LU-l J'.JJll'.. THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA." .. . 7 hc of dumb inn, BLOOMBBUltn, PA. KMUIAT nWttRINU, ISOV. HI), till. st - - . - wrnn i.cstniAfl i. ibc i,rRe..- trlAC1 In nntl adjoining , nutlet f f MP" pnbll.he djliere,, mid ft. kirn annch Iftrger tir,t thnu n of I4 estrojT r 1 t .nil la there forttlictie.t Millnm mr'nsW.rtlitiifr In this section of th lint. The Assessorshlp. Tur. hcr.nnulo for ofllco liit.i nlrruily licun, mill axti'mlt from llilv two ilol-lar-u-j-oar post-oulco iij) to ioultloti3 In tliocvblnet. Tliifo or four caniltilutca turo zealously t work for tlio iost-ullli:o hero, with about ceiual clianrcs of sue- ecus, nr. John nml Samuel Knoir nro each eagerly fighting for tho. Assessor hip. Tho forrnorreiirifcnl.s tlio itadl calolcuicnt of tho iurty, while the lat ter Is the candidate of tlioCoii.vrvntlvo class. "Tho two lawyers" hnvo the In Ido track, and have already promised appointments to numerous clerks and deputies. They have also the advan tage of tho Itepubltcan newspaper, in Which Knorrnnd a prominent "John son man" aro alike stockholders. As thu"Couservatlves" carried offthespolls thrco years ago, they liiiiiglitu they avoan easy fight now; hut many Kadtcals in tho county cannot tep the propriety of throwing "If an old and trusted leader, whom they deem well qmillfletl for tho office, for untried yiluths, "who aro hacked by tho odious "Jphnson men." Wlillo we enjoy tho light, wo cannot help wishing success to thu con-crvatlvo element represented by Knorr, as it rendered us efficient ,'ervleo against Jlercur ill 18CG-S, against fleary, and in favor of Sharswood. As tho indications are Hint Grant will prove Conservative, h!s,oBice-holdcrs should ho of the same stalnp. The men who nominated and elected him bhould have the spoils. "Let us have peace." Newspaper Tiles. WE.htive alluded to this subject be fore, but desire again to press uptu our readers tho advantage of filing their pa, pers. Not a day passes but that wo aio applied to tn person or by letter for tome ono copy of tho Coi.t-'JlitlAN which coutainsbonio matter specially valua ble to tho applicant. Great "moral and pecuniary" tdvan Ugo would accrun to the people, if they would llle and preserve their newspa para; and then, beside, the year's ill -would bo worth more than they cost, whereas, aoiV they aro utterly waited, llowmany choice articles aro published from week to week, that aro worthy to bo prcoerv6d news, statistics, useful receipts, aitlcloi on agriculture, horti culture, history, biography, religion ; now discoveries in art, science, geogra phy, fun j thopiarriage and death rec ord; beautiful specimens of proso and poetry, original . or (-elected from tlio .choicest literature of tlio dsy ; making your paper every year a real, encyclo paedia of tho wprld's progress and no ctimulivtQl, wisdom. A subscriber fre mientl.v reads an Hem In his nancr: ho or his children destroy It tho same day; .. ... -t- ... .tho next flay, lie, would gfvej tho price of a year!s subscription If ho could turn to thatltom. Verhaps if, was a receipt from which hq could maksNa hundred dollars; perhaps statistics that would nettle some animated discussion; per haps some market report or some direc tion in regard toplantltig or cultivation tliat woiidsivahini (he prlcoof many bushejgpf grain or fruit; or, it may bo some uuvertlscmcnt that would aavo him many dollars, or, an article on sci ence, or something cliw in tho ldo Held of literature, or'tbo history of tho times that would yield him or his children after him, profit nnd pleasure for years trrcome. Hut It Is gone. His valuable paper was put to some ignoblo use, and and he loses all that It mlglithavesavcd hiiii if it had boon filed, so that he could produco it when wanted. By filing each number the young folks have an entertaining volume of stories ; the farmer a useful collection ol agricultural matter; the politician, a record of political events; the ladiei, n number of good stories', useful re ceipts, and well selected poetry. I'ub Ho Mies, lists of Jurors, all tho proceed ings nf our courts, could bo referred to nt a glance. In a word, wo caa now sell all our flics at double tho price of sub scription. Wo have gone to the expense of buy ing a numberof White' 1'ateut News paper Files, and have sizes to suit the argent dally, down to a shejt of letter J paper. i Thu beneflls of this invention aro : 1. It holds in tlio neatest manaer, Jrom onosheet to ono hundred, (or ono yea of weekly papers,) nnd holds tho sheet so firmly that they can never gut loose or bo drawn out. 2. It Is the least possible troublo to open tho llle and add n nevr paper to, pr remove those In the file. 3. It lathe most simple constiuctlon, and therefore not liable to get out of re pair, and will last in constant use for years. . 1. They aro mado to twenty lengths, ' from tho sizo of a small note paper to Jlio largest blauket sheet Journal, ac commodating newspapers of all sizes, sheet music., sermons, lectures, essays, jecelpts, letters and other manuscripts. S. It is light and portable, and tlio smaller jSjzcs can bo carried in tliopook it or valise, belli'.' but one.foiirlh nf im Inch thief;, and threo-fourthsof an inch iro'ad, and extending from one-eighth to three-eighths of an Inch, at each end beyond tho volume. 6. Its cheapness brings it within the reiichof all, costing only from fifteen to flfty ceuts each. , 'fiend oir'your orders at onee'and'turn every newspaper into a living book." Our Gains. BEHiDKa electing Democratic (lover nors this year in New' York and Now Jersey, tho. Democracy of tho Union havo' gained 'tlilrty-llvo members of Congress, as follow's: Arkansas. Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louislann, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri. New Vork, North Carolina Ohio, Pennsylvania South Carolina, 'i'ennesseo, Total, ' New Jersey 'rho'probabllltlcs aro that the Radi cals will havo from iirteen to eighteen less than it two-third majority In thu House. A rredlctlonConceriilng den, Orant. In n speech mado last week at Crest line, Ohio, Mr. Vallandlghnui said. "No my Republican friends. I liavti not said anything ngalnst (len. (Irani in this conipnlgii. I have not dono it forn purpose. If ho Is fit to hu Presi dent, long before his term expire I wilt bo found supporting him, honestly and cordially, ngalnst the leaders of tho parly which expects to elect him in November. I.oud cheers. And you havo no right to cry out "traitor" against him, you wilt havo no right to ;alk about his Tylcrlzlng, or his Fill niori'lzlng, or Johnsontzlng you. You nominated lit in in Chicago, you put n platform or something culled a plat loim Into his hand; yon asked him for an acceptance of It, and ho nccepted,and J dare say he would have accepted tho i Democratic nominal on too.lljaucrhtor.1 Hut ho took eaio in his letter of nccopt- tancotosay that he would not proclaim any policy. Ho did not consider it ml. ,vIsablo to do so In advance of tho elec tion to say what ho would do when ho was elected. Now, 1 pray you to ro- member that I told you on this 26th of October, that Oen. Orant will reject the mad, fanatical, revolutionary Radical leaders of tho organization which put him forward, if ho proves truo to the constitution nnd tho Union of our fath ers. Loud cheers. If ho will restoro to this government Its harmony, and glvo back to tlio people their