The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 25, 1868, Image 2

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v. I
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t' 4
Sffa dfoimnMan.
m-oo Mamma, pa.
KI1U1T aiMaUnt, DEC 91, 1.01.
MT TIIK OI.CI7!l.V 1 hll LltRIl
rcHltin hi 0.1nms,la nml mljnlnlliff
ounlle. or T pnner publl.httl,lirrr, nml
ft. alia i, ninth larger aliret limn nil of
aa.Unn.rirlal rt Is tli.r.ftir lh best
aaattliim fur mlTltn I" this rclioii of
tli State.
5 cAB-aar. & mospaors.
Bho last and tho Tnturo.
Changes of Management, Investment of
Capital, Successive Improvement!
ami Increase of Patronage.
I'll M XKW YBAll, AC, AC,
Tin: present minuter of tho Colum
bian- concliulca tho volume for I8bs,
nil Us Isauo nllbriN n fiivoniMo occasion
for reviewing tholiMory of the paper,
nml for stntlnjr Itspresunt condition and
proipccts for tho future. To thoso who
havo iw patrons nml raider observed
Uu eonrse and been liiti'iiwlt'il In Its
fortunes, this rorlow and stntcmciit will
ho tlinuly turn Welcome.
ritr. vuiichakb.
In December 18GR, Col. Freeze nnd
oHioim, n4 Ktoek-holdors, purchased the
Com-mman for tho sum of $2,000 nnd
reorganized it a? a Democratic Journal
Their total Investment in thli enter-
prim was $2,.r)"9. They obtained under
tho mtrehnss from tho former proprio'
tors all tho mterlaU including two
prt'Bsea, fixtures mid typo i iiNothegood
will of tho paper and nsuhserlptlon list
of a llttlo Wi than 400 luiinoa. It was
arranged that tho mner under tho nit w
organization should commenco with
the beginning of thu year 1SS7, so that
its volume-! should always cotrespond
with tho divisions of time into natural
roars ns mado by tho calendar. For
reasons glvon nt tho timo. tho former
name of tho paper was retained, It be
ing npproprlato and convenient, aim in
re.idy familiar to the reading public,
-run ronwer. pa rati.
Tlio first number of tho former Cot.
umman liad been Issued May 0, 18CC,
under tiio mannccment of Cant. Geo.
II. Moore, who continued to ainiA
til tho V3I-of WifA-Wur. Its character
umleyiilm was that of con?crratlvo
Journal, Independent of party but a
"UMiortor of President Johnson's policy
. --for tlio restoration of tho Union. It did
good seivico against c.ttremu lladicsb
Ism and produced marked improvo
mcnt of lournalNm in this county. It
was handsomely mado up and well
printed, and by its competition pro
voked the enlargement and improve
ment of tlio old journals published hero.
Occasional editorials in Its columns
ngalnst tlio radical organ (conducted by
P. John) wero very offectlve,nndlt con-
rlltuted, beyond nil question, to that
ahTl-radlcnl sentiment of tlio county
which has produced tho great conserva
tive majorities of tho last threo years.
the new'iiit.
Tho first number of tho new paper
was Issued January 4, 1807, with Col.
Frcezo as editor. Early In February
of tho bino year, Captain Ilrockway
bought out ami of the stockholders at
par. Tho circulation of tho paper was
then 1232 copies. Wo may stato hero
that when tho subscriptions to tho orig
inal Comihihax expired May 5, 1807,
many subscribers (as was to havo been
expected) ceased their patronage ; and
that of about 200 threo and six months
subscribers to tho now paper, the great
er part stopped at tho expiration of the
lime subscribed for., tho
net Increaso In tho number of subscri
bers slnco February 1807, over all re
ductions, has been about CO pe.rccnt,and
tlicrcforo most encouraging nnd satis
factory. IMPKOVJ'.MCNTS.
In March, 18G7,n new power press nnd
engine, with additional typo and other
materials, wero purchased for tho olUco
nt n cost of $2,500, and on tho 12th of
July following tlio paper was enlarged
to its present tiza. Heslrtes, a week
slnce,n Cordon Job Press was purchased
for tho establishment nt tlio price of
$ 1U2. Wo have, then, the following In
vest man In: Stack subscriptions, $2,550.
Power Press, Kuglne & materialr ?200
Job Press, 5132, Making in tho aggre
gate, 53,482. In this amount wodo rot
includr soiiio piirchn.-es of typo r..d
other outlays beyond current and oi II
nury expenses.
Immediately after tho Presidential
o'ectlo-i of tho present year a liargaln
was negotiated between us and W. II.
Jacoby or tho UloomsSurg l)emocrut,tit
his Interest In that paper. This agree
ment was consummated l)ec.!&l,for tlio
consideration of 41,500, and wo will bo
prepared to supply tho Columman to
tho patrons of tho Democrat .from tlio
commencement of J8C9. Wo shall ex
pect to entirely Ratify them with tho
cliango and to hold tholr confidence and
friendship hereafter.
Bpnco was needed by in for our opera
tions, and at our instancs In November
last tho enterprising owner of tho prem
ise occupied by us, commenced Its ren
ovation and extension. Tho work lias
been pushod forward nml now approach
en ompletlon, securing all the facilities
desired. Tho front wall lias been taken
out nnd strnogly rebuilt j tho second
story eloTatod ami n third nddtd above;
nn oxtonslon thirty feet by soventocn
added In tho rear, and a good flro
proof roof placed over tho whole. Tin
buildings rebuilt forms a llnoaddltlon
to tho llrower building In front, which
Itself an eUirant structure. Tho Cnr,.
iniMAN vvll Jihvo for uso tlio wJiola of
thoeacpnd lloor and the extension up
on tho flrBtJIoor, ivllh a good cistern
btnoath tliq'jnttvr add convenient en
trances ipon tho front, southern and
uotiioru.Bldes. Hero printing will 'bo
xccuted by steam nnd nil dtmands of
subscribers, advertisers and Jobbers
promptly (net.
Wo linve printed durlnr. 1609 nn uv
- cmge wsckly edition of 1850 copies of
tlia Columman. Tlio averoge for 1SC7
was about' taking Into account tht
lowest numbers for tho tarllcr months
that year. In tho hvo yvars, therefore,
tha, tofal number of 'regular coplei Is
sufd his xccodtd one mmlreU ami
Anhtx' (&onuii(.toi'lilch ,bo nddeil
has exceeded eighl tons In weight and
was procnrrsl at a cost exceeding
Hvo thousand Jive hnmlrcil dollar. For
our futiiro Issues tho rate? of eolisump-
thin nnd cost or paper will, of course,
bo largely Increased, Tho foregoing
figures do not Include paper for Job
work, nor do they Indicate thu main
exponso of tlioofllce which Is for labor.
Till! Co.MI.Vd YKAU.
Weshnll commenco our new volumo
next week, with an Isuo of copies to
old subscribers of the Democrat, for
whom wo Bhull havo sorao words of
friendly greeting. During tho year
(commencing thcui probably nbbuttht
1st of April) wo shall publish u series
of article upon tho "Columbia County
hiAa-lou" of lsiil, In which, many par
ticulars of that event Utile known, will
bo exposed and the uarr.iti vo of the In
vasion be made eonipliiti'. Our Kalei
doscope articles will bu continued. V
expect also to publish tin original Talo
of considerable length, In nuccesslvo
titimbers, which will contain much of
novelty and curious Incident nml bo pe
culiarly in I en-Ming to our younger class
of readers. Wo shall bestow Increased
attention upon our editorial and news
columns. Wo nroawaro that on some oc
casions during the year Jnst closing that
careful editorship and supervision was
not given to our paper by reason of tho
prcssuro of other engagements upon us
but we shall bo ablo hereafter to devoto
ourselves with constancy and illllgonco
to our editorial duties. Kncournged
by past success, wo look with hopo nnd
confidence to tho future.
A BZedloy.
