THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 13A. Wows Items, xjf Vliiut lt!o turri'l nf ulo woro run iT Iinu tliu wwer nf Huir.Oo tin- ntliir ilty, tlio night wati'hmaii huvlnij Ikimi Iritwiicil In the vat I'liiituliilmjlt. I'liey li.ivc nt u wilf out west which Initnul nf li;lti covori'd with liulr, Im-ut lililn Miulliir lothiit of mi I'U'lituiit, mid h t:il tlm rxuet i-oiiutur. 1'iirt of thu iMintuI iiii'iiilu!o of tlmt llUKO llWWt. USr A white woman left licrliiHlmml ami Hovurnl clitlilrrti In Norlli StitntnK ton, last wofk, nnd clopctl with n liliick limn, Conshlcrnlilu ryiuimthy U Mt for tlio lii'Kro. MP in Hun Kr!inil.-n) KnciilMcks lin ns into ns Hunk of Ktifliiml note iiru hen seldom mimi mill's. In tlio window of u broker's chop, lint golden eolu iHieeliilly fJ) plmM -iim familiar to tlio sltflit, hy tlio bmhil utul tliu turt load. The nmrt of the world for gold vein Is San ITuneUvo. i-Thu binoko from the viiUiinlc f ruiitlon In the S.uidwleli NlaiiUi Win "t-cn ono tliuunititl inllm from the Is IhikI-i, and ut half that dNtance was so dcii'O that offlccn of sliln weru pro Vfiiteil from making their observations. W A married man In Constantino pie had 11 dllllculty with live of his wives, which ho settled hy tylnjr them up In sucks mid throwing them iuto the llosphoruj. HH thlrty-i'Itfiit other Wives luvu given hlui no trouble alnco tlio bit of house cleaning came olf. r"Somo folks are prodigiously pen Itent over other people's sin, nnd seems to tliink they havo it special call to con fess them to the world. They will Kongo their brothers eyes rather than leuvo it single mote in them. DS" Uruzll keeps a standing offer of f iiWO in gold to uny ono who will in vent it modo of preserving beef so that It will bo suitable for exportation, mid though four hundred processes have oeen put in competition for this prize nono have yet received It. vtr ino ueau oouy 01 n cliilil wits round In n street gutter In Cincinnati! thu other night. It was wrapped In several pieces of brown paper, nnd on 11 1IU v piece of white paper pinned to it. vu- written, "1'uther, bury mo; moth -r 'ins no money. I am tttclvo day v l. ' -O- A gentleman, while ut breakfast .1 iTtaiu hotel in Atlanta, was asked fy n Federal olllcer whether the repn .st-nUtive from his county had arrived "Wait," replied the gentleman, "untl I get through my breakfast, and I will go to the kitchen and see." Hartley'. II. W. NcImhi, rector of a lluriliiril Episcopal Church, Informed nw congregation last Sunday that any member of the church who nttended the Grand Ikichess or Uliic Heard oner , would be refused communion for six months, and Ulshop Williams sustains mm. e- Pennsylvania has a greater length of railroad than any other Stale. The first fournro: Pennsylvania. 4.311 miles: Ohio, 3,303 miles; New York, 8,21s miles; Illinois, 3,224 mllia. In IsliO Pennsylvaula was the fourth State, Having only 2,003 miles. MT A man mimed Cable. In North Carolina, wngercd two gallons of tar against a quart of brandy that ho could drink the quart of brandy and then wuik to his home, a mllo distant, before oecoming insensible. Ho drank the brandy, walked half the distance, then .ink down, saying, "Hoys, I've lost the bet," and instantly expired. Sir A woman In Ilayiuoud, N. II., who was mindful of tlio old lulus that "It takes a bushel of corn to fatten a hog's tail," actually cut off the tall of her hog as a matter of economy. She was somewhat surprised on going to the ty in a couplo of hours to And "hoggie" dead from bleeding, alter the. loss of his narrative. Noi long sinco at tho breaking ground for a rullroau In a certain town In tho Southwest, u clergymun on being called upon to open the proceedings with prayer, took from his pocket a munuscript supplication, prepared for tho occasion, which ho read. A colored brother present, leaning upon hlsshov el, noticing tho movement, remarked with a grin, "Golly I dut's de fust time dls darkey over knew de Lord written to on do bubjeck of a railroad!" 1- You can never get an Irishman, never. Tho other day a gentleman de siring to quiz n genuine son of the boj , nsked him if "thu railroad had got in." "One hid of It has, bejabers, aitr," m,M Dentils, tcir At Talladega Court, in tho State el A Hl atna, a few days ago, a regular 11 Jury whs inipanncled. There i -i k out fifteen negroes tried for vur ioux i.fienses, each of whom on his trial ilcNumdeil a white Jury. Tho colored Juror sat In their box from Monday morning till Saturday night without having a single cuso submitted to them. Itt-A wealthy lady of Uuffalo lost her pocket-book, containing a consider- amo sum or money. A ragged urchin. oi mo noiifst sort, picked it up and fol loweci mo owner several blocks, caught up wiui nor una restored it. Tho gon rous woman tendeicd the boy an nti pie! ' ear Judgo Dodge, of New York, de livers original opinions. A woman was brought before him for blguray. Her counxct stuted that sho was Insane, and had only hceu out of the hospital a few days. "That's enough," id tho Judge: "a woman who weds twice must be foolish. Acquitted, MT" A firm In Balctn, N. C, has sent oft ono thousand barrel of dried hlack. berries, worth 9 10,000. TA plantation In Mississippi. which cost 100.000 ten yours go, was oiu lately ior f.nv. -Emily "Charlie, denr, IsterBo phlolms got a llttlo bab.i I" Charlie "Is It a boy?" Kmlly "No, u llttlo girl." Charlle-frotlfully "Oh, then I rhall be a nasty aunt I" -Frederic William Dickens, last surviving brother of Charles Dickens, dlid a few weeks ago at Darlington, England. Ho was a genial, good hu mored gentleman, with a ready fund of anecdote, and was u general favorltv in society. K-Commodore Nult, tho 50,000 Kutl, has returned to ills New Ilamn- hlre. home. Ito bus retired from husi nehs, and will travel no moro, as ho Is ortb money enough now to live on. ' tc ut-olumbian. UljOOMtillUltO, I'A. rmntv mdrmmi, miv, uj, ikoh tf TUB rel.lljmiA.N lt. tlx- l.nrKr.t fNi-.nlMlun lit I'nttunliln nml AtlJnliilliR (Kitttitlei ol'nny niicr, nntl It ailto ft mttrli Inrarr ulirtl llinu uny at H.ootemporftrlt. mtul In Itirrrfor tlir ltM( Mrillitm for mtrmltliic In lhl trrtlnit of tho .llolr. Sunday School Convention, MANVof tho Hahhath School men of our town ate nt wink endeavoring to organize a Convention lobe held hern between I ho holiday, and at which -oiiio distinguished .".rangers will bo pre.-eiit. The Idea Is thai every Hihool in the county, of all denominations shall Le ivpresentdl. We uro heartily In favorof thlsinove liient, for everytlrlng relating to Sunday Schools Iim our earnest sympathy. In them our youths nut only learn a prop cr observance of tho day, but learn mo- nil lessons which inllucnco all their af ter Hie. I'mni no other source, does the church ricclvu so many converts, nor more hopeful ones. It has been well said of these schools that "they are tho nurseries of the church." l)y a Convention there will bo n com pailson of views as to organizations of schools, how to securo order, contrlbu tlous, nndattendaneoj what should bo taught, nnd the manner of teaching It in our opinion tnrce-lourtlis of our schools aro failures because they are placed under charge of sonio old fogies who, however devout and staid they may be, do not know how to Interest school, nor how to get out of thu routino In vogue when they were a boys. Tho hmullur children In many schools say their letters to soma young person who Is not a Christian, who is entirely In competent to Interest nnd Instruct; and tho child goes homo with Its ticket, fall Ing to see any other dlffcro.ico between week-day and Sunday school, except that In thu latter ho has more license and l.s confined tor a shorter time. The Bible clashes aro frequently con dueled by simply letting tho pupils read a chapter or two, nnd then they mo dismissed without a word of expla nation, without any maps or other aids to understand what has been read. Our young men and women must tnko this work In hand. It should bo their prid to organize and teach a ehe-s. In this way they can do good to tho communis ty, ami benefit themselves. by one the Conservative organs wneei lino line una march aoreast witli tho party In Us grand demand that hem u forth suffrage the greatest franehl-e of ireemen shall in our country l,e mumI and linuartlal. Kveu tho slowest niimU aim tne most iimui wills hegln to km that national suII'iiil'o Is hut tint .