The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 23, 1868, Image 1

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    .HKidmalti'D aril;
vl,W I" ' i
tJ.-t.1 411 tail MIC JsjH'l
t.- p rtuli .ifj ni' rtr-Hm ntm l
.. nil iii' 1 1 n i I ( - p inqiMilf 1 l
i r ii lit. m
VOL. NO. 43.
l ACOll MKT., iletil.TIN stoves & tinware, Main
,J Sl. I1IIUVIJ I lull . II". 11 I ,.
. m tltU'P.ltT. stmca riml tinware. Hubert
A. block. Mains!,, v.csl nr. Market. vl-nll
rt mvt..s:iir.nil. merrhitittnllor. Main ct..
I ). ilmirnlmvii American house, vl-nlJ
... iiill'illillll IV mlintiiLotonnd frf nil itmil
, it 'ill clnilllns.l-led llarlhiuli'n bulldllh:, Main
('( - - ' "
"v miivY'm .trtii-ut niul imotheeurv. V.x
. 'tiiiim- bloVtt Muta K(. Vl-tlJ)
"Ti iiiv .ln.iTtrUt nml nimlhrftLrV. Ulinert
. iilVli. Mt'iin nt.. went ofMiirket, vl'Ull
i ,i m IIKUVM AIM'. vnleh,tmd eluclt nuilser.
WHICH, 11 ll' l nimt iimhii.
Ji near
mittm-nitronicr .Mnliwum iroiiMH.wu.j
mWAUK. ilenler In.tjU'ek1., Wfitche-t '
) "mvIo, Multt M Jttnliieiow Amerieat'
Mark ft
i M. lilt' iWN, tiiii und HliuLMii.iltfr.MiUn wiree.
I Ht tl.l.llDLIl.iiliitllir.lcIlirerillitltli'lllr Itiltnott
A Hiui slu h Oltllni-I., opposite l.pIiM'OpHlehUiel,
lll.N'UY Kld'.IM ninmifii'lUM 1' mid deiih-r In
1 1 hunt nti'i mihkh, roeenuw
burn Mtiln l,
It., Klllt WOOlllS-
IllH'lllnICtT, Mtllil
below liiiitiimn
Hloro, wit ofMarket utiifl
I It. KVAN. M. I. huruji-nn tmd phyMetun
, j Slttll .llllll hi.
, lit'tnw Market.
i It. II. K
, ICltmev htmifoii lcnll-I,tt'itlixH-
cil without pii.n.
l.plsi'np.H I'limvli.
"i"liMKi:LVY( M. . nawrn hi'1 plijtU-liu
J mrt1i Hlth Main Kt., U'lmv M irki-t. l-nl
Mnrki-1 M., i,,,v
Main. vl-ni
liiiMiiMoiiri tifiiiii.
UOU'KIt, niirKCo" ilcntUt, Main m.
II. UOHIiMiN, Alt((ri',v-it-!juv,()i:U't' Ilari
, m.ih'H l.ulMtim, MiiluHtrtt t
1 U, s. I'. CHAM-'ANT, lifiitKt, M'n rtt
J? 'iiw M.irUvt. Ni'Xl ilonr Ut IT. l.NuMH vJ.-T
itss iaymh iiaui:li;v
, lmll'iln.1, Midn Kt.
Miss A. I. Vi:illt, fuu-y tctnnl-4, iiotliMiH, tMik
wtathmcry. norltimdwMutnbtri'Ct helow M u
kj J
m PIM'lIItMAN, iiiHUncry nd fancy t;innN op
IV pn-iitc i:pUcnpa1 rhurcli, Mnlti Ml. vl-nl
MIW. .HU.tA A. A HAIH UAIilvIdiY, liidlt-.ljiik-
un.l dn-H p-ittcnu, buuthcu-H'oriifi
M dn tuid si. liil
M" wj. IH:it(Ct''ICiNT, inllllin'rv und f.iht
(iroitlM MahifttMMoslle C'tiiirl 1 1 oust, vl-nl
M". 51 1 1. 1'U It M A N , iiillUiur, Muln Ht.tlK'loi
llarluiun'H Mimt, vl uf Market rl. vi
(UK MPSl-,t TlAltM AN tnllltnery mid 1.iik
1 tt'x'i-sMiiln Hiicfljuiit iMduwAuu'ricauhmivt
Jf.K VfMK,ovMfrniMl oiitlmt wilmm, Aineri
I'.iu lloiuc, M'ultiht., llall.i.T LvMi k hiipiTln
t Ml Iflil. 1-tll
cilf.MYi:it A JACOHY, conf.M tlonry, Uikery,
If mid n Ktcr al'M'n, vliolofi.ih' and retail, l.x
I'tmiim hi (n-k, Main t,
vi -nn
pnX A W'llliH. fltinfi'rllonrry, hrtkt'ry. nnd oyn
I i-r 4ilrinu, wlioli'ialo and rciull, Mulnt., J tint
iictinv Iron. lini "
i,iriiANUK liorlll,. by Ko.usAL,lark. Main
I J "l.. oppipo cimrl Ihiusv. vl-nl.1
i M Fit I CAN IIOUHK, hyJoilN LkaiocK, ainTn
; vi tt orimn stu-t'l. vl-nl
n'ulKH ll(iTi:i hy (I.W. MAf(H.u,aitind nl
1 Midn
I TO(INi;U, rilri'stnnt nl saloon, Main MJut
), .-iIhimi I'liurtliuiiNu. 1-nW
1'M)NH a
t'l. ItU. it Irc-shmrnt
I elm
liiniKt hold,
Y II. OIl.I.MCmK. n-lrolnnent Miluon, Hlilvt.'n
H t!tHk MniHii Mfiit MiiluM. vl-nl
m i:uri unts 7 .NMroitocils,
ii lAtMltrt, I'liiMrfiidniTy.
Ii M ,iil't,i' Coiitt Iuiti(,
t-rU's Hu Main
vj II. Mlldddl, diali-r In tlrv kuixIs, Krotctlc.
ii .) ih'i'iis vv mi t', Hour. Halt, flnan, nolioiis, t If
I krli'iiut' Ittoi'k, Malnsiutl, J-in-
U'Klll.Vi NliAli X Cn., (Unlets In iIi.vc4nwU.
II Kint'filt-s, Hour, u I'd. Malt. (Mi. iron, ntiils
II C. IlOU' h:itMjin.t
ll Main !., nltoti Court IIoumo,
up, liontH and Mint'f
1 C. Ma lilt, dry kihkN and notion
1 loiiu-r Main nnd Iron Mm.
.1. lUd dry koo.N, iiiK-i rJtH, ttc,
tjt itirm-r Main and lion Ms,
vl III
L mi
A. HAU'OIAN. tjuodv, noilont
ijiiiccrU'H. Main Ht..oiioosito l'ovioI'h I'm
tlUlllO U IIJl) -4,
DA. Mr.Cj;4j;v, Kci'NtoiieMKifNiort, hintk- iicm
. Miitlom-ij, MiUlliet toim-r Markft nn
tMitihMH. J-iii.
XX7ir.MAM KUAHMIJH, ttmHctIoucrlt,"MiUr.
" w hi., in r llio riiltruatl. vi.n .