Trie editor of tho llepubliean lias n
queer way of mixing things. Last
wcok, In a brief article, ho censured us
for using room In tho Court House,
while our offlco Is being repaired. The
room teas not in use ami tee pay the
county for it. Tho fling conies with an
111 graco frowa our cotemporary. Somo
months ago when that press broke
down wo loaned them ours without a
question. Now, ns a return, it tries to
Induce a feeling to got us turned out of
doors, whllo wo nro repairing our bull
In tho samo article lie goes out of his
way to call Senator IJcnJamln a "Jew"
n "pcrjuied wretch," etc. General
Grant onca made a lling at Tho Jews,
but had tho good tonso afterwards to
retract It. Further along In this med
ley, the brilliant d octor says:
"The Democracy of Now York city
'.ww. '.wire olectrd to Congress an. Wish
man who has served a term 'in tho pen
itentiary for burglary, a brutal prizo
lighter, and tho proprietor of two in
ferual gambling lieuscs. We prefer the
Louisiana iiffgro to cither of tho nbovo
described cattle."
Having insulted the Jews, tho Iriih
are then mado an object of attack. Of
courso there Is not a word of truth In
tho allegation that a Now York Demo
cratlc Congressman over served In the
Penitentiary, nnd Ignoranco or mnlico
alono prompted tho author.
Wo had rnther'bo one of tho "cattle"
referred to.thnn Beast Hutler, or Hang-
man Ulngham, or any of that ilk. As
to tho negro Congressman from Louis!
ana, we nro not surprised nt the Doctor's
sudden Iovo for him. For weeks past
Ills paper lias teemed with editorials in
favor of negro equality and negro suff
rage, until finally 'lie has deserted his
own sanetuary to listen to the elo
quonco of his "colored brother," who
lias eomo to reform this neighborhood.
It turns out that It Is tho publishers
of Tho Galaxy who havo bccurod that
greatest of tho year's literary prlzos
tlio new serial story, by Charles Iteado,
for which tho popular author, It is said,
Is to rccelvo fifty thousand dollars, from
them nnd from his English publishers.
Tho newstory will be commenced early
in mo year. Tlio Galaxy has also pur
chased tho advance shoots of the new
story, by Mrs. Fdwards, tho author of
Stovou Liwrouce, Yeoman." nnd
"Archio Lovcll," two of tho mo-,t suc
cessful of recent novels. This attractlvo
bcrial will bo commenced In Iho Janu
ary number. With these two nuthors
among its stars, Tho Qalaxy promises
to slilno brilliantly during tho coming
year. But it by no means slops with
them, ltlchard Grant Wliito. whoso
scholarly articles on "Words and their
Uses," Imvo been doing so much for
good Kngllsh, is to contributo to tlio
volumo for 1SG0, a series of papers on
Americanisms." Dr. W. A. Hnm-
mond, the leading American authority
on diseases of tho mind and nerves,
and an ablo wrltor, is to furnish somo
pppers In his Important specialty. Eu
gene Benson, who U gaining a wldo
reputation nsn brilliant essayist, is to
analyze, In n series of nrticles.'tho char
acteristics of tho leading Journalists of
New York Greoloy, Itaymond, Parko
Godwin, W. II. Hurlbut, and others.
Another noticc.iblu series of articles
will bo criticisms upon tho principal
living American authors. Besides these,
Scientific, Social, Literary, Practical,
unu j-x-oiiomical Articles nro promised
by Prof. 11, L. Youmans, II. T. Tucker
man, Edmund C. Stcdman, Scheie de
Vero, Justin McCarthy (tho editor of
tha London Morning filar, now visiting
this Country), Win. It. Alger, John
Meredith Head Jr., and other well
known .writers. From Mark Twain,
humorous articles may bo expected.
From Henry James, Jr., Harriet Pres
colt Spofford, Carollno Chesobro, Jano
O. Austin, John Esten Cooko, nnd oth
crs, Short Stories nnd Sketches. Tak
Irg tho Galaxy's prospectus for 18CI),
altogether, It oUers one of tlio most
tempting bills of faro to magszlno read
ers over set before an American public,
Hon. Ciias. It. has been
elected on tho following Sennto Com
mltfeeH. On iipproprlntions; Imllna
airalrsi to audit and control tlio contin
gent expenses of tho Sennto ; special
committee on railways ; Joint commit
tee to revise nnd fix tho pay of tho otll-
cers of the two Houses, on tho part of
uio csenutoj joint commltteo on Ilo
trenchment on tho part of tho Senate.
Ilo Is also chairman of tho commltteo
to inqulro whether any Improper mean!
had bjeu used or attempted to bo used
for Influencing tho votes or Senators on
Population op Pennsylvania.
Thopopulutioi) of Pennsylvania lias re
cently been mado 'by a comparison of
tlio election returns of 1800 and 1808.
In 18G0 tho vote polled for elector for
President was 178,012, to n population
Proceedings of tho Columbia County
Tenners' Institute.
PrusUANT to tho call of tho County
Superintendent, tho Teachers of Colum
bia County uct In tho Literary Insti
tute Hall at Uloomsburg, December 1 1,
1808, for tho purposo of holding the an
nual session of tho Columbia County
Teachers' Institute. They wero called
to order nt 1 o'clock p. m., by tlio
County Superintendent, who briefly
stated tho objects of tlio meeting. Tho
Institute was then opened with prayer
by ltov. D. A. Bcckley, nfter which the
following persons wero elected Secreta
ries, viz: K. J. llowman, of Berwick ;
Win. P. Evans, of Bloomsburg, and
Perry Belong, of Orangevlllo.
On motion, tho President was autho
rized to appoint at somo time during
the session a commltteo of ilvo persons
to draft resolutions. Prof. Carver then
addressed tho Institute on the subject
of tho Theory of Teaching. After re
cess Mr. A. S. Mnnson of Phlla., occu
pied n half hour In elucidating tho
principles of penmanship, Mr. T. M,
Bates of to Literary Institute then
gave an exercise on tho HJstory of the
first settlements of Pennsylvania. Tho
Chnlr then appointed C. H. Campbell,
Wm. Heaeock nnd Miss Jcnnlo Ditty,
ns commltteo to report questions for dis
cussion. Tlio following commltteo
wero also announced.
Commltteo on resolutions: Thos. B.
Miller, II. M. Spalding, Emanuel Fritz
Miss Kate A. Betz nnd Miss C. Freeze.
Commltteo on criticisms. Miss Jcn
nlo Btcccc, Amand Boston nnd II. M.
Spalding. On motion tho Institute ad
journed to meet again nt 7 o'clock In
tho evening.
The Institute was called to order at
tiionppointed timo by tho President.
Mr. E. J. Bowman was then introduced
to tho Institute ns tho Lecturer for tlio
evening. Tills subject, "Tlio Duties
nnd ltosponslbllitles to the young nnd
Klslng generation," was very ably dis
cussed nnd attentively listoned to by
tho audience. After announcement of
business for next day, tho Institute ad
journed. '
Tho members of tho Institute assem
bled at 15 minutes beforoO o'clock. Tb"
opening exercises wero conduced by
Prof. Carver. Prof. S. W, . Clark author
of "Clark's Eii-i'ish Grammar," having
just emasreu tho room, was introduced,
I'.iicl addressed tho teachers for a fow
moments. Mr. Barkley then read and
explained thatpart of tho Pennsylvania
School Law, minting to Teachers' ccr
1'rof. Carver having, at a previous
meeting of the Institute, offered a copv
of Wobatcr's Unabridged Dictionary to
thotcachor who should spell correctly
the greatest number of words at the
present meeting, pronounced twenty
five words, intending to pronounco ono
hundred in nil, at threo moro lessons,
Mr. Manson occupied a half hour in
showing what ho consldereu to bo the
best method of teaching Penmanship.
After a short recess, Prof. Walker of
Orangevlllo addrossod tho Institute on
tlio subject of Calisthenics. Prof. Clark
then explained as far as tho timo allow
ed, his method of teaching Grammar
by the uso of Diagrams.
Tho Institute was called to order nt 1
o'clock. After Itoll call the election of
teachers to exmslno applicants for Per
manent certificates wns called for. A
Ballot was had which resulted In the
election of Messrs. F. M. Dates. II. M.