-nr. l lary of national citizenship ; that the lourieeiun mcimmciu to tne LonstI tution uecessllutesn fifteenth. Forney morels not n Conccri-ative Journal in tho country that favors tho mot strous usurpation of tho Jncobiiu concerning thu right of "Congress" to regulate suf frage for tho States. Tho wretched "dodge" of these rascals In proclaiming It as n principle that negroes should vote in southern States, but might bo denied such a privilege in northern ones, was ono of the sorriest expedients over adopted by political charlatans Beforo the recent election tho Jacobin Journals did not press negro boirraguas thegreut hsuoot the campaign, hut now they will contend that tho election dc elded It. In a llttlo timo it will be bold' asserted that the "fourteenth amend' merit" establishes it, and that "tho principle" Is part of tho Constitution, It Is quite possible, however, that un foreseen occurrences may changuthoas pectof affairs. Tho nomination of Gen. Jrant was nn acknowledgment by the Hadlcals that they could not elect ono of their leaders. A Nkw Odd Fi;i.i.ow' Tho K.W.arand I.odgoof the United Slates, O. of I'., at their recent session. adopted a flag to bo used en all public occasions. Tho Hag Is to boot white material, either bunting, cotton cloth or fatln ; tho proportions to bo ll-IOth of the length fortho width. Tlio emblem. three links, to bo placed in thecentro of the llag, with the letters I. O. O. F., und tho niimoof tho State, District or lerrltory using It to bu wrought In scar let color. Whenever tho flag Is to be used hy the encampments, two crooks are to be added. Thotirand I.odiru of tho United States has ordered n nation al fl.tit, which will bo homo for tho first timo In the grand procession in I'hlla- lelphla, in April, IHG'J. Annv Kr.i.uiy, Senator II. Wilson, Fred. Douglass, Dr. Lucy Stone Illuckwcll, Iluv. Tliymphi llrown, Mr. i nomas W. Illg-iiisou. Mr. William Woyd Garrison, and u few other old women, held a woman suffrage conven tion In Jlosion n few days ago. Fred. Douglas wild tin "belonged to tho wo men;" and Mrs. Ahby Kelley Foster's husband said tho Democratic, motto of n "white man's government win an "Infamous motto;" whtToufsjii Mrs. Dr. Lucy Stono Ulack well guvo Foster a dig by asking If "It vim any worsu for a white man's government, than It was to ask for a bWk man's government?" Whereupon them was laughter, and I.ucy won, This foolish and demoralizing wheel, barrow election bets contlnuo to bu "paid" In all purls of thu country. A zany In Massachusetts agreed to. wheel auegro over a certain road, nnd fulfilled his agreement. At ono point on tho route a young girl rushed out, waving a small fligaud kissed both tho j.uny nd the negro, having madu a bet with some companions that sho would do it. Such noiisonse is not funny. It Is slm. ply disgusting. Fall or Wiiiiat. Tho nverago do cllno In tho price of stiuuUird wheat, In tho Chicago market for thu last thirty days, has bcnn onoeeni a liushel, and bottom has not been reached so far as appearances Indicate. Tho supply In tho markot owlns to tho nbundanco of tho crops, has bultled tho calculations of the speculators, ami many of them liavosullereil severely, and all without general sympathy In their losses. HELOtf, will bo found what Is dcomtxl a proper text from Which to preach tho funeral sermon of lieu. Ilutler : Fiom Jeremiah II, 19: "And thu basins, nnd tho firepans, nnd tho howls, ami tho caldrons, and tho candlesticks, and tho spoons, and tho cups; that which -was of gold In gold, and thub which wni of silver in silver, took tho captain of tho jjuard away." Sho XVcgro Bureau to bo Continued, Tin: following telegram, from Wash Ingloii, appeared in tho nowspapcrs of last Tuesday, viz: Hcuorts from tho agents of tho Freed men's llureau In nearly all tho States have been received nt the headquarters, Tim Inst nnn received was that nf Gon. llalch, Assistant Commissioner of Louisiana. In common with tho rest ho urges thu continuance, of the llureau on the ground that It Is necessary for tho well'aro of the negrots. This Is equivalent to an iiOlcln! nn noiiiiccmeiit, inado on tho day of tho election when It could not affect there- suit, that Infamous Freed men's Ilu reau'is to bu continued. "Reports have been received from nearly nil tho Slates" and the agents urge "thu con tlnuanco of the llureau on tho ground that It is necessary for thu welfare of tho negroes." It Is moro necessary for tho "welfaro"of tho agents than the nn gio. It furnishes them with good fat ofllecsjuud places It In their power to plunder tho unfortunate white, peoplo of the South. Uesides this, It Is "neces sary" to tho llfo of tho ltadlcal party In tho South, for without the llureau to manipulato and control the negroes, that party would not havo an existence In that section. Very likely it Is, "uc ecssaryfor the welfare o the negroes," for It clothes, feeds, and educates them nt the oxpenso of tho tax-payers lu the North. From tho price It costs, It ought to prove very greatly to their welfare, Wo hope tho peoplo of thu North will be satisfied with this slate of things, for it Is their work. Tlio llureau, which costs several millions a year, Is to bo continued for four years lomrer, for that point was (ruined by the election of Grant. It may bo that tin. tax-payers alter a while, will begin to smii-cl, tho money Is drawn from their pockets to support negroes, but wo hope they win near it with becoming resignation for they voted for tho Uurcau last Octo her. The prjspcct ahead Is particular ly en ering for poor men, who make living hy their dally toll, an J they, no uoubt, will beglnd of the opportunity to give ii portion of each day's labor to support the idle, worthless, negroes of the South. They havo gal. ed this by mo into eiicliou, ami wo wish them Jos ef It. This is tlio "pcaeu" they were promised. )ny(estown IHmuu al, For Governor. ui:n McUANm.Ess, Statu Senator iiom i-niiaueipiiia, H spoken ofns a can iiiiiiuu ior uiu nexr. Democratic iioniin; Hon for Governor. Pitta. Post. Wohope thisls not true.for wo should then bo tempted to do that which wo never hoped to do. And that Is, to voio mo Democratic ticket. General McCundlcss wo havo known us tho bra vest soldier and the truest of gentlemen miring n scrvlco In tho lale war, when It was our pleasant duty to servo upon iiissiau. j-ver courteous, never se fish nlwn .s gallant. Ho won tho universal admiration of tho Ilcservo Division- Having said Unit, wo pay him a lust compliment, for to nono other than truo men did the old Guard ever vouchsafe their cheers or their confidence. While wo do not oven profess to roirard tho senators pontics with any favor, yet 10 ins bpotiess character tu n private gentleman, and tlio untarnished record of his military career, wo bear cheerful testimony. II tho calnnilty of a Demo cratic Governor shall over fall upon our commonwealth, wo shall bear tho yoto with far less of complaint if wc Know i hat tlio batallons aro to bo man ctivcred by oo. skillful n hand us that which led tho Ilcservo on many a well contested field. MonongahcUi llejtubli- can. A school teacher who had pnlovcd tho benefit of a long practice of his pro fession, nnd had watched closely theln- lluenco of nowspapcrs upon tho minds of a family of children, Htates as the re sults of his observations that, without xceplion, those scholars of both sim s nnd all ages who havo access to newspa pers nt nome, when compared with those who havo not, are : J. Detter readers, excellent In urn- nuuciatlon, and consequently read mora uuderstandingly. lhey aro better spellers, and dellnn word -f with easonnd accuracy. i. lhey obtain practical in geography in almost half tho timo It requires others, as tho newspaper has niado them familiar with tho location or important places ami nations, their governments and doings. 