The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 09, 1868, Image 2

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85hc (Columbian.
VllltllV .UIIIIM-MI. OCT. II, IdllM.
- TUB COI.UMIIIAN lna tlir Inirgrat
Ctrenlntluil lit Columbia. Mill flilJalliliiK
ennntlaa of Kit)- rltrr tulillaliril lit-ir, nltd
la Alio n mtirll lttrf(cr alierl than mny r
Ma cole inpornrlaa mill la (litrefor. (Iir Ileal
matllum for nitvfrllalliK lit lltU arctlnil of
Ihft Mini.
Attention I Democrats II
I.N order Unit elioiip roailliit? mutter
mny lo fimiMu'il tin- people until after
1 lir elrctlon, we innki' the tollowlnc of
fer: 'I'hiit we will wml Tin: t'
friiin now until niter the I'li-ldeiillnl
I'hvlloo li i lulu or twcniy full 1'IVK
ixii.t Ai:s. Ilil I" only Tuinly five
mils ii iiiiiuIhi' mid Jnit enverj tlio
Hint ol' the paper on whleh ll U piloted
'I'lio pper eontiilli' e.ieh week sixteen
lurjf J eolumiH of entertiilnlnn literary
nml pulttlcul ih'Um.
No Deiuoeiut N.-o poor hut what lie
ran itlvu twenty live eeutrt to nld In the
einulni,' contest, and he hlimiltl see that
lilt Rmllciil iicIkIiIkii- lint a eopy.
('lulu should he forinnl at every l'oit
Mercur and Fiollct.
A Viiti: for Mercur, Uu volu for ne
irro uirriiL'o In I'i'iiii-yl Viiiiln.
A vote for Mercur, Is a vote to ntrlkc
the wold "wlilto" from our Statu Coil'
Milutlon, nml In favor of muni voting'
A vote for Mercur Is a vote In favor
of Uieplt); up the I'reeilnien's liureau
foi the support of Idlo negrocx.
A vote for Mercur Is a v do for negro
equality and negro rule.
A vote for .Mercur, Is a vote for cor
ruo'ioo, uxtravasanco nml fraud.
A voto for I'lollet, Is a vote, against
uegio MillVuge, negro eipuillty, negro
Mipportand all kindsof fraud and cor A vole fur I'lollet, Is a voto In favor
of onoiny, retrenchment and reform.
A vote for I'lollet, isu vote In favor
of tho Interests of the rainier, median
lo mill latiorlng man.
A voto for I'lollet Is a vote in favorof
clieap government, reduction of taxes,
on all we eat, drink or wear.
A voto for I'lollet, is a voto hi favor
of reducing tho pay of puhlic officers,
ami especially inemhers of Congress.
A voto for I'lollet, Is a voto in favor
of a union of all tho State-, and against
the Itadlcal theory that the rebellion of
the South, was a tuicuuss.
A voto for Mullet, is a vote in favor
af paying the soldier, the worklngman
and tlio poor, tho same kind of money
that tho liondlioldcr receive for Ids In-terei-t.
A Word to Republicans.
It Is always a matter of regret, that
as a rule, the opposition to tlio Demo
cratic party, rarely, if !ver,la!;c iipand
read arguments on our side. That Is
especially unfortunate now, v1ipi it is
uinnirest enough, tlinithfro isa studied
ilSiiii-SHCvtrHiio truth, by their own
party papers and speakers. It would
bo a reflection upon thu intelligence
(and they are npt to boast of that) of
members of the Republican party, to
doubt their ability to discover at once,
that tho Radicals must bo driven from
power, if we wish to preserve tho coun
try from total ruin. Twenty ; aye, ten
years ago, ono hundredth part of tho
outrages against the country, commit
ted by tho party In power, would havo
been sufficient to rouso such a tempest
of Indignation as to crush out any par
ty guilty of It.
Havo our people become so thorough
ly demoralized under Radical rule, an
to be utterly Indifferent to tho conduct
ol their i-ervants in ollleo'.' Has tho
lovoof party become mi strong among
thu Republicans, that they will look on
and ecu thu couutry go to wreck, uither
than vote with the Democrats V Surely,
these aro times that rccpilro moru than
ordinary thoughtfulnes, among tho;o
who take an Interest in tho welfare of
the country, and It Is not only for the
siku of party success, that wo call upon
Repufdlaans to vote with the great old
party, whoso genial rule was so long
our glory.
Worthy of Note.
ISvkkv member of Lincoln's first
Cabinet, with tlio slnglo exception of
Simon Cameron, whom ho was obliged
to turn out on account of dishonesty, Is
Of the 11 vo Judges of tlio Supreme Court
Lincoln appointed, among them Davis,
his executor, probably but ono may bo
regarded as favoring tho Radicals. Cer
tainly tho Radicals don't trust them,
since they decided military trials of el
vIllauviucuslltutloual,iiud tho Rump
Congress has thnroforo taken tho power
to decide on the constitutionality of
tho m-calleil reconstruction lawn, nway
from the Supremo Court.
Mr. Clark is clearly right when he al
leges that tlio Radicals don't hold tho
principles of tho Republican party, as
originally founded j and there could be
no belter evldeneoof that, than the con
duct of the leading Republicans refer
red to.
Very few, If ny of tho leading Rad
icals havo any claim to ability or char
acter they are chiefly of .such a? worn
driven out or discarded for dishonesty,
by tho Democrats, like Cameron, For
ney, Duller and others, llow any of
tlio Whigs, tho friends and followers of
Henry Clay and Daniel Webster, can
stoop so low as to follow tho wako of
such leaders, la a mystery to us.
Aro tho Toor Zazcd 7
"TilK poor nro tho very men who pay
tuxes, and onorous taxes at that; for
theirs U a tax upon existence, Thoy
pay not according to their possessions,
but nccordlng to their consumptions.
Tho poor man's tiunlilcu nro composed
of his big family, IIo Is tnxed twenty
(Ivocenls In gold for every pound of
tea, flvo cents In gold on uvery pound
of coffee. Ho also pays on uugur, clothes
nnd other articles of that character, on
medicines, nnd Indeed on all ho eats,
drinks and wears, Why, If tho Indi
rect taxes wo pay, were called for by a
tax gatherer, they would not long bo
endured. Wo should huvo open reals
tenco from ono end of tho laud to tho
other." Oov. Jlliler.
Tin; Si-iitiT. At a meeting of tho
"Irooly loll "atMowellvlllc.Oliio.armv
uvenliigs ago, ono ofthocliiefs proposed
thrco cheers for thobondholdors. Work
Ingtuen, tuko notice.
ON Monday Sept., tMtli, Col. l'reezii
upon Invitation I mm the Commltlee;
joined H seial other gentlemen In a
campaign in l he counties of Tioga mid
l'otler. The company eoiisl.ted of Col.
L. A, Maekey, Democratic candidate
for Congios In that district, (low
I'illsbiiry, of Maine, Hon, 1). A. Ogdcu
ofl'eii'Yan, lion, H, K, Apgarof Ithl-
ca, lion. (I. (). Deiso of Lock Haven,
.Judge Maynard of Lycoming, .ludgo
Mncomber of Ilullalo, Col. .1. (I. l'rec.o
of llloomsbtirg.
Krom Wllllamsport wo took tho cars
to Llmlra, tlieuco to Corning, thenco In
n special train furnished by Ueorgo Miv
gee, Ksip, ii glorious Democrat, to the
village of Lawrencevllli! In Tioga conn
ty,. Tluiull 1). A.Ogden, Col. J.
(I. l'ret.enud Hon. II. (). Dclao addres
sed a largo and enthusiastic meeting j
having II i. si ehalli'iigeil the Radical
speakers who weie to hold an ovenlng
meeting, to an open discussion, which
they declined.
Thence the Mime night to Tioga VII
lagu eight miles whore, Mr. Mackey,
Judge .Maynard and Oov. I'lllsbury nd
dressed a Inrgu meeting. Many not be
ing able get Into tho hall; lion. Mr,
DcIju addressed tho assemhlagu after
ward In the open air. Roth hero and
ut Lawiencevllle, llrass Hands were In
attendance, much enthusiasm manifest
ed. Hon. A, (,'. Hush entertained us hanil
touiely and the Hand having tendered
n scrutiaile, Hon. II. K. Apsnr, mado a
very happy nddress.
Thuico dividing our forces Judge
Maynard, Mr. Deiso and Col. Freeze,
went sixteen miles to Klkland, where
they addressed a meeting. Having
been cliallanged by the Rails, to meet
Ilonicu Oreely, who was at Woodhull,
but Horace did not put in an appear
ance. Thence Dc-is-o and l-'reezo went to
Westtlleld, twelve miles and held a
meeting. Thence I-'ieeze proceeded to
llrooklleld and held a meeting. Thenco
to Louisville, I'ottcr county, where we
met Jmlgo Macoinher and I-. Knox.
Kstp, and many other excellent fellows,
Thcro the largest meeting assembled
on y itiirday, Oct., !!d, ever held In Pot
ler county. It was convened afternoon
and eveulugaml addressed by .Macoin
her and Delse, In tho afternoon, nnd by
Fietzoand Deiso in tlio evening. In
procession was a six horse team convey
ing thirty-seven young ladies represent
ing tho States, proceeded by a llrass
Hand mid followed by ono of the finest
proce.s-lons we havo overseen. Xorth
and South, Last anil West moved arm
in arm to tlio grounds. Tho day was
lovely, the girls beautiful, tlio display
grand and the meeting a complete sue
eiv. Thence llfty miles to Emporium on
tho I'. A K. road, and thenco about one
hundred and llfty miles to Hloomsbiirg.
