THE COLUMBIAN, ULOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. armtv' Jniuvtmtnt. Waoo.nm. Sdys rm u.x chnngui "Hut few icn(itc nro tuviiri! that tlicy ip.i jvnpom nmt catrlngoi inoru Injury bylgrcitilni; too liK-ntt fully thun In imy other way. A well nuulo wheel will endure eoiiiuion wear from ten to twenty-flvu yearn, If earo Ii Ink on to wo yie rlgltjj kind nud proper ntnount of frrtcso j Cut if thU matter la not nttended to, they will ho used up In flvo or six years, I.srit should nev er ho used on i wagon, for It will peno trnto tho ljuh utitl work Its wny out around tho tenons of tho spokes, ntid poll the wheel. Tallow Is tho hesl lubricator for wood axlo-treos, nhd cas tor oil for Iron. Just Kreno ciioiirIi should bo applied to tho splndlo of 11 wagon to glvolt a light coating this Is better than mort, for tho surplus put on will work out at Uio ends, and ho forC' ed ly tho shouldor-b.inds und nut wash era Into tho huh nround tho outside of tho bases. To oil an Iron nxle-trce first wftpo tho splndio clean with a cloth wet with spirits of turpentine, and then apply a fow drops of civtur oil neur tho shoulder and end. Ono tea spoonful Is sufficient for tho whole." Wo would add, that for Journals on which thero is a heavy pressure, It Is a good plan to mix with tho oil some lamp-black or common soot ; powdered plumbago or black lead Is also employ cd for tho samo purpose. Sprlglit Tree It Is a great mistake In orehardlsts and planters of shade trees to allow them to grow In n leaning attitude, And this comes generally from pure neglect. In all windy and exposed places, nowly set trees are quite Mire to get thrown over if not staked up! and In all places they aro apt to get out of tho perpendicular. It makes tho head of an upright, sys. tematlc man acho to tee such decs. And to obvlato this, every newly plant ed trco should bo staked and tied up Willi soft, lironil bands to prevent chaf ing, or they should be well ballasted over tho roots with heaps of stone. Tho first plan is tho best, If tho work Is care fully done. In caso a treo gets out of trim line, it can bo righted up by loosening the soli over tho roots, particularly on tho leaning shkv It may sometimes be necessary to cut olVan obstlnato root to geMho tree erect, when onco It is up again, fasten it thero by staking, as aliuvu, or by a ropo extending from ono of tho branches to a stout peg it tho ground ft few lli-t distant. Itural American. firap.a AbuHt Mock. Tin: past season was a very peculiar ons wet and cold, and tlio grapes in many localities Kast fulled to ripen. AVliIlo this was generally true, It was rather rofseshlng to observe at one of our horticultural exhibitions splcnded specimens of a well known variety, apparently full rlpo, which wo found on Inquiry had grown uearaledgo of rocks. Somo years ago wo visited a plaeo where wo observed similar results from a similar cause. Tho whole secret of the thing is, that tho rocks absorb tho heat of tho sun by day, and glvo It off at night, keeping lliu roots of tho vino warm, nnd tho temperature about It more fully equalized. Our attention was onco attracted to this same subject by observing that the mcllon vines in n It II 1 aiound which somo stones had boen placed wero much larger at tho end of a few weeks than those In tho hills that had not been so treated. Tho same princlplo Is observ ed in cities, where grapo vines are trained In front of brick walls, which absorb tho heat by day and rcilect It when most needed by tho vine. We propose, to test more fully the vnluo or such treatment for tho vino by placing vines, in different parts of tho vineyard wliero they failed this year to ripen a siuglo grapo. mrn'cn;i Journal of Horticultural. Walliluff Horsea. Tub best gait a horse over hud for every day uso Is a good walk, It is n gait that not ono in ten possos.-es. Colts nro not trained to walk in all the East ern States. Young America wants more speed. Kentucky has m ,ro good walking liorse3 than any other State, for there horse-back riding has long been In fashion for men and women, over n eonntry whero muddy roads at times rendered aDy other gait imposM ble, and so horses have been bred for tho saddle and trained to a walkinggalt. Tills Is also tho in all tho Western States, and perhaps might havo beenpo In Xew Ungland when our grandmoth ers rode to meeting on a pillion behind our grandfathers. Hut oue-horce wag ons havo put lior'so-back riding nut of fashion, and now n good walking horsu is more rnro than ono that can trot a mile In 1': 10. AtthoSprlligfleld (.Mass.) showof '(10 the writer was ono of n committee to nward prizes to tho two host walking hones, Out of soventcen entered, tliu committee found but ono which was considered a first rate walker. This was n Morrill mare, which walked flvo miles in an hour with case. Two oth ers wero fair walkers, nnd tho others knew no gait that would bo called walking. At tho New York State Fair the samo stuto of facts was again devel oped. A letter from AVisconsIn says: "I think horses trained to walk fast would bo a greater benefit to farmers in gene- ral than fast trotters, us almost all of their work has to bo done with a walk. I oneo know a man of Massachusetts who, before tho railroads weru built, kept from two to four teams at work on tho road, and no vef allowed tlium to trot at an, aim made tho distanco in quicker timo than his neighbors, who made their horses trot at ovory convo nlent place, lie n d that when a horse commenced 'to walk- nftcr a trot ho walked much slower than ids common gait If kept on a walk, und thereby lost moro than he gained. Will farmers think of tills, and pay moio attention to walking horses. Solon Jloblnson. A Valuahlb Hint. A correspon dent of the tsltrn Jiural says that when he porccives his hones Inclined to rub their manes und tails ho feeds them a llttlo oil men), say from ono to two quarts a day for a week or ten days und ut tho