rights, North and South, I will bo found among his cordial supporters, becauso I will bo found in opposition to tho Radical par ty. West Virginia Despotism, Wi: havo been surprised moro than once at the want of information abroad oven in the ndjoInlngStutcs, concerning west Virginia despotism. It is fact of easy demonstr.Uion.thnt even tlio Southern States, ruled ns thev are by the sword, aro moro freo to-day than the always loyal Stato of West Virginia. In this Stato (hero nrq not less (ban twcuty-flvo thousand disfranchised cltl zens. No, not "citizens!" for thenmcn ded constitution of tho Stato declares that they can never becomo citizens; although they were born on her soli, have lived here all their lives nnd are heavily taxed to support the munclpal, Slate and national governments. They are aliens on their nntivo soil, as far as the Stato constitution can make them aliens, In tills county Hlone there aro 1,100 disfranchised men, comprising tho wealth, intelligence, public spirit, and moral worth of Greenbrier. In this town, with n population of 1,300, tlieioiuoonly eight voters; and yet in this county the; e is not one dis loyal man, excepting the Radlcals.who arealldlsloya'. In West Virginia thero aro not less than 25,000 men who can not hold any office, sit on u Jury, or tcacli u public school In est Virginia (hero aro not le-s than 2o,000 men who cannot obtain ludgment on tho old dobls duo thera.or eniorce contracts. In Wot Virginia tho taxes for coun ty nnd township purposes aro eight times heavier than beforo tho war. In West Virginia we have flvo paid officers now to ono before tho war. 1 I. ICorf Vlmlnl. l..,l.l. In West Virginia thosalaries of coun ty officers are double and some of them trebcle, of what they wero boforo the war. In West Virginia, especially in the border counties, the offices aro with few exceptions, filled-by tho most igno rant and vicious of tho population. In West Virginia threo men In each county, known us the County Board of Iteglotratlen, nro actually licensed, by an act of the Legislature, to enter on record that their fellow-citizens nro per jurers I In West Virginia tho County Boards1 of Registration have on tiro control of every office in the State. ThoIIoardof Registration of Ohio comity can unseat Governor Boreman bymerely scratch lug his namo(romtho list of registered voters. Tho Board of Registration of Monroo county can unseat Judge Nat. Harrison in the samo way. No man ( an hold office miles ho Is a voter. No man can bo a voter unless ho Is regis tered. No man can register, or remain registered, without tlio consent of tho county boards of registration. .S:ratch ISoioinan's name or Harrison's name from tho registry, and (ho sceptro of power drops from their nerveless grasp. Did such a stato of things ever beforo exit In any civilized community? Haj as mean, contemptible, sneaking, cow ardly, brutal a do?potlsm as that of est Virginia ever beforo rejoiced the hearts of devils, or called for tho aven- ging bolts of Heaven '.' ".Mountaineers niways freo!" Oh, what a mockery of a noblo sentiment ! What a brazen-faced lie! Thero is no freedom In Hkvj mountains, except tho fieedom oflgnoranoj and villany to lord it over intelligence nnd honesty. UretnbHcr Jmlejitmlait. I. O. of O. V. Our readers will ro member that It was decided nt last an nual session of tho Grand Lodge of tlio Order of Odd FcIIowh to celebrate, on tho 2Cth of April next, tho fiftieth iinni versary of tho introduction of tlio Order into tho United States, in an Imposlug manner, for which purposo a committee was appointed to mako tho necessary nrrangements. Tho city or Pi.iludol phla was selected ns tho favoicd city In which tlio celebration should bo held. Tho programme, as informally given nt this time, provided for an oration to be delivered by the veteran Grand Secro tary of tfio Grand Lodge of tho United States, Jamos L. Rldgeley, who has oc cupied that portion for over a quarter of a century, and was, during tho life tlmo of Thomas Wildey, tho founder or tlio Order in this country, Ids most In timato friend nnd .adviser. Two odes aro to bo written expressly for tlio occa sion, which will be set to popular and attractive airs. Tho indoor ceremonies will takoplacoat the Academy orMu sic, while a large and imposing proces sion, comprising tho entire brotherhood In tho cl ty or Philadelphia, many or the surrounding counties, besides entlro lodges nnd deputations from mauy or tho States, will tako placo In public. South Grant'smnjorlty In South Carolina oxceeds !),000. Tho Republicans elect two members or Con gress, and tlio Democrats (wo. Or courso (ho homo or secession nnd (reason in (ho South should strlko hands with her sister Mnssachusets, tho homo or Hartford couveutloiiism in tho North. News Items. itrflcnornl Coin rnivn nmr Ma Inw. ycrs u,000 as a retaining fao. IWA VOIIHC llintrinnf Wmt nln A cooked rat on nn election bet. It tasted llko young squirrel. lSlOcktoll. Chltfnrnln. lins nn nrtu. slnn well thousand feet deep, which uiscnarges .100,001) gallons of hot water dally. fiT Tho Welsh tltlo of dm OnrWn Highland book Is "Dulcnad o Ddyddly- irein llywyd ynyr Ucl.cldyivedd." ttif-Gcll. JlcCll'llnil Isnf tinvimit In Philadelphia, tho guest of his brother, Dr. J. H. B. JlcClellan. IftTSomo descendant of Solomon has wisely remarked that those who co to law for damages nro suro to get thorn. My A Philadelphia engine company puts a clean paper collar and a purple nccktlo on tho neck of Its pet poodlo every morning. A Massachusetts barber pun shavon man, dress his hair, and get mm to tno cars, ono hundred rods dis tant, In five minutes. WyTlio Tribune reports that Secre tary Soward is soon to bo married. For tho gratification of dinnor-table gossip pers wo will add that he was born in IBM. -Ti.cro aro now residlnir in tho little village of Derby Centre, Vermont iwenty-nino widows, with only ono widower, and ho Is nearly ninety years of ago. laCfGeu. Sheridan, it is said, reports that ho had seen a herd of buffaloes ninety miles in length and twenty-five miles In width, and estimates thu num ber It contained at 300,000. star Vice President Schuyler Colfax, was married on Tuesday, 27th October, In Ashtabula county, Ohio, to Miss Nellie 31. Wade, daughtor of Hon. BcnJ. V, Wade. lay- In Minnesota, Ignatius Donnelly, republican, Is defeated for Congress owing to n spilt in tho party, and a democrat Is elected. Negro sufl'rago was carried by 0,000 majority. larAn old maiden lady in New York has left all her property for the purposo of building n church, on con ditlon that her bones shall bo made in to mortar In which to lay the corner- stoue. W-Tho Mayor of Macon, Georgia, lately caught a negro thief at midnight' robbing his garden. Tlio Mayor shot at him and brought lilm to n halt. Nothing daunted, tho negro indignant ly exclaimed that tho "timo was com ing when (he peoplo would go whero Ihey pleased wilhout being halted." SMrs. Andrew Weston of Middle boro, recently sold a bundle of rags iu her posse-sion to a tin pedler in Nor- (on . Next day Mr. Weston sought the pedler, found tho rags intact, and ou their boing opened took out an enve lopo containing $2500, which he had put away for safe keepiug ids wifo not knowing of tho deposit. IiS-A boy living in Rome, Ohio, re cently picked up a small whito stone from the gravel In tho town, which proved to bo very valuable. A Cincin nati find offered him $100, then $150, nnd finally $175 for it. Ho took It to another establishment, however, who said It was either a ruby or a diamond, nnd very valuable, probably worth $7, 000. 