THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. arum's 2tp;uimrnt. About l'otvls. AllOMI tlio ubstruelnol returns of tlm irfrloillturul hdi'li'llfi of Muncliu.Mr for 1&J1, 1'dltcil hy tlicHoiTctury or tho Htutu Houril of Airrk'itttitromiil publish- Pil liy tho mitlmiity of tlio Stnt., Is a prlr.o from Norfolk county, "On tlio iri'cUlni;aml Miuingciiii'iit of Poultry.'' Tho writer, beslili's MiyliiK tlmt tho fur hi or tins but four breeds to select from, If he wMtcUo nrrlve at tho iimxliiin ilurt'O of lirollt, namely i tho lllnclr. Spanish, tho Ilniiibur&tliu Dorking unci tho Game, also tho ShaliKhne, Cochin Clilnii,l'lilltlg(iiiinil Hralinm Pootrn nro almost worthless exeept us n cm with tho conimon f,!un.ynril fowl. They nro generally poor layers;, cllimy, al though pcrttntcnt ami IniUpcnuatile tit ter, nntl their (let-It In nml Ill-lift' vuroil." B Without uiulerlnkliin; to illparuj;o tho four breeds which tlmt writer places nbovo all others, we dlw-ent from hh classl llcat Ion. Wo aro eurprl-ed to seo how low he puts tho lirahmu Pootru In ccalo of value, lfwlmtho wrotoof this bird was true In 1 1-G f , u great change has como over Ha merits lnit that tlm o. Wo aro Inclined to think that the nnihmaPootrn stand at tho head of nil oilier fowls In public favor to-dav Mass acliusetts. During tho Mitnuier and fall wc ob.-erved thuni In many towns. Wo sawsoino litrjroaml very tlno tlocke.pnr tl -ularly In Cambridge, Arlington, Ington, Lincoln, nml other towns in that neighborhood. They were about farm houses, weroat large In the fluids, and wcro confined In yards and pens. On ono trip through these towns wo saw- one tlo:k of Ulack Spanish alone, hut but other than this wo nowhero sawn tlnglo dlstlnctlvo variety kept together except tho Brahma, through their might havo been many. Tho merits of tho Urahma Pootra.aro mat tliey aro tho thick-feathered, and therefore keep warm and will lay well In tho winter when eggs aro tho most valuable that their ilesh is good for the tnhie, that they weigh tcelt, that their cinckoiH will como to u good weight when quite young, that they begin to lay early nml aro good layers, and that inpy uro contented and easily kept Tiih in our experleiice,nnd wo have not li .1 person who has tried tho ex per Intent of keeping them who has eon- U -tinned them. It is truo wo And them lunvy, clumsy fowls, and persistent and rather clumsy sitters, hut thev mako up for this In thelnidcllty to their oroou which they nover desert or neg lect. Their cgg3 aro large, nml always command n higher prico when their weight and value aro known. They aro easily housed or yarded, and healthy undor confinement, nnd, when itllowcd to roam, wander about contentedly and nulotly.nnd generally do m littlo harm ns any fowl can bo expected to do at largo. Besides this, a flock of light Urahma', with their uniform neck hacklos nnd general similarity of tinge ofJfcatherf,ls;nu ornament to any placo. It costs a good deal more to keep them, wo nro nwaro, than soino of tho smaller breeds, but they make upforthlslii tho iizo of their cfgs and Increased weight of flesh. Wo do notsupposo that this breed has Improved much sluco J6G1, when it was condemned in such wholesale terms.but t hat It was then spoken of without suf ficient cxperienco, nnd that Its vnluo has slnco been more generally tested, and has become well known. Indeed in 18G1 it hud friends, for II. O. Whlto wrotoof It In tho Gmntry Gentleman of August 4th, as follows: "After soveral years' experience, I find this variety well adapted to tho purposes for which fowls nro kept. "They possess hixo, beauty nnd hardi ness In a good are very prol ific. Their egg?, which aro largo, sur pass all others In richness, and llko molt fowls with light plumago and yel low legs, their flesh Is of good quality. Thoy excul all others as winter layers." S. 51. Saunders, in his "Domestic Poultry," hays of this breed : 'As a useful and hardy fowl it is tin-jurpas-ed. They are excellent layers of good sized eggs. "I have no hesitation In pronouncing tucm tho most uscrtil of fowN for tho American farm-yard." And this, wo think, is generally tho to which thoso havo arrived conclusion who havo sulucicnt cxperienco to pronounce a rellablo opinion on tho subject. Wo think ench of tho various breeds nffjwl - has some merits, according to tho Jiffi'rent wants or their owner ami hli manner nf treatment, nnd by their nrofrrences nro probably most general ? 'overned. IJiit.lnklng all tilings to ft. i iipr, wo liellevo tho Urahma Pootras wilt ovot tho most common wants, pat hfy tho most common re(Ulrenients,atid a .. pi hemselves to tho most common oKciir.Mnnees of thou who desire, to ,1 J lowls for amusement, foreirM or for market. fturaltsl, Mutt, Vorll. Is nelectlne swlna fnr Citronlm poses, It is f.afest not to mako cholco of ion;: ikickh or nouow ones. Thcso may In time, become largo hogs, but It will take much corn or other food to fatten tlLm well, aenornlly, hogs, which when fattened, will weigh from three to four hundred pounds, aro tho most ilMirablo pork, either for domcstlo n or for tho market. Tho practlco of se lecting In early spring, plump-built pies at from four or six weeks old, nnd making them fat as posslbloby Thanks, giving week, is to bo commended. Two such pigs may easily bo mado to weigh twenty ortwcnty-Uvoscorcsjatul as theso are not subject to tho cost of wintering over, but aro kept only thro' thoTcrnnl season, when vegetables nro plenty nnd other means of feeding aro ut, iinuu, mu cusi in Keeping two such awlno will not equal that of supporting ono hog u year or eighteen months to mako him wclnhflvo hundred ltOlinrls Tho last two pigs which wo raised were iiriimieu in iWirn. i uey wcro Hlauglit onsi Into in November, and their unit r ! weight was six hundred snd eighteen potiild.i nearly of an cnual hire. Bomosay that pig pork, belnt? young nun ,iv-liuv:r, viuv:s uui anllli as WOli. 0 last as long, ns tlio