The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 11, 1868, Image 2

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lie flfjolumbiau.
I'tllllAV .'(llllMMi, HISC. i(, urns,
tMIIE COM'MIIIAM lim die l.irqrm
trcnlMlim In Cnliiiiilil nml attjoltiliig
untie, or Nnj ajic r tiultllilirtl.licrr, ami
M alan r much Incsfr alteel tlinn nny o
Itacsl.niitarftrlrai a,m la there rate tlir heat
m.ttlum far Btlreellaln; lu I1 MClloii ,i
tha Slate.
T1xt Prtiidcnt'a IVScstajrc,
Tim Important ddCiiBiant retfhnt tt
Urn lain for publli'iitlnu in this wedi'slls
itia, but v give Its lustllni; nilut1, air
111 MilviinoA (if any otliur County p.pnr
It win to t: ! houses nf Cuti
irrttn (in Wuilimsilay hi iiim nVloek p.m
Tim I'ri'sld.nt opi'iu tiy referring t'
tut iiim-rupi'ctiiututluii of VIij;inl.,Mii
sliltiil, uuil Tejciw Iu C()iiirtM. Aftsf
a fair trial, Uu tliu rceonstruetlm
new havo suli.sUulllly f&llcil,fiii'l jirnv
ml umlrloui In their rciulU, mt tlier
,utiis no koikI r.ioti why tlicy slinttli
ruiwin on the Jtatiito liook.s. fsl.tli-s t(
which tlu (Jovernniunt s mrantrcsii rr
pit 'liesti form of (.'ovci'iiiiieiit havo lit er
rviltit'cil to mlliliiry ttiMiunilf-ni'lt's. II'
(laburaws this Oct mid Its i-oiiatqiiun
e,tind jfui-j on to say hriully tli-ti-xni'
rhni-e has (loiimndcd the lapoal (if tin
Civil Tfiiurslilll. Hi! rriiiuiiiicnit-i alat
that tlia net (if March -. 1M!7, (Icprlvltn
ttw President of powor tu isstto riillitn
ry orders) except through nrmy hi'iiii
quarters, bo repealed, and nil other nb
noxious Irs restrict in;; nxrciitlv
powcri. The iussi;i' ruvlews Si'Orelu
ry .U'C'ulloch't report mid speaks til
loujrth on nuances anil Must;intlilly I
tli? mmu vein of tin report. Ho pie
turei thu evils of .1 (lepreeiatnil eurruu
oy. tlio tucn-iity for u return to specie
payments', nml inuurafn tho main prni
nsltiotis of llielln.inuo report. I'll 1'ies
blent ihouulvojii rejume of ths annual
reports mid calls Attention to tho recoin
uieiitUllous therein, lit imiUe.i bu
slight reference to tho negotiations f
tbtsettiamcutoi' tho Alsib.iui.i clnlui
Our relations with Mexico hnvo ben
marked during tho year by Increailnr
crorrth mid natnral eonridoncc. Th
Moxican Government has not yet acted
m the thrco treaties for iu1Jutment oi
elttluu, regulating consular powers and
wtnWIlsalnp; tho right of naturalized
eitlstuis. Nfcgollatlons are pending un
ilrr tho ntupicM of tho United Slate
for tho conitructlon of u ship canal
ero?3lho-Isthmu3 of Darlen.and I hop
toboablo to submit tho result to the
Senate. Tho President says ho hnj been.
compelled to mk czplnnntlon and satis
faction for natlonnl Injnrics cominltcii
bytho I'rcsldentof ITaylljnndlii speak
IngofCuba ays: "It cannot be lone
turore it will bo nccesary for tho pov
ernuiont to lend some eTrctlvo nld ti
thn solution of tho political and uncial
prouienis which aro Kept beforo tl:c
world In tho Ialaud of Kan Douilngn
and whlth are now (llselosliij; them
snivel in the Island of Cuba. Tho sub
ject is commended to tho enrnojtntsi ni
Congress becauso I am satisfied that tin
tlmo has arrived when even jo direct r
a protoedlnc as a proposition for an an
nexation of tho two republic of the
Island of Domingo would not only ro
celra the the content (if tho pcoplo In
terested, but would ali-o givo satNfac
tlou to all foreign nations."
Uegtrdiiig other foreign matters, the
menngo Jelates to consular and eoii
mercial mutton, and is not Important,
iudttd, hardly worth printing. In con
eluding his mesag, tho I'mldent rec
OBineuds tho following amendments to
tho Constitution of the United States
Firtl. For tho election of President and
VlcaPreildent by tho illrrct vnleo of
tho people, and making tl.eui I icligl
bit for ro-eleetlon. Nevomt. l-'or a dis
tinct designation or th.i onleo of Presi
dent in case of th death of the Prcii
dsnt and Vice-President. Tiinl. I'or
elsctlou of Senators by tho people.
fourth. Forth limitation of th term
of years of ofllees of Federal judges.
Tho President hopes that when hlsUrm
ofssrvlc expire wilh thoso whom he
now address, that tho Union will b
hlested and prosperous The message
is datd Washington, December 0, 1SB5
and li ilned Androw Johnson.
Grand Jury'u Report.
Tna Grand Inquest of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania Inquiring for
th body of the Cointy of Columbia
upon their oaths and solemn olllrnm
tlons, rc-pectfully, do present, that
Mordccal Millard, SherlU'of Columbln
county, staled to tho Grand Jury, tl iv
the Irons for thopropsrhecurlnjnfpit
onors In the County Jail were insudlct ii',
ar.d that irithout somo action be tnh. ii
by tho proper aulhriritles for pro"ii!l ig
band cufTs and hobbles, nt In tho
present rns of prisoners In his char,'o
in County Jail, prisoners would not be
crurc. Wo thcrcfnro recommend tint
the nccesssry hand culTs and hobbles bo
Iinsdlately procured. Wo further ro
coramenrl that a guard or three (ov as
many mere) men armed as tho .Sher
iff denns ne erf ary are appointed to as
sist the Sheriff In pafely securing prls
oners now In County Jail. All or which
Is respectively r nbmltted.
WlM,Ia..M IjWMO.V,
Illoomsburg I)c. 0, 1603. Foreman.
She Coming Man.
Jcw i.iit the trooly lo,a depart In
peace. Their eyes have seen the glor.v
of tho coming of tho I.urd or lather
did, ir on blind at tho opening or tin
siMHlon Monday. A negro has been d
claredelectid to Congress to fill mil tro
unexpired term of the late Jumes Maun
admitted last iutniucr as a ltepr'e-onta.
tlvo rem thoSfcond Louisiana District.
Mr. Mann was, during tho war, a Col .
in tho Union army, mid was uloctid ns
a Democrat by tho Louisiana whiten.
In his stead there now comes up this
ttooly loll negro, who, doubtlen, m'sdo
much bread and meat during tho tnr
for the rebel hosts.
trlctlngof this Statu Is experienced the
more villainous It uppsars. For eiuni
ple.Lancaster with hsr 21,000 votein low
one inumber of Ceugret, and Alleghe
ny with 10,000 voters has two. Yet Ltl
aurne county, which Is Di-niociatlc, and
has 23,000 voters, U udlslilet In coniPce
tlou with Susquehanna, which polls 0,
000 volts. In other winds, 81,000 votes
are required In u Dumocratiu District
llko t ho Thirteenth, while -10,000 In
Itadlcal Allegheny have two members.
To Illustrate further, Lancaster county
has two Senators, white Luzerno with
1,000 muro voters has but one. And
this Is called a Itoprtscutntlvu Govern-mantl
Oanrt Prococdlntr".
'I'll ui". has hu-n a largo ttud.iiice ul
Omul this MirL, Tho c.ti'iontlon uf
rylns tl'c men charged with Mr. Ilen'n
ntirjer 'n.niglit iimny to town, mid tb(.
ticleniiut VM-atbtr ptevetiled the Ur
ueib liom diiitig any outtddo work.
Mr. was sorn In tis Dlstrln
tlnrney and at onen cnlenil tipnn tl.e
,11-eharge of bis dnlles.
filrptiru Knorr was excttied from serv
;ngas Grand Jttnr, and Wm.Chrlsi-iiati,.Iaun-s
Catherou, Alexander Col
ley, Charles A. M is in, Win. II. Mhoo-
uaHor and H. 11, lllu.frd were exeuv"
irnm -rvlug us Traverse Jurors.
Isfjic M' Pride, Ksnitlel Ktrllrr, .lacol
s. Mv.insof 1'lnnnt, anil .Iscob S. Kvam
of Grcrnwsol, weir appolntot Tip
Cmi. v.' Samuel ffcc. Defendant
mil II. I. Fortncr h.Md in ball each for
iiOO.uo fir'ini or Deft, ne.t
Com. vs. N. I,. I'diupbell, Iudlctmxii
Forgery. A Jury was taken In the can
I'ttt'diiy mornlnx. Me"r. Jtekson.
! lakes. Iiahly and Tnugli,rur the Com
imI Messrj. Collins, Clark and Froezt,,
Hir di fciiee. On Wednesday morning
ns the ui-e was nbotit to proceed, Mr.
i lakes aniitmncod that after consul la
turn among the parlies, It nas deemed
di'lr,lble for nil Interests that a iwl!i
pmirqul ill mid bu entered, which was
Com. vs FranclSmplo Indletmn
larc iy and reeelvlngstolen goods. Sm
tru bill.
Com. v Jamei Kellcy Indictment.
iault and battery. A true bill.
Com. vs John McNinch Indictment
'or destroying a land-mark. True bill.
Com. vs Jess Ilnrttnan and Jat. F.
'.ill Indictment for not opening a
public road. Tine bill.
Com. vs Ilnry Ale Indlclmsnt,
Nnlanci', True bill.
Com. vs Harry Parker Indlclmen'
selling liquor without license. Truehll
Com. vs Humphrey Parhcr. Kami
us above.
Com. vs John 5Iu8clman and Joseph
Fausay Indictment larceny and recel
ving xtnlen goods. Trus bill.
