THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. nut t M or Vim tin Horn. lifimntlitd Id lila three is worldly unoiK which ran- HI' X'll 1 1 pith? I In; II tha .y of hi? mill, hit its, nml his I !vl!lon ns Hjiccdlly uitulc. tnry nor attorney wuro will ''J' troiild soon htivo eaten up tlt p.ati-lmony. ThooliW liud ho mil-j Hi.' Mi-orid Kin, thonnj una ha youngest htul nothing bat Hie cat. Tim latter wimlUcoiisolntn nt Inherit ln so poor ft portion. " My hrothera," mid he, "nmy earn an honest II veil uiod by entering Into partnership j but !ti ior me, when T h.ivo eaten my Cat. And mailo mu(l" of UU skin, I mini die of hunger." Thn Cat who had hoard this iv,ieech, but without nppenr mjr to do k enld to lilm, with n sedate ml mhIou- nlr, " I)o not ntlllct yourself Master; jmii hnvo only to glvo mo I ta? untl p t n pair of boots made for nip to no amniisst tho hushes In, unit you Will sii that you uro not o badly lei' s yon hellovc." Though the Cat'r i tcr did not plaoo mneh eonfldcnci In l is n."-ertIon, ho had seen lilm piny i tunning tricks in catching rats and mice, -,neu ho would hung hlrmelf up j' tlio lu-eis, or lio on tho Moor as If ha wcio dead, that ho was not altogether !0ien ,. of being nsihtod by him In Ms r nits, As s-oon ai tho Cat had what ho asked he pulled on his boots boldly, nml X tho bag round his neck, lu iO fcii Ings of It In hh foro paw, nt into a warren whero then feitnt number of rabbits. 1U u bran und nonio sow-thistles In and btietchlng himself out as were dead, ho waited till fonn, llttlo versed in tho wiles lrlil, should come and enseonco in tho bag, In order to eat what a' put Into It. llohad hardly laid . uuforo ho was gratified. A youii; :ei brain of a rabbit entered tho hag 3!.?ter Cat instantly pulling tli. "f , caught It nml killed it withou i'roud of uli prey, ho went ti j g'.s Palace, and demanded an ' . I To was ushered up to hi jt 'apartment, Into which hav o red, ho mado a low bow to the .f . "d -aid to him, ' Sire, hero Is n ' bit, which my Lord tho Alnr il il Mubnt (such was tho namo In t' M . in-y to give to his master) ha orde:- mo to present, with his ilutj loyi Majesty." "Tell your master,' !' t!io King, "that 1 tlianl: him and ,: ho has given mo great jilca" ''.' Another day no,' went and bid hlmsoif in tho wheat, holding thf inoi of his bag ojien, as usual, am. i tin, ib u braco of partridges eutcrii" i, hi Jlled tho ttrings, and took then ath To cut Immediately and pro- H-ntf ihem to tho King, in tho Fame way ho had tho wild rabbit. Tin Kliij, , .clvcd with equal gratification .ha ' co of partridges, ami gavo-hire Mine Ing to drink his health. Tin Cat continued in this manner during two or thico months to carry to the King, evtrv now and then, presents ol gamo from his master. Ouoday when ho knew tho King was going to drivi on the batiks of tho river, with hl daughter, tho most beautiful Princes" In the wcr'tl ho said to his master, " J yon will fi How my advice, your fortune is nmdo ; you havo only to go nml bat In in i part vt tho river I will point ou to you, it 'd leavo,tlo rest to me." Tip Mnrriuls luCaraliasjIid as his cat advl cd him, .Ithout knowing what gooi would ci .uo of it. While ho was bath ing, tho King passed by, and tho C. 'lOjnn to hhout with all his might 'Ii:lp! held! .My J.ord tho Jrarqul' o Carnbus is diowning!" At th!j cry, Ki' g looked out of tho coach win dow, and recognizing the cat who had 0 oiten Drought gamo to lilm, ordered his gun !s to ily to tho help of my Lord tho T i. ijuls do Carabas. Whilst they w o v; ting tho poor Marquis out os .10 riv r, the Cat approaching the royn eh. 1 'Id tho King that during the 'i muMcr was bathing, somo rob 1 eomo and carried off his clothe.-. ,h ho had called "Thieves!" at Im could. Tho rogue hnd hid hi hlmelf under a great stone, 'lug Inimidlately ordered tho olll i Ms wardrobe to go and fetch one liandfcoment bulls for my Lord 'lnrquls do Carabas. Tho King ..iiid him a thousand times, and .u flno clothes they dressed him In i f his good looks (for ho was hand and well made), tho Klng'r tr found him much to her tastt , 1 ilarquls do Carabas had i '. n a-t upon bar two or three ! ml rather tender glances, th.iti di -peratcly in lovo with him. io .! ii slstcd uiiouJils getting Ir to '), and accompanying them In i .o. Tho Cat, enchanted to epc 1 .it ciicmo began to uuevced, ran i ii re, and having met with honn pta1 s who weie mowing a meadow li.ilil lueiii, " You, good people, wh. arn here, If you do nut tell tin Kin;; that tho meadowyou nro mowing k.u to my Lord tho Marquis ill .am . i, you shall bo all cut Into piece. m b .llesmlnctd meat!" Tho King fallf not to ml; tho mowers who.-e mea' .vltwaatboy wero mowing? "II i to my Lord tho Marquis de Curt .," tald they altogether, for tho OU' 'hreat had frightened them 'Yo trcclve, Sire," lejolnuil the Atari ', "It Is a meadow which yields n nl dant crop overy year." Master Ct, i. no krpt In advance of tho party, nmii up to womo reapers, and feuld to them, "You, good people, who nro reaping, if you do not say.that all this corn belouga to my Lord tho Marquis de Carabas, you shall bo all cut Into pieces as small us minced Meat!" The King who passed by u mlnuto afler. wards, wished to know to whom nit thoso cornfields belonged that ho saw there. "To my Lord tho Mnrquls do Carabas," repeated tho reapers, and tho Kins Again wished tho Marquis Joy of Ms; propi rty, Tho Cat, who ran beforo the conch, uttered tho sumo threat to all ho met with, and tho King was m t niBhtd ut tho great wealth of my Lord tho Marquis do Carnba3. Master ( it at length urrlv ed nt a lino Chntcau, t' owner of which wna an Ogro, tho r Hif t 'hat was over known, forall tho is iluough which tho King had dilven werohold oftho Lord of this Chateau, Tho Cat toolr caro to Inquire who ot 0ro was, nud what ho was