1. I hoy are better irrammarlnn.s. for. having become so familiar with every variety of stylo in tho iiowspaner. from commonplace advertisements to tlio fin- linen nnd clu-sleui oration of tho states man, they more rcndllv comprehend tho meaning of tho text, and eoii-o- quently aniilyzo ils tonstruelion with accuracy. 0. They wrlto better compositions. uslti" better language, cuutnlnlng moro thoughts, still moro clearly expressed. From these Hlmple Tacts three Impor tant things can bo deduced : 1. I ho responsibility of tho pres. Is suppljlng literature which shall bo both healthful in tono and likewise under. Htaudiiigly expressed. Ihonbsoluto necessity of personal supervision of a child's residing hv his parents. .'I. Having onto got a, good, ablo pa- per, no matter what tho price, don't i-;;riiugoii,a healthy support. How A Lahy Uuii.t A OitUKWi. Commenting on the various modes resorted to, In order to hid Id churches, tho Raymond (Miss.) (,':ft7c gives tho following plan.recently adopt- ii in mat county ny u young lady. It says: Wo huvn in Hinds county a young la dy a imtlvo of tlio county, and horn nnd reared In ease, elegance, luxury; tho (hiughter of an elegant gentleman, and u friend of ours for u quarter of a century who knows how to build a church, and not. theorotleally only, but practically, Tho older heads of tho neighborhood greatly deplored tho want of a church building. How to erect ono In the presuut depressed, wrecked, and ruined condition of tlio country, and especially In view or tho impover ished situation of thu surrounding pop ulation, wus a soru perplexity. Our young lady friend thought that whero there was a will there win a way, and Hint nt all uvents sho would do her du ty. She at onco contnetnl to teach, for n year, In tho family of a lady living In tho vicinity. For the year's labor sho received $500 In gold. Tho gold wus turned Into currency, imd tho entire uniount, 700 was presented by her as her subscription towards the election of tho church. And flint's tho way to build it church. Communicated. Mn. Kiiitoh: Wo notice that our friend, correspondent o( ta Jlepublienn has changed his subject from mathe matics to grammar. Wo aro pleased with tho change, and though wo may hover hecoino professors of that sclenco or any oilier, yet wo will make it few remarks which you may publish if yoti please. Wo will first correct tho error (though not our own) In tho mathematical question which wo handed lit for publi cation a few weeks ago. The question should read two years ago James' ago was 2-5 of his uncle's but In eight years henco It will ho 3-fi of his unclo's ; What Is tho ago ofeneh Next, passing over tho mathematical crrorsorour friend's second solution (Which you will find In tho Jlfimblicnn of tlio 10th Inst.,) we will noticu miiuo of his grammatical errors. Grammarians should not eay "2-5 of tho uncle's ago 2 years ago plus 10 years arc equal to 3-i of his nge," for this shnplo reason ; nee Is the logical subject; and tho verb must ngrco in number wltho logical subject : even when tho grammatical subject Is plural. Again, "2-5 or his ago were 0 times I years which arc years;" aiidngnlu, "2-0 or James' ago were 2 times I years which arc 8 years Take for example this buutence 2-3 of tho npplcs ate spoiled: hero tho log. lea! subject apples Is plural, hence wo havo n verb to agree, but If wo take the sentence 3-5 of tho cargo was tost, the logical subject cargo is singular, lictico tho verb must bo of tho samu number, Wo now Hud for analysis the following sentence, "Whosoever will, let him take the water of llfo freely." This l.s a compound sentenca contain Ing ono Independent clause and ono rel ntive clause, Tho independent clan Is, lei him ta!;e the water of llfc,frec'i llui subject is, tltoit understood ; the predicate Is let, the object Is him. The subject Is not modified, tlio predi cate is modified by tho adjunct lake the water of life freely, tho priq ositlon to, being omitted after let. Tho object is modified by tho relative clause whosoever will. Whosoever is u com pound relative pronoun, and relates to him forits antecedent, and Is hero the subject or the verb will, und therefore In the nominative c.i'e, according to Rule. Let is an irregular active trans Itivo verb, or tho lmperatlvo mode present tense; second person and singu lar number to agree with Its subject thou, understood. Win Is a personal pronoun of thu mascullno gender, third person and singular number, and hero tho object or tho action oxprcssed by the activo transitive verb let nnd therefore lu the objective case. The word, ichosnevcr is nearly obso lete, except where it is Used instead of a simple relative und nn indefinite ante cedent. In ancient writings or Ulble sentences, the antecedent Is sometimes expressed for the sake of emphasis ; as in tlio sentence wo havo just analyzed H Quay burrisAai: in Pennsylvania. Tho Jalo Mr. C was an extenslvo iron master in Lancaster County, Pennsyl vania, his mlucs extending Into Leba non County. On election days ho was in tho habit or having his bauds driven in a wagon to tlio pulls, and then, with out giving them thutruuhlo to get out of tho wagon, ho handed in their vole himself, giving lu their names in he did so, thus: "This is Peter Huiiiniel's vote; this is Jacob Miller's vote; this is Uasper V Cher's vote," and to on tin til ho had voted for nil in the wagon Tho wagon was then bent off for it fresh load, and when It arrived tho samu ceremony was gone through with tlie.m it Is btill tho custom In Pennsylvania for Iron-masters and nil other manufac liners to compel their hands to voto ns their employers please, but Mr. O was probably tho only one or his day who put in their votes himself. World. Co.U, lias fallen lu tho cities. A dis patch to tlio tieranion JlepuWcan, dated tho 11th, says: Nuw Yonic, Nov. 14. The coal mar ket hero is very dull and declining. The largo tonnage of Reading Willi tin htness of tho money market has aused u reduction of from nuventy-llvi cents to a dollar a ton from thu price obtained at tho last auction sale. Co il l.s offered freely at these figures anil there is an indisposition to buy. Scliuy I- III coal is pressed in the market at very low prices. Moui.Ti.vti Canaiiiix When your canary birds aro moulting and cease to sing, do tills: Put a little oxldo of Iron (Iron rust from the drug storo) or let a couplo of lath nulls belli tho water they drink ; toko awny their bath, so that they cannot get any drink but their medicine. In another cup Immerse a llttlo saffron. Tho latter gives color to thu Incoming feathers. Tho Iron braces their systems while moulting. In