The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, October 09, 1868, Image 1

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    4& f If
ft i I h I vi
1H41 II 111 )p I fl m
VOL. 2 NO. 41.
ii' in MITTS'., dealer In tnvfn tinware, Main
;i.,"l, urthou.c. vl-tHI
...-,,1'IM- .lnM nnd tinware, ltllliclt
iV' ... M.iii s . ',1-sl of Mnrkrt. l- H
- . .......... I, ,,... .line. MlllllKt.. till
V I,llVI'..SIll''l". " vl-til'l
I i Iu.n Atucr Kill 1IHHU. M'tll-I
- .T. .(flit IS? t.t,l,.,l.iillitlllull lll'llt'
. i'lh .'i lili ni.etc.': Ilurtmnn's bulldliiK, Main
. s,, uruKtiKtHiiii ni"""vi"j
j. Chans'" blocic .Maui i.
Jj blocK, .miuii -
. ,,utu til'ltVIIAItH. wiiteli nml clock maker.
,' .! ? . nil cast r'.W Main nml Iron Ms.vl-n I I
1 .... .inil iti oinoifM. wair-hes mill
(!. lr-; i "I- J't "low Aln;V.nil
llllllW'. -
.TTvrilCAIlT, watch nn.l duck maker, Market
K 'ij""f Main. --- "--4.
'"t UHiiWN.bnut Hinl shoeniaker.Muhi street
(1. nt'iill l'"l,rt ll'"-
1 1 bunts nlnl sum's, " 1 -11 1 1
nurg rfini" -n. - - - - -
i Will III: T.. limit anil shoemaker, .Main at.
1) hcln'f Ilarunan'-More, west urMntkctslrcct
i It KVANrt. M. 1 1. uniwnn and physician south
I sUln MhIii U below .Murtici.
l-li 1 1
i It. II. 1'. Kinney sumi'ini dentin, le
I p.i without punt, .mini si.
l.nln'iil'ul cllim-h.
nearly ol'l"""';
ill M'KI'.I.VV, M. 11. sitiitunn nml 11 sli'lun
J north '.in M.llll t., liel.iw Mnrket. vl-nH
lT7lirrn:irrI. I. siirscnn nml l"liylrl.iii.
,1 Market sl above Mnln. .
lt. II. i'. llilWIIll, surttcon dentist, .Muhj id.j
II linillHiiN, Attiirnc.vut-I.uw, uuico
, nun's bulldlnii, Main Street.
11. H. l t'llAl.e-v: l . JH-niiKi, .'Him
I.. In1-':-'.7
IllW .MniKei, r. utur. in
til iJi..II! IIAltlil.llV, inlllliuT, llninwy
Jlliiill'ilim.1i,l!l",' vlL"L'
Mxi . II. WI'.IIH, faiii-y Ki.ixl", iiotlnii". Iiiioki,
inllimery, linrlli Hn Mnlnireet In-low Miir-
iT i-rrilllMAN, inllllnery and r.inryKiin'N'ili:
i.mIip i:ilii'nial ehureli, Main M. vl-nn
wiw inriA a7 HAM! IlAItKI.llV. ladli'H
1 1 , luiilii an I dles nattcnu, mnllheni.t em hit
.M.iiii uhd ueKt it.
11 Hi M. DI-.llltll'KHON, millinery nml fanev
.,iiil MiiliiKt.liiuslt Court llmiM'. vl-nll
Mils. M iT. I'lIlt.M AN, milliner. Main ht.,1" low
llannian'tHlore, west ol Market it. l.H
'ill. MI--:h llAlt.MAN millinery and fane
I,.lalulreetjust lielow Amerleall l,'j,j
J tail llounu, Main Ht., llalter ta'aeoeU 'muiellli-
Maloim, Alnerl
11 mi I iivmIit hilIoiiu. wlnileaalu and ntnll. llx-
elianii lilnek, Main M. vl-nll
11UX A U'KIHI, iiiiifeelionery. Iiakery. and ojn
1 ternaliioli, ulioli-nalealid retail, Main at., Junt
tielnw linn. vl-nll
VXI'IIA.NOI: liom., hy KooiiH.t t'larl;, Main
1j (., 4iii.islt4 i unrt house. vl-nl'l
I Mlillll AN lllll'Si:, liyJuilN I.i:aiocK, .Main
A ki.. ui'Ml ail It tin Null
I nf
H'IIIIINi:it. lefreshment Million. Main Kt.. lust
, iiboM. court houRu. vlnU
rOIINI ,k t'l.AIlK,
refreslunent iialoon,
. ehalutn hulel.
. UU.I.MOIt!' ri-rtcshmetit saliiiin. Hhlve's
bloi-lt hottlh hide Malnt.t. vl-ull
1 .1 tf A "S A 11 I,1(I1I:1:1IS.
ilAt'tlHM. Conlei-ttiilierv. iiloccilcs eto Main
fj M.,aliimi(;iiuiiliinisp, M-nlt)
1 II. Mlld.Ult, dealer In dry Koods, Ktnectles,
ililtensuate, Hour, Milt, Minis, notions, etc.
H.f cliiitiuo block, Main i-ticet, vln It
ilealeis iii dry kiwhIs,
ill groceries, Hour, feed, wilt, tlsh, lion, nails,
etc., uotlheast ciuni-r Main and Market st. M-llU
HC. HOWIIIt, liatKaud caps, bouts and shoes,
latu St., abuvuCoutt House. vl-ul.1
CI c, MAItll, dry ffoods ami notions, southwest
'. corner Main ami Iron bis. vl-nll
I .1. IIUtlWHU, dry ttooils, groceries, clcnotlh
if, est comer Main and Iron sts. vl-nll
pl;V,A. IIAIITM AN, Agent, dry kiiihN, notions,
H unit (irneerlcs, Main st.,uiposttu Corrcl's I'tn
mtitiu Uooius. vl.nll
II II. HUNHlli;iU!i:il,(aKelit!)T!riicelles,tiiliae.
II, en, ami coiilcclioualy, Main st., opiioslle
l-l-lsciipal church. i-nil
DA, lli:CKI,KV,Ke.vKtiiuushoiistore, Issiks and
, slatluuery, southuost comer Market and
Main st. vl.nll
fTfjrll.I.IAM CHAHMIIH, confuctloni-7lcs, .MnTli
w st., near lliu rallload, vl-nl-i
11 Mi:NIIl:NIIAI.I.,i;euetai stock 11F Tul lclum
Ij, illsii and lumber, uiruer nl Main Mn-eiaml
lierwli k load. vl.nll
f .1, IKIIIIIINH, dealer in diy uomls Krccries 1 tc.
il hhllc'sbliick. Main St., below lion vl-nll
I K. OlIUON, (Insirles A I'rovlslous, south
.least isiruerMalu audlion Htlctts, vl-llll
l W. HNVHI-ll, hiinlMareciiUfry", kuum, cti,
U. Main St.. below Iron. l-nti
I J. HI.OAIs, dealer III (iioltsidry Moods, lliillsu.
itpplnKUOIsts, tlcsll I
i 1 McrpiiiKKOisis, in-sll kkki-iii, 1 le,, 1 11-
, oppimlte cairt house.
