He' n t'l 117 i " ' ' .1. . ! i i ill"!' i 0 wV i t i r ii' ' ... 1 r .41 a v. ,1.2 NO.'-- BLOOMSBURO, PA., FRIDAY, GOT. 16, 1868. -PJUOK KIVK-OKNTSr-- . .M ini niisrrTniiv.n .lOVLSANl) TiNWAuT:r IMIil.lillitl win"" .,. ,i,vlcrln.ti.v. tinware, Main ",.! Hilt house. I'l 1!T, m'rt mill tlhWHIC. Ulll'fll. i,l of Miill.el, VJ-llW .1 CI.OTlllNCf, AC. IJKl, inpri,,in!it,UI tl.tllnr. MnhlsL. 2)1 iin . I', V.,o7oV vi:...i iiiuffp Anu-iiii i cinlenllillclpUilenl mi .'a .nllMilul, Mull W-llU 1 .foS, CHEMICALS, AC iiiv. i.. ilnuuitaml apothecary, li ' i, -u Mum i. ,rin.ii "' iii'i'HiMnry, r-pi" ,i, ,; i et nfMnii.i-1. n f. WATHJKH.j&cJ 1'SIIAIIII, watch enil c'oclc xnhlii-f, ,, Iw.ii'oiiior Malniuul lrouts.l-iil ml . .idler in elueks, wiilfliM nnil "lain m, Just '"V.1.";!' ! Ill M'.l' wiiltii mi'l cJoi lt maker i;,l,)r.s AND SllOK-i. Market vl-lill m's , ,t 'ml khoeiu.ilier.Mihikiieei i Hi. use. Vl-ll" I ii' H.nii.iiiir.x-iuri-vjiinlitfnlor In l. ...If ,,i ,,M.i ni.,uo't UlilkCiipulchilivli 1 ,,l.,li.,iivr;rw.,Hi"t lllnmiik I, -I , .11.1. nml liuciiu'-r, Main "t. i.i k kiovo, nest ofMalUclkiieel I'.tllKKSSlONAL. l. Kino-oil nml i.1ij"I iui ..iili ,, ,'t Miirlc.il. l-iill l.lliil -V tirnMill ll.'nllst,,e,.-lh-Mrai ' t it In -I., nearly iiMii i V l.ri' . II, HUP it., Iji'lim .in mid lillJ'Kll'l.l' Miirliot. vl-M -im lllnl Pllklcliu. vl-nt I I I II. sun. Hive Mulli. . .imViill, lull I hnilHH. .urmon dentist, Mulu it. vl-nl nil' 'S. .ltorhiyiit-I.aw,Olllcu llari , Mai Mtn -'. Mnlnetrect 2J - v i ii'ai.kVnT, lientisf, .MmiirW.. M.llse' ".'.' lliMf In "f. UVUllH 1--' , 1,1. IN I, li Y l-'AN't'Y OOODrf- Lixil UAllKMiV, iiiUltmr, ltniiispi i II., M'llll II. WKItll, finiry il'iii'ls lintliiiii, IwiiiIk. illiimiy, mirlli null. Jliilii(ili.'llM'loHMr i'l TKI.MAN nilllllu'ry ntul fuluT roihIn (i, n.li. i:iii.i'iiiiiI Hmu'li, Main M. vl-"''1 - II'I.IA A. ,t HADK HAUKI.r.V, lnill i,-ik iiml ilii'is imtlenu, MiutliciiHt cnrniT nml MMtsl. vl-'" w M cM. lir.HUI 'Ksom, nilllliipry mul rmov jIh M.iltiHl.,oiir-isltn I'mirt lloilsi'. vl-nll M. II. Kl'llMAN, lilllliiuT, Mnlll ht., In-low i.irtuuii'H utori. wi'st nl .Market hi. VM 'lliTis IIAIl.M N millinery nml fancy ,.Maln Btifi-I Jiwt U'luur Auu'rlciitt ""j llOl'UhS AM) SALOONS. u'Oi'KVivitcr.'iliil outiiiii Kiiloon, Amerl a llimvi'. ;,lnlii Nt,, lt.illi.cr Leuvoclc hiiiicrln-vl-nli iiivru A .lAlullY, nuifccllonry, luiki-r), .til iv ti r Mill, ion, whulviialitiiiul. uttlll, !!:! :i Krk, Mulu lit. vl-lltt .w i HI!, cimfW-lloiKry, Imltiry. mitl nyM i.ii in, u liutcs.tlu mul retail, Maliikt., Juki n 'run vl.iil I I A N ( 1 1 : IIOTIX, liy KuoiH.l Ularlt, Main ,i.inllo(iiiirl Iuium'. vlnl". W (i llollhi:, by. Ions r.K.inicK, Main w ,1 of linn nil, el. Vl-lll 1 Horn,, a t. Iiy (l.W. Mauui'k, t'llhtcnil nl - il-nl.l 1IINFI1, i('lrelintlit saloon, M tin bt.,Jusl v imltlioiikii, vl-ll I X' ,1 I I. VltK, li-n i lnui-ul ,iihi llOll'l, Kalimit. I'x. Vl.lH' t. . I ill Ull-:. iPlri-Nliiiietit wiloun, Hhlvo's i. iinni km,' .Main hi vl-nli 'IKItCIIANT.-i AND tiHOCKItS. riHiM, I'linii'i-iiniii'ry. tirntTrK-a i-tc .Main ' .til'iivi'l'otirtllnuse, vl-nlil II ltll.1,1,11 iti-alcr in tlry l-nnils, irroi-c-lll-rt. u,i'ik,.iiiii, llniir, halt, hlini-!., iiotlonv, t-u. iiiiji' liliick. MallihlM-et. vl-nl'i .1 1 N1.AI. .V Co., ili-iili'th In ilryKnoiN viIik, il'iiu, li-i'il, mil. iIkIi, Iron, ualU n Tllim! cornor Malnmnl fti.ukt't vl-ul ' i iW I-It, IritK anil raH, liuutt mul Ktioi- n st allow, Court lloni-, lur 'IAIIIt,ilr RiHuNmiil notions, i-r .Main mul lion KIs KOtltllWl'Kl Vl-lH ltii"i;il, ur.v uomU, uiiK-frli'H, i-K-, iiuiii'r .Main anil lion Kth, north M lit' A .I A U'l MAN, Anon t.itry kooiIm, notloui n niui'f .Main sl.(oiiiiuity Coriul'i. I iil II mill-. l.ll 'I i Ki.I Y.Ki-yi-liiiiijKliot'sioii-.hiMiktinmi iiiniii r miutliwi-tii corm-r Market inn: - vl.nl. l.t.M I-IIAMI'M, rouliclliinirlik, Mall, ni'iu-tla inlliii'iil, 1 vl-ul. 1 'I. Ml AI,I.,i,i'U(rnl sliti-k nf nii-ichiiu .11,1 lin.iiu-r, t-uim-r of Alain Kirt-itnmi ''mil vl-ii r i."lti:i.NM i 'ali-r In iln L-iioiU L-iterli k i-lr. i-VMiirli Main nl h,-iiw lion vl-ul., I, iN Jrot'orltf A I'rovlklonn. kotilli inn Main I'liil Ill'li Stit-cli, vl.lili "Nilil-U, l.tililuaiv, LUllrry, guiii. t-ti., i, kI tit-inu li'ili. vl-nl.i -I I IN ill llli'l in i lioli t-ilij piotlk, ll,ai -lilh K"o, ., IIikIi i!li't'llt't,,ito.,(tc. Mali '" iiiiiii lions,, v-lnl I ll 1 H I'l ll k mul Ul'IIVltll IIU'I, liaiiillK, i.l ' VMM. 1 l-nl- 1 I I' -.N irvuiioil.. L-riii-rrii'K. Imoli. If'll'i-rt 'IiIih It, Main it.. neKt ,M Vl-ll- MI r A 1 HAilll ltl-T.ix-iiIin.il. I'liili.i , in i tk mul Xtillollv ki lull Kliti', iuii tliHilk iiImivo Itionkl' Ml-,. I slioti. 2 III Iv M. CUM i r I . KIkii, Onmmentul mul Ittci !Vo I'lilutei, hcottowu, near istlrti.u, I'nliVA.l , runillurn nwunn, thtve Mnrs r.k on Main it., wt'fct t Jlrtritft bt. vl-iil-H mixiun i i tuj t'i 1 1)1 M h , i ii 1 1 1 m vi j llOSHNsTOCK, 'holi'Hrailnr( llxul.anyt UltOADT. iilinffK'iniihrr. ItRttimiii'ii Itiitlil sitniitu-ati(iriu i .MulutiiulSlurUeUU vl-n4.i J. B1DLKMAN. Aufiit Munmn's t'onnei- Vii II. ri'I.MKM., saal!A, tiuulc Riul linrnHH ir Mnt Mulu ht litjlnw court, limine. vlnH ' tTKH. tlhie Mrtker. una White hiw tunes t nitiei HttldWU. ' VllH? uuiicrH in Mtiiiuct, or tut uuiuM, lmiiuim ctfertlin rull-iuiul, i vltiil'f V J- 1!II1. I.MAN, hHiltllo uiul linrnch maker, VITMAN. inurlilH ivmlch. iipart.(ilitliH('T.l 'I'HIMiM II drnlrr In rtniifp, nu-nnn mul M(lm!