VOL. 2 NO 48. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, NOV. 27, 1868. .'HICK PIVK OKNIS; JUOOMSIHIIMI IHMiUTOHY. stovls and tinwaiu:. ii ill. M 1)1 Z, ih'iilerln atnvt A llnwnie. Muln I l'"4' ,'"rl '"""' 1ii 1 1 , 'I III I'CItT, mvi . incl tinwmt, 1 tn pert , It Mnlusi.. i r Mrrlu-l. u-nll CLOTHING, UJ. . niu'KS'in.Kn. ini-rt-h-iiii tailor. Main nl.. 8.1 II inil"v AiuiTli'iin house, vl-nll I, HI ,11 I 11. 1 1 III lllll"lll- I .11111 111-1.1- hi rlnHitn,:, i't..; Ilnllliiaii'ii hulUlllnl, Mutu ' i. vl-nl.l li'U'OS, CIIP..MICALS, AC. lt iv 'It. ltu-.M't mul niinthccnrv l'x . i-h iiiirr lihs'll Mnln st, vt-nll in,7. iIiiil'JIkI mil nnolhinirv. llueerl it Mnln "I.. ivil ofMiirKet, vl-ttll CLOCKS, WATCH KS, AC. .... ni'n VII t nil. u'nli'h unit eliielt lil'illlT. I r ,iit1ifi .i.tutT Mnln mill lrniisl.vl-iit.1 V.ilK, li'iiliT lit eloslls, w.ileln-s nml I , iv.-lry, Mnln !., Just helow Aiin-rli-mi 7 iTHI'Alll'. wiUli nll'l Hmk maker, .Mnrlirl .. I...I..U- itnlll. Vl-nll I noo M and shoes. II HHiiWN. h""t 'in I ill leinalipr.Mnlimtreot I unite Court IIirHO. W-lil'i s il.l.l'lll l.tiiaiuif.ii'tiirernnililealertnti.ml ,1'HIIil M1 1..MIII1II.1 ,.11'l'nilll.- ..(.-... rin. M.jj HviiY KI.1M.M nmunliii luiiT inn! di'iili't In I sntiilkl s.erofdles etc., Itnst lllnouis MlilllKl. vl-nll ii VMi IUTZ, b'wit ini'l shoe main r, Muln st., iw Ihirliiiin'H Mir. west of. Market slreot. ' vl-nll PliOlKSSlOXAL. , ,Vt, M. 0. 'uiitenu i.ih! phjalclali south tl mi i. lii'I'iw Nliirlii'l. vl-nU . , Kuei I'lr.'.'.miti'iitM. teeth eslrni't , limn i.iln. Main M., nrarly opimslt.i 'Iniri'ii. vl-nl'. i .1 .I.IA'Y M. Ii. iireon anil ploli-iiui , ,i i, ,i I-Main nl., In-low MirHet. vl-nll lll'n'l II, M. 1' mirxvnn nml 1'hyMelan, ,j Miirlii'i sl ili'ivi' Mnln. l-nl I i, i UhWCII, Mi-aeon .leiitlst, Main M Li e ..ii" iioie vl-lil' 1 l touts N illiirni'.v-nt-li;ur,Otnfrt llnrt .1 in n's li'i Minn, Mnln str.et. vJ-nJ' Mll.i.lN'l-'.RY A I'aNCY GOODS. II Ss 1,17.11. ll.illl.lit.l, nilllllllT, Itimi-.')-j -iiUiinu. Miiln -t. vl-nu 1 ss A. II. Wr.llll, f.llli'V tromls, nntlnus, li'iolls, II .li.llum ri. null ll hldu Main street helow Mar- l-nll i I1 T.ltU N, nillllli.Ty .mil fancy gomUiip. IV r llf I. iNi'iipal I'luni'li, Mnln hi, t-iili l ll'I.IA A. ,t HAM". UAIlKI.IiY, 1.1'llm 1 .1 nut 1 iln si ii tlliTli j, southeast t'orn.'l lil.M. Hltltltli'Ksov, inlllliierv mi l fini'v tii.'ii'l'. Mal'iKt.,iiiiHlli. 1'inirt Iluiisi'. l-ull flls. M, II. riilt.MA.N, nillll.i.'i, Main sthel.m .U .uliiiair-4 slur.', ivcsl nf Mai Ut'l M. Vl.ll 'I III. Mlsl. II lt.MAN inlllln.'iy ami lulu' 1 is, Main kIii'i-IJuhI tioliiw AliKI'lmn linii-i'. l-llll IlOTKhS AND SALOONS. i i'iii'li(tiH'r nml (alltiy Milunti, Anii'il t) ii.tiHi'. Alain Ht., il.illzec hcm-ocl; Mijfi(n i ictK l-nl - U'llnm-.u v I cnnv, ctinr.Hiiunry, t.iikit " i a m ti r Mti-iini, v. itutot)itu mill retail. U .in,:c tu Main hi. i-n4i '"XvV U'Uiill, niiiiLi.imcry, tilur. aii'l ii h l (it -i loot i, vUiolt-alc ami ictull, Main ht., Just iiw run. VlliH p uvui: ll'irt 1 1. iiy KmnsACInrlc( Mutu . 1 ojum-illi I'titirl li ilk i'. l-lil'i t:, hv.Jull.S I.HAOJlK, Math , -t i I'. m Ah" 'hn'Kl. Dv ti. V. Mai'hki:, rnKt -ml nt t i ii vl.ii H U M'nMNKi:, H'lreshimnt suliMiii.M.iln t.Jl','l ' i ii.m 'in ft 'iiiic. in r. a i l,.lt!C, ri-rii-luiK lit halnoli. t tl llltl l,HH'l, I. n I U' II uii.l.Miiin:, n-fi. ), incut wiltmii, Mi1m, iilifk Miuili k.i. iihi-tt l-tl t MintiMlANMS AND UKOCKIIS. V l''iH, ni'ici-ilMMiTy. itH'crlfH ttc Mnln ii - .iitmvc (Vntrl Iiaii vln(f 0 " !IIJ.I H, ill-alt i tn ill y iikhU. i;t(Kvric4, ' fllH III', (llilll, htl't, Midi-, hulltllls, til, lutiitfn hliK-k. Mi li t-tU'i't, l-ni! MKM.VY M-AI. A hi., tlciiliiK In ilrj t(Hh, uruu-iii'., tlmii, h'til. sail. tlOi. Imn, 11.1IN. , nt)iilical i unit i MimiihmI M:irfc I ht, l-iil t U". 1 1 I W 1'It, IllllKllllii CH-M, hlll.tH antl HllOI'H, M'lln Kt.. aitiivr i'iiiu'I Jinnee. lnl.t (' .M Altlt, tlrj mhs ami notion-, soutluvt ht V , tot her Main iiml Inai -ni 1 l. llUMWMt. ilry pxhIn, iiiccrit h, itt,, not th i, uti i'onicr Main and Imn m. i nil ltKt'i;ri:V,Kt'.-loiHi.hiic.to)t'rHioI;-aliil . i.Mojnr, t-oulliui'-it corner Mail.it ant m in His, vl-nll V7 UJAM r.IiA-MUH, cmifvtiloncrU's, Main m.. Hi ar the rn 1 1 1 tun). vl-nH ; Mr Mi M .iti-hfinUt k'k uf nuMC-luin-1j. i.s. and IuiuIh r, corner of Main Mrn't nii't "it limit. Vl-lill j Ii" 'I tcjNs -I'ltii-i m ill v coihIj Ki'x-rlt vtv, vi lil'uU, Miiiliht., Ijelnw Jloil Vl-nll j iHt't'N, fJioi'irks t riu llone, until- ' ! in i M nil ii ii 1 1 rnn Mrt I'ts vNnli i .flllt, tlHIllWltlf, VulliK , puiihTttc, i , 'uln k(. Iwl'i'i i'ii. vl-ni; i I. iltalt rtn I'lioici'tlry kimmIk. Ilniiif A ki t-pliimroiMif., hci.li rcKctltM, t tc, clc. .Main !., '''ii.lt' court liniiuP, V-Ililt 1 k. t I. It. ii ik 1 1 it h and t;ciicrul iucrclaiinlNi Mnln t . ii V,t. J-nH 1 '1 . s 1 1 a'imTi Hrrl i W'dwTtTmi ,.rU Tiilh Ii, "lino, i ic,, Iluhcrl tilocl;, Main fct xuM nl MiiikH v!-n4i 0 MtAMllt'A A. 1 llAMU HT. IHlitTrn Unu ilth, 1 1 nfi t a M iff k unit NnllmiH, I'ctfow n ,iiiill. (.all , tv o I'nmw r1hjp lnl r.ti uinhiiiaki'r .)ii, v -nM Misci:iaAM-:ous. ,1011V m'(li:i,, Hliiii.Oriiiinii iilnl nml Iitoi. " rati iit i in li Ki'iil la ii ii, p. r II Ii il H II .1, 1-1 I"' W. riiur.1,1., ftm. itiiH' rnuiiiH, tim-. Mtiir-. 'I, inli'k nl. .Main -I., vit "I Mnrkrl l. il.iil, V I- I'llHU.S Tn, Mail pillil-r. wlnilniv sIimIi.. Ii, unit llntni'i Iluiu rt hliu k, Main l. Null I 1UHI NlnrK. i.tiiilimriiiilifr. Kii'lifitiiri. , lilni'k, Minn t ii')ni''lr' i'mirl liiinp. l-nl1 I K. liltn.MlT. iluili.lailiev, llnltliiiin'H litilltl. il itiniiiiriiifni-i . nitii'i Ma in nml Marki'iKt, l-nl II I. IIMIM'M A . Aiinit Miiliimi'u Cm r it 'I n 1J. lilllul' l.lulillillil'UiKl. V'.'-lll'l I II, 1'IMlvi I.I., Miililln. tiiiiil. nml liami-K-i l makfr, Muln M.. la-lnw rnurl, laili.p. vl-n4l (l I'llhTMI. liliu- MakM', nud WlillUMUil lani'V w, Mniiii'r.i'iiltim'ii, vliiv lllillOMslilluo l.I'Mlini CO.. lilaniiriii-litrpm mill near the, rail-rnail. ii. in ut'aiorM in iiiuniiLr.oi nil kiniis. iilnnlnu vl-nlil r J. I1I1i,i:ma.N, fnililli. ami luirnn. innli.r, IT nt'-ii- hutiiliM,ti,t t'orucr Muln iiinl MaiKct nl, vl-nll Vir.MAN, initriila wnrkH, lit tir fcoullivvt Kt .fiiinr Mn n inn) Mnikfl i.im. vl.itl.1 ) H, Iiimii. u.ilinlrr In plniini, mennK anil H, Dm linti'i'ii-,,111 O, W.Coli IrKlllllllUlli' toiila. vl-nll '' II. MAHTI IIM, Hfi'iit fnr Uli.wr.V I'llkiT'. I . -wiiiif nun lilnn, Main l llnrliiian'-i laillil. I) W. tlllllllN'-. Iiiiiim ili.i.li.i',.. ...... I .l....r fi-iii. . 