K. KVIIll, uris't-i 11 s and geneial liii-rihanillse
Main si., aboMi West, vl-nl l
T. HUAIU'Ll.HS(tliy kmhU, unK-erles, IuhMm,
tlioi's,ftc, Jlupeit bliH-k, JIulu kt,, wedt tt
rkel. vl-nll A A.
UAMIUIthT, luuleiMln
H, (JHM-rrUn, Con (Vellum rltK nml Nnllcui",
fcntinwii. mitt 1 ulUe, two Uoorti aUio ilmhhi'H
wntiitrniiuwtT mi 1 up. a-n i".
n W. COItKMi. fnriilturo nmm. thri-e
hi 111 y
U. brick on Mudifcl,, vvhi ot Mmket ht, Vt
11 J, TllOKN'i'ON, wult imper, ulndnw lmUen
lj, Hint lUlurcM, Hupeil Itlrx-k, Main ht, lnll
, block, Mnln si.,
, pliotoniiilicr, Mxclianire
oiju)Klto coutt liouoe, I'lU't
I I'. IIUOAIIT, photOKnipher, Ilariman'M Imllil
I InKmirllii-iiHtcorm r Main nml Market ht. vloili
1.1 J. !linii;MAi AKt iit Muiuon'iiCopiier'iii.
1 lmlar UmIiIIiIdkUoiI, VMiI
1 II. 1'intMKI.I.. hHilille, trunk nuU lmrmf
tf mnker, Muln it below court, Iiouhu. vlnV
1 rVNTKU, Ulut Maker, nml Wlillunml fimcj
')liM"' "yotiomi, vlHi
ni.OOMKHUHO IiUMUKH CO.. ninnufuctureu
I)mhI le:ilei In KumbertofQM kimU, 'lnnln
mill iitmrtlio rntlroml. vl-li 10
J J. IIIULKMAN, htuMIe nnd ImrncHs maker,
ii . iifur Mouihufht turner Muln nml Murkc-tht.
I U'lTMAN'. mutliln WorltH. HUir kul'llili1
A . torner Main nnd Mnrket Inll
nil. denier In iIuiiok.dikiiiih nml
ti.lfi.l...iiiu ul (J. U'-Cnri'Il'M fill nil UfU riHtliiM
t ll.MAHTKHH, iiKent for nroverA Haker't
1 . vewluu innclilue. Mnln ht., lltirlnmii'M build
Tiif. up aluliM, vl'nr
i W ItnitlllNH. llniinr i If titer uctHind door from
), northwcit corner Muln nnd Iron vlhll
XJ TKACOCK. KnUry 1'ubllc, norlluaht corner
1 1 aiuiu mm piumei, u
Tf.llV A. VIIVHION. mutual and ruli ruled Hie
I luanrtktifH t'liiiitiuiiv iiortlieiUitiDllier Miilll mid
nr.()H(llfl IlAHHKHT, mnnurnclurer nnd ri nnlr
l r nf IhiMhliiif liiiU'hlniii. Kunilili) A Co'h Mn
ehliiPttlion.r'ait HliMJiiiitburK, villi I
1", r liii.i. utinri in uiruv iuiiuw, i ii i imn
berlin'H alley, bacu of American house, lnl.l
OAMUIOl. JACOItV, M ait-Jo mid llroMihtone
1UfH""t)'l"''1!'wlt'lt roHl1' VllH7
V W.HAMII.:C0.11t.(hlnUtH,KniitIlloom
1 . iiftsr rmllrninl. I naUnua iiiud mI hhort
1 1 ce-iniiCMTLf iv wiitf una nuiiiii. w- m
It. O. A. Mi;lAH(li:ti, phyiclnn nml nurHoon,
Mnln nt.. ncxtilunr t(i (Jood'ti Hold. V1H17
J) Til. Kvrrrtt, cor. of MnlniiiMiritiortt.vltiiT
SWAN IIOTi:i., the miner hoiiKo by John Hny
tier, Multi nt itlxiva rine, vl-ti 17, dealer In tlry pocxW, (rroccrleti,
Itiinbor nnu ueiu'ril MercliKinIlfio Multi ht.
V I'll 17
nr.DltOK LAAUrH,ilillt nml Imrnrsv milker
U Min Hi., nitovn uinwtm iioiei.
VI n 17
II. HMlTlt
nmmifiictuier nf tin wiiro nml
U ileuler In tu i h 1 1 Main Rt., (iIkjvh .ho
'V .ho
V 1'ti 17
Kuan lintel.
.V P.. W, fol.HMAN, Merehant tailor nml
(lent'H fill tilslilni- iriKidn. Mnln Ht.. npst ilimr
tu tliu btli'k hotel. VI-U17
MH. llAVlllTHHT.CInoki, Watehp and llunn
, reii.tlreil. Uunii nnd Wutehes for sule, Main
M.. helow Pino, V1-IH7
IAMIX II. ILUIM AN, t'nlhictlirilkeT, nml Un
O ilerlakcr. .Main Ht., lielow liluv. V1-HI7
IIICIIAIIM'. Ki:i,I,r.It, Conrpitlonery, (ijniim
ill Ai'.. Ae.,nli I'liiuKt., helueell Main nml Mill.
II. A U, KIlIX', HlnckMnlth,on Mill
Mreel, near Pine. Vl-nl7
lirll.t.IAM li:t.UNII,Hlioeinakprnnd inanurap
II turtror llrlclc, aillt Ht., went of l'luo vlnr)
lll.IArt HNYIIKH, I'lnur and OrUt Mill, nmi
IJ Uealor ill Kraln, Mill Mroet. vl-nl7
I i:VIS It. HCHUVI.r.U, Iron rounder, MaPhln
JjWt.aud MaHur.ii'luicr of iilo, .Mill Hl.vl-nl"
MII.KS A. WII.I.IAMH A I'li.raunerHiinil Man
llf.u luren ill Ii atlipr, Mill Htri et. Vl-nl7
IIII1N Kia.I.r.l'.. and Hhueiualur, l'luo
) Mleet, olipnslte the Academy 1-1117
II. 11 Dl'.lll MIA llliUllli:U,'iirHnleiaml
Ilulldem, Main Htreet, In low l'lne. vl-1117
OAMUKIi HlIAItIMi:ss Maker of the IIuliurtt
) 1 1 a 1 1 1 t'radle. Main Ht.
r M. IIAIIMAN, HiiiMlo nml lmrncH maker
t t Or.uiKevtllo, otipiiHitit Km mi eliurcli, vlJnll
fji;.stit'i:ilANNAnrllrlck llolPl.H.KoKltliauilpr
ij iiriiiirletor,8iiutli- ust corner Main ami Hei'.md
Htreet. 1MiI2
Ill.iMtllAHV.dry Knolls, liriK'erles, amltteu
. eiul Mi'iehaniltsc, Main street. Ml-nlJ
Sll. IIINAUI), dealer III fctnvis ami tln-ap,
. Main Htrtet. 1 J-lllJ
lir.M. II. Alllir.1T, allorncy at l.iw.Mnlu f-trecl.
) vv-nia
ClII.lUUlT A KI.I.Ni:, dry ijiinils, uroci
I ui-ncral merchandise, .Main Htieel,
Ties, and
Kllll.llll, lillll.uil million, oysters, ami Ire
. cream In season Main htriet, 2-hlJ
P. DA I.I.MAN, Mclchaut Tailor, Hecoml St.,
, Hoblilns' llulldtni!. 2-nlit.