Spalding", Jos. Garrison, Misses C.Frceze
ana Jennie Brceco. Mr. Mnnson then
resumed tho subject of Penmanship
completing tho instructions as opened
in the morning. Prof. Walker discussed
tho subject of History for half an hour
In a very Instructive manner. Tho sub
ject of Geography was then introduced
by Prof. Carver. After tho usual recess
Prof. Clark resumed tho sublect of
urammar, still further Illustrating by
tho uso of Diagrams. Prof. Walker con
ducted a short exercise In Calislhenics :
after which Prof. John occupied tlio re
mainder oftho afternoon In a class lec
ture on tho subject of Natuial Philoso
phy. On motion tliolnstitufondlourn-
ed to meet ngaln nt GJ o'elosL.
uvr.NiNa nEssro.v.
Institute was called to order at 0
o'clock. The roll was called and ones-
tions from tlio box read and discussed
by soveral of tho members present. Tho
commltteo on criticism thou mado a
short report. After general crltlclsm.tlio
uieo uiass oi tho Literary Institute fa
vored tlio assembly with a cholco Diced
of Music. Prof. 1). C. John was then
ntroduced to tlio nudlencu and deliver
ed nn entertaining lecturo,on"thoNatur
nl Order of Study." It was conceded
on all sides to bo tho production of a
well stored and master mind. The
County Supt. then extended an invita
tion to tho citizens to attend and par
ticipate in tho exorcises.
Tlio opening exercises wero conduct
ed by Pror, Ferree. After roll call tho
spelling cxcrelso was continued by Prof.
Clark, In which ull participated. Tlio
subject of Grammor was then resumed
by Prof. Clark for an hour, after thu
usual recess of a few moments, It was
men proposed to dispense with the
regular exercises of tlio Institute for
tills afternoon, In order to hear tho ex
orcises m Composition and Declamation
of tho students attending tho Literary
Institute. Tho balanco of tlm n,
was devoted to thesubjoct of rcadlngby
Prof. Carver.
Itoll was called, Prof. Wnlker then
discoursed upon Arithmetic for half nn
hour. This Lecture was full of wisdom
and Instruction. Prof. Clark then took
tlio lloor and discussed Comnn,
sltion and Ithetorlc, showing n method
oi instruction by (liagraiug. Immedl
ntely following, the etudents of tlio
iiitorury Institute repaired to tho ir.iii
and wero seated In company with the
assembled teachers of the eountv. Wa
wero then entertained tho remainder of
thu uftornoon with orilnnl 'Compo-'
diuuiii uy mo ladies nnd Declnmntlon
uy me young gentlemen of tho school
Tho Primary Department did hand
somely In Cullsthenlc and In spelling
with gesticulatlon.LlttloMauJo Freeze
executed a solo vory I! W!ly&yi!.MIiitle
Sharpies snngti isolo thaCVfiddd nn ex
cellent Iinprc8sloii.?;lil(frvjiolo of tho
exorcises gnvo oinire,Uatismctlon.
Upon re-ttssembllng,tlio courntytw on
their ueport, which
The chair
1 (mother commltteo on
lngalid noxt day. Thoiciipoii Prof. J.
W. Ferrco was introduced to tho audi
ence. Ills theme "Tho Sclenco of
Mathcmntics," was ably discussed in a
learned and lucid lecture. Ills closing
remarks were very eloquent nnd Im
Tho Institute assembled at tho usual
hour. Opened with reading of scrip
tures and ptaycr by Prof. Bales. After
calling tho Itoll, tho spelling exercise
was resumed by Prof. Clark. Ilo then
continued tho subject of Grammar for
tho noxt hour. Aflcr rcccss,whlcli wns
enjoyed by all, It was proposed to dis
pense with tho regular programme
and spend tho afternoon in discussion
by tho teachers. Tho proposition not
being sustained tho regular programme
was again resumed. 1'rof. Walker was
then cilled upon, who gnvo a good lec
ture on tlio subject of written Arltlimo
tic. Adjourned,
Institute convened at tho usual hour.
Itoll having been called, tho subject of
Arithmetic wivs continued by Prof.
Walker. Prof. Carver then Illustrated
and explained tho various motions of
tho earth and heavenly bodies by tho
use of apparatus. Mr. Spaulding read
a selection entitled "Sheridan's llldo"
which was well received by nil. After
n lengthy lecture on tho "Theory and
Practice of Teaching" by Prof. Walker
tho Institute adjourned.
Teachers assembled nt tho usual hour.
Critics reported. Questions wero read
and discussed In n lively manner by the
members of tlio Institute. The timo
for Hie evening leciuro having arrived
Prof. Clark was Introduced to the audi
ence, and gnvo tin entertaining and in
structlvo nddrcfs upon tho "Physical,
Intellectual, and Moral nature of man."
At tho closo of tho Lecture, Prof. John
offered tho following resoliitlnn :
llesolvcd. That wo hereby tender our
sincere thanks to Prof. Clark, for his
valuable services rendered tho Institute,
and wo trust that tho frlands of edtica
tiou hero assembled will ever hold his
namo In grateful remembrance.
Tho resolution was unaninin.iilv
ndopte'.. Y... "..uuiiihg being called
upon, then "gave another rending In n
lino and pleasing manner.
Institute nssnmblod at tho regular
hour. After opening exercises by Prof.
John, tho roll wns called, and another
committee on criticism appointed for
the day. Mr. Barkley then addressed
tlio Institute on tho propriety of visit
ing tho Normal School Building. Tlio
timo chosen, was tho last hour of tho
forenoon. Prof. Clark then took up tho
subject of Composition and gavo somo
valuablo hints on Its teaching, afier
which ho explained tho uses of his
grammatlc chart. Kecess. Prof. Clark
then answered several questions on
Grammar. Tho appointed hour hav
ing arrived for visiting tlio Normal
School Buildings, the teachers wero
conducted through and shown tho va
rious npartmcnts by Prof. Carver.
Institute was called to order nt tho
usual hour. Itoll wns called, a goodly
number of Directors being pricnl.
Prof. Carver took up the subject ol
school buildings and school grounds.
His remarki were eminently practical
and well received by tho Directors ar.d
Teachers. After (he close of his ad
dress tho pupils of the primary Depart
ment or tlio Literary Institute, ap
peared in tho Hull and pcrlormed nu
merous evolutions in marching that
wero beautiful and mado a flno impres
sion. After recess of a few minutes.
the pupils of Mrs. Best's class King a
charming pleeo of nu sic. Mr. Barkley
then occupied tho'-remalnder of tho
time In answering tho written questions
prepared by Directors, and also ex
plained that part of tho law relating to
tho erection of School Houses, choosing
of sites etc. Tho Commltteo on Itcso-
utlons then submitted tho following
report :
Jlesotrctl, That Teachers who havo
tho timo granted them by tho School
Directors to attend tho sessions of tho
County Iiutitute, moro than doubly re
pay their pupils for tho timo thusspent
out of tho tchool room.
llesolvcd, That it is the duty of pa
rents and patrons to encourngo tho
leachor nnd pupils by frequently visit
ing tho school.
Jlesolved, That tho proper mental do-
vclopemcnt of thu child demands that
school should ho kept open but 11 vo days
per week, and that during I hat time
tlio introduction of gymnastic, or some
other physical exerclsss would bo high
ly ensentlal to good health alul ranid
Jtcsolved, That our sincere thanks are
duo to tho worthy Professors who have
so efficiently provided for our Institute
tho series of lectures in defense of odu-
ation, and tho Board ofTrustees of the
Bloomsburg Literary Institute for thu
ueoof tho Hall for this occasion.
lletolved, That wo sincerely and duly
appreciate and acknowledge tho inter
est and encouragomotit manifested by
our worthy Superintendent, C, G. Bark
ley, In tho general eauso of education,
llesolvcd, That Teachers, who are al
lowed their timo by Directors to attend
tho County Institute, and do not attend
and remain tlioro during tfio en tiro
week, embracing the opportunities of
qualirylng themselves for n better ills
chargo of their duties, should bo com
polled to make up their timo, and ought
not to ilattor themselves by supposing
mat they belong to the class of lire
uu mouon, mo ilcsolutlons wero
unanimously adopted. Adjourned.
