THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. tlou which hU report roominiunds. While In 1900 sixteen thousand threo hundred moil cost the nation $10, 172,000, thu sum of $0.,0s2,000 Is estimated as necessary for tli support of tlio rmy during tho tl'wl yer ending Juiiu 30, 1870. Tho estimates of th War Depart uiuutfor the last two fiscal yen" were, from 1807, 433,81 1, 101, nnil for 1809, $2o, 203,0(1!). The actual expondlturesdurlng the eame perlodi were, respectively, sa.VJ'l.tir, uu'l 41S1.210.018. Tho es- tlmito submitted in December last Jut tho lWeal year ending June 30, 1809, was 77.i''i.7m; tlm (xnendltures lor hic first quartor.cniltnstho 30th of Septem her hut. were $27,210,1 17, ami thu Secre tary of thu Treasury gives r0,OU0,UOOu the amount which will pruuauiy mlrixl .lurliiL' tho remaining three manors. If tliero Hhoulil b no rednc tlon of tho army making Its aggregati ons! for tlio year considerably In excess of nlnely-threo millions. Tlio timer am between the intimates ami expen dlturos for the threo tonuA yean which h.ivn lit'un mimed It thus shown to he tl75,fil3,33 for tills single branch of tho public service. Tllli NAVY. Thu report of the Secretary of tho Nuvv exhibits tho operations oi mai Dmi.irtiiiimt and of the navy during the year. A considerable reduction of thu foreo has been ilfeetod. Thcro ate forty-two vessels, carrying four hun dred and eleven guns, in the six squar- (Irons which aro established In different l.artsof tho world. Tho total number of vowels In tho navy Is two hundred mid t.v. mountlmr seventeen hundred .uil forty-throe guns. KIglity-ono ves sels of every description aro In ase, arm ed with six hundred and nlnety-slx guns. Tho mi anborof enlisted men in the service, including apprentices, bas been riduced to eight thousand live hundred. THurosi'-orricB. The Postmaster General's report film ishes a full and exhibit of tho op orations and condition of the postal service. The ordinary postal revenue for tho Used year ending Juno 30, 1808, was $10 .202,000, and tho total expend! tures, embracing "11 tho scrvico for which special appropriations liavo been made by Cougresj.uinounted tof-iijoU, 502. showing an excess of expenditures of $0,137,991. Deducting from expen dltures tlm sum of $1,800,523, tho amount of appropriations for ocean btcauishtp and otherspeclalser vice, the excels of expenditures was $1,511,400. By ming an unexpended balunco In th Treasury of $3,800,000, the actual sum for which a special appropriation is required to meet thu deficiency is $711, 1C0. The causes which produced this largo excess of cxpendlturo over revenue were the restoration of service in the late Insurgent States, and tho nuttin'' Jnto operation of new service established by acts of Congresl, which amounted, within tho last two years aad a half, to about -13,700 miles equal to more than one-third of the whole amount of the service at the close of the war. MEXICO. Our ralatlons with Mexico daring the yaar have been marked by an lncrea ing growth of mutual confidence. The Mexican Government has not yet acted upon the three treaties celebrated htrt last summer for establlshlnc the rights of naturalized citizens upon n liberal and just bails, for regulating consular powers, nnd for the adjustment of mu tual claims. 1IAYTI AND HT. D011ISGO. I hivobecn reluctantly obliged to ask explanation and satisfaction for nation al Injuries committed by tho President of llayll The political and sociil con dition of tho Republics of llayll and St Domingo Is very unsatisfactory and pilnful. Tho abolition of slavery, which lias been carried into effect throughout tho island of SI. Domlntfo entire West Indies, except the Spanish Islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, has been followed by a profound popu lar conviction of tho rightfulness of re publican Institutions, and an Intense de sire to secure them. The attempt, how ever, to establish republics there en counters many obstacles, most of which may be supposed to result from long ludulgcil habits of colonial stiplneness and dependence upon European mon archical powers. While tho United States have, on all occasions, professed n decided unwillingness that any part oi this continent or of Its adjacent Is lands sliull ! made a theatre for a new establishment of monarchical powers, too little has been tlono by us, on thu other baud, to attach tho communities by which wo are surrounded to our own touutry, or to lend even amoral sup port to the efforts they aro so resolutely and to constantly making to secure re publican institutions for themselves. It Is, Indeed, a question of grnvo consider ation whether our recent and present example is not calculated to cheek tho growth and expansion of free principles, and mute those communities distrust, If not dred, a government which at will consigns to military domination States that are Integral parts of our Federal Union, and, while ready to resist any attempts by other nations to extend to this hemisphere thu monarch ical Institutions of Kurope, assumes to establish over a Isrgo portion of Its peo ple n rulo more absolute, harsh and tyr anlcal l han any known to civilized powers. MOKR TinWTOKT. Tlis acquisition of Alaska was made wllli a view of extending national Ju risdiction and republican principles In the American hemisphere. Bcllovlng that a further step could bo taken In the samo direction, I last year entend iiuo a treaty with thoKIngofDcnmaik for tlie purchnsu of the Islands of .. Tlioina3 ami St. John, on tin1 best isun's then attainable, nnd with the express consent of tho people of thoce Island. This treaty .still remain uudrr consiu oration in tho Senile. A now conven tion hue been entered Into with Den mark, enlarging tho time filed for final ratification of the original treaty, Cora prvhetisive national policy would teem to sanction the acquisition and Incorpo ration into our Federal Union of the several udjacunt continental and Insular communities as speedily at It can be done peacefully, lawfully, and