same tlmo makes n good brine, as warm as ho can hear his hand In It, and washed tlio scaly substances out of tholuiano and tull, and mixes about a tubluipoonfull of lard to a tu blespoonful of powdor und rubs It In well about tho roots of tuu mono and tail. Til Prllll-ras, Thkui: was oiu'i'ii l'rlncc'S who had a proud mid violent temper, nud who Hindu I'veryl.ody about her, in conse quence, very unhappy whenever sho failed lu utiy thing she undertook or met tlio least obstacle. Her fairy grandmoth or reproved her without success. At last, ono day, tho fairy said to her, In a lit of nugcr : "Very well Princess, sinco Instruc tion has no effect on you, I decieo that henceforward you shall succeed In what over you undertake." "I iitk nothing more," answered Iho l'rlncess, laughing loudly j "and to he. gin wlth,I mean now to open that my tcrhms black box, Into which mj father has nuvcr permitted me to look." So saying sho went to tho inmitltyiiiil was taking down her father's key when ho entered the room. "What aru you doing with my key?" ho asked angrily. "I am going to open your black bo::," answered tho l'rlncess, boldly. Tlio King, on hearing this, was very angry; hut when ho attempted to re prove tho l'rlncess, for somo mysteri ous reason ho could not say u wo.'il ; and tlio I'rincess, perceiving that tho fairy spell was worklng,openodtho box hoforo his eyes. Something sprang out mid gayo iier a furious box on tho ear. "Ah daughter, you havo ruined us all 1" sum t. to cither, ln a lamenta ble voice. This is ino hideous goblin whom 1 havo contilvedto shut up here, and whom you have now released." Tho rrlneess, for a moment, knew seen such t , - . . tie black cieatuio peiched on f Tic 1 but lecollccting the fairy's decree. "Iam tu havo success in wlmiuvcr, un dertake," said he; "so goblin got back into your box." 'With pleasure," unswcicd tho horri ble creature ; and Jumping into tho box tho lid snapped. Hut ho had taken something Wjil him; do you , k it wo-, r Why, tho King, tho i (. : mo i uuce, overytliln but the 1' i iJ 'v ho had done it tho 1. . '. ibif u j not tell; hut they wero ah iv, .in i she was alone. iv i..iowiiig what to do, sho began to wall; on, sho Iraully knew whe.'e,till It grew cold und ark, when sho ea mo to n liltlo i.ouso by Itself." "Let mo in said tho J'llncess, knock ing; but alio li r.l nothing. Then she knocked ugni i still there was no answer. '1 will our , aid tlio 1'niicess to hoioclf, an I said that the door flew open JJ ere was a tlio on iho hearth, and near It sat an old woman. "You aru welcome," .-aid tho old wo - man. "ou inust now biyko my tiiuitl and spi.i my ux or nie." So the l'riuce.-s lolled up her sleeve and began tu knead tho old woman's dough and In", or llax- Sho ruio ear ly in themorning, and went to bed late ut night, for there was so much bread to brtku und flux to bpin that ad no time to rest. A lust sho made up liur iniiid oriiu away, but sliu could find neither door nor window. Shown not discouraged how ever for she thought i am always to sill d" and by mid by who spied u little i ' i. "Wo will seo what . lead? "slio thought. So alio went up, an noro wa raoth- cr ; shu went up und i mil ano ! ti and another. In tills way she wall d for a whole week, till sho began to t- UK sho was going up a mountain. Finally sho came to u prodllous step. Sho tried to get up and then shu tiled again, and, as usual, "I will succeed!" sho said to herselt. At that samo moment sho stepped up, and found her-elf right on tho tip end of the new moon. Oil, then sho was frightened. "Fairy, fairy, save me!" sho cried, "Tho moro I succeed tho worso J am." "I am glad that you havo found that out!" answeicd tho fairy, picking het up and carrying her back to the King, her father, who was not in the goblin's box after all. And let us hope, after tills, that our I'rincess was not qulto so fond of her own way. e!tlit.llurilcl. A Yi:itv great desiro and anxiety exists among our young men, purlieu-, larly at tills season of tho year, to get married. They fancy that housekeep ing und tlio companionship of ono of Iho l'uir daughters of Kvo is the happiest of situations, nnd so It is, provided all other things nro equal. Hut getting married invulves many serious and weighty responsibilities. It means tho getting of n iiouso and Iho furnishing of it, keeping tho pot boiling, tho rent paid, the wurdrobu well filled, tho lard er never empty, thu pocket book so well replenished that it Is at all times ready to answer tlio dills that nro madu upon It. Tho jm bin must bo kept full, tho wood pile must never get low, thu chickens and tho pigs bo fed, and oven tlio eat must havo her milk regu larly, (letting married means, at tho present day, Jumping from an expense of flvo dollars u week to twen ty. Tlio comiort nnd happiness enmo with It, tint you havo to pay liberally for tlio accommodation. Persons who own houses and liuvi Urs incomes can get married with Impunlty.lmt young men who havo to depend entirely upon what they earn ami have nothing laid up for a rainy day, should bo cautious how they enter into Hint state. It may seem moro comfortable, moro moral, moro happy and oven moro christian, but at tlio same time thero is no dlsgulsln tlio fact that it Is moro responsible and ex pens! xu.Juchunye. The Cokk hwi. A gentleman in Charleston conceived a vory great lik ing to n young lady from Ireland, und wnson tlio evo of popping the question when ho wai told by u friend that his dulclne.i had n, cork leg. It Is dllllcult to imagine tho distress of thu young Carolinian. He went to her father's house, knocked Impatiently ut tho iloor, nud whin admltcd to Ids fair ouo's prisenoe, asked her If what ho heard respecting her was truo. "Yes Indeed my diar sir, it is truo enough but you havo heard only half of my misfortune. I havo got two cork legs, having tho ill luck to bo born in Cork." Albany gill, niter receiv ing thu attentions of a young man