Tho trip was In many respects delight
ful, nnd worthy of a more extended and
particular notice than our space allows.
Savo Your Country.
Lvi:itV Democrat, every CoilVerva-
tlvo in the State-, will voto to savo his
Lrountry Oil the 13th of October.
If there nro any lust, liberal-minded,
patriotic Republicans who wish to do
fan lint! ti-iinf If, L-tmn' linn tt-r, ,i-lll full
them: I
Voto forCharloj K.TJoylo for Auditor
Vote for Cen. Wellington II. Knt for
Surveyor General.
Votofor DomocratlcCongressmen and
members of tho Legislature.
In that way, and only in that way,
can you savo your country.
If tho Radicals buccccd ;
If Ilnrtraftand Campbell, a Radical
Congress and Legislature should bo
elected j
Good-by to peace, to prosperity, to
Wo uliall all bo Involved In common
ruin ; and this CI rent Republic, onco tho
pride nnd glory of tho world ; won by
tho blood of tho revolution, and presid
ed over by Washington, will eeaao to
exist, and other nations, struggling for
liberty, will be set back centuries,
Think of this, good men of all par
tics. Think of It and voto against a
" & H (H &
Dr.MiicitATio meetings to bo held In
Columbia county at tlio following times
nnd places:
Wherever the place Is not nnmed.tho
meeting will bo nt the regular club
rooms for tho township.
Rohrsburg, Saturday, October 10, tit
1 p. in,. Robert F, Clark, Ksip, Col,
John G, Freeze, and others,
Utooniseiirg, Monday evening Oct. 12
Robert F. Clark, Ksip
Kzekla' C0I0V, Sugarloaf. Friday af
teriionn Oct. S.-. Robert F. Clark, Ksq.
Heller's, Madlfion, Wednesday ovn'g
Oct. 7, Win. Shoemaker and others.
Union School House, Jackson, Fri
day evening Oct, !. Capt. C. II. llrock
way. Kvunsvlllc, Hrlarcreck, Saturday
evening Oct. 10, Capt. C. II. llrnckway.
Ornngovllle, S.ituraday evening Oct.
10,-Rubcrt F. Clark, Ksp
Hwlsher's Tannery, Monday, Oct. lii
p. in. Robert F. Clark, Ks., nnd dipt.
Shoemaker's school house, 1'ino Mon
day KvenlngOct. lit. Win. Shoemak
er nnd others,
The Vigilance Committees will an
nounce mid make necessary arrange
ments for tho meetings. Democrats,
attend ; Republicans, you aro invited
to comu nml hear the real issues of this
Important campaign fairly discussed.
Tho ludien also aro cordially invited.
Chairman Dcm, Co,, Com.
Rlooiusbiirg, Sept., 10,'GS.
Nor ono of tho speeches published by
tho Radical organs, as madu by leading
men In tho South, aro true. They nro
all forgeries, and havo again and again
been pronounced mi by tho purtlos
charged with making tliein.
Tray that Vou May bo Forgiven.
Yoi' people of tho Republican party,
you Mlk stocking gentry, who, with
sanctimonious face, audglltcdgopraycr
book In hand, wend, on the Sabbath,
your solemn way to ahurch, and thcro
advertlso your Christian faith ', when
you cuter God's house, confess your tin
worthiness, and raise your voices In
supplication for tho forgiveness of your
many sins nnd trangrcsalons I
1'ray (hat you may ho forgiven. Old
you who will not forglvo your Southern
tvhito btetherii 1 1 pray for peace! Oh,
you who foment riots nnd blood shed
In thoSotilh II prny for an honest ad
mlnatlon of tho public treasury I Oh,
you who have appointed to ollleo hordes
of plunderers, who rob nt every turn,
itid on nil occasions, pay for tlio speedy
payment of the National debt! Oh, you
who every month, pile additional mill
ions upon thu obligations of thu nation I
pray that thu public lands may,for gen
erations to come, provo a refugo und a
homo to tho hard working laborers of
the nation 1 Oh you who havo squan
dered upon greedy monopolists mill
ions upon millions of acres of thu poor
man's Inheritance!! pray that the Con
stitution, adopted by your heroic ances
tors, may endure for ages I You who
in violation of your oaths, have tram
pled It under foot and torn It to slireda!
pray for tho endurance of tho Union
for which torrents of blood havo been
Hpllled, and whlch,durlng tho last thrco
years, you havo done your best to de
stroy II
Hut, nbovo nil, prny that you may bo
forgiven tho widespread demoralization
which your example nnd your doctrines
havo entailed upon our people. Pray to
God that ho may turn tlio hearts of your
teachers, and Inspire them to preach tho
sublime morality taught by our blessed
Saviour; that spiritof forgiveness which
Is tlio very essence of Christianity; that
charity which knoweth no evil; und to
abandon to demagogues and profession
al politicians tlio sensational harangues,
wrongly called hcrmons,which for somo
years past, havo disgraced our pulpits
and supplanted the sound doctrines of
Christian faith. Pray that your under
standings may he enlightened, mid that
you may realize tlio fact that the polltl
eal support, In mid out of Congress, of
drunkards, plunderers, homicides and
notorious scoundrels, is- Inconsistent
with private picty,morality and respec
tability. Prny that tlio nil-absorbing
lovo of "lite almighty dollar" may not
blind your eyes nor harden your hearts
to tho wholesome truths contained In
Scripture, and taught, or pretended to
bo tuu;ht, In all your churches.
You cannot servo God and Mammon!
You cannot consistently and righteous
ly support n party stained by almost
every crime, traitors to and plunderers
of their country, ns nro tho Radicals
Make your choice wisely and in time.
"Don't Trust the Look of Things. "
No,donot, fellow Democrats and Con
servatives, "trust tlio look of things."
Lvery thing looks bright, shining,
glorious ! Hut don't trust to looks.
No man over obtained salvation, or
fortune, or anything elso of value, with
out, in somo way, working for it.
Don't "trust to luck," to chance, or
To savo tho country from utter ruin,
wo must elect Seymour nnd Ulair.
And to do this wo must elect tho
Democratic Stato ticket on thu 13th of
As Pennsylvania goes this year, on the
13th of October, so will go tho Novem
ber election.
Tho election ol IJoylo and Knt will
secure the .election of Seymour and
Put your shoulders to tho wheel at
once. Go to work, every man of you
thnt loves Ids country. Work in confi
dence, but work with energy, and you
will win.
llow Tin: SoMHKits Vote. One of
tho trains which left hero for tho West,
on Tuesday, contained n largo number
of soldiers, recruited for tlio Sovcnth
cavalry, now operating against tho In
dians. A proposition to tako n voto on
tlio Presidential question wns prompt
ly responded to by tho soldiers, and the
following resnlt announced :
Seymour & Hlalr, 131
Grant A Colfax, as
Majority for Seymour, 03
This Is only otio of tho numerous in
stances, where votes, taken by tho real
"boys lu Hlue," show them to be very
largely In favor of Seymour nnd Hlalr
and n whlto man's government. They
will voto in October nnd November, as
they fought during tlio lato rebellion,
for the preservation of the Union nnd
tho maintenance of tho Constitution.
llarrhbury Paper.
Wit AT Mil r i tlnnfirol t1im.
bell done for the Slnto to claim election
ai tno nauils ot tho people .'
Cost moro money nnd paid less, by
thousands, Into tho Treasury than his
In his best year Mr. Harr paid Into
tho Treasury $31,000. In his best year,
Mr. Campbell over $20,000.
During his term Gen. (iunpboll has
cost between thirty and forty tliou,sand
dollars moro than Mr. Harr.
What do tho interests of tlio State de
mand, a Democrat or a Radical V
Jon Hhow.v, of Georgia, who called
upon his rebel brethren to "illl hell full
"enough of Federal soldiers to mako
"their feet stick out through tlio bars,"
and who originated the Andersouvillo
prison pen in which Unloiiboldlers were
starved to death, is now n pet of the
Radicals, and Is stumping his Stato for
Grant nml Colfax. Having turned
Radical ho Is considered a worthy pa
triot, nnd should bo imported hero to
cheer up tho desponding spirit of "tlio
old woman In Broad street."
What havo tho Radicals done? Havo
they filled or depleted the Treasury?
They talk or "patriotism" of "loyalty"
How havo thoy exhibited either V Hy
plundering the treasury, by bankrupt
ing tho government, by violating the
Constitution, by overy other net that
could deslgnnto thoin as enemies of
thflr country. What Havo they done?
Democrutu and Conservatives, an
swer nt tho polls;.
Kvi:nv worklngman Is taxed to help
pay throo hundred and sixty-six thou
sand dollars u day toeupport a standing
army In time of peace. What uso Is
mado of thu army'.' To forco negro rulu
upon whlto men in tho South, prepara
tory to adopting Iho samo policy lu tlio
North, Was thero ever a people thus
Insulted and oulruyed by a jiolltlcal fac
tion V
Democrats bo on your duard 1 1
Tit ll Leaguers aro practicing fraud
nnd deception. After tho manner of
tho Know Northings, they nro swearing
In such Democrats ns aro corrupt enough
to bo bought. They nro using money
lavishly. Positive information hasjust
came to our knowledge of thcro trying
to buy Democrats In various Instances,
In dlirercnt townships of this County.
