The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 20, 1868, Image 1

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    BLOOMSBUKG, PA., FRIDAY, NOV. aos I8fi8.
L. '2 NO 47.
') ir.llt'HU MUl.UTOI.Y.
. ., ,,, ,n stoves 1 1 0
.imn nml ilhwnu'i
,, . tMai.tet.
iMtr.u "''1"r'4,nlI,'vi:..!ii
. lib"
.1 -M " ''..:. ...... ...ll.lln,. Jill
iv, liiininu" n " "vi.ihi
mom .i.v-.'W'""' ''P",hw,r'v:i.V..i
,t 11 HI'
oiiAMUiViLM; niitr.oTouv.
Pit. o. A i MIKIAItlllil., physlcl hi nml surseon.
Mum i , tcdood' Hotel, vl-nl.
IjltlOK ilorr.L, and rehcslitncnl saloon, hi
oWA.N ll(
O 'lei, Mndi sl above 1
the upper liousig ny John Huj-
11 :
Alt t'A llltOTltr.lls, Tunnels and lininu.,.
iiacianl leiehir. mi Mma si., below tino'i
ninel, vir-li I
i,xvii iii:itiiiNTi
i) Di'liU r In Rmlii, Mill Hirn t,
)uW..U .t
Kio.irnud Urtst Mill, nml
V I'll 17
i tiris-cles
.lain st.
IliniltINO, dealer In dry Hoods,
tumlier ntiil cncrul Merchandise
(inol'.IJl., ..'In and linrhess maker
J .Main St.. above the Iwcti Hotel. VMH"
, - AN"fn'ks.
, . .union""1.51""1'!;;,'!,
'louse. - - -
il ifnt i i . r
., i-rlCS "l'..
,d dciler in
,...t , i .'i"i'ii',;vr,i.M;,!i,,r'
west or Mark el Mi;
. ill' ir on Mw physician "J
,. I. lavUol. J
,., . , u, .oil dentist. tolhextr
n. M iln st., nearly own
C l l. 'irKinn "li'l I'liyl'l""
I. i-low Market. '!'
li. siiriii.iiii iiiul I'1'
S. AH.nlnry-nl-Irt" . Olllco -dln-;.
MitlllHtrnt x.-ll-n
V 11. BMITII, manufacturer or tin ware mid
IT , ilfMloi In Moves tc, Main st ubnvfl '.ho
Mviiu lloul, V1-HI7
I A 1 . wTtWMMIANi Merchuiirtairor unit
iV. lion li. furnishing lioiM,, MnlnKt., next loor
to lliu brick, hotel. v l-n IT
MN. HAYIUJlt.ST, (.In-tis, Wntrhe, and Onus
. icnnircd. (inns and Watches lor sale. Mull.
SI., below Pine. Vl-nl7
1 A.MP.H II. II ARM AN. Cabinet Maker, nml tTn
t dcrtakcr. Main Ht., below Pine, vl-til?
, 1 I'll A H, f. Krci.l.r.ll. Confcel onrrv. Ovine.
ill Ae.. A.,on I'lnoMt., between Main and At ill.
Vl-ll w
II. A r. KliH'IINF.It, llladt,mllli,, on Mill
, Hii.'t, lieui. I'uie VI-M7
tint. MAM HKI.oS'il, plinetwitepran'l mannrne-
tiiiernf Ilrlok, Mill Sl.,itf"t ofl'lns vlntl)
I liWIs II. Ki' Iron r..tin.l-r, Mnclilti-ji-l,,iiKl
Mainifaotmerof .loni, Mill Hl.vl-nt7
,1 1 MX A. WILLIAMS ACiiTiinneraiiil Mmi
iH utaetiiiiriorienlh'r, Mill MIKet. vl-nl7
I .iTn Ki:i,M:it, Hoot tnl Hlioomaker, l'lno
J Mlreet,niiiii)ltutliuAcnleniy vl-ulT
I II. lir,I:MN! A llH01iir.ll, Carrentcrannd
A. 11' P lcrM, M. H,re;t, b'low l'lne. vl-n!7
. i w t:t, HIIAUtI,lH, Makcrottheltnyliarat
O Ot..iii C'iinlli. Main Ht. vans.
l.lN'MtY it FANCY OOI)H.
lnlrl t.
milliner, IlmiHfj
VK"1I. fmWKOiliN, ll.ltloll,, bnoW.
, no. Hi i.:,Ui MnluMieel l,l lr'-MI'J)
i V N, inl'tlnrrr fin! t.xney sooils r
, ,,...1 ehiiri'l!, Mpln si. vl-iill
A. .t HAIIK llAIIKI.l'.Y, laillon
, i I-..., pnl'.rni, m)iiibcairo xej;i
I.K.I'HICKOV, millinery nml fniT
. n: ..vile t'ourl Ilmiw. vl-nll
I i ' 'MAN, illlllnel,Mulut.,belo
' orMurWlnt. vt.n
I vM N millinery nml lane
, .MjiiH below AliU'rU-allhoiljej
- ANf)"SAl.UI)Na
, r .in.l eitlm! saloon, Ainerl
. i llillzi.-T' HiiMlli-
. I .lOlll, rtilllel lliiliry, Iwltelf'
. .on, wboleMile ami retail. !.
it oht. v1-1"
. i,. . .In.i.'iv. biiRery, anil "i.v
.'n.. . sale ami rVluil, Main
, i , i l'.l in Kooih A I'larlt, Mali
M-l II..I.M-. Vl-lH
I., bj
reel .
John M.viock, MkIi
, ii.W. M.M'iiKii.eusteiiil "i
. .I....l ..l..l. M:llll hL.tllKt
.n,e. vl-nll
.UK, . rri)i,li,n.)iit wiliNiii.
-:r..!iii1ietalooii, Kt
M, IIARMAN, Hiilillfi "nrt ham maker
, OranevlllP, oipo,lle Fime cliureti. vl.'ull
SIJSOUKI AN.NAorllrlfk,M.Krteh.uuler
l.rourleliir.Koiilh-ensteorlier Main nml Heroml
hlieet. v8-"lg
1 II. ( HI A-tV.ilry o.i", uroeerlex, ami H'n.
,), enil .Meivini.UI.Mnliirtlieet. vs-tiM
C1 H. 11IN.MI1, ilualw In utovea ami lin-.vare.
O, M mi Street. vmlJ
r.M. II. AIl!li:TT,nttnrney atlaw.Mainntrect,
nt.nnitT a
LINK, ilrvcoofli. Krneerles, anil
buodlae, !inln Hll'eet. 3-nlJ
ttrnerM roorclmcidlAe, aln
I Kl', billlirl nab-in, oyslern,
J. cream 111 m1 ison M-iln Htrit.
and le
HI'. DAM.MAN, Merchant T.lllnr, Second Ht.
, llotiliina' lllilldluz. '''
til;. J. li. llonillNH, miritvnn and rnyslelan,
) Hecuiid Hi,, below Slain, vi-nlS.
II. k'lS ri.i;it,"CallawnIIone,"NortIi Vtt
I'oniei Main ami H.ond HtreeUi. vi-nK
V. IlllOlliT, dealer In QenerolMerchan.lUe,
Dry U mils. Orocorlea .to. V.Mil
L Hour, fueil, ialt, flh, Iron,' nail,, ele., l.lgtit
dialer In dr tfotvls,
J and
' -' .t'
unM,ille l,0,t
A J )t. in n I'm f Nt vvjv-ipor
I'tltl.llltll I.VLI.V I UIli.W Ml l!' IM1 AT
lll.OOJISIIl ltd, I'K.N.N'A..