for several months, abruptly asked him when ho intended to mnry iier. Tho young mail said ho was not on tho mar ry. She then broke a tea-pot Illicit with boiling wat over his head, DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOF-LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. TililH. AND Hoofland's Carman Tonic. rrcrarctl lij Dr. ti. in, Jaekion, l'tlLlDILPlll, Vk. Tbt Great Remedies roii ill Dimiti or Til li vex:, STOMACH, or niGEVTIVC: ORGANS. Hoofland's German Bitters Ii componrrl.J of iho pnre JtiIcm, for m they tr nifiUctiiall term frTW- r ,s ej, EstracUt of Jioou, llerb tin mlliukt.mak Inii a rrcpriratlon, i Mchlj eonwn- trmr.1, An l MiUre tw&Ju bJZ-L) yfra front At- eMo.te a-imtztitrt ttf any AinJ. Hoofland's Gorman Tonic, T combination of all th Inrrtdltnta of ths Itir.rrt, with tht pore it n-aallty of Am-M Crui Hum, Qrantfp, etc. nuking mm of Iho mmt r!pBMM and asrcMtile remedln Ter oQ.tcJ to h rtitiie. TIiom p furring a UeJlcina frea from Alco holic ailtulilurc, will tiia Hoofland's Gorman Bitters. In m? of nrnona dppTtilon, whan aon alcolioilo Umnla la neceiaarj, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio li0lj tt 1111. Tha D'tltra or the Tonto ara both fnnally jewvj, unit contain tha innta mf dlclnat lrtuc . Tha itorcaeh, from a variety of rauiti, auch ai liability, tlo, la rrrj art to. Imvo IU functlona da i&a J&3 noeatl. Tha ra ult of which u, &mZr that tha patient untrs from icrtril or mora cf tha following dlacuea: Constipation. Flntnlenee, InwaM TUcb Fulness of Blood to tha Had, Aridity of tho fttomach, Nnutea, H"irtburn Si rust for Food, lulnota or WUht In th Utomftch, Sour firuc Utlona, Sinklns ot Tlut terlnr at tha Pit of tS Stomach, Owimrulns of tho Head, Hurried or Difficult BrM th in, Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or BulTocatin.- Senaatln when in a Ikying Posture, Olmaeno of Vision, Dots or Woba baforo tia Slffht, Dull i'ln In the Head, Deflofencr of Perspiration, Yollow neat of tha akin and Evas. Pain In tha- Hide, Back, dftuFlushmof It. h& Heat, Burn in in thfi StaaV FiBari, con. atant Imajrinluits of KtU, and Orcat DeprooBion of Spirits. ThMa rempdjM will aflWlnally cmra firar 0 tmplnlnt. Jaundice, Dipvpia, Ghronle er XervounIebllIty,(;hronle IHanhiaa, Dutaa of the Kldtiuya, and all Dlc-air arilnji from a DIcrdtroil Lirer, rjtomueb.or louatlma DEBILITY, UiartTiiro rin st Catib wniTttin; rilOST AT I OK OP THE SYSTEM. iaccciD si bavaaa Laaoa, Uaioiaira, Eirototi, FaTiBj, bto. Thora la ao ruMlrina ait ant rotal W then rvmeillM In aaeh cat A tona tuid vigor la Iro- Btrted to tht whola (Ijalam, tha Auutllu la trenftheiied, food h1 ta anjojfd, tha atomaeb d I g a t a S-"J prom plly, tha btood la purified, iltfsi iht eaapluion bMouifiiauiiilaDd Staitti healthy, ua ral low Unit la aradtcatttd from tha ayaa. a Doom la fU an to tha chrrkt, and the weak and oarrooa loaU Uoomeaa atrong and healthy bauif. Vermont Advanced in JAfa And lea inj the haiU of time wtrirriint nranr upon tlif.u, with (l It attrMinl Ilia, will find In tht aao ,f th'a lil n ana, or the TONIC, as elulrtlulwlll lnit.1 n-w lift into their Ttlna. r:ota In a mrajure tU anerjj an-1 ardor of mora )otiilifu' dTN Up ther ahrunken form, and k1u haa!th aad haiplnaaa to their rarnaiulfiK yiara nOTICB. It Ii a well twtabUahed fact that ftilly one half of U. fema'e por r---, Uon of our popu lation ara wlJuru in tht enjoyment of good Li-nUli, or, jfcj -i to uia theff own xpieMlr.n."rvfr mSJ fM welL" Thty amlansKtd.daiol.l of all oer;y, extremely ner tout, itd Ute no appetite, Tp tlt'afU'apf punona the BITTKRS, or tha 1UN1U, id erjicclioy recomuieiidod, WEAK AHD DELICATE CIIILDIHEN Ara made itrori ty tho oe of either of thene itAHMUH, without fill. Thiiunndanf eertifli'Mea haie aeenrnntated 'i thrf harnii of tha, tut apnea will allow pf th puWlcailon of but a few. Thoae, It will be orned.aie mn of nute and of auch UnJ Uijt that they mutt he beUcied. TESTIMONIAIiS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, CSt' Juifiei niAe Suprm Court (f ra , wrltea , rhtlaiMihta, March lfl, 1M7. "I fnd '(loof- JariTa German liltteroMiaeool yjrSi tonic, unful In diieairr.f thedl T AU&. K"tlve ortfana, aidof peM ten r.&t aWS cllt In eniei of de Lilitj, and want of rertoui action In the fjiteut, "loLri trufr, "UhU. W. WOODW'AKD." Hen, James Thompson, JuJgt a lAl Suprm Court Vtnntyhanta, rtla.M?hii, April si, m "1 fftailW 'Houtlau.ra 0riron lt,!tf' a MlutlU vwticint in e of altirk of Indltf Hoq vt I'jiiinla. I tan certify llil Irom tuy rerlrit''e -f tt ' Yuure, with rerpcet, "jAfdhd TIHM1S0NV Vrom Rc7, Josoph H. Kcr.nard, D.D, rastor ff Ui Ttn'Jt Uifiul ChurtS, pMlaMpMa. I. Jj'ft-nn-'Pear Sir I have fceeo ("eqii-nMy reqnftadto eonneel toy iiama with reouinmen daUont of dlCrroul Linda ot m.llrivt i ut r,. jardlni tht pia i., ci-i tl m out tf n appropriate SyV 3 (her. I hire irt all rati w. I led ; IS ?lfe3 tut wLh a e.ebr fToof In varlotii tutU ii?J li incei and pbr ku arty In my own famll), of thu udfti!rt of Ur. Ilirftfsnd'a Uernian ii,tter, 1 iiej art fc r unc e from my nul court e, Ut erpirna iry finl ronvlc ttoo lhal,tr a in t rat 4ttulj tt tht it',ami ujrtifiUy Jvr iii"r CaniphitH, if u , an,i 'MutlU prtp trillion In ym rar It 11. ty fait, biituria, I d.iuUnol, It will t eery tothoie nno t'lfltr frotn the above .a uxu Yoari, trv re'peelfmly, f. II KUNNAIM), UntitR, hclow Coaiei St Troa Ecv, IX D. Fcndall, Mmtant Wtfffr ChritHa tViffrmef, J'nlaiti- I atTt derlTtd derived tenRt from (he cit et nooCauil a (Itrman Ultteri, an ! ftwi it my pnrl. "m rf',,oin,0,l"i tha"i toon raluatla tcnle -vifiuiifnn irom r''lW fletjldly or from duaajia arlilnj from deransifueitl of the 0AXJTI0T7; Honfland'i Oerman r.tmedletart aonnlrWt l'rif rip.1 OSft na ilnulcUyt u,. Un c.u U.aitlm tilt , No. M A11C1I Utrwl, I'm. OHABLES M. EVANS, U.nn.B UrugzUl, l'rojnelor, Tot ill. tjr an lts(l.u io4 Uolcn In UU- llMtuil'i Gtra.o llltuti, fn botl!. . .. " " tftll dot. ...... KlJ" 0m"" Toole, put uy In qim IM lrbulllt.of 'l.iu'doi7iiftfr!!!!!I I Ao C3T Do nol forj.l to .i.toln. ,u tb, uUd tn tiux, la orJsr u kv u,. ,.du1di. HOOFLAND'S CEBMAN TONIC. JUluury tl, im, 'DRY GOODS. TyTIIiliKll'S BTOlti:. . PIlKHll AltHIVAL op . FALL AND WINTlilt U'OODS. Th subscriber bai Juil returned Irom Iho clllo Kith another Urge nud aetrct ninorlnient of 8PIUN0 AND HUMMMt OUOtJ, purrhntpd In New York nnd t'hllndrlphln nl Ihn lowest llRUre, uud wlileh hu I. ilctpnnltieil In rell on ai inmt(rHto terms as rim lid procured cist) uhcre In Itloomsbutg. 