1. niii iliw.'i I'uriii r Muln ami hnit.tv, vl-nll IT M'llCli, Noiiii,! Piibtle.nollht imt rorn.T Main nml Mark. l t, vl.nl 1. UN A, I l N V 'i l IN, ii i ii tun I ami i a.li ihIom lire " il'.iiliilii' rn,! iiiiy,uoitliinti'iirilt'l Main nml vl-l'l I,''!'!;! .I.AinllV, MnrWo an.l llniM II HIoiib w rkk. v.i.t liimiioiiiiiiiciiriiiirvrii.iil, vl'nl- V W.hami 1 1. a i I), MntlilnUtK, 1'ni.t IIIcmiiiim o . i lit H 1 1 n i i ii I lioi i, cmlli Ki. iniuloiit .Iinrl " li l i 'Miiiiiiiliiiili.il. VMI2I (iV.".".'.1; 0.V1-HUIIT, inaiitii.it-liiii r nml i,.,lr IiIuVm "!""' '"i"' '"I IH IV Ml-'"ni'l-liopaiiM lllcnniklaiiif, vlnl ' llirn!.."C,,".lM.'" Ho.. Cliotr. "Ullu k nllt'y, luck uf Amirliaii liau.u vl-u.l (IKAMdlVILhi: IIIKKCTOUV. ) Ahllli Ml., nt'Xl tlnor in (tttcMl'M lltilt l. inii Otflt'i; llOlin, nml refi-.hriu'iit Mitnon, hy Ilt. II. A . MI.'llAtMlt.'t. i,l....nn., i7ni. .niiMi iiorrnr, nr Miiiiituvi rinol,Vltn7 OWAN 1IOTI-.L, tliftupKTlnmio by John Huy O l r. Main n ubove vine, VMitt i luncM ot lcui Iter, on jftin nt., belnw UwA rf Alt max mini ni'tiu f ..,... 1) Wlh ntlHUI.VU. l-l.itiran.tUrlit.MUl, ami U'iU r hi itmlii, Mill Htrcol. vl-ni? I anK'trlLS luml-ir iiul Kcnrnl Mcrd.tunll-.- a. -ill Kt. 1l-.oU(ir. lA.AIUH,ti(i.Ufitui luiriH'Mtiiukvr l Mnln m( tihovd it.tiswtui tlulpl. vlnW UJ II. HMIill, imuinucluier of tin warn nml .tli-nli'i in htoViHiti, .Mnln ht tilMVf -lie "'M'lill llilll l. VlIt4 I A M. V. lOl.l.MAN, .M-irhunl tnllnr Hint 1 (Jt'tit luiiilsliliig guuilji, MnliiM., next ilnur i tliuhi-icU lntlcl, V l-tl 17 M UAYIII'U'Vr.rUK'ks U'utclip-t nml Iiiiiim , ifpulii'il. Uunftii'l Wtittlii-H (nrwilo, Mnln IM hfinW I'ttH'. I AMIM II. 1IAII.MA.V, Cal.ilii t Mnki'r, nlul tin I iti'itiikt't. Main HI., Iiolnw I'lni., vl-ni" MICIlAUI.l'. Kr,l,l,i:H,i'iiiifii tlii.irry, Ojnier. .I.'.. Ac.,. in riiiuM., uetween .Main am) Mill Vl-1117 II. AC. KKU'II.ST.II, llliukKllllllls.nii Mill , Hlii'i't, tif-iir I'liif. vl-ni" rlI.liIAM l)r,l.l)N(l,shnrlnaki.'raliil mainline. II lilU'l-of l!rli k,.Mlilsl., i,it nf I'lnn vlnln I DVI1 H. M'llirvi.l:H, Imn roumlcr, Miclilu- Ijl'it.lilnl Mnmirru'lulfi of plK, Mill St.M-IH7 MlLl'iH A. W1I.MAM4 A fiiTanni'rsnnil Man itlaclllHlHiill. ntlltr, Mill Klrcit. Vl-lll7 IllllN Kl.l.l.llll, Ikiol. nml HlHu'inaki-r, I'lni, tl Slu-il,iipnilUitlii.Arnilcill.v VI-HI7 i II. HliimiMlA IlltOTllKU,Cmp.nlii'nnil A. IIiiIIiIith, Main '-Iri'.'i.iH'lou l'lni', vl-ulT L' VMI'I'l, xll. I'l.i.'-.i, M ikcriifllii'ira.vlnirit O llialtl ri.i.ll,'. Mnln -a i'n.. IM. 1 1 lt.i 1 N, -aiVlli- anil tiarni'vi niakiT , liriuiii'villi' ipiii. It hViiini. I'lnin'li. vl.'nll CATAW1SSA MlttWTOKY. y ITKilMlMAN.N Anrltri k l!ntil(-.KiHt.liuuiler O nrnprli'tnr.cmiih'fatitjnH'r Main an.l Hccond street, 'J-nlJ Jn.t-'Hi:A,drv .mh!s, tfrnctatU-s and yen , 1'ial Mcrcluinilt-tc, Mnln siic.-t. VJ-nl2 S. It. KlN'AUI,diiUer In Klmcs and tln-wiin', Main Sliuct. M'-nlJ f M. II. Alllti: IT, attorney ut 1.i,MmIii Strict. pII.llllKTA KUNi:, ilrvKfMi-1. tf'ivoilr, mid j mneial niiTcliaudls. Vain -Mi !, v2-nlJ KlIliMIU, hllllar-l saloon, ojntcrt, and ico i, ci cam lu (teatou Mnln Mrcet, vJ-nl2 T. DAM. MAN, MHrcluuit Tailor, HecondHt., ), UmU'Uim' iHilldliu. vJ-nlS. I) It. .1. K. KOliHI.NH. -Miiaton and lll-tlcl.in, Si- iiihI M tieliw Mnln. VJ-lll'. Jit. KlHTI.Ctt, 'faltHtviHu HtMixe'Nurtli West -L'tiriiyr Main iiiul SwmihI MlrpN. -J-nM. M , Dry ((111111-. 1 1 mcer Ii i Ac. VJ-tilH.' LHillT STIIKKT IHIIKCTOKY. )i:ii;it i;M, ilcalir tn dry tfodi, yriH'crl-e, I limn, feed, enlt, ilsli, Iron, mitK, etc., I.Uht d rc.t. vl-nt.5 T ri.KVVlLLiui.U, (,'abiuftnrihcr, tlndi?rtikcr t) and Clialrm iki r. vl-nJ8 COM-: I'll WAhTKU lUtckxtalth, oinKwlii. jm.t u'jicc. M-iny. UK. O.MAN A Cn, hltt-rlt!iil, ilit dMr r.ho k( itool honvc, vl-nlfi il Its. K. i-Cl.lNla mlllljtery nml fancy mnd-. vl-nt'l I W.MA.NKI'.V. ilcalnr 111 I.. ntlitr, Hlito, Hark, I otc. i 'iiili palil fur lllil.-n. vl-nm nrM. M. I-JNT, ilcali'r lu -.lint", iiiul lln uiim In II all lu lil.inclii'H, M-liW J'lllN A. OMAN, in:intirai.'ltller unil ili'al-r In liimlH anil Hli'ii'i. l-lilll. .1. .M. H Sliwiui anil 1'iij -ilrl in. Iltllri. al Kfili l' lint. I. JliJ7 KSl'Y DIKKCTOIIV. 4 II WKIllilll'.l'li:!!, Hunt anil Hlmf t-Inni tl all I matil U'lnrv. .lioi il M.tlll -tlt'l. l- " i. .jit,, il.'.im Mill VJ.tllli I I'sl'V Vl'I.AM KI.OUItl.NO MII.1X, U. K. Fuwli r, U I'lopnt'lnr. V ) I'. limnilAIlli, . into .ii.'alcra in ilry kikuIs, I), KI'in'iTlt-i, ail'l tfi'lioral nit'l-LlialiJIsf. Unll I Ii. CAI.lnvi:i,I,, il.'iil.T In dry kik, L-r.i.'i-r-tl, l,'i, nui t nsivarr., hariiii in flit), Halt, naIN; (ii-., id', l:nll 111 V,'. l'.ll(IAU,HixiiH'luiiin.l l'laullu Mill anil la ll'ix .Mantiriu'liiry. vt'Jnll JEItSEYTOWH DIKIiCTOHY. I NIHllIU' .MAHIso.v, ilwlpr InUiy koihN, Kr i tvilt'., Krnlli, luinbHrctc.,Jfr'.i'ytiiii'li. vl-nlll I All Hi A. -VI.-.IIi:it,i!Mili-r In I llili'N. Unllior , I H.ii k la, MaillMin tonriHhlp Ciiluiiibiai-niiiily l'a, vl-tuil lAI'l'.M V.Ml'1 I. UIM.IV.MiuIKuii Hutel, Ilni j vt'ii iiiul siraiiKtr'. ni.'riulncil. vil-ul lSirKUOliN EHUKCTOKY. Mil, A V. II Mioi MAKK.lt, d.alcrH In tlry ii'MHiH, riinrriii and ki-ik nil incii hinutUe. hi M Mon in "on ii end mi iiim'u, vi'-nls TAifilttt WM. II VliltlM.il.alcrs In dry maids, (imcirlfH, iliuu and nidlcinvn. Iiiul h tore in IHtritl i. lid II' hiHIt, v HlS. I10TKLS ANII SAMIONS. iu)oMHin'ao,(viM;iimA co., ia. The undcmlRiifMl hvlna nurt'hwl thUwcll know iiatidcotilrntly.lixHif hi.U)c,Uii'KchiHiuu ll..!il,ltulenti MAl.N "l!U,i;r.lii lIl.