Tlir.iirlnclple, or thl, pnju i are id I li. ilei son.
lull Hrhoul of polltlea. Tlunn l.rlneli'e illlitMf
be compromised, yet enuitesyand km ,ih whal
not bo fori!Ottelllndl,eliBllii'lhein,wl ilier wllb
Individuals. or wltll coiitenumrarleH ol ''in Tref
The ualty, happlne,nml pninperlty ol no nun
try I, our nlin and object! and at tbo meant to
secure that, wo shall labor honestly and earnestly
for the hattiiony, .iicei, and grnwt'l of our orpin-
TKHMHO.uliBCRIlTto' Two dollar, a yenr
If pol l In mlMitice. If uoi pn'.l lu mlrniim two
doihra nml Ally cent, win imarlably aunted,
TmiM,iir AnVKnTt,iN(i: OnoMinare".nIlne!i
orlev,iimor tbreo Insertions .1,.VS nwlt buIwc.
fpient Insertion M) cent".
Ik. "n. 'x. Ck. lr
one n.u.ire J.l t.,"i n."i ."" 'i"."
1 vvosqiiiie,
y hrf e h'inareii
l"our a'juare,.
Half column
One column
F.ieculor', and Admlntnlmtor'a 'ot!en H"! An.
dltor'a Notice W.tW. Other adertlMmnl liier
1 0.1 accord lu 4 tonpecUl contract.
nuslnes, iiotlceN, without mlvert Isement, twenty
centa per line.
Transient ivlvertlaementfe pyabln tnajviviice-
nll othepi due after the first Insertion,
IF It la, In nil cmei, more llknly to l sillslae-
tory, IhiIIi to i.ubscribr, and Ui too tliWIshers,
that remit lance, an 1 all communication, r,p-ct-
lnit Hie buslnesHOf tlmr!"', b. soutdlrHa 'j the
office nl publication. All whether nlntttiK
tolhoedltci'i, .orlm,lnes, Ihopiper,
and all pajwentafor .ubscrltitloim, .ulveittstmf.
or JobblD. A.o to be made to ami Mddreeil
"Otlumbtan Oe,"
I'rmtrviat ltuhl,.n' Hnlldln, !i"r tim ronrt
House, l.y
C. .IT. VASIaUt.!C18.
Ne.itly oxfntn-l (it thin
JI. 1.' YKFiLK,
A T T O It N 1! Y-A T-I, A IV,
Ashland, Schuylkill County, rnntra.
tlrst donr
t) vc, Cunt, nit for IUtlM.
TM.M. NT, tlcuilt-rin 4tui muI tin wijin
nil iif .ln'!K,'.
1 taiH rtiirl kIkh1',
niHtiufitcviirt r urn! ilivilfr In
1 ,1. tM.II'K, M. I. KuriitHin uiid 1'liyHlrUn.
J, itfiK-f lit Kcllci'M Until. VMu7
IT !
.1 itiul mnnmi'torv. Hlionoii .M . i-"f'-,.."J''
lio-mohtoiiiu Mill.
Hoot 41um' T.rt
ATTOHN n Y - A T- U A W ,
iwlcb, Coiutulti.i Contiiv, JVoj.
OmcrtWlth R ir. Ml! In, In l1i'lt In
lollilti'4 Tost (Mlifi. Il.miiU f, IWt
ln-.loii fi)II'-'ii,(l.
jo iTn 7. vnvjv. u,
A TTii P. N P. V - A T -1, A W.
Ofllri, In lleizlt" r and Itivorder', mil In the
taemetit of lite I'otirt Mouse. Tlloomsbiiri;. l'n.
It i ml
Mv and
noiiKHT l' CLARK,
TTO It N F Y-A T-1. A V.'
or.!.'i corner ol ?l.iln and Market rtr
Flrt National llnlik, Wisine-bur... P
U. i I T T I K,
I. sIho-m. l.olHfli-t. fir.
I i ft, VMH I
,v . ilrnttMrt in dry K' "'
. it wilt tUli lion, n-uK
in and Mtitkfcl M. I-n '
nlut dp- ttootK nml sliOt't
.mrt Huii'C vl-nl
Mi,lsHlll lll'tUUM, SOIltllUt'Ht
1 ,! Mth. Vl-ll4.t
l irroL'fTl. , i c i.nri h
-I Inm t-i-i. vl it lb
ii !i.no6hOfstr .hoi-Js mid
i' .st em'm-r Mnrlii! iit'
vs .it tolilt'clluucrlt-s, Me -
. 'm.uI Vl-
l , ncn.tb'"",c of me..
. . . .it.1 nt MhIu stic.
. i tn ilry (((kmIs nrccrl i
i 'h A. I'rm Isiuiib, hoi
.,i.U linn ht.'ei-lH, vl
Psf'Y sri.AM Kl.OUHir.(J MILLS, C. H. KowIit,
i'j i,t'oi'-"i,tor. v
l unidHAItl-, Anit0.1Uoiilt rslinlryKO'JN.
1 If. C'M.DW'KLL, 1 ul.T In dry kooiN. yrtM- r
I, ioK(mcensv.ns Imnlwuiu,, Hult, im:b,
"p., Me . f:nU
A TTO ! M F. Y- AT-L A V.
, Orthvnii M.itn hircft.ln brkic TJiiiMIn l-elow tho
I Court H'mis-, Hlooip-'i'Tfj;,V.i.
msu jcwav,
CTholrc gbftrjj.
"j!lH1(l,ytnWfl.'t( t(ll-Ifll
To Itifl soft wlii'1'4 (jonil.t vvill,
A int think v. o Ixmr tlte the tnuUi
Our I'hlliJhnoil J;n-w ftOMt-U;
'jo mr out on the even
And th" t uin 1 11'--, Ilclih efitlr,
And feel fiKIn our bo Jioxr winli
Toifftmlikp ni.gcls innrt-I
Th'Tn nro many drrnmi of
Tlinl rllnK n round (tin imsl,
And from tbo tomb or r'ollnf
Oldtbniulitn co too thronxlnn fnnt t
TliofonuiKO loved h dently
In ilio linppy clays now Kno
Tho benullfnl iind lowly,
Ho f.ilr lolook ii)'Ottt
Thoto bright find trciitlo m. 'dpni
Who seemed formr-dfo- !',
Ttio Blorl'iiiH nnd t:o h nnlv
For micii i woi id n- hU :
MMintiij ii'trl.-, . f ' - wlrnmlnir
luaKMioMIn,!. lnun.,
An'lM-lioe look "1 v M w i" itrenmlDK
fi'er browc no nu t h'1. ' :
Wlioso rnitiM wei
In the Hprlngt'
Lll;itljt' plunk
They fnl'itwi' 1
Ibey lm. .ii.s
And ti.
Oh, infiii ' i i
Tbr.t li. 1 . M
Llko the 1 1' . ii
They luu : ' .1 .. '
Yet obi It U Uovel
And yet tho though. .
To mmoon nuchnt.
Ami feeltlmt alt thn
Aro imtviui; Mht"'
That thu fair (.net
Urow to each 1la
. YV It'll,
-ilkch .
- I. M
.f April,
. . d.
h- y,
i M f loVO
. liieat
clhiitlnii vino.
Tht-n jn rich whro tiiey rent.
And we tan but think ol lbf-.
In the v f hi il (.enth p" 1' c.