(onfc,ut u, V,CttfIrniii!ilUmiiHnni VMH1 Ii MAKTI ItH ntr,.i,t rut flrnvpi- Mill: uiiiclilno, Muln fct.. lliiitnmn't luillH I ' lEnnilN'W.ltfiiHirili'Hhrt'i-(inil(loortlolii '"Tiliwetit turner Main nml IroiiMu, vln4.t I'Mt iicU, Notary PiiMlc. norllii'ftkt coint " nit M rkct'Vt. vl-tn 1-1 N'HI (IN. i ii ii 1 1 ml it ml I'nvti mtHi tin t t I'niniiHiit' noriluMiktmriiHr Main nml vMiW, "lw.f 1IAKHKHT, iiimifdclurT iunUo)nlr-i ' i linti iiiHcltlnrs, hfiliijilt A I'll' Mil-' " "ii,i mi i;iM-nnimrs, viin 1 NN. tlt-alfr In tiN'iiL tallmr. ilc. Clicti) f lillt y, lyck r Auu rlcaii liouu. )nl 'I II jAlltllV. Mi.ri.lt. .nul llrou Ii Milir inooinnnuiri it jik i hum, i-n i i ''AMl'I.Il A i O. AlutlituUU.FaitlJlooinN OltANUKVlLLE DIltUCTOHY. Dlt, O. A. JIMAUOnt,, nhf ulrlnn nl RiirK',on. Main H licit iloor In OukI's Hold. vi-iil? UlCIv llOTi:t. ami i-i-fri-liincnt unloun, Iiy i:i. l.vi riil. ioi, oi.Maiuiuiii I'lneki.vini, tAS irorr.i, lliouriK-rlinuo liyjolm Hny O iter, Main ftt,,ulovo IMno, 111111 b tit HI.OAN. ilealer in ilry cikhIm, Broccrles, luur.ic-r una general Mercliainllno Main kl. Gr.OIKli: I,A'.Alll'H,aililloanil harness maker Malilkt.. iiluiVutlinHivan Hotel, Vl-llli XV II.M.MIMI, tu.inur.K'tiirer of till wnro nntl U , il.'.iir.- Ill knives etc. Main kt., itbuvo Iip Kunii Hotel. vlnl7 1 & I!. W. C(ll,l:.MAN, Mirehant tailor mul A. dent'" ImulMiiUK (,-ooiIh, Malum., next lUnir to the hrkk hotel. vl-1117 K ItAYIIl'ltsCi'livIm, Watehen nniKlnni ill. repalrett, IIuIihiiU'I WntehCi lorkale.Matli M lielmv Tine. Vl-nl7 I A, Mix 11. ll AU.M AN, i alilnei Maktr, nml IJn fj iietlaker, .Main St., fieiuw riue. v !-n!7 MICHAIIlil.'. Ki:i.I,i:lt, I'onlirtlouery, ()yier le., Ae.,on l'lne hi., hett en Main uiul Mill, V1-HI7 U" li, A (,'. KllLCllNUlt, l!l.lcUHlullli,on Mill , tttieut, near 1'luu. vl-1117 llf H.I.I AM lllil.ONO, ShoelnaUrauil tuannfae. M luierof llrldt. Mill St., wi l of l'llu- vlul'l IlI.IAH HNYIII'.lt, I'lour ami j iKulel'Ill Kralu, Mill Mreot. (Hint Mill, ami Vl-1117 I i:WIS 11. WIHIYI.I'.Il, Iron founiler,.Mai-hln. Ijwt.niul Maniifai-tuieriir .Iom, Mill t.M-nl7 II.I'M A. WILLIAMS A To. Tauiieiannil Man. utaeturerniflfittlier, Mill Mlivet Vl-1117 OILS' Kl',I.I.i:lI, limit mul Mini maker, I'lne Mreet, oiini-.ni- llie Aeaiieuiy v i-ni. ft. HKItUlNIIA III'.OTIILU, Oirrielilirinnil Uullill I'll, -Main Stn-et, In-low I'lne, Vl-ll 17 . lAMl'r.t. HIlAIH'I.IX-f, M.ikei nftlie Ilaylmikt ilriuu ijrnille. Main f-t. v'Jn.t. . 4 M. 1IAUMAN, kmlille ami .lull neis Irtaker , iniiimi'Vllli-.iMHi'Hlte I-'riinuic .(I CnTITtyl. Vl-.'llll OATAW'ISSA DIltliOTWlY. i".iil'I.IIANNAorliri. k ll'iiR..Vro'.iih.niiler iiiniirn tor.souili.e.i-leouier MklAiiiulHeriui'l . l reel. v'J-nlS II. I'l'.HASY.ill'- irnklk, .hki eial Mi-ieliiinllKt, Main Mir I nml celi-v.'-nli II. ItlN'Altli.ili-nter lii kloiek iiiiilr.lin-uaie, O, .MulllMtreet. V3-III r.M. II. Alllll.lT.altuniey ill law,. Main: ill eel. ij-nl: j tlI.ltUU'1' tV Kl,I.i:,ili cifH tTl".. nnl t tf-iii" ii tni-n'tian IKc. M ilit -ttti-i-t, K I'.. hKll, hilli.iKt s,ili, uMi-i-on'.Hti In Kf.ison Mnfu Im uml lei K, hAU.MA.V, Mou'lmnt Ttiltor, SicnmlSt., , linhimiH itutl Uux. v2nl. IU.J. IC. UOIUIINW, , . i 1'hy.HU'ititi, 1 KlHllll b'lnw Sliiln. Y 11. KlsrLIjU,"C,iiltHwlHjt ilouo," North st J , Cm iter Main uiul Hi-omul Htr-eU, vJ-nl1. . KKOIHT, iUulor lit Ucneml MeiohauJlM-, Idy Uootls, ornct-rlt" At. 2m. LKiUT STKKET WIKECTOUY. 1)irri:u MNT, dealer In ilry cootlk, Brocirltk, Hour, feci), salt, llsh, Iron, nall, tie., Unlit I Ti:ltVlM.Kli:lt, L'aliliiel maker, UnUerlakir ,) nuilChatrni.ikir. il-nw JOSKl'H V.'AI.rnit IllaekKinlth, iiiifoklte mt otllee. vl -nli:. HI". D.MAN .1 Co., Vlieelwrlshts, tint ilnor uhovii kehoul llOlthO, vl-n lii IW. i:. KIiINKi nillllneiy ami laucy jooiN. ill . V-"" Iw. i r i , lu-uii-i m ijt-.iiiii-i , jinn.!, I'nin. etc. ntsUinUtl fr UMck. Mil'l r.M. M.IlNr, dealer 111 bloies ami tin ware In all in hi,iliene-. vi-nm TO UN A OMAN, liiniuifuuuier mul dealir lu itninil khues. vl-niil. j, i,i:isi;it, m. ii. miimoii .nul i'i'J' Ollllu Hi Hullel'it II.it. I. ' KSI'Y DIUKCTOKY. ihl'Y i-I'l AM I uil itLNO MlLlJI, C. M. I'owler, I'J ri-ii.rlei.r vunii ) J. Itl-.ltl 1 1 .i 111 , Ultii ,,le-.ler 111 .lr kuoiIi, 5, e,l oi el li", llli'l noli, l n Uii-l ell. i inline, ll.'lill f ll. t'Al.HWKI.I., ill ''el 111 IryKiMiilK, (,-rooer-I, ii-, quecn.lvale, liaulivale, tl&ll, kalt, nulls, te., Ue., vl.'ull 11 V. I'.IiOAlt, MiMiuelainiiii rianln- Mill anil I. r.ux .Miiuufarlurv. vl-.'nll JKKSKYTOYVN DIKI.CTOliY. t NDUI.W MADIMN'.il.iI r In ilry rowU, Kio , rtTlt'N, Kmln, luiuln-r i Ic, .IriM-ylmvn. vliiIO iAr()iiA.KviMiu:it,iifii!Thi iiws uihiht I iMi-lr tc Mn.i,(iii tnw tishin L'oliinildn con 11 IV a, l-nltl Cl 1 ni M u i in ii 'i m , .umii-iiii ijiin-i, I'ti'- voit and Mnumt'tn i-nti-i tiiiin-tl, -ul BUCKJIOHN ISIHKCTOUY. l (I. A W. II, hiioi:makku( 1-hIt in nry T- ir.t httYi In Kiniili cml nf (own, v-nl JAfOlt A W.M. 11 MIltlN, ii-iikri. L'toci-rif. ilrns uixt nii(Ucincs, in ilry unoils, Flri Kt mil In noiUi t-tul o lowu, vj-nis. HOTiaS AND SALOONS. TXCIlANriK IIOTKl., j i I l JWAl 1 I i L I ilj , I .11 IM. l J Tin itiuliThlent d huMim nuri-luii it HiUmcII .tin 1 1. ii nml 1 i-'ilnilh iiM'iiN-il liut.l he Kt'li'(in:e llot( l.Hllu.ile mi ?ii- Kiiuji'i.in inirfinihouru imtlieoltlieiy nppuhi v hum niuniim coiling' ' iiiirt lli.nvd 1 1 md ttull itiloini llieir ti li'iiilK uml llu 'U'MIO 111 lillll'IMI HUH HH'll IMrUl' I 111 "inn ttlKI 1 ll till lllMMIM ll III 1 l Ol It With It. II U- or 1 lie li'ci'iilii'U Mini 1 iiieriaiiiineiii in 11 ttveiir r otii, j 111 i'iie Kparen no vx nv in luvpannu Li im 11 ji-lor Hit it ft milium ut of I hell Ltu-HtM unit hut fchitll tin re li- mi) lliiit wniitlnu on their 1 tit muuaici 10 im 11 peiMrii.fi coniioii, 4 ney .ii ill -,' ik hpiieioux, auu i nj i hum ICiK llH'tlllOll. iiMiiilluiHi-ft 1 1111 at ut I iIiihk between the I!x hmiuf Iloirl ami tin im ii.n-v nillrnrtil dci'Oiti, by v inch tmulh i will 11 pliiiKantl rtmefed in ndlioiu llitu(pettlM KintloiiM in dim iltnoto net t We ltu, KOONM A ( I.AIllv. lilooihuuvu. April :i, ho. (ICOUdi: W. MAUtinit, Proprietor. i'l 10 nliove Mfll.ltnown luiii'l h.m recentlv under mm it vii d rul cliuiiL't" in Ith ItiUiuuiariaUKtmentH, aiuI Kim. i.rit'iur ittinoiiiit it. to bU Iitrmev euHtitin and th('tmelllns piihlle Mini hht nceoniLKlatlouM lor itiocoinioti ol in RUeMMiiom eoon to muie in iii.wtiiwiiTv ll in iiiiiin villi iilvtiM he found tu- iieu, 1101 mu ini ruiwuuuipi itun, v. n ho delicieU.nl i tut henwrn, lll wlne ami IN ounrs (eJtcepl Mr ' oiulur fjevenixn known hb AMt'Jfvm 1", pun huhi d direct irom the imporltiu uonniiMilriiifM. 