THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSJ3URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ai,0oaiBtiRTi rniriAT, dkc. is, not. We would call attention to tho nil vcrtlscmcnt of l'uxton A Illinium to bo found In nnothcr column rolrttlvu to dunno, Plaster and l'hcHpllatcs. The Ttachcr's Institute Is still In proKrcfs, nd the friends of education Imvo had very lntcrittln; lime. The attendance was larRe. Wo will glvo a fuller roiiort neit week. do to L. T. SliarpleVs If you wish to Imy dress goods. Gloves, Balmoral:-, jloopsklrts, Shawls etc., for Holiday I'ri'senta, at prices dienpcr than thn thenpest, In view of Ills closing out. Prof. Wm. Howaud Day, who hat btatt called ths Everett of colored ora tors of America, will preach In tliet Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sun day rooming next, at 10J o'clock a. m. V rccclvod a communication last week from ft number of soldiers on th Ancwsorshlp. Wo showed It to the person whom they recommended, and ho request! us not to publish It at pres ent. DEcn. Whllo returning from Court at Laporlo this wcok, wo saw two tine bucks which Matthew McHenry had Just shot. Ho had two others In the woods, flolto a number nro being kill ed this fall. Venison saddlos arc ssll Ine at fifteen cents a pound at Lupnrlu. Many of our friends In tho country afo frequently In doubt as to they should trade when thoy como t town. To all such wo would say, consult the columns of the Columiiian. Tlioo who advortlso In It are safe, active, go ahead business men whodescrvo public patronage. Donation. Tho friends of Hovds., A. H. Irvlnoand W. 1 Swengol, will niako them a donation visit at tho Evahgelical parsonago In Evansvllle, on Thursdny.Dec. 2'Jth. All are respect fully Invited to attend. By Order ot Committee. E. W. Klwell has been appointed ast. Assessor for Columbia county nice-John Thomas resigned. Mr. El well by his previous experience In reve nuo matters Is thoroughly fitted for his now office, and will provo an accepta ble officer. Mr. Thomas has been hon est, able, efficient, and performod his duties with credit to himself and ad vantage to tho Government. Ho ro signed to enable him to attend more ef ficiently to tho alato business In which ho is engaged. Still Ahbad. Our enterprising townsman Chemheiilin Is, as usual, "to tho fore." Hia dtock of winter pro tections from cold' weather aro unequal led In variety, excellenco and cost. Every year he improves on the pre vlons one, nnd his clothing now will challonge comparison with any city work. Ho has made up his mind to ault tho public nnd he has done It and will continue to do so. Olvo him a call. Wi give this week tho balance of tho Court Proceedings, and claim tho credit of having given a comploto opltomoof all that was done, In advance of any other paper. This record alone Is worth moro than tko subscription of tho Co i.uuniAN. Ills a mitter of interest to attoriiies, clients, witnesses, and tho' mass of our people generally. Thoao who desire to got a cemplote and relia ble rocurd of passing events should subscrlbo to tho Coi.umiuan. In tho case of tho commonwealth ngulnst Thomas Donation, John Duffy and Michael Pryor.ln Jail charged with tho murder of Alexander W. Ilea ; and to be tried at tho February Cohrt. Tho commonwealth Is represented by Menrs. Bartholomew of Schuylkill, lUldy of Montour, nnd Clark orColum bia: and the Defendants by Me?.-ri Ityan of Schuylkill, and ;ree.ze and Urockway of Columbia. The prisoners are wo bollovo all citi zens of Schuylkill county. Tni old adago runs, "Honesty is the best policy" though some people pre fer an Insuranco policy. It Is gaotl poll cy however to save your money. This can bo done by buying your clothes at tho well known establishment of David Iiowcnberg. Ho can get up a suit of clothes of tho best possible material made In tho best manner, and ho Is too honest to chargo an exhorbltant prlco for them. He has a splendid stock of winter goods on hand. Just try him onco and our word for it that you will can again. Sunday School Convention. In accordance with a call for a meeting of delogates from tho different Sunday Schools in tho county to arrange for tho holding of a Sunday School County Convention, there ussomblod at tho Presbyterian Church at Iitoomsburg, on Saturday the 12th Inst., at 2 o'clock p. m., tho following named delegates J. 11. Itoblson and M. Whltmoyer, of tho Presbyterian Sunday Schual. A. I-1. YoitandW. J. IHdlcnmn, of the Iiti thcran Sunday School. Samuol Kuorr, of tUe Mcthodlst Sund.iy School, all of Dloomsburg. M. M. lkobst and J. O. Torbury of tho Methodist Sunday ticbool, Catawlssa. Ilov. Jas. Dixon of tho Presbyterian Sunday School, Ber wick. Itov. Nathaniel Spear,of the Pres byterlan Hunday School,Orangevlllo. Thos. Groveling of the Lutheran Sun day School, Espy. And A. G. Ilnrlln 2me. Sunday School at Afton, Hev. Nathaniel Spear was madu President of tho meeting, and M. Whit moyer, Secretary. Prayer was then delivered by Itov N. Spear. Tho following resolutions wero then panned : Iletolved, That wo hold a Sunday School Convention of all th Evangeli cal denominations or uiiuinuni county Jlttolted. That wo hold tho Conven tlon In tho largest church to bo had in Bloonisburg, commencing at 10 a. in,, Tuesday, Dec, ."nil, and ending J'ec. 31st. at 12 m. Jtesolveil, That all tho ofllceis and teachers of each Sunday School within tho county bo considered members of tho (Jotvenunn. attained. That parents anil nil Inter ested 111 Sunday Schools bo Invited to .attend tho Convention. Htsoh-td, That a coujnilttco of ilvo !)u appointed to maun in necessary ar laiiiri'inents for holding tlir Convention This comniltto consists of jSunmel Knorr, J. n. Itoblson, V. H.llrockway A. I' Yost nd llov. Mr. .nnro. Aillourned. M. Wnmovuit. JJloonnburg, Dec, 12. Secretary, THK KAIjBIDOUCOfJI ,. . A mapnf bn.r llf,, -It fluctuation, mil Itt raai ro,ara." RO. 1.XXXT1II. Tim mini; r.xi'i.ostoN. Ah aoon as It becntno dark the Corns crotsed tho river and by marching hard nit night, reached Petersburg at day light, and tit once formed a lino of battle near Gen. Ord'e head quarters. Tho was to have been sprung at 4 a.m. but tho fuse went out, and It was not until o o'clock that wo heard tho ex plosion, and fiw a huge sheet of flainu buist forth llko tiro from a volcano,car rylng with It immense quantities of iitth.nnd dirk objecls I look to bo tno bodies of mot.. At the fame lime tho numeruui siege and mortnr butteries opened on tho enemy, and such a rour of artillery was probably never hc.ird In tho world. The rebels supposing their entire llrib was mined, left their guns and ran to the rear In wild confu sion. Now wa tho.golden opportunity for us,but ulas for our bravo men It was not improved. The cry ran along tho line, "Why Is not a movo made; why don't they send us In bclbro tho enemy rally j wbeio is Iluriisido and Meade?" Finally a division of tho Ninth Corps under Gen. I.edllo charged, nnd took the first lino without any serious oppo sition. Tho still smoking craterof tlio inino was filled by our iiku, anil tlitiM) of tho rebels who could extricate them helves from living gravs hastened to the rear. Hut here occurred another blunder Moro troops woio pushed Into the gup, but no concerted movement was made to push beyond and s-o'zo tho crest, which could have been easily done du ring tliu enemy's confusion. In tin crls-ls of tho contist neither Hurnsidu nor his subalterns seemed to know what tho occasion demanded. After a long delay Injtt.idof pushing forward veter an troop?, -10,000 of whom stood under ;irms burning for tho chance, a division of negroes was selected, men who nru not remarkable