BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. inn on $t $0tamMatt. tBAfl. l "' FIUPAT. ux. - "iobcrt T. Clark, nq-i ... nmk In BloomsbnrR, Unm flV 11 lllll I ,nc'1 TT. in t,n Court House T . Il wli ch will 1)0 f,Sil, tariff qullon will como bare. Miner, nml otlwrw In i?J!?i . Uriff -o invited to 1, iircse"'- 1 ... i. .vt nv Tax- AfTl'.SI) TO Till 1 A i lr'' -v.- Democratic vote Is lost ,;,,Hi'o Hint no ..nviiipiit of taxes. i,y rnifciin oi i"" n-i"v- N.AT0IIALWATIOS.-SC0 tlmt 1.0 ,t..iitn U loit on t nut account. ?rr1:;tio;,;o;.n!rLwn9...I,s.nth.s Ztvot tho utmost Importance. TirK-iTS.-TlckcUi for Bloom, Madl J V h hliiBcrcck, RiiBMlonf, Jackson. ""."V i.innnn. and Greenwood, Vmd at thoomcc of Tn Co.. I'.MIIIAN THE Democratic meeting at Kviuw ... ...... ...,ln.f nflho 30th lilt., v e on inu UYV.....-B ----- , , addressed by M. M. Trnujth and &V. Miller, Ksq. Tho mcetlnjcwiw well attended. ItKMnMiiKKtho'day of Klcctlon Tuwlny October tho 13th-Stay at home, vote tho Democratic ticket, and Hve .Blmrolntho glory that results from our success, Ar,.n,o,1lst Enlscoiuil Society of tnton.l havlni! a table on tho Fair Grounds during the threo days of Talrr iShJ proceeds to do useu iuw... ,m,II..L' a neiTthurch at tniu p.acu, WkchII attention lp tno luivurusu mentor tho St. Louis anil Jron Moun tain nowii. uivy iuu iiuiiiihvc l nmninr tho very best beciirod tt cheapest bonds offered. I'ltor. II. Cauvkh, of tho Blooms burg Literary Institute, will deliver an Agricultural address on tho Kalr cround next Thursday between tho hours of 1 and '2 o'clock I M., We are requested to nnnounco that lha Baptist congregation of this place will li.ivo a table at tho coming Knlr, ami will be able to feed all comers at moderate rates. (Ie.v. Oko. B. M'Clf.llan arrived in New York, from Kurope, on Tuesday of l.tM week. Wo hope that hu will at once lake thuMuinp for Seymour and lllnir. Ills nainoalono will do us im mense good. Kxa.mjne. A full sized Gale (Tal bot's patent) will bo on tho FairGround on exhibition next week, when farmers will have n ch.ince to examine for them .hIvcs the universally acknowledged (late for Farm or Hullrnnd uso. Don't f.lll tOhCO it. News to Puormen. A llcpubllcau Cungress has mndoa law that any man having an incomo les than $1,000 Is ex empt Irom tnxva.Mate Guard. This is news to tho poor men. But tliu trouble is to get them to beliovo it. The annual and feral-annual visits or tux collectors Is a knock down argument ngulnst Us truth. How to .Stop a I'ai-ek. If you want to stop taking a paper, don't write "refused" on tho margin and send it b.ick, but step up to thoofllco and Hot tie llkoa man, and tlien tell tho pub IMicr to strike your nnmo from tlio list You have a right to stop at any time, but you must first pay what yon owe. That's the manly and tho honest wny to do it. lias created many a new business; has enlarged many an eld business; has revived many u dull business ; ling rescued many a lost bus iness; has saved many n falling bus! nc'.s; has preserved many a falling biiilcss; has preserved many a largo business, and insures success In any l'tninos. Boatmen work hard forthelr money, and art- not friendly to ltadleal lmllev. which exacts a largo portion of their earnings for tho purposo of supporting idle negroes In tho South. Nor tin tlmv like tho ideaof paying twenty flvo cents on eacn pound ortea they use. nml flvo cents on coffee, Aiur cents on sugar uireo eems lor a liox or matches.roriner- y costing one, nnd they almost tinanl inously, go ror SKYJIOUH A BLAIR. Our friend must be careful that Dkhhi. erotic boatmen do not thoughtlessly go away oa a trip, and thus loso their votes -I'on't lose u vote, seo that every man a iu ins post on Tuesday October 13th. Tim Duty or Ki.kctiok Officers, ery great Interest will bo felt by all parlies In getting In tho newsorthu Oc inner election, All tho telegraph otllces will bo kept open all night to receive and forward returns rreo or charge. Klu'llon cilllcers should muku It their liiisliie-s Id -i n tho vote on Auditor Gen eral imd Congressman gets to tho near est lelegrupn nflleo as early us possible on eleellou uiglit. Wo have taken it on ourselves to forward sltuablo blunkH to to every poll lu this district. If elec tion officers will not tako Interest enough to furwnrd returns, 1.01110 active politician, or one party or tho other should do It. It Is u matter or public Interest ami benellt altogether nshlu from party. Wo iigrouwlth tho Scninton Itepuoll van, llmi if every newspaper In tho Statu would print n notice similar to tho above from this timn until Klectlou Day tho returns would ho got In moro fully on election night this full than ever be roro. Gazelle. n.. i i ... . . n a imvu ueen asweii to extend a genral Invitation to tho Farmers and Meclianlchs or Columbia and tho sur rounding counties to attond tho Fair. next week, and to bring with them such articles or their own growth or iiihihi facture us will Interest tho public and lllustrato tho Improvements tlmtnrogo lug on In tho several branches of Amori' can Interest. Tho premium list Tor this Exhibition is larger than over before offered, either In