THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOM SBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. &9t $be $oung olhs. Prince Fatal and I'rlnee fortune There vim oncoiipon a tlmo a Qtircn who had two Httlo liny.a, who woro por foctly liciiitlliil. A Entry, who w n Kroit friend of the Quern, hint I won re quested to ho RoilinotluT to Hump t'rtn ws, and to endow each v Itli rmtnc (flft. "I endow tho eldest," alio "w'.lli nil sorts of mWortmie nit It liu f tlnlns linn)taof twentyvi', nnd t nntiiolittt Futa!," At thoo v nrds tlio Queen lit torsd plerctnR crle, nnd conjured tlie Knlry to chnngo tier gift, "You know not what you nslc," until she to 'ho Queen. "If he ho not luiflirtunnlr he will ho wicked," Thu Quest' din t ,ny no more, but she bcptrcit ti.e Vi'y to hIIow her to eliomo 11 gift fur herecoml son. "Perhaps you will iiinlco a bud .choice," replied tho Kulryj "but novo1" mind I will agreo to Rlvo him nil that you shall request of mo for him," "I wish," said tho Queen, "that ho may succeed always In everything ho may dcslro to do that Is tho way to make him perfect." "You may bo deceived," said tho Fairy; "therefore I grant him this gift only for 11 vo-nnd-t wen ty years.' ' They selected nurse? for tho two llttlo Princes i but on tho third day tho nurse of tho eldest Prince rwuglit a fevrrs they pavo him another, who fell and broke her leg ; a third but her milk a- soon assho was appolntc 1. tho report hcln? sp'-nivl thit the Prinze brought inUforfuno on n't ltN tuiraps, no one would snnklu , ; 'ii or nnproaeh him. Tho poor child v '-o .-nt faiuKlied, cried, nnd no nno pitied i 'ni. A fine stout countrywoman, who had a rmut number of children whom sho had much trouble in supporting said that sho would tako caro of him If they, would trlvo Jicr ti larpo sum of money ; and as tho King and Queo" did not like Prince Fatal, they gave tho nurro what she tpskeel, and told her to cir.y him to her village. The second Prince! whom they had named Fortune, got on wonderfully. Ills papa nnd inamina loved him pas sionately, and never thought of their eldest-born. Tho wicked woman to whom they had given hlni was no soon er In her own liouso than sho took from him the beautiful clothes In which hu was enveloped, nnd gavo them to her own son, who was thesamo ago as Fatal; nnd having wrapped tho Prlnco In an old petticoat, sho carried him into a wood where thero was an immense number of wild hoasta, and put him Into a hole with three llttlo lions, In or der that ho might bo devoured. But ihe mother of theao Hons did him no harm; on tho contrary, she suckled him, whlcn mado him Hit strong, that he ran quite nlono nt six month-. Meanwhile tho son of tho mine, whom she made pass for the Prince. dl"il, and the" King nnd Queen wen charmed to think they had got rid of lilui. Fatal remained in tti wood until lie was two years old; nnd n nohlcuiiri ol tho Court, who went to limit the re, wo astonished to fin 1 him In tho midst o tho beasts. lie to il' pity on him, car ried him tohis hou-e, nnd having learnt that they sought for a child to keep Fortune company, ho presented 'dal to tho Queen. They gave a master to Fort to teach him to read, but the., forbad" the master to make him cry. Tho joung Prince, who had overheard this, cried every time that he took up his book eo that at flvo years old ho did not know his letters, whilst Fatal read perfectly, and already knew how to write. To frighten tho Prince, they commanded tho master to whip Fatal every timo that Fortune failed In his duties. Thus Fatal, however good ho might he, did not escape being beaten; whilst For tuno was so wilful and so naughty, that healways Ill-treated his brother, whom, however, he did not know to bo such. If any one gavo Fatal an apple or n toy, Fortune snatched It out oi his hands ; he made lilin bo silent wh"n ha wished to speak; obliged htm to speak when ho wished to bn client; In a word, ho Was a liuli. nwtyr, osi whom no one had any pity. They lived thu-tt'l "iey wero ten years old, nnd the Queen v.u much sur prNed at the ignorance nt her t.n. "The Fairy hiis deceived me," said she; ' I. thought that my wn would bo the wlaost of Princes, beciu-ie I wished lie might succeed in all that he should de sire to undertake.'1 bho went to con sult tho Fairy on tliu subject, who s-ald to her, "Madam, you should have wish ed your son to have a good disposition rahter than talent, llu only desires t i be wicked, nnd ho succeeds In being s , as you see." After having s.dd thoo words to tho Queen, sho turned her back on her. The poor Princess, much ntlllcted, returned to tho palace. Sho would have scolded Fortune to oblige him to do better ; but Instead of prom ising to correct his faults, ho paid that If they vexed him ho would starve him self to death. Then tho Queen, quite frightened, took him on her knee, kiss- ed him, gave him sugar-plums, nnd told him that ho should not study for a week If he would but cat as usual. Meanwhile Prlnco Fatal becamo a prodigy of learning nnd of gentloness ; no was so accustomed to bo contradict' ed, that ho had no will of his own, and uevoicii muiseii 10 lorcstau tne uncles of Fortune. But that naughty child, who was enraged at soeln,' him more clever than himself, could not bear linn, and the masters, la order to plt-io the young Prlnco, beat Fatal ovi-ry minute At length tho wlckO'. boy told tin Queen that lie would not havo Fetal any longer In tils Big'' , and that ho would sot cat till thoy ! nd driven him from tho Palace. Thus poor Fatal was turned into the street, and us they wero afraid cf displeasing tho Prlnco, no ono v .ukl receive him. Ho passed tho night under n. n dy. Ing with cold, for It was winter, nnd having nothing lor his supper hut n morsel of bread which somo ono had given him In charity. Tho next morn ing ho said to himself, "I will not re main hero doing nothing ; I will work to gain my livelihood until I shall bo big enough io go to tho wars. I remem ber having read In history that common eoldlera have become great captains j perhaps I may havo tho same good for tune If I am an honest man. I havo neither father nor mother, hut God Is the Father of orphans; Holms given mo a lioness for my foster-mother! Ho will not forsako me." After having said this, Fatal arose up and said his prayors Cor ho never failed to pray to God morning ami owning and whwi ho prayed hoit down hh yesjolm 1 hh haw!, and did not Juok about him. A couutryinan, wh wm passing, and taw that Fatal was praying with nil his heart, said to himself, "t am sure that must boon honest boy; 1 should llko to take him to keep my sheep ; Ood will lilpn tnu for his sake." 1 hu country man till Fatal had finished his prayer, uiid.theii mid, "Mv llttlo friend, vlil you eiinioand keep my sheep? 