Hcsli of old horc. if may ho eo ; ono reason however may bo that, being sweot and tender, tho mem. hers of a family aro moreMlsposcd to par take pf It than n dlffereiA kind. Wo have known somo dairy women who had tho knack of making butter inai tvuuici mst, 1110 inmiiy n long tirao ; Indeed ono pound would linger as long upuil UIV IUU1IJ US IHIJ polllUIS 01 RWeCl buttor. Most housekeepers lu every vlllngo 'tl dmivcnlcntly keen ono nig throuirh s'linmernud nutiimii from tho refuse of Mi irjfardcns nnu tlio wnsto oftheir ta bles; Tho purchaso of two or three birhels of Indian com ono month bo Uiro the slaughtering aud given them I urtfy In shapo of scalded nieul,may to i c'ual eoijt required. And n well teiiej, Jiluinji sweet plgofi(cil scores, ui nut thanktglvlng llnic.'Js no untie i ttjblo coiilribiition to tho meat room, or tho cellar. tur -She ilouugotkis. Hair Jaurl Vl" ll'r.JIonfj. Jam-T came downstairs lu blun cali co dress, her Ireshly i-ombi'd hair tied bade with a bluo ribbon, and her little atrawhatswlngliigon lierarm wlillohcr eyes sparkled nnd her rosy mouth was nil wreathed with happy smiles. "l'apa, pripn, nro you most ready?" she exclaimed. "Presently my daughter." Janet looked at tho canary In his cage and tho whlto kitten sleeping In tho sunshine nt tho open door, nnd tho tall cinnamon roses nodding their heads tit tho south window, and wondered If they were half ns happy ns sho was. Kor little Janet was going to tho vll tairu Muro with her father, to buy some thing all for herself. In tho pocket of her stiniy-starelied bluo calico drss was a rustling, now ten cent stamp that sho had earned herself, by shelling peas nnd picking straw berries nt n cent for every dozen pints. All tlio week Janet nan worked busily, and that morning when her mother gavo her tho money, sho said, with a smllo or approbation : "You have earned It my daughtor." "Papa, whntjwould youjndvlse mo to buy V" asked Janet, as sho trotted nlong by her father's sldo holding to ono of his lingers. "I should ndvlso you to suit yourself, my little girl," said her father, "ioti have worked for the money, nnd you hnvo the right to spend it Just ns you please." "I urn very fond of candy," said Ja net, reflectively, "but candy is soon cat' en up, nnd then It is gono and if I bought a china doll, I couldn't ent that up." "So," said her father.smillng: "their would certainly bo that ndvantago on tho chlnn doll sldo of tho question." "Or I might buy a plcturo book. Tom says thcro nro some beautiful books nt Itigney's store." "Or you might buy a now ribbon to tlo your hair with," suggested her fa ther. Jauet laughed, nnd hhook her curls, nnd said sho bad plenty of ribbons al ready. As Janet Lenox entered tho village store, another Httlo girl slunk in nlso-a very different looking child. Ann llryun wns ragged mid dirty, with wild, uncombed hair, and black eyes that shono cunningly beneath tholr lashes. She was about Janet's age, but tho two children scarcely seemed ns if they belonged to tho saino clnss of hu manlty. Tho storekeeper's f.ico was very bright nnd cheerful as ho welcomed Jfr. Lo nox nnd his daughter, but It altered to n suspicious frown ns ho turned to Ann. "Well, what's wanting now?" he de manded shortly and sharply. Ann with u sulky defiant look, drew n bottle from beneath her nporn, and muttered that her father wanted three cents worth of rum. "Have you got tho money ?" Ann pushed forward three rusty cop pers. Little Janet had laid her new ten cent stamp on tho counter, nnd was busy looking at tho toys nnd ptcture-hooks thnt lay in tlio glass show-case. Mr. lllgncy went to draw tho liquid poison, and when he returned ho looked pleasantly nt Janet. "W ell, little lady have you mado up your mind yet '."' "Yes sir," said Janet. "I should liko to buy that littlo book with tho plcturo nrilmhmi'nnOinm.To. Will wa .a.w ui. ...a, ,v ..... .1.1 Hi, 19 ho enough?" "I guess so," said tlio storekepper. good-humorodly, ns ho wrapped up the book In n pelceof paper nud tied it with a pink twine. Meanwhile Janet looked for her mo neyIt wns gone. "Why," sho exclaimed, "what can havo become of my ten cent stnmp ? I am sure I laid it on tho counter. They looked on tho counter, nnd on tho floor, nnd behind tho barrels, but nowhere was tho missing money tn bo found. Suddenly Mr. Itlgney turned upon Ann, nnd said, sharplv: You littlo thler, joh'cb got it !" "So, I hnvo not," contradicted Ann, stoutly, though a f-uilty flush rose to her cheek, and In tho samo instnnt Ja net saw, half hidden In tho folds of tho dirty handkerchief sho woro round her neck, tho end nflter ten cent btamp, "Confess nt once, you little imp, or I'll havo you cent to jail !" cried Mr. Itlgney. Ann burst Into a loud howl, till do nying her guilt. Janet's heart ached for the forlorn, friendless girl, thler though sho was. . "Xo; don't bo cross to her," Inter posed Janet. "Let her go, Perhaps tho wind blew tho moneviiwnv." Ann took ndvantago of her opportii- nlty and slipped out of tho btnro, glad I enough to escape, whllu Janet took hold I of her father's hand, ' "Come, pupa." t "What I without your book '!" "Mr. Itlgney says ho will keep it for me until I havo earned another ten cents." So littlo .burnt horo her disappoint, nient ns philosophically as sho could. It was that b.uuo evening, as sho was running down through tho woods to get toino raspberries for tea, tlmt alio mjv Ann llryau sitting on a fallen log, nil alone, with rather n mournful ex pression on her face, and the ten cent htainp on her lap. Ann stnrted when pho saw her, and would havo taken to her heels, but Janet put her plump nrms round her neck and detained her. 'Ann, don't run away," nho whlsp. ered, softly. "I nm not angry with you." Ann Hryan burst Into tears. Sho wns not used toklnd wordsor geutloaetlons, and sho hmlw heart, although It was crusted over by yenrs of neglect and abue. "I'll give you tho ten cent stamp, Ann," cried Janot softly. "I can soon earn another one." "Xo," sobbed Ann, putting the bit of rustling vper Into Janet's hands. 