hi do j and tlion rcipiiested to speak ith lmu, Frying that ho would not 1 1 car his Chateau without doing il o honour of paying his e c Inn. Tho Ogro received lilm usnu Ogre could, mid mado down. "Tlu-y nsbnro me'Uoforc mtn Jhrmcri id tie Cat, "that you po-Mtv-- tin i iwer of changing yourself Into njl rtnoC niilnialsj that you could forlr mice, trntiifonn yoitlelf Into a lion, im elephant." " 'TIs true," said t!o gre, brusquely, nud to prove it ;o u, you Hindi we me become a lum." lie (.'at was so Iriglileneil ntceciig a oil beforo him, that he Immediately siMiiipcrcd up into tho gutter, nut with- ut troublo and danger, im aceinint ot ds boots, which wcro not lit to w all; on nn the tiles with. Ashorttlmo after wards, thoCat having pel eel veil that i ho Ogro had retimed his previous oiiu, descended, and admitted that ho mil been terribly frightened. "They .ssiuo me, bcfldes," said tho Cat, "hut lannot bellovo It, that you havi alo no power to nstmiiu tho form of the mallc.itanliiial for Instance, to change niif- elf In to a rat or mouse. I eonfe.-s you l hold that to bo utterly Impns. ible." "Impossible!" replied tho Ogre; otishallwe!" and immediately cliang 'd himself into a niouo, which began o run about the lloor. Tho Cat no soon. r caught sight of it than ho pounced ipon and devoured it. In tho mean while, tho King, who saw from tho road tho line Chateau of thcrOgre, do dred to enter It. Tho Cat, who heard ihonoiso of tho coach rolling over tho Irawbrldge, ran to meet It, and said to iho King. " Your Majesty Is welcome iO the Chateau of my Lord tho Marquis eo Carabas." "How, my Lord Mar iul," exclaimed tho King," "this Chateau also belong) to you ? Xothlng .'an be liner than this courtyard, nnd ill these buildings that su rround. Let us see tho insldooflt, if you please." Tho Maiquis handed out tho young Princess, nml following tho Klii, who led tho way upstairs, entered a grand hall, where they found a magnificent collation, which tho Ogro had ordered to bo prepared for somo friends who were to havo visited that very day, but who did not presumo to enter when hey found the king was there. Tho King, as much enchanted by tho ac ompllslmients of iny Lord tho .Mar quis de Carabas as his daughter, who loted upon him, and seeing the great venlth ho possessed, said to him, alter imviug drunk five or six bumpers, "It depends entirely on- yourself, my Lord .ilinquH, whether or not you become n. y nn-in-law." Tho Marquis, mak--ng several profound bows, aceeptoil ho honour tho King offered him ; ami in tlio samo day was united to tho Princess. The Cat became a great lord , nd never again ran after mice, except 'or his amutenieitt. iiviiicr's gqinvnufiif. Weaning C.ilti;. hex a colt is about four n:oi Jh old, if ho lias had proper earo and train nig, and if tho dam is to bo used in harness, or if she is breeding again, ho Isold enough to bo weaned. Suppesin .is most farmers aro obliged to do, that tho maro has had to work.moro or less iluco dropping her foal, and that tho cult 1ms been allowed to follow tho dam whtnat work thoattachment between iho two has become very strong. If separated entirely and at once, and if ho marit is nervous and high strung, lio will perhaps refuso to wo1:, act rantlc, hick and do everything elso she light not, and would not do, but for ho separation. Ou tho other hand, put ho colt Into over so good u pasture, leed him on grain and do .everything ou may ho will run up nnd down by tho feme, perhaps try toscnlo it, etc., o get to tho dam, until ho has run off very bit of flesh on his bones. Xow, what's to bo done? Wo would placo tho maro in a stall wide enough for her nnd tho colt, then halter tho colt and tio him so that lei ould get to tho manger but not reach o tho teat. It may be necessary also fo cliango somewhat tho halter of the lam, so that she cannot turn sufficient ly to al ow tho colt to suck. Water the 'olt freely, but tho dam as lit'lo as pos sible, for a few days at least. If possi ble, .fceil tho colt n iloublo-haudl'ul of oats twico a day for two or threo weeks beforo you attempt tho weaning. In creaso tho quantity of oats a llttlo at weaning time, even if you withdraw the extra ration by-and-by. Standing by tho side of his dam ho will be mora quiet, and after a little forg'ot his teat. Tho mare, nl-o, will lenvo him moro readily In tho stiiblo whllo sho labors, especially when sho finds lilm on her return, To iiiellltuto tho drying up of tho milk In tho mare, tahi a llttlo soft soap and smear it over iho udder. It may bo mce--ary to draw but somo milk first for a few limes, to ease her distress. Alter a fow days, (specially If tho mare Is ntaln breeding, milk will not How very read ily nnd bo diverted naturally to tho embryo foal, and although the maro may call her colt sho will refuse to let lilm suck, ir poible, tho colt should havo the best of pasture and tho com pany of other colts of lilt own age, and tho dally albwanco of tho o.ds, or a handful or two of meal mixed villi wheat bran should bo given every day, The latter years of our life on iho farm, wo nover allowed thocolU to fol low In tho field: but kept them lit a loose box In nn underground sti.ble during tho day. When tho mares cume homo nnd wero watered nt night, tho colts werenlloweil a play spell, and also at noon whlln tho dams cro feeding. Tho colts lupt In better flesh and gavo a great ileal less troublo at weaning. liitrul World. Ki-macu PiimiiLIm furMllili Cum, Wil hnd always supposed thai frozen pumpkins wero of llttlo value for any thing, hut wo have come to a (ilft'c-roiit conclusion. Having n surplus at tho commencement of tho winter, wo' throw n load of them lu the Ico house wheio they kept frozen solid. To uo them at feed whllo frozen wo think them of no value, nnd perhaps Injuri ous, but our plan baa been to carry two of them into tho kitchen, placo them (chopped up, Is better) lu nn old butter firkin, nnd let them gradually thaw till tho next day, when wo pour on soino hot water, making n goneroiH mpply of warm drink an food with very llttlo trouble. Tho farrow cow partakes of ono such a meal a day ; tho result thus far has been nearly, or quite double tho quantity of milk wo had reason to ex pect, Io cold water nnd food lu tin stomach Is not woll calculated to In crease the low of milk, Thosuiply of extra food for milch cows, tii y ar round at cheap rate, must rc. -lv tin attcntlunof tho farmer mora tit i) c DHUG3 Ik MEDICINES. HOOFLAHD'S SEHMAH BITTERS. UOOFLAHD'S QEBHAK BITTERS, -WD Hoorifind's Gorman Tonlo. Prepnrtd bf Dr. C. IB. J.ckiOl rintlDai.riiA, Pi. 