The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 25, 1868, Image 3
(lfillbv MtJ p DeiJlmadgo, umf i wliosli and subjects wilPS Ipranl'd. rxo pldly becoming thu I'lmla lne urthoday. IJolli WHtil ts beauty recommend MKIcis o liavo two lino speci- Mntii thistown ; llrower's 'lfn;ll tho Normal .School. o wJilvcro furnished by Mr. RnikonBLoierc admirably laid bv llciiOilbliuiMr IXuivIllo, who it. a li'actil sinter, ami onovho thorough- murstmuH hi- huslnes.5. tWi'.ayo never "dunned" our sub Ibt, nud do not propose to do so v ;tq only wish to suggest to them it cr printers must be paid cash, and loiiilaiicr. ink. mid other 111aliTl.1l las! 1 Almost all of our Hii.i.-erlbers I ulii to pay for their pa'peniw, and ho olng, would enablo us to pay at ! foar recent pureha.-e. Any one Pun' si that mall amounts when orcd it liu ",000 subscribers mal:o a large n In the aggregate. l!y buying lie j iwntl we wivo thofo who .Jiavu ecu lug both paper-", Its price ev , or probably nn aggregate of r.V J l-',00 jer annum to our people. I'll, br what you owe, and thru pay r alar in advniicu. Wo have trust- or n year or two, now return iiioclplliuent. Tl is'oKMAi, SciioiiIj.A few days Lnci'e had the pleasure of making; a lion;h Inspection of this flue slrue- lurb der the. guidance of I'rof. Henry 'urv the Principal, and were both Istoilj-d and doliglile.l a1 dbo pro-riv-i'ilch hnsbenn tiri'L-lfcto.'loor- Uesfilch hmbenn urukr-Btailoor kig liearly all laid, the sTTIp is kouUaheil, anil tho Town wmg in rth story Is lathed ready for pUslfigj u considerable, amount of .nthliius aieo ucen uono on mo low- ler tliH., Homo row figures may rive I'll hi otholmmcnt-o amount of work LliMha-bcenUoue. The tloc r'ngt ik lfi(fceti- u i n Li r r, the lumbirln thi f' ?J8JV fSP'l I 100,u(m feet and iLMiiddlli,, ' ' ''ii le . T i..b That colpulit its oyes ; And about thu many pretty things II" mule fir tho girls and boys. I'll tell you tho story briefly, And then you must off to b.'d, For Santa t'l.uis will bo comln; With a load upon your sled ; And If you still mo watching I fear ho may go by, for bo's a curious fellow, And does things on tho sly. TSo all began to INlen, And tho Kitten ope'd her eyes, And gazed around the clrclo With an immu'ut surprise. Across her drowsy no.-o Tho nimble cricket inn, And in the general silence The story thus began. On a dark mid cloudy night. With u bowling north-east btorur. Not a.Star to glvo my light, Nora cloak to keep niu witrm, . Not a path to guide my feet To Hiilnt Nicholas' retreat, I'ji the dark and lonesome ravlno, Step by step I picked my way, I!y a llttlo murmuring runlet 1 had often tracked by day, And which led t Santa Clans', I bad heard my Grand I'asay. For this was tho only llino In Iho whole revolving year, His deep hidden mountain homo To n mortal would appear. 