tho wnlls
nnd door again nnd ngaln. It was un
awful night, that's n'.tuut; and I, for
my part, did not recover from'tho ner
vous strain for months.
With tho dawn Hue tlgnr's efforts
heenm fainter, and at length ceased.
Wheu the sun rose 1 look uiy gun and
sallied out to meet the creature iu u fair
light. 1 followed his trull for a mile or
mort, easily guided by tbo clots of
blood which stained the gmss and rocks
Ho was woundad to tbedeuth I plainly
saw. At last I found him iUmd besldo
the body nf Joachln's horso, which ho
must havo destroyed lu tbu vary last
etfurt of his rago, dying in ttie acl.
A MntAcr.E ov Honesty. At u pai
ly one evening, several contending for
tiio honor of having douu the most
wonderful thing, n reverend gf'iitleiu.iii
wns appointed solo Judge of their ie
spi ctlvo pretentions.
One produced his tailor's bill with n
receipt attached to it. A buzz went
through tbo room that this could not
bo outdone, when n second proved that
hu hadjust arrested his tailor I'or'money
lent to him.
"The palm Is his," was' the generous
cry, when n third put iu his claim.
"Gentlemen," ho said, "I cannot
boast of the feats of my predecessors,
but I have returuid to tho owners two
umbrellas that they left at my house."
"I'll hear no more," cried thu tuto'i
Ished arbitrator. "Till.- is the very ac
me of honesty, It Is nu act of virtue of
which I nover knew any oue capable.
Tlio prize " ,
"Hold," cried nnothor, "I havodonu
still better than that."
"Impossible," cried tho wholo com
pany. IJV, IIS il, .11 . 1
"I have been taking my paper for Htl
years and paid for It every year In ad
vance." Ho took tho prize.
Do as I Do. A well kimwii "fat"
man recently entered bar-room In u
city Iu tho west, where ho auldom fails
to meet some twenty friends in tint
"smiling hours." With his muni heiiril-
liens uu dins up HID lUUll'llII, Willi
nothing loth, at once "faced thu cOiiutt . .'
"You must all do as I do," said ihu
liberal ono.
"Oh, certainly of eourso" was tho
unanimous reply, "What is yours going
to be?"
"I shall tnko puro brandy, " was his
And then all called for P. H. Alter
drinking, thu wag laid down Ids lip on
tho counter, and then Immediately re
lliod, whispering, In a soft porsuablvti
tono :
"Do us I do, gentlemen."
Tho party looked at one another with
ueiimlcnl stnic, until one, who finally
felt tho foreo of thu Idea creeping po
erfully through his hair, exclaimed i
"Sold by Jupiter!"
It Is said that the Sianiiiu Ivdtihliti'V
away from Chicago becwut-o lucy di-n't
w iiil lo be wpainted.
A Hungry Tiger.