Tho extra-judlclnl oaths administered
by tho Leaguers, aro not binding. Lot
not tho tricks of the Radicals get tho
peoplolnto their power. Laboring men
nro especially Interested. Ho on Iho
ground In largo numbers' when tho polls
open, and remain nt tho window until
every doubtful voter has voted, nnd
voted rigid. This attempt at bribery
and fraud can never succeed, if Demo
crats, have intrepidity enough to stand
up for Ihelr country's dearest rights.
Democrats, there Is nothing that pays
llko work. At the election, give tlio
labor of nn entlro day to your country,
and R will savo you lu tlio shape of
taxation the price of thousands.
Tin: Nt:oitoi:s,undcr Radical tuition,
nro becoming fearfully demoralized In
the Southern States tho papers arc Illi
cit with accounts of murders,nnd name
less outrages committed upon women
nml children, by brutal Africans. Tho
Institution of slavery may havo been
an evil, but, who docs not see, that
Idleness Is a greater. Such crimes as
wo now hear of, by every mall, were of
rare occitrrcnco before tho South was
over run by Carpet baggers, nnd other
Radical thieves, llow long must tho
Country bo kept In turmoil, and excite
ment, only that a set of knaves mny
grow rich out of tho taxes.
A.voTHKH Cau Voti:. Wi: learn
from reliable authority that, on Thurs
day last, on the mall train running west
from llnrrisbtirg, a voto was taken
which resulted ns follows: Seymour
and Hlalr, on three cars, 00 Grant and
Colfax 00. Our informant concluds,"our
prospects seem to bo brightening every
day ; God speed the good work."
Thus every day wo have accounts
from nil directions of tho most cheering
character. With our correspondent wo
most fervently exclaim,
"God speed thogood work."--i'iin'o,
Tjik Lousianna Legislature has turned
out a white man who was legally elect
ed und lilted his place with a negro.
The blacks aro not ignorant, It seems,
of tho method adopted by a Radical
Congress, nnd nro Increasing their ma
jorities in tho samo way.
ui:.i:it.ii ni.i:cTio proclamation
Wjikkeas, by the lawn nfthl ; on wealth
it In r.uule the duty orthe.viiiTof ery cojuty
to kIvo not I ah f enernl Klccloii, by
publication In one or more newjmt'ern lu tlm
tuuiiij , hi ii'tiii, iwi'iiiyuuvn ut'iuru iiiu eicciiui),
and to enumerate therein the utllcer to hi- elect
fit. und to designate the place ut Mhlch the elec
tion Im to he held.
Thererure I MUKDKCAI MIM.AUl,HIjih hher
Iirof Colitmbln county, do hen hy miiku known
and proclaim to the. qualified electors of L'olum
bla count v. that u eeneral KIcrMun will 1n liclil
uuiumjit. in, tuems heronit iue-may in
mld month,) nt the boeral dlstilct? within the
county, to wit;
lteiuer township, at tho public house of IieuJ,
V. yjnr,
I ten ton township, nt tlio public; houso of An
drew T, Heeler, In thotown ot Hentoti.
lUoom tow iHhtp ,at the Court J louve.ln lilonuiH
huig. Koiotigh Ileruiek, nt tlio Town tho
ho rou fih of litrwlck,
IJo.'uunh t'entrullu. nt tho nubile houteot II. A.
Hrl.ircrcek townshln.nt the nubile Kchunl house
near lausvllle.
Catiwiswi townshin. nt tlio nubile house of
riamuel Kostenb.uidtv, U the town ol Catuvl"s;i,
ceiiite townsuip, ui me senori House ne.irui
fayette Crease j
L' township. nt thelious of D.iulel
T. M' Klnicau.
Flfchlimcreelc towhhlp. nt the house of luulel
IMgur, on the htato Hoad.
rraiiKiin iowiimupui iiuymn s kcuooi imuse.
Greenwood townshln. at the iioue of .losenh
It. l'atton.
llemloctc township, nt tho public house of John
II art man, In tho town of lluck Horn.
jueKHon lowiiMiip ai i ne uum.u ui ulkkm i oie.
Locust towmhln. at tho nubile house ot Jxuid
Yeaer In hlahtow n.
Mitlllu lowtisl.lo. at f hn iiiib!lu house of Aaron
Itess, in tho town ot Mlillinvllie,
Madison township, at thu public honseofSim
liel Hiiilby, In Jersey town.
Mt. HeuMint township, ut tho house of JI,
Mr 1 lick.
Montour township, nt the house of llol
Ung'd'ciid, Maine township. ut tho nubile house of- -
Uonriugcrcric lownsnip nitiienou.e rormony
occupied by Uco. W, Du.hbnch.
tinyder lu OinnKevllle,
rinetowni.hip(nt the Centre School llnusel.itc
ly Ilxed by a ole oftheeltlenoofhaUl township.
rmgai iiui itiw usuip ui. uiti iiouiu ui . i tan ihuoio
Heott lowushln.nt the niil.e house of L II. Dl'U.
terlch In Ksjiy.
At whieli time nnd place the qi .illlled electors
will elect by ballot the JolhnvimriUlu und Coun
ty ollleers, viz j
our iisuinurjuuuui ot'iii'iui in i runsyiva- person lor Hurej or Oeneinl of lVnus 1
vunla.ouo nelson for ineber ot I'onitress.oiie m-r.
son tor member of AHsemhlj , ono per .on iur iMh
irlcl Attorney, onopeihontor County Comiuls
hlotier, one person for County Surveyor und one
pel win ior louuiy vxuunnr.
It Is lurtber ctliected thnt tho ( leetlou poiU of
the teeitll ilibtrlcti hhall bo opened between the
bdiirH nf rinbt iiihI tc-u n'elock tn the to.ciuinn.
and hhull continue open without lute.iupilou
und adjournment until hevtn o'clock in the e en
lliii n lien ton poiin niiHii iju i iuu'u.
It W lurtber dlieettd that tho meeting of the
return Judges at the Court, in tiiooiu
bin lit to inalto out n (Jene.ul Kleetiou, hhull bo
ni-Ki on i mwy mo cisiet.iiui n.iy oi uciuuer,
'lno return Judiiesof tho Uenrcscntntio DU-
trict, composed ol the counties of Columbia und
iiniiotir hiiaii meet at i no ouri nouse, in
Itloo.iisburil. on Tuesd.iv thu Tweutleth of
October, next, to make out the rclurui tor luun.
beroi Ahheiuoiy,
jiioiieturn .iudt;Hor tho Conerensionni inx
tl'iCi. composed ol Hie eoi'iities ot lliudlord, t'ol
timbhi, Montour, hulllva. i and Wyoming, slmll
nicetut Iho couit House in liuiKlianuocl., on
Tuuhdny, the lUtli day id October, next to mako
out the leturn lor Member ot Con-jiess,
inoiouowiuK Act ot Ahsemuiy, cBuiuiniin
tho inodo of voting in tho Com.nouwi nlth ot
I'ennxyUunla, wus passed Mnrclt ltilh, 1ms, und
reads thus;
wh'TIon i, lieu cnncttii ny ine fscnniu tmd
I lou of Kpiiichcnhit lit-M of I lie I'ominoiiw i nil b
of reniisyhanhi In tJoeiul bieiubly nut, and
It 1h hireby enacted by the authority of tho saiito
that tho ipialitled oters of thoMerul dlMncts
In the several counties of this uomiiuinweuiWi, ,
all icenerul, townshl, borough and tin.
Hons, are be.ehv liLreutter ntilhorled and ie-
quired to vote by tlcketH printed or written, or
j'iu nj in nil t o aitu parity wmien.i u-iuiiy et,c s.
itledas followHtOue ticket shad cmbiace tlio
inimeM nrull Juden of t otirtH (dld Ir, mid Li
belled, outside. 'Miidtcliirv!" one tlctiet shall
Mubnu-o the iiuuipk ot alt thu Htato otll cis oted
for, and bo labelled "Mtatej" one ticket shall em
braco thu names of of all county ott leers otcd
lor, Includlnuthe ollleo of Senator, Mcmu r and
Membt-rHof Assemhly, if ottd fortind mem.
l?r of Congress. It oted for, und be labelled
"County i"uue ticket shall i inbiucethe nameKof
nil township oMlceiHWited for nnd be hihellcd,
M'luwnshln:"on(i lb Imt t,ml .'inhnu'n tlio names
of all borouiliuiilcen oted for, und bu hibelh-J,
Hi.cnoN 2. Thnt shall ho tho duty of tho SherJlf
j'l ion riai rou n tics oi mis uiJliiUH 11 Wiulliati
I jfcert In their election I'luclumiilloiu, heienlU-r
(ssiiod, the llrst ttectlon of this mt,
Thnt every person except Ini JusIIcch of tho
I'eilce Who shall hnlil nnv nltli-n nr iiinmliit min I
of prolli ertiust under the United stuleii, or of
thll Htate. iwiv cllv or cornornled dl.trli't. wlu lb.
er u coniiiilssioiK d olltcer or otaurmlse, n
ixllcer or tiijeiit who lit or shall be employ
ed underlhI.eKlsluture,extcuUeor Judicial y
"fl'in uui-iii ii una mnie, or oi any city or Ol liny
incorporated dlstrlcl, und also, thatecry mem
ber Of Coillliestl und of thn Klatit l.i-yUhitnrn nml
of the select or common council of any city, or
coiuiulbHiouern of nny Incorporated district. Is
7 " it"-iuun m nouiiiiv exercising ai ino
time the ollleo or npolntiueut orJud 'e, Jnsi ee.
tor or Clerk of any election of lid t omujo.i
wealth, mid that nu Inspector Judijo or oi'ier of
fleer ofsLich election bhall bo eligible to ho I lie a
voted for.