without any vlolslion of national Justice, faith, or honor, Foreign possession or eontrol of those eoiuinui lllibhns hitherto hin dered tho growth and Impaired tho in fluence of thu United Slates. Chronic revelation and anarchy there would be equally Injurious. Kach oue of them, when (Irmly established as nn Indepen dent republic, or when Incorporated In to tlio.Unlted Slates, would be a now ouice of strength and power. Confor ming my administration to these prin ciples, 1 have on no occasion lent sup port or toleration to anlawful expedi tions n't on font upon the plcaof repub lican propagaudlsm, or of national ex tension or A(f rnndlzcmcnt. The ne cessity, however, of repressing such un lawful movements ele.irly indicates the duty which rests upon us of adapting our legislative action to the now cir cumstances of a decline of European monnrchlat power and influence, nnd lie increase of American republican I leas, Interests, nnd sympathies. It . sunot he long before it will become no crssary for this government to lend omeeffectlvc aid to the solution of tho oolltici! and social problems which nro continually kept before tho world by thetworepabllcsof tho Island of St. Domingo, nnd which aro now disclos ing t hems t Ives moro distinctly than heretofore In tho Island of Cuba. The subject Is commended to your consider ation with all the moro earnestness, be came I nm satisfied that tho time has arrived when oven to direct a proceed ing as a propo-ltlon for an annexation of tho Island of St. Domingo would not only reccivo tho consont of the peo ple Interested, hot would also glvo sat isfaction to alt other foreign nations. -I am awaro that upon tho question of urthcr extending our possessions It is apprehended by sonic that our political system cannot successfully bo applied to an area more oxtended tha'i our conti nent; but tho conviction is rapidly gaining ground in tho American mind that, witli the Increased facilities of in tercommunication between all portions of the earth, tho principles of free gov ernment at embraced In our Constitu tion, If faithfully maintained and car ried out, would provo of sufficient strength mid breadth to comprehend within their sphere and intlucnco the civilized nations of the world. THE SANDWICH ISLANDS. Tho attention of the Senate nnd of Congress is afiitn respectfully called to the treaty for tho establishment of com mercial rociproslty with tho Hawaiian Kingdom, ontered Into last year, and already ratified by that government. The attitude of tho United Slates to wards these islai.ds is not very different from that In which they stand towards the West Indies. It Is known and felt by the Hawaiian Government and peo ple that their government nnd Institu tions aro foeblo and precarious; that the United States being so near a neighbor, would bo unwilling to tee tho Islands past uader foreign control. Their prosperity is continually disturbed by expectations and alarms of unfriondly political proceedings, a:, well from the United States as from tho foreign pow ers. A reciprocity treaty, while it could not materially diminish tho revenues of tho United States, would bo a guaran teoof tho good will naa forbearance of all nations until the people of tho islands shall of themselves, at no distant day, voluntarily apply for admission into the Union. nussiA. The Emperor or Russia has acceded totho treaty negotiated hero in January last for th security of trade-marks In the interest of manufacturers and com merce. I havo invited his attention to the Importance of establishing, now whlltf It seems easy and practicable, a fair and equal regulation of tho vast fisheries belonging to tho two nations In the waters of tho North Pacific ocean. RIGHTS OF NATURALIZED CITIZBNS. The two treaties between tho United States and Italy for the regulation of eon-u'nr powers and the extradition of criminals, n rgotlatcd and ratified here duri iik tho lust session of Congress, havo been accepti-d nnd confirmed by tho Itallaa government. A liberal consular conventlon which has boen nogotl.ited with Belgium will bo submitted to the Senate, the very important treaties which wert) negotiated between the United States nnd North Oermany and Bavaria, for the regulation of the right, of naturalized citizens, have been duly ratified and exchauged, and similar treaties havo been enteral into with tho Kingdoms of Belgium nnd Wurtem berg, and with tho Grand Duchies of Had en and Hesse-Darmstadt. I hope soon to bo sblo to submit equally satis factory convsnttons of tho same charac ter now in the courso of negotiation with the respective Governments of Spain, Italy, and the Ottoman Emplie. Examination of claims against the United States by the Hudson't Day Company and tho Pugct's Sound Agri cultural Company, on account of cer tain possessory rights In theStute of Or egon nnd Territory of Washington, al leged by thoso companies In virtue of provisions of tho treaty between tho United States and Great Britain of June 15, 1310, has been diligently prosecuted, under the direction of the Joint Inter national commission to which they were submitted for adjudication by treaty between tho two governments of July 1, 1803, nnd will, It Is expected, bo concluded at an early day. (MEAT HWTAIK. No practical regulation concerning colonial trade and the fisheries cau bo accomplished between thu United States and Great Britain until Congress shall havo exprctrcdtholr Judgment concern ing tho principles involved. Throo oth er questions, howovcr, between the U. S., and Oreat Britain remain open for adjustment. These ore tho mutual rights of naturalized citizens, the boun dary question Involving tho tlUo to tho island of San Jnan, on thoPncillc ecost, and mutual claims arising sinctt the year 1853, of tho citizens and subjects of the twocountrlos for injuries nnd dop- i editions committed under authority of their respective governments. Negoti ations upon thoso subjects are pending, and 1 am not without hopo of being able to lay before tho Senate, for its con sideration during tho present session, prou cols calculated to bring to an end inme justly-exclting'snd long-existing controversies. I'ltOl'OSKD AMENDMrKTHTO T1IKCON STITUTIOM I renew the recommendation contain ed In my communication to Congress dated tho ldth July last a copy of which uccnmpanlett this message that the Judgment of thopeoplo should bo taken on the proprloty of bo nmcndlng tho Federal Constitution that it shall provide 1st. For an election of President and VIco-PrcnIilent by a direct vote of the people, Instead of through tho agency of electors, and making them Ineligible for re-election to a second terra, 2d. For a distinct designation of the person who shall discharge theduticHof I'MwIdeut, In the event of a vacancy in that ofllce by the death, resignation or removal of both tho President nnd Vice President. 