'i stole your ten cent stamp tn buy candv with, but I didn't euro for candy after 'l had got it. I'm sorry I stole it Janet Lenox." Janet had always f.eurd everybody say what n bul.wkked girl Ann llryun was j but sho almost felt as if ho loved Ann nt that moment. "Ann" sho said If you will como to my house to-morrow, I will give vou somo candy my mother bought in jfow i ork forjinu when sho wns thcro last. And you must keep tho ten cent stamp. I said I would give It to you." Ann took tho money with n bewild ered look and followed Janet with her eyes as the littlo girl vanished down tho glen-path. "Ilovo you Janet Lenox I" was all fho said i but It camo straight from her heart. All tho picture books that wcro over printed would not havo mado Janet half bo happy as those live words. Years havo passed; Janet Is a woman now, and Ann llryan is her faithful, loviug servant, trusted with nil that tin! liouvo contains. Hut h.i iIsiIim linr i,.i. toriifofrom thomumentin which lit tlo Juliet Lenox nut Iter llfllW HClff It round her neck and whispered kind words in tho solitude of th n L're.ii nml quiet glen. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AMI HooflancTs German Tonic. rrc.r.'.l hy Dr. M, JcUon, I'niWbsLrEii, The Great Remedies roftiLL htiiuisor THi Liven, STOMACH, or DiaCSTIVU ORGAITO. Ecofknd'a German Bittora It e ompomiJM of lite pnr JtttM, (or m they ar FHwclieliiAllT Urni rs tvt&d KMrtcU) vt Hoot, llerbi jSfCalUr ril Harks, nrnk Initkjrrepawtlon, 'fifTTra- highly eoiicfn- lyutrom AU cota'M admutfwt qfanf kind. Eoofland'a German Tonic, Ii ft fomUnfttlon of all Itie frrirpAln1l of t!i HlK'M, with Did t'urenl aoalltjr of Santa CVu Kun, Orange, rt. mdUnj oru of th most fle MAM )! grvvftbl remcdlea erer oflerej to he tiutllo. 'I'Iiom ircrVrrifiir ft UMldnc frt from AIco tiolla ajmiituie, will tii Hoofland'B German Bitters. In fAffi of nfirotn depreifloiv when ora ftlcoliollo tUmulus la ncovaiary, Hoofland'a Gorman Tonio Tha B!!tra or tha Tonla era brth tnnj oc, ftiij cotitaln tba atn loedlcln&l vlrtuca. Tlia atomarh, from a variety of ranaca, auch a baU.lty, ato, la CggS Very ant Ima IU fuuctlona da WL JT3 raiitf.I. Tht re mit of which , ifc-ilT that the patltti uttrri from acveral or mora of tht foaonbig dlacaaea: Conntlpatlon. FUtulcnee, Inward Tilea Fulneaa of ttlood to tho Head, Aridity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart bur a, DUytiot tor 1'ood, lAilnasa or Wt-Jifht in thu Utomach, SotLf Eruc Utions, Stnklna o Ftut trlna tha Pit of tha Stomaoh, Swtmralnfv of tho Head, Huirlod or Difllcalt Breath in, Vlntterlnv t tho Heart, Ghoklnz or uirocatln Sonsatlorxaj when lu a, I-ying Posture, Dlmnen of Vision, Dot or web bvforo tho Sight, Dull Pain in tho Bead, Dofloloncy of Perplratlon, Yellow nos of th Skin and Eye, Pain in tho j. Sido, Back. Chart, Um fjtiTlm efco-9. denFIuohoaof WLJW Hoat, Bnrn In in hoJSa Ploarti, ocm utant Imasrlnlnsa of Erli, and Great Deproaiion of Spirits. Ttiw romedlea win ffbernaJly oir Urer ouplalntt Jaoixlto, nyapapatft, CThrcmta m Narratia DetlUty, Chronta DijuTh, Dlaaatt f the Kldnrya. and all DlaeaaM arlalng from a nincrderw IJtk, Stomach, or Intcatlnvc DEBILITY, fliTinifo ran ivr Oitai vairtTaa: PHOSTKATIOII 07 T2TJ3 SYSTEM. Jidcoip ar eariaa Liaoa, H6pBira. Etroicaa, fifiii, a to. Trra la bo nifdlctaa eiUnt eiial U theea ram11ea la neh caaea. A too ana vlfor hi 1m. parted to U whole ByiUm, the Appetite la Btreoctnened, food la enjoyed, tbe atomaehdliaata M 4B promptly, tht blood la purified, j"! tie oomp'exloti baooneaaoaadftrid UB healthy, iLe yel low Unge la eradicated from tin eyea. a bloom la ivao to the cheeka.aad th weak and DOTTOua lorftJd beconiA a atrooy and healthy being, I'ersons Advanced in Ufa And feelnj tlw hand of time wclamrr fenrny pon them, Ith at) li attendant Lla, wll ftud la thaae of lh! Iiri'l lil.., or lh TONIC, n anxlr that will tratil new life Into their vrina. rortora In a rnt,aurt the energy and ardor of more youthful day, fcuiid tip thru ahrunken forma, and give litaJth aod hai'ploeaa to their remalulri yeara. noTicn. It la a aell-eetaWlnhed fact that roily one-half f the female por Hon cf our rwipti- lallftii aro aoMom TtN In the enj,tjment ofjMhmllhjor, IRi 5J to ue tUfr own eiprewloii M,lt;Br fanl ril tMi xrvW They are laaKuld, tigroid of all euergy, eitrtmoly ner von, ai.d hae no appitlto. Tii thlaclaaiof nnona the H'TTKUS, or the TUML,U eaiieclally rccomnienild. WEAK ABD DELICATE CHILDREH Are rndda atronc by the me of either of thw rrmedlM. They wHl care every ee of KAHMU8, wlthoat fall. Thounaitdaof eertlflcatea have accamulatcd s uie hand of the rorrletor, but aintce will allow Of tho uLIUUjd ol hut ft few. Tho, It win boUprcd, aioDicnof note and of och atanj' liift'lfcat lliey muil U believed. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W, Woodward, XtfJus!(ct vJlS Suyrmt OnirtofVx. wrltea ff I find Hoof Und'a German nitteii'liai-ul A, mcfnl In rtliwpaof tf.etil ""tV icitife orjana, and of treat ten 'jXS ultlnra-uiof da Lllity, and want of mrvoua acUou In th eviteia ibure tnite, ai!a W. AVOODWARD." Hon, James Thompson, JuAs a tt SvjTtnt Court nf lUnmyfrunta. rhilaiUljftKi, April 2t, Ml rotrriW nH).WiU Oerintii IMn-d a Talt mt.hcmt n ia of liar bit of lu-!--t:y or Ijrfi.aia. 1 cua ctrtlfy tbl (rout my eij.erleiiceof il ' Voura, With remel, "JAMES TIIDMIVK.T" From Rev, Joseph II. Kcnuard, D.D, tor Lt Tcnl llnjAil CUrcS, iWK 2r, jein-i Penr Blri I ht tn frf'in"iitlr Mquealed to ttmnucl my r.n'i.a with rf? mmei tit at mil tf my )iivrliii aJl i4 iecJUi d J )rl . ..t yrvot la tuiTou CbM 1-tftArteeand pw euiarlyta a;y own faral'j, if the wriiliM t4 4tvn'iinut m vjcuiinn 1 Jill CPS 1 ur-pitr IVf mM fmiii my unua! course, to exprnt my fn i rotrl tion tht,o ctttral Utltti.y th tyttrwt, jtlljJoe 1atT VomfUint, U U a ! vaituilU jirtparauotu In iomo co Il ir.iiT fO ; tut uiually, 1 louU nul, It will In vr Lvietl-caA to lhu t ho eultcr from the abni e enaiK Voure, try rcitf ifullj. J. Jf.KKNNAIir, rrom Ecv. IX D. Fendall, Miiifd JWtfor CKrMan CbrpmcU.fiiladti- 1 hare eriTed dethled te--f.t fnim the tae of Tlonfland a (lerman Hitters, altd feel IV ny vrtft ler to rteommf tid thtm aa a tam nvlnabfe touta to all who art uiinflna- from veneral debiTIy r from dieeajee Aoit from dcranfemenl of tt-a ll w, curatiDly, CAUTiorr.