a llt tlo while they will nlng loud enough tocauso u headache. Horr.rui. Yir.w.i. Dr. Johnson n-us accustomed to say frequently that the habit or looking at tho best bldo or ev ery ovent was worth moro to any per son than a thousand pounds n year. And Dr. Johnson was right, fur cheerfulness Is man's normal condition, und despon dency and melancholy, tho inuvjtablo results of dwelling on tho dark side, lead to dyspepsia uudhypochondrla.thu most terrililo nllllctlon nisii can have visited upon him. Tin: Dloceso of Central Now York lately elected by tho division of the Dloceso or Western NeV York, com prises thu counties or Ilroome, Cuyugu, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Jeiiyr son, Lowis,Madlsou, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, Seneca, Tioga und Tompkins, Fourteen counties, witli thirty two self supporting Parishes, nnd 81012 commu nications. Tho nihhop's salury was. llxed nUI.OOu. Tui: disfranchisement Investigation (-0 farms it has progressed shows tho following facts: Disfranchised. Missouri, 76,000 Jeunessee, I22.WW i exits, 62,100 Total, IMl.aos Whero would Itadlcallsm and Grant bu with a full nnd fair voto '. I'omu:.ST has challenged Kllpatrlck, and Kllpatrlck has taken to thu water. Soft for a llrlgadler. Tim Kentucky delegation in Congress will bo all Democrats. Tho Llttlo Oame. Tin: latest phaso of the little gamo Is to keep tho , two-thirds. As mattTS now utnnd iho Rati Icals nro some ten or twelvo short of a two-thirds lu Iho For-ty-llrst Congress. To do uway with this overplus of Democrats nnd thereby put tho ring lu Grant's nose, should tho General provo restive, Is u prime object, nnd this Is thu way they mean to do It. Imprimis, tho word has gone out from Washington and Waked Int6 galvanic llfu a certain select decoction, live Ill-number, of that learned body that, from tho antecedents of Its mem bcrslfj., was known ns tho Mississippi Chaln-gnngCovontlou, This decoction, styled committee, has all of a sudden discovered that tho negro constitution was not, after all,defoatcd In Mississippi by 7,021) votes, ns officially reported by the district commander, hut seven strong uiitl-eonstltutlon counllci feeing thrown out was curried. Wherefore tho said qiilutrlplo crew, In u re-cript dated the third of this month, announce that the affair has been "duly ratified nnd adopted," and divers carpet-bag nnd negro gentry elected ns Statu olllccrs unci to Congrivs. Theso hit ter resump tions being livo (5) In number, It fol lows that, on tho adoption of this mani festo by Congress, ns It will he adopted, tho trooly loll will odd at ono fell blow five brand-new carpet-bag votf s to their depleted ranks. Further than this, It has been ascertained, as a Wellington special to tho Post is good enough to tell us, that there was such "rebel ter rorism" in Louisiana ns kept tho lull negroes, who niudo bread and meat for the Cofedcrnto armies when they could not have been forced so to do, from tho polls. This means, of eourc, that a sufficient number or uflld.ivlts ut f u-plcco have hewn prepared to make a goad basis foreastingout tho five Louisi ana Democratic Cungressnien-ohct, whereby It but remains for the loll to mist two, or, nt most, three more Demo eras to get their two-thirds. This la soon dono,us it is now being "ascertain ed" that lu Georgia thero was also a terrorism which lost the Statoto Grant. This done, out go seven Georgia Demo crats, and roiVrt.' the two-thirds. Then lot Let-us-havo-pcaco wag his head Johiisonizliigly at us If ho dare, und we, unto whom Is given tho ruluess of tho earth, not forgetting the two-thirds, will show him on which side of the hedge shines tho sun. What n little gamo It Is, to bu sure World. Tammany KTomminalinEr Convention, M:v or.t;, November 23. The Tammany Nominating Convention for city olllcer.s was held this evoulnir, Tamiiiaiiy Hall. Judgo Charles I Daly presided. A delegation from tlio Ger man General Democratic Convention was present. Tho following geutleme were nominated unanimously : I'ur Mayor A. O.ikey Hull. l'or Corporation Counsel Kiclmrd U'uorman. Doth made fiiecchcH of acceptance. M-.W okk, Xov. 2.J. A special to uiu evening J-.xnnss.troui Lowell, ila-s, says: "General Duthr lies vry ill at hij residence here, mid fears uro enter tained that he may not recover, -Vt ono peiiod bo is mid to havo been en tirely speechless."' I1j.ajii.ess Cliir.i). Tho Deposit (X. Y.) Courier is responsible lor the Ivllowiug marvelous story; In tho vicinity of Spoon III! nols, is u child that was born and has lived live years without a head. Mrs -, tho mother is tho widow or a sol dler, formerly living in Marshall Conn ty, who enlisted in the Sixty-fifth or Scotch regiment, nnd was killed nt tho buttto of Lexington, Missouri. She was standing hesldo her Iiu-b.ind dur ing mi engagement, when n cannon ball curried his head completely away, his oouy lalllng Into her arms, and cover ing her with blood. Tho shock affected her greatly. When her child was born there was not tho semblance uf u head about it. Tlio limbs are nerlcctlv de veloped, the arms long, and tho shnul tiers, where tho head and neck should be, smoothly rounded oil'. Jlut tlio most surprising thing of nil is that tho faio is situated in tlio breast, ut course, thero being no neck tliu pow or or turning Ils head is wauling, ox cept lis the whole body Is moved , but this ililllciilty Is overeomo by tho sing ular faculty it possessed or turning its oyes in their sockets, cnnbl lug it to see qui to us well on either side us thoso more perfectly formed. Tho upper portion oi its body Is while ns tho pur est Caucasian: from tho waist down ward Is blood red. This straugo crea ture, now an active hoy ol ilvo yeais oiu, in If to compensate for his deform lty, possesses tho most clear and bird- lll;o tones over listened to, hingim: with correctness, everything it may hear, and ils voice nt this early ago no coiiipllshcs two octaves; easily. Tnuun teems to ho a mutiny In Qeu end Geary's camp. Fitzgcinld's City item, always Intensely ltadlcal, this week pays tho following tributo to Geary: l'oor Geary is traveling and begging day nnd night to securo a lenomluntlon, IIocoaxc.s,Implore.s,pronilscs, threatens, whines mid erlo. Never beforo has such a spectacle been been In this Stale. Mr. W. W. Ketchum and Gen. Hurry Willie, of Indiana, nro his competltois both abler nnd better me:;, niiil neith er of tlidm liars. Wkniikm, Pjiij.i.ii's Is out In a let ter nbustiiB tho Democracy. President Johnson, Chief Justice Chase, nml Governor Seymour. He thinks the Democrats will almost suiely succeed In 1872 unless every whero tho radicals tflyo the negro tho h.illot. SnenU out iid let us know how many of you uro in i.ivor oi "universal Manhood Suf- KwiAltiHNCl Model mil liners Inform us Hint bonnet dtrlugs will coirio In fashion this winter. This will bo good news for dealers In ribbons. Ono of tho principal reasons why the womon folks nro now so pretty, Is be causo they show their chins. With big bows of ribbons concenllng their fea tures, their uttractlvcucsa will bo re duced about sixty per cent. It seems that tho oxtenslon of fran chise lu Kngland has superinduced mobs, riots nnd Intimidations of work men by tho masters of Iron -Mills, Ac. Havo they been taking lessons from our American employers? This will bo another bond between foreign capital ists and our own. Market He port. Wheat per bushrl llo " I'orll " Oiita. " . ...... t'lour pet Itnrrol I'lnvi'iAecil KlnxftppU Iiutlnr - - Ttillow m ; I'nlniors Pr-inl Apples h- . IVtrrf n linnet Hliti-s nml HhnuMera Itiiril per ixmiid 1 lay per tun - i.u.Miir.u. hemlock Hoard per tliouHiOi-l feel Pino " " " (nut-Inch).. .Intst. Hennlllns, l'litnk, (Hemlock) HULnglcB, No. i pr IliutiHuuil "Minn " n. ;v.v.7".v".'