3d. For the election of Senators of tho United States, directly by tho pcoplo of tho several States, Instead of by tke Legislatures; nnd 1th. For tho limitation of period of years of tho terms of Federal Judges. Profonndly Impressed with the pro priety of making theso Important modi fications In the Constitution, I respect fully submit them for tho early nnd maturo consideration of Congress. We should as far as possible rcmovo all pre text for violations of the organic law by remedying such Imperfections as tlmo nnd oxperleiico may develop, ever remembering that ''the Constitution which ntnny time exists, until changed by an explicit nnd authentic net of tho wholo people, Is tacredly obligatory up on all." In the performance of n duty Imposed upon mo by the Constitution, I have thus communicated to Congress Infor mation of tho stato of tho Union, and recommended for Its consideration sncli measures as have seemed to mo necess ary and expedient. If carried Into ef fect, they will hasten the accomplish ment of thu great and beneficent pur pones for which the Constitution was ordained, and which it comprehensively states wero "to lorm a moro perfect Union, establish Justice, iusuro domes tic tranquility, pro vide for tho common defence, promote tho general welfare, and secure tho blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." In Con gress aro vested all legislative powers, ami upon them dcvols-es tho responsi bility as well for framing unwiso and expensive laws, ns for neglecting to do vlso and adopt measure absolutely de manded by the wanttof tho country. Let us earnestly hopo that before the expiration of our respective terms of service, now rapidly drawing to a close, an all-wise Providence will so galdo our eounscls ns to strengthen and preserve the Federal Union, inspire roTcrcnce for tho Constitution, rettoro prosperity and hnpp ness to our wholo people, and promote "on earth peace, good will to ward men." Anduew Johnson. Washington, December 0, 1808. to dfriumlmWs BLOOMBBURG, PA. rniDAT BionxiNo, dec. is, isos. -Tnn f.csiniAN has tin, Lsmti SrenlaNan In Columbia anil ailjolnlnt; eaunllcs sf snr natier nubllthf dilicre. and Bs iIid a mneh larger sheet than any of Kaeatempararleii and Is therefore the licit medlunt far adrevUelng In (his section of ha Slate. The President's .Jttcssafo, and the Finance. Last week wo gavo a synopsis of this Important document, and this week we give it entire, with tho exception of a small portion giving details of ex penditures in tke Depart incuts, and rc vlowlng our foreign relations. Andrew Johnson has not been intim idated by tho success of tho minority Itadical party. Ho arraigns them moro strongly than ever for their extrava gance, corruption, und disobedience to the Constitution. His last annual mes sage is a complete vindication of him self, and the petty efforts made In Con gress to suppress It, will only eauao it to bo moro widely read. That portion of it which claims tho most attention is his so-called "Repu diation scheme." Thy President says that "it cannot be donied that we nre paying nn extravagant percentage for tho money borrowed, which was paper currency greatly do picciated below tho vuluo of coin. This fact Is made apparent when wo consider that bondholders receive from the Treasury, upon each dollar lioy own in government securities, feix per cent, in gold, which is nearly or qtilto equal to nine per cent. In curren cy; that the bonds aro then converted Into eapllul for tho national banks, up on which thoso institutions Issiio their circulation, bearing six percent, inter est; und that they aro exempt from taxation by tho government nnd tho States, and thereby enhanced two per cent, in tho hands of tho holders. Wo thus havo an nggregnto of seventeen per cent, which may bo received upon each dollar by tho owners of govern ment securities. A system that produ ces such results is Justly regarded as favoring a few at the expense of tho many, nnd has led to tho further inqui ry whether our bondholders, In view of tho largo profits which they havo enjoy ed, would themselves be nverso to a settlement of our indebtedness upon a plan which would yield them n fair re muneration, and nt tho samo tlmo bo Just to tho tax-payers of tho nation. Our national credit should bo Hncredly ob served; but In making provisions for our creditors wo should not forget what Is duo to tho masses of tho people. It may Ik) assumed that tho holders of our securities hnvo already received upon tneir liomls a larger amount than their orlglnnl investment, measured by n gold standard. Upon this statement of facts It would seem but Just and equita ble that tho six per cent, interest now paid by tho government should bo np piled to tho reduction of thu principal beml-annual Instalments, which lu six teen years and eight months would liquidate thu entiro national debt. Six per cent, in gold would nt present rates bo equal to nino per cent, lu curroncy, and equivalent to tho payment of tho debt one und n half times inn fraction less than seventeen years. This, in con nection with all tho other advantages derived from their Investment, would afford to tho public creditors a fair nnd liberal