Institute was called to order at seven
o'clock. The committee on criticism
tllCIlL'llVH their llKllnl rrtmrf aflnr wlill,
tho following 'additional Ilesolutlona
were read nnd adopted : . '
llesolvcd. That thn tllnnlra nt Vlw. C.
lumlllll (Vmiltv 'IVnoltAru! Tn'atlf,.!.
horeby extended 'fo the' Faculty of tho
II, -I . T I. r . .. , - .. .
jiiiiuiiisuurt; -uiverury iiwuiuie lor their
ui yices in ma spaouy oi ciass instruc
torej'forllio IccturosTglven by thum.nnil
for thu tiraetleiil interest tli
ken, (luring our ontire session, In strl-
vini; io inauo our exercises interesting
and instructive. '
jitioieca, xiiat wo ylew with pleasure.
lie prospect of nu oarly completion or
the magulOcent building which Is Inten
ded to aecun thu conversion of tho
aioomslmr Literary Institute Into il
ataUKoruul School. And rejoicing
In tho expectation (lint m:.-Ii n r.,uit.
tulB Will im, ,,.. , ,vl.l . ...I
I. vnaiuwirtj HUVlUlwU UIO
i-ird ofcducuj-o,,, jot only In one
own county, but in the whole Normal
School Dittrict, wo plcdgoour co-opem-tiou
to secure this end.
Tho commltteo appointed to examine
thooxcrclscs In orthography reported
as follows i
Tlio committee take pleasure In re
porting that they had presented to them
73 exercises of 100 words each. In somo
of them they regret to bo obliged to state
that they found as many as 03 errors
the average being nbout 20.
Tho exercise presented by Miss Tor-
assa A. Vanuatu, there wero tlio fewest
number of misspelled words only a.
In tho exorcises presented by Miss
Jcnnlo Brcecc, Mlts Mintio Sharplcss,
and Mr. Joseph Gairison, there were 4
errors. In all tlio others tho errors ex
ceeded four 1b number.
Somo of the papers presented were
very neat, tho paper cloan, tho capitals
In their propor places, etc., whllo oth
ers wero defective la this respect.
Ilespcctrully submitted,
I). A. Bkckley,
P. John.
Miss Terassa A. Vannata was accor
dingly presented with tho Dictionary
uy l'ror. Carver. Prof. J. O. Best, of
tho Literary Institute, then delivered
a lecture full of noblo sentiments, on
"The Influence and practical ndvnuta-
gcsofim education in tho different rela
tions of life." On behalf of the ladles
of tho Institute, Mr. J. Clar'j: then pre
sented Mr. Barkley with n handsome
parlor lamp, as a token of their high
appreciation of his services in tho cause
of educational advancement. In n neat
ipccch Mr. Barktey returned his thanks
to tho donors for tho unexpected pre
sentation. Tiio nudionco being dis
missed, tho TeachciS remained for Iho
pu' noto of organizing n Teacher's As
scciaflon for tlio coming year, 'Iho
following persons wore elected ofllccrs
of tho Association, viz: Presldont, II.
M. Spaulding; Vico-Prcsident, MIjs
Suo Thompson j Secretary, J. Garrison;
Treasurer, Win. P. Evans. On motion
the officers wero authorized tojilx tlio
time and place of tho noxt meeting of
tho Association. After an extempora
neous addiess by Mr. Barkley, thank
ing tho Teachers for their marked con--
tesyto Wm u;;. .,:rJ.i -punctuality In
lUtoudniicc, tho Instltuto adjourned
sine die.
E. J. Bowman, )
W. P. Evans, Secretaries.
P. DeLono, J
Editou Columman :
In view of the fact,
as announced in your paper, that
Bloomsburg is to havo a scries of lec
tures during tho winter, I would sug
gest that tho gentlemen who havo the
matter in hand should ndd somewhat
to tho programmo as already set forth.
If it bo possible let Mr. Murdoch or Mr.
Vandenhoir, or both, give us somo of
the delightful readings, for which they
uro so well andfavorably known. These
readings nro moro Interesting than
tlio loi.Jorlty of lectures Tlio rendi
tion of Shakspearo's plays far exceeds
tho acting of them in theatres, where,
almost Invariably, the "star" actor's
part Is tlio only one to which Justice ie
done, tho minor parts being intrusted
to Inferior actors, whoso badly concei
ved nnd moro badly executed charac
ters do much to detract from tho inter
est of tlio whole. Headings will nt
tiact moro young people than tho moro
formal lectures, and will do mora to in
struct them in tho wonderful powernnd
compass of tho human voico. To such
rare exi ellenco havo Murdoch and Van
denhoir attained, that under their mag
ic inllucneo the most thread-bare tales
assumon now aspect, and tlio glorious
productions of Shakspearo and moro
modern writers attain yet greater beau
ty and strength. By nil means lot us
havo tho readings.
Bloomsburg, Dec. 21,'CS. F. C.
NEWSl'Al'EK Dikectohy, Q. P.
Bowell & Co., tho New York Advertis
ing Agents, are nbout issuing a com
plete American Newspaper Directory.
It is n compilation much needed, since
nothing of tho kind having any claims
to completeness has ever been publish
Messrs Itowoll & Co. havo spared no
pains or expense to make the forthcom
ing work coniploto. Wo understand
tho book will be a handsome octavo vol
ume of about 300 pagos, bound In dark
cloth, nnd sold for Five Dollars per
As tho publishers aro Advertising
Agents, their issuing a work containing
so much information, usually Jealously
guarded by those in that business, shows
that they nro coufldent of their ability
to be of service to ndvorlisers, or they
would not so readily placo in their
hands tho means of enabling every ono
to communicate direct with publishers
If they so desire.
The ro-dcdleation of St. Mntthow's
EvangolioalLutheran church.of Blooms
burg Pn. will tako placo on Sabbath
Jan. 3, 1809. Tho dedicatory sermon
will bo preached by Hov. M. J. Allc
man of Middletown Md. Sorvlces will
commence nt lOo'clock a.m. ThoLord's
Supper will bo administered on Sabbath
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Part of tho ser
vices will bo in the German tongue.
Services preparatory to tlio celebration
of tho Lord's Supper, on Saturday after
noon nt 2 o'clock'. On Sabbath even
ing at half past six ltov. B. F. Alleman
will bo Installed'as paste; of the congre
gation, ltov. rof. H. Zolgler D. 1). of
Solln's C4fovo Pa.will deliver the chareo
to .tho pastor, and ltov. Uriel Graves of
Milton Pa. the charge to tlio congrega
tion. Tho public are cordially lnvltod
to attend,
We have been at much labor nnd ox
pense In giving tho Democracy of this
County a first class family newspaper,
und all that wo ask Is that they should
liberally patronize It. There is scarce
ly a ltopubllcan. In.tho County but what
takes his county paper, whereas 'hun
dreds of Democrats neglect to support
theirs. It should be tho object, of each
Democrat uot only tusubscrlbctttt)p,u
1. 1': ..... i.... . .. i V . . i .'
ur ma ,uiby urguu, uui lu (ijiiiyi juo
neighbor to do llkowlso. Itls'tho homj)
editor who docs tholiUibc Iiw.tho cam
paign, uud spends llhvinoHcy iu your
midst, arid hoshould'bo properly' sup
ported. Go to work, tlion, nnd prowlro
now subscribers for the volumo bcjcii'"
iilng with tho next nyuib'or., '
Vfm call, attention to tho advertisement
to ho found Iii, another column, of a prl
vjifijffulo ola.yitluablo farm In Madison
tp, Tho located near iwsey
town, is in fine order and well .uppllod
with fruit. 1
Wathlngton Xtemi.
December 17, 1808. .
constitutionality of the leoait-
TENDr.n act.
Clilef-Jusltco Chase, In alluding to tho
various rumours about tho action of tho
Supremo Court npon the constitution
ality of tho Lcfal Tender act, Btatcs
that ho decs not bclicvo there was a
singlo ono of thojustlccs who had given
tho slightest Indication of howhoshould
net upon it. Tlio decision may not bo
announced for a month or two.