Com.vs M:hlas J.Shnirer Indlctmtni
t. mp-itl ndlng felony. True lilll.
Cmi. vsJohn Orcheny Indictment,
pciliiry. Trso bill.
Wixteii with all its vlcnr Is upon u
I'ho enrth-coveri'd snow the frnzei
'trcam-tho hanging leiclo-thellnL'llm-
sleigh bellj-all Indlcato Its presence
To many It Is a smsou of recreation
Tho farmer at this time enjoys t period
or rost. Young men and women glldi
merrily over frozen roads, and turtle-.
and dances become popular. Tho ur
chins think It glorious weather, iiik
with enow-bulling, sliding down Ii 11
jumping on parsing sleighs or led-
have a happy time.
JJut Iheio is uno clsss or people ti
whom tliu seaion brings no enjoyment
wlu view Its approach with dismav
It a tfiepoor. Thinly chid, poorly led
and fuel, wliat iiiuct such
poar creatures suffer rluring tho lon
months or winter. Think of It, ye wh
aro romforiaMly snato-l boforo a blaz
Ing fire, wniehlng tliu storm as It hrl
without. Think how many li im-s von
:iu warm, how many hi-nrts you can
elieer ty giving a tltho or jour nbund
A'lee. Christians, mon or the world
now is tho time to bo up and doing. Lei
the churches for a moment send
Ing fl iniiel shirts to the natives or Ar
rlca, and search out their own starving
poor. Lot the Odd-Fellows, Minons,
'mplar, It -si Mnri, Mechanics nun
other charitable associations nut in
practice the doctrines they profess, re
numbering that charity Is chief aiuona
Chilstlan virtues. Belc out tho Indi
gent. If yon malt to beappllod to, ma
ny oftho most needy wi I nnver get rr
Her, for a senso of pride, honorable ti
them-elvcs, provonts many an oue rrom
eeklng aid.
Andyou,Overfeersoflhe Pnnr.ngcnt
of the law for disiieuslmr the nublli-
Imrity, opvn jour hearts and mm ths,
your charges are comfor'ably cared ror
irint llio pauper as n huumn boinir. roi
who knows how toon mine or in ma
be in that eondltio.i. The law Is liberal,
n i5e ; wo that it Is carried out In u gen
erous pplrit.
Distressing Am oent.-Oii riatnrdax
morning last as the Haileton sta'0 wa-
going down tlin South side or tho .Vi s
copeclt mountain, the iron rod tha'
(on lectsthotonguo with tho axle broke,
it. d Inorder to prevent the Iioidcs Troiii
tunning away, tho driver guided them
gair. it tho fide of the road , upsettlnv
tb- Mage. Mr. Mahlon Hick-, or Cen
tre township, tills eounty who was k
passengcr.on his way toMaueh ChtinK,
to visit iitlstcr lying at tho point oi
doatn, was thrown out and had his lu
broken near the hipjolnt. Ilu was Im
mediately brought back, and Is now
lying nl tho rcMdenco or his son, lienj.
Hicks, or this place. Dr. Llttln was
ealhd upon to dress the broken limb,
and tho patient Is doing remarkably
well from all accounts. JStruick On
Tub increase of the public debt for
th.- month of Kuvember will be. in thr
nslgiitiorhoodorten millions of iIoIium.
Tnuswogo. Kach thirty days adds lo
tliuuetit ortliu nation, und makes the
taxes nioro otieroii. Why Is this'
Fit, b. cause tho lUdieal policy hn
p.iinlyztd tho business of the coun
tr.v, and this cut off tho rcveipts
fr.,m income n turns; and secondly,
btvan-s-ithoexp, uses or the government
are Mill t i Miliums riture. In a tim
of p. ace w aro convlnul.ig war dlsburs
merits and when business should be
prospeious, asoctloaal party Is htrang.
ling It by unwise laws and regulailons.
Tin ro must and will be an end to this.
Tho only que-tlou Is, win business men
euro the evil by forcing Congrci to
nnihe tlio needed reforms or allow the
av.ilaiicti to ionic?
Gnr.r.i,r.Y gives Grant what ho con
sldurs good ndvicu.oii the subject of uji-
poiuiuieuis to oinec, or which tho ful
lowing is np iragranh:
All the oftlces In the country uro now
lined. Where they prove lo bo welt
illlid where the now Prtshleut 11 mis
(hat tho Incuiiiheutsuru honest, faithful
und ortieluut elllcers.aud not oQ'eualvuly
obnoxious as politician It strikes us
that It would he wie to ltl titm atone,
Tho country will thus haui the benellt
oftho experience they have acquired In
the discharge of their "duties, Hint the
Tieasttry will be saved from tho the now
swam! nl' olllco seekers who are await
lug tlivlr turn.
How do the army of ofUco holder In
Columbia tuuuty like Greeley's surges.
Huns V
Hoatcr Vnughnn.
k!i:vr.ltAt, vvell-ineaiiliig mid warm
nearled women have culled n meeting
oi Coojier Institute to-night lo take In
i) consideration the case of Hester
Vnughaii, now lying under i-cnlenco of
lenth forlnramlclde in Philadelphia.
vVglve elsewhere lull details or lies.
cr's uuhnppy history. It-oems that
neeaiiielo thlscoitntry In 180(1 a young
Otigllahwomau of twenty, with n niati
whom shesupp.iscd Mi.- was marrlod
nit who was really married o another
wiiniin and who deserted Hester at
'ottsvllle, Pennsylvania, (Vhureupoii
tie ilierted woman became a dairy wo.
nan, and whl e In this sei vice was tin
.lctlm of whst she alleges to bo a rape
hough she prrdsiuntly rwtuses to glv
he name of her ravisher, declaring
that he Is tho husband of a woman and
'ho fatlurof a child upon whom great
sorrow would fall with the revolution
and that misery enough has eouio from
iho matter now. Ait Indeed there has
seeing that a child was the result of the
rape, that the child did not rem tin long
In the hind or the living, and that the
child's mother Is pronounced to bo the
child's murdoror.Whalsutrerliig as well
i (irrov Hester vaughan endured ap
pears lu the narrative that, when slu
round herself to bo pregnant, she went
o I'lilliidelphln, whoroshe worked hard
mil lived miserably In a room renlliig
lor :i a month. Last February the
MM was born. The mmhe-r says slu
vas llireodays in labor, niillerlng he
igony and slianienloue In her wretched
.oom, without friends or lire or food, ot
1 single comfort oreoiuiorier. At la-t
sliu was uncouiclous, and then sum
German women tound hernial n dead
child togetuer. Tiiero was a puncturi
in the sort part ot the child's skull
made, according to ti sllmony before th.
oroner, by soiii blunt Instrument, am
this is the llrst shred of testimou
iigiuiisF, in sier. i nen inn women sa.v
uat lli-ster oil' Ted them all she had li
the world to take the ililld away
wnluh sue denies, saying that sho cou d
mil speak German and they could not
understand English, und that she onlj
asked for the assistance she so sorel.v
net ded. I!ut this Isshred two in the
testimony,, ud these simple shrcdi havi
ecu twisted iuton rop" strong euougl
lo Hang rlesler Vaughaii.
Of cour-e, this Is an cx inirte storv
ireoursi, the woll-inisnlug und warm
learled women In thU city no not in
loud in sot up u dcfciuu tor infanticiil
Hut the clreiiiiislaiici s of Uio ease, takei
upon the prcaent showing, do excite
ym pat hy that is, they do now, und
will nioro to-morrow when our women
hero have ha,, their say and havo pre
seated their views. Uut, alas I aftei
Hester Van ha., had been speedilj
men. poony deleiided, and sumtiiaillj
S"ntenced, for the (1 st tiiiieoue wuniai
in 1'nlladelphla went to call on the un
lortiiniite.thoinch Hester had been lying
in prison full live months! Only out
soman in all Philadelphia, which U
ull or philanthropic women who will
loauyttiing lor the negm brother, ami
ivhocry aloud (or bollud chickens und
home made cake to support Iho Antl
Miitery bliiiiditrtl. Tills one
was very kind to Hester, hut she could
excite no hy anioiig her m-x, anil
now Hester's east- is li ought Ironi I'hll
adulpliia to he considered in .New York.
Is there no syuipithy orroi.-liug li,
Philadelphia'.' O yes, quantities of It.
It appears as folio us: At iho same timi
and In tho same couit which aontenced
Hester to bo hung, was sentenced tilso
Allred Alexander, Incidentally men
tioned as "colored." He had been co
habiting with another man's wife who
had borne a child to Alfred, "colored,"
and oaoday, influenced it is said b.v
ealos.v, ho stabbed too woman, I'rotii
the result or which she sub,equentlj
died, and Alfred was tried mid seutenu
isl to ho hung. Twenty thousand men
and women in Pennsylvania have peti
tioned uovernorUuiry to pardon, or at
least lo (01111111110 the sentence of tha
negro 1 Not one man or woman his
yvt signed such a petition for Hester
Vaughaii! Hy all means let us hear
what is lobe mil in Hester's favor
I'ho plain ease will ut least do as an oil
set to that of Alfred Alexaudur, color
cu. ll oral.
I'm: KmrottiAi, Tiikadmim,. Very
'evv or our readers are aware, of the ex
acting (lutieslueiiiiiiient upon those who
are connected with the i-ilitlni- of
newspaper. The Ilomv Journal de
scribing the burdens or newspaper life,
trutiiiuily states, that It Is one of the
banlslilps of thu prote.ssl that the
iiiluda d body are not allowed to lag
for sickness, or to stop lor ca amity or
irrow. " riiejudge msy adjourn hi
court, tho school and th work shooa
may close shutters, the mourner may
veil his I'eaturis and turn friends unit
trangers from thodnor; but the Join-
utili'l mud forget t.,-niorrow tlienirrovr
if today, and must write gully und
freshly as a noasiiionger on the tnlle-
of the hour, whntuver liutden has been
laid upon that same hour, bv Provi
Law or Tin: Km i Persons meet
ing in carriage on a highway are to
turn to tho right or the rentro or the
highway. Itls not the centre of the
smooth or most traversed part of the
road, but the centre or tho worked part
even though thu whole of ,ho suioilh
or iruvo'ed part bo on ono side. In
winter, however, when the is oh
-trueted by snow, tho centre Is the mid
die of the beaten path. The rulercqulr
ing carriages to turn to the tight does
not apply to the meeting of a "arrlaee
with a horse-car, nor with a traveltron
horseback. A iraveler on n highway Is
bound to to have hi, Imriuss and car
riage in a Md -worthy condition, anil
is liable, for any damage to oloirs occa
sioned by his in-umcleuoy lu this par
ticular. lie.