'J$ (Srtat Kemetfits ro ilk emiiM t I.ITI35, STOJIACn, or mOESTIVK OHOAK8. IIooflftnd'8 German Bitters Is -(.mtioi. 1 ( ITi, frrt lo, (or m Uipt meJlcln!lj Una ;T- ti. Ktlraan f livttirfrmllnn, aV" tftit' it. Aod Willi EoofloudfR Gorman Tonic, I a fooHit1on of n' th lrfrfl!nt of th Ittmrrr. itli Ib parit io!!ijr of ,1ant& fViif Jtom, On, mafclrt nt ef tht moit p tad ffrwftLl rmeUe Ttr offred to Hut pnblia. Tf.oftt rrffnlf MJ!cln r from AJeo Jijilnwe, rU dm Hooflaud'a Gorman Bitters. In pntf of norroa ifaiirnttem, whin or ilcoho'U lUmnlot li ntonaivr, Iloofland's Gorman Tonio 'I h Btoiineh, frem t rty cfrftuMi, uch M DfiUtj, m ft f rery ni to hT ti fonctln d f fj ttngfl. Ths n m!t of wIjIcIi h, -il that tht puttcnt i (Tcrt from imt1 or mart ol ibt foflowliiff (1 cca: CortlpsUon. yjtnUnnit, InnnM Tile Fulnofi ct Blood to thn Hand, Acidity of tk. Sloiaoh, Nnusna, llArtburn, Dljuti for food. VnJ- -ft rr WhIxm In tht Ct'irrt h Aour Erua Wtlont, JSusktat or Tlu tsrln t :h lit or thi 3toutch, flwttiiralnT of th 3If i, larrld or Uitult Brth Iric, rinttrrinj: t th Hat, Chokhi or SufTbcftiln ft.uit m whtn la a X.jlxkt PcflCurt. Dlti of viilon, Dott r rb bofors Xne SffQt, Dull in h tld, Diaolio7 of rtrtpiition, Yrtilow B of tht 8lUn sod Krw, PmlnUlht -if C5id. It.nV, nlutl5eof Jcf Ht. Jlurn lcr in the Sfstrr' yieu, Coa t4Ui ImtfflnUit of Evil, and ffrest CtsrMBion f SjiiriU. 'n-ttt rtrttM will cf7Mtt):!7 trirt Uftr Uoinplttnt, JunndlM, DpftpalA, Chroale tr tho Jlidaayt, utd kU lTtw arlrtnf frtm a DiicTltrxl IJrer, Bttmach, or InttttiDrt. DEBILITY, nt"t.Ttiro nna jut OAri wuriTit! pitoar f at iow or tub sybtbbi, Itsrcit 8T eirikt LlBOft, HlBDIflirt. AxFtscrsi, Fit mm, to. Tber to do tmdMn nnt eriKAl U, tht rrmrdtM h nh hmm. A km and tnr It In. ptriKl m ihr Mt flrtwm, iht itilt li Fj;rtfithm4, f4 mmm.n I Jojtd, tht tomMli4tatit .'M prmptl(tftt bJoud jrjrtfiA im O Um crmpffiita tx-ovr rwaJ km BOi haaith, U ytl tow ttti& H trahwi from taw eM.t blo ( girts k 'h rt wkt, aatl tht wrtk ttni ovrroiu InrkM twoEQM a ttrovf anj healthy bttnf . Vovsoiib Advanced in lAf&i And IMot ltlIT10 or um fitiitiv litrrr Con them, with ll tt twpJnt il; wiU tlnd la litoa cf thra nirTKRH.of Uw TOWIO, tllilrthat wlU tnttn tn iff ifiw ftls. ret tort in a rnrwmrt the anttny Mflr ot mort jonihfil dirt, boiM up thfti abrunkta formt, nml ffltt trnllh tM hanptoMt to Xhtir itiualnlnt yss. NOTICE. It it a trin-twubll-ihed fact that Mlrons-haU er the fena.'t por Uon of oiir ixwra- Itlloo trt t-ldora frr in tht etiJotmcErt c! hrrdih , rr, H o att own expriMloiy'ivor CHtwSj ftci vKl" They trwl&rnni, 1T9iit of nil otrzj, tiirrratljr tier- T.lh'flef prriM tht DnTlIP.H.or LS T'MC h w;te)L ronoraweaded. WEAK ASD DELICATE CHILDREN Art rr ruarf th aw rf tlthpr of tht rmf.1t-s. Thj fUI ea-t tnry com of MA KAyMC8,wlthfTitftl. Thounnd of ftrrMSte hurt teoraalattd 'n Iht hand M th rronrl'iKir, Irai iran will allow oi Hit pcb!1eUoo of tnt a few. Thont, U win It owcrtM htb mra cf tiott and ef tuch tlaal Lrj thit tli7 man tt beUerfd. raaTirioniALa Eon, Goo, W. Voodward, CUuJwlice rf the Suyrtxnt CWf of Va , wrtttl, rhJaJttphia, March 11, 1837. "I find noof- KfitU Uerm Jllitcre'ttoM JJA, uiifut lo ilU'Mfsnf thil - scRiira organ, trilof T-t len tudiH Stlnoaofdt I'llltj, and tant "f rrTflui octton la th sjittin. Youit tntlf, ata v. vrotiDWAnu" Hon. Janca Thosipsja, JWji a th SujTtr f ( turf J Ptitu Icafjfj. rfi iM 1 prii 38, w "I coofl1r 'ITiio."a.i4 Ujnii H tttrt a rnhuibtr mfJictm in .- F MU.In ol Ir.lijti liw or ?jh,fi4. 1 oan -sr.lf thl frtm injr tJi-trntirt f ( " tourt, M'lh rt-:t. ' From TXzv. Jo?-pli H. Ktmnftrd, DO, PatUrtJ " - ; h'' n.i! i Vjrti-a, Dr.J rtc- f r.r I fniifutly rqnttd Ui eoni11' i itf rx i tti'n r - m-iitu dm t1 h5ntn 't tt mill ls Ait,r Ear4:nf t!i rrt r,- M Mm c-.k T tnt aprf rt t TCK T I1"'" 1 l' iJl MV ktftltwii 1 Mil nd l dtt Lnf ! iirlooi ji-fl UtKrc-r 1 per- (,nr1; tn my own ifcrn-l i trt uirl , of Ir. nx-!"nj a (irjntn I.'iiir. I ar. i or- fnu raj ciutl fourt, Wtft rrf i"' ii-ti Urn that, rr ttntril &l 'i ' jt'.-i jsf 'Jf tt Iat I'vmjntnf, fl . i t't f wiWfi jff,in'i tut mt r9f-a It mitv Ml; ct vuna-lj, I di."-t Del, It I f ' l'u(caj kUe hbjCsj Vni,l.','i'fMf l (.fit, n't rv 't' r uno, r , 1 1 , t on OM Et Trac Rct. E. D. TcndaH, AztAnt f!Aer Ct-rl-hnn C,rrniit$, I'hCadtl I aart filtil 1otWd I v'i rrtim tha an f TIicr1fc4t fltinti fllntn, nid TpV It my rnTt It rttfraaum tatai ti a ro""t ralnaNt tontt boaQ whot'tiarTftlrt ft "i Ofliaty -fr Iria ciMM trtjiaj fron t'-rftng 9fDm of tb fla-ir-l'i dmnrs Cttcftifa art wwtTffctV In id pal Ofltt H llataartoryu tb O. maa Mftdirtat Bwrt, Kt. il Alltll atrtn, Vail tdalp'ila. Utrrnaa UtHtv l'roi.ritoF, rormtrly U. il Jjciioi 0w TfarnTt j il OrtftTitaaKd Ptaltii la ifa outa ntBftaafi! QtrmaQ Bitr,pT botflt,(,Mt1 at J , " M " J,u HfflaiuJ a Utrmaq Tenia, pnt irp ta asart Utmoa ,,,,,,,, , ,(tt lt ,,,,, 1 N jwr Witlt, or a haif dorvn fori..t., 1 M C9JT Do run ftrrpi to eiir.rtnt wait tht artkU Inba,tavt44i wevttt twain. HOOFLAliD'S GHBMAM TONIC. Jul rj HI. 18 I. DRY GOODS, rufsti AttniVAti of VMAt AN1 