compensation for the use of their capital, nnd with this they should bo satisfied." Wo nro not prepared to endorse this scheme, but havo no hesitation In say ing thut tho proposition of paying off tho principal of the 6-20 bonds In gold Is a monstrous fraud on tbo people. These bonds were bought and paid for In currency, and by what right, either legal or equitable, do their holders claim gold ? Lot us illustrate i In 1801 a British nobleman tent to this country $10,000 in gold. Itwasthonat a pre mium of 2.75, and with it ho bought $27,500 In greenbacks. With theso ho bought $27,600 of 5-20 bonds. The In terest recelvod to this time alono amounts to $10,000, and yet that Eng lishman prated about repudiation, aud days ho must have besides this enor mous Interest $27,600 lu gold for the principal, which ut pre sent rotes would be in currency $30,123,001 AAA $10,000 for I tcrest received and t his bond-holder by his Investment In gold four years ago of $10,000 realizes $40,123,00. TaKonnothcrllluslrntlon, Just previous to fho war, nnd boforo the passage of tho Legal Tender Act, ft man purchased n farm for $30,000 In gold. The vendor not wishing tho money Immediately, took n nolo therefore. In 1803 he called upon thopurehascrforhls$30,000. That gentleman quietly sold the coin for $00- 000 In currency, compelled tho vender to tnko $30,000 of currency In paymont and had Just $30,000 left I This we shotiltl call rank rcpadlatlon,yct it was legalized by an act of Congress. Again, Pennsylvania had, previous to the war, n number of bonds outstand ing payablo In gold, many of them bo Ing held by widows and orphans, When tho Legal Tender Act was passed, our Legislature not only paid tho Interest in currency, but the principal. If that was fair andjust then, ft i'j now. Wo aro In favor of ouo currency for tho pcoplo and tho bondholder. If tho one gets gold, let tho other have it, if the one pays taxes on his property, lot the other do so. All that we nsk is equal nnd exact Justice among all men, and we shall oppose to the uttermost all legislation creating a moneyed monop oly. Minerity Representation. The Sunbury Gazette has n very time ly arttclo on the subject, advocating its application to the election of members of tho Legislature. Wo do not think the remedy consist! in trebling tho present number of Representatives. Senator Buckalcw's plan of Cumulative Voting Is the only one that seoms to us practicable and fair. It gives to each party, representation In proportion to its numbers, and voters In minority districts do not throw away their votes as Is now the case. Wo nre glad to seo tho opposition press discussing the sub ject, becauso tho reform must be inau gurated by them. We would not limit the prlnelplo to tho election of members of tho Legls laturo; but would extend it to County Commissioners, to tho election of U. S. Senators, and of members of the lower House of Congress. Court ?r:cea1ags Continued. Wednesday Morning. Com. ts David P. Thomas. Indict mcnt Assault with Intent to commit n Rape. A true bill. In tho matter of the Proof of contract in the estate of Henry II. Fritz deceas ed. Court appointed Chrlstlau L.Moore, Guardian ad litem of Emanuel Moore, Margaret Fritz, Guardian of nd litem of Emma Fritz, Tllla V. rritz, James M. Fritz, Maggie C. Frlta and Clara J, Fritz. David Brobst vs Joseph Witts, Jacob S. Evans and Stephen Knorr. In this case moved J.G. Freczethe substitution of Jacob S. Evans and Stcph en Knorr who aro sureties in this case to the right of David Urobst'as plaintiff. Com. vs William C. Coxey. Indict mcnt assault with an Intent to commit a Rape. Recognizance of Defendant nnd his ball forfeited to be respited on ap pearance of Defendant at next Sessions. Com. vs. Philip C. Evans. Indict ment Larceny and receiving stolen goods. A true bill. Com. vs Jasses F. Kilo and Jcsso Hartman,SupervisorsofSugarlonfTwp. Indictment refusing to open n Public Rond. Defendants plead not guilty. Jury called nud sworn. Verdict guilty in manner nnd form as they stand In dicted. Com. vs Allen Mann. Indictment Fornication nnd Bastardy. A true bill. Wednesday Aftkiinoox. J. B. Huzlton vs H. C. Hartmnn, civil suit for damages. Knorr and Whit- mover for Plff. Clark fork Deft. It is agreed that Judgment be entered ia tho above case for one hundred dollars, that II. C. Hartmnn deliver all tho fur niture Photographic goods nnd materi als nnd stock that where In the gullery nt the tlmo II. C. Hartmantook posses sion thereof to J. B. Hazelton nt tho Lnckawana Depot, in good order for transportation. Signed II. C. Hartmnn, J. B. Hnzctou. Tho above Judgment was Immediate ly upon the rendering of the same as signed to Samuel Knorr. Com. vs Wm. C.Coxcy. Recognlzanco assault with intent to commit a Rape. Bail In tliis caso rcnowed. In tho matter of tho exceptions to tho aecountof Charles II. Hess dee'd. who was Admlstrator of E. 11. Hess, as filed by Samuel Creasy Andmr.of C.H.Hess dee'd. Oil motion of 13. II. Llttlo Esn. Col. John G. Freeze appointed Auditor on excoptlons. In the matter of tho account of Silns Jackson dee'd. On motion ofMr.Frcezo. C. W. Miller Esq. appointed Auditor to distribute fund under tho will to legatees and distributees, Geo. Sault vs Sarah Sault. (Dlvorco enso) Publication ordered, nud on mo tion of Mr. Abbott.C.B. Brockway Esq. appointed to take depositions in this caso. In tho matter of the estato or Georgo Cramer Into of Bloom twp. deu'd. On motion of Mr. Clnrk.C. Q. Barkloy Esq. appointed Auditor to mako distribu tion of the balanco In tho hands of John R. Moyer Adosr, of said dee'd. among creditors. Com. vs Mathlas Shaffer. On motion attachment awarded against J. B. liar man and M. Keller as witnesses. Com. vs Napoleon Sampsel. Indict, mcnt Larceny and recclvlsg stolen goods. A true bill. Com. vs Conrad Frolnnd. Recog nlzanco selling Liquor on Sunday with out n license. BUI, Ignored and Proso cutor Jeremiah Snyder to pay tho costs. Com. vs Martin Walsh. Indictment assault and battery. Bill ignored, and Martin Muldoon to pay tho cost. Com. vt John Sogllnger. Indictment soiling LIquer on Sunday. Bill ignor ed and Conrad Froland, Prosecutor, to pay tne costs. Eliza Martcooy by her noxt friend John Vanpelt. vs Daniel Martceny, Subpoena lu Divorce. On motion of Wm. If. Abbot Esq, appointed Com mitsioner to taku Impositions, Com. vs William H. Reinbold. In dictment receiving tax not assessed. Bill ignored and Daniel T. M'Kernan,I'rose- cutor, to pay mo costs. Com. vs Humphrey Parker. Indlot went selling Liquor without Lieciiso. A true bill. Don, pleads not guilty. Jurors culled and sworn. 