To Cork a Cum. I'Iio following
from llall'n Jourinil uj JItulth ought, tu
bo known by everybody. To follow
this would save thousand of llvot uu.
Dually i
Tho mnmontu man Is satUflod that
ho bus taken cold, lot him do there
ihiugsi Urst, t.ut nothing second, gd
to hed.oovor up, In a warm room! ihmr
drink us much cold Water as tie can, or
us lie wants, or us much herb ten a liu
can j ami In three case out or four, he
wilt bo well In thirty-six hours. To
in gleet w cold for forty eignt hours utter
the cough commences Is to pmlt ,m.
sell beyond cure, until Ibe-eouh Un
run its course or about u lortuight'
Warmth ami abstinence are sttu and
certain curisi wiieu npplltd -urly,
Wurmlli ktens the omen or tliu akin
upon, and tollnves it uf the surplus
winch it, while uustiuuuuu
cuts n ir
mo suiipiy or Ulutortal lor
phlagrn, whlcii
wouia otiiurwise be
ouguutl up.
Congress. ion, Dre, 8th
I In l ortleth Cmresi convened for
its third session at norm yesterday. A f-
tor prayer theSonate was called to enter
by .Senator Wade, who prisented the
enUjiilinlsof Senator lMm mils, or Ver
moot. The credentials ol !-i,ahir Hill
or Georgia, were also prcsenlkd. Ml.
Drake movid to rercr them to the .In
llclary Coinuilttee, ensuing that tin
expulsion of colored member from tie
Legislation or Hint .Slate was evidence
i hat Georgia was not propirlv rccon
structed, and consequently should not
be reproeuted in Congress. Altr eon
sldeiatile dehite the crrd iltlals were
laid on thu table temporarily.
The House was called to order at
loon by Speaker Colr.ix, Viro-I'iesldent
lect,' who previous to taking his teat,
was warmly congratulated on his eleu
tlou by gentlemen from both sldos of
the House, Prayer was offered by tin
'haplaln, 'after which the roll was call
d, and one hundred und sixty-four
usonsbcrs found to be present.
Oliver J. Dickey and S.N. Pettis, of
tVnusylvutila, and John II. Stover, of
Missouri, newly-elected tnenilieiH. sub
scribed tho oath of olllco and touk their
-.cits. The Spiaker presented a duett
incut from Gov. llullock, of Geoigla,
declaring Unit Mr. Chrlly, who w.,
loeted to Coiigicsa from that.S.ulo,vvj-
.nellgllilo toolll euiidi rtln Fourn eiuli
Aiiteudmeut, and ttiat he had coiim
liieiitly given tlio cei tillcate or electio
ui Mr. Wimpy, who itvelved the nix
blithest number or voles.
Jlr.Hrook iiiiiiounci d thulMr.Wlmpv
mil been a conledir.ite soldier and ban
iic-ii piriloned, mid on h.s motion nl
the papers in the else wi re referred I
ueComii liteeou Kieeion. Mr. Mn
lard moved the releie. e to the aun
imittee of the pnpiiHof Thomas .1
ilimilion, of I'eune.-.see, who, ,
M i.vii ird said, had hou eicted upoi
lie .supposition III t 111 i'onsi ipience i
ner voluntary a'.ulitlon ol's a very, Te-i
aes-eu was eutilleil lo mi ailditionn
llepresintitlve. lie also proposei
that a seat on the II mr ol the Hon
should be given Mr. iUmiltiiii us .
in. ilk of eourtesv. The ciiilenttals wer
referrid, but was ie'ued, nfi. i
jontlderable debate. Umb r the cull (
jlates a number of Mil m d n solutlon.
.vere iutroiluced and referred. Amniik
the latter ono oll'ei-d bv Mr. I'll .
declaring that Jusllie to the public cu o
Itors demand' the innri d.ato payrne.i .
of green baeks In gold.
The resolution was refined to He
Conimltteuon Waymiud Means. Tin
Coiuuilltcu appointed. lo wait on the
President reported that ho would com
niunlinte with tlwllous) In writing oi,
Wednesday, at 1 o'clock P. M. AJoim
resolution was ofT red by Mr. Morrell
declaring that the Hon. Iteverdy John
sou, our Minister to Kngiai.d, was pn
lUdicial to the Interests and dignity o
this Government, nml iique-lltig tin
President to order his liiiinejlate leeali
The House refused to lay the r.-solutioi
on th table, but ordered its refereuei
to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
A motion directing the Judiciary Com
uilltio t'i prepare a bill appropriating
io,00D to reimburse President JoIuim).
lor expensi s incurred In ilefendiiiglilni-
self in the impeachment trial was lap.
on the table. A resolution waadoptu
directing tin! Judiciary Coiouiitteo li
report wlietheramendiiiitsare needei
to the is a uralizatlon laws, und jiai
tlcularly whether tho lower of tccelv
ing declnriitlousof Intel, linn and i.-sn
lug letters of uatutnllzatiou, i-lioiild no
becoullntil lotho Unhid blales Courii-
and to the higher Courts or record j al
o to require uniformity of proceedings
ii naturalization papers, and n recorii
thereof to be kept Thr committee o
Wnj mid Means were lnstnimd lo lu
quire into the x tdleney ol a hpeid
resunipllon of spule iiivn.tnt. Mi
HruxtoH, Assistant Donikiepir, wa
eiectid ilooiki eper In p.acuof Mr. Lip
piucutt, ri slgind.
Ucccipts of "'Jiia ooiiTraiaiAW
for aJov. 18St!.
F Welles tit) (10 J I! 11'irr.tCo
.1 o
H (I
2 II.
2 II
2 0
'1 U'
2 0.
li In
1 fn
'2 II-
2 (I
h II
K-t It Nnglo a Oil Win GUuick
D Z it inley 1 Ot) John l.oriiuu
eutr.ilia It. ho 5 00 C 11 l.nt
W.'lneril 1 II lireisbaeh
A ( o "fl Oil .1 II Ilarmao
illoom HimCii 'J. S'i II Y Hotter
list 1) .Suss it UU Vi linink
L wis
HenJ Yoht! 2 (10
.1 FliiuUericli il 7o
A Kiei-lier
W U Hill ley
1 ri .Mi mi l ot-
H'-iiJ Cole 1 00
I 00 Htl Hh ill'er
1 0.
Silas Young
M Kitjah hullmer II,
II Viii .1 lti (d -1 I),
I W W Itoli
8 00 I'et i KMenclia )
i J A; li.i n ley o I)'.
" o0 'eutr.ilia Sav
'J 00 1 lttg l imit 2 Do
'2 nil liiiltfli A- .Sons III tK.
sue etter
K Dndi te
VI Kurtz
ot) A Seliw. p, o -
I S isiinuiaii
III). Ileiser
2 lit
Divid Hit
(U. Kt I J Gensll
Od'l-I Itoiiuslev
On I', ti l- ti.-tf.-r
II in
:i a
1 ot
Ml-m Ult
.M rratigh
J no D Homier '2 Ml I'etei- Ki-ei
PCWadsworth'J u,il
Taki: Gaiu: or Yuuu r.oora a.m.
Siioi:s. Hoots und shoos are i.vuenlve
Items nowadays, thu-e'oro a .void or
twoof advice in regard lethci-- pre. r.'.i
tlou will not bo amiss. In ilm tl,-,-
plact', do u it expose yoursho.i.or boots
o exueiiiu heat. It des'roys the vltnll
ty of the loUliiT, and roiders It 11. ib i
) crack and break. This is i special J
the cabo with llio.o made ot patent
leather. Wearing gum over-, hoes I-
diclddlly detrimental to leather, Th
heat and dampness caiim-d hy them de
stroys the tile nl theleath r hoes ovei
which they are worn. Never Use blai U
lug or polish tliat contains urulh,
Many persons ruin thuir snoes by using
cheap blacking, of which vitriol forms
tho principal ingredient. Vitriol bbtci.
Ing destroys thooll in tin; leather If met!
for any length of tint. Tu obviate Ibis
lllllt uity, shoes that aro regularly pot
Istietl nliuuld lie washed once a month
Willi warm water, and, when half dry,
a coat of oil and tallow applied. They
shouiU then bo set asids lor it day ot
two to dry. Thus treated tho uppat
leather will rarely ctueU or break.
In the ca; of Gen. aeorgo W. Cole,
who luisjust been tried a stwind tlmo
for thu murder of L. Harris lllsiool.,
whom i e ch uged with aediiclng liu
(One's) nil, t,u jury yettrd.i
brought lu n verdie aiq ultlng the pria
oner. The Jury found tho prisoner lu
bo perfectly aaue u mniiuut biiforu the
murder and ulso u moiueut urter, but
Were lu doubt ubout hi OOJaUlllim at
tbeiuomwi.tufarluu blspLtol. Uuibr
those clrouiustauces thu Judj Ulr. eted
IhDm to give tlio prisoner tho henrflt of
the doubt, and they actsirdl igly broilglt
in si verdict of nuqulttnl.
Nowa Items,
Tito Goddess of Liberty for the
Got'yshurg mouimietit weighs 11,000
A wotnati calmly undressed herselt
In tin- main street of Hartford tho olh
er day.