WINTCn OO0D3. Tho nnlbir law Jiut rcturuoil from tho cities with nnollior Inrgo nml c loot rmorlmcnt of BflttNO AND nUMMCH 0001)9, rmrchfunl in Kcw York nml rhlliulelphtn nl Iho lowcat flfiirp, nml which ho In dotcrralnnl to noil on m modrruto terms n. tan ho procured else whero In Uloomnhurg. III. utock LADita1 Mum aoom nf Iho choicest stylos nnd lntcst fashions, losether with marge nssortmcnt of Dry Uoixls nnd Oro- rones, consisiing of Iho following article I Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cavslinercs, Hhnwls, Flannels, Hllks, , White Oowls, I.lnons, Hoop Hklrl, Alusllns, lloltnwwaro Ccdarware Hueinsware, llardwar. UooU nud Klioes, Hats ami Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Loollng(l losses, Tobacco, Cotiee, Hugnrs, Tens, ltlce, Allspice, dinner, Clnuaruon, Nulmi'Ks, AND NOTION'H OHK UAI.IjY. In short, tverythlns usually kept In country stores, to which no Invite tho nttentlon of tho public generally, Tho highest price will bo paid for .'inmtry priHlueo In ctelmtiKO fur goods. H. II. MILI.r.HASON. Arcado Dulldlngs, llloouiHburg, l'a. Q.UKAT nEDUOTIOX IN IIIICES AT 1T.TP.H ENT'S HTOllE, IN M01IT BTItKHT, or Sl'IUNa AND SUMMER GOODS. Till! subscriber has Just rccolvid nnd 1ms on hand at his old stand In T.llit Htu-el, u targe nnd select ASSORTMENT OK M lOlUUIANDISE purchased nt tho lowest llgurc, nnd which ho determined to sell on as moderate terms as bo proem ed elsewhere In Light rttrcet, twi cAsn on covxrjtr rnoDUCA. Ills Mock consists of LADIES' DllESS GOODS, choicest styles nud latest fashions. Calicoes, Muvllns, (Jinhams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpels, Milks, Hhnwls, READY MADE CLOTIIINO, Satliiclls, Ca-sslmers, Cottomde., Kentucky Jeans. 4C, A" AC GROCERIES, MACKEltAli, ieeuswnro, Cedarwurc, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, mints, r. I500T8 A SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In Miort everything usually kept tn ft conntry sloro. The patronage of his old friends and tho public generally, is respectfully solicited. The hlghost market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1M7. J J. B II O W E It, Is now offering to tho publlo his Stock of SPRING GOOD A consisting lu part of a full Hue of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG OAlll'CT H, I'lue cloths and casslm re for Ladle' coaUi, HANDSOME imiHI OOOD3, of all patterns nnd qualities, Inlnlds nud rrinl of various quniltles und prices, BLEACHED AND IIItOWN JtUSIJNH, I.ADIE'.S FRENCH CORSETS, BALMORAL SKIRTS. dood assortment of LADIE.V & VUILDItEyH OA1TERH& BOOK. Tresh Groceries nnd Hplces. New assortment OI.ABS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL lu one-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho time to mako your selections, as I am offering goods nt very low prices, nnd oui motto Is f.ilr dealing to all, and not to be under- told by any. J. J. llUOWEft. nioomsburg, April 12, lstiT, M. AllTMAN. C. If. niLUSOKB. E. K. RATUA.V. RTMAN, DILLINGER A CO., '0. tl NORTH TIU11D eTllUCT, (.Vtor opposite Jumps, AVnl, tiantce A Co.) Wholesale Dealers lu YARNS, BATTING, WADDING, CARIT.TH Oil. CLOTHS, MlAUm, TLX NETS, GRAIN JIAGS, '.'ORIIAGE, AC. AIO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, nilCSlIE-S, TRUNKS, LOOK1NQ ULAbHES, KTC. May 10. lW-ly. jov:'' i;um"")n a co., jlu..-. . .... Wholos'ilc Dealers In COTTON YAIINK, CAUn.T CHAINS, BATTM, WICKS, TIllYAItNM, COItDAtlE, IinO"" WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOE ' -' r.Ot'KH.rANCYlIAPKKJ . w-li, AND CAItniAGE OIL CLOTHS, AO., No. 810 Market Stnt, sonth side, I'lllhulelphln. JOHN C. YEAtiER A CO., Wholesale Dialers In HATS), CArS, hTRAW GOODS, AND LADI1H' KIJRS, No. North Third Street, rhKndelphla. "yyAlmiAN ENGELMAN, TOI1ACCB, SNU1T A HEOAH MANUPAl.TOIlY, no. 31.1 Konui TninnaTriK.KT, Second Door below Wood, I'HILADKLl'IIIA. J. W. WAUTJ1AN 1', ENGKLMAN QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, IM. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN 4 bON eoutlnue tho business of muklng CARRIAGES, llUOaiES, nnd every stylo of FANOY WAGONS, which they have constantly ou baud to rult en turners. Never using auy material but tho I es and employing the most experienced workmen they tiopo to continue as heretofore to glvo entire tfUfactlou to every customer. An Inspection ol their work, and of the reasonable price nsked for he same, Is stir to Insure n sale. TJ 0. IIO AVER, Um oMied a flrst-c1M HOOT, HH01C, HAT CAP, AND FUU H70lK nt theol'l Btainlon MnlnKtreft.IUooMiKbnrK.urew itMHaal)(jve tho t'nui t House. 1IU btook Urmn-pns.-tlof thoM-ry im.'ntuMt. Iioatfclyloti ever oiler ml to thut-ltizt ns of Columbia County. Hocun ticcommwtatellio puMlowlththofollowlnBL'ooUt at the lowest inti a. Mon'it Iieuy iiuulilt aulet! Moyii boom, men's doublo tmtt alnalo tan Bolt-d kip boom, mcn'a heavy Btoga bhi of nil kinds, ineii'a Ilnt tnots tituUhovii of att khuIpk, hoy'ii tloubloHolfd boot una.ftt.ocit of ullkludu, tucii'u liloye kid lluliuoral hhoes.mru'a, woiiien'ii.boyH'a ana inthkfa lHfclliiKEaHvrN, woiih'H'h rIovo I'nllhli vi-ry nuo.Ntomt-u'uinorfK-on ItttlinornUuinj calf ktioiit, wuniL'ii'a iry flno ltld uint crti. In hboit t.ooUot aUUmcrlutlonti both gwl anil kvvv lie wc.uW a!ao call atttnllon to hU fine nsort mcntof HATH, CAI-H.FUKH AND NOTIONS, which coinrirUfH all the now and popular varl otibH at vrlc t w hUh cannot full lo hull all. 'J heno K'h are ufl.u-a ut thu lowint cah mtcn unit wlllbe BURtttci to vivo fcatUfutllou, A call la Mllclti'd btfor vuKtikvlnw ulitewhtro nn It l lit'litt!a that bttitr LarguitiM arc to ho XonuiI Uuiii at auy olhtr Pluco m mu cuuuly. RAIL ROADS. NOHTlimiN CKNTJtAIj JIAII. WAV. un una raicr Jiny idiii iscs, Tralin will leave NoiiTIIDanp.n i,anii as follows! NOHTHWAllD. 