for natural contain nnd who bad never pirtlclpaled in a battle. They moved forward In admirable or der to where tho leading division lay, but tho moment they advanced further towards tho crater they encountered desultory lire from some or the enemy who bad rallle l, which caused them to rush precipitately to the rear, tumbling over the troops who held thecrater,ainl causing consternation everywhere. A heavy flro wasthenconcontratedon tho men In tho crater, who were without leaders, and began to escape ns they could from tho trap Into which they had beeu led. Had tho enemy followed tho ropulso by a charge they might have taken our main line. As it wai they soon advanced ami captured a' latgo number of prisoners, besides re gaining their lost ground. Even thon tho disgraco might Imvo been retrieved by a frcsli chargo of vet runs. They and their ecnerals plead that thoy might be given a trial but no further attempt was made; and soon ail tiint remained visible to indicate iho conflict, was tho smoke arising from Petersburg, and tho dead and wounded along tho lines. Our loss in KMliil. wounded and prlsonei amounted to U00, and all attributable to HuriiMde's Incompetency Gen.arautat onco order ed a court of inquiry to uncurtain tho ieause of the disaster, making Hancock resident of it. Tho followlrg facts woie elicited. Tho night before tho ex plo lion McaUu somewhat modified the plan of attack much to lbirnsiilo's dis gust ; and as a consequence ho was not present at Iho critical moment to direct it, nor had lie taken the ordinary pre cautions to insure its success. Me.ulo expecting Hurnsidu would In porcou carry out his orders, did not direct the aasault. Again ; Jlcado telegraphed lo him, "What's tho news ; jou have not reported since morning V" Hurnsidu replied, "as your stair have pot much to do, send them to mid out." Again ; after the rspul.-e, Me.ule telegraphid, what is your loss tell mo the whole truth," meaning tho full extent of the ln-ij. HuriixiduniHwertd "I am in tho habit of telling the truth." I have good reason to bellovo that for this Insubor dinate language Mca.lo preferred char gesagalust him lor conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, but subse quently withdrew them. Hero Grant's Virginia Campaign may bo said to have practically ended. True tho second Corps, afterward was nearly annihilated at Ileum's station, and de monstrations were again made at Deep Bottom, at Hatcher's Hun, nnd after a suvero struggle Mm Fifth Corps was thrown across tho Weldon Hall Itoad ; but these movements bad no apprecia ble ell'eet upon the rotult. The army settled Into wittier quarters, nnd quietly waited until disease, desertion, nnd want had w weakened tho Confederate Milks, that our army tho following spring siicci i'di'd In forcing their sur render, uiidnulitodly Sherman's marcii to tho sea, uml subsequent approach to-war-ls Hlchmoud from Iho south had a controlling inllucneo on thu result. To reach tho lino In front of Peters burg, besides taklng"all summer," had cost us over 100,00(1 men, and they the best in tho army. Tho Second Corps ulouoloit 20 Brlgado Commanders, .TOOil commissioned officer, and 20,000 men, and It started out wllh !!0,oi)0. Thu one my, owing to tho protection they ro celved from their entrenchments lost but two men to our live. Tho courage of our army was unequalled as was proved by llielr losses. In tho single d.iy's light atHpnttsylvaula on May I2ih wo lo-t 10,000 men, moro than McL lel lau lost In the soven day's tight and our losses during tho campaign wero great it than his entire army on tho Penlusu la. Timo is rapidly proving the truth of Gen. Butler's statement, that It would Imvo been better to have placed that noble army lit onco in front of Hlchmoud by thn way of tho James, rather than "tight It out out all summer on tho lino wo took, and after losing n huge army ln.ltsolf,llndourselves where wo might have been at the commence ment of thu contest without tho loss of a man. Quikn Sauk? Ir theru is any merchant tn town who Imi a really yoml urticlu of coal oil ami will Jut tho fact ho known wo will uiiHure hint a nuly salu of it. Tho miserable HtniVsuia la thli town which prison un tier thut iimiio, is totally unlit Tor tuir pose- oi' llliuulnatlon. We Imvo used It and ppoak with authority. Ih thero nntuouie incrctintllu cntleinan, with ChrUtlan charity enmiuh.nnti with con bcitfnce enough to think of hU follow creaturtV uytalcht, who will got hoiiio tlccent oil. If IhiTo h nono In town? Vlty the blind !un.l tliow bfco.ul.iK HO, v Market lUport., Wheat iwr biuliel ' IHo " I Xi Corn " 1 10 Out. " 0 f lour tier imrrci u i-u Clnerfcer(t 0 oo KlnxiFFil u l" lliilter M can . r 1 allow II OiAlOCft 1 U Ilrlt-il Aliplm 251 rode I a llnms h '3 HI'le, n ml HIio.iMers It) linl fter ixninu id liny poc Ion m. 10 (O l.UMUKlt. Hemlock Ilnnnl, r-er thoitfuitul feet 110 10 Pino (lino UK li) WM ,lo Rl.Heflnlllns. 1 nnk.nieinlick) l" Hlitnglcft, No. Iper thonnnncl s o KlillllB " 11. ZZi""."Z'."".'l IS IM I lion No, 1 Scotch r'K 811 No. a " ' !PI Illooul TI IMillnilHphln Mnrlif It. I'llUllSDAV, 1)C0. 17. IS33. KI.OIT11 NorllltttMern M!H-irini- Hi t-1."X't .&) mtrinwcMcni extm. .rw u.ui Northucnlcrn Ininllt M..vf. ( I'oiiiiavlt ii.iln nnd VV.'sli-rti mitierit no... 7 f,l'.7.&l rfniiKylvimlii iiti.l Weslrrn extrti M..7.7-V(5$ S.75 rennnylvnitla nlul Western fnmlly . Il..vc9ll.)) i-i-nnHyivnnm nun veiirrn mncy ii.i(ii.i. ltetlniir Wiibat I'c-ninylMihlii rc-il, V buo JI.SU(3M.'fi miiMnern - - . Ciilllornln 11 nrlille " 81.iv mo SI.iHSI.i,2 ? i.-ji'S; i.v II.I7(.rjl.l7 7ee(7le Uyk 1'euu-vlvnnlii nr. V lm t.'OKN Yellow, " While, " 0TS Tlmi I'KOVlalUNH ileKN rorK, V lul -Mes-, in-el, IrtMM-it IIoh, Y U ttmoltcil llanu " whoulucrilVl, Ijinl. V r. lo-relila Ilia 17c(7tlT"Vi l?5 0c- cr i I.VoiM) HKEtJH ('hiVl'lei',l V lut TlmothjM-eil jt litis Kluxpeid " . CAiTi.K liver rattle r t ouk, ti heuil Hllt.KI- of -ilk- lions H li) II" rDlliirriiififri. Ill I.tilN C II lt. K i: At Iho l'nr.onnse. liy Ilev. N. Hocir. Mr. I. K. Illl-llliu n Mt- I'lean.inl to Str. Anyolliui lilnlte.ot Oltuwn I'ulniitn co. woio. IlP.SS-UllINK-On the 12tli ln-t. liy Iho urn.' Wni.Y. lit, at Itenton to MWs llunnilli 1' 1 trill 1c. of .luc-kson. VOOIS-Ii. l'hihulolplilii, on tlio 3t Win. I Kill Wood's uyeil m jturs I inn, and ilus. t.Ari!KO.V-At the reaMenee of (I. W. Hta.lJ)n on the 'Mill till., ntThoniistn'n hi.itioii, Crioll co. in, -ii fn, Mtwy Miriton, itue 01 tun nunu.v, at au luhaiKctt uge. jotkm: or JNconrouATiox. otU'oIH bertby glcn lint application lmth been mni.c to the Court of Common of Columbia county, to crant a Clmru-r of incorpo ration to thn "Lot-ust Mountain MlncrV antl bortrtH' IIoiiCNoIt'tit A'clatlon,,, tin objret tf miltl aocintlon hflns l promote tho of tin members, b mutual assistance. Ctntniliu, Uec. lS,"(is. J? () H s a r, i:. A IIousoaTidljYt In Keoll Town, nillttlnln' nroti erty of lUVld ltrobt. t'oiuicrlv owin'd by I,cvl Hhoemakcr. The house Is of frame, two utorles IiIkIi, In nood (ontllilon contalnliu; ono rooLi on thu llrat iloor nnd two rooms on the hccoud. Thu lot fronts on Main Htrutt. runnlna back toward 'J bird Ktr.ict. For full particulars rcganlinu terms ?tc. applyonthopieniNe., MAUY . HUU11ST. niooiii-bum Dec. i;,;'isri. JP A I?. M K H ' H Can ho Mtppllcd ntnll llmc-ii wllhuround NOVA SCOTIA PliASTKU. JAItVIS ISLAND ClUAVO, AND PnoSPIIATKS, At the mill of PAXTO.V A HAKMAN. Itupert, Dec, IS.'fiWJmtt. S IlKIUKPH SAIjK. IU vlrtim of a writ of Fieri richis Ut.ucd out of the Court ol Common Picas of Columbia coun ty nnd to mo directed, will be exposed to public Mini or ou i cry ai me ijwi n i .iiiii ui iht ien, ai 10 o'clock In tho