10 Deo ver diet of Jury finding Doft. guilty lu man ner and form as hu stands indicted. John Trembly vs Fonstormachor Crev vcllag fc Co. Judgement. On Petition of Andrew Groveling Court grant a rulo to show causo why tho Judgment should not bo stricken off. Joseph Polio vs Fcnstcrinachcr Crev- ling A Co. Judgment. On Petition of Androw Crovollng Court grant a rule to show causo why the Judgment should not bo stricken off. In tho matter of the Estato of C. II. Hcsi dee'd. On motion tho Court grant a rulo upon tho parties Interested to appear in Court on the first day of next Term and accept or refuso tho real estato of said dee'd. at the valuation, or show cnuso why tho samo should not bo sold In case the s.tld parties should refuse or neglect to tnko nnd accept the lame as aforesaid. Com. vs Humphrey Parker. Sentence of tho Court is that Deft, pay a fine of ten dollars and costs of Prosecution, nnd stand committed until tbo sentenco of tho Court Is compiled with. Com. vs JohiiM'NInch. Recognizance Malicious Mischief, Cause settled by tho parties. Com. vs Harry Parker. selling Liquor without License. Deft, pleads guilty. Sentence of the Court is that Deft, pay a flno often dollars and costs of Prosecution, and stand com mitted until sentence Is compiled with. Com. vs John Brehcuey. Indictment Perjury. Deft, being nrraigned pleads not guilty, Clark and for Freezo Com. Broikway & Llttlufnr Deft. Jury called and sworn. Dec. 10. Verdict of tho Jury Is that thoy find tho Deft, not guilty, and that ho pay tho costs of pro secution. Sentence of tho Court, Is that Deft, pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed until the sentence Is complied with. Thuusday Mor.NiMi. Com. vs Allen Mann. Indictment Fornication and Bastardy. Allen Maun nnd Moses Schllchcr his bail euch tent In $000 00 for appcarauco of Deft, at next Sessions, Judgments taken at this period on motion for want o appeaiancoand affi davits of defence.Sherlffs Deed, to Par- vluEves for two tracts of land situate in Greenwood twp. consideration $3700. Sold by order of Court ns tho property of Joseph Pllklngton dee'd. Com. vs James Kelly. Indictment assault and Battciy, a truo bill. De fendant being arraigned pleads not guilty. Clark for Com. Abbott fo.- Deft. Jury called nnd sworn. Ve:ditl of tho Jury is that thoy find the Deft guilty In manner nud form ns he stands indicted. Sentence of the Court Dect 12 Is that you, James Kelly pay a flno of $-jO,00 und undergo nn imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of threo calendar mouths, und pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed un til the Lentcnco bo complied with. Com. vsIIonryAlo. Indictment ob structing a Public Highway .a true bill Deft, being atrnlgned pleads notguilty. Jury called and sworn. Court adjourned until 9 o'clock Fil day morning. Finn w Morning, Tho above trial still In progress. Jury reported that they could notagreo. Jury discharged by tho Court. 12 Dec. Doft. and his bail Geo. Cavenco each sent in $200,00 for uppearanco of Deft, at next Sessions. Com. vs Thomas Donahoc, John Duffy and Michael Prior. Warrant for commitment of Defts. to thu custody of thu Sheriff of Columbia co signed by Hon. James Ryan Prest. Judge of Scuyl- klllco. filed Dec. 10th 1808, same day indictment against tho prisoners for the murder of Alexander W. Rea returned n truo bill. John Duffy one of tho prisoners being brouglit personaley into court, the District Attorney declares that tho Commonwealth is ready to pro ceed with the nrrlgnement and trial of all the prisoners, whereupon John W. Ryan Esq. in behalf of tho prisoner8 moves tho Court to postpone tho arraigmcnt and trial until next term, after n hearing motion of prisoners sus tained und ease continued until next term. Prisoner John Duffy reniauded to tho Custody of tho Sheriff and Jailor. In tho matter of the Petition of Bloom twp. fur extending Fourth St. In Bloomsburg. On motion of Samuel Knorr Esq. order appointing viewers continued. It ia ordered that there bo two weeks Court at February Term. That thore bo a venire issued in tho Oyer nnd Terminer nnd also tho Quarter Sessions for drawing aud Summoning fifty Petit Jurors for the first week, and that similar venires bo Issued for tho second week for a like number of Petit Jurors, nnd nlso a venire in tho costmon Plena for thu second week for a Hko number of Jurors. It Is further ordered that ono and tho samo panel for each week bo added to each of said venires for tho respective weeks. Cora, vs David P. Thomas. Indict ment with intent to commit a rape. Deft, being arraigned pleads not guilty. Jury called and sworn. Verdict finding Deft, not guilty and County to pay costs. Com.vs Joseph Vanslckle. Indictment Larceny. Indictment found ot Septem- bcrSessions lust. Deft, arraigned pleads not gutlty. Jury called and sworn. Verdict finding Deft, not guilty. Com. vs John Mussclmanaud Joseph Fnusoy indictment Larceny and receiv ing stolen goods, Defts. arraigned plead severally not guilty. Jury called nnd sworn. Verdict finding Defts. guilty in manner and form ns thoy stand in dicted. Sentenced to pay a fine of $50,00 each, undergo imprisonment for six months In tho County Jail, pay thocoJts of prosecution, restoro tho property sto len if not already restored and bland committed until sentenco bo complied with. Com. vs P. C. Evans. Recognlzanco Larceny Deft, tent in $00 00 for his np penrauco ut noxt Sessions. Com. vs Napoleon Sarapsol. Indict ment