.v.'.'.'. Il-.ny :::::io .... SM ,. .. Imi, 11 . S 7 ,. - I N. 1 Hcntcll plR No. 2 " " ... lllootn...M......MM,.... rtt PhlUtUliilili Itlitrlirl-). ,'f UCI1SDAY, Nov. Del. I'M, Ft.omt ' " NnrthwpMerniitinerfnjoftt t-VSVfo n.M rortiiwe4tern cxtnt. .... t'fa u. t NnrthweHtern rmnUv s.Vf no IVnin.-mniiln nnl Western tmticrtlnn.. 7.w.J IViuiHylviinln ittid Wentem oxtra 7.7VJ a; l'tlintvlvnnln nnd Wpulern family It.rjwrll.i IVntKyivaitlu ami Western fancy U.-W I'lIT, uiejiimr , H. i-vu WHEAT rr'iinsiv,oiiaii'(i,v Mi si.k himthem Cnliruinia " " ' wlilto " , Uyi: IVnntylcnnU rye, v ' tiHN Yellow, Willie, " (UTS Vlllls PltovlsIONH Mi-t p.nlt. y Mil .Mew lleef, ' llre"c(l lloirs, V Smoked llains " " KMiilllJevs V tb hnrrt, V ri NI.ElJs Cloven teU V lus Tltnotlo feeil bus I'lHXM-lfl " . CAiria: llcef IntlloWlr- Cows, tl head , HIlKEl' II. Hons Tl PHI Km FUSi'll. tl."JfMI CI.'.'KnH.: H.17MM. 7lH(.t7 til. til,' l.xf lie litflllTiai vi: Iters U'j, SI.-i.tlF-. Ml II- .IS II l'OI.Wll'lf WII.KIN"ON-On 'l'lli'sd.l i-M-nlntl the '.'III, I tint Itt tile hiiUMt tif.lo-t pll llarrltoll in iiiiiiiiiiHriim, uy itiv. i . t .tienrii, .tn . lie 11. I'ollm-lc nfH.llem. I.llZ. 1 11.. I'll.', mill J liet.H. tali i:. WllllliMi.i, uf Un.irei-eeU euilimnia eo. rcnuu. Ki: K-IMITlt-Itl Itazlckili.r.H llln tj Inst., Ilcv. I:. T. Kwirl?., Mr .t. N. Id cit nml M s Aliu-ll.lC. rsuillli.alluf lliiiltloli. i:t.Mur .fACKMON-Iu licrulck on tlm Ktli inti., ny uev. a. tiire, .Mr, imoi . -MhsJennlu 11, Jiu-Kton, till ol i.erwu !t. CO-U. At Uohrslnir. on tho .r.tli in.t Cj-e, used 1 1 ears, am I Is davn. QOUItT I'KOCIiAMATIO-N. t Wiikhhas, IhcHnn. Wllllnm Klwrlt, I'n-s Jlt CU)f llltt 4'tMirt (if (her iirnt Ti im I ii..r Utnttnl .liill it lUury, Court hiimiu i f-.-H-doit ... , nKV ,,,iV1 iu 1 1, , Mini in mi lit. nil 1 i ii ihim.s t inrl lu tliu Ath Jimh-l-il JiMnci, ci.u iium-uih iiiuroumii'im roiuiiiiiia, .-uuiv.m iiiki jnnuiiK.uiiu ino mm. iruiu ivn untl itu'i imv ittiKMi uiuir pict'opt, in'nriiij; ituti' llu inuuMinu.riKiii iiuntucu niul Mt. -i ifjhl. an 1 in hii-uui-i-iiu utr UUHllllsm-UllllHHu-iii ml Uli.llU'l r-i-MHus oi mo iviki, una ori-ii.ui Mi.iui.uiiti i nuilof Ooiiiiinm i'uiis la JiluuinHlntrj, hi Uiu ."'illlllj ni LullUUhl.l, nil till' lust Alntiu tv , It, .n ,j i,i j,neiiiiKrimii) L-uiiiimii our Xnllco licrrby fjhin, In liio i numrr, to 111 .lusuctsoniH' 1'iiirc, iiiki Iho rronMui lll'-l oi till' miui enmity ni Coluuihl.i, u, .a tiu-v i.,, tin n nml IlK'io lu tlioirirutt-r pursuit nt J-i oVlnck In the t tuns nml utlu-r rrinuiihriiiiri i, ttnlolliuso thiiiir viucii to tiit'ir nllUrsnpirt.-ii.iin in i,vtUmt Ami i.i.n( iii-uijiiijiilioe, lu hinsr riitoiuntnstthoprisniKTSlhatiuonr umv i... li iiiu j.ui ui mo hal.l ciHimyol lo tliuii "--' iu I ii'tr- u ii tut ill US KIUIU In- JllM, .lu 1 mi Kit- ri'MUt sti'it hi lie PiiiiL-iiiiil hi tin ii- iM.ti.i. utirt'(itsitnilily tutlirir imtkri. i .Ut-il nt Jtl.iiiuis. 1 ,1 '' 'u-.iiiin fi;;ui mill i 'i tired ami -t-Ulit, atai in thu nin, i t . Ki-ululji;irol tiio Jiuli-iifiulriico nt Uiu UiiUM IJiUD.-lliljlll, 2in IfW. bliri'lll". 1KGISTKIttJ KOTICJC-Xoticij is LvlK'HliyKlcuton)l lumiiitv. rrnlltnrs and oiu t r prisons liil.'icstotl lu Uiociitittfs nt Din rc r.p((IIoiUi'itlfiitMnu(lmlnorf', that tlio tolluu-iiu tllnl in tho otlh'it oi tint Ih-'isi.-i .r i'.,i.....i!i i'oiinl,iiiul will liu pirsilttrd lor eoiitlrriiuttoi'i . , i.i'i 'jiii'iiiiiiH uourt, lo ho held In Illoiiiiishum, on Man. lay. t 10 m.'Wnth ,- .r i-vr. l-l.s, al two n'rlock lu tho nUciliooti nf i. i irnintm nnainci'Himlnr llcuWn Knlttli-mi- lillUlMluJoi nt Duma iMiUlln, htto of 1 iiiltilu Auoiint nf r.owN Vi ilea atlm'r, ofl'ii'tlir J-cDk.r l.ttr n( I'lanlillii twu. il,.L J. Airounl nf UfUiH V. ttrriulm'r. of Andrew Lnl.riiuui in!.-oi MntiUlIn twn. ilroM. i. Ac;;ouiii ni lito, .m. Ilariuuiu.iulm'r, or Mm Mary llaittiiuu Ulvut IJcntou twp. ilpuM. J- Atouiii -ui 11.1VM Lovuiihtfio'r, uf .Taroli in. mil- v ! mi i, lU'f u. H.Arroiuit . i.lnl.11 JCt-Irhiu r. irunnlHu of Al iifiirsU'ii'rr.iuuiorchlklotl'iUi Hiliu-r Uu i,f 7, Alvount ot John Kt itlini'i uitHnllan of Su Minna Mvincr, mitmr chlnl uf 1'ru-i Mnmr nu oi wmiuku i . jr. ui-r u. Airoiuii hi 1.1'vi Alkinnn rmmllfui Wll iiiun ji-iimi c, iniuori iiilit ut 1 raiiUln, ..h'lirhlf U.!'ust nml ilinil n'rcuiuii nf John Hnilth ml. inlii Uliatnr nlUllnrl ittitn-uD i,t,. ,.r i.,.,t 10. I'list ahil Ittinl nroniiht nf .Inlo .Willi II f t. i-AKiitor nf iituifeQ McMH-imil ut Ur.enwuiMl tun. ilrc il. 1'. Account nf Jr.t KmhI. m lulinliilstiaior of uiKiKK i,i-iiiiinitiiiiuM l iimiMp iirru. (i.11Al;c1llu1nt,, J t'"rliiuuili;uanllaiiot Ann I.. 1)1 rh I, daughter of Uatii-t Apploiiian ilu,d, iir Mnlhrrof (icriiM'oil twp..!tji. II. 1 list ni.. I lliiKlncotilitnf Jnhn AMiitlii in, lUicjiml, ' " J. 1 (UTouutnf John r. Toulrr. A.Im'r ni ltnhrrt J. l.jont-, Jain nf 1'lno tWiiiM' i-m1. HI. Acrnunt Ol J.t OlinUl Ailninumlhi'i ..I ..t x.iH.KU I , ime in IjUt'HriL l p., 111'.' 11. I. nii Him until Hicouni, oi Tallinn MI-I Aum i in I'Kiiirl iifr.,iuirnr Main i,vi d.-u'il. JOHN (I, VV.KWAV., liisburj; Xuv. If. lG G iiaxj) .lunous, ion iixi:miieu ti;um, u&t Hil'irercaU Vi'in, Lamon. I.rvl Sliair-i'. nior Hit ttei leh. emon Muiiiu i itiinup. .it. fin i. v, mi, v lllontti .lohn ll. 1'iirst 11. John ku m. i. kii i in n iniui i j iiiuiau liiiirnuousr, ltcenVun.i lii iijtiiiiln aim. llriulot'lt SJru V rursrl.JoIiti ue l.rl hn. lrfii'Sht H lis Ml.lnhiixin. Mltllln M. It. llrllrr. I'ha. J. r'lvn.v liin, jMontorrw n., Mt l'h'iiant Itussci Applrinan, I'fuc itidiinl l. Hliltniojtr. Heoit Jinny 1". Oman, Uocar i:nt rjijtAYJ:uai: Ji'jtons, IUH ii:U.M, 1M(S, Jlrntnii-.AlOMiiuli r Cully. lt!noiU-U.(lirr. I. 111. in. l.!M:n P. Ill.ll. in ,n Ut i witK I ior. luviif ll.iurhrr,.iiiiiuH J acuity, liiiivti John lllntriliti r, l iid, iiun,!,T. Hilar I'm Ic .lunua I.o, I'nluwISMl Xrli-tin l'.Inlin. Dniiii I 'Atrvtr IT. ti ry Ilollliiiiliratl. i t-iiii iiiiu i in uoiiru .lit'iiiii'iiiniii. I'iMiUiluirt U Holuliiuu liiu.h.AiiL'U'KiMs.M'nn, r jiiiiii Minn, 111,1.011. UU'CIIouiI Ho belt 1'ottcr. Anion llrlillui'Ji JuiiirH L'ulliL'rnii. 1 trii,tiiuir Win jacl;.ou-Julm lianoc, Win. V. ilis,OII i r Co- VC'lllUACll, i.ncusi joiin Jiurn, Moniinu lV Itr KnibhlKr. Mum k rnlhurn. Mt. 1'JeiiMint i'hnu b Mason, Mulhlnti UllUil, i iii ni .ii nn .iiiijint'i. tJimitft MIUhm a, Wlllliini Al.rahi.m IhMlur, hiott WjiLl'luKlinaii, T MtlAIj LIST, rem i)i;ci:mhku tkum, John J. Mionli s Jnhii(!aln. J. It. ltlacKtuii Mi 1 he l.i hitih it Mahunv it. it. l."HI'.ll) . ran cuiin "iisu- vk m, a. luw i in Win. rrabont-tal AsilmiLiu uf luc Wttsiitiiim-h Iusuran.uL'n. i;auird .M Uaii ci hi vs joimhwrency, R If. lVon vs .John t'alu. Tims. J, VaiuUrfcllco i Uohtrt Howell. John Cuk ma u v Michael L'rouuu, J, II. Uuiluoix vh 11. O. llurlinan, John lonptr iauu i j lower. John (illioy u Win, II. htcnitr. Convnuhauilwii.. B IV Ur L. Kllnn John T, Kliuu 1 1 al. Ih mo t a-iciy vj Jai v. Hankcy, (llllit-rt l itwlor VH lUuhrtuMlller, .intihu.i vuix h 1'urvjn jA-Ht-i ui, Klla. (Jcoryu ii Aaron lVaihon, Kit t'n I'liiiif ntliu'r. mi J. Ih Ctiho i tut. 1 liai, H. lllrrli IVlrrHchuif. Huiuuel lli'iinrr John llluterlilrr. i.uciih , Aiot-r h ii, .lAiiiainri c I nl, llitvhl IjI-wIn (luanihiii ot minor ihtl.iifii nf John lUm hCollliu bullllt. win ikrji'i MijnniitsaMiai'iiu, Jon. 'lliomns HJohn Jlnup. i urutekiu i h jonu jour, llriiry J. Vaplo v Inaau Ihuiit e al, ftrnry J. Ynplo vh Iniuic l'mm ( t u'. 