this or adjoining counties, and tho prizes mentioned therein are opened for tho competition or nil who chooso to at tend under tho regulations or tho Socio' ty. Como then from fur and near, bring with you, your productions or tasto, skill, ami Improvement, or every kind to swell tlio general display, or If you huvu nothing to exhibit como and seo what others can produconnd thus mako tho F.xhlbltlon morolnterestlngnnd at tractive The rellnlng nnd cheering In llueuco, occasioned by tho presence of WitK.v this old lull wj l.'rnlll Mnlnoto Med Ti.n ni'iiiilo lived In I'll Wherever you mlgll With cold and silver Mght taxes still wcl But not one cent of i win.,, tills old hat 1 Wlmn this old hat Wl'l Tin Congress mm n Usurped tho govcrnirl Hacked uytno oayoii i.titifiaehinent was ft tl Our history all throl And Constitutions wcl When this old lint l When this old hat wn Wo sovereign were l And every State. Its oj Arranged as they si No Congress undertoJ What white men hii And darkies did not When this old mil Since this old hut wal Great changes lntv Tho Necro votes tho 1 Now Is not that all Tho taxes arc so ver. That everything U But things 1 tellyotl When tills old lint l Xow this new hat Isl Tho peoplo all tleil That they will glvel To Seymour and tl Vor they nro noble,! Who know Just w To nut our countryl When this old lml Then hero's to thlsl Ho 1 pitch it hlgll For nil tho world 1 For Seymour ami They'll lighten tnxl And help poVU,.ui And tiutoureow ,Vhcn thWpltt. ml lU.0 ! 1 lien Ul-H The hatl When Democrats! This blessed col Then three times! Ho! pitch It nil For nil tho worldl For Seymour til A COltltESl'ONl Union thus wrlll doner." It is tlJ ered before l'rol One of his lat(l nuulo before a l Interior or the! or ears or whlcll not suspected "Boys aim higi once a toy, bl great qualities! General and Common wcultl tie boy hero ml gieat u man asJ Or eourso tl vastly tlmt so men of InlollJ should over hi a roundabout.! of their numbl as pom fool us Gcary'J long cared sal littlo girls sh word of com f bo hopeful. tie girl. She I executive mnl hard, and per n husband I which Mrs. CI "SUNSHINll tlo or a very tho press or J I Conn. It is i lifoln New Matthew Hal whoso ncknov and well esl correspondenl York I'rcss, the quality aJ proresslonal abundant opu and his pccuU allowed Its wl tho upper an I society. AV( slieets of thlsl Ing. Itlsgl stylo and Is ll be sold only I uro wnnted : to canvass fcl Assylum strJ tho publisher! Democrat! tlon wilt redtl duce thoprlcj tea, salt, tiotl In threo yearfl as irold. It ' jusl taxatlonl payment or el issued by Ihe gS ilollar. C.iti .S.snuit. U stu vanlu for Grant and Co I fit? satno individual who, upon o In tho West, publicly dcclai "God was an Imaginary belni;. tlio Bi bin only fit to umuso children, and tin Christian Sabbath urolloof barbarism' Carl is n fit representative of Xluillcii- lsm. I Hon. Wm. Stiiono, Judge oftlin.Mj. jiremo Court, has resigned his cninmii slon, tlio resignation to take effect It tho first proximo, Tho vacancy wll bo filled until tho election in 1KG9 by m appointment by tho Governor. Tin: rudU'iil vlow of 1 m purtl ul suf friiu'o "VotM for the ncrro In tin ".South, lint noun in tlio North, until 'nftur tlio iit'xt flection." Tin: imtloiml debt U growlni; lurgor ovvry tiny. It will contlnuo to L'row,as Ioiik Itadlcitllsiii controls tliu U'kIh1h on of tlio country. Whltu mon, py your taxes 1 Ciiti'.KMiACKn nro worth fifteen jer cent lew to-iluy tliiiu they were Jtiit af ter of tho wnr. Tliu Kiulinil CoiiKrcsslounl policy linn ilejireciiiteil tlio iiatloiml credit In Just tlmt proporl tlon. hii.u tho peoplo nro paying fl hundred million! n yenr in taxes, th national debt Iuih Increased during tly lost twelve moiitln moro tlianorffiii ii. i.i . Eih in anil .Millvllio Unit iilaco on .Mtiiul.i.v i.-viMiOiir, il woruaddressi'd liy Holiurt P. CUrl. Ksip, in oiiuofliliiililistiiutl most cnii vlni'lliB Hpceclien. The iiudieiicu wii" larKi', umisiiiilly b, and hli. c peccli was recelvi'd with iniirUeil mitlsfiulloii nml iipilausi. The meeting was a suciths, nml will tell lu tint volutin next Tiiim day. Work Is the order of that day CKNTItll. Tho afternoon mcullii"; lu l.'onlro wusi uttended liy eltlzens of Centre, Scott, OrmiKc, ami llrlercreek, and ninny la dies alnoeaiiio into tliu heautlfiil wood-. l'rosldent, Win. 1uiion, and Vlfo Presidents. Kiiliuor Diutterlch, John IKester, I). K. .Slo.ui, Jereiniali Uiiueii' ini'li. Clms. John IIII1 unti Isaac Ies, Kecretnrle.s Kdwnrd llartiimu and lU-n lltiteliNoii. Col. Krceo and H. I". Clark 1.., ad Ireosed tliu meelliiK t winu length, roluniblu county U aroused, and hur Democracy will labor earnestly. MA INK. TllK larKeet iiieellnu ever held lu Maine township convened there on Tuesday ovciiIhk lait. Win.T. Bhtiniuu, President. Vice Presidents, John M. Nush, 1). V. Kiclt. J. U. Jaiiieson, JiK'oli Hhunian. Seere- tarles, I'. .1. Campbell, l-raucls M. J'leinlni;. The meeting was iiddressed by Hubert V. Clark and John (I. I'"ieeze. Kvery tiling Is tulubrloiis in Maine, and work I, H T T H U S H HIK 11OT-OFFICRAT IniG, OCT. 1, 1803. Brown I) .1 Bailey I) A Carr T 0 IrctCrnlg John urlspt uolin Dyer Washington livntis Hubert I'Veas Jacob Fiilkncr Geo ( I'ur'in Keller VAhix Megawl I) M Ml lie 1'hlllpp Neyhard Saui'l Slmwes Cnthniino Whltmlro Henry JOHN II. l'URsEI,, p. m. IrnNTio.v. All honor.i- lildiers, who desire to luanent record of tlicr Eiillllnry bervico,should o tho county Hecor- By nu act of tho last ulecordcr of each coun- I) (ireservo a record of bes, and, ns these (lis- lost nt any time, It Is i nil such eertillcntes ' a full pardon, has II voter out of a lie- llcath for outraging Ig tho wlfo of a white Is ut tho front. IANEOUS. itAitv inmiituti:. liiHlliniloti wilt itncii An- IlliH' n class will Ik. or niiltniliilnirnr li'.U'hcis: lurlnic tin. rar 1 lit- Inili- vril as ll .