V Ml.Mli;MIAI.Uct ni'!l Klo '( of iiu it lMit
J i, IIIW HIUI lUllllitfl, I'lH lH-r )l
ol Main Mm'! inn
J .1. ItoimiNH.d.iil. rimlry irotuHnucrltk.'U.
it Klilp'n liliK-k, Main hi., hclow Iron vl-m
If. tltltTDN, ClrootTlOH & I'rovlttlons, noutl.
ilt'ii-nt tin hit Main and Iron Htru I. vl-nl
r i w7rTTYiri:it, TiuidHi7u,'(triiti- uui,Vu.
wMtiln m., lu lnw lion. vl-ni
VJ, hl.UA.N, df.llei in clioll-HdO U''Oim, UultKl'
lt plniiMdM. I it-.) i nitrkk, Ii.. lie. M.ili
'., nj-poKlii- on 1 1 imtivo, v-m
m Main M,., nltme W ft.
I T. HllAltri.l'ss, iiry u(ih1k unvrirl(f, Itooth
I (, Mhh-8, ele,, itiucrt Moil,, Muln fct uf-st o
Markel. Vl-nt
o iiamfu a a. i : 1 1 A TTnKT,"T ' "'""Vi k l"i
O, (J rot ilfH, ( oult rili iM-rh nnd Notion'
rottou ii. Koutli Kidf, luo iliHirs tiUP liroI'M
"HiMimnuket bop. va nl'
ItlllN' M fil'rilX, HlKii.Ornniiionlal nml Di f i
u ratlvo I'liliili-iiScniiuwiiicur itli ItllM.vl 4
( V. COHKIil.. futlilluru ifiniim, thri-n ti.i v
U. Iirli k on Main wmt iifilarl:rl M, vl-ln
.1. TllllllNTIlS'. Mall iiim
ulmlow Nlinli'
. anil MxturiHi, Itnt'l1 IiIih-K, Main .1.
tihntnuriiKlii-r. Ixi'hti lit;.
lilni'k. Main n iiitiKlte t limiM. inJ4
JK. IIHIIAllT, 'hiilonrailui', llarllnau'a lalllil
inu luu tlii-ahl idi ni'i Main ami MarUi't tt. n Mil
li l-n I ii r I,lpliiiliii;UiKt
Aijrnt MuiiMm'M Cupix r Tn
I 11. I'UltHi:!.!,, muI. Hi', t in nk nml liaini.i
.1 Maker. Main ti, htlnw couit. Iimik.'. vl'llli
(1 I us'l lUlToiu" Maker, and Wlilia ami miicj
l'.-l""""r'H''"tllw"' Vj-lll'
1 1 1.DII MM IUUK1 ijJMIU'.R CO.. TMalnirni'llili If
D.itul aealera lii lauubur. ot nil klinU, lilauliik
lain niarlliB rull-roail. vMile
W J. HIIII.IIMAN, nallille ami liailima inaliPr.
II ii.'jirauiiilivit.'urncrMaliittUil Market ht.
W1TMAK, inarlila wnrka, mar MiuthwtKt
a, enrner Main ami Market kU, vl-iws
HII. IIIM11. I'll, ilinli r In I'liimai, nrnain. ami
. laelod. (1. V.CoieU'i.luriillure rimnifc
II .MAHTKIIK, Bpenl for UniM-rA rakii
i 'uiv inueimie, laiu hi., iiaiunail . niiuii
nn ' ..1.1..'
nW. IIIIIIIIINH.llqnnrilrnler kpriiiulilnnrrrnin
. l")rllivil enrner Main anil liim hta, vl-nll'
V J'RAI.'OCK. Notary Vulillo, iiottlieiu.! inrnei
IJjMalii anil Market at. Mil'
'.I'N A,I'-l'NMTON,lnlllliallilaU4lliraleM lire
ni.iiram a eoiiiianylnrtlieaAleiriH'r Main arni
P1' lllil 'IIAeHl'ItT, iiiiiiiiiti.. liner anilre.ali
ii' tliie.tilnr mai uln.a, bami'le Ji Cii'MMa-
'niii, i.a.l lUiiiiintliuis, vln 1
I 1 1' 1 UN. dialer III meat IkIIiiw, ete.. I lieni
1 'ili.alley, hark ot Alnrlleali lion uu, vl-n1
v-.!!!. JArdi'V, Miirile ami lirnwii Mum
" "I'll , V .! ItTiHinilnitp Iterw lek litnil. Vl"n
K M MM11I A (O. Mil(,inii, Fuil
. H'i! l'AtiJTtl'lijttl, ( iihtll J IllMUff
tU kmWiutikiiHtiirLiiluil.
utl Illoomt
niuda ul ulioil
DU, (. A. Mi;(IAI(Ii:i plivplclun una surKPoti,
Mil in ht., next ilonr in ((mI Nutcl. vl-nl7
BHK'K !lUTi:i. utul rplnnhiiiHit oiloon, hv
I Id. lAiTi-tt, cor. iirMuliiHUil rimiM. in 17
CWAN llOl'i:,. tlit'Uppi'rhntme liy John Sny-
) dor. Main Kt u1mu l'lnc.
OK. HUAN ilcalcr In dry KfK rnhmtIi'",
, lumber and K'ncrfll MrrclmtiUiHo Multt M.
V I'll 47
Cn:oH(li: IiAZAltrH.Hinldlcnnil linrncMitrnkfr
V Muln Nt.. iihiiVf IhnSvuiti llottt. vlnlT
r 11. HMirir
iiiiiniif.ictuiTr tt tin ware unit
M ilfiiU'r In ftoMM ti,
Hwuii Ilotd.
Mill n 81., h!io .lio
l .t II. U. roiJl.MAN. Mcidmut tullor mid
il, UonlN luriilslilnt; Klrt, Main Wl., next ditnr
Ul till! lil'lcH luil t l. vl-
l S. IIA lltritMT.riorkh, Wiiti'liM mid (InttH
ni lu'luw I'lni).
ill n'pniH'u. iHiiiHtnni uioiicn nir unit', ; mmu
I AM IN II. 11 A KM AN. 1'iibliiHt .Miliar, lind Un-
1 nriuiKi-r, .ti.iiiii., iM-iuw i-iiiii, Vi-Ui
Al At.. Ac, on rinuM., butucvn Muln und Mill,
vl-n 17
i;i:!.cn.i;ii, k -nuiijs, fi, miii
1 1 . stleet, near I'lne.
H'll.l.lAM IIKI.llN.I.MIu.1 innkeralul tnamif.i
11 luieror Iirlik, Mill hi., west ori'lnu vlntJ
MI.IAH KNVDIMI, rimir ami Jr!l Mill, ami
u noaierin lirain, ,1111 mi
I I'.U'IS lI. suIllIYI.i:it, Inm r.niN...r,Maehlii-
Ijni, hum .iianuiaei liter in juows, .nu
Vl IM'.S A, Wll.l.lAMfA A l''l Man
U nr.U'llileMiil liather, Mill Slreel. vl-tili
lllllS Ki:l.l.i:it, limit ami Hliuetilalirr, I'lne
l Alltel, iili.i)Sllt llm Ai'aileiny VI-IH7
i II. Hi:ilKIN(l.t. r,i:OTIti:ii,('ar!ii-nl'raml
A. l'lllUlers, Main Sheet, Iii'Imw I'lne. vl-n JT
A.Ml'l:!. KHAIM'I.IMH. Maker ... I he Ilavlillrnl
O .Irani t'raillc. Main M. v.'n.i.