I he Spanish revolution set rrco n
Madrid editor who was serving n term
it lot ears lu prison,
A tlruiikard was ptetcrd up In tin
treela uf St. Joseph, Missouri, the oth
er day, with ti,7u0 In gold lu his pock
et. Tlie Kmpcrnr of China Is fourteet
year o'rt, while his Ititcndid wife I-
early elevi n.
A giimo cock recently attacked and
to sovprtly pecked n llttlo daughter of
I. W. lltuwn of Vlnceton, N. J., tltnt
ockjaw set lu mid resulted In bur death.
American women. It Is alleged, an
lually We-ir !l."i0,00ll1000 yards or calico,
nd nearly ns ninny dollurs' worth or
Tho other day twoboys In Doverly,
)ntnrlo, amused themselvee, ono by
Mowing a blaeksmlth's bellow.", and
ne other liy placing his mouth over tin
in zzle. The first blast blew the breath
M lliu completely out or him.
A FiCKi.nQiJEK.v. The late Queen
it Spain, Isabella II,.senld by u Paris.
!illtor,wholmi counted them up.tuluv
mil live bundled and nineteen cablnu
ninlsti ! during her reign ol thlrt
.Iveyt iir.s; several times us nianj us ail
he Pri-ldents or tlio United mutes to
ether have had, Irotti 1783 until now.
Sum it years ago n young man In
lei Ilu n.ieil an old man who had
silppul on the pavement. A tew ilu.vs
net; ne was surprised by recelvmgJlO;
iilj lett him by the person whom be had
to slight y btnefltted.
D.eadlul nauglny buy was Thud,
stevens. A correspond -at of the Alba
i.v Arjus In, imales that he vvs tho fil
ler ol eleven illctltlin ite chlldreti.
The daughters of thu late Ciller Jus
ice Taney earn their living in Wash-
oittou by copying reports and papers
mr the .-secretary or the Interior.
Philadelphia has taken steps toltn
ort nthoitsaud English ejiarrows wlilch
viu no lot looso in the public squares
n.l parks next spring.
Nt w York has twelve clergymen
f I in are each paid over flO.CIM a year,
uid a huiulttd others who don't gel 1,
ilUtl each.
It eoslr the United States nearly
otirteen thousand dollars to educate
every cadet that graduates nl Wfft
Over tlO.000 was expended in keep,
ngalive the John Allen prayer meet
nig in New York, and now Water .St.,
s woisotlian ever before.
A miller at Iowa Clty.thpother daj ,
.ouiid$870 lu gold, iua bag or httck
.vnent, which hud been brought to him
o lie ground. The owner appeared a
iey nights after and claimed tho gold,
tvlilcb he had put into the bag some
lour yi ats ago for safe keepitg.
A solid block ofltalinu m trlilo fl ve
eet bi,h. fevin fcrt one Inch long, and
ihriefuct seven inches wldo, with binvy
ntiuliliiigs at top and bottom and a
ich, carved wreath of oak leaves, is tho
iioiiumenl which is to be placed over
the grave of Ja'mes IJuchanan.
Judge nrion, of Nashville, aay-)
thorn is a regular partnership between
Hrowiilow and Colonel Illackburti.
UuieUburu catches a thief ora murderer
and sends word to llro.wnhnv. Tim
Governor then advertises ssjward for
,he ci Imiiinl's arrest, tho state pays it
and the two precious rascals divide the
The youngest mother in England is
i girl of eleven years.
Jobh Hillings saya that "when a
nan a dog deserts him on account of
us poverty, hu can't go any further j
down ill this world not by land."
A little boy of 13, having placed a
penny on the railway track at Uruiis
ivick, Maine, to ste tho locomotive
rnh It, one of the train hands threw u
stick of wood at hira and he was in
stantly killed.
The Prussians, men, women and
hlldreu, iiciordlug ton correspondent,
tre now nil In the harvest Held digging
'Matties with their flngt rs.
One hundred and fifty thousand
lenshtads and boxes or sugar have
n landed In Boston since January
1-t, the largest receipts ever known.
The United States contains the Tol
owing singularly named postnlllces:
d irrotv Hones, Sorrel Horse, TITi,To
io, Why Not, Aioue, Uick'ioue, Carry
ill, I'aiiie, Time, Stony Man, Sal Soda,
.Newborn, Yankee JimV, Rough and
(l ady, Pipe Stem, .Shlckshlutiy, Over
ills, Suowsli io, Miracle Kuu, Simmer,
Lookout. Palm. I .'i-.t i !h n.... v.. ,,,,..,
, -, .......... ,
i any no, urcu v. Teen, iiuit uiir Town.
Gen, Grant lias written a letter to
leu. Sioeiim congralulatliig him on his
election to Congress by tho Democracy
uf his district.
A pleasant New Jersey nurse but
tered the children's bread with arsenic.
Texas claims to bo a "land of milk
and honey," because you can get cow
there for $10 a dozen.
Gen. Grant owns a sixty thousand
dollar house ut Washington and u farm
ol thirty eight acres, worth two Hums
iul dollars per acre, within thu city
ioiits. His real estate at St. Louis,
Philadelphia, and Galena Is worth one
hundred thousand dollars more, mid
three hundred thousand dollars la said
lo lie a r.dr estl'iiate or his total valua
tion. Hu Is also Interested la busliie-s
through other parlies, and altogether Is
in a lair way to havo a cuulfcirtahlu liv
ing without proposed Increaseof salary.
There is an nld lady In Columbus,
Ohio, eighty yiars old, who in culling
hrr third sel of teeth.
Seven hundred trains pass each nth.
r daily ut tho Cluphaiu, London,
Phillip say the greatest danger to
the country Is "peace with tho'South."
Peace Is u great au enemy to such ras
cal as Phillips as rlghtouusm.s Is lo
the devil.
One of the Hartford pn mi an
nounces a Grecian Bend ball In that
city, with h premium of lOfor tho lar
gest "bend."
A largo amount of mutllutid cur-tt-i.c,
iibilt-r l bo ttiout ciruulur Iruiu
llio licaaur,) UiparlUiout hav. beou nuul
lu for rwlsuspiiou,
I'ho ladles of tho Eplseupul
In Cneyenno are preparing for ti grand
sliristm.isfoitlviI. TvrovHtrs su the
dv.w utiid "Al.trry UiirLttmu" where j
I Uhoyei.nuuuwstuuUs,
Reported Uorriblo fEurdor of an En
fant by a TZanns Cllil,
Wit have ncelvetl tliu partlctilara of
i horrlblo all'.ilr which occurred about
n tulle from Corning, Wednesday last.
ur liiformsnt lo a gentleman who re--Ities
lu Coming, whom wo have never
known to mlsrepreietil any Hi in of news
ihat he "".iris previously furnished us
At the place Indicated thpro- resides n
family named M'Cplloilgh, constating
of Mr, and Mrs. M'Colloiigh and tVlr
liree children, ak-ed rsspectlvcly !i
and 1 years. The. husband is rcpri
entid to be a shiftless, Indolent fellow,
-lid his wire hss bten compclied to lit
cor to support the fuinlly. Sho has
lidely been selling sewing mstihitics,
and on Weiluisilay last, started on a
trip through the surrounding country
or that purpose, leaving her children
m charge of a girl named Harbor, lijed
IS ears, whom she hired lor that pur
pose. In tboevenlng the youngest child
(tried and was fretiul, when It was said,
llarbsr threw It upon the floor and
s limped uputi it until It was utmost
lifeless. Then taking the little ono up
sho held Its hands upon a hot stove uu
nl they were terribly burned. The child
.'us too far gone lo utter moio than n
i.ilnt scream while it was being roastul.
limber then threaten! il to tbtow It In
to the well, when the othir children
who witnessed thu whole thing, told
her Ihat ll'shoilld ihey would lull their
mother. Tho it-1 iheu wrapped tin
child in n hlankctiirhedqdil'.nnd placid
it in a t ed, where ii v.'iu lounil by the
mother, who rt turned IiOiiio on Wed
nesday night, di ad. Th" marks of bru
tality ware plainly vtslbiuou its little
body, and, after questioning tho clill
dteti, Information was given the Corou
er. After nil Investigation ho ordered
the arrest of Iiarbci, called a Jury, and
all inquest was In session yestenl ty.
I'ho Inquest will be concluded to-d.iv.
Mini it Is said there can bu no doubt us
lo the finding of tho Jury.
The case mates considerable excite
ment In the vicinity where tho hurrib i
affair ecciirrtil, as well 11 inav. Wi
Wfio unable to learn anything of Ilu
antecedents or the flrl Harbor. Wi
nope, tor humanity's sake, that the re
port given above- is exaggerated.
H:r.clutio;u cf Condolence.
At n appelr. meeting of Cntawiss-u
IiOilge No. 310 the following Cotnnilttie
w.-.s appointed lo veport resolutions of
condolence nd respect upon tlio decease
nf our belovBil broth r John Sharplc-s,
whereupon .'aid committee teportid
the following:
Vueki;ah, It has pleased thu Al
mighty In tho dispensation of hlsjprov
idriico to call from uniting us our he
loved brother and esteemed friend,
John Mharpless, whose kind and i haii
tnblo heart, and pleasing manners and
disposition made hi :i the friend anil
favorite of nil who enjoyed Idsacquain
tauee. Therefore
cesotvfd. That In tho dpeeu"(i.l wo
have always found : worthy nml con
sistent member of our ancient order,
and one who was always te.idy, willing
iul urgent in eonlributiinr to the wants
and necessities of tlio needy and de.-erv-
Jtcsotvfd. That we deenlv und spnsl-
hly ii-el, and greatly denloro the loss of
ourneioved iirniner, anil ronilnlu anil
symtiathlr.o with tho much bereaved
family now left to mourn his los, of
winch he was the honored head.
Jtcsnlieit, Vim a copy of the-elteso-lotions
be conveyed lo the famllvof the
deceased, and that they be published lu
our county papers.