11m InfliiitiUlul foi nllbernl nation- hih In thopiut. nnd will etmtluue 1o deerve tt In ihefutmt!. (IKOlttlK W, MAIMKH, TXCHANOK SALOON, This Proprietor of tha KxehauceHntoon hn now nit ImnJ n Inrjtw htocli of ' HUM Ml. It lUCr HI.SHMKNTH, COllSlrttlllK Of M-ICKU OVhTMIS, HAHIUM'H, THtrU, 1I01.OUNA gUViir lU.NOCK, ItOII.KU l.tl(iH,hWK.lT7.Ht CJlKf Hf LAOKIl HKKH, AUK, AC. V C0M1S ONH, C'OMli AM ANI HKK. LAM'AUN IWLMAN. Huptrlntendeut, lUooimdjUrii, Mnylt, 1K7. rpu K YpTlloTKi " PY, COI.VMWA COUNTY, PA, THE nuhnilher rt cputlully lufoi int.li In frlcndti und the u 'H (hfit le Iuik IiiUi n the nboe ui'll known lloiu ol 1 nti itnlnmt nt, nnd Mill be plftihed to jvic llie iiinoiii in nil wun win fuvorblm uui u tail. HU WSIJj KI.M A CJOOP TAW.K, a Par h ell .tolud will' the best ol Mouom, nml every flbrl will be iiimle to render entire r-HtU- Inetlon, lit imj.i iJ.ua ii Kr, Pa.. April 12, JM7t UHANai:VII.!.K, COLI'MIIIA C0UTYI VA, a KiWAitnr.vr.ui;TT, pkopiuktoh. n... inL-mi miVKPikkitiii ut IIiIh well-known lionise, Milium Mtpl l N'niuel 1 erttt, the Pro tJileui. linsi'iitlnllpetiimnenl lepalrundfuriiUh U JIAH AM LAiUUvHwIil. thee boleetttllcjuon rmdUBWi-UUelleHelen. Jlln tttuble Iv not eclM luth county, uml no rHln will be SPV.0 MC0MMlUft' gUVVU l(Tr3 M THE COLUMBTAN, JB WCi Jomocn'atic Nownpupor Ifl IV11LI8IIKD t:t.UV Ml II) AY MoHMSV) AT HLt)t).MSIlLIt(3, 1M:A. Till! principle of this paper nre of tlie JctTtMon- lan Bchoolof pfjlltlc", Tho-p prlnclplei will neer be compronilictl, yd rourteny ntul kindness clinll not bo foi gotten In ilhculiii? tliem, wlietlier with liullvldufil, or-wUh contctnporarlc of the Pre" The unit', hfirplnens, nml proipeiity of tho coun try If our nlm nml ohJ-ct; nmliii tin in cans to necuro that, we nhall labor hoiit-fctly ami earnently for tho harmony, hiicccsi nml nro t h of our ort'nn lzntlon. Tekms ok hUiHCttl ption il wo dollars n year If jmlil In niUniicc If not palil In mlvmict tun dollar nml liny emit ulll be Invariably charged. TEitJts or AhVFnTiiiNii One P"iiaie(ten lint orlcR)oneor three Inncrtlons II,.V)j each subhe riiunt tiiHtrttim &) cent. Ht'Atn, Im. '2i, 3m. am. Iv $y,(K Jio.Dii 0,1 JO I I.Wi n.uii lm.'ii One miimu J2.tw tim J.,tn Two Mqtmrei 3,0i Three hnimrci 5, 5,W c.rifi ,' Ifi.tm l,Vo 7W M.ni lf.fO Koitr nqiinre Half coluinn 10, One column 15,iX) Kxecutor'H nml AdmlnKttator'H Notlre iSyj; An- dltor'o Notice ?VVi. Oilier advertisements Inser ted according toppeclnt contnyt. Umlnehi notices, wit houtftdvertl'ement, twenty cents per line. TrtuiHlent ndvertUcmentH payable In ndvnnce- ntl otherHduenrtcr the flrKt Insertion, It Im, n all ours, more likely tu he tttll'iv tory, hoth to mihscrlhern and lo tne ruhlNhcis, that remittances nml nil eoinnntnlciit Ions repei t Iiik the buMnensof the paper, he fcent dir cl to the oiliceof pnhllcntton. All letters, whether rtlntlim to the editorial or bulnesn coneernior the paper, and nil payments for wubHcrlpttnn, ndvertWInu, orJohtlnj;,nre to ho made to nnd mldressed imoeicwAY a Kiu:i7,i; "Oitumtifnn Ofprff lli.ooMiiicno, V.K, Printed at nobKou's Uulldlnch, near the f'nutt Iloiihe, by C. n. V.WDKHSMCK, BUSINESS CARDS. TOT! PRINTING Xejitly executed at tliU Ofllce. M. Jr. 1VEI7LH, ATTOIt.V i; Y-AT-LA W, Anhland, Hchuylklll County, Penn'u. 51. TRAUOII, A t r u it n i-i i - a i I. a iv, lletwlt'k, Cotutulihi County, reuu'H, YHI'IAM H, AUliOTT, A I TU Iti-i Ii I A 1 1, A CATAWISHA, PA. c. w- MII.I.KH, at toi: ni:y at law, Offlei. wllh l H. 1 .11 1 1.-. In brick 1 .11 11.11 r tr ml- lolnlni! I'ost Ollli-i-, jfii-ltuiiutieK, H.uk-1'.tv ami nluui. 1 olleelril. Ikepjo (. J mix (i. Kitr.r.zi:, tthii.vi:y-at.i,av,', Otllee In HejiNter alel lleeuriler'H otrlee, lu I In liairnienl rif the t'ourt Ilium-, l',!rw.mkluru, I'll (mYi'ciVt i-TriJAiu A TTll It X Ii Y. T- T. A Y filee ennu-r of Main ami Malkit ktle.-lk .ii. Klikt Xallouiil Haul:. !:li.oiii-.1,niK. Pa. 11. 1. 1 tt 1. 1:, A TTO UN K Y- A I'.l. A W, Otllee .u Mulu Hreei, In hrlek l.ull'ltni: l,.-'o- Hi. uirl roiike, IlliMituklaitit, I'a. c. 15. IIHOOKW'AY, A TTO It N MY AT LAW, III.OOMlIll'lUl, PA. .Ii Ol'l'lrK I'ourt lloiiht. Allev. helo-.v the fu lumlilmi (Itlliv, 1 lanl'C7, V V T I O K K K U. m osi:h COITMA n , rhivlii'4 followed the prolenlon of Public 't ndm iler for munv enii. would Inform h s frlenih Hint he h Kt 111 In the field, lendy ntul wllllnp; i llemltoiui the uuliei ornm calllnj.'. ivrwn leilrfme hN nervictM ithould call or write to hlu1 at ltloonif-hurnr, Pu, inar'7. "PH. W, U. JIUADIjKY, (i.iue Ahisi.tni .Meuicai iniector u. t. Army,) P 11 Y H I O I A N AND HUtt (I II O N , Ari-Ollleont tho house opposite Hhlve'b lltivK UloomsliurK, Pa. 'nlW promptly n Mended tolHth nlht nnd ihi. Illoonoibii-c, Jan. IK, InTT. J. IIAU.MvM( AUDI.n, AND TUUNK MAMiKAcrunr.u, nnd dealer In C'AllPirMIAOS, VAI.1H1X, PI.Y-Nnw, JHJfFAI.0 I.UIirJi, HOHSK-IlbANKKlJl AC., which he feels confident he can well nt lower rate than em other person In ths country. Ill umine lor oiiiseles, Miop tlit door below the Pout Ofllco Main Mreel, I'.likointihurif, Pu, I OV, l-'i, IMii, 1 g 0. COLLINS, 1 A 11 1 U . A U I, 1. SHAVING, II AIH OUTTINO ANll SHAMPOOING HAI.CON, Oitr WUluiuyer A Jueohy'a Ii-o L'rrani Haloon, 1ILOOMS1IURO, PA. Il. ir llifim. unit Whlkkem enloieil lilarlc f,r lii-ovin, Ilio.