"U snuii he ine duty of the seveini As lessor a
respectively to uttend ut idatii of holding
every general, tpecml or township election, duu
liiK the whole lime such election la kept opci,
for the puiiiosonftflvitM iuloiaimlon to tho lu-
lectors nnd Judsea, when eulleuon, lu MhilLon
totheilllhtofuiiy person ae ,td by I hem to
v ruKii riiLiiud, nun mi ucll oiiur iiiaiieift
In relation to ilu ii.,iunu m nu ih.. undi inanof.
toi or either of them shull iroin Ihne lentilie.
"An linrooii k lut 1 1 In, iLiiimiir .1 t.. .,i ,k,i
election u ufoietiuld, thuu uwlille eitlzetio of thu
who of twenty-oueor i.ioie, who shall huveiesid
id In thin state at least ono yeur,und In the elto
lion dUtrlct whero huotleiH to voto ten ilnyalm-1
inediately puceedlnit muhclectlo.i, und w.Uiin I
twojjuri imlduhtute or cou.ilyiux which shall ;
have been assessed nlleat ten dayi before tho
V1-.V11011 ituvuciuzo onne uumd hituei bo
UUH IHUVlnllHlv hi n it (iiuillirrtit v.tu.i,f 1 1 1 lu ut t,.
and returned auuw ho shull havo ic Idediu tho
I'leetlem dUtrlct and lu'd tuxm, rnn fousnld,
Shullbu entltieil tit vhIh iiftr i-a.kl.liti.r ii. tt.iu' I
Hluto six nioiithH. I'lovldK. T.iat tho white
freemeu.cltiteiiiiol the United SlHtn, between
the Uke of twenty. ono und twenty woyiur who
huvo reside (led In Lie election dlstiiei leu ilays
U4 ufurchuid shell be entitled tu v.oto ttltliuuuli
they shall not have paid ti..
, veil uuuer tuy uuuun ue my omcu in JIlooiUH
tiUrtf,tliUw day of September,!
MOItlHAAl Mli4.aUl, Hhcrlir,
-Bept, SV, lSOt, I
Domocratio National Ticket,
Of Nf.W YOltK.
mil vici:-I'iii-.siiii:nti
Of MlSSOUitt.
Domocratio Stato Tiolrot.
rou AUMToit-nKN'r.itAi.1
or cor.u.MiiiA county.
Domocratio District Ticket.
ion ensnni-ssj
Ol-' IlllAlirillll) COUNTY.'
Domocratio County Ticket.
rou msriiusKXTATivi: i
I'ou nisriucT ATTonxnv i
l-'tm Mi'iivnvou i
A I ( J 1 1 A X C Ii C 0 1 .11 1 T T II K f i .
IlbooM David Lowetihern, J. It, runnun, John
JlrnwicK laaluli Ilower, A, 1). Heely, Jncoh
I Ut i MtVitEt k C. F. Hteele, John O. Jacoby, Al
belt Mnilh.
Ili.NioN-J, J, M'llenry, T, llcnlou Cole, John
C. Wen tier.
ItK.vvi u-MoscsSchllcher.n.lIlnterliler, Geo.
Ct.MHAMA John '. Iliiiinon, Thomas 0 (i
harty, John sljjiliiKer.
CoNYMiitAM Y, It, Wolforlh, Aaron lVr
hon. It. Thornton.
('ATrAWissA-l)r. .1. K.ltobblns Wnlter Heott,
Adam 1-Ydcrolf,
Cknthk Abrahum White, Samuel Nehnit.
Samuel Ilower.
I'kvnkmn J. It. linlttle, II, J. Iti'cder, Mostn
W. M'llenry.
m i;isin.Nj;ur:Kic-r. A- Animeruinn, Uriah
.iriienry, i l uuncsi.
tliti.K.NWoon u. W. Ult, Win. Kramer, Jim. It
t IIiimuk k Win. II. Shocmnker.IIugli M'liilde,
Jackson Geo., Juo, M'llenry
Imanuel SaMiue.
hoct'sr lion. 1'. K, Hcrbluc, Datihl Ktlnc,
Maihson Jn. Kisner, A. J. Cair, Iluyh
Main U..T. Cninphell, JohnNuss,Chns. I'Nher
.mi-1 i.i.s-nr. i". ii, louimunery, nuinuei
Schwcppeihelser,Inae lait.
MomoL'u l'eter llelmbuch, .T. I', rnrensworth
Mt, I'li-ahant Thou J. Wtlllvtr, iu Wa
nlch Jiik. Johnson.
0"ANOK ChiiriesConnerJUG. Klckett. W. H
1 1 N r. J 4,ph BhoeinnUer. Jos, Trlbleld, An
drew Whltmm er.
Hoa iiiNciciiKFK J. 1), IIouck,Viii. Iiielsbac-li,
Sron-Osclirl' Knt, Daniel Snyder, ChnV . II;
Sl'ciak IjOAF A. Lnubnch, David I-cw Is, (Jen.
Hy older of Stnndhifi Cnmniltee,
JOHN A. 1- U.NSlON, Chairman.
Illoonisburtf, Aug. i!l,'o.s,
Tiiosk Ii reverent ladswho called namesulltr
ii ccrlulu "bald head" of old, desei veil their un
timely end, because ut that time no panacea had
iMii-n ujM'oteicu in ivHioro ine Human tiair upon
tho bald snots. Hut How Ilium's VeKetuble Ain
brosla is known 1o nossess thu inre merit ot In-
vii;otatlin; tho roots and lining them so full of
ine, wnere uoi entirely mini, nun lliey eaiinoi
help putting toith itiiew Kiowih which rivals
ai ocainy ino iiK'iis oi youiii.
Thofricat umouut of tlmo eonsumeil by the
ladies lu diesslugitud arranln; their hair must
mako any uillcle which would Jevmn their labor
iiaitlcuhirly deshabli1. Itliig'H Vcuetubln Am
brosia leaves tho hair In Mich condition us to
lender thtulresslng ami itrruhf-lui ii very insy
matter. It imparls to It that splendid glossy an
pcaiauceso much lulmlteil, cleanses thu sculp
Irom dundrtill and nil humors, nnd nrevenis
Imldncss j promotes Its growth nnd restores giay
hair toltsotltnulcoloi, Julyui,'(i9 it
From the "AJWVX," Albany, A. 3'.
noori.ANirs umtMAN nirrr.KH.
Wo nro not In the habit of noticing so-i-altcd
Patent Medicines ; but wo have no hesitation in
commending this valuable Hitters to iho public
It Is composed id none but tho purest unit best
Ingredients, und the thousands oi testimonials
to its etlleacy, lenve no doubt that Is the most
vnluablo spi citle known for the cum of Diseases
oftheldver.geneial Debility, Fevers, and com
j mints arising iroin a Dlsoidercd stomach.
The Hitters Is entirely free fiom nil Intoxicating
('omblnesalltho Incredlentsortho Illtteis v:llli
pure Santa Ciuz Hum, oianm, anise, Ac. it is
tieu iur i no muiiu uieasen 111 urn itiiieis, in cases
v here some Alchohollo Stimulant Is neeesxarv
nnd makes t preparation dellKhtiully pleasant
and agieealde to take. l'rlncial otllee, ult Arch
street, Hhllud'a. Fa. Sold every whet e.
jiuy .ii, ca 1 1.
"a i nutnss to Tin; m:kyofs anTTiTi uui7-
Hated, whose sutterlns huvo bteii protiucled
from hidden enuses, and whoso eases rujulio
prompt lieiitiuent to lender cxKUikk desirable,
if ou urosnilerliig, or havo sullned, Hum In
voluntary discharges, what ellect doe It pioduce
unon vour ireneial health'. Do vou ieef uealc.
deblllluted.earlly Hied? Does u Hltle extra ex
ertion produce u pnlpltatlon of tho Ju ni t ? Does
your liver, or uiltiary otgaus, or .vour kidne.vs,
liequeutly get out or order? Ih your mine
KometliiieM thick, milky, or llocky, or Ih it topy
on hettling? or does a thick scum rlsoto the
top? Or Is a M'lllnit ut at the boitom alter It has
stood awhile? Do on have spells ol shoit breath-
lug or d)hpepslii? Ale Jour bowels constipated?
Do v oil have spells of lalntlug, or itishes ot blood
to the head? Is jour memory impaired? In your
mind constantly dwelliugupin ihissubject? Do
oii t i dull, listless, moping, tired ottomijany
or life? Do vou wish to bolettuloiic, logetaway
Horn everybody ? Docs any little thing mnkojoit
stall o.'Juuip? Is your sleep broken or restless?
In tho lust to of our eye us brilliant? The bloom
on your ihiek ns bright? Dojou enjoy jourscll
lu society ns welt? Do j mi pursue your business
with tho sumo energy? Dojou fief as imieli con
fldeuceln joursell? Aio jour sptrltH dull nml
Iliwglng. given to Jits of luelnneholly ? If ho, do
not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia, Havo juu
restless nights? Your batlc we-ak, your knees
weak, and have btu little appetite, and you at
ttlbute this todj s pel is la or Hver-eom plaint?
