THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COL gamer's gcjiavtmcnt. 1 3--. . ... . .- . Management uf ill ioiiUryYnrit. A (loot) tW'il uri-xpiTlt'licu lins trtuylit tin that suivc'SH lu I ho pmiltry-ynrtl do- OlllU IM llUlull Upon KOIhI 'I'lHTltl Minn. Kumuut in upon liny iillirr cum thinjj. Wliun thi) I'tttfi "f nny liens ImUUVrent ly nru kept for Urn pui'imsu of riiNliiK young chicken-, mill when little tittcn- Hon is paid to tliu particular hem re served Tor Inylii),', It will In Ki-'iieriil bo found Hint the prullta uro sinnll, mid thu ipmllty of fowlH rulscil rnpldly deteri orates lu ndilltlou to thu usiml plan of to leetlng only tliu best formed uud quick est lien for breeding purpose, wulmve found It of ndvnutiiKU to pay consider nblo attention to tliu aye of tliu fowls which wo retuln. 1'or tho production of cgjr for domestic consumption wo nuver keep liom beyond their e'econtl year, hut for raising eliickens wo linvo found It to bo poor policy to employ oggs laid by liens of less than two years old. Wonlway.s found that tlioclilek eiw from the older liens are moro easily i.ilicl, linvo Htroiujer constitution'", and turn every way better than thoto raised from egss laid by very young pullets. At the Mime time such old hens do not lay us many engs. The eggs consequent ly cost mure, but this extra expense is but 11 small Item on tho number of eggs usually employed for hutching. In order to have eggs during winter, besides thu usual appliances of meat, lime, wind, bones, A-c, we always mako suroof hnvingearly clilchens. Thopul lets ol tlicM) will commence to lay in OiolierorXovember,and will through o u winter. Next reason wo draft 11 the very best of these and keep t 1 1 breeders, tho balanca being fat t .' id killed off ns soon as they i itlvely ceased laying. At this wonderful how rapidly hens I at. Wo often seo accounts of h "t laying becauso theyaro too f .ie:i considering thocaso with I . i iuii as soon its they ce.iso laying f ,ion, wo havo often thought, l tnio way to state tho caso is t y fattened becauso they did not hi At this ago they aro delightfully U rand Juicy, and we would nbout ni s ion think of fattening n cow that r.ivo twenty quarts of milk a day as to t'link of fattening a laying lien. Arrmige to hoiv Store Clover, Tut; vniu.) of rod clovor as a rcnova tor of tho soil Is not generally appreel' nted. It makes excellent hay, nnd when consumed makes a manuro very rich in nitrogon. A ton of good clovor hay contains about oO pounds of nitro gen, probably not moro than one-tenth of which is lost In passing through ani mals. It Is wortli ns manure threo or four times as much ns that which we cominouly eart from the yard in tho spring. Tito crop Is or very great valuo for pistiiro or to turn In as n green crop. Tliu magosof good farmers ditl'ersome what In the treatmont of elovur. Some turn In tho crop when full grown hi June. Others pasturo it tho first season, mid turn In wlmt is left for wheat, (hil ars lot It stand without pasturing, and turn it under for wheat. Others take oir two crops, and turn it under the sec ond seiuoii. The most intelligent farm ers aro now favoring thu practlco of cutting nnd pastu ring through ono sea son, bolloving that tho soil Improves mere by tho growth of tliu roots. It Is a very strong rooted plant and pene trates tho soli to a great dcptlu Tho mechanical condition of tho soil js very much Improved by tho decay of these long tap roots. However used, It can not full to benefit thu soil if the manuro that Is made from'tho plant is carefully saved and returned to the llelds where it grow. Clover ought to haven placo in every rotation. Tho farmers of tho Interior and of thu South havo tho means In this plantof restoring tho fer tility of their wheat fields, and securing iu largo cropi as tho vlrgtn soil-yielded. Arrange to sow moro clovor, 1 men' em Agriculturist. I'uetiirlns Kew Scrtlcil Plalile TiiKi:i:nrosoiiio eiiies where It will do to pasturo new seeding. With n good growing benson, when tho clover nnd gra-s is up so that somo is cut by tho r , and there ts a vigorous growth i uirvest, therols no harm in pas i i jderalely. Then considerable i -)u had without Injuring sub . ops. Indeed I have seen now nor Injured bynettlng toofur llrat fall. The crops was nuv- i .oil ufter wards. If thu clover i. n fed oil", there Is littlo doubt i crop would havo been heavy so.ison. Hut such cases rarely U Is only when clover very aily comes into blossom Unit It i ba Injured In this way. Vastly in Is injured by feeding down too cr o. In dry seasons like this, when it Is nono loo well seeded and tho young clover and grass has mado but a small growth at tho best, It