-Tonioiuilektl'oytlauiliutraiullieau llJyln i llio luiii'l will lestoi'o liali lo Itn urllnul color i;i.liout kolllUY the rlliekt fabric, eouktantly on hauil, lufrlti7. K N T IBTBY. II, t. HOWKIt, DENTIST, Hehnei'tfully nlleis tllft profekkloluil kcrvlcek lo the laillek anil Kililleinin of lllooiiikbumana vl clnlly. lie Ik )ircnnrcil tuatteua toallllie vari olik oieratlonk lu the line of 111 lirofekhloli, and N piovlileil with the latekt linnruve.1 Poitcui,AiN Tr.Liii Mhli-li Mill iv lukerleit tin itoM piuilae, killer ami lllhlier liahe to look rut nell aittlin Itaf. uialtcutli. 'leelli exti-.icteil by alltho iievyuml moht upiuovi.l ineilioiiN, anil nil oia-rHtluiik on tin. teeth iiiieliiliyaml piuierly utlemleil lo. Itiklilenee anil olhiu it lew ilnoia nb.iv a Iho Ciiuil Holue kiiuio kkle, llloouikbiiiir, Jan.tll.'i)Mf pOWDKU KKCiH AND LU5IHKU. V. M. M0NU0KCO itu rut, Pu., MatHil4.tuifrsi.r POWliKHKKiW, anil ill uleik In all fclmlanf MIMHKIt, give uotloo tlmt llu y an. prepareil to rmniuilal their cuktom Willi ilUiatcli, ami on thechiais TJNION IIOTKL, 11 0 ll ll 11 11 11 o, 1' A. The unilerklKtifil woulil ridiuelfully Inform th traielluit luibllo lliatlie baa uiclia.eil ami r.flllul In the bekt manner llie nlil Huiul furnii'.. Iv .UM'iihl.l tiu v. A. Kline, ami that lie lk lif.w iuilareti tnaicoininoitn.u hlH frlenilftwlllililltho t uiiuurik ami l 'on. mi m . miiui..-, i. A lllioilkw liar.i link lie. 11 bllllLltnil I llU klirt OUI. il'iim inacnl in in rlJil unler. Hi bar will al wVXiV&T&SXlZWM'TJSiV: :i V" " -r v L'u i." Vi.ikWii " JAHr-H V. tlll.I.Abrili J0ri a,'it-ir (Choice goftvy. A FT i; It Till: lltltlAL. BY J ?ti:4 Ill'SIKM. I.OWi Ul Wi.' I " ' III I'Wl'fl tl It ilHIIM, 7itiAtthelxwi It lolN Hoitttilwart X""" Tn bluirbrond'sbnutdered culm, And when, over brenker (o leeward, The fatten d nurses uln hurhul, , It my kctpotir bind to I he U mpe!, Wllh Its Tripoli the liue of the World. itut.tif er the (dilpw reck, tell me What help lu Its lion Uiowh, HUH true to the broken lmw?er, Deep flown nmonssea weeds nnd ooe? In the ljienklntt(;iitfs ofKoirour, When the lielplesi feet Mrcteli out, And find In theit eps of dnrkness Xo footing ny Hotld as itouht. 'I lien heller one npnr of memory, One luokeu plank of the pntt, Tlmt our hiimnu heart mn cllnif to, '1 hough hopctesi nf nhoio nt lnd I To thefipltit 1 1-4 ('pli-mlld conjecture i, Tn the lb Mi Us meet tlespntr, Itn t pitn't r Ihelbln worn heiet Willi Ilsbcnuiy of denihli'Mi hair I Initnoitul? I feci It nnd know It j Wbnttouljls It of such nt she ? Hut that It Ihep'iii'j'a i-ry Mtrtt Immortal nwiy boui met TbeieV uiiniiow ildgf In tliei;hivoMUl Would henree stay n th:id lu liU incej Put lo meaml my tlioi'ulittt It Is wider Than the n.nr-Mtvn 1131m of np.iee. Your lole, m fih-mN, lspeifet, Your nioials most dreiulty true, Hut the emlh tlmt stopn my dnilhiK'H earn Mukei mine lnvtn-ate iwt Console, If you will j I ciui hear It: 'TN (i well meant nhus of hrcalh ; Hut not nil Iho pi eiichhui since AiUm Hnnundo Dnth other tli.m Dcnlli. Coinmunion lu splr 1 1 Porlve me, Hut I, who inn cir- My nml weak, Would Klvenll my lueouits foin ditnmbimt !"ov her rotf-Jeaf p.Mm 1 11 m eheck t That Utllo Mine J 1 the coiner, So worn nun wilnkh d nml bit .wr it 1110. lonlt biiilnw ton utes j ou, And niKiieH oir W'sdom dow 11. gUsircllancouj. Monoy and Morals. 1!V l!i:V. .1. I,. (.'OltNlNC. Kvimiy ymiiis iiiiiii H'lvt'iUiirlnej up. im tho puiu' ol S'mu'-'S Itai ;i tcll to 'iiini'il, Imt wliL-thLT or not :t ini,v Is opi'ii, only i'Xit'riiiiftit cm ik'teniiiiic. A liutiury umliltlun for stuw-i cii'tly Hits to lit' u ili'iimml, n -i tiiR'niiilitlonal hi tlmt of 11 liiiinlit with iiU lliigors ilulclilii; this throat of tho wayfarer. I ho old heatlii'ii n&etl to get ungry with iliulr ilfitit-i, ntul nbtibo thorn with all Iltv(ihciiimi3 oiitthcts If tlify illtl not ,'iaiit their iiwycr-.. ho I have crpii ini'ii of hueli SMi)iii; uri'Oil for Ki'l'ii hat If thi'y nhotild tliroiiton tho great t iiitl of Ik'atitiy with veiigcaiico,iiii two lielrtltslay weri'denleil, llie ijia-siiiem- nit; woulil hut truly express the ilegreu of their voracious appetite. " Ye koiU ,H)il noiltlersr.M, nlve 1110 Sl'Lt'lM!" eiies the mail. " And pray, In what man ner'."' the Divinities of Fate reply. No matter what manner, bo that J have II," prays tho Insane Unvoted. In that ntiilaclous petition, or In Iho HioiiKht which father-i It, funnels the leath-knell or Virtue, Truth, Honor, mil every nnhlo element of maiiliootl. I'liitt iimbition whicii will taku no do- nial of 1'ato shall ho tho mnt tuck, nntl pick, anil bur, with which nil that is of rooil report In tho houl shall bo tumor iilnud anil doomed to chaotlo, niln. Willi slow or speedy tread the proee-t f moral dissolution may go forward to Is final and fatal result. Little crafts may pavo tho way to great fal.-ehoods; ho petty larcenies which the codo of I'onimereo legitimates lead to tho gi gantic swindles which mako Nation;)! rinaueo stagger nnd minko to Its cen tre. Como tho moral disaster, soon or late, It matters little It will certainly eventuate in this damning process. (Iravltathm will no moro certainly iniiig a stone to the earth than nil un conditional greed of gain will bring it iiiiiii to the lowest abysses of moral In lamy. When epidemics spread over it com munity there is always a certain class of people in certain physical conditions who fall vl'.tiuih to them. So, when ihite come seasons of great llnanclal In iliuion, which are tho epidemics of com nie.ee, there is always a certain btylo of men who becoiiio Inveigled Into moral if not material ruin. Tho monetary ox- .i.iniliiii of the lust four ycnr.s lias been linking ready lor the harvest of fraud .tut villainy which wo behold to-day. .Money wns n-altered over the land like .enves In Ati'tnnn. Itwastt game of tt nl-, in which everybody participa ted. I'eople wlio were born lu a hovel mil lenii'd with a spade in their 11 -1 , iiy a htiange freak of fortune, woko up one morning nt Saratoga with a coach and four, viilh plenty and elegance ap pended to ilium - like it philosopher's coat put upon tho back of n Chickasaw Indian. And then nil tho people began