U Hecnnd St.. lielow Main.
1, t I. Iminilvu
Hurifeou nml l'liyslclan,
J II. KISTl.i:it,"CHtta1sa House," North West
.Comer Main and Hecoud Htreets. J-nIs.
II M. IIIIOIIST, dealer In General Mercliandle,
jl. llry Uoods, (IriHjerlei Ac. 2-uls.
lr.TI:U IINT, dealer In dry koihI
X Hour, teid, Milt, llsh, Iron, nails,
Iry koihIs, Krneerles,
Tl:ltVll.I.IHi:U, Cabinetmaker,
and chalrniaker.
1 1
I'. (I.MAN
Wheulwrlijlils, llrst door
II aliovu scliiiul house
. KI.INi:, nillllaery and f.mcy Koods.
t J ele. Cash palii for Hides,
lealer In Leather, Hides, llalk,
1U.M. M. I'.NT, dealer 111 htoves and till Male In
II all Its hmnchux. vl-nlU
nianufaeturer uml ilcalpr lit
bouts and shoer
J, I.DISKIt, M, II. Hitrecon and l'h)slclau.
timeout Keller'H Hotel. V.'-lll'i
PHl'V HI'IIAM l'l.OlIlil.NCI MII.IX, C. H. 1'owlcr,
l'i l'roprletor. vl:nll
I) I-. Ui:i(IIIAlll), AIIKt).,dcnIerBluiliyKils,
I), itroi'erlcs, and Kcncral luercliandlse, v 1-ntl
r I. CAI.liW'lII.I,, dealer In dry nonds, Brocer-
11 ,
ies, iuccusuulc, lanilMure,
risli.salt. nails.
V. i:ii(IAU,Husiiuchanna l'hinliig Mill and
llux Manufactory. vlllull
l NlUll.W MADISON, ilealer 111 dry koiiiIs, c,ro
A cerles, itraln, luiuiier etc., Jersey town. 1-lH'l
1 ACOII A. HWIHlli:!!, dealer In Hides, Leatlicr
J 11-irU etc. Madlsim tounshli Colunihln county
nAlT.MASII'HIi IMMIIV. Madison Hotel. Din-
J veis and str.intteis entertained, 1 2-ul
w (i. a w. ii. sii(ii:MAKi:it.
dt nlcrs In drv
ill Kn)ds,
I'tocerli-N mid uciiriul tueicliamllic.
r'irtst hloni In mum It end of low u. J-nlH,
JACOll A-WM. HAniUH.denlrrH in ilty K"ds
Kiucerles, dum uml luedk-lneN. l'lut torn In
north end ut low n, viMil
Thn nndeiMliriied havlnii tainhntied Ibis well-
known ami cent i ally -local ed In nine, the Kxchanuo
iote . HtuitWoii MA I N w 1 iti.l.r. in iiiHinisimiLt
Imuuilluiely oppusl e theCidumblacniinty Cmui
House, rcKpiclfullv iulorui their triend ami the
puhlio In Kcneial that I heir house U now In ordt r
tor i no net pi ion ami enienninmeui oi iritvenerH
w ho ltiiiv In dUnosi-d to lav or It u lib thell cum-
to in. 'I hey huvo Hiitiled no exnensu In nreitiirliiil
thn Hxt luiUL'ufttrtheeuleitalnmt'Ut if their uuestH
neither shall theiu be niiylhln wanting on Hielr
hii io nuniHier io meir ptisonai conuori. i iiey
ioiisoIh snaclous. and eliloVM an exiellent busi-
uesH loeatlou,
Ouinlbuseh run ntnll Hiiich between the Hx
chanuo Hotel nnd thn arlous lallroad denotH. bv
whleli liavelleiH will ho pleasantly convev i d lo
nnd tiom tlin lespeetlvu station in due time to
uieei i no cms, ivitii.n a ll.Altiv.
IWiMiUlSlJllltf, April J,
pJllK'S I!()TKIf
ui,uuuii w. ai.uuii;, proprietor.
Tho nlniv-e uelbUnown hotel ban recently under-
kouu rml eal eluiiKCH In llw Intei mil iirrmiKemcnt,
and ItK pn pi let or anmaiucen to hi former custom
and tho travelling laiblic Hint hU nccomiHlalinnn
lor ilia I'oiiiiori oi ii m L'ui-HiMato secouii io nonu in
tho country. 111 table will always bu fmiml hup-
hiieii, not only ill) KiibstKiitiai loon, mu wtu uu
the ilellcucbhot the seuson. HIm wlnCH mid 11
ruioiM (excent that nonulnr btvertoke known a
"jcicrjt' j,purennMeii uireci irom me imporunK
liouseN, nro entirely pure, ana iree irom an poi
nonoiudrm:s. Ho iHfhnnkful for illiberal ntUroii
axo In tho past, mid will (snitlnue todeservo It in
1 lie imure, iir-uintr w. aiaijiii.u.
Tiik l'roprletor oftlio I. xchau'o saloon lm uov
on hand u Inro ntock of
hummkh hi;kiu:hiimi:nth,
convlHtlnu of
COMi: O.Nj:t COM! AM. AND HUK. -4
AVHo.v calm an,
Hloonisburif, May H, !Ktt7,
EH1V, COLUMKIA county, pa,
Till". HilhM'vlhcr resjiect fully InfoimiihtH frkndn
ami the public, (hat lie has taken tho above well
known llou of rntertnluiueut, nnd will bo
pi caned to )?le. (ho lusloiu of nil vvbo will
fivviir mm vviiu u call,
in: vtihu Kv.r.v a good taui.k,
u llurwitl stocked with thw I tout of IJnuon.niul
ovitv eliori win no nuuie i rer.L .! ii'
C. H.
i:py, Pn,
, April 12.IW.
OIlANai'.VII.I.i:, COI.llMllIA COUNTV, l'A.
lniWAun, i-uoi'isirion.
Jlavlng lalun ponisfclon ( IhUi wcll-knowti
hou.ii. m luim kept by r-ainui l l:ercll, ' i'lo.
nrtetnrlms tuit In II i.ituamnl rfpulriind furnish
H I All ANIi I.AIIIil.llwlili thei iulcistlliUori
urn! .Viiwc.l d.llmcles, HI. lUWMj i't j.ij4 IM
lntli..i!iiayi jul un psfui will be "M?"-, V
acc.muinUuU tl"'l" pnwi.
lU.OO.MMltl HU, I'i:.'A.
Till! principles of thin paper iue of llio JelleiHou-
Inn Hehool of pollllcH. Tlioso prlnclplen w 111 net r
bo compromised, yet courtesy nnd klndnens bbar
not bo forgotten In dNcuM-dnir. Ibemvbetber Itli
IndlvtilunN, or with contemporaries of the Tretm
Tho UHlty, happlncHi.nml prosperity of the coun
try Is our aim and object; and ni tho inenii1 to
Kecuru lhat, w o Mmll labor honestly and eai iictdly
for tho harmony, micccsh aud owlh of our orc-m
TruMioFhL'iwiurrioNi Two dollarn n jear
If paid tu advance. If not paid In advance tun
dotlnrHnml llfly ceutn will belnvailably charyrd,
Tkkms oKADVrKTlltNd One hqunre(tt u tines
or lest) ono or thiee tiiiettloni Sl,0; each subso
fluent tnertlnn m centM.