-Mltm iirillltl Ili-Kl'M or llio otllpr htlltc i' inirlH'iiliirsur rliciuitrrt NltY CAItVEil.A. M. I'llllltv InrorniH hN nlit lint lio lui H-tltti-il his . IIOWIOIII V tU (H, Ml.Ul I Wlii'll ..ihiiI, elcnli ami ut mc, my jmlruiiH may Lrfsilug f 'lotll. dnno tn rtiiuth'N Mori1, ltlllOU.K- letlllllul rvery tun or vorit. inu liny fun nu Io, lit clllicl' oflhestdU'S I ill.V. Iiiiit lor mi' mis Kiitiiinrr lliillKfN Hit', fur the lie Ll lllxlllllI'M. (ii.onoE vanm:. si-ar OliincMllf IIITCJIKAI Store Ik ci i Y. 1'ixrRincK ovsriiAw u lTiiuur iiornr. i, Milks, l'loMi'm. l'.ir- irti, Ini'ss ami Clonk all uiiilLT U'cular on- I'OlhllM, lit flUl-lH., 7.1 cu v.nw utiimiii.i:, I I. (M A Til A 'II Hi'i'l K.lsl IIMIil till, .I.V.T I Ml W.WKIt ri.oor IIXT JIOOFIXG ! llS full) pOSil lull JMX,M-SS(H It'i-uniii una ure-puwji. oi cold. Jt run le u- l tly roor, one incti to H'tlUlU'll. Jt lH OIlHllV IN rnst in Joss tlnili any 111 Uhc. lest luniimla In try as to lis durability, till ni xliown I'V Iioiin v. i;kami:u, i "ii mooiusnurtf, j-a. loofinc can bo seen ut I on rillli Mirrt, I. V. IIAHIOS, fiilCUS II AVIXO Mill Uliil MiM'lillU'Hlion i;. Min f, u in coiuini' LINUS, MUl I.UI.NO , ItKo ini'purt'il to furnish ch nml nil other lumber Dillon l hulhllniis. All it moil not cp. in s lor Iui it nilctl uuii inonii't ifspcrllnlly solicited. & CO., lit KNGINKKHS, I It.. III.OO.MHI1UUO, I'A. ll alt kluiU of Maohluo VKS, BOIl.KHS, tm, Couplings, Mlll-Ki-Ar- (Iiiiiko cockii.ri-l fni-kn. Ith an u iniii otHteiiii ni- tl. Lid llori.0 l'owci'i nuulo Isrlctlltural Miiclilner May iN,i' HG l(? LimiAHV, , main stnniir. IMS: Si ( :i ik) lilU'h olio I'kimoii In tio IKCUIHKUS. I iv. lii-r vol.. X tei U. ifnuimi in an 11 TUlll III HIT lOiK. It In' iU wotl to nnv mh ll tnnii oik Vfet-k. or If li'i, mi mill It 1 inii ilmigp i tjnokH two v. vky. or If nit', :t ci nt it-r (I . i leu on) u inniium aiier will ! ohaif, l ii 1. 1; i. o t, lilt tl In tliu riMiin ofil.r ti ruin mhh, near Hip l, M tt j rltH 1) iilhtOM II ii Slum Mm rl . ni-il lift n toMrllllitf I oi.f Willi lip. 1 1 r muitti ii in nuniir- iifKs t.tiiiiil. Jiifornmtlrtu fill I f 4't.llllllfHl troni llil ),!. ii t n Main Hllrt, III, ImI tt ,111 1 w NOTH'K '.loan mi 11 K, IIKI I'AMPn. ll lilt- OSII1IO O! All i ismil im p., t olniii. .... .!-.! hi tho IIi-Ih. i. 11 t-k of Ml. I'tuis. h-lios or iliintinili Ha. ... ,1 lis I l.i nnl A I li III! li-unsi llto tain to liial.i ll.i III kin nialio , n mi'iit. Jul 3, tli-ui in- 'iili'iit aro usin.-sii-il ami ilioso iniloliuil In J AH 'II Mr.I.Il'K, Ailniinistrntor. IXIX UTOU'S NOTU K. I J kdlAIKiiK Hi Ull I llMi KN lir.tU! P. ll IIIC'll. I.etteiH ttM'tnieuliir. i-li the thliite ol I subtil i.tliicfiili..ii'('r. liiti-ot (t-ni'i loMiihtnn. roliun. bin eonnty hne bt t u Kiitnled h the ittuilt r of olumhhi t'ouidj lo .lobn I turn ntieiuer nnd U in. K. LonL-filn'i-ut r of -idd 'Yov, Ithliln, All M 1 riniiM ln Iiii Ul hi" nun it ist I he entitle tire iripn st i d to piVM-nl tiiem lor MdUeiiient, and Ihoso Iti ttfbtud to tin t Mule ell her on mdt or hook ii unit will iuuUo p.t meut to Hit i;ecutor hout.Ulay. in)N IjONnl.N111:OI:, W.M. K. i.llMlKMU ltllt:il. H.'lit. ,'iis-llt, Klivnt pUMPri 1 PUJ1P.S ! OH PA 1.12. I'ho ntiiloiHlanoil ht'as loalo to Inform the fill ri'naofthltililsi'o iin.l lirinlly that ho Is iitiali'il to fiiriilsh.uls'.ioti tiollce.onooflho host WnoD- 17. I IM I" lor I'lia I'HO 1 I.I 1 na t'Vt'r oni'iio to Iho I'lltilh', Thoy lilo Ktlalalilicit lo lliiow moro Malar In loss tnnii anil wild n ss lai-nr than any tithor nuiiip In Ihta uin of lhiMon.iir.v ami tliv riinnol ho bni.assrii for hoanty orllni.h, oi slni eln-llv ofairanuf liii'nt,ilI.iit'olnnliiliiai'lnai. iH'ssainl ilnrnhlllly. U.fli I'limii la-lini inrianl ul lo 1'irfi nu Us m". will or no Mile. I. Has F-hniinin la !: lit foi ColutiiMu ronniy. rrlio T.'ii. nls ror fool ili'i-iil In Ho mil. iinii-is hy nia 1 1 or olheiwlso ilont'tlv allrliih-il In. I'I'l. '.'Os-ly I'l.lAH Ml I'll AN. l'iilalki l'a, JOHN C. YKAIIKH .V to., WlinlrMiila Dfnlt-1. In UAlS.CAl'H.KniAW lilKMrt. AND umuix' nut". Vn. kiV Nnrlli llilnl Mr.rl, 'litln.l.llilii. r A HTM AN A K.NllIil.MAN, toiiicck, uuurr r.uu UAyui'Anonr. u. ll Juaill imubaiKEKT, P.fMiil fHr Iwlnw Woult I'll I I.A DBI.PM I A. 1 J, w Wamtuak I'. I rV" win xka'F a Nil cunAP i51' ,TOH lJItINTINO. CAI.I T VHK niM'UlirAN omfK MERCHANDISE. jyriisv hiock or clothing. Frmh arrUnl of rAI.t, V.NI) WINTKIt (IOOIjH. HAVII) I,OWI'.MUI'.l!ll H ItCH AttMltlou to hll Nloi'k Of a CIIIIAI'ANI) I,Af(IIIONAr,I,l;C1.0TIIIN(l. til lit Rtorr on Main KlriM, Iwotlivirnnwi voli.i- Ain.