6-An instanco of petrifaction of human remains Is recorded by tho Troy (N. Y.) J'ress. The body of a man, burled six years ago In Western New York, was disinterred a.fcwdiysjigo when it was fouud lu a stato of perfect petrifaction, tho surface being almost as white and puro as marble, and It presented tho appcaranco of n finely chiseled statue. IiS"Thero was n nuadrunlo marrlaun In Indiana tho other day. A man mar ried his third stcn-mothcr. whn liml threo children by his father, and three of Ids cousins, brothers, married threo of his wife's sisters. At last accounts tho parties wero trying to find out what reunion inoy nro to eacn oiner. Haflt may not bo generally known that New York horsss chow tobacco, out iney sometimes uo. On the ferry boats it is not unusual to seo men giv ing (heir horses a "quid," which tho animals not only chow, but swallow, and thero Is a popular idea tiiat the stimulant Is good for tho wind. t&r Au Irishman In New York was required to produce his certificate of citizenship. Ho retired in anger, nnd after a tlmo reappeared, bearing upon ills back u house door, on which was pasted, nil too securely, tho inquired paper. This ho set down beforo tho as tonished Judges with tho romark, "An' will that plazo yes?" iQf Flvo miles cast of Green rlver.on thollnoortho Union Pacific Railroad, a rock has been on flro In a largo cut. .When It first becamo ignited tho labor- crs endeavored (o extinguish it bv throwing water on it, but In vain. They (hen (ried to suiotlier it with earth, nnd railed. It Is thought to bo sand-stono saturated with petroleum. 4J-A Western tiaradlso Is thus de scribed: "No incomo lax ; no infernal revenue ; no bplea to &ea ir you treat a friend on Sunday ; no special or dog tax or bounty fund. And, to end with, tho Indians and half-breeds can't tell ono greenback from another, so all ones nro tens." eS-Tho Barnstablo J'atrlnl hi-tnn-a out Its cut of tho old frlgato "Constitu tion," announcing its saronrrlvalnt tho head of Salt River. Wo havo seen that craft after moro nrosnerous vovmms. but, as tho Pulrtot says, "not a spar nor a flag has suffered from tho flro of tlio enemy, and her noblo crow will staud by her guus, aud again bo prepar ed' to do battle for tho Union." ifiy-Utlca, November 11. Tho Pri mary Convention of the Episcopal Church assembled this morning in Graco Church, Bishop Coxo delivered n sermon at tho afternoon session, Tho special order wasthecholcoofa Bishop ror tho now Diocese. Tho loading can didates Tor tlio position wero tho Rev croud Doctors Llttltjohn, or Brooklyn, Vandeuzen, or Utlca, nud Leeds, or Baltimore. After five ballots, the final clioico or thu Convention was Rov. Dr. Llttlejohn of Brooklyn, G it ant rcmies oven to rtl letters of application rorolllco, says tho Now York VVnif. Let us havo peace. Tim Natlonnl Jnlelliycnccr In speak. I Ing or tho result or tho lato elections ayst "In tho Sonnto (ho Conservatives loso tho services of four gentlemen of dis tinguished nblllty Mr". Hendricks, or Indiana j Mr. Doollttlo, of Wisconsin ; Mr. Rovcrdy Johnson, or Maryland; and Mr. llucknlow, or Pennsylvania. Thcso Senators will bo deonlv mlssnil. nud their nUcnco Is u loss (o(ho coun try not easily mado cood. It will not. however, ho long, wo imagine, heroro tlio great tide or Consurvat Ism ullt bring them back (o (ho posts in which inoy navo been so useful. Wo ought not to omit to stato tha( In Mr. John son's nlaco wo nro to hnvo a mrntlrimih I of experience, Integrity, and fair rcpu- union ior nmiity. wo mean Mr. Win. T. Hamilton, formerly a member of tho lower Houso of Congress. From Calirornla wo will have a very valuablo ncccsslon in tlio person or Mr. Eugene Cnsscrly, ono or (ho most con spicuous members or tho San Francisco bar. Ohio sends (o thu Senato Judge Thurman, who acquired so much repute last year by his canvass In Ohio, and tho extraordinary run ho mado heroro tho people. Judge Thurman is n miui or singular uprightness, directness, nud force, nnd has a strong inoseulliio intel lect. Wo feel well assured ho will mako his mark in tho public councils. Life ik New York. Sunshine and Shadow In Now York. By Matthew Halo Smith. Illustrated i 720 pp. Hartford. Conn. : J. B. Burr 4 Co. 1803. Sold only by subscription. Orcat cities which nro tho hearts of great nations, aie always fruitful topics mi mu pen or a sKUiiut writer; but probably no city in tlio world centers In herself more material of varied in terest than does Now York. So, no work which could como to tha hands of our readers, who lovo to know "what's going on in the world," and "hew peo ple live," wmd ho apt to be found so Intensely interesting ns tho ono whoso title we quoto above. J. B. Burr A Co. tho publishers of the work, certainly know what they wero about In plvlnsrlt to tlio public. It must havo a vast sale tor "everybody and his nsighbor-' can not bnt find in ihi, u ,ii i excite and Interest him, to say nothing of the thotisaud valuablo matters of solid information which it affords. No hnilv Ti-nm fli MAi.nfH.. 1 t.i j luuuuji siiuuiu over vis it Now York without bavin Uri mill this book; aud tho old frequenter of that city will find scattered here aud there throughout its pages, hosts of imugs which may navo escaped his at tention, and will rise from tho perusal Of the book (which ho will be sure not w "W "siuB uu no lias finished it,) with thnt SAH Of nlK14ltra whtnh nttn I. " " " - . ill roTlsiting In manhood tho sconca of his cnimnooa, or in wandering back to tho ( a ... ... -luiner-janu." Tno nin-h nii th nn. morn I wnrlh nnrl r-rafk and . Hut - V UIIU WJtUlIJJJ i Joys and sorrows ; smiling fortuiionnd frowning penury ; (he homo and alinr.s ui uuvoiion ana purity, ana tn Intel I or views of tho homes of debauchery and crilno. etc.. etc.. nrn li in (heir (ruo colors. Tho publishers de servo tho publics most practical thanks iorims worir. GltANT AND 1IIB FlUEXDS.--Tho Coil stitutlonal Union, a Democratic organ nere, puuiisiied by Tom Florenco a member of tho Democratic National Resident Commltto. contains n short editorial to-night, concluding as fol lows : Tho Radical attacks alreadv mado nn. on General Grant aro but tho avant couriers of quick-coming propositions irom tno lilcrli nrieslsnr t m km i glvo Mr. Colfax.and not General Grunt, tho Republican electoral votesfor Presi dent. It Will not bo to US thn innif astonishing thing in tlio world if tho Democratic electoral votes should bo required yet to mako General Grant President. At all events, let our Jumps bo trimmed nnd burning. For four or flvo days (hero havo been hints ofa programme, said to bo favor ed by activo leading Radicals having for its object tho cheating of Grant out or tho Presidency by casting tho Radi cal electors votes for Schuyler Colfax. An Explanation Wanted. Ir Seymour and Blair had been elec ted, tho present tlghdiess in (ho money marke(, und (ho high prieo of coal, would havo seriously been charged (o (hat ovcn(. Every Radical newspaper iu (lie country would hnvo dwelt upon this fact, nnd every Radical stump speaker would havo proclaimed It with clarion voice and, what is more, their readers and hinrers would havo believ ed thorn. Now, supposo they go to work and explain these little difficulties In n