When tl.t trtt-Huro wavhu "Vr ui
And tl. flower- arc b!o-.irnln:
At ' wt'kn.i v that winltir'Hcomluir,
Vith UU eol I and stormy ky.
At d the Klortousl-f utty item 1 u
tNhnildlmihuttoitle 1
Tlll'.er''1'"1 WllIllCT TiVMOIlt Wll-i Willi-
In I wo ility.s .ini of "al ;il:tlMi, vv,Lirii!
Ciiphtln Cuiiiiiilt, h' i,(.,)mmiinilo.,,l.i.
ifilile-il to UTi'iu,..iftoi'liavini,'ill-i:H.i,'-til
:t )i.ut of hi imij,'o, whlt'Ii tln'ii
lUiiniiuU'il lo Hxhl bunttrcd barrt-l., of
sptrin oil. An ant u raieal iu t'vor
In.-I tt flilp'sdocs win IIih Cummins,.
During tho wholo i-rnwo ho hail fnl hi,
mon rniwrulily, allowing unch of tlit'in
but half n inko of haril hrtil mid ouo
tlilu h)1co off-alt hor-u at tv mil. omo-tlini-.
In asuiUK'n fit of yi-num-lty he
would k'vo them a little U"i(vulrt di-d
watiTj to wash dow tholr r-catity, nml
h.v no Dicaii!" paliitrthloallowani'O. Tht
iMtitaln, howevtr, livid iUo a iirliivu;
huluxltho nicest and most ti'mptlm:
ill-ht'i piciarid fur hhnwii Inhlf, which
liii ih-voiiii'd wllh thu KivHlliie,i of a
wolf, and M'lthout allowiiii; himself 0110
HvinimthKinK thmijiht for Ida crew.
Tho TreinonllvM lioen tltteil out lor a
tain Cummlnv w.u surprised losou hi'
trow in lint tin M hIcoW nii.I healthy a
ei lulitl'di a, tipiuvfli thoy h id ,uh,l,ti d
on roiuit o'llclcrii ln,t'M l of thu siMiuy
iilloWJiii'i" Wh i n It w.H hi., pliiuur" to
provide them. Little (lid ho. ?i.p-iit
that they lived ne.irly it, well in him
self that wholo basket nof provl-lons
wero conveyed nightly fiom the e.iblu
to thr f.jrewdlo by thu very In
whom hoplaeedsi much conflilenco.
Thu, in.itli'iM went on d.ty nftor
day, tuid m Captain C'ummlr.Ki observ
ed tluit Mi erpry continued ill utruii;:
and choerfol as ever, ho to enter
tiln su-plciou that Homolhln"; whm
trronif, and therefore determined to
watch them narrowly. It Is with tho
resnlt of this ffrittlny that I now
.ibfjut to ninkp tho lTiidor oiMlnted.
A wiw previously lemirkcd, th"
Tremonl .l within two day.,' sill of
Valparaiso, It viw a boaiilli'ul moon
ilRht ni);l't, and wllh a i:"hiI stnjrf
breeze dlrictly on her aler, the
liiut vfMiCl .sped -etlfily upmi her wny.
K: ry ng of Piinvf!'-, which wonld Im
I'.i lvaniasr bad heun fpreiid toeatch A
i l wh eh promised to be of h'li'con
nnv. Htud'UiHT-f-itll. on both sides
i ,1'rviL.i beir lon b''Oins out (mm thu
!.', ami east l.inlatlc shrsdowH upon
t . naiers hec'ii'.li, winch chungfd
m nh every motion of thu rc 1. Krom
the pomleroC!, lo7cr naila to the coquet
tish lldlo royal' (a whaler ultlotn ent
ries; etty-miJii) r.rte clouii'i of nwcllint:
canvas. NothitiK can srarerlyexcel the
beauty of ft voM'l rfolnbeforotho wind
until rail sail and the TrcnniU wrw no
exception, flhe ,. un-onunonly well
modelled for a "hlutih r hun'erj" iind
now us she d:-hi il oitw.ird hiu.iin; tho
mooiiHhl wi'ir,, and the white
fo.iili xltigim; uul (Iiuielti jroil.,d her
prow, sfco pre.Jt.itlsl .t proud spirliicr .
Tin; ,',U'h, I'liu-.stiiiiC of .vjine U'U of
twelve tiieu,wi ie ioiiulitt; Inxi.y .iboiil
the ileclj hoiin-or them near tlio but
wiirkn, and others Ki-uuped about thu
foro-hatcli, enj;ai;e.d lit tbnt bit of all
methcils for v.'hiliii"; t cy the leiit
inn of a w.itcli .itiiiilnt; ,uini. T.n
w.tlch 'nrt alreuly iiinru f'.riti ' ou.;
ui ..' .Iii.e): .in", iif.ri in.viiijj iiusin i
.1 r:i nr. "totiifb ,,':nn.'' W..t w'de,, lie
had ! vit .'i,i'ni! hln ship o ir.., : ri';
ed nft,.iinl then M ild, In rt l.'W
"liny,-, ii -eems !o me Itj's tinie thai
Wurite t'. .i-i .ilo't; Hi w iih toat ere
ba-ket. I"ni I'.ettli.i,' htiiigrj'."
"I don't n"p u ctii k-.ep hl:n awy
.'i ln aid .I'.olhvr o'tln' men.
"It's nn iwi'O'iul oi .i n ni.Iii 'el-
low itft titer.
wakeful tonight," answered oneof the
watch, pointing to tho third't,wlio
wa-s w.illtini; slowly up and dntvn trie
cpi.titur-d ek, and who, wo w ill Inform
the reder, asinilly d':-od a-v.iy ,U.u ,oi'
tho four hours of each w.ttch.
"Cur,-s lihf upon him!" evi'Ifdnied
Jack. "What can h.ivo. Into hi'
thlc'c hCrtd to- ilht, !'t"o tn
. , ..
ie l' . t
if he IJCe
,( t, .uid des i i -li'd Into tho cabin to
uill tho other who was to relieve him.
Ilnuwoko Mm .second inilto, and was
i i'.i it asceiidlii' to tho deck, when
lie in a.'.l the volco of the captalii call
in, io him, iln instmitly obeyed the
etl.iiinniis, and entering the captalnM
room found that iiidividual sitlln up
" tlWiaMtlt," In his bunk.
"Well," mild Cummlns, "have ynn
found out anything yet?"
"Yi'-,-le,I hive," nnswrrod the third
mu'e, iu that oft, fawnln"; tone, which
Is siinietline.s; Used by an undor offlccr
when be wif-hes to crcp into tho fivor
of his superior,
tie lle-n ptocecdod lo glvo a mlnuto
di-crlption of all that ho hail peon,
with which tho reader Is tilro.uly no
"You've donowcll," ald Cummlng,
wlicn he had concludfil. "I will jjivo
you a lecomineml when u (:et Into
" flunk you, fir," ninwered tho
8iieakln cur, bowing lilaiscdf out of lliu
room, In hand.
"Si, llien, 'Inn's the w iy they m
i ,'' intitterf d I'al't.tin CittuuiluK'
n- lie X""i'; " t my
' ' uril, tho last man bum I shun
1 cc suspected, lint the bottom of .
ni . Well, hesholl meet with his ilea
c.lJ." Ho patisidn liiomeiit, nud then
continued, throu;h lii- clenchtd teeth.
"Ye,, he shall pny deiirly for this j I'll
thu him within mi inch of his life."