-ilcui Iloiu,. Ul-i'inl'Mi'irK. Ph., whi'ri' ho li JuM r'run'.t rroni .iv trk mi. I l'lillAilpllila a full ttAvirttnrlit or li:.V AND IIOVW CI.OI IIINU, Itichlillnit tho luo.t fnlilunnhlp, flltlahlp, alul IiiuHkoiiip iimilHllllic nf IlltKRrtOOOIM, 110X, HACK, ,t!OCi;, HUM, ANH OII.-CI.OTit COATS A Nil I'ASTH, or hII HortH.nlri'ii, anil (nlori., Hu hai al.o rcln lulifil liN ulroaily largo utm-k of CAI.I.ANI) WINTr.KHlIAWI-S Hrlttt'i:!!, KKIUIIKI). AND PLAIN VnSTH, HIIIItTrt, I'll K VATfl, STOCKM, CI)I,I,. 111, iiANDi;i:r.ciin:FH. (!I.ovk, "l.'sri'.NDKIlH, AND I'ANCY AltTICI.I'l Ho nan ronstalilly on liaii.l a largo ami f-11-po- li'ctitl ni-orlniMit of CI.OTIIH AND VIXTINdH, which ho In rctrril t mako to onlpr Inlouiiy klmlot rlotlilng, on very Rlioit notlff, iin'J In the hiHt tnannpr. All hi clothlhc; Is niado to war, atut limit of It li of homo manufacture. tioi.D watch nu ANi), ori'voryiloNprlptlon, fiuo anil chpnp. Illirae JoMflrylH not hUiraKM-it In this plaoc. Call ami extuninu hli cpncral niiort:iiont or CI.OTIIIN(l, WATCH Krt, JK.Wr.t.l'.V, Jlc. DAVID I)Wr.N'llUKM. K It 0 II A N DISK, noiici: in iii:iikiiy uivun 'o my rrlouili, ami tho jml'llo tictioiaHy. that nit klmliol DHV GOODrf, tlHOCICHIKS, tiUKKNKWAIli:, N'OTIONS, AC, ,u I'oiiHliiiitly on hxml n.l torKito AT IIAIITON'ri Ol.ll KT'A.S'D, llLOOHSUliri?, P.Y JAMIX K, l-.TKU. Cir lto, Solo Altcnl for 1.1 1 is' I'llotTHAH: or UK. I.arco lot coiihlanll; on l.Biul. fchi'fft. JKW CAB1NKT W'MIV. IIOUSK. 1 in: uiiuorHlKtiod lakes inn mouion loiiuorm Hip puhllc that he has oppupil a xr.w rciiNiTiriir. waih: iiocHr. In tho Waller Uriels HullilliiB, on Main Hlreet, lll.OOilsllVHil, ('.(., Wlm U lip ln.i inireh.istilan.l Inu mis to keep r iiiiini'iilly tllletl with Kmnlture of CITY AND IIO.MK M ANfl'AtTCItH it eoMritlsni or II V. I) l A T It K H SKS, Wlf'AS, I.OCN(IK.l ItAIH'.I.K TOI' ('r.NTI'.K TAtll.KK en iii.i-rt'siiio.Ni:ii, I'ANt: i:orroiu:i), AND WOiiD IMTTOMF.D. l.l'.NHIO TAIII ! -i, LdilKINli (II,AH.S1, 1'AHI.OH, rilA.MIIKU AND DIN ING HOOM KUUNlTUHi:. In fact ii f'lll ttssoitnifiit of It V. A t Y M 1 I V CO P K I of nil sli'j, nnd ol pvpitvrniNu in 'itu; i.isnor Mt of uhUli w 111 h sold l' 11 K A P v () H (' A S II. I public are InvthsJ to rn nml pxhihImc my oi'k licfon purfhwin; flsfwl-crf, iiroiuii: v. conn.u Iiloonntiiirii. uiivt ic, itr. C. tl.OTHKS BY MACIUNKHY. 1 h nnderliH'it would mm fc' hilly t the Alt ml Ion of tl.i- pulillc. to ld. new nnd nppiovcd inclhod of lunkint; cloilifn hy n sjIrm tiol iil'ini iimUifiimtlcnl jirlnclpU i, xrhicli midriff tt linpriiisHiletolit'othprwKflhnn prTf'IlynccurstP Ho lnlnis fir thl mrtlioil ihn foIIrnTlnc nil niitii:;(-i. l'fi IfPt nr iiutci . m:com. A F?ltiof two thlid of Mi tlnif (iviml.y tTk i'ti lo nil out tin cloth. TIIH.!. Ablllt in mwivirt imy flauit' -o is to inniirfw i:.h1 tn. That U tlock n wny with hc tiirtsily it htli-K infftvuicd inorcthnn our, hs often thr in from thi nilnppiflifnt n or mlMk "I t men surer. Hp would in hi thf puhllc lo bItc it u lrlul,r.M i. i mitlMflcd Hint ll will plrp iiffl mitMvt.oi'. 1I( w Ml Ik hnppT lo fThlhll nd rxplnln It-iwork-Ins nt nny Iimip to visitor. J. W. CIIF.MMPltldN March 'JO Mi Mnln St., hclow Mnrkt t. jj ( no w k it, hiiMoiionol a flritr'Hi 111 KIT. Slim;, 11 AT I AT, AN D M'lt STllVik. nt (hi. ohl Ktati.l on Malnstif ft, Kloomiiium,j uvr lllllllM HllO O lllO I'Olirt HllllHO, till hlOI'l. Uioiii. jiovil or ll.o lory latoKt alul htAtxt.rU.. . . i ol.'.i. oil lo tlio rllu.'lii or Coliiinhla Cmuil.T. Iloran ii.'ioiiililo'liiti' Ih inihllo u Ith I he IoIIom lnti;o.Ma at Iho lowi-il iiiIok, Min's lu-ai v ilnnhlo s,,ln violin tiiioth. i.ifii i tlnuhlo I'li.l i.itii;!n lap h.iti.l hip IiooIn, tur-n s tuiiii sloa hIhi otall tliiuli, inon'M IIih. I nol anil Iioi s ol all tiriuloi., Ik..i'. .liiuhli. ol.-.l l. nml, il '.oh or all lllhiN, In. n i. lloo kl.l lllillnoral hlio.-s.llu'liV, ironien'i., IjolhV anil nil. lalins iraili ih.iihh'" uloio Khl I'olK'i ioij llin'.onn nV .iioiimmi I'll) initials an. I itilrhhos, noiii.n'M loiy tl in. Lot ..utlon.H i;.i. Ols, 111 h'.loll ...,ot of nil .I.-! ll)llotli Ij.-II. i.'k t:. o unti ...ii .i. Ho i o.i lil nlo . all aM.-iitli.ii lo hu tlti iihmiii- in. nt or HATS. I'M'- I l l'.i AND NDIIu.Si.. whti ti ooini rii". all tho iiom an. I all oil lis at i ic n vi hu ll i'ii mint lull lo Mill nil. Tin so pilous ii. ill in.' iin.i-sf i-.isii inks aiii m ill hi' ittiniaiili i il lo yio Millsl.u'tloll, A mil is sulli'lli il' I nu hsMHU oliuvkIii'li a. 11 1. Ixluwil Hint ln-lli r luiir.uins air- In Im fii'iinl Ih-in ill iiii olhi-r flnrt-In thvi-ouht). lut. ii H7 GK M'lNi; M AN rilKHS. Allen A NmhIIi's' impro.d er Pho-pliuM nf lime the old aitudf, uniform intpmtlty the luot liin-iv pi i pan i'iiIhI ebi-Mpi-ht Plimphiiltf In tho Mn In t. In He.., lh. eaclt, t ttV Ibv, . unm tin"l i- v. ii r i i, i . K it. Ackiiou i at Urn prln i. 1. 1 tf tin- moti au dlmtuiv it. ii I'uliiit Mibtle, lu 1 I'V1 . j ei l-oihi Urt. PI UK (HIOU.NIJ HONi: Al' I.IIWI.SI' Jt.MlUnr ItATVt, I'lIIU'VIAN (! 