philosophio manner. Voti.vo roit Adams, A certain Rad ical of Hemlock wished to get ills fath er to tho polls, but the old man was childish, and know nothing about elec tions or candldn(es. Finally tho hope ful b6n asked his father if ho had voted for Adams for President. "Yes," was tho reply. "Would you vote for him again If you could?" "Yes," said tho old inau. "All right, hero's n ticket," said tho son, "he's running," nndiu tho vote for John Adams, uliaa Grant, wai depos ited. , We regrot to learn thn( Bishop Stc yens fell on a sldo walk In Bethlehem Pa. on Saturday night and bmko his arm and leg. Ho is at tho reildeneo of his brothsr-ln-law, Prollessor Coppce. Mrs. Cuddy Stanton, Mrs. Horace Oreoly and threo other old ladles, aro out in a circular, demanding equal suf frago for women. -' Mrt. Wm. M. TicKNort, of tho firm of Tlcknor 4 Fields, book publishers, re tires from tho business with u.fortuno stated at $300,000. Tho present firm la Fields, Osgood 4 Co. Thu Ausiy. Tho '.'Standing Army" consists, says tho Adjutant aenorul, of ,71l men and 1,310 on special service, Infantry and artillery recruiting has been suspended slnco April, except lu the cuso of old soldiers ru-enllstlng. It Is asked that tho term orsorvlco bo flvo Instead of threo years. Dividend. ThoCatawissa Railroad company announces a boml-annua divi dend ora per cent., payable, less tux.on the 5th proximo. Tho transfer booksof the Company close on tho aist, aud open on tho 0th. Official Hcturns of tho Imto Bice tions. Tiir. voth of 1608 oi'i'iciAi,. A Ol COU.NTILS. PS m Adams Allegheny. Armitrniifr 31741 un-vv 2832 ' 23880, 3987 3540 2025 7413 SSIll 7012, 6081 3723 2849, 6371 2120 3170 14071 3112 2021 2898 13973; 3006 3538 7013 3256,' 3558 391 2746 3610 0190' 2928 3096 2582 I02q 5455 4591 4397 2010 1119 4555 4008 291 4171 1107 3301 2179 2223 2008 1753 8513' 10171 2858' 2917 25187 4082 3018 2087 7017 39S0 7708 7085 3803 2935 60S 2188 3120 1)178 1093 1971 2050 2143 7322 4171 0507 4160 COS 8007 379:2 355 1451 602 1609 3117 4S09 2117 1173 16792 3789 1345 6001 10723 4713 1028 1979 1810 602 6083 1260 1791 3S25 2601 609S5 370 1703 8707 1925 0261 173 4832 6549 2031 4750 3020 6051 2909 6285 1023 0119 31.TO S!075 8010 13021 3183, 3SG3, 7838, 3202 Beaver lledrord Berks. Blair Bradford Bucks Butler.... Cumbria. 8587" lllil 2772 dimnrnn Carbon. Centre.. Chester Clarion. 3765 0C58 2050 3037 2765 4058 6300 4433 4538 2704' 1054 4531 1 4773 318 1278 1113, 3371' 210S, 2301 2091 1803 8570, 1710, 2S5S 6305 13120 33881 8850 1008' 1895 1992 2076' 7020 3S01 0190, 40161 608 7702 37451 352 1321 782' 1722 3173 i cj i. Clearfield . Clinton.... Columbia. I !rnu-fnril . Cumberln'd Dauphin..., Delaware .. Elk.. Krln . Fayctto.. Forest .... Franklin Fulton.... Greene Huuting'dii Indiana Jefferson.... Jtititatnti Lancaster... Lawrence... Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming .. M'Kean Mercer Mifflin '1171 1107 15313 3001 4267 4733 6321 9'.ri 4080, 083' 4703, 18;i8 7 70 IS 119 1 1152 3001' 2570 00033 338 0031 , son; 41771 4830, 730, 1078, 1807 2910 &S03 1097! 7702 1828 2780 8005 1GS3 7701 4140 2520 C0S0S 1200, 611 0538 1313, 1809, S10 3377 2051 Mnlivnn 1 Monlgom'yl Montour Northmp 'n Northum 'd T'nri'V 1210, 2116 I'hiladelp'n Pike I C5173 1313 Potter Schuylkill.. Snydor Romerset.... Kitlllvnn 1601 1 6192 1 1865, 31951 461 I 46821 61101 2051 1431 2090 4916 1 2098 , 003 0I2SI 1318 17781 85l! 3392, 1951 1277 3774' 17571 4807 3539, 0300, 1760 9091 Susquehana Tjoga Union Venango.... Warron Wasliingt'n Wrtvnn 1310 3761! 1882 4018 3307! CoOOii 1705 9000 Wcstmor 'd 6335 1510, 6053 Wyoming. York Totals.. 321391, 33100S, 313382 8122S0 '321301 313382 Majorities Il no?; 28898 NEW YORK. Majority forSeymoir 9,3S7. Majority for Hoffman 30,182. NEW JErET. Seymour's majority 3,073. Randolph's mitjorlty 4,373. OHIO. Complete returns from all but six couities.and estimates from tbesogir Grant a majority of 41,696. In 1866 tho Republican majority was 42,096; irt 1865, 29,936; and in 1801, 69.0S6. ILLINOIS. Official returns from all tho counties but four in Illinois, foot up a majority for Orant of 61,736. This isaslight fal ling off from tlio Ilcpublieati miajority at tho last election in 1666, when Logan (Rep.) had over Dickey (Dcm.) 55,987 majority. Even Illinois showsa dispo sition to Improve. WISCONM.V. Grant's majority in tho Stato will be about 20.000. SOUTH CAROLINA. Tho Charleston JVctt'i makes tlio ma jority for Grant In South Carolina 9,932, a Democratic gain cinco April last of 33,538. Tho majorities in tlio Congrts ional districts it gives as follows: First District, II. 1 Vhittemoi, Hep., (1,81 Second, C. O. Urown,Rep.,12,500j Third, J. I Reed, Dem., 4,374; Fourth, W. I) Bimpson, Dcm,, 4,530. "No Union boldler can voto In recon structed Alabama or Arkansas unle.-s no swears no is no boiler than u negro. Columbian. Wo venturo tho assertion, that wero tho neiiro nbovo referred to. editor nf a democratl j panerlio would not bo guilty of mi base a misstatement as Is contain ed In this extract. Jtejiubltcait. Wo relterato the assertion, and refer to Jl'I'herson'.s Hand Uook of Polities for 1868, for proof, lielng compiled by tno present iladical Clerk of tho Houso of Representatives, wo presume our contemporary will not deny tho au thority. Tho Constitution requires a man to swear beforo voting "thai lie accepts the civil and political equality of oj all men, icithoul reyaril to race or color, and that he never will attempt to deprive thim of it," Fni:sir AnniTAi.. Now goods of all purls,, qualities nnd sizes, at Peter Ent's Storo at Light Street. His stock has been selected under his own caro and suporvisiot), is entirely now.and chosen with referonco to tlio wants of tho com munity In which ho lives. Persons wanting a winter's supply would do well to call, as his stock embraces ev erything a family may need. Don't tako our word for It but call and see. The term "Plpo Layers," as n politi cal slang word, originated In Moses H. Grlnncll, n then whig, now radical, In lbJd sending a curtain Glentworth to Philadelphia, to procure men to camo on to Now York and voto In tho elec tions of that year for tho whig candl daies j but ostensibly to "lay pipes" for tlio Croton Water Works. Tho men eamo nnd voted and oleeicd said Grim noil to Congress; and many of his suc cessors aro elected in tho samo fraudu lent manner, A fldNVIfVTTUV nf I'!! Itr.tll.. rcn" was held In Harrlsbnrir on Frldav the 13th In tlio "Wesleyan Union Church" to dciaud of tlio Republican nartv their rlplita. In alt quote tho Declaration of Independence, 41... ! . . l. iiivy iimnu il way I nii , ..... , mi. Hit iinii itiu i'ii'uiu i inn) uriti equal, and aro endowed by tho Creator vvltli certalu equal nud Inalionablo Howovr, wo havo heard whlto men belontrlliL' to tlm Rama tmriv. iniiiln If 111 tlio samo wav. it is a falllntr thev navo. Mftrkat Ilciort. Wheat lnmlirt II) e " , Corn OaU. - , Flour j,i band , I 'Invent, il. KIiitwi l..,f. llullcr ; 'XV An Tnllow I'otalowt llrlea Apple Pork Hum M Hide nml WMHiMtm Irfinl per pound llay per Urn i.tiMiinn. Hemlock ll'mrd per lli'unml fi-f t- l'lno - " " (onn lueh) , Joint, Hauitlhis, rinnk, (Hcinlm-k) Hhlnglea.fto. 1 pcrthoitsauri Hi.iing " 2 n.":z::::::::z": IllO.f No, 1 HcotcU pig llluoin ., , MM , I .'li , 1 Ol . '" , II w . 7 m , : id . to 2.1 W , I (U , 2 61 , 111 i 2-1 . 21) . 21 , la in JIfl ID RMJ1I . II IU , H UI , 7 IJ . 