I'he n-xt m iruliis, Just ui the round
nd -no tiftiil disk from the
so i, ,t:.d M ill his ro-y children dancing
ovi r the waters, tho jsluuihertntf watch
of tn T,;mnn w-10 roil-cd by the shrill
bad of "All hands on deck 1"
' Wl. t in tin mum1 i., thu matter
ninV it ain't liIit belli by u lone
drill," growled one " the soamen.
"SiiiTnihlti;"'!' up,'' ''.lid another,
"On deck, here, ijulck, you d d,
hi'of-o'.Uiii;;itiiiUilnei!" yelkdtho voice
of tho captain, at this instant, from the
forecastlo suuttlo.
In tH;n minutes' timo every man win
itre-i d and oil deck. All bauds were
tto n i-.d'.i d all, and raui-ed on the ho
si. I" of l lie iiunrter-deek, Captain Cum
in, i nn leaned on tho cap-Ian, and w l(h
e li.'iidish e."piolon of counten.uue
I t.'cit man in his tu.n for a few
mompnts, and then -aid, In n mooklii;;
tniieof voice:
" a, sle.'k-Ioo'r.Inp; stt you
a'.'.''., f tio'tr thot you lviv ver.r
V. :: '.Vow, don't any of yim turn
ol!i ! -will he timo oiiouarli for that
he Menu .iiio.;iiinioii j wt,n ,vcr.. ,., of Juu B,,, ),
"Oni: (ulul nl(ht in UufyJune, wiion
bees mid birds worn nil in tune, two
lovers wnlkul beiit'iith the mcoii. Thu
tilt-lit was fair so was tho timid; they
walked beneath thoBhndo with nouo to
harm or timko afraid. Uer iiiitm was
Sue and his was Jim, tout and
sho was slim ; and ho took her tint! nho
took him. finys Jim to But- "by tho
snakes that eo,nlrm amoup; tho brush
and brakes, I llko you botlcr'n buck
wheat cakes." Says Suo to Jim "slnco
you've begun it, nml been and como and
(rone nnd dono it, I llko you next to n
now honnlt." Sayj Jim to Siu ".My
heart you'vo hdsted, but I have always
Ktl ) nilstrusted." Says fiuo to Jim "I
will ho true, if you lovo mo as I lovo
yon, no knlfo can cut our lovo In two."
Hays Jim to Suo "Through thick unit
thin, for yonr truo lovo 'yor ccnt
mo in ; I'll court no other fnl p.k'Iii."
Jim leaned to Sue, Suo leaned to him;
his nuso touched her Jockey hrltn ; four
lips went vent nhcin! And then
nd Iten and THEN nml TURN I Oh!
!s, licwnro of men In Junu, and tin
crneath th'tiBllver moon, when fiogs
ml crickets aro iiitune, lest your names
et Into tho Columiiiax soon,"
This account, ho pays, ft frlcud who
lost his Identity n few weeks, iuto kindly
furnished liini:
"'Twus In the lovely month of June,
I courted Lizzie; tho crested wave
lets inuriurcd, uud this moonbeams
kissed the tea; I whispered In her ear
soft words, ber bauds in mini) I prest ;
and us I drew her nearer ntill w.'d,
never mind tho rest! Wo wandered
Mowly, htintl in hand, with heads to-
ffijlher bowwilj our words were low and
softly Ntid, our bIkIh were Ion;: nnd
loud ; I asked her If she loved mu, and
her head droojied on my breast ; I lis
tened, and hernnswer was well, nev
er mind tho rest I Tho evening deep
ened into night, nud stars III up Hu
sky; again I whlipered, and again btr
answer was, a sigh. At that fair slirino
t humbly Unclt, my Impound love ton-
riv-ed; I was aiK-oivetl; a Hay way
named jnd, nover mind tho rest I
The liappy moments pa-sod nwny, lh(
d.iy at length arrived ; niybll was mi
OMiitic, 'tl-. a womluf 1 Mirviied. ff
course she ya with l.tce enrobed, ti Ith
r.n'u l)!o-soiti!,dret j and iu .tcmyof
tho Cor.i'MiiriN, you'll surely Hnd the
'l)ii thing's cnrt.ilu-
three year's vovago by a certain ship' ' a-vake nui' h lunger w won't get no
owner of Now Bedford, a quakor, I grub. Warner u-on't of course vntaie
out Of the -ahlti wlillo lurs awyUu, fei
he'd blow on h'm right oh" t.o I'll"' Clip
who-o nobleness and geimroslty of
churactcr has won tho love and esteem
of whale-mien generally--I mean such
of them ns aro before tho mait. The
captain and their omcers ire not Includ
ed i with hut few oxcopilous the; nro
gt-uerally a vulgar a id tyrannical horde
up aid 'flogged. Now, then, all I have
to s-.y 1), iimt I havo found nut the
i ri' k.,yon havo been so long playing
upon niii; thfcn.'foro, tremble for your
s-lves'.-' Then turning to his oflicers,
Im -o'll -"iirlng up tho culprit!"
I he itJhx'M darted down into tho cab-
m, (mil iln; .net. moment ro-appoared
win; stuWurt between them. A
murmur of burpriso broko from tho
cro'-v, for tho face of Waren had under?
gone a strango alteration. Ills skin
which had hitherto been of an olive
ei-'., wis now m white, nnd delicate as
that of i young girl. lint whnlvver the
r.Ud.M'.. .ii.qlielianmil'h.iiiiiK Mll'.iilid
Mi.iiuiaciiiry. vivnll
ir-lFKICK Court Hons JAtV
Ifllt'iiltt Olllco,
etlJW till. O'e
IIW.UI , ........... , --
of men, who are dCMnd of ad principle, which hu t'.ol: ont oi his po.,:i.':
and honor, and whody incapablo of np- "No, no,"coiitiiiued Jack, rtumftfi"
predating good nu.iMtl" in another. tho tolvico to his pocket ; Jiti't
As I pievlously reto- t-id, there tiro few citch Ihis nij In another Km-h a "crape,
exceptions; hut il i n.y opinion and The next lime I 'hip I'll find out what
f speak from exp n- --lhcy nro very sort of n man I'.-.i a g;n ' t" -.ill tin-
seane. Tliomuri'iil in snip-owner io , uoi,
J eiTer1 i i dnes-il tiiinn the nrnw br fliis
.in I -U..l.. !!..! - 1
e,.ue.i mu in auo .i. r '"i' i .,u,i,i,m c'.' -ectuisl to have ten
when i get clear oi cus one, win you. ff,M 7r, ilU.r innuence unon tho c.inlnln
IT -t.n ted back suddenly, nnd turned
n ' . il" as death ; then recovering him
oxelalnud Jael; Uill, energetic uiy, I V !
Ingn piece of tob.wo Iroui .l ie pKig
A Skccp Story.
A 1'kw week slnco a Htntrwrnli w
tho rounds of tho pres that the lm
seed which was Hcotteioil In the wod if
someshLop helongiiig to Hlcimrd llutehc
elder, of HnlWutry, X. II., whllo fW
ing them In the Winter, had proiir
on turning them out In th spring, and
the Bheep wore bearing about wltW
them a crop of griis two Inohen la
length. This story probably reached
tho poetical editor of tho STcy Torfc
Stall on one of our Into hot dny, unit
this is tho way hotells !j. This wmlorr
should bo aloud :
"Thls Is the most Intcrestlnc atory
that ever wo lmvosccn.conccrnlngeoniti
Now nnmpshlro hcep who aro wearing
of tho green. 'Twas related by jiertoti
on whoo honor wo rely, he imvmr
hacked cherry-trees', and-fihoiihln't
tell a He. Robert llntcheliler, this was
tho shepherd's tinmo, nml k pastaMl
twenty eight sheep on Salisbury Plain.