1 ,vill lent mid take cure of you.'1 "I will, certainly "repllid Fatal; "and! wld do 'ill In uyiowe" to servo you well." l'lils countryman was a largo farmer, who had it grtat number of servants who -obbed hi n very often, and tw Wllo .nut chlldien robbed him nlso. When tin y s.i. Fui.ll, they wero ory well t'e'litcuttu. ' He Is n child," t.ild tbiv. IujUi, do nil wo wish." Ono d.i' the wife .said to him, "My 11. tin frh iid. mv hn .land Is a miser w1iolo- ei'i.'tvesmo my money; let mo u s a ep, mid iu ;au t.iy tho wolf has itu- r 't it oil'.' ' Madam," replied i iuai, ' would ii . lc you u service with ail n hi art, i .it i would much rather die d.un tell a 1 toi or bo n thief." "You no a lllle foi. " -aid tho woman ; "no ono wnat you havo done." "God w'll t now It, Madam," replied Fatal: "He knows all that wo do, nnd Ho will iunlsh liars and tboso who steal.' V hen tho farmer's wife heard these words, sho threw herself on him, beat him ami toto out a handful of his h lir. Fatal cried, and tho farmer hear ' him. asked his wlfo why sho bent the child? "Because," said she, "ho Is uL'lutlon: I saw him this morning eat a pot of cream which I was going to i.tUe to market." "Flo! how horrid It to be greedy," wild tho fanner; and Immediately railed a servant, and bade him whip Fata). Continued) farmer's gepartmtut. Wintering l'urio Slock. As Winter approaches, tho farmer Is reminded that Ids live stock can no longer wander over tho fields and collect ttii'ir food from day to day. Tho grass lias ceased to grow. The frost lias bound up the surface of the Held In Its cold embr 'Co, and tho cattle aro attracted toward tho stablo with hunger, lowing as they go, to draw tho attention of the herdsmen to their dependent position pleading for something to cat. The barns aro well stored with liny and grain; stalks and ricks of hy nnd fodder surround tho barn and stables as a enrns tie reserve, showing the thrift! ne.s3 and fnre-lght of tho Industrious firmer in providing for tho coming winter; hut what of winter? We read lly perceive when It begins, but who citit predict when It will end? Some u'initTs are short nnd pleasant, but wo en n only dl-eover thb when wo nvrlvo it tho other cud. Soni" nro very long mid very were; the-earo theo'.es wo -Imiild ni:'kt our calculations by, nnd niter Into th -m as n eiutlous General enters into a .-ampnlfii. Graduato tho ii'iiintity of ,tock by tho amount of food In store; if you havo too much stock dispose of part; If too little, add mom; better too llttlo than too much alwi ys bcarln j In mind that It pays bet tert ikcep sb ol; well than to keep It poor. Here we c inie ton print where many fii-mer grea .ly err. They look over tl'j large nrrumutntion of food they liuvo provided for wintering their stock nnd I stop hero to glvo thorn credit for Loir aid ,s' and perseverance in i.itherinp . u uch nnd curing It well) .'onw p" -o t link that when butter Is ilcntv It s, ion d bespread thick on tho bread, withe t thinking that It may bcome sjan. , and then the bread will not be e itct ivitlt so good a relish with a thinner s iread, or wlthoutjany at all So with to winter fodder they begin to fuid v Ty lavishly at tho commence mentof winter; not only lavishly, but wastefully, thinking that so large an amount of food can hardly bo eaten by tin ir stock during tho winter, forget ting that tho winter may boa very long one. Thero Is a deeper view of tho matter. and ono that Is worth looking Into. All that n fanner grows on his farm Is worth money worth dollars ; that Is tho word talk of dollars, and every nno can appreciate; it. Now, alt this hay, and straw, corn, nnd oats can bu converted into dollars. A farnie will not scatter his dollars about care lessly, but ho will sometimes waste or let go to waste, that which, If properly applied, can be converted into dollars The important question presents itself here how all this great accumulation of stock food can bu converted Into most money? Not by throwing it In largo quantities before tho stock to bu tram pled under their feet. This, you say will make manure. So It will; but ut what cost? Did tho farmer toll and sweat and biro help during tho whole summer to collect all this great amount of fodder merely to mnko manure? Better to havo left It whero It grew on the ground, by which tho additional advantago or mulching would havo been secured. Valuable as Is manure it may bo purchased too dear. Do you suppose that itock will thrive any bet ter by having largo quantities of food continually at their disposal to either I'sit iir wnfitn? 'n . ill 41..I ' , Tho ..ppt'tlte becomes eloved ami itlatnl by the cry abutubnco l.rtMUU'U lu hem through kindness; ihf elevt Utumoat palatable ptuUaud r Joi tm remainder ; they thm cultl van- a iiutld. )U3 npjiclttu that becomes mnii) uud mo'o critical overy Uny, chock will thrlvo better with Just aa much food glveu aa thoy will eat up clean. This &hould bo at stuttd periods and regularly attended to. If by ft od ing economically, a Jarijo surplus is fuui.d to be u hand at tho end of tho ben-ton, it Is Uttu- than to havo wasted u; hut it w ud huvobcen better and p- no piollt- ulo to havo added mora al ck, which would havo yielded moro f.