'T was tho night of Halloween, Night on which strango things arasecnr And It was on Friday, too, tSaddest day of all tho seven, And the moon was In the wane, Air' the hour beyond eleven I Fearful night t on every hlllsldo Troops of fairies d men and sing, And with sound of mc rry music Charm the iwrtul to the ring j V) Itches n.le upon the bmonistlck, WlsrnriU conjuro vhilon dire, V rloel.s f vol ill the tempi si, Kvi y mou icnt growing higher, ('liliul-l- : nro III at i so. icad lixupper air. Voice . So sho hni.dcd nit a chair, Cluau bfsIdB thochltnncy fire. And of all tho men tind maidens I i tho town sho did Inquire, j Aa'iiUno who woro getUm married, W tho winter fashions were, Calling fur a full description Of the modern female wear. Fiouneo, nots, hoopsklrls and laces, She could understand them all, Hut I 1 1 1 1 1 a dreadful trouble To (explain tho "waterfall ;" And when to another feature The dejeriptlon did extend, And I tried to ';lve n mr.loii Of full grown "(iruciuh Ilend j" While Old .-Santa CUu- sitting With his pips bstweon hl.s toth, And around his head was curling From Its bowl a boiitoous wreath, One eyo shut, and t' other winking Kindly at mo ihrouh the smoke ; And I niu sure that ho was thinking What a most tremendous oko T was telling the old lady ; Hut I told him it was true, And no juke at all of miiiu; Hut bo only winked thu more, Uniting o'er the parlor door, Laughing till hlssldos were sure. Much to talk ho did Incline, So he ordered up some wine, Cakes and nuts mid apples too, And as wolMircif people do, Drink, said ho, mid eat your 1111, For tho night Is damp mid chill ; And there's many a weary inilo Of rock mid ravlno to ho strode, F.'eryou reach the little stilo Leading to the llloomsliur road. So wo hud a merry chat, Talked of this ami then of that; Hut at but tho clock struck two, And I knew it would not do To bo seen In morning chill, On Old Sintii (Hans' hill. So. I buttoned up my coat C'lo around my breast and tbi I)f"v my cap about aiy ears Turned to bid them aji )j lathed rk .r. iCio iwl i 1 1 or, ii .suiiin uii .iUi.U ai t.i too io,-( .t rates, tlioi iloui as wt t as the lower grades . .. kIih.s oi euop .mil k ''I. I' l',NT. i.miiT j-' rm. 1st. -TfVXmt WM U4 lit fiKCELLANEOUS. A UMKNISTRATOU'S KOTICK. I.Hii"isdf ndiiiliil&tiutloii mi tin I'stn'ti i f If, V, 'ihav, lulu f hi'tt ttmuslilp (.'UuulitA cttmity, ilurciii'tl, Iiuvd he-n ur.iiLlcd hy im Iti-g-lu-r of Mini county tu Kamitci Crtiwy of Mimiu t wj. AH iiTsntM ImvlnK clnltm or tlenmiulfl UKiilh.'U (ht-cstulo of thu tlciM-iloiit lit" rcqiu-Ktftl lo miikti tttrin known, find thntko tnU'htrl 10 imtku i'iti!unt, , HAMUKI, CHKhY, Nov. AiIinlntlcutor. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICK. i TATK OF Kriim'A AUI-E, llhl'KASFD. l,fi(iH of iiJiulhiMiHtimi on Hih twlntoof lt incn.i MUjlc, lute of tVnii'i township, L'nlumuin llu )'ihiiii , itiN-( twtil, Imvo liccii'il by Ht'Kl4t'r hi m t-l t'ntuitv, to Snmiit I Ncylntnl ml iiiiii tstrutor, vriut tvsMen In I'intru towtislilp. AlllerHitH luiVlim (luinix or tli'M.uiiU niiHhvt tl' wilil witii if Htc irijtD'tMl to pii htiu them for Bettleiucn! t ItUout ili'lt.y, inU tl. ht lo ihiiJte int'in. HAULM NET! I iU. ov fl.'fc-fit, AilminiHUJtcii- a VT()Rs wnyi f -Tv'l O. JUMH-dfN ii n ii i hi on 'tu tiai, wn r ut to h - IIWi .1'. I mivhiL 1 1 fllP M I in l "it iAir- A fullr jn i inn fti! A HI Li.i1T H.LVMl.f Ai it . Ii i U-( Ml '-,.Ttt u ii 0('ttC, i , cj at i 't v 3J.'0 pi i ) f.n A pi UH IH pMiiti f if to a in (hue i. u u a JllOOIIlf i l Cplty.i in life! II llllif ' cun) t i n J llllli!lili 1 .! Iv ti stir wt t,t rBMJi. I