The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 13, 1868, Image 1
lie BLOOMSBURG, PA., FllIDAY, NOV. 13, 1S68. PIUCE FITR cww. VOL. 2 NO. 40. STOVKH AND TIN WAR if. rTT ill .Y7.. dcalcrl-i klh".rR.t lluwale. Slain .1'!.. above court house. 1-nl I i M. Ill'I'KIlT, stoves nnil tlt.wnti, l!l.irt A. block. Stall. St., fl ufMillk-jl. M-nli CLOTHING, AC. J,llA'MK I THE COLUMBIAN, lU. O. A. Mi;(lAUUt;I., pliyMcmn and mii-ikum, 1J il Hi it niit iiexi noor mi uiti b iiomm. -AK itici; I-ill7 Itlirt-'f. urn! rtf rrMhiii( lit Million, hv l-.vereU, our. nf Mjklnmid l'ltieM.vlnt7 UWAN HOfKI. kj iter, Main At, th iinitor limine bvJohn Knv- u1kio 11 lie. Vl-lif7 I 1 .iM!wnr.iin mr-rehnnt tailor. Main ft.. 2d 1 1 .i'..r above Atncilenil limine. vl-lll.I I . .. ir liicloilihm,clc.; llurUiiaii'i Inilldlng, M.n IT 111 t (M lllfll M I t.'tru ln tmi.ta Inunn 11 tuiiMHorlontluT.on Multi ft., bolow Uim' V.-I1 1 id reel DUUOS, CHEMICALS, AC. 1AVm 1IKUUINU. Mill, nnd ) Ucnli r In Bruin, Mill street. vl-nl7 IjOWKK IIIIUHINO, dealer In dry Rn, Ii aroet rlc. IuuiIxt and kit-u era I Merchwidlse Mailt Hi, Vl'11.7 N., druKRHtand npotheeury, 1.x; cliaiiiso M Muln Mt. i Uuncrt l-ull ll:OHUI; IiAXAUuHtnaiiaiftnniliinriivMiiimwr U aMIUM HI.. RIK1VU tUO ft Willi ILIHL'l. 11. H.MTlll. manufacturer of Uti wnio ami ilciilcr In 1. 1 oven tie. Mill n ht.. uboVo ,lio Mum Hotel. Vl-lif7 W. 4 A 11. W, COI-HSIAN, .Merchant tailor and Ji. ui n l'. MIT., druggist and nithecnry, I'i. block, Mnin st., west of -Market. CLOCKS, WATCH KS, AC. , ut'M "'V,lN'lVV,V.V,Wvi.lnJ Cnmrt l HAYllllllHT. Clucks, Winches and (Inns I , near southeast comer Main and nn rc,,. nuns and Watches tin- huh', Main TkThaVAIII:, dealer It. clocks, watches wmw i Hie. I .. .1 lust belnW American I . i cATIIUAllT, watch and clock nmker, Slarkct I: ', uitiriw Mntii. inii BOOTS AND SIIOKS. , M. 1IIIOWN, limit nml,lInliilri'i't (j, iipinMlla 1,'iiurt llnuw. v ' i Koi.I.i'.llKH.mannmcti.roriinilileuli-rli.lKKitii A.n,l kl,H.l,.M.llllSt..ll,HIlt0KISCnl,.llcllUICll A Dumooi'rttie NoWHpwpor in I'L'iiMsiir.n EvrnY fhiiiay miih.v.i at iii.oo.iisiivitu, i'iijj'a, Till! prlni'lpU'H uf llil ,nrcr aronf ll.e JcftctMin. InuHcluiiiliirpiilltlcii. Tlioo principles III mm' bo comproinUfJ.yc't courtesy nml kltultUHd fclml not ha fnrgoltcnlnillicunliiK Ihctn.whctlnTWlth ltiiltvl.tuiiH or with contcmporarlc, of the Prem Uont'H rnrl.lshlui; uima.. Main M.. next Uiwir The imltv- hnmilticHM.HlKl tiroHperlty of the conn- tu tho brick hotel. vl-i.17 ... n,n ,,.,,. m, mo Hhall rnrt.iMly for iho hftnniny, hncci hhaiiJ frowlhof our nrunn- lzntlon. TnnMSoVhL'iwcmrTioM Two dollar a jenr if puia In mlvniiec. iri.otpjhl In u.Haiicu two itollars liml llfty cents will bulnvarlftbly charged. Tr.M4 op AnvriiTistMi ! One wUaro(tin line. or loss) nno or Ihrco tnaerllous flliut inchHUhsc- (juenl tiisi-itlon ii. centi, burtf Slain t. vl-nll i A MIX II. IIAI1MAN. t'nb net .Mn ker. and I'M' , deru.lier. .Muln HI., helow l'li.e. 1-ul" if IfllAlM.r. Ul!t.l.l!lt. ('itt.ric-tloiierv. (ns.elfi 1)1 ii'.. Ac.on I'lnurit., IkIwtou Main und Mill. II If. .1-1" UP.IJ' IINl'.ll. II U.'k.nii thu.on Mill 11. Htreet, near l'lne. vl-1.17 UTlf.I.IAM Dr-LONd-Hlioeliiukernnil manurac tt turer of llrlck, .miiim.,wcihi. r.nii HW1H II. f.UIIUYI.Kll, Iron founder, Macliln; 1' ..ii i ill ulaeturcrnof iiuthir. Mill Htnel. vl-1.17 i i-ii,, . rrrr. : . i.. ij st.a.ui Mniiuraciuieroi mow, .mil ni.i .-m ..,...r,,v i.-t.i'im itiniiiiriieiiiri'r mill m, - II boots and shoes, Rrocerli H etc., Hist I"'".'"" III.KH A. WI M.I AMU A Co., Tanners and Man- ixAVIIl 1IKTZ, hoot and rn'"',': lOII.V Ki:l.I.i:il, IUt and I ) below llartman's store, west of Jla. misireei. j Htri.,.tl 1,,ii't,o Academy, I'lne STACK. Oi.o Miti'.re.H.H... Two MiMrtres.... Thrt o bctuarc... Four bquaies.... Half coluint..... One lohltnt..... 1st. . $'ili . 3,l) ... (IO ... io,m .. IV1 I'M. S i.iio 5,U1 IIM. JI.W) (1,10 7,IH P,W ,00 l,).ll 12,11 IVW 18,ll "!,( fill, IV 0,1X1 5111,111) 0,M II, HI I'.V'I I.IH I t.Od -!l,ll ai,ii ioo.ijo l'HOFESSIONAL. A. M-nl7 I nxecutor'sand Ad.iilnWrator'sICollcofl.M! An- 1. Iir.ftUINtlA llKOTUKIl.farpenterBaiid dltor's Notlco V,rA Other nderlbitiiieiils lu-er- Ilulldois, Main Street, below I'lne QAMUr.ii HIIAHPLUSM, Maker of the Ilnyhurst i It. 11. F. KlniicyMirKeondoimsUIoeuiPxirut i. l(d without 1'iuu. l.pNropul Clmrcli. nearly oplle J uorthHldoMiila Bt below Mnrkcl. J' . , Market Ht.', liboVe Mnln, vl-uW S prnVrletorsouUi'i'ftHtwrnerMiu'unmlsecon.l ln the busliHHof houUHr t tn the niiicv ui juiiiiiiuiiun. mi iijut iii, "'iniin . to the oditnrlnl or builiH'.H roncprnt nt t hp puper, iind nil ptiymentH for Mibvcrlptlon-, H.lwrthlmc. or Jobbing, ute lubo madolinuhl ndditveil ItUOriCWAY A VMlM.ti. "Qttunt.t'tn iirr," Trlnlfd at TlohNon's llnllitliif:-, iieiir ('nml I loii.o, by TM. IIAHMAN, ndl nnd htunesa iimuer , OniiiKPvlUe, iippotltn Framo church, vlnll CATAWISSA lHltECTOUY. ted actordlt.!; to special contract. Huslncss notli en, without advcrtlM ment, twenty cents per line. advertisements pajahlo In aitvnnoe all otheis duo arter tho t'.rt,t Insertion. It Is, In nil catpj, inoro Ilia ty to be satisfac tory, tsith to subscribers and to toe I'nhllshers, that remittances and all coin mnnliv.tlons respect- ''I tr riiv I nv .Ipv irnni.u iroeerles. K 11 IIP. - I.I. er'al Merchandise. Main Htreet. viwili nil. H. C. HOWlUt.surseon dentist, Main St.. ) alsive court l.ouso. . KOUIHOSf.,omco llarl ,1, man's bullillim, MalnMriet, vJ-nJU MIIililNKHY A FANCY (JOODS. I). HINAUI), dealer In stoves and tin-ware. IIAUKI.KY, milliner, hiilMlng. Main st. ills' IAZTAV. .11 lla.nsev vl-nll w 3d. II. AlllilXI', attorney at law.Maln Hlreel. il s,H A. 1). WKiiii. lancy r;n.s i""". ", M ........ .. ul.luM n street helilW Ml.r- In- ,r,w,ls. LrriH'erles. and Koue'riil mercbandlie, .Mall, .street. v-lll2 III.lir.IlT & KI.INi:, 11 lMITl'.UMAN, mllllnerj'andfineyB'HHlsop '.. ,.siio Ihilscoral church. Main st. vl-nll ...i4 III 1,1 A A. A HAM! II.Mllvl.KY, ladl." 1 1 elotksatid dress pattern j, M.llll and west St. .,. lu'iintel.'snv ,,,) M..,Hi'.Maliist..omiosl'ti Court yl-l.ll Mll-i. M. II. ! UHMA., mnniier. jiiiiii i. ,. ..... llartman's store, west of Market st. ut 'Hill; MIUMIW 1IAUMAN millinery and fancy Ki.,kI,.1Iii mcetjnst below American house. 1IOTI01.S AN O HAl.OONrf. I Li VCOrK.iAslernnd eatl.m saloon, An.erl ,1 c :n. Ilou-e, lalu St., Haider Leaeoek sllpelln; Kllimi. billiard saloon, oysters, cream In season Main Htreet, and !, VMlK l.. nil lll.V Mnr.inllt Tullnr. Ht.. Untihlns' llulldltlll. VJ-..1S. 1. B DK.J. K. nOHIlINH, Hurgeon anu l nysiciii., Heeo nd St., below Muln. v-ni.s. II. IJIHTI.i:il,"CatU.wlsIIouso,"Nolth West .Corner Main and Bceond BtreeU. v-j-ius. c. si. VA.'iir.iisi,!ci:, MM, IIHOI1ST, dealer In Oeneral Merchandise, . DryOoods, OrocerlesAo, LIGHT STUEKT OIUECTOHY. BUSINESS CARDS. joit Pit INT I NO Neatly eject! d at this lltllee. Dirnilt UNI, dealer In dry fciiods, Krocerli s, 1 Hour, feed, salt, tlsh. Iron, nails, etc,, I.liiht lll..n I. II X .1ACOI1Y, II '- ,) iiifi'ftlonry. hnker. mm mucr Hiiiudii. wntiu'fiiiu juhi inuii.ii.- i Imiu'o blurk. Mnlll Ht. vMHi iKiX.t U'KllIl. conft'ctloiHTy. bakery. hihIa- V i.rLtil.uMi vkluJokiiliiiinil ri'lull. Mil 11 ht.. J tint I hi 'nw Iron. l-nK HviMt nm"i-'i. bv IviMins A L'laik. Muln I'j Vt.. nrtnohllo com I hou-. vl-uW THUWII.I.Ui Kit, una i huiimam r. Crtblnetiuukcr, UudertHker ! lu it) spiiulmiii vv t ii'i.'ii in unit h tn ii ii. tin ni .huh J otlbr. Vl-lllti. I T I. OMAN' 11 iitnAO Kcliotd house. U'lH-elwrlKhtu, tlrrn dciof M, M. C A T T O II N KV-AT-I, A W. Ashland, Hchuylklll d-iinly, reun'ji (CUoirc poetry. tub iiam.aii or tiii: iiuidkh tr IV II LIIAK1. At'llI'Mt Ofc TMi: ;ilL'li'Nt I'UIZB A STn.t.iRMirei t nbout lliebtiuf, At evenf.Ul, In nuDulidi ul ire; Upon IticfilU-nt lillli lo'ike 1 fmtli The nviny wtiutowni 'ftints of lmlr. Thf pcucoek oii'lho icrrn-'ahTfatned, Hrnwncd on tbeliTn the timid hare, The Kreiit t ri i s crew 1 t he n eime, t'nlni by the ulyllcred hjuv or tiiutr. 'flic pwil wan still; nround Its hrhu Thy uUKrnleketied ellthenlr; Therr c.unenn murmur ffum the stretn, Thoui iilyli flod r.plthiMi.Twpe I A (Jmlr The dayn hold ontlitlr wotiUd pac, And iiieu to court utul enmp ropntr, 'I heir part to Mil, of good or III, While womi-n Itrpp tho JIoitpof (uair. And ono It vi' In wldnw'i Wii iN, And one In nrildeifUUi- uud f.ilr. And dny by Any they sv li tliRp.Uln Abuutthp hmely lloWi vt iiiAir. Tfi tcc th"tnnt lc.ip In the dticaiu, 'I he niiutiirr eluudi reflected there, 'lliointldfii loves In hnppy drciun, To hntiK ocr MU cr Tu eed nnd (Ju-ilr. Ortttt In prill. bluck elvetelud, MiiUtiUely lu th oiiln-n chair, ,U:e iniiiiy uitatnu of her ancient n.itm, The Mother of tho ItiitiM of tinilr. II rr ilniichttr'broldpied by lirld, Willi li(ay driopIiiBKfdden milr, And llstrned toll r frequent plaint "111 firetlii brides tlmt eome to ti'mlr. "I'or mora than cno hath llfd tu phi", And moro than oueliatti died of rare, And moro ttmn ono hath sorely Plnm-d I.eftl'inely In theltouse of (lualr. Alatl and eio thy f it her dhvt 1 had not In his hi-tirl u sliuie, Ami nmv nmy (Jol forfen I lnr 111 Thy binlher brim; hU hi Ido to tltnUr 1" Sim pfime, they UUm-d her In the hnll, They Ulpdher on the win tins !ub, 'lhey led her tn her elntnbcr hl!i. Thofiltett In tho !itusool tl'iatf I hey bftile her fiom the window loulz. And ninrlc tht ctw Imw pailn f.ilr. Amom; wl.nso un j h I lie tilt ihiyn Would linyi r oVr the Wife of limilr, "'TN f tlr," he Willi, mi bifikhij forth. "Hut what itlthotiyli 'lwre Idwi't in 1 b iu" M'i- l.n.l.rd tin love t-he did not p.-itlr, And brui t 'it iimi'I, n' ciitn i ti 1. "V.'ni'i, 't-r u I'-, lu re'er h ' Is d III. i hi- 'i ''i I xliiu i ;" Whitl tiedii' tutdy hf was l.rl en Ol tlM'I'l-'ii'Pdbtldof t;i:ali ! Journal. ciaiisrrUsnfous. limi"i'lfi'iltiK It) piiy for It llirlco iivc-r. 1 Wore Wolves. There I l-n, this lovi'ly'.'" i Hu, n. IlAittxu OoUMi ban rivuntly Hl'llllTt llldllRllt It VNW 1111 tllU IWII pulilllifd curlolll VollllIlP Clllltlnl isftlicr In tho I'jmt'lom parlor. "Wcru WoIvm," In which IiokIvi a Tlio four I'tciii'li wlmlow-i Iftl upon pretty lull lilstoiy of thu itipurritltloti, tho Ii.-ili'ony. TIip ilcnlirti of thoclmntl"-1 which nt ono tlmo picvnlli'tl lurirely In Her wrts exiinlslto; the frislini-sH mid I (ho iiortliern purtsof llnrope, that eer- lvMUty of th" tl-'-'oralloiii eonhl not full tni,, imilvitltmlH wi n; entlinvnl with to plc:i n man of reiliinl tnsle. tho ilouhtCul f.u'iilty of clmiiulni; thoin. 5g"Ah 1 hut m ih'iir !" he cj vculiited, m nelve-!, orof bolnj rluitiKutl, Into wolvii. thoy entered room nfler ro ini, to llntl Tlih belief, which H hot yet extinct, In i'lieli toine new nnil convenient fon- wus xtnitiRUit In tho nihhllu iisrsi tho ture. "I suiiimsu I eouhl t.iku It," ho NorweL'lmis mnl Icelnmlers had ii sen- aid, "If 1 nw lit to help Iiwson." arnto naino for tho tr.ttisfonn.illon, und In what way ?" ealletl thmo whom they puppo4ed on- "I5y worhliiL' iiIkIiI". Ht when ho dowed with this L'ifl " not of onoskln." tnado mo the olVer, I couldn't think o f the .Se.liuMtmvlaiH helluvc.l that It, for r felt It would ho purgatory to , UIm nccafloin chnned I ito mil- Ppend my evenliiKi nnywliern hut In mal, nnd chowed nnlmal bloodtlilrntl t'otir ihnr company. 