1 1 1m atock eoniiirlson , LADIIW DltlMa (IOODH of llioeliotecnlatylrnniul InteM innliluna,logtellicr with n mine nwortinent tf liry 'I.mmIs nnd Cln cerlrH, conslsllli of tlio following nrtletesl Cnrpetn, oil Cloths t'loihs Cnlmrre, Shawl., Kluiineto, HUM, Whllo flood 1, Linens, Hoop Skirts, MtiKlln., JInllou ware t Cedarwnre Queennvare, ' UnrdYinu noots and Rhees, Hats ami t'nis, iloop Nf Is, Umbrellas, l,odlcltwll:is3cs, Tolmceii, Co flee, Kug'irs, lvn Ulee, Allsplee, CllliEer, Cllinainon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS CIIIN ItALLY. lu nhorl, everyllillu usuahy kept lu country Ktorcs, to ivhleli no lnlte the attelillon of Iho public generally. The highest prlco Mill be paid Mr eountry piodure lu exchnnjro for goods, H. II. Ml LLKU A HON. Areaila Ilulldluss, lilooutsljuri, I'a. rillBAT JIKDUCTION IX PIMUKS AT PKTUK IlNT'fi STCH'.n, IN LH11IT PTISKCT, o r srrtixa and rummku aooiw. Tlin subscriber hnv Jusl reeelved and 1ms on hand at Ills old stand In I.ljlit Stlect, a large nnd elect ASSORTMENT OK JIKHCIIANDISK puichasednt tho lowest figure, and width ho determined to hell on ns modeiato telins cs bo procured elsewhere In Light Btrcct, uk a sir on cov.xtuv rnonucu Ills htoelc eouilsts of LADIES' DTI ESS GOODS,' choicest stylea and luteal foshlons, Calicoes, Muallus, OtuchaliiH, riuuuclj, Hosler , Carpets, Hilks, fjlrawlk, READY JIADE t'l.OTIIIXO, Sntlnelts, Cu.slnicrs, Coltonadeii, Kentucky Jeans. AC, ill AC GROCERIES, 31A0KEKI.L,, Queensware, IVdarware, llatdMure, Medicines Drugs, Oils, l'nlnts, Ac. HOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS. lu short everything mually kept lu u counlij stere. The patronage of his old friends and the publlo generally, Is resperlfully t-ollclled. The highest market prlco laid for country pro duce. PLTLll r.NT. Light Street, Nov. S 1SC7. J J. R Jl O V K R , In now oneriug lo mo puunc ins ntoc oi ,v J' n j A" (. a o o n ,v consisting In part of a full Hue of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAO c a n r i: t s, KUic cloths and easlniero for Lidies' eo-.u, irAND-O.Mi: lli:l'.b3 GOODS, of all patterns and iiualllle, InUKls nud I'rluls of various qualities and prlun, BLnACIIKD AND IlKUW'N ML'.-'LtN, LADIE'S ERENCIl CORSETS, A K II BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' & VlUI.DRVySOAlTKU!l& JIOuTI Fresh Oroceries and t pices. New asuortmeut OLAhS AND IIUKENS-WAKE, F X X O. I JIACKE R E L In one-half nud oue-lourth barrels. Now Is the time to make your aelecllous, as I am offering goods nt 'very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair dealing to nil, and not lo bo under sold by any. J. J. nilUWKK. Uloonisburg, April I-, wr,. H.A1UMAN. C. II. 1MI.I.I.NIJKK. i:. K. ItAl.MAN, RTMAX, DILLIXGER it CO., L ko. S9I nouth uiiuii nnir.r.T, (.Veoij vj'potlte Jumet, Kevt. Aniitee Oi.) Wliolesale Dealers 111 YAUNK, I1ATTIM1, WADDINO, CAtlI'r.l OIL CI.U111S, SHADKN, li.Y KE11I, CHAIN IIAOH, COIIDAIIK, AC. ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODKN WAKE, IIHCHHF.S, ir.UNKS, I.OOKINO Gl.ASiitJt, KTC. May 10, 1M7-1V. JO W i--"')N & CO., M . - J WlioU sale Dealers In corron tarnh. caiii'lt chains, 1IATTU, WICKB, TIK YAKXrl, COUIMOK, IlltOUVS T1I1D AND VILL0W W.U'.i:, LOOI'". "LOCKS, rANlTJIASKMU J', i It, AND CAP.r.IAOE OIL CLOTHS AC No. UU Mill kef Hlrrrl, bOUlll :je. l'hll.lVlphl. JOHN 0. YEAOEH & CO., Wboletsle Dealevs In HATH, CAIH. HTIiAW OOODB, AND iiADiiw rvita. No. J57 North Third litirtt, Philadelphia. "yy AllTMAN & ENCIKLMAN, TOliACCW, HflUKI' MANUPACTOUY, NO.S11 KOKTH TTllMnhllMM, eeoud Door brlww Wood, P II I 1. A I' U L r H I A. J. "W. M'AUTUAK P. nifORLHAV Q A Kilt AO E JI A N Ul'ACTORY, Illootnsblirs, I'.i. M. C. HLOAN & lIHOTIIHIt the auceebsorsnf WILLIAM HLOAN i- hON continue tbo buhlueks of inaliln,; CAiutiAow, nuoanw, and every ktyloor TANCY WAOONS, which tbey linNoeonMttntly on hand lo BUltcrut tomcra. Never using any lualerial but Iho let and cmploylns Iho most esptiujited worlimen lliey hopo toeontluuo as htlcloloin lo alve entire aatlstactlon to evuy ciitloiuir, All lukpccllouol their M oi k, uud of the reaaoiiahlu prlco uaLed for he mine, la aura to Intum a lalta. O It S A Ii E A largo nnd well aaaortcd lot of VIIOTCOItAI'IIIO AI'I-AUHATUS eonklst'ngln p. "I of I lie following nrtlilial one largo Instrument for Ink, i n lioioraiihs, ti.o head resla, uiie liuikmuiinil uno aide cloth, one pa r tmall aeulia, one li.Mimmi.i u welch II. qulila. oueanii.ll aland, one lame plice nil cloth, ono lot of Minnie illslu a,to lot llliciicks cii.ta uud lrauiia,lhii.ii ahow Inilufa Ms) card inouula.h prlulliiK l.oiud.,iilaHalun n Is lioltlea, Ae.,belnpu plelotlllul ull nillclia rcqulrtd loalait liualiuia, IVIeofl A Tor full iiirtleilUiaiiiplyat Joaeph II. hhuiiiau'a nutowr, t ehuj Iklll i n. I'a. Hepl.ll.'tls, JO.AH 1)1 l"J Ml, JVJOTI0E TO TKESSI'ASSEHS. 'Ihe jinderaltned would lirrcby warn apoin. men. Ilili vm uiidalloinui'iii'raouaoKiii.j.i iriia. puHainii.liuiiiliiu.urauui.ii.j iniioniiUnrouiida, lull extent of tho law, m'l'i. is loii. MallioTup. I'a. Q.ETTI1K UEST. Munaon'a Cooper Tubolar Llulilnlnir rto.1 U tl.a beat ptleclliiuaaalualdlauaVr by flBhtnlifi ev.r Inv.edo. 