- Uftnflend'a flennao Hameiiee ara aouutarftlu Mh bulUe. All 1UI ., "IT" W ) olheri are aonn. Wnetl. I'rlndi'al Offlra and Unf.rinr man Mauiclne etore, AJiL'II Hum, fan- oiiArixjsa sl evawo, Ucrmau frU((1T,,ii, rroprltMr, , . l,rormerlyO.M.Joiiartft. roraalelyail UruKbwwid Dvalmra MaeS Seoflaai atmaa IStterf,pev btu, M . ,, " am amen Daofland I German Ton e. cat an in tiaM e m hotUM 1 la par bottle, or ft half doiea for iu 6JT" Do not forget to examlna wo!l tha utlcl oa btty, ta order t zi liia seiiiaa. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Quinary I,1VU. DRY GOODS. TyriLLUIl'S BTOltK. FH1HU AimiYAL OP PALI. AKH WWTEn 0001)8. Tli, U.rlk.r biu Jntt retnrnpd from U. oltlcs villi anoth.r Urge and .elect ns.ortm.nt of KrKMa AND HUHMI5H aooi, Iilirctirit In N'.w Yorlt nn.l riillndolpbl.l t the lirctfl?r?, nm which liolMlotrrmlnM to noil on n. inodrnlQ tf rmi n enn l r'ocnT.d clfe where In lllnomsburft. 1IH stock coniprl.e. LADits' im&i.s aoom of the choicest M jlc nnd lnlpnl fnhlont tnRpthcr with a tare. A.irtnicnt or Dry Ootnl. nnd Ore irrlc, conil.tlug of tho followlns nrtlcteit Cnrpots, Oil Clotlm. Cloth., fhnwl, Klnnnc, mil:., Whlto GooiH, I.lntns, lloopt;lilrt!c, Muilln, ilollowwaro OUnrwnrr Cneensworo, Unlwi Hoot, nnd Bhec, ttatn aud Cnp, Hoop Nets, Umbrellan, LooklnK(llui4tt.( Tobacco, Corr.o, Hutr., Teas, nico, Allspice, (JtiiKer, Clnnnmon, Nutinetr., AND NOTIONS 011N ItALI.V. In short, everything nsualiy kept In country .tores, to which ne Invites tho attention of the publio generally. Tho hlghcil price will tie paid for eonntry produce In exchnugo for good. H. II. Mlt.t.KU&SON. Arcado r,ultdlnK, Illooimborc, 1'iu PRKAT KKDUCTION IS I'lUCKS AT PET Hit KNT'fl RTOIIU, IN I.IOIIT STltr.r.T, or BPIIINO AND SUMMEIl GOOIW. TIIH subtcrlber has Jtwt received nnd has on hand at hi. ola stand In Lljlit Street, a largo and select ASSORTMKXT OF JIKItCIIAKDISE purchased at tho lowest llgnre, talul which ho d.termlued to sell on as moderate terms as bo procured etiewheru In Light Ktreet, ivn asii or. couxtjiv rxovvca. Ills stock consist, of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest stylf s and latest fashions, Oallcots, Muslins, Ulnahams, flannels, NWry, Carpets, Ullks, Sfhawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hntlnetts, Cskslmcrs, Cotton. des, Kentucky Jeans. AC, it AC CinOCEKIES, JfACKEHAii, Qne.asTrare, Cedarwnrc, Hardware, Medicines, Drnss, Oils, I'alnt., Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, IIAT3 & CAPS. In ihort everything nsualiy kept In n connto stare. Tho patronage of hla old frlonds and the public generally, Is reipectrally solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro dnee. TETEU Is'T. Light Hired, Not. 8 lfeT. J J. Ii K O W E It, Is now otTerlng to tho pulillo his Stock of s j' ii in a a o o j) s eonslstlng In part of n full lino of INGRAIN, WOOL AND HAG OAlll'ET S, Pine cloths and oasslmero for Ladles' coiV, nANDSOME DUKi-M GOODS, of all patterns aud qualities, IuUlds aud ITlnts Af various qualities and prices, BLEAt-HOT AND RUOWN MUSLIN:!, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, X X D BALMORAL SKIRTS. flood assortment of Fresh Groceries t nd Apices. Now akoi tmont GLASS AND QUKKNS-W'AUB, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half and one-fourth barrola. Now Is tho time to make your selections, as i a'rn offering goods at very low prices, and nitr motto Is fair dealing to all, uud not to be uudei tola by any. J. J. Bloomsburg, April 13, 1SCT. E A UGII'S COMMHUCIAL MANHRCi. IAUQII A HONS, Philadelphia, KORTn-'iVEfiTEItN rEIlTILIZIKO CO. Clilcngo, Solo Mnmifucttirers. PRICES. BAUOH'.S HAW IlONi: I'lIOIl'UATII, JM per EOOO pounds. IIAUQH'H CHICAGO liONn FKHTILIZEIt, !50 per 3300 pounds. BAUOIt'S CHICAGO 11L00D MANUI1D, J50 per MOO pounds. The aboru Itannrrs am furnished in both bees and barrels, Tfhlchcvor custemers prefer. 4-Tlio bagsarii.unlforni In weight lCCjiounds.-iia Tha atttttitlnn nf rnriuiTrt Is tineelsllr directed loth fs.t thst tiioHourceH of the ltaw Material of which the a biire Manures aro oonipohed.aie an we l iinditr control that we can luruisn uiem o ssrlelly uulforai quality and coaaltlon, nnd tlmt they contain a Ivrrsr pet ceiitngeol ammonia than ooj oia.r stabs oi inanuiaciuiru uiauuiv-. in wiu blatksl. llAUitll a: rjviii, SO f . Delaware Avenue, l'lilis. NOIITM WrSTKItN i ritTILI'.INO CO., Cor. J ske and l.a.atle sis., Chhsgo, & llstivh'M ( nmfnrrrlul llnniires mav be rro- enrsd trom dealets in F.117 oftiie prlueil al loans la the Ue'tted 8lateN or liomlnloii of ( unada. I). W. Masters. It MM e. and W. of Cat- aalsna, Agsiits, July I7,'n-Jm. 11. AUTKA.a. e, a, ou.i.lNnaa. k. b, hatman. RTMAN, DILLINGER & CO., vo, 7a sonTit Tuinn btiihiit, (AVuriy ojrjfoiUt Jrmief, Kmt, Ecntie it Co.) Vhotesalo Dealers tu YARN."", RATTING, WADDINO, CAUIT-IH on. tn.orns, siiAnica, n.Y wets, CP.AI.N 1AG3, COHDAGn, 40. AIM, WILLOW AND WOODHN WARM, tinrsnna, trcmks, uoKiytt olauks, cto. Maj K.lln.ljr, JOWE, EUSTON t CO., Manalaelurers and Wholesale Du.lers lu COTTON TARNS, CAUPBT CHAINS, BATTS, WlCXf), TIB TAUNS, (XHtluail, BROOMS, WOOD AND AVILU1W WAltfi, LOOK'G UMIWE, CLOCKS, FANCY RASKfcTH TAr,LK, FLOOR, AND CAKRIA01I OIL CLOTHS, AO., &'o. OH Mark.t Street, south side, rht'udolpula. JOHN 0. YEAOER & CO., Wholesale Dealers la HAH, tr, STRAW C1O0DH, AMD LADIDVFUna, Ne. tn Borth Third Btreet, rallad.lpaln. ARTMAN & ENGKLMAN, TOBAOOt), bnvfk A Wll UAMUfAUTOBY, ie. sM xoiTif rv 1 an irvuj&aT, flssoad eor kelov7 Woolt i' n u. a a l p in a. 1, W, WAHI1tA If, UI,IA Ifctf" JfOR NEAT XnTT OlfKAT' ii i ' J ivxist j iivr. CAT.L AT THK COLUMWAN OPVIOK RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL .. way. . . . on ana alter aiay ivtn iwt -1 rains win leuveNonTUUMUSRLAnn as follows t NOUTHWAItll, 423 A. i. Dally to Wllllainspnrl, (except Sunday) lor iiiuini, tuuanuaiguii, imcnctivr, kuiimio, Hustieiislan llrldue. and N. 1 nils. (VJ l. M., Dally, (except Huudiis)lor Kllmrti and llulhilo via l.rlo Ualtauy trom l.llulta, 6.1H l'. M., lially, (except Huuds) fur Wllltnms- pun, TRAIN'S H0U1HWAUD. 