-aLil.iiiy liniiicdtiilcly (ijipocl (fi('tIuinllrtcouiity i otirl Utiuu, rrsi'-irull Inform their frtMuln and the iiiihlle in tfpitetal (lint their li'iuti U now in nnlt-r lor the rtrvption and intertuliinieiit of tiavellori wlitMiDTtc dffciM'tnl to furor It with theit cu. tuni, 1Iie iter nrM nn Hxpfii-t-r lu prenarlini tlii'Exi'h.iuB-e Tir lhtrnterlnlnmiitftfHiidructH nrltlm dliMl there hennylhlim wmiiHhh on iheir imit tn tn in 1st vr In their pervaial com fori, ihy honlft iclouft(nndriiJaifn oxtllent Inui neM. Ifitntlmi. (UnnllniM'H run nt all timet hetwren tluKi ohtiiiL'e Unlel nnd 1he irlon. rallrojul depots, by Itli li tia elltiJt Mil lit r!eunutly coiwtMcitto tic I troni Ih i(pivtlf KailoiiA in du tiumtu inrel the mi. KOOH A Ll.MiK. riiHiniNi'iui!. April a, iws. (iKOIKJi; MAUOKfl, Proprietor. Tlionlto'C wellhnown lintel hiu ieientl linden Kono i ad eal clungr in lntirnal arunKcnienti, and ltpr. prletor nniifmnceHln U lornier i ur-dniu and llio trat-lltni public lliut liU ncconnnlatloiN for tliccomroil of UIh net-sart second to none lu the country. UIh Inule n-lll nlwaN le IoiiikI hup i) Ud, not only Mltli miltrdflntlnl food, but with nil the ilellencU-Hftf the netiKOin IIIh wluea and II nimr (except tliftt ponulnr lerntf knoirn "McJfentj' Mairolinicildlrt'M frmn tho liuportfii hnnM'K.nie enlltdy imre, and fuu fmm all ki. t.onouH(liuifH. Up U thankful fur u llbei.il patron ai;e lu Hie l ast, nnd n 111 contliiiio tndi-Kervu it In tliofutmc. (ilHUttllJ W, MAUOKlt. "JXC'IIANCIi: SALOON, Tin: Proprietor of tlui nsrlimiKe Hnloon ha law on liinul k lo .tork of mJrii:it iikkiii:hh.mk:.'ii, cotl.l.tliiil of HI'lt'MI ill HTKItH, MAnlilKhll. TI'IP., HOtOIINiU ill nil" luioer, 111111.ru ei.ci, HWierrziia rniirar, iiAontt nt:nn, ai.i:, aij. J- COMI. DN'i;, C05IK AM. ANII MKII. - IWHON IIAI.MAN, huifrliilnnltnt, HlooiiMlnir;, May s, l"7, Till: KHl'V IIOTi:i;, YVVY, COI.UMIIIA COUNTY, l'A, THK fcula.fl ll,r rr-.t t-cl Illlli luTfl iiihIiIn frli-mli. ami llio 1 ul'll'i Hint Ii. Ima lukvii tlio 11I10M. vtpll kuovip llottr of I lilt llnlliuil'lll, auil u 111 la plt'Ui.t-il lu lti, IU. cu.liil. of 1.11 vial V1U faor IUU1 w.lli ulull. 1IH WII.I. Kl'.DI A UOOII TAIII.K, it Hnr wi-ll tiH-kiil witk lliw l.l of ,lnuorn, nnd Mfiy wnort win tin niaiie 10 miner tniurt. mini.' Ik i-l lull. C. II, UltTTtHlCll. l'u., Apilll?, 1..7 THE COLUMBIAN, A Domoeiatic Nowpapor i rriiidsitKii i.vKitY rntnAi mohnimi at in.OOMHHt It(J, PK.NN'A. TltnprlticlpleHiif tliN paper nreorthoJeflf rsoin lan He hool nf polltlin. Those principle will ne f r bo compromised, yet eourteyud ltlndiiPi-m thai' not be forgotten In dlnciiKJdng them, v, lit t her with tudlvldtmls, or with contemporaries of tlio I'reur The unity, hupplneH.and proHperlt of the eoun try In our aim and object j nnd ft tlm iiiennn to -secure that, we nIiuM labor honestly and earnestly for the h trmony, huceesi mid Krowthnf our orRii (ration. Tkhm-4 or hi'nciui'TinNi Two dollar a year If paid In ad aine. If not paid In Advance two dollars nnd fifty centu nlll hetnnrlnbly cliared. Tkkmsof AnvF.itTiiihnj Onetiimretteu lines oriels) oncer three Iiifcitlnns Jl,.; each sunne tiurnt lnierllntt 50 eentit. hl'ACT. 1m. 2m. Sm. 5l.no , t0.no fix. IV O.'O 1 t.'f 12,i) 1V"( 1I.IM '., 2.ttt .Vi.ii !,"" lt'O.tt' OnoHuire.. $2.ui Twf mninrei 3,00 Three squunv 5,wi Knur iHcpiares.., ;') Half column I'Vio Ono column , 1.VO !l.io T.lXl MAO 12.IJ0 1,00 Kxeentor's nnd AdmlnUtrntor's Notice Au ditor's .Notler.) 8,V, Other ndverll-HemeutH Iner tod nccoidlH toiipecl.il contract. HuttncHH notices, without advertisement, tw entj centftpcrllnp. TraiiHlent advertlycmentM pnyahlo In fidewnee- all others due after the flrd Itmertloti. It Is, In ntlcwe, more likely to be fHtWoe lory, both to subscriber and to tne lli-r that lemlltanceHiind nil com mmilrn!lotin respect lurf ttie luiHlnetiof the paper, he rpnt d eet to the otneeof publleallon. All letleri. whethr n7lattnt to the edit'' or husinet- eoticcrm of the ppr, nnd all rV nts for nuhscrtptlon. Advertlshm. or Jolibln; ' to be in.nle to and miric-d HKOCKWAV A KlH'.KZi:, "tVltituhum J,7Vf" ltl.O0UHUI.TKH. r. 1'rlnlrd nt JlobNon'i liulldln-, ne?i the iVnrt Houhc, by C. M. VAXHEH.IMCn. BUSINESS CAR.DS. JOI! PHI N'T r NO Noiitly pxpcuti'il at tltl- nm. JJ M. li'VKIjLK, ATTOKNl. V.AT-I, A W, AHiilniul, Hclmylklll County, rrun'. M JI. TltAUClK, ' A TTO 11 H r. Y-A T-I, A W, r.oi'A'li-k, Ciiliiiiililn Cimiity, Pi'iin's. 1 V, MI1.I.KK, A TTO I! N' K V AT r, AW, nrrici. with r.. II. T.ltl l-. In l.rlrk IhiIMIhk ml lollilnu I'nst OlIU'i'. irllullllllc, ll.uk-l'avntiil I'l-listiiiis riillirti'il, lppjn 117, J oIl-V flTKUKKZloi A TTO I! N i: Y-A T-I, A W, onire In Hi uStfr nml Ki'fnr(l,.r'ii oirici, In tlip liai.-liu-nl nf tli dm rl llini-..', innoiiiKlairic, Ta, 2oliKKT kTtTaHK" A TTO It N I! Y-A T-I. A W OrtU'p I'nrnor or Main ntal Mnrki't stl.'i't., ovr rimt Nnlliitinl Hank, lllo.ini'.liiiri;, l'a. II. UTT1.K, A I TO I, ' K Y-A T-I, A V, Oltlci. on Main hlri'i t, In lirli-k huliilliitf tit'Iiiv 1 1. Court Hnitv,., Illn,iinhlairi. l'a, c 1 11. mtOUKWAY, ATTOUNr.Y AT I, AW, IIMKIMHIIUKO, l'A. -OrpirE Court Hin.no Allt'V, Lelow I ti Oi. hiviblon oirifrt, fjanrrt7. A u c t i o n i: u. M OH KS COKKMAN. IIa ln follow td the pnifeadnn of Iiiblh' Vetidne (Tier for uiiiuv eam, would luf'um UU filemU thnt he lHtstill In the field, ready nnd nlllitm to attend to all the duties nf hw mill tig. IVr-oni. ileHirlni? hN Hervlces should tall or hi lie to him at Hloomfcburjf, l'a. mar't. J 11. PUHSKL, IIAKNIXH, HAllIII.i:, ANII TIll'NK MANUFALTlItlllt. ami dialer In I'AIiriri'-IIAtlH, VAL1HK", KI.Y-NI.TH ! nrrrAio iiuhfh, hoiwimilamckin ai'.. ! Mlllrli In. fi'i'N toiiflileiit lu, can m'll at Iowim I lillti lliiiu anv otlit-r tierkim In 11.. iniiiittv. I.x. I iitullii for ourHi'lvtk. Mnip III iluor lielow Hit. 1'nkt ofli-v Math ! Htri'i-t, llkMinikliuri;, 1'u. t .iiv, o, i.,,, C. COUSINS, K ASH ION A HI. K 8IIAVIN0, HA IK CUTl'INO AH II HHAMI'OOTNO HAT.CON, Over Vi'ldmncr A Jacol)'k ice (.Team Haloon IlI.OOMHlMIKfi, l'A, llalr Ilvelnu and Wlilnkfm cnlorml lilnclf nt brown, llalr iraile to di-Ktm daialriitrAiid Itettu- llfv linr tin. I.alr u 111 renins Imlr ti. Ii u ..rtli.ul cofor without Milling tin Cuctsi fMbric.couHtantl) on hand. (a-rUtf7. D K N T 1 H T It V II, C. IKAVI.H, HKSrlNY, H. r.('t fully offer. Mi iroft.,loiml .irvlr l ttie laillf unit Ukllllrmeii of lllnoiuslnirK au, vl rlnlly, Hi-1 piepariil In wtlfllil lolillthn varl nu. opernl loll'. In Hit- llnpof hU roaHol, nnl I. provlitnl Willi th Ililt t lmtiroed roitt'ui.tlN Trr.TII wlilrli illl li IliNiTtiO on unlil plntlBn, . 