W. II. AttiKirr.
Jas, B. McNim'H, V Committer
J. II. Si;t.siioi.T.,
lux at Homi:. Don't bo afraid of
u little fun at home, good people 1) m't
shut up your house lest the sun should
failo year eirpots, and your hearts, lest
a hearty laugh should shako down some
ol tho rusty cobwebs there. If you
want to ruin your sons, let them think
thnt all mirth initl sue! ti enjoyment
must bu left on the tlireshhold without,
when they come homo, it night. When
omen home is legardid s only a place
to out anil drink ami sleep in, the work
Is begun that ends uli gambling Iioiimh
and ruckles s,l"grcd.iti m. Young people
must huvu fun and relaxation somi-
where j if they do not iltnl it at their
own liearthstoues, it will be sought ut
other and perhaps less profitable places.
Therefore, let the tire burn brightly nl
night, nnd makethi! homestead delight
ful with ull the little arts that patents
so perfectly itndeisliiiul. Don't ii-piess
the buoyant spirit ot jour childn n. An
hour of merriment round the lamp and
firelight blots out t lie retru mhranco of
many a cr.te during the dtij ; and the
best Haft guard they can tal.e Willi tliem
Into tlio world is t liu uu-eeii Influence
nfa bright llttlo domestic sanctum.
Gi:n. grant refused to recelro the tenslirrd tu 1,1m by thu
Martlet Itrpni t,
'.Vfii! ji.T ljunlin ,
iie :..
K.l II "
l-'Nitn ,,-r l-aru'l ,
S .i-t tl
I .1 !S
!'"!!.! it
I'm a .Vm.les
. It (0
. I
. : ui
. 12 Ol
II u
, a i,i
, t Id
; i'j
It .
II tint , M
stars iiit.l jsiimtlilerh
l.tnl r-er prntml
IIhj pt-r Ion
ItrmtiX'k llo-trils r lttouaanit feor
I'llie " " " (una Ibi-ll)
l.iist.s'i-niiillii-i, I'l iitU, illi-iiil wki.
ItltliiRlt-s, Ne, I ptr (hniifiiiuu
" 3 ' " M ,
si. tin; " "
. (Ill It'
. IKllJ.
.. li ..'
... s . I)
... 7 Ml
., lb l
i ittts
Nu. 1 Mcotsh pij
No. 2 " " 9 . i
11. 1! .., mui.u.
r ruvitiiivfiicc. ii
'. sft.
Nurtliwtatcrn ntpfrniis ill,. 0.00
orlltwrstern tulrtu fi,lis C 11
nrlliw,-i.ti nt ramify s..'i.v u tm
lviiiiKj Uitnia ni,a iv'uaisrn tii -i iliiu.. 7.lWmT,iV.
lVuiiKyt,itiiin uno U'fhtrii uxlm ,7.7 tap, S7'
i-i nnay tiiiu tiltil vtktirii litiiilly li. Vkij.ll.
, -un., ,iia uut, uiiiTH I'liir,
He Hour
IVllKAI I'lllltatlVunlil rLsl y Lu. .,
Calllorulii "
" wltlle "
Itvc-JVnii.ylvuul.i ryo, It tar
roiiN Velluw, "
White, "
OATH ttljll,
I'ttovtbliiKs Ml t'.irlt, t hbl
Mi, iit-i-r,
llri.seil lliitfM, )l tn
iSinulitMl ll.titi. "
" hluiultlera V f
Litni, r n..
stKiis l.'lovori i-a it Int.;
Tluiiktto Kt-.-ii f riu. w
KlaXMt'il "
I-ATILK l.ll-r Clllltl, Mil
1 l:l'J,
1 1
Cow-,, hi ail iL'ii
lltf, IIU.-
Iloos-i" limit. ' ,119,12.11
at'innH-IIOPl.lllt-Oii I'rIJay omuiIiiz. ilu il ,
iilt.,l,y K. Ii. K ,ii,ii, K,.,, ur, KmiiH, rtoiu,ln
nml Jtl-a rami, ll.iplt-i, nl. uf ilerwfv-S,
u'ti r.-iKY- w iuon-Oii itic aoiu iiit.f t,y rti-v.
N. Hptar, ut llltt l.ti. itt.lil. lli-u ul Kotr U'lla n.
M.ri."."." 11'"' "ry t Mt Alili.u IUUjiiuI
uf Ktatllllnirtstti IWU.
atlir.ONS-lCI.IWU-Uy tho .uiii nl tha p,i at.
an. iKiu. Slu, Ur. lt-s lltuuuuj, u, ll. tju.
Miity en ' litult i, , n , T,
N ' llHtlT
fttlWl. -
h -siUll, s' M I il , -I-Ulc till
idt 't t nit ii 'i i v iu-sO why n
f , it "i'"tt" KfiM'i limn I lull lifij. (Ti il
!lc l.'ll il , -st, Mi , ut 0
til ol'.. 1 .Mli.UMoM,
Kliii i Murt ill bv tier in tun
I .M li J Mil .it Vwui'fa i m I'
VM, f I,. '! I li
imiiii Mirihi. ji-K.v
Kl.i. i Murt ui bv tier in tun t'-ttirl -f i sun
.it ru uu1 tiii it
iillilil'ii.l, .Mll. I',
.Ni Jm lu tllvor.t'.
Tol),tiii"l M irilu. Iliuvl''iit. Hiri I'tH C-ttnt
hue Kiittit it n iti't'on.v u in H'm mu r why
li illvuit'i! l r,iiculo m lit irti-w t fttloill I not h U-
i m tl, ll -nunttim. iM'Ut m,, I iirn try, im, lwt, ut
lUttVlncUll, III, tMultl'lAJA. Mil.!. VMM,
IMinimiiittrK, ih'c, il'Uvit. rliTiiX
a T H A Y.
, .mr to tlir preinf nf tb -nbnrlbrr 1m
iliMuio. k t'iwnulp. 0 'iuiniiia t 'oil my, un or
ntmul I hf lH iI (eplflflbl'r flvu ln -r, vrl
HUiy lIlHrhl'd 'I I II U, M leMlr1Jtl4'lll, I, I'M miu
l.trfliuil uot pHipt'i ,intl pti uinrKi'ttr Itiw
miiti. WilllettUu ouin.l ivCcfM'.it u hi iiiw.
iiEM I'lill'MMtUor rtAl-KS.
.tii'iornV IVs-nt linn ten id tiitiirAtiil liy
tin iiioHi Hi iiriii leu ifsv lo in UHiJi mi
(rt nur til fit ' im .lUetlMli In itiiy ot' rr innKln
1-41 Uif WAU i III )p t-r (Ul'l r ll III, tiff II' HftUUlly
luv uiitiK is-ly tmy ,tmiutiiMi Ah 1 In
UIO tll'IL'HI Hll.t 111 II sV t I1C lt If I I'lld l MMIlt It
lu nli hiu. I Stft f. I'lirOi.fMliisi ulcowii ir ihiI
ttiid t.xiiuiliie, m vu i i -r (.,im( Ici t'lil.u Jih
(Iifuri (I'U.fMuri'lstt w HiHil'i . finak' il m
Aim rii.tii t ma t u. rtiii"ui,i t o., mw i.nttu
A nnw, i In tip, ilurn'.i. , liiHUUiy-, iiml lltuut'.lui
A i-ulntl'tite I jioI .! iu ut utiQ-tlili-a tiio c -t.
'J In t til '. I trl p.oilllilvit 1I.V H pDOUlltl' Ciriill'lll -
liMt ttt, htitv U, 1 1 plllltwU III til l. Hlllt I)
l.U tiMUS, el Mil'll Ull '. t loll 'I, (Jills ill', Itlt'i
,.iu'l iitdititl mi .ah uitiMHtliu wt t-r, trit.r vi
lli t IMitllo .til, I I). .1-1 I U.iltlll.vft WUxlllllk. t.i.U 1,11
UCl'f tilt. .tl(" I tfl.glK Hit iK'HUIIlUl 111 I lilt U-
ifiL-itio. itn itre An ruimur I'
ll t-t"t iLiint'if il satiinli iiinlU'itir-Mfi; It Ir.
ki fC(Uiii,i hiiii'inu hum kiur-n(n!i(i it u' 'intn.
ttitta lll'Xi l ( . iVUiiifll mil futii 1l ilj 111
UK Oil UpHIHl CiO'tIlv'1 IIUU Ulllvr I'lljeft, tlbll l.tllf
Kut'ii mi'ui' tiiiu ttutiiile; i it i ont.itt. r U.iUluiMti.soluil.ttl itn un
itti ui.ij n nu.1. , iiicit u ! btii ii itillu ; ii
.un'lIil irlj , - rH in .limi I ttUtfi iP
Jit Hll-I I rillil I, .i Ih- no It i uiiiti h i'ti t
Its (ii-stv,.i UlnJil i Kft Up 'I IU M U ii, UUL t Aft It "I, it.
i ujHJU uitv K i, . nl i iiu, iht' Ufcui e j i
pr i ui ihg imtu oin, s in ii ii.u.uiiji , J'it.
u i rtif.Hlj 1 1. n i ri. i ii ttri4't,v r utiiMi
rtW U IvJI llUlilvA, I fl , tin- 1 Ixi,, ,.j.(t tt,
p i if , mil lilt A I Ml i il i'i, I'ttil I ,11 Ulwin u
Hit I 11. It, til LU ti II il ill! it Hoot .
II,., uti i nnui-sii) li I" u tit . nl t rv it .-r.,:
41 t 11 111 I llwlftt ,u tivii tt.UtA tt.ltu .hi
-v -vlr. tVl tftlt HU , s 1 m I l. 1 , .1 I. ,ils tV . .
ii,tiiilhoU "jj, Wi. ,1 lt.
"t..u uml'MvlciiMl wuu U iK-rt-hyahr nnilr-i'tliu, his. tins, mi v I ill I l Im til ul kid I I hT t
im, !i'i, .mil in mr n,i4i , hinii I IiAMi I uiiuii
n mm. ..ii pi i "I'lr it i in ri(j i i . iituu i
it riui ii'K it 1 1 in in ii -i i-ii titv fciiiii-,
Hue. i ti-Il. H 4. MJtsl.AKU
Q T U A V 1 J.