M. IIAUMAN, aailillii ami liarne'.s mallei
, I inilme Hie. iiji,illo Kr.lini' ehurell. vljull
M(itM:ilANNAnrllrb k Iloti l,-.U.Mth.iuli r
3 (MoprlL'tor, houili-t usti-oriHT Main ami H'-cond
"tll'tt. V'J-tll'
II. Cltr.AHY.dry jeoimN, mon riin
t'lal Mrri'hiindiNC, Main httt-ft.
and Kt-n-
O. Main strfft.' ''J
r.M, II. AIlllIM r,imorni-y at luw.M.ilii Mm t.
iIl.UKUrit KI.IN'i:, tlr pfHls uroctTleH. nnd
i Kfiw-ml uiiri'liHuillKi, .Main Mrt-t't, -nl'.'
KKlhKIt, lilll,r'l saloon, oy.slvi', aiat Iff
J. cri-Miu In M'uson Main stint. 2-ul2
It liAM.MAN. Tailor, Hwniid-t..
1). ItohhiiiH' Hull'lhl.(. S't-Il
i it. .i. k. Hum
Million and PiiyMf tan,
) hfcoii.l ht, below Main,
T II. KlMl'ld'.lt,"Ciitlawtsii lriti-.f,"Noltk WM
, Coiner Main Hint Hwnud Htrci-H. .'-nI
M, llUOllsl .dealer In General Meu-liaiilif,
Dry (iooils, (Iroeerli'M Ac.
)r.n.II K.NT, iitaler In ilry khihIi, irnicei lex,
L liiillr, leeil, mil, llll, Iron, Halls, ele., l.lKllt
'Iriet. vl-nli
f 1 1 1 ; W 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . 1 . K , I'ulilnelmaker,
and cliairuiaker.
I'udert.iki r
TIHlll'lI WAl.TJiH lllack-nillh, oplsjslto post
'J olllie. M-lll'l.
nl'. ll.MAN A Co., Wheelwrights, first door
abnve school hoiisri, l-n I'i
UN. I".. Kr.l.M:. millinery aud faney i;ood.
vl. II 1 1
W. HANKKY, dealer lu I.e.llhii', Jlldis, Hark,
I etc. Cash paid for Uldis. vl-ul.l
iu)i. M. i:.nt, lie
II all lis brauehi'
ill rill slovcH and lln Mate lu
. vl-uli)
JOHN A. OMAN, mauur.icturer utul dealer In
boots ami stiiies. l-u'll.
.1. I,l:lHl:lt, M, ll. Kuruton ami I'losli'lan.
Dlllee at Keller' lint. I. vMi.7
1'Y KI'l.AM Fl.ol'ltlNtJ MIM.Stt.H. FuwUm.
Ulll I
F. ItKKillAliD, A IlltO,
leak rs tn dry
I D. CAI.DWFld., ib aiei In dry (;.m.l., grnecr
I, les tiiift n-.rtaii', h.tidwaitf, ilili, alt, imd-,
te,, He, l.'lill
rV. i:i)(Ali,MiHiUiliantia Fl.inlliij MIII nod
. llox M'limraeion . vriiill
NllltCW JIAl)I.-O.N,dejlei lu illy Kiasls, un
eeries. iriuili. ililiibi'r ele.. .ti r.i'Vliia ll. vl-liltl'
Al'llll A., dealer in III lea, I.ealber
Hark etc, Madbon lov.-ii' 'itj' t'uluiubl i counlv
v I - ll oi
nAri.HA.MiJi;i KiMin, MaMison iiotei, Dr
J vers uiul Klr.iner eiiteitHhied. J-l
tl (I
iW. II. H!OIMA!:l:lt.
Iiah is In drv
.U KuoiIh, ).'ioci-rii's and viueial ineuliauillse
store in sou hind ortnuii.
In dry uoodi.
L't-oci rlcs. di im- and medicines. I'lrst store in
lorlh end ol town. MMil1.,
r.MtOMSlU'IUI,CtildMlUA (.U., VA.
ThiMinderHlirned ImMtnr laneluised thl-Huelt-
rtio ii audi eul i nll -oititi!iiuw,iiiH Kxeli.tiifti
Hotel, Mtliitle on MAIN is 1 Kl.l'.T, In HIoouiMailg
miuitlliitely oppor,! e thColundla enmity Ctaiu
iloiihe, tthpt'itiull. itltoMii their lilendH and (he
illblle In Keiii'ial I hat their IuhwIh now In Older
or tho ifi-iptioit and ntei tain im id oft rave Uci
Vho ,i hv litMllt.piir.eil to f.iVoi It U till (lull rlls-
oin. '1 h ha mi Mparod no expends In pri'purloK
lie l-Ixt hauyefor theelilerialniiient of their nneMtt
leKlier nhall llu r h uii HiIuk wanting on their
ait to minister to tltelr peikoiial torn fort, '1 hey
.mini U -paeUus, ami tmJujH tin exeellctd busi
ngs htt'iitmn,
oiuutbu-es run at all time beumu tbt. l.
lumi:t) llt1fl and the YHiimi nil I load tlepoth, v
hn h tia elleiH 111 bt! pleiisanil eone i d to
tint tli'til the VtMpei tlvu Mlillotis lu duo lime to
nei't tin- emu. KikiNnA IjAHIv.
Itlooun-bniK. A Ut :), Wm.
'()iUs JIOTKL,
OI.OltOF. V. MAI tintt, I'roprUMor.
tn; ftbovo well-known hittol Iias lefently und-f4''-ioiit'
rad eid rliKiiKt-H lu I In lulcrnal armnt int'iii,
iml 1U pit a iHtoi'imuotiii',i ioIiIh ioiiuert'uslm
md Ihe iiiiMdlliiff pal ill i' (lutl tilx aecoiniMlatloim
:ur iheeniufoit of bts KiHkMtur0ftpHud tn none in
Die run n l rv. IMAiabl will iitvf btt found Mip'
dIImI, (Kit only will) nihsintilhil fond, but with all
tin ilt'lkuciiKof il hpiiMon. 111m Inen nnd It
.tiuont (e-teept thul popnlftr heernH krinun m
'1Jf,t?nt7").p,tri,hett-d dlrirt from the Importing
nouMn, nit emiieiy pure. nun iirr irom an poi
sonoiudriiK. JI I ihiiiikful for ft 1 1 la ml pultou
ngo In tho past, and m 111 conllnuo to di mr it lu
thnlutme, Ul OItOJ. W, MAI!(JFU.
jxeu ANdi: HA I.OON,
Tiik l'ropriclor.if I he llxchanKeflah'on has bow
.m hand 11 larye stia-k of
culivtstlni; of
iriiru msTrni,, tiiii'-i, uoloumah
siiui'i iosult, iK.ii.icii i,nui?tswrirrKiU'ili'Ksr.
.-tnil-. ONI"., COMI! AM. AN11 mir:, -KT)
IlloonihliiirK. May II, listTT.
1 II V Hill si I Iber tllllli, llifi.ililslils ft lends
.lid tin. I nl I' biil la- bus tabi n the.dioxew.ll
.noun llo. s- of I iiicr'aiuiiii-iii, and villi be
deasid lo v '. lb. tuMolii ol all who M'lU
aver him a i wll.
HK wif.i. urir A dooi' TAiii.iT,
l liar mi 11 slot k.d M lib I be last of M.iuois, nml
.very elloil Mill be mai'i lil'i'd'.i .idira sails
acllon, C. II, Hll i'll lMCll,
l.spy, r.i April 12, 1K7.