forciHKin.on Moiidsv. Jan. II. J tho f'dlow Iiik mil eotale, to wit! a certain tract ol land lylnn In Itrlarcief k twp., Columbia county, hounded nnd described as lollnus to wit: on tho North bv land of Hev. Clem and Ailum Dletlcrlch. on tho cast, by hmds of Jas. .anion. and John V.iuptll, on tho houlli by Abiahatn Miu 7, on i no t si nv jauusoi i.van au.uiis on which Is eleeteil a two Ktorv fin me ilw. lllim house, loir barn and othenait biilidliiL's. with the nppuiteu.inccN, contnliiltifi about ono bundled alio iuij -cimu acre, rM'ireii mm n m e( cm ou ami to bo isol-1 as the piooertv of J. It. (lordlier. .MUltl'f.CAl ji:i.i. III', Icc. I,'is; sherld. B XKIUTIT XOTR'K, IN THE DlSTRttT CoritT OF Til c i r rn Mr TM roii niKWKsTi:iisiiiHiHicTorri:Ns lvaia. I.kvi Kt'rti, i Ilankiupt under thn Act of nUKU-hs oi .MitlcllVtt. liUMHK tlppueil tor a OiSrlMiye f ion i nil his dibts.aud other clrtlui i-ovaiUH uii'ier vi ii Aer. nv on troii in ( tairt. MiiK K is iiriiFiir divrs, to all CicdltoM who have proved their dehis, tttul oihcr persons fnirw ; iti nm ri vn lilt -JMll uy oi i 'ec. iri-.". o clout 1. Jl- teroir 1.. (iveiton. Jr.. i:n.. IteirUter. at tlir Cxchtim:(k 1 Intel In lllooinsbiirif. l'a., to hbow eaue.ifuu loey hae, whv n !!- naiuc hiioiiiu not ito rmiiUM 10 1110 mu iiinu- nipt. And fiuther, imlice is hereby i;len, that llu second and 1 bin I nicetlus of Credilortf the Mild lt-iukrupt, letpilted b tite'.Tth and "th trr- uonnoi lau hi .ei. win no iifiu i eau u.f nmiu leyisier, ul thn nnm time uml ii-ict. Clerk of U. K. DMrlctCourt f Tsal I District, Dec, isas-iiw. XKItUiM' NOTICK, I.n tiir District ConiT oftiib Un ititi k tatts tOU'lllK Wf.HlK.RN UlSIKICr OF C1-H.NK1I.VAMA Muiiiissfli Mk-hael. h It.inlciunt under thn ct oi emigre-- of March Dd. Pi7, bmlnt; a, plied 11 U IMMOillKnllOIUUU UlHUL'Lllh.llim oi iter cuii in rovublo uudcr hnld Ait. bv older of tho Couii. MlTICi: IS III- ItkllY rtll'I.N. hi nil I'leJllor-i Who have proed their debts, uiul other pcrnous Inter- esieu ; io appear on me :mii uy oi jiec nns at 2o'clock, 1. M befoie l' 0eitoii, Jr., l't(, UeeMer. at the Cxcliiinire Hotel, tilotnosliui tr P.i. to h)iow cause. If niiv I hev ImiiMdn a Dlscluirmt should not ho (tran tut to the snid UanUi npt. And luruitT imine lien nv ixieu, iimi me neeono uml Till id McUlnHof CleililolHid IhCMild ll.uil; lllpt, ICMUlieit by (be '.Vlh nnd lh heel Ion of naid Act, w ll bo had before the b.lld Jleglsler at iuu latwiie uuie auu piace. n. Jin'.V.MH.I rvS, Clerk of u. H. District Court tor hU1 DUtilct, Wept.hS-.'w ru:NT J FUM ritK TOWNS1I1I' liOUNTY FUND. AUDI rOIf.S HTATUMKNT. him. II, Dli-tterlch, Collector of ltouul Tav, DU. To Hal, Mi Duplicate as ututcd Inst tai. ;TL)J 00 (Jit, Ilycaidi p dd John Hill Treasurer tICii r llvoiitn-iitlotis. :(l't till " Uiicolleiti d taxes taken otriiU hutuN by Hchool Huurd, loll " COUlUllhloil, HO DeducUouuM'oUTax undcrrorof 12ots. W P. no II, A. SchweppcuhulBtr Collector of Itounty, DU, To amount of Duplicate for UCr, (jp ntl CIl, Jly cash to; John IUU Trciuturer A ITI' I (el i.xoneiauous ou iuipncaio, on Duplicate, due twp. IS 71 4H :i John Utll.Ticiuuicr of Ilounty fund, DU. To cash fnmi O. II, Dlelterlch, Col. iiOl ?s " " li, a, m-hwci peiibciicr, t'oi. 1701 SWJ7 71 Clt. llv cahU nuld J, 1' ,t j, w Creasy Ilondaml Dit, 8117 Si lluueiibueh " " :L"l iu Munraict Alkmau" " hi " ' KiimTl CrovePns " ivj 35 " u II, V, Durton M aii W " M Jacoby A Urockway for pub. lulling hut enr tstateiiiLiit 13 00 " " .1 , ii. t reezo at toriiey i 5 00 " " In trial with J. I', wtrohiuctr IH m ' Ham'l Ncynnid ft.rbcrvlccH 4(0 " " " Lev, Tuk lh07 (t " " Wm. (i. Hurley, attorney 10 00 " " ridiln Creasy, int. on !tw ,vi ftr 1 j cur. !J 0) " Iliockuay & Jftcoby publUhlui: thUiiccl, J2(W " " for blalluii thin ucct. AIM) unit, iueTlens, on i-tu bctlloment HI w '1 nas, t'ommUifluii 91 31 IhU? 71 Hal duo Treasurer J, Hill, u 30 Wu thcuudt-rHliined Audltorn, do hereby certify thut we huc carefully cxtimlnod thu fortultitf kltuuiui, iiini iiiiu iiivui iu ib co-reci, i.AFAYirrrK cukamv. i a IMS Ki:i.chni;u, VAudltort. I.I. VI At IIUltlUMIfl Dcc.II.'GS, To llu(l and Aatloon knrt of IJIoom burg &ud Columbia County,! ho appointed Mr. II, Mohiitr asfiit lur the leof iaj kle,porUr brown ilmil. mid laer beer, who will nipply you tit tint fc-m pi U w (and with the lame arllcl), tui I would furuUli ) ou from the brtwerj, Knoowius Ihut ht w 111 he punctual nnd atteutlTe tu kit who imty favor Iiini with tludr trade, I lotiilt for him I yuur '' "f nTuuAvm, I hlram Iliewery, HaaJUit, l'a MI8CELLANEOU8. A DMINIHTKATOH'S NOTICK. V wtatk or w,i,rnrA8T, ikcka. IiPtU'innf fiilmtnlsliiitlon onlho rntnto of H. W. Crry. Into of Kcott townnlilii LHilumbla county, ucrcniei. imvo liorn urnntfd hy thn iifroi Hin coumyinnniiiupi ri-ivy 4HMUIU twp. AH iicrnons lmvlng clnlms or tlenmnd nnlnttliorntntoof thoiU'cMrnt nro rcnurntm tt mnlto Hum Imown, nm! thnno lmlrfitl to nifitto nnyinont. HAMUKIi ('HKKY, 'ov. iOw. AilmlnUlMtor, AnJIIKISTUATOIS NOTICK. wrAri; or nuirtCA naih.f, iiKOFArii. IttfM or mlmlnlHtrullon on Hits t-ttntoof Hr ci'u Nulr, Irttc of I'tnlrti township, Oiliitnum liln (ouiU,r,l('C(nM7l, liivvt In- n Krnntcil ly th llCRl'lPr OI BIIMt VIM1IHJ, III I nr. limn - tninihtrtilor. who roxhtrft In I'tntro fomithlp, AltpernoiiH lmvInK claims or umnint iitf-ilmt itm kiihl i.ntniK am rroni-xtoil to nri-ht nt thnin for itoltlrmrnt u It hunt ilvl-iy, anil thoso hulebti'd to or ' AdininlMrrttoi', A OXIXISTIIATOU'S NOTICK. IX. ttmv. or dan r.nFVHtt., DKr'n. Li'tier oftntinlnlstrfltion on the I'Mnto of Pan Irl UvnMl of MIIlllii, townMilii.l'oluintnii t-nuntv. iIifTuff-l. tint (irmili I tiy tho Hcsi-trr of mil county, to Clnrl- Klinorninn, AH ptMoni Imvimictdlninorilrmnn'li iKrtlnt Hip iicrethiit nru r(fjnrstel to mnltc thtm known, nnd thonn imUhU'd to makp tmymnt. Vtc. 4,'W-Gt. Adtntnittratnr. I DMINISTItATOIt'H NOTICE-!. X KiTATIC OT IthllMRAII PKAN, HM r.AKF.Il. ift'llrrM ol ntlmHilMriitUm on tho i stutu of Hrh nrxh IVnii nf ('Utiiwitjl 1 tt'ti.. CollHllhl l't'o . iIccmmmI, lmr been nmntril ly tho lctt.trr of COUIIIV lo l. l-iiocitwiiy ri iiikuiii township. Alt prrnonn luivlntf cliumn or ilcmanil-a itjtntntt tlioitiit ol the decnlnit nit' rrtinrktnl Kuuuite thvm knoun, nnd thoio In- debtrd tomnl;opji)mpnt. O H, Bitot KWAV, ot. lVOC1' Adnilnlstrator 17Xi:cutors notici:. KSTATIO l!i-if .1011. N HHAUPI.RHS.deronspd. Iptt-rtr-tunu-ntiiiy on llu -Htjiti' of John i-burplcs ot fatawli-T twphine Ifcn Knuilcd by tlip.Uf'KN. ter of Columbia counn , to (Jtonf. h. (l!lint or t'atiiwltH.iunil Hoiurl b CHHi t ntvmisbur A.l p tfon ha luii t lalms nniil!i"l llu- clnlo nrp fp-iuctinl to prrint them for it tth-nu-nt, and tln.'-c iiulbt(l to thu cMate, i liber otitiolrnr bot'le Recount will mnltr- pntiiMit to (h Kxecu oit wtihoul delay. HVXt.H OH.MMtT, I r--ir, llDH UT KU.Allli I Not. IV-fil aeorc' Hoult "I In thn Court of Common I'lens for vn iurrouniy m v oioniori, rrint( i. Parahftoult. ) w. No, IJ, In dhorce. ToHarah Hoult, Repinb-nt, The Court )ih ur.i tiled n. ruin on mil to kIiow c uio u b a divorce ft -iiirtilo ixnfrimnmi nbould not be df nni Kuturnablo Uoiitlm. Kehiuary Ut, Pip, at PJ OVIWUfl.lll, MMIiUK.AI .MIl,lKP, Illoombur(r, Doc. ll('G.4t, Mherlir. FJIfi Mmtln hyU la-r ) In tho Court of I'orn ipflt Imnii 1"pim fnrthf Conn My u( Columbia. May T. n. J lts o.S1 In dUon-L. nexi menu ,i, anf D,un 1 Martin To D.inlel Martin, rupondtnt. sin Tho Court hiuc granted u rule 011 you to kIiow chuc why n dlvoit'H vtnrutn tiftfrnnonit "hould not h de creed. UHtutn.U'Ui Mondav, i'dinurv, 1st, iwi, at III O I KICK U, 10. .Htmil.M'Al M 1 1,1 i. till, IlhHHiisburg, Dec. Il OH-tt. Mifrltr. XTOTlH IN BANKRUPTCY. ibU Is to ulvv notice: that on the b'tlt day ot Nov. A. i. lsM, a warrant in l.mkruptey was vmu d iikuIuI the estate of Ueorye 1'innti-i uuu her of Ulooinshurn In the county ot Coluinbln, and Htate of l'cunsj htinlu, w bo has l-ci n tiijiuled a It.uikruptou liUim n ctltUin; that the pa uk nt otany debUand ddiery(i anvproputy bi longing to MieJi H inkrupt, to him, or for hH tw it ml the tnuiMt r ofntt. property by blm arc lor bldtlcii bv law; that n mietlim of the Creditors ot tbeHuld lJ.iuUrupt, to proLa their debts, nnd to choice oiio or nunc aMum cm of Ids (stale, v 111 lieheldtttti Cotil t of 1'ankl upt , to hn tK.b'eii nt the I xchniigo Hotel In IJlouiibtUK. In ColumhU county , r nnj linnln, Pi rme iMwmd Ovuton, Jr., lleuister.on the UMU ut lec, A.l., I'-OSat 1 o chick, p. m. 