1 felt llttlo fear, nr. nut! power. Kven In sontliern Ku- he-ldcs m I'm not nverstrotii; tun rone, dnwn to tho end of the sixteenth summer, that It might pull mo down. Venttiry, tho Holy Ofllco mado cases of However, that tuny no purely hoiusii nipteniiwychosis or lycantliropy tho reasonltiK. If you think it would mid .subject of investigation nnd punish to your happiness, 1 will clo! in with , Tho victim often believed In his olVer at once. Hut-1 shall ncvor he tieir owI Kuxt resembll.iR In tills do nt home till nine, perhaps later. Knro- iU50 t10 victims of tho Salem witch- well oar tiny chats and plcaant read- mh, Ono of tho most curious cases In ins." fr. Murine's volume Is that of Jacques " Hut, Herbert, 1 havo I'ct, and nlno (.,,iol. ()f Aimers, from which wo ex- !ls not ho very lato: we might sit up a trn, t n i.assaL'O or two: little lon-er. lleslde.s, Icoul.l .pass tho ,n ms a I1K.,()rablr In tho time agreeably with books and music.'1 nf lv,,,nll,mnv. atrial took nlnco .She did not see the look of R.ulness that clouded Ids face as she paid thls (leepeiicil almost Into anguish be foie ?lic glanced towards him. It hurt him to tho heart to havo her acquiesce so readily. Could ha havo done sol No, not for all tho houses and land In the world. The plate win taken. It cost money to move, in o n o y for o a r p o t s, m o n o y fur d o m o extra furni ture; but Dotty's pluauro was eonta- Klou. Ilerbeit tiled to persuade him- In Augers, tho details of which are very terrible. In a wild anil unfroqtienUtl spot nearCaiulo Homo countrymen camo one day upon tho corpse of a hoy of flf tion, horribly mutilated and bespatter ed with blood. As tho men approached, two wolves, which had been rending the body, bounded away Into tho thick et. The men g.we clnso Immediately, following their bloody tracts till they lost them; when suddenly crouching nniong the Int.- Un, his teeth chattering with fear, they found tt man halfiinWed, s-uirthal lie done a good thing, alul witll Um, mlr Hllll ,t.,ml, and with his hands dyed in blood. His nails were long as claws, nnd wero clotted with fresh goronnd bhrcds of human flesh. This Is ono of the most puzzling and peculiar cases which como under our Mi.tlno. Tho wretched man, vIioh ii. nun lens Tlotilet.aif his own accord I. Is liu-ii.i Mini behindhand !,,. l.n hail fallen unou the lad HiN-eil Hie gi ntio Minimus fur a fo.v wteli.s they wero nappy. HM iybody aditilied their elmlco, eom liliiiieii'.ed their taste, eulogized tho gi'iiin.ds, uliich Herbert had put in line unltr. Hut the overwork .soon told on t In- strength uf the young mail. It was wo hi wi aiber; ii'ifmesi'i'ii i;h lilies no- . ii THE HAUNTED ROOM. M. TltAUtiH, ATTlllt.N BY r.erwh-lt. I W, .MI 1. 1. Kit, A TTO Ii' I! Y a r-1. lumhl.t County. ItH. i;. KUNI'i millinery and lancy koik.s. i vr.i A St., west of Iron st.ei-t, , by (i.W. MAL'UKI!, M rW. HANICHY tJ etc. flPleowlth 11. II. l.Iltli', In Inlek Inillilll.x a,l lolninK 1'ost Offli-i-. i-llounlli s. IU. U-.l'av and Vi'tisloris eolleeled. , .ep-it'C, i.ioitiCH iioti:i J' Muln si. east end of vl-nll u mlls.-r.IL ii riesli.iient salis... .Mall. St., lust li. abovo court house, vl-nl 1 rcfrcslmu-ut saloon, i:x- vl-nll iroONH & ('(.AUK !V i-I.hukii hotel. tf II, (HI.I.MOltn, refreshment saloon, Hhlo's II i.iock soi.iu sn.u .mini si, ..mi M I'Utci 1 A NTS A Nir 0 1 )cT:itH. groceries etc Slain vl-n 111 Ci II, MII.I.I'.K, dealer In dry goods, grm-eries, ,5 iiui-ensliare, liolir, sail, snoes, noiious, en-. Ixeliiingii oio .i....t..P i,, r.n.tthpr. Hides. Hark. Cash paid" for Hides. vl-nW Iir.M, SI. I.NT, dealer In stoves anu un o II all Its blanches. vl-nl'l TOHN A.OMAN, liianulaetunr anu iii-nii-r ni w boots ami snoes. - J. I.KIHllIt, SI. I). Surgeon and l'h slelnii. olIUu at Keller's lloti I. v'--li-i JOHN (i. FltKKZK, A TT O It N II Y-A T- 1. A W, O.luf in lii'Uliler and lleeoldel's oi!li-i-. In ti e b.1v, of tho Court House. Itll-.-t'lsl-IT.'. I'll. K E. OIJKUT I' CJiAKIC, A TTO UNH V A T I A W comer nf Main nnd MmUet kth'M liint NVtlouiit Unnk, UUttmr'iin;. V p JAOtlts, Confectionery, U at. .above Court HoiiM. , Main Htreet, A Co., , deithTH In ilry kooiN, etc.. imrllieaHt euiner Miilnund Market ht. vwiU liMv'Tr.VV ?c pa t. j nroeerle, flour, feed, hiilt. Il-li. KSl'Y DHtECTOKY. IJSl'Y hTKASI I- I.OlIUIMi Mlia.'S K. r. 1 "ivn r, 1'j l'roiuh lor. vl-nll ) l'. Ili:il!IIAIll),itllUO.,iIi'ale.sludrypiisls irioei-rles. and m-I.eral llleiclllllldtse. vl-llll T...r. .,-..,,..:,.,.s ,.,-,s-.r- n 11. UlttH'UUAV 1 'V.' . . " .Cl . .7 nail-. V7. . I llT, I , , . . TTO It .V K. Y-A T.I, A W. Olll.'oon St.lln sin it, 111 l.rlcii I'llHilll.s I" low 11 o Court llimse, lUonnishun:, I'.t. "Sua l.i, bert ? The iuetloii wa ItY AMCU I'.OIIIIIXH. '.i ii t .", h I of ,1-happy linnn'-t-vijiiiigs; bo grew ' (line ami niu worn in Ills ell'url to keep l straight with the world. Tin re ef un tt lime when lor wuks I his liml iirii r pri.-.-1'd Hie Um i-biild nf his iiiitiil.-niiie i.twhntlse; lit,n poor 1) ,:v, wlu'e nnd friglitt nitl, ml In tho il.,rki in d to, m and INttd to his Intolie and had killed him by Binotheriiighiiti a I that ho had been prevented from d vuuring tho body ctmiplctolj by the anlval of men on the tpot. Hotilel proved on Investigation to b i a beggar from litiuso to bouse, ill Hie tiei-d iibjeet Male of poverty. His companions in mendicity were his brother .Joiin nnil hiscoustu Julleti. Ho had been given take the hoti ivki d by i Her- rent VM,ri! - always toward and of her i hulking out of charity in a neighborln uords i f underlies and beauty. Thero i eiiini a' tlmeM Inn she wasborno shrlek t gentle, log fi-nni tin--till chamber, becausL- tho (lellcate-lnokliif; we mini, uho.'O anxious : gentle lips hud Mlllcued lo iho sent eyes were llxed mi the face of the man l,!ye of tuitrble, and the love anil light before . her with an asking, tarncM 1 lluwn out nf the still', glas-, eyis. gaze. village, but before his apprehension ho had been absent for eight days. Ik'fore tho Judges, Houlet acknowledged that ho was ablo to transform lilmself Into a wolf by means of a salvo which his parents had given mm. when ques There, In thai beautiful par.or all ,,,, ,,.. .uiimimhw which h.ul 'I don't think Uhall, Dotty," wp.s darkened now, the stitinge aroma of L n s(,pn hwlu thu wnti(.t l0 said his quick reply. "Too expensho, my failing I.Iik-iiuis lelllug of the tomb ; darling; a tlioiifai.d dollarKaycar. You I the "chilling silence and deathly pallor are diu.ippoliiteil," he added, as her . Unit ceineil tu change efiilho famil- white hand f( II from his arm. iar fi.i ni.uie sti iking upon I he senses of ' O, so much!" was the reply, in n the mi-t iiidilfi rent tlicie lay tho lovol low, iiln(d tone "I had 5et my heart of her yimili, tlie lui-bdiul of her ehnice upon It." j ncvfi lu -mile on her iigiln, never to "Now, I'm very sorry for that, Of kbi-in r the wnnU that hod inado her cour.'e it'sa beautiful hon.