11 rr mill rulliiT bni.,' to lm k a. w.'ll a. lUn nm. urni ir.in. it-. in tmrai-ien oy an inr nnvr anil irn.l npprnvi-1 liietlio.ti, nnil all nj't-mtlnm oil Ihn Ire Hi i nrrfully ami proiiorly utteniliil to, HckIiIi'ih'.. nml oflln. h ftw tloou iibuTe Uie Court llunvt., .ulna klili, IlUanii.t'iiry, Jiui,ni,'lstf poWDKU KKOS AND IAIMHEH. V. M.M0NK0K4C0., Uutrt, l'u., Mnnufarturer of rOWDEKKKUA, n,t it.Rleri In nil kllnla of I.UMHKK, Ith notlci tliftt HieyareprepftrMl to nccomodala thrlr cil.toiti with UHpatch, anil ou the chapiit rin, JJNION 1I0TKI,, II O II It H II II II (i, 1 A, The unili-r.liinpit wotiM rekiipcifiilly Inform 111. trnM tilifi piilille ihal lie him i uri'lui.iHl anil rt-nuiil lu tin I'.'ti ma mi. r the nliUiaiul fonu.r It mi'liiiliil liv W. A. Kline, anil Hint he 1. not. pit pa ml to ni 1 1 lutnwlale hi. irlt ml. w Khali tin. roiiiiori. eim , out eiiieiit-, n tu a niMi-ri.PH iiou.r, A llni'iiew hninhaN hull Inilll ami the kiirroiin, illiiVN plaeiil in pirf.'i'i niilir. The har Mr 111 al. u at h he .tin 1ml Ti Ith Oil. t linU.'kl I In in ir. anil cli nnra.iiniltlielaht.Iiillilkh.il with Hie ln-wt the liiaii,ti iiuorii., jamiji i iill.l.Ani'ir.. July 8,'dvlf jHIOK HOTKL, UHANOKVII.I.R, COI.UMIIIA COUNTY, l'A. WM. MASTKI.I.I'.K, I'KOl'ltlKrilll. IlavlufC Inkea Mnkt'kAliiu of Dili well.knnwll iniiike, ku man ni'i'i vj rajnut'i nveren, iitirio tirli-tar kfl.nut lu It oulliiikiiLtit reiiKlruiid liirnlnli. til IAR Aj.ll 1.1111)1. It ultll Ih.ihi. I, ,lll,,m,r. uuil nuwt'Mt tit lit ut'lt-M. II In ktnhle lk nut ex. el.tul lu Ihat'ouuly; anil mi i"tlni will ha eitrnt lu a.caroUitxlNte giik.U laprli'llS (Cltolrc goctry. WATCH, HOTIIKIt I Mother, watch Ihe llltle fet CHtribltij o'er tin Knrdf n wall, Iloundtnic throiiRh tlmlm-y utreet, ItanKliiR cellar, ulied, and hall, Never count the moment lo-d, Never count tho tlmo tt cost a (lulde IhcBi, mother, while youinny. Mother, wntch the little hand ricklndherrles hy tho way, Mnltlnt houses lu the Rand, Toiinn up iho fnurrnnt liny, Neverdnro the quest Ion nk, "Why tr nie the thnnkte tnnkT" Tliene fnrne little hniid may prore Messemters of IJrM nnd liove, Mother, vntcli the little tonpn, Vrntttlncelofiuent and wlldj What Jft nld nift what Is sunn Hy thejtvous, happy child. Catch Iho word while yet unspoken, Ktop the vow before 'tis spoken j Thin mmn tongno niftr et proclaim ntesslntrsln asalour'R name, Mother, wntch the little heart, lleatln soft nnd warm for you i Wholesome lessons now Impirt Keep, o: keep that yoima hoart true. rTtr'eatliiK every weed, B.iwlna Rout and preelc ui iced, Ilnrvest rich you then uiaywee ltlpen foretrrulty, SE'SrWICTJXCS BPEBOn AT WILKESBARRE. Ot'n rrmlfTM are awuro Hint Governor r.vniour pns-pil tlirouiih thin State, tlio wi ck Ijcfnro tin- cli rtlon. Wo give px Iriu'tH from liis Spwti, (U'llvem! nt Vllkrb.irrp. It will repay permnl, If It Ii sifter the ei n'ent Is over, nml the (HKntlnn ileeiileil. I wiin cliul to learn Hint 1 could reneli my home In Central New York from the elty of I'hilailelphla, by pn-'-iiiK through tliln portion of IVniiKylviiiila. It ave me plernnre to hnvti an oppor tunity to M'u a ypctlnn of our IJnliin of which I hail hr.iril mi much nml whieh ilerlvptl Niieh Interent, nut only from the hl'tory of this vitlluy anil oryour beau tiftil tmvn.hut from Ihe fjie.it eouimer- i'lni Importaiu'O of that ilixtrict tlirniiffli which wo have ptwseil to-d y hy the wail which traverMM thumnrKiit of the Lehigh Hlver. In going through tlm State of Pennsylvania, not only in tlm portion over which I Imve i-i-i-iilio day where the hold "kill of your eiti zeiw has contributed to make jtilh way for commerco along the rudest Hccne.s of nature hut als-o in traveling over the western part of your State whero those long lines of communica tion tiro iiindo that unite our great com mercial city with tin-States of tho West I was struck with thehenfllcenceof that enterpri-o nnd those expenditures of money which gavo employment to la bor, mid gavo wealth and prosperity to communities. I s.tw that It was thli that matin you n great and wealthy Ktnte. I haw why it was that oeonle were ready to battle for s social condi tion that placed them so high In tho i-cale of civilization. I looked Into the cost of theno things nnd I was told that the great Central Itallroad, with lt branches had a capital of nbout thirty millions of dollar. I do not know tho co.tof the railroad that runs from here, and which enables you to carry your coal to market In tlio City of Philadel phia: perhaps half as much, and I could not hut applaud tho liberality of tlio people who, In womo form, had advanc ed tlct.o largo mms of money to pro mote tho prosperity of your M'Clion of tlin Union, and notonly of your section biitof New York and othcrStates which feel the benefit of your great works. Nay, the whole nation obtains from lliem an Impetus in Its commerce, In its civilization, and in Its material power. A little wiMlom and a llttlo busuesea P.ieity work out wondroun results. Whiltt llie-o things were passing through my mind it occuired to mo that during the year ending June 1, 'OS, wo IiriI .pent in tlio United States near ly one hundred nnd fifty millions of iloll liit fur the purpoe of maintaining nrmli'S nml navies, and in expellees ro tating to military force of our Oovern- nieiit. 1 found hero n cost that wo Id build up n Magnificent system of inter nal improvements. I compared there soils. Who can see u trace of tho one hundred anil fifty Millions, drawn from Ihe pmplo for purposca of building up a system of force? llowsndls tliocon- trust compared with the betilflceiit re sult of those enterprises which glreem- ployment to labor, lift up civilisation, lUickeii commerce, and made usagroat and prosperous people, (tireat ap plause.) It Is stated by the President of the United States, in a communica tion which hn luwjust put forth, which Is in accord with what hat been other wine learned from official a-oiircin, that since tho war ceased tali government will liavo spent silicon hundred mill- ions of dollar, by tho 1st of Juuo, 1869 Tho President,. In making this stato incut, rvssumi.il that we shall vpoud no inoie than tlio Congressional Commttteo t-tliiiates. Our experience is that the cstimaU. full short of tho fact. Our Republican friends did probably what wo should have done under similar cir- cnuistances and inado tho bent show they could of their financial alfalr. fur thu coming year, for upon that state ment they weru to go down to tho peo ple of tho United States ami