Hut when tho lonvei had fallen, imfl
November winds worn chill, why on
tho open world they coufcln't get
their llll. So Hobby kindly put theni
iu u well protected shed, with hay
enough to feed them In tho mow up ov
erhead. And tho seed it sifted down
and It lodged In their wool, nnd their It
did remain till the April moon was full,
And then out went tho mutton, ult In
tho rain, you know, and, in Jess thaa
twenty-ono days, tho seed began (it
grow ; and It grew, and it growed like
the bean In fairy song, nnd now the
grass upon their back Is moro'n two in
ches! lang. And, It is expuctcd, that la
ter In tho year, red fragrant clover blos
soms will appear. Tho niorl of thj
lalo is clear to every eye, that by thn
Judicious managomcnt.If nparcon cared
to might with very little trouUle,
and with aid of rainy weather, have UU
lamb and pens growing up together."
1 Nllltl;W MAMMON, dealer ill illy rfiavls, t!lo-
i cerii-s,
.laiihi, lumber etc., .lersoyluwu. 1-u Id
t r o Tin n ii k n.
jli.;,l,n , v, e i- u . .
llailllK rolloMCil tho nnifi-i-slon r l'llbho Vemtnt,
i rti r for mimy yi-ai, would Inform his friends
I hat ho I, Mill III th" Held, and willing to
i.tlemltoall Urn dlllle., of h's rnlllmi. I'lison,
.le.trlnirhlHHeixIi'e, slioul.t .'all Ol wrllo to him
at lllwiuisbiiri!, I'J. tmar .
rAClll. A
.1 ill
iVmlllat. ilisder lii Hid I'
in It etc. MadU-jn township l.'oUinibbti.innty
V l-ll 111
tAl'T. si. MlTKI, IIIMTIV, Madison Hotel, Iro.
j vein ai.u tiaiiirs tnU.rtalm.d. v--is I
' ri;
. 1.1 1. I
liar 'Aie,
jt 1 fry, kiuih, t .
Ji rln eiioicetliy koihN, JI'1'
hff-b urocer is, t'U, cf '
i - ind uunt nil mutch mi. .o
W.-l. VI-U41
,.h pood, uniceilt-, boots,
1Uiik-l hkecl:, Main kt., v-t ol
". i iiAiii;nsrrjpViirMin
conn ( i niiu-Vic-H ntiil ?(itlon,,
- Ult , .wo iloois nhoo JMobst'n
. in. v .nit.
t.i'til I hliin.Orininienlnl nnd leco
oh i Kr-c)itiivn(cov Ith IWihUVl V
1 i ' ritTinlnio rnf.niH, tlirt- ntor
tt, ftuliiKt.. TkcHof MArUetRt, vl-n
li VIMS: cn1l nnii'. u lilduW Hh'ldfS.
i Uuioii Mock, Main Hi, vt-nl
'.l' it It" iilmtnffmnhcr. l-'ichuilEti
iH',l,tltftComt houe, vl-nll
u .ipber, llaitmitn'K lailtd'
tin r Mnluui.d Mnr'-nnt. l-nl
. x v a... nt Mmiknn'ri ('nint-rTn
, i - iii.idh. tvinili iuhI luirnehP
., ' . low K'lltt, hOllaO, Yl-Utt1
t i. m ilu'Mind WhtUHnii inney
i. - -ui " vl-nl?
1 k"Oi
Av. II. HllOIIMAKnit, ilpuien In dry
itnoiU. i, n-i'i rk'H and ki neral increhandli.
'irt-tbtuit In fconili end of o n. v3-nH.
VM. IlAUltlH, ihulei'M In dry Rotxlx,
i Unumoruin
v LioooiU i. tint untt Jtltdlclne-.
noith end -if town.
nnd dealer lu
which ht feeU conrhlmit l:o u n lowm
mt th in :tn otlinr uertun In ih- timntr. Ex-
aniliio for yonilv'!.
Muip niKi uiinr UHjtw iito int i i ii u iiuu
stuvi, itKMim4-! uri. I'u.
ov. ia, imj;.
nuioMsmjna, coi.umiha co., pa.
The tniilei.lfrnal hvln? rjiircha.wl tht, well
Hotel, .Uo.l. on U i I II UTHUI.T, In llloumsblinl orpnili. tiiaColuinbUomiuly tViuu
Hon.. rk.rctfullv Inform frlctid, nud the
t-ublie In tnral tnit h.nsi t, now In order
Inr tbt r-'tptien snd tHitrtslninent of tmvetler.
woo & y I'Msj io i.ror 11.IW iiieir eus-
on.. IhiTln, sr.srs.1 no aru-uSAln lirenarluu
tli-Exehsrts for th utrtrtatnmenl of their uneals
neittiei-si sil h anythlnii sviuittiiff on their to rtlir.'.ltr to inelr I.ersoiMl coiuioll. lliey
noiissl .rselous, nnd enjoys an excellent busl
ness locauon.
iitenll.,,... run at all t,mM hittweeii thtl Kx
.I..M 1Totl ait.1 th. vaitotis rallros.1 itenots. hv
willed trsl tilers vrlll ho -.leassntly conveyed to
and firm ths re.pectlio station, in ,tn. tltnnti
lure i i ur i , ...ww... ... ,..
llluniniDtirx, vrlt3, 1.1
OfOIHtll I.t'MllKH 11).. Iiiaiiulailllleis
....... i- i i.iniu., ,.r iill kinds, ii antmr
...irti e i-1 -ro'ail. vl-uWU
1,'Oltlv'S TIOTKL,
flCOUat W. uuav;it, lVuprletor.
'i he above ir,ll-known hotel has recently Under-
iroiiMiad.eal rlisnoealii tw tiiteruul urrutiKemeiits,
ami IU or. iirtetoraiiuoiiucea tiilllstormercusUim
aiidthntntllla puhllo that Ills Hccimiislatjons
ror inei-oinrori or in, iruiwiaaross,uu
it... , llu IiiI.Ia ..IllalieavM ho found Mm-
piled, noi only with sutisiniitlal f.l, hut tth all
tin, ili. il, nelewof thn season. Ills wine and I-
ouors (enccpt that popular beera known us
s ilellennj purcuaseii iiirevv i in, iiuimi una
' '! I ' AN, ..addle and harness Inaki r,
ui'i" i i miner Miduiuid !Iiirket6t.(
I'lAV, nmiliie works, near aoulhwcsl I
ii. -r X'niit nnd Market rls. vl-nii
IIIM'1.1 U.ill'ider In tlnnos.r.lBllis nnd
. inm i ii-, in O, W.Corcll'Kturiilliuci'isinis
M it's, iment ror firmer linker's
mi ii ino, Main bt Ilarlmnu's build
i , vl-nll
.i ., -, Honor dialer second ilooriroiu
I'M. at .ni. v Maliuuid lion sis. vl-iill
l i . ( if . -.-oini v I'ublle, noitheast coiner
. i , . !. rlt.-t t, vl-llll
' l IN, iiilllnal and eahrs
iiit,Dy.ii.irttiwistroriier M
1IY MaiMa and lliuwn Moiv
.. nul.nrg.F-ciwIekloBd, l( '
, ,i I ". .Miuhllilsts.rsistlllisiiiis
11 ... ('iisltui-a mndoat sbot
liii piillid x-b'J-t
r ..l .