OlilCK 1I0TKL,
ouANc rvu rr, coi.i miua coi-ntv, i"A,
l.IlWAltl) 1 V Till "IT. PIIOI'IIIM'OU.
llrvlm; liiktii . " . I M i well known
iiise, soloim lu i n ui 1 m rill, Ibe I i."
."orbael ul in l 11 ".ii'.l Iralal fuiul.h.
I ! Alt ANl" 11111 v lb. I ol.ikl U.,1'1.1.
.ml newest del), u. I. 1 lul e Is nol . Ilul
III the niiiuLvi ami nn i suis will l mati. i"
acruitfiti.Mlatii c...t 'vpNbH
A Democratic? Nowfspwxor
tn ri'iii.isiir.n cvEitr hiidat moknimi at
III.UO.MSlll'Utl, FliN.I'A,
Inn Hchonlof imllllci. Those principle, will in e r
bocolilprnmlseil, jet murtenyaml IcImliicPN .lili
not be forgotten In ttlsrusilnit tlietn, whrtlier with
Imllvlitti.ili, nr wltli couteniporiirle of the 1'rei.H
The mlty, 1miilti.'vs,nml pioirrlty of Ihaeoun
tryiioiirnlin nnd ol.Jecti iiihIiih tho means to
secure that, wo shall labor honestly ami earnestly
for the Iih i mony, micct sa utul itrowih of no r orgu n
jKHMiuFM'iiHriiii'nnxi two iloiian a ear
If palil In mllanco. If not ialil In ailwinro tin
(lollar. ami liny eflits will I'OlliMirlnlilyebarKeil
Tkkmi opAiivrnrniMi : imiaiin.ire(ten lln.
or leas) one or three lusertloni SI,."); t ncli mu!kc
llient lneitloti iVl cents.
. !.'.!)
.. .1,011
... .V1"
... ".let
.. IV"
I l.i
fine t-nnare ....
Thn e sniiaiei;..
Konr N'piarik...,
Half eoltunn
One column
.Vl.HI K.l,()
Cxceutnr'N ami AilinlnlitratorV Xollce t.l,r.; All-
lltor's .Notion 5.VV1. (llher inlieillenn ills Inser-
teil acinnllnt.. tn special conllaet.
I!tilltess millces.wllltiiiilailvertlM'mciil, twenty
cents per line.
Transient mlveitlseincnts payable in silvanre-
all others iluenller tho rlrt lliserllou.
9f It Is, ill (tieatet, morfillkelv to be sall.fac.
lory, W,th In subscribers ami In tne rubllsbels.
that remltt.iuei san.l all comiuunl'-attonH res peel
till; the buslnesHor the paper, be .entillrect to the
illleeof publleallou. All lellel", whether rclatllu-
lo tlm ulltoi bit or business concern1, of I In paper,
ami all payments fur subscriptions, a'lvcrtlslm-,
or Jobbing, are to be imtdato ami aililressed
mtocKWAV & kui:i:zi:,
"bno,iinM .;jee,"
1'rlnteil at rtoblson'-i )'ultilliu;s, near the t'ourl
House, by
C M. VAXllKltn.lcn.
."eally executed at tills Dlllce.
M. I.'VKI.I.i:,
Ashland, Schu Iktll County, I'cuu'a.
ji. TUAuair,
llerulrk, Coltiiubla County, rmti'a.
A TTO 1! .V 1! V AT I. A w ,
Ollli e wllb K. II. I.lltle. In brl.k bulldlm ad
Inlnlnit l'osl l mice. j-11. ..lllll. s, Hu'l..'a and
. ii
fusions colli ( led.
john is. i'ukkzi:,
AT l olt.VKY-AT-I, W.
(mice In lierlster nii'l I'.ecirderN orllie, In the
Imsement of Hie Court House, llbum-il urrf. V i.
A T T y- t-i. a w
llfil'-e enrner
I dn and Mink t strei t-.
First Niuliilial haul.. III.
iltllbUli'. Is,,
If. i.I'I'Tl. K,
Olllce on Main stre. t, In bill I; bulldlli,
Court Ilnus", llloomsbiir, I'.i.
f ' I'
A TTO UN r. Y T I. A V, .
III.OO.Mflll'llll, I'A.
4-Omen-Court ll.nis. Mlfj.
tiu lbhm Olllce.
below the (u.
I.laul i7.
c t r o n r, i: it.
M OSllM CO I I'M A :
Having tho proie isl.m of !'ull!i Vendue
Crier for inauv years, woulil iMi.irni hi-
lhal be Issllll In the Held, riml.i an I wllllua In
allemlloall the duties of bis (ntllne. IVi-ous
deslrlna his servleea hbould mil ic write lo hiui
at lllooinsburu', l'a, l uiars'o?.
jyi. w. ii. DKAii.i:v,
(Late Assl.tant Medl.ul IMiector i'. Army.)
1'iivsiru.v and srui.r.o.s,
rr i 'III. e al Ihehoue opposite Skive's lllm'li,
l',.iuiii).bur. I'.i.
Cults tirouiplly attemled tolsiib uvu! ami ili .
llloonisbu-e, .Ian. is, tsa.
J t' I'Plirtlfl" "
and deater lu
CAIH'KT-llA.;f, VALIHD-, I'l Y-M1K.
ni'KKAi'O itnnr, nonsf-ri.ANKKis at,,
uhlct. he frels conluleut he can sell at lower
tale (halt any oilier pelsou In lbs cuuntrv, i;&
aiultie lor otllselves,
Hluip ilrsl door lalow the Tout Office Main
Mreel, Itllsilnsbtiu, l'a.
Nov. 15, si,;.
FAH11 ION A II 1. 11
0frWMnmyfr &. Jnmhy' Ire Cicmw Calonn,
I In Ir I'Tflng nnd Wlilnkers colored blurt: or
blown, llnlr J onto to destroy thtndrtiir and bnu
Uf. lug tho hair: will restore Imtr to Itn original
(Kilor without hoUIhk the OiichI ftbrlc, constantly
on hnud, aprItJ7,
"irN"T"i Ft 11 Y . '
u. i jiowkr, i),
Hewrcrtfnlly olTeia hU prnfi-M.lonal fcorvlcen la
llu Indira and vntlmf n of llloomihurfc mid vl
elnlty, lie Ih prrpnied tnntlrnd to all the. nrl
oiiPniprrallonii In the line of hit profeMnn, und
Is pitivldd with tho latent Imniored l'oitcfj.AiN
'jr.nii wiucn wui ne insonru on goni pintlug,
Oliver and rubber bao to look an well nut he nat-
mill l.elli. Teeth esiracted by nit the new anil
most appiovcii rusiiimis, ami an operation, on
the leeih carcAill nml piopcrly attended to,
Ursblence nnd olllce ll lew doom tibove the
Court House, slime side,
IlloouisbiiiK, Juli.SI.'CMf
W, M. MONKOn Alii.,
Hupert, Tn.,
Mnmii-icttm is of
rowiiKii Krtw,
BUtl dcalem It. all klml of
clTOUOllcothal they are prepaied lo acomodnto
llylr custom with dispatch, and on the flienj .t
It o ii it b n v it (l, r a,
The iniil.rslcned would respfelfully Inform
the iruvftinm ublle llu.t I a luia mat
r 11 It. I In the last inunmr Ibe old stand tui liter
It rcriii ltd bv W. A. Kllne.and that Iih I. uuvr
pi. pal. d Id lit c I'l.imo.luli. bin IrleiirU with all the
minions aim eonvei'i. ni-tvoi nist-. niss House,
A llberew bain has b.ell blllll ami the suttfillle
illiius i.iai I'd Ii 1 1 rfo. I .. 1.1.1 TV. bar will nl.