17 A NO, V, o s.,1 nnlv li i rrnnti'itl. N'n. J rpupil-iil illrrot ir-'lll 111 !' 1 .S II (I IT A N O. A i!-ii.M inanilto, illl'l 011.1 Hut Is iiUrutlllc llllli'll aiieinion ir nil isriiiris. l ai-aoii 111 liar' ri'Ia, Ml l'.V) His. I. A N I) P 1. A H T K It. In lisrr'i th-lo. at lowrst imirbt tntew. A 1'uronr- A dWeount to deiilera on above pi lee.'' Hhonlil lha iloalor nar ion not haraoiir aril" In srnit your onlora tllrri-l loin, and ihry Mill hu iroiiii altnlion, ai.i,i:n a ni:i:iii,ics, llflr'l atl.l htnus, II H. II'.. it t H. lialaMar" AT. IiKAI.HISIN llllJl, CAMDI.V', AMD IIII.N' KIIAI. CtIUIrHID! UNltrltANTH. PIIII.AHKI.PIIIA. ONTAm.lKIIB IN lU., r.r.alt h. lha niiw mil nrt lita Ca. Ali.l iw-lm nr;r tiikhest. U" lit tut p rolacilflB njluit dlnAtlf i hy bchtBlps nVui. Tki Biit,-1IJ- li uni-nl .ill- Hi hu Iuim iiilui. uui nil onlr by mail or f rin wll I li nnii4 y nnniaA .. . Mur U.'ni I? rTIUPl.KHAX. DRY GOODS, ETC. twttyonriflmip; hithin r.ud HimH nt Itiw prlec U nt UT. BIlAnPi.IiMH'rtWultK. JUST JtKCKIVK!) jpht wii'inviiii A fipnii linold Mum ti,t u-, 0 lH.'lilh I itiif j ust ni:ci:ivi:i) jcht ni'.cinviiD A rrtli liivnliwnl Hoop Hklrliornll Ii Iti.l-i, r inbr.ij hm ixl In Hi,., Mnen Cull, ami Collar. f..r la. Una, jcsT 1!i:ui:ivi:d jcht ui:ci:ivi:d A frinh liivoleeor I'aperl'oll irs ami Culls, new rtpt, I.lrirn Hhlrt rimii lor .Men bint lloya. iii:ckivi:d jckt iti:cr.ivi;i) A ner llivnlep olCnsikery, Oiippiis. wurp, Yellowivari', tie. just iti:ci:ivi:i) just iii:ci:ivi:d. A new InKlalliiiPnl or Ilami, l)ill Ucef, Coil rih iin.l MueUi'lel. JUST HKOICIVKD svar nucuivui) Tho lioslJl.OOBjrupIn tho town. j "ST itr.cKivr.D .11 T ltKCIIIVUD I'rt'sh Drlut 1'iults, ApploK, I'.-aihes, t'lirnl mnl iinpari'il, Hhuk-liprrit-s, rrunes, W'hltu lleaui, llntlpy ami Hominy. 7"ANTKD llultrr, Kifi auil l.nrili foraprlino arllelo cimll w 111 ho isiKl, "yANTUD Hflnis,ShouMers alul llaeou. OOOIIH Mir.D Hill, 11 HOLD HU1.II AT AT AT AT HMAI.I. HMAI.I, HMAI.I. HMAI.I. AiiVAXcn. A DVANCK, ADVANI'I', ADVANCi: (I(H)IH (IlllllW (i(K)DS Hill CA-II (lit ItnADY I'AY. Hill CASH Oil UIIADY I'AY, Mill CASH Oil UIIADY I'AY Hill CASH Oil IlKADY I'AY. AT I.. T. MIAIHT.IXH'M sruui:. at u t. HiiAiti'i.rss H sior.r. AT I,. T. HI1A11I'1,I-S-M Hlnlth, AT I.. T. HIIAltl'I.KSH'S SIU1IK. IIIt.omsbuiK, March 2tJ, 1. S' OMKTIMNU NKW, The lliider'slulii'd ht um li itvi i iMuill) IrlcmU nnd tho puhjn- yi-n. ml opr'ned in i.uiiir .vn;i:i:r ft lit kIi M' oi sootli in thy lino of UIMilNKKY niHl TUIMMIVC-. In ooiiiipctluii with Dm MnUuig; mi. I Is pre .icd In addition, to LOI.OH BTRAW II ATS on tha Hhortet notlc?,nnd In the h-t style of wm nrt. i rip ontap una work Mitrsfiietory. Light Ptrwt, October A, 1?67. 3M ISS UZZIK H A 11 K I. ICY hut Jut ri turned from Phll.i.h lphl.i, nnd ms hoiiSht, Mid h now otrcili. th'i hjt n-sortmput of paut aoorw, TUIMM1NOS, ever (fxhibitt'd In lllootnhurs. nnd In prepuud to lunkH up dri'r-M h nnd nil clht iiir titles of ft uni'c iiidrobe, ni hbort tuitlce, tmd In tin heM ut-d LA TP. ST HPlllNO hTYM.K lloonis in tho ruiiwy JJulldlngrs, oit Wal MiiinSlutt. Cull nnd k vuried Mix-ii of '-prliis (loudi ji.ooithin'iiii i.itehauy i.s'sTnrii:. lillAr.D Clr' INfTIU'CTJON. HKNllY CAliVClt, A. M I'llnelpiil an I I'lo. iriot(tr, I'rori or of riiliosopli , .'vi, Mi.sSar.ili A., l'rts-'cjii-.-s, li-ii-hor nt I'lendi, Ilotany utt.l orium.-nlal l-nneltc-.. .'.iilli-O, Hi at, A. I!., l-i.'fii.or of Anrlt-iil I jinitutiiii s I'liai-I.s IJ. I'.loi., .. II., rruii'snur or ll.itln iiiatWm, I'. X. Hairs, 'Ifirhir ol l!ool..Ui-(. ln I'liulish t-ranolii'M, Miss Alli M. C.irior. TVachi roflnstiunu'itla) Mu.lo. Miss- Twu-hlT nf fnsir. Miss .Itlltn (lnasl. Tis-chii In l'rini.,iy D.-)iarltiit lit. Siirtni; ti 1111 1 yu'iia.','G .I.lllirni'tia A)illl Mil'., 1U', P.. T A Y r, () It 'S tii.ivu ntuM'ii 11 i T T I-. ll H A intlil iil uiiriviiblo i oui. Hllnuhtht. rsloltf nolii.'iinil UhjiiiIuuiivi. 11 1 T T K tl H , I xtrii Ud t'Uiiul.v fn iu tJC : and Uouu, it aiSNKUAL DKI1J MTVi ami io.iof ApjifUty ( nml tin l iwlielit C'orft'tllVHfor iroimitiilrriuif from PUmariK rtnuo uowttu, r'ntnN-iitiMVp. Suhl Kvrysvlicip. Jl oi.Nt), tu .Mm'-cUtrwI.PhlUdolpl.tH. J. If, TAYI.0U V 10, eft, C'ly, ONATUAN UKIIiKIts TONIC m or Piitt'i hns iuh fulh'd toi'i.n ti vrort fclim of Ppi iii: N Hu tnont pivekkiul ir ett bdim ( ulio fii'd for thr rut of ConuiuptioM PfpHl.i, l,t rCoaiploKt, llioiti lotiH, widull dln-HKt tt of lb 'throw!. (Iivt i-i il I dm: is niiidt entirely of toirfw mid hprl f. oiif tioitl tt'lll tou im-fwiiy oiio who Ii u iwlrtrial. No family khoubl be w Itliotit H. J'ut up lu Uit hottlfH, ptf uti tl iiid roh I by Jt iititriui Jtilnlpr t t-o, Ki-itii) i k in iiii i o, m, nml hv tin i nu uNt. iaut. 1 ty r. u a v r. nu! K With uiut tmltu't'iniMiU to unmt to tn-oioiulft wiih u hi our tl II A N I' OK K IM PI. A ll A I.HI HhtrlltlKI flt?r "f Pimt Ii uT AIlt4. Wutehr fif tit t -t t- ir i.nti Hlu Mm him-" fr f i -i ' A.