18 10 ,. I1 .... tn ....IS) I'MlxUlphl Marked. Thursday. Nov. u. ttes Northwestern fcuprrnne at ,m.i e..v) ..7.frkfi s.d) i-uuii.viiriu c&irn. Northwestern family ., I'eim-vjmiil.i nml Western tupcrflne.. 7 ILI.HT -.1 reuiiByivnuin untl w.-i.tern extra renuaylvanli. ami WcMeru ramlly I'cnnsj . mu m d Western fancy Hvo tli r WllgAT I'eimsj Ivanla red, l liu "i nthcru " Uillfornln " " " . white " IIvk t'entuj lvnnla rye, y hu conN Yellow, white, " OTK VUU4 ritovlsioNS Mess Pork, y hbl Mess liner, ' Dressed Hons, fift HltioUed Hums " " Hhnnldcrs y & Ijird, y m ,, Hitcm I'loterseeil y lius 1 iiuiilhseed y bus I Inxsei il CATTI.L llief Cuttle y& Cows, A hind SitEKr y tr, lloos v l. HI im ... "' ,7.7.V S.75 . U.1XI(4 1 I.I "I .ll.&WU.'Ui . JS.M l.Hw,ll.'0 U.l9lt.'i .1..l nivalin) JI.Il(Jl.M SI.'.''.H 72W7I" Mi-Hi Mni'fiDe S7.WAii.7.5i 12.7s 'ti.l (13jiiO fi,tt'IO $larrarjcs. IIAOllN'llUClI-HKYllKliT-On the ITJtli tilt., bv Itev. Juliu s Dickson, Mr. C. W. Hug. nbllili. lit Ilrlinereik.und .Miss Hilllk- K, l-ejbeit,of Itvv HHUMAN-r-I.A tti:-At HI, Pauls Iteetory by the .i ' , .' . .' . "t -" ""-' I .. r-iiiiuiuil, IO Miss Hiirah H, Llsrk li.itli of Cutuwlssn. HTEItI.tNa-IMHPV-l)u lh 7th Inst., bv Rev. .1. P, Tuslln, Mr. Thus. I,, hlelllni!. ilr lllooinsburi;, to Miss Haiuh (llllnsny of lluik Hoiu. Sqaths. ItOlli:"ltl'is-lln the Istlnst7 jtr. Jounlhun it"ol erts, d about GO yeuls. IIAItTMAN-In Omnge township oil the lllli Mr. John Hartmau.iiReil 5'Jcors. QOUHT PROCLAMATION. WllElims, tholton.Wlllliini Klwell, President Hie Court of oj. r nnd Terminer und Uenernl Jml Delivery, Courl or (iuurter K-ssluns of Hie Peine und Com l of Common Pleus und or phnn s Court In the Jblli Judicial lllstrut, cum. misedof Iho counties ol C.iltiniblii, Milllsnn 1111.I onilug nnd Hie lion. Irani Derriiiul peter K. llerbciu, Assnciiite Jiulues of Columbia county liui) Issued Ihelrpriceiil, beiitlnv iluto lite Mill imy ol hept. in llio iiur ol our l,oul, one tliousiind,il):lit hundred mm slxlv-i-Ii;M, nnd In moillreetid lor lioldlnKiiCimitotUi-ncriuQu.irter Hesslons or Iho Pence, una Orphan's iNiurt.und Court of Common Pleas lu lUoomsbui'K. In tho county of Columbia, on ilia first Mundu) , belnir tlio .111 day ol December next lo continue ono N Mlcuby Kiven, to tho Coioner, lo Iho ol tjie IVace, aud tho Constables of the .ns ol Columbia, liut Ihey Ihj thinnnd eh pi ipir person at lu o cIik-I; In the i bulil u i, w ltli their reeouli, luciulsl--I ''hirremiuibii'iices, loilotlio.othlnus ' tlicli olilc'Ls tippi rtalu to Ikj ilone. And ui an bound by lecoKiilznnce, lo ltrose- IlisL tl.o tirUn.trM tlim m-.t ....... Jus: said e i lion whit i. tliosi cute the j i ol tlio said county of Columbia, to'bu tiien uui. uiuioiirosei-iiieiuelll as snail liHjusl. Ju roisu . rc'iuested to be punctual lu lliilriitleiid nnee,ii3ice.ibly lolbelr notices. DutiUnt lllooius-rr-'i) bunt, the litli iluy oihetit. lntliuicar I.. 8. V or our Iiril, one thousand elitht hun-lv-" ilred nlidslily.clslit.nnd lullioiilui l. second year ol tho Indepeiideiico ol the IJnilcd Mtntes of America. MOltDlX'AI MII.LAltlJ. IJIoomsbuii,', Nov.7, ItlW. Micrlir. T EG lriTKR'S NOTICE. Notici: is JLV hen by ttlven to nil h-satces, cledltois and other persons Interested In tlio estates ortheie specll e deeedeulsund Illinois, that Iho lolloivlnn ndmliiislratlon nud Kuardlnn accounts hae been flleU in tho olllco of the Iteuister ol Colnniblii couulv.anil will be prcsenled ror conlliiunllon and nllowauco In the orpliaus' Court, to buhild In llloninabuiib on Monday, the seventh day of fcula tIuyU"' nt tW u'clulk 1,1 U'8 UIII-rnouuol I. Plrstlind nnnl account of lleuben Knltll 1- twp ilec'Vl' 0 ' Kult,U'i '"lu "f riukllli ,.".'AC'.'1" ntoflAi. . Viltejndm-r.orrioJiikh Hclileo lalo or ! rank mi twp, itec'il. II. Account of Lew's Ycticr udm'r. of Andrew lai-ori''rit.ik)ln twp. itec'il. I. Ircouu or lit ), M. Hnrtmnu, luliu'r. of Mrs M1117. I'lrliu-nl loof lleulon twp. ilee'il, 5. ount -I l'iVl-1 Loieiilierji'.'r. uf Jacob Dlehl. late of lllooni twp. ilee'il. 0. Aieouutuf John Kililiiiir, Kuurdlun of Al fredhieli'i r, minor child of Piter hllmr Lite of Urantfo twp. dic'il. 7, Account of John Kelcl r Kiiardlun of Nn. sauna Kleiner, minor child ot IVur fttelucr Isle ol Oiiingo twp. dco'il. . Aicount of Ia'M Alknian miuiili.111 t Wil Ihilu Mcllrhlc, minor child ot hranklli, Mcllrlde late of Hemlock twp. tlic'd, U. I'ljslaud lllial aceouul of John Hinlth ail inlulstrator of UHMirP. Ilnnj.iii, lute of Madi son twp. Urc'd, ID. Mist ahd ilunl nt'cnuiit or Johnson II- Ikclor ejcculor of Utorgo Mc.Mlchael of (iiienuooil iwp. dco il. 11. Aciouul of Im Sanders udmlnlstintor of Ueoruu W . Kindt r., Into i,f Pino Iwp ilee'il. 12. Accouiitol 11. 1'. Iliirlinuii, uuuidlanof Anna L. Dlehl, ilaiiijhterof Hauls Aipkuinu dec.d, H. Account of John K, Mather cxecutol ol .atu- ue Mather ul 'ici-tiwooit lup.dtc'il, II. 1 llt and final uc. ouut of John Aslilunnn. Ailm'r tl Wlbou W, Itoberls, ol Jackson iwo' ilecesstd. r. 1 Ir-t account of John 1. muter, Adm'r of Kobiu J. Lions, la ft-of Pino iwpt t'liastd. III. Ai count of l.t-ouatd Adams ailm'r, of Daniel (1. aiharl, late ol Locust twp., ilei'il. 17. rilsland Until miouul 01 NhIIiiui Miller Adm'r., of Dunlel 'uss,aleof Main twp., dce'd JOHN II. MIIIKZK, Keglstcr. lusburgNav. u. 1M.S. G UAXI) JUIiOHS, rou ih:ci:miu:u ti um, iws. Url.irncok Win, Lnimtn, Lovl SliaH'tjr, IIiu ltior IHt-iU'tU'li, llpiitou ShiuucI Ithone. .Idhn C. Wtfiin4!-. l'.ltifUll Jollh II. l'UIM-11. Jullll KlHItlMI KiltlJl. 11 Knur, tVhpcr Tlioinu", IH'UVtT 1 lltllltill lHULlIIUHlht', iirt'onwnfHi Iknjmnln Kvi-k, Hf itilocit HylviMier J'lirHpLJolinlliniinitn.iwi. uo LcMiiy. 1 IM'CM SI II. M.-JDllUwui Miniln-5I. II. Ili ikr, rim-. J. L'icnw, I'hllio H"n, Ihiutu Aiuliuv. Montour Win. Uolllgiivlicail, Mt ri'ii"ftnt Ittuvel Apploinan, rinf itiihuru l Wltltiaoyfr, Hcolt Ileniy F. Oiuuii, Osi'iu- Jnt, rjMlAVIMtSK JUJtOJtS, rou 1):ci:miu;ii tiiiim, loos. Iloiitoii- -AU'xniult r Cuili. Itlootn -iKi-ur 1. (Jlrton, VAU: Jl. niillemjin, r'ulidi '.irtoii. i?(iiiriiil ltitt..tii.t..i..K 1 it.i,: lay. ' it i wU k I(or.-IH hi Iljiuclior, .la tutu .lneby, ltftii-i-.Inhu Ulnttililir, Fit il. iloshlir, llrlnr 1 ck .liiintH l,uw, L'uiiin ssa-NoNdi, r.Jolm, DunM ZairJr.Hi n ry MoUinkIihiU, I 'lUiltllH 'llmiilorn Tr.mli.nlinll 1 w)lritTt'(k f-oloinau liiisH.AuyiistiitWcincr mm . riiiin i in, i.iinu, ,a(ii' 1. lotl(r. Ant-nn ltnn.-n lo 'kpr.uiitaCollieion.l yius Uiubci', Wm Jft'vui' .loitn imnce, Wm, Y. Uenw.Ollvcr Co- LtMlIM -Jehu Jj, Hiust. Jl' llrlUll- I' tl'l Knuhnor MnsnMr'nlbum ?!' .'""'t-F.MHson, Matlilas Ullloit, M iillt.-.Iohn MUliarl, . l .ui'-, -MIlnfcB A.WIlliums Abiiilmm MltUuc. "il 11 114, VMWBllllUU. FOH DECCMIIEU TKHM. 18tI9. John J.Hhonk vb John Cain. J. 11. UlatUtouABThwLehlKhA Maliony it. !i, CmniMiiy. Teler Kohnir t'ni.n" vu Wm A . ut nl Wm. I t-UHoiiitul Ahslsutesuf tLo Wt'btlJrarulj lAivstml M Call etnl vh JolmHwceufy, F, il. TeiNon va John Cain. Thou. J, Vamlersllro a ltolrt IIom ell John Coleman vh MIcIuipI Crouun, J. it. lluzleton vh II. V, Ilurluiun. John Cooper vs Daniel J lower, John Ollroy vh Wm. K. Htcrner, ConynliumTwpM vs Feter h, Klluo Jolm L, Uaao Faiiely v Jnn W. Hankey. oilUrt Fowler vh Itcuben -Mifkr. JOHllUIL DllVlM Vk PiirVltl I' nl KlhiH ()( oiuo vh AiironlVurBon. Kll Cruvi'liug mini r. vh J, 11. Cwe tt al. Clwa. It. Oieen v Feter St'hug. Hsimucl U. itncr Jolm llluterllter. itiu'ui it. muvei t u. w. t.'niniuii'i ri tu IJ'ivM IewlH (luurdlan of minor chlKlrcn ot tivn.i hi m i i'iniuo ouuiw, w u Ikelur vh John Havao ct al. Jor i iioiuim vs John I in tip. CIn itM)ti Fox vh John Jonci. ll ury J, Yuple vh Jhuuo Drum ot al, lleiuy J, Yaplo vh Uauo Drum el ul, I.liaH Hiiyder vs Adam Kchuur t ol, Kllill uck Mtchriel vt iltmy FtiliUr tt ttl, Juliu Appli'tutoVHllum. Folk, John Applegalect al vhTIioh. Folk, Chun, Kii-Ihiut vh Henry Kimpp, (ifo, Kit) 11 vh (Jti). VuiiKlckte, hlmon C, Hlitvu vh llanualili, Aiiiutrni).'