Now. reader, sell-iimine. eiieieal itlsi-nsi'M lunl.
ly cured, und sexual excesses, aio nllenpablo of
iiriHiiiciiiK u wi-uiviii'M ui iiiu generative organs.
The organs of genet at Ion, when In perfect health
mako the mini. Did ou ever think (hat those
hold, delimit, eneigetic, peisovcilug, succenstul
bus! in Hs-meu are nlwnj h t hosu whoso gem-ret lvo
oigans mo In pcrlcct health? Yeai never hear
such men complain of being mcliihchollv, or
nervousness, oi palpitation ot tho huart. Ihey
Die never aliald they cannot succeed Hi business
Ihev doli'l become sad und discommon! tlicv nm
always polite nnd plciisnnt lu tho company of
inuun, mm iiiiv j uit nml inviu i iyni in inu i.iee
none of jour downcast looks- or any other
nieuuncsHiihout them. I do not mean those who
kcepthuorgiuwluflatcd by iiiiitilng to excess.
These wilt not only luln Ihelr constitutions, but
also those they do business with or lor.
How many men, mm badly-cured diseases,
from the e llictn of seU-abuso nod excesses, have
hi ought nbout that stale of weakness In those
organs Hint has reduced the geneiul sjstcm so
much uh lo Hid ut v nlmcist e ve ly otheidlseioi
Idiocy, lunacy, pat al sis, spinal ulleet Ion, suicide
nud ulmoslevety other Joini ol dlscusu which
humanity Is heir to, ami the icul tauico of the
trouble seaiiely ever stuiiecail, and have doc
tored lot' nil hut thu light one.
DiseuscKofthcsoorginiN riqiilro tho use of n
Dluiillc, llelmbold'N 1 luld Hxlitict lluchii It
theiiical Dlurctlc.uud UuterUilu cure lor ilU
e uses of t ho Hladder, lildnejs, tiinvtl, Diopsy.
Orguule M eakness. Female Comtdalnts, (Jenerul
He bllity, und all dUeascH of tho Uiltiury Orgnus,
vvliel her existing in Male or Feinule, from w hut
ever tuiiso enlginntltig, und no mailer of how
long standing.
If no tiealuieiit Is submitted to, Consumption
or insanity mny ensue. Our flesh and blond ate
supported Horn these sources, und the health nnd
happlm ss, und thnt or Fiosteiliy, depends upon
prompt use of u tellable remedy,
llelmbold'H Fx t. act liu hu.estuhllshedupwurd
of 18 i ins, piepuicd by II, '1, lliimbold, Ding
glst,UH ew oik. and KM South Jutli Sticel.
l'hlladeldilu. Fa. 1'ilce flil per bottle, or it
butthafor tO,W, dellvereil to uny addiesn. hold
by all Druggists everywhere,
None uro geiiulno uulesit duno up In fdeel-en-gravetl
wrnpptd, w Ith lucsimtlooi my f'hemleut
Warehouse, and signed II, T, IIIU, MllUId.
Any est Tt't-iin,
is riiu DisTHicr count ijfthk Umitkii H rATF!
rou tiik w km n njarnieT ov i knm lvami a
llenrv If. lliinsberLrer. t llankrmd ntnler the
Act ed CougresH of March !M, lwi7, having applied
loru Dlschuigu from all his debt s.and other claims
luovnble under suld Act, by older or the Couit,
butivK IH iiritenv aivi.K, to allCiedltors who
M tUJIlUt It llltll UlUW, UIKI IHIICl I If I Willi lllltT-
ested i to uppeur on the day of Sept., IMli
2 o'clock. V, M., belore l Overton, Jr., Fsq,
lleUter, ut the Kxchuugo Hotel, ItloomsburgJ'ju
to show cause, If any they Imve.why u Discharge
should not be grunted to Iho said Haukrupt. And
rmther notice Ih hereby given, thut tho Second
und Third Meetings the said Hauk
tupt, lequlrit by tho V7th und lth Sections of
said Act, wMI be had before tho suld KegUler at
inu sume nine uuu piace,
Clerk of U, H, District' Court lor said District,
Tubt iiKciuvKD Tho cheapest noor
SKIKTH lutho couutyat
Jlarlict Itenort
Wheal per bushel 92 Z'i
ItVH " 1 .Ti
Corn " , ;
Oals. " 'u
Hour per barrel II io
Cloversecd , 7 Wl
t inxseed 'Z w
nutter m
Kirus -
Tallow 1,1
rotator I n)
Dried Applet u Al
Fork pi
sidenund shoulders I'D
uu (l per pound IT)
Hay per ton lu tu
Hemlock Honrds per thousand feet filfl 00
Flno " " " (one Inch) li'JU
J'dst.Hcnntlltii?. IMfink.(lInniliKln - l w
Shltiules. fner thuusatid H IH)
n " " H 4 en
Hiding n - H W)
No. t Scotch nig iM
No. 1! r ?u
Illoont , (i
IMilladclphU Mnrkelii.
Northwestern mi pern no nt 7.(K)''"fl 7..V)
Nor thvFcs tern extni. s.oiViv
Northwestern ratnlly o.'NHfill..V
l'cnnnylvnnlfi and WeKtern supcrlluc... 7.7j(ft(.ii
Fennsylvanlannd Western extru 8..'jnia$ lt.uo
reiinsylvnnln nnd Western family P".tih-el2..V
t'eiinsyivunia nud Western laitey lll.-'iiHfi.i i.mi
Itvetlour full
WitKT l'ennylvnnlared,w bus 2.2iWi?r.i
Smithern " " tJ.w(5fJ.75
Culirornlfi " " H.lSl
" while " mWUO
Itvu IVnnsyivnnlfv rye, vhu l.imwJl.o-'i
Cohn Yellow, !5l.'Ji(i3l.ri
White, " S1.17(i,3hl7
Oats H'jih MiofrtKsc MesH Fork, V hbl tJVui
Messlleer, " fit)
Dressed lings, v 0 8j5clc
Smoked Hams " ljeHk7
" Shoulders V Ib '
Lnnt.fWb 2ctoX)lc
Skfus Cloverseed V bus J7.Wcn7.-0
Tlmothyseed V bus M f2"t
Flaxseed "
U A TT L E Hee r Cil 1 1 1 p lb PcCiH
Covvh, liend M 5I,n-t&i)U
rUKKI' f to MUH'
1 1 out IS 100 JbH
() T 1 0 K,
To all oersntnt wbitni It ni-iv cfiiiarii
Is heiPby given that rioni snd ut, er I his date, ho
nelson shall buy, sell or ileal In any iw with
I Jovd Kresiler In tho iiaim nr thi.'i-.viti.
slbillty of Oi'otge Kressler as llie said (Icorge
Kresiler by Ids atlnin iv In fact Win, Ivusnh r
ii-iuii'N in nay any uent eoilMlleteil tiv Mild
Htojd, or to be held tn any way lespnnsinln fo,
his actions. WM, KKI.ssl.KU,
Pet. y,'i7. AtFy. in lact.
ItUl"ICV. In the District Court or the Unl
tea States lor tho Western District or l'eniisv Iva
ula, In the matter ol Mlas D. IMar, baukiupt.
Tow horn it in-iy eonctrn: '1 lie uudei signed here
by gives notice of his appointment as iLsstgueo
oi Hevi Kutz, oi Herwlck, lu the county
ol Columbia, and Slate ol Feiiiisjlvanln, who
niis in t-n uujuunru u nanai upi npnii nis nw U IK'
lit Ion. he tin Iiisii let. ii ui rt i.r wnia nuifim
Dated nt Hlnomshuig, the t'th day of Oct.
r'1. J. It, 1I1IMJ.,
Oct. O.Wt, AcsUniT,
T It A Y .
lame to tho tuemUes of the subscriber l.i IIini
lock township, nn Wednesday Sept, loth, a led
steer nbout IH months old. '1 lieow ner will piove
property, pay ehnrge nud tuko It nwny or it
win no oi uccoiuing to law.
Oct.lVM-at WM. F. l.VlIIUiY.
Hy v It tie of a mnndale lo nic dlreelrd will he
ex poses I to public sain on tho piimlsisnu Nit
Illd.lV the 17th ilav id Oc-lnher neM.nt nin n'.-b-b
ii m tr said day, the lollowing described Irai t of
iniui situaie in Mini low nsmp Columbia cnuutv
ml ioinlnir lands oi Ft tcr sehiii' and i has. i nt
theeaM. lands id s lv ester J, Faux nil the soul Ii
lands oi Isaac Whiteou the west, nnd lands ot
iiiruii mm in- nn wn norm, coniaiuilig l H' perch
es, with iheiippuiii nances, It helug a lot oi Hi
stone laud with Hum kiln nnd limn
erected on said premises. Tube Mild as the pro
perty of S lu'sicr J. Faux und Mniy Ii, Urectio
. , n Mierlli:
or vai.uaiiu: ui:a t i;sta'ii:.