'lb. la aife! i lor llil o., KUd all i lileta I mill or lu tlliVil1 b Pi.nipUyutli.uded to. r RAIL ROADS. XTOUT1I KHN CKNTilA li 11 A 1 1-- 1 WAY. on a ml ftftor Mny MU WW, Twin Tt. Jit le0N0HTUt'MHEKLAiNll HI f(tloB 1 NOUTHWAltlJ. !2- A. M..laHy tu Wtlllfininjtort. (cxcoj.tKini(ti'v) fiirlJiylm, rnimiuluinii.i, llAt licMer; Uiifl.tlu, Hif-pitiMiyn Urldai, hikIN. Palls, CI) l. m., )ully.(ixi tt Hnii(lii)f.r i;imn.- tlxl Jluilnto i t Iaivi liiilhuiy irom j:ntlrn. CH v, ?!., r.iily, ie;afxiHbiiniljj ) lot WilMntns- I'ort, TI1AIN3 HUITT1IWAUI). P."j A. Mi Itiilly lexei'pt.Mo.iilny'hjfor lliililmore. U.M 1 Jt. lMlly(imitKtiinlayMjfur llaltlmuio, U imliltiatun urul lriiiluUL'lihlii. . , f;i. h, vouno, Ucncrnl I'acuuiT Acni, XJ llUIiU KAII,AUA1 On ii ud nih'.'Jtity J1.Ii,Im11. r.twi'ngcr 'iV.ilujnvl'l rutms foilowhi GolDgouth. Il'llVU I.CIIVU flo lis Noli. i. Arrivo Aii'iVo it. 111. 11.111 7.11 1 1. KV 7. Hi 7.:W V.t7 0.10 tui 7.31 n.m (.uU ltitvo 4.13 1'lltstoii .( ivitiKsiuii (..: l't lUDlllIl , MlilcKshiuio . lierwuk Itiitom I m pert iMuvillo .. it. u 7..Vi ( ... vW D..V) 8.1(1 7.0 1 1U 7.fJ Airno Auio i.utvo Noitlt'd H b.-i ( Tho 11,10 Tmtii ut MTiuilott miita-H coDkU'Ciidnt ivllh I.xiMCSM'liitln iiir Sew tnk ut 3 oclck lu,, tmiviug Itt 2ivv ork M p. in. II, A 1 nMiA, Htip'l. ivn KltlK nillliADKLtMriA AND JL UAIl.KUAll. HUMMUU TIM k taum:. TlIItnt'fiH AND llllthCT KOt'TR IthTWKRN MIU.V llFM'IltA, IlAt.rlMOKK, II AlMtlMUUKU, T1I. LI M-sroUr, AND TI1K uui;AToit mntioN of pjisnhvia'ania. I i:i.t.(ANT Ml.I.KI'ING 'Alt' I On all Night Trulin. On nn.l nacr Musimy, Pfnt.lllli ISW, (Im Tialrit un ihe l'li'.:aslc"pliin !. lii e Jt.til ltomt will mi:stwai:i. MA 1 1 TIIA IN )cnsv Vh'tmivoh'r .. .. 10.1(1 " " Noitini'iitJtumiHi.. .OJn. m " " lliu jjiiti; ja.M'Kin leaves r.ii'atu'ipu ; n..iu in, " iNuilcl " " IUT, RtlllK- KliMtUA MIL .inveirhlUUIpii i " ' " Nntllltl " " nrr. nt I-tirk 1Lumi... KASTWAttI). MAir.TIUIaV1rnti:ric " " Noi-IU'iI " " I'lnlaiU-lpli'u , r.itn: i:xPiiisii-:i(M :tni , l(.li) p.m. , lt..;t a.lil. N.(r IUII1. !.J ji.tll 7.4 i j.ll). ...10..V) a.m. ...II.Su p.m. m a.m. p.m " " iNorl'H li.Wii.mi " arr.ntriillntleli'h'a ..(( p.ui. AI.i.l mid llpn'Nx mil i ice tf mih Oil Tu c It nnd AllrtiliPiiy lllcr Hull Itoatl, Jln,u thrclud tlirouKh. A. I.. TVjj;nf (jpitcrnl atU'crimcndcnt, W'llltuinspott. JKAlTlNO flAlUlcTAI). btjMMi:UA.UUN(JUMr..NT, Stoy OJUi UlW. (!ir.t TiiMil; Mno fimn tho Nuttli ami .Vm Mi Wil rhlliuli'lpt.'",Ncv VutU, lU'iU'lii.J'oith villp, Tammiun. Asli'uinl, Lihatit'ii. Alli-iHiiwn, lMon. l.t'lii.un, L'tlr, liumIrr, (;'iihiij-n, Ac, 'J i.mts ItiiM II. M i.vhiirj un- NfW 1 ink, an itil Iowh! At "i-'iuik1 . .lun. in., j,lij noon iiiid ",uj lf,:Hjp.m.,iuiut ctlii't wuli Mtiil'ai'lrnhiKim thu l'n., and niiivlny rl Wrw Yoi it at ,tu Hi.irii ii. V) a. in., a. ",m a ii,:;i)p.iu. ll'P'lla iirs tui'iiiiipmivliiK tliu ,o0 autl Vfi i p.m. halm 'ilmnt cimti-p, Muu lLuiiSlnu's lor tlradiii', l,ol(svllle, Tn nia'iiia, Sljucisvilk'.Aslil.ind, IV oo ti'0t-, AlJen loun aiiii riii'iu'f'iiliiH : . ;,IU i'.i.i., ntd'.,,(i.) nnd 4,1U p.m., bicipi-iiii nt I.i)juion add p.iiifiiial way Matiiiiis; lw 4,tu y.hi. in.tlilu cnmitt'l'ims lu. I'lld.ult'.pllln and l.()liiilli.;(Miiy. r J'ontVil'y iM-Jlll ll.ill I In I li Itild AllhVHI), '.v hi'lun II.' 11 nnd Miquehiinnu Unllxtiid, It :nii ll:i isljnr :t ::,Vi p.m. Kotuuilii; I.c.ic Now Voile at :,i) a.iu. and I-VHin., ami .i.tiaaiid h,m p.tii, s'ri puirjc ('amu'('iitp.tu.hi Hm i nd.Von and H,u.t p. id., Li-uuih wlihuui ili;Mn:c. a rasM'n'i'V Tiani Ickvi-h rnlliulvlptititHi 7,'iiiimii., ifiiirmu ii'uiii UMdU'iH iil1) p. in iiiiifiti' i' i all Minion! l'oiiiv jUu alN'-lt a. in., und -,1-jp.iu., Asliland i,)") luinund l.'.l'' iniii,i'ud 2,'M)p. m., 'iam.Mjita at r.;in a. m. and l.ivij'.ud Kit , m. 1a':ic 1' il'c im-llii' iihui vlai-Vlm Ikill and snsqtu'iuuHiii llad.i.m at ami l,ttii noun. KcnmiiT Accoimnc.imiMm i iiun nnvr- itrmnnK nt7,:iDa.m.,utuvning fuim I'hhaiU 'plila nt o, l.l p.m. IVHUImvn AcrominodHlIon TialnjNavcHpotts. town at ti.lin.m. , ret uninjr, leave' I'lilt.uloliihU t OJII iiiui.i i.;iiitiiiin j i.iiu; icjiu- i.t'iKiiii hi 7.WJ a.m., and (.-15 p.m. lor ilpliivhi, 1.1 1 Ijinrtu n'i,(oltU"1,a.i'c., IVi klutmn linil IloadTr:i'nHlcp IVikioinen .Imu'i ion at it.ini, nnd .'ilL,5 p. m Komrulns : 1.1-iivn s k inii.u'1: ti I,, lii.m.. ami 1 '3 n.m.. cno licet ln w jtn h in 'in I a tis on Ilt-Ml uj il-i.luutI on smu'.ivh. 1 . c New Yo.k m s.ihi p.m.. Phil. Aili'lphin t.uu a.m. I'l', iitcs.iH) a.m. 1 ruin tiinniir un;y in uf.uni'.z: ri.ns'iic n,im a.m.; iiiuriMtui ; . i r.iM.rtiii h,i" iuhi J p.m., mm Ucailni'i ai l.'O a ul -,'u 'iin 7.1 j a.m. lui Miinis- liinu. iiml 7.'ii i hi.. i''itt I ', 'ii Kin. im Xt w i in U, and .in. in. l'.i t uni i I'olllliHlt.'. mi M l" i'. ."I iisoil, rcliuol II Ud Ut- euiston ti( Lois n aiitt i .uiiti) fiolnlh, nt learn cd I IMP. luuLiiLt'cniTiipii iiirouuut iivnumiHi-siuiowpii tu fiii'li pab;on&i. (.cnetnl hupot miPiidrnt. Iteinllns, I'a., .May HM. rjMIE 1JEST IS TIIK C'il ICATK-ST! X THE SINC1LT. riUWlXO MAC1UNK HEADS TIIK LIST, And lads lliecolumn t,VJS nl.inil of all other.. 'J Ills Mailitue Is tlio MOST rOl'l'LAlt IN IIHK. It ui-estliolluehtnredloofanyMachlna tnex lf,lenee, Anj lady wanting a yood S E W 1 N G 31 A 0 II I X E, Will eonsult Iier oui InleieMs by l.nylnt! a hIN01.11. II Isinslerlo run. haul hihI Kiep In ouier iiian tiny jihi iihio iniiiewouo. ovr.u sxtfa or tiilm in usk. 11.ifi,li..l liwti i-Hmi tltn.A who our. ebase.iuiil Hie Muelline Wll.l. nr. wXlt'lAMUH U iiui lor tiue(ur. 1'U in.e ttiU 111 lliv Kloro anct hulUty ,volilveH es, llil ii Jim .'ill r I n.l Niidlim, 'I hli'iid mid rlllit. DAVID LOWI.Nlll.lill, Auenl April 3,'US-tf. lilnoinhliuri;, I'a. c lOIiU il I! 1 A II O U ti E, BKItNARD HTOIlNTin. IIWINfi lately puieliaaed and IHIed up Iho weiwtnown lioiuson uoiei i-ioperiy,nii'nn-u a Kl.W IMKilW AIIOVK TIIK lOl'KT llol'SK, onllieaamo aide or the hlieet, lu tho town of llloouisliuiRt and liaNlng obtained a llccuse for tuu aame as a It E ii T A U U A N T , tho I'ronrletor has delellulueil toiiive lo tbe peo ple lalilui; tho I own on business