0.14 A.M. Dally (exceiitMotnlay'sj lor Itnltlmore. WIL.MINGTON AND rillLADLLl'HIA. lt.V) A. A. DnllyiexceptHunilaysjforlmltlinore, Wnslilngtou nnd 1'uUndclplila. til. H. YOl'NO, Gcneial l'us-eugcr Ageut. I ACKAWANNA AND RI.OO.MS- JJ llUHU ItAILAOAD 0.1 and nrter May litis, 16W, l'.tssengcrTmlns will mil asfollonsi GolugSouth. Lnvo Le.ivo Going North, Arrive Arrlvo Mt'ranton o.::u 3.-JU 0.17 rittaton 0.M .M M.:n 0.10 4.11 10.00 MO 4.5 7.11 6.10 7.11S C.n 8.M 0.U O..V 7.4? 0.10 7.01 7.1U 11.141 7.ltl &.:! Arrive l,eno Leave e. 4.13 Kltmstuti , IUS , O.IJ Plymouth Miilckshlmiy,, lierwiik Jilooiii itupert D.uivllle ... K.l ... S.40 .. 11.1(1 A I rlvn Norlh'd v.M 1 no 11.10 Triilu at Sernnton makes connections allh Lx tesM'l ratu for New York at 3 o'clock p. lu,. nrilvln m New York 0.60 p. 111. II, A. I ONUA, Sup'l, iw. ERIE PHILADELPHIA AND Jl lt.ML.ltUAU SUMMER TIME TABLE. TItllOL'OII ANDCIItKCT 1I0CTB HETWKKN rilll.A nt.M'ltlA, llALTlSIOIIR, nAUUtSllUIU), WIL- MAUsroivr, ani th 11 GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ri.EOANT Ht.KCl'INO OAKS On all Night Trains. On nnd nrter Monday, Sent. Ilth IW, tho Trains on tin, l'htlndclpliln A Krio Hall Road will tun as iotlows: WI1STWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves I'lilhulclphln 10.10 p.m. " " " Noilliuinbertand...0.t2a.m " M arr, nt Erie Ellli: EXl'llllsslcnNeal'lilluilelphla II. :H 111. " " Nort'd (1.40 p.m. " " nrr. nt Erie ,o.",Oii.m. KI.MIItA MAIL leaves 1'hlladelplil.l 11.111. " " Noriird 4.'iip.m " " nrr. at Iioek Haven .7.4iii.m, EASTWARD. MA I L TRAIN leal is Erie 10..V1 n.m. ' " Noilh'tl " nrr.nt l'hlliulelilila 7.ula.nt. ERIE EXPRllss leaves Erie 7.Xiu.lii. ' Nort'd U..Viti,m arr.nii niiiuiriiuiiH o.uni.iu. Mali nnd Express eoniiectH with oil Creek uud Allegheny Riser Rail Road. Raggage checked thlough. A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Wllllamsiiort. j:adino uah.uuad. Great Trunk Line Trom tlio North and North WVtt for riillailclphlu.New Yuri:, limning, i'otln vlllc, Tatiia(iia, Ahhlainl, I,i-tiaiint All.-ntmn, Kasioti, i:pliruin, I.ltlz, Ijitirttt-r, Columbia, Ar., 'iralns havo llarrKImiK lor New York, um tol lows: At ,Vi, A,-. ntul C.hiu, in., l-.U) nonii nn.l i.yo A H,,, c(jniLcrtlnK with similar trains on tliu 1'h. llallioad, nnd arriving ut New Voik at .,), W,w A 11, a.m., a :i,.aj 7,10 a li),:w p.m. .Ueplna rnrri uoronipanvltia tho n.m, and ;t,s.i p.m. trulit h without chanbi Iawvw llarrlsbtiry (or Ih adinn, Pottuvlllt-, Ta lanqu.t, Mint'isvlllc, Afshtuiul, I'iiic Clrovo, .Mien town and l'hllndcl)hl.iat a.m., and -'.ut and 4,1U p.m., htopplns at Lebanon and principal vay fiiatlonn; tho -l.lup.m. malting coiinei'lhiiiH for ridladelphlauiid ColumbUunly, I'or rolHvlllo .Schuylkill Haven and Aulnii-n. via Schuylkill ami bUMptohimiui Uallroml, ka( HarrNbur at ;i,5t p.m. Ueturnlnj:: LwtM New Yolk at ,w a.m. and l-.W)ni and 5,-ki and hjm p.m. Sli-epliitf carnftCfompanylny the Wntit.tii..atirt.V0 and M.ut p. in., trains wlrhout rlmtim-. Way Pasti'iiKer Train Iouvoh Philadelphia at 7,"io a.m., ictumiiiK from H'.ullnnat(l,:KJp,mt(pilnn at all utiitluiiK; i'nttnvlllc nthMin. m., and 'J,, Axhland H,oi) a.mand 12,10 noon, nnd -J.ODp.iu., Tumaitm dl 8,30 n. m.nud l.Wand XA't p, m. t,pna rottfiUlcfor JlHrrlHliurK, vl.fcHohnylklll tid tSusquchauiia Ilallroad at 7,10 a.m. and li.QiJ noon. ItfAdtnfc Accommodation Train ltVfH rtenrllnij nt7,3tJn.m., leturnins from Philadelphia nt .15 p.m. Pottslotm Accommodation Traln:!cavPiPolU town at 0,43 a.m.,, returning, JfaeH Philadelphia ftl-j,;n) p.m. Coluiablrt Itallroad Trains: lenTc HcadlnR nt 7,00 a.m., nnd Mi p.m. for L'phratu, LUlz.lJiiiau ter, Columbia, Ac, Perklomcn ltiilt Uoad Trains lene P.'rklomt-n Junction nt tt.iw n.m., nnd p.m. Kfturidntr: lA'stvolSklppnck at B.4 j a.m., nml 1,15 p.m., con necting ulth similar train, on ltnidlni; Itallroad On hundayn, leave New York at s,hi p.m., Plill ndclphla 8,011 n,in. and :1,15p.m., ttm,aj a.m. train runnlnn only to Ui-adliiK; IVdlKvllh k,oi) a.m.; Hairlsbur a.m. and -t,lu ami p.m., and ItMiillni'fli 1.1J nnd l!.,Vi and 7.1.) a.m. for Hants- burs:, nml 7,Mla m., and 1 1, K) p.m. for New York, ami V-5 P'n. for Philadelphia. 1 Commntnilon, MIIeace,.'-fa"on,SchiMiland I,x I curslon tlrliou tu and 1 ruin all point, at rtduml ! ran", iinsage elieeltfd throush; IW pounds allowed to each p.u.&cii6r. a. a. Nicor.r., tlcnfral SupeiluirnUent. nedding, Pa., May aw, .. I T UK Hi:ST IS THE CIIKAPKSTI inr. hi no Kit erAViNo machine ItEAIJS THE LIST, And If flu lliecolumn 4,t?f3 oheed of nil olhern, Uhls iluchlno la tho MOST rOPULAtt IN UHK. It us tho finest neetUn of any Machlna lu cx Utence, Any ldy wnntlns n Kxd S E W I N a M A C H I X 13, Will consult lur own IntercM.! hy huylnE n PI Mi Ml. It 1h rash r to run. Irani nud keep In order than any Matlilno In tlm world, ovi:n or tiikm in uhi:. ThefullRt lnlructIon clveu those .who pur chao, and the Muchlnu will un wakuamku to jou for one ear, PlrnhMcnllnt my Hlnronnd atltIy yourschrH. Jtcroyou will llnd N. i'.lb-, l hn-ad and Hllk. DAVID I.OW'I.NHUtlJ, Aut-nl April 3,'GX-tr, HloomMhun;, Pa, C BY B K 11 N A H D H T O II NKH, IIavino lately purchased aud tUted up tin wcll-kuowii UobUou Hotel Properly, I orated u ritlT UOORH AltOVA TUB fOtlllT IIOt'HK, nu the Name Fldo of the street, In th town of Illooinftburgj ami bavin; obtained llccn for the name as a U K S T A U It A N T, the Proprietor hs determined toeli to the peo ple Tlslllng Ihe town on huilnesi or pleasure, A Ll'lTLi: MOUK ItOtlM. nisMfthllnBalHOls cxtftiMlvr. nnd In fitted up to put huKchaaudcnrrlatje In tht dry. lie prom lsenthat e cry t hlnj; aUait hlHt.tablhmentfhall hu coiidueteil In an orderly nnd Inwitil mrfiint r; iud he renpecttuliy Polldta a khnre of thn public I ttnmiise, fmyl7'ti7-tm, J I liKAlU), with LIPPINCOTT, ROND fir tti., Manufactnrera and Wholeialo rieIert lu HATH, CAlr. TUIIH, AND HTAV 000 In No. m Market Htrevt, Philadelphia. jgNYDKU, IIARUIH Jk UASSKTr, ilauufucturers and Johhen of MEN'3 AND IiOY'H CLOTHINU, 01. 