-m I rulher (hKt Utfti (okt to Ayl-t. l.luvn tlood frrt "ft tin ur Asm. rifc. in hi muiw ip -r miiii in 'ii' I Mnofji mui Kin ' n pi of t 9 " Lt i t h-.a t Ait paii itsu t ! In ' He T " ivlirn T II M'i I i pi' i I m .i, MISCELLANEOUS, r. A If. It V. Ill tl III. My im tpi V, tfh Otll tV lie f IT) mi. IV. M I ni. Id in.t d'.llnit i titd ii'ii hu V. It u i I ul li- , i lli I. I Wollld Dot hi M if Si . i Korrftjf by ml rcwponnildt k-r, l.lpplm'utt At'nknw. 11, Holt o ni'n of tho I'utt ntt. - t.nlil PiH-d.-irnh, Pn. H AVi: VOU 8KKN i J ' run .i xin if i-ot . i TIMi: Kl.H'PIt AMI r. Ml'AM-. 'I hlM rt filly itMpritl Mttlr p.xdn-t tlim kniM li got up in h hnnnotnr w n lib tfliu k1iai1i nnd iiiotM worhn, whlfo cnnmi inl illiihnml Ih f mdlnnry unirh wtw, Bound imk! Horv l.vnbiot line Hnnt bvmnil for SI; -t for Ad dp-. I. Ilurnlmm I)' It Itox ", Npwbmjth, N'. V. IT ! coiict'drd tlmt th" uri-at Zlnunrrl llllicrR h'.is ninttiipd iiiorcdlsu!iroif both nnit nnd chionlthnn nnv bitbM tonlcln tho known world. It Iiiih t uti'd Choloi'n, thf wornt fonnn ol P'i-rpi, Pnmiiioulti, lAvcr and ll-nr dUoitB Chronic Dl.irrlwpo, Iiynpoimfa, ItheuniAtlnm.rtlt'k IIi'Hiliichc, 11 tn I will rurc any dUcn1 miitnt(from ft tlNonlcri'd ntntp of tin- blood, it h rvfmtm incndi-d bv (loi'rnornorMtftt('. Msmbcriof Con grpfi.lltlnRut'.hddlvlnoantl phyjlclnni. nnd tni proprietor am nhow more RWoni rertltlrnu! of ciron thwti nny othr llltt'TS iim'iiifurtiirt it In AiinTlcft. si-tid for n clrfUlnr. imrl nud tln'm. Soll bv dr,iuiUtrt nnd dealers k nt-rnlly. IU rrv, llrlekft A tVi., hoIeKnlell'iuor detilern.'mlo AittX for VeMi-rnsint'H.(,hl(,HHo III. V. ltuditt-r A eu. oU' Pi nprletnjw, 0 North llont t., PbUndetptihi. j cnip-s Cutarrli, HrouchllK A-tliiini and SVrofuln. CoiiMiiniilion, Poridrculur nnd full pnrtlrKliirttcii'itiii tntr DruKlM.or imKIiohi UxjhuIc 1 Atr Institute, K meu.f, N. V. G IKH'KKS A DIlUliUISTM IIAV1'. E, i ONLliN'TUATi:!) INDIGO MUl'l , IX KAC1I 2ft CKXT BOX A PVTfSrPINCI H)tONOtlfMKIlYM.(! Hl-M U! 1 iy ii o o J . X MANIIOOD-Nol thins -o Initiortjnt. ftnd l wo MiillitiH for r-cillfil 72 tmaon on tbt whaU mli. J.ft, Pr. whlitU-r, ioiini iitlnl ph fb Jnr; Ht. innrir'Hi.,M) preeminently iin nil othem In libsupwlullty. No uintt-r who IIU.1, itiitt'ciurciie. P.ttleuti treated by mall In v ery Htute. yT: si:LL"fou oxk dollak," " Hold nnd SIher Wntehrf, HimvIiik Muchlu'', Mils ItuH Puttern., l'urp(.'tliiKtlioiiit'tlp (lijodn, ciucpr.Aits sknt fup;:. ui ni'i lull pnrtleulnrv, or tMifhecU-i mi nt for fmo p . (ifM-ribiiuf leu dlilVi-i iv mtlrli-s which uv v .11 II I .r osi: i oj f.Ati i ,v i , t i-ndld Im'urelPPtit i ofl'-u-l lo ii- upml. uu us Ciubv, AtuiHNj, i.AHii.vrctv i aiiiirr, :o. "irtudlmry, Hi m, Musa. -I'tolK r JiW-lw, A WA'lVIl I-ftlCli-Klvcn graiu'to -CjL et ry ll nm i who will net n itKent In u io , 1 1 14 i it find hoiioinhle ImisIhokh, pnyln;; KHi ti itay. .NoKtii ciitctpitr.1-. No litiiuhuu. Addre It. Montoe Keiu'd., Pit uhui h Pn. QU'IITTi: ALUIJOIiKF, J) (l-STAItl.milKIl IN l.t'.l .MiimifiuliiHTH of thenewputuit MdNlTuIl 1M.A M. PIANO PtiltTK, puloittid Inbt-utiij anh, iv-j'. U'lirinnted lor llvtaw. . Ufiooius, 4.J lii'ijolue-M.. Xo Yoilc, 'ihe pHb-iit Monitor Plutt- Plunon by their pr. rulinr roust met Ion uriMuiiMTloi- to nil other, and till tr tl.( rlt COUMlntM In llmu-nml nl ii ii If hr-tittrumi. ported by tin Iron triune, allow inn a huwr ninu) for llf t-oUtlillni' boitrd lliuti in ikmi.h hv m.v other kind of pnn. lly thW menus tlion,uiiniity in . L-it tn mu ijiiiiwiy oi ui( lout; l.tfueij til crciisetL 'Jhi-e PljiPio1 li'ivo linn pr. n hip. ed b Uu POVi:ilANJ SWKMTNIHS OP T'NJ., Piim nnd nuirenbln touch nnd hi-miiy of llm-ii. .Moit n.UlerlUK tirtlflvukn of tXe Hem ' tt Dili rhaUjfiji, (;ottHehull;,Miiikoeh, Vh utemps. mid h 1 ii ko ntiiiiher oi Uie mrwt dlKtlnuuiMivd Pr l i- nors nnd Amnteur. Prom lonn ntrtruee nml Miptrjor liiciiiuesinr iiiuunietiinuii. U" tue enii' nieu to oner our plunnKiil ns low :h--u t.s mu iiMioi i iv inierior iiitikern. Ki nd for ebeului Ittid lirh C Uhl. J!nr.if)-1 rp)Ui:iN(iT()N U A W A JIODCKIN Ji O A ; AhiAMiMiDMAM M. OIlAt.N t-i:ui'4. Ul li trt.ll AMI Iliivlnu within Iho punt vciir k"'' nnd ImproMil our !u'UUI.h tormu liioroi.sotl .1.' lioni' Mim iiwuuiHi'iurinK, u(itri r--j nr ! ii- mriiitT' oi i ct n- ivtint.i tii .. r 1.1 1'.'lo our IlifiuutiM!' r ItiiK hrni il mi' .l iv o kti.l tbi' pa.t n-imuu by pruetloid imii o. o(r nniuc- limit iit-OKOi'oinoou HlHl fihOU fie, Hint in t VP r' iou thw rtmli iina t.nn ntiu-lv misi,.! ion. Our pro ess of putvcrlyii,, m lu ieby liKno. uui for nod 'luiriinttM'cl TO PASH THOUGH ANY hUU.h. i bvhitci itn ohjtrtmu vhbh idltirlit-H loimniy m i itiiKc.N.Hiiu Mt-uru 10 uw mrmtra bUMiiu oi uui'di vultiuhli tlim'. Hold ut tliu nmnufiutory KAtTMAttKri stukrt rwurnv, Pa., nnd bs our uku i in tbrouuhoui ihiM'ountiy, in Imihh oriXiPis, nich.tit ntn r Ion oi mj It.. Alwi sHlppKP PUOMl'HA to nil I o ntii ttt'i'dtnlblf" by rail orrmuil.on ii' I'dcr. TiitH(?iOTt)N A UoikjkiSh. A No AiriiUh loi St ,uuour, Nb .U'.in.n Jf,t Ittiikiu, Ittmi ii' a d M i ..vt Vnk r Mid t A mtu,(., IU . i . . i. Pukr. .1- K,hn,. . :.i. lb . , P,i, At iu or fti ci hw, 1 V-fiU 'V o V A n m r ii Ai IKlr (.'if. mi 1 1 hi i: ( I, . I II P A C I V I (.' li r A Till', ATI'IA I li N . ! i . i tiiltioM ol 1 ol IMI.-i I In. t.