Bctwcan 125,000,000 and $20,000,000 In
gold will be paid out from thoTrcasury
Department on tho 1st of January, as
semi-annual interest on that portion of
tho public debt on which interest falls
duo at that time. This Is tlio largest
sum over paid out ns Interest at any ono
Every day half n hundred scallawags
are relieved of political (II labilities, in
order to let them ako ofllco In the black-and-tan
government. To-day Sawyer,
of South Carolina, put through forty;
also adding a few Democrats, on tho
plea that decent Republicans in those
districts couldn't bo found to tako tho
c in ccs.
The Commlsslonershlp of Internal
Kevenuo is still lu statu quo. Mr. Cum
mlsgs's nomination bos been tho sub
ject of no nctlon whatever by the Fl
nauco Committee. To-day, too, it lias
been stated that Mr. Uolllns has been
taken with his old tit of retention, In
spite of ills pcrloJical professions of a
dcslro to bo relieved. It Is said lio will
hold over till sprlnj, and thereby pre
vent the confirmation of n successor.
General Meade was on tho floor of tha
Senate to-day. It Is understood that
he urges tho Radicals to let well enough
alono in Georgia, uud particularly op
poses li ivlng ids troops billeted to bul-
'"S.z iicV: X). u. Uoww
Another batch of petitions wero of
fered in favor of womanhood stiff rago
to-day, prajlng tho amendment of the
Constitution to secure Hint end. It is a
fact that theso petitions outnumber
those in favor of moro universal negro
suffrage by nearly two to ono.
Tho bill distributing arms to tho re
constructed negroes by tho" hands of
carpet-bag Governors will not bo re
ported till after tiio recess. It is stated
that tlio Republicans on tho Military
Committee aro not yet a unit in favor
of it. Somo of them urgo that tho dis
tribution bo mado by the district com
manders, instead of the governors.
Ill tho matter of ninensty Mr. Ferry
counts n mnjorlty of tho Senate in fa
vor of the bill. Ho says, two-thirds of
the Senate cannot bo relied on for it,
nnd two-thirds of both Houses aro need
ed. Mr. Ferry intends to press tho bill
till it succeeds, and says it will bo car
ried in less than n year.
Mr. Menard, a colored mnn, to-day
received his certificate from Governor
Warmotii as member elect from Louisi
ana. It will be presented in the House
to-morrow. Several papers will also bo
presented in tho House in behalf of Col.
Hunt, who contests Menard's right to n
Washington , Dec. 18.
The Senate to day was mainly occu
pied with eulogies of tho lato Thad.
Stevens. There were four speeches, of
which his career and character were tho
text; threo wero n;o forma, thoso of
Cameron, Bucknluw, and Morrill, com
ing, of courso, from tho Senators of Mr.
Stevens's adopted nnd nativo States re
spectively; ono was Ua gratia from Mr.
Sumner, and mny bo well attributed,
from Its contents, to as much of desire
to celebrate tho speaker ns tho person
spoken of. Tho addresses wero each
different Camera n's was a slmplo biog
raphy; Mr. Bucknlow's wns such a
criticism ns would deoorvo, had Thad.
been a mnn of grace, to bo published in
The H'or W'sketclics of leading preach
ers; Mr. Morrill's was it worthy pane
gyric, and Mr. Sumner's u revamping
nnd rcglorlflcatiou of all tho Radical
principles Mr. Stevens and ho profess
ed. That of Mr. Cameron escapes re
mark by being merely tiio reproduction
of tho article lu tho encyclopedia. Mr.
Buckalow mado a very scholarly, can
did, nnd thorough analysis of Stevens'
character, In which, though there was
nought set down lu mallco, nelthor was
there aught extenuated. Ho rebuked
Mr. Stevens's uuscrupulousnoss of
means, hlsdcfianco of public morality ;
and the best ho could say of him was
that ho would bo remembered as u man
of caustic wit, a sound lawyer, and a
shrewd, cruol, arrogant politician,
Theso few words fall to do Justlco to
ono of tho most analytical and pointed
estlmntes of character over presontod
to a public body. Mr. Morrill only In
dulged in a lengthy ascription which
would havo fitted any truly loll Radi
cal who would find fault at tho stako
for tho under-cooking of a heretic. Mr.
Sumner saw tho occasion piled high
with egotism, so ho roso high with tho
occasion. Ho glorified all which Mr
Sumner and Mr, Stevens had done, or
attoinptcd over sinco elthor had boon a
somebody, nnd travelled out of tho
path to declare, his superfluous admiru
tion of Mr. Stovens' horoio services In
impeachment, giving a side-wlpo at
thoso weak enough to thwart: it. At
ths closo of his molango of 'dogmatism,
didactics, and dltch-watoi', tho Senato
adjourned. There wai considerable
feeling among Henderson, rrollngliuy
eii, Ferryi and the moro senslblo Rad
icals, at Sumner's Hinging the dirt .of
the graro In the faces of the living. It
was tho subject, too, of somo sensation
when Mr, llucltalcw state! tha reason
'wfvr VMtt had. moral weight und Sto
;V.rtii hud jiot, bocauso the former was
'ij.r r.. I t....i;An.a e Tr'..l.f
lllu. jBwiut iiuiimuu ui viid rtiiu. tr unu.
' ' '..,"' ' Decemubu'ID.
' . .TlfjfSr'niBIiKT TAX.
Home eflbrU havo been mado to have
Uie whlskoy tax locfeivsed If possible
trj'tho formor rate jt 3 per gallon, but
tlio Committee qif .;Vtt 1 ami Means
have thus tecolvcoiiitrproposition wun
out nine, 11 anyutvor.
General Clrantxiiiid stair, Sea-rotary
Kcoflold, and otheinllllary gentlemen,
returned to Was'ilugtuii tbU morning
from Chicago,
Market lUtinrt
Whcnt rr biuliel IJ $
Corn "
Onu. . " ,
Flour ptr Mrrfl
t'lovernefil i
1 allow
1'otntncfl -
Drleil Apple
I'nrk - -
Itnius .
(skips unci Hlioplilfrit
Ijnril er puiiiiu
liny per toil
Hemlock Ilrairds per thousand feet
Pino " " " (nno Inch) .....
Joint, Hciinthnf!, rinnlt, (Ilemlocli)
butnglcisNg. i per thousuiHlM
m.iing " " ft. r.v.v.v.v.7.'.v.v.'.'.'.'.'.'
Nn. 1 Scotch pig
No. J " "
I .11
: i
, 13 U)
. 0 CU
3 H)
, V
1 W
- lit
, 12
. 91
, 10 i
, tin oi
. IhJ'
... 11 IM
.. tll
... 7
IS ll
s iu
I'hlUiltll liU Market,.
riiaiwiiAY, Dee. 31. 1M)S.
Northwestern superfine nt.
MnrLhweslern extril
1.1.1V3 S.tA
,. .7r3 0 'Si
Northwestern family.
... S.'HX U.IU
Ktitt.i.Kiitilii nml V esfprti snnerfliid... 7
Pennsylvania anil Western extra 7.7V(S ,7
P-MiiHvlvanhi nml Western rumllv.
lnt.tiai.vniihi nml Wi'Mlnm fiinev...
live Hour Ki
wheat Pennsylvania reil.p hus ll.vifVM
nuuiiii'iii ....... 9,wimqit .
California " " Uai
whllo ' J1.1.1(Jl.l(i
Ryr Fennsylvnula rye, y hus Jl.wvSll.iiS
CORN-Yellow, " l.3lcj,
White, " JI.I78SI.I7
Oath bus 7Ui'M7:
Provisions Mess l'ork, uul l.N.oO
Mess lleef, " t.'I.Vl
Dressed Hons, V K slf;'($!c
Smoked llittns " l&aahlc
" (Shoulders y t Ho
Enrd.nfc ITeaU'j"
Seeds flovcrseed V hus K.Wia-'.
Tl moth) seed?! bus M 2.7
Flaxseed " 92.75
Catti.i: llecf Cntilen OoffOlo'S"
Cows, & head m SIV3 ji.O
HllKEI'-f lb iVnita
lloas-ri 100 lbs Sll'.JirJ.II
BXYDIIIt-HUNTKIl-OHWc.lnc-sitay.t'n.l lint.,
nt iS'iitth'tl Uluis. W.HlMderof JHooniViUt'g
to MIjm lamina IIuuLit uf iiiUvi'lc.