-e, and cheap I heait leaii wflhjny. How little she had HI, 111111 1.11, ilill 1111,1 t "l"-, nuun t,,(it n,.-. Slain st abiAo Court House, l-ui.t I t?. SIAIllt. drv uoods and notions, southwest I T I i'M t ie. W. KlHlAll.Mih'iuehuunii l'liiulnu Mill and !o Mnuuf.ietory. vlJull A i'i ullN li V T . W. UI,t)iM.JIHnm, I'A. A-r tf kh h - rourt Huut-o Alle, t w the rw- hiiAOum (Kile'. r.l.lUt'l.. . north- l-nll j, corner Main und Iron ntn, I J. UltUWKK. dry bkIs, jiriM-er rJ, weal eormr Main utul Iron Ms, OUV.A. IIAHTMAN.AKt'Ut,dry Bonits, iiotion, I v mnl orneiTlrn. Main f-t..(it)lioMtu CorusPH Ftir- niuuo I tin una, vl-nll i A. 11KCKLKY. Kevstonehhouhtore. IxxikM und ), Htntlonery, mmthwcHt corner Market and Muln ms, vl-nll vrrrlM.IAM KHAHMUH, conrw'tlonerles Main w m,, near tho rauiouu. 11 M C.N'llllNMI A f.l,.L'iiuTiil Kindt of lnei chilli I'i illfiiiul Iiiinlii-r. tnrnrr nf Mlilll htreet lllld littrwlck road, vl-nll I ,h:uskytoyn Dinr.cTiinY. i. wi:iiKiii:iHi:it. nnd , poslte slea.u Mill. Hoot and Hhoa Hlorn 1 . in.' A "I J. Itolllll.NH, dealer In dry Koislsgrcerles etc. f Sl.l.Vli S QUICK, JIIIIII SI., I'fiuw lltm t i;. mltTON". (Jrocerles ,t Provisions, soulll- .leiwt corner Slain and iron Htreels, vl-nll (I v, His l, iniiuware, cuimy, biiiis i--., J. Slab. St.. below Iron. I-.H1 , I S1I OA V ilnnlerlii rliolt t, drv iiooils. House. A. lietiiL'uo.iils. flesh eriK-erhs. etc.. etc. Mall. St., opposite court house. v-lnll 1 K, KYKH, eris-erles and general lueichaudlse ,. Main si. , above nest. 1 T. HHAlll'I.KHH, dry Bonds-, groeeriis, hoots. J shoes, ele., Jtu(rt bloeu, jla.n St. Market. west ol vl-nll CI CllASIDH A A. K. IIAYHUHHT,llealerslli N ri.i..,rlu Cotitt r tlo.o lies and Not ons. Heoltowli, south stile, lo tloora above Hiobsl'ii waEoumauershop, v-nls. JIlSCKUiANlCOUS. 10IIKSI (lUOKI., Hlgn, Ornamental and Peisi. " rBltvoriilnuj-,Hcottown,eor it, no. r( W. COIlin.l., furn.iuro lisuus i.ireu suirj r. brick on Slain st.. west of SlalUcl n, l-l.ll naoer. w lidon 'j, and fixtures, uuperi ntoeu, j.u.u si, J.TIIOltNTON, wall iiiiper, ivu, ,,,.,,-. 1 l-ni i it lMlMCNHTO('i;. iiliotoinaoht r. Hxchallge 11, block, Slatast,, opposite. uiiirl house, vl-nll .' iiniiAlir. nbotiie.HOlier. Ha.lman's build ,1 iiKiiiirlbeasliornirSlal....ndSl.nkeist, vl-nll n'.l, IIIIII.KMAK, Alt' nt Munson'B CopisrTu I'i. tiulsr l.lglilnlnKlIisl. vi-nlli I II. ri'UHl'I.I.. saddle, trunk and hi ,) mailer. Sllltll St.. below court, house. .1 and n.antactory. nl.op on Main sllei l. up; i Nllltl-.W SI aiiihon, dealer in iiry goons, ki A curies, grain, lumber etc., Je.seytowu, m-.iiii TACOII A., de iler lu Hides, U-alher .1 ii,,... M.nilvnn iiiivtisbln Columbia county si. Vl-niu CAlT.HASlOi:!. 1US1I1Y, Sladlson Hotel, Ilro vets and htraugcra tulertalned. ;-ul miCKHOUN DIUIXTOUY. .. . iu '....'i..a tm'rchimdi. i- irhi fciorn in wmiui vim ' i" " JACOIIA WM.nAUUIS.dealerpi in ury koih urDeerleH.drunKuud nu-dlclnen. 1 tiht Moreiu north end of tmvn, v--uin HOTELS AM) SALOONS. "JXCHANOE HOTKI,, JO.Ull.H..UIHI, I.Ul.Ul'llll.. ' -ri.rt ,,,,.irul,ip.l ttnvliiLr iioiehaRed IhlsMl-ll- known and cent rally-local ed, tho Uxeliiiugo Hotel, sltualu on .s.Al-s ni ui'.i.i, in iiiii,-,,,s l.uiiiedlalely nppnsltti t he Columbia county 1 unit House, respectiullv Inform their lllends and the iiuiiih' in general iiiai uu-ir ii,imm. n,. , ". r.,.. il.n , ,.il, , nod entertain ment of t.a ellers who roiiv bo dls.osed lo favor It llh Ihelr ens ton.. 'llieyhuNesparediiiiexpensulii pien.ilng the llxchaimti for Iheentertatumelltiitthelr guests ueltlii-r slmll mere lie liu) ling w inn nig "ii ','" " nart lo lo ine.r pi rsouai eoiiii.,n i. . ,'- Is spacious, and enjoj sail e.xielluil nusi- ni ss location. . . , . ., ... Omnibuses run at all times lietwi il. thnl.s change Hotel and thu various ruil.oad depots, by which tlllM tiers will u pitssani j .,....,... i.iul fn, i, i tlio respective, stations In due tliiii; to nieft ihi'i-ars, Kou.NHiLl.AUk, niooius.iur-;, April o, i---i. 'OKK'tj IIOTKli, ur-u.tuii ii, juuui-ii, iii,, '1 l,n ului.n unU.triuiWll hott 1 liaS I ft fill ll UUllel- goue rad"-al ehunges In lis lute, nal arrangeu.elils, and Its un prletor announces to his former custom and the travelling publlo his acconualalloiis forltuicomior. o. uis giiesi.wnisi-i- ''",'; IT C T 1 O N K K It . moi; COKKSIAS, llnvlng rollsned the pinli sslo.l of Public eudlio Crier l,r uiti.ii iars, would Inform l,N trhnils that lie Is still In tlie Held, ready and ullllmjlo iillenil to all the du'i'-s or his ralllna. IVrsnns ilcsirln;; his sei vli es s, ould call or wilte to him iitllloon.sbiiig, Tu, lioinsT jT)7iujitsKi,, HAItNIXS, JiAlll'l.l'. -iMl'tlll'SK SI AN lT FA i T I' 1 1 K It and dti.let In CAHI'l.T-ilAfiH, VAI.II. tl.Y-.NTIH, netKAi.o itoni.s, iioK-.r,..n.AMii-Ts .te,, which lu. teels conlldent h- can sell at limit late than any other person In ths ir,uutr. 1a amlno for -,oulselcs. simp ll.vt door hi-l.iw tlie I'n-l liMlie vtulu Htlee., r.liM.uisburg, I'll, Nov. n, is.;,. g C. COI.I.1NK, K AH II I O.N A 11 I. I' K 11 A V 1 NO, 11 A 1 H I VTT1NO AMI eilASirooiNo hai.ion, Oser WlUmnyer A Jaeoby's Ice crenn huloon, lil.oosi.siiunu, r.. ll.ilr Hvelng and Wl.lsliirs col I black or brow ii, liulr lonlcloileslioy daudrutt nud beau: tllylng the hair; will lestoro hair n color without soiling tho must fabrl, on hand. Us original c, instantly siirl-'tfT. D K N T I S T K Y . H. C. HOWKH, IIKN'Tis.1, n l-WI-U. Ohio Maker, ami White and fjinc-y w "', LTmuii.y. lH.louiul .ur l. TjniuHrumv, I ""..J, V" t ml- will. Hibstnlillai nasi, but will, ull tho delicacies or ll.e season, ins win'-" un" " ounrs (exispt that popular heM-iago known as a.lfi.i-y'l.nuichaseit direct fiom the linisiitliig , ...a a. ,r. mill fleH trillll all IS.I- sonous'dl lies, lie is thankful torn liberal patron- UI.OI.MHI1UHO I.lIMIlKlt CO., manufacturer. .i, lii Lumber, of all kinds. Ii ...ling mill near the rail-road. vl-n w J, llllll.KSIAN, saddhi and harness maker, ,n Ln.,i.,vba. enrner Mulll 11 ml Slarkl-l St. Vl-llll . WITMAN, innrble works, near kouthwist ( eoruer Slain and Slat ket sis. UH, HINOI.KIl.ilealer In pianos, organs and , lnelodini.s.iitl), W'.Corell' rooms tlio n.lnro, vl-mi TXCHANOK SALOON, .1.