4M a.m.. Dally to Wllllnmsport, (except Kundny) forhlmlra.cnnnudalgun, Ilnehcntir, lltlllalo, Huspenslon llrlde, and N. 1'ulls. ' V; i y.,t.e.ieept Miindnys) for Klmlra nnd port (except Sundays) ior Williams. THAINrt HOUTitWAttl). li. li A.Jt, Dally (o.teept. Monday's) for Ilaltlmoro. WIL.MIMITON AND rillLADIIU'HIA. 11,5'!,.1' I.llyecei.tnundny's)for Ualtlmore, W nshingloii nnd I'lilludclpiiia, M. YOUNG, licnernl ras.euger Agint, I A UK AW A N N A AXJ) UI.OO.MS- XJ IIUIMl 1IAI1.AOAII On nnd urier May llili, im, I'asicngcr Trains will ruti us follows! IHouth. aolnsNorth. I.cavo Arrive Arrive p. in. n. in. p.m. 8.J0 11.10 u.4J Kcavo tm MM 11.10 .! Ill.Otl tl.10 I.Vi 7.11 8.1U 0.10 t'.n. 7..M o.l.l km u.Vi 7.W 0.10 7.01 7.ft 0.011 7.12 7.UJ 6..) Arrive Leave I.cuvu HM O.Z" l,l.i n. in. .... o.uu ... U.00 ... 11.21 ... II. 12 ,.. 7.m .... 7.41 .... .. K.IU 1Mb Arrive II.SU Hcranton 1'lllslim Kingston l'lturutli hleksliliini. Il.iwuk I Doom Ilupert Duuvlllo North'd i no u. iu iraui nt Kcrniiton makes connections with l.xpter. 1 ruin Tor New Yoik nt 8 o'clock p. in,, arriving lu New York ii.Sn p. m. II. A. tONDA, Bup't. lfW. 13UILAI)KUIIIA 1S0S. AND JU ItAlJ.lttJAU. fiUMMUIt TIMI! TAHLU. TJIUOt'Olt ANt Dlltl CT ItOtTTK ItKTWKF.N rilttuV UELPI1IA, MAI.riMoltF., HAIlKtSItUna, WIL UAMtl'OitT, AN1 THE anuAT on. m:(iioN of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT HLKF.I'IMl TAR1 Ou all Night TniliiH. Oil ami aller Monday, Kr-pt. llth ISiX the liiilitHuii jhf l'hllu.Iclphla A.I.1I0 lUtll ltoatl will ruu ui ioiiowm: vi:nrVAiti. MAIL TItAIN loais riillmlclphlft 10.10 p.m. itn wiuiiiurriimi...'M.i 11,111 " " nrr. nt HiIm ii-'nun IIIIH i:xritlM Uais i'hllmlclphla 1110 nt. " Nort'd, KLMIUA MAIL Icnt" IM llaVtcYrnVaV.7.XiiO lulu! ' ' " Not IhM. 4.2.'t " " nrr, at Lwk Ilntn 7. 15 p.m. 1SASTWAHI), MAILTUAINlcncs Uric 10.50 n.m. ri)rtn u iLryi p.m arr. nt riillauclphla 7.w a. tn. IIXl'UUs Ichvvh Krlo 7.35 n.nt. " ort'il " nri.iitl'hltiKlrlphli 5.cip.n. i.iii iinu rjur'n nuintvit 1111 uu rr"U HIHI Allegheny lticr Xiull Koutl. iLigpiiRo (hccU-.l iiiruuuu. A. U. TVLI'.n, ( Sttperlnttmleiit, Wllllaniiport. IKADING JIAILItOAJ). " HUMMKIl AURA NtlKMKNT, May 20th 1NW. (Ircat Trunk Lin fritu the Notth and Noith Woht for 1'hlljulf Ij-hm.Nfw York, Ituutlnir.l'ott- vims iHiiui'iua, AMiuiiiti, lA'i'iinnu, .iuiuuwn, i: itton, I.tOiitita. litlz. Itncastcr. ('oltinthln.Ae., I'ralns lfiie HarrNtiUr,! Ujr N'u York, as lol lovn! At ii,'t TiJjaiul ",lu u. in., 12. iO noon and A,'utiiuctlnK with ulinllnr t ml tin on iho l'a. Itullroml, unit attUlnt; at New Yorlt nt V, iu,w ii. io a.m., a j,ryj & iu,; hlccpliiR rais acciiiupiinylnu tho i.',(J n.tu, am) f,'t'i, train Ithotil elm uro. Liave Hi.rrlKimi tor Uciidlntr, 1'ottsvlllo. Tn tnaqtta, MlufrNllU,AhluiHl, l'ine Urovp. Allen town and I'litlmklphtii at s.IO, and il,u and i,to p.m., ftopplnti at Lebanon and principal way Mnuoiid; tho 4, ntalcln; coniit'ttloiiH for Philadelphia and Colutnblaonly. l''tr I'ottRVllIo Scliujlkill Haven and Auburn, Schuylkill and MisquWuintm Uallroud, lcai Jlimlsburg at :(,Vi p.m. lhlrnltiKJ l.i'avp Svw York nt ly) and 12.i0tn., utiil. and x.iHtp.ui, Hlceplnp; iMtMiKcoinpau luy thiit,ioa.tii.,antS,tH) nud 8,i p. iu Iralnf wlrhotit clinnat. Way PansenRrr Train Ich t''lphl.t al 7M, r't urnlri'i irom ItcadltiKiit- y,'Wp.mhtoppins at all stations LNiliMvlllf at hl.'a. tn.. and I'.J-iP.m.. Ashland am and l?,lt noou, and L'.OJp, in., Tuinuqim at if,:U a. in, and l,oand t. ti ), in. lAavd PottNvll! ior llatrlsburij. via Hclmylklll and husquchauua Hultioud at 7,10 a.m. and 1.2,00 UttOU. R( rdlns Accommodation Train leaven Reading at7,3t)n.iu.,ictutulng from Philadelphia at 5,lo p.m. Pottstown Accommoihitlon Tralndeavei Potts town at t,tia.iu. returning, Icavct I'hlludelpbla at -1,10 p.m. Columbia IUUroad Trains: leavo Rending at 7,"0 a.m., and 015 p.m. for LpUrata, Lltlz, Lancas ter, Columbia, lc, Perklonifii Itall Hoad TrHlnn loavo Pcrklomen Junction t y.mi a.tnM and 5.55 . m, lUrturuins: LfuxuHklppaftt aiu.lja.m., and 1,15 p.m., cou utcllnt; wiih Mint hi r halntou Ueadlnu ItnilriNul On hunday, lcav New York at (i.otl p.m., Phll xdflphla h,00, and .15 p.m., tho ,ona.iii. train rumilnse only to lttndlny; 1'ottnvlllo 8,00 a.m.; IIiirrlHburtt o,'J.", and i.ln and 0,:t- p.m., and UtudliiKHi l.l'J and -VYi and 7,13 a.m. lor Hatrls bum, and 7,(Ha m., and II, 10 p.m. lor New York, and !,-" p.m. rr l'ldladt lhla. Uominulailon, Mileage, Hiason, Mchoolatid Kx curKiou tleketri toaud tromall polntx, at reduced rates. ItagitKe checked through ; 100 pounds Allowed to catb piittseugcr. O. A. NIU0IJ.H, (letieral feuperlntcndeut. Ueadlnfj, l'a.. May ay, l-W. T HE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 Tlir, BINCnt HIAVING MACHINE HUUS TUB LIST, And lmds Iheenlumn 1,18 nheml cf all others, 'this Mlulllue is thu MOST rOl'I'LAlt IN uai It uses the llncst ncedlo ofuny Muchlne In ex istence, Any indy wantlne u Rood S E W 1 N li .M A C II I N E, Will consult her own luureHs ly bnylnc i. hINOIMt. It lsfiisicrio um. leain und Ueep lt oiilir Hum any Machlm lu Urn world. OVi:il !), OF HUM IN UHII. Tlielullit injunction Klvcn those who pur chnM'.nnd tho .MueliluewiLi. uit wakuameii to jolt for one Ji'al. 1'lrnhe rail nl nirHloiennd sntNly j ourselves. Jleieyou wtll Und Neeille1-. 'I hr.-nd nnd Hlllc. 