. x. JHKCOLKMAN,Fioth'y. Itluomsbutif Nov, 13, ima 1DOWS' AI'l'HAIHKMKN'i'tJ. 'thu fultowlnif anornlseinciits or rent no. I ..... soluil propel ly setupait to widows of dccnltnls, hute beiu IlleU 111 Iho olllco of the. ItcuMcr ol Co' llllnblucuuilly, under llio 1 1 11 lis of Colli t, und wllllui presented for ubsolulu (oulliinallou, lo the Orphans' Court lobiiheld lu lIloolilshurK, III nudforsald oouuty,on Monday, tuh HicvkNTi. Day or 1eci. IAji, at two o'clock i-, ., of sutd tiny, unlesM cxreptlons to such coullrnm. tluus nro previously tiled, or whlcll all persons lnteresttit In said estates will take notice 1 1. Widow ot Frederick Klcely, luloof llerwlck itolouuh, ittceused. 2 Wldowof Isaac Welch, lulu of llerwlck llor. deceased. JOHN (I. ritUIJZU, Itcjlslcr, lllooinsburu, Nov-II, tsos. NEW ADVRT1SHMKNTS. N O T IOl 'I. Alio, rsolis halltui unset lleil accounts with lbn sunsillicrnreieqiieslcil locnll ul llio Kxclinuult Hotel, 'Hid settle Ilia samu hcluccu tho 2M of November nud thu 15th or December. Nov.'.V,'U.1-3l. I', V. IIAlltllHO.V. A IM11 N ISTlt.YTOIl'.S NOTICK. ai t r.VTE or r, 11, chkasv, iiprKAsicti. lAttcisof adiuluUlrullou on tlio estalo of It. ,Cre v, late of Mcott township Columbin counl, deceased, have bei uliralitist by the lieu. 01 Luioiiv 10 niiiiiuei uicaiy 01 .iiiuin tp. All poisons having dnlms ir demands against tho estate of thu decedent aro tcnucslcd to luaku I hem known, and thnso Imkblisl lo ldsko puymcnt, HAMUI'.I. CItllVHV, ov..ii,(H. AdiuliiUtrator. C1IKK1FFS SAMiS. OF VAI.UAI1I.K lltlAI. E8TATK. lly virtue of a writ of Alias Venditioni llxpo naslucdom oftlieCouitofConimoii Plessof Coluuililii county and lo lint dlrecled, will bo ex posed lu public, sale or nut cry nl the Cotirt Houso In Jlluoiuburg.ntonou'elocK Inlhn Hper noon on Monday. Hi 7llnUy of December, l&us. t!le r.illowlliu real eshllo lo will All tiiat cei lain lol of around situate til Con yiiKhaui touiishlu.contalnlnK one acta moro or lo.s, bound' dun Iho west by lot lalo of William Ashnianti, oil the 1101th by public road lendllnt to (.eiiuiiutowii.und on Iho soulhiiuil cast ny lltidsof tho Locust Mountain 1 oil Co., 011 will, 11 Is erected n t story bpilic houte, with tin) up. purlt mnccs, 1 AbMO-AII that certain lot (it mound sllualo 111 Iho llc.rouuh of Centralla, Col 1,1,1 county, be. njtwu loisllllyiei t lijuit.nuiii.ii hunuuil m il lllty lcetileci, iKiunded 011 lluie.ia by Ciunw...i iitreet.olilhewesl by sluet, and on in south by nn alley, and the i.orlli l, lot of Hsiulilishoiinltlieppuileiuiuccs. Mt, taken III elecullou nnd to bo sold us the propt rly of ntepheu Tlioinas. A Ij tS o : ny Mrlnauf several writsof Venditioni llsjpo. n-is.ull Unit plei-o or parcel oflatid slliialo in l.o. eusi 1 1 ., Columbia county, and ilcicilhril '.'..," '""si bouudiilon Iho M01 til by hinds ol Klljah Clenver, on tho west by l.inds of William lthoads, on Ihesoulh byljuds or John Johnson, ou the east by l.inds oftsolonn-n Pur termini, eon. tnllilUir one bundled anil 1 1 1 1 1 . -one ncn s, more wr lesi, uht-n on nio erected it Iw 1 story fume direllluK titnisc, bank burn, and out btilidhiKs. f-cl.ul, laki ii 111 txecultou,iin l tu bo sold ns the piopeliy or Clurlc II. fStewait. ALSO : A cerlaln lot ofi-roun-l sltu.ito In llio lloroush of lenllalln, Columbia fouutv, buillldeil and ill scribed as folious I ou tile wist bv Locust Ave. line, on tlie 1101 lb bv lot now occupied bv Miles Oallubi.on Hie by n -J) f.s.t nlley.nnd on tlio south bv lot ot Joseph II. Knlttlf, nil which Is t reettdn iwosiory frame dwe 11114 house, stable and vvaiion sbtd, Willi the appnili.miui-, s.-l7i-il, liilt.-n in execution, and to bo sold as tlie piopcrly of Henry l-'Micr. A I1SO1 Byvhlueofn writ of t.evull IscIhs !uid out or tho Court or Common orcolmnblucouu. ly ulldlomedlrt-eted, will bo exposed ! tuibitu sale or out cry nt the Court Houso in Mosuiis biirK. atone o'clock In the afleruooii mi Moliiluv lllt 7th day or December, lSls, 1I11' followluit leiil estate tn wit.' 1 That r erliiln bulldlni! ended on n lot or pl. io ofKmund belonsliiK to Iho Calaolsn lialhoa'l Compiilnv-.nnd ndjoliilm; said ralhon 1, lyln-anil belni.- In Maln.-lownslili,und near llulh Ann riiomas. It is n stoi v ruilne Iioum-, Ih-Iiiu Iu from niiont IS fi-el.and In deptli about II lett und tltctcd forudwtlllmr house. Selreil taken In execullou. and lo bo sold as tho pioperly of Stephen Colenuin. MOIIDIX-AI MILI.AIII), Nov. avis. siieriir rtO l.UJ I IU A CO UXT VI' K a"oiTk US' I.N'Ml'lTUI'i:. To the Teachers nnd f.-liool Dir. ctors of Col umbia cuuty 1 Ji'Sfn !"",lbh f'V'y, Ttnchcrs" Instllule for 18I1S will bo held In Iho I.lttiaiy Inslltiilo Hall, llloomshurt!, eomtnenciintou Monda tho lllli day of Dei ember, Im.s. nt IJi o'clock p. 111, und rinsing 11111 rlday iitjjlit of llio sumo week, un less tlio Teiiclicrs, lu idlcudance desire n session of two wceits. All Teachels School, Directors, and friends of l.ducatlou nrolnvitcd to nitind. lusliuctloiis wilt bo riven In Orlhoitraphy, Keniiln-rniidhloeiillnn, Penmanship. Aiitliinc' lie, i.criKriii.hy, Ummninr, 'Ibtory ol Tenchliu;, llisioiy or the United Klutcs and oilier brnnclics orslifly, undovenhiKlectutcs dollvcicd ly tho lol'oii un mimed educators. I'iOf.M. '.C'latk,of New Voil: author of Clark's (Ir.iniuiir; 1 r.,r. Henry Carver, Principal of Illoonisliiim lsoirn-il Kiliool nml Literary Instltulo; Tin.. II. II. Walker, of Oruugevllle Academy, Coluinbin county; Prols.I, W. l'cilee.nivlil C. John. P.M. lint t a, nnd I. (). Ilesl, id Iho llloomsbulir N01 mal heboid and l.lleinry iHslltute. Th' nllentlon of Teachers and Dliecbu'i is i-nllc l lo Hie lollowlnsiilovisloiis or llio .School 'nw : "Accordlna tn the Act of Asscmblv, npploved April nth, 117, tiniltr which the. Institute Is held tlio 1 nit of Memheis must hoc.ilh-d 'at least twice iiiluy- ncommlttrool live teachers ou Pel mi. llfllt Ctrtlllcales must be cho-en by ballot: teaehert inavnlleniltbe Inslltulennd bo ralil bv the tIMrlct the samo as If Ihev wen-111 nhisil, and lii.ise whn-ab'.eiit Ihcmsilvi-s horn llio lu st II rite of their own county, v. It bout a kooi! lea- ....., -,.. iio'il ..uui 01 IMOICS-IOlini Hill 1 it uii'l .' Indlciited' by ceillllcntes of 11 lowi -(rrido at tlie next llxiilulmillou.' Isjeo Pemin. Hchool May, il.1,7. lii.'Ji2. L'istjeartherBw.'io onlv ubout ono hundrt-d touchers lu uttendnncoat tht luslltute. Tiieio .liixil.1 Ih. ...Iv l ..l. u, ,. llibiwr, 11 In bopi d ibtf-tors fill In all cases encouragu their teachels tonttfiid tlie Institute. Tlii ioninilltf.iou Peiinanent Ccitlncates wilt hoclcLlcd luesday moinltit. "DlltlXTOIW DAY," In nrcotdanco w II h the u-.esl inns or the Statu Snptrlnti-iutcnl, I'll, lav, lb,. 1..1 1, d.iv of Hi eem bnr. will bo i-spifhill devoted lo the lnlcii--t of Hi hoiil Dlreclois, ulicn It Is liopid ulaito 1.111,1 I11 r ol IMlcclols iilrseut, .1.1'. Wl. keulum. Ij-o., Slalo suiierlntend.