is a losing prac tlco to pasturo now seeding. The young plants need nil of their life and vigor to stand tho liu.U drouth, and to maku a sulllclent growth: while thoy noed nil tho growth and strength of root that can be secured to stand tho winter and spring, and make a good crop tho next season. The root will bo in proportion to tho top. When fed off, thero Is much less growtli of toot tho efforts of thu plant being directed to secure a proper proportion or leaves, on which the gene ral growth of tho wholo plant so largely depends. If theso leaves aro closely fed off during the fall, littlo gain in size nnd trcngth of plant Is secured. Then tho root has but littlo hold on tho soil, and In freezing and thawing weather Is easi ly thrqwn out. There Is a good deal lost In this way. Tho small growth af fords but llttlopasturoatthubost, whllo succeeding crops aro often1 seriously in Jured. Many dollars aro thus lost for every dollar's worth of foed obtained. Fowuroawaroorstop to consider how much Is lost tn this way. With a good- seeding, and fine growth nfther harvest, considerable pasturo is secured without any npparant Injury to succeeding crops. Bo they expect to feed off all stubbles, and tho next season If tho crop is light, It is attributed to somo other cnuso, or there Is much wonder and eur priso that It Is no bettor. Frequent ca sea of this kind linvo cotno uudor tny observation, and repeated trials havo shown that a suinll growth, when not fed off tho first fall, will give u much better crop tho next year. l)i; on tho lookout, for frauds of nil kinds tho Itadlcals aro alarmed nt tho uprising of the 1'eople, and their only hope of holding power, Is by tho uso of tho money thoy havo stolen from tho Government, bluco they havo had tho control. &x the ouiiti olhs, A SUtVil'lI rou MO I'll M!M, nv M. II. ,t, trrnui Arthur's Home Miigitrlticj Oil 1 Isn't it beautiful? Just like a real llvobaby. J list what I wanted, papa. How did you know V" nnd Cnr rio danced nbout tho room inn perfect tumult of delight. " There sco her go to sleep, when 1 lay her down and now watch, papa, mamma sco her eyes open when I lift her up. l'apn how good you nru!" And sho danced up to him and threw her iirnis around his neck. "It's tho happiest birthday I'vo over had I I'm going to naino her Lilly shu's such n pretty, dainty, dear littlo dolly. Won't you drefs her to-day, mam ma, please ?" "To day? I guess you can wait a little. I don't sco how I'm going to do It to-day. It's a good deal of work, Carrio, to dress prettily." A shadow of disappointment crossed tho child's brow, but sho brnvely resolv ed to bo patient, and enjoy her birthday gift ns well as she could. So she went for her other dollies, and was soon busy trying to droit I.lly In somo of their clothes for the time. She did not loot very well, to bo sure, but Carrie " play ed" they were all right; nnd her thoughts were full of the nlco things that wcro to be. " Mnmmn, you'll mako a while dress, won't you ? It's n baby-doll, you see, And, oh I mamma, will you mako n pink one. too? Let moseo I should llkonlong whltodrcsrcal baby-clothes you know; but I guess I could piny better If sho was .i year old, or two years. I guess I'll linvo her drosses short. And can she havo a flannel skirt, with a little mlto of worked edgo Just n little, tiny bit of work, mamma that won't tnko long n scallop or a chain stitch?" " Yes, yes," said tho mother, nnd went on braiding n sacquo for Carrio herself, Which would not glvo her half tile pleasure that her doll's dress would, " And may I have n littlo bit of this pink ca!iineru for a shawl, mnmmn?" asked Carrie, taking up a clipping from tho work-basket. "I'll make it into a sacque for dolly," replied Sirs. Limes, "and knit n hood with a pink border to match, If you'll only wait till I havo time." "Ohl mamma, splonded 1" exclaim ed Carrie, springing up, nnd nearly let ting Lily fall in her engcrners. And when her father eamo home, she had n great deal to tell him of the beautiful things her baby was to have. The noxt dny, and tho next, t-hc watched eagerly for her mother to be gin Lily's outfit; but tho braiding pat tern was far from simple, and n uelt passed before it was finished. Carrie said nothing; but when she saw anoth er piece of work taken out, that she know was not needed immediately, sho was really grieved. "Mam inn," she asked, "have, you forgotten Lily?" " No, no, child; I'll dress her by-and- by." That afternoon, a lady called, and in tho course of conversation, sho Inquir ed "Have you read 'Hospital Life in tho Army of tho Potomac?' " Mrs. Limes had not. "I have just finished it," returned her friend, "and will lend It to you, If