. siimll bn.wii Mud i-uprtw.l in In -Is) ,w i
1(,IL-. l'tlllnil 111 Ul hu.mifttl of U iilrulut.
"HI WH". Hlllllil 111 III MiHlltlHll -i V IIITOIIII, i.ll
Ml! V. MliV .'Dill. DVatli. t rt-iitiiiR., 1 'il
iMrir i'lnvnni imv i-fi i' riy, my ciiuiu'-..
l.ll(Clt iuit nlUCHtut fl tvlll 1,1' i'l) p'.-f I it If
iO'(Uli Hi I..W. IthKilY JAilK--, -il.
I iff. I, ISttS.
i J i ' mi hi I lie i irmlntjof tlif iiinlor-slifnt' 1 'r
itrl'nif I'tuvn-itip. oiif ifil Lull, marl, r I, iU
uitr tiiT. iinr o.i ion in . ottc whit' !ilini in on
troli. JDJ1N i.MVi, io.j;,i.c
TV o t r V K .
l. iliu Miiw-rrl rr I.n tnhin up p.iir lrn
MHi't p tiit imiicr h Ii ri 11 Mini loimi n i i
war! pre in-it'ii, t? niiunm', uml t"l;i
ill in ttWiiy, oihei wimj i '' wUlh
fuAlliii; to I .w, J I)VAUl hllCAKl'
inlr.i!la 'ov. .T,'tJ-
r a k t i: u .
t A un ;ul hip n' 10 il t-arh r to tritofliurye
m mi .unm-.v urn oi ll liu Uti.-Br, UBHV Wll.t
llilll. It HHnllllt.ld Wlliti'M V, 111 I, tstl.l. uiv 1
it .kvirli g ililn .i biiH'U, 1 1 u tit lo ii tvl imli
' ' j .. ,. j. iv iih, rir i. oi Hoi iaiiiu.
Vt line II A 11, ov, sf7, ii-n,
Xi. 1-llATj; Or Phl.ollAU IH.AsN, i.l.llwldl II.
i.i Urrs oi mliiiiliiHtiuiiijh t-n ilm t-sUU ol iii
ix nil Jii'ini latt ol i uuivtlsfn, n,).,, t ulutiiliiu. I'o
il(ti(liil. Imu Uii-li Kiuiittti li ii e l.tiani 1. 1
Ci.tllit lo i , (. JirotLuiij nf Itlon.u
inuiWi p. All irrisonii hrtvit. num. ui
iliiii.vnilaitfiiiliit tiiutMi.iit i il.u iit cut hi nr
ri-ipifitul to muhe tin r.i lino,, u, mm Mio-o m
llLtfrli O iIli.Itn'.Vi.,Uu,
.Not, 13,'tJH-CI, iMUiiiiiibtiuiiir
"lXl'X'UTOU'rt :'OTK Js. lXl ATI
JliilJOIl II n,l'l i',x.ilit., I,. ,(( .t
'.t.iI.U nil l e I'nintf nl .l,.lili limp ft. o,
' , tt.i.t win inii.ri ii tin ,i i'i
It r of l oltimb ii rmuil) , P' lif-Dl,;. h, (hll.ei
I t n,tviiHlt llilll 1H i r a ,l,l 'f II O'l il-hll IK
.v . .n. it, i. ,nK ( itiuiin UHlllHM Ih, ff tint'
ci,.l,nill 111 jill'MIII lilt III 11.1 Aft I U Ull Ill, llilll
..mi.- iiMiehuii i mo ttttit .'iiiirr -liimu-i-i
Imch i.riniiiil Ulll limki' pl,itrlll ti tUv i.iifU
urn vtilujui de, y.
I.iJal'ilT I . i' listr..
Nov. !Si 6t
.Iio uiplcrslgtutl ilinnlifnl fr jmi p'r iiimi-
i,,:tiiiH ,wi uai" uw 'UJi"
x i: w m i Si u
l now in i oni(liu ruuultia,ntnl th-ii Im is
P ii uit tcnto un i,rfnuui williii vltttmil.ii'i.t
larUilt ll'-iu 11' f.m lUi' Ilu, 1 i-iim,, unit, ui il hi , 1 tin to inko t. .-ni Inmi
i n nun ii.ij, ttini ,i,u luimiii worn .i.Mi,ui,i
ilm null cii Ik- u.nif i i,fiuy-imir t.ii.iu, ,
pii-oi in .ti Mii.tu.iiit 1 1 s im m'h ui to 1 1 'aiio tnV
1. ,(.-, n (,t Mt 1 1 1 k tl.i mill on uiionu K-t:
iiitfh ui low ,iii, 1,
'ill, IU..V1 rA.MII.Y IUUlt.
ItB MlllliH (i ( lOWtr tllltllH. ItllUl'll KltlllhOf
Ut-pfon Imud liKiti intlt s . -11 1 lorHuiit m tho hm
i'-1 en ri'iiinii- - isiu j, oi uii i.ii.iU puuli.iNiii.
MKiilr-tlt'it, I it-, iiw II. l'isTI.U i:.M',
1A 1AW1.SSA iwWLllOA.'-Ui. t.uti
V .HUT .U.i,, ,.V, ..1, .Mi I'.t.s, IU'
I l.i 111. Oil Unit .ll,.., t t ii ,i,J tl W li, J Ui. lit ' I
1 .iuUhK liu.nht
.'ill iAitlt, hi HiiiM)
lJt',1. 7. 11,111 1. .. iic, 1 r ,
. ,,'
Mi "
.ii,t..ibi. in
" 4.l
" A.I I
' ,',11 "
" :i. ., '
" l'.-s '
" 1..', "
' "
" I.. j " '
Aim it,-,
.Mill' h.
Wi ii. HiUi-,
" 1 ,IiJ " Mlltll,
" li .- ' I Hllitii-U,
" 11,1 I " ltlllgUMt li,
" 1 .ltl, huittlhli,
.J- i " li,i.iiii.r,
" " 1 , jisti.t hj .Juno.
" 'DJiio. t. u,i it uu. 1 iiii,
Kti. .,111.
' l.i'
Arr, t),ij 1 nt aui-ip.ii.i,
To NcM lo.K i . Ut mi-
lit i'l' MliUUll I llUltli,
"HI .Nl Oik Via.
.Mi u. li ihnnk.
?Jof'i niifliP .'f tuu out iVt 011 vv til in inpoi t nml
VmU iulpM i, gKO. W'.wUJ, Mij l
( A llAltislS,-i WAKIilt.
uiiA.Mii.vii.i.r, Cu.uJIiiiA cm-.Nir, i'k.vm'a
'llll-t iiu.l.isiKie-a rsspeL'iiuUjr initiim, in.
fritotila tin. etililit- that i n litis l,..tMl,i ,.ui
Thomas hcl 1.1,1., una m to , ,.ihii,iii iup iMii.,in.r ,
ur HAlll'1,1. suit llAlt.MM- J.AKl.Nl,, In ml n,
vuilima lirnni lis,iu llit-t,!,! .liititl ul i.yc l.iiitler'i
,....-., mi... ...jw, . . ,r- u .11.1 I. l-l-lM- iuo eat
lutjiiKti ul it II , IIOIKCU wilt, Ifh In hi, on,,,
leu's,', UKullul, LAiAlifsl.
To Hi, let autl Miiuu 1.,'ti.iria ut Uluum.a
litlrH anil lu.ll. .ilun I ttiiiUy, 1 Imvu ailHUiiLrtl
.li. i. s-it.liuer ia in loi iiiuajooui my an ,.ttrlei
ht . i. aloul, rfuu tiatii uc-ff, vtniti ui aui'ttly inn
at I l,i) r.itiu i uou tuuil wuu Uu. i,rlli'li-i, kd I
ivntild fiiiniii! ) un tittm 1 1, a ii.e r, Kiiu.jivil
ttiat h trill bo .tllti:lui nml nuautiTt- It, ull ttrlitj
itt.iy Miur liliu viiti ll.clr trntiu, 1 .ollell tor hllii
y-tui au, pyrl. 'I azy u.etliully,
t itto usnr.ii,
Utunn Uivwcr, JUa-tlii, la.
ijiih mvKiibim; rem isco.
UiUV""" ii'iitU'Ktiioitir tiiiiitruiio
I H 1141 luilott, ll 111, .Olil.tiK iho iitm, ii uoio ii'.uurt..
urttitii'iiiiH4i tuhaiu i
..,!' 'V. 't'i'-'aitl it 'ndttllj l lit"
l). ioti.irk. lij Hun. t i,,.s,. i,
A si-mi, -u iniu uiiii Kiu.",i, iia.iiinuiui.
il.luiH uml hi.iuuit nt, sii'tta iiimu.bjti m.i
."..niliw...Uii,n., jiy ,rt, u-. u, iiuil.or ut
"A I, "
.1. hlurlra fi,111 Hiwiimm llml I l.iil,.-, 1-, ly j
mitlioi-i.l l.u i i.j nun Mi iua Hum Klbsk, .limit-.
I. I Ul'l I till U, 1 All I lit.... 'lull,!..
l litllilu, huw l.K .'I If ."I W..II.I I. lio. il liio
fUll llllll.l l-.ltllt,A'll l , I, . If,
o. itulit,in;liisui.lli Auititlilat..iiri ..t.alull
H.1V.',.'i"it, '.' A,'"1! ""I" ""' -' I'llt.mia. Hai
ti. I.tu 1,11 it,.. ....'..,..
t'l. CltJ- It a iuill!n
Atitl.lll. I nil , I 1, tlir. u ,...,.,..... . rt,.
fUl I. ill", tl.. 'i,ului tvu,t-l. ' '
n. ii.iiai,iiiin. iim iiiiuii, iiuitiiy, iiiurjl
liti-io j,lnigi..ii.j,. iiuu.iii, t. in-.