1IAVII) I.OW1.NIU UII. Auent Apill J.'US-tr. llloomsburB, l'n. QOhU M 15 I A IIOUS K, n y lllJItNAUD HTOTINKR. HAVino lately purchased and iUtcd up tho ;clUkuo7ii Uoblsoij Hotel Propcily, located h HCW DOOlW A1U1VK T1IK couitT uorHU, imtht'nmn Mdn oftho Ktreet. lu th town of Uoomsbiirg; and having obtalncila llccusy for tbohumo as a it E S T A u a A X T , tho I'roprlclor has determined to glvo to the peo ple visiting iho town ou business ur pleuuurc, A MTTI.i: MOKB IIOOM. Ills stabling also Is exKUBlve. und Is fitted up to put bUKiiiesnnd earrhiHS lu thedry. He nroni. isesiluit m,'rylhlni;utioutlUrtulillshiiicutshull bo conducted in an oidcrly and lawlul luanuer; nnd li rehpectlully sullclts u share orlhopublie isirtinnuo. IniylT'oT-Cm. JI'.T)EAHd7 uh LiiTiNcorr.coNnAco., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In HATH, CAW, FUIIH, AND HTItAW (lOOW, No. Ill Market Street, riilladelphta. QJNYDEIl, IIAUIUS & DAS3ETT, Manufacturers and Jobber, of MKtTH AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Nos, 515 Market, mid CZ! rommerce Plrect, I'hlladelpbln. q vr. BLAUON & co., Manufacturers of Oil, CLOTIW AND WINDOW WIADra. Warehouse, No. IC4 North Third street I'lillndelphla. QETTIIE 11EST. Xlumnn's Topper Tululor LiBldnlnu ltod I. the list i rtidlon nriiln.t dhiiMcr by llelitnlriB ever Invnedo, The subKcrll er Is nite nt lor the Ikivo InMiiMon nnd nil orders by mall or In erson will bo promptly atteuded to. MnylVfls ):. ll.linr,KMAN. N0T i a e, To nil ftCfKnliw u-hnm II innv . .,ii...pi. V...I.. Is hereby ulveu I hat iruiu uiitf nlui this dale, no peisou khull buy, bdl oi dtal In any wuy, with I.loyii krosstor lu the uamu or upon the it hpon. sibliltv of tlinrgo Krossler as tin, said (Icmue Krisslirby hU ultoiu uy lu u,d Win, Kiiulcr retuses lo lay inn d 1 1 t tiMinilld by , rtlil I lajii, orlo I. In il .n ii iiy i nsinnsiriln for his unions. Wit, Kill I-'! Kit, "el Vt?. Ail y, lu fait, I li KIM i (' JOh I'l.INTINU Aui y i' 4 t Tin t iiuiiug L'm t, GROCERIES, &c., c 1 0 N r E 0 T I 0 N E 11 Y . Tito nnderslsned trmiM rcsncctfnlip nnnonnee to tho public that he tins opened it KlItST-CLAUg CONFECTIONKnY BTOnK, In thebnlldlns lately occnplnl liy Ilcrnnrd stoh uer, where he I. prcpnrod to rurulsli nil kinds of W.AtN 4 rANCTi- CANDIIM, FftnNCH CAN1)I1I, FOUEH1N A DOMTHTIO I'llUlTH, NUTS, 11AISINM, AC, AC,, AC. ' DY WHO I. KB ALII art IlRTAtln In short, n Aill nssorlment of nil goods In his lino of business. A great vnrloty vr DOLLB, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holldnys, rnrllcular nttentlon given to Bit HAD AND OAK KB, of nil kinds, rresh every day. C II It I H T M A H O A N II I K H, O 11 I H T M A 8 TOVN, A call tn solicited, and satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. -U, im. KCKI1AHT JACOltR. REMOVAL Ol' C. 0. MARK'S NEW STORE TO SlTIVn'H BLOCK, osTnmconsEn or market and mux strektm. Tlio undersigned havinu receU ed from tho city n full and complete supply of SriUNfJ AND aU.MMEtl DRY GOODS AND OllOCEniES, NOTIONS, TIN-WAItE AND IIARD-WAIIE, CEDAIl AXD WILLOH'-n'AM:, CONFfCTIONKIlY, OLAWM-WAllE, T O 11 A C CO, HAT S A N J) ,V HOES, FLOUH, HALT, I'ISH, AND MKAT, nil of which I propose selling nt n very low figure for cash or produce, rr- Call nnd see. April 12, lli7. C. 0. MARK. HAND OI'ENIXO IIHA.VD OIT.NIN'O (IIIAX1) OlMININll (IIIASII Ol'P.VIS'll Olt.VND Ol'IININO consisting ol cuislvtluir of con.i.lln nf C'inlstlni; of'.istlna of DRY flOOIN. DRY ClODim, DRY HOODS, DRY (inoiw, DRY OOODH, HATH AND, HATH AND f'AlW, . HATH AND CAPH HATH AVI1 CAIN HATH AND CAPs ROOTS AND HHOIH BOOTH AND MIOKH HOOTH AMI hllOKH BOOTH AMI HUOIN, BOOTH AND HllOhnl Iir.ADY-MAliri CLOTH! VO. It F. A 1 1 Y- M A I ) 1 1 O I .OT m N 1 1 RIIADY-MAIIK CLOTH 1NO, RKADY-MADi; CLOTIIINO, READY-MADi: CLOTHIflo; LOOK INO-O LAKH F-H, LOOK INtl-OI.AHHV LOOK I NO-ll LAMHKH. I.OOi:iNll-lll.ASHhX LOOKINO-OLAHHC-; NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, l'AINIS AND OII.h; FAINTS AND OILS FAINTS AND 01Lh (IIIOCKRIKM, (llUll'ERIIX, llltOl.'LKILH, (IllOlIKRILH, OUOCfcltlLH, qiii:k.vsyarl,1 uuiiknswark, o.iri:i:.N'sVAi:i:, til'IIHNMWAItl:, Uri:ENMYAKIl HAltllWAIti:. llAHIIM'Alli:, llAltllWAIli:, IIARDWAItf, HARDWAllE, TINWARE, T1NWARI., UNWAlli:, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, S.M.I', SALT HALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, Fllll HMI, ORAIN GRAIN 11 RAIN ORAIN OltAIN AND HEEDS, AND HEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEI1H, AND HEEDS, MrKELVY, .SEAL A CO.'S, MrKI.I.VY, NEAI, A- CO.H, Mi ICELVY, NEAI, A. ClVsI .MiKElA'1, NEAI. A CO.'S. -MlUEI.VY, NEAL A CO.'S. Norlllwesl corner of Main and M.ukel Streets, Nnrlliwcsti'orucrof Main nud Market street, Norlliuest ''orner of Main unl Market Klrtels, Nortliwest .-oinei of Main nnd .Market Mieets. Northwest eo rm r of Main and Market bin-el., BLUIIM-IUmo, 1A., HLOUM'ULI'RU, 1-A lll.OHMMillUi), l'A RLOO.MM'liO, I'A. IlI.OO.MsllCUO, I'A. IIION AND N.UI.S, IRON AM) NAIKH, IRON AND NAII.h IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS. In lurne qunutltles nnd al reductd rates.iilway ou baud. gCIIELL, 1JKUOKI1 A CO., fJENEKAL COMMISSION MKUCIIANTS Dealers lu FISH, SALT, CHEESE, 1'HOVIHIONH, Aa, Nos. 122 and 151 North Wharves, nbove Arch Bt, l'hllndelphla. Sol. agents for Wllcoi'a Wheel Grease, lu bar rels, kegs, and cans. yyAINWUIGIIT A CO., W1IOL15HAI.IJ (IKOCllItH, N. E. Corner' Second nnd Arcli Streets, Fjiiladslhua, Dealers lu TEAS, RYltUFS, COFFEE, hllllAR, MOLASSES, RICE, M-lrEH, lit CAIIU HOllA, 0 AO. . Orders will receive prompt uttontlou. May 10, iw7-ly. 2 V. PETEI13IAN, with LIFrlNCOTT 4 TROTTER, WHOLESALE ailOCF.RS, No. tl North Water Street, and No. 20 North Delaware Aveuue Fhlladelphla. "yy-EAVElt A BI'HANKIjE, Y1I0I.E8ALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MIlItCHANTH, Nos. Sl und !Kf Arch SI reet I'hllHdelpliln, , J M. MAHPIiE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, (1 LOVES. AND FANCY GOODS, No. tl North Third Street, rnllodelphl. I II. AVAL FEU, Lato Walter A Kaub, Importer und Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUKEN8WAKE, No, Kl Msrlcit etreit. 1'lilla.lelplda. C. II, ItOllNr. W. H. KINfl, J, B. 8KTRKRT JOHN BTK0U1 & CO., Hum tasors to Htroup A Brother, WHOLEHALli Dr.UJJIlS IN FISU, No, ill North Wharves, and SS North Watir HI,, ITilladclpda. FALL AND WINTKH OOODM. FA I.I, AND WINTKH UOOIN FALL AND WINTKI' (IOIUm! FALL AM) Wt.VI'IlK uooim FALL AND WINTKI! GOODS JRON, TINWARE, fi-O jATlONAIi 1'OUNDIIY, llloomsburft, Columbut County, l'n. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovo-ramod ezlcnslvo eslobllshmeut, Is now prepared lo re celve orders far nil kinds of MACHlNUnr FOll COLI-lKItHV), BLAST FUUNACEH, STATION UY ENOINEH, MILLS, Tlinr.'tHINO .MACHINES, AO lie Is Also prepared to make Stoves of nil ftlzea nud pntlcrns, riow-lrnus, nnd everything nsunlly mado In ilrst'Class Foundries. His extiuslve facilities nnd prnctlcnl workmen warrant htm tn receiving the InrRcst contracts on the most rensnnnblo terms. Oram of all kinds will be tnken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is located near the Lackr wanna nnd Bloomsburg Ilellrond Depot, I'ETIIlt HtIXMYF.fl. QTOVES AND TINWABE. A. M. HUBERT announces to his friend, nnd customers thni eoutlnucs the ntswe hu'lncss nl ills old place on M.U.N STREET. UMMIMSUUIKl. Customers can be aicoiniHlntd with FANCY STOV1M of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnre, nnd every va rlcty nf article found In a stoe sml Tinware Es tablishment In the elites, nnd on the most reason, able terms. RcpalrlUKdoneuttheshurtcstnotlcn S3 DOZEN MILK-FANS on hand for sale. j-EW bTOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON KAIN HTRCItT, HEARt.Y OPPOSITR MII.I.F.B' STOKE, HLOOMSBUlttl, PENN'A. The timlerslued has Just fitted up nml opened ins new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In thW phn , whfro ho t prcpircd tn mako np UfWTlN W'AllKOf n't 'Bit ia uih iiuv. tuiu im nd dNpatch, ttou thn upalrMn; with neat moM rcasonauin IU HII") ILtM'pH VU IllillU STOVkh OV V. ,iVt ' VTTl. It N H A BT YLKf, whirii ii win well ntmii i iinK lo ult niircha.icrf Olvu him a call. Mr 1 a uomI tncfnautc, and iichcrviint ni tuc puuiic patroniiKc , .IACOI1 MKTZ, HhxmburR, April ai. IH07, Q.nonoK ii. itoisrcuTS, Importrrattd ltaJprln lIAniVAUU, CPTI.KrtV, J UtiH, &C No. Bit Morth Tldrd Htrcot, nltoyo Vino, Philadelphia. lAUOU K. H.MIHI. J. R. SKI.rZF.B g M 1 T II A S E I. T E R, Impoilfirsand Dealers lu I'or'l;rn und Domestic i sacKi! Ii A II 1) V A II K, OU.VP, CUTniJltY, AC, 0. W It, Tim. I HlUKKT, A1I.CALLOW1I1LL, pir i ADiiLriiiA. Nov. 22fi7'tT, TOBACCO & SEGARS. JJ V. HANK'S VllOLIIALE TOI1ACCO, HNUFK, AND CIOAR 'WAItLIlOUSE, No. 110 North Third fctreet, between Cherry nnd Ilnce, west lde, Philadelphia. Ii. WOODRUPPj Whoicsnlo De.HerH lu TOIIAC.'UOH, CIOAItH, I'it'EH, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Htrcct, above Market, I'blhldelphla, 0 MXIRUH UXTO, Vho nnrtersfnpl would repottfully nnnouure to HiecllUotiN of moom-linr nnd iho jmUIJu xvuv- rally tha ho rnniiint an OMNIIJU8 LINE tadween thin ilaioi.Md theditlfrent rallronddf poUdally(SuridiiyM nxi'ept'd),loeotiiiiTt with thu HHrr.U rain- nolnx Haith and WVvt un the Cftta uIdhu an'd M'llllnninport Itullroad, and with thonc nnijr N'ort), and South on the La kawannnand ItlonutHhurK luiltroud, mwOninlbuMi'aiiro In good condition, mmmo- tllott and romtnrtnhV, and rhareet reasonable. Persons wishing to met or eo their friends de part, ran honcromndated upon reiuonahlorhargvt by leaving timely notluuatnuy or the hotela. JACOU U GIUTON, Proprietor, J 1IKATIICOTK A COMPANY Ji OIL JUJi ir O It KN COKN1.H Or WEST STUCK f &. ULACKUOItSK ALLKV llavlntc Incn-usfd mir facllllle iu tho way of ahop room, machinery, Ac, we nro prepared to maanfaetuto I.Ot (lMOTl VlI.I'LUK.and all kinds ntM IIAM iH lLKUS,hMOKi:.h'lACKH, Tanks, Hut ErlnoN WoitK.&r, All oil; promptly Uono to otder, nt uViort not he, nnd HPHCIAL ATTIINTov- 1'AH) TO UKPAIUM. Vour attention -allj willed totboinem- beis of imr Urn i mjs l'i ut tivut Jloiter .Vukns, Mr. IIl TiK ( it; lins ' dun i xpeikure of ovt r thh ly yc ar In the tnnnufat turn of all Kinds of Hteam liollers; and tmin our lotiKi-sperh neowe aro lull atwiio ollho necelly ot it wellinado and sitilleleuily laro lioiLUt, to sfeure not only tsfitety but xatirvlnetory lr&ults: nnd m o shall lve our eustonieis only thoso ol Iho best riuallty a rt ytl iN titalerlal.noil;iuaiiihlp. nmliunplu luat Iiik mrfaeo, and leel (onridint thatwn cnnirii der i HUlaetlou, and at pih'H tully nn lou tw any other bulldcu using thu hamo (.imlity ot niaterl nln. Wo would eall thnattohtlon ot ltnllwny Com panh h in our tueilUIes tontolns L(K OMOTIVK WoitK, kith i it itKi viits ou M'W, as we ruako it .t point lor oneortl.ellnn toalwtiyaghohlH per sonal attention. W mo also pi (pa red tittlo all kinds of hteam Fittings, such ni Heating Public and Private Itulldint'K, 1'netorien, Ilttlug up Kieant JlollerH.dc, ConMantU on hand all ltliids of Stkav Krr TIM.Svn:AM AMI WAThlUIirACItHSrEAJI I'll., ami .iff ill tluH count i ted wltn tin hiuluoh. Alt'.CnhtlLnsi)f all liln-UJiollrf Front K.tlirtten HtuwH, P1ow,iumI alj worli tonuetted wJtU Dm general lomitlrj l-nslm'ss, Itet'j.eelfttlly solicltlnn your orders, wa art t Yourner.v tiuly, J. JIK.VTICOn; A CO, I-Vb.WUS-li OJtAXGKYILIiK NOIUtAL HCIIDOL, 'Urn next htstdon of this School will eorjiiasiire on Monday Auousi Jitii, iMty. Tor paitlcul.ifnddrehs Pud. I. .0, V'ALKHU, Principal. Drauyovllle, Coluuibla county. Pa, Ann. U,'t3-3t. A a M P Tt SI I TUY T!!K ALT A .LA PHOSPHATE. It contains threo per cent, of Aminoulu, nn nmn'.o riunutllj' in rite activity without Injury tnlho veKalai'uu,audn InrKo percenlaRe ol .u luble none 1'lioi.phalo of Ume, lc(ielher with 1'olai.b and Hnda, Iba circuital elemeutri of a COMl'LHTHilANl'lli:. The Increased mien to farniei. whoaiouhlnK it villi hlrhly HllltaeUH ry rebiillH l.u.uieKUurnuUuor Us value. I'rleo, ISflpcr ton of 10 bans h,u ii,h each, riond for u pamphlet, Addic. TUK ALT a vr.i.A au.No ro., JulyS,'68.1y 671lroadwoy, N.V, NDKIJWb, WILKlKb & CO., Dealers In VOHEION AND DOJ1ESTI0 DIIV OOODt), No.EOJ Market Street, l'hll delphla. KOnaK