Larceny. Doft. urrulgncd pleads not guilty. Jury called and sworn. Verdict finding Doft. not guilty. Frederick Michael vs Henry Fedder and Bowman Trpwbrldgo. Civil suit. On motion of O.W. MlllorEsq. Atty.for Plff. court allow an nmmendment by striking off tho name of Bowman Trowbrldgo. Com. vs Mathlas Shaffer. Indict ment compounding felony. Deft, ar raigned pleads not guilty. Jury called and sworn. Vordlct finding Deft, not guilty and prosecutor Jesse D. Rico to pay the costs. John J. Hhiink vs John Cain, civil suit in debt, ury called and sworn, jury withdrawn uud Judgment for pill', by sonsent for $18.38. Conynghan twp. vs Peter L, Kline, John L. Kllnoand Win. Goodman, civ il suit on contract, Jury called & swora, Dec, 12 plaintiff couYisol nsks leavo to amend the declaration, leavo granted. Defts allege surprlso Jurors withdrawn causo continued. Anron Recso ono of tho Jurors In tke nhovo caso withdrawn by consent of counsel. SATUnDAY JtOttNINO. In tho matter of tho account of Sol. Buss Adm'r of John Pcalcr, Jr., dee'd. On motion of Mr. Wirt, C. G. Bnrklcy, Esq., appointed Auditor to mnko dls trlbutloa of tho balanco In the hands of tho ndm'r. lu the matter of tho account of Jac. Fritz and Samuel Achonbach.oxccutors of tho last will andtestamontof Wm Frits, lnte of Orange twp. dee'd. On motion of Mv. Clark, Attorney for est., thoappelntmentof E. H. Little, Esq., ns auditor to mako distribution of the balanco In tho hands of said executors among creditors, Contlnud. In tho matter of tho partition anu valuation of tho real estato of Wm. Clark, late of Montour twp., deceased. Return of Inquest coiiflrmedubsolutely, nnd on motion of Mr. Clark, Attorney forest. Court granted rulo upon the heirs and legnl representatives of said deceased to appear in said Court on (ho first Monday of February next, nnd ac cept or refuso the said real estato ut the valuation or show causo why tho same should not bo sold. Personal notice to bo given to nil tbo parties named In tho said writ six weeks before tho return day. Rudolph Shumaii vs Geo. Shtiman et nl. Summons in partition In common pleas. On motion of Mr. Clark, Judg ment quod partltio flat Inter parties pniedlctur Ac. Flora Shuman et nl vs Andrew Clark Summons In partition common pleas, Return of Inquest confirmed absolutely and on motion of Mr. Clark, Atty. for tho plff., Court grant n rulo on all par tics named in the Wilt, commanding them to appear on tho first Monday of Febrniry next nnd accept or refuso tho said real estato described In said writ nt tho valuation or show causo why tho same should not bo sold. Personal uo tlco to bo served on tho said parties six weeks beforo tho return day of tho said writ. In the matter of the aecountof John B. nnd Isaiah Dcltlcrlch Admr. of thu estate of John Deltlerlch Into of Mon tour twp. dee'd. Account confirmed absolutely, nnd on motion of Mr. Clark Atty. for tho est. Court appointed J. G. Freeze Esq. Auditor to ascertain debts against sold decedent, nnd the indebt edness of tho heiis of said dee'd to said decedent, and distribute) tho money In tho hands of said Admistrutors, and in tho hands of Isniah Dletterlch to whom tho real estate of said dee'd was award ed by the Court, to tho creditors nnd heirs and legal representatives of said dee'd. and mako report to tho next General Orphan's Court to bo held at Bloomsburg in nnd for said county, In tho matter of tho Partition nnd valuation of tho real estate of Solomon Hartmnn Into of Fishingcreek twp, dee'd. Rulo returned served personal ly on all tho parties and nouo of thom appearing to accept, or refuso tho snld real est, nt tho valuation. Thu Court on motion of Mr. Chirk Atty. for said est. direct thu Admr. of said est. to sell the real estate at Public Salo upon tho premises, upon tho following terms to wit: Ten percent of one fourth of tho purchnso money to bo paid on day of side. One fourth less tho ten per cent on thu confirmation of the salo, and thu balance In ono year from tho first day of April next, with Interest from tho first day of.Aprll next. Admlnstrator to glvo ball in tho sum of doublu the amount of tho appraised value. Wm. B. Koons approved us security. It Is ordered that the number of per sons to bo selected as Jurors for tho en suing year bo fixed at four hundred. Michael F. Eycrly appointed Auditor to Audit and report accounts of Pro thonotary, Register nnd Recorder nnd Sheriff with tho commonwealth nnd county. On motion of court appoint Robert F. Clark, J. B. Robison and John G. Freeze Esquires, u committee to serve as committee of tho law Li brary of tho said court In pursuanco of the Act of Assembly passed tho third day of March A. D. 1800 entitled "nn Act rclattvo to tho establishment of a law Library In tho county of Colum bia." In the matter of tho Bond of Philip Mowry for tho support of his wife. It is ordered that Philip Mowry bo releas ed from tho bonds entered into for thu support of his wife. Overseers of tho Poor of Bloom twp., vs Overseers of tho Poor Hemlock twp. Appeal by Bloom twp., from tho order of removal in tills case, continued. P. A Sell vs Norman Hondorshott, certiorari to bu glvou to plff. A Dcnlus vs John Christian, certiora ri, no notlco to plff. continued. Fred. Miller vs David Yeager, certio rari, proceedings reversed and set aside. Poor Overseers of Centro twp.,vs Jno. Stlncr and BenJ. Stinor, rulo on defend ants to show causo why thoy should not support their mother, nrguod Dec. 12, 1803, In tho matter of tho report of n road lu Briarcreek twp., near Evans Mill, ar gued Dec. 7, Dec. 9, proceedings sot aside, Robert Gorrell vs Bernard M'Dreurty certiorari, continued. In tho matter of tho report of road In Hemlock twp. near Wanich's bridge, exceptions sustained und report set aldo Dec. 12 1808. Reuhunllceser vs James Thomas, case in slander, exceptions to plff, bill of costs, to bo taxed beforo Prothonotary. Conynghnm twp., vs F. R, Wohlforth, ensostutod, argued Dec. 7. Stephen Thomas vs John L. Kline, Supervisor of Conyiigham twp., rulo to show