1:1 lab HitjihT h Auitin H hii) tr f t al, Krldcnrk MldmthK Hitii v 1'idtltr vt al. John Appli'iuti' B'iho-i, I 'tilk, John A i. nil mile rt nl vn'1 lion. I'nllt. Uhiiii, Kremlin vm llcniy Knacp, (Itao, Kin ley Mt (leu, klc, Hiiuoii c. bldvu M llaimuli II, Ainu-tiuut'. ji-khh eoiiKMAN, l'rotli'y, lltoonuhure Nov, 1.1, IhoS, TIDOWS' AlUMlA-ISlCMKNTa. 'lliofollonluifiinprnUemcnU of tral nnd per Kouul pioperly bt-l a)Uit to wldowMof ilrrrdtntM, JHt ,11-1 It HIV.) 11 1 1 IV tllllt-U ! UIU 4kl iilllVr ll l . liiiulilu county, uiutrr llui Kulen itfL'ouil, ant) will Im prrtrnffd for nhsoluto coniliiualloit, io tliu OinliunV Court lu to held In Itlonuihhuru. lu tmd for bit Id cotiuty.nii Moniuv, liu; hbVhNrji i'ax uv iitr, iaw, ui uvu uciocu r, w., nf unld day, uulen-t oxceptlnnu to iitrli couilnuu lloiu uiti pio luiibly filed, nt willed all ptroim liilert-bttil In vuhl mtatcit will tnttu nnllfot j. Whiiiwoi l iftiiritit Mcttiy, lutooj mruick JluroiiLli, tltcftibid. 2. Widow nf ifc.nio Wch li. lata nf HuruRk lni juiin ii. I UKfc.t:, Jiui-juur, Uloojubhurt'i NoY-ii, jujX, n i r u a v . lli en tu- io thu ireinNi'f of 1 1 mi ti rM:ned In Htl.nrlolf I'ownliilt, otu- led hilll nuirkrd, left riir nn. itn luirnruit out wiiun iiiuu iru, ycarull, JOHN UlWl, IMn.ioH T A N T i: 1). A r inuriiMii Nfhonl it arhrr to (nknrhiirim ni UP 4iune Jim rium ikiiifc, near nil Hull. It ii-iiiuablu w am i will li ihIiI. AUVtiiu-h it ili'fdrllitf tltH pitKlilnti. should ire tn U wlllioilt tlrl.iy. A J.L'AIIK, ITCH I. oriho litMId. WhUO Hull, Nov..'tH-il. AT O T I CM2. JLl Thn fiuhrrlnor lins tnltrn up four (dmy ftnuLivtho nw urr It h u-hy iiolillril tototim l'r nt pr-o ii if rtlj a tlaiuiifii-M, and Inlict iiifinnny. uincrw hu i ip win if umpmi u oi ae cortiiiut io i nv, LUU Altll HllhAI Tl.u, Crnlrilhi .Nov', !t7,NK $2000 A YKAIl. Willi luth lalior. fiiiU'tlilii!i (iitli-nlv new for nil thosu nut ort'niliyuifiil, iiHtoiii-hiiM f miMh h aid irom, i'ciy day HhifM dN.Mivi inl 1 1 1 5 1 1 per nay nuiiir o curv nun mhi ihih yet iiihrii liodl iifllit-hluiluMi, nh tu idl. lit) lapitni r nuiii'il. All tin inn linvln i auv Ii ar of hciim hum hiui 'IU I hoiIko mi' hy noi nlieliiK tlilijnll uinur a-i iri'ti mu! wiui'iui win. ror pm ru- it-. tili'iitc rtrito Kit. in 1 1 inr i-ln-nlnr. Ailih i V.ili mini' hi ink, New Itlooniileld IV ny L'., I'a. .OV, hi, u-- llli- xroTicri jn hanruuitcy. thU Ih Ut Rivo liotlrol tlmt on the tilth d.iv nf Nov. A, r. If i, n w.iri'nnl hi llunkuipti y wan !iiird luraln-st UiriHsfateurdi'orgi' 1Vnm-i nuiclu-r oi Ulooii."lm,n In llierni'iity oi Cnlutiihln, mid tldH nf l'eliuvlatlla, Wiio liiit hiTll itdJlltlKod 11 it in it i up i mi tui ovi ii ni'iu inn ; uini iim iim iu oi iih iiriit- i no n Miveiy hi any piopi ny i Innahitr to H'lrli IViiitcrttnl- to hint, nr l.r hit li au'V the tmnnfer nfnns Moirit.t k him are tnr Itlrtden hv law; Hint u meet Iim oft lie 'i-rdllorH nt the wdil llanki'itpt, to prove tiiciv del its, anl tn chooiroiiii nr ttioie aHvmn es of hlM eslnle. will htMnhlfUii litntoi 1 .ii 1 1 pi e . in le holdeu til tin rxehltllie Hotel In lllnuiu-hiii-tf, til Mluiiitihi i "uiti , I'rnim.x hniitn. heloie IV.ward 'ivtrion, tr ueni,ier,oii ino l".ui u.iy ni nee, ,P.( X'-Wi nl l o clock, p, in, 'UllAt S A, iiowr.HY, V. S. MuikIiiI. Uy ,i:, M, CooMiM-fiif, Ivpuiy. Nov,T, 'ish tt TOl'ICK IX HANKISUIH'UV. I hUli to tint tret that nn Hie day nf nine, ,. ii. imih wanton in iunuiupie n Ivsui.i nyniiis! Iheiialf h K h. 1-,. nt In lile ii t'l Hiii'i M-it in till' I 'lllll.V ll tlllllllllUM ano .le or reiiuvyiuiuii, who iia hivn ad i'iU'-'l u llaukiujit mi his own petition I hut i ie i -i nielli niuin in nw uini iieiiveii t.r anv ii.oi . it heioiimnit to Mu-ii lianlniipt, Io him, t inr his iim nml the iiniisier ol uny tironerlv hy tu in me iHiotinUii hy uiu ; Hint n iiu'LtliiL' nf i ue i.fiiiiu'H oi ine mini mini i it pi, ut pmv- iia-lr k I' s, ii i id iu one oi nnn e Mss-imi, en o liln "i. it-, whi tie ueii at u i cull hi ii.iukuiiile- tii ImMi ii at (he (..'.ehatiLe lloh-l. In lliiininshuiti i 'Muiiin.ii i-Hiini,-., i-t no.) iv.ini.i, in loir i,iwai.l it nun, jr., Hegisier, on tin.- tl tlay nt fVi' A. l'.( I a nl I o rhK'lt, p. in. IH't.MA. A. lnnVl.i:M',H. Mur.hil. Nov. --t. ity K, H. ru ii.iiAi (ut, Hejitiiy punui; ham-; I' I! It S O N' A li OF VAliUAHIii: l' ) 1' i; it r y. Wlil he Mill at pubde on the loth and kith ot Pee lane in m, at ion o t Un U , m id mid Ih,h iii hi uiie ii'...uiiuo tfi i n.ri letur in m in :own-lui, i koiiua emuit.v. J n. the follow lnj,' I ei-uiml j.iu eit lo " I : iKOitd 1ioimi, V ts)d 'I iii in u ii n, i in ii e in i iiu c-il,a liiileu vow 1 i 't win null, 1 1 1' im In it r, ! iai i'f, Pi sheep, II nil ii h ii -101111 pin-, ii (no-list, i pur I heMer S hku ti . intir noi re wt :ms. 1 i o-hinM ta- goi ,iIm o-wol.u fpii". (Vugon,) nne-hoiM'sprhiK mi n, intf inmi iiii,.,iiii i iim i so ni, t Mt-ilill, 'llu.; let im, I dull. 1 ii-M'liim h.n r.iUe. I i iu-iiouU in, u i i-iil ers, J ral-fiii ier w h.iy- f n iit, I i'MU- turM- tin t.iiu lunchlhe, .1 t.inuliu:, vi. tu 1 i i-iiti' i tineie, -( s hh i-mi ii. i iu iet iiti ifu.iiiiMt. .i p,i r il.v-nets, i nl i tn le.n'i oi'i 1 , I h mn miklie, I eutliiiu Unt ni .1 Mttiiir, Mlll'l Ml.UieiU tfi, I 1'lltTC C.llll- . j, P i , Mn id t uiuit'nr-, i top hu,uy, 1 turnip i Hi ' I , . Mill Hill , it i ( J Mint I, It IIM III Ll ' I n ion d I, I'to is ll u n 1 1 liu i , 1 1 lulls cl ier hay, lit! hiiit'l i h knijjhii u., I toiii fthiller,. ralu cnt tlle.t, i iiii.s h y (iu and -na tht h iujn pullev nnd but la l inr: too s.-iii HUtlieiKhlieik n eut n. Im hit. wh-'tii. .Ait mis elsoiiH, i tLnelH hneUwiical, By I'llsiiiH I've. hil'Z In elon-r Si ed. II acres nl rit In IhepiuuJ, ti tt iinu dial lu me niouihl, a lot oi nuuurA , t mii'iii nun Miucecr, z neus aim he 1 111.', I It. in kettle, I hiot tiUli. It. lot nf Wool, a lot Hi in' o.i.utnanu u..iiK,-jiii'iiiiiji;in luiiic, h mini' li'iii-t'liuld and kiteueo luinltuie and l.iiiiuiu, u tt udu loo hiitiieious t-i mention, i nliil.t. nin made know n on tlii nf sale ly w.i. ii. Yt;i n:n, " M, T. SllL'MAN, Nov. .7.St. Ad- Inistiatnr!. Makfs a j.AvriMi sm;,p. TJawo w ho bl. irk their liuuNnu Sittird.iv nlqiit with hl.ti kuisf, tkari have unieli blinno Hti MUUhkV. Ui LhO DOllMIl liull-t oil ; hilt 1 he Iiilit Oi i-oiiniNis" ui.ACKi:(i IvastH fiaturday Xfglit .uulall (Uy .Sunday. It hwitri any otlur BlitcKitij; iiuult.'. Maimlaelur. tt nnlv hy .1. 11. Ilobbhii, at Ids liu iiit'tiM Moan and lil.ickiiu UihLm. kivii. .ii,..t and Jt-i ui.iiihiM u Am ma-, 1 lnlMl,'iphai, J'.t, r ii-N iu- nt . ii, riiiui .vmju, i loom hiu j., I n. .in. .T O T 1 t' K , All .cri.ins Ii.vvImi. un-,.l!i-l nw,un!i witli tin- Mlm-ir llu l m It In ..ill nl I hi- i.M ll ,(!;l. Hi l- . nml t. Hit ill, Kim,, l.flu..ii i.. ,1 ..t Xiiriufi.-r nml Ihu litii t,r it.ii-i.iiiti- .s.uv. ai.'tiv.H. I, C. It.vltlilSON. A 1J.M1N HTUATOUVS NOT1CK. Xl. IJ.I.VT1. lli V !l. I'll KANl . LL-tti-lt, ,il iiilinliiisi , r it , 1 ltt-.V. Ill c nl hi-ult I, ,u i, i 'il ll il 1 ,1.1 I' mill, ilfi-UISfil, i, ,u nsi'.illll il liy tnu It.--;, lstt l-til sultl tiitliily Id --,tl)t t. t nitsj ut Millliil ttvjt All 1'i-i.on. Ii!ivih,'( i-lulitu ur tk'iii.ilKls iiii.uiisi iiiu.-Aiiiiu iii i u.. :.-,-. I, ,11 I. ,U,..-u-,i lii I ui lu Kii.ntu, 1,11,1 lliusu llnti hlt-,1 tit 111 ll.ii M.l mvlll tsAML'lU. 1 l!H i,V .NtiV. W. .Mllllllllsll.llijf. 8 llKUU'K'.S .S.VIjH! III' VAI.UAULU UKAI, i:sTATK. 11 Mllllitul n win ufAlln, V.liiUllinil i:xn,i. ,in l-Mli ( Oil. OI I llu dill 1 1 uf I nin mini PI. u.,r i uini III im-Ullti-iHl, trill l.ut- l.-..i ... itiuiiu miiu oi on- .ry ut tnu i i, ml iliiu-u In Ii.ooiii imi;,iiltmiiuilu(Mt luiliu it n.