Vl ass I .' sb -It. d M 111! fl e . I and ci
tail. Midi e table lut, I vjlh II bssl Ihe
lasll..l sjlolils. iiis v li'l.l.AMll'.,
July ,'' J(s
c1 It o i r r yoftrji.
4 0JC 'i' HI'A
A Ui k of j cnmltiK teiHU'riiefn
Ikmallt her tflMiCH lion
And lioieund loo umittcruUc
Aio uliadowed In Iioreycs,
An In toinodcppiinrnnlcd id roam
AroclotuNnnd ftunmrr nklcj.
HhopU'-sod tn inrly womntiliood,
Ftoln dreniuy, writ utr) life,
And cros-nd tliof hy thtehold Imt
Tn find licrnelfa wiru;
Oh I ffintly nhoiild lio lend licrfdepi
Aton tho piUi of llfo!
Ami nn hlio clnped Iter Ptnitll white hand
Upon hta arm mi Rtronj;,
How often, llko n summer hiah,
Or a f-wci t plodding noiir,
Hho whlspcrn wltli n partial klnt,
"Jlelov'd one,dim't lay luiifj."
ItM alinoa alwnyHon hr-r llp,
Ilcr Kontlest parting word,
Hrt ct a tho frngrnnca from leaven
Whrn ly t-olt r-phyM stlrrnd,
And Unfiling In tlio memory
I.Iko foiigofbuinmer hlrdH,
And lu IdnhcAtt they lieMlounrni,
When other nconcs ami t ;
lit svtiij h not till (du weary grow-,
And hi r fond i j in are hid
lit ttnri flitch Ih In MttermsM
Ik-nenth etieh veiling lid.
And oh, how many lieirli nru kept
lly that love-uttering hum 1
Tl etf'a wareely one who m life's uavt'i
Im nwiniy homo alotijr,
Hut whnt lint heard from mouih dear Hps
TIiukg nwiet vords, "Don't lay Long."
Mr. lirtici' Mt'dwny trltimiiliantly
licit! up two hcini cln-K-H ofcilvcr in tlio
uir, Hi tliat tlicy mllit bo Miro (n nuikn
t Miilldrnl liuiircs-loii on Kino.stlim
Cail.v'n blue eyes, anil smiled wltli tlio
o.uiltniit patlsfactlon of onii who
feels t Iml lio lias aivuuiiilii-lii'il his iui.s-
iim !
II.) was n hrijjht. cariU'Ht-!o l;liir
jfititi"; follow, with gray-urowii eycn
mil it siitmre' firm muulh not hauil-
oiiip, Imt very manly; and as ho Mil
there on thorcrn woodland liiuil;,wltli
the hair thrown lnnl: from his broad
forehead, nnd the sunshine mirrored in
his eye, you felt In-liiietlvely tlut he
wi oiio who Mould lrniholiis way in
the world, no matter what obstacle
mignt intervene. .
l-.rnestino Lady stood leaning against
ine gnarieu, ino-sy mini: or an
rnenso chesnut-tree, with her Uttlo feet
half burled In plumes of nodding, fra
grant ferns a rural picture in blue
muslin and fluttering azure ribbons.
She was very pretty, with tho delicate
bloom und freshness of a llower--it flow
er that winds and frosts havu never
"Didn't I tell you I should do It,
nrmstino took up the little tile that
lay on the bank.
"I thought It an luiposslblo task with
siieli nn implement as that !"
"Nothing is Impossible," returned
Ilruce seiitentiou-ly, us ho passed it bit
of narrow blue ribon through a hole
In the broken piece of silver. "Will
you let mo tlo It round your neck,
"What for?" ilut tlio stooped her
pretty head as siio spoke, and let hlni
tlo tho knot beneath a cataract of pale
gold curls.
"And I .shall wenr tho otherne.'it my
heart. They are amulets, TIna--charnis,
if you choose so to pliraso It ! That sil
ver pieco carries my allegiance with It.
Tina, If over any cloud conies between
us if over wo nro separated"
"Such things havo happened, dear
ist; but, nevertheless, lu any event,
tills broken coin shall be a token and a
summons to me, wherever I may bo
whatever 1'atu may havo in store.
Don't look so grave, my llttln blueblttl.
Is it mi very wronp to mliiglo a lilt of
romances in our everyday llfo? Where
arojotir flowers?- it Is time. vu were
Through the gn en shifting shadows
of tho woods, with blood-red streams of
fciuisct light rippling along at their feet,
and delicious odors of moss ami fern
and hidden flowers rising up around,
tho two lovers walked homewaid.
Urucu Medwny never forgot tho bright
ness ol that drowsy August afternoon.
".sho will come I am stiro slio will
comu !"
Tluulow lay like a rain of dlmonds
on grass and shrub, as Ilrnco walked up
and down tho little pathway by tho
hidden spring, watching tho round red
shield of the rising etui hanging abovu
tho custom horl.on. And then ho look
ed at his watch.
"Tho train will bo duo In nine niin-
utrs. Surely Tina will not let mo leave
her without one reconciling word I If
wo could but Ilvo tho last week over
again! IIuh ! that must bo her foot
step on the moss."
IIu stepped forward, with a glad
Hushed face, and then tho chill white
ness of despair blanched every feature,
m tho hrlght-oyeil little squirrel, whoso
tiny tread over leaves aud acorn-cups
had deceived him, glided swiftly across
tho bell of sunshine Into emerald shad
ow, nrtico Medway stood an Instant
with his brow contracted and his arms
folded on his breast. Was ho bidding
farewell to the bright summer that was
past ?
And tho shriek of tho coming train
sounded through tho ditto purity of
tho air, ami tho last, Uttlo faint spar
kle of hope In tlm lover's breast died
Tina had not come Tina had forgot
ten him. Well, so let it be.
And what was Tina Only doing In
tlio frf'.h morning brightness?
Kho was very losy and pretty In her
trim calico iluss, wltli pink ribbons at
her throat, and u pink verbena hanging
low In her golden colls of hulr very
plctui usque as she reached up her hand
tolurak off u spray of spicy honey
suckle. "I wonder if Mr. llruco Midway has
count to Ids senses yet," thought Tina
with u tosbiif liirlutid. "I shan't meas
ure my actions by thu ruin and plummet
of his lordly will, 1 can assure him, II'
I want to lllrt with l'lerco Maihniy 1
kliall doltl"
"So you're up, eh Tina? And, m
fresh as n rose, I deolfircl"
Tina put her rod Hps up to kUn hor
bluff old father In an abstracted sort of
way. .She hardly huw him im lie stood
"Oh, by tho way, Tina, i forgot to
Klvoyou this nolo last night- It was left
by tho hotol porter. Keally, I believe,
my ineinory Isn't (iiiito so Kood as It
Tina caught the note from her frtthur'n
hnud, and broke It open In fevered
"Tho train leaves atsoven 1" Slio saw
tho words as vividly as if they had
been written in characters of Jagged
tire, and as alio read them tlio.old clock
half-way up tho wide, old-fuihioned
staircase struck eight.
It was too late too Into 1
The i-liarp thrill of agony at her heart
was Mtccecdcd hy n pts.slonato feeling of
"Let him go!" she said to herself,
while the red pennons fluttered on her
cheek. "I would not lift a linger to
keep him here !"