-olit. Don waato tho food, novertho ss;youri:i 49 may not yield so ubund 'iitly the 11 .1 eefason, nnd your Jmy ctiug wcl : e. red vrlll loso nono of its rtura h. I clng Uept over. American To l't Wi a ilooM. Sot a pitcher of water In . room, and lu a few hoars It will ha u absorbed all tho respired In t io room, tho air of which will become purer, but tho water uttoily filthy. Tho colder tho water U the greater tho capacity to contain thceo ftaea. PitoMivr HlU'lAV-"Why did Adam , blto tho applo1 said aschoolmate to a couutryJnd. llUcenu3QhQhttdnoVillf,, I fciud tho urchin DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAO'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOiFIAND'S QERUAi! BITTERS, ash Hoodand's German Tonic. I rerretT by Dr. 0. 7X. Jatkson, iiLioi'.roii, Pa. T U Great Remedies t 1 L.. Ptfiiin or tti I.kVKIl, ST4M ICBI, or PJGCSTIVE onaAAS. HooQand's Gorman Bitters U cotnjiotitiJ.'J o( th purt Jtilec. (or u thy rt mf(llctnIlr U'tm r j sj 1. tettvcH) of ltooti, norba "XJT 11 rtlUrk,mk lrifrtrviratirn, 'f.SJ MjTii'jT ronrn irntoj, ni'l i-iitlT Waj 1 yr rtrt JJ- cfafkiMt admijriuit of) tifnt Hoofland'a German Tonic, t comt4niUrn of H th tnTtillftit of th itfni-riij with tht pnrftt mitlliy of .f.tna C)-u$ nm, wni"(i tic. nmiiuit vu. ut ma iiiu blvMAfit rnn.l Mirrvktit rmJlw vvpr offerM to th j.uUh!. Tfiofic rrrfrrltift n UeJlcIn from AW holi iJimilur, ulll ua Hoofland's German Bittor2. In eAita of nerroua depimtoD, when on aJeobo'Je tlmului la tioovMcry, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio tuoold Vn. Th II ttri or tM Toote tr bolh eqiIlj Ifool, nj nitiUln Die tin tnedicin! virtttr Tito totncl1, from ft variety of rnoa, mch m lrnl Lloti, Dya -Tr-m-- P'r"1 Nenuu l)ell:iiy, tie, h (fT wry npt to time U fonetlon d (11 JjJ ratnfif. Tlie nu ult of which la, HXiC tlikt the r-iUfnt uffi-ra from itrtraJ or tuort of th foIlowlMi dtavMCi: Conttlpntion. Pltuleno, Inward Tile Pulnen of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Niium, Heartburn. Platruit for Food, Fuln-i or Welirht In th Btomaoh, Sour ruo Utlona, Sinking or Flut torlntr at the Pit of th StomAoh, Swlmmlnfc of tho Head, Hurried or D itli cult Broath lnff, lUuttcrtntr at the Heart, Choking or BuiTocatin? Bensatlona whn In a Lyinr Poature, Dimuen of Vlalon. Dota or Webs bsforo the Sirbt. Dull Pain In the Mend, Deficiency of Perarjlratlon, Yellow neat of the Skin and Eyes, Fain In tho -j- Side, Back. Chiat, Lira fttf $! ba, eto.,Sud denfluahoaof w JkJ Heat, Burn in in the Fleah, Con- atnn. Imifftnlntta of Evil, and Oreat JJeproaaion of Spirits. Tha rDiPllaa will tfTectitlly our Iirer Complaint, Jauodlot T)yfpua, Chroulo or NorvonaUutility, C'tr.'(,. Diarrhea, l)l of the KUneya, tr .i t'Boaava artniug from a Dliordervd Uw, Hunojch, or lotcatiDua. DKIJILITY, nisrtnaa raew art Oira whititih; PI103THATI0N OF TUB SYSTEM, IiDvoiB t Hariai Labor, IIikdbiim, Kiroitria, Kitias, aro. Tbr U no modldn axt&nt Mial t. thus ro dlM In ma eaea. A ton and vigor U lm baiUxl to lb wbol Hfftem, tb AppctlU la 9rtnfthcnedi food la anjoyrd, th fVmch dlita M promiitly, th bhiod 1 vintWA lb ooraplloQ bteona aooad aM 5bW healthy, th t1- I itrni tA th Awb. ad th wak hia:id btooaaoaa fuusj asd bvaltby baaitg. reraon$ Advanced in IAf AjxI fMility .it hand of time wvlthlnf iimti npoo thoin, with nil Ita attendant ill, will find to th un f iu HlTl'KKH, or th TONIC, an elixir tht will ltiLil ww lit Into tlicrr vdna. tutor In a tieftiw th auvrgy atid ardor of morv Jouthfjl dayi ImM up thotr abrunken furtaa, atj j(lca liua. itod happlo to thtlr rn.lf4n yiura WOTXOE. a U a lv!sl!la0d fact that ftflf an4ari of th ft urn 4 ptir r -J twn of oar popu lution uv la n tfa enjnjmenl of KOodbci.tli; 01 3 to umi thtfr own txirMlon, uno ci Wriwt3 fuel well." They aru languid duolu of u cueryy, extremttly e VOiia, nitd hd t Api-UtUi. To tlita ciaj-aof fjaoiia'the J1ITTKK8, or the TONIU, U onjiuoaJly recoiaioendwL VEAK ADD DELICATE CHILDREN Are midv airtiLy by th UM of cither of theae rtftnedif Tin ntjl cm every o ut MA ItAHMt'ri, wnumfuii. Tliousitida .if rvrllllcate hare accJmaUttd 'n tht- haixla i'f tlto 1 roi ritlor, hut anr vlll allo of the putllatiloa ul but a fuw. Tlio;, It wilt be obaurvtfd, ate turn of Dole and of audi aUnd n that ILvy Ciiut be telime'i. TrtiTUiOKIALO. Hon. 0?o. W. Woodward, CkxtJuttiit it Suprtm Court o J'a , write. J'A.Ia.HM'J. March 19, IWT. " I Bud Hoof- lund'e Ui-rniftn Iti'.tfra'llaK.l, u-i-fil In (!lacMf nf tliut!! if' gtUv oiviiib, tttJ of ct U-ii fci J r.llncuLaurde Ulity, kt.l want of iiurvona action In tUe ajatrtn. Vu truly, tlLO W. woomvAiuv lion. Jaacs Thompscn, J.JjcqVi Siiumi tXuttff 1't.nntfliktnli. rKiUi ttlyUfi, A(ril i W1 UI ernnllcr 1 ll(wilud (krraan J-it't"' k tioa or l) 1 c-tu i.trUi tLU trtna ray ifeneuc of it. Voura, nllh rrtiwt, mjami.h TiiofraiN." Troa Rev. Jocepli H. Ker aard, D.D, rattor a Vu T'tt IbjAif Vhunh, JhU f.j ftto. i)r, JciunIuiLr iir: 1 1.4T0 burn rc((ijeDtly rQe Ah i to twtnfot my ruitne With n .iinttf'i 4uu (4 d.4vriit klitJj w( medio , I ut, n rdlrf the mn ;- , v-a tic a uui ut i v appropriate TlVT ni-hgi-, 1 hve . i l1aeJUtlt.di ! Vl tail t.h a t!-. r proof la vwU. U-iJ Xll tnatAiiu nu 1 i r UcuUriy In aij own Iml'y, of tho artu.i we ol liooiUwd a (Jirman lUiu-ra, 1 dvtx; 1j o'.ro bucu ray omm' eouiM, to ez irtH ij .4 ottvK bki thftt, ur pra( tirfi'ry if tht t -n, a tut aiueik rvarMM it eumn ro il ii ty ftij but atually, 1 eVil uct, It u-lil I very lni.flc'jl to lUoae ).o ijJVc fr-a tta rt civ. Vwn, Turf rrirfrtf'iity, J. n. ki:;;aki, Uj;, lilow lWi tit Sccki S8v. E. D. Fendall, Mi Mftftr I'hrUHan ChrvmiU, AiUJ4 yJiio. I Iwv drlwd dec Jod Ur 'I from the vie et Uooileiid a i4rrnn ltuCr, rtiid tv tl It my tml a to rctwetrnMi4 - U ut mtnhwUe lonte to ail wao m a.tK i( from Eiioul debtiitr or from diMaava arlttvj from drttiiuietit of the Drm louiairrlr, Jfi.l) FENDAI.U OAUTIOITi llwJuid'l flsnnnn Iri fnlrMl. td. Bm Ihkt Ills j----- t'fQllturvofO.. JCKXJ.flion TKJ tlw wri-jr ol r'.i bonis, All jjf j jy) others si eoua f rinrlusl Oflle and Us a rsctery l th Utr. mui U.dldLt tfwto, H j.Cjl AKUII U'.rcvl, 1'lui sdslptiU. 