ask for an approval of their policy of government. l'rouithu beginning ol your govern ment dowa to 1SU1, i period of moro than seventy yenrs, wo llnd that this government cpfiit about seventeen hundred millions of dollais. During that period wo carried on two foreign wais, one of three years duration against tl.o whole power ol Great Britain, and a'luthcr when we subjugated Mexico and took tho capital of the Mexican re public, but wdld more than that when wo began our Government. Our terrl tmieii were not ono-thlril as great us they aro now. Wu niado tho Louislaun purchase j wo bought I'lorldii ; wo ex tended our limits from tho thread of the .Mlsslesippl river clear out to tho Pi cillc. coast, This sum lu tho bunds of wUo ktatuuiuiibhip nnd economical ad ministration, brought us to that great national power which we held hcfori tho Into rebellion. What has been the result of nearly theRamnamoiiiit which his been expended slncolho war ended! This ipiifitloti concerns every man be fore me. These sixteen hundred mill ions dollars have been drawn from Un people j we know Well enough were the money comes from, but wo do not al wayi know tvhere It joes to. (Laugh ter.) Our Republican friends hnvo hail tho administration of tho Government nearly eight years nearly funr years of war and four years of peace. The question is, whether their policy has been so wlso and honlflcent that you can afford to give it yourupprovulf It Is strictly a business question mill should bo so regarded. There is no man here, whether l.ihnrer or iMilvInvnr. nr capitalist, who Is not affected by this qucsiioa in nn Home, In his luipplue's, In hisabllltv to bestow the iii'i'iNsltl.vs or comforts of llfo upon tho-c who aro uepcniient upon lilni. I ask jou then to lay aslHo imilllc.il tircludleci and lis ten to mo while I try to show wherein I think thoso who aro opposed to us hnvo ninth) mistakes. You am to llston to me with caution for I may have in- aiviuuai interest or parly prcjiidlce.and I ask for iriyoiiinlonsiio'rre.iler troto-M than belongs to truths uttered by any man which cuiiiot bo gain-aid. (Ap plause.) My licpubllcnu friends, what have you done with the .sixti 'en hun dred million dollars which you have spun i since tlm war ended ? What re sults have you to show to compare with Hie results of the expenditure of a little over the same amount furseventy years previous lo tlin war? When tin." war undid, tho duties whieh you took upon yourselves Mere to restore our l uioii and bring back business lo its wccus-1 tinned cliauiiel ; to give us backourcar- rj nig iraae, wlucti bad been swept from the oei-Aiia of the Wi.rid : not lo rolli.t n business men of their perplexities; to give to the laboring man in return fur his toll, a currency ttiat was not a lying dollar not ono that said it whs a dollar w him it was only seventy. live ceuls. lUieers.j Have you ilonollicst' things, Do our ships rido tho ocean 7 is our Hag Annul a.s it was before tlio war, lu evt ry port? Nui We, wlio classed our.-eUcn u ,-e je.iis ago, among thellist maritime powers, now tind our pioducts c.trriei. over the world under another ting. 'I hi is not merely n matter of mortification, or a matter of loss of profits of the tar rying trade, but yu lose the active ugencles that did so much to promott the agricultural and tlio mechanicm urts of our country, when thu owners ol snips in i-ni.auclplila, New York, anil Boston, were looking into every conai ui uiu worm, loseo u mere was not a market there fur soinelhiiiif Hint vim made which they might find prollt in carrying. Jlus quiet and certainty in business pursuits bten lestoreii V I on. peal to men of all policies and alt nnr- suits. I anneal to tliosu men vvhn u , ,rl. out your grint uilernrisis. bnlhl vi.nt rullroad-. construct vour tnimls nm m. your furnaces that send up their black ciouus o: smoke by day and illuminate tlio heavens as by volcanic tires at night. uiu tney ever know n time when there was more financial or business nnmr. tainty : when, with the of our currency, every other article was so iiaoie io uncertain rise or fall In pri ces? Whero is tho commerce we hud when the South was the great cotton producing country of (lie world V What was then the track of commerce? The men of thu West rai-ed corn, beef nml pork, nml sold it to planters; planters turned it into cotton, and in that foini it went nil over the world, nml .. .1... fled thu world because they depended on us nir mat great staple to glvo i.etiv ity to their industrv. it Minted Hiom again on its way west ward, building up eiues, milking railroads, calling for tin I'louucis oi your mines, and setting In motion all over tho hnul.ii ein-ii. ..r ...... chanlea! industry and vigor snch as the worm lias never seen a circle of Indus try like the great Gulf Stream, that wiuris through its orblts.dlrccting com merce, eiilializifiL' ti'iiitiernliire. mid giving fertility to the nations of the worm, ii.'iioi'rs.i Have we got llie.-e things back ? I will mil do tin. Itemiti. llcau p.irty injury by denying thedilli culties ofilio problein with which they nan to iieai, Tne war liail impoverish ed the Southern Stalls; It hud e.tnb lisiied new social relutlims mining the people, and great allowancis iim-t he made for the dlfilcultiesof tliesltuatlon. Hut what Is the first consideration wUn men enter upon great nnd sacred duties? It is that they should enter on them in thu right temper. It wtei a I u.