cause, continued. In tho matter of tho petition for the removal of the school Directors of Con ynghnm twp. rule granted toshow cause etc. Not served. In thu matter of tho account of Chas. H. Hess Adm'r. of 15. II. Hess, dee'd. as filed by Samuel Creasy, Adm'r, of Chas, II, 1 less dee'd. Audltornppoiutud, In the matter of thb report of a road In Hemlock twj)., near Andrew Ohl's, confirmed finally Dec. 12, 1808. Martin Moiiaghan vs Conyiigham twp certlomi. No. 75 to 133 Doc. T. 1603. Diminution of record suggested. In tho matter of a report of aroadjn Groenwood twp.,tiear Catharlnu Tiiom as, continued. Jacob Shoemaker vs Michael Coon, Excoptlous to auditors report distribut ing money arising from Sheriffs salo of Dxift. ral estate. Argued Dec. 12, 1803. ' TlttAIi LIST. Samuol Pclfer for tho use of Peter Schug ts William A. Cnse-atid Robert S. Howell. Appeal. Continued. The West Branch Insurnnco Company vs Simon O. Shlvo. Assumpsit. Con tinued. Edward McCall el nl vs John Sweeny Ejectsient. Contiaued. F. II. Person vs. John cam, Trespass Continued. Thomas J. Vandersllco vs Robert Howell. Caso for deceit. Continued. John Coleman vs Michael Cronnti. Slander. Continued, J. B. Hazleton vs W, C. Hartinan. Dec. 9, 1803 Judgt. for Plff for ono hun dred dollars nnd cause settled ns per agreement. John Cooper vs Daniel iiower et ni iVppcat. Continued. John Qllroy vs William E. Stonier. Debt, continued. Isaac Togcly vs James W. Bankoy. Debt, arbitrated. Gilbert Fowler vs Reuben Miller, debt Judg't for plff. as per writing filed for $127 and costs. Joshua Davis vs Parvln Eves Jr., nnd Geo. M'Ewen, Trespass on tho caso ote. Settled. Ellas George vs Aaron Person, Sci Fa Sur Mechanics lien, Judg't. for plff. by coascnt for $393.19 and costs Dec. 8, 1608 stny of execution ono year. Chns. R. arecn vs. Peter Schug, tres pass Malicious prosecution, continued. Samuel Bcnncr vs. John Hinterlitcr, debt, continued. Lucas N. Moyer vs G. W. Collamcr, Scl Fn Sur Mechanics lien, continued. David Lewis Guardian of Sarah, Ma rin and Bcrliuda Hoss, heirs of John Hess, dee'd. vs Collins Sutliff, nppeal continued. Wm. Ikclcr vs John S.tvage and Jno. Held, debt, continued. Joseph Thomas vs John Itaup, reple vin, continued. Christiana Fox vs John Jones, debt continued. Henry J. Ycaplo vs Isaac Driimm, with notlco to Samuel Thomas, tcrro tenant, Scl Fa, coutln ued. Samo vs samo Scl, Fn, continued. Ellas Snyder vs Adam Schuyler nnd Lewis II. Schuyler, appeal, continued. Frederick Michael vs Henry Fedder, and Bowman Trowbridge, appeal, con tinned. John Applcgato vs Titos. Folk, two cases In ejectment, continued. Charles Krclsher by his next friend nnd father vs Henry Knnpp, slander, continued. Geo. Kinly vs Geo. Vanslckle, appeal, continued. Simon C. Shlvo vs Hannah E. Arm strong, appeal, continued. OltPIIANS' COURT. Dec. 11, 1808, Martin W. B. Yorksnp pointed guardian of the minor children of Wm. T. Caudeman, dee'd. Dec. 7, 18C8,on petition Wm, Kramer appointed guardian of tho minor clill drcn of Mathlas Crossloy, dee'd. Dec. 8, ou petition Geo. Marklo up pointed guardian of Franklin P. Mar kle. Dec. 8, on petition Geo. Marklo ap pointed guardian of Cclestla Agues Marklo. Dec. 7, on petition Henry Holllngs head appointed guardian of Geo. Sharp less. Dec. 7, on putltlon, Harriet Kclfsny der appointed guurdUu of Sarah Relf- snyder. Dec. 7,on petition Harriot Reifsnyder appointed guardian of Ellen Reifsnyder Dec. 7, on petition Harriet Reifsny der appointed guardian of Georgo W Reifsnyder. Dec. 7, on petition Elwood Hughes discharged from his guardianship us guardian of Robert Kinney, Setli Bow crand Alfred Kester. uec. on pennon James Koclicr ap pointed guardian of Setli Bower and Robert Kinney. Dee. 7, on petition James Koclior np pointed gunrdinn of Alfred Kester, Dec. 7, on petition Samuel Yotter chosen nnd appointed guardian of Mary and Lewis Yettcr, Ellos Weaver cho sen nnd appointed Guardian of Miles mid Harriet Yetter. Dec. 12, on petition salo of tho real estnto of Gideon Stecker ordered for payment of debts. Dec. 8, on petitions citations in spc ciflc performance of contract order in t ho estate of Henry II. Fritz, deceased bo tween Henry H. Fritz & Jesse II. Fritz Henry H. & Joslah R. Frltx, Henry II, & Qeo. Fritz, Henry II. & Maria Fritz lu the matter of tho citation in spe cific performance of contract between tho Administrator and heirs of Chas 11. Hess, dee'd., and Jeremiah and Ml chael Hess. Leroy Thompson appoint ed a commissioner to tnko testimony in tho caso aud report tho samo to the next Court. On petition M. E. Jackson appointed Trusteo of tho estato of Samuol Blank and snlo of said deceased's real estate or dered. Dcc.7, on petition, R. II. Eaton, Esq, appointed auditor to report facts in tho matter of tho petition of M. P. Fowler guardian of tho minor children of Silas E. Fowler, dee'd. Dec. 7, on petition citation awarded against Anron Boon, guardian of Sam'l W. Boon to fllo his uccount. Dec. 9, on petition Court order nnd direct that an allowance of ten dollars per month bo granted for tho support and education of tho minor children of Charles H. Warner, nnd tho Guardian Is hcrsby directed to appropriate tho said 'Aim of ten dollars to tho purpose aforesaid. Said allowance to date from Juno 8, 1607. Dee. 9, on petition Court order and direct that an allowance of eight dollars per month bo granted for tho support and education of tho minor children of George A. Deuel, dee'd, and the Guar dian Is hereby directed to appropriate tho said sum of eight dollars to tho pur pose aforesaid. Said allowance to date from April 12, 1807. Dec. 7, on petition Inquest awarded In tho estate of John Hess lato of Fish ing Creek twp., dee'd. Dee. 7, On petition Inquest awarded lu the estato or Peter Miller latoof Cen tre twp. dee'd. Dec. II, On petition inquest awarded In the estate of Jacob Marklo late of Fishing Creek twp. dee'd. Doc. 12, On petition inquest awarded in the estate of Daniel Yetter lato of Hutu twp. dee'd, Dec. 7, Return of Inquest ou estato of John Bltnor dee'd, confirmed nisi, Dec. 0, Recognisance of Wm, UaupA Wesley Perry, his burcty approved k distribution filed. Dec. 7, Report of sale of real estato of Mary John n lunatic, confirmed nisi. Dec, 7, Report of sale of real estate Daniel G Ent, do'd, confirmed nisi. Doc h, iicport of sale of real cstnii, Lnvlna Hutchison dee'd, confirmed ni Dec 8, neport of salo of real estate Peter Melick dee'd, confirmed nisi, Dec 10, llcport of salo of real o.