'nioMAS a. uov.'i.i:y, C.H. MarhHl. It r .II. I!., iHputy, Nuv.'JTu it OPSCIAL NOTICES. TiMt.'H tlret footprints are wrinklcri uud sray h dr, nnd although uoihln h is i 1 1 hacti dictv eied tocrmllcutu thu f irint r the I.itli r maj easi ly nbHIuatid by the umj 'of Hint's VcK-tible Ambioila, Wo know It will rc-vtoio irtny hulr to Its original color and remoxo from tho feci i pall lb hint; or Irrltalbm, wheth. r inured by fhiU'lrtiiror hiimorn, at the mine time ImpirlliiK to the Julr slui lUidhciuiiful look to much lc-du-d. TO CO.ISCMPTIVKn, Tho ulveitHr r.hflvlnz tifn rpntnr(l to hatiih m u few fi kp, by a eiy ulrnpU remvuy, aller h In a su tiered ecriil r with ei inns nfUcttoii, and tli it dif.ul distsic, ronitiinpilnn is Riixioua 't nitiRc kiiottu to in reuow iniicrrt tho nifAim of cult. ( To alt whnilrailie It. he will r-rnd a copt of th pit fcrlpllon uved (licof chftr.pM, wit i Hie dlrf Uoiih fur prt jiirUi: xnd iMiiithe -iuic, whl It they will ttnd a i-uio cure lor connmptlou,Aitii ma, Ihouchlilii, etc. The only olJci ot thu ad vtitlsirlu M-udlna ib piesi rlplon Is to btndt the ntllicted, And nprfud Infarmailou whlh h coneelin to bo ible: ami hr tiones cvrv hiiUt-nr witt lr this remtdy, ah ji will cost them uoihlnjr, aud iiuy prove it blcsln. P. tits wishliij the pirscrlpll n will plJt uddrcn WilllAiiiHbuich, Kin cuuutj , Hew Turk. iee, ii, oi-iy. To Physicians. Nkw Yoiik. Autoii!.t 13th, 17. Allow mo to c.ilt j our attention to mj IVcpar- nt ion of Compound Kxliact lluchu. Tho com- nt pnitMira lluchu, I,ou I.oaf, Cubebi, Ju ptr Ilcirlcs. Monr of PiiEi'AK.vriox, lluchu, In vncuo, Ju- nipr licirlfs, hy dUtlllatlou, to form a ilnnjUu, uii ba extracted hy di-ipluenmiMit by Ikpior ob- tainct Ifum Juniper lierrles, contuluiu wcy lit t m mis ir, a hinall proiMirtltm of spirit, and m .re 1 ildo than tiny uott in uic. Tho tuthe propei 1 tt m arc by this mode extruded. lit.cliu, apivpaied by Diu'ts gcncr.illy, U fa datlc cdor, 1 1 is a plant that emit- IU 11a Kr.ince; tbo attloiiot a Hume drstroyn this iuk actitn pjiulploj, IcA.lngu daiikuud ylutli.ous ctictlon. .Mine in the color if ingredient, 'lie lliu-hu In my piupai Jtlou pietlomlimlcM ; the hiii.illeat u,uuntlty oflheothir luj;redleius ain ndilcd, to ptcNcut fermentation; upon lu'-pec Hon, It will Im found nut to bun Tluctutc, as made In Phaimai'oi iim, nor is It u Hyiup and then foiu be used In u,mh heic fu er or in llamm.itlou cxlhl'a', Iu Ibis, you hn e thu know- lo of tho lum-tdlcnts uud thu tuudoof I'teptu. at ion. Hoplnj; tl lit- you will Uvor It with n trial, and that up u Inhpeition it will imct wllh your up- priiatio:i, With a fcillng ..f loulhletifc, I inn, ti iepctfully, II, T. HUi.MllOI.i), Chcmlft nnd Dtutulot of it) Y-eiis I-.xper.nice in Dhllattelpblu, nnd now located lit his Druu nnd Chemical V, aronousc, 6'i ltro:idw.i, Jfw Votli. ll'ro'ii tho l.iracst M inuf.icturlns ChemUts in the WoiM.j I nut nrcimilntcri with Mr. H. T, Helmboid ; hn uctuplcl Hid Inn.; htom oppoflto my renl- Icme, and was slice u.-lul in coiidU'-tlnn the Liu- inchs whtie othiiB 1 i.d hot bci n icpially mi U- foiu him, I haubt.Lu faoiabty Impii used with his character aiid vnU rprKc, WlhhlAM WlIKllll'MAN, rirm of Towci-iA WelKhtniiii, Miitiufclurlni: ChtmUts, Ninth utul llruwu Bfcoti, I'lilladcl pliia. HclmhoId'H Flu) 1 Kx tract fair hit for weaklier Htihliu; from ludlscK tlmi. 'I he c.-thnusteil pow cim-f Nutuio which nm iiccompanlid by Kotm.n alaimlutf j niptomvmmuK which wlllbefmind, IlHUl)oilion to l.Arltlon. I.oha of Memory, Wakclulne-, Honor of Disease, or Fotcbodlius of lA'll; ht fAit, UulviTMil Imsilititle. l'io(tra tlou.uutl Inability to tnier tn.o the mjoj tnentfi of Hoiltty, 'I ho Loiitttutotitoin utlectcil wllh Oruanlo Welll;llls, ntiulm thu idd of Midiilim tu li en b then and invlonue the Hyitm, which Uclmbohru Kxlmct liuchii Insnilal.le ilotfi. If no tieutmtnt iulmiltud to, CoiihUiuplloii or Insanity ettsutw, Uilmbold 1 luid P-Mnu t lluchu, In nllU'tloiiH . ulhir ;to Ft-mulei, W uncijuiilcd by imy idlur pn purallon, iu In Chlorosis or IteUnilun, 1'aiti. mhiess, or Kuppruiou of CUitouuiy Hvuciu us, uici-rated ort-chlrrusKtnte of 11. o Uteris aod all complaints Incident to thu Hex, win tin r uruliu ftom hahiw of ilUslpallgti, lutprudcnct , in, or tho declluuor rh in 10 of lift). Ileliuliold's FI11M Kxtiuct lluchu mid Imp o. ol U ce Wash will nidlcully oxUiiuluuto h m the hyittiia dUcmca uiiftlnu Iiom lublU of dust- : patloii, ut little rxpoiuc, lltllo or ho ( un,c In diet, 110 Incoinciknco or exposure; comphttly niperswuuitf iuoie uiipieasaui and dunucroui remedies, Cupulvu Hiid Mercury, In nil tut to Uls- fllbC. V6 Ilelmbold'ii l'luid Extract lluchu In nil dU. cascu of thcHO uicuus, whetlK r cxUttni; la mule or fcntale, from wlntL Vcr catue oiiKluuthur.iiud no matter of how 10111,'ftitndlnt;, It U plcuaut lu t lisle aud odor, "Jiuiucdluto" In action, and iiioro Hticiiittlifiiluy than Any of li e pit nru. tloim f f Uurk or Iron. Thoiu fciimthiKlrfmbroUcn-dowiK.rdilUato c.Mifctlliitktim, ptocuio Iho iciiiedy nt onco, 'Iho trader jniiKt lonwiuettiat, bow over tlljlit iniiy te tlu a I lot k of tho ataic dlfcmcn, it i certHlu tu mrtct the hud liy Imdlb and inciittil pQwcri. AU the uboMj dUeattd icqidif the aid of a Diuretic, litlmbold'n Kxtitu t Hut Mi l tliuieat Dlillflte, Lo -obi hy driikxIMM nnd lituihin t'cri whuif, piiru li,.'ir iK.ttle, or ox lotihi tor t. ni 111 iuiy luuiie-s .ihhciioo k mi Ioiiih ill ,.11 (omin dioli- ddit- V , . II', II V UeP d old, i i b ll It'll I V u I Ii urn uii, i. N uu v nn uv tutu i Mivi d Mruppcr, vru 1 1. vnrfli mii and kii d, l'r la, aU. Jim al -lie ti) In .vteel-fit. in i' ' i my ( tn un ul 11. T IU MERCHANDISE, JKW HTOI'K Or OLOTIIINd. Frxb .rflt.l nf TAt.t. AH WlfCII (IOl)l! IliVlII I.OWKN1IIIU In.ltM .tttwllon tn his Htoek of unr.ArANi) Kl Mi lorr on ArnCTlP. Ilom l-l'FjmiiMtri, !'., wher, he h Jnit rfceMeil from Xir Jort.l !'hlltltlphl full " irtnif nl of HK.t AMI IIOT.r cuiriu.tu, lnflmtlrit the riMt fMhl.nut)!, ,lnrtbl, nnd hnmlsomt conilitlns f rinivnio)is. r,oi,.At-K,,atiM, ASiioitrCMrtTi fOATfl ATtH'ANW, of s.11 nrl, fltl'-t, nn-1 c.lorl. II. Iia. i Mr!. UhM hli Alte.vly li j itock of r.M.i. Ann wirritHiiAWi-, BTnirrn, nrifiinti, .xr it.ait; vcrri, fimnrri,cnVAT,rofK. rfii i,ui.. iiANDnr.ncninri. r.t if, rwrr.rrnr.rc, ami i'avi.'t Anrici.w He nss conntuntly on n.tml a Isre unit welt- Icctfl Jiporlmsnt tf C!.OTl:. AN I) VWf IXC!. iThlch lie U r-rfi'red to mxe toor-li-r Intnftnj Ulml nf clnthtrif, cn Tery hort notice. nl in tl.t het mnncr. All hli clothlni; la mMe lo wear nn I most nf It la of home m.mifMtnre. OOt.D WATCH M AXI) JHWrXllT. nf Tery decr!rtlon, fine nnl etieftp. lit cfte o Jewelry II not anrppatM In Hit. place, full trifl examine lila eneral Meortrn-nt of C'l.OTItt.Vtl. WATCHKM, ICWKI UT. r. David i)Wi:nBi rtn KUCIIANIil tl H. 7OTtft IM KFtirilT 01VC-..1 To my friend, and the f ntiltc venaratly, ttial all Ulndaof DIIY (1001)3, OHOCKIUKI, MUKKNSWAIIK. aVOTIONH, AC, fire t ooatantly on Imnd anil fir e.tlt AT ItAltTO.S'.s (ll.f) KT:il. l!I.