KMK-I'OWI.i:!t At WIpIp lvKPon,M.rh,NnV.
IKM, hy Itcv. T. M. hhnnt'i'lt, LcomtiU 1. MIih
ur Whltu riKeuli, (oMUm Hem tiU'i.i M. I'oulcr
f-jitueily oi i''uwlt.T!llIe, Co lumbla cu, l'a,
sciiuKrrrj;n-in:mt-i)er. n.hy uw, . nurt-
liiaii.U, V. II. (-ciiiulKi-r tin I MIh Mr..Ii 1'iiin
els if tM r, nil of Hiiluuu, CI I n Urn 10. 1M,
IlO(iVi:UMi;X-On tlin IMIi Inst., in lltinihtp.o.i
1 wp.( at thu lObliltmu nt ill's Kcn-'tflnw JnVmi
N. Hom John JJooveiMjn nguU 77 n-nl H
(HN(.M;h-Im CciUio twp., 10th ianl., Ym.ili-
In tho Orphan's Court for tho Coiiuly o.'fVilum
hla.ln tho matterof t.ioct.ilofif .liiiiu l'eelei.Jr.,
deceased. Tlio Auditor eppolnteit oy Ino t'uint
to l.talto uistunuiiou 01 ino oeiaucu lu IMo iui uls
ofholomou llu.N, Adiuluislmtor of John rinl
er,l., deceased, umoni: tho creilltoisof Iho seid
lnteilale, will meet tho parlies lnletested ror Iho
puilKiso of his epnoliiliiieut on hatl'ld'iy. .In 1.,
.lull,, A. 11. 1M.S). at 1 o clock, 1'. J nl his ollh-i- lu
l.looillsoiiiKi v.iiuiuui.i couiiiy, 1-11.
All iiclsous havtmz claims iiiiiiliist llm rstfitu
nro hereby required to present to ths Auditor or
on failure to present thu same bo foreM-rdelmncd
from coining 111 lor n sunro on no siui esuite.
u, ii.uivi,i.i, Auuuor.
Dec. 2),0S-H.
u the Orphan's Court for the Cm.ntv ofCotum.
hlft In the matter of thn estate of (leo. Kl earner,
le.e of Columbia co., l'a. The Audltoruppolut
ed by the Court to makedlstrlbullou ot the htl
ance In the hands or John lu Moykk. Admin
'atnitor of ucorito Ktenmir, deeeavtd nuioug tho
(.'reditorsof tho said lutestnle, will meet the ).u-
lies imrifniru mi inc purpose i ins apiioini
men! 1111 Haturdav XOlli dnv nf .liiiumrv n.-vl
nt ten o'clock, n. 111. nt his oflice lu Illooiiisoui'Ki
Columbia county, l'a.
All persons having claims ngalnst die esuu
nra hereby requlreil to present ihem to hie Audi
tor, or oil fnllure to present the same be loiever
debarrod from uoiiilug In for n share ol the raid
U. U, 1IAIIK1.1.Y, AUdllor.
l)eo. 20,'03-H
Will b.
ho Hrtlil nt nrlTntoNiilfs p. vnlunhlp fit in tit.
lo hi Mutlisoii twp., Coliimbla roiMily, lnnt
two tnlIon from Jcrhfytuwn. uimI nno i'ml ui.e
buU inllo-i Ji'om FrLiitalowd, fo.italu.nn
oxk Huxnuni) and sixty aciu:
of luiul moro or Icks; nbout 25 nc.-o' H wc'l Ilia
uert'u, ana iuo ii;u.i:k' iu u uikh bunu orciiiuvu
t Inn. niiil nn ortMitiril ofcuoUu iruit. wlicu on iiia
orcc'lcu two nets of llulld'ii'jcs. All liitoriuctlon
in ICiiUKl lo lliti pttit'r.y rim 10 .uul u1 t
jOlliUim uti tlio hroinlses or Jnliri iiilfno. Limn-
sumo tvri., Maatuar cmmly, l'.i. Uec. SVOa-iu.
liy vlrtuo of sundry writs r Vend, Kx Issued out
of tho Court of Common I'lfus of UoliuaUlu futili
ty mul to mo illri'ctetl, will tte exposed to lmltllu
Miiloor outcry nt thouwen Ilouso lu Hawick, nt
10 o'cloel; lu tli Jori'iioon, cm Monday. Jan. 11,
tliof'dlouli trt-nt obtato to ultiiv ct-rutin
Irui-tol laud lying In Itrlnrcnelc twp., t'olumbt.i
couuty, Itoumli'il and described nt fullov. h to It:
on thu North liy lundri of ltt-v. Clcti. and Adnui
Dletterlch, mi tlio east, by lands of Ja. Luuiou,
nnd John Vuupelt, on tlio tsouth by Ahiulmni
Mnrtz. on thowebthy lumlsof j;an Atlanis, on
wlilcli Is erectctl u two story Iraiuu dwillliiK
house, log barn and otberout luilldliigs, ullli tho
appurteuuiict'N, eontalnlng about ouu liutidied
and tl!lyulKht acres, Hclzed taken lu cm eut'oti
and to bo hold lit tlio pronei ty of J. It. (Joidner,
Dec. lsGS.
In Uloomsburg, on Wednesday, Jan., 1.1, lMf.
a rerttiln lot or pleeo of land, Mtmilo lu I ho llor
oimli of Central In. bounded and dfM-rlbed uh inU wlttoutbo north by nu alley, on tho
east by nn alley, on the t-otith by MD.t boding
in t'.irine i, im mo weht uy 101 oi .lamoti ue,
which Is about twenty K-et front and ono bun
dud and forty feet deep. blnga aeunt lot In
aid borough, he I ml, taken In execution, and
to be told as tho property of Ileubrn Was-er.
MOltl)i:CAl MJI.UAIU),
J)cc, Hheilir,
llv vlrtuo ol'nu allaa in: ndi'o to nui dlreelo 1
win nocxpoteu in i.iiouc b-uo on ino p.em'Mii on
Tuud.iy tt.o Kill d.iy ot Jan., ue.t,at ono o'clock
p, iu, id hixhl d-ty, ibu lohowhi'E o cm-.'.hen ti.'ct ot
lauu Hiiuuio in niii lon iuii.,) l.o i-m ) u eoai iy,
wijoiiilng iunds n- r'uiCir-i. lit-e on
tho cnt, lattd-t of Hylve it- J, l.i.t;: o.i 1.10 k-hiiIi
lu ids id iH.iao Wli 0011 tnu wist, i' id 01
Aaron fliMinoou i,iopo;t i.eo.u,' ti ig ) .J .le.-ch-es,
with tho nprnii'ie nun vx, 1. 'jomi; a 'oi ot l.).u"
stouo land 7llli bino ltj.)s i'.hI bum 'mi'-w
erected 011 xnld p. 'J'ubi ho;d iu tho io.
portyofsylv nair .1, l-'ai'x uttd Mu y Ji. Ut-ttuc
in tenants lu to union.
l)oo 23, IfC
ok vai.uaiili: m:.h usT.vm
Ily virtuo of a certain writ of rteilj Irarl"i
IvKLitM, out a! tli j Cout t of Common I 'lean o Cut
UiubUcount' 10 1110 lUiecloc3 w.U t! exrosed
10 sain by ntibllu enilue or outcry at tho Co.ut
Kous Ui Itlut, iiiHljurir, itt tiro o'clock iu t.u- ufur
110011 of Mitutduy Jauiui'-y Hi, IM tho ii'l(i '1.1
iiiei.iioiiuu unu oofitriui'u ilmi taiiuu huu'iio
the aldeuuuty.