523 Market, and 623 Commerce tMreet, PhlU'lrlplila. Gr. W. BLABON & CO., Mannraetarers of OIL CL0T1 AND WINI)0V MAPIS, Warehouse, Ku. 131 North Third Btreet riillx'elphla. J II, WAIl'KIt, Late Walter A Ksuu, Importer nnd la t'KISA, UMBB, AND QUBrMHWArtU. Ha, CI Jl.rUtt Etrs.t. rklladelphla, r. a. .snb. w. s. iijtu. r, b. saiaiaT JOIIK BTBOUP A CO,, Sacssars ta HJreup A Brettier, WHOLFaL dkalhrk m FWIX, Ks, U Xerth WSarns, aaa u N.tth Telu hi., nilU.lelpWu. An cxtonIvo Assortment of mcn'a ana liey'a LINI'.N HI1HT I'KIINTH, I'aper i.'ullars and fiiriH, uml Latitsa Linkn Cului and urya selling cites li by MTn,'-f L.T-MIAUVLTO?' GROCERIES, &c QONP EOTIONERY. Tho nnderalaned would resneetfullr anaouaco te the publio that he has opened a FIRST-CLAWS CONFECTIONERY HTORE, In thebulldltiR lately occupied by Ilernard Ktoh. tier, where he Is prepared to furnish all kluds of "LAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CAND1IX, I'OKKiriN A IK)MITI0 FRUITS, NUTS, RAlSlNH, AC, AC, AC, JIT VfltOI,ESAI,B on nr.TAit, In short, n full assortment of nil goods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, Kim, Ac, sullahlofortho Holidays. Funicular attention given to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS 0ANDIE8, CHIST.MAH TOYS. A call is solicited, and satisfaction will be guaranteed:. Nov, 22, 1807. ECKnART JACOIIH. JEMO VAIi OK c. o. MAttn's NEW S T O K K to xmr trs n i, o c k, ONTUECORNEH or MAIIKITT ANn IRO.S sl.inur. Tlie nnd. rslgned liavlnie received finm h il' a Hill and completo supoly uf SMUNO AND HUM.MIIU nnv aoons and aitocKnn, SOTIONB, TIN-WAItE AND IIABIJ-AVAKK, CKDAIt AXtt irtLT.OW-WAKi:, CONFKCTIONKUY, OLASS-WAUi:, TOBACCO, 11 A T S A A' J N 11 O : .V, I'LOUIt, HALT, f'ISIf, ANI1 JIIUT, all of which I propose nelllui;at a ery love ilurn for cash or produce. ttr rull and see. April II, 1M7. C. C. M.Mtl!. G HAND OPENJNO (1UAN11 Ol'll.VI.N'd OICANII DI'IIN'I.VO (IHANII OI'II.VINd CJItAN'll (ll'lJNIN'O KALI, AND WINTIIIl flOOIW 1'AI.I. A.S'K WINTIIIl (l(ll)IN. I'AI.I, AND WINTClt (!()l)lw KALI. AND WINTIIIl (HIOIN KALL AND VINTIin OOODs; con.lstlni; ot conslstliut of consist Iuk of conslstlnc nf eonslstlni; of nriY donna, DIIY OIKIIM, DitY noiiim, nnv iiooin, UHY (100IM, HATS AND f'AIH, HATH AND CAIH. HATS AND CAlts: HATH AND I'AIK, HAT.S AND CAI-S, nonin and HiiniiH. HdOTH AND HltOIlH HOllTH AND HMOIIH HOflTH AND HIIOKs 1IOOTH AND HllOlwi ItriADY-MADr. t.'LOTIIlNd, IHIADV-MAIlK CiAinilNll ItllA DY-.M A III'. CI .1 mil Nf 1, KlIADY-MADi; Cl.orilIN(l' Ui:.DY-.MADK CLOl'lllHo; LOOlflNd-OLAHSnH, I.lKlKI.VrMILASSIIH I.11UI.-N(M1I,AMS1X llDICINd-dLAHHIW I.OOKINU-ULAHMls; NflTIONH, NOI'iONs, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOllONS, PAINTS AND OILS I'AINTH AND OIIJS, I'AINIS AND OILS l'AlN'lM AND OILS l'AINTH AND Oil! OltOCKItlllS, (lltlH'llIHK.H, OIUICKHIIX, iiui(;i:itli.s OltOCIUillM, Hiirr.NSWAUK, UIJllllNHWAIli:, HUIIllN.SWAItK, i(iii:i:NsVArtii, iin:i-:.NswAitn, ITAltllWAllII, HAUtnv'Aiti;, HAItDWAltll, HAllDWAItb', HAKinvAiti:, TINWAItfl, . TIN'WAIlK TINWAItll, TINWAIill, Tl.NWAUli, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, HALT, 1'IHII, risii, K1S11, KITH 1'lftll, OIIAIN AND HHK1H, (llt.UN AND H1III1W, IIT.AIN AND HIlllllS, (HtAlN AND HH1II1S, i;it.MN AND HHIID'S, e .'Ii'KI'.LVY, NHAL it t'O.'S, MiKMLVY, N1IAL .V OJ.'H Ml'KIII.VY, N1IAL & C'O.'Hl JllKIILVY, N1IAI, A CO.'S. .McKllLVY, NHAL A lU'H, Northucht corner oi taliuiud .Market Streets, Nortliwvst corner of Main and .Market Hired, Nnrlhwest comer of .Main and .Market htit eli, Norlliwest corner of .Main and .Market stri els. Northwest co rner of Jiaiu and Market htreets, llLOOMHIItlltO, PA., IILOOMMIUHO, PA llLOO.MSlltllto PA III.OO.MHIIIIIK1, PA., IILOOMSIIWltO, PA. IKON AND NAILS IliON AND NAIII, I HON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In latpe quaMIIUs and at ttduccd isles, aluav rm l.aiid. OCUKIJi, UKIKJKH A CO., (IKNT.IUL COJ1JIISHION MKHCHA.1TH Dealers In Finn, MALT, (.'IIIiLSIi I'llOVIfllOHH, Ar., Nos. IS aud LU North Whams, aeore Area 1st. Philadelphia. Bole atents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, la bar rets, kes, and cans. y-AixwnimiT a co., WIIOLP.HALE (IltOUEnn, N, F.. Corner fecotul and .Arch Streets, l'HII.illCLl-aiA, Dealers In TI3AH, STnurn, COI'l'KK, HU(J AH, HOrH.IICH, kicp, si'irns, ni cunn aonA, o., c. ,9. Orders will receive prompt attention, .May 10, ISC-ly, JJ V. PKT1CHMAN, with LU'riNCOTTolTUOTTKlt, WHOLESALE GKOCEIW, No. 21 North Water Street, and No', an North Uolaware Arcnnn 1'hllailelphla, "yEAVKIt & BI'ItANKLE, WHOLESALE OKOCKIIIIH ANDLXMIHIHHIO.V MKP.C'HANTS, Nos. ZXi and 17 Areh street Philadelphia. M. M. JIAIU'IjE, kotionh, iiosir.nY, owvm and FANCY GOODS, s No. 31 North Third 8trt, Philadelphia, Ae nnderslBned would respectfully Inrorm the Itlien.ol llliKiinshnrKalid vlclnliy, llml helu.a Just opened a ..hop on lroiiHtieet, lielween Mnln aadlhltil, sshira lie still follow the ciiiiin. t nin. klni business In nil Kb branches, On!er lor MKTALLIO OH OTIIHlt COFI'INs filled with pronipttiesa and dt.piit.ti. iiersiiv cheaply mail, to ell kinds of luinllun, .uclild In, the replaltlnuof caue-liottoiiirti cliuirs. Pui. terns for cutilniis made neatly ami nininlimi,. ly, and nidersare sullelted elllirr in i ersinior bv mall, n.lure fiamcs mad. loordir