-v liuull oil .Mun.l.i, Uiu Tillili or l)i,t.i l.-iUul. IMv. Utt luliim-in i.i.i tstnlt- lo lull ' A'l lll.ll ILllUillllll Ol moi.lll nIiii,,!., I,. i-., llgl till lOlV!lM!!., t01UulllU,tf Oliuuuiu IlK.IUlir , ,,u ,.!. ,.' Illl ll.ll- ol Will sill Kl.lll.lllll, OH tlU IIOIlll lit till hi io t a i.i.i Ill lit I IIUllllOM II. I.llli I II I I,,. .. 1,11, l.tll I ,11. Ulc liULU.t AIllU,l.llil C'llll I'D., Oil tlhli-il C.IIUSJ . IWOblOl bt 111! ,0M. Willi l, ,.. lt. I, II..IH'l's, Al.-ti- til iinu i tain lot ofKruliiiiUIiimto In Illl i.l'l 'il'ltll Ut l t'llllllllll. I'll, llllilllll , Il I.... liu l .. ...... llliv li-t iioi.i, iiimonu liiintlmi ami 1111 It ft Ik'.'l', llOlllllll'll Oil lilt tllHLl.t llllllU'l.Ml Mil-- t, , 11 thu tt .- V 0 MUI'I, illiiloll llu, s, mill Ii. an iilli-t. uini i,, ,,, ... gl'....ii.:iu,.l uiu, M.u lisl,ijinliiiii.iin, ii.mci's. "' , .ii. ,i,it lu UU M.I.I III. thu I'iMj.uly oi .-U lli.,niiih. A 1j ti i) : Uy l lilutiof tuu-i-al itiiisof V, mil i tout i:.mio. i,iili Untl pit .1 i)itrt-ul oriuiiii hitiiiiii. 1,1 ... cnsi l.ittiuiu... (.'oliiiiili,.. i-i.tiiii , nn, ,iu i-ni(lli US l.lllllttsl llllilllll. . O'. Hit. llllllll ,- l.tlHlK ,i, I.I.Jilli L.tin.-r, i.n Iho tttsi h l.iniU uf Willi., in .... .... ,.,.i ,i inn,., in Jim i . i, insoii. , HWtl.V I. Hi s .1-11 nl. l ill P..H, ti ..7.. inii nun i, iiii.i inlii) oiiu nt'itK.'iiitiri-'-'", in ii-.iii in.- iinK-ilii lw . M.,-y liiiinu . , ' ' M"11 O'tt IHllltlllltS. lb i., tuli. II 111 I X. rutiuii.timl to . .,,i.i J,i. A U H () : A cerhi hi b't t .fmiiiil -hii it, h in t. - - iii,i , iiLiinn ii ii ui tit1 hcihtod if f.dN'Wr. ; on t hi' t ht hy i,neti!st Ae i l it It !' A1"! i t H'uv ot ctipled hy Miles ti llllllll, i.U the I. 'SI hv a L0 tiKiI allev. tnul m. in.. Soli i h I )l u Jonidl 11. Ktiltllu. on which Im 11 tMOHlOM IllllllitllU-l'llllK' l.1 O.I.. and hIh d, u ith Uiu itppui lenanet h. i-rifni.tHiiuiilll i ,i,f( iniui , HIKI (O III' Mlid n inv jiiuj't 1 in iiuitij ei-nei. j Ij ri I) : Ilv Irlnu of it tirlt nf l.i.tii. 1 l',ir.s I. ...... of tho Cull it of i-iii.iiiioli I'luasol Coltiiiihlu tonn. .J ...... ...lll.-yii.-, i,u t-.i..,., f, J, i( V '.. iltill.U III IIPM.IIIS. l.tllU .it. .IIU .1 I-'U ll II 1 It- llfll-Illiu,,, St.... .....'h tl.iy ol ll.. 1111111.-1-, Ist.s, Uiu l.ilIuAlna itiil unit ii limn i iiimiiik im mot or ,ltt III nilliil It-loiaiiiu lo tin. l munis u iiiuIuhuI 'limit illiy. nn. ml o u nj mini . i i...,.n.. it liu In .Miilii.- i.ituislilii, uini iii-ur lutiiiHurituili .Mm I In, hi, Ik. It Hlliltny li',iiii(,ii,i.. hi-lni.' In it oii.l iiiriiiiui llliiv hi.iikf. tu. uiitfii in i jti i-iiuoii, uini iu i,o ,.nM ii.h ..... . .i,.ni..i, i .iii'iiiiin. i- .. ....a -MUI-.DKI AI J U.I.AUIl, l.nv.Wl hht-llir TN TI1K IKTATH OF FIU.Ill'.lUCIC J It Iip. Ute of Oieenuin i luu o Miu tu.,,,,,.. ui loiuiuuiutiiiui MauioiiViiiiKvlvnula, dee'd. NiH'It KIN I'AltTITJO.V TO Nli' l.llilM lv'itllf. M. Ihhw K'l.utt T!.l.r oiii.Hi.tit.- luiinni HI.. ,1, Jill l.i.l'U. lltllAIu. ry Kiiidl,iliiiu (tour An nt KiPhk.olui Klndl, liiMlaiWvhidi: Ainu..! lll-.t.t I., i jam Kindt il;uij Ivlnd'. Miirmiivt 1C n,ii din KUur.Jii. nut n un, ii.niol htil ii ,t lev Ina Ht llni..ii, itilnirk lodlinan. tidte nm. ih.ii. In n..v t.. iiiHM cf a writ nf paillttnn nnn iiUiuf luu Im me ..I). -tint i ,,j . ijiiiui H Linui i i oiunin a Co.. mat pat iiioiini annillon oi iky unl tsttileoi bin county, win he had on the nu hut. uid't iliciilli day nr Ccunbu next, m which llinuau pucu juuinuy if sou think mo. r. hlirrlfrbfinicc, lHoemi.buiL', Ha . VX'w. MOUI'IHUJMlLLAIU'.Rh.ilir, jyjOTU'H OK INCOItPOUATIOX. N'nlleit 1 .ili el iv I'luii. t..iU htV'U Ul.uh to Iho Conil ll 1 miii.iiiii IMi.nm.1 i ..i. iiuioi tit my totruihtu thanui nl Uemi oia on loll m t.Uiiiiid.t I'nuntyAurtulluntl. Hor llculiui'i I and Mrrhunhnl Awiciiillou ' iho '' Ja 1 1 . Hiud Astaiaihin helui tu inipiove nitri uliuri lioriu iiiimi. hmihi hi.T.i ii.....uti.. .... i hieclu 4ll'ii nip, Jlht jllibUliiv, InV. 1 1, JW.S-St, A D.MIMHTllATOU'iS WICJ':. U.X. ir.vtu vi nun aw naiii.k, hh'mhfh, ' H-i ni in i ui nisi Dillon till (lie ci hi I e id llr ittcea uule,latt uf ccmre low iishtp, Cnlumuui. du Cnuuiy.tlfi-ensi'il, have hi . ti iiiiilt'd by Ihu l.t-KUterofsuld IXiuniy, to Saiiiutl Ni'j haul ml mill stiuior, who itsldcH lu Centre luwiishlp. All j.iihuiih huvlnu claims or demuiidH itualnU tha salel tsluteiire ruquesUtl lopiesriil Iheiu for Milltiui nl wllhtaitilct ,y, and IIumo liidcbleil tu lunUu pullllllt, Vuv 0,'iivCI, AihuliiUtiulor, TlIK niielcM.t piortnltncd lb d .Vyniplit, N'aiad(iiinl Ihu (H.u t s, , nigueMen wjnrii tnndo Ihci.l n w,t reri of tiirth. Hut ihcy nnwo mil nt ti nr I alia d hi fountain pinched hy linink and hepllbclr ItxUs uf tkuy t vnd litttiou, mid lliut hail tm lu-tii VeKt tahlo AmhruHlu which N ilum, t' thtiitf for thuiiMihiW of people in our it,. rOMAN. I't'iiialis "Wlnif f, M pniillar und lmpnrlnnl n luu, th.M siisialn, ibeirpcuilKirHrminiziiiiu,, nlllefN thc pel hum utt sul.Jirt io in,,,, lnN rriednm fiom thrseunitribuir ,,i i, deKiei- Ui lliuirlaippliieshand utiriii.. r cull Im happy whoaii'ltl. ni only oiu'td Iheiu various felilllo enliililnliu ', bu film-red lo mil nn Mlihout hnnhhw. eral hialthnl tha iM.llMduat, ati-l iV i dtifhig pejiiuiiient sU km st mi puim el lie, .Nor In It dh uH ilil lit i nnul( a I (or (he I idlef ol IheHi- vatlous Ui Ii nt and only upon ilia most uiut-ut iietcnMtt Iru- uniuaii so fir sacittlre hi t iru-utt . ailn do His. 'ihu sex w Id tin n ilmi.t pl.ielnl I tu r aiuN sliupu f nvnii " will ho r-inmi i MlfiKtiiM Iii i!ii... Iino-jt tt ry um uf Ihmu liuuuu ,,.,' plah 1 . pe I .i r hMhe srx. 1 II n.boldfM Lxtlactof lluchii, iIM r fi i' on in sliriii't', and hnniiif'H ni mn iiinl to Mio HnuirhtH und doctuii u ii rl ttilitalle tin m vtllh ih.- h p iij-plv iemdie-t whirl i iniikn th. m v t . uld not l htoaell iiliMhiliu d . Udu-ll-eiottH-fimiel (l.liu I i,tll sty ll iiiii. c priHkii c k1p t xhailhtloii nl the pout is n , noun c luploj nu nt, uuw ho eMinie ur prolUte till) stlliallnU, lhtMI' (iii n and fitrpient chlldhlith. It n tiih-n, hy idr-i i tri-lialion, iipphr llu luu n,Ui hiiinuorthe Miuoia lt.M ir. W ( li lev lev. luu tliu Causes of tin t nin pi Hit", tt It limit pa n I ul loennh in, nt-eiubtut v lUi-itirqueni upon tlit-m, simple Just lea to thu subject lo cimineiai of tho many rddl lonal can en Uu r. ( nlhcl the lite, hea Kb and hapintios ni w i la-ttrft ot horn ty, and Whkh iiium hiu hi nioiettr Iv-h dluctly, tlm uu hue or i.