0HAni.E3 X. EVAJI3, Uruisa UruKzli', Priprlulor, Vormerlr 0. M. Jtctaos k Co. Foi salt kjtU 1'rutjl.un.a Dt'.n la UtJl- PltTOEO. llooflsa i's (t irmu Iliturs,per bottis $1 M " " unit down..,. I 0. liouosnd's Citrnsa Tunle, put up la qusrt boiiiM l io ptr bltls, or a lulf dotsn f jr 1 H KIT Do nut forget to f csmlno slt Uis trtlcls M lay, Ul w J.r U j.l Ui f iuUas. HOOFLAO'S GEBMAH TONIC. January U, lies. DRY GOODS. IMiKll'S HTOIIK. K1UWU AUIUVAIj op KAMj AND WINTEH OOODS. Tp MiWrlticr lia Jmt rctnrnnl from tlio ettlM with another lnt-go nn.l nclcct imortmont of BritlNO AND SUMMKH OOOHH, purclinifit In New Yotkniul l'hllmtilililat. Hi" luwi'itflKiire.nml whlcli lio 1 determined to nelt on ns mmlcrnto terms as enn bo procured clo whero In Illoumnbuni. 31U stock comprlnei LAlltlW DltlWS OOODS of th" etiolcest dlj les nnd lntcul tfttliloin, together with n largo 'nranrtmc-nt of Dry UikxIx nnd Oro- ecrle, comlilliiK of tlm following nriicica i fiirpet". Oil Cloth", Cloth", Cnstmerrs, Klitiwl', rtnnnel., SllUv While Uoodi, t.lnen", oop Hklrt t MuMln, ttolt'iwwari Cednrwmo claM.i.WMC nrdar. HooH nnd filioen, Until nnd fnps, Hoop Sets. Umbrcllos, Ixioktng-Olnsscs, Tolncci, Coffee, Buiar, Tc, IlU'f, Alt'plee, Olniccr, Clnnnmon, Nutlnec., AND NOTIONS (If.N ItAI.I.Y. In short. ovirythlliK iminuj- ncpi ,toie,tn which lie lllUUn tho nttentlou of tho nubile wiierolli'. Thohtxhest price will bo Im fur country produce In exehnni!8 for Koods. K. It. MlllClliaus. Arcndo llulldlnx'., HIiKiiinbiirK. I'". nmcAT iu:i)UOTiox ix tjiaoKS AT IM.TKU liNTM HTOME, IN I.ICJHT bTIir.CT, KALti AND WINTini 0001)9. Till: Mlbicrlbcr has Jut received nnd lmi mi hand at his old Maud In Unlit Hlreel. a lnrKc nod AS.SOKTMKXT OP JIKUCIIANDISE purchawd at the lowest Hmire, ami wnien no di tennliu'd in sell on as luoderuto terms ns bo procuu-d rlscirlu-ro In I.Uht Mtreet, ivn cash on couxTJtr vnouuet.. Ills stock consists of LADIES1 DKESS OOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashions, Calicoes, .Muslins, (ilnglioms, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpels, hll!ts, Hhawts, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Sallnttts, CasKlnurs, c.,llmiadi. Keiitucliy Jeans. OHOCE1UES, jrACKEUyvii, Quecnsware, Cedarnare, ltatdware, Medlclnis, lirugs, Oils, I'alnts, Ac. IS00T3 & SHOES, HATS & CM'S, In short eerythlnu usually kept In a country htorc. Thpation..aof Ids old friends nnd the public sencralty, is resicinuiy soncu. Tho highest market price paid for eonnlry pro. duce. light Street, Nov. 8 T J. 15 R O W E R, 'is now offering to tho public his Stock of a v n i n g a o 6 J) s eonslsttiK In part of n full line of iVRHATK. WOOL AND RAO CARPETS, Fine cloths and casslincre for La-lies' coats, HANDSOME nilWS GOODS, of all isitti-ns and nunllllwi, tnlalds and lTlnts of various qualities and prlC4, BLEACHED AND 1IWJWN MCrsLlNa, LADIE'S FRENCH UUxiOivio, RALM0RAL0 SKIRTS. Good aortment of ladies- aniMiu-i-rs dArnum jioor. Fresh Groceries and Fptaw. Now aesortment OLAfM AND QUEEIIB-WAIVE, FX-NO. 1 MACKEREL in one-half and one-fotrrth barrels. sr... i. ilir, tliTin In make jour selections, as 1 am offering goods at very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair deallug to nil, and not to bo under- t 1, IJ rWI-! T( sold bv any. J " " llloomsburg, April 12, i.w. M. AllTVAN. C. 11. DII.LIK0X1U A1 ItTMAX, D1LLIXUEH A UU., n . 2-Jrt NORTH THIllll HTHKKT, (.Vf urfj 'l lunle Jamc, Ktul, Hmtet .1 Co.) wi.ntniiil.i Healers in V111VK HATTING. WADDlJIUi "l"'1"" . n 1 1,111 '0 u on. cLorni, siiAtuw, rut mti, W It A I N HAGS, .01tt)A(lE, AC ALhO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAHE, nitraiiEH, trunks, lookiso olasmbi, etc. M 10, lK!7-ly. jovii :'!.'.",ox A CO., .... . 1 Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YAV.NS, OAHPHT CHAINS. llATfS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, COHDAG E, 111100'"" 'WOO' 1 AND WILLOW WARE, LOOirt ' - I.OCKM.FANCY : .20H, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, At'., No. Ml Market Street, south side, Philadelphia. JOIIX C. YEAGER & CO., Wholesalo Dealers In 1LVTH , CAI"S, STRAW OOODS, AND LADIES' FUIt-S, No, 2.57 North Third Street, Philadelphia. "lyART.MAX & EXOELJIAX, TOllACCX), SNUFF A SUGAR MANUFACTORY, no. 313 xoktii TiuiuisntraT, Fecond Issir below Worst, PHILADKLPHIA. J, W. WAKTMASl P. KHaiLWAN QAR1UAGK MANU FA CTO H Y, lUoonibbnrg, l'a. M. C. SI3AN A I1ROTHI5R the slice triors of WILLIAM HIIAN A (VON continue the busliieas of making CARRIAGES, IIUOGID), and every style of FANCY WAGONS, which tl.ey have constHnUy on hiurd to soft 1 u tomers, Nevir tudng any maUirltkl but Ure Ims .Hid employing tho most experienced workmen they ho!H to ef'Utlnue aa heretofore to give entire satisfaction to every customer. An lnsjiectlon ol their work, and of the reasonable price asked for ho same, la suro to lusure a nla. BO. HOWER, KOOT, HHOi:, 1IAT CAP, ANU TUH hTOKE. Bt the nhl utand on MuInHtrwet.lllooinftbnrs.nfuT uaiiBNiiuiu .flUUJUIk JIUUaW, Jill iuk (;in itOBQUfintuivcry UNiBtniKl IrettttTluti ever oiTer- eU to the c-UUens of Coluinll County, lie can nwomt nodule iltu publlo with tbefollowlnnBtMHU at tho lowust r meg, Mcu'a lunrr doable noletl Bitniti uoois, nuii'MUoublH tliu. ftlDitla Up hult-u Ehi bOf.t. iiicii'h htMtvy Hlow ulux at all kluJi. mn nitu IxmiU Mini htiow of all uriMltw, buy' ibiubluteolftd bout untl.fclKWi of 611 klntH, nien'u Kloyo klU Italmorul hIi(m1iiu'U,, womci.'K.Uiyi'i una luUstV lftiirii(HuUni, vroinun' wlove kM 1'olUli very niie.womtn'mnorocui itulmornbitntl n.lfnboM, Huittvit'a very line Idil buttui)il kU nnd new in I. 4 it wnuta uUo call atlentton to UU.flat tuorV- llti'iii ui JIATH. CAlS, VVllH AWIi NOTIONS. which cAinnrl&cm all the now and nnmiinr vmrt. ellhs At prit'i'KwliUh CAiinut rati to hull ull, Th K(mhU tiio ollwrtU ut the lout-Hi cult raUn and Will bt) UtlQlltlltt-IHl tOUlU UUtUfltcllftli. A on 1 1 W Hollcitrd bufore purcbuktlnii t-Uewln re ai It U bellovinl that btlUr burtialun ure to bu foxnJ RAIL ROADS. TVOllTIIKHN or.NTItAIi HAIL- 1 WAY. On nnd niter May luth INW, Tialns will lenvo NoRTUUHnRKLANP as follows! NOHTHWAHD. 