you wish." Poor Carrie! Tho book came, nnd her doll's wnrdrobo was ngsin deferred. Onco her father spoko of it "Isn't that baby dressed yet?" ho asked, with some surprise, as lie saw her playing with It. "Mamma Is going to dress her ns soon ns she's finished n book Mrs. Jameson lent her," Carrio answered. Ho said no more, though alio thought ho looked rather serious. Tho last page was read, nnd the littlo girl sent to return tho volume. Sho went with a light heart nnd springing step, thinking that Lily would certain ly bo dressed soon. Hut when sho enmo homo thero was Dolly just ns sho hnd left her, and no materials for Ureses were in sight. I'm tired now, child, don't tiase I'll do it by-and-by ." Carrio went up stairs, and If sho had a cry, mama did not know it. Carrie's new sacquo was still neatly folded In the drawer, for tho weather had not boen warm enough to wear It. Her doll lay In tho work-bnskct,witli n half-made dress beside her; while Car rio heeself was tossinz on her bed, in the delirium of scarlet fever. Her moth er was witli her night and day, nursing her with tenderest care. All that fath er, mother, physlclan,and friends could ilowasdouo; but tho fever raged on, and the doctor grew more grave nnd si lent every day. The mother's heart was heavy enough; but It throbbed with keener pain when Carrie said again and again "Lily is going to havo such a pretty dress,papa! Mama said she would mako It to day." hho talked nbout her books of going to riilo andothor things; but always eamo back to Lily nnd tho new clothes. Mrs. Limes rosolvcd, timid her fast-railing tenrs, that her child's first day of convalesconca should bo gladdened by n broad fulfilment of her promise. Hut that day enmo nott Ero long, tho pleading volco was hush ed, tho bluo eyes closed, and tho small, waxen hands folded quietly abovo tho stilled heart. In snowy raiment, rose buds clustering ail about her, Cnrrlo was laid away to Bleep; but written on tho littlo caskot was a word ror tho mother'r eyes, that nono other could read-by-nnd-by 1 Kvcn through this sorrow,, her soul came up into tho sunlight. -Sho lived n moroenrnest liro.asslio learned Itsjus tor estimate; looking forward to that by-aud-by whcroln tho pain and grief. oven the mistakes nnd shortcomings, of cartn, shall all bo ovcrswopt by tho Mighty waves of an eternal lovo. Other children mado thohomo happy again ; nnd In all after-time, their mother re membered, as a talisman nnd watch word, Ily-and-by! Chickf.ns ktc., Wo aro In formed that I. John Is likely to havo nnothor quarrel with his eonfrem over the spoils In caso Orant should bo elect ed. Tho different applicants for tho Assessorship In thU District lire already pulling wires. It Is no use, gentlemen; keep your temper for that plum Is and Kill be ours. Tin: Insurrection in Spain lias assum ed such vast proportions, that limit pro bability Queen Isabella will bo do athroncd. Ho it goes. DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND Hoofland's German Tonic. Treparcd by Nr, C. .71. J nekton. .'1 tit iimn, ri. TAe Great Remedies ro all Diaimi or tii MVEIC, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE OKGATVS. Hoofland's Gorman Bittora it compounded or m yan Juicra, (or m uiry tr mtilicluAllr term - 1, JUmcM) of Hoot. I big ftrvpftrftlfon, trI-il. ami vtitlra utrui highly eutieen lyr rwji aU Hoofland's German Tonio, Is ft coralJafttlon'of ill Kb InyreJIcnti of lti iMrtari, with lb pumt auftllljr of ffjn.' Crut Km, Oranp, ttc. mating una of t1i moil ttlMant and agraaatla rvniftillca aver offered lo lit ruMJc Tlioae rrafarrlnft h Urdlctna tiea from Alc lioHo ftdinlxtura, will uia Hosfland'8 Gorman Bittors. In tnftea of netToua dfpraaalon, when aoa alcoholic atlmulua la nccsMAry, Hoofland's German Tonio litfuld tit UitJ. Tho Itittera or th Tonta aa loth aqn&Ily food, and contain the tarn a raajlclnal vlrluea Tha atomach, from a variety of canaaa,auch aa IndlKMUoii, Dja - r-- papala, Narrooa Datfmy, ate, 1 rfrVSk tary apt to hava IU functlona da Ifi! JJH rang!. Tha nit of which la, itZffT u,Bt u,t paUanl uffcre from aeterat oi mora of tha foilowlnc dlacueai Conatlpfttion. ritulenca. Inward Plle Futaeaa) of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Diaruat for Food, Futnaas or WUht lu tha btomach, Sour Erne 4 tatlona. Slnkinrt or Flufc terlne at the Pit of tho Stomach, Bwlmmln of the t Head, Hurried or Difficult Breath lug. Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or BulTocaUrr Sensations when in a Lyintf Poature, Dlmaea of Vlaion, Dot or Weba beforo the Slpht, Dull Pain In the Head, Deflclaacr of Feranlratton, Yollow neai of tha Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, flack, Chaat, Lita iTlSk bi,eto.,8ud dsn Flushes of UpL Jim Heat, Burn Intr in tha U-- Flesh, Con. tml Iin a g-lnlniys of Evil, and Oreat Depression of Spirits Thaa remedlea will effectually cur Lifer Complaint, Jaundltfl, Iliprpila, Cliroala or Nenout Debility, Chronic Dlarrbiaa, Dtaeasa of the Kidney , and all Dltcaare arlalng from s LMaordcred Llrer, Btomach, or InValloea. DEBILITY, niarLTiiro rinir iit Oirts wsiTifta; PI103THATI0N OF THE SYSTEM. Iiouoid sr LiaoB, lUaoaaira, Kiroacaa, Vstiki, sto. Thort la o madlclct aztant tnt U Uieea retnllM la auab aaaaa. A toce sod t-ifor la lm EirtU to tha whole ByaUm, tha AupetlU la Lranguitnad, food la njojad, ib atonaehdlit-eaW M prom pily, tha Wood la purified. JBT the comp&xloa becoaHaaouDdand BS&I htalthy, u yel low Unite la radieud from the ym, a bloom la given to the tbeefce, and tha weak and oerrou InraUJ bacomea a atronjf sod baallhj being, l'erson$ Advanced in Life And feennf tha hand of tltna waltMnf nTtr upon thus, with ail u attf ndsnt tGa. will find Id the wi of thle nirri:uyfor the TONIC, an elixir that wftl Instil now life Into their tIds. reatore In a irfcaiun the enetvy and ardor of moro youthful dayp, build up their ahrunkea forma, nnd fc-lve health sod happlnn to their rcmaliiliiK j tare. NOTICE. II It a wtlt-fiUMliheJ (t that full ont-tiall of II., ftmnJs jiof Uon of our popu- Ullou r MlJom 'IMP In Hie enjoj iJooJl.lil,i.r, M u iti ll mm XKMl.n.'' Un rfl ft0 well." Th ro Ui.kuIJ, d.Told of all nern, eilnmulj oer on, m.d litis no ippttlte. n..'r!!'i'.el' P"11"!" nnTBES.orlln 1UMU.U tjnlall; ricoaimeuilcX WEAK ADD DELICATE CHILDREN Are mm.lii ptronf t) thfl ui, of atthfr of thew IyTf,.!T,a U'J "'" eu" ,trJ ' MA KABUL'S, wllhoul Ml. Tbuuiaudi of etrUrlrate, hava acenmalatad 'o Ilia tiatida of tli i-roitrtetor, but aitata wUI aJlaw of lha publicaUoo of but a raw. Tbuaa, Itwffl ba obmriril, aie men of nou aikl of iuh alaiij tnK Uial tUji muat ba belluired. TESTIMONIALS, lion. Seo. W. Woodward, CW JutUct 11 th RufTtmt Court 9f Pi , writ . . I'MiltlpSIa, March 19, 1UT. " I Hnd i noof- k. Und'a Utrroai) nill.ra'Ha.iK.I s ton uatf.l In dl-a,tf ih.dl yTiK. JMll.a orfana, an. or great ben 'ai erll In caieaof de bility, end kant of nertoua action In tbe eritenL oure iniie, "Ullo. W. WOUBWAKP" Hon. Janes Thompson, JuJgt a lAe Suprtmt CW( e rinmytvama. rhilaittlp hia. A; rll :MM "1 enLeltrr llu.ifiand'e Ueritiaii Itinera ' a iiiye mclirme In iue of attacke of In-llra. tlon or i),ita:!i. I can certify title from my experience of u ' Vouri, Bllli rcpect, "JAMES TIlDSll'SON." T?roa F.ev. Joseph II. Kcnnard, D.D, direr 0 ii renin ttijiitl Cliurch, I"itUlt!phil. Dr, Jnrhfin-Ilear Hlri 1 bate Wmi Wauently reneeled to emineet my name with tn- .inuieri Oalliine of different ainda of ine.llelr.ei. bill, re. jardlnj ll.a i.taa ma.ia, Ue. a, out or m; 'for. rlata STXT .rl.ere, I !,,, if, all eaei. decline i II tAJ but wild a clear proof In earlooa UiU J23 elanere and riar Ucularlyln my own family, of IU uiefulneee of lit. Il.aifland'e (Jcrman Iltllere, I dctmrl f-r one from rny uiual eoatee, to ainreaa my fa I eonile. lion lliat, or e'nrraf dtWuy ihi t'jfn. uwj liwcufly fur .leer tWij laifll. it u 4 lift un.1. ealuutle prtpirativn. In aunie caea It mae fan, but ueually, 1 doubt not, It a III be eery I ant Rolal W U.oi wl.o enuer from the aboee caueca. loure, tery rfiiieclfulle, . ii. i;nN..uti, UaLl)., Ulo Coattt St From Rev. E. D, FcndalL Jiaiiliint Wiler chnttia Clironictt, rAU4tL Atl. . 1 "id led ber-flt from tha uea ol nooflan.1 a Uennan Illtteri, and feel It my prut lt. to recomineii.l them ae a moil taluabfe Uirrto tu all vbo are eullerin,, from k'oneral debility or from dlaaaaea arlilnj from derannmenl of the Uvct. toureliuly, FODALI. CAUTION,- " llooflane Oerman I'.imedlia ara aounUrfalt. KM"1"- A" lsL3 nji J'rlnelpal OfBca and Uanubetory at Uia'Oar 1"fMelMBra,No.iaiAK(JHBuaat, lis- CnABIXS VL BVAM3. Oaiiiian Urvni 1'roprletor, w , v '""""'y CM. Jaoiloi ak On. Tw aalebyail Ureusteu and Uealeii Is UeJJ. PRICES. nooBaii', Oaraan Ulttara,rer bolUe OS "fofl4' Oirmin Tonic, pi'iplu aan ' " lT bolUe, oi a half doien tor,.!',"," T S 0" Do not foriet to aiamlna well (Da trUal ton boy, la order tt set 11, .lutdoa. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. January SI, iwa. DRY GOODS. jyjiLteUn's sTonij. riiEnii AiiitivAi, ur FAIJ AND VINTBU QOODS, Tbo eubicrlber kaa Jmt returnetl front ttio cltlen with anotiier larg, and lalect itsaortmtnt of HrillSU AND RUMMKIt OOOHS, imrcliMfd In Now Yorkmul Iltllihlrlphlaitl the iowmi nmup, nu.l which lio la ilctormlncd lo nru on ns modcrato tprmi na pnn lie iirocured elae wuere in iiinomaiiurif. Ilia alock toniprlsoi I.ADIKH' DllRHH OOODS of Hit) cholcont alylcn ami latcat fiiahlom, lout thcr wmialarscnaaorlinrnt of Dry Umxla and Oro- cctlca, conelatlng of tho following artlrleri! Carncli, Oil Clothe, Clothe., CaMlmerce, Kliiwln. rinnnel.a, Kllka, Whllo Ooode, I.lncna, Hoop BUlrts, Muitlns, JIoUowwAte Cedarwnro Quccnaware, Hardwaro Itoota and Hhopa, llata and Capa, Hoop NcU, Ulnhreiloa, Ixioktns-Utiuieoa, Tobacco, Coirae, Hiiifam, Term, Illcf, Allaplcn, UlliKcr, Cinnntnon, Nutniege, AND NOTIONS CHIN IIALI.Y, In abort, everything tiaunliy kept In eountry etoree, to which lie lnvltea tbe attention of tbo public generally. The highest prlco will ho paid for country produce In exchango for goods. B. H. MIM.nil&riON. Arcade llulldltig, Illoomaburg, Pit. fi HEAT ItEDUCTION IN 1'IUCIS AT lT.Tr.H HNT'N 8T011E, IS I.I01IT STiiyr.T, OF si'itixa and sujiMKit aoons. Tnn subscriber has Just received and has on hand at his old aland in Light Htiect, n large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, and which ho determined to sell on as moderato terms as ho procured elsewhere in Light Htrect, tvii cash on cou.vrJtr vnonixe.. His stock conalsls of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest f.tshtons, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Mlks, Hhawle, READY MADE CLOTHING, Batlnctts, Casslmers, Cottonridcs, Kentucky Jeans. AC, AO AC GROCERIES, MACKKKau, Quecnsware, Ccdarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, I'aluts, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS A CAPS. In short everything tnually kept In ft oon-.try fitwre. The pntronugo of bis old friends nnd the publlo generally, Is respect fully solicited. The lilgheat market prlco paid fur conntry pro duce. l'KTEK E.NT. Light Street, Nov. S IKC7. J J. U R O W E R, Is now offering to the public his Stock of s r n i x a aoons consisting In part of n full lino of INGRAIN, AVOOIi AND RAG (J A H P KTH, Flue cloths and caaslmcro for I.r.iVva' coatn, HANDSOME DKESrt GOODS, of all patterns and qnalttlra, lnlalds and l'rlnls of various qualities and prlcrs, BLEACHED AND WIOWX MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, A X D BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIEW tt CalLlMJSX'S GAlTJUiSJ. BOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLAsa AND QUEENS-WAKE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In ono-hatf and one-fourth barrels. Now is the timo to make your selections, on I am offering goods at very low prices, and our motto is fair dealing to all, and not to be under sold by any. J. J. BItOWEn. Bloomsburg, April 12, 1807. Jg A U Q H'B COMMF.ItCIAL MANUMIT. BAUail & feONS, Philadelphia, AND NOKTH-WESTEUN Fi:UTII.I.INa CO., ChiciiEO, Solo Mnuufiicturers. PRICICS. UAUGIl'H HAW HONE PHOSPHATE, SSOpirLMuO pounds. UAUGIl'H CIIICAOO HONE FEUTII.I7.EIt, 850 per souo pounds. HAUGH'S CHICAGO BLOOD MANUItE, IV) per SUUO iouuds, Tho nbovn Man nres aro furnished in both bags and barrels, whlchoer customers prefer. r-Tho bags.aro.uulform In weight lCOpounds,"aa Tho attention of Farmers Is especially directed totha fact that the aources of tho Itaw Material of which the abovo Manures aro composed, are mi wall under control that wo can furnish thorn of ssrictly uniform quality and condition, and that they eontaln a laraer percentage of ammonia than any other class of manufactured manures lu tho market, I1AUGII A SONS, JO H, Delaware Aeuue,pilla. NOItTH WPHTEIIN FERTILIZING to., Cor, Ijiko nnd Laaallosts,, Chicago. IT Ilnugh's Commercial Manures may be pro curial rroiu dialers In any of Hie principal towns In tho Udlteil Slate or Dominion of Canaan, D. W. Mauers, Mlllvllle.and W.Sioll.offnt awlssa. Agents, July l7a'lM-3iu.J at. AKTMAK. C. II, Illt.LlNCIKR. It. ItATHAK. RTMAN, DILLINGER & CO., no.'j-JH.ioiiTii iiimn srein, (.Veurfy cpponle Jamn, ATeri, iiinfee it Ol.) Wholesale Dealers lu YAUNH, BAITING, WADDING, CAUPETH Oil. CI.0TII8, S1IADE.1, JTLT KET, GIIAIN 1IA0S, CORDAGK, AC, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, rmrsilKB, trunks, looking ulaesks, no. May 10, 18117-ly, JOWK, KUSTON A COM Mauuticturc ra ami Wiolcaalo Doaleri In UO'rrON TAHNS, CAItl'ET CJIAINH, ilATTB, WICKS, TIE YAUNS, COIIDAOK, imOOMH, "WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE. IXJOICQ ULA8H EH, CLOCKS, FANCY BABKETS TABLE, ri)On, AND CABHIAQE OILCLOTIlH.Ac, No. 080 liaufeot Htrwt, koatb aide. ' riaiiiUelphln, JOHN C. YKAOKU & CO., W hoi mate Dealer In . ( HATS, CAI'H, BTKAW OOOIW, AND 1ADIEfJ FUIU), 4 No. 357 North TUird Street, FhllftdelphU. TAUTMAN A ENQELMAN, TOBAOC, BNUFF A VEGAU MANUFACTORY, o.lll neiTU TiiiDrnm, Heckend Dor below Wond, I1 HI L A D K L V II I A. J. W. WAkTUAM jt EwaiLWiM FOR NEAT AND CHEAP .THTl T)T)TVTmTT CALL AT TWK COLUMBIAN OFFICE RAIL jOltTHEilN OEM Ou And after 14 ay luu UftVO NoitTIIfHUHUtAD nt' NOUT1IWA 25a, Mi. Dally to Wtltlnmitp for Klmtrii, CunuiuIiiiRun ru n hi jinnee, nil a . (.W I. ., Dally, (exi-ria Hum iiuintioMu l.rli' Kallwnt (M3 p.m., Dally, (cxcchtHun iort. TUAKS'H HOUTI O.H A.M. Dully (except Jkloii WILMINGTON AND 1 11.50 A. A. Daily ((-xrept Hui aMilnytoii and 1'nllnd I AClvA WANNA J- III! UU lt.VII.AOAD (in ami filler May Uth.ieC'i, (lolnsBou n. in. it. m Hcrnulon 5,yo 3.'Ju Dlttston (1X0 JvtiiKton ti.ns l'li mouth 0,1 J Hhlckftlilmiy,,,, 7.!! JUrwklc -.r"i HliKim KM ltupi'it n,m Duiilllo .. ii.iii . ... Arrlo Arii urui ii u.ju e, "iho fiTlo'Tnili. RtHmint with i;xpreHs Train lor N p. in,. arilvlUK In Now Ym lyinuAmihviiUt j n.iiiituAi), HUMMKU Ti: TltllOfOll AND DIItKCT IU DKLl'IItA, 1IAI.TIMOHF 1.1 A Ml POUT,! onn.vT oil nnutoN Kl.KOANT r- On all Nhj On nnd nfler MnxiiA Triilnionthij l'hlladi.'lp i tin iuiiiihs; wnsT MAIL Tit A IN leaves r N nrr nl 1 'i nrr. nl! KLMlItA MAIL Icnwb nrr, at HAST aMAILTHAINK'Uncs i:i " l'h i:itn: icntiiuiies " " nrr.nt Mall and HxpresH conn Aiiriifiiy jtit-r i inioutiii. General ?uperinj 1KA1)ING ItAl SUMMKIl AUHANU Great Trunk Lino fr est mr I'liiiatieipiiia, vllle, Tamaqua, Athla Katon, i:phrata, Llllz, 'IrtiluH havo llurrlsli low Hi AtlVdi. G.-jniul '2.'t iV 0,,tcililKtl Uio i'a. itituronu, ami r.JM. HUM .V: 11..V) a.m. Hlreplng ears acconipi l',v p. 111. riiiiii uuou Ll-uvo UariKbunr lo inatiua, MlnerHVltle, Am 11 mi i luiaut'ipui. ii.iii., Moppiia; ai iji Miitiotis ; tliu p.m. l'lilliulelnhlii nnd (John ScliiiylUlM Haven and and hiihquehunnu Hail i,i p. in. iiriuniiiiK. ii.iii. ana i.uiiii..uiii c.irs ai'comiian Iny tin n. iu., tiulifi .lrliout 1 rain leaves I'lnladeln from HcailliiRal i -ji rous nit" in n't-i a. in., t and 1'J.lU iuk)Ii. and 8,:ti a. m, and Inland ki I.eau l'otts illu Inr II and busiiuehaiiua ltalll noon. Hendlng Arcommodati! at 7,wu.m.( reiurnuiB in p.m. Pottstown Accomnidili town at ii, ti a.m.,, nturn nt t:ti) ii.iii. t'oluint'la IlallriMul Ti 7,'X) a.m., and 0-15 p.m. foi tir. Cnlimililn. i IVrkloiiit'ii lEall Itoad'i Jiiiiction ai H.riti a.m.. and LcavtiHUInpaek nt ti.l-j ncctln with similar tnil On bun.lays, lea Ni-w ndt'liililii. K.i I anilll.l.') running only lo Ueadln Ilarrlslatr L'St a.m. and Kcaillnif nl 1.1.1 and I'.Vm biirc. aiul 7,'tf u in., and II and J,-) p.m. for IMiil.ult'lf L'ommiitullou. Mllraue. outKiun tU'Iii-tHtouud Iroi rates. lijiiiKaceeheeKeillliroucl eaen p.i!i.iiiiLT. (leiie1 Ilcadliiff, I'a., May 'JJ, J T MIK IJKST IS TJ am thi. b i no i:it hi: And lend ttieeolurnn i, 'JIllH ilHClllllO is tno most rorui It liken tlio finest nccdli Utence, Any louy wanuna a g sewing : Will rniiculf lirr own order than uny Machlm. OVKH 850,000 OF 1IIP JUIICKl HUM I III UUU chase, and tho Muchluu j ihi ior uud j tur. j ifiihu ran ai my mum Here jou will llnd Ntei DAVID LO April acs-tr. C O h U M B I B K It N A It D IIavino lotelv nureha wetl'Uuowii Hoblson Ilotell rnw noons aiiovk tii1 nil thn Huinn fclils of the fcti" ItloonmhurK! and havluj; ov mo kHino at a H E S T A U 1 the l'ronrietor ha determined pin vial tint; the town on business orT A LITTLE MOlti: HOOM. IIU KluhlhiK also U exteunlve. and Ik titled up In put Imntfk'Miiid earrhiueHlu t lie dry. Hv nrom- iitesuiai e fry mi hk auitiu iiuehiauiiMiinenifcuaii bo eonducted In an orderly aiul luuful manner: mid lin respcetfully hollcits u uliare of the publlo 1 Hiruiiuyc, iiiiyj. Ki-iJiii, J P. HEAlll), llh LIITINCOIT, I10NI) A CO., Manufacturers ntnl WholfHtila liealcrs In HATH, CAI'H, l'UIIH, AND MTISAW (IOOIW, No. (13 Market Btrt, riiiiRcieipiiin. s NYUEIl, IIAIUUS & UASSKT1', llauularlurers nul Jobbers uf MUN'H ANU IIOV'H CLOTUINU, Nos, KS Market, snil ES Commrrc Mlire-I, riillui'.elplila. Q W. HLAIiON it CO., Manuftu'turers of OU, CLOTHS AND WINDOW KIIADEH, Warehouse, No. 131 North Third Mrcet rhllailelphla. T H. WALTEIl, Xi e Ijile Waller A Kauli, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, CJLAH3, AND QUEKNWWAUD, No. 281 North Third fitreot, between lUce and. Vine l'hlliulrlphla. CH, iiobhi. w, S.HMJ. i, u. aarramT TOHN HTIIOUP A CO., Hnoceeiort to Utioup it Brother, WlIOI.-.Sl.Li: IllCALBlUi IN riHU. No. U Nottk WhnrT.s, and 21 Jlertli WaUr Bt., VlilkuUlpliU. A; II oxtcnslvn AkKnrtmniil nf innii'- X '1 boy'-I.1NKN HIIIHT FUONTH, I'uper ollnrsund Cllffli. ami I j h i ... nil i'Dh selling cheap by Mor,l,'o- I-,T.BIIAIll'I.liH aalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TB kl IB JmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW llilli..illi..illi..illi..illi..illi..illi..illi..illi..illi..illiHouM)Hv. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.r,,,,,. i;yfe IHles prncllcal workmen aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IO ids cusl.mers tlmt l.ii islnissiithlsnM placet,,, 5.1" sasllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llt.OO.Mmil-l, laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB MTm-t-u BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB A TI.... UM MILK . . . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB) TIX BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH,I.-. umumammammammammammammamm- mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmu: . mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm n K mmwmmwmmwmmwmmwmmwmmwmmwm,,,,. immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lH rnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw VTmWmmWmmWmmWmmWmmWmmWmmWmmWmmwmmm u irrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw tkas, Hvitui'H. coni:i:. KLTaAiLM? It.nlpr In MI'U'KI, ill TAItll HOI) A, 4C Onlers will receive prompt Attention, JJ V. Vjh'KltMAN, wllh LIIUVCOTT A TUOTOt, WIIOLKSALIJ aitOCEIW, No, 21 North Water Street, and No. JO North Delaware Aveaut riilladelphlft. A yyEAVER & BI'ilANKl.E, VllOLESALliOUOCI-UIESANDCOMMlaSlON MfJUCHANTS, Nos. sa and 337 Arch Hlreet I'hllailelphK. M. JIAllPIiE, NOTION)), nomi:uv, tn.ovri. and 1' ANCV 000DH, No. u North Thlid Btroel, l'hllndelphla, T ATEIA' OPENED. and -1 lilr.1, wbm.'i, u i.Vli, m "(, .abi, ;, ', klim bualiiea. 1 n , blancb.a. Order, fir on othi:h coKriNB rilled Willi pmmplniMi an. I dupalch. ltenalra j li. anly mad. tii all kind, of fur lUiuii, Inelud" Jn Ihereplaltlinof (unt-bniiomed ihulrV. lit. tcriisforcaalllnjainadii liiullyuud e.pnill haia. if. I ii ..i ." """"ei eiiner lu pnaouor by mall, J'lcture Iiauies mad. In order at abort uii liee. f riiiii'ifr iin . w April 10,'M-tf. yEUOHANT'H HOTEL, 4 Koam rooitTii vtaxrr, i'llll.AIIKI.l-lIIA, J. 4 W. a. WKIIIIIIN, 1'roprletor. May 10, ISfff-ly, H'iit, nntr prcrnrrd lo re ?' .'U..UIII J. I H . '" IUHKtl 1IM Hlils In his an,. H mill Upni, ii, H r.'iTi:i:H.t stylus H II 1 1 n 'l.1 HiirrLi, auovo cluuiui Hi' IS II 2firffinil IlolucstlC H Hi 1 H illy nnnounce to ho juibllo Kne- rtnt rnltioad do 'ouneet with the 't on the Cata , and with tliohe Jickaivnuna and id It Ion, cnnimo- m reiiMonahle, heir filendsde- usonubluehnrKa the hotels. ;T, 1'roprletor, MI'ANY Jt K St In tho wiiv or aro prepart'ti to ii:,and all UIiuIh rACKH, Tan km, ; promptly done TO Ui:iAIHH. U'il to tho tneni ttjlotter JudcM, perleneo of tier - of ult klmls of (experience wt of a utllmada secure not onlj lteit ouallty ok midaiiiiduhent- l that wo tan ren. H fllllV 1IH low 11M 1111 V inoqiuillty of muterU lltton of ltnlhinv ffim. for ilolnti LoroMOTlvn AIK8 (lit Ni: iih w.i iniilrn If to il nil toaluaynyUohln per- W' 1 ' " M" lilt .VdlllS IJ DlflUII I .i i iiimiu nun i rivuiu j, . ... hiiiiik ii 1 1 r-.ii-.uu ituiiern.ive, OT m ...nj un IIIIIIUIUI KIIKI1 111 MIKAH f T' iNl.l.HIKAM ANN W ATt'll (111 1 mu U rie i 1 i aac-Ia .pd all milncHeonneeKil with the huhltUKM. ' iiKlliiR-iiir all Uhiilw.lti.lUTl'ruiiiHi initio. nvx . riowH.amt all work ennneeted with tla Ineral fnimdry biulnei-M. lehix i-i r.iiiv .ui ...ii tn. , ci.H V1."" vt,ry truly' Jt HL'ATIlCOTi: A CO. "v v-' J 1i,4,?9KVnajK NOllMAL n neat sesalon of Ibis School will commence ION1IAY Al'UlBT Villi, lMiH, r rurtlculars address I'rof. II. D. WAI.KEIl, In i'. IVliS-iltV " vu"""""' ,ou," 1? a a si i: a mi . HIV TilC AliTA VELA PHOSPHATE. It ISilll-ltiR II. r. i, n... 4 nun.u n iiii i iit 1 1-1 .. .. (i .2. flu 1 .V""",1!"''. ijlul I' I'll Vo pell hi lii iii 'oTaot I im i.i i ?f t,:1.., ''' lillui element, of u ....... umK Ht ill" lllClCUht-tl I.UICH til li', "I??,? ""' ""'"K 11 l'Kl'l- lallafaelo. VA, Aimor'ni".!;.".. "," yVurl "J""1. P-mphiei. Adclr.r rr"" ,or u i..i...u. ,'' A J 1 A vi:i.A (JUANOCO., Julys.' sx iiroiulwoy, N. V. A NDHKWS, WII.KINS & CO., "Dealers In rOUUIUN AND DOiHCSTIO DKY OOODS, No. to! tlarUetrilreet, rial! AlelpUta, ',Q.EOHai: FOEI.KEU a CO., 1 Wliplc.olo Dealers la WOODEN A WILLOW WAIIE, YARNS, Oll.t'lotlis, Wicks, Twlucs.-Jiuik.ta, etc., tc. (18 AMI Market m.,e.2- Church t,, I'hllada. Jiin.S.'CS, H r .. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. II It I : A 11 ....... Hi: AT I! n rwi 181 ""r.sTiN,,',.:,';. AT Tim OLD DUL'd BTOIII; 1 I'. N. M fi v i' 11 Wherocnn liofuuiwi n, ' . soutsunt ,.u.f ..M-; '.,,,K"F"T " 1 m.;t i,. ."unly,"' Ur """' I'Mhod,,,,,,, nf .J( ""'I!". 1 !,., , IMIn,,, Ol.iss, ,'. iMiiy. 'i''""'"' ll.T.U,. ,r UrUSlH., r a N c v .1 11 - , !i!::''l,,il,i"orn'i"'".mti.- .. " Hiilrlijcs ? ,, i.rusfi...;. l""; O-am ile,, Hulr . 