One sruau'.. ..
Two MfiuaicH
Thiui squarc..
Tour Mjuiuen..
Half coluniii....
Ono column. ..
.. I,oo
Si," ?l".'w
0,1 l 11,0(1
li.oo ai.iHi
2j,on syx)
IIxecutor'K and Administrator Notice $1,00 j Au
dltor'H Notice $,Vt, Other advertlsenients limer
ted nccordlng toipcclal contract,
Huslncsi not lcc, without adverlNoment, l enty
centn per linn.
Transient advertisements paynbln In pdvnnce
nil others due nrter the first )nm i ttoi.
3 H Is, In nil erupt, more likely to be satisfac
tory, both to fuibscribers nnd to the Publishers,
that i omittances nnd nit conunu n Ions respect
ins tho business of tho paper, be en t direct to the
ol!lceof publication. All I tit r, whether relating
to tho editorial or binlneKs concerns of Hie paper,
nnd all payments for subscription, HdveitNlin:,
or Jobbing, are to bo madotonnd nddreed
mtfx'KWAY a ntKfY.n,
"()lmilii(tii OtJUf,"
Ili.'iiiMm-no, T.
Printed nt rtohhon's llulMlun, neai tho i'unl
House, by
C. M. VAM)i:itHM( i:.
j on
Nently executed at this Ofllcf.
Ashtnud, Sehu lklll County, renu'n.
lierulclt, Columbia County, Penu'H,
yriM-iAM ii. AiiHorr,
A T 1' O II N i; T - A T - I. A V
W, .MII.I-KIl,
Oltlce wllb i:. II.
.Itlie. In brick bitlldlm; nd-JJtl-IloiiutU-s,
I! uk-l'av and
olnlim Post onice.
nsions eoiiectdi.
A T T O It N II V-A T-I. A W,
Oilleo In Hi nUtiT and Itecorder's ofllcc, In the
I invent ut of thi Court House, Hhxiiiushurcr, l'n.
A T T It ill Y- A T-I. A W
Ofllce comer (if Main and Market Mitels, mer
I'irst Natlmiiil, IthHimsbur, Pa.
OtUco on Main stieet, In bih k bulldlnf; below the
Court House, lllooinsbtii c Pa.
OPFin: Conrl II(int,i Allev . below the fi.
tumhiitn Oillee, Inul'fcT.
,uoTio n i: i: u.
Havln follmved tin profexsimi of r,ublie Vendue
Crier lor manv eai-M. it nnld liiCiriii hU fitftuls
that ho Is still In tho field, ready and wllllmi lo
attend tonll the iIuIIcm of Ids tilling. Persons
dcslrlUK till ser lce whould call oi uilto tu hint
at IUoouihIjuik, Pa, unarH'tr;.
uiue Assismni .leuicai in rector i', ,rmy,j
P 1 1 Y H I C I A N A N I H V K K O N,
ir Oillce at tho house onniMltn hIov'm lllock.
Hloomsbiirj,', Pa.
Call promptly attended tob.dh nUbt and day.
llcoinshu"K, .Inn. IS 1V!7.
llAlir'i, ISA IH M.J , AMlTlilMi
and duller In
cAitPirr-itAOH, vai.isj, ri.Y-Ni-'i.
llvh ho fei Is confident ho can sell at lower
rate than any other per on in Uh country. l)x
unilne foryouiselves.
hhop first door below the Pout otllco Main
hlii t (, liloomshun;, Pm.
nv, 15, jNi7.
c. CO 1. 1. INS,
Over Wldiuayer A- Jacoby'H Ico Cieum Huloou,
Hall- llielni' and Whlskeis colored hhu-lr nr
tiriiMti. itair 'inuiciniicsiioyuauuruu ami beau-
limui: ma nairj Mill listoru hair lo Ita urlxlua)
eiuoi m uuuui soiling me nut si lanric. constant v
on baud. Iaprl27.
N T 1 H T H Y .
ii, c, iiownn, iii:ntiht,
HespeclhiUy otrers his professional services t
the lauliH and snllcnieii nr lllooin.buruand vl
i-liilt v. He Is nretiarcil tu attend tiialllliH inrt
ous operations In thn llneof his profi'sslon, and
Is pro bled with Ilia latest ImnroMsl I'oitt-Kl.AIN
Tkkiii which will be Inserlnl on itold plutlui;,
sill cr uml lubber basn in luuk as well us I he lint
lilaltictn. 'j cetti I'Xtraileil ny ail llio new ami
most npptoMil luethmls, and all opciallotiw on
the ti elh cart full) and pioperly uttemled to,
llcslilciico mid oltlce a Irw doors above, tho
Court House, sntnc stile,
liloiitukburg, Jnn.iil,'t,sf
W, l, MONUOK (HI.,
Itnperl, !'.,
Mnnuractuter, of
and dcalera In all kinds of
Blva notice that Ihcy tire prcparud to aecotnoilute
Ihelr custom with dispatch, nnd uu the cheapest
K O II It H II U It (1, r A.
Tim mi.lrsl.nil W'lillbl ryuiiefltfllllv llllurln
the. traveling" public lhat he lis, purchased and
relit led In the best lu.nimr the old t tint runner.
lu ,LM,vU'll. tills. Btlll ltll.t llU 1. HOW
plf ntrd tuiKCiiintnodiite hi, frl. lid with all the
A tine, lie w bat it bus bscit built and thu urruuu
dlnm iilacid in perldii otdnr. 'Ihe bar will a
n. u i.. Li,u h.l wltti tUtt .tu, Mtt I niiiiiM and rl,
itat.. and iheUtblo lurnlih.d with tho b..t the
VobiUi an.pis, jami:h v, oim.asi'IK.
July a. iis-n
(Choice poetry.
To the nuthoresi, n Hitler of the Into Stephen
( Poster, vvr nro Imlobted for at) odvancecopy of
Iho Koiimcntllled "Tho Itondholder." Thr music
Is excellent, nml will no doubt become popular
vvtlli tho Rons and d.iui;titcrM of plow holders'.
The word", which wo copy below, rIvo n, good
Idea of how tho poor nre robbed tu order that the
rich may bo paid In gold. It Is u notitf for tho
times, and wo commend it to Democratic Oleo
CIub, .Messrs H, Crutnnrd A Hon-4 ofClovelund
arc the publlsberf,
Oh, the Itondholder lestn In u cushioned chair,
Ah tin filtn at tils table to dlno ;
Wliilo before him Is prcad nut the ilAtntlcst fare
Ami tho choice t of ftirelgn wine,
Thmho t lilnki of tho wealth that lie tnndo by
tin war.
Por his heart has crown selfish nnd cold,
Ati'l holauiihs, nml ho imtN, ami smokes his
Ah ho counts up his lntcrct Infold,
Oli, a rocklin fetow Is ho, Mir,
And Hits lllo passes smoothly away,
Ami what enreth ho for you or me,
Wlille tie has no tniw to pay.