425 A. M.t Iinlly to WltHnmsport, (except Sundny) forKlmlm, C-tmnndnlBjun, Itochester, lluffnlo, Huspenslnn ltrlilno, nnd N. I'nlls. r. M., Dully, (except Hundnysj fur Lllnira nud llulbito vliv Krlo ltnllwny from Kllntrn. (LIS p. ., Dully, (except Mundnys) for Wllllnms- port. IltAtNS BOUTltWAHD. ti.M A.M. Dully (oxcept Monday's) for Ualtlmore. WII.MINOrON AND I'lIlLADKLPJttA. 11.&) l'.M. l!illy(oxccptHunduy's)for lhiltlinore, WuslilliuLou unit l'ullndclinln, ht. a YOUNO, Clenernl 1'm.icnKcr Agent. I ACIvAWANNA XJ llUIld ! .iUVOAU AK1) ULOOMS- On nnd v rMay Illh.lKW, riwicngcrTrnlnswlll run us futlowsi doing Booth. Oolng North. Arrlvo Arrive n. in. l Kcinnton, C.u I'lttston 0.(0 Jvlllliiloll (Hi l'i iiimith a.rl Hhlckshluuy.... T.iu 11. iu Ml I-no lu.: 10.UO T.ll K.H. 8.30 7.M 7.. 7.02 L.ea o l.os 4.11 tA't 6.10 (1.15 WW 7.UI 0.10 H.10 S.23 7.3H 0.M JILTW1CK n lvt liloom Km llupcrt 8.18 11.111 O.IH Leave 4.15 uuuviuo H 7.12 Arrlvo ArrWo Norlh'd Tin. 11.10 Train nt Hcrnntnn makes connections with Impress Train for New York at 3 o'clock p. in,, arriving In How York O.W) p. in. II. A. t ON DA, Sup t. IW. Wt DHILADELl'HIA AND EltlE L ltAII-UOAD.- WINTIUI TIME T.U1LE. rllllOUdll ANDllIHrLTIlOUTK I1KTWKKIS ritlLA DI'.U'IIIA, 11AI.TIM011K, II AHillNHUHO, WIL LIAMSl'OHT, AMI TUK OUl'AT OIIi 11EOION OP PENNSYLVANIA. 1.K(IA?IT BLKRI'INCl CAIW On all Night Trains. n.. , ........... Wn.. 1C9 ll.n iiii.i iinrr ..i.i.t i. i , ...... .n. in- Trains on the Philadelphia A Krlo Ilall ltoad will run as louowsi Wl-STWAUD. .MAIL TItAIN leaves l'hllndelphla 10.45 p.m. iiirLuuiuueriaiu.. .0.1)1 H.IH. " arr. nt l:rln. EltlE i:Xl'IH-a leaves l'JilI.lclphla...ll.riO m. isori u o.w imii. ' " arr. ati:rlo lo.lla.m. EI.MUIA MAIL knvos I'lilladelplila 8.00a.m. norm ii i.i imii; " " arr. ntlck Haven 7.45p.ra. EASTWA11D. MAIL TItAIN leaves Erie IO.Vi n.m. . " isorin ii . wu.iii. " arr.nt l'hllailelphla lo.oon.m. Ultti: EXIT.Ess leaves Erie " Nort'd U.:s)a.lill " " nrr.ntl'hlladelphl.i 4.20p.ln. Mall niul T'.xnres connecm with Oil cm k nnd AlliKheuy Ulver Kail lUwi. llaggnire checked U,rU'1"- A. L. TYLEIl. General Superintendent, Wllllanisiiort. "OEADINO RAILROAD. -LI SUM An . Mir II 1 ImX. Great Trunk Line from the North and North west for l'hiladi'lphla.New York, Hoaolna, Potts villi', TulniHiua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easlon, Ephrnln, l.ltK, Ijiucasler, Columbia, Ac., '1 ratus leave llarrlsburi: for New York, as ml loaal At2,.V,5,'Jfinud8,loa. m., l.'.IO noon and 2,0.1 9,,onnectlngwithsllnllarlralnsou l'a. luillioiui, anu arriving in neiv iiiih. l 3,wi, 10,00 it 11,5.1 a.m., 11,50 7.10 A 10.30 11.111 Sleeping cars necoinpanylng the 2,50 n.i 11 !". ,. t.i. Iiiiltis u'ilhniit riiimire. IIUU U nvo liiirrloburg lor IteadlnK, Pottsvllle, Tn mauua, Mlliersi'llle, Ashland, l'lue Grove, Allen tnn and l'lilladilphlaal 8,10 a.m., and 2,ir, nnd 4,10 p.m., Btoppli.K nt Lebanon and principal w ay stations ; Ihe 4, In p.m. making connections for PlillHilelplila mid Lolumbia.mly. For Pottsvllle hcluiylklll Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill .....iiiioIhiiiiii, liiillriiiitl. lemn llarrlsburir at 3..V1 p.m. llelutnlligl Leave New York at 0,00 a.m. and 12.0.) in., and 5,oo nnd 8,00 p.m. sleeplna c.usaccoiupalijlliy lliell.OOn.m.,alHl.i,00 aud 8.00 p. in., trains iilrliout ehanga. Way Pussenaer Iraln leaves I,lillailelphlaat7,il0n.m.,reiuriilni from lteadlnital H,'lp.m stopping nt nil stations; potlsvlllr at' tin. 10., and 2,4j p.m., Ashland 6,rX) a.m uud 12,111 110011, nnd 2,00 p. ni., Tnmnqua ut 8,:io a. m.und l.Kiand 8.1.1 p, 111. Le.i e Puttsv lllo for ilurrlsbiirt, via Schuylkill and ouoquchauna. Itallroad at 7,10 a.m. nnd 12,00 U 'iti'lidlng Accommodation Train leaves Reading a 17,30 n.m., returning from Philadelphia at 5,lo Pottstown Accommodation Tralnileaves Potts town at 0.L5 a.m.,, rctuinlng, leaves Philadelphia " t'olunibla Itallroad Trains: leave Reading nt 7,110 n.m., and 0-15 p.m. for Kplirata, Lltlz, IincaH ter, Columbia, Ac., . .... perklonicn Hall Road Trains leave Perkloineu Junction at 0,1x10.111., nnd 5..V6 p.m. Keturulngi IaeHklppackat0.4.5a.m., and 1,15 p.m., con ntli Willi similar trains on Heading Hallrnad On sTindsys, leave New York nt 8,00 p.m., mil adclphla 8,0.1 a.m. and 3.13 p.m., the s ,00 a.m. train runtilnw only to IWadiua; Pottsvllle 8,00 a.m.; llarrlsburg S,'.'3 a.m. and 4,10 nnd 0,13 p.m., and i.n..iuu... 1 In n,i V. nnd 7ir. a.m. fur Harris- 1...... .T.M,!.nm nn. I 11.111 fnr New York. and l. p.a'i. for l'hllailelphla. cuisiloH tickets to and from all points, nt reduced "liwijnKo cheeked through; 100 pouuda allowed to each pnmenger. . . General Saperluvendent. Itonfllng, IV, May , liJ. IE BEST IB THE CHEAPEST ! THE SINGER BEWJNG MACHINE IIEAl'3 THE LIST, And lends thecolumn 4,0118 ahead of all others. This Machine Is the MOST POPULAR IN USE. It uts tho finest needle ornny jiacnine m ex istence, Any inuy wauvioB b"1" S E W I N Q M A C II I X E, Will consult her own Interests ny baying SINGER. Htsinslerto run. learn and keep In utr llian nny iiiaeuiue iu iww OVER 330,000 OF THEM IN USE. -ri. n,iiaLi tniiirtictlon clven those who pur chase, nnd tho Muchluo will he WABiusxau to 'pieaSoealf nt'll.y Store and satisfy yonrscHcs. Here you will Hud Needle. Thread and Silk, ' iiivin r iiwi-fNlikKG. Auent April DCS-tf. UIOOIUBUUIH, . C LUMBI A TIT HOUS E, ii r. ii n A n d HTOHNER, it.