No. 1. Thuuudtvldodtlil.'tleth riitofiiecitaiu
n'eco of laud situate lu Montour lowiihh'n. eon-
t -lining two acre moro or lehs ndjo ntnt, bimU of
aiu.t'es il.inou.uud thn 1 Uhinucr.ek. wneieon is
erected a raino Homing mtll.u .rumo dwellliu
ilouso unu a ir.imo siauio wun vne appiy leun.u
Np. '2, The undivided llititlcth part of 11 cer
tnlnploco of laud sit unto iu ll'oniu law iiitilii.eoii'
titiiu tan acres tuuroor lc ad'ol.itnu l.indn of t'a
Itb ItarUi'i, Jaii'ss llaiton, Jl'XpIvy, In' and
otheis wbeieon Is erected u tiame houbuuud kta-
vit wiiii iuo uppuricimnccs.
Ko. S, Tho undivided thirtieth pniinfurer
trln niece of land bit list o lit bloom .owiisuln con-
talnlutf )lahteou 1.0-os inmu iir lean, dJoiulni
I HHIS Ol dilliiui liiiuuii, Hi iv fln
ItloouiH'jurj Iron Co.. and o'.lars. whereon l
erected a Hum" tlMiblng house, u louuiu uud
out ll0Ues, Willi iuuupjiuri.tiiunuiH,
No. 4. A certain piece of land hlHi'ite. In IH00111
township, containing ono aero moro or le ad
lolnliw lauusof M'Kel.yi ISeM.!). J. Wuii r.
mid tno .Nua'lh lUaucu Cumil, w hevto.i Is erccUd
frma siuro uoiuo wun ino uppuueiiam-cb,
No, 5. Tbo Doromlant's tiueieit lu etrCuit
t.i.H-a of laud slluaio In Montour lowiil,l!i. .mu.
iiilnlog ono aero, more or less, adjolnlnn Janus of
Dun'eruiter.Wm.TrowuruUe, Juuu anu Hytts
ter lurel aud others, wnertou is t-reuted 11 iramo
uweirpg uoubu wun uid upputienaiK-es,
HeUoiTtukon In cxeoatlou uud lo bo sold as Iho
uronouy 01 j.couuru'j.. ttuprt, r-.nflr
Deo, 25, 18CS, i-hCalir,
In pursuanoo of uu order of the Orphans' Court
of Columbia Count v wilt be uxnoned to Diilill,
Haiti on the preutlsus uu Thursday tho 21st day of
January uuxt. by Johu Wumicr, Admluiuiiator
of Holomoiiti ilartluaii, lulu of tho township of
iNHiiiiis;roit iim i-uuuiy ui-cuuwu, luojoilgw
iiia uul 01 in mi to win uu 1 nu 1 eenuiu iuci
suageand tract of land bounded on the utst uy
lauds ot the bolrs of Uninuel Weaver decoused,
on tho south by lands of tsumuel Thomas, on Ihe
went by Ititad of Ucujsmlu lUkn uud 011 tho
iiurtti jiy iiiuus ui naiuuei j oai, umi ouiers. cuu
tululnif ono liundrod ucrea morn r n.M uii..Pui...
Is erct'iud a ouu und oue half alury duellliiu
liouse, u fraii 1 e bunk barn, wugon houo and
uutiir wub ajwiiujiii,iiii(. wen 01 uuiurutthu
door of Uio dwelling huuae, a goo'l spring or wa
ter m;ur the house ii uood itpnio ouhurd, the
land lb nourly all cleared una Is In tv good statu ol
cultlallon.' Vl
Hnlo tti coraraenco ol 10 o'clock In the forenoon
of said day. CO'LKM AN.
Jllootusburg, Dot). 23, lStld.; cii. o.'o,
TKItMl4 0KHAI,E.-TeUpercritofouo fourih
of ihe pure bate money lu be pufd uu day of w, i,
one fourth less lUo tei jh.t Ceut 011 nv uiiiirmff
I ou of tti .wle. uud t be buluu w. lu Ju yar f om
Uie tlrst uf AprlliiexiT wllh tnltrtst from tlie ir"
of April iiex, 1'osAossluu given 01 the Jt Vf
April jioxu lMrtyUtsyr Wy forUrMtt!J!irAmiii
1. o,. JOHN Wl NNi th
DCC, 308. Mw 'uUiAij&f,
Tnm'a flr-t footprints nre wrinkles nnd gray
lmlr,tind n'.thoniili holtilng fins yet bnen dlscor.
ered In eradicate ihe former l..o falter mny easi
ly ohllteiatisl iy tho uso of Win's Vcietnutn
AnibrimKi. We ItnoNv that II will restore gray
hair lolls orlKlnat color nml remove, from ihs
smlpHll Itching or Irrllnllon heihiT caused by
damlrutror humors, nt tlioenmo timo lmpnrllug
t the Imlr that ulos.y und beautiful look so much
Thn d tirt r.haTlnf Won rrslortd to histth
In a few we. ks, Ijy n ery simple retasdy, aller
linMnif niiiii re.i several ,aus wllh a stvere long
nlleell.iii, and tlmtdread dluase, Consumption
is anxious 1 miiko Unuwu to his fellow snllerart
the means of c irt.
To nil whodeilra It, he will send a copy of tht
prescription used (tieeof thartf), with (ho direc
tions r.rprr.urig and using liia same, whl h
they will llmt usuro cure forconsamptlon.Asth
inn, llloliehhls, rlc. Tho only oblact of thn ml.
veillserln Miidlngtha pies, rtplou It to tenant
the Hlllli ted, nml spiead lliformallon whlah hi
conceives l lie Imnluitblei and he hopes every
sullerir will try this mildly, as It will eosl
liii ui iio'hing, and may prove 11 blessing, par
lies ulshlniithe prescript! m will plaata addresl
lli v. f.dwunl A. Wilson, 10 1 louth Second straet
W llllamshuiuh, Kings county, Hew York.
lice. IIOS ly.
To Thyslcians.
New YottK. Augunt IHh, WX,
Allow ino to enll your attention to my I'
ntlon of Com pound i:tinct lUielnt. Tho com
poncnt pn tsaro lluchti. Long Lmf, Cubibs, Ju
11 1 per IlctiioH
Moib u t'uF.i'Au.VTiox, Uuchu, lii vacuo, Ju
ulper Ili'iil'-H, by dlstilhitlon, to form iv flno gin.
(,'tihebs ox'i.udcd by illspl.tctuif 11 1 by liquor ob
tained frtu Juniper Ilerrlet, containing very
little MiK'ir, a hiiiaU propottlon of spirit, nnd
more pnl itablu than any now lu use, 1 ha active
propeitles are by this mode extracted.
llHehii. as prepared by Druggists generally, Is
ofu Unite ctdur. Ills u plant that emits Itt ftu
grance; the action or a ilainu destroys this (Its
aetlvft ptlnclplo). lealngn dnikniul glutinous
(hcoctlon. Mine Is the color of ingredients. The
Ihteltu In my ptepniatlou preilotnlnatcs j tbo
Mii:iUt rjUniitlty of tho other Ingredients nre
added, to pi (tit fermcnta toii! upou lnp?c-
lion, it will bo fuiiud not to bon Tlnctuio, us
iiuide lu l't'arnmeopa'n, nor Is It a tirup-and
ilieteloro can be used lu caes wheiofecror In
llaunuiitlou exists, in this, you havo tho liuowl
eilgo of tho ing-edlents and thu mode of prepnr
JIiMdug tbu. jm. will favor It with titrl.iLiiL.,V
tbnlupoii itiepeetlon It will meet wltliour uit
piobulloti, With n r-elins of eonildtfticc,
I am, ery rospn-tfully,
II, T. m.LMlIUM),
Chemist and Di'n-jgist r 10 Yuan i:.perienoo
In riilladtlpbla, ami now 3d at liU Drug
and Choiu'cut Waioliouse, 591 llrondway, Now
Ltromllie largcbtMuuufacturlugChciuNts lu tho
v"J-t a-ii';nj with Mr. If. T. lleltiibjna.
nu oit (i plod tho Drug Mluro,"'1VtJHlli V.'A resi
dence, md was Miieeei iful lu conducting the bus
iness a here othets had not been equally no bo
ioro h tn. I have bteu i ivorably linnressed with'
bis oln ratter audentt 1 prise.
rin 1 of I'owers A Wolghlm .11, Manufaetur.nit
Cliciuisis, Ninth and Drown Htrcets, lMillndel
pbH. JlelmboUl I'Uild Ilxtract Kuchu. for weakness
niUlnxfitm indiseietlon. 'Iheexbausted now-
etsuf Nuttno which nro acconipatded by Romany
uia'-miiiK f j nipton s, among which w 111 bo found,
indisposition to l.M'itloii, Duss of Metnorv.