-1 HI II. StAHTI.UH, agent for (Iroverft liaker'H I ... I,.., ,.. .., I,,. iMslii s... Hurt. nun's bill , I- .in! un stairs. ' vl-nll W, IIOUUINH, llouor dealer second door froui 1). no'rthwest corner Slain and iron sts. vl-nll nr I i Mali, and Marki t .t. PHACOCK. Nntiny lulillo, northeast corner (f.ItN A.KIINHTON'.luHtnslandciM.rates are .1 i..u... ,...,.. Kortbeukt corner Sla Hand West st. , v'-"-' AMUKI. JAC011Y, MarWsi and llrown Htone Wnria, 1'ast lllooiusinirg, lleiwlck rami. vlu 17 i ilK l'roprlelor of IheUicliangaHaloonhasnow on hand a large klis.-k of HU51MKH lti:r-lll-Hli:.ii;isjB, couslsllng of SIMCCl. lU.ri.KS, HAU1.IMJ1, Tllll'i!, HaiOU. SlirKPTUMJl'K, llUH-Ell KUUS, bWlil I KU I IIKISK, IiAOKlt 11KRH, AlilJ, AO. COMIJ ONH, COMK AM. ANU HIX, I.AWHON C.M.MAN. Huperlnuudiut. lllooinkiiuig, Hoys, HOT, llespi ctlully Hirers his pi of,, lilies to the ladles and gstltleu.en of llloonisl'iliK and I-i-lully. lie is iiri-i'sied toattund toniubo M.rl nus operations lu the Hue of tils prou anil Is piotlded will, the latist Imnroveil I'mu .a.siN Tl Kill which will bo Inselted on gold , lining, -ii,pun.l r nt. her I, sse to look as well as I lie I. at- uialttfth. 'leelll extraclul by all t lie new and u.ost.i.ipioMil un thods.vaud all npiia.ious on llm teeth iuuli.ll) and p.opeily utlindedlo. Hestdenisi and oltlee a lew doors above thu Court House, same side, llloon.sbutg, Jau.SI.'Uitr pOWDKH KKCIS AND LUJ111KH. W, M, MOSIIOK Jt CO., It.nert, I'a., Manuf.murersor I'OWUl'.KKKUH. auddiviUis In all kluilsor . I.USIIIKK, gli. ootleii Unit they in e prepared to acroinoil.ile tlulr cnslom will, illspilch, and on ll.e cheapest onus, fur tho slzo ami stylo almost new too. Why, Dotty, you're not crying about it ?"' "O, it's no matter don't mind ine," she tnld, in the same low, qtilel tones. "I can't liolp being little foolish about It, 1 was willing to glvo up a great many things if wo could without new dresses ami ver you promised me. I so wanted that house," "Well, it Is pleasant, of cotir-eit Im perfect llttlo palace, Hut, then, rattier too line for u, Dotty. l!y-aml-by,wlieii I gnt a few thou-ands ahead, why, I shaut mind." "No. but we shall never to another hou-eso completely to my mind." Young .uthfo.-J throw back his head and laughed. "I coiild'nthelplt Ifyott could ee;,vour rueful face tin you said that !" "Of cmirso you laughed at me you always do," she retorted, u -l ark of mi ner in her suit blue eyi s, "You can til wayti do as you like; I must wal! your pleastiie," "Now, Dotty, thnCs not fair," hosalti, seriously. "You iiiut ttc that 1 study your comfort and happlntss much moro than 1 do my own. Whj , darling, you are the pride and glory of my life, and we have been very happy in this pleas ant housi; Wo never feel pinched and nii.lots here ; we have money enough to spend for pleasur, s, and tu gratify Dot-tho-less in her little fairy cradlo here, Why should we want to chsmgo mid mis? on carn.ind anxiety V , "1 don't see, Herbert, that a few hulidrtd dollars inon ought to signify," replied thellttle u man, toying with dreamed of this ! How all her r.-.sou-ing came echoing back cold, cruel, hearties-, It n-emcil. O, why did not that lie knowTporfectly well who they were, for they wero his companions, Jean and Jultcn. who possessed tho samo secret as lilmself. Ho was shown thoclotliej ho had worn on tho tiny of his seizure, anil ho recognized them bu meilialely ; ho described the boy Wiiom he hail murdurrd gave thotl.ito correct ly, indicated the precise spot whore tho deed had been done, and recognized tho father of tlie boy as tho man who had first run up when tho screams or tlie her heart break ami let her weary spirit ,aj ,uul beeu h inli Ul pru0 nulet lly to meet him, lo beg him to forgive ,)(,lmvjll Ilko m muU Wiiuti seized, her? over "Ui -"..,, holly vas disteiulod and hard; in to I;iep Die rienlli'illon of that .,. ,, ,,,,,. ,,,, ..v,.,,!,... ,, sebnlu l;eep the n eoili'illon oi luai i ,, ,,,,..,,,. vl.hi ild get it -go i ,11,,,, darkened parlor before In.r mental p!llrill of!r ,! from that moment the set of -II-j vl-ion -that haunted room. Never nf- r(.ru,t,(i to eat or drink. His paix'iit., on lie lillllK ill It Wlllll.ilt r. ,,,., r,.f.,l , .'t.l bin .till i r- terward could shudder; it was always .resent, nlwajs a warning to her against the pouip-iind vanities of the world. As lime went on the memory softened, Its harsh drujrl- ni.'s uielltd away, and nn angel .seemed to llll Its gloom with a softened light. Con-taut eoiuinuuiug with the dear one mi. had loat led her thoughts and nlli .'tinn up to Hie home he had enter td. ,-he livid fur j Kirs, trained theii child to blest womanhood, ami then gave her-clf up to deeds of merry. Her lit art was In heaven, and the haunted io iiii hud bic.mio to Iter like the recol lection uf a power of beauty. u NION HOTKU (J AMUKI i" T W.HASirl.Ili CO. Uchlnl.t,,rjitIIIontns r.t"iilifll" 11 lUS.'IIT iiiniiiifHClnrer and rel.lllr, I. ,.l i, I, ltd u MiuiihIm .t Cn's Ma., Kast llloouniburg, Villi) 1 H, KHUN, dealer In meat tallow, etc. I Is.rll.i's alley, back of Ainerlcun linuse Chem, Vl-lltl rpHK r.Sl'Y IlOTKl., lWI'V, COI.UMIHA COUNTY, PA. Tu k anhsct Iber rt spei t fully 111 (ol in. his friends a,;.llhPUl,IU that tie bio, akeu , heabme wei. gllOWll. IIOUM .. ..... ; , - . , - pleased lo imih vi"" - favor him with u call, ltv. WII.l, KKKI' A (10011 TA1II.U, a liar well slocked wllh the l est of l.lijnors, and, i a. i piu i, "i It o H II H II V It (I, f A. Tim uiuliirsl.ufd would rsspi.lfully Inlorin thst.avell.urubllolhalbil has PUli-l.iiied und renitsd la the nisnnf r lb. oldst.nd fornu-r- l.. W X K-lln snrl Ibnl l,H 1. 