So, when Ilruce Moilwny'.s earnest
appealing letter came a tiny or two af
terward Krmstlne folded it quietly
within a lilanc envelope, without
breaking thefeal, and sent it :&k.
Verily women uro stningo enigmas,
oven to themselves! Ernestine her
self could .scarcely have told why .she
kept tho In iiken filver coin but she
kept It.
Tho eliort threatening October day
was drawing tonclo-o; tho fiery belt
aero.s tho western sky was llamlng sul
lenly athwart thu skeleton woods, and
shedding a tort of aureole round Knit's.
tlnu Cady's slender figure as she hurried
on through the yellow, rustling drifts of
fallen leave-., carrying tho heavy basket
1 on her arm.
.Iiist as pretty as the rosy Tina of two
yearn Huce, nut paler, graver, and
more sedate. Trouble had besieged tho
family since their migration to I lie
grand domain, of tho Far West. Ti
na bud learned the serious part of
fin's lc.vim, and sho had learned It
Hlic lifted tho latch of tho rudely con-1
structed log houso and entered, with )
assumed on her fucv.
"How are you now, father ?", I think. Come to tlm fire,
Tina you must bo eold!"
"Not a lilt. Has mother comu back?"
"No; It's very strange she stays so
long. I suppose Mrs. F.ddctts has a
great deal to say, though. I don't won
der your mother Is glad to get away
fiotu a sick room for a while."
lie spoKo a littlo bitterly, and Tina
winced as slio listened, Knowing that
her mother had excusoof somo
neighborly errand lo dispose In tlio
neaiest village of such poor littlo odds
and ends of gold chain, plnJ, and rings
ns yet remained lo their diminished es
tate. Was t lieu1 any thing wrong in
tills pious Irnud? Tina ultuot felt as If
there was !
It was not pleasant to be poor !
She will bo home soon, father," sum
Tina. "Only ice what a basKotful of
crani.enes l navo gatnereii out in me;
swamps! This will maKe the barrel
fill, and Mr, Signet has promised to
scud it lo New Yoric with hl. Don't
they InoK liico led Jewels, father? And
the money will buy you a new coat."
Ho sinllrd faintly.
"I thlni; It had better buy my littlo i
gill u new dies. Shall I help you to
PICK them over. As if Tina had forgotten oao word or
"I had rather do it by myself, father, ' ,vlabu of thoso old days !
nnd you must try to sleep a while." Tho ,roIl han.lof tliuehus swept away
Half an hour later Tina camo through n) tnu, tokplH ()f HnKV, now. -Mr.
the room, with a scarlet shsw l thrown , Mc,iWHr ia a ,lddle-iiged, bald head
over her head, aud a wistful, -cured mt.mbcr of society, and Mrs. Medway
Iook in liore.W'. has white hair mixed in the golden
"You are not going out again, my brightness of her braids ; but she keeps
dilhl ?" , tho worn bit of silver sjud its sweet as-
"Only opto tin. cranberry swamp, I M)clntlutis still, and belloes most firm
father ; It Isn't darK yet ; I-I have lo,t ! )y lu truu iOVo and romance,
something." -
A ribbon or a collar, I suppose," mild I IIoi.ium; On. A. O. Hur.WnrKit, of
Mr. Caily to himself, as ho lay watching j Hoton, ayy : "I one.) had occasion to
tho criiimm glare of the October sunset; (Journey with my father into Vermont,
while Tina, putting nlde low tungleil and at noon ho stopped at a country inn
bushes, nnd searching bits of raiiK, and took dinner. As wo were eating, a
swampy grass, was repeating to herself, I huge Vermontur, about six feet sevi u
In qiik'K nervous words. i In his boot, with Immense Jaws, eamo
"How could I lose It ? Oh, how could in nml commenced to devour every-
I bo so careless !" j
Hut tho search was all lu vain, and
thochlll twilight sent her home, ills
plrltcdand unsuccessful. And Ernestino
Cady cried hrr-elf to sleep that night,
Just bccntiso h" lo.-t the broken silver
, u
"You'll be sure to come, Medwny? I
want to Introduce tho successful author.
You will come?"
"Yes, 1 will coine, if you wish It!"
Bruce Medway went dreamily on his
w ny,and Mrs. I.ymr u whispered to one
of her fashionable friends that "sh
wii quite sure Mr. Medway had been
crease d in love ho was so dellcloinly
Tho tablo was mfperbly sprrod Mrs.
Lyman's dinners were always comnte it
on and, through tho sparklo of cut-
gluts and translucent glow of painted
china, you saw baskets and cpergues
and pyramidal bouquets) of magnlllctnt
hot-house flowers. As ono of thu Beau
Ilniiiinirls of the day had said, "It was
llku looking at a beautiful picture to
dluo with Mrs. Lyman."
Tho dessert was In its first stages,
when tho pretty hostes leaned coaxing
ly across to Mr. Medway.
"Do try some of those littlo cranber
ry tarts, Mr. Medway ; I havo Just re
ceived a barrel of tho most delightful
cranberries from my dear old Uncle
Signet, In Iowa."
Bructi was idly striking his fork Into
tlio little crimson circlets, quite uncon
scious of what he was eating.
"Yes, they aro very pice," hu said,
mechanically. And then he bent down
to fee what bit of extraneous white ele
ment wasgllmnierlng through thn ruby
Only a broken sliver coin I
IIu took it out and looked at It, tho
familial' date and die, till unconscious of
buzz of voice utul rluirs of Idle'
laughter all around him looked at It
with it Vttgtiu superstition, thrill steal-
Ing over all his nnttiro and lio could
almost hear his pulses heal tinder tho
soil pressure of tho other half of this
silver piece, for ho still wore It next Ids
"From Iowa, did you say, Jir. I.y
itiun V"
"From my uncle, Squire Signet, who
lives in thu trur West."
v nat par or Iowa Is It that-that
" ""nral -nwr.
".Uatersvlllo,! bcllovo, near thoOwas
Hi ver." And then then tho conver
sation branched off into somo different
channel, llruco Mcdway had found oat
all that ho wished to ascertain on that
one occasion.
"A tokon and a summons to him.
wnerover no might bo I IJrilco remem
bered tho words ho had spoken two
years ago, and his loyal heart gavoa
great leap ai tlio memory Hooded It
wltli warmth and brightness.
" Cranberries ? yos 1 remember
'em," said old HquiroSigset, biting tho
end of his cedar pencil. "Crop was
uncommoui good this full ; old Cady's
dai tor brought 'cm heru to sell by tho
To sell! liruco begsn for the first
time to appreciate the tides of trouble
tint had eddied round tho serene little
Islet of Hrnestlne's heart.
"Where do they live Mr. Cady's
family, I mean?"
"Sco that ar' old blasted pino down
In tho holler? Wall, Just beyond thcro
n road leads down past Cady's. Won't
stop a little longer? Well, good eve
nln' Squire!"
And Ilruce Medwny walked down
through theorango twilight to where
tho skeleton arm of tho blasted jilno
seemed to point to tho light in a far-off
window walked to meet tho dearest
treasure of his heart !
Through tho uncurtained panes ho
could sco the tiny room all bright and
ruddy with cheery firo-llght; tho slen
der drooping figure siting alone on tho
hearth-stone with its golden shine of
hair and tho thoughtful bend of its
neck. And ho opened tho door softly
nnd went in.