.e i. I
II. I'UltSKJy,
.ed . s notiiecen-.iry
hen I .iy that ho fits
-i an evo to tho com-
i,. mis, ns well as
dlly recognlz
. ilio cltloiisof
..en htocked by
upply of broad,
her wltll many
i'iI havo greatly
i .n t of tho crow.
i charged Ciiphdu
I'A Mil 10.VAIII. i:
A Nil
Over IVidniayer A -Tacoby'a Ice Cream H-iloon,
Hair liyelnir and Whlslrerj colored black or
brown, lluli 'I'utiliito destroy itaiidruil and i.."iu
tlfi inif lb" hair; will restore l.alr to Us oniiln il
color v. Ithoiilholllux therinesl lalirUv-onslHutly
on band. iiirlv.'tr7.
K N T I H T II Y .
ir, o, iiowiai, uiaiTisv,
Itespectfutly oUera tils prof.s,lou,U (rlr,uto
the ladles and uiutleiueii of Uli.oniHbnrtj jn.l vi
cinity Ho ts (.repaid to attend toalllfto varl
ou. imen.tlon., In the lluo ot la, lirori-e.ioii.alid
Is provided wlttl tho latest Improved IVuukmin
TkKrrlf which will Is, on iroid plalliitf,
. v..r ami runner us.o in usiic at wen as i no mi -
liral testll. 'J'l-oth esliai'te.l by nil tho new and
inost approved luetbiMl, i d all operations on
tho teeth CBIclllllyniid properly attended to.
Iteai.lencts mid otltM. a lew ihsjrs alsivo the
Court House, Minim side,
lllooinsburiiKJ un.ll.'et tf
houses, urn t-iithely pule. and freo rrom all iiol
tfoiiolisilrui. He Is IlianUrtll for illiberal lultroll'
Bs-o III 1110 past.unil will tuillliiui) iiiiieserve 11 ill
Ihefulur.., UIVIItllK W. MAUOl'It.
rwciiANtin SALOON,
'I UK PioiTletor of the nxctiuniteHaloonhas now
on luilul i liuvu stock of
MI.'l.Ml;lt Itl'.l'UIWIIMKNTH,
coiist-.tlnc of
Hlll'K'.' IONaUn.lHIII.Eli l'ns,SWillTSXI(CllK.8K,
ISil peril) tendellt.
niooiiisburg, Mays, 1NIT,
11V, COl.l'MllIA COUNTY, I'A,
tub subsci II er respectfully Informs tils friends
II,, , .,!, 1 that li.. lis., tsksil HlS ul'OVO W ell
UIIOWI1 HOW. ol sj.i' "...
i.leuse.l to .cslla th'. uistiiU f ttll who will
luvoi-i nix' u -'!.
H W-i I if.HI A 00l TAUl.B,
W. M , M OK UO K 4 CO.,
t. Iturelt, I'll.,
anddealeis In nil bin I, or
Etve not leu that they all) piepriI to .uvfUloilaU.
thulr custom Ivtth dispatch, nud on t!ie cheur,'
erms, (
K (I ll 11 SI 11 O II 11, I A.
TI... iindersiuiie.1 uould resl.eclfl III' Inform
III liavellllK .llblli".el hr llll, '.in ' mill
reflltl'd III the l.i si lue line r tie old st-v 1 1 rills I.
I.- .u: titil.-.) I.v XV. A. Kline. Hint II 11 O U r-OVV
Llilepilled toiiii'oinlno.liile tils frh lid Uinlltlai
A lino new liarn nils is-en I mil nn.l iniisuiroini
lllllBS placid II pel f.. t on'ir. 'the I r will 111.
i'u, .1,,, Ill, l.,liolse.l Hi. i .rmilid r
cals.lilui thu tiilln lurlilsbid Willi i IssllliH
iiiailie-lntrords. -J.xlllltS V.l.ll I.Ahl'll..
oitANoriViixn, cot.ujiui.1 couisTir, i-a.
i whom 1 Imv" i-1 - -to
mmitioii - .i i'
OUt Ills Ves- .s XI I
irt of tl -i i.
leolllceiv. ' ''
ed bj sailoi- err, .
Now 1 cd font,
Tito Tmnont iw
him with a plentift '
Hour and miail, t'
other articles wh'
contributed to tli
Tho good miak.-r t.n .
Cimi.nlnos not to nut hi) men on id
lowuuce, but to iiiako thelrconditioti as
cumfortablo n-J posdblo ; liy freely ills
Irihutin'g antotig them that which hu
put In theshlp for their benetlt. lliu
captain promised; but it was tho promise
of a u-lwler ciiptuin, ml tho reader has
already pivcelvct how ho opt It.
Captain Cuiuiuliigs was thirty years
of Han whon hu I'.niio iu command of
the VremniU. lie wished to ncipilro
tho reputation of it e.ueful and econo
mical (il)leer, and, like the. generality or
his Kind, thought the bast way to ae
ecmpllsh tills was i half starve ids
crew, which he iccordi.igly attempted.
Wo nay lit temp! d, bivattsu tho villain
did tnit succeed in nis design; ho w.H
ll.w.irted by his own steward a noblo-
hearted youth, w !io wont, hy thu ii.inio
ofCharle.t Winner. Tills young man
secretly conveyed provisions from the
cabin to thu fouv.isth) uvory night after retired, lly this, and
many other acts of kindness, ho won
thu lovo and esteem of tho men for
ward; notouuof them but who would
I llll"
lint llll bouse.
l'a Al'ili V., Ml.
n He' of, aui
. . in'il. intl..
, II.
WM, MAlt'DI.I.D ., rUOl'JU'.TOU.
IlmlH iit p n.i ui ' of Hit, XToll-kuimii
lioma, solui, itsplb. -uiUQl JUtmii. lu.ri
lirttur ssi'U' in- i.i,Ai rstwri plurals
eil A.r iSe i 41.. u.)f it i bibs sunn.
&uil .iwuki llll 4el 3 lssla'lU's .LXeull
lu lbs com.' 1 1 ."un, w ( tm sp ed o
noonniuiis'dlii i;urkls lapis
don'i Imlb'V.i tlo.t!ns hns
i'U.;'.'id ni.allly In ill, m.ttiiv,"
; ' o'.'" n i lie aleh.
d ii. ; ii,'U xu he,niiltli'V," nns
v : J.H'!:, "i'vo beufd tIOiXln''n itoiu'
t tn.'i i'icd when liog'Tstimtiotu'the
"How did you Uud that out V"
"Thu steward I M mo, lie wild that
i bo was 'on tinted with tho gill, and
that her nam1 xvas Literetln 51afu
villi'." "tf I whs Winter I'd tell her all
i about tlio v.tiy th'wtpt.'i i ins hi. nii'P,
when 1 goto Ni w 'dfof.l."
"So he will, t i,'Ues-," answered Jack;
"and I shou dn't be a bit surprised If
ho timrii' d lie i a! hltn-eif."
"I don't see iur.v i.lie couid help taklu1
iillkln' tohlin, it tiny late," niwwered
one of tit" men.
"Yes," iinsivri'd Juel. and"
"Look I thu booby's gulnt? to sleep
at last," iiiterruptul o-ic of the crew,
pointing aft, whore with UK ho id bow
ed upon his bri list, Hie 'ihli' l mato it
upon tbo . arpenter'n chest, nppiren'ly
litlt lliil 'bile tho tueu Wi ni IllN
taken; t!u ollbs'i' mid rero'vi'd blsir
ders' from th" caplalu and was o.ily
feigning hlcc;. IJobl!in no to thn
spoken of thu vli'-el with af hand, the
man at din helm lened towiads the
spot where hu, (the officer) sut, and
peered eauliouily Into !ila f.iee, ,i
though to satisfy himself Hint he slept.