-it . ol I, I IP ( US Unlit i nt iln-ir 1 ''i ., I l. .i. f. I. u-.t ,. i nor 'tiiot, iu-'i t . (Ml oil 1 1 M In i li J i. 1 hh i i, u . ,i.i. i!i: I 1,1 j I lis ' li M ul 1 I I 'I lilliti -, f' I ,i ( . 1 1 o H I' .. r t t . i t ii. i 111)1 -tlil!i 1 I IU 1 'i. 11 -is',.(in'l Hi.i (tihUtlv of ltu, ,n (ftuvtn with i-imf.iuit toiulntfH i,,i i i li tloAt lllllllH. !.V Ith, ( I lliN (itial.o iiif l.i.i moro than tijiud to "tr P t tu- 1 1 i h i . i. pbiiMpbutifi 1 1 aft i'ii i).t I., .t' too o in ii in ki-vim chu nu iuu- (In ti tin- im but I ti'tnlotiefciw t ir.inut'fii i'imI 1 1 I 11 dlbl I mil I ' i h'lli. bl I'MUi b .UitiS M. PI K.-P .tmtv t t i' -,i oi mh Iu '. wi-i. i .Sill'. 1 t '! -,i.t; .i. MlH It I VMM T Until and Nttlnua luijn r ot Plomm 'usifc.tiit Co.umb.4 Cttto't I . ,n( i. I: .-It !.m I tit i li' !' i 'i ' . , i,t h, I I'" 11 Mil Ul. .hl I I 1 ! , ii,' ( ; -i i'.."aii . pn i ii t -1 an,. a m'd M.iui ii1 -'if i imi i y-t , t ht i' Mill l. pUUCl.'iil . ! a1'. '.,( Ui"-r lilm tk-nl. U i .) fi.t n , 1 ti i . voji suppoil. Ver tipi-tiit, K KKKP !.) i . l ii wi'i ... CADDM: IIAIIN! " M ! UllAM.i .1 ! k. t ( I.I ( , i I i 'I II K umb iluiii-d i. i . i i i h rili'iuUuml (bo pul-lu Tiioiiah Hi ( xi r, nmt v oi hApPPKmul JIApN i vtu-iouii I'rHjichen.m 1! i . PoiM, nmt imppH p, i iollfim- ofHll V. In- li- . l ' )- - . ' n. i. i t - ' ' new , ' iu nil U I 1 . t.M H hit! ,1,-1 f Jtlut IH" I- 11.. , J, b - HI 1 i'i.c J opt,' l vjm i ( i t'tf 1:1 1 ".NDKIl i r I'll I.M '. l Y. ol no-; 1 i 1 1 11 :u I . nil lil.'l 111 . iir.niciNi'M i r 'i ; , i ,i, WINHOW-liI i-M, I MI'-l, 1 )AH, kllAlH I I 111,111 , U ' HVRl'I". I Ki.l I ..1 1 I Of i IN . !. i.;; n n, ' Km i .-Ulp. whj.n mi h .r...'.i '.'. i . tlom ni.tunM'.,v nrt'i i Jmx s ll-lr. j V I IV H T I . IIDMUH.KI M 1ICOI, I , In I'otu vciinn Willi tli 'fivntnil N.r JuiM.y, '. t. 1 urn-it liiHIon, anal lumk. k 1,A"MSu,'"f,'1.: Win' l i. I . I in. . I nml n. Mi' i J u: i i MS - . I H i i PAI'IPK, riunl Hibmii, tiuH, liu'li ilitr; ur, Kut nu ll IT Pill., nl. IV-' " N a : . i i in ii. 1 I :.aV ADYBRTISBMHXT.S. ,y OI'.NTM WANTMI) KOIt Till': 1 II KM - '.nr.IT t'llTrtlilAI. 11"! n " Mll'IC I M'l.OItATIONM, s'i.ii' 1 ultimo 1 f mrial tnflt an. I mitm lion nnrt t.rxi.sit Intrio't nfnll ri 1 . Willi i l!i: M'I'll l'l. HMORAVIM -nml .1 In ii'h ih. Amtioi . 1. -.ii -r i-i it. r. . 1 . 1 it lin" . .1. I I M . 1, 111 ' ik. k. I. If i- ' r v inti.:. i' i.i. Mill.! 1 i-rii -ii M i'v. if ;ji:w ' 'I-lVI', V.'r-4'l to Prow liow P.. .in mi ai in. I I ih' In 11 ihi 1 Hfut m . uoifT Inen" lire v ni'l (il hv Khft'i'tr w (ImnbHii llou-4 ti nnd IiMtrb ni I '-ti diu'led.tunl i i vlhinKof lulrri'hf r.dnMnif forirotnliif nt Men itiifl Imfoilunt .!! M r Nim uiy.t lteud! Ut-iidl Rend! SI NHllKVi; ami :,IlAIOV' IH Sl.W uUK, A InriHi ilrlfini V nl.iino o'i-r ?1 dhbi'm. film I v lllUMtnuMl' Vc vi.M e yen t, tnnb 01 fmntv. 111 ovorv pit v nnd tow o. to citiiVMWfur It. wi body Wfttiti t(i)ini, nil uboiit New 1 1. OOOK rVfi' puDLrtl v Hint fell ft riipio' I .11- MiMnern report imiio-'Jife hhUw W rtt(.jy no f(iirrnl tiKetitn find ufl- i lim lut-gefi -ormnUdon. Hind tur our ;u pm?w - i Inr. Kor full imrto itl.ii. nnd tnrmi l tjit'i. nem irre on npciiMtnttn to i r, mm ai IiMm t. I In i ' font, i on ii I r a x t i) . Ctcru men, Tftehr, and Hnpormun ! .s i r-'t.ti liijhei.tKti, Htm oinevH i" nt(i nt Tor the 1IOMH HOOK Or WOXliLMv A wnrtt fifurn 1 lntertf.1 fully ItliiMiint. 1 n i lut the U U T T A O K li I Is li I . , AVI) family I xprmrnip, In two vi lutne. emu' rtnimr tho (M n- ii ?w TcntuiucniK, with pV' lic1 wxpoHliIoti . i i plaiiiitory notti, by T.iok, w afianii. A ii'W ol tho ntuity UcoinniJ inlaU' pm Prom h tnttt H-v. .lool Hhwin. p n. i'nt. of the PlrHtt'oiiKietfiitloii-d hni. h, II, on J, t i kikiw ui nijciiiiimi'iiini; n i u op i, ai ih tniiiH no wn ;tt iui Hinount t MUimli'.- i.m id Prmu Id v. N. II, ).f;lt"-ion,l, p. pn-i.n f i i moutli t hurch I'liujn, 11!. "I c-hfertu) y i comim inl it tin- i l fummontnry n tiu crlpturuH lor k Mifuvl uso. ' Por ternu und c r culiim, iddifHH A.;id, Hurt lord, C on, V (IKNT8 WAMLI). IOIt i ll V. Il P I IM'OATs , And how ili,v liid, t -tiitlit and died lo) tli L'ulon, witii Hi ti.-t nml imdilfiitH In the ( ltfbellioO." It i-Mtiliiliii oim- llHI tlitu fmrrnvlitcm nnd-Vmfi ugoF.und In tlu "pn-icut and f licit ptstwut iKmlc t t-r put llshi l. Price only 92 ao jut roii ii'tut for flrculiirn nod nee our trrni, mnl uui UiMTlpMoii or I in woil;. AU(ll)t JO.NKS UUU. A. PO.. Phllndt'li hhi. 1..; ('Incluimtti. Ohio cli.