ov pleaauie, A LITTLH M011K. I'.OO.M. Ills Muliilli'j also Is oxleiile. and Is lined III to put IntiiiilcsliliilcultliikeHlli it,,. ,n y, lie pioni. Ue.lliat evi'O llilna nboul hlseslalillaliiiieiil ahull beeiiudueled iuiiii ouleily iiml lawful Manner; and he u apeellullv nitidis u al. mo of the publlo 1 Miotiuye, Inivl'07-Uill. Tisiu'rAur), " with niTiNcorr, noND co., Manufar Hirer ami Wholesale Dealera In HATH, CAIH, F1MIS. AND HTKAW UOOI, No. in MarliUHtreot, riillHdelphln. gNYDEIl, HAHIUS A BASSET!', Manufacturcra and Jobberu of JILN'fi AND IIOV'S C'OTHIN", No. CM Market, and 112 Commerce Btieet, rhlladelphla, . G, W. 11LA1HJN & CO., v Manufacturer ot OIL CLOTIIH AND WINDOW 1 IIADC1, Warehouse, No. IM Norlh Thlid Klre.t riilladelphla. J- II. WALT Kit, Jjitr Waller Kaub, Importer uud Dealer 1 kf CJIIA, aLARH, AND UnfENUWAIlR, No. i:i Mn l li.d Hired. I'lllladelphla. T, R. IIORNK. W, H, CINQ, , J, U, SEYBKIIT JOHN fiTUOUI' & CO,, Hm.mori I. atroop Kr.lker, WIIOLMAU: DKALUKH IN riMII, No. i NorUi Wbaf..a, and M Nortk Water Ht., PhHad.lpliln, A n oxtenslvn Apeorliiiciit of ihi'Ii'h and hoy'a LINI'N HI1HT I IIONTH, I'aier Lollarsand (una, and I A mica l.l nun i' and i rn ailliiiu dnii. . Mar.lVU-tf I,.T.IIAItM.le GROCERIES, &o., C 1 O N E KOTION 10 11 Y The nnderslaned would resnectfully anoouace to Hie puhlle Uiat he has opened a KI1WT-CI.AH.H coNrixmoNLiir HTonn, lu (hebiiltdmu lately oeeupled hy llernard Htoh her, whem he Is piepnredtn tuiulih all kinds or PLAIN ATANCY CANDIt. FItKNCIl CANDIl;, KOllLKIN A DO.MIWTICIi'HUITS, NUTM, ItAIHINH, AC, C AC. nr wnnl.r.sA t. n nit hbtaii. In abort, a roll assortment of all Roods lu Ids lino of liusliicHs, Aiiiial ailelyoi DO L L H, TO Y H, ,tc., unliable for the Holid.iya. Particular attention uli en to II It I! A D AND C A K ES, of all kinds, fresh every day. Oil ItlHT! AH HA N 111 HK, O II IHT M AH TI) YH. A call Is solicited, aud satisfaction will ho Kuarauleed. Nov. a, sB. KCK11 AftT JACOI1H. K M O V A L O V V. 0, MA tut1 a N E V 8TOR E ro n jp-i v n'n ji i. o c ic, OSTimrnuNrn iir siahket ash ikon btriets. The undersigned having received from tbo city a full and eomplelo supnly of HPUtNIJ AND HUMMKIt UIIY OOODS AND (UtOCEIUICS, SOU O N H, TIX-WAltK AND IIAUD-WAKE, ciwAn a, xi ii-jUMir-WAJiK, co n v ixt I on r. 1 1 v, a l a sw- w a i t u, T O 1! A CCO, a r ,s A' i) s ji o j: s, PLOUn, HALT, 1'1-lr. AND .MU.VT, nil of which I pimios.i selllluut veiy low tli;ultf for cash or produre. J- Ca't end ate. A pi II 12, Jsi.T, C. C. .MAHK. G HAND Ol'UN'NO (IliAS'D OI'IIVIXII OIl.WII IH'IININO (lltWD (ll'KN'IN'll IIIIAMI OPKNINll or PALL AND WlffTRII flnnlw. I'ALL AND WINTKIl llfllllw. PALI. AND WIMIF.Il (lllolw I'ALL AND WJNTPII UOIIIN PALL AND WINTKl! OOODS, eoilsKtltf? ol oiiiisKi Mri of I'OllsUlluif of eoim.'stlu of ciusjatln-i or IirtY (idiiw, DltY OOOIW, DIIY (ilHIIH, DltY COOIW, DIIY (IOOIM. ' ItATH AVI) CAP1, ll.MH ASH CAIN, HATH AV1I CAIM IIA1H A VI) OA PH. HATS AVI) CAIN, HOOTS AND HlllinM, P.OOIN .WD Mll);s, IMMIT4 AMI Hll(ll;, IKinrH AND HIIOP.S I10OTH AN!) KHOIX, ItK T)Y-M in: Cf.OTm.VfI, ItPADV-M.Mir. Cl.0 I'll INO 1!i:aiiy-madi: "i'Loi'iiinii, I!l:lV-M.HH 1'I.OIHINll, iii:.m)y-.m.M)c ct.orm-'o; L00i;iXflfiLSHIM, Lll(llIN'l-(ILSSIX, l.ixii;iNI'-ill. s.;hh, i.iiiii;t.v(i-iii, isskh1 LlioKlNll-(il,A(SI'.' NOTIONS, NOIION.-, NO I KINS, MII'IONm, MlllO.SH, PAIN IS PAINIH PAINT; PAI.NIM I'A I.N M AND OILS, AND OILS, AND OI1.H, AND OILS, AND OILS, (Iltocr.llIKS, imoi'llllll'.s, UltOllKKICH, (IIUH'llllllX i:i:oi:i:iiii:s, Ijl'PHN'HWAlli:, iiiii:i:.v-ivaiii:, Illll.KNHWAIti:, lllll'.KVKV.'.MIi:, l; I'LLNSWAUK, HAP.DVVAIiK. II.UIInVAIti;. IIAIIDW.MIl-:, IIAIlllWAIIIi, ll.MIDWAUl;, riNWAP.i:, TINWAlii:, 'iinwaki:, '1 INWAItl:, TINWAIti:, HALT, HALT, HALT HA Itl', HALT, Pisir, PIH1I JMHII. 1-1T11 1'ihH. TP.AIN AND HLKIli, OliAI.S' AND T.IMi.,, ' UltAI S AND HLI- lis, liliAIN AND H I'.I. lis, OIIAIN AND hlXDb, Ac., c. dc, MlKKI.VV, Ni;.L & 10.'.-, MfKt:iA'. MJAI, A CH.'H MiKUI.Vi, NI-.AI, & CO.H, Mi i;i'.I.V, NUM. A l O.'H. MlULI.VY. Nj:.M. i CD.'S. Noi lb wist i-iiriieiiif Mil i ii mid .M.uKetHliee la, NoithwesLeo, oei'of Minn and MiiikelKheeli,, NullbveM oiuerof M.iiuaud MiuhetHlieelM, Ninthwesl em n I of .Vuln and Mm ket Htreels, Noilhueal (Dliir.' of ,am iiiidMaikct htieels, Iir.ou.M-l.l'P.o, p.., IH.iJiiM i.I'IIH, I'A Hi.oi.'i ;i co, DI.OIIM-lll till, l'A P.I.I H i.'vl;i ;d ..v, IIION AND N.ll,s, lllnS A Ml. KAIL", lltll.N A s'D NAILS, llllN AMI N.MI.s, H'.OX AM) KAILs, ' In lan' im utlllih n,d in rcdund rales, aluny nil batiil. gOIIULL, IiEUGEH it CO., OHNIUtAL COMMIKHION MKHCIIANTS Dealers lu FISH, HALT, CIIKKHi:, PIIO VISIONS, 4C, Nos. 12; and III Nnrlh Wharves, above Arch Kt. Philadelphia. Holuaitonla Wlloox'a Wheel Grease, In bar lels, kei;., ami eaua, yAlNWniOHT A CO., w ii o i. p.m , l l i no u r. rtn, N. IC. Corner Second nnd Arch hue. Is, 1'iiiMnEi.rniA, Dealtis lu TKAS, YI',Ur, COI'I'LH, HUflAH, MOLASSP.H, aicr, trier., r.i I'Aun huih, c ac. ti.Oiileis nlll receive prompl attention. Mny II), H07-ly. H. with V. I'KTEUMAN, LI PPI NCOTT Jt TIlOrrKK, WIIOLIWALI'. UUOCEim, No. tl North Water Htroet, and No. 1 North Delaware Arcane Philadelphia. , -yKAVEK A SP11ANKLE, WIIOLLSALU OHOClIllira ANDCOMMIBSION MKItcilANTH, Noa. sss and Arch Mreet PhtladelpblH. M. MAItl'LE, NOTIONS, IIOSILnr, OLOVJCH, ANB FANCY (100DH, i.wiNoilhThlidHtre.t, Philadelphia. JyVTELI OI'ENED. i lie lilideralt'lied would rispeetfullylnrnrmlho of J 1 1 .... t a a. I iiikiiiiiI Melnlly, thai brims Just oiiriiid n .hop un lion sin 1 1. between Main and 1 bird, wi eie lie v. Ill u.lhiw tlir cabinet ma. klnii butlursa In ull lis Innnelirs. orders for ML'TALLll' Oil OTIIKIl COFFINS filled with piiimplnisa uud dekpaleh, Ileralra eheahly mmle In all kinds of liitnlluie, Ineluil. Ins tue li'plaltlliii ul (ulie.lHiltnnied thiilla. Pal teina for euatlniia lielill bud epedllUills. ly, and oldeia me bollelled i It her tu pel son or by