WaUo'ulness, ii.rror of Dlicase.or I'orebodlugs
1 ijvi.fiii iiia, uuierjnl DasHitude. ivostra-
tlon.nnd Inaoltlty tu cnle In'.o tho enjoyments
01 ocio,y.
Tho CoubtlUil'on.oneo o.Tected Willi Orgnnlo
waKtHs, ltqulris tho nld of Medicine to
Hrcugiht-n and luvlgoralo tlio syHtein, whlrh
Jieiinnoia a jti.ut buelm ItiMirlablo dois. If
no tieatiiu-nt li mbiuttlid. to, Coi'Miniptiou nr
Insanity onu -h.
lUIinLoId'rt Mul I V.ti.t t llmhu, In nntcllnns' 10 1 ilimie. is unemtaitd ivmiv oilier
pU'iiar.itlon, ns in CIiIoiokIh, or ltetentlon, l'aln-lulius-,
or Hiipprebston of Ciistunmiy Uvacu.i.
t ons, rici-t.iud oriScbhrusHtate of tho Uterus
uud nil complaints Incident to tho sex, whether
fi-hing bom habits ot ulAblpatloii, taipiudeiir
1 1, or lb? declluo or change of life,
llilui hold's I'luld l.xtruct Ituchu nnd Imnrov
i 1 Hose Vt'a-.ftwlll radically exteimluato from
liehihtfi.i dlfCfibin arising Irotu hablin of dlsl.
lnUlon, at llttlo expanse, llttlo or uochauitelu
liet, no lu oiiveuKueo or expos-ot-o i.iiai
I rnotHns tlmso unpin. int nn I dangejoi
remcuies, 'vjt.iuanu -ilcruiry, Iu all thenodl
Uso lfelmbnld .1 1 Jul 1 Extract lluchu In nil dl
cases of 1 (ipso oig tus, vrbf titer existing In ma
or rem He, fioni whatever eauso 01 Iglnnt
no inaHer of how long htandlug. It is plcawii
In lasLo tind odor, "linuudlalo" lu nctlon, ai
inoie HtuPitluH.ii' than my of tbo nreian
tiou1! cf U-irk 01 Ii tu,
'I huso Mii.iilbg !iom bn'Urti-ilown or dellcn
cotistitutio'is, pu.jure tho remedy at once.
Jhe t r niUKl I l- aw aro that, howtcr slll
mny 1 v tlm Hitnt-k ( f the idioo dlfeasis, it
cut-in to i.(l.i ' the bodily htallli nnd ment;
All tb ibi I'lUcaoes require the nld of
Dhuotlc. IU hub !d's I detract Duehu Is thogre,
-old by diugglsts nnd dcAilcra ever
wneiet 11 ue ci.-.:. er noiue, or six bottles
l liMU'd 1 i any acldiess .Uescrlbo.
looii 111 an tommuuieailoiiK, .uuieisj
Jteliuboid. Drug and Chemical Waiobou
bioailwii.v, N. .
None , iiu gt nuiui nub ssdono up In nt
graved m rjpper, m iih l.u'-biiillo of my i.'ii
Waiehotis.', i-nd htyned, li, T, IIUbMlli
Dee'r is, Iit. I'm
C. and IiPtiuciiou."
Aupplement containing numerous full
1 allot ns oi tihcful hi tides aceompanles tli .
intiy toi-iuigbt, and oceaaloually an elogau
01 cd finahiiin plate.
llaipeiV D.irar eoiitnlni in folio pn(e nt
s'o oi Harper's Weekly, printed on Mipe
cal.uidcted paper and Is published weekly,
CrlticAl Notice of the Press.
lid I nor.i I.arnr rontallis. beldf". nlctnrM. .
nud lu ull branches; its dliorkJ
matter Is t spt eially adapted to the circle. It H t
teiutt fl 10 tu t reM und instruct : and It lin.
sttit'!,, 1 ood htorn s uud literary matter of ine"i.
It is nut KiiipiisiUaC that the Journal, with stdi
fc times, biti achieved In a short time uu U
on -sf Kiicivss ; lor htjinethlngof Us kind nai
sin it lu thousands of famUlex, nud Its puhlMici
liuM nib tt ttio demand, -A. 1. J.'ectim Jnt.
Win ther we consider Us claims as based upi
ihn-leiiuiif.' mul Mipcrloity of the jmper, lut
potaph" al apjtearance, the taste und Judgem!
ilipiid lu liiotiigiuvlngs, or the llttiary co
HilMitlouss-ontaiiied In Us pages, we unbent';
lugly juuiiouiiiM U lo bo superior In tach si
oveiy particulijr tonny other similar pub!Ulfi
uei a or uuroiui. i'iini, efi( jiuruiiritrw,
No know of no other Kngllsh or Amerkl
Journal oi f ishlon thatenn pieient to at'proil
it in eompU tones and variety. V, 1', 7'iwt
1 1 huh 1 lu met li of belm: sensible, of conve.v I
1 im 1 1 iu 11 mi nl int. fin' fii'i'lli'iit mil If rim In ft 1
iii-jnii 1 im 111, unit uriUK nmn it tin "1-
HHidhm m. iiler. M'utchman ami Hrletor. i
To dtes aueoidlng to llarpur'a Ihttar will
Jiutwn iVatn'.Jpf.
Tonus !
Harpt 1 s n iiar, one yttr 54
Ah oMru eopj Uherflbo Magazine, Wet
or wbt be tupp' cd grails for eveiy Clui1
flvitbiibx.-iiheiH at ' UVeuvh. lu uiio i emi tlaJ
or sin Copies fur AI ft'.
iubbcnptlony b Harper's Mngaz-lne Week.
oi Utuur, to iy(ic addiiss lor one year, tbuu
tu'inii Uuipc's t'erjoillcaU, to one udditiai f
one j eui, 9
11 ek uu crs can bo RtipplUd nt nny time,
'l hit Di 1 ui on ll.irnr'H Hazur li '2o nuL
nt- .. miut be paid ut.theAupscilber'spo.'
oll .
.,.it 'citpibmssfiitfioiu IlrltlsUNoilh Amti
' .1 1 inc h imiitf. be not'oiupauled with JO cl
. ititrutdiional, to piepay Culled (states it
.afcu. Addles lIAUUi:HiIlUU'H, New Vtip
ron i!.
"he At man to for isei ii aveu more valutiU
V.":! ' 11117 ui jii;i mi niia a
I IS l!terirt i(inlnl ir kII nrlinl i.uu.
r7 . T V " " t"ri.v 4wi ii, (uii uuiiiuiiifl 11
111 til ilpfMtM I It I.I mi't ! btlil II. 1. a.l....,..V
Literary cuultntji. the four oulijjtwd platei &
the twt Ivf taiatnlur niliira i.Iml ..
uu nnuu ifliiiiwn it, iniiiiru uuv wun t
usiiiUy full and liitportant, comnnsln an 1
rotint of the D.tal eedpse or the Hun wmeti w
o ur lu Aiiiust mi. toiether wllh a map 4h7
lux the ixuttonaoi Uie United Hlate whtrt
eclipse will bt flalhle. Thliecllnae will 1..
iurrd nue4M,
'ihe Aim a nan cant ln rnim ITiil in,..
ttons, tuiolorsof IheKeatou, and Mue Art
liiiliutu uibv ih most sklliuil Artists, nuh
eo. k. fir tin. j,mi HV111I. '
iviiB nu at nuy cents dt noukse ers anl.iii
..u. lin, M .US,I. LUUSXfi I .Nll'i.
.TIIK uuUJialuua.l r.aiwirallr Inform, i
otMAUlLF uttil .lAlWHMAKINfi:iiil
..iui .. .... '. -.-.'. -'.t """r.-"'?"j'
.. ..r' t', n.-ira ii, in. nil..