FOr.LKEH A CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODKN A WILLOW WAUL'. YAIINB. M J.V-r'-'Sgf' Oll.Cloths, Wick., Twines, liakkets, etc., Mr, ai'JA'.'ll Murliel fit., A-S30 Church Bt., Thllada, Juno S,'6ii. UMnilUSTKll A MIOTIIEU, I in portent jnd Jobbcn, of HOHiiJUY, UUIVKH, BIIIUTH At.'D DIlAWKIlfl iiurro.NH, Mtmi'KNDKiiM, uooi- frKiiiTS, irANUKi:iii:mi:in, TiimiMn.nrwiNUHii.UH, TlIl.MMINUH.roKTKMONNAIIX BOAI'H, l'UIll DJIMlV.rANt'y (10ODK, AND NOTIONS UKNLIULI.V, Al.o Munulacturer. of lllHWIIM AND LOOKING aiMHHIi, and Dealer. In WOOD AND WIIA1W WAUE, llltOO.M'5, ItOl'KS, TWINIM, AO, No, Mil Not th Third f tu ut, obove Vine, Philadelphia. ILLICIl it HUrfT, Hunrxoni lo r nlU T Heiirer 4 On. Impirter" 'olcialo Dealers lu I i VI" LH, Ar,, Noj, I i p4 01 in unit htrtt, l'lulfclflpLI. DRUGS &, MEDICINE;' gA VE VOt' It MOM. ( O U n AT INDtfOhM , O n K A T K H INI) tr CIM N i( 1 O It U A T 118 T 1 N I) u a; M 1 H AT Tim old imvo BTtn i: OP li. N. MOYKH, Wlieromu bolottnd the hAiujf.MT i.nd i-i sf ortmkn r ever ofrvmt to thf i-itii" . . ,i ounty,or UrnKB, Client lea In, Pain!, Uili, UIass, VatnMi , ltttty, Jhudi , )cSltllft, Miti I 1 nn- ill of thfMonif of tin huMt Uliou it in iki nnd m irranttd an purf ami tnuululutiiti'ii. r u i nnd largest utm k ol P A N 0 V A U T I t I. L m be found In this nr mlJolulnRPonn! iv Perlunn'ry, ilalr Dyec, Fatic.v HonpH, ItrtiMhc-i, Combs, i vuh. h HalrOlls Toih' Ar , btatlouory, t lti t l.o. i . t o ii a c c or.H. Bmoklnt; nnd chewing. Cigars of alldL'scrlptloiib, Pipes, Cigar UoUJi'i. HOt!Hi:nOLI AlU'tt'ld.s. Lamp;, tiHtrortcd kIxcs and b-s, IjA m rs, Ci 1 1 ii N k h, HuAmiM, JJt:;vi m, MISCi:i.LAM(H H UOdl. Rpontjpfi, CtmliunH ltn''. Calhetrrs, hptcuiuni , Hyrlngo, ltrnhi rump, Hubhrr (loudK, Trusses of nil niprofd patimu .., w. L I tl V O U s . A flno nssnrtnn nt uf tuc 1iiiiin f tr tn i -pHrpoi'M i-oitstautty ou h.tnd- ;tmt i , i tcnumt klndfi or BTOMACH lUril.UM. Patkni Mi.blflNKM of vwr- di.i tlplloti, in. rludluic tho best varieties ol pti.-t and i n f. jHYa!ciAN'Hrititiiti,noat'At:KH.i . i i.i I'A Ul.I'. NoKttrh felot-lt huH t-wr nv prrscnb tl t it. atopic of this section or umntr. Iho priccsaru aasmttll na Ihv nu s. liii'H" . Tho Wholtmlc yvicejrnronioie lavniablo to ii -tiurcbn-cr than oL'r,at .irratim.-iin'UiK lum u . tiCK'ICd With IhoWliolfviilts dcali ts Iti ihi' !i . -Itlfs, o that g09dsi. hi- pnicuvcd In Ill.xui urK nHchnipty an In Now Yorltor Phibvlelplii -Country dcali'fM uri can ('iiy itivlUd t, study thiitr own Interest1!, t, ixiviuhiii.i 1 itocli, ;Rcmemberlhpplace HxrriAN'.E Hi.ot k " ICxchatiiCO Hotel, Main htreet. IVfmisbui' Jan. :u, lWi. tfui VEG-ETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE ACE! C3rny-IIcailtl l'ooplo 1, c tlieir loi-ks restoreil hy It to tlic t'.i '., tous, silken tresses of youth, and art ' ? ! Younnl,cople,wlt!trtVt't(If"r'' ' ITair, lmve the&o unfafcliionahlc colors changed to a tiauUt'ul uuburi ind rcjoico 1 Pcoplj wliose head are ciki. i ilh flandrujf nml Hamo., mo it, d Im clean coats ami dear nnd tt.ilrsl llnld-l Temlftl Vi'lrrtinH hau their remaining locks tiliu-ncd, and tl bare spots cohered with a g.ovrtli of Hair, ami danco for joy I Young (icntlemcn taa U bectuso it i richly perfumed! Younn Ladies ue It let au"u it keep- their Hair in place! Everybody tnt.i and rffl U'c it, Ijecau it is tlio cleanest and test aiudc in the market! For Salo by Druggists generally. ANII 1-UU KAI.KKY Ii. N. JHiYlMt and V. V. I I ',", lut'-Ll UlooinsbtirK, and M, UI(Jl-.--'l . t i-i.a. i v.. Januaiy ri, 1HiS-.J, J It. JIOYEU, WHOI.INAM'd 1".T!I. D II U (J ( 1 S T, LOliNKt OF JIAIN AND HAtiKKI SIH 1.1 -, llUJOMSiltllU., I A., where will bo found a lai' .ml hi t utoi . : MKDJCXXES AaVO riiKMlCALH Also nil tlio J'ATKJtT HKIUCIM" OK 'run l.. I am nlso prepared to lurntsMCoimlry .i 1 - m m Castor Oil, (JolfreyK Cordial, TUHUN(1ST0"H !JAI,S M, and nil other indlciiiaKeit In ll'ur Uu ut I1 prlcts. ft. Prescrlplloiirt cwrtfitlly coni;oi:utli'd : i-l bourH, In turd tclnes, fjtrtllly l-ol Ptt r t ' i;'o 1 ' li loo in sb u ru, Juno ?, i . ONDKHSHOTT'B I JIAHMACY. OI'I'OStrK AMI II' in VIiero iniiy bu found neoiui lc fresh nud puro MnmciNKH, pyij tupi , cui.ons, jm.h. wiNPow.or.Afw, lavpm i wrriiN , m. UAH, SOAIX, AUOIKU., V. ! . 1 A 1 KJOlW HYIUMW, PKIU'X'.MI T Ml ' ANOP 'i IITILXIW, which nro tuTucd ntold linn , -i . Picnip tiousnccurately prep m I. Jan 3'flS-ly. rfyili: A.MKitlOAN Ji'vV K NIK 1 3 X ANI rtiltK.-Wu tin- t ,,.1 d cill ni of Columbia County wbn " in l of Iny forkH on the mini ot Mi. I'm- I in Mi'inUH'tf Tnwnslilp.on Mondat , l!u i-twiii th Ainerieaii May Kullt. nud 1 k to- imlttrtuml by HUKHt, WAI.IA SIIUINI U i .. r UmIh burg, Pn.( nud tbo Uuinl l'i 1M n May Hook. The Anu'tlcim Pork iiu-d more b.iy lit otn drtiKhttbiui tho Itundel In thn WenroHitlH fled tt will take tn much buy hit" i ut- juiiw us twi KikkJ tioiKen inn iliuw, onlr.i' s-w it rutlln? ay, and think It can not bo bent until mi UalU And rbeerlully rreommend It us ilu btst tuty lrk and buire we lum vwr seen, o. Mirrr.MiKNnnt, Du. k, a n vKi:mo.v, W. H. IfOONS, .Ioiin 1 ii in, John ltm.uH'K, liAMt.b uikk, H. IHUI.KM1I.1.KK, HVbVKMTKH P01t4EI, Michaki. llHLt.KU, John Wotr. 'Iliey hIko mutiuluetuio the l eU-liroteil HurliejC Itrnpfrnud Mower, nud other imrieulturul implr me it tii. J N S U U A N CK A 0 i; K 0 Y . Wyoinlua v...... tlW i:tna .., (Tnnuneico ,'i j'V" rullou i f-'1'"' North Anil rim ' City 4'"." 1 Inlcruiitluual I,it, Niaifani l,"."' ' r.tuu I,lotik. : ''.' ' rutnaiu - 5;vi' Merrhauu B. Mprlnulleld 0Ti',n' Iiihutuneo Company of ttluu 1'. on a., tuW ' Oonncclicut Mutual Mlo W" Norllt Aineilcuu Transit !:"' I'lllVH MlliWN, AW"', runriiC7-Jy, liLoonrfiiin'. l'A I.OUIS HUOW.N, l HAS. J. SWAl l JUOWN & HWAl.H, WIli.1,1 sa; i,i . N, K. Cor. TI tr. '.i t ruu.'j i it. Mayi.V, If llmu.