mall. Plctuie Irauies made lo order at sboil no i, ..... IIOIILIIT IIOAN, April l,'M.K. jyEUCHANT'.S HOTEL, II AOUTH rotfKTH aiKIIT, PHILADF.I.PIJIA. J. 4 W, (1, M'KIHHIN, iToprleior. it my lev Iwn-iy, IRON, TINWARE, &.C. N ATIONAL l'OUNDHY, llloomilmrit, Columbia County, Pa, The Mihscrllwr, proprietor of the above-t auicd extensive establishment, Is now prepared to ro celvo oidara for all kinds of MAOIIINP.rtY FOHCOI.LIKUIKH, IILAST 1'UUNACP.s, HTATION ltY EN0IN1X, MILl.M.TIIP.fWHINO MACIIINLH, Ad no Is also prepared lo mako Hloves or all ales and pallrrnt, Plnwlrons, and everything usually made lu first-class Foundries. IllsexlensUofaellllles and practical workmen warrant him lu receiving the largest contracts on tho most reasonable terms. drain of all kinds will he taken In exchange for Costings. This establishment Is located near Ilia Lacki wanna and nioomsburg Railroad Depot. pirrnrt mllmylii. S' rOVKS AND TINWAKK, A. M. UtllMIHT onnouncts to lil rrlc-mlt and cut torn t that continues the above biiMliit'NH nt his old place on main STitKirr, iiU)OaiHiiuno, Custom ers can be RcconnKlatcd with FANCY HTOVKS of Ml klndi, Rtnveplperi.Tlnwnre, ntul ecry' va riety f HTtlole found In n Hlmo ftnd TInwnro F Iftbltshmcnt In thnrltlrH.niid tin thonrost rt-nson- ablo tormt, Itcpalrlun dfme At the Rhurtcut hot tn on hand for Rale, N TKW STOVK AND TJX KIl(Ji UN MAIN HT11F.I.T, NKAHt.V OrrOfltTU MtLLKIt' srmiK, m.ooMHiiuitu, iu:nn'a. Tiik nndcinlgncd bus Just tltt d tip and oreneil in1 new STOV13 AND TIN SHOP, In VIiIh iiiu.-e, u litre hf Is nrcpnrpd to mnko tip new Tlx WAiiF.of nil IeIiioh In hW lint', ntid ibi ri'pnlrlnjt with ni'ftiiund imil dpuirh, upon tin niont ipiiHoniiblH teiiiii. lln nlsn Uecps on linnd HTovr-s ok VAitious iatti;unhhtyi-i, uliln1i hn wM Efll tiTHls. lit Kill 1 ntircllllSCrF (live bun nrnll. hu h u iriKd nit'cluiiili', and ilescrvlnrcor the p.ibltcpiuroimi.e. ,. JAt'Oli All'. 1 Illinilll.llllU, April III. ISB7. Q.E01KIR II. ltOI'.Ein'S, lmpotlcrand Dealer In ltAUDWAUC, CUTLKHY, OUNS, Ac, No. llil North Thlnl Ktleet, abovo Vine, PhllHdelphla. jArOll IC. SMirtt. J. 11. WKI.TZKII g JI 1 T II & H E LT 7, Hit, I mpoi tcrs and Dealers In PoreJsn and Domes! If slCs4,,, ' 11 A it I) YV A it E, a V N H, CUT I, P. II Y, AC, no. 101) n. TiiiniiHTr.uirr, An.CAi.i.owiin.i., PlIILADLLPIIIA. Nov. 5i,il7-lf. TOBACCO & SUGARS. j.J V. ItANK'tS nill.IMALK TOIIACCO, HNCFF, AND CKlAIt WAItKIIOUSK, No. Hi! North Thlnl HI reel, belween Cherry and Itaee, west aide, Philadelphia, Q L. WOODRUFF, Vholes.llu Dealets lu TOP.ACCOH, CIOAUS PIP1X, A() ft a. No. PI Nuith Third (Street, nbnvu Mai Uet, Phll.uli Iphl.i . o MNIUUS IilNK. The iindPiHl;;tifil ould ipspt'rtfully iinnoiuirn to inu (-iiia-rui oi iiiioinHonrK mill ino pnidlo jji ut i tilly tha ho li running un f.MVrillTu t lVP betWfl 11 tlllH lilni'ii nviil voll...,l .),. potHil.iIlytSnmlaytp.Tct'ptfdl.tocnniUTt with thu ((iveriil trnlnn pnlmr Ki.mii ami i'..ui . ti. p. wlsfsuand WllllimiNfori Hallroiul, mid with thosr kuiiik .urin iiuu Moumiiii tlio l-icU;iuai)iiuand IlloouivburiE ILiillnmiL Hifl (HmillnitJiMa tin. Ol nrirul nnx.HMnii oimm nnu cotniorianiP, ana cliaiges reattonuble. l'il i(lll IVIVll liar 111 til Kilt .. 11... I in a .1- pnrt.i iiii bo nmnuodutoil upon rcuxonabltichiirgj 111- tUa.ln ll.nol .1 .1. . . . . . . . J "HTIIIR UIIICIJ lllll H lib HIIJ 111 IHO HDll'lH, JArOll U OIUTu:;, lToprlttor, J. 11KATJICOTK A COMPANY ; on, ; ji ir o Jt jcxt tOIlNKKOF WKSTntKi:r A III.rKIIOK!R AI.I.KY lfftvlnji Inctruscd our fiu-llillcs In tho way of hiiup 1 1 inin, iiuicii'licry, Ac,, wo mo picpatcd tn innaiir.icluro l.Oi'OMOt I VK ri.l'K.nml all kind!, olMKAM IUlIIJi;iW,a'5.M(IKi:.STA Kh.TANKH, Hni.ri-iuoN Wor.K.Ac. All woikpumiptly done m irnui, iu Minn iiimu', uiui HI'iaiAI ATTENTION PAH) TO UKPAIltH, Voiu- attention Is hpcrhdly callid lo thohirin- mi ii in iiui linn-mi ueiliH I'lttt'Hcui limier Milker, Mr. 1 1 KATll ( II Iiiim lifi.l iim ki ii iciii-.i til ..s. oi Ibliiy ,carHln the miumliu turu of atlhlndHot nuaiii noucrs; aiui ironi our loiipcA'piTH'iH'u w nro iull-auaio oi iho ncrcsslly oi a will-nmd.i and Miitlcleiillv biriro l.oit.i- h. idmi hid nut. iiH hllti'tv but kiilUfni'lurv rnkiiltu. nn.l ni.a.l,ll Hw. our ciistnincrw only Ibosoot Iho best quality av i .-(.uiui i im i pi iiu,(rkoiuiii)iiii, aim aiiinic iicni IllU islll f.lfu. ami Ii i-l i imtlitt'til llml un rim run dcr fcailxl.u-tlon, nnd nt rici K lully nw low an an idht'i- bulkU'tH uslnu the samo qimllty ot miitcrf V("i Would rail tho attention nf Unltuui- ( mn pfillli-Mo iiur lucllltlcs fnriloliiK LOtOMOTlVK vi it iv, r.uiirii ie i i'a i ai un n t.w, a wo iiiaiia n n Juil v nil (Kill Ul IJ1U 111 III lUIUWiU H m v nit iitr fiOiial atlt-iiMiiii. o are nW prepared to do nil hinds of Ktcam Kiltlnus, t.neh nv lUatlnK Public and Prhato jiiiiiuuiKW ai'iuni'N, iitiing up ftcaiu jauurN.Ac t'liiihluiiTlv on band all klndn of stlamFit TINUS.SlFAM ANI W AI J. I, ( i I ' A J1X MfllAM Vll'iJi and all mtlnt,'1 rontuctcd with tbo buhlness. Alsii.t'ustinssof ull kinils.liulUT rronis.t.ratcn, htoCH, I'lowH.aml all woil; cuiuacted with tin geucinl foundiy hus'iirMi, JUfcptctluily tsolk-ltliiK your oulem, we alt t Your-t vtry tiuly, J, lIKATHt'OTi; A CO rtb.'Oj-ly OHAXfl KVILLK NOlUIAl SCIIIHll,. 1 bo lifXt Rt-hHlon of thN Hehnol Will (Ctiiliiencu ini .MD.MMV AL'lJl'Kr --nil, Kor pHitlculaiM addrehs Proi. It. P. WALKHli Pilitclpat. (tiani.t'Ville, Loluiuua n.uniy. i'u. Allfi, llfiS-lit, E A 11 M E It S! 1 my Til' ALTA VELA VIUjcx xi xi. It contains lhuo ptr cent, of Ammonia, an auiplo (iiianlily lo alvo activity without Injury lotlie eKiitoliou, and a Juice ,ie,(eal.iKe ol ao in uie .iiui.' . i , iiiiiii (ii, ntuiiMr Mini Potash and HimIu. the eaaelitlnl elitiulils of n COMPLIII .MAM'llC. The lueii naid Mdea In lailneia w no mo llall'll II sllli lilalily lutlalaitn rv 1 1 soils Is a sine eiiniuiili ii of ll. nlue. Pilii. 