Al'i'.iientlyn-iured by tbpe.vinilu.Uloii,
he then stooped down and tappi'd threi
times at the cabin window In front o1
luivo periled llfuaud limb in his oatue. j him. Tlu next otoin.'ut iho I'.irm of ;u
It wns owing maltify to, his liillueiuu
that they were restrained' from break
ing out Into open mutiny against the
Thu personal tippearanen ot young
Wrrner was tn prepos? (vising5 m tlio '
lUidltlcMOf hk iulud. With his slight,
gnu efiirflgtiro, nud dark ringlots curl
ing nbout it finely lornied betid, small
feet, and dollmito,.' whlto hntud, he
looked llkonnythliig.hut that which he
was the stewufil of a whalo ship,
Captain Cinnmliigs fri ipti'iitly won
lend that Ids tiio'i subuiltted so p.i-
tlently to thu treatment thoy received
at his haiids.aUhoiigh If ofcotirsi) plens
tdliHn that tho. did, and eausml him
in apply tho rod ".' tyruuii with still
eriiiler vigor, lliu ingginiliiiilly uottuil-
ed Id-efuw, in indi.roiico how far Ito
might vouturo, .iud pereolvlii'f tlnd
steward mlg1 t li'tvo heu wen emei
Ing from thu e.iblu .with a huj," b.t-l.ct
under Ills arin. Stealthily and swiftly
ho glided forivard aftl deposited his
burden aiuoiig'lhi' .iiiyit, wl" i'ii 'y
carried it down Into jftio forrvcaslle.
"Yon nro a truo frrond, warren,"
elnlnied Jack, trraspfng tho hand of the
young steward
w-'f a Mtlle, he ilxcd his eyes upon tho
t.i" of the stoward, as though he could
tn -re Iraco a slartlliig resemblance to
mm person whom ho had scon before.
'Pshaw! H's only my fancy," ho
muttered, at length. And then turning
to hi- ..lili-er , he exclaimed : "A
Tn h'm -lie li.'.i up in the rlggii
, i.e -pol..', t.. eapiii dr.wap, i
. .io i .e'un sluir fro. Ids oc . 1
'i s, let's pilch into 'i in; rtotiH
i -.:;.' d and see our bull Iriend llopgtv
said Jiiclt to the men. t
Tho officers had by this tluio advatic
oil to i xei'ti'e the order of their sttpcri
or; but drau tin; himself up to his full
luUht. the .s!iv.ird exi l.iinied :
"Hands oil!"
T!i voice was i. fa wo.nuil ThoofU
c i's stated back, .rid Mi.n.;t m iment
thn pretended stownrd ungotl licr hut,
and a shower o' raven cur:, des.-aml ,1
upon her sliouiileis,
''l.Kcrctiu M'luvll'a!" exclaimed
i.analn l.'timml.'i.r.s, sinking down up
o.i tiio stt'rav;e h iieh.
"You nro right." ild Liluoetia, ad
vancing toward hint. "I am sho sl;t
wh in x, mi -ujipo-id wa.squletly uwalt
itn jour ivtttrn in New Ilcdl'ord, ntul
who iv.uviiin'ii your d.stlneil brhlo bin
Hyiio, tiiauk Uod, is so no longer. Nev
er never iuu I g.'.' ) my hand to sucl.
a,vllliin! C.tptnin Cinnmliigs, I love
you i o Ions; .-, you haxo fnrreited my
t-'.vi) u f never. They ti.'d me In Nuw
ISi'dfoi I that ynuiil-'.re.i.ed your crew.
I A'l-' -.d tolmco.iviiuiii ol ,t; wild tie
c .;ly, dl il-i .: my voko mid ip
p. .imp I mcci'e 'ed in 'ite-!ng Ihi
nhlp ns ,t htewnrdiTvhora I havs become
conduced that tii repnrls I ho:ird were
(rue, i!y wa-hlr"?, oft' thotjitbstunce with
i which my skin was dyed, T have pro
j line d this changu lu toy npp(srnnco,
I -hall Sake pa age for homo When we
' , V.tip irni-o, imd hopo hero
1 .it., il at y.i'i will .i.-ver again trnuhlo
mil- i iihynui' pKsenro."
Wl lle Lu. 'relit .poke, thocsptalli iu.
' - iy( 1 nut to ut'er it word Im was per-
liuiiibri.ui'.ucd,. ho men gavo
i. .ree cheers for Ml!s' JIanvllle. And
( then went' forward, where thoy were
i soon after Joined hy Lucretln, to whom
i they now paid that deferential respect
which U characteristic of tho truo sailor
A kbw Maxims pob (linr.s
Never tmiko your appearance Int. in
nvii'tiltig vj-ithont having first arr.ingid
your hair, and dressod yourself neatly
and completely.
Keep your clothing in perfect order,
nover let pint do a duty as buttons, or
strings tnko tho placo of proper bands.
Kxnmine every garment when it
cornea from the wash, and, If necessary,
mend ft with neatness and precision.
Donot sow up tho holes in your stock
ings, ns wo havo scon careless untidy
girls do, but tnko in a broad margin
around Jhu hole, lio It small or large,
with' a darning ncedlo nnd darning cot
ton, nnd cover tho'fracturo wllh an in
terlaced stitch, so close as to be .strong
8 tho body of tho stocking, and fine
enough to bo ornamental.
Train yotuself to useful occupation.
Remember It Is wicked to wasto time,
and nothing gives such an Impression
of x-anity nnd absolulo silliness as a
habit of Idling and nover having any
thing to do.
If you are in your father's house, taku
some department of household labor
upon yourself,n part of tho sewing and,
tnako It your buslneas to.nttond to it.
Do not let n call from this Idle "Irl, or
. visit from that, or an invitation front
ie other interfere with tho perform
icu of your duty,
If yon can cultivate io perfection,
ome art by which you could gum an
independent livelihood, do it whether
thorn is a necessity for it or not. Do it
uuictly, if you will, Imt do it. There
is no telling; when or under what cir
cumstances yon may need il.
Tiik Nr.w Pnr.sinriMT Ui" Yinwa
or Tin: Pr.ATFor.M. Tho N. Y. !
nhl lias the following: A stat'in"rf
mado last ox'enlng hy man i
whom may bo placed Implicit rollitni,.
mid who enjoys excellent opportnl
ties Io enable him to speak intelligent
ly on the subject, may give some Indi
cation of ficneral Grant's positloin re
lation to to tho Republican party. '
He "tatcs that after the flcaeral wa
nominated he sot for n:!oiir;tIrnii ir"-
fully reading and pondering Uioti th
platform adopted by the Conx-cnlio
that ho Uuully expressed tv m entiR
(lcntial friends that ho did not like It
and was in great doubt, whether hu
would accept the nomination o tn
This coming to the enra of certain
loaders .of tho party, tfcnf hastenil fn
call upon tho General, who stated l
them his objections to the platform.
This Intelligence waa received with td
little consternation hy hi vlsltori, whf
feared that Grant cntcrtalaed the In
tention of declining tho nomination.