Then a mlllcklnt; tlmo will have we, have we,
And our days w 111 pas smoothly away,
When our country we see In pnwperltj.
And wo huvo no taxes to ( ny.
And Hie llondholdi r's wlfeiii her ca ichand four,
Knows nothing of tabor and etre,
An shiMlitvcH by tho siitlerlnR taxp.ij i rs' door
Not heoJiiiK tho nilseiy there,
The brave, crippled soldhrK she sees not now.
Nor hhchlldieii so tiun;ry undcoid j
White tho laboring man by tho of his brow
P.utpays up his Intcnst In gold.
Oh, n llKht merry llfo has she, has she.
This landholder's vvlfo MtKuy(
And wlint caret li hIio for you or me,
Whllo they hno no tnxei to pay.
Then n roll'iklng time, Ac.
Thin working men alt iait our hand to the
A lul It t us no longer del.ij .
Por 1 tell you we're only hi ginning to let I
The taxes we'll soon liavo to pav.
Oli 1 come crippled soldier, come tally ngaiu.
Till a I'nlon restored we behold,
for our sous have been slain, and our bio. id
shed in vain,
Till wo wipe out this interest In gull.
Then n rollicking time, Ac.
Then eomrndes arouse, for tho people no mor
Intend to be purchased or sold,
And one kind of money, for rich and for poor,
We'll h ie, be that paper or gold,
lliirnih boys, hurrah for tho burdens so light.
In tho sweet, infrry days of old,
Wio'ii, on .-attirday night, by his fireside bright,
Tin p tor eon ills his waesln g ld.
IheirH-olltcklng time, Ac
What Governor Curtin Thought of
Governor Seymour in 1863.
Aa tho HtuliciN Imvu been luborliij;
no iiulustrimi-ily to provo that (iovornor
Seymour U not a loyal niiin, nml that
diirlnj; tho war ho arrayed himself in
opposition to tho cause of tho Union, wo
present tho fiillowhi"; moment for their
f pedal conslileration at this time.
When l,;o win thumlorlnxtit tho dour
of tho eapltal of I'eniHylvniila.iniil fear
anil trepidation posiyssod tho moiiIi of
tho moil who are now rovllliiK and
slandering Governor Sjymour, Andrew
O. Curtin, then (Inventor of Pennsylva
nia, visited Camp Unrtln, H.irrlsburp;.
This visit was mvasioued by thu disin
clination ortho Pennsylvania volunteers
to enlist, except for theexpulslon of Leo
from Pennsylvania. Governor Curtin,
In eonipuiy with another uentlcm in,
rode into camp In an open barouche, to
co the oIHcom, nnd was stopped on his
way by tho soldiers and called on for n
speech. Kisini; in his carriage, hespo'co
ftilistautlally ns follows:
1'i:i.i.ow-Citizi:nh m- tiik Voi.iin-
Turns op Phnn.svi.vania : 1 came
hero to-day toseo your ofllcer.s, who
mitritt to bo hero to maKo their com
plaints In form. I havo a right to vx-
ictt tho conliuenco oi tuo voiunieers oi
.'ennwivanlH. for I havo never broken
faith with them. 1 assure you, you
will bo retained Just long enough to re-
iel llio present invasion so long no
onger, ho It sixty days, or thirty, or
ten. Hut wo cannot draw your pay un.
m you conform to tho regulations of
tho army, and enter your names In reg
ular form.
Then turning In his carriage and
pointing to tho white tents of tlu Now
York troops on thu hill across tho river,
ho exclaimed :
IiOok at the crowning of yonder hill !
I'here aro tho trooas of our slstsr Now
York, defendlm' our frontier, where
vim mu. hi nnu- tn liti. ltisttt.ul nf wratie.
ling hero about how you will enlist.
Great Gotl! What nro yon doing-.' Thir
teen ri'iiiieiits rum AViii 1 or A- nlrctuly
an tin trotmtl, ami in front, while not a
reyimrnt in iriinaiictiiiitt in mi lviiaj:
Soon after Governor Curtin applared
on tho hill on the opposite sltlo of the
river, rode insldo tho fort, into the
midst of tho Now York troops, who
poured out from their touts, and loudly
called on the Goveenor for a speech.
Again rising in his carriage, with his
hat in his h itnl, ho sp iko as follows :
Soldi i;ks or Ni:V ouic : Penusyl-
vanla bad a rlirht to oxneet that her
inter New York would come to her aid,
but slto did not luvo llio right to expect
thnt New York troops would bo hero
on our soil, occupying the front of her
defen-e, before Iter own troop, were on
the ground, rromtno noiioni oi my
heart. 1 lliimk you for this generous
nlacrlly. Hear my penunal thank, its
well in the thank a I fmwjlranla, to
your jmtrlotic (invernor for the prompt-
nets teuii wuei, inroiiui your jieeernce,
he has replied to our nml. On nonio fu
ture occasion, i uin in homo more ap
propriate nun lormtii manner, msKo
Known to him my gaateful appreciation
of bin prompt action tu hurrying for
ward to our aitl this noble band of vol-
illerly men! Agnln I thank you!
And with a graceful bow and wave
of his hat, tho Governor resumed bis
sent In tboearrlago.
KiiimiTrui, Kxi'KNniTUiiics! The
expenditures of tho Government dur
ing thu mouth of July were
$10,5 111,000,
ami tho total expenditure for the mouth
of August, as Just reported by tho Sea
retary of tho Treasury, was
17,7!10,O0O !
Till Indicated mi nvcrngo expenditure
per mouth of $12,1110,000, or
ts'103,70 1,000
per year! Taxpayers aro you ready for
peace V
Watch this movi:.mi:ntm or thu
r.Nl'.MY. Our friends will do well lo
keep an eyo on the becrot imlh bound
Loyal Leagues, established thoughoiit
tho Country j tlieso associations aro In
tended to decoy tho unwary Into the
support of negro uuiallty, and negro
rule. Watch them, Democrats, never
was there greater occason for watchful
ness, and zeal.
Make Them Tell Von.
Wnns a Radical usks you to vole for
Grnnta ml Colfax, make him tell you
bow much benefit you or tho country
will derive from such a course. MAKK
IIIM TVAA. YOU why It Is that In
lime of pence, the parly hensks you to
fciipport keeps a standing nruiy that
costs the tux-payer of tho county one.
huntlrrit uml Jlfly millinim .nf thllar a
become of the millions upon millions of
dollars that have been paid Into tho
public Treasury since tho Introduction
of his party Into power-that there Is no
account of now.
that with all the taxes and tariffs that
nro wrung from tho peoplo annually,
the public debt Is still Increasing at
the rate of ten r.iittioit of ilollur per
party makes negro voters In nil the
States, of thu South, nnd then denies
being in favor of nejrro suffrage hero In
the North.
MAKI-: IIIM THI.l. YOU what Jus
tice theielslnthe ltadlcal doctrine of
taxntlon which exempts the rich from
all taxes and places them upon tbeshoul
dels of the poor.
that three yoarsafter tho war has ceased
the Union for which wo were told It
was waged, is further from being
re-tored than it was at tho beginning.
bloated bondholder, who robbed the
government anil Invested tho money
he stole in tax-exempted bonds, should
receive gold for Ills interest, while you
tiro compelled to t tl;c greenbacks fur
your work.
lab. ring men of the North should toll
antl --weal, day after day, to feed a lot
of in gtoes ami fatten a pack of lousy
lltit'eaii otllcers, who yearly take from
the public treasury over I'OKT YinWows
' tlnilnr.