to piiy'Why may not we bo rich'."' nnd liko tiio ancient Idolaters In Kphe- .us, only with a different divinity, tho .ry wits, "Clreat UShoddy of America;" mil nil tho people bowed down and worshipped nt his shrine. Men that had pot brains enousli to mako moro than it .cniily livelihood by legltliuato means, ji gaii to mnulpuluto tho dlco-boxtsi of rii'cwntivo miveuiuro mm 10 nring up irlze. Old, decayed bankrupts, who mil gone out of sight lu Iho lliuncial levulslon of former years, cumi to tho on of lioolety again us government agents and brokers In stocks and whl'o people wero wondering who paid their debts, (hey wero building freestone Ironts.'sporting equipages, nnd making iho tour of Kurope. Suclin condition of llnanelal fertility turnlshcd itelngu lar oppoiluuity forscoundrellsm tode i-eloiio Itself. Then, vice and crime i'l't their oidlniuy ehaniielsatid Unwed uto the tldo of Commerce. The paint- d svreiis of tho brothel, tho bloated lords of the gambling cellar, mid thu tharp-oyed broker of tho curtntnim, Milued In partnership, mul history in ,it conllrined tho verdict of seiiso that devils nro of ouo mid tho tamo kidney All tho vices herd together by mutual lUHilly, and thu rashlonablo thief of tho Virtu Avciiuolia ut last found his level 'il tho cell ofu murderer, with biirglain md Incendiaries, mid lowd soducors il...,L-l,. Iil.i. on ..lllierHlde. 11U Hay, ill COIIllllOIlt lipilll tilt) Into startling (l!elouircs of the (lnnn clal world, tlmt a loosening of moral self control Is tho grand fountain of crime of whatever sort. Tho (Itiestlon, I in what sptclal form of crime this In herent taint arid distemper shall dovel' ope Itself, is entirely the ncehlctit of clr cuiiislances. Thnsamo mull, with thn condition of n ruspontled or smothored moral sense, lu ono sntof circumstances may be an adulterer, mid in nuotlierset of circumstances ho will he n defaulter. Let fm Iiiiki pour wealth Into his Inp through the ordinary channels, nnd tho demon that presides within lilni may not come out In tho form of llagrnnt dis honesty, so that though he may pass for n fast, man, hu may yet hn lieltl as an honest man, mid couimniid uiilimlt ed llnaiicial credit. Hut, now, let tho divinities m tradeeonsplre against him, and doom him to poverty, and, lo! ono morning the world is startled with tho report that .Mr. So-and-M) hai run awny with it hundred thou-and dollars I And everybody Is .surprised j which only provet how stupid everybody wm, I am well aciiii.ilntcd with n slinllarcaie. I rt'incmtier, as far back ns llfteenyearB ago, making u visit at the liou-o of a eeitniu man in a Wi stum State. That man could have gone to any bank In the city where he dwelt and borrowed fifty thousand dollars, und uoimcstlons asked. Not it debt but was paid with punctuality, nnd nouo less than ho was suspected of it taint lu financial honor. Hut I had not held Intercourse with the man twenly-four hours before 1 discov ered that, for -omo reason, either con stitutional or educational probably both ho had n low moral organization, which developed itself in what might be called petty vices, He was remark iiblo for his facility und fecundity of unclean, c.ts autl anecdotes. He was n proverbial tippler in social festivity, lie wns n pretty Intimate Associate of the wliljUey bottle, and occasionally he wa.s mi loo-oas to become what is culled, In ((iinnion parlance, "tight" whatev er I hat means, for I have no per.-onal knowledge of such an e.vpcrence. I-'if- teen yeais tampering witli filthy dia lect und rum! Whal-ort of ti!,ei!oneu -hould ynu evpeel from that young iti.iir.' And yet the man had never Holen a dime that anybody knew of till a lew yuir.s ago, when, u trusted servant of thu government, veidlng political gas about loyally and all that, he reached his hand down into thu Na tion's wallet and took a hundred thous and dollars ! A respectable stcnl, says tlu ethics of tho time. If lie had stol en my pocket-hook with !Hu dollars In it, fieeiiu-o ho was hungry, he would have 'gone to State prison. ISut tho.o entleniau thieves, who steal In liberal figure-, wo must consider whether they do not deserve a more elegant fate! In conclu-lon, I wish to warn you iigaiiistu morbid and most alarming feature in public .sentiment. I nieiiithe prevalent idolatry of llnanclal power. It is my opinion, that whatever religious and moral culture young l-M ward Kelclium received In his cliildhooil-and youth, '.no matter of tbeoiy, yet tho practical lieiesy width lie drank In with earliest lessons of tho fireside was that the money-power was the only sort of power worthy of re-pect. To be tho monarch of all .street was in Ids judg ment, to bo dlcliUor nnd lord every where. And I deel.'.ie that thu preva lent opinion of men, the f.i-hiontible ethics oftliu world,are calculated toton- 11 rm rather than iiiwttlo a man in lids pernicious judgment. The very ut vantsln your kitchen nre impregnated with tin- vile heie-y, mid feel a son-e of 0i.entl.il inferiority on account of slender income mid calico i rocks. Tills horrible maxim has Ulsca-ed tho whole fabric of society to an e. lent of which wonro littlo aw.ire. When the cholera was i aging in Alex andria n balloon was sent up in tho hky, width a piece of raw meat atluchrd to it, which put tilled in n few moments by reason of the talutid atmosphere. So tho false ethics of life inipiegnale tho whole nlf with moral dl-ciw, and men cut nnd drink damnation, and breathe It In uiicoii.-clou.