Ny vliluooi a enditionl Hxponas to mo ill
lected w 111 be exposed to public wile nn thu prcm-Isi-h
on Filday the Hiih day of October next nt I
o'clock p lu of Mild day, Hie following described
lot or Kiotmd sltualo In tho towtied Catnwissa
Cot. co., containing ono hair of an acre more or
less, bounded on tho south by a lot of the Cuta
wlssa U It company, on tlm westhy the Cut:w Is.
sa luilioad, on tho holt h b lot ofFiedenek
I'faliter.nnd on the east by public roul.on which
Is elected a iiaiuo elwellliig bolide wllh the up
purten.inces, se lid taken In exi cntlon nnd tobcsnld ns tlio
piopn ty of David (bi inner.
. , ( . ltM Mtmii:CAI MII.I.AltD.
Sept. ? MB, Sherlir.
Ill ntirsil'ince of nn Older of ninOrnlinnv'f'nnrl
cif Columbia enuntv. on 8.UUUDAY. thcili'ih
nay oi wcinuer nexi ill leil ocloci; ill tlio loie
linon. Win. T. Shiinian. ciiiinnll lf. i AIin-v r,
ii lunatic, ol Maine tw p. in said county will ex
pose to sale by public v endue on I he premises, ii
certain tr.icl d land situate hi .Maine tup., n
said county containing
T II J It T Y A C It K S,
lmitiied Ulld described nsloltnws Inu.l ! In mini.
ed by lands or Mucy John oil west, liorih, east
nud m aitli, ulich-nii me curled a two ston iiamo
nouse ami lameiiain. I lit" estate ol said hill i
tle slluatttl In the tu n. of Mainn nml i-nniiit- nf.
JFShi;C()IF.MAN, Fio'ty.
Sept. 2.1,'iH.
p u nYi i u sa iijroT'
vai.uaiiu: uhai, fmtath.
Ill nuliaiico of an onler of the Ornbiin'. I'mirt
of t'oliinibla comity, on Sutuiday the'.'lth day ol
October net, at ten oeloi k a m.Fcler Ilelmbaeh
an Daniel Hay iir,Ttusit(-s appointed bv tho said
Court, of John Hay lor. tale ot Montour township
in oinit i imiiiy, iii-i i-iisfti. m in i-,insi' ill Mill ny
PUblle vendue, on Iho luemlses. it ceilaln met..
syagt or tract of laud situaie Hi Montour tup.,
IM "Mill iuimiij, """IHI.H tij IIMKIS III .Hist l
MoiistT on the west, John ltonsli on hie i ast, H.
Well man's heirs on the south and Oenrn 'Inve
nud oiheiHou the noiih, containing
nimt'or U'ks whert'ou nro t-lt'i'Utl a Iwn htnrv
ii w i: i, 1. 1 .v (i ii o u h i:,
ll lllll II, II SPIIIIK luHKl', WII U0I)1 Kl.InN of
U'llt.T IX III lilt. Iiiiusi', tun kiiihI iiiiu iircillinls
oil tliu ll:u'o, '1 lit'li itti, also Im, mmih or Jioii
Oumiii till' Ml 111 1'trlilKes, ono of Milt mill llitMill.
T OI ll.iril oil , I iliiiiiuy lllloll,;li Mi-tl tilt'lulscN
lllllll I'.lSt tllMI',1. 'I'llO 1.1,1(1 U III 11 !, I Ll ,t.i,t
1-llltlMltion. I,tltll llll' I'ltlllH Of Klill lltl'I'llSCll.
teltii.ito In tlio uiuiikIjiji ui Muntotii' ami rimnty
Jlhi; l'OI,i:.M..V, c-K'llt,
ComUtlolH mailo Uninin on ilay of Milo,
1'i.rn: lli:iMiit'ii, 1 .,,,,,,.
lUMI.'l. ll.VM.0ll, I '"'t'l'S,
Hf It. i'5,'li.
'I lie uniU'isljiniil wmiM hciohy unrn niioits.
inon, IIiIi-ms. anil all olnor iiiThoiisim.ilntitU".i
limn Ihk. or kli'iillnuli ull n lils ui.iun.u,
as licls U it , ml in il olli'inli'is lo iho
lull rxlrnl of Iho law. JOHN M. HIIII.MAN
Wil. It l"i. Jlliilliu 'J . I'u.
p O 11 S A I, K
A laiKcuinil wollassoitnl lot of
rilU'llllllUrillC AlTAllltATUrt
roiisib ,iik In inn I of iho f,,l'r,ulin ni lk'lc.s : ono
IiiiKo luilliuiu'iil lor Inklnu I'liotomiioliK, tuo
In "'1 U'Ik, ono luukKronml aim (.Ulotiotli. ono
pii I'HiinllMiilo, ono liikirnnunt lo uoiuh ll-
O II iO. Olll t-llllill kill ml. otio Inn.., t,l, .f. ..II ..o.n.
Olll' lOt Of klllU0 lIMllM.tWOIilllll lllkllOS.OllH llll
111. I in s luun nml lianifs, tliuo .how Halms
wuiMnl "k'UIiIk, H ihIiiIIok lioaiUs, itlasH lunm-U
M.Mii.n, , i.,iioiiil;i, -oiijiit.0 llhl Ol llll llltkliH
ll'illllli-il .Ohtlllt lillSJlU'kS. Tor lull I'lllllilllarsiipplyiiljosoiili
ll.Miiiiiiun's lluli I.IiIiikIiim ii. Kriiiivlklll ri. i'u.
h'i't. Ili'ii". JONAS iiriTNlli;,
llio ItlliliTKlLliCil iili.lltnr nnniiliiti.,1 l.v ii.m
I'ouil oft'iiniinon rieasnr Columbia county ti,
" I"'" ii" ii. nil nit. ii ii o nil I ns lo ll o li lit ,1 It-iy
..i iiiiiiiiiiii.ii... k,ii.,i ii, i .i,.i..
Jolin.a lunatic, lor llio inioi.o ol inln;iiL-LiU
unit t nijiiiiuiiilitH, anil Urn hui'iiori una main.
Itnanio ol miIiI liiiintlc, will niott 11 in linrlkn
'"III I'liriHiwn of Iiiu iiiimilulliiuil at lilaolllio
i'l lllooiuiibuiK on Iiiu lulnl ilnv of Hi-iiti iiibor
A..D. W, O. V. MU.f.Klt.
A1HC.7.TO-It. Alliillor.
Daniel W. ltobblna a llaukiiint mih!ip iii
Act of ConreHa of March I'd, 1m7, havln np
plied Torn dlxclinrKe Iroin nil Mm debU.nnd other
claims provable under fcidd Act, by older of the
Coutt.lUitke Ih heie by ulven to idl creditoiH who
have provid their dtbtn, und other persona Inter
tMid, to apjicnr on tho l'3d day of Sept., ItM
it v ll ri'i' U it.t., I'tllllO J., IIHTIUII, J 1.WI,,
Hi'uUltr. at tho l.xchauufi Hold In ll(iinnn.l.m ir
1(1 fellllW If till V I Ill-V hula tv liv n ilki linr,...
hhcnihi not hoKinnted to thu mid Haultiupt, And
fuilher. Iiutlceli hereby itlvcn, that the Second
and Thud meet Inn ofCredltoruorihoKaid lluulc
uipt icitiilred by the 1:71 li and iMh mcIIoumoI
tnld Act, will be had before Mild HeyUler, upon
' H. ti miuandm:,
i lent oi u.n, 1'ininci court lormnt uintilct,
Sept, -ltlvaw
iwoonisnurf, ru.
the uccmor of
coutluue the buInes of maUlng
cauiuaukh, nuaair.M,
nnd tvery ntyloof
which they have constantly on hand to null cm.
lomeru, Never unlnj any material hut the bent
nnd employ lu a thomost oxcilenced worltiueu
they hoi to continue aa heretofore to ulve wutlru
vatlafnctlon to every customer, An Inspection l
their work, und of the reasonable price allied for
no uuae, 11 nitre lo lunuro a kw.
Tiiiun;i:.NTii annual i;xhihition
or THK
tin Wcdtiefdny,Tliurndny nnd Friday. October
Hth. i:tli,atid lGlh, 1SCS.
Tho mnnnKcru of the Acrlculttiral Society of
Columbia County, will endeavor to put oviry
thlnit lu tho best order tornnketno nccoraodn
tlonn complete thin year, nnd an Agricultural So
rlelleN hnv o now heromo Ilxed Inslitullons, and
every body acknowledge1 thnt thero is n urcat
nmount of inlorniat Ion, recreation and iinrecnblo
itHnicliitlou InatteiiditiK a welUcotiducted, nnd a
well nil cil tip Fair, the Commltlee, to whom the
members of tho Inst yenr'n Fnlr hnvo etitrunted
the iiHinnB ment, would earnestly nnd repect
fully Kollclt thaco-opernllon of every pernon In
the county, hopltm they will nil britiK nuinethliifi
to the Fair ol Col it inula, this ever memorable
jenrof our Lord, lntis.
As ev er thitiff of thin kind miiftLlinvo a nyslem
to carry It on with Mitlhfactlon, cxhlbitoiN nnd
eontrlbniors will pUuku react tho Inntructions.
nnd come to the Fnlr expcctlntt tonblde by them
without imkinu for nny ulterntlon.
Hy orderof the Fxe'cullveCointnlttep,
ll. It. IIvl'.I.Llt, secretary.
clash i-noitsi:s.
Win, shairer. Centre, Supt.