' MARK IIIM TKU. YOU what good
will tul-e from voting fur Grant, bow
in.icii it wi'l le-sen your taxes- lower
the pi lees of the necessaries of life, and
how mu... will restore! tho Union, and
make our. (lovernu.iit a government of
whltis men, cstnbllshed by white men,
for the benellt of white men. Xorth
uinljerlunil County Democrat.
Grant's "Whito Washing1 Report."
What Is known as Grant's "white
washing report" lias been pretty freely
exhibited to the public by the Jaco
bins at the time it was made, nail more
recently by llio Democratic press.
Nevertheless, In connection with this
article, we must not omit a portion of
It for it Is well to keep tho record of
the "available" constantly before, tho
public, lest some Democrat .should for
get Ids Democratic record and vote for
Seymour. In that report Grant says:
"Doth In traveling and while stop
ping 1 saw and conversed freely witli
tho citizens or those States.
I am satisfied lhat tbem.iss ofthltiklng
men of tho South accept tho present
situ it lull of affairs in yood faith. My
observation led mo to tho conclusion
that the citizens of the Southern States
anxious to. return to elf-goeeniinent
within the 1'iiion as soon as possible;
that while reconstructing, they want
ami reipilre protivtion from thu govern
ment ; that they are In earnest in wish
ing to do wli it they think Is required hy
the government, not humiliating to
them as citizens j and that, If such a
course Wfio pointed out, they would
pursue them in good faith. lt is to bo re
gretted that there cauiii.t bo a greater
comlngling at this time between the
ellizens of tho two sections, and par
ticularly tho-o instructed with the law
mnlclni jto'eer.
Givo Tho Tcoplc Tacts.
Till-, tliu for argument has gone hy,
so far us the pres is concerned. What
ever of aigumcut is yet to be u-eil, let
thustuiiipers do It. Thu time Is -.hurt,
and the pre-s can only give facts.
The li.ullc.ils tell us that the public
debt has been decreased.
Lot us see. O.i the 1st of September,
181)7, It was f.2, l!)J,7R:),'li:'
On the 1-t Sept., IKHS, LVVI1,(il
Now If there is any truth In Ilgure
that shows an lucrc.i-e of tho debt, in
ouo year, of forty-two millions eight
hundred and thirty thousand nine hun
dred uml forty-eight dollars, or more
than three millions ami a hair per
Tim Increase in the last year Is inure
than a iIhII.u- per bead for every man,
woman and ehlbl In the country.
Snin i'b for ltadlcal veracity.
Ginsr and Mi(' Tin: Com-
l'AUA I'lV's; IN TIIKIll Cax-
PAi'ivs. -speaking or the comparative In the campaigns or Mct'lHIan
nml Grant, tho Army nnd Navy Journ
al of August 20 says:
' We bold It to bo quite evident that
our total losses in killed and wounded
rrom the Kapldan to the Appomattox
were, at least, double tlioso suffered by
General Lee. We hold it to bo no less
evident that the total or our losses from
M.... mat un tn l.on's surrender In
''"V I ""l "I
April, ISI'm, was about double thnt of
tho enemy. On the other hand, It
Is tolerably certain that McUlellan's
losses In bis famous ('hlckahomliiy
campaign weroless than tho-ohe Inlllct-
etl. Taking Aiitletam and his other
battles Into tho account, our belief Is
that McUlellan's entire loss, in killed,
wounded, ami prisoners, was less than
that (differed by his opponents at his
The Army and Navy Journal Is not a
partisan paper, and Its stalenienls are
takennsauthorlty In all army nnd navy
Jl'ST seven minutes before Congress
took Its last "recess" a carpet-bag Con
gressiuaii from one of the Southern
States was sworn In. Kor his valuable
services ho received from the people's
money bliyear's Hilary, $5,000, mileage
nnd from his homo toWashliigton. What
a magiilllcent commentary upon lUdl
eal reconstruction,
A Talk With 2ho Worklngman.
You nro paid for your day of hard
ami unremitting toll for the wear and
tear of your bones and sinews In legal
tenders. That money Is tb night good
enough for you, and why should It not
be gootl enough for tlu bondholders,
who tolls not, who Is arrayed In Hue
linen, nml lives upon tlu- fat of the
land? If it Is good enough for him,
ought you to vote for tho party which
tells that ho must havo better money
than you receive that be must hnvu
the solid gold '.' You nro oppressed with
exorbltnnt taxation Inuvery variety of
form. The rent of the dwellings In
which you livo is far too high. You
nro tnxed two or three prices for every
thing you buy In thosbnpo of clothing
and provisions. Why is this'.' A por
tion of your money does not go to your
landlords, or your groceroryour butch
er, or your tailors, they only recelvo It
nnd then pass It to tho tax-gatherer.
!?H 1,000,111111, Scnntor Sherman admits,
was paid on tho bonded debt labt year.
It is proposed to pay this intirest, or
two-thirds of this Interest, Tor forty
years, which would be Sl,UllO,ono,000;
and then ro must pay the principal of
tlu debt, $2.&lKI,O0U,O')i) more pay It too
In hard coin 1 Havo yon thought bow
much of your. sweat and blood would
havo to go toward paying this enor
mous debt of how many comforts
yourself nnd your family will have to
be deprived, In that long Interval of
lime, on Its nccouut unless we pay tho
debt or a portion of It, oil' In legal ten
tiers, ami thus save this oxoibitunt In
terest'.' Will you vote for Grant, and
thus votu to e-tnbll-b this dreadfull In
cubus upon yourself and your posteri
ty'.' Kcmcmher that this $l,noi),OiK In
four years, is in addition to all the oth
er taxes for the support of the govern
ment, anil that they will be at lea-ti'i!,-(Ki'i,oi)0,i)i)i
more in that Interval. Do
you think that we can stand that bur
den of taxation '.' Do you think the
2,oW,m which Is now In bonds that
nro not taxed which capital In Is
present shape affords no man employ
ment ought to bo permanently locked
up'.' Or do you want it paid ami the
now Idle capital used In building hous
es aud steamboats, carrying on Inter
nal improvements, and giving employ
ment to millions of laborers V If you
want this change you cannot get 11 by
voting for a ticket which believes that
the bonds nhould go unpaid for (,euera
tlous to miuu. CinviiiiHitti nor,
A Serious Charge-Will Grant An
Tin: Kvonlng Herald Says :
Mrs. A. C. Itrowcr, formerly Miss
Cox, Holly Springs, Miss., charges Gen
and Mrs. Grant with carrying off tho
sliver pinto from tho house of her fath
er, which they occupied nt Holley
Springs. Among vnltiablo heir-looms
that wcro carried off in the Grant bag
gage, was a haiidsoino card waiter of
salver, with tho nnmo of General Moul
trlo engraved in the centre, also a very
masslvo silver waiter handsomely
carved, made in Kngland before the
Revolution, with tho name of lady .Ma
ry Annesly, 1""!), engraved In the cen
tre. "This waiter," she says bad been
In her father's family for a long period,
and will bo readily recognized In tho
Grant mansion ut Washington. That
ami several other articles of stolen val
uables that como from the South may
bo recognized here." A nephew of Gen
Grant also at tho samu tlmo carried off
iiuautlquo quilt made by the grand
mother of Mrs. Cox. This is u hold
mil open charge, made by one who
claims to speak by authority, ami It be
hooves the friends of the y rente' Cen
tral nf ancient or modern times to prove
Its faWty. Will "rawnkee" explain'.'