-li u matter cou-erninii the hupplne-s of yor homes, the prosperity of the pen p U, lln glory of the nation, Itunsi,,, time fur party passion. Uead the col umns of your papers and the debates of your legislator) for the last four years, Hnvo tliey bocn like tlio toIpcs of our fathets, when npon Pennsylvanlati soil they laid tliofoundatloasof yourUnlon? Do they sound us tho debutes did when the grand old men of the revolution lieweii out tne lliuiiers or tho Constitu tion, shiined thostrueture.nnd nut them fitly together? How patiently and for heiiringiy I hoy did their work.and that work has been blessed of the Almighty because It was tho spirit in which He governs tho world, lias that been tlm temper of tho Congressional debates? Listen to thu language of men who have led tho party In power In tho halls of legislation, nnd to tho speakers upon tho rostrum, rend their party -Journals. How like n period of war nil sounds. They aro appealing to your passions; tliey aro ex citing bitter nnlinosltles; they aro light ing over again the battles uf the past. (Cheers.) They who fought In our ur armies hnvo returned to their duties. They toll in our midst, hoiiio in full health, some with weakened constitu tions, and 801110 With llllillllisl limbs. They feel tho terrors of tho war far moro iiiiiii we who stunt at home, hut they showed nouo of this temper. Go to tho graves of thoso who died in thu uisiuni houiii, whero slumber sldo by sldo tho.o who opposed each other in ditidly conflict ; go to the Initio Held where, live years ago, you would have seen things showing the tu.irk.of the strife the iiningliil Iris', the torn Meld, the bloody inlment, the b"iit and iiroken musket, the Useless wth, Ihnt hall never again gird him who onto was a living nud vigorous m.iii, the now made' grave, with till its terrible stig i;es(iins, and now you ulll find lli.it im turo has covered then) alt over with green gra-s and with Hie beautiful flow ers of tlio season. We haw everything lo teach us that the p.is-liins of w.ir should have died away long since. Il l iinly by men who claim to lead us, nnd who should g.tvo us calm counsel., and somelliiies lu Hie temple, of Gi.l's holy religion that we hear thu p.ist har rowed up. Do you think any man would dare go before our soldiers and usk them to dig up Ihe remains of tho-u who ided before their valor, to drag the skeletons of tlieir foes lo tho light of d.iy? They wouldsmltolilm down with iuilL'tintlon. How much better utr the men who now, when four years have rolled by, como beforn you mid wn .t to oj en the grave (of burled pas sions, and day after day, from the ros rum and in the pres try, to till your mind with thofienllments of hato? Are theio moral resurrectionists any belter tlrtii thoic wlio would dra tlio Insensi ble remains of Hie dead to light? They turn tlio minds of the people away from tlie cosi'dtler.itinii of the true problem ol good government. They hinder wise legislation. They peril our future. Tin policy of lulu never governed it nation well. iCIuers.) We liave spent sixtcei hundred millions of dollurs to uphold gnat armies to kiep the piople of tin South in abject submission, though the war left them pour, with their houses desolate, their family icie broken up. Then was thu time w .e n wlso statu nianslilp, Christian eh U'ity, and com mon humanity woul s tuive dictated healing measures shun. I bo adopted. 1 eo heforo me men wiiu perilled their lives; In tlio war,who have suffered from hunger and thirst nnd cold and wounds. You struck down every man before jou I ,vho assailed the flag of your country, nit when the battle was over and the dead laid strown before 'iitt,snnie he'p Icss and some writhing in the aituni's of ih nlh, did . von then go on with tie' trife as our Republican friends so on ? N'o, you kneil down and nur-ed your brother mail, whether hiscont wies lilue ir gra . (Cheers.) What does the phy ilcl.iu do when an erring man die" be ore him? Flo does not reproach, lis tix m not stop to reply to his ravings, ml ho applies healing arts to reslcre him to lionlth. What do God's minis lers do when acting In tliesplrlt of Him whom tliey bervo? Do they repioach men fur past misdeeds, or do they seek out tlio-owho aro still erring and rebel lious and seek to urge them nnd alt! hem to live n better life ? Was it tun thu dictates of common humanity that when ten Slates lay disorganized, poor .mil helpless nt our feet Hint wu should have trlid to lift them up? It lias been the glory of nations and of men dial they hnvo been able to bring peace and prosperity where all before was disorder and hate. Is there a man hero who does not believe If, instead of spending Ixlcen hundred millions fur the pur pose for which it has been used, we hud spent onu half of Hint in the South to build railroads, to renew their com merce, to make them once more nblo to buy your Iron, lo give the poor negro opportunity for supporting himself, to give theemployer iHeilitles of transpor tation, to give some mea.'iireof capital nnd currency where It wa wauled, to revive business instead of leavlug it all wlieie it was not wanted, lo enatee the South to pay taxes, and pay their share of the;iiurdciis of the debt, our Union would now bu restored? Atid pros peroiis Intercou-e between North mid South Is worth all tho armies mustired by tho iitiiin-t expenditure to rostnre pence and order. Our Hi-puhdcitti friends have failed bicwito tin ir polic was hate,aiul Ood don't permit a p'dlcj of hate to succeed Tlintpolliy which makes Hie South poor makes you om also. Where Is the wi-dolll ( L-epliig down people w ho have erred- criminal. ly and wickedly eir. d if yen p.en-i when tliey askul to reii slated into old relationship uti.' e-liioll-li again fraternal legal d? i' moriow ou w ill go lo chinch, -Mcthii Presliyti- int., Ililptlst, Catholic, 1.'. ii iiiii, holding n many similes of fait. i, nit nil ugrcclim in givlny: thanl:s lli.c while jou were yet rebels God was w tiling to save you : and vthen you rise from jou kuee.s dnu'l say that you will dial hardly Willi jour fellow -nun because they did urmig tour ears ago. What lias bten the i suit ot this pulley uii our tluaiitiss? Wny is it tliat our uniious.1 liouor is tainted T If jou iud been over lliepraiita u tlin West and seen the gathering lu of the crop- and men's heatts made glad w.lli the abundance of Hi harvest; If y.m nnd seen the mechanical inton-sls of thu country and thu wealth of Its mines jou wojild aot sy thai it w.u brvauit we lacked rcscourcta. Then you have to support an army down South which has cost over a bun dnsl millions of dollars a year, and soiiiu years it hundred and fifty millions, Hut it Is necessary to inr.int.iiu an army, and you should not charge it all to re construction. Hut I think you enn pro perly charge ono hundred millions to reco nstructlnn, or to iho government of the people of the South, Hut why do tliey not govern themselves? Ah ! there Is thu trouble. What Is the un derlylngdltllcultyof tho matter? When our friends ou tlio other side, Instead of restoring fraternal rigard, they kept a i vi) passion, they iiiodo it iieciv-nry lo hold these, peoplu down and lo disfran chise them, because without that usage they would not do exactly as our Ue. publican friends wanted them, (Laugh, ttr nnd applause.) Thej say that they must glvo theso negroes certain great privileges. 