IlCNt hlnodcd Mil 11 Inn, 312 )
htulllou for nil work, l w
" colt not over I yrH old M
2d " " ' MM (j ou
Itest pair draught horhcs, tx)
d ' " " " w
llcst ir cnrrlaso horses, i
2ll " m 5 w
Hest brood mnro with coltnt her Hide, both
owned by tho exhibitor, R W
2d " " " " fiw
n IIcRt Hlnglo cnrrlnRe horse, A w
" ltent " ' mure, ft ix
2,i :i w
lleHt celdlns hetwrcu annd 4 y old, 4 M
" mare " " 4 (f)
" KfddlliK " 2 " 3 " 4 W)
" ImoeoU " 1 " S " 'iW
" mate " " ' 41 !1
" ImrKe or maro colt under 10 moi old, n D
2d " " M " " atw
' pr malch cults under 1 yrs broken to
harness, 3 00
Inhibitors under this clasi, will havo their
hori's on the iiiouud hy lu o'clock 'llmrsday
mornthii when they w ill bo cxnmlned.
.Indies .Joseph W. Kvei, Greenwood; Jacob
KniMnhnadf r. Franklin; Nchemlah ltcche, Hem
lock: C, H. M'lleniy, FIshiiiHureck.
1'htllpCrcnfy, Centre, Superintendent
Jttirhnm tSlork,
West bull 3 earn old nnd upwarss 312 0)
2d " " " " U ill)
Heht bull hctwern 2 nnd II years old u M
:i " i w
Itest bull between 1 nnd 2 years old :t iiU
Ilcstcow2 jenrsnnd upwnrdu, (IW
2d " " " ' 4 (i)
Hest heifer. 3 Oil
" bull calf under 10 ino. 2 (X)
2d " aurfvulhiri'tt u.
Hest heirtr Letw re u 2 nnd 3 j rn. 1 U)
2il " " " " 3 IM
' under 10 mos,
He st bull 3 j rs. find upwnrdb'
ll (l
ii m
A m
.1 (NI
2 (HI
between 2 nnd Syrs,
" 1 and 2 vri.
Ilt bull enlf utiiler 10 mo,
2d " uiriculnrist I jr.
" cow 3 in. und upward"),
" heifer bet we en 2 nnd 3 v tu,
-M !'.
' " under 10 mo,
Hest bull 3 yrs. nnd upwnids,
'.' (0
4 (HI
4 ll
.1 (HI
:i (hi
1 (HI
12 nil
u (HI
11 (HI
'.! (HI
2 (HI
between 2nnd 3yrh,
" 1 nnd 2 "
' " under 10 nios.
Id ' nflnciitiurist 1 ,yr.
" nH'3j rs, nnd upwnrds,
Id " " " "
" heifer between 2 nnd 3 jrs.
0 CO
4 (HI
3 (II
2 (I I
2 00
" " under 10 mo.
ItcKt bull 3yr. nud upwards.
Id ' ' '
" ' between 2 nnd 3rs,
12 00
11 (Hi
4 (HI
2 ()
2 to
0 on
1 on
4 00
:i ihi
" bctween l nnd 2yrn.
under 10 mo,
agriculturist 1
cow 3yih, nnd upwnids,
heifer between 2 and 3yrh.
11 0-1
" " under 10 tnos.
llest bull V yrH. nnd upward,
" " between 2 and 3r,
I "
" " " 1 and 2 "
2 00
12 (Hi
II (Hi
0 (NI
4 ( 1
2 (HI
2 HI
0 IH)
' " cut f under 10 mo,
Id " nuricuHuriit 1 nr.
" cow j j ih, and upwnrds.
I 00
4 (.0
.1 110
heifer between 2 and 3jth.
:i oo
" " limit r 10 ino.
IIM.N AMI Hfri'iis.
llt-K olto OM-il num-il ami worltci In ex.
jiliilor, ,1 00
2,1 " " " ;i on
" joku Hltors tictwetn 2aml 3ylH. I 00
2il ' 2 (H)
Kxlitbltors will linvo Ihelr htm-k rendy for thp
.1 uii-;t's in cAiiiiiinu oy in u liik u A, M, oil illlirK-
d.iv ti, nl lori-iiiuiii until .1 o'rloi k l-'r.Mlay r. M.
.llului'S .lohu Hot, lleinlo'k! Wllliittit II
lliui iilimli, hcoit; '1 lionias Wilson, llltruviooil;
.viiiiui ii--,it-i, .,iuiiiiiiivaniiii,
Joslmit Mcnili'iiliall, I-'raukllit Ktip't.
lu st liiooil mtf ami iilcs tstx or luort) Sd oo
" lot fat lio-js (2oi luoii'.l (loo
2il " " " 4 (HI
" hour.
2J " " " ' 3 on
" llllloil how, Ii 00
.a " :i oo
' lot (.1 or more) iiiu, umkr8 wt-eka, 3 (hi
2il " ' 2 (H)
" ' mock lio-; (3 or more) 300
2il " 2 IH
.Ilnlljps WUllnm Drmott, Madli-on; John Hhu
iniui, hcotlt I.l-wIh ltout, Montour, Huii't.
Dr. r, 11, Hrerze.llloouHuiit,
FlK woou
II htljuctt, 00
sa .1 on
" ewe. 4 00
ftl " " 3 00
Ileal buck, 4()
-il " " :l 00
" I'lli'. 4 IHI
Sil " 3 00
llest litlt'k. 4 (HI
a 1 3 00
" ewe, 4 no
2J " " 3 uo
JmlKPa hlir.ilerlek i:ea, I'lno: Jollliaun II
lUeltl, (IilliiwooU,
ci.Ahs :-roui,Tiiv.
Joseph Keatler-jooiltl'luo; Hup't.
Ilestatnl luruest -.lUplny of iioiillry, SI 0
I 00
1'illr elilekens, ityrtcuUui Ut 1 lr,
" TlllkeH,
" eoiniuou
.' 10
ill " " 1 INI
" nml lurtteat illatilny of lame pigeons 1 IN)
2il " &I
' pr ducks 1 00
juuiies ui'imas iiaiiiinan, Mcoll ; Anion
CLASH D-dltAIX, Mi:i:i)S & FI.OVU.
rraucis Kvaus, Hrlarcreck; Hup't,
llest SOpoumls of wheat Hour SI 00
" " laiekwlieul Hour .1 IHI
" " rjcilour 30.1
" " earn meal 3 00
half liuseloer aeeil 3 uo
2U " " " 1 Ui
liiuoiny aeeu 3 ih)
2il " .... 1 50
" hush id wllfilt 3 CO
"il " ", , 1 60
" " whllo ' 300
2i " 1 ,'HI
' " ryo 1 co
" " liuckwlicat 1 m
" itouiil atea eorncara 1 ft)
" " elluw " 1 m
' amoki-il " 1 (hi
" half hiisli llax hceil I Ml
" hutilioatH 1 b)
jiiuijes ii 11 i-owier. Leuiio: jac-on jirowu,
ci.abh 7-vi:ai:TAiu.i:.
Hiram II. Kline, Bup't.
llest IiuhIi of potatoes of illllVrmt N ill Ictlea i I CO
" half hush awcet polatoi-H 2 ihj
" liustiilelil turulpa 1 fH
11 half bush riitahuitas 1 fij
" " fcuisar betls AfjrlnUuriit 1 yr
' M man-jiiilil iuurl-;el 1 (HI
" M liecta 1 00
" " cnnola .li?icnHuriill jr
pnrsiil-ia 1 ui
'' , " onions iu
htm iliv. Muelal. In oysters (salary) 1 ih)
" neck Illinium a J 00
Ii bads of cabin.;
1 U)
1 thl
l to
a nuuciieM cc let
4 cjitr plain
2 qu lima bemis
3 ipt t'aiollitn beans
3lll fcOllp bcuus
1 l0
1 00
1 1U
" lotpumpUluii0oi'more) Agriculturist ,r
Judsetv-johu Uoulen, Moulour; Jolm Mnilh
Knmuel Nvharl. LVntn. Nnn'i
Jletat half bush any vailety of npplcH
" dUnlnv of aniilea
SI 00
2d ' ' ' Aorteulturist I nr
'J 00
d AgrieulturUt lir
... ! enr,, !!
1 " ' , -4(r1'cut'uri,i( I pr
n X?icUe a in
, , Agriculturist ir
" tiax qulucis I oo
2,1 i .. W
" dUptuy erapos 200
tI " ., Jrriculturist lv
" ocliif.lcratjriipeHt'rovelliif ut
" t'oncord M
' " IMaiina t'j
" " Delaware AO
" eot fi)x trapes m
ilUplay lapkpberrlea 1 (n)
oamplo dried npphu Ui
' M puicheH Hi
" " htnned 1 herrli u M
JudKes-JomeKes,OmiiBe; JHram JHeeder.
Franklin, '
diaper llAliUiCatawlaan, Huji'l,
Heal qt current wlno ai
M " htm kberry wluo 1 ,k;
" " cherry " i m
"rye whisky !
11 rbipr vinegar
Judees-lllrnm U. Applcmnn. Centre) i m,,,.,
M'llenry, lletitun.
Frank I', Kvef, fJr ecu wood, Hup't,
ltout loaf bread (n
JJ roll(of butter((3 ft or over) jJJ1,
" npplo f lo J I!!
" canned fruit different kind, ench
pound enko
" KII,B,r ;', ;
H1K1I1KO " m
" Rumple, preserven Y'
" " trultlellv ?!