I'lie above charge is a grave one to
Make against any one, antl particularly
so when tho person accused isu candid
ate for President of the United Slates.
It does not beat round the bush, hut
gives names of plat es, person, and ar
ticle. Is General Grant guilty'.' Let
blm speak out, or the people illl us.
peel tliere is some truth in the charge.
It would never tlolo take the Ilrewer
plate Into the While lloti-e.
The October Election.
Tiinur. 1 no such thing as nvor esti
mating tl o importance of carrying tin-
October election. There should not be,
in our vocabulary, such a wortl ns fill.
Wemiistelect our candidate for Audi
tor General, (.'ll.utl.lis K. llovix; we
must elect our candidate fur Surveyor
General, WlU.i.lMi roN II. I'.NT i we
miixt elect a majority of tho members
of Congress, and a majority of the Legis
lature. Tbcu things wo can do, If wo
act vigorously, and get out the Djuiu
cratlc vote i nnd, as wo can do them,
we must do them. There Is now but a
hurt working period between tliiaml
tho flection. Work bravely - work
constantly -work nil the time, and we
shall do nil we propose, achieve a glo
rious State victory over the Itadlcals,
and ensure tho election of Seymour and
Illnlr in November.
Such a glorious result as this, fellow
Democrats It Is worth working for, and
shiimooii Min who tllnches from du
ty, now the pinch bus vomv.--l'atriot.
ItAim-Ai, leadersof Philadelphia, aro
promising pardons from Gov, Goary,to
all who may bo arrested for fraudulent
voting, or ballot box stalling, lit aid of
the ltadlcal party.
Our friends miift therefore kiep an
eys on the ballot box, for wo have an
unscrupulous, and lawless party to con
tend against. How long will re-pectablo
citizens give siippoit and countenance,
to a party that does not regard law or
moral principles'.'
Tiiahiii:lm Hit.vkns, tho father of
the oppressive reconstruction measures
uf tho ltadlcal party, was tho only
member of It who had the frankness
and honesty to avow that they were
unconstitutional, ami that Congress, In
adopting thorn, was acting "outsldu tho
Constitution." Now that the Great
Comma nr Is silent In the grave, tho
Uatllcal leaders aro trying to pursuado
tho peoplo that all tbelr legislation was
entirely constitutional and hval.
BCow Wo Aro Swindled.
A national banker buys onu hundred
thousand dollars of llonds and receives
ninety thousand in greenbacks. Ills
real outlay l.s therefore only leu thou
sand dollars. On this be geN from the
government, on the bonds, six thous
and in gold, equal to eight thousand In
greenbacks, aid besides makes ten per
cent. At least on tho greenbacks Is
sued to til in for the bonds, making the
comfortable sum or I7,0(iO, nnd yet the
people, under this uburd system, ex
pect some day to pay about three thou
sand millions or tho public debt. The
bankers may be able to discharge this
debt by this system of augmenting It,
but tho people, never. Tho only real
outlay to which a national banker is
subjected Is tho difference between the
umount of United States bonds ho de
posits nml the amount of greenbacks Is
sued to him. Suppose ho continued
thlj process, antl when ho has $00,000 of
greenbacks, ho again buys bonds nnd
again draws greenbacks, SSO.ODO from
the treasury. Again bo repents the
process and draws $70,000 and then $00
000, nnd then J.lo.OOi). Sums greater, but
npproximutlng ther-u In greenbacks,
would bo furnished until he would re
ceive Interest on quite half a million of
dollars from tho government, and bis
only real outlay would bo tho original
ten thou-and dollars, if the Union
Were richer than Cue-us ami Hot lis
chllds nnd all the kings antl emperors
of tho world, this proce-s would speed
ily bankrupt It. The peoplo under tills
wonderful banking system, dl'gul.-e it
as wo may, pay ono hundred per cent.
for the use uf private bankers' capital.
Taz-Paycrs Look at This!
It is time now to n-sail the ears of
the people with plain facts; to din Into
them truths In figures ; to show them
in tho fewest words what is tho finan
cial condition of the country, ami how
certainly bankruptcy and ruin await us
without a change of rulers.
Look for a moment nt these figures,
compiled siom official reports :
.May 1, ISO'S, .2,."iiM).oiS,:i27 .Mi
Juno 1, ISliS, 2,.)10,2.j,SS0 71
An increase in one month of nino
million, seven hundred and seventeen
thou-nd, lllty-nlne dollars and eigh
teen ci tits. I CUT.
August 1, lsV.s, Sl'.KViHI.I'sO "i7
September I, lSXs, 2,r.:HU l.ill.'l n:l
An luercivo In one month of twelve
million, sovciity-nine lhounnd, eight
hundred llllll llllrl V.I n-mlnllnr n.wl tl v. .
ty-six cents.
And vet we nro loltl l,r it... !!s..!l..!
press that the public debt has been tie-
creased. As figures nro supposed not
to lie, and a no supposition of the. kind
la entertained in regard to tho ltadlcal,
press, wo msy safely leave, without
comment, tlio question of veracity be
tween tho figures and the press, to be
decided by tho public.
Opinions of Statesmen.
"I say again, fellow citizens, leincm
her the fair-of Homo nnd vote for no
candidate who will not tell you, with
tho frankness of an Independent free
man, the principle upon which, if elec
ted, he will administer your Govern
ment. "That man descries to Le usare who
would vote for a mum candidate when
hi liberties are at .'tit.e. Andrew Jack
son. "If my suffrage is asked fsr tho high
est civil officer of my country, the can
didate, however Illustrious nud success
ful bo may be, must present some other
title than laurels however gloriously
gathered on tho blood-stained battle-
Hold."-cm-.! ay.
Tho last Words nf Harrison wt relbe-e:
"I wish you to understand the true
principles of the goveinniont. 1 wish
them carried nut. 1 ask nothing more."
Sa It Right?
Is It right lo exempt $2,,,(ioo of the
property of the country from taxation,
when we are compelled to pay more
than sdavino.nnii in gold per annum, in
Intesesf,' It is this debt uml the ex
1 emptlon of the properly of the rich
from taxation, that is reducing the toil
j lug millions of America to the slavery
I ami vass.iliigetif the poverty trlcken
. masses of Kurope.
i it Is a fraudulent contrivance nl' Iho
j bond-boldor.s, of tliu privileged classes,
to rob labor that monled m mopollsts
may ho enriched at the oxpen-o of the
! pour.
! Wo put the question lo every honest
J man--to every Christian is It right'.'