ut short w' "XtrtllVIMl ItOKKKTUO.. yEUCIIANT'S HOTEIj, 9 0T1I rOVKTR STBUIT, miLAUKI PlIIA. J. 4 W. O. M'KIODIN, rreprlelor. Mario, isar-iy, IRON, TINWARE, J-ATIONAIi l'OUNDUY, nioomstiurc, Columbia tVntnty, l'a. Tlie suiiserlls'r, iirniirletor of the alHise-rameii extensive establishment, Islnow prepared to re cel o orders for all kinds of JtACHINI'.UY KOll UOLLlnilllW, 11LAUT FUIINACKH, HTATION IIY HNOtNEH, MILI,TIIUfXIILN(l MAU1IINEH, A( no Is also piepnred to make Hlmesof all sires nnd patterns, I'lmv.lrons, and everything usunllj luailo In tlrst-elass r'nnndrlea. Illsextenslsiifiu'llltles and prnsllcal workmei. warrant him In reeelvimt the largest contracts on the most leasonable terms. Drain or nil kinds will bo taken lu exchange Jul Casllnifs, This i stahllshment Is located near Iho Lneli' wannunnil llluniiMliurg Itnllrnail Ilepnt, PirrKtl 11ILLMYF.K. S'1 roN'KS AND TINWABE. aiinnuBc.s te his triends and custemera that contlnni's the aliove business at his old place on main sTUErrr, kiaiomsiiuhu. Cestomi'rs can be nccomoduied with FANCY KTOVFJJ of all kluds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every ra- rie'y of article fnnnd In amove nun Tinware .s- Mii.i nineutlu the cities, aud on the most reason- blu lenns. Uepnlrlt'Kdonosttheshortestr.otlco SI DOZKN MILK-PANS in hatidr.r sale. N TJiW siTOVE AND TIN KII01. i.N MAIN TltKKT, NHAni.Y orPOSITR M1T.LKH llUKst, ll!,(HMHllUUO, I'ENN'A. Tltr tmdetRlniifd han Just flttd upnnd opened mi nrr STOVi: AND TIN SHOP, III llita plin'e, where be is iirepered to mako up new 'I l'( W'Alil. nf nil kinds lu bis Hue, and do ri'imlrtiu with ut illness anil dNpiileh, upon the numl riasnnuble terms. He also keeps ou hand SIOVIIS OK VAUHUlH PATTIIKNS A KTYLKH, ti liit.l, In, will mcII titHiii lirins In suit liurchasers1 (1Ih lihitaiMll. Ilels a ifo..d methanle, and deservlneof the pllbUe patniuape. JACOI1 MIITZ. Klo.iiiK.hurv:, April at, lwi7. Q.EUBOE II. UOHKHTH, Importer and Dt-alerln HAnDWAIlE, t'lJTLIIItY, (HINS, Ac, No. n ! I North Third Street, above Vine, Pbll.tilelphU. Jacoii IC. smith. .1. It. Hni.TZEii s JUT II & BKIiTZKlt, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Dumtstlc II A D V A H K, OUNS, OUTLKltY, AO., NO. 10'J N, THIRD STHEKT, An. CAI.11W11 ILL, PlIILADr.LPHIA. Nov. TOBACCO & SEG-ARS. rJUE ONLY PliACE to get inn best TOI1ACCO AND CIOAIiS, AT WHOLtSALF. AND HHTAII, s at IHTNOKHKU(JKIfS, a few doeis below the American House, IlIoomsburK, Pa. He has the largest and most select of S.MOKINO AND CIIIIWINO IOI1ACUO everotrnred to ttio eltl7ens of lUnomsburK. All the faucy brands of HK.OAIIH, and ths riUb'CUt and PIuk CIIIIWINO TOUACCO, can bo had at his couutiTs. TOUACCO PIPLH In jienl variety are anionic his lartfo stock. DON'T KOKOIIT TO l.'AI.L. ii. H. iii'nsiii:p.(ii:k. II. V. HANK'S wfKu.rxAi.r. toiiacco, snuff, and CIOAlt WAItKHOUSlI, Nf. Ii! North Third Street, between Chcrrv and ltace, west sll Phltadilphhi. i.. wuoDiiurK, WVioIesslH Dealers lu TOllArcOS.CltlAllS, PIPKS, if., AC, No. 11 North Third Street, above Jlarkel, Philadelphia. I HUH LINK, Ihounderslgnrd wouhl respectfully announce to tlieclllrens or Itl.siuisluirg and the public gene cilly tha ho Is ruuuInK an O.MNIIIUH LINK between this place ami thedirrtnnt railroad ih polstlallj (ijouduya excepted I, locouncct with the several trains goimg stnithaud Weston theCata- wlssnand Wlllliimspiirt Itallroad, and wills those tfoiim Nurtii ami Houihou tho Ijicknwanuaund Itloiiuistiurg lhillroad. Ills omiilbiissi aro In goml condition, commo- iiioim ami conilnrlablc, and charges reasonable. Person, wishing In meet or see their friends dC' part, can he in com, slated upon reasouuhtochargo oy leaving Itmely mttlco at uuy of the hotels. JACOH L OII1TON, Proprietor, J HEATIICOTE A COJII'ANY ' i: o i l i: n w o n k s, COIlKt.UOF WEKThTIIUCr A DI.sCK IIOK1K AI.LKV Hnvlnx lncrcai.ed our farllltles In Iho way ol .-I,..,. , ,,,, un. . inn,-, ivn nro iirepnn tl It miiiinratiiint l.iu OMul lvl! n.niiin.i ,n bi,i ol HI IIA M IKHLI'.lts, SMOKII-STAI ICH, Tanks, Hiihur-InoN tunc, Ac, All workproiuptiy done to outer, at s ort iiotlt e, uud SPIICIAL AITIINTION PAID TO ItKPAIltS. Your attention Is specially called to tho mem. la rs of our llrm-nll being 1-iurllcuUluilrr .Ifuten, Jlr. IlKATIlcoTr. huh had an experience of ovei thirty ears lu the iiianufattino of nil kinds oi Hleain Hollers! unit lroni our limifi-v aicrl.., u. ur fully iivvnru ol tho necessity ofn will-mud i,m i.itiiieiviiii uirKO i,uii.r i, 10 st t uro nut mm enlety Inn biitl'Iui lui j results : and wo shall glvi our customers only ihoso ot the best quality iv regards niaieilal,workinuiislilp,nndample heat. liiKsurfiico, and leel cnutliieiit Unit we i all l tn tier sal Isfaetlou, ami at prlevs fully us low as nil v oilier btilldeis using tho same qu .llty of luaterl WnMouIdinll the attention nf ltallaay Com pilules toour fucllltlcs furilolng I.Ol OMOTI VK Mollis, mriint iikpaiim uu .nkvv, us wo make H a pnlut Tor tuieof the firm tualvvays glvohis pel sonal altentltiu. ' W. are also prepared todo nil kind nf steam Fittings, such as Heating Puhllo and P'lvatt Ilulldliigs, Favlurles, IlitliigupMiaiii llollers.Ac, Ciinstntillv on haminll kinda of srr:Ai Fir TISCIH.S1FAU AND WA1 l.ll UUAtua HI KAM 1'IPEH and all tlttlngsconiiecml with Hie business. Also.cnstlngsotall ktuds.liiiiier Kronis.drates, Stoves. Plows, in tl all work (oliucctrd with tin ceueiul foundry busimifs, Itespectfully sullcltlug jour orders, wo up Yours very truly, J, HEATHCOTi: 4 CO e eb.2a"bU ly OHANOEVILLE NOUJIAL HI.'IIOOL. The next session of this School will conunence OU MONHAY AUUVHTyith, IMJt, , For particulars address Prof. II. I). WALKER, Principal, oriingovlllcLolumbln count), pa, Aug. H.', " A H M Vt U Rl! lltV THIt ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. Itcontulns thieo per eml, of Ammonia, an ample quantity to clvu mtivity wiihuui Injury to lbti tgiilatltiu, unda hiiho pcueuleue ol so luble Hone ti i.iiui. Haulier will. Pota. h and eotls, thi tsstntml eliaienls ofn CIIMPI.L'll'. MAMUll . 