- vaao. III., or st. IjmuW, Mo. Q.1IANT AND t'OLKAX. iHiuii At 1 1 ion ihwpawi." c n a n r. Cnc I.ujo ottno idmno, burly liiusimtf 1, one nacnt hi.s i old fii) .oplc in ." dn ne nnnt ban Mihl K)t'opieln UIa.vp, oiiPBgentin lady hiw nohl m cop If hi 2 its Wp 'mnlov no enurul Ami oilr etta indue iiitntM to cahvuhko. Kund for our rii-mlnr nnd barn our Wnkx toHU'nt hnforr niL'-itri where. J. ll.tlurr & Lo.,PublUhera, Hni iyi l,Vt GKNTS WANTED 1-OH i Ji t; tj i j i i i a ij nil i it i OF TIIK WAR, IlaCuUH'H, churnetcr, Ponduct nnd K u' r. Ity Ito.V. AI-PXANPMt If. HT1PII1.XS. lln rcinlv Kii'ii. -ombhmd Willi rn iucimcd coininiHKloti, iiudtu ii the bfMt kiiUwi i n m book ever ijuohmuh. (JnoAK'nt lo lU-'t''i, pu., h'ikhKTJ kid t In thivt1 du) UIH' in HOKlon, 1. ("., I'l-i illOMTIOt III 4 llitVH, Hi nil lor clriMilui s imd ki v our lfi ins. uuil 11 lull d-'HcrlpUMi of tho w..ik. Ad'lres NATIOnaI PUItfjlMUINO t t'., PhlliidolphlH, P.i. MM IK I'Alli CAMl'AICN r Mooic Kuril s;' oih t, tin b 4 In rue h i li-fiiiutiiMi liiiiil. Itti mrr mm Unu l ni'WHpaj.or, IipkIiin u wm.ti'r t,'tt:i, heiuT now in HUM linn u Miucrioi. i.irui niri;" hi mi on- iiuii n (iiki., iMiMtruted iti oi'i u doen ilitlnd PiMiHHtmeutR.t'w h ubh rondiudfd, thi' b .t tul flit beltijBti.'tnylo'.i'd. Piwtlou will mhiii hi1 ovi r wneu i'(ryootiy iu ooi o mw n iuki imni ,v m want tho in o i pi-opM-nslM', tlmelv, tntt rtnlnlm: nnrt UNofiU W(t-Ki oi its cia Munn I turn! 'Hit' C'lnumlii rs of tills nu;.ri'r,'()ct to. Ion t-ut on trlnlbn' out ."iHviu-. Try th trinl ii I p. AllUIVH I'. II. I . iU lUlil-. 11 Pnilt I!nw N Y or Po.- icsiit V I'df only worl wl'l- h vMfifp, that hus bt n MI. h tlio u Mt. niiuy aid. thoul.t i ' 'lit' hv (it'll NEXT I'RKSnil.NT. IhI P. nh h-iril.-on's p. m-.u il htm. i v 1 s, OrntH, 'J'i'o lt imhhi ttit t nloii i immiit-o m Vu3lilJiHton n'l'i'ini H'lnnHienlH nv nnd uv ItftHttti mtthorlu, Ki'iidlm: for ropu m ( for tluttdurnoHi-. 'II c uoinihidly th.niil mi olher". we - ni fin-it In tti'i 'onntv. .Scild lor idlVUiur. At to HLl.-djA Co N'cUHtk N.I nic (ihkci ax im;nd. Vlmt it N, ho a it m v. lo'u n Nm inm Ity. It l( imt ti m , i o nt.. niptoi.i ii .it hie! t. A MtiuI h inn"' pruliim i i ii. - ttt il Kent by innU on r ,"' or j.'irts .! 'wr i t-tnn Ili-iid Puid t' Co i' o L'.o N Y imd HUPpIbil nt N Y. nnlit 1 1 1 Aiiu-iu in Nfttii t I Vtt.u iooo,i: A! KNTS-WANTI' 1 In nl! mrtH i t the I . M.. tow'l i in mn etir nf m urly Pl 'it dillen nt POoI-, llll't-i -t ml Phoioiftitph AHnnn. Kt ry furnllv tsiH-ono tit!f'i: from It. ' u1 b -uf furnNI-t d i n pllt'ittlon, mi 1 books si ut jmni.p'ii l to nv ai dr-i uu rpv'ftptof priu'- nnTiusin,, i r tnitiinu iho IN! with prlivn touethT uri td, nt (dl','4 lld fM llltid to HO liK. for I'tlloliil ;' ll Mfct of nam-R, fcnt tn to nu on- r u n i ipt ts An.b'Hl inn c 1 1 I'Htu ! tMilh'-( I , Us,, f u -t n nli1 rr. or tt rmii to ng?nt i.i '.'mi njor mn tlon. Hitdn-ss A P. Potter A t o 1 ' .it'll H;m: m Kt., Phll'whdphln, Pn. G K T T U K It E S T. Pi.ll?OKFEUINiC a nkw urucn mush1 i-.mi.ix PV tin ilK I'liti or ! i !it -fhi in t.l lb- tl .1, tivlu (I . tliu) OKIT, I ux Html. 1'ni'i' Iti- men mint Kit- i n ntpiii it t ion, t. t i mnl lo c uiM', M!u A MolU- A. K HullifHAoo. bvt A Pn-.. p tthbiiryh. X a i:- I tin nosh by oitdit-K i ) Ami Pio.,7 . ,m m Phltu. ";,rAXTJ".D. -To i liiploy n pood u ll II i i.hh-1.. .ii a i r ttmnn i- .mi din- i in w otun r t ' i.'i j ml pfiuiii.. i u h, Pu. World. ' Sin i r it)tii. ' In t- .1 1 tdltllt urn. rull I'XfMb f wUUmjI -JiUIlU- M'ttllU . i . n. ulnrn in i . I Mm liulii'-riia m-. 1 1 . . .1 Aiffntji, nil ou or our ndilii b i ., i ltd ml. i Hi -u.n, Mt- .ilsUllll, 4m& 'Hi) . U'rtl Hli. i I rl . MuU . M uii lunitc In 1 1 it nnd dm h. .! P itstmuli, 1- . U lilpi I i, bit l,i i "tK I Ut mill (H'llp I IO. 1 1 I. i ptn it Utvl s V. I.Oi :;-. AM) UK i )K I N. '1 MN' l: Ml.tlnAl' I lMfAN i .1- in. oi I ,.i il iKUKii inn i 1! v it ml Am. -Hoi li.UOOllk. Tic i U 1 1 1 1 IUIH O I tbu i tiliittlal t tt loautu Pilot Knobuit now niort timn the inui on the fiiititu tut i inum, Hiu pitiufdt f throbondiiur3oddiiij to tl iuom itj tins r, Uvur Ct,UK)tUUUhftV broii i ml on the pmi.n. and not nrv f,utw,0iii of boiulM NmhiJ it.m mi. T ho cmUntly IniToiiHtCK tnilllo of i urrj hir oi b wltli th proiip it of loiilroUiug fiU ttifl tii from Mt. I.oiiN to tho fetoiithfin Mutt-, fiuurrt un t noriuoUM lovrnuti. Tin llm ioih onn l-lUtf thoHtotic (or tuvi stimtit, nnd nut nittiritil t wnlrh tho piop rly hh wtdl iiito n opoml hi fxprpM h. TltoK. Alb n. Vn h't, st I,i ul, Mo. u.tlio uiiUi'ihtum .1 umiinll) 1 t n pif nu I RHVt I) I'tT crut. Mol tvtL Li'lliMil f Iht SI 1 CU Iron MountHln H itln inl uu h oou m uiiiv '1 1 rf?mic of i hi n ml will hu 1uim n loll lit- udinlb- Miiniuii oi nu onmrM l oiupmiv t in mi blMBlld fcltpA 1 ll lit'td bit lutW, Mild Intilil ti tl o ()( utntMeid contUli u of t In- public .lumen K. ITioim n, Mnoi ot fc'i. j t v John J, Uoi', pu ti i Hi. I.i. in iUurii r or Ctw m ti u. K. Y. Kox, Prtfc t t-i, 1 i uin lb mil t - Trade, burton lu.u h, Prt h'i ii ith MIm i r' 1 ilti n'. .1. It. llrlttoli, 1 r.p'l N.,l,bri,, . i il n - ttWrtU. iVy"11 "'V'11"", Mir N.P ofM I nula Oihi. ll. Urn, pn n t :- i i .1 Nhi, 1 1 i . t i t-t i ( U. JMb.ll. Kndtf.ihhd 1 i l. m. 1 1 in- & t ii iiriuj.r .ir' ' imi' i.i mi, 1 1.1-iuc i in -1 nm i I u o, John n, Monl nv . P c T. N, Pupk. Mt I nuu. Aiiotphun Wob i. m l'iis'l. I . Pit. iu-ltHay, Pol nt HhiUi, Pum.o i iimn h.j IrtmuWoii Wm I. n . i i i ii . i-oQ ri uifd Vfp (fc.f w 1 - n . 'i U( cut ( iibf rltr- ' ' H nd lha bt Pdi will ' ' - m . hyjyti n " 1 ' ' ! rd idbf ii in i i' arm biwlavfit i .il rt'Ji ktruill.t i ' i ami i f lunllwn mil 4 i i 1 'gMitk or - ' tHUtl It ( O, u 'i ni,t a. lliiUrle A. i n. in I I Will If W.t;l Hie lad lost Js earnestly solicited. million dalhw I will bo douo thuro whieii wuii(v.iy.