'I'ullil Aiticli-i miitlonerj-, ,.,H.Ul T O 11 A l 11 1. u SniiikliiKiiiiilchcwlni,, iKart or nil iloscrlptlons. ipci, ciciir Ilulilera. HOL'HiniOI.I) AHT1CI.I.1. .nmps, nssm u, -s ami an I. AMi'f.ciiiMx(:is,Hl,AP:,ia.KS(.1(1i -iiM-i:i.i,ANi;ot:.s oooiw, l'oll!l-s, Chamois Mil,,,, Oilhclers, HpcruU,,,,,, Hyrlngi.-, llrvust l'ump,, llulibcr (loods, Trusses ur nl npproml patterns Ac, 4c. I. I I. U O ItH. A llllonssullmeiil Of nr., II, , - .. . lurpow, ,..nsl.,iu. .. ," . L.-T." V" i.. l.i. i -" .m.-. nun i iiu hfkl sioM.tiriin-ii:i fCbeht Mirk'tles of pills and tn!r iVsiciAN'H I'Kicittprroxs f'Aiin-t i.i.y i::r- t A It I. Ii No such stock has eer br. II l.reht.iitn.l I., it... people of this section or cnunlry. Thoprlcesnronssinull ns the hliuk h In, ft Tho HVioriqOr vceinni moro,-alile to the purchaser than c er, ns ftrrungciumls ha o been Directed wllh thuwholcsalo ilenhrs lu Iho Inrjcr cities, so that Komls can bo procured lu illumim burg ns cheaply ns In New Vurkor l'l,ilailel.liu flir-Counlry ttculers uro cnrneslly linlteil u. study their own lulerisls, by ciamluln: tin stock. Itemelnberthu place r.xillAKiic m.oi k-ii!h.v,. icknngu Hotel. Main meet. IllonnisburL- .Inn. Ill, IVfiH. dm niNra-'s VEGETABLE AMBROSIA 13 THE MIRACLE CF THE ASE! s"riiy-IIe:iil-(l lnilf. lime their Ihcas restiireil liy it tu the tla. ' 6 .fivut, iiMen tresses u( youth, and nr b.ippy! Yotinir,l'eople,MlthN'7M,ri ''i rid Hair, lmvo those unUshiutuhk' tolors chrtug.d to a Lcautiful auburr, nnd rejuice! l'coplc whoso licnde nrc covered Mitli Dandruff and Humors, mo it, and lam dean coats anil dear aiul healthy scalps! lliilct-iri-iiiliMt Vi'lci'uiiH hao their remaining locks tiRlitcned, and the hare spots coered with a luxuriant growth uf Hair, and dance for joy! Youns Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumed! Younu Ladies use it becausu it keeps their Hair in place! V.Tcrybody Kllr-f and inVI ue it. lecauie it is tliu cleanest and lest article in the market 1 For Salo by Druggists generally. AMI .Oil HA I. IS nv I.. N. .MOYi:it nnd 1 1'. I.l'.Z, Drusji.i.. Illiiomsbuik', nnd M. M. UKULIST, tulawisna. Juuuaiy 31, IMiVll. II. JIOYEH, wholi:mai.i: A HHTAII. DBUOGIS T, (UKNEK (). MAIN AN 11 UAI'.KUr ai'l.tUM. III.0011SIIU110, I'A., wher. will he found a, largo and -elect stuck ul Drutts, 5IEI.ICIXES AND CIIK.MICAI.S. Also nil tho PATENT MEDICINM OIT THK IIAr, I sin also prepared to furnish Country Stoic, wltli Castor Oil, Ooilney'a Cordial, TUHI.INGriTON'M II.VI.SA11, and all other medicines kept lu their line at t'lly prices. Hu rrcscrlpllons carefully conipouudod at all hours. In medicines, quality is of the Hist Importa-ie. DloomsburK, Juno7, 1SII7 rimi: AMERICAN HAY KNIl'K X AND I'OltlC Wo IhounderHlBncd elllrens ol Columblu County wllnesNi-d the trial nf h forks ou the farm of Mr, 1'ursel, lu IIeuil.',K Township, on Monday, Mnv 7, InW, between Hie American Hiiv Kiilrnund 1'nrk iiiiinufnclured by HI.lKi:it, WAI.1JS, HlllllNint Co., of Ul. btirK, I'a., mid tho ItunderH rateut Hay lliaitr. Tho AmerUmi Kork luted moro hay lu m ilrnufiht thiili tho Ituudel in threo. We are .alie ned It will lakuns much hay Into tho mown mi. l'ihiiI huii-es can draw, We also huw It cutltntf hay, and think It cannot bo beat n.s a hay knlf., and cheerfully recommend It as the beat hay fork and knife e lmo over seen, C. IlllTI'.MIKMlKU, Dlt. F. C. HAKRIbON, W. II. Koons, John Doak, John Iikikhick, Daniki. Noyeii, ii. 1'ijkaui., Mll'IIAKI. llM.I HI, JOHN Woi.k. Ihey also mauutacturo tho celebrated Iluckeyu ltenier and .Mnuir, and oilier aurleuitural liuple. nienlii. JNSUltA N 0 K A O JO NOV. Wjnmllli! ll-fl.Oou .Ktna s,i,ono Coniluereo - IW,'' Full on W1 North Ainerleu Wjj.Cij. Clly i,iW0 Inlernutloual l,rio' Niagara If'WM .Ktim I.l o fetoek !." 1'utnnm - Wi,uiio Mcichunta SW,il Springfield tin,0"0 Iuauraneo Company of Htale I'enn'a.,... WU.Ooa Coimectlcut Hutual Life I0,iW Norlb American Transit Uofiut KUI1AH 1IUOWN, ui, mar8 67-Iy, iiloo-isiiuku, Pa. AJUIllHUSTEH & UHOTHEIl, Importer, uud Jobber, of IIOSii-ItY, QL0V1, BHIUTI- AND DIIAWI2US, HUTTONH, huh!'i:ndi:uh, HOOP BKIItTH, HANDUKHCHIKfH, TIIHKAIW.BKWINU BII.KH, TiiiMiiiNus, roiiTi: JION.VAIIH HOAI B, l-KIIFUMKUY, FANCY COOIiH, AMI NOl'IONH i:nkkai.i.y, Also Manufacturers of 1IHUHIIU. AND LOOKING aiiAKBLf), and Dealer. In WOOD AND WILLOW WAHK, JIK00M3, itOl'lW, TWINW, M No. S00 North Third Htreet, alxiv. Vine, 1'hlladelphla. ILljEH & HOST, Bucceasor. to Frauklln I'.Holtaer A Oo. Importer, and Wholesale Dealer, lu LIQUOIIH, WIN1-4, 40., No., 110 and UJfioUh Third Btreel, 1'hlladelphla. y A LI j KINDS "ok JOU PJlIl5?lNa fi neatly executed at Tuis Coe..Myfr( Bleaia - nsmi'WF m . SUal'vUMI"',1.t IJ"' I ."-- H -J T A wmmms riiiniugu-neej. y