1 feel very kindly toward tlio poor African, and morn kindly, I think, t tun i many ou tho other side. I want to see everything douo that can bodonotollfthlin up nml make him useful lo Hio comniuntty ; but Is it wise the or Wind to bring him fiirtli.nll untutored fis he is, and place him on tlio Jtidgo's bench, and In the legislative halls? I. it wl-e or kind to hold litm up hefofo the community In an nttitud.' tint makes him almird and odious? Of nil the cruelty that, bus ever bent) prnetl, d toward th negro, that Is tho worst that Ins thrust him nrfcndvely Into the fa.e of tlio public, and put hint In where, he is not lltto In.. (Clito.v.i Train him up lo hi now ditties ami give him nt least, a decent chance. p puupo.) 'lliereIsiiolntelllgent,thoi'slil- fill limn who can say that the p illey of j mo nepuuiie.-in pnriy tow.iriisttic negro has been wise. I will not My It bus been cruel In purpose, for the Republi can party eomprlses nlmnst ono-halfof thecoiiiniuiilty, nnt quite, mid we can not airord tn think of them na had men, hut when wo are allowed to r."o Hie ac count books of this Government for tho eight year., there nro certain men who shnpi their policy nnd flro their puns-ions for their own selfish purposes who will nut stay in this country to look nn outraged community In tho face. (Cheers.) If four years ago I had said that the Republican party would do what they have done they would havr met me with scorn. Can wo afford lo ' ndiii'so their policy by your votes, my Republican friend-? 1-iom tlmo lo time your own leaders have Implored jou to stop in your course. The New York Tritninr, the New York firming I'm!, the Springfield Jlejnibtlcan, Chief Justice Chase, who was oneo the pride and beast r,f u,,, Republican party, uive attempted lo stop it in Its mad ca reer, but each ouo of them has been crushed beneath their heel ni tho mad dened herd of humilo crush their lend ers when, veelng dimmer iihend, ho trios In check them or save them from di ."iriiLiioii. Hut makes u nation gnat nun sirong.- it is mo error ortiial part , ror I stand bororo you a man who-s that they assume that It is armies. It framo is weary and whose voice Is tiro is not s i. A nation is great ii.nl strong , ken. Some of you may have, como to that loois to fireside rights and cotidl-1 hear mu to-nlglit witli kinderamt warm thins of tho people. (Cheer.) I tell or feelings than I am entitled to. you that that government policy, or Your party preferences may havn led that governmental power Hint Is not (. vim to esteem me higher than 1 tie a ed on the hearthstone, that does not, ii-rve, fur I speak in onu feeling th find its rudiments und'T the m .Mrce, fcehletrs. of hlsownjttdgmeiit. You.niy lh.it does not llnd Its first prlr;clilo In tseptitilie-.in frl-iids.liavo probably corn's me i.iiiiiiy circle, is not statue; nnij that the government which does not have In view the sanctity of the homi of Its people, o that all men, whether pour or rich, ahull fis-1 Hiat thcro is a acred spot where the old mother may elt in eafety hy the fireside, and tho father, worn out with n life's work, iiutyhavea covering for his ago ; nnd so that tho snred relationship of hus band and wifeand fat her anil child shall not only ho respected but made happy , a government which does not lmvo mum view, first ana above all other things, is not a well administered gov- eminent. (Great nnd continued cheer - Ing.) The tronlile with tho acpubl'ean party Is that It has not understood Hie truth. During the war wo spent Circe thou-and millions of dollars, more than waspver spent In any war before known. It was not wonderful when money was pound out witli such profu.'cness, that thorn was corruption. It Is no wonder that there were inun who got .suddenly rich, who now boast of their loyalty and call Hie wounded poldiers who will not vote with them, "rebels" and "cop pei hi nils" f sheers) as was charged ! by eminent Republican Renrisenta- lives, nnd you, Mr. (luirnian, li.ivo heard it Hint there had never been such acts of corruption, waste, and protllga- cy known as was exhibited on the part oi in.-.ii men wiiu were evo.y nay w it- nessliig Hie exhibition of loyally, devo tion, nnd sclf-siicrlflco on the part of those who went forth to the bnttle-lle)d. When I was Governor of New York 1 visited the "at of war, I went to the tents of the soldier and saw Hie men of New York and Pennsylvania, witli Hm-e from other Stuns lying outside in l lie rigor of the winter. Tliey wero nw ny from home, and from the comforts of life, nud there- was but ouo thing Hiu' glnildenid them. Their eyes w. re clear nud bright when they saw the ting of I lit Ir country, and they wen; j.i.mius that tin y -iill'i led to maintain our country 'a giuitiiiss and union. I went ft oui thereinto the halls of our national Capitol, a n Ighiy structure of mtirblo costing millions of dollars. I saw it nil pictured with all that art! euiild do to tellof oiii'iiiition's greatness and glory, with the likencs-s,., nf the sigis, the heroes, and Hiu warriors ot tho revolution, euibleiiii that should, quicken men's patriotism, everything that should sullen the passions, every thing that fills men's mind with n con ception of their great duties, every thlin thul should stlmuluhi Hiulr belter tin tinea. I listened to their dubatus, nud there wero words uttered of hato and bitterness, and I thought of thu uohlo contrast which the men in tho tout and in the hospital presented to tliosu men who studied how tostlr up strife and how to grow rich out of the spoils drawn from tho devotion of a suffering peoplu. It Is because some men havodono things which they dare not let eo tlio light that they etniilov sucli desnerato men to hold their power; Iheroforolt Is that you see such enormous amounts of mon ey Used in these election. What Is Iho meaning of this policy that fills thu Senate with Northern men who profi-,. to represent thu south, but who repre sent no constituencies! j for the whlbi man could not volo fur them, and most of tho black men did not know thcro was