-.Bn loiutv nupclinaMl and fitted up the well-known Roblson Hotel Property, locatwl a rltwr 110011a AIIOVK Tllk COUHT IIOCBa, 11 the same side of the street, In the Uiwn of llloouvsburw: and having oblaiui-ua license jur tlio same us n R E S T A U R A N T , the Proprietor has delermlned to give to the peo plo visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLK aiuur; uuu. Ills slnlilljii' also It eiteuslve, and ta. .fitted up to put buaglesand carriages In the dry. He prom Isti that everything about hlsestalillshmenl shall l,sinduetil In an orderly and lanful maul isjrj IUK1 ta. remHSnrUUy SUIICIW suio e"''"" I atronase. my!7 7-om. J 1. UKAItl), With Ln'PINOOTT, I10HD A CO., Manufaetarers and Wholesale IMalcn ta HATH, CA1H, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, JJ0.41S Mat ket Street, Philadelphia. gNYDER, HARRIS A RAH8ETT, aianiii'HaurorB mm uuwn ui MENU AND 1)0 Y'H CLOTH INO, I7os, OIi Market, and 63 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Q. W. DLA1JON A CO,, Manufacturerl of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW HHADEfl, Warehouse, No. Ill North Third Utrset Philadelphia. .ET THE REST. iitisnn's Conner Tnlitliar J.lanlnlnr ltoi the best prtectlun against disaster by riahtnlng ever Invnedo. Tho subscriber Is agent for the bove Invention, and all orders by mall or In erson wiu ue promptly atienoeu in. May 15,'8 E. 11. HIDLEMAN. ALL KINIJS OF JOIJ PIUNTINQ neatly executed at TnaOoL omtAa Htamin I'ruiling I tore. T I O E . ALL persons knowlna themselves Indebted to the underslgued,or to the drm of Sloan at allllard, on mile or book account, are renueslari to make linineillaleisiyinent. Alt isirsons fs'.llnatodo sn soon, their accounts will be left with lb pro per laucsr lor cousctlon, D, E. HbOAjr, rrn JL GROCERIES, Ac, QONF EOTIONK11Y. The nnderslffnrsl would reHiMtfullr luoaDCfl to the publlo that he has opened a KlItST-CLABS CONFECTIONllIlY fWtlB, In thebntldlng lately occuplcsl by Tlernard Bloh nor, where he is prepared to fnrulsh all kinds of rtAlN A FANCY CANDIKfl, KItENCII CANDIF.t, FORK1UN A DOMKHTIC FUU1TS, NUTH, UA1H1NS, AC, AC, AC, UT WHOLESALE On UTAII In short, a full assortment of n'l goods In his line uf busiiieas. A great variety of DOI.LH, TOYS, Ac., suitable for the Holidays, Particular attention given to nilF.Al) AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, C1I11ISTMA8 CANDIES, GltlHTMAS TOYS. A rail Is solicited, and satisfaction will tie guaranteed, Nov. 22, 18o7, ECKHAUT JACOI18. REMOVAL OF c. c. MAitn's NEW STOKE ro aitirx'a block. oj the consrxn or AnKET Airn tnox htbeets. Tiio anderslgned having received from tht city a full and complete supply of SPIIINO AND SUMMER DltY GOODS AND GROCERIES, N O T I O N 8, TIN-WAUE AND HARD-WAIIE, CISDAll AXD W1LLOW-WAIW, CONFECTIONEHY, GLAW-WAHE, T O II A 0 0 0 , HATS A iXD SJIO S, FLOUIt, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling at a very low figure for cash or produce. V Call nnd see. April 12, 111J7. C. C. MAHIt. RAND OI'EXIXO GRAM) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER GOOD1. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER. GOODS FALL AND W'INTKIl GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting, of eouslsllug of consisting of consisting of DRY OOODl, DltY GOOIM, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY' GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CM'S, HATS AND CA1W, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAW, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOIX, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CI ATT 1 1 1 N, READY-MADE CLOTllino, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-G LASIIW, LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKINO-GI.ASSES LOOKING-GLASSES. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINT AND OIL", PAINTS AND QIIJ4, PAINTS AND OIIJ4, PAINTS AND OIIJ4, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, OROCF.llllW, ' GROCERIES, GROCERIES, UllOUERIES, OUF.ENSWARE, OUEKNSWARE, (JlIEENSWARE, tJUEENSWARE, HUEENHWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, " TINWARH, TINWARE, TrNWARK, TTNWArtE, TINWARE, HALT, HALT, ' HALT, HALT, FISH, FISH FISH, F1TH FISH, !UIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GltAm AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac. Ac, AT McKELVY, NEAL McKV'LVY, NEAL McKEI.VY, NEAL MlKEI.VY, NEAL McKELVY, NIUL t'O.'S, t'O.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest corner or Malnnnd Market streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main unit Market StreeU, Northwest eorner of Main mid Market StreeU. Northwest co rner of Main uud Market streets, HLooMsmmo, pa., HLOOMSHlUtO, PA HLOOMMltlltU, PA., I1I.OOMH1IUIIO, PA., HI.OOMSIIUIIG, PA. IRON AND NAII.H, IRON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IRON AND NA11JS, IRON AND NAILS, In lame Quantities and at reduced rates, alway on uauu. gCIIELIi, UEItGEH & CO., ur-ir.iv.