Hho put bacic her hair with both
hands, and IooKcd at him as if she fan
cled herself under tlio delusion of some
"You summoned mo, anil X havo
come. Tina, my love, "hall tin. old
time return to usonco more ? Shall we
be all thu world to each 'other once
It was lull nlno o'clock by tho silver
studded tlmo-pleco of tho stars before
liruco Medway roso to tako his departure.-
"But tell mo ono thing, Bruce," said
Ernestino, laying her hand lightly on
his, m they stood protracting their
lover-llko adlctix on the door stono In
the frigid moonlicht. "what did you
I mean when vntl audi ! lintl siirniniineil
Ho drowa littlo box from Ills breast
pockot, and smiling held up rt bit of
"And I wtar Its m'atu clout to my
heart, Tina !"
nruce-surely that is not my half of
tho coin?"
"It wis your half, Tida."
"Aid whero did you find It?"
'Ono iiP M.uci. ,lN.,u f ...III ..II
v.i.j.i ...... ..... i'"'t
ilonr lint In n eeru en. a, , It,. I , ,jt.
tlnn, however. You remember what I
said to you when wo tho hilver
pieco between us?"
thing before him. At last somo hut ap-
pledumpliligs were placed on tho ta
ble. Ho put ono Into his mouth
to chow It. It was very hot, and he
commenced to make contortions of the
face, and exhibited signs of distress. I
snld, "You better drop it." But lu
continued to chew, and us It opened un
der his te"lh It gro wstill hotter, and hu
Htowied still more. I said, "You'd bet
ter drop it," and as hu still exhibited
tho most fearful agony, I repeated thu
"noy," replied hu angrily, liavintf
got n part of it down so that ho could
talk, "It's easy enough for yon to say
drop It ; but d n tho thing, I'll nwallor
It, If it busts me." laughter.
And this Is ibo spirit that some Itcpub
llcans exhibit Instill holdlngimto tholr
" Stit,"s.tld ono of two antagonists,
with great dignity to tho other, during
a dispute which had not been couflueil
to words, "you havo called mo a liar
and scoundrel, you liuvo spit In my
face, you havo struck mo twice. I liopi.
you will not arouse thu sleeping Hon in
my breast, for If you should, I cannot
tell what may bo tho cotiseqtiences!"
KuathaIiATT'h wife dlscovored her
old hen sitting in tho back yard, nnd
"bust up her nest," Soon nfier tho
poor wife, ctiuiu in much oxi-lted, nml
said! "My dear Kratsalatt, I toolc tho
rgfH from 'llrownlo,' and she has gone;
and sat onto nn old moat axe." " Ict
her sot," said' thu bilious old follow, "if
sho sets on an uxu maybe she'll hatch
et I"
A uiiKHir llttln girl, eight or nlno
years old, who hud heard much talk up
on the subject of woman's right and
woman's wrongs, camo home ono day
mid asked in a somewhat Indignant
tone, "Muiunia, what makes tin. mints
ter always: tay amen ? AVhy dun't ho
1 ever say a woman?"
A Western Editor Describes Pitts
A wkstkiin editor thus describes
tho effect produced by the nuulerous
foundries, iron works, etc., nt 1'ltt
Inirgh, l'eniisylviiiila
"Pittsburgh people never have fresh
air, except when out of town. Thev
, nvo m, Mnokound lloatlug cinders
Wo Inhaled .-oven tonrofeoal tlio llrst
hour, wo were there. Tho people
breathe smoke, eat smoke, chew smoke
and carry It looso In their pookets. It
Is now soventy-two years since I'ltts
burgh has been warmed or reached by
tlio sun's rays. Once a streak of sun
shine, for several years condensing, tin
dcrtook to penetrate the cloud of smoko
over the city, got lost, beenmo smoked,
nnd fell llko a standing edition of tho
lilaek Crook.
"Tho ladles usesnioko and coal-dust
to protect thulr complexion. Little
boys and girls stand on tho corners wltli
wet brooms nnd sponges to wash poo
plo's facos for live cents. .Everybody is
of a color In Pittsburg. At tho post
office window tho clerks distinguished
people by certain slr;ns, it being Im
possible to sco their faces from tho lay
era of coal-dust nnd smoke. Vo saw a
littlo boy crying on the street because
ho hud lost his father, who was six feet
ahead of him, in all tho blackness.
"hvery ono wears mourning in Pitts
burg. A barber onco went there to col
or hair and whiskers, lio mor'n
busted In a week 1 Men kiss each others
wives In Pittsburg, unablo to tell which
Is their own only by tlio taste. Women
send children on crrnmN, first writing
on their faces with a thumb-nail or wet
stick. People feel their way by door
knobs, and read by raised type.
man onco stood in his room with
the window raised changed his shirt
nlno times in four minutes, und only got
a clean onoonhlin when tho window
foil by accident nnd kept thu smoke
" Meet a man with a eold who has
been blowing Ills noe, and that organ
looks much liken burnt stump cm cash
sldo-of which a wood-chuck ha been
" A man there accused his wife of
presenting him with a nigger baby.
Wlie proved her Innoconco of so loyal n
'who's been hero' by plunging the little
Innocent Into a cistern with n lantern
tied to his neck. Tho husband saw
dimly, recognized Saxon out-line, clasp
ed his wife to his bosom, aud held her
there so long In Joyful embrace that tho
littlo cuss In tho cistern was drowned,
the lamp went out, and a boy lost for
ever. " lied clothes are unknown lu Pitts
burg leave the window open and
sheets of smoke settle upon you like
nowspujorx from n machine press!
Somo years since somo snow fell Into
the city from tho cloud of smoke the
smoko was not hurt, but thosnow look
ed sick 1 Men carry lanterns to sco to
shako hands. When looking nt a watch
to sco tho hour It is the fashion to light
n match. They make black broadcloth
hy hanging u spider's web out till tilled
with smoke, and uso hot coal dust for
pepper. They roll the smoke, sweeten
ul, cut Into sticks, and sell it for licor
ice." John J a com Astoi;. " Do you ovor
,tT,,at r.,
1 l'"1l
Vstor?" inquired Mr. K.
" I tlo not credit strangers, sir, unless
they furnish satisfactory city reference,"
was the reply.
"Then," quoth Mr. K., "tho skins I
have nolcolod must suffice this time;"
and paying for the same, departed.
On tho afternoon of tho same dy, t
Just before thu .sailing of tho New Bed
ford racket, tho young trader returned
for Ids lot of furs. Tlvrowing the wholo
pack of furs upon his hack, ho lett tho
tore, hut had not procec led i. dozen
yards when Mr. A. called his name, - to, through which sho was compelled
bidding him comu back. I to return and pass a third of the year
"Sir," said Mr. A., "you can havo with her Infernal husband, "for Pluto
credit for tiny amount of goods you ru-1 dwelt In Hades." Ami what Is Pros
quire providing they are to bo found in ' erplno but seed corn, which being cost
my store." into tho ground, remains hidden there
"Hut" stammered Mr. K., " but till H appears upon tho surface, and
my dear sir, I can give you no city re-1 though not delaying to sprout for u
ferencu I am n stranger here." third of u year, yet It is about that tlmo
" I ask no further recommendation," from the sowing of tho grain tn Its rl
replied tlio rich merchant, " than that pencil fullness of the ear,
already furnished by yourself. Thu Turning lo thu Christian era, wo flint
man who Is not abovohis bttsliies need that thu priests of the every church en
never bu afraid to apply to John Jacob ' Hated flowers into their service. They
A'tor for assistance." compiled a cataloguoof flowers for each
Thus commenced a trade bet ween day, dedicating each to somo particular
two mcrchauis, which continued to thu I ai' " "ecouut of Us flowering about
mutual satisfaction and advuntrgu of Mho tlmo of thosalnt'sfestival. Every
both fur a long term of years. Mr. IC. ' 0110 I-howh the aspen, over moving,
Is now one or the most eminent eapitsl- , 'ver trembling in thu aimed summer
Ists in New Bedloid, (day, tho legend of which runs us fol-
. lows : As tho angel of death neartd
Dvino in IIatti.i:. Iftlieru he any
thing frlghtrul. if there exist a reality
that surpass. dreaming, It is this : to
Ilvo to sen tho sun ; to bu lu full posn,.