-ly with every breath. The iitirgingof society from crime must begin mid go on at every fountain of public setiment. Our children must lie night thees-ential difference between talent und cunning between llie facul ty of biii.irtiijss tti.it will lb' by iho wholesale for money ,nud the normal ca pacity that can a viifiiul.de gain by le- gltlinate appliances. llohbs, lu describing thn I'arllument- iry leaders In the time of Charles I., .'ays, "If craft be wisdom, they wero who enough! but vu-o, as l deiinoit, is ho that knows how to bring Id business to pass without the assistance of knavery and Ignoble shifts, by the solo length of Ids good contrivance. A fool may win from n better gnmoator by tlio ad vantage offal-o dh:u mid tho packing of cards," I am ashamed to sexihow readily men Will bow down to (nieces i that Is gained by craft Instead of real wisdom, tor mv own part, I will accept tho destiny ofu town pauper befuru I will do it. The young men of the country cannot bo too strongly exhorted to bowaro of the enticements of that baublo which men call Himmkhsj which too common- Iv predestinates tho bankruptcy of Tt nth and Honor in tho soul. The only wav to secure Succoas which shall bu nbldlng, is to work with clean hands mid mi honest heart. There, nro lies which do not como to light in Wall street, or find a lodging In tho Tombs. They nestle lu thu hocret botoni, tiiey burrow In tho llc-'iised strategy oi mo counting-room, they Hup In tho smooth dialect ortho parlor. Thoonly hiifefiiinrd of manhood Is to eschew M lies and em brace all truth. In Heaven nro no lies mid no liars to tell them i and to go to Heaven from n cottage of penury is better than to pave " innnVi way with ill-gotten gold to rcinoiautiuit despair, " MihsKmitii, I wish tnspe.ik to yon, in private. IVrmlt me to take you apart fur u few moments," Miss Smith (who wasn't ut tdl frightened.) "i.vr ttdiily, Mr, If you will promise to put mo together ng.ilu." Bovcr.il Jokes. flintle ilullnenk ntunyn lovis a Julie."- Popk. Why was Inst year liko the fifth year before Inst V lleiuusu one wns lfttl and the other was 1800 two. Why Is a percussion cap like death V Uecau.olt Is a ic4t! o' mtlitr Idetonnlor). In what circumstances Is u woman that wears stays? SlraUtnrd circum stances. 1 1 spectacles wero christened, what classical naino would they receive? Von ace by in (Kusehlus). What sort of birds make cool Minv iner pantaloons '.' Hussla ducks. Why nro radicals nnd the negroes like the cholera and thomnall-pox '.' He cause there's no telling which Is worst. What Is thu only thing that n mean man dots not keep? His word. When Is a young lady sweetest'.' When sho Is vamli(c)l. Iff argue with a man who is in a house on tho other sitloof the street, why can't wo ever ngree'.' Hecauae wo' argue from different premise. Why does a clock always look bash ful '.' Hecatisc It keeps Its hands before Its face. Why is n poor singer like a counter fel;er? lltcausn lie is nil utterer of bad noles. Why nre policemen like the ilajs of man V Iiecauso they nro itumbcreit. Why is the common c lord in music, Ij'se n portion of the Mediterranean V Hecausoit is the K,;0,A,imd;C (lCglan Sea). When is a defunct mother like u dog'.' When she is a mastiff. Why aro somu of our generals liko a diiuclng-iiiusters toes? Hecauso they must ho turned out. What Lnglish word expressed tho Latin for cold? "Jelly" does ( (7e - rV.). When 1 observe ttceitnln part of a pret'y girl getting into an oinnibu, w.hy is it liko a liberal bequest? He causo It is u handsome lj 1 sec (legacy). Why Is wit like n Chinese lady's fool? Hecauso brevity is the sole of it. Why is n blacksmith liken safe steed? Uecaii'o ono is a lioroe-slioer, and the othur is a sure horse. Wliy aro auctioneers ugly men? Ile- eati-e they are alvynys for hhhUnp. What sort of desire tinea the modern Cupid excite V CuphWy. What is the difference between a lsw suit and a lawyer? Sometimes the one Ue but the other always tetit. What Is llatterMhan a lint? A flatter er. Why is mi eclipso liko n man whip ping Ida boy? It's a hiding of the sun. When aro books like mummies? When they nro.bound in cloth. Why Is an oblivious man like a brok er? Ho is alwaysor getting. Why is a gracious man like a benov- oicnt ono ? Ho Is always for gwmg. I'j:teu, First Cask U.nhisu tjie "Sampj.i: Law." On Thursday last, l'eter M. Trough, Ksq., of Berwick, was arrested in (Ids place for u violation of the so- callid "sample law" which prohibits persons non-resldeuts of Luzerne coun ty, selling goods w ithin its limits with out taking out a license for which the Comity Treasurer charges $300. Tho penalty for tho violation of tho law is S'Mi. When this infamous law wa passed by Legislature laat winter It caused unbounded indignation in tho community, and It wns thought tlmt no one could be found dirty enough lo out rngo decency and defy popular feeling by becoming un Informer. V. o are sor- ly Hint to llke.s-llarro attaches the stlgmn of harboring such an Individual. The clicuuistaiices of tlio rase me us fol lows : .Mr. Trough is it merchant miller Just over tho county line In Columbia, and bus for years sold largely at whole sale lo merchants throughout the coun ty. Amongst other customers was u firm in this place, who lately went Info bankitiptcy and are now -etlllng with their creditors ut per cent. Mr Ttuugli was one of the creditors when tills firm failed. .1. L. Council, tho In furincf was In the employ of the haul; ruptH prior to their failure, und it is sup' poed is n tool for them In this spite ue Hon as he was hcnrdtosnytlr.it "Trough was rich, mid ho would mako il."') out of him," as balfof the lino under tin law goes to the informer. ( hlef of l'.i- llce Kearney look Mr. Trough into eu tody, mid conveyed him before S L. I'orsons, Ks(p, Iiy w hom he was held In MOO lar ids appearance ut Comt Mr. Trough intends to contest the constitutionality of tho law. it is hard- ly probable however that tho ca-e will be tried beforo tho law Is repealed, ll It should bo wo pity the man who will have to appear beforo our court as u prosecutor In such a suit. .in. I 'ninn. The Ns.w Hahy. Wo liave hml so many kind friends ask about that baby, that wo have thought it necessary tij olograph tho chap briefly, and some what after tho