(iortrrn'i, e.r J AM KM P.. r.Tir. VTrAtn, ole Aenl ft r rr 1 1. !!: r)tAT or 1UR. I.ur If t crtitatitly on t nti.l. ifelia'tTT. QI.OTUICH HY MAC'IUrs'r.UY. Ih timUrf'tiied would ie.ecfii11y eMl th uOutlon 1 f the pi. bile, to hi i,w And npproypd rnrlliiiil of iiikln clolhpn by a jlrm b"?d Ufui maiMenifctk'Al rrlnctpUt, wldi h render H tinpoMlblaj to holhf r hnil pfiffe.Iy fieetirnt lit tUliotfoi thlt tm-tbod tbi fxllunlns id thln"t, ptrtt curscj. m:cond. A svlnj of two IhlnU f th 11. 11- usmllv te.k eu tu ,itout the c'.oth. THIUD. bi!l7 to nuAAiire any fUmt ts to lnnre n Kr...d f.t rounni. Tht It dor arx.T iltli th nrerfltj of bclni iiipiured more than once," fiin Is the rn troin the n r mitAke of V unsii rer. He nould irye tlipibllc to Rive It r. trlnl.ftt ). is atlt(ld th! It 'III (rUe jerfrct istl-fActlon. j H Will he lutppT to exhibit Mid explain il vrorka Int at nnv llu bi rifltorft, j. v. ( urMP.rr.i.i.T Msrcli 31 lln M bplofr MrkM. I fWrJIJI S U II' -a" 'W 11 liawil '-.-JfcTTrT 'jMii: liiVKitsinr. nm m;u. I Ills favorite mupirhie ftr the 1 1 n k autumuc ch the iilowiiu;asiimoiiK tin not let rto'e fe.ilui 1 h of llieruijiinu 0li1i11e: I. .tu tO 01 f K. ( otill ibutcd in rcinl! v In f bo I "lalxirddt ' iu M.vmiee of tlit ir pubhcati.i.i, in D iiiii.tiJi. liy Hans CbrlKtl.ui Andero 1, H, AMilalt"UhIte and IUU," uf thrillltijntl v ntuie and buiuoious .ecncn ainoiik'st our N'orihwekt Indian. I.y j:it, Ve ki, author of "Allifdee," II. Morfis f,-om S)ciim( and lhauerr. IJv tbo au 1 Iu r r 1 he torh fiom Miakipcarc, 4. 1'iipcrion Innitlnii and Ait: how r tut ties are made, how bakuraphtaie woiiied. h'jw 11 bo can malic I'liotouiaidif, t te 1 tc. 5. HuntttiKiiiMauh AlnuuHirectsofCiutau fati.n luii 'pie. A ini-i ban HU Nt u Orleans, I Ul timo! r, l'lillmb I pb) 1, w wrk, Post 1 ill, 1 It. 1 te, ii. on the 1'iaiiic. 1'ort cx.. lnmu Virffiuiatmt. 7 hXqnlMte Tally 1 . tun ru4 Ptirnin. (iiHCe fut tales b popular uillei-,. f. I Hits' rations of the Hth'e, II si,r, Xntni'ttl Ili-toij , lUouinph, l uriosillet, vie. t. Mm and I- i"U" In all soruof rurir', 'I he llht of iriu rn fur the "UH ' luelud.s tho imiiUN of J.icob Abbot), Hans Un isttoti An. iIum 11, Al'fe uml l'bn bo ( arj, .Nf tlte.k.i Kb r, 1'. Ii, liouldlnu, Paul If. Ilaytie, Honu'e , m-ui,p r, Ileku C, Wnk. Viill MoiHUicbt, Atiihoi of ".-iisy h tlx. r.iithd.ijf.." Alllhoi of "te 11 I.iltle SMein'ttc. A fulUpnio l'rcntlfpiere rnd n number ff l-tre .lltitratlim.i In eery nuiubar, A nillt.ldAST tl t.t'MINAirn lUXFIt, tii.:h or hCiisfiui'rioM. $.J)nftii inrdunT; tbnecuplea 50..V; to copim, S Itv1; ten copies, f&w, and an extra copy Kr ill-, I'llce to eevjiiifti jmi ti.uhfr., 1 1 r j eat. Miinrle eopk"., ..i tenti A pnis(iet Iuh oiualii iui( m I nd Nociunt f inn plan kir Hum ninn; v -lutnc, ratt cltihbtn,( wuh oilier UUIKI17HICM, eveeial r-m iliiu, ft.'., rt'., w.i I t 0 fii 1 romptlr on ai'iihtRMoti in the pui Ual.eiH. Hu.d A llijiuhtoli, Puh!i-4',uj,, i U llriioiue'-ti' ul. New Vuk. Deo, -t,V?-ll. tmifCT rorr, v. r. A iron. M.ccotiori lo. c. hle.i f I M I K SCISSCniUKUK MAVINU .1. I.easd the IMmliid Mill and Mn ddue Miop ! lot murlv i c( uplnt b.f h. c. ,side, will nmlinii ' the iiusiiii.k or miaii'iTiieiuinitf UjOU.'i, "AFiU, II.l.NMm, 1101 1 DtN(l , I'ruoki Is tc. Wt. aro mIs. ieptird tn fnriiUh dli'Mfced (lotilll.u, il .lileta and idl tilbrr lumber IKiUlltd 111 tliH KiUKlil-.elhiU .( bultdiltVH, All klhda of tin Mm; dour) it I it mitt! e. lit tit for Jolhi uml oibfcr iiuiu tu tt tiilul with piompt lieK Mini i nit., Oti.WS 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 M..fl,,t, Apnin.'t wm r a i.'Utun. IJrirAin im'i.h'ji'. i:iAltD OK JNSTnUOTIl'.N. HLNitV lAUYtfli, A. M I'nmiui, 1'ru Uhut I td ll.U'Ititt ill I I il irtilfil feii i t v, ui.d tliturj i ii.i th v t,( iim I. iiir. MikH Hal ah . Cm er, I'ifct ptivn, Teacher td i'lbia b, Jioiany ttml ormuneitl I rrftit Ink. IsIUiC t, IttaSt, A. IV, rrofskor of Atn'ieut l4huunip ud I.nutieh lilumm.r. .!. W. IVrree, A, M. Wofor d alulhcimitli, and practlil troittu , lit v. D, c, Ji hit, A. M l'itJf,..tii wf clumislry mt I pbj't. V. M. IUle, Teathav of waiwihy, bMi-rj A ' . k.aj inn .Iitmes Drown, Aas'tistit teaciier of mulhem.tlkn AKnlnh Urainiitur. Mist Alhti M, Carver, Thai 'isr of Mimic mi the p In no it ml meltKk.ui, Mi-. Iluttle U Hett, Tint her of Yutal Mumunml .mdmmuit tl music J nl I a Huisi, '1 Vac hi r id model Hchtio). 'Ihu Wltili r term n 111 ctmmin.e Nov, a, i(n. and mil 11 our i-oiirdlnn ball In lendv lor oet uimu e , on hpplit llllou to the 1'rllit 1 ill, MUul U Will be luiuiiiod with litimet In piitaMttii bunidts, Jl is iH iier tor siudt nt to tomim-intent the op eiilliK ol the (t un, but wl fit thi it ImpnUicit Vle tbe (mii eiitiratany Hint', MuuliO 1MW. A U It V. S ' S lai'M'ia rma w ATRft rnoor nu.r axi) cj:mi:xt noowxat The iiitMiuttlK.a illicit Hilari'liihoaitlouiioMtaaa iiniintuiy. it la iiuiu vu(c r.tiiiiii uml ilrr-ptnot. ll la ihji nut i-Kii ny uuu ur (tun. ll rail bo hii. iillfMl in uu nlluoat p. rl. ctl Hat rmif. una llirli in lliillnot Ixlnu nil U.i.l N it'iiulitil, ll la uu.ll nmlquU'Ul) rtHtlttsl. lla ciiat la Ica lli.ut any iilht'i' llr.'-i.rir now In iiai TtMiianniuU frmil all id ta it tlit'imuilly na to lla iluialilllt) , ai'iurlly alal ctlta.)i,a v.111 Ihi alinun Ity J1MI.NW. KKAMCII, JUIH' :!'tS. Asi'lit, 111. nliialiuril, I'll. A 11110.1,111111,110' Ilia riinflmc cull li a. an at V It. Uuoi.c I tw iiuaunii I'lflli KlK.i, puMTht piMra ran kauk. "be undetDljuwl fci 1ot to iitf n ih cltl reus ofthlDpUee uud vicinity thai b in pieiirml to furaUh.aUhori nolicu.on ufthu I WuOli KN i'UMPH (ur Wf H ii,ti l :u u i er biTri! tu thu public. 'Iho me ftuui unlets! i. (biur luom U nlcr iu le4ilui niiu wllh e hi UUir lhn any othr pump in 0u pun of thu t oiiniry mid th. j iftuuui bw ui tor be my or hiiiih, or kliuplu i ly of All MiHfliient.Hlwt --0101111) i uu cUml d l.e abd duiM Uily. 1 nti iHtiup muj iii ritui hhuurnu l hnt for ( u i4 ur P t u "'j i ul per fool plat td mii w Nilvitty in il or oCie.uue p inptly Uej lejtu. pt,,'fr.-ly UU UHlMA.S Cuwmtu Vi DRY GOODS, ETC. N J V. V V I H M A N I) xuw aoona. OJ llOWKIl A UlIHItl.NO, llfi.llirf tnLen llie opu'nr ftlnlitl of D. IC, In OitAKnnviLi n, Cout.MntA ("ocstt, Pa., UtatKClfiitlyaiinnnncn tuthe frlonda of IheeaUb llahmrnl, aa well na lo new cuatnmera, that they ItMfJuat received n Inrce atippl) nf N K W O () () I) H , anltftlite to Hie -'aona eonalatlns of DIIT (101I1H, uitorxiiiRK, (lUKKNSWAUK. haiidwahi:, IIOOIH AND KtlOfA iiat- and :aiv, DHL'O.S AND MKDICINKS, nn.l In fluirt i rry nrtlclc ii.iiiilly kept In a tlrat dnaa Conntr, ftorejlo which thty Invite Ihent. tenllon of thrtrfrletirlninillho puldle Renemlly, Tlieae cood wi re iiurlinaeil nt tho lowcat raUf and they prnpnaotn aell, them on na moalcmle lerrn, na el mil , r ooda enn heot here nr elae. wherein Hie count t, fur cuMi or country produce. Doc. 4, n.-Sm. IlOWnn.t tlKItniNO. s OMHTHINO NKW. me nm.triiied lea to Inform her frlendi nnd Hit public BenriIly, that ah ht opf nd In MdTIT 5T5nr.T ........ o iVk of foot In the line of HTM.INMtV nnd TFUMMI.Tna lf ponnotion with Dres Mnklnz: d li r pird In .dditk.n, to coi on rnAw uat on th ttiortest notice, and In the bt etrU of th urt. Prlc rhrap nd work fcllrctorj. IM UZ7.IE HAKKLEY l.A juil i.tiirnnl from riilliulrliil, aa.l hM liouj'lt. and la now i.r.rlnj Hi. bMt aa.orlm.n rf ri.-CT onot, r.o.T.'arra tr. .vr aiiHil. 