" cucumber pick leu
" pickles nny kind
appio uuiicr
M peach "
" Rrnpo M
" plum "
" cured ham
" ih ample hnusage
" yeant
" " hard soap
" 110ft "
Kal orshnm
JudKCN Mrn, l'hillp Cool, Itonrloacreek t Vr
Hhndrnck liven, l'iiifj Mrs, Illrnm J. Iteeder
3 W
joint u, tuicK, Jiontour; Hup't,
Uent 10 yds flannel
AgucuUiiiot 1 j r
I :
Agricultural ir
1 Hi
" 5 yds vvollen cloth
o 10 carpet
" " " plain linen
ii 11 n uiancr "
' knit woll stnckliiHH
" " mittens
" ' eottnn ittockliiBi
" homemndobhlrt
Id " " "
" w wool blanket"!
I .v.
1 Ml
1 in
nnen hiieet.s
Agritultutiit l$r
M liomomndo fnldoelolh Agriculturist vr
JudKen-Hylveter I'urMel. Upmlock: Mm. jnH
I'. Conner. Centre: Miss Knte A. llcix im.i 1 1
VnnderMllce, Hemlock; Mrs. Win. IlaKcnbucli
Dnvld Masters; Greenwood, Rup't.
lioKl it mt (pillt j oi)
t dv
1 ou
1 (Kl
l on
lattlnn work
Bpeclmen liead work
Nhell "
" burr
" lenther "
" hair "
" wax '
1 (XI
I i-)
1 0
I ll
" drnwInR
if I in
utile embroidery 1 ini
" worsted emuroldery loo
" " cotton " .V)
" " wortitedinat .vi
" " cotton " .vi
" " worked slipper 1 in
" " taiicy pin cunhlon 1
' " head dre-s 1 ut
" ' display moss painting uj
" ' collection ofdalillas fta
" " Mowers rw
" " houso idiiuts In bloom t w
" " dried crass ffl
' " " lloners ,vj
' ' penmanship I im
" vnrletyot Mowers 1
JucKes Mist Halllo Hcntlergood, Pino; Mm
Hiram H, Kline, tiratifie; Mm, Iteuben Ij. Hlrjj
Ureenwood; Miss Mary Mcudetihall, Fianklln, '
Jacob Olrnrd, Orrenwood; Hup't,
Host family cnrrlnRO f
open biiKy (.,
' top " , ,
11 fat 111 wagon 4 1,1
" Kprlut; wngou farm uso Hit
2d " " pleasure a i-u
" wheelbarrow j w
Hulkr 2(i
J mines j, o. Wlntcrsteen, Mlfllln; Jos. llnrt.
man, rranklln,
MACHlNKUY Af. ""r1M'
Francis V. Masters, l'Ine; fiup't.
llest rlKht hand plow fj ,)
" plow for general uso -j
' lelt linnd plow t m,
" rlKhl nud left hand plow 2 ii
' 'orn plow - ,4
" subsoil (dciw ijo
' hquaro ii raff m
" ono horhu cultivator i
'.! tu..n V. " .
corn planter 2 w
ono ' j ,
" thresher nud separator combined 1 ihi
mower nud reaper combined ft (y
2d " " . t(p
Sd " " " Jy,
" hny fork (
" porlablo elder press m
" clover huller 3
" Hillside grinder im
clothes wriiiyer 1 m
" Washluuiiiacninu 1 mi
" erubbliie boo 1 ou
" iset miner's picks ay
" ' mill picks 1 hi
pr foro nnd hind Imrso shoes 1 mi
" sharpened drilU hi
" nxu handle
" ttralu cradle 1 m
" fiuniliiR mill '
" corn sheller 2
straw and fodder eiilter 2 ijO
Judttes Kllas t'reasy, lK-UKt; Jnsfph Mouser
Monour; Jacob I.. Uirlou, Madison; Freas l'uw
ler, Hrlarcreck.
John Allen, Madison Hup't.
Hest conltluff stove with llitures SI (Hi
' parlor 3 u,
' set artificial teeth 1 w
" variuty tiuwaru son
" " earthenware . w
Jndes-Alfied Miller, MJlIlln; Win. Huwvll,
Mt. rietuaut,
claks i-cAniNirr waui;, siiukmaki.i,
Jacob A. Hwlsher, Madison; Sup't.
llest ket duuble harness ti w
" ' team 4 ()
" double carrlao harness 4 w
" siliKlo " M 'X W
" Blllt ClollilliK 3U)
" prcalf boots 3 ui
" " klpp 2 tu
" miner's shoes ami
" bureau 2 w
" dresslnu stond 1 w
" dlsplaj eablutt ware 2 im
set Windsor chairs 1 uo
' " spniiKseat " I w
rocking chair 1 hi
setteei 1 w
" mad suit clothlni: a w
' halfdoai brooms Agriculturist lr
' two sides sole leathett t uu
" " klo 1 w
" calfskin 1 0"
" snmph) bricks ou
JudKes-c'yrusCrovellng, Heott; Thos. Hnrdir,
Ken ben L. Hlch, Greenwood; Hup't
llest swarm bees tn
21 " " , ' Agriculturist I j r
Ramnlo5ttts honey I to
" bee filvo id
muuKi .WW i s, iiuriinaii, won ire: jouu neon;
clahh is-roitTiNa limt,
l'eter lMllmeycr, Kloom; Bup'I,
Host trotting horseor mnro overOyrH.old V w
' " " " ay is old Aitndei 0 w
l.titrnncu fee In both eases 910 0u.
IlPht tl-nttln -rlw.r-u mora nr. r.,t,H,.
trance feo $lu w) JV) (n)
'u trot nest iiorso mnro or gelding. En
traucoleo$.j.OO, " 00
Jud?eK-EH Mendenhall, Henton; Hylvestel J.
MtiUH.;Miimn: vinniHHi tcniiv,
Win, II. Koons, II loom; Hup't.
llest run onco around tha rnursn itntramv4
fee 50 ceuts) $! iju
Jil best " " t t)l
JuiiKes A. K. Biulth, Mndlson; John G, Nov I.
(Article third of the constitution renulrcs per
sons to pay ibeassoesutlon one dollar to eoiihtl-
uno muuoeisiiip. juo practice Heretofore luift
been to buy tickets on Fair days, and have their
names recorded nt the time.)
I-'lrKl- Illol-Vimriniii linvlxcr optlalAM fnv uvlil.
hitlon or lompetlilon.inust become n Member
of the association before entcrldit them.
Kecond. Minors can become members or ei
hlbitors when their parents iirememherB.
Third, 'iho field of competition Is open to all
tVrsnns from other counties and htates can he,
come exhibitors upoiuho same term as citizens
of this county.
Fourth. A l articles offersd fur competition
must be owned by the competitor. Fruit, vck?
tables, iloweis Ac, must be tho growth of the
cninpctllnr.nnd all manufactured articles must
bo msdo by the competitor,
I- Iflh, All stock entered must be what Is rep
resented ur premiums will be forfeited.
Hlxth, All articles for exhibition or competi
tion must be entered by 5 o'clock p m on Wed
nesday tlio lltb. and exeent In Imtmualt.lM fiiki h
be on the ground by that time, and remain (litre
until Frhhiy i o'clock p. m. when they will beat
thedlsiMisal of theexhlbltors.
Hnv en I h. Hluuds for sale of refreshment can
be ob'ulned by application lu the Hecrelary or it,
F. llartman.
I!llflllll. N'l. llfOt.HA will liA rrnnl.l InmU Hint
sell splrltous or inidt lltjuors.
Judges appointed to examine the different
clauses will confer a favor on the Association by
calling at the Hecretary's ortlce early on Thtirs
day morning to obtain their Instructions
'ilckejs to tho l'jiircait be obtained nt the dif
ferent stores befoio t he Fair ur ut the Ticket Of
fice during Fair days.
The hocletv will ulun nlnen nn lh vpi-mnrlai a 11
horse power steam englue,whleh can be at tut lint
to any machinery placed uu eshlblllou lut ding
such motive powor,
JACOB HAItltlH, iTes't.
K. It. iKKl.Kit.Beo'y.
lllooiusburg, Hep, &, 1808.
This Is to give notice 1 that on tho Uth dny of
August, a. 11. lMi, n warrant lit ltankruptcj
wasKsued ngulusttheesuteoflvl KuUoi th
Ilorough of vie r wick. In the county u
Coluinbtn.andHtnte of Veiiniylvanlu, who hnj
been adJudgiMl a Ilankrupt on his own w tlllono
that the payment of any debts and delivery ij
any property belonging to such Ilankrupt, t
ii, ut mi (i iiu ilia uuiiBigr l HIIJ iu-
erty by him are forbidden by law; that a me-l
lay of the Creditors of the said pruv
their debts, und to chesise one or more ussltfuee
of his estate, will be held at u Court of llaukrupll
cy.tobe holden ut the Hloomse
burg, Columbia couuty, 1'euusylvaula, before
Edward Overton, jr.. Iteglster, on tho ird day of
Heplemher. a. 11, im, at 2 o'clock p, m.
'IIIOMAB A. ItOWLKV, U. H. Marshsl.
Aug. VMns.n. Hy k. 11. uuoLMAUnu, Deputy.
The next session will rommmM on ficpL lltU
Send fur circular. C. V, MAMAU, I'rlueJpl,