-vij .u.iiiinniui -m'.jhUiiAisin Dealers In FISn, SALT, CHE1ME, PROVISIONS, 0., Noe. 1Z1 and 131 North Wharves, above Arch nt, Philadelphia. Sole stents fur Wilcox's Wheel areas., In bar rels, kejes, and cans. -yAixwnicwT a co,, wuuiiKHAiiK uiiuunnn, N, E. Corner Second aud. Arch StreeU, PniLAUiLrniA Dealers In TEAS, STRUm, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, airs, sric-as, ai cahb sow, ac, ao. Ortlers will receive prompt attention. May Id, IW7-ly. -p- V. PKrEIlMAN, with LHTINCOTT TROTTKR, WHOLES A I. K G ROOERS, No. 21 floTth Water Btrcsrt, and Nn. 30 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. TyEAVEK 4 Bl'HAXKIiE, WHOLEnALls uitutinitinn AisLiuussaijaniuis MBItClIANTS, Hot, 129 and XI7 Arch street llilladelphla. jyj M. JIAllPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERT, aiXlVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No. H North Third Street, Philadelphia. I. " WALTEU, Late Walter Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, QLABH, AND QUEENSWABB, No. in Marke Hire. Philadelphia, , ncmWE. w, s.'Eina. i.i.iiiiiit JOHN STnOUP A CO., Buoceaeors to Htroup A llroth w, WHOLLHAI.K DEALP.IUI IN PIHH, Bo. It North Wbarvee, and 39 Nerth Water Bt., PaDsAsJpbkc, IRON, TINWARE, AC. RATIONAL FOUNDHY, Illoomabnrg, Columbia County, l'a. The subscriber, proprltor of the above-ramed extensive eslabllshment, Is now prepared to re oelvo orders for all kinds of MACIIINEIVr FOItCOU.I Kill KB,!! LAST FUIlNACBB.flTATIONA I1Y ENUINEH, MIUfl.TintEHHINO MAC1IINK8, AO He Is also prepared to make Stoves of all stres and patterns, IMowlrons, uud everything usually made In first-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. Uraln of nil kinds will be taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is located near the Lnctr wanna nnd Bloomsburg Itallroad Depot. l-ETUIl I1II.I.MYER. gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. fit announces to Ms friends nnd customers that continues the above business at his old place on MAIN BTltEET, DLOOMSUUHU. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Bloveplpes, Tlnwnre, nnd overy va riety of nrtlclo found In a Stove and Tlnwnre -tnbllshment In tho cities, nnd on the most reason able terms, Itepalruig done at the shortest notice. 23 DOZEN MILK-FANS on hand for Rale. EW BTOVE AND TIN SHOP. O.f BAI5 STOUT, NKAULT OPPOfllTB Ml I.LI II' htuhk, iu.ooMHnuno, penn'a. Tiik underslnned ban lust fitted tin ami opened STOVE AND TIN SHOP, lu this place, where ho In prepnrtu! Io mnko up lifwTiw W'AHRor nil klndn lu hi line, nnd do repairing with nealncM mid itlnpatch, upon the i n on t reasonable termfi. Jle nUu keept on hand HTOV1.S OK VAIUOUH TATTKItNH AHTVLKH, which ho will ell inwn termi to suit purchasers. Gle him a call, Jlctl-i n koh1 mecuanlc. and do!crvlmj or tho public patronage. IlhxmitbnrK, April 6, 1S07, Q.EORGE II. ItOUEItTS, Importer nnd Dealer In JIAIIDWAUE, CUTIEUY, (1UNS, AC, No. 311 North Third Street, above Vint, I'hlladelphlA. Jacoii K, HM1TH, J. It. tf KLTZKIt SKLTZ E llt SMI Til & Importers nnd Dealers In Foreltu nnd Domestic Sis II A It i W A II E, GUNS, CUTLER Y, AC, btt. IX TUlltll STRKhT, AR.CALLOW11ILL, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. K.m-11. TOBACCO & SEGARS. J W. IIAXK'S WUUl.r.SAL.fcTOilAl.VU, HHUFr, AJVD CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 115 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Pulladelphla. c. L. WOODItUKF, Wholesale Dealers Iu TOIIACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, ic, Ac, No. 1J North Third Street, alwve .Market, Philadelphia. QMXIBUS LIXE. The undersigned would respectfully nnnouuco to tneclllccns or Jllooinsbtirg and tlio ubllo gene rally tha he Is running an . OMNII1USLINE between this pjaco aad thodllTereut railroad tie pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several tralnt going South and West on the Cata- wlssu and Wllllamsport Railroad, aud with thoso going North and South on the Lackawanna and llloomsburg Railroad. Ills Oinnlbusses aro lu good condition, commo dious and comfortable, nnd charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOU L UIRTON, Proprietor. J. HEATIICOTE A COMPANY BOILER WO It K S, conn mi or wm atrkkt A iilackIiiorhh ali.f.v Ilavlnu Increiwed tmr facilities In the way of hop room, ntaehlru'ry, Ac. we nre prepared to niannfectare IjOCUII UTJ VK.KUJK.nnd nil kinds iUKTlM HOlLKIW,Hl(IKK-ftTACKH,TAKH, Hinwcr-IitTWi Wohk.Ac. All workrouiptly done W19CIAL ATTIWTION PAID TO IlEPAIIW. Ymr ittt(stitlnii k miwCaIIt' itaIUsiI tn Ihn tiicrn- bern of our Mrm-nll belnit J'rnctieal JloiJtr Muktr. Mr. iiKATiirurK uhh nan nn experience or oter thirty .ears In the manufacfctrn of nil kinds of Ht"m Hollers; nnd from our lonflfxp-vrlence wo re fully awaro ot the neccnilty orn well-mndd and hufrlclently largo Roilkii, to m emo not only mfcty bulnatlsfaetory refiultn; nnd we shall give cmr cuhtomers only iIioho of tlto best quality ns rttftrnfl inaieriai.worKinansnip, anunmpie neni liisf hiirfaro. and feel coiitldent that wo can ren der HniUraction, nnd nt jirlces fully ns low ns nny miier ouuuers uhihb iuo saiuo nuuiuy oi in aie ri al. we would call the attention of Hallway Com imnlea to our facilities fonlnln LOCOMOTIVK .VOltlC. Einiitit URi'Aius ou nkw. ns wo mako it n point for ono of tho arm tonlunys glvo his per sonal attention. We are also ore pared to do nil kinds of Htenra FlttliiKS, such as Heating I'ubllo and l'rivale HulMlnKS, Factories, fitting up Hteam Ho Hern, Ac, Constantly on hand all kinds of Htkasi Fit. TlN(lH.HrKAM ANU WATKKOlTAOrS KTEAM FU'ES) HiHl illl 1UVIUK1 Wllllll lt'll I. II IUU IIUklllL'MB. AUo.CattliiKsof nil klud,HollerFroiils,Uratrs, Htoe, Flows, nnd nil work comit-cltd with the general foundry builiieHs. itebptcuuiiy buueinuK your orders, we aie Yours ery truly, J. HCATIICOTn A CO. Feb.aitW-ly Jji A It M E It St! THV TUB AliTA VELA l'lIOSPflAT:. Itcolitnlus threo per cent, of Ammonia, an ample quautlly to alve activity without Injury to the m nutation, nnd a laiue percentage ul so luble Hone l'hosphiilc of Lime, together Willi Potash and Hisla, the essential eltluenls of a IJ0M1'I.I:T1:MAM11I1:. The Incrcateil sales to rarniers who a rousing It with hlahly satisfacto ry resulls is a suroguarauloeol lu value, price, 50per loa of lu baas LUu lbs each. Hind for u pamphlet. Address THK ALT. VKLA OITANO CO.. JulyS.'OS-ly Mllroadwoy, N.Y, NDKEWS, WILKINH A CO., Dealers In FOIIK1GN AND DOMMTIO DUV OOODSJ, No. SID ttarket Rtreet, Phil .delphla. Q.EOUGE FOELKEIt A CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN A WILLOW WARK, YARNS, Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twlnes.'Ilaskels, etc, etc, tts A 251 Market fit., A 850 Church St., Phllada, June5,'6H. ItMllltUSTEIt A UltOTHEtt, Importers and Jobbers of