-ttnf John Baylor due'd, confirmed nisi. Doc 10. nn lietlllnn tlm -.l nii.. Jonathan Knlttle, into of snld county dee'd, ordered to be sold for payment of debts, Deo 7, Report of salo of tho real est. of Peter Weaver dee'd, confirmed nM. Dec 7, Ileturn of Inquest on estate of Wm. Myers dee'd, confirmed nisi. Dee 7, Return of inquest on estnto of Deborah Myers dee'd, confirmed nisi. Deo 7, Return of Inquest on estate of Fredcrlch Rohr dee'd, confirmed nisi. Road Petitions and Rki-ohth. Dec. 7, Report on thu division of Briarcreek twp. filed; further order con tinued to noxt term If no excoptlons y tutu nino election win uo ordered. Dec. 0, Report of n Private road In Catawlssa twp. from C. B. Ludwig's to James Reader's, confirmed nisi und width fixed at twenty feet. Dec. 0, Report of a Public road In Benton twp. from S.imuel Krlck- bnum's to Elizabeth Kline's confirmed nisi, and width of road fixed nt thirty threo foot. T M T - L - f .... .. . . ijvk. u, neiiori oi n ruuiic road in Montour twp. at Rupert on land of Lloyd Paxton Confirmed nisi nud width of road fixed at thirty-three feet. Dec. 7, Report of roviuwers of Public road In Madison twp. from near the houso of John Chlstians to near Widow Ruichard's. Confirmed nisi and width of road laid fixed at thtrty-thrco feet. wee. u, iteport or viewers of u Public road In Orcenwood twp. on lino be tween Jackson Robbln's and Chandler Evil'rt. nnd ntultnrv nt mrnnr nf tnn,l f A. P. Heller. Confirmed nisi nnd width of road fixed nt thlrty-tbreo feet. Dec. 7, Roport of rovlew of ti Public road In Greenwood twp. nearThcodoro Lemons and ending at David C.Albert son's. Confirmed nisi, Dec. 7, Report of revlowers of a Pub lic road In Sugarloaf and Benton twp. from ueurEzcklclCole's to Bridge across tiihlngcrcck nt Edson's. Confirmed nisi. Dec. 7, Roport of vlowcrs of a Public road in Centro two. from iwnr .lim Hill's. Confirmed nisi und width or road fixed nt thirty-three, feet. Dec. 7. Report of viewers of n Public road in Catawlssa twp. from Soutii St. in tho town of Catawlssa aud to end at the corner or Intersection of Second St. and Lumber St. Confirmed nisi ami width of road fixed nt thirty-three feet. Dec. 7, Report of reviewers of a Pub lie road in Conyiigham twp. from the Borough llneof Centrallaata road lead ing from John M'Donald's and ending at ii roud leading from Ccntrnlla to Ilig ni i no Run. Confirmed nisi nud width of rond fixed nt thirty threo feet. Dec 7, Report or n review of a road in Fishing Creek twp from n road near Still Water church and to Intersect a road between Joseph Fullmcr's and No ah Drake's, confirmed nisi and width of road fixed at 33 feet. Dec 7, Report of viewers on vacating a road in Juckson twp from Cole's S.uv mill in Sugarloaf twp to Union School Houso in Jackson twp, confirmed ul-l, Dec 7, On application the viewers ap pointed to view n road In Fishiugmck twp. from near tho house of Daniel Do gurt, continued. Dec 7, Report of viewers appointed on petition to vaeato a roud from near Andrew Freas'Ac. confirmed nisi. Dee 7, Report of viewers of a road In Benton twp from the residence of .Silas Knrns &c, confirmed nisi. Dec 7, Depositions filed In tho ca-o of a road view In Briar Creek twp. Doc 10, On petition John Lore, Im Purscl and John Whitmlre appointed viewers for road in Madison twp. from tho house of Jacob KIsncr to near tlio houso of John D Esslcks. Dee. 10, On petition John Allen, Ja cob Swisher and JohnSinitii appointed viowors of a Road lu Greenwood twp. at or near tho houso of Frederick lienglo to near tho houso or Charles Brumstet lcr. Dec. 10, On petition Joseph Lilly, Usui Ent and Samuel Kline appointed viewors for road In Centro twp. near Adam Hill's tc, Dec. 11, On petition Win. Howell, Goo. Oman aud Erl Ikeler appointed viewers forn rond lu Mountpleasiint and Madison twps. near Savlll's Factory Ac, Doc. 10, On petition of commissioners John C. Dfity, Peter Caso and John C, Wenner appointed viewers to view workmanship or Bridge built by W.A. Kile, over Coles creek in Sugarlo.d twp, Dec. 10, On petition of commlssloncH John C. Doty, Fotcr Caso and Joint C. Wenner appointed viewers to view workmanship of Bridgo built by Ell Mcndcnhnll over West creek in Bcntun twp. Dec. 10, On petition of commissioners Hiram R.KIino, David Achenbach nnd John Megnrgell appointed viewers to vlow workmanship of u Bridgo built by Daniel M'Honry ovor Raven crock In Fishingcreek twp. Dec. 10, On petition LucnsFiihrlnger, Jacob Stlne and John Yeager appoint ed viowers to view and vacate n road In Catawlssaand Franklin twps.from near tho Foundry of Geo. Hughes & Son to land or John Hower. Dec 10, On petition Washington Purr Joseph Kistler and Hamilton F. Clark nppointed viowers to vlow and vacate a road in Locust two rrom near A S Knlttlu's. Dec 10, On petition, Lewis Yetter, Stephen Baldy and James MeNiiuhi appointed viowers to view n road in Lo cust twp. on lunds or Philip Frofly and Michael Stlno. Deo 10, On petition Lewis Yetter, Sto plien Baldy and James McNinch , up polntsd viewers to vlow nud vacate a road In Locust twp rrom near the saw mill of Philip Proffy. Deo 11, On petition Win Campbell, John Ilerneranil Mnyberry Snyder ap pointed viowers to vlow and vacate a road in Conyngham twp from Centra 11a to Llttlo Mluo Run. In tho matter of the roport or view ers or a road in aroenwood twp from near tho houso or Catharine Thomas, returned May 6, 1808 and confirmed ni si. Exceptions filed May 0, 1608, refer red back Sept 10 1803. continued Deo 12, 1808, Deo 11. Rcnort of vlowcrs of a road in Mlfllln twp from near Yohe's Grist I. Continued,