(. huiuaii f.itnllj. ihe mania that i-xImh f cioimetlueittlon nml in irrlae, cati-.ej t Unit nulllie itrKl;ni d lor toiiuietl devriu t ho uiNiitl nnd per-itrt in the tlret, tlm t urly cindliiMucnt nf techno), ,,,, hi cially lu thu unhealthy t xelteinenl 1.1 n.. hiliurundulv cxriled hv nUatuie. inn,!1",''1 HiitHiiKoi i e i'i i iim ni mi it iicMiim ii 1 1 v nm sueji and irst, tht5 oilcof tlesiriirtluii 11 1 l . tlilUpli-lutl. In tuhMiiiieticuof this early rtridn un i s slum, iiiiiifeesiaty etleirt 1 required hv i irate Vnttuy to retain her sltu.itxi In m , , a latter tlay, IhtuiiiuuiuvinK Urn evil. V.'m eeiti uieui h ot r, another in pimj,, iv lk the in hid hiorhitily sensitive to tin pi e-Mnn the howeonslaiit lel uini tf f.tsh'nii thk ahsolully fni bidding thu exerelMi !hdii hi ihe attainment a nd leleuliounf oran an I htrcuttli; Iho rxpouie to nti, t (), Mldth li rhuiiKi uf teiiipeintuit; ; (he enri: piostm Ion pi oj need hy exeeNlve daiiein . f niiessiiy, itrotiuce th"lr lesrltJinate ill t. l.iHt an e.nly inurtl.iu daps thu cllin i uf , and, aiitl the uutoiluii,iUunu hlilurlo o , i IK-' I'd less of ihu plain lenioutiamtud a Icale iHtUie, Ischium tin tiuw llhu sid mo 'leal lieatmeut. I'll W Is hutaliulu t tare ul llirexpenence of thoiisunib nl otu , women, IjOIib before Ihu ability to exercise ii liuUH nf the (jcnciallvo oraiu, tlir.v ir-m education nt t heir eiiucittlnii oft mil ir ncrouH system, composi-d of uh n led the tissues, widch Is 111 common Ith ( male hieaci and hps, evidently undtr ( it (ml of meiilai einotloiiH and associations t ailj pi riiHt of life; ami, uh we sh.ill suIim ly s e, llise i inntloii, Mheli exeessle, It n hefnie i uherity, to habits which sap Im tif their Mrlhns nu li.ttuiu lias seli.i .m eil their ileelopioent. i or n-inaie weii'tnesH nnn uemiiiy, witli. Liu oi . hie.i, Too I'lolusu Meuslriialiou, , tion, 'loo iniitf i t nt liiiud periods, inr 1 n.ii.ii Uieil, we-dlr the most peiteit rpt t llle I.n lU'iulio.d'H (.'oiupotiiul extraetoi iiiiciui i UoiiN lor U-e,, tilu- ml vice u rotiq anv I'i man s lu eve l if r let I nt 1 1 le, fmm exht me uld nge, will hud ll a rime i to ( lure iu the tliM hari4e nt Its tuutiou-, m rt Is the i;lury oriiiai.hnod nnd wnmaiihiii'ii, , bokl'H r.Ml'nci Huchu is moiestiehutln i. sahTniid Morn p.riu-aul. llehibold'H i Vir. s rim, having itsetved tint endoi'Menu m ti uinsi pinniiucni pnvs'CiaiH ill tu Uull- ) In now ntk'it tl in ailllcted hnniiinllj as -cure for t ho fnllowing dlstasiN anil sun from wlilu eis enu-e orlihi,iMh: m t i hilltv, uieiit.ilaud phnle.ti deprt-siiiiii, u.u ly, (leti'imlnatlon ui tuood in II.a.d, enm I eic. h'stei i.i. m neial Irtalabllilv. itvin km. at uIkui, uhoeiiiu ot I illriiiicv u itppi tite, tljsptpsia, i la u, low spirit , n oiir.iiiliilioii oi )iiraI.vssiftho oiKnnsnf il u at mil, palpitation or ihe he.trt, and hi t i h hllital' d statu ol thu s sieui, 'lo Imam a , nine, ui this tail. A sit lor Ilelinhntd i no idle i, td hj ill uniMs and tk.irlei ine when I'rlee li..t er bnttle, or six Ixitht i frii.., Hellvelwi to anv addles, lieetlhe snt loins 111 all eniuinliulrittionrs, Addirv, Jt lit hiihold, in nit ultil Chi tuh al Wuiehoun l.ioada , N. . Ntuio uiu uiiiulne unlt-sstlniie un In sit-c -i Slaved vv i upper lae-inlk' ol in ( iirmlcii w i ll'UiM'.lllhl SIHUUI. 11, 1. Ilt.Li.MI.tihi uei, io, uv;.ni. riOl.U.MIIlACOUNTYTJiAC'liJ.It-v- i.Niiiuru. To tbuTi arbers and S.-hnnl ltli .".n mi i ,i uupilu ( only ho (Vtllililhla e timtv Tcaehrrs' In, mm i. H-s tt ill hti held In ' ho Ultl'.irv .n-siiiiii n nkiouis aiiL'. t onnni iiilntiuii Mini i i. i. , . d.iv oi O'cinur, is,s ai pi ivin is o iii. i etiin ' on I-liduv nluli' if , -m umi.. u- ... less luu liaehii., ll labihee ihsiti a m- I two wr Its, All 'leiieher. Heboid. I H n u m..l i.dtu aikiii me In v lied l ill m lid, IllMlUCLIoiik Will hi. t'h'.tii in Mm Ke.iditirf ai.d I loeittl n. Ivhiii..iisinp i ll , 'io Mii'h, uiuiiiai, iheou o 'l. . Ilisioi-y t,i I he trull t il .Nt.iii's mi .a t,r nfsiud.auu t'venbm k-etuus deihutj . t .1 oktlny ii.iiiit d , diicainis. l'tol n.U.L.ark nl Snw .i !: nulln r ..r i Grant ui r ; ' lol. Ill niv t nncr. I'rfin-Iiil ..r in.. .... Nm inn! and Literal y Instdiile; . Walker, ni Uian,.tvitlu A.jitt. n Coiunthia enunt ; l I ON. I. V. r i 1 1 ee. Il.i hi ( . .till i ii r M I . ii. and i, it, Urtt, nf Ihvlliuoiiislmiu Nttim.n and Ltleiai.v lusliiuif. 'iho ut'eniliu or Tiiirhers ami Dhe. mi ( nihil i'iliitjollotlnj;piovisluiis of t lie hi l.i wi At( nrdhlJT to the Art nf Atunmlik' nm m Ai rll Mil. Ivu7. lliiik r wliicli 1 1... Ii.tlii.n. i. the loll t I Menihets inuthe ealled 'at Itasi 'h tut.iy;' acoininltttuoi live teaclurs nu I'-.u mill ('irilllr.ites must ht chosen hy h tt arher mav attend Iho liMitutenml be (in (he iliMrlU llidsame as If Ibev were lu m and thne wbo'abM'iit thcmt.lves fiom tin In suiuie 1 1 im ir own louiity. v, thout n l-oiui son, may 'mvo llielr want nt prntt sIou.n '.pi nnd rem indiciled' hv certlik iten ol .i ) a tirade in tho neu I.MinlnaMnii.' iMelMn r-ehuol Journal, May, lhti7, pp. ijii nir iiiero -vero nniv anon l ono hllU'in teach is in atieiidunrn in th iii.timi.t 'i slioiild bo nearly IwJcbasiiiany tlilsjrur. h duo -loiiswiil In all eases eiicoiiiaLc on iciitjK rs io itttenu ihu instliuie. I'llO I Ollimlltf I fill Mi'l lililliiilO r nilillitilm he fit cud '1 uesday tmiiulng. "inij;crous' day." Ill tu cnrtlanrn v. lib tlm t.iif(rf.Li imw r.r ilu. si Ruiiiliiieit(li'iil,l'iiday,llii)isthiUv (' , "t" "ii specially uui oieu in uit inn lew Hihool llltei t hi o ll U l.i I ii I ii',... mn her til Inreelnis presi ut, .1. I. Wk ltt ih.un, i.s(.,Ntiitt) hiiperlnlcnd. a win j ruk.udy bo iu altoiuiahu' tlds iluv tn iieiHiiio Hiieeiuri. t . II. HA ll K hi Y. NoV. J),'ijt-Jt, Co., Sllp'l., Citiutuoil M'h A DJllNJSTJlATOirS KOTU K J. L l.slAlN l)r ItlllOIIAII PKAN, DM i V l.i tu I.-, oi adiiunistiatiuti on (he estate ot I o.ah Ik an 1 ilu ot Catuwlssti twp., Coliiinbi.i u. theeaK'd, havu Ucu KiaiitCil by Iho lleuisin niu lily lo 1', IJ. LujrltW.iy ol Ith m. tovhr.iip. All (icisuns havluif rliuin ilrinundi nualusl thin stain ol tho decedent tm riipii sh d to hitiUu them Known, and those at ili-httd u imtltu payment. C II, IHKk KW.W, .Nov. l-VM-Ot. AdiniiiUinu lx i .euTons notick. icstatj- JjoJOIl.N HUAItl'l i:.S.deeeasutl. Letti-Mh l.uiieiiiary on tho eslaletd .lohn i-h.up.ess u C.itawlsMi tup have bet ii graulul by ihelbtf ler uf. Coin m Ida couut.v, lo iienre H, (Id' or Ciituwlss.i and llohan ! Clurlt n IPon nlnn All persniiH hav low t lailus niuilusl the eflale an ri'tincsttil (o piesint them lor sellk ineiii. ain' to the cMiltn, either on inm bin It m count will iiiaUu paiint nt to the 1 .v uoiruTr.LLAuivj l XK Nov, IV'H-Ct N ,T OTIC! K , 11)0 i.lldri'vlcnrd wnnbl kf ri-hf imiirv iluii.iil. tie, that she Im luitncd in Jamb Llmtpiiuiulh, " H-'anni; li 1 1 K tw p, ihn lolhiulnu pusnual ptnp erlv, uniKiH and chat I els, (he same tn be iriiiU n ut her pleauu, vixi iwo wniUInc Iioisch aixt ItillliesN .'cnltKT ll'iolnl callle, 7 hofjs, 1 spldn, Wnif.ili. 1 i nnk Inn stiivn nnd nine. I li.irlnr kiiii and pine, 'i hi ds and beddnu, lti acres nf r.i in m U I'oii ud, t Iir com tioin liacies, 70 hilshels of nn. latot s, ui hu heu of oatH und il) binheis nl hiuli-whe-d, .Nov. IVC-. Jt MAIIY LITWIMMt. PU1VATK KALK OV A VAIA'A-IlLI-i UllTLL HI AN 1 AUUinil UI.AIi W, Ihu lindrifIunrd would hen hv I'lt'n imth-n lo UiuiaibikMhalhulHtltfclinitui ii tell lux 't I'1 Milusatutho IIOTKIjj STAND in Onuiiiovllli', C liiinbhi f nunty, how rauipltd ly John huv tier, liq., U'uethrr wllh iwh adjoin! tix Jot., 'ilu uoiei is t iijuj H'u nu i item in i un hi rianuini wtil sui'i In il vi lib watt r.tabllnu and nihil t ole Mliirliti s and iMOlieni thumott tlebliablu shiluiit on thu l ihluriKi Mil;, Ti;itM Of KAl.l. i One half nf llm i.uiehase ni'ncv lo be naiii nu II n cniimh linn nf llu sale. und ihu I uliihtr. In citsy puj mints, 'ihu uiak i H.ynt vllleuu jheMh of ltiemhir, lll, While anv pirsuiu wlohliitf tu pint base, huij ctuua camuiiiuv. ivw. JAtoii Micn,i;i L ATKl.Y OI'KNl'.l). j lie unilettdL'iicil would irtu)cctlullv Inforiu tlo cllUt iu ul lili-ninsbuii; and vlt Inll.v, thai he has Jtut ni tiud ii shop on llonMliel. het Wis li .Ma III mid 'I Mid, v. hue he. wlil mllow ihu eahlhtl tmi' lunu huuliu nt u nil lu branchet. Orders tr mltai.lic im (inii:n coitjns I with piumpluesH and ilenpatch. IUtuI r liuiihi liiall kllKtk nf limilliire. IllC lid plaiting ul canu'bnitomctl t hairs. 1'at ei liu Inr I nun mix hi ni-nl If nml nviii-illlhilH' ly, utid ni del s uiu solicited etlhir lu peittoiior hy mall, i'lrtuiuliuint inmiu lo uuler at slmit nu tlee. UUliLltl'KOAN. April l-vus-ir, I OH NKAr ANJ) CUKA!1 JOJ1 PHINTINU, inllnt'JIiofr.ntmblanOnice, Jllnoiui-liuii; I'.V