'll.t lucrer.seil tales tn t tl in us who nte using It with lilslilj sittisiatio. w i stills Is it sureaiuitlinleeot Its value. Price, -iin'i loii ot 10 bags no lbs each, hend for u I si.. I hlet, Adihl.s . , 'J 1111 ALTA VFLA (1UANO CO.. July 47 Iln adwoy, N. V. NDKKWS, WIL1I1NS vt CO., Dealers la rOUF.IUN AND HOSIUsTIO DitY GOODS, No.3li llsrltet Ntra.1, rhll ilelphla. QKOIlOh I'OELKEH & CO., Wliolstalo Dealers lit W0CII1N A WILIf W WAmc.YAlINH, l, WItl,'Isvliie1Ilallts,tle.1Hc. JI'lAXl llsiUotbl., JtSiU t'hurih et., I'hllada. 1 Jtl ,'. If v't feri 5?? DRUGS &, MEDICINES. g a v e y o v n i o n i: y i o n hat i s n u u i: .m i, n t si o n i: it i n i uo i:m i n i, ti it i: a t i: 8 t I N I) u c r, J t; v T o AT TIIU OLD HllUO HTOltn OP L. N. JIOYKlt, Wherocnn ho found tho t,.itotsT and hrsr i, aoiiTMEMT, over olfcred to tho citizens ofti. ( county, of Drugs, Chemicals, l'nlnls, oils, Olass, Varnishes, l'utty, lltushcs, Dyestuirs, IIImI Psi.t nil of thesoaroof tho best known mnke an.) warranted as purnnud iiuaduUciatetl. The i . and lureesl stock of r a n c y a n t i o l i: to bo found In this or udjolntng countle.. I'criumery, Hair Dyes, raney Hoars, llmshes, Combs, Cosmetics, HalrOIIs. Toilet Art!..,., Bt.tlolirry, Pocket 1 t, T O II A t! C litis. liinokliigand chewlns, Clears of all descriptions, l'Ies, Cigar Holder.. HOUSEHOLD AUTICLIW. Lumps, asstirted sizes and styhs, Lamim, Cudinf.ys, HiiAPr.s, Ilfn.vrss. SIISCIII.LANLOUS UOOIM. fsponses, Chamois skins, Catheters, Hpvctilums, Syringes, llreast Piun; ,, UuhberOiKKls, Trusses of all approved patterns Ac, Ac. 1,1(1 UOItH. A line assortment of tiro liquors fur uiedln purposes cuustuntly on luind nnd tlm h kuo it Ulndsof PATtM MLlitciNEsof every description, ,i. eluding tho best varieties of pills and ionics. piivsiciAN'a rnr.scKiPTio.vs cvtiri- ui.i.t i-hb. I'.VllKU. No such stock has ever been presenteil to tU( ptsiplo of tills section of country. Tho prl ccs aro as small as the stock Is 1 n rj; Tho IPMiM.te Virr.aro iitoro favolahle tu tl,f purchaser than uver.ns arrivtiKements havelncn ellcctcd with thowholi'Mite dealers lu the fines cities, bo that goods i a n be procuied In IIIdiiius hurras cheaply as In New Ymkor Phlladi lp ,t, S-Counlry dealers nin cnrucsllv lnvlttil i study their own Intercut, hy exaintnlust till, flock, Kemembcr thoplace llxcllA.son UuicK-uli t. Kxchivnge Hotel, .Main street, liloom.buru. Jan. 31, Isiis. llm fj. "t' BIKTG'S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE ACE! sT3rny-IIonlol.ri'lt'li . il. r locks restored by It to the tltttJ.. ' 'km. liHcn Irtsitt of youth, and nro hapi y ' Younfrl,eople,vvithi7tf,t.V(f urna I! nr, havo tlic&o uufivslilonnMo colors cl.antdtd a beautiful uuhurp, nnd rcjolcul l'coplo whoso licath aro ctivertd Willi Dandruff nml Humors, uso It, nud lun tlcan coits nnd dear nnd healthy scalps ' Xlnlcl-TTmuleU VctorniiH l..tve their remaining locks tightened, and Un bare spots covered with a luxuriant nro-.i tn of Hair, and dance for joy I Young Gentlemen uo it because it ricldy perfumed I Young Ladies uso it brcn It kcvji their Hair in place! Kverybody mmf ami Kill ti-o it, liccuU'U it is tlio cUaunt ami let iirtlclc in tlie market I Tor Sale by Druggists generally. AMI tol; UAI.R 11V , L. N. JIOYIIll nnd V.. P. HIT. DnifiHH, llloomsbuiK, and Jl, il. lIHOIIhT, t alaw I... January VI, im,s-;j. J It. 31 OYER,' WHOI.KHALII&ItllTAIL . u n u a a i h t, tOI'.NKlt OF MAi.V AND MAKKKT STEl'aTI, 11L00MSI1UIK1, PA., wlurawlUbu round it large and select 1 Drugs, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS Also all tha PATENT MCUICINK.S OP THIS HAY, I am also prepared to furnish Country Ktorssvviin Castor Oil, Godfrey's, TUItLINObTON'S IIAI.SAM, anil all other medicines kept In their line at t prices, tu Prescriptions carefully compouuded at all hours. In medicines, quality Is nf the first ImporlRuc. Illooinsburg, June 7. lira ' v n if "a Mint i c a n1 iTv y" i-i i AND FOItK.-We the uudel-slglied eltl'i ns il Coluinbln Count) witnessed the trial ot I s-s lurks on tho hum of Mr. Purstl, lu HeiiibM-k rovvnhlp, mi Mtiiulay, Slav 7, 1 via, belwten Hie Aiiiioleiin Hay Knlrettiul Fork mauufaftiirtil Ii iLII'llll, WAI.IJS, sllltlNKll Co., of N'Wls lung, Ph., and the KiuuM's Patent Hay H'" I he American Kont lilted more h.iy In '" dlanghtlhau the Itimtlel In thric. Wearnsiiii. Hi d II will nil. mis much buy Into the mow a fund hmses can draw. . also saw It culMcc hay, and think It comml be la-at us aha) kltlli iintl chterfully reconimeiid It as tho boat hay and knife vve have ver seen, c. HirrrNiiF-NiuvH, im. F. c, Hauihso.s W. II., John Doak, John In.rKiiKK. Daniel Novrn. II. DHIl.rMll.t.KIt, SVLVBSTiru Pl'KSBI. Mhhaki., John U'nLr. They also manutiicturo tho celetirated Itueketi Ken per and Mower, and ether agricultural Impli ed uts, JNBUJIAKO li A U E N t Wyoming Hiw Ulna ,0i.i' 'ominerce m,a'i Fullou KM-1 North Amcrlcu city CVe I nt crnntlouul I,i, Niagara 1,i'.i'i MlnaLlvo Stock i,n ' Putiiaiu .W,'l Merchnnls ,....., b."", sprlngfleld 670,i Insuranco Company of State Pcuu'a.,... aV Connecticut Mutual Life I0,w,iV Norll; A morlcm Transit. WV" KUKAH UllOWN, Altnl, mur8(i7-ly, IinooMsnuKa, Pa ItMHHUBTEH d; UHOTHEH, Importers and Jobbers of HOHltniY, (1L0VLS, H1IIP.TH AND DUAWKItH, iiunoNs, HUswr.vnit.H, HOOP SKIItTS.HANIllCEUCHIKKH, TII1IKAI1H, SKWINO SILKS, TltlMMINUS, POIITIIMONNAH" SOAPS, PKHFUMLHY, FANCY OOODS, AND NOTIONS URNKItALLY, Also Manufacturer, of llltUHlIIX AND IAJOICINO flLAWSKS, and Dealera In WOOD AND WILLOW WAHK, I1UOOM5, HOPUS, TWINLS, At . No, JOS North Third Sheet, above Vino, Philadelphia. jypLLElt vt HOST, Successors to Franklin 1', Srltser it Co, Importeta and Wholesale Dealers In LIQUORS, WINIW, No., 110 and 111 North Third Blunt, Philadelphia. aTiL KINDS OF JO PUINTlNCi 1 neatly executed at THK COJ.UMHIAN Steam. Frtn tiu Omoe,