111'. pre. ored to .iiconiuiodst. hu friend, wllh all the !...'. i........i.Hfl..Ar. Mial.rts.khr.livp. llllllll'l H !. .",.".,,..-'' T'T - - - A nnontw i in. has irm,,, .,,...... ill.... plnied m pi order, Thy bur will a ..... i... .i.ui..i ,kiih in. .est I riiiors and .(. L.srs. nnillhol.hlefuinl.hnl wllh lis list the Ynarll.t Btr,ir uuca V. Wl.I.AHni-:. July " . pitlCK HOTKK, OltNlll;VII.I.i;, C0I.UMII1A I'OUN'IY, I'A, W.M., I'UOl'JilhTOII, I VlMK tUkll. pOSSISllU I't tl.tS Wlll'.hl.OWU e s ioiiu kepi by H.uit.el Kwn ll, ins np. til, ,r b'i in in it p.nii.unitrepali anilliiinisn i, , w ..Allll.'llulllilt,.. rholn st 1 olio. I and i.ewe.l dlliicle, Hit stable Is not cxc.lhsl ill tl t eouuw t td ho sIM be spiyed to au'r, cursr. ,.,..." pious poople, and they proved that his brother John and hlse'i-.islu Jullun h id been engaged at atllstjnce on tho day of It niU't's apprehoiislon. What is your mime, utul wliat yourestalo?' ask ed thu Judge, Pierre Ilerault. ' My name is Jacques ago thirty- live; l am poor and a mendicant,' ' What tiro you accusad of having done?' 'Ofbilng a thief; or having nlioniled Ood. My p.ircuts gavo mo an ointment; I do not know Its couip isltion,' 'When lTibbeil with this ointment do you be come a wolf?' ' No ; but for all that I killed and ato t U- child Cinder ; I was a wolf.' 'Were you l.-oivjlas a wolf?' 'I was ilre-ii'd as 1 '.tin now. I had my face iiiid my ban Is bloody btv.iuso I had been eating tho llesh of tho saltl child.' 'Do your hands and feet be come paws of a woir, 'ves, iney no. Source of tbo Xftle. All About Xissinr. At the lute meeting of tlio Hrltlsh A i.aiiV furnlsbenone of onr excbaiig- Association, Hlr H. llaker kavo most os a full history of kirslng "liow to do Interesting account of the Nile. He It and how not to do It;" which wo ie- thus explained tin. coursd of thu river, publish "for tlio benefit of nil concern- Thu Will to Nile Is the great stream oil." which nourishes Kgypt. Its sources "People will kiss, yet not ono inn lakes up hundred knows how to extract bll on the Kquator which recelvothedrnlit from lovely Hps no moro than they ago of lofty mountains in a region ot know how to mako diamonds out of great rainfall, extending over ten charcoal, nnd yet It Is etiny, nt least for months of the year. Commencing nt nt. these vast reservoirs, the river flown ''This littlo item Is not alono for through ten dcgreisofllat marshes, ami young beginners, but for tho many who arrives at Khifrtoum. In N. Int. ir,.!!0, go at It like hunting toons or shelling as a stream emanating from morasses, corn." tbo water impure, full of vegetable "1-irst know where you arc to kiss. matter, distasteful to tlio palatenndun Don't mako a mlstnke, although inis wliolesome. At that point tho Whito takes may bo good. Don't Jump up Nilu is Joined by tlie Illue Nllo from lUo a trout for u lly, und smack a wo Abyssinia, a river of mountain origin, man on tho neck, or on tho ear, or on and accordingly of sweet and whole tho corner of the forehead, on the end of some water. Tlio effect of the Junction tho nose, or slop over her waterfall, or of tho two streams is tho purification bonnet ribbon, in hasto to get through, of tho Whlto Nllo water. Tlio main Tlio gentleman should bo a llttlo tho stream commences its courso through tallest. Ho should havo a clean face, a sandy deserts, Ices Its vegetable matter kind eye, and mouth full of express brought down from tlio morasses, and ion Instead of tobacco. Don't kiss continues northwards until It reaches everything, Including misty llttlo male N. lat. 17.117, where it Is Joined by Its and female puppies, cats, pigs, etc., last tributary tho Atbara, a river slml Don't sit down to It, stand up. You lar In character to tho lllue Nile, hut need not bo anxious to get in i crowd, inferior In volume, being, however, the "Two persons are plenty to corner affluent which carries the entlro drain- and catch a kiss. Moro persons spoil age of EastornAbyssinla to tho Nile, tho sport. It won't hurt any after you From this latter point of Junction the nro used to It. Take tho left hand of Nile flows, unaided by other trlbuta- tho lady in your right hand. Lot your rles, through upwards of II degrees of hat go to any place out of tho wayl latitude, or, allowing for tliowlndlng of Throw the left hand gently over tho tho river, about 1,100 mites, through shoulder of tho lady, and let tho hand deserts or burnliigsand, until it meets fall down on tho right sldo toward tlio tho Mediterranean. When hu reached lelt. Don't bu In a hurry 1 Draw her tho Atbarn in June, It was no longer a gently to your loving heart I Her hand tributary, but a sheet of blaring sand ; will fall lightly ou your shoulder, and a along its bed, 500 yards In width", tho handaomo shoulder strap it makes I eye sought in vain for a drop of water. Don't bo in a hurry. Bend u llttlo lllo Tho banks of tho dry watercourse wero down your left arm and lot it know Its nbtiut 80 feet in depth ; and a thread of business. Her left hand is in your green follngo was all that marked the right, let thero bo no expression to tiiat river's course along tho yellow dreary not like tlio grip of a vice, but a gen desert. I'or 10S miles thero va no tlo clasp full of electricity, thought and chaugo In tho glaring lied of sand ; hero respect. Don't bo lu a hurry. Her nnd theroweresteep banks frlngod with head lies carelessly