1 In nlnnmaburs anil la pr.parMto inaaa tip ilt,ia anil all nlb.r arlld.a nf fpmala aaardriih., at ln.rl unlit., anil In Ih. t.,t an. latiiit srmso bttms. linen, in lha H.Mnur llnllillnBa, on WmI Jlaln Hirr.t. tall au I ... liar arlt otk of .rln, (luial. May D H. T A Y 1. O 1tS (U.IVF. 11UANCH U I T T K VCH A mild and fcreb'.e Tonic MlmuUat, Stem, achat mid C'AJmlnitl Ii 1 T T E U 5 , r xiiaet-d enthely from Hurl and Uooti. Kith t hi m flclrtl lu DYSl'KI'SIA, (m:ni;i:ai. dkiui.ity, Ktul I.n.n of A)i(.'titr ; .i l nn fxctlknl ("orrMCtlTeforpffrionsnuffcrinx iroin nuniui-r.. ortb I(o K-Rtulenci, At, Sold Everywhere. ep it, So, 4IJ Mtuket 5treot, Vhiladelphla. J. IC, AYI.OK A CO, (d., et'HUT.i: iv I.UDOM-F, I iJ 'i.sriii.isnni in isa.) ! I'l.A 1 1. PIANO I'OUTi:. patented tbutary Juth, i l-'. in united for fle i ara, Wiiii looms llioome-st., Nev York. , Ih' patent Monitor IMale I'iniit. by their i--, culttir i ohm- ticllfiu aref-ui-erior tn nil others, aud i ih ii n crlt consists liitltewievtpIankbclnttAup. I polled by the Iron flume, nllowliik' n larger spic Icrthi'Miimdinu board than Is ptissesed by any ' olher kind of I'l.ino, By ibis means the quantity I n u-ll as quality or lh tone Is lartfflly in. 'I 111 i I 'In Hi hfie heti nn nnni,P.l . tlx i bt Judfci. to be uiii Hailed lor I'fiWl It AND SWr.iTNFHS OK Tt'NT, ' I iim -m l (tyri cable toueh nnd 'jeautx of flnish. Musi 'luii. 'iinn ci-runcm m ejtcellem e fmn. I lut it ik. i'MM-.,.ilk,MiaUoch, ietiti mprt, nnd . n 1 trt mini) i i ot tht luo-tt dilm:iished I'ltifr-t. iiinii uis. 1 'if .in lonif exicrleii(eunt iipf I'l.n t leiiniesfor M.inuf.icturlng, we r n. bk'tl to tilTt r OUT lil.HH.ft III aa Inw i.ll.M m .r. if-ketl b nifei Up r makeis, I Kt hi I fur circular nnd pi lew II ut, MaM-'i-Mj I ON ATM AX HKISIiKH'H TONIC r oi Itilteik bus nc er bilkd to cure the wort kiuu of J u ia.i t K-a : U tin- iuot hiictesbtul med icine j et diM'wveit d lor I lie t ui r ot Ct.itHUinption Hpepi.i, I.n er i onidwint, Ihom hli is, and all diktiisesof Hi 'Ihiojit, t likt nnd liihtt: t iiikdi ntiil of iotMh nnd herb., one boill will'- tiwiitetnsj tine iho Klvtstt a irUI. .No bii.d itboitld ie without it. I'm up tn lurk t iej t-ltil lilitl sold li .lophtl.Kli tUUr A c Sc'n. d:ill llmen. l'a, tthtl b nil Dine vltt. imic. 11,'IvIt . Inr.'iiti Kit fiiniiU wi.llinu III tli. alul f..Mipt al in iiiiht. i luarallti rl .ijuitl In anv lu tin- .rlil : Hi., all 111,- MrriiiMh nrtil.l tii.lti Willi llu- III III I la ... I lit. In rillK ijtmllllra nf UL-liUlll! I instil)-, 'I I Mils k, Ii nil ill .ii.i ji. oltl Ii) ta. A Ilia 11 I In nil. a I i'iki, .s un l-'lnnt all act 1'lilla. Hep. 4, im-i . QOMi:STIC J-ICONOMY! cAMrii.i.iu.v cutrm A utw, cheap, duiAlde, ht-ulthy, nnl lkMutlful A m1 "tiltule fir oll-eloth al one-third thocohk. 'IliNearpit I piodiuiil b n fcnlUrrombiu i don olktioim i.ea j upei, piuiid In onumeit tiU toiorn, and couted w lib a loiijfti, eliiHtle, witi r piod i iiaimcl bk h it i Iwn tho unit r, proinu the colom and paper elitluies uahlni. uud nil ik'TM lid1 CHl j. t blight 11 Hit bi.iutiiul lu Hie ix. tbt me, lu ud vanillic mens mllowi, It out ii ndcii It u a liable to iiUchthxeo; It U i-ttiedim,l iumii and i'y, and It aiciimu lull s next to iiiitluot ; 1 1 clt en not It ipllie lo bo t da. -u up and chaiu d like oilier carp t, and thus a - mm h lid or ami double; i le-to.iiinn r, .ib the t uuiptllion h illy iim the (it may utiuiie, twliich i-oMn but a tnflej 11 Mil It! tu b du pdy, eeti .in luc.und alwai ap ir and bilht ; in 1 1 iim- no icllaiit shttetr plctd upon li.e paper tor weir, but exeluslw ly upon hbe iii i-pini.f toaiuitf, Ihe Hyurel pa it. i ! .uu iimiI only to m i nie tlie ttdoih, I 'apt r IiHHiietoiU bifuiiMdrn iiMirltiyof purpokt-. m n ki tru'iKh, i Ht,ib'ur hugs iiial nirua,"p pHUi.bul the iltrd atlciupt, either in Kuioih n Aiitciica. to ronvi 1 1 it into cart 1 1 or Iloor i'op. nu, tip eolH'tdu tt to be nn fill lie bllceehsl We huvc ttttch.ikid the rijihl for tohimlda ctiunly and luuiUh ttu ci pet tu imihantM lit litullllUelUiirh pi teen, ity an- iuulitl to call nn) tiamliie the SJ.uU lit oil! ktoie, M Kl l.V), S LAI. t CO, KhtonifdjUU, Pec. UV-M'. 2) o n n ins r.i.mmc f.oi)r ioi.ihk UX&f) A t.Af-U.IC iiiiNm. 'lhtie ho black the Ir Iluot nn Kuturitnv nlaht with i idliiury bUt Ulnu'. don't huw litueli nlnne on hmiday, u thcpolmii ladt oil; but tho Hit Ul 110J1UINS H1.ACKINO I.sU rtilutdny Mt;ht alutalt tU) Hun. lay. It Ih'uH any othtr HhuUiiK uuitlc, MitlltlfatlUltd t.lllv bv J. It. Dobbin t hU lm, ni.iiMihunp uml Itlat l.iu oi ka, hUlh Mutt 1'orHuki by H. II. JIUUr A r-o.,lu.wi.l'uiJ, r "677rAYKAlaT Willi lull, lauur aiuuall liur .ntlit'tv a.w flir all Hi iau .nit uf i-i.i luj un lit, .laliiuuliiuu rtaulla ll mil Kuin, t-t.-i v tltt) a in- iliai-uitri-il kit.tlf ii-r tiny tiiuili. Iy ii-ry uuu wliu liua i-t luut-u ... im .., ..... 1 1. uit... i t ii iii un, nti rutin! ri- i tp'iici, A.ll mi Inn uu mn u m i nf lit'inu Iiuiu I'll ii:' nt: Uilai unit imp' ihi ii NV mi miu wtui nil ut 1 ur imitlcu. in e win, . r -11-llltir Auillfa. i in.. ni nit niuuini rally wu., ru. MISCELLANEOUS. por.u.M in a county tj;aui i eiw y iK-sTiruTti. Tolhi'TencliMi And School Dlreeturi of Col tnnbla couty Tbe (Toltituhl 1 eottnly Tcnchers' Institute for k1 will be held In the UttMrr lriMltule Hall IdiHimii'iiiiir.eotiimMictnoii .Monday tlm llth day nf Deenit)er, l.s, in I'jo'clooK p. 111, and closlmt 011 Friday nuht of Inn ntme work, 1111 li the Tenchers, Initlf nilnnrc dedlre a neeslon of two weeks, AllTenclierjiHcliofd, Director, and friend of Lduentlnn nro Invited to ntund. Instruct intiM will be clven In Orthoarnphr, UeadliiK nnd l.loeuttoti, rermmnsnln. Arlthme. tic, (letinrnidiy. (Imminiir, Theory of Tem hlnji, IliMnrv flhe lnlted Kin ten Mild othef briincht nfslmh ,nnl ewnliiK hrtnre delivered by the Mm Intc nnuif-d t-ducatorf. I'rof.r. w.cinik.of Mf Yori.nulhorof Ciftrk'i (irnimmir; 1 rof. Henry ('Arter. rrlnclrol r.f Illoornnbars Normal Mthd nnd Idternry Justltute rrur.D. If. Walker, of oriMijcvllle Acndemy. Columbhieounty; Dror-.J. W. Ferree.DavId t Jolm, V. M. UMes. ami 1, o. Ili-fit, of tholtlooinsburg Normal School nun liiit'iu 1 11 ) 1 1 1 tn e, HlO ILtteiitton of anetirrt nn.l r.trfnra la cnllcd to tho following provisions of the rschooi 'Accoidltut; In the Act of Aernhly, prroved . in 1 in 11, 1-11, oiiuer w men 1110 inllliiie is Held the roll uf .Members rtittHt be culled 'atlent twice f day ;' u commlttfo 01 flo tcacheM mi l'ennti iKiit CtrtKlcnles must be cho-en by but lot l teacher may attend thn In-titutennd tie pe,ld by thedllilcttheamn as If thoT wero In f.chool, Hiid those who'Abeul themselves from tho In tltuti' lift in Ir own county, without a koihI rev son, nmy t atc their want of prorenidnnnl ipirll nnd real Indicated' by ccrtlll'atei of low. r undo ivt the nett nxamlnaMon," (ee!nn. hehool Join mil. .May, 1W17, pp. ii7i. ji'iir uiiti! wr ro oniy Rimui one ruintireti tcacheifiiiiutlcndimcont tho Institute. There should be ntftrly twice as many thin tear. It in hoped directors will in nil msen encoiirase their icacnt r 10 iiiienu the institute, 'I hit t out miff en nn Pur mn r'si, .0)11 botlected I'uesdAy morning. "DIUIXTOIW DAT." In rtccordnnce wllh the npft1nti nf Hi ft)f Mutieilnleuddit, Friday, the iKthdav of Decern, her, will be iftpeclnlly devoted to the Interest of rarnooi niriTioi, w ncn it is noped n lis rue iiuin bi r if IHrectoi prcfeut. J. I. Wlcker-ham, Iq Hint Superintendent Tilt nroljAOlv be 111 attendniH e thli rtur lit nil ilie tbo Director-. c. O. IlAUKI.i:Y, miv. vov:". Co., sup t., Common Mchnols. LOUU AND l-'KIOI). lie un Icrihrnetl lbniilrfol fi.i tm.i tintr,-ii,, bcKstonunoucotohlHfrietidiumllo Iho public tllMt llU Is now tn complete ruunlntr order.nnd that ho Ik nieparedto