1'iOper ion of 10 1,1 us ail ll.s ti.ili. Hind for a puiiipiliei. zinnias TIIK ALTA VLI.A OUANO ( 0 Julj3,'6S-ly MlllwuI0.N.Y. NDUEW.S, WlLKllS'H A. CO., Dealers In POKKIUN AND DOMtariO DltY OOODS, No. Of Market Hired, Phil delphlu. G EOllOE FOELKElt &CO., W'haleiaU Dealer lu W CoDVN I WJI.LOW WMiM, YAUNB, Oll-CIolhs, TTIl.i.,7wlue, I!a.kcts,ctc.,clo. H)4"l MarkftHL, Chuieli h Phllada, UMUltUSTEH & HltOTIIEU, Impoiicra and Jobbeia of uoHinnY, hloviw, HIIIHTS AND DIlAWLHH. llirnilNH.HUHPKNDliltH, liooi Hi;itTH,iiA.Ni)Ki:iii:iiii;iH, TIIIIHADH. rllAVINll HILKH, THIM.MINOH. POIITH MONNA1K HOAPH, PLllI DUl in, 1AM OOOl h.AND notions oi:ni:iially, 1 Also Miintllacluiera of UMlHIlmANDLOOICINtf OLAKHIX, and Dealers In W(MJI) AND WILLOW -WAItE, IlltOOMS, IIOPP.S, TWIN!, c No, 3fK( Noi Ih Third Hlreet, ubove Vluo, Philadelphia. jylLLEH A HOST, I Hucceaaora tu Franklin P.Heltaer 4 Ci. iiupunera auu wnoitaule Dealeia lu LHU'OItH, WINIJI, 40,, Nos. no and 119 Nnrlh 't'lilrd Hiiee(, Philadelphia. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. A V I! YO V ll MO.V E Yi s It II A T I N 1 U V II M I. N T si (1 It V. A T II H J N I) IT V U M I U i H- o it i: a t i: h t i N i) v v i: m i n AT Tim omj imt;ti ki-mw, OK L. K. 0 Y K U, Where can bo lotnid thu bAitnit uni mm soiUMt.Nr vwr oil Vied to lite viw t- count) , of lniS ChcmlcnN, lMliiI, oils. Varuisli. J'UttaV, Ih'llMl. DyoStulTs, snx.d i, , , all of Ihcsonroof the befcl known tuakc an wnrratiieiliiR pure and uiuululteraUil, ltn - and largcstMotk of P A S CY A It T I (' I. 1, k to bo found lii thti or adjoin liif((uniii - rcriuniery, Hair l aiiey Koap IiriiNhv, Cuuibi, Oi'.im 1 1. , IliilrOlU, . Tolht Ai . Htilllotuiy, 1 1 , T ( It A C V o i; . Sitmlilngaiidcliewiiiv, UUinn nf all descriptions, Pipes, Oiyar Holder-. IIOIIMUIIOU) Alt'lICI.KK. UtiupH.nswirlcd isIkch unit M i. , IiAMI-M, 1,'IIIMMH, HllAbf-S IU i i MlHCCIJ.ANKOtrH (UH'l . Hpongns, UhaniolH Miinv Calheters, hpovnlum. , Hyrlnjen, Iirun. i, Hllbbei'dooiU. TruskCN of all nppined p.tttunh a . a. Ii 1 tl U O It S. A lino ni,orlliu nt or ttie liinut fur in purpi)ses eoiiHtanlly on hand-aim ; I, know n kinds nf sioMAcit urm.its. Patknt Mi:mciNiJtnr ecry ihvupin-, iludliijj the best varieties of pills ainl ii.n IMUSU'IA.N'H I'KI.SCRIITIII.NH CAKM I I J, vlt, I'A It F. II. No rucIi stoelt bus et r bt t n pun ntci in i puoptu of this section of cuunlij, Tbo prices ai o asniatl as theisbicl: U Inr. Tho M7ii"rjr Jv (tea aro n.oio f.muabii' . , purchaser th.m ever, an ,11 iniiitenii-nts iiH, i cireeted with tbo wlmlcnle dealers In the ' . that KoeutHdin bo pioeim-d lo UU", burg uh cheaply us lu St w Yotkir I'tdliohM, li ij-Coutitry (tcaleiM me taini'f mli.i i Mudy their own IntcriHN, by i iiiinin i KtOI-lC. I!enieniberlhnpla(! iNt.i. i;i.ok- i lxehnime Hotel, Main lnv' Itmi in r Jan. Ul, Im flu EING-'S 13 THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! lucks restored by It to the ii ' silucn tresses of youth, ainl r.n Young People, wlth?f;i if ,io' ' i fl'nr, ) theo unfashloiiablo colon- uvt d to a beautiful uuburr, urnl rejoitul Peoplo wlioso hotuli are cms r d . tSi Dandrvff and lithwrs, Uro it, . d t iv. i lean coati and clear und licaltlij m .tip ' IIaltl-1 Tcacled VtM'iin. ,uv their remaining loelci tightetud, nnd inc liaro fpots cohered with .1 Iuurutit gr utli of Hair, and ihnco for joy! Young Clentk'iucn uc it bcciuse it 1 richly perfutned I Young Ladies ue it because it U'-ps tlicir Ualr in place! l.vcryboily 7iust and tri7'uso it, bcriiii-i-it is tho cleanest and lest attieb in 1) market 1 For Sale by Druggists generally. AND Mil. NAl.t, It. Ij. N. MdYIJt and P. P. M 'XV I " . IHtiiMiiid'iirtt, iiml M. ii. Jtlt(Jl."i . t Jannar 'JI, UJ-f-;i. snmuNALi: a iutaii. 1) H U (J (( I K '1, OK MWN AMI MAKUIT si ' -Kl.tlO.MSIlUHli, I'A., where, will be fouud u larH and wttii i u, MKDICIXKS AXD CllK.MR Al.s Al(all tbo PATENT MKIHt'INKH OF TIIK 1V. I iim ulho prepared to Country htn 'li Oafclor Oil, (lodlrey'M Cordtal, TiritLLN'tiSTON'S IIAIAM, and Ml other inedleluts kept In their line ul " prices. 1'rej.crlptlons can fully cuuivouuded ai hourH. lu medicines, fitiallly H of the first import mc Illoonisburt;, June?, tsi7 II TICVDUKSIIOTT'S PIIAUMAl ottomtb am citi can iiouatr, 1'hcr may bo ion nd a complete afci-oitnn ut frrsh and pure Mp.nrciNPA iiyi: ftxurrs, t.oi.on.s, i-m wiNiiow-tiraKH, lamps, lantmin DAM, .SOAI!, ALCOHOL, WI.NLa .V L'U ' SYfll'N, PPJIFUMLItV. TOILKT AND FANCY AltTU ' which ar ofTtred atoM tlmoprUcH. Iirir 1 tloni. accttrauly prtparfd, Jan 3 Cily. MMli; A4MKKICA.V MAY KXin AMI I'OIli; V tbo uoib rsiirin-it ''i i' ol Coluinbla County wrtncj.sed Hit? Uti imkN on tho latin of Mr. 1'uimI, in llctn"1 Township, on Moiuhty, Ma 7, b.'tw''ii Anieiican Hay Kiilleuud I'orl;'iio t " iUFLlt, WALI.N, HIIItlNLIt A Cu.. .,1 I -bint, Pa., and Iho ltuuiiepi- Paleju lla H'"11 'I he American Pork tilled nunc im m ,n' draught than the lluudel In time, V uh' tied It wdl taltoiiK iiiueh bay lulu Hi uxw 1 ' food horKCH enn draw. V 1 mImi k.iw It fli -my, and think 11 cami'd be bi-ar saba kun and cheerlully reeonimeiid It an tin it h." and knlle we hitvt i'Utmi u. C, Jtii n mii;miHi, in.. I'.i Mi(i'JN W. 11. KOONH, .lllll.N !,.... John prthitit'K, I)mh Nu a, II,, HWA'l-STm I'UHnll. MicitAKi. IIi:m.i.k, John W01.1. Tbey aluo inanut.ieturn the ceh braieil I. in iv Heaper and Mower, autl other ui;ri('iilluril in ItlHIllM, ' . in' TNSUHANOli A U 1; ( V . Wyoming .; a; tuu h Co mine no Fullott. H a Norlti Amerlnt CUy.M. luternallonal NiuKum , , .Klna LUeBtoelt Pu I nam ,., MetehuntM iprtiii;ttclil .-. Iimiinuco Coin puny or btale Pent) a. ComicctlcjU Mutual LlTo .North American TiimMt HtUAB IIPOWN, i tn.irJ (7-Jy, IIloom- fj Jill,'" ijif,irt 1 A11 " i,fill,l'V 1 .i' 1 I.OU1H iiumvN, CIU" . 1 B1 IIOWN & KWA1.1J, VIIOI.IiH,I.I ill OCHi. , xinVurikW rtWwkTT' Dth-c orSMIJ N. K. Cor.ThlriU- Vlnurti i . , 1'JUJ,A1U:U JUA. iluy UU, laut-duiu. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers