THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t -. . . fi - : - svnm',i gjcjjavtmtnt. Winter flyr. IIyk nmy very pruni'ily lu clfusetl mnotii tlm tu't'U'clcil crnlns. It In not only lwi sown ttmu wheat, outs, and corn, but It Is put upon neglected liuul by tiolajM of cultlvnlou whoncRlretov vrythlng they uiuk'rtiiko to ritlse. When liiml will no longer licnr wlicnt ml corn. It U ttinu'il out to pasture, hii I ryp, nnil Is run In this rotation un til II vo Huge, St. JohiKWort, uiul mill lelrm tnko full iiocrviltm. Wlioitt Is tlio lordly grnln, ami receives ly fur tho lnrcr slmro of nttentlon. Now vrtrlo ties nro brought from nbroml, nml orig inated at homo, that furmcM may have lust what thoy want to eseano tho rava- L'cs of Insects, and inuko tho of tho necullarltlcs of their .soli nml ellm ate. Hut rye Mho trust resort of tho poor I'nrmer for breadstuff, and ho eel- tlom look iiiou tho contingencies of tho nuxt harvest. et thero Is no oeoi plcin for tlio general neghi't of this prnin. llsidlmentary vuluoN not niuen below that of wheat, and Its market tn ice Is only about ono-flfth lew. It makes a very hatiiNotno and palntablo bread, wclcomo as a chango of diet up on all tables where It has been favora bly Introduced. It does lrt upon n rlcli hur-el loam, but innkesu crop upon almost any sandy or gravelly soil in fair condition' It Is quite too general ly grown upon a sod without any ma nure, yielding ten or tWelvo bu-diels to the. acre.. It is much better for tho farmer and his soil, to u-e immure nml tako twenty-llvoto thirty buhels to thoa.'re. Well rotted xtablo manure, or compost, Is u good fertilizer for this erop. At least half tho quantity used Hhould bo spread broadcast after the plowing, and lw thoroughly haraowed In before sowing tho seed. Of tho com mercial manures, Peruvian guano, full scrap, super-i-hosphato of lime, and bimo dust, nro frcquently.used. It Is common to sow tbu seed broadcast at tho rato of ono and a half to two bush uls to tho acre, but ryo is as much ben- cllttcd as wheat by drilling. Tho drill not onlv saves seed, but, by tho ridges It raises nml tho more uniform and deeper planting of tho toed, It guards tin? young plants against tho severities ( vlntcr. Tlio best tlmo for towing Is In September, or early in October, tluugh good crops aro sometimes raised whun sown Just before tho ground Is frozen up. If the early sown rye Is too lnxurlcnt. it may bo grazed by sheep or c-'lvej, but cam should be taken to leave ft good covering for the roots The true place for this crop is not In nl ternatlon with pitbturcw to rob tho soil of lb) fertility, but in a icgular rotation of six or eight years, applying manure enough cither to this, or tho preceding crop to securo thirty bushels of ryo to tho acre. At present price, it is not dllllcult to get a gross return of flfty dollars or moro from an aero of rye, which la iiiueli better than twenty dol lars, which hardly pays expenses. An additional reason for Increased atten tion to this crop Is tlio great apprecia tion of Its straw, It Is extensively used fur bedding, for packing, and for paper making. Tho deinnnd for this latter use 1ms so Indented in some, districts that it is quite too dear to housed for Utter. It frequently sells for fifteen dollars per ton and upwards. Jlyeal wnys bring good prices, and ongbt to havotnoro attention from cultivitorH. -A mtriean Agriculturist. ltloea Worth Itll"C. A lady who has Just returned from a visit to Jlonmouth, Illinois, gives an n -count of largo potatoes raised In that neighborhood. Wo give tho fuels as stated. She tells us that, on ono occa sion, they prepared only one potato weighing In tho neighborhood of two pounds, for dinner, of which six grown persons ate heartily, nml After all had eaten to their satisfaction, a small por tion of said potato remained for futuro use. I.nst winter Mrs. 'ent a pota to cast to ono of her friend, which welshed ono and one-half pounds, and from which he raised a largo bucketful nf very fine potatoes, but nono of them were near the bIzo of the peed. Ono gentleman near Monmouth, placed six potatoes on tho scales, and found them to weigh nlno pounds. A neighbor hearing of this, and not wishing to be beaten In tho potato line, took six of his largest, and found them to weigh 10 pounds. Tho vines grow to tho length of (seven nml eight feet, nro of the com mon white potato species, and are called the California Tlussets. Grinding Com yli th.Coti Wn regard tho practlco with no favor if the corn Is good. Analyses of the cob of well nnturcd corn show that It contains scarcely any nutriment. It was obviously not made to bo eaten. The cob parts with all It can of nutri ment to tho kernels, and Is no moro lit to be fed out than sawdust. When Im mature corn nubbins, nml ears that have not dried well In tho field are to be fod, the caso Is different. Tho cobs of these contain n good deal of valun bio food, and, If the ears be kiln-dried thoy may probably lis ground to very good advantage Besides kiln drying, If tho temperature bo Increased nearly to scorching, will converts portion of tne tonucrest cellulose which would soon harden to woody fiber, Into a di gestible substance Illto starch or gum. Thl can, howovcr, seldom bo done, lienco it h best to break up unwind corn with a hatchet Into pieces an inch or two long and boll them, with tho llttlo potatoes and other feed for hogs A met lean Aqrtcn Uvxtti, Early ffalKuluif of Il0. Farmers who have not already com menail to propare their hogs for mar ket. should lose no time in doing so One week of this favorable weather Is worth two weckH In December. Many farmors who use nothing hut corn for fattening, begin to feed U as soon as It U In ttisscl. Though II ha not tho sub ttahco ofrlpocom, still swlno tflrlvo very well on 1H eating not only the soft ears and husks, hut nlso tho leaves and qulto u portion of tho stalks. Caro howovcr, should bo taken not to let cattlogo Into tho yard or Held whero hogs nro fed oil corn cut up In this manner, as they uro llnblo to cut the chewed stalks that uro left, nnd In con sequcneo are troubled with the mad Itch. Uov. Bbymouu, our Candidate for President, has dolcrmlned to take the stump In porson, Wo suggest that ho and Grtmt Jointly discuss tho policy of their respedlvo parties, An Alicl.nt Lns. Story. IN this age of scllmciitallly, for con ventional Ideas, we forget the plain sim plicity and uiiairected stylo of choosing a wife, as was tho manner In olden times. Such being tho caso, wo cannot too often tnkun review of Eomoof tho Incidents as rccordod in Holy Writ ; of these nono la moro Interesting than tho marrlago of Isaac lo llcbokah, bo sim ple, yet so Imposing, void of all affecta tion and vain show, nnd nt tho same tlmo romantic and sublime. Tho cold farmallllcs of etiquette wcro unknown In those days of prlmltlvo simplicity. A great patriarch nnd ru ler sending Ids servant unto a distant country to select a maiden to become the wife of hN eldest son. Boys and girls did not "spark" In tho-e days ; they lived with their pa rents until they became men and wo men In tho trtiosene. After Abraham had purchased a fami ly burylng-placc, and had hurled Sarah bis wife In the cave of Mnchpelnh in Canaan, nnd being much stricken In years, and blessed by I'rovldcnco boun tifully, ho culled unto him his servant, nnd swearing him by tho Lord, thoGod of the earth, ho then commanded him to go unto his native country and kin dred, and select n wife for his son Isaac, nnd not tako unto his son a wife from among tho Cnnaanltes. Abraham promised that the Lord would prosper him on his Journey nnd In his undertaking. Then Abraham's servant arose, and taking ten of his master's camels, departed on his Jour ney to the land of Mesopotamia, to tho cltyjif Xnhor. When ho arrived before the city, ho stopped at n well of water. It was evening, tho sun wnsslnklng be hind the western horizon all nature seemed turned In harmony with the sweet cadence of the smiles of heaven. It was the hour when tho young dam sels of tho city camu out of tho gates to get water from tho well at which Abra ham's servant was slopping. What a strange place In these days for a great ruler to select a wife for his son I When Abraham's servant saw the young damsels coming forth,ho thought of his mastei's directions, and he look ed tolhol.oidand prayed that ho would show kindness unto his master say lug "Let It como eo pass that tho damsel to whom I shall say let down thy pitch ed, I pray thee, that I may drink, and she shall say drink, and I will give thy camels drink also; let tho same bo she that thou hast nppolntcd for thy servant Isaac." And, before he had finished his pray or, behold n damsel enino out of thoeity with a pitcher upon her shoulder to carry water In. ,Sho was very fair to look upon,nud a vlrgln,nnd tho servant met her, and asked her for a drink of water, nnd sho said "Drink, my lord." After ho had drunk, sho said : "I will draw water for thy camels also." The servant was amazed to bo soon seo tho fulfilment of his prayer. After the camels had stop drinking ho gavo tho damsel n ricli gold rlngnnd bracelet for hor bauds. lly this it would seem tho waaringof rings and biacelcts Js rather an ancient custom. Abraham's servant then niado tho in qulry, and found Mint thonamo of tho lovely damsel was Itchekah, the daugh ter of Bethuel, tho son Mecah, which bho bore unto Nnlior." Ho then sought lodging in her father's house; sho told him to como and stay. llcbckah ran to her parents ami told them what had happened at the well ; and her brother went out Immediately nnd Invited them In; they went; nnd after they had unglrdlcd their camels and given them provender, they tat down to eat. Hut the servant said, "I will not cat until I have told mlno errand." IIo then (old them ho was Abraham's servant, nnd that tho Lord had blessed his master greatly ; that ho had (locks and herds, nnd sliver nnd gold, and men and maid-servants, and camels and nses, ami that Ids mastor had sent him hither to seek out a damsel to bo- como tho wife of his son Isnncjnnd, af ter relating what had happened at tho well, ho nskod them for llcbckah. Then they said : "Heboid, Itcbekah Is before theo; take her and go thy way, and let her bo thy master's son's wife as tho Lord hath pokeu." The servant then bowed himself to tho earth nnd worshipped tho Lord; aftur which ho gave Itebokah Jewels of silver and Jewels of gold, and raiment, and many precious things to her brother Lnban ; nml ho nnd tho men with him did eat and drink, and tarried all night; at early dawn they nrose, and ho sntd unto llebekah's father and mother; "Rend mo away unto my master." Hut her mother said ; "Let tho dmnsel abldo with its n few days." Then Abraham's servant said : "Hinder mo not.seelng tho Lord hath prospered my way," They called Itebekah, and asked her If sho would go. Sho replied; "1 will go." Then they blessed her, saying t "Thou art our sister; bo thou the mother of thousands of millions, nnd let thy seed possess the gate of thoso who hate them." Boon llcbckah and her servants wero mounted upon tho camels and left with I Abraham's servant. Hero was n mark of faith nnd love seldom equaled In tho annals of history. Sho took a last look nt her native homo as, sho started on hor Journey Into astrango land to becomo tho wlfoif ono whom ehjs had nover scon. This was.n nobloact, at once "fcmantlc "and at the samo tlmo bold on ho part, and yet carrying out tho design) of God. Whon near tho abode of Isaac, behold ho had como out from tho well of La- halron to incdltato.iipon tho beauties of nature; and while thus medltu. ting upon the "vastness of crex Hon nnd tho manifold blessings of rroviuenee, ho lifted his oyes and bt held his father's servant coming In tho ilistnnco. On their nearer approach to Isaac, Jtebekah, on beholding him, alighted from her camel, and covered her head with u veil. Ayhen they met tho servant told Isaaoall that had hap pened. And Jsane brought her unto his mother Harah's tent.und took llobekah, and sho becamo his wire, and ho loved her. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoonand's German Tonic. rropiired by Dr. M, Jackson, Vfic Great Remedies rot ALL Dllliltior Til MVIlIt, STOITIACn, or DIGESTIVE OHOAIVS. Hoofhrul's Gorman Bittors ! rnmpoundril cf th ynn fakct (or M the' tniMllclOfcllv term ri - ed. xtrcl ie arm ed, BxtrtcU) of Ronti, llerbi 'jML-ZjH tnd lUrkMnftk IfiJ rrr rmrfttlon, blfhlj eonceo- Irntttl. ittirf t-utira lyfwrmil' tvhoiie adnixtutt r any HnA. HooHand'c Gorman Tonio, ! a coml J nation nf hi! the Ingrf Jlfnte of the Hirtcr,Uh the purvil mullly of Atnta CViif Ktm, Orango, t-to., maLfuf one of the rot til(int eau egrecAule reinedlee ever offered lo liu jmtttla. Tlioea preferring Mfdiclne free from Alco holic admixture, un Hoofland's Gorman Bittera. In caeca of nervotii depression, wbea eo tcohoJo Umului t Dcevaiwy, Hoofland's Gorman Tonio Cald be need. The Hitter or the Toole nre both equolijr KimvI, toil contain tho earee medicinal virtue. The atomarh, from a arlety of fauaea, uch ae InJIrrnion, Dye - pepila, Hervoue Debility, ete, li jtfk TuyaM to halt It fumtlona d 13. JfXJ ranireil. Tho rn. tilt of which , ViF that the paUnt lufferi from eu-ral or more of tho fof!oluz Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Fllei Fulness of Blood to tho Head, Acidity of tne Stomach. 2auoea, Hprmbnrn, DU trust for Food, Fulneae or Wetht In tho Btomaoh, Sour Krno tatlons, SmklnfT or Piut terlne at tho Fit of tha Stomach, Strlmmlnr of tha Head, Hurried or Dlfflcult Breath lnir, riuttering' at the Heart, Choking or rJniToeatlnjr Sensatt'-tu when In Lyinn Poiture, Dimnena of Vision, Dota or weba before) tha Sight, Dull i'aln In tha IXead, Doflolanoy of Perspiration, Yellow neaa of tha fikln and Kvni. run uo iaa Chest, Lim den Flushes of tn In th stant Imaclnlnga dr-Evil,' and ureas jueprasiion ox apirita. llteae renedle win cOWetnally rare Llrer flomplalnt, Jaundlc, Dyapepafa, Chronto or Kt rroue Uflblllty, Chronlo TJiarrhna, Dleakte af the Kidncyi, and all DlacaeM arltlng frota a Dlfordered Urer, Btvmacb,or InteaUoea DEBILITY, Itt'nTivo raoH mr Ciris wviTirtn: FHOSTUATION OF THE SYSTEM. laucciD it Hiriai Liaoa, Uiaoaiiira, Exroscas, Varna, sto. There )e no medlriaa extant eqial ti tbeae remenllct In each eaaea. A tone and vigor te tm Sarted to tha wholt Syitem, the Appetite la irenjthened, food -y U enjoyed, tha tomach digest a TIB promptly, the blcxMl te purltldd, iWI ' Ilia eomp(ulon beoumeeaooDdand Uall healthy, llie yel low tinge U eradicated from the eyw. a bloom la glran lo the cheeks, and tha weak and Berrons Invalid beoomeea etroog and healthy being. Vcrsom Advanced in JAfa And feeling the hand of time wrlehlng neanry apou them, with all tu attendant ll.a, will nnd to theiiM of this HiriKUH.or the TONIC, ao elixir that will lattil new Ufa Into tlivlr Ttlne. rciUire in a mcuuro the energy and ardor of more youthful dsya, balld up their ehnmken forme, and t(le hvalLh and happlucn to Uiclr reiaalitlnj j i-are NOTICE. ItU a wctl elabllhed fact that fully ohe-half of the fttnale por fa tton of oar popo Utlon aru Hdom hi the enjnymcnt otgDodhwlthjor, (IS a t0 n lIt' own exprcilo:i."ttt)Yir Mn iesl feel wcIL' They rw Utitfiild, iluvuld of all ttitergy, extremely nor oii b, nrl liavti Co appf tlt. TulliiiclMiof pftaom the DlTTERa, r the 'IONIC, Ih e'c5ally recommended. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Are madu ntrong by the ue of either of these rtnifiw. They U cure ery case of MA itAy.MUS, without fntL ThouiAndeofccrtltlcatee tine aeenmnlate n the hand of the proprietor, but fptve will allow of tho puMIcatlun of but a fuw. Thoae, It will be o1ucrtcJ,are men of note aod of lucb ataud big that they muil be beiioved. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, CftifJuiti-t fifth ,iurtmt Court qf J'a., writes. IhUMjMa, March IS, IS 37. "I find 'Hoof- w. l.tnd's Uerrnaa rittertMoapK.! ,jg jonle, uerul Id d'tiaoorf ll.utll f. gralhe orran, Mid of trri'M ben wl tTiB ciltlncruceof bll'ty, nil want of ncnous action In the eetein. M'oure tmly. "UKO. W, WOODWAim. Hon. Janca ThoTOpsca, Ju-igt f 0,4 XufTtmi Owf of i'ttnuytranla, J'AiM.MiA, A rll S, W4 "1 cnmMt-r Mfootliiide Uinn.ui UUitu' n tdltfJ< tnt.ticiui ,i of sll.ict if lit-1'4 lion tr Itjrjifpila. 1 cafi ct.Ttir tide from m) eiperi m'f ur it. Your, with rewp'M, JA'-lud TiioMi-ao:;.'1 "From llcv. Jossph IL Kcnnard, D.D, farftt Tml tlatftU t'AwA, I'aUJ lr. Jjftif-Itpar Hlr: 1 ) v i bren Kt: ntly ti(tif)t(Kl h ronnpct mynA'iawilh rm mnrt aavlrmc nf l.!ti'rent atnde of iie.lktuvi, init, re gaidlnf the f rue rjjhi. ua lIra oai ' n,f PpfOMllII JVX V nherA mH III allcawatWlliird; I SfSl bul nhh a Hmr fmof In Trknii umi iJ lfiitnv-iiiM ru!rly1n my own famltr, if tlm tin-fijii H Pr. lluciftand (Jcrman tiltens I t r usm from my unJ eomie, loiprvM m ii nirle Hon that, for qmtral dtbtWj rf tt ij't,, a tq-tdally Jar Ur Gmpidtnl, it t i t't ot valualU trejtnrtt(. In lomt rui i It irtity fill: botuiuty, 1 will Urer) IhimiU.! lo tho n ho uJVr from tr.e alwitt ca-iM a. Voun. rery irelfiiiiy, J. fl. Kt.SNA!tn, lZIglitb, Ulo Coatee 3t From Rev, D. Fendall, Jtti$!tnt editor Christian CTirmutt, I'httadtt 1 hare dertTed decided ben fit from the re ot Rooflaml'i Orrman Hitler, and feel tt my pnrl U-ge to ri-comntfiid thetn aa a moat teluibfa tndt loaU whoaremm-nng from geuiTa debltjii mt from dleowei srUlna from deranKeraenl of rhe Dm. loeritrciy, K. It l'KNl)AI.L. CAUTIONj UooRind Gerroan Hemedlei ire eoqnterfcli-e-L hre that Uie r- slgaituraof CM. JACKrfOlIUon TffT the wrapw? of whbotUo. All JfajE oUie " ooto. l'rlnclpal ard UanufaeUiry at tha Ger man MedlctDe Btore, No. OJl AKC1I Utlevt, ItJU adeJphla. .CHABLS VL EVANS. Uerrnan DmrcUi, 4'roprittoi, , . Formerly 0. 11. JicisosAOa. Tor ule I J an Urugjfliu and Denltn ta afeaV nooflanfi'i Oerman lKltere,terbottTa... t 00 ielf doien... Daoflsna's a .rasa Tonic, put op ta uVn ' Jr botlieVor V bslVjo'senf"."'.'.!;! M V Do Dot (orgs! to .israin. Hell lbs sulci. VoTi Ul erlir lo gn til iaula HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. January II, laoi. DRY GOODS. M1 ILIiEIVS'&TOltE. rnBaii AnnivAL op PALI. AND WINTHtl OOODS. The nubiicrlber hni Jmt rettuncd from Ibo cltltn with Another forgo And select assortment of sntiNo ani suMJimt aoons, IHircliflsM In New Yorknnil Plillmlelpliln nl tlio loweit figure, nnd which ho H determined to nell im as moderate terms m can he proenred elst rhrre In lUoomsburg. ills stock comprises LADlIiS' D11IW3 G00113 of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n large assortment of Dry Cloods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following Articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmcrcs, Hhawls, Flannels, Hllki, Whlto Cooils, f.tnens, lloopHklrls, Mnsllns, llollowwaro Ccdarwara liaeensware, ilordwaro Hoots and Rhoe", Hats And Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasscs, Tobacco, Coll'ce, Sugars, Tons, nice, Allplrr, (linger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GUN UAI.t.Y. In short, everything usually kept In country mores, to which no Invites tho Attention of tho public generally. The highest prlcoulll be pild for country producu In exchano for goods. S. II. .Mlt.I.rit&SON, Arcade Uutldhigi, llloomsburg, I'a nuKAT nnnucTiox in viucia AT IT.TUU IINT'H HTOItl:, IN T.1GIIT KTItKHT, or SPUIXtJ AN!) OOODS. TUB subscriber has Just received nnd Iias on hand at his old stand In Light h'.uet, a targe and select ASSORTMENT OF 5IEKCIIAND1SE purchased at tho lowest figure, nnd which ho determined to sell on us nioderAto terms ns bo procured elsewhere In Light Street, rorz CA.iir on coirymr rnonvcr.. Ills stock consNtl of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest slylf s and latest fashions, CaIIcws, Muslins, Ginghams, riannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Bilks, Winwls, READY MADE CI.OTH1NU, Hatluetts, Cusslmers, Cottonsdcs, Kentucky Je.uis. anocEiiiES, mackeiciu, Quecnswnre, Cednrwnro, Hardware, Medlclues. 13ru Oils, l'alnts, c ROOTS & SHOES, HATS & OAl'd. In short evorythius munlly kept in n conutry sterc. Tho patronage nf his old friends and tho public generally. Is lcspectrully sollelliu. The highest market prtco paid for country pro duce. rr.TIIK KNT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1S57. J J. 15 It O "W E It, Is now offering lo tho public Ids Block of a r n i A' a a o o j) a conslstins in part of a full line of 1NORAIN. WOOL, AND RAG 0 a it r 13 t s, Fine cloths and casslmcro for Ladles' coats, HANmOME DlllH OOOIM, of All patterns and qualities, Inlaids And l'rlnts of various qualities and prices, ' BLEACHED AND BItOWN MUSI.INH, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, A N 11 BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of ladies- a- cini.nnErs uaiteimj! louih. Fresh Groceries and Kplces. Nei7 assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO, 1 MACKEREL in one-half and ene-fonrtli barieis. Now Is tho tlmo to innko your selections, as I nm offering goods at very low prices, nnd our motto Is fair dcullng to all, and not to lw under sold by Any, J. J. IHIOWEK. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1P67. B A U G H ' S COMMEUCIAL MANUltES. IIAUGIl i SONH, Philadelphia, AND NoitTit-WEsTiinN ri:nTii.i7.iNa co. Chicago, Solo Matiufucturers. . . MUCKS. liAuoirs raw iioni: i'iiosphati:, $M per SJC0 pounds. HAUGIl'fl CHICAGO HONE FERTILIZER, -V) )er 2000 pounds. llAUall'S CHICAOO 11I.C0D MANURE, C5) per CW) pounds. Tho nhovo Manures nio furnished In Imth U.a and bnrrelB.whlehever custelnera prefer. ca-Tho hagsaro.imlfoim iuwelght ItWpounds.-'u J The ntlent Ion of Farmers Is especially directed inihu fni.i.tlmr. lliosouieesof thoUuw Miiteriul ..r...i.ini. , i.u oii.. m Mn mi i i-h nro com iiosliI. aro so uelluiidir control that we run luinUh them of srlctly uniform quality and coudlllon, and thai fl.ov ..,..,. I, i u I., rlMrt...rreuntf;o of iimtuonta than any other class nf manufactured mauuies la tho HAUdH A SONS, SO H. Delaware As emit', I'hllii. NORTH WFiiTERN FEHTILIINfl IU, L'or.;o And lJialle M., I hlci'go. ... nn..i.u r',,t.mipr..!n1 Mniiurtslilav be l ro. cured fi oiii dealer In nny of tho prluelpsl to us In the Udllid htnli snr llonilnloii of toiiiiila. li. W. Matteis, Mlllvllle.BndW' ofCal- nwissa, Agents, i,wj-u.h.i M, AUTHAK, C, tt. mlLISaBB. E. It. RATMAN, HTMAN, DIUjINOKH & CO., KO, ZWrlORTH TIirilD HTBERT, (.Ytary oppoie JimiH, yrif, &mtce Jc O.) Wholesale Dnalers In YARNS, HATTING, WADDING, CARI'Mr- otf. cfxiTiis, &iiadi, F1.Y lsrrs, flRAIN I1AOS, COHDAOE, 40. ALSO, WILLOW AND VOOI)EN WAHE," VKC8IIES, Tr.UKH, LOOUtNO aLAHSI, KT0. May ID, IW-ly, JOW'- i'TjrCON & CO., l "- 'f 1 i !-'-i Wholesale Dealer In COTI ON YA11NS, CARPET CHAINS, RATTB, VriCilB, TIE YARNS, CORDAQK, 1IR00VM,, WD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOCVO' Vaj41rOCKB,FANCYBASKETB T.l'Ul, 1JQR, AND CARRIAOE OILCLOTHH.Att, No. SSD Market Street, sosth side, Fhlladelphla. JOHN C. YEAGEH & CO., Wliolesare Dealers In , HATS, CAI"S,VntAW rfoODS, AND '' ' iIAdies' furs, Ko. 177 North Third Street, I'hUadelphia. "yyAHTMAN A ENGELMAN, TorjACCO, hNUFF REOAR manufactory, KO. C13 DOI1TU TniltnSTllKKT, Re'iond Doer below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. Wammah J", EiiaiDiisr VOW NEAT AND OHEAX' JOB PRINTING. CAM. ATTHK COI.UiiniAN OFF10K RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL way. . un anu ancr biay ma ibos, -jrnins will leave NoKTllUMurnLAXD as follows I NOniltWAHII. 123 A. M. Dally to Willlnmsport, (except Kundsy) forl:lmlra, CanAnualgnu. Itochestcr, lluffalo, Mll.nenslnli llrldirp. nnd N. l'nlls. CV) i'. M., Dally, (except Humlnys) ror Ktmlra and llullaliivin l.rlo Hallway rrom :lmlrn, (J.r p.m., Dally, (except Hundnys) fur Williams- T11AIN8 SOUTHWAUD. 11.14 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND rillLADELI'IIIA. 11.7) A. A, liAllytoxccptHunday'sJfor Baltimore, Washington and l'utlodetplila. f:i). H. YOUNG, General l'assengcr Agent. 1 ACICA WANNA XJ BUltG ItAILAOAD AND RLOOMS- On nnd nrier May llth, ISO', rasscngcrTralns will run as follows t GolngHoulh. Ltavo Invo n. in. p. in. Going North. Arrlvo Arrive a. m. p. m Hcrantou.. 3M 11.10 t'.ll Leave lo.aci 10.00 7.11 U.tll- 7.1 7.31) 7.( Leavo 0.3 riiiston 4.m Kingston ... l'lvmouth H.10 MO 7..W 0..H Hhtckshlniiy..., 7.2J 5.10 IIITWK'K. .Ml IsM Hlooln K.31) " Hupert H. 8.1(1 7.UI Danville U.10 7.1 J Arrlvo Arrive North'd u.M sjj (1.1(1 (.IW S.3U Leave The ll.lOTrntn nt Kcranton makes connections wiiu impress Train for sew York at 3 o clock p. in,, arriving In Now YnrkO.oo p. m. It. A, f O.N DA, Bup't. ISfM. "PHILADELPHIA lsS-S. AND ERIE JL i(All.ltUAD.-. fiUMMEIt T1MC TABLE, TllllOUait AND IlUtECT IIOUTE UETWEBN rillLA- DEU'iUA, nAl.TiMoni:, iiAiuusni'nn, wn.- LIAMSI'ORT, AND T11R GltEAT OIL BEOION OK PENNSYLVANIA KI.EOANT ALEErlNa CAUS On all Night Trains. On and nner Monday, Kept. I ft It ISfts, tlm Trains on tho l'htlndclplila & l.rlo Kail Itoad M HI limn ioiiiiun; wiarrwAitn. MAIL TIT.VIN leaves Philadelphia 10.10 p.m. " " " Northuiiiberl.' " a" arr, at Erie i.uii 1 1. i i.i-s.T ii'ioi'i i iiiuuieipin.i ii.o in. " " " Nurt'd, " " Erie a.,via.m. ELMIItA MAIL leaves Philadelphia " " " North'd 4.'ip.m " " nrr.ntIKkllaen .7.15p.m. EA8TWAUD. MA1LT11A1N lenves Erie 10..VI A.m. " rsortird u.,io, " " arr. nt I'lUladelphla 7.ia,in, Eltii: EX 1'rtnsH leaves Erin .7.:H run " " " Nort'd llAsu.tni i. arr of 1I lliv.lcll.hln T. IMI ,n Mull nnl Express connects with Oil Crt knml Alleuheny ltlvtr Itall ltoad. Baggage 1 kecked iiuoueii. A. L. TVLEH, General Superintendent, VilllainsiiorU KADIXG KAILllOAD. HUM MUU A1U1ANO CM HNT, Mny 3Hli ISG. (J rent Trunk Lino frnm tlioKortli ninl Notth-Wi-vt lir l'lillii(tclihln.Ni'W York, Ili'ftuing.l'ott Hlr, 'iiuuntum, ARlilimd, Lelmnon, Allentown, Kustoti, Jpltrutn, l.lttz, liiinrti'stpr, Columbia, Ac, Tiuiiw h'iLo ilurilsttiiri' fur New York, an iol- lows! AtU,V).lj,)nitat(lUn. til.. 12,10 luinii mid V.'ti v V,,i,umKctiiit! with (sliuilnrtnilni on tlio I'a. I ta II road, and arriving at New York nt 5,U, 10.0U & 11,00 a.m A V-0 7,40 A 100 Hiot'tung cars uccomnan in inu ,tu u.ui. unu U,;t,j ii.iu. trains m itliout clintme. Iauo HarrlsburB lor lU-mlltut, PottvlHp, Tiv iiiitniin. Mini rxvill.' Asliltind. l'lut; (lrtt. Alk'ir luwn and riillftdelphln at 8,10 a.m., nnd i.Vtf and 4,10 p.m., Mopping at Lvbation and prliu-litil way stations; tt.ti 4,u p.m, nmklim conntrtkMis fur l'lilladelplila nnd Columblaonly, Tor 1'olUvlllo Hchuylklll Haven nnd Auburn, .la Hcliuylklll mill suMtiui'lmniia Uallioud. lcfio HtirrNburif at p.m. Ucturnlnc: Leavo N'W York at t'.'io a.m. nnd in., and .Vt nnd 8,nop.m, Hleepluj; rjirncc'oiiipii ly thoy,'"Jft.m.,iitul&,yO and ftf) i, in., trains uirliont rlinnge. Wny I'liKScnfiPr Train leaves I'minciPipnia at 7)Oa.m., rcturninj; lnilll lii nilllir.ltl II, K,lil Pll'Jlll), n.....un. 1'otf.viHe at t fi n. m., and ',tj p.m., Anhland l,i0 a.ri anu i-,r.tniKn, anu '.7Ajp.u1., juutuuw i n. in, and l,xnnd H,r p, m. ijfllU i nil" V Ills. 1"' it.ilinuiiiu, iu i-imijimii nml Husquelmnmi Hullroad at 7,10 a.m. and 1J,00 noon. He.idlna Accommodation Trfttn leaven Iteadtna nt 7,30 a.m., returning from Hillodelphla nt 6,1& p.m. I'uMstnwii Arrnmmndntlon Traln:lravos Pott' town nt 0,4j a.m.,, returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,:w p.m. Columbia Tlnllrond Trains; leave Keadlns nt 7,'h) a.m., ana two p.m. lor ipuram, uniz, jiuci.s. tur 1 'nln mlihi . itc. 1'erkioinen Kail lloml Trains leavo rorklomen .luuctlonat H.con.m., nnd p.m. lleturninffi i.iiivnHictnnt'k nt ft.-i i a.m.. and l.l.l t.m.. con nectiti with himilar trahmon Head tne ItJiiiroad OnHimdny. U-ave Now Yntk at 8,o p.m., J'hll- .vlelrbtHfi.'Ki a.m. flud:i.l.ip.m., tlioH.oo n.m.trniu running onlv to Heading; i'ottsvlllo n.oo a.m.: Ilarrisl.urg fi,'J.' a.m. and 4,li) and p.m., and lU-udlni;atl.lo and 2,Vi and 7,15 a.m. for llartln burK, nnd7,iHlam,, and 11,1') p.m. for 'uw Yoik, and f.'J-i p.m. for Philadelphia. Com imi in i Ion, iliit ii kh, nensoH, Hchoolnnd r.x curslon tickets to nnd Horn all poluts, at leduccd rates. linirE-icechccura tnroucn : t'W pounusnnoweu to each pienger. rTu General Huperlntendcnt. Iteadlne, Pa., May 20, Jtti. rpiIE EST IS THE CHEAPEST I THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE HEADS THE LIST, And leads the column 4,01 ahead of all others. 'Jills Llachlne is 1110 MOST POPULAR IN USE. It uses tho llnest needle ninny Machine In ex Istence, Any l.iuy svaniing a goou SEWING JI A C II I N E, Will conmlt her own interifts by buliiB a SINOrit. It la easier to run, learn and kcp In older than any lacuiup in ine oriu. OVER 300,000 OF THEM IN USE. The fullest Instruction clven thoso who pur. cliase.ond the Machine will he waidlimtku to 5 on fur one yiar. ririlltll'Hll llllllf nivmilllll IHIJ.jr ,i,int Jieroyouwill mill isicine", I nnuu turn mill, DAVID LOWENlirmJ, ABi'lll April 3,'CS-tf. liluomsburb', I'a. Ii U II I A II O U S E, II v nnilNAP.D STO II NER llAVTvn lalolv iinrcliased and fitted Ull the WCH-lillOWU llOUIsoii uuii'i I itipci ij tni..ini n noons aiiove the court house, on tha samo side of tho street, in the town of Itloomsburg; and having obtained A license for lliosanioasa BUSTATJliAN T tho Proprietor hat determined to give to the peo- pie Vlhlllllij Hie inwn ou nusiut'ss ur pietmurr, Ills Mtatllng also Is extenalvc, and I fitted up to put buKule wand carriKc In the dry, lie prom Isci that fv 1 1 y thing abmi 1 1)U t'btablUhnient ntn.ll hn conduct) d In an ord-rl aud lawful mannerf Mtid ho rcbpeclfully Mdlctu a fcbar of th public J. 1'. HEAHD, lth LIPPINCOTT.BONDACO., Maiiuf.iciurera and Wholesale Pealers lu If ATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, No. 13 Market Street, Philadelphia. gNYDER, HARRIS & BAS3ETT, Manufacturers and jobbers of MEN'ft'AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 625 Market, and 622 Commerce Street, rhlladelphla. m Q. W. I3LABON & CO., Manufacturers ef t OIL CLOTH!. AND WINDOW SHADES. Warehoose, No. IM North Third Street rhlladelphla. I. WALTER, I.sto Walter A KsuU, Importer and Dealer In i CHINA, GLASS, AND QWEEN8WARE. No, 121 Msrktt Street, rhllulelphla. c, n. noasn. w. s. kino. j, . sarniRT JOHN BTROUP & CO., Successors te atronp A llroliier, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ritH, No, U NoilU Wharves, and 23 NerUi WaUr St., VhuiulolpMii. iixtcnslvo Amnrlinrnt of men's and bov's LINEN H1IIRT FRONTS. Paper (TiiTlars flarsand ("lifts. and LAliin LlNliM Coi.lai und cuFva selling (heap by Mav,IS.'0--tf IV.T.BIIARII.Eirs GROCERIES, &c QONFEOTIONEHY. The nnderslined would respectfully ta the public, that ho has opened a FIltST-CLABS CONFECTIONEIIY BTOItE, 11 thebnlldlnit neetinlM liv llmnrtl Hloh. ner, whero heTs prepared to furnish all kinds of 1'LAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FHENCII CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FItUITH, NUTH, II AISINH.'AC, AC, AC. i wnoi.ESAt.K on iirtaii.. In short, a full Assortment of All gooils In his lino of business. A ureal vArlcty of DOIihH, TO Vfl, Ac, siiltnlileforthe Itolldays, Funicular alUntlnn Riven to II li E A I) AND CAICEH, of ull kinds, fresh every dny, C'ltlttBTMAB CAN1I1HH, CHI8TMA3 TOYS. A rail Is unllcttrtl nnd satisfaction will he guaranteed. Nov. a, im. ECKIIAItT JACOI1H. REMOVAL OF c. c. m An it's N E W S T O R E to sitivr.'a it lock, o.iTuicon.vKn or maiiklt and inos ntbicts. The undersigned hAvliiK received from tho city A full nnd complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GKOCEIUES, N O T I O N B, TIN-WAItE AND IIAKD-WAItK, cedar Axn wir.r.on'-M'Aiir:, CONFECTIONF.IIV, GLASS-WARE, T o a A 0 c o . A T S A A' li S J I O E 8, FLOUR, SALT, 1'IHH, AND MEAT, All of which I pi opine, scUlii'i at ft very low figure for casIi or produce. Arf- Call and see, April 12, 1VJ7, ('. 13. MARR. G RAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GltANU OPIINI.VG GHAND OPENING nr FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL AND AND AND AND AND WINTER OOODI, WINTER GOOIW. WINTER (I001W WINTER GOOIIH, WINTI.I! GOODS, eonslsllnir ol ennslslltiK of eiillsivtltiir of consisting nf einsistlr.;r of GOODS, (100111, GOOlm, GOOIH, GOODI, DRY HATH HATS II ATM AND CM VI. AND CAPS AND OAIW, HATS AND OA I'M, HATS AND CAP.-i, ROOTS ROOTS HOOTS ROOTS ROOTS AND KItniN. AND SHOES, AND HIIOIW, AND SIIOEH. AND SHOES, RE.MlY-M.Mli: CLOTHING, RI'.ADY-MAIIF. CLOl'IIINO RI'.ADY-MADI': CLOTHING, REAllY-MADI'. CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIfK), LOOKING-GLASSES, I.OOKINO-GLASSIx; l,OOKING-GluSHIM, I ,Ol K I NG-0 LASSI '.s; LOO K 1 N G-G LASS E.V NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILsi, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINIS AND OII.N PAINTS AND OILS PAINIS AND OILsl GROCERIES, (IROOKIHKsi, Gitoci:iin:s, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, llIIEKNSWARi:, llUEIlNSWAItK, ItUEENSWAIIE, tlllEENSWAIti:, UUEENSWARE, IlAItllW'ARE. HARDWARE, HARllWAllE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, 'I IN WARE TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, 1'ISII, FISH, FISH, F1TH FJSslI, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SHEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, Ac. A AT iilrKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, Mi'KhLVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKCLV, , NEAL A CO.'S. MlKELVY. NEAL A CO.'S. McKI'.LVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Noilhwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest isirner of Main and Market streets, Northwest corner of Mam ami Market Streets, Northwest isirnf r of Main nml Market streets. Northwest to rm r of Malu and Market Streets, 11LOOMI!IIRO, llLOOMSIUIRG, IILOOMSIItlHG, 11I.OO.MSI1UIH1, PA., PA FA., PA IILOIIMSIIDRO, IRON AND NAII.s". PA. iiaiN IRON IRON IRON AND NAILS, AND NA1IA AND NAILS, AND NAILS, lu large quatttUUs aud at irducisl ratis.nlway on iiaiiu. QcTikTJi, 1IEKGER A CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEF.SK, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 122 and 131 North Wharves, aboro Ar.U til. Philadelphia. Sole agents lor Wllcoi's Wheel Giease, In bar rels, kegs, and cans. yAINWRIGHT A CO., WIIOLRHALE GROCERS, N. E. Corner Second aud j Arch Streets, PlUHorl.VMU Dealers In TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, rice, si'tcEs, nt carh hoda, ac av. Orders will receive prompt attention. May 10, 1567-ly. JJ V. PETERMAN, with LIPP1NCOTTATROTTKR, WHOLESALE QROCfUta, No. 21 North Water Street, j and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue I'hUadelphia. WE WIIOLE7 AVER A SPRANKLE, WHOLESALF, GROCERIES ANDCOMMISBION MERCHANTS, Nos. 223 and 227 Arch Street Philadelphia. jyj Mi marpijE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, OLOYES, AND FANCY GOODS, No. OS North Third Street, I'blladelphla. T ATELY OPENED. The undersigned would respertfullylnfuriulhe eltlteiisnf lllnonikburgand vlclnlly.tbat liehas ju.i Miirin-ii ii .hum im i run nu eel, ueiween Aiam anu . unu, n ucie hi. n in ioiiow tue caiuuel niA' kiiis uu.iur.K iu mi iis uraucues, uracrs lor METALLIC OR OTHER COFFINS filled Willi promptness and despatch. Repairs ur.i., uiniDiuiitiiHin , luillliurv, lUCIUll, lug tha replalttnguf eane-bottonied chairs, Pat. terns for en. tltma made lieutlv nn.l .,.u.Hii I...... ly, and orders aro solicited either In lierson or by mall, l'ltture fraaies made In order at short mi- "IfclllVH-W "U,.. MIT ROAN. jyjERCIIANT'S HOTEL, it neara rocam btksit, J'HILADSLVIIU. J. A W. O, M'KIHniN, rroprletor. May 19, 1M)7-Iy, IRON, TINWARE, 4.C. RATIONAL! FOUNDRY, Uloomshure, Columhla County, Tlie subscriber, proprietor of tlio bore-i nied extensive establishment, Is now prepared to re eelve orders for All kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATION RY ENOINEt), MII.LH, TIIRE8IIINO MACHINES, Ac Hn Is Also prepared to make Stoves of All sites and patterns, plow-Irons, nnd everything usually mado In nrst'Class Foundries, Ills eitenslw facilities nnd piantlcnt workmen warrant him In receiving the lanjcst contracts on tlio most reasonable terms, drain of all kinds will lio taken in exchange for Castings, This establishment 11 locnled near tho ijifirr wann.'uuid lllootnsbnrg Railroad Depot. PETER r.lLLMYKR. CTONUiSNDFlNwTFlK A. M. RUPERT announcei his friends ind customers that rotitlncrs the nhoe business at his old placoon if.VIN HTRF.ET, III.OO.MSI1URO, . Custonntrs can hp accomodate! with FANCY HTOVIVS of All kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, And overy va riety or article loiind lu A Wove and Tinware Es tablishment In tin' cities, Hint on the most reason able terras, ltepalrlnudonii at tho shortest notice. 2S DOZEN MILIt-PANS on hflntl forsAle. STOVE AND TIN RIIOI. OS MAIN HTKEKT, M:AI:t.Y OPrOSItK Mtl.t.EH' STOUK, RLOOMBI1URG, PENN'A. TnR undersigned has Just lllleil up nnd opened nis new. STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this nliice. whero be Is nrenared to innko up new Tin WAKRnf all kinds In his line, And do repalrttlK with liealliess mid dispatch, upon the most icasotiablo lerins, lie also keeps on hand STOVEM OF VARIOUS PATTERNS ASTYLIS, ..Itl.!. l... u III knit mum inrms lii suit nurchasers, Olvo him a call, lie Is n lioud meihanlc, and deserviliKof tlm tiuljllc patrouiiKO. n jaluii .sir.i,. KliHimsbiirg, April 'X 1MI7, riEOHOE II HOHERTS, Importer and IKalcr in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ar., No. 311 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JAIIHI K. SMITH. J. R. Ml-LlKIl g3IIT.II A SEETZER, IinporteisnnilDealeisln Fiiielgn and Domestic II A R I) W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, M. Iltfl M. Till Rll BTItl:KT, All.CAT.l OWH ILL, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. a.',57-tr. TOBACCO & SBGARS. HH ONLY PLACE to Ket the best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, s at HUNGSIIEROER'S, a few doors below tho AmerlcAli House, lUoomsburg, I'a. He hai Iho largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOllACCO evil' iitrvred ti, tlie citl7ens of HliHrnishuig. A the ftiuey brands of SEGARS, and tli bst I ine-ciil mid Plug CHEWING TOUACCO, '.in bo ' .' at his counters. TOllACCO PIPES III gieal ailrly .ne siuonu bis hirae. stock. i)ON T FORGET TO CALL. II. II. IlIINSHERaER. J.J W. HANK'S i iiui.i.s..j.i; niiiACCO, SMjFF, AM) CIGAR WAIti:iIOUSE, No. lid North Third Sluet, hetwe n Cherry and Raco, w est side, Philadelphia. Q L. WOODItUKE, Wholesale Deuleis in TORACCOH, CIGARX, PIPIW, Ac, Ac., No. 1J North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. o JIN 111 US LINK. The nnderslKiied would respectfully announce lo thu cltltcns of Illootiislinrg nnd the puhlic Kelie rally tha ho is runnliiK nil O.MNII1U8LINE hetwien this place and thodlflcrtnt railroad do pots dally (Sundays excepted), toconnett with tlio several trains koIuu Kinith nnd West on tlie Cata- wlssiiand Wllllnnisr'iirt Ihillroad, and with lliose Koln Nortii and Sonthou the Lackawanna and Rhinaisburif Railroad. Ills Oinulbuses am in good condition, eonimo- dlous and coinliirtaljle, and charKes reaaonable. Persons u lshlnie tu meet or see Ihelr friends dc- p nil, can hoai unstated uimn reasonable eharga hy leas Ins; timely notleo at any of tho hotels.' JAOOII I, GIRTON, Pioprlotor. j iii:atiicotk ' a oil j: ji & COMPANY II' O 7; JC ,y, COU I It 01' WKST HT11KRT it llI.ACKIOiHi: AhtEV HavlNK Incieased our facilities In thowav ot shop i iinin, machinery, Ae., w aro prcnari d tn llilianfacluro I.OCO.MOl'lVE l'U'E.niid nil kinds olhTEAM ll()il.i:il.S,h.MOKE.STA( K.TAMiS, HIIKKr.Inos WiiiiK.ilc. All work promptly ilnne loonier, at sVort notice, and SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRS. Your attention Is specially railed to the mem bers ofoiir llrm-all hclim 1'rnrtical Holler itaktrt. Mr. llEATiu-oTi: has hud an cxpcrliuco of over Ihlrly inrs In tho liiauiifaitillii nf all kinds of hteain Hollers ; and irotii our lonirexiierleueu mo urn fully niuiro ol thu necessity or it nelhiuadj and buttlcleutly laro lioii.i- u, tost euro not onl satety l.uUatlsfactory results: and mo shall nhu our customers only those of tho best quality as rei;anis niaterial.Morknialihhlii, andiimplehent ln fiirfiee, mid ieel confident Hint tan reu der salisriii tloii, and nt prices fully us low us any ills' 1""l'rs """'K 'ho samo quality of nuiterl- 'b would call tho nttentlon of Hallway Com. panics In our Incllltles rnrdoliiK LOIOMOT1VE WORE, hi nihil itl.l'AliiHOUM.iv, as wo liiatiott a isdiit for one of tlio linn toalwujsulveliU per son, il attention. Wo nro nlsii prepared to do all kinds of Hleam I ltlliiiis, such as lleatliiK Public ,md Prliuto IlulldiiiKS, 1 nctorlea, luting liphteniu llollers.Ac, Ciinstnutly on hand all kinds of Htkam I'll'. TISWiriMU AMU IV All'K GUAI1KH HTKAM Pll'lJl, . ... ti.tmiii lutiiin iui Willi IIU IIUNIIieSS, Als.i.Lastliiiisof all klnils.UollerProuis.Grales, Htoieit. Plows, and all work connected with tin teneialloiiiulry business. Hesptclfully sollcltlnR your orders, wo an Yours very tmly, J, 1IEATI1COT11 It CO I eh..1! OS ly OUANOE HOIIOOL. EV1LLK NOaMAL '1 lie next session of IhiilHcliool will i..-wiiiniiifn (ill MUMIAY AL'lll-BTVllb. IStli, l'or pai tlculars address I'rof, II, 1), Vi'AI.KER, Aug. 11,'CS-St, " A 1. .M I. It HI! iitr Tin AliTA VKliA I'hCf-iJA'ViJ. 11 contains thrio ner ei-nl. nt At.iinr.nla aruplonunntlty to ulvo activity without Injury tiilho MKalalfon, nndil laiao perientaiia ul m In tile Done I.u) ,i,(o ol Lime, loniMher with li1'.1!".". ."!.".'. t'a, Ihe esunllal clinulils ol a ( OMl'1,1 irHANCRL, 'iha lurl eased sales to Tanners w hn ule tn'nu JI vvltli blshly satlslactn. I! ' Is i, sun aisiiriiiiteo of lis value. Price, UDpirliiniif lo l.iifs ao lbs ach," hind lor a iiuiiiiiniei, .kumiss T, 'HIE ALTA VELA OUANOCO.. July 8,v-ly 117 llroadwoy, N, Y, NDHUWS, WILKINS & CO., Dealors lu FOKEIUN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOW), No.CU Uarketmrwt, Phil delpbla. QKOHQU KOEIiKEU A CO., Vholcsato Dialers In WOOHVN S WILLOW WARE, YAJtNH, OU-Clolhs, WkUs, Twines, llaskets, etc., etc. S19AS5I MaiU(.tBL,.SC J'hurch BL, Phllada. 1 jauvo, as DRUGS & MEDICINES. S AVE VOUU SIGN KYI OUUAT INDUOKMIJNTHI U 11 n A T 12 It INDUOIJMr.NTBI a n n a t i: b t iNDuriui iintm AT tiik ou imua sroiti: or lu X. MO YE 11, Whero ran be found tho i.ahokst nnd wrm t boitTMkNT, ever o lie red tu tho cltlzcni nf Uil county, of Dnign, ChemlcaN, l'alnts, 0111, OlftM, VnrnlHlu, I'ulty, llnnhc-, DjoStuiTn. Mixed 1' all of Uimo nro of the beat knon n make and nr warranted an pnroand unndulteraltil, Thi- t and 1 nries t stock of FANCY A It T I C I. IJ H to bo fun nd In thts or ndJotnltiKcounttcH iVrfumpry. 1 Iycs, Fancy Hoopn, Uruilun, Combs, ComnetlcK, llnlrOlla, Toilet Arlloln, Klatlonory, ruchct lu-.t TOllACCO i: H . SmokliiKnnd chewing, Cluara of all dcHcrlpltoni, I'lpeu, Cigar HoldcrM. HOUSEHOLD AUi'lCLUS. Lnmps, assorted isUi-n aud tj Ivn, LAMI8,CIIMNK1M, HIlAliKM, lit' JIN TP. A, MISClILLANK.orH UOOD8. Rpongcfi, Cliaiiidh KktiiK, Oltlietc-rn, HjtfeuHniifi, Hyrlngcs, llwubl ruin)., llubbcr Ooods, TrusNei of all approved patterns Ac, Ac. h I U U O H 8. Alliioiifsortmetitof uro ll'iuors for incilitjn purposes constantly on liiind and thu l.i ,t knnw n kinds of htomai'II nrrrKftH, I'atfnt Mldicinih of vwry dcM rlpliMn, In. cludinn thu bust varletten or pills and toiilcti, PlfY-ilcrATi'rt nir-SrKIITIONCAl.EH't.TY win. rAiti.n. Nofcuch istock has Kvr been prrNfiitcd to (he people of this hc-ctlon of cnuntry, Tho prlcesarc nsfimall us thonloek Is Iflrw. Tlio Whotfs'ite I'Hrrmrn moro favnruMo to the tmrchacr than ever.m nrnuiKC intntM lme t)citi c Heeled with tho wholt salo dtalern In the lurt-r eltlcs, ho thid goods can be pru uriil In IUooiiih. biiri; ns cJu iiply as lu Now York or Philadelphia. Country dealers uto eiirntf-Uy Invited in study their own Intercuts, by cxamlnln this stock. Iteincinberthoplaco UxciiANtn II un kuUac Kxchantju Hotel, Mnln street, lllooiusburij. Jan. 31, Ufis. flm S. Itv5' KING'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE MIRACLE OF THE ACC! C'riiy-TI;inlnl Peoplo liaic tin ir locks restored hy it to tin- tlarl It ttnui. sW.en tresses of youth, and are liuM' ' Yoiinirreoplo,wlthiiVi)i'(?i( iii'mninir, havo thoso unfashionable colors lIuiikIIj n beautiful auburr, anil rcjoico 1 l'coplo wlioso heads aro covirul iwtli IhinilntJF anil Humors, tiso It, nnl li-ue ilc.m coats and clear nnd l.ealtliy f cnlps ' litllll-llt'lMltMl Vc'tCI'IIIlN ltlll' their remaining locks tightened, ami tin liaro spots colored with u luxuriant gnvili of Hair, and danco for joy I Youns Gentlemen nro It because it l richly perfumed 1 Young Ladies unu It l waiise It kci ps their Hair In place 1 Everybody must ami will use it, becnum tt Is tlio cleanest and list urtlclc in ll) market I For Salo by Drujjgish gcr.eral!y. AMI rilll UAT.KIIY L. N. MOYER and E. P. 1.1T7. lirnprlil RIoomsburR. iiiidM. M, liIIOP,hT,lhll.lilMti. .Inniiary 'JI, IMiS-;!, j" a. aioYi-nij WHOI.r.HAI.E.V RETAIL 1) It O (I U I H T, (OUNi:it OK MAIN AN11 MAHKKT H1KZKTS, HLOOMbliORG, PA., where will bo found ft largo and select sloult ul Drui;s, JIHDICINKS ANU CIIKMICALS. A Isn all tho I'ATKNT MHniCINKS OV THU 11AY, I am also prepared tu furnish Country Hlorcswltli Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TURLINOSTON'8 IIALrlAM, and all other medicines kept lu their line at Cltf prices. t9-Prescriptions carelully cnmpoundeil at all hours, In medicines, quality Uof the first lilportuiiw. llliMimshurff, Juno7, ls7 . THK AMKHK1AN HAY KNII'K JL AND l'( (lltlf W tho iiiideislzlied cllUeas in Columbia County wlnussed tin- I rli I nf ' forks on tlio farm of Mr. I'urscl, In Hi""'". Township, mi Monday, May 7, WW. U'lin-eil I " Auicrleaii Hay Knlfi. aud Pork iiuinllfaitiii 0 HI.IKElt, WALLS, milllNElt A- Co.. or If'' hull!, Pa., and tlio HunilePa Piilent lis)' '" ' The Alnellenll l urk Iltled moro hay ','!'' diniiuht than Iho llundel In lime. U am sail" lied It u 111 tulio as much liay lulu the mow a lJ kihsI horses can draw. W e also saw It cauii's hay, and think It cannot be beat as a In;)' ' and cheei fully rewiiniiicnd It ns tho best lis) and knlfu wn havo ever keen, ,., w c. llirrKMiKsiiKii, Hn. 1, (J. HAiiaiso.s, W. II. KlIllNS, .lOIIN lloAK, .Toll N IllTFIUCK, IHSIKI. lll1l'. II. IIKIUHII.I.KK, BHVISIIK 1 t KSSIi MiniAM. IIkli.kk, John ih.k. k They also ninnufiieturo the ceh liraied 1" ";;' Reaper and Mower, and other agricultural lair-ir meuts. JN.SU It A N CK A O K N V Wyoming ACtua Cnmincrco Fulton North America City luteruatioiul H Niagara .V.lna LlloHtuek Putnam Meiciiants riprlnclleld Insuraiico Ciimpany of Htato Pinn'a. Connecticut Mutual Lite. 800.D" l,W I.iW.i"" MO.lW SSJ,I STO.l"1 lU'.a"' III,')'1.1"1 Norlh Alnerfemi Truiislt FREAH I1ROWN, Atenl, Iiiai8 (ff-Iy. iitooMsiil'KU. r1 A UMI1HUSTKH & IJUOTIlWli Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, CILOVIM, BHIHTr) AND DRAWERH. . . IIUTTONH, HUHPE I'l-l'' HOOPHKIRTH.I'ANDKEROHIEKH, TI1REA1W, HEWING HILKH, s TRIMMINOH, PORTE "',';A"1 SOAPH, PERFUMERY. KANCY G001 ri04iurauinr.iirti.iin AlsoManuraetnrersof IIRUHHEH AND LOOKING GUiKiFA and Dealers ill ...... .i . UK T 111! SI A 111,? nuuuaau iiihimii ,(i llIlllflMIl. IIUI'11. i No. 30(1 Norlh Third hlreet, alsive v i"ri Phllailelphlii. J-IliLKll Jc, HOST, BucJessora to Franklin P.Keltrer 4 Co. ImporleiB and Wholesale Iiealcrs In LIQUORH, WIN1W, c, Nos. 410 and 13 North Third Btreel. phllailllphla. "i m iiviw nw . If ill l'lllN'I'lN neallv eiitlltwl at lut Cotunai" FrIntluitOfflc,