do all kludsof Milling without del t I'll rl It M from dlKlJUire i-no Imi-c tlmlr Ki'ouutl wilhi ut delay, m as to take them home ui" Mime nay, anil as iv ruin all worK brought tn he mill can be done In tenly-tour hour. My nt arinm;mr dim art Mich as to pieclude the necesnitv ofMoppliiK the mill un iKiount of let: hi(ili oi lou water. THU UIIhT FAMII.V FI.OITH. i.n wdlns the lowc r urudcn, and nil kinds of an op a xn n:i:n kept on hand In quantity, and for sale nt the low- ri im re in him n, uraui man kihus puEcn.iseti. MghtMrctt, Dcc.l.'CS tf. I'KTUH HNT. E H T It A Y , iiitno to th premtsft of th fcnhcrlber In Hntlock township. Cdumtla County, on or about the 1st of eiei.tmber Nlv five uln en. arl- ously marked. Tho owiieis Hreriquetted to I'ome lorwuni uive properly, ami p.iy cnnrucMor uio lame Will be dltpi,.ed of accordli c to law. Dec. ll.'OS-U. WM. r. CKKLT. AM FIIIK-PIIOOF .SAKICS. Sanborn's Patent hns i ecu demomtrftted by the most I boron h prftctkul teMs to be atly u Ierlor In flr proof qualitk- to any other makers I bet mi Hter lu 1 upper tubt n hermetically Acaled) prrrnuni( eonipieiciy any rnporniion ami it ihu dru st safu lu ie. Th patent can be applied to any s.ife, Itclore puiclin,lm( fl.sewheie eall ftinl eMiiidne, or m ihI lor pamphlet coiitniulnii tht cert ill ales of til il with allot her in.ikrr.ift-i Americfin Htcam rire-l'ioui afu Co , ..'U f!rod- y. New VorK. tike. ll.'liS-Siu. !;iiV OPKNKI). 1 he tiiHteilned wntid repectfnllv inform th t-ltlrelikot ltli.ittiKt urs alnl Iclliltj , that be lift JuhI opened f lmp on Irmitrei t, between Main tint Third, nble he s)ll loltow the cnMnet tna kini huetniiai. In all It brancbo. Unler for MUTAi.i.ic or. oTiir.n corFixs Ailed with proinptncm nnd dupftteb. ItepsJr cheaply innii to nil klntls of furniture, Includ tint the replaltlnjc of eaiie-lxtttomM cbalm. I'at teriiH (or calltiR' lunde neatly ntid exredltloua ly , and order re solicited cither In perionr by mall, Ilctnr frnm( mud lo order at liort no tice. UUUKUT HO AN. April loex-tr. s T It A Y K i) . A Kinall brown Mule fhurno-Jdil to be Mxl 5 curs oiiiwns loutui in me oorouitn or ueniriuiii, on Huntiiiv, Sov. mib. 'ihe owiur Is rcquetlt to coaie forward proo property, pay chartreH and t tike It n way, otbcrw l&v It will bo dlspi-d of nc corning IO I.lW. I1L..MU jajim, i?r. Dec. 4, 1W-S 1 S T K A Y . li Came to the nmnlscs of the undendaned In hUKarloaf Towulitp, one led bull, marked, lett car oil", star on forehead one white hind leu, mi j tar Id. JOHN 1.KWD-, t.Nov.a.VS "MOT 1 The n I C 13. nberlhr ban talien nti four ntrAy ptueep.the owner isbeieny notincd to com mi ward iiroe nroi ertv. vtir damntrcM. and take,otlurwie they will bj disposed of n- coruim; io i.iw, r-n auu .-iiir-.r r i.n Cfatrul Nov. W,'6 ATrTv X TED. It A com pctent school tench ir totakchnr(;t of the Muncy Hill hchool ilout.c, near Wlui. Halt. Uasonnble wagtn w 111 bn paid. . ny tettch I I nriillll!- I 111 unit (11, kllOUUl III- HI 1 " (iiidu in i y. ., j , i. i nt, itch t, or in ituAiu, Whit IImII, Nov, '.7,'-lt. OTICK I. IlAXKUUl'TCY. lllNIatu L-ln nntU-.-i Dial mi thr- ui ul lilli A. li. M n warrant lu'v'w i-kiidi au'.uiiM iliiM.iaii. or i:.n, i;. irnuhrhU. nf IlrluriTo-k twp. In tn. iiunit nf milium,.., nlul HUili- ul retuia Ivanla, wlu h.ia lu-t-n ail JiuIki-iI u ILinUrupi un hia own uuu, ,n- n,.i Hi.. tiiMiicnt nf any ilrln ami iU'Iimij .funs prui..-il) U-liiniiliu! lu Mich ll.uikrii., lu linn, iirfur liKtun ami Uu. triinsfor of any i n.i.i-nj li li in atMurlil.lili n I,) law-. tmt i,,,u , llna ,Tf llif-1 n illtnls nf llu- aalil IliinUi u.t, tu .rmi. Ilu lr ilelila, uml tn clumse unti ur lu. rt' asalmu ca nf hla, will Ihi lii-li in in-iiniturllinkiii.i.), lu li.-lnii...iiii tin. I Ji-lianci.llntii, iiiIii.ii.iu.iiiiii: I .ilumliln i .unity r im.) Uania, Umuip Muiinl Hi. rtim. r.. Uiialir. nu llto -j-th i!U) uf ,.c, 1, li., N.a.nL I n'rluckn. nl. 1 !i' '.;)? -V. 1";1V.I'I V. '' s- N.iT. 37,'lrt.ll. Hy i:. II. t iinl.lHUini, lN'ulv. N ll T I U K. 1 lie nndejliriieil unu'il lifiiln uk t.niiun t i.A be h i.ibU dm putelmed or U llltam I'lTer tuo liiii!e, nnd lie Kiey niiiie, which 1 have loaned to him .Ul perw.lis me lit leby f.ubld Irulii in ti rii ilnu Willi or mt It t.I,ir the it tine. K J. .M1I.I.AUI). $20,000 IN' -mo-n'i:y (1 1 V ll N A W A Y ! nn: iio5u: wi:i:i;i.v. Tlila fninrllr Jnurliiil U nut nuly nnanf tli. i.h. ra ami i nr nf I h.. ln-nt. Iiul la tlu. t-liiMpi ,t fatuil) piipi-r In lllu flllloil Mutia 1 lit fuiluwiuiz li.i u I h alt. at-lpi.! I rmni amrius Uio t-ry I'lti-lislM. Hat iifnurruulrlliulrrai-Li ladaylnnil Clnrk, Mra. II. 1'. l:ili l, Drphcua l'. Ki rr, I1, lluuilltuu Myi-ra, Mary A. lii-uuNun T K Arllnir, Calluirlm. turnaliiiw, Lultle llr.nni. l!oill S, ('. Alilinlt' linn, llnliiTI li lio uwi'n. U,. wanl i:ili, Mr.. A, I.' 1-lirltw. Til" I'linlrilla will nmalal nf lirlllUut Novvlrt. Ita. Iti-muiici-a. llkmili'iil ttti.i.i-iit.1,1,,1 ,....i u..i. rtltlttd hkl-lcliea, i:ah.ya, 1-ui-try, I'liuU'i mllcl. on Acrlt'iilllirill lailliJivta,Hi'li'WK,Kilililnna, All-inp.ili-s. .Ni na, l:illlnri,N, .Mai krla, ami nil that ist-ait-iii.iiiaiiniuairiiii auil enli-rluln tli. tnUra finilli illili llui liilrli-lucfri-olroui nil l'u. lith-al alul Kt-i-tnrlali lilna. I'liu llllltlla1 lima will Iii. Ilirw. I.i ..Al. ...,.... ami (rum llio l.i-M iilUt.laliltl.ii rnuuiit. limit imlui'i'iiii nls to Cluba ! tai.Otin In nititiiiy itivon away!! In ailiUtlun to tint ritlt.-t- in- .,.. m.r.t t...t ii... (..ii..., it... in i.. . ..: . .... ... .... r . ............. ... t ,.,,, ... ...r K. nt-r upni (ji't- li la up u( III.) luiucal flnlia avlll 111 iH-tltt'tu Sn. Minlirrlat, 171.1, roil April i.r, wi,i lit I'.M 1)11 ur lM-fnin Anrll IDth Iti.u Tin ut Iti-r up of the Tar. al i llin ai'iii ua nctwrtu tua tlatia tui-ntloni-.l alio, it will rrri-lvu - . . (Via ijnin Orariibaeka, I'run 1 Uirurat Clnti 4..i.i .. 1 lilril " " . sni.iii i liiiiiui . .iM,im m rifiii " " . iwi.tti 1 lui l.-1-llar Up ut rai-li i-luh of l'Uiili.crllii.j-. tt ill ri'i-rlvti lO.'JO ' Tint ui Iter up of i-ai'li club uf .'OauliKi-rlU-l-will li-t'i'lln .Vla .. Tin; ptlrr nn .if null rluh of ( I mli.prllir-t. nllUlltltli il tiiarlwl a bunk ur laaika. lha .rifuiir wii'.-n la it,. . ..j- w. . ... i. . .iiuiu . iaiin.criu.ia will luilil : It) lo at It ct nlitnk ur liiHiUa.lht pricooi which la j ,j ..r. - . r" i Kt"" i i.i aun.criiK ra wlllboi'iitltlntl loarlri-t n bunk or Jitliool wlilili la tM ..f1. '.'i. -'i 'ifiii-iuu ui iu auiorruiria will lit a Hilt It'll tu at It cl u bunk urbnuk..tli. Jirlcoofwllli'llia t, a ""','l",' ti't ii i-iiiii hi aauiiacrini'ia w 111 Wi rntltli'il luailrcln buuUur laiuka Ilia IillCttol w- 1IP11 la an Ai'iitiilui!iio(rtiinoiir of Hi. larurat liiilillalilnj liiiuaraln lli t' HIiilfwMlll l,u fnriilaliwl, frniii w lilcli can la. iiiiulc.ali.l tho lawk will lit) Kill tl lrurl)-ralltli'.llulli,in,li,iMai;u 1 rei. Ti:ilMSI Hluclfi ctipln I'lVlJ Ul'.NTH onuenpy, imi) cur, t ''iiu Two ci-plt-a ' fM J.l WM " " ami 1 rill to tl .jdt.r liliof the I'lub, jjf,, Vlllri-H t'utilia una joar nntl nu. r n, Jiu, I ivcnl'.(lo cunlca uml i.aoiiiru, ivki 1'nriy ' ' ,,. I'lfiy iJ-JJ Dm. 1 1 uml ml " iJJJ'fj Tlionniat;iii.iitli ituuir Wn'klr ta ;cniia' ji year, r.lmuaU'M anil ulliera -Abu set uii i-lu.a.caii ul'irwiirrta.iU Imliliaal Hit. .mn. ralia, nnd tin. liVTlliuU1',,;," ul" A " l'" t UK .,!h.'ci,'!;o','rr"u,'f',l'c', 'uec" - ...".''.miL' ''l'''".i"1'- 'iiiiucnca trii Hug lu jiu rt mii a- rlj, a uuiiiiihu ninna iuiui nililrraanl tu . im Ii A, .Sunca. I'uIi a i.r ,. I'r im.l.r, 1.1 f., kfrtl bi J'UUj.lii.1., J'i. NEW ADVEIlTfSKil KNTfv MIM.OYMKNT! 