HOHlfiRY, OLOV1S, BlllRTM AND DRAWERS, HUTTONH, HUHPENDEIW, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKEHCHIEKH, THREADH, BBWINU HILKH, THIMMINOH, 1-OHTK MONNA1IW, BOAIH, PKRFUMERY, FANCY GOODH, AND NOTIONH GISNEIIAI.LY, Also Manufacturers of IMimillW AND LOOKING OLAWjES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, UltOOMS, HOPES, TWINEB, AO. No, 9bo North Third Street, above Vine, l'hllailelphla. jyj7L,LEIt & HOST, Successor to Franklin I. Beltier A Co. Importers aud Wholesale Dealers la I Lio.uomy wines, &a, Nos. 110 and US North Third Street, , Philadelphia. JEIICIIANT'B HOTEL, itOETii rourrni btkeit, PHILADELPHIA. , J, W. O. M'KIUUIN, IToprletor. mm Matfio,, DRUGS & MEDICINES. gA VK YOUR MONEY! "HEAT INDUCEMENTS! OUEATEn INDUCE MENTHI G HEATEHT I N 1) U C K M K R T ) AT THE OLD DRUG 8TOI1E or L. X. MOYEIi, Where enn be founil the laroest and jikst as. bortmrmt, ever ofTerea to the ettlicns of this ooiiuly, of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints, oils, O'aJ". Varnishes, l'""'i Urnshes, DyeStutTs. u,i i'nt,. all of these aro of tlio best known make and aro warraniou as rmre nnu unadulterated. The flnesi anil largest stock of FANCY AltTIOLRfj to bo found In this or adjoining counties Perfumery, Hair Dyes, Fancy Soaps, lirushes, Combs, Cosmetics, ' Hair Oils, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Pocket Uoohs TOnACCOEH. Smoking aud chewing, Cigars of all descriptions, Pipes, Cigar Holders. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES. Lamps, assorted sties uud styles. Lamih, L'lii.M.MEVs, Shades, nenstm, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Sponges, Chamois Skins, Catheters, Hpeculuras, Syringes, llrcast Pumps, Rubber Goods, Trusses of all approved patterns Ac, Ac. hlitUOHB. A lino assortment uf tiro liquors. for nn ilka purposes constantly on huud-aud tho besl known kinds of STOMACH BITTERS. Patksjt Mr.mctsraof every description, In cluding the best varieties of pills anil tonics. PHYSICIAN'S l'llKSCIUITIOKS CAHErtJI.LY rnH l'AItED. No such stock has ever been presented to the people of this soctlon of couutry. Tho prlccsnro as small ns the stock Is large. Tlio Whole late Pt tcet nro more favorable to the purchaser than over, as arrangements have been errcctcd with the wholesale dealers In the larger cities, so that goods can be procured In Ulooms- burg us cheaply as In Now York or l'hlladelphl -Louuiry denlers nre earnestly Invited to study their own Internets, by examining this stock. .Remember the place EXOHAKOK II lock above Exchnugo Hotel, Main street, Bloorasbnrg. Jan, ,11, 180K. dm VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE MIRACLE CF THE AGE! Orny-IIoadotlX'ooiilo hire their locks restored by it to tlie daik, It.itjoui, iMen Irttttt of youth, anil are liappyl Yoiinirl'coile,wlth!t;fti,iiorif llslr, have these unfalliionable colors (.'Unfed to a beautiful auburr, and rejoice I Pcoplo vrhoio heads arc covcrul with Dandruff and Itumon, mc it, and lute clean coats nnd clear anil healthy scalps I lultlirciilett VolcimiiH laie their rcmaininK locks tightened, anil tlie liare spots covered with a luxuriant gronth of Hair, and dance for joy I Young Gentlemen tiso it became it il rlcldy perfumed I Young Ladies use it because it keeps their llair in placet Everybody jnwif and trill ue it, because it U tho tUantil and Ittt article in the .arkct I For Salo by Druggists generally, AH 1) run HALE nv L. N. MOVER nnd E. I'. LUTZ, Drusglsls, Dlooinslium, and SI, M, HIIOIIMT, CaUivilssn. January 4, 1nj&-:i, J II. MOYEH, WHOLICHALE A RETAIL DltliaOIST, eoEn or main aud market 8Tbbbti, 11LOOMMI1URG, PA., whero will be found a large and select stoek ol Drugs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. Also all the PATENT MnDICl.NltS 01' TUB PAY, I am also prepnredUi furulsU Country Rto:es wl u Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TURLINGSTON'S BALSAM, and all other medicines kept In their line at Cllr prices, B- Prescrlrtloni carefully compounded at ali hours. In medicines, quality !js of tlio first Importance, nioomsburg, June 7, 1W17 HEN DEUSIIOTT'S I'lIARMACY. QITOSITB AMKUICAN HOUflS. AVhere may bo found complete assortment of fresh nnd pure MCniCINER, DYE; HTUFFS, COLORH, 01IA WimiU'.GLAS3, LAMPH, LANTERN , PO- DAS, hOAIW, ALCOHOL. WINfH "LHloOnl SYR0I-S, PERFUMERY, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICIJW, which are offered at old time prices. Prescrip tions accutately prepared. jan 3 os-ly, qUIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFK X AND FOHK. We the undersigned eltlsens ol Coluaibla County witnessed the trial of bar forks on Ihu mrm of Mr. Pursel, In Hemlock Township, on Monday, May 7, 1WW, bilween tin &'!i!'.au),Hy Knife nnd pork manufacturel br MLIFLR, WAI.I, HHlltNER A Co., of Lewis, burg, Pa., anil the Rnodel's Patent Hay Hoot Ihe American Fork lifted more hay In on. draught limn the Itundel lu three. We are satis- iieu ii win eaae as inucn Jiay into tho mow as two 'id horses eon draw, Wo ulxo sat, It sultlejj hay. and think It cunnnt i,. iuu.i n. .. huv unlrfc and cheerfully recommend It us the bst hay fork and knife we have ever seen. O. HlTTkNIIENIiKH Dn. F, O. aUaalsoa, John Doae, W. II. KOONS, John Dmincar, danibl noris; it. Dioi.k!iiLL, Posuuti.- . They also luauufHctUre the celebrated Hockey. Rearer aud Mower, and other agricultural Imple ments. r IN SUIl A NOE AQENCY. Wyoming ....... flSO.000 tna .T.' Commerce ,., loo txie Fulton... SuO.bOO V),000 l.too.tx l.UUO.OOO 600,XH &, iTO.OOO tTO.OOC 30,f 10,(K,00 North America.. City.. International Niagara actna Live Stock Putuum Merchants , ; Springfield ., Insurauce Company of Btalo Peun'a Connecticut Mutual Life , North American Transit ,,. FRUAH IlltOWN. Aoenl. luarS 07-ly, llLOOUSUDMU, 'A LOUIS IlliOWN, CIIAI, 1, tWAlC "gltOWN & EWALI), ' WHCi.EHAI,U ailOCERB, N. E. Ctr. TJiirU A Vino Btrocs, IWLADEWIIIA , Mayai,Je-Ko.