-nt, will probaldv bo In ulleiiduui 1. Hns ibiv In ml" dti'ss Iho llneetors. c. (I, ',KI.KY Nov. IM,'(i-...'ll. Co., Sup't., Common M-hools, A DM IXKSTItATt Ill's NOTKU-:. il iit.irn nf ninouAii hian, mikvsph. Letters nliidmmlsliiitlou on Ibu i-lnlc m Is-b. 11111I1 Dean l.itunri atuwKs.i in p., Columhl.i l'o ih ceased, luive bien lllituled by the HcMrr ot county In t.. 11. thil;ay of lllooni toMmh p. All tiersons hnvlui! claims or ih mauds iimnlusl the estate 01 thu diced, m am it'duci-ti-d lo make them known, and thnic in debted o make puymt nt x- u ll.lU'.Oi K WAY, Nov. 1.1,'evu. Admlulsir.itor "7X I'X UT( )US X( )'l'l c 1:.-ICSTA ti : AIM JOHN .-ll.HPI.IS..I"icnsed. letters les lamentary ou tho estate 01 Jolin Muuples of Ciitiiwlssn twp liuvo hi en Limited bv Hie th'sl.: ter of Columbia 1 noun , lo ilcoiy.i H. flllbei t or,..a and ltobit I', Claris 01 IIIod.h-Iiuik A.l persons huvlliK claims ilaalu--t thoe 111 c 111 1. teipiested to pu-seut them tor sen lenient, and H111M) Indeblid lo tho cslnti. 1 II lier on noli, or buok account will make payment In Iho Kxecu 01s without delay, nno.H 1 it.iiLitT. 1 ,. Nov.lW.Ct ''n'..'.C,.A.!ll. N .T OTIC K M'dlllil l.rpliv iinllfiHIw,, ..... llo that s'ie Imn loancil to Jn,ol Limit timutli, or ItoarimtCn-elc Iwp. the follow inp..j-M.iial pi on. erlv, Kon.iH nml cliattelH. lliHt.nim to Im loliikeii atlurplf;ame yl.: two mdiUIiiu' hoihen nml hnini'iH ycoltK7hi'aaoro(Utlf,7 1ioKh, 1 (.Priiiir wncftii, 1 rmK nt hlnvo ftli-l pt.o, 1 pal lor MuVO nml pino.yi.til-aml beildhiL', nim-tfuui iri-ln tn KI-oiukI, tin com Irom Jiiiften, To mivln N of vio lator, tiJ hushcU of ikiu ami $) bubhuli of laitk. whoiit, Nov. IW, It MAKY UTWILUU. piUVATKKALK OP A YAhVA- X iiMMKtTFI.HrAMJAoniKItlinAI. INT. ThoiJidt'rlHiM'il wouI.lheiuby glvo notko to thopulilU-.thathoUiUhliouH ot hclllui; at ml ,tv bulo tho IlOriOIi .STAND ill Oiwijrovllle, Coluniblii Counly, novoceii.ic,l bv Jolm Hnv iler, lo., touether Willi two adjolulnc lols. Tlio Hotel lcuJolni. nil excellent mil or ulMiilll ; is well supplied Willi water, Unbllng nud oilier eon. venienccs nnd Is oueot llieinost deslriihlo stands ou Hie I Islnngcteek, Ti:iiMS pi" SAI.Ki Ono half of tho puichaso money to bo paid on ll.a completion of tlie sale, ami Iho bulaiieo lu easy pa) mt uls. 'Iho under sin luvllloi u the Mil of Diieiuber, Ism, any pcroous wUhiug In puiclmse, may cmsull aiubrn.Xor. 11,'OS. JALQll J1ICI1A1;L. 1 S THU ESTATU OP I'ltUDHIUPjc J ftoiir. lilo ut aiicnwooi' iwp, In the ( ountv oi Columbin nud Mum of lVdusyh anla"ucc'il y NDTItrillh I'AltTITIO.V line :f,!r,l,10li? i K'";:1.1' ""''I'" Kindt rtubro i. ,.. , . ; .. i""1" .inn i.i'PP, lain via. i. .,i..,i ,'V '.'..i 4" et tealnu llollmiin. . ....b.,n. ..uiwiiHii, ini.0 aol, n that In nt.rt.ii. n ico of it wi 1 1 of pailltion iuui v u aliou to mo directed by the I irphuu's Cou t of a h i b il l' i'.'S: I.:!". L',,0,i','!,.n,".t" o theVe "si tool bla",s",n,y,,,T0'(, SiJ'KX urdiv Ihell l day of Deceiiihei- iieil nt il l.i'.. n tlnie nn p ueo'y anLml'ir VoM'thlnk pm-r-iicrifPs Ofllce, Illoomtbttiir. Nov. is 'M M01tDi:6.I Mlt.t,.Itli.Bhcrlir. 4 T OTICK OF INCOIH'OIIATIOX. Xollco Is nerehy vtn, Hint apulleutloll has bit li mad, In the Court ol I ommon Plei s , fl oL '"o 1 !V-yi.!" r11,"','-' n '""" or in'sir ,or : on Jo t Columbin Conn y Aki i' lilluiiil. llor. rh..VS'L?1,'''. M"f'","'l'"l Atsocla m I ",' .!!! ntnii"!"1"0' I,0"'1"" '. Hi'mslle llio im-burg, ,N!ov, n, WJS..H, A DAll.N'IS'l'ltATOn'H XOTK'U. tetK ur iiKiicti'.t miui:, nni-isri, l.ltels oi ii.linlnlniallon 01, ,,', ."lAt, ,7iV,". ticea Mi?lo, late of . en,,,, towns ,. Ci Inn uinl bin Count v.decia.ed. have be,.,, i,,'. He' I i,u thuli.t.roi Kuid Counly, tu H, !,u IN , ,i?,i ,u in uisiinior uh .U'e in i!"nl2 I, ml , ,, All pe sous mint! cliiltus or lUiniinds Viuii . . hi., eV,t i i " ;'i;i.s.i . i tr. I., -t. nt th. i r makepayme.!': '" a"Uy' tt,"L'"" ""Kbled u. A'ovn'i- rt d.ijii O.I, .MiyilAI 11, .ma c,(,,.ct, AdmliiUliulor, is7 Jot i cm;. ihi.VuV..r i . i I1 r ",linil'i luuihtetl In oniioiu urhtMjk'ucoouut.ftio ruiu hU.i to . .ako imuiidlaio imymuut. All jn-rwiiiH lullliiu tu Oranyclll(f I'u, Nov. n, jmw, ;! ' HI'0ANl "U-.'S; J World. HA Ul' IIH'H MKW MONTJUA' .MAUAmi;, t. nllnil NotlcpH of llm V t Ti . most Humlar Monthly In tin v ,r . iv. , 'iVvcirt' " W-' ainti r n-rln Icnm of tiloi i 11.. loih'an.t niMM p.(ciltii(f .ril.iiti'i i , tiki -a Journal with a im utlilv v, , i ' Ion i n I mihm of tho ehoicrt llUt nrn! , uvltli'm;p -f Ihorulturu i mA'tic ir "i. n, ' into wm p 'pin iruy ll in ncut ,i l . i VawH NnmiM r cmUim lull . n , nf niattcr.iippmpi-iatelylllusti 1, fH, euti i ana Ui'miiini( In t- , , , nml the more plillosnynk'nl t. . Ilt 1,1, , With tho Ih Nt Jt'iUUMNfif Iho u -V ' , u t h(iKftatpowiTtti i llioillrmtniMtJn n u Lttertttttrc, fstniUn wHrun a vumn ior lis RUrrrninulvby tin !nf.ici that i- mevl piuclftoiy tin- inpuiar luiuifliii, 'it varifiy uriiltWiiv una tiiMin reailimr u oll.-on Jimthl,iJmlont SJIWCUilTJUXS.-lSKi. Tl.t:i llAitw Mauazine, uiu'j cur An Kvr. tipy of either thu Mi, or t(A7. n v ill ih Hiipphi tl i! rills rurcwi or I ivk -un itiiihii at f i i uu-. in on. mttiaiK j ni-.-i.x LVpu-H tor.M oj. HllhHCii HtolVltl'Klt.MA(MZINl AVfP HtHllU'l: lOODHaltlfH l-tl (m J n or, twu ot Jlaipfr'H IVrloillm , to V lor on . ar, . V). " Hack Numhi rcan bcKtippllf-ii at an; t tu A otuplcti' -u , now eomprMriK ihni 1 1 , ouuioslm n.-uL i'loili hlndlna.wiu Ih-m ixpii- ,1 'llu atfjEpenofor i-imlinHcr. h per volun t sIuhIu vtiluintH, o mail, i'o ii im, t ''jlli iumh, f.r IiliHlhm.tilii-iiH. bv m pOHtpKlll. ' ' I'll p. -Mrf-lOU IlAItPhlt'H JlAtlAZtNl, .1 nrar wiiK-hmuit bo paul at th ui IMMt-Otll'V, " f in MMiptlon uriU fiotn l.i Km , ,, I'll l lllm'H lllllMt'lltMtCfllllll uitd uiih I ,,l AlHiHI , . IL, lo plfpoy Linlnl hliuci I t AiImI" - 1 UAltl'ini tt I'lUlTIIKIts, w ik A UoiMltniyorKtisliion. INi'ipjiuo nml linslruuilon, ' II A It V K ICS H A Z A Jt. A RiippM incut tonl-'iuln,! nunu'iou N 7, ,1 pillti'l ! ortiM-ru'i lU'iui.iimntfMit. ', cvrry r.iriiihthi,nnii o(.i-aluuay au tie am orr.l I.i-hii.ii pl.tU', ilarpt rout iIih 1(1 lolto pagt-H 01 u l.i 01 It .U Wtflily, iirlntccl on Mijulliiu cahunU'ita papur una Ih pulilishetl wi-ekl CrltliMl XotlctH ol tho Tress. H-irpei tt.inr contain', bi-sklfs plctuu .a xiirli'tvof .-..uiv..,.i..t ILT, e 111 ci'i tn tlie family ; nitli-U-mni htnl n. it .uii'plnn lu all hraiiftir itn 1 .( 1 iwall aHaplcil to tlie cticle, it . Ml nml Instinct; umt it Ins sIoiHh and lllfiary mattcror mt tti'inihur Ihil Dm Joiunal, wU .1 . u.-nuiikv 'I l:i Ntmit timo au v Mi-HotiiHiht i"t Ui khul w:i 1 li-ii salt N or l.diiiht'K, atiil lu pulili ,11 litu iloiiiaiul. A', 1', IhxniH't Jtr' 1 w couHtilcr Its claims lis bv.-il 1 1 and supnioily orilic piiper, Its 11 Pt furaiK t. tbo titslttaint JimI;( nn ii t'liiaMiius, or t lie lltria-y m iu iii'fii In lis pfi;t", we mi hi it Him- 11 to lP mi pi 1. or In tnch u 1 uioi t'-any othfrMinllur publli-atj a J'.'iU'u, Liint Inltthutn f 110 other hnultsli or Ami-i 1 thliton that vi ii pictcnt to nppn iciti'smiml uuli'ty,--.V. j', Vi.ih nn-rll of bclin kiikIIi( ofcou v 1 ii.m, or uiMmr ix( client inn t tuns In e' t, and ortniii'4 eMsiiH-Uf d uiih m m '1 r. Wuhliinnn und Itrjht i - t- -.ii.Mni; to tliti-pci'M luar will i. . -I'm ion of Iho v oiiitu ot Ainuk.i nut' h'. ta e Nil. , t, Il .t II Is'-ltlU , tin .1' Hit . ' I 1 , III! I tli Wlf 1 1 til 1 14 pi -lit ll l-t'.v in .1 lit .. . f l lit .mi; . v , Join 11 ll 111 1' I IllNtlllt tl ilepan ' remlli' tin aim brilSCJUPTIONS. 1SGU. Terms! llmpii . Uaznr, one year. 'in) An iiM.u ropy - ithci of the la-fiu'lm-, Unki, or lAt will hi'Mipplicil snitls ior eciy Ciuli v Ilvehiu . 1 ibri. nt si uu each. Ill 0110 lemlttumi urnqt ijiU's ior lt (Kt, MthM-nptious to Harper's Mngiizlne WtckU, op II117 . " ono mm less iorono iear.l'iau: i. twooi i ,)er'n l'trlodleals lo one mid s i-. Ot.f c 't, t (,. I' u tuimbei.1 e.tu bo supnliod ai . pv t.iu . . tu postiisi' un lUipcrw ilaz 1 'Jj ui y ' 1 Miikli must bo imki 11 ila-fctib rlbui , it' I'. ''.Milcrlptlonshfntfn .tt lirltisli Vorlli An lean rrolnc h mit-tt Imm mi,iiitih tl ltli. ntea mfdsllonul, to pn- .i I'ulli .1 s itu iv tnge. .nJdtess JIAl'i'l- U A JJltO t. N w It, SPECIAL MrjTiCtiS. Tun aueUnts piorlnlmett tti ' mu Nj ntphi, NaLuls,aml 1 a- (J , n.ullur il " iiiK tre-M s which mailt them tnvlcdby lersof mrlh. liul they nioho out ol tla or ullnd In lounlaiiis peached by no 1 hauds .ml t:ept I heir lorkn ot timy tnit,, u,tl tn vnv, and thus had m mid m i yiMii .nuttrosla which Is dolus 1 tli in; I ir ihotioands of p nplo 11 our ila "(MA. l'ViiiiUcs owinif in 1? pt.unar and Imponnni lemuon- wii tiny -si.t ain, iiielrpetuN oianlailon ,t,ni itilU'itb j 1 itorni iui' 11. tje. tin iimu mi HiK" ! nlioiiitlii t coiitilbulo in ho si, dt-nH-i .0 la-ir hnpj-liics, and wellair, lm u .tu eah hi i ..v Wlui mo IU, Not tinlv m. hu n. otic of 1 1 ai hais leimiltt ((luipla'll)i--1 1111 Ii ho Mill 11 d 10 1 mi 011 without unuh mti tlx ui n i-ial ht-nltlt of the ImlUMunl, ami cic loin pi iluctn pi..iuiiiifnt hl liiiefs mi pt-iiiia!i.n ui el iu-. 1 r i il ill tiMtui (o 1 onsuii a pli .ifi.m t jv tin relit 1 of tin s 1 mu lou th 11 at mil imiis undt... upon tho most urai-ut ntccjsity ui'iu uu- wmiu ui Mil tr r.u'tilri hi r (;intt-M. liiu as to tin th s. 'iho M'xu III thin thnnk us r..i pi ictii' 1 ilieir hands Hlmp'o Kie-lH-fM w n Ii wlllb.' fitund elllc.uujs lu u-liuviiu Itnd cm mi: Iniosl tciy (.no 01 thosu lioubtesoiue uia plah l- pet 1 1 In r to tho II mtioUl's i:.tiact of lliichii,Uunlrttl lu ou in i-lli'iuv, nml luiiiui ti of tithe a 11 Mlllilv 10 the dluyrnltlKarid iloetorn, wlm e nutiij l.intidlyo tin m ultli iho hop. oi a uue H'pJ li mt dies Willi ll itlultO t belli Wo! t 1 w ulil not tonsstit un tblim that M ilo Ihjusll -u lo tltt iilli;-l d, Lut. lam obliviiux, h-iy nllb.iiili It miv h produced liomtv e smu" hausliuu ot . , oucrw of life, by l.iijm itout ihiplo.Miuut, ti..u holt Mane air mut U i luoiKM me r 1 tuatioii, ii.o tiMi uue t nnd nml lu ijuciil 1 hildbh'lh, it is far oi em 1 ai ti by ilhci 1 in italtuu, applied to thomueou nuiii biaueot iho winm ltht-lf. en u- leu liij; tin eausfs of llieso tllstrt 1 eompl mis U Is most pa nittl tot on temp ate v alu inl nit ilsi-inst.i1ueiit upon them, it a hut Hlmplojuslk'o lo tliohiibjeet to enuiiieiale 11 1 w of too many aid I tonal cuiws whlo hit linden alb ct the lile, btaltli and haplnesH id uottit u ' eat oi Mieu-ty, aud w hleh eoiiNt-bui niiv mb 1 1 hioio oi-loih iliit el ly, lht wcllaio ol the li'im hiuu.iu l.iiully. 'Iho mania t uit exists 1 1 p - ions uin cation und man Inge, eaust h tlio jm -Hull iinuiie ilesiytiul lm" (onoieul ilcvt lop' 1 t lie '1 -iUlIuiuI peiMitLiliu the 11- mu . ' 1 'arty tonllm imnt of hobt, l, ,ui t 1 ..t . in tho unhealthy excitement ol Pa ii'iuu. j ui", witli llio budy ballcIoilic),mH mu l.iihd ut, l.n I'.velted by pleasiue, iiereUlli a ji .iti.t . ieei thu laaiis tlcsUncil l. taunt- i M.'ep nn. 1 okI, the woikofilehtructlonls hau in lOllI) M-tlt ll. lutoi Mtiui'iieeof lids eatly hi nil 11 up 111 1 ei -Ufi. un. ueewMiry t Hurt Is ie.uili by 1 it- 1. icait vii uy to ii-imn her hltuatiu 1 lu M'nttu, (i a tait t , ihusayaiavlhK Ihoevll When -.j i' 1 is oer, another In pihsjn io lit tno n m uioiblitlvMnsltlvetoimpM lon,i - rie 1 i ii-' tin icst alut of lash nimble tl" tthst. ImhiddhiH: tho exeieisn Mid Ispele- -"'o to tl, ' tiinuic-ntaml retention ol oiu.uneii n and 1 ithj tho exposure t nlalis nlr, 10 Miin.i .I . tiuiigo of tt'iiipeiaturo; tho eonipieto jiio 1 1 t ion mod need bj e.eessi 0 daiiclnii.iuu t t-t in . s-i.v, iiiodiKv their It-ltlmato t-tlei 1. V l.tbi . u 1- ti l,v man liu;o ilup- the climax ot mls.-i v and, "ii the uulortmialeoho bitheiio w utte it 14m 01 1 ho plain lemons ti am esot her u I- JetU l nt t, h collies au unwilling Mlhjec! el 111 .1 lu-ntiutnt, This Is but a tiuthlul pie-tui- 1 1 u expeiieucd jf thousands ol utirjoiiiii wnun 1,0m, h'Moro tlionhlllty to exerrlso Iho fun -lioi.v d lue uenoiallve oikiuis Ibt'y iof(iih'e an t-dut'-alloii ot 1 heir pet edueallou of their pe euiiHi nuivuiH hysviem, composed of what Is ud lid tho tifcsueii, which U, In eoiuuiou with tlio fe malo hi-t-.tst und HpM, evhlcntly under Iho eou liolti uiiutat t inoilons and associations tit nn t an it "d of llle; and. as wo t-hall Milwcnut nt Iv k 1 . 1 h .e emoltous, ; ht 11 excessive, leaif Ioub i eioiif , uheUtv, tu hahlls whb-li sup (ho uj .loot ihdr vk-lltuH eto n:iini l wlf-iomplft- iii 1 dcveliiiiin ut, 1 oi letn'ilewt tMiessand deuiMr , W'i t- . OIll'.UJ.l, T I'lOtUHll 1 US,, li.ti iOU, I Mi - ai, 'loo lm (Viulnut il peiluiU tor 1 iLiie 1 all, sooil tho most pet leet-t. Hie kiu'-ui; 1 cmliold'K Com pound t tr.nt 01 lluclm, . n ttoiik 'ot ue, diel, niij it vleo a coinpun. . Ke' ides lu eei per, d of llle.limu Inl.11. y to exti' leold age, will thai It t it niedy to at na till w in Iho ill.tltaino f its luh'-i uu 11 onih it theplory ot huinhoud ' unuili ani. ti ia bold'H Kxtrm t lluchu Is 1 . ie IrUheun Uatt any of Ihopieiuiatlo 1 ! t -u- Jum, inn e hnU'T and luoiu idcasnut, J 1) h tiat 1 (.hit, h-ivlhg leeelMil (ho i'ni 11 ui ol mol pioiuinonl pli' - 'i-Iar. in t! L uiti il M. e u 1101, olleicd lo ahl'i ted .1 uutyas eeii n euro lor 1'iu follow Inif iIIs-'iims and f aipioi Jioin lilteveia eauso orluluutliij; j (.b-i ml de bility, muittiluml iilihslcu depteioii, alu ' III ty, ileLeriuluallon id IHuod lo lload, fiiMil 1 eac, ii'bteilu, yenetat irialabllily, un at nl( ttbt-enco of jhuk ultir Kllieleiiey, ( appei t', ilykpeiAla, emachtthin, low hpu ' , ti -ormn n.'iuii or puialytiiiiof tho oikuiih oi . al ion, p pltmion of tlio luurl, aud In i bllitai. 1 httilu of tho byutem, Toliihure I1 t ' -nine, uitthlM out, Able iv Ilolmbotd in. ulh. j. Mild by UriiyiU's nml ilearleu Mv MJ en, rilco Jl.ji,ir buttle, or fix bottieH tor il..ju, DcUeied Kumy iiddu-on, Uccrtbc uy w trims in ell c-oniiiiunleidloiiu. Addii. II, i, Jlebi hold, t'li.u and Chlmkut Wuielmu'.e, i I laoaduti, N. V. Nuno nio Htuulno unUuonfl up In 6tee 111 Kmve I nipper lao-mllo of my Cliemlial Wnu-ra.ih- and hluuvil. II, 1. 11 Ki.illiObU. Oct, Jt, lii-lll. ATKLY Ol'KNKD. t he umleiHlyuisl Mould rtpiclfuHy fhfoimlli-' illluiKot Jlli'i inhbuiuuud vklulty, Unit lie has Jllst 1 1 1 tail n lii'jion lioiiHIlcet, bttMieli Midll nml 1 Mid, when- be will ml in v. tho rahtm t nu l.lliK biilhtbb in nil lu I ntiiiliib. Uulun .MITAI.MI' OU OTHi:U COFi'J.VK Illhdwlth piompttieisii and ihNpalfh, IN ( -H e hi u i-l hiiule loatl KhaU of luihltuie, Ihi'h'd lim the it-ilnMlhi; ul'-l.Mttouit-d chutr 1 tenth air eiiMlhth mailt matly nnd expi(iltll'ls ly, ant oidt uaieholK lltd tither lu peiMiiioi mail, l'h line tuihUH niatlo lo older at laal iu tli' IlUlli:UTmA.N. AptU lOllt, JKIU'IIAKT UOTKL, i 1 t'O' Ml F'l ItTIl Ml'ltKtr, iMin.Ainu.rHiAi J. A W U. M'KIUHIN, X'roprhtor, MKy 10. 1M.7-Iy,