They nt once opened npon him with
every eoncolvablo argument thoy crmM
bring forwnrd to Indtico him to accept,
oneofxvhlch argument was th the
platform need not bo regarded hy IiIbI
In po berloiis a light U vANvVJly "
enunciation of tho general principles of
tho party, neeosssnry only to make up
tho Issues of the campaign. They argerl
him to accept nt all events unit t saj'
nothing mom about tho platform.
(Soon Sl'Ki.M.N'ts.- A pious but illlt
crate dc.iiwu, in iieertniu town In Mas,,
saohusutts, guvo n sit.igo-drh'or .i -trip
of paper, upon which hu said, wi-.e
written tint names of a coupiu of books
which hu wished hlni to call f ir nt a
book-store. Tho river called at the
store, and, handing the mcmiir.iudiim
to the clutk, suld, "There 1- u couple
of books which Deacon U. wished yiii
Tn it ex-Queen of Spain left beulsd:
her ono hundred and seventy iiirrlnges,
several splendid Arab and KnglUh hor
sts, us well as tho finest collectlou of
mul.'.sextaiit. In thu coach-houses and
stables of her royal plnco nt Madrid.
One vehicle, that which annually ro-
veyed Jler Most Catholic. Majesty to thn
opening; of the Cortes, w a luorvelom
specimen of gliding and carving, mitt
gorgeous are thu trappings belonglnc
thereto. Atcru curious ns a historic n"
lie Is the (uaiutly sculptured vehicle lu.
which June, Charles V's liwuco dauth
ter, traveled with tho body of her d'tl
husband, Philip the Iliindaome.
coa i. in' Russia. Tho forelsu sclen
tltle journals report that recently iarti
.ml most Important discoveries of coat
have been made in Russia, The valued
of one district sdone, according to tint
St. Peter .burg Journal, aro callable of
upply In" aunually -100,000 tons for otl )
I l.,,,,,li-.-l ,...,1 (ll'l,, In I..,,, 1. 1, .I s.e'.
o bcnd him." Thu clerk, after a &nMimUn,tish.n l 1,1
the valley of the Don forty-four bed,
"l navoomytioiiii inyV.i,.y, . . .,......., , Yirt,,0,w wo,nnn
od Warner;"thti men ahall not go
ry while Inm in thoHhlp,"; And talc
Ing tho now empty basket from, the
hand of ono of tlioi 8e.imon tho "wumg
man turuod bactn llyf'eiibln in sttvll
thlly aslmcatti''i, j. ?
"Klnu dDlns, tlitWjjslliio doinni! I
reckon thu t iptsiiu',ivlll Im tnutiiv
they otli'ivl no r
.Itii'c I to keep t'
jU if to"d,
t. of i
ty. 1
aud pi.
' ho htill cuji-
. a short, alUvv
, and lliras ,
.v i liupnel
i o 1 i l
.clual.iil, Ci
on.ilin next tiny tho ship arrived tit
'.t.'ii.irlo, nnd was anchmed off tho
lui'rW. Iiiicathi then badu adieu to
the .-row of tho Trcmunt, and took iiass
uae ... i hoard a stuaur r, which finally
ii-ai thu United Suites in Mfety
l i. ii Ctiiumiin,'s uliorlly afterwards
. .ii ,, I il ien f.i 1 n I h., luillvf nf n I, mm
..I 1 ...1 1 .... I..N '1 I .
y,mv v v.. ....... ... . ; s)J;,r,u wlmlo on Iho ofl-shoru Sround
leie.. v... u..m .iv, ., . a ...o-.y. tliuu, lot oml wllh Hire
own cunning. "1 itiupoctul ttin stow
ard all . ions; -Wll kve tuniittir lor
.ihat-li. 'it a i I'll bet."
At, I.e- It Ji.'t ' i ;'!(, i 'n, e'i I ii
. i cut -r; j J ,s V - iu. l
tP iVl' l U I r'" '
.i Jyl md'J in it a ,-,.ii)0' tsj us-
boitriy ubiHirs) for tho ytmiu steward of
d in liiiv
heed Wh'
eiu r. '
fill examination of tho paper, was una
hlu to unko "head or bill" of it, and
pis-ed It to the book-keeper, who .is
supposed to know wunethingof lutter-;
bnt to him It was nl .o "Greek," The
proprietor was called, and ho ul.o -.iyo
up In despair; and it r.s Anally cm-
ludetl best to send thn Bieiuorandtim
back to thu deacoti. It was nivpusol
lattst havoseut tho wroiii: paper. A.t
tho coach arrived t the tillage in.i, the
driver stf thedeacon Htandlni; ou the
"Well, driver," said ho, "did vih s
my books to-day?"
"Hooks I No I and cood reason why '.
for there couldn't a itiau in Wore.'ster
read your old hen-tjacks,"
"Couldn't read 'rltlnV Let me see
tho paper.'
Tho driver drew It from his pocket
nnd passed It to tho deacon, who, tak
ing out and carefully adjusting liii
glasses, held tho memorandum at arm's
length, and exclaiming ns, ho did no, Iu
a very satisfactory tone
"Why. It's plain ns tho noso on your
faco. "To B-ft-m U-u-x two psalm
books!" I guoss lila clorka hnd belter
go to school n nunrtor."
And hero tho deacon made nomo ro
flections upon thn'; "Jgnoraiic of tho
times," and the wMt of attention to
books hythe"rlsIncgenoratlon,"NThlch
would havo been all fi-ry well U said
hy sOHioono uteii,
tlu'iiggrci;ato quantity of -which Uiil
muted nt inoro than eighteen billion' of
tons. The Holes assert that the miner
al wealth of Russia far uxceed that t
Ihightml, and at tho same rato of pr
ductluii xvould Inst fur two ewntiriea'a '
tur thu Kuglish niltUHhid beva exfcaii'-ed.
Tun other day Mr. KftiggltM iuiUmf
herself unwell, sent for a doctor, ami to,
tiio presencoqf Muglnsaailthaaacdlut
man declared' her belief that ihe v
'," nnd that hn (Ugjls) hid'
done, 'I didn't do It," chanted Uag.
gins, "It's nil gammon, aa faa't puMs
oncd. Provo it, doctor 0s twr apnk
tho spot I'm willing."
"Mistbb, did you say or did run trt
cay what I said you taid, beraaaa Hi,
nam you newer iuu uy wnar i niiisj
now u yon say thai yon dl not bay
what I tAld you sald.thon what did jn
eay." fc
A Quakkr In Philadelphia, dlsllk
Ing tho "Esip" tohls uama, svivlsed a
correspondent to direct hla letter in
him without any tall, and jeeelved
reply superscribed," AhosBmit with
out any tall, PhlladclpliU.
"Pk'VsJH, what aru you doing to thai
boy?" wild a .choolaaastrr. "H want
ed to know If joa tnka twa J'ram sevea
teetl Uuw msby will iLa;;k.o I took
ten of his aaples to tar hlm,aad aow
ho wants 1 shotht elia thaia hack "
"Tv'ill, vhy don't yon o It o-cn"
I'm, air, ho vroaltl thin for
'imiuy Is left ?"
A iu'-(iuo,aftor ca.liiuat therChluetB,
vxcluliau i "If do white, folk U dark
us d it out dare, I wonder whalsi 4u Uxl-
A. CUAr froai tha ennatry, loplg
at onu of thu hotel, vat doti la illuuc
Vpou th hill of furu hclnj hunde4 to
lilm by tbo tv. Uer, h rowarked that
ei. ji w I ho didn't euro 'bout readln' nour ha'4
I wait till after dluuor.