I'. I I II. Ill, il i ii In ull nun. i mum.,
Jliuluaol wrii.i.iurili,.-nnu ...f ', .
till' Uuliit-a ul J ,t- a, hliull, ll.ina l liiianuu ,t,i,
, n.i t tMt, f.v lil.l jaltl, r.
ji. iiuiiltiiu, I-..IH u. iliiynr.Hura ,i,m uu,
lit ltllt, 1 1 tK. . IL ittiu.tltlil.l', .til On. I u,
fll-. il. 1 1 ' AU,ui it 'f. Ill 1,111,,
iSl.flia, ,ly.
A lui iinu.i'l.t-uunitmiuiiiiur i,f In,,
iilti.iii.iiuua lii utry iiiiiiilit-r.
A Illlll.l.lAM II l.fllNAII II lilt fit.
'il.ll.Ms, Of nUilsJUHIl'l'lO-s.-t.
.'.Vtuyiu, in hum, n, , iliuerii'lt-a Cutlillii
Ciliiu., ,ltl, It uu ut.ii.ta, t.UUtll mill uu miu
c..m ; r.'ll. I 'tru lu t'tl)l"tli l,tl Ituiut,.,
J-.UJIil uir, MiinlnuiU., jiltlila,
A ,ri,..t,,-.:.l. , U'llull.ll gU iu.I uvtauul If I tin
puui for llit-ti .,u y. luiuv, ihit-au u tn m wall
ulUii iiumi,i,i,., uiiii, In., ,li
Will La a, ill Iuiii, . uu llilll.,,, urn . luu . in
.till.. Ilu,., A Iliuli'', rh u
IlluutliiO-tl'iu ,,uurlulk,
1AC, t,ut-U.
ri ilr.i runt i-rlui , ul0 ,
t j. . u'aiiiliiKii tiitjiihii ii,,,,, t
irjil,,. f .rimr llio ml n
ly oliiiiir.iittl hy On, , r K '"
" "u'tiiuw in a u ,,, t
l.ulr In iia ....... . . .
u "" hiiu r- uu,. , ,
hi.t llilll llflltlli, uf It r.t .ft
- nriii r ,,
,..,11.11111, ui ui, nium, m inuMiku, Him
1. 1 1 lu. I i.i ir 1 1. ., .. 1..... i I
a...i,..t. ..
W .fcC. i V.!!.'"?...!'V " in
I. .1.-...III.. '.v.;: : .
i.iiUihtmj iilloihinii Mp.Jtu in I 'I
ti iTiinioiu Hum liithtiomiihi, iT ..' ft,l
tVsUU' id .lltiir liii iiiiM, uliu v,,u i- r
i i be u.ii'i Mho nut hi jui ,(nn ' 1
oiiti-.l irni-t, viiii'iti-i I, lu.uti t'oiiiji 'hi '
tllltlsng pt 41.1,11111,1 MkliiM i '
1 1 uv. -r in ii uit-iiNiiu i, loj.-uit u , i
tor ihf ri li.-l in uu-,. lt,i ,iM , , u
imtttiiiij in'Uit tin iiiUM UiKI'lii i
1,11 ni'lllllll Slllsl ftatfl pit t' lu i .
I.f IO U'f til ti. 1 III' ull , h
!! il'lliH I lllt-l lilllli MlUtit .
If ill bO llltlllil litiL-MOUt 111 lulu... ..
situ--,m , i,Aiinuui utiumi.-.) (iinnuj j
utilj to h. utUtft.sit.iiMl iioct ,m M
iiiii-rtj tui'i tiitt. in. in wuu ti, ,, i
it I pi, U'lii u.u titulu u, iii
t lint not Hi p lontit .iiiti,.
ll lllJUO.t I IJ ail . Illtt I U, , '
thalj ill. I. Ill III .1 .ll ,1 II. ,i. , , ,
llilll. t I I IIM .ll Ol hi.' 1 llt
, itti.n t litjil.ij ,ii Ii, i. ,it,
.MOlliit UIV 'III., ll i, v I ( (
lllalt I tll,l'l,t lllltull.., i ,i , ,
i .in t lllll.,, too, ..p.., 1 1 1 1 , ,
si.ii m .11. Vutt i.ii .if it
ii it vi i,i h in .'.at", in tu,
'III, I lilt ', It lit IIIO. p.l Itl'll i'l. HI,
.ii i it. I tiii, u, ii.t ijii ,t tp in Uiu im ,
A.lll t Jll. iCl IO ttlL' -,l,LlJi ft Ot U1(,
.I im- i.i.iny lit, li ion i cm t
It tl ti.. , tllllll illKt I It, III .
, uiimhsJ Ol h.ulu , t.i.ll 1h( li tui.ft tJU, 1,1 .
oi ..i til .i tiiititij , lilt uf 1 lit ,i nu
llum lll,titin, tin.- lo.tlllil null n f, ,
't'o' I lIlMh Ull
til.H il.ltUit tiLft.fcn U lot tUillllf , UOMInt,
I V .tt.l.lW UIIII Jtit. ,uu 1,, J, HNlr.ut I
ll-.IIK-.tUI., UlJImIiiiuIu l-l Jul, 111,1
(- '...J ..I n... ,, i, 111(1, II J lAUIl'IIU Ul Ul IJiti I
, tllll , t 1111 tl.U IWHJ llUll'ClUlM'ti,,,,
.,1,1, il, Hut ti Vl.1 I HU lit Ull -i llt-tlllH,! l,i t., I
.tl HIIU ll'Al, Hit, vl Ik U UC'l)l.'ill,l lOII
llltt. It 1,1 It,
it, t ui m t ut iii u ui uiid iari Mri.iii it,,,,
tin, W'ltti,) lii li'tuiii ,,i'i Aiihnt u iii
l'll'.llj, HUrt itlhllt 11,-j l(,t UV1I
t Li It lilt lit I n Uttl, lit! lull ill il
.1.1 III ill I Ull -I , tj . I IIAllI t I) lo ,1, jt
ut, liutt ti. ilc.i,n.l It-rl ulllt Ol , li o, ,,
."V.ll.t.j iUI O-ll Hill) tfl, li u It,. ,
u ut ..iUi.liiut,lilciuU liil'iit.Ou oi ti,h i,
il i . ii lit, it, tm t-.po.Uij o a
u kuu in ..).,, ol it, u hi tiluiu, i, ,
1,1 .1, ttlil IU ,liOll ll.t lAlt! AJ Nun
nt tt'it ni, j i l.i 11 f 411 iu.,,1 t
' .(iti'.ti, i .m .,,41 liu-turn 1 1 ,
.11, .111 lilt III lUtl It ..ll t.J.,1 Iil,,.,l.t,
ho W"l IU J'. .ill ICI.IUIIM l,ll 4 S I
1,-11 iiciimi', on1 iii uu hum 1 ,u .
,u -tiii 111 tiiiiii iii, iMfi-. im, ti ma
tl 1 ll Ji4-l- U-.IL't III HlullaUIKitUi u I
tioi,ii..iluif Ilu to v rt-it-
liu. Kt'iiui. ntt t.inuiut, iht. 11 ,
. lit.t' il uitii tit,L',.i,if I, (
ti.l it Volt 1 n 111, CollipUM U ;l . 1
,t it lilt tl-Mlil-1-, U 11,1-il if, III t OUil.lliu 1
.li. it ,i-i umi ,1,, , tl it nti, in, .
fit. , 1 Oil ttl.l. flu , u,K ,, u ,t,tl, ,
.III. p. I.o I 11. ,t , Hi,.,, u . vt i, u
V ti 1 , 1 llaf tint I OH , Hllt'ti 1.V11 in tt,
ot I iu , Uui I il j , lu It.ihil-
lt Ol Hit Klllilt III) liatltut. ii ,t ,.
tl ilti-ll tl il,iUpliulit.
1 in ii'iuii ! "i.tHiit -. mill Uthiiiii iv 1
mi-oiiitu'i., luoli lust .Mcntitru ,t t..j. t
.Oil, lllll H'llrt t 111 ItlUIll pt III Hit, i , r
U 1 11, we ilu. tin inoti pi 1 p.fu, j,
tniboid'n Coitiiii uu t t.ln.i-t ,,, ,u, ,
lilMioril t,lflt Hi 111 l V liu M u.u,
I t Ullllth iii t-vf.j pel It U 'i Uf, ,i ,m ,,,
.Mltiliu (Mil t.fif, U in llthl It u , H, 1. ,
.u.t' iu tin- iliMmiii.,t' 1 1 iijt niiii.-f.Mh.
at.u-luO Ol IlllttiUijoil l.utl ttUiil.ii.l.ui. ,,
Kh'l It 4 All, l, tslil-hll II llil.ll'hlll ilt , ,'
tijj Ol Ilu- I'ltptlltttiOlla Ol U1k Ll uu
-nl. I UU lliulu p((ti,tlit, iH'rttijiiniV . x'll
nil, ltUtll UVUlMll U.U t IM IMllit.n
.iiuol piouuiiUhl plijn ci.tiit lu Uu Liiiti-ii
llDta UllCltll lotlUUl'liil illlll,tllll ll, 1
llltt loi I lie limtAnlig tllnttlvit in.U m
iiuiii 11 ut!-. t m t,tu(. origin it in : rtM ,
il,ll, lilt III!!!. IIW pliptltJ.1 ttl,r -.IHIU,
l, tlltfl Illltl.ttlOll ul 1 loot 1 111 ij.,,t( ,
1 IIP, II elt'ii.,,1,1 Ui-iiil lllltt.ilii, lj( 1 rt((,
11 uibui, uursfut r 01 unit unr 1 ui it uij. ,
I'l" nil', ilpiphiii, 1 luiiO'iit, ,t ,., ,,
it-Itli.liliou oi 1 mri . - ftl ui iim u.l: u k 1,1 .
titiou, )iu'ilat mil of uid lit it l. th r 1 1 ,. I
iiiii,ib-.ii i-iti.u ui inu rhiii. ioniniri ll.,
Uht-, 1 111 this out, Ai-li. tor Jltllulol'. .
lootlui. v'l l,i illUBKisif. autl 1. t.u. 11s t
.iiicti rrtio St.-i 1 ct bum , or mx u.i u.
ijn. DLilVt-ltll loullj liuiilCtr., I till Vf
to, ub ill nil tomiuiililuit Uuih, ,tni, (!, 1
.t-iui'UIO, I 1 lija. H IHl L illlliK 141 V til -, I, till t I
iSolm iu ut uiiluf unit's tloiif tin tu lri
,ivi-ii uutppt-i i.tciiiiluofiuy fiiii.ik.ii nl
tOUMt-, llilll MKIllll. II. t 1 I l-ll.ttl l.tll 1
l, IU, U'-a.lll.