on your shoulder ; trie-vind at lutervalsa deep bend in tho you are nearly heart to heart! look river's course broke tho monotony by down Into her half clo-ed eyes 1 Gent fiiruiing pools froui a ipiarter of a mllo lyjet manfully pics.s her to your bo to a'mllu in length. Crowded In these sum! Sand l-'lllM, and Providence deei. but Inslgiilllc.iut spaces weio iin will givo you ttrength for iho ordeal I uieii-o crocodiles, turtle, tlsh or mou I lie brave, but don't bu in a hurry 1 Her ntroiis size, nnd some hippopotami I lips are almost open ! Lean lightly for- prisoners in Dry season, hut set free by ward with jour head, not tho body. the rains. Suddenly tho scene changed. Take good aim. Tlio lipi meet thu On the uightof the'-Md of Junoasound eyes close tho heart opens liio soul was heard liko distant thunder. Ihe rides the storms, troubles and sorrows Arab servants rushed ilown tho river to of life, (don't bo ilia hurry I) heaven sccuro some skulls tjf hippopotami, opons beforo you, the world shoots which, after shooting, had been left from under your feet as a meteor Hash there to bleach, and beforo tlioy had so cs across tho evening sky; (don't bo cured tho last thu water was up to their afraid!) tho nerves dance beforo tho waists. The following morning, at tho first created altar of lovo as a zephyr same place, a flood, 500 yards wldo ami dances with tho dowttrliumed dowers L'O deep was boiling onwards towards tlio heart forgets IU bittcrnefs tuitl tho Nile. In Abyssinia, whence these the art of kissing is learned 1 ! waters came, tho rain did not fall In "No noise, no fuss, no rllutteriiig ami particlesns with us.butln water-spouts squirming, liko a hook-Impaled worm, or perfect sheets. Tho rainy season Kissing don't hurt; and it don't re lasted tlireo months, corresponding ex- (U1rc H stamp to make it legal. Don't uctlyvith tho period or Inundation in jabdown on a beautiful mouth us if Kgjpt. 'l-'roni what he saw, therefore, spearing for frogs! Do not muss her o:i thu Albara, and from what ho after- hair scratch down her collar, bito bur warns nan mo opportunity oi witness t.jiccki ,,.uizzi0 lar Tluh ribbons and lug a year later at another was leave her mussed, rumpled and dum- satisfied that thu extraordinary rainfall mixi,,i j j)on.t grab and yank tlie lady In Abyssinia and the quantity of soft m If sho was a struggliug colt ! Do not mud carried down by tho waters, and flavor your .iS3ea wlti, oniolH tobacco, scooptd at onu point alone from a e COck tatls, lager beer, brandy, sour valley two miles wide, afforded tlio krout, etc., for a maudlin kiss is worso key to tho formation and annual Irriga- tilnl, t),u itc!l to delicate, sensible wo- tion of tlio Delta of tho Nile. Of ills mnlt subsequent expedition to the White "T,0 foregoing is an excellent receipt Nile, SirS. Haker declined to speak at f()r kissing, and, if followed according length, the account having been already to directions will never go amiss.1' publl shed, but described very graph , , ically his meetltig with Captain Speke A .,c,t Kditou. Somebody says nndOMiit, for whose approach thu im- pdltorsaro poor, wereupon an exchango A Im.sI'a cr tlKliATloN'. An liiclilenl occurred Minn-Hum ago ut Cincinnati, on bond of tho steamer Huckeye, just ns she was about to depart from New Orleans. A tall countryman, carrylugnpalrof Vour head becoiuo liko that of a saddlebag's on Ids aim, and covered wolrv(mr mmltl, become larg.-r?' 'I wllh perspiration, ami who iookch ,o not know how my head was at Hu. time ; I u-etl my teeth ; my head was as It is today. I hive wounded ami eaten many other llltlo children ; 1 havo also been to tho sabbath.' " though ho couldn't tell his head from a hunch of shingles, rii-hed Into the chin, calling at tbo top of Ills voice ; "Whar is Col. M'lulosh? Is Col. M' Intosh on tho boat ?" Nil ono answered, "Well; then, whar I- the cap'tiii? 1 iniisi sen i;oi, Ai'intom. CU).s C.u.cuiiATl.Ni.. "What do tou chargu for board," asked n tall green i ... i.Mt.... !.,'.,,., ..I tlist ,ln, fsiiil.ln I l,s,,ii ,,f u Wrli.nnt tll.V. IIS llO her uidch-i bale, ln-r tearful ryisifown- , was on Ihe liuriicsiio deck, our inqtilr I walked up to tho bar of a second ratu ast. " And you know I have been m , ing friend p.wd through the crowd lu hotel a short tlmo blnee, "w mil no you used tou handsome home," that direction. 1 u-k for board and lunging. I'iso Herbert winced. I "Uaull In the plank and shove lierolf!" fifty I" "I'ivo dollars and lirty cents, rounded In Ids ears Ju-t in ho reached I that's too much, but I siippo-o you at ihn deck. li.w for tbo times 1 am absent for dill ".Stop her cap'iin stop her I am not ner and supper." going to New Orleans." "Certainly, 10 cents each meal." "Hun out the plank! Ashore with i leru thu conversation ended and tho you, then, quick !" shouted Captain Vermonler took up Ills residence for Hartshorn. two weeks. During this time ho lodged "I say, Cap'iin, 1 want to see Col. and breakfasted at the hotel, but did M'ltltosh. 1 must ret) htm. not take elt bur dinner or nipper thero "I don't kuorv him, sir, quickly an- saving his business dotnineil nun imwn iwered tho old sea dog. Wo can't wait go ashore, Haul In tho planks,! tives had prepared him by descriptions remarks : of "two shlto men with some curious! lleru wo arc, edltur of u kind of fireworks." To those bravo country newspaper, fairly rolling In men tho highest honors were duo lor wealth. We have a good office, a pasto what they had achieved, and ho cheer p(.t u double barrelled gun, two suits fully and gratefully bore testimony to 0f clothes, three kittens, a Newfound the fact that It was owing In a great mi tvv K0a watches, thirteen measure to thu Infoiniatlon which tney day antl two night shirts, carpet on our placet! at his disposal, uud more espo (luor. ., ro.ty wir,, 0u corner int. daily lotuo map which tney prepareu nmvo inety cents in cash, nro out of utul gavo mm, inai no was aiierwarus debt, mid havo no rich relatives. If wo enai.led lo suecceiias nappny as no n.tit ru 11(lt wealthy, it is a pity. none, uwiugto too war which was ra ging at the time. Captain Speke wa. not ablo to pursuit the windings of the river in the unexpected direction which those suddenly took, but ho himself took great pains in following up and establishing tho perfect accuracy of tho conjectures made by Captain Speke.up on which, n-s hu said at tho tlmo, doubts would probably bo thrown on his return by snmeliody who know "llttlo of tho Thames ami still lens of the Trent." 