100.000 Coplf of l!i the New Work, by JiiMns Henri T!rewti will be to!d by Atrnli tlrrlcf ttt ajct iw month, THE OUKA p Mrrrnoi'oi.u, A Mirror of New York, lscretitfft furore whetetir en. tine-jnePW In th ok tr lt, It l detud to an Immtatv 4rl. 1000 ARrntj Wflhtfil. (ne itent rtvrti M rit 1 4 h"r. ! snt v In one diif On t u, 3 nt r im "lrn Mil IKT) In month" I.sdlM, laflMi. doubled ioldlr, teehrrn, jrvune tmn nti wo men nd oIIimh nra lurded to n4 for U'liTMia, tiou. 1 be work isjuM Aimooni nd jm -t ur rltorTtan b procure by prompt m imi Nn free (lieetiiMii'kt hut eitra t 'nmrntislont rM UpOtl till bOO?. AlblFMI flail A CO., Jal New aleiiey. A roi:i:siiA(ic Of full rlue M-.l f;? t j Atok Arit hook agents VA";D. ron m ATrn jtt ntn PttiTn'i kitt irri4 'KU.VHinitn ahiitD(jt ifkct njnr A work of lioidinr '1 tre it, replt wi h ne dotes nnd tneldents of iif in th triit mttrm is. (tur ajfe'it iu llnr'f ird ft) in on dirt oni irent in N, 1 t i'd iii7 in ,1 tlnt; f.m I Mns. told SVi tn one treek ; ime ouent to trru mild 301 tn mib wnek. ya ! ok rch'li? M thrt nells u raiddlr. VOt W'Wt ! know brw Tolli 1SI er mn (e fnd but In i t'ftr: Hoir i ml men ru'iiet in Willi strfrt : Uiv "Coifiti i mn" ar swindled, by Phap r; How llinlnterii mh! Hfrchfttiie r tllfli-,l Int1(f1 Ima, TintlfM llrtiraaa mn t?onnert Kitoons nre mnnKKrdt how ()Mn'' in House and Lotterfesnre Condunled ; how ttort Compjsnles otlnina'e nutt how Hie's bnrwt rend thla wot k Jt tell 5 on hhn it thi- rntet ie of New Yotk, ond eonmins biotrenhlCftl k ieh of Is noted Mil linns ire.. Mrti han't, ete A le -i Octavo Volume ovr"'i" pnitet, fnelr Ultist r flert. 1 h lare! c'immiloii eien nurtj r e.r cntnr nnd Vi 'Jreeulm-k Kent rte on npH- ttn. For full pnrtieuiftr .snd terms edd en J , liurr A Co., luhMbern ll-.rtr.ud ( otin, H A NS A X U i; 11 S E Aisn inn Mvir.i'ir vai aiji roit youno risortK. Hnn Chrlstlfln Antleren. ts v'a Mtorv Teller, will d new artlel" dlrct tr tit Itlversld. 'I he new vtvntne lietltia If. I'll, as 'vlllbn brighter nnd frcsh-i tlun er. HPI.UNDID I'lthMIfM. W will r ivt) to eerr sub"rihr fr i'fl w netids $2.V)'tl eretftilar prlcjdireclly to m,a tn ui ino eirjint i.rironio, QUACK DOCTn, r.r Henry L, fStepheni, reitHHltif i-A In rich clor, far our nuMa-thars iv. Mr kjX'ji juriifrt, aiki wen rorin coiiw will besnt bv mad n'e-n dd. In llf oMtrr'n h 'riplfnu. Ilunl A Hutitfhtou, l'ublUhri, 49 iiroome n., .w i oric, Samiilet of Macaeinei lit for Ueenta. Tf. pi e us fice. Q.UK AT IXUUC'EMENTS TO MiicuiRr.:t ! tuse who want e flrt t i.i"S I.edle Mtn Inent.d a flt't clas Vkiy lper, nti ai for a laiuple copv of thi: LKDY'SI rUIKNDin.l Tiir. fiATi'UDAY i:vx:nivo vmt and sec the unequalled Induemintsonre. ."-am- pie i opien oiooin nre fries for eh i.V) ft ear or t foi both. Addrs IKwry I tcrsoti a Co., No., J.B alnut rti., I'hllu. Pa. .HOW IS I HE .SIATII TSRI ruiiLisnrn ik nrLApEt.rinx, Mntithlr at SI.') ir eiintim, U d Wy l"ithftll Morrlf. I" No Uiii ., rullidalptilo, 1 copksfor S.t'. U ih-.rly wmi- np cl matter, in relation t firr? Dtrtmnt of a rlculture, Ld Ituial r. noaiy l.ig lmic inentsaud libera1 pic dcias ifTird to tH and canaier. Hmpie copi la r np pllcftilon. uroomra hurat. new TOHK- 11 L I.H, D'e i. rent NM onil Mural and v. eekD . cmmn c v 'twentieth 1ar.J. i. ou a Hamrnot'. lint cnmprlttnt Hixta larr doubl iurfo pHH of ftT c lumti ai.h, a 1 also f improved, '1 hli will malt th Mr about double n former sir, with o lnrea la price! ol, XX, for iW. will fjeell lis all ciUIs!m of i prt)f'etive, 'l iinly and ful lia rs I Mtersry nmi pMraily wrj anr,- nlft Ir k the true sp-rk i f it M tio 'ixca.lMrnV att Object!, "1'rnvtets nnl In rjwtemtHt," a4 aaaJl In th bt wet hly in Am- - lea ! '1 ho ftuml i not mmihiv, but a lata mi bsutlful neekl xnp'iorin ralu. rnrit, nrletv of eontviiti, and Adup'.ld to ik waaM of all. TKRMMt a ? fw: eople 1i . tm ac "Ifl; leu for 9i.V. &: No r Ii .he time t" n.ot b anJ form clubs ! Liberal lnducmenta t el Afn'S, H;e. .n-ii", hn.w bd', ett , D, D.T. Moo.e, U 1 nrkltow, Niw Turk. iMrpovrn withnweiri ntw patent dnviu- K1 r. 'Ihe only wrinr w bleb enn c the "itir or fustfnlna; ftbove tb cogs, whteli abm!utrV nerary t'i ptevnt ticors fretn riaylni out of .ear. and the P.ut-I'er P.i'Ter tr ins l.ln strwined or broken in wilntlne l'ri rtiete. Sold bv dt-alets gen-alir, A upplT atwvj iter on Imnd for ahipmeni at t leelAad.cril,onr,4 I.oul. ll c Prnwninj grueryl rrtnt. tt Crt Inndtst,, .New York. AOKNTS WANTED for onr IHni- il IratcdIUh'e Illitnry, over 410 enfrsT.s I'liotoitrsplilc lllbles as Jo Hs J1.H, ior lerm", i. men rhilRdeldil.i, Pa. Co., tit Cliiaut iirff. S2.o Malnr, A DAY, Acront W.-ntrd. A't drtst with aUtnp, Hurt A Co., tJUitdiri TrANTI-:i)-AN' AOKNT In t-rrh II n.TIl r. taHatlia nxnii'T f,,r til. Ml. if Itiailatlr.l a nuhtiar Muulili m untl T.alhn Mrlna a..hrit t . tli. a .Ifa, liultniu, tup anit can. tie nf iluoia ami i. n.linvs. fli. .. !, Iipt-11 .1 am tlilnir ar lo anant. from Tan tn Twan'.v Kiva Il. lnra parilnt run 1- mail. ?.na inr rai'til-' I'iriui'.ar. 1 IrM rim nr. Iiara ii. I. ll, Hra'l.lrr. I A I n llual m, Vat a, A CI'.NTS WANTED -Male M.d "o- 1 .lata, fur nur Pit -r aaa iruaaul c' N-.a-lu.i.n a I in rmkam.. lau I.. I u .Tu -j l.ruis.lml.l. No li.-Mi'r luvrat n.llt. V i"i . t Aililrraa I1..I.M- ,t 1 ,.u e.-l.t, rnii -n tuap I .uirl an.l aiiui.iii.r) r.t ,u .'"ia- 171 l.nrtUMl .cw Yuri.. COI.Hl'HN'S r-iiUnlnl .lul.-I', l-oc. Itr-U.u. l Au 1J,' Extnifta lftlaia anil i..-i,ortl of lu. v.rk nualltlca tit tbc uxr: ,tmr Axh la i-iiiin I folifiTiie .vs.. II, It will rut .ii i ir "Mil. hctirr. III. M v I 1 1...: .in. inn i,. it.. w.v .... -rltll your axo be can till na goutl a. any on. . t. can. IV. If I in iM m.l ki.( anitlti.r I w.nlv.flw. it 1. ilul'ura unnld nut buv It. ,' ' ii w l.l cut u. ii t p ile, l.allar liau aui ilh nxr. l. I .nn'il not i , without 11. VII. Tlir only ul.J. -1 u it un too far lu tb Willi i, Vllf. W Ml who clinii f..i it lUhttr liii ..v. approvr nf It. ate, etc.. ml in Inffu. i. r.iraAiaiit ait i aiiinall)I. .Ii-ult.ra ati I, r.ira, Mpplni'iiit . Iliikni-. II, 1'ittvl i rs j, M.iliiifiitnr. ra . if the Jackal Axea, Matrv HluiM'ia a p. I Mi-nnra anil it'l apim.xt I ali..raaal atlc of AX1X Hole iiwm 1 1 ur Hi I'atautt. jPSHt'N'Kr.NNMXS H l .".lull rir ur ilia!rn fur ltltnitttiii, 11 nr i una, nifrlt hh.i . . nial. luiisi ,, j r. BE laik a'Miivnii,.ii l-,,w-,ieii,' Thaa . .u t jJkTi liiliu Blalcc.l If lit'cti..iny lu. kmiwl...l,iitnl ill. (ii-rann, In Ala, Win., Trt if any tithrr huTi-raui., hunt bv mall im rai.i; ttrf "ur Imlliir. .VI. l'u Dr. Jaiu.a I.. ( ai o Itujkoii, N. Y, fill Hit. nut fur n.'ata! aa OOK! 1,(1 O K 1 di iniisii.tinl. , f our builneta '.ai i-a' 11 wa to maun th" INHUCMI'STK TH Allr..SfS Hi'. I'l R ONi: IKJl.LAU BAI.K, Ml'fjlally In lb, lltitinf Coltou (na, LAlUiKlfjlltK KVBIt! f-'nil fir rlrui., with Xvr 1'ialuluaa Kal.., ''rfofua llnstsWfolnbai.laiiwluirr Ati,,i.- cV?llu '!).'" I'e., 11 Kiiloret tt li...i.n, Iov, Vl.'lid-lt, gOUTllKltN HOME JOU11NA1, r o u 1 8cy. Tr.UMS:-tl tier iininni, J-Miit lap.., i.r l.iKot iupl. far J h,i Mi- u, r tlir Ki ltiT up til tU) llub. A (41 Bllvor v-alcb fur HnliMullirn. A Vlaiiw Iim MkcIiIiu mr'-'S Ht l'a. ribtr AtfliHiiiltt wiiich f rtUMiiiamt . ,, A ll Unlit Watch Tor KHbat lot. Ifyou tin not ecl ciinuib ti m -c tl.rr'n. wi will u low-suimii-euu.n Haiti ui, . kllliairllirr at f.l Kamnt .uiiia'i, . Catly lu lhi't'iiiiiiiiuulti!nu, aiotii 1 1 ih, , it npitlltuu .t w iv ,y A . Wlllcliwlll be lulntutl (luni ,01. Illhllt'tlrilily tu tlila I)lllr. 1.1 lit ' ' ii v .1, V. rl .rt, .'llllllt.ltP, .IU. b'i A 1 . 1.1 SHhuW,." JuUDANttlllto.ln B W ol.a. ti iiMcmt, . l-,ai,tai. Atll illiA l j iu U, A . il K I) J A V K 1' AX V. CATlZN'l'. Im