Pitnvioi's to llu nomination of Gone
j ral Grant, the New York Tribune thus
! spoke of him as a man nml u general:
I General Grant wo esteem by no menus
; n groat man, nor even a very great gene
ral. We want u s'atesiiian : wn want
Mr. Chief Justice Clia-e. The ltepllb
Mean party contains no purer, no worth
ier, un more gnicu man. Ill Wlllll II"
I npect does Ouuernl Grant surpass .Mr.
Chaso? "Is be a better Hepuhlican'."'
wo nk General Grant. No reply. II wo
want, then, to talk about horses ami to
Imcco, wo may llnd him the most valiin
bio of men. .v one word upon the ities
tion that backs the heart nf the country !
"Take me, If you will, as I'lysse, s.
Grant, General, und when I mil Presi
dent. I sliall do us I please." Perhaps
wo must take hint, but wo tin not feel
like cheering over It; certainly not so
long us great statesmen remain In our
ranks, "(live us Grant because we can
elect lilin." Again that cowardly argu
ment. Is there nothing in lid great
party but office hunger'.' Is the chief
end of mini the po-tolllco aud levenuo
series ? Are we willing to lolloir a
doubtful lender Into an uncertain battle
for unknown principles'.'
How striiugo It is, that, gentlemen
mumbc-is of Religions denominations,
and claiming not to bo party men nt
that; are found among tho enemies of
Horatio Seymour, a most examplary
christian man, and supporters of Grant,
notorious for bis bad habits, ami disre
gard of religion, Can such peoplo bo
John II. Si'huatt has been dis
charged under the statute of limitations
So this wretched business ends, nfter
costing hundreds uf thousands of dol
Webster Matched by a Woman.
l.V the somewhat famous cno of .Mr.
Ilogdon's will, which wns tried In the
Bupreme Court some years ago, Mr.
Webster appeared as counsel for the np
pellnnt. Mrs. Greenough , wife of Itev.
Win. Oreoiiough, Into of Weston a tall,
straight, queenly-looking woman, with
a keen black eye a woman of great self
possession and decision of character
was called to stand as a witness on the
opposite side. Mr. Webster at a glance
had the sagacity to forseo that her testi
mony, If Itcontnlned anything of Im
portance, would havo great weight
with the court and Jury. Ho therefore
resolved If possible to break her up.Antl
when she answered to tho first question
put to her, "I believe," Mr. Weirder
roared out :
"Wo don't want to hear wlintyou be
lieve; Wo want lo hear what you
Mrs. Greenough leplled; "That's jtit
wbnt I was nbout to say, sir," uml pro
ceeded with her testimony. And, not
withstanding his repented efforts to dis
concert her, she pursued the even tenor
of her way till Webster, quite fearful of
the result, arose, apparently In great
agitation, nnd drawing out his large
snuff-box, thrust his linger lo tho very
bottom, and carrying tho deep pinch to
both nostrils, drew It up wllb a gusto;
nnd then extracting from bis pocket a
very largo handkerchief, which Mowed
nearly to his fectns he brought it to the
front, he blew his no.-o with a report
that rang dlstinctniid loud through the
Webster "Mrs.Grceiiongh, was Mrs.
Ilogden a neat woman V"
Mrs. G. "I cannot give you very full
information as to tbnt.slr; be had one
very dirty trick."
TVcbster "What was that, ma'am?
.Mrs. G. "She took snuff."
The roar in the court house was such
that the defender of the Constitution
subsided, nnd neither rose nor spoke
ugain till Mrs. Greenough had vucuted
her chair for another witness, hnvlng
time to reflect on tho Inglorious history
nf tho man who had a stone thrown on
hi I hentl.
Anecdote of Judge Black.
Mi:. Hi.ack, writes tho New York
correspondent of the Gazette, is not
more celebrated for bis astuteness, ahll
Ity and constitutional learning than for
a certain simplicity of eharactur antl absent-mindedness
regarding every-ilay
affairs. Ho can scarcely bo trusted to
peiTOI'lll tllO H10t
ordinary duties of
coinmon-llfe, and bis excellent wife in
I 'riicuiars, lanes euargo til linn
n- " '""''-ro '1; "" occasion
a if iii'V.woa child.
no n.iti logo to liL:"u,h 1,1 iuku part
iii an Important law case. Ji'is VwfUpTT
pared him for tho Journey, packed bis
portmanteau, placing therin six clean
shirts, ami charging him to bo sure to
put ono on every morning. Upon bis
return tho portmanteau was unpacked,
nut no shirts were to bo found. Mr,
liiack hurried to her liege lord for nn
explanation, but her liege lord could
give none. Ho was ceitaln he had put
on n clean shirt every day, but could
recollect nothing about tho soiled ones.
Hut that night, when undressing, the
mystery was explained. Thu astute
lawyer had Indeed complied with Ids
wife's directions, but on puling on it
clean shirt every morning had fot got
ten to remove tho soiled one. The en
tire six missing shirts were on bis hack
boy named Colter, who sells paper oc
casionally for tho sake of making a tew
dliiusi, yesterday invested flfteeu cents
of his earnings in a watermelon, on
Deaderlck street. Ho took It over to a
stand in the market-house, nnd, In com
pany with a "chum," proceeded to have
a luxuriant feast. A large Jack knife,
which Colter had purchased about two
weeks ago with liisi savings, was brought
into nctlvo operation. The melon wa
cut in two ; but horror! Inside in one
half of the melon was a young snake,
yellow nsn leak and about nine inches
long. The half In which he had bis
habitation was nearly all hollow. The
yoimgo snake darted his foiketl lounge
fiercely and aimlessly about llvo or six
times, the first dart ho made hitting tho
foicllnger of young Colter, who Imme
diately ran off to the drug store on tho
corner of Cherry anil Cedar streets, hut
finding no doctor he bun led up Cedar
street still further,
We Irarneil aftcawards that thu phy
sician cutoll'tho llrst joint of thu bitten
linger, aud sent tho boy back homo in
n lim'l;, telling liliu It would lie all right.
The little snako wus caught ami put In
to a fruit Jar hy Whiteside a butcher'
nsltaut, who lives out In German
town. It is a most extraordinary lusiis
nature, and It seems Impossible to
account for how tbesnakecould have got
Into the heart of ulargo and apparently
n'liid melon. The part In which It
was found was thrown violently against
a post by Culler, and was bruised nnd
broken in such a wns Impossible
to ascertnlnwhether there were nny holes
nr damaged spotsou thoilud.--Tlii! enn
Is decided unusual. Xashrilte Times,
Dunj.Nti tho wnr, a soldier, who wus
residing for a few dnys In Philadelphia.
to spend an extensive bounty, became
Bllghtly intoxicated with Ills task, anil
whllo perambulating tho streets or tho
Quaker City, fell In with a crowd of
colored peoplo on their way to church,
and as they arrived at tho meeting houso
ho went In with tho rest, supposing It
to boa theater, or somo placo af amuse
nt'int. After waiting some tlmo for tho
curtain to rise, tho minister appeared
and proceeded as follows:
"My dat last great day
when do trump ob do Lord shall blow,
and do sheep shall go to do right and d
goats to do left, who want to bo du
gout V
After a short pause hosald agaln.rnls
Ing his voice, "I say, who'll bo de
Tho soldier supposing tho performnnci
delayed for a person to represent n goat.
In some play exclaimed:
"Look here, old follow, rather than
to havo this thing play out, I'll bo gcRtl