audi a thing rts the Senate of tho United State? (Laughter.) You hnvo three millions of peopio in Peiinsylvn nlu,we hnvo four million In New York. Tim majority of thu peopio of the Unit. States live in nine States, but tlust) nine States do not control the Senate, You laid lo your little neighbor of Del. uwaro that she should have two Sena lors mi equal number -villi you to MViirii her against your overwhelming iiiimupr-i. Hut you never iniuiit Hint Ihe principle should bo used to do a wrong, A Senator from tho Kustorn States boasted sumo tltiio ago tliat his section had twViity-sovoii Senators. Men can go to to tho Senuto from I'lor- l la wh i never lived there and never 1 meant to livo there. I do not call ut- i" i ufYrf. pillion to tin' wrong done to I'lor U but tlm wrong done to you. J'eni.s. vnnia, with Its throe millions ofpcopb" Is neiltrallr.ed in He Semite by the in. t without u iMstltip iteii s, lApplni. Hut beyond thl the leaders of Hint pir ty have c inspired to concentrate now. . into Ihe h inds of th Ronnie. II hk hound tip' President of Hie lnl States hand and fret, anil given ivir his appointing power to thu fjein'i The executive nml Judicial dcprtinf-i' of Ihe government have b"cu deprived of their due share of power. Thoatru- turn of our government Iins been Injur ed, I risk Intelligent men wlmt they lliink of the conduct uf Iho men in power towimls tho Judiciary -that Judi clary Hint In another country s.tved Great llrltnln from anarchy, and nnihi the elements of civil war nr-rtel lb? rigid of the people to a fair trial by ury,?nd proved Hint thcro wnsn melm ty in tho law Hint gave not only power to the State but protection to the nmn f Immense applause.) Have the nets of our rulers btcn -uc is lo command respect for Hie the. Judi einry ? Was U wi'p at any tJin to a low some lieaetd partisan, if no wot e to lay unhallowed hands upon tlio per son of his ui igliiior, thrusting him Into prl-on with no Intimation of what crlmo he had committed, and releasin? him without explanation or satlsfiu Hon? (Appl.iu-e.) Will tho credit of a government be respected Hint holds lis Judiciary in contempt? Thu balance of powprwhiclioiirfuthcrs dlstributedwith Midi nice care between Hie legislative, tho executive, and Hie Judiciary depart ments has bcs?n destroyed. Tho Senate la not a representative body lu any such sense m tho Hoiue of Representatives, and yet tlio cotir.-e of our rulers hat boon to concentratepower In that body. I will not detain you longer to-night, up here look anon one whom .ni have been taught was a man disloyal to hl.s country, nnd n man whosu private ambitions list him astray. I hope wiien we part to-nlglit, though you may r agree with me in my conclusions, that you will learn to make a more kindly estimate of my character, and I trn.il that in what time remains of thU con tint, and hereafter in all elections, our pooplo will train themselvtitoacaltnsr method of discussing questions that con- crns the welfare of tho peopio of this ' country. (Appluu-c.) What folly It j would bn fur men who should nitcnd a 1 rallrn.d meeting to Indulge in tlm pa. lelons and recrimination which wo show , In our elections, and yet what arn the i interests of stockholders compared ! tlio interests which every citizen has in ' this Government of ouin? W received ! from our fathers a marvelous hcritice. we should mangeit well find wifely. As I travelled over this land 1 ronld not It ii t wonder, from tlmo lo HnK'.wliy it is Hint this fair earth of ours Is so cursed with men's passions and prejn dices, weakm-ssi-n, and erreirs. Lt u at this election, try to sio how best w may servo our country, Follow your own honest convictions, whichever wnv they may lead you. I should think 111 , (1f the ' man who would vote Tor me against his judgment. I should despis ine man who will sell II s or nc In lea nr ne itrlvcn Irom mat which he fools t be right. (Cheers.) A country can live whero men are merely mistnkon. A c mntr.e cannot live whero nieii do not value might their duties as men. (Cheers ) For, my friends, we mean tn triumph lu this battle, nnd If wo do not triumph, we menu to fight on as long n. our principle, ars right, and truth pre vails. (Ore it cheering.) Wo mean to wiu u victory not over you hut for you as well as for ourselve. We mean if possible, to hand down this country to thoaothiit como after us In such form that no reproach shall rest upon this generation that it was untruo to tlio gtcat prlitcipes of civil liberty, that it wu untruo to the work of our futho.s. Thu foundations, of our Government wem laid with wonderful wi-doui by calm, irue men; let no reproaches rest upon ! us, but let us bund down eountrv In which tlio bonus of the p.siplu shall iia happy; In which labor shall feci that it is falily Usui ; in which taxation shall ho in light n. possible; whoso govern ment shall bu paternal and benlUernt. lMuciite j'our children to understaud Hint these, things are tho glory of n na tion, mid do not mislead them with tUt Idea that iv country is great tiecuuso it spends iuimciisti sums of munoy, or prosperous hoeuu It draw large siiuis of money by Ux llo i from ttiu peopio, or atrong bocau. it lis great urinks which rest tie ir fet on tho toll of Hiu laborer, and nra sue tallied witli thu food which ha woul. give to Ids family ; ami when w.i liu u. on our dying beds may wo feel, if per chance, the ling of our eouutry waves lay our sight, that II represents a Unloas complsta in till its pans and vital with , tho spirit which unlimited It when our" I fathers handed It over to us for our safw keoplng. (I in niouso applause.) "I womwcb," said Sambo, "why d sun no slilno ills dark night an not al ways Ucop shinlu' In dodny timo.whra dai's no need oil him." II a nos .Iamks. HoTiiscitir.n, (hi. head of tlio liousoofltothschllds, nnnK". ers.died nt Paris on Monday last. 11 I reputed to have been the winltlili--h i iiiiiii in tho world. Imi'outant Dncisii).v.--ThiiSuprriiiei Court of tlio Statu of Missouri has Jusfi divided that shunn of national banVs) aro taxable, like those of other corpora Hons, Il is u Just and rlgheou decision, 0i:n, McCl.r.i.LAN has bten eUrtuI, Prusldent of tlio CullfotiiU Lnlvi rtitj , Til k iimjorltv against negro tufliukii in .Mbuuri Is estimated nt H),Otii) viKis.