current style of tho day. It's a boy. He's a bustor. Weitfhi nlno pounds and rt rpurtcr; an old wo man tells us he will grow heavier as his weight increases. Hu's the tlrst boy of which wo'vo ever boen proprietor, and of cour.so is tho only baby in town. Tlie old v0intm bcfoio-inentloneil de clared him the very imago of his pa; "a little copy orhls faithful Mro In race nnd gesture." Hut In Justice to tho youth, wo must nay wo think him an Improvement on the orlglual--a world of progress, you know! Tills young Ameilcan is as old us rould be expected considering the time he was born, and will doubtless bo too old for his father lu n few years, If ho lias good luck. Ho is (mite reticent In politics, rind only wants to bo loft alone, We think ho favors Mrs, Window's pollii' . Wo haven't named lilm yet; wo want to give lilm a distinguished cognomen, but tho fame of our great men is at present so precarious that wo don't like to risk. It is perhaps unnecessary to say, us all biographers iloordlstiuguisii. rd personages', that the subject of thU iketch was born at a very early age, of poor but respectable parents."- Htsf em J'uer.p EditorA Echcolt-bov's Com position. A suiiooi.iiov'h composition on "The Kdltor" ran as follows, in a school not fur from Cincinnati : "Tin: Km rod. Tliofdllor is one of the hnpplvst nnlinals in the known world. Hu can go to the circus, after noon and evening, without paying a cent; al-o to Inquest, and hangings. Ho lis fr'o tickets to pitnicsaudRtrnw berry festivals, gets wedding cake sent him, and Foinrtlmes gets a licking, but not often, for he can tnko tiling back tho next Istuj, which hogenernllydoes. I never knew only ono editor to get llckt. His paper busted that day, nd ho couldn't tnko nothing back. "While other folk have to go to bed early, tho editor can nit up Into every night, and sco all that's going on. The boys think it's a big thing to hang out till 10 o'clock. When I mn a man I mean to bo an editor, so I can stay out nights. Then that will bo bully. Tho editor don't liavo to saw wood or do any chopping, except with his scissors. Itnilroads get, up excursions for lilm, knowing If they didn't he'd make 'em get up and git. In politic) he don't care much who he goes for i I they nre on Ids side. If they uln't hogocsfor 'em anyhow, so it amounts to nearly the bitnio thing. Tliero is a grout many people trying to bo editors who can't nnd somo of them have been In the pro fession for years. They can't see it, though. Ifl wnsnskcdlf I had rather linvo a education or be n circus rider, 1 would say, let me go nnd bo an editor." A "Giiowino" Itkm. A woman In l)etrlt has been arrested forsmuggllng ten in her stockings. Kxpres. In North (.'arollun tho women carry nails In their stockings. lhtlelgh Pro gress. Nothing wonderful. The ladies of Vorxytho carry calves in their stockings Salem Observer. And one of our ladles carries her corn I hers. Itoino (fa., Coin. The ladles in this section who sym- p.ithlr.e with Andy Johnson in Ids tight with the Itudlcals.carry V-tocs in theirs ' which are very seldom passed over i their bends. Vincennes Sun All thu women down our way e,irry splendid ecties (legs.l Inthelrstockings Kentucky News. The ladles heruull carry 'eels (heels) In their -.lockings, St. Joseph Vindi cator. Hown tills way some of them not only carry calve? in their stockings, but they also carry bran to fatten them Mexico Messenger. Almost all tho ladles hereabouts car ry lUmymi's works In their stockings, We consider this a "wA-Uoisgorl" Union Sentinel. The ladles of Struiiton nro not very particular whut they put in their stock ings keeping their souls there and are so awkward that they often "get their foot in it." Heglster. Uam'ino thuih Haos Ow Two unsophisticated country lasses visited Nlblo's, in New York, during tlio bal let season. When the short-shlrtcd, gosS'.'.mer-clnd nymphs made their ap pearance on tho btago they became rest less and lldgety. 'Oh, Annie!" exclaimed one, aotto vine. "Well, Mnry ?" "It ain't nice I don't like it." "Hush." "I don't cure, It nln't nice; und I wonder why nunt brought us to such a pluco." "Hush, Mary, tho folks will laugh at you," After ono or two flings and a plron ette tlie blushing Mary said : "Oh, Annie, let's go it ain't nlee.anU I don't feel comfortable." "Do hush, Mary," replied thu sister. who-e face was scarlet, though it wore an ulrof determination : "it's tho tlrst time I ever was at a theater, and 1 blip' posu it w III bo the last; so I am Just go ing to see It out, If they danceevery rag off Iheir backs !" Tiiai.'h Ml!, -We heard a good story of a "pert" youug-ler, who-e existence on this portion of the moral vineyard would extend over the period of live lung, long years, Ills mother expecting to lecolve compauy, hail fixed him up so sweetly, arranging his hair mid id l In- only as a mother can. As usoitnf u finishing touch, she sprinkled on Ids clothing and handkerchief n few drops of Jockey Club, greatly to tho youu ster's delight. He went around ptifllng and snulllng like a wild deer, when tlie hunter approaches him. Hr went through tho regular amount of kissing and petting like a hero, but to hlsitstou-, Ishnient, no one seemed to notice the JockyClub, though lie waved Iilsliatul- kerchief tint their noses might catch thu frngrmice. Human nature, live' years old, couldn't stand that, you know, so ho broke out with! " rolks, if any of you folks smellsusmell, that's iiu." TltK finest Idea of a thunder storm extant was when our old friend Uilley eamo homo tight. Now Gllley bejong ed to a temperance society, mid had been to temperance meeting, alter which he drank too much lemonade or something. He ciifiiu, (uto thu room whore IiU wife and daughter were Mt ting, und just then ho tumbled over the cradle and fell, whop on the floor. Af ter a little he rosy und. said i " Wife, are you hurt?" " No," was tho