TO (.O.N.1L'.MrTIYI,
Tlir Oveitl-crJiaTluc Iipch r tf i
111 I
n a itv , t.j a rijr nm, i. is .in,, -it
i un M, lit ru un vt I at ?b in w 11 it 0 (
!lliftitui,tlltl lli.tliilfitil tl O-a- , nil -u 1,
k iiliMulii t lu.ihf UnuvTii to hu ft iiim ..iu
alt' Ull Hill I f (J At,
To uli luiu)li It, lir wh .ru I n roi v i
it mi .p. Lui u-sfti v ret.f ilmrf, tut iu-
toi Im 1 1 1 j til 1 kit Mint i.Mtitf ill- moil! , u
u.i-j uili iltnl .1 Mirt curr foi 1 11 Miiiiiim ,
1111,1111.1111111,(11-. Ill, -t. Hit O J. ft 1 .
vt-'iilt, r in cii lio,ij 1 tit prp-it'ii-.i u I, 1,
iltf 1 lll.i-li .1, lt-aM till u uut- lo T, 1
-out f iv a tu Ul IDVkIu.iIi I ; s iu I, , . ,
-.niit r' r ili i.,v in, r , i t.
.I, .11 iiu'liiiiK, uml nitv t to ii 1,
1 i Inn im pr- .( iptt 11 w 1. j u .
it-V. f.ut.u,i A. V"l. -1 it, lti , htm 11
vViUUiushiuiJi, Kingi toiiut) , .1 w
i-ll, I , 1V3 1 ,
l.N tl 1 Ull..
To llio lutclit-M nml liuol Mrt-coiJ ot
umuiH I'oiity
I (M'nluiiiiii.t ctunty TrnehcrM IiiMimi'
lliwi.i tk in-1,1 in no up r.iri ni-tiiuit i
100111M uid, t-oiuiut iiciii- mi MoMitnv till'
itii 01 11 mho r, ts.s, ut US 1' l i-rt p . 111 ,
i ouuii oil 11 Ma iilKlltof Uin rtltl.t' W.-t.t,
ti ft 1 tu 1 iniu it, Iii utii iitlniKf iUtn a ft-
J (Uu Mftli.
All If. it In rs hchool, I ) n rloiB. nml fr . n 1
i.'tii'itt Inn un iuvIkiI toiittiml.
liiMllii'l umis vtili t-r ulvri, In (i't)ui'r
Huidiii in it i Jot till' ii, IVhiiiutMulj. i1
l l" 'JjUU tl. . ( IHIIIhlll, t lit til V tu 'It i i
il or t.l I lit Untti ii MntfH mi tt 1 1 n m.i
-it mi , aim t , ii, lu. I,( iukk il.-nvt' tu
I 1 U i IIIH U.l U It'll t 1 1 lil-itl I If,
I 'lot ts, VV l .11 1 It, hi .NtW Tit rls Mltl.i I i
(.'.nuul r;
ji I. 11 nt t it I v 1 1 , Pi Im li n I of 1 U uu
Noiiuiilr-Mli oi nml I.iiiiin Iii-liiiin ,
IV .li. a Wit Ki-r, i.f man tvi n
Ooiiimoiii c stint :
I lum. I, V 1 flic ,1) tv hi I'. J.ilii . I . M t
ml . II. lit-t. i 1 Ilu 11 i t initl. tut; .Ni it, .tl
iim .,-iiuv iiitt n lii .
tin ut em tun of 'Urn In it mil Ir , i
lilun o ll.f lollunllia, piovlflu,,. t-f iu -
il ' 1
.tfiOiitll)4 io tl)i i t of .-Vt-M-ui ) . i). r
V, Hi mil, m( , limit i uli tn Ilu li l i if
tiiuii'll f .Mi-im i ik inn t hi- at ut i
- ,iii ;' a i oiiiin.iii i ni fl vt ti hi m r- "i. T
iu nt i ttiiii a t it 11111-1 In fli' i - ii lo
tiiclii-r imimifiti li Iht-I iiiit'tu i i 1
Ih' tu trici tin Hill- nt ii i hi T tt i 1 1 h. -i i
n l Ill vv ho 'iihti ni tl t in, i . I 'i.i i
1 till- I ( I hi il ( Vt ulU , Al, IU ' I
s .ii, iiut.v iivo ilu tr iiit of , i j i k ii'iitt
ll'l s-fll III'I'CUII'll OV fUlllil If ,1 A
-t i it iii i l,o m-xi I..ttimiu..'1'.ti.
fin oi 4oui'i,ii.. ii.t,v,iMi7, pp .
, lti! ni thfiu .tif onlj il our iv. r li'i
liiflii i'i ill 11 lit I'liilKuitl tin Jut, ,!,.
u. ui ,v m rtil tu id ut iihini n
t iii it if 'Huh m ii iu nil tiuti h i in out
t., i flu r loitiii-ml ih lustlititt,
li i-1 om m lilt t un l i-i nium lit C i ni
t o I'ltctvil Tilt- liy tuormiig.
DIllKi-'lOltV HAY.
In tirmrtlntiCf w Hit ilir piiguc! it'tnt . 1 1
Sup rut ( mlt ul, I'titliiy. tin iKin tl.iv .-'
h l, will Ik iNit.iili iU-olfM(i, tut ul
- liooi lilift p.irt, wiif nit 1, iilinti'
lii i ol line .-iors piortit,
I, P, Wn'kt ihlmin, l(i.,Htnltf Kui'p' '
i 11 t lull, mlt I i in nit. ,,.n,,,... tl.U i
Ilf-t UlH D IfOlUI-, 1. (J, 11 VtUv'i.i.V,
Nov. Ji'.'tii-yt, Co.. Hun t., Uoiniunii .-im-m
O T I C E .
i in t li lfrl2ii(il woiiltl lirrrb nntttr ff
Do Uml liu hiiH luiiiifii to Jilt on l.lin( mi'
H 'tiruiK i rt t k i ut,, (hu ftuiiivt inu p r-n.ii i '
fill , KooMK ii ml t hull ili, i In mi int-1 1, i.r re f
nt tier leiifitif, ti lv.o v.'i'iktuK t.or-i
iiaiinn. .fi.ili . lit ad oroittU, , ht KS ' N
w.'C ui, 1 1 ooKlim viof anil 1 1 i 1 i nr
mm pipv. i nt tit und bfihluu, itiniri-a f -r in
motn il. Hi ( on, ft om i j .u-ren, tu i utU- . 1 1
liiloi-ft, ii huilicis) of uAUttuid iJ tnmlif ,h ui "
Inuv.'iVI. it MAHY l.riWIt.l I
X olst iitiir.I.rti vMi.toiIIhHUt -vi
(liu utii. frhl.titl t tiulti li-'iibj b1c iioiiiT
lu ( ut- ip, lhal he it (itftlri'tt u fct 1
v.ttf f,i,' me
Jiun:ij tSTAND lij Or;ui;;rvlllp,
i' liiiiiliii, i mmlj , now ot'i nptt ti ny Juliii ?'
dtr,Kg., ioj;tiiicr vvlin iu.ilj iiiiiii loi-. i
tiuiti Im i J.-su ti tin fit-el ic ni iu.i ul iuli'iti
weil ni plinl iili Maitr,htni'Hii4iniliiit7
v i liu lutct uml iout ul l lie mo 1 1 iiwliji,Lia
Nm Urn i ii-i.,1 (- ink,
i i,l(.M I'l n- i'l4 I VIi r i ill i ui uin ( ti '
m lii'ln 1 1 'I it IU on II r a in h rin ii 1 1 U
wuu -In t ip. in v in eo I'i'" "1
u kin ilit i n ll eMli 1 1 l't ti it lti If.,
.mi jititaUin- wUMlija' tu -. Utii nr, in--
i ttlllUltl, MT. 13, ON JA I.
A'lJt.1 Ol'MM.
ne iiiitit'riiitned -riotiM irfpttiruli imi'inii
ii ut tit, ul Jut tuf hulk iiim vii inn) . iliii
jii si ti t not a fl.t.p oi Iiim hint I, ht-twrtn
ml I hint, i.tir ht- Kill ollovv Ilu tihiiiil li'
ttini, hntvintisf in km ilk i.ruiii-iitti. mit-i
MI.' 'rv itiU'l.'
uitii wilh piomptiK-. itnn ttt'M'stift'.
ciititpl) iiiuut m nil i,ini ol iiiriminr, -
iuu ilit it piitu ui), ol iuiiflioiit'n.fHl t','l,r.J j
i in iu i fiihiiiihtt iiitiut- until- miu -i-- .
i , uml ordtrt-itif folieltfltitlicr in
ui n.i. Pit litre iruintk nuiut luurueriii ''
April nvrr.
sill J t-n-dim Mt Ui(, miw Ult-ii rvrcnu-'"
u 'C l-irnii-i uut i tl in t idi U-n' -"
It I. Hl.ll a, 111, lln istJllf ht win t "
N h'fc. ki,u (be Mh 1 1 i ii r. ,, ,,n
jvov, A,'-i. j , u x 1