8lri-. llaker admitted tlmt the lustru incuts used lu tho expeditions; of Cap tains Speko and Qrant wore not alto gether reliable, but eonteiiiltil for tho perfi'ct accuracy of those bo hlin-elf had carried, which were tented at Uuw, before Ids departure unci then again tl p on his return. The Vhurrhmtm. "Tho looms are very much larg r than these, Dntiy." " Ami we have a great deal toa much furniture for this hoii-e. 1 never go In to tlm parlor und sou that iKi.iiliful Steliiw.iy that tiuulo givo mo without fooling mortified, It is nbsoln'r-ly al most as largo as tho room," "New carpets, Dotty," " Only for tho parlor ; ami I do think , wu might havo ono handsomo carpet, You promised mo that you know." "Huvn you kept the key of the house ','" "Yes," Sho looked up quickly, her couiiteiuncu changed, tho sweet blue eyes all tho' brighter ror tho vanished shower. " Will yuu go and Jo.ik at It?" Thoro's no harm In that, I supposa,' he said with a Ions sigh, s hu lifted hlmuolf wearily lUo a 11 : t tl man. Dot ty hurried for her buiinot and shawl, j ret the good plain, little nur.u to watch thu baby, and tripped a square otT t the side of her husb.iiul, llxe one walk lug oil air. "Such u beautiful g.irduu ! " shu bald ilollgiiu'illy, us they gained thu place, "To ke ti in ord-r," he retponded. "O, Herbert, don't think so much of dollurs und cent". You will grow ml fcrly, 1 can t-nve t notigli out of the A countuysian's wagon, ei ntatiilng himself, his wife, a small boy and a pall of butter, drove into Hartford, on Tuts lay. Tho man dismounted anil wont into a store, tho boy started to get out. Unfortunately, however, he stepped in to tho pall of butter. Ills mothor, fru gal soul, pulled hiui back, scraped tho siipeitluous butter from his baro feet, lapped it back into the pail, patted It lown iuooth, und all was well aaln. town. At tho end of tho two weeks hu again stepped up to tho bar und said ; "sup pose wu settle that llttlo account now, 1 nm going In a few minutes." Whero- upon tho landlord hnmlod hlin hlsblll. Two weeks board at $1.!M), 11,00. "Here stranger, said tho guet, this ".". "0 Cap'uu, I must sen tho Kernel bo's a distant relation of mine, and I never saw him In my life. Now Captain II, is a warm hearted man, as every ono knows, Tho Inst ap peal touched his feelings uud ho kindly h. wrong ou'vo nuido a mistake, Inquired ; you've forgotten to deduct tho meals 1 "How near of kin are you to thu gep was absent, fourteen days, two meals tleuiau that you are seeking?" 0.tch day, tiS meals at 10 cents each, 511. "Why, Captain ho Is tho father of at. If you havo not got thu S eUs. duo mv first child." hue. 111 tako it drink und thu res'- lu "Cast olv that hawser nun let tier go," clgar," wcroMio last words heard, Am! tho boat'aud the mail that was In search of his relative wended their way to Now Orleans. l'UBTTY Shaui1 Hoy. One plea-ant dny last summer, I took seat in the stage coach bound from I'tdl Uiver to C. Among tlie passengers was a llttlo gentleman who had possibly seen llvo summers. The coach being quite full, ho sat In tho lap of another passenger While ou the way, something was s.tld about pick-pockets, and Fiioti tlio eon vcrsatlou became general on thnt Inter cstlng subject. Tho gentleman who was then holding our young friend remarked i "Myftuo fellow, how easy I couid pick your pocket." "No, you couldn't," replied he;"I'vo been looking nut for yon all tho tlmo Tin: Dowager Duchess of Sutherland Is dead, at tin ndvtineo 1 age. 1 nkvkk complained of my condlthm but oiioo, said un oil man, "when my fo"t were baro and 1 ha 1 ii i shoes ; but 1 met a man without feet, and 1 became contented." Shout Dukhsbs. Fashion sometimes takiw a senslblo freak, ami as suclt freaks uru few and far between, when thoy occur they should bo recorded. In tills category wo piaco tho present fash ion of wearing short What 1 inoro disgusting than to seu a lady with a hundred dollar dreaa sweeping up all tlio dirt, mud, and tobacco spit ou tho streets. This wrinkle Is a good thine for the bootmakers too, A shabby pair of gaiters or balmorals Is discarded at once. As wo often quoted, " It's an ill wind that doesn't blow good to souto-body." Litti.h Gkkat Mkn. Napoleon tho Great, wearing hlgh-heolrd boots stood besides tho picture of Alexander by thu painter David, and, taking out Ids snuff-box with apparent satisfaction, said, "Ah! Alexander was shorter than lam!" It Is curious how many men havo been short men; the reason probably Is, that where so llttlo matter is wasted ou tho legs, there Is more to put Into tlio bruin. A YiiUNtl siam, laboring over thu gradual KiiiToai'liments of woman-kind ou nia-cullim territory lu tho matter of dress, breaks into a rmg at follows; "ru.y luAutir euil-sil llrsl w. lurdly iul."4 '.iu ; At. I then they upedour dickey and rrav-itt limy .int. our .jogs-wit only luught-tl aud kiss '.ui; tkiubuldeu. 1 Iheuthoy .tot. our very but.. Until by .low and sure degtee., I he. ullchc, taken ull our, hut., boot, und bi- vch.s. A Mil. t.NlMKof sixty-eight married his fourth wife about a year ago, unit now presents his thlrty-tlrst child for tlliptblll. - Canada litis u young lady of 23, who is boveu feet seven inches tall, apd wel(hs t!70 pound. Kioim.KN Inches of snow now cov er tlio kiiuunlt of Mount Washington, N. It.