short reply, "Girls, are you hurt;" "No, sir." "Terrible clap, wasn't it?" A Nevada widow crtetcdti tomb Mono and planted rosebuds upon the btipposed gravo of Iter husband, only to have the ungrateful man turn up alive from the other side of tho mountain Just In tlruo to spoil u particularly ud vnntngeous marriage for which she had engaged herself, Perhaps tlie gravo was dug so deep that hu fell through Vho Cripples. In a late letter from Constniillnople, Mark Twain says: If you want dwarfs' I mean Jut it fow dwarfs curiosity go to Oclioa. If you wnnt to buy them by the gross, for retail, go to Milan. There aro plen ty of dwarfs ail over Italy, but It did nut rccm to me that In Milan the crop was luxuriant. If you would sco a fair' average style of assorted cripples, go to Naples, or travel through tho Iloinnn States. Hut if you would sco the very heart and home of cripples nnd human monsters,go straight to Constantinople. A beggar In Naples who can show' u foot that has run lu one horrible toe, with one shapeless null on It, bus got a good thing; but such an exhibition wouldn't stnml any chance in Conitan tinople. The man would starve Who would pay any attention to attractions liko his among the rare monsters Hint throng the bridges of the Golden Horn and display their deformities in tho gutters of Stamboul? O, wretched Im postor! How could lie stand against the three legged women, and tho man with Ids eyo in Ids check? How would ho blush in thoprt-xcnca ofu man with his lingers on his elbow? Where would ho hide himself when tho dwarf with seven lingers on each hand, no upper lip, and his under-Jaw gone, came down In Ids majesty? Illsmlllali! Tho cripples orKuropo are n fraud and delusion. Tho truly gifted Sourish on ly In the by-ways of I'era Stamboul. There the three-legged woman lies on tlio bridge, with her stock in trade so disposed of as to command the most striking effect ono natural log, and two long, slender, twisted ones, with feet on them, like somebody elso's fore arm. Then there was a man further along who had no eyes, ami whoso face wns the color of a fly-blown beefsteak, and wrinkled and twisted like a lava (low and vcrliy so tumbled und dis torted where his features that no man could tell tho wart that served him for n nose from his cheek bones. In Stunt lioul wns a man with a prodlglouVhcnd and uncommonly long body, legs eight inches long, mid feet like cradle rockers He traveled on tho.se feet and his linnds mid was its swny-baeked as If thoColos- mis of llhodes had been riding him. Ah, I tell you, a beggar has to have ex ceedingly good points to mako a living in Constantinople. A blue-faced man that had nothing to offer, except that ho had been blown up in a mine, would bo regarded as a rank impostor, and a niero damaged soldier on crutches would not imiko n cent It would piy lilm to have a piece of his head takon off nnd cultivate a wen liken carpet sack. toncwall Jackson's Orders Obeyed. HuritNO tlio Euniiimr campaign of 'OJ when Genera! Jackson was preparing for his famous flank movement on M'- Clellnn's army, nnd wishing every ono to ha kept In ignorance in to ids in tentions, lie issued orders to his man that in answer to all Inquiries made thorn they must reply that they knew nothing of their General's designs. When on the march near Staunton, thn old chief wns passing through a field ; there hornet with two soldier from tint th Texas regiment making their way to n very tempting looking cherry tmi, He inriuired "Whero aro you going'."' "Wo don't know." "What nro ynu going alter?" "Wo don't know." "What regiment do you belong to?" "We don't know." "What State are you from ?" "We don't know. Stonewall Jackson has given ua orders that in answer to all questions wo aro to ay, 'wo don't know.' " Jnckson wns silenced. His men were acting In strict obedience to Ida orders. Hu could sny nothing more to them.und ho let them to enjoy their cherries un molested. Southern Opinion. Tin: Dl'tciiman's Thick. Whllo a Dutchman was passing thiouglia city in Vermont, a Yankee came up to him and said, "Shon, if you treat to the elder I will h arn you a trick." Shon agreed. Yank then placed his hand ngnliist a f'euce and told him to strike il ns hard as ho could. Shon, not- think ing Hint any harm could befall lilm by doing so, struck a blacksmith's blow, Imt instead of hitting Yank's hand, the hitter Jerking It nway, poor Shon struck ' tho fence board, knocking it off. ".Mein (Jott In Hlmmel!" cried Slum, "what you make follish ? 1 knocks my Itund off clean up de elbow! Oh, soekur blitz I mine poor fniu, what "will she say?" I'oor Shon was bound to huvu re vengo ; so one day as lie wns a passing through a field, he espied a man. Go ing up to lilm lie said! "Mynheer, 1. show you one littlo trick for nodding." s tliero wns no funco or tree near, Shon put Ids hnnd against Ids mouth und said: "Strlko yustso hard us you can." Mynheer struck, nnd Shon pull ed away his hand and received the blow un hss mouth, and was knocked down. Shon Jumped up, his mouth bleeding, and commenced dancing with pain. Shcrusalom t I goes buck to Holland on tho firstlraln !" ,' A LAUQitAiiLi; occurrence took plaen somu time since ut a squing circle in Slnelearvillo, Chmitan(iua county N. Y. 'Little Charley," a four year old wit lamenting bis inability ta attend u cir cus, then In town, ami said to it maiden lady present (of very dignilled bearing l Hint ho wanted to beo tlio monkey, The lady tried to console him. "Noyor mind," h1o said Jokingly, "look at me, l look hoiiiii liko one." "Y'cs,"balU Cliurloy, "but you have no hair on your back." "Well, but I have on my head," ro. plied she, "Well, but you hnvo no. paws." "No matter, Cliurloy, my hands urtt about as black to-duy." "Well, anyhow; you have no tall I" Tlds was m poser, and put tho nuta tion at rest. Tlie FrcUoula Jili-trtUer Is responsi ble for the above,