sion of manly vigor; to havo health
and Joy ; to laugh valiantly ; to turn to
ward a glory glittering before you ; to
feel In your chest, lungs that breathe, n
heart that beats, and n will that reasons;
to speak, to think, to hope, to love; to
have n mother a wife, and children!;
havo light and then maidenly, before
there is tlmo for a cry, to bo hurled In
to au abyss; to full, roll crash, and bo
crushed; to sco cornstalks, flowers,
leaves and branches, and to bu unable
to hold on to any thing; to fool your
sabre useless, men under you and horses
over you j to struggle in vuln ; to havo
your ribs fractured by some, kick in tho
gloom ; to feel a heel on your eyes ; to
blto with rugo tho horsi' bits; tostlllo,
to yell, to writhe; tn bo underneath,
nnd to say to yourself, "A moment ago
1 win a living man 1"
Witv was tko wiialo who 'Swallowed
.Tonah llko a retired iiillkni.m? Because
ho got a ptoflt (prophet) out of tho
Ir you want a further Increase of tho
national debt, vote for Onuit. If you
want nn Increase of tu.vatlou, vote, for
A l.uiv In Heading has madiia silk
tied-qullt which contains 7,010 plives
and nearly n million stitches, ll wllj
do nt uiu IHTkis County Fair.
Flower IiCffcndi.
Amono the nuclei, tho aualhisi of
a tree, tho altitude of a flower, tho ety
mology of Its name; Inspired (lio'livcly
imagination of the men 'of old with a
fable, or embellishments of a simple
history, which received from them a
kind of pleasant acceptance, a willing
credence. All the noets who slnir well
(if flower iiavcwcured a good hearing;
tho very names of plants "smell sweet
and blossom In tho dust" of old Uteri
tore, and in almost forgotten songs. Tho
Persians press their sentiments ln(o tlio
mouths of flowers, nnd arrango their
boquots grammatically. In all civiliz
ed nations they aro tho typos nnd sym
bols of loveliness, innocence and fresh
ness, of unquestioned end unquestion
ing beauty.
W hen Venus first appeared rising;
from tho froth of tho sea, roses aro said
to havo sprung simultaneously from
tho earth, and the graces hastening to
attend her, crowned themsvlvex with
tho novel flower lu honor of tho new
divinity. Tho roses which then appear
ed were white ; and nono displayed any
other tint till tho death of Adonis,
when Venus hastening barefooted to
the assistance of her beljved, trod upon
roso which wounded hor with lti
thorn, and being stained with her
blood, over after retained tlio crimson
Associated with tho Narcissus, w
have the following-:
Narcissus was a youth of Bccotia, of
whom Tircslns, the soothsayer, foretold
that he should live happily until ho
saw his own face, but that would bo fa
tal to him. On account of his surpass
ing beauty, tho nymph Echo became
desperately enamored of him, but he
slighted her love, and she pined nway
with grief, till nothing remalnedorher
but h or voice, aud even that lost the
power of.utteraneo beyond repeating
tho last syllable of a sentence. Narcis
sus, heated by the choso, went to drink
from a clear calm rivulet, and there for
tho first time, beheld hlsown image re
flected in the water. Ho becamo so
fond of himself, that ho would never
leave tho spot whero his beauty had
been revealed to him, but gazing till h
had wasted away, was changed by thu
gods Into tho flower that bears his
Ilyaclnthus, being boautiftil und ac
complished, was so highly esteemed by
Apollo, that Zephyrus, Incensed a tho
youth's coldness and indifference, de
termined on his destruction. Ono day,
when Apollo andllyaclnthtis were play,
ing quoits, 7.ephyru,hlddcu among tho
fleecy clouds, directed wltli his breath
tho quoit flung by Apollo fu)l upon the
head of thu unfortunate prince, who in
stantly fell dead. Great was tho grief
of tho sun-god, who, to commemorate
his victim by their grace and beauty,
caused ijaelnlm tn spring from Jd
In connection with flowers comes' in
tho lovely leg. ml of the Ilape of Pros
erpine, who, on tho Nyslau plain, ac
companied by the ocean nymphs waej
plucking (lowers. She culled tho roso,
tho violet, the crocus, tho hyacinth; and
beholding a narcissus of rare size and
beauty, sho streTch"eTl out her hand to
gather it, when the" earth opened, and
Pluto, arising in his golden chariot,
seized her and boro her away. Ceres,
her mother, hears her cries, but known
not who has stolen her,nor whither sho
lias fled. ITdios, howovor,(the siin),bev
trays tho secret, and tells hor that Jove
permitted It. "Then Ceres, disgusted,
deserted heaven, and dwet nmong
mortals." But sho would'-not : allow tho
I corn to sprout, and threatened with thu
destruction of his subjects on earth,
Jovo beseeches her to return to heaven
to which sho consents' on ono condition
tho restoration of her daughter, who
at length returns, but not till she bos
, eaten a pomegranate given her by Phi-
the cro.-s on which Ho hung, who "am-
sideretli thu lillles how thoy grow," h
dashed tho cup of bltternexs full at ltd
foot ; and tho aspen that grow near, for
Out of ouo of tli u ti i tho cross, was made,
shuddering ut the daring of tho deed,
Inherited forever the trembling throea
of thu dying Deity. - -(
Thn ftliainrocis, tin, national cmbjoin
of ouo of Britain's fairest Ultu, has Its
Christian legend thus:, St. ratrlclu,
tumble, to make hl.i hearers) compre
hend the, meaning of tho word Trlui'
despairingly cast his eyes, on .thn
ground in prayer forsqinonioaiis where
by he might "llghtou. tho .Qunlllw,,"
when spying the, littlo trefoil shauiproh
at his feet,. he pluckod It,, ami holding
it up on high, pojnJiHl to threo leave
on ouo stem as tho emblem of his duo
trine, to tlm eaty comprehension of his
To that beautiful littlo llower.ttie fore
gut-mu-not, with its blue, llko the tint
of a slimmer sky, and its golden oyo,
bright as hope, U attached a legend
known to most or our ru.vlorr,though It
will not 1q nuilis to repeat It. A (Jor
man knight, with his lady-love, Aver
walking on thu banks of tho Danube,
when Ibo fair ono saw ft ttm of tho piy
osoff In thu stream, and exp'rcHSod her
wish for It. With all chivalrous nlacrk
ty, tho kulght, In ful array, pUingodln.
unit gutiierixi inu prize; nut tlio eddlw
of 'itluit treacherous' river' drew htus
down In tholr fatal Rrasp, and sinking-,
ho throw thu flowers tin 'shore to hi
distracted mistress.wlth Uiowellknowu
words, "VerflUs mein iiciC"1 "For