The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 25, 1868, Image 2

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SChc Columbian.
t'RtDAir MUUJlxu, R kpt. at, laan.
(rTIIR COI.UMniAX lia. Ih. Largol
CrcmlMlo In ('nlanibla and artjolalng
aaantlaa of any apr published Iter, anil
la also mneh largtr shaat than any nf
ttacotamporarta.t auit la th.r.farr Ih. btl
medlnas fbr adv. Hiking In aacllnn nt
(ha Stale.
Attention J Democrat II
In order tlml cheap reading niullcr
may bo furuliliiHt the iplo until afler
tho election, we make Hie following of
fer) That wo will Rend The CoI.uhiuan
from now until after tho Presidential
election to i-liitn ir twenty roll KJVK
. DoM.Alm. 'I Ids In only Twenty live
rents a mintliiT nnd Just covens the
uHt of tho iiier on which It N jirluteil.
The paper contain euch week Hlxlt-en
largo columns of entertnltiln literary
and political uoth.
No Democrat la mo pi)r hut what he
can glva twenty five cent to aid In tho
coming content, and ho should see that
his Iladlcal neighbor has a copy.
Clubs should bo formed at every Post
Ool. Piollot.
Thk Congresalonnl nomination mado
at Danville, will gratify many personal
friends of Col. l'iollet in every county
of our District. It was in our opinion,
well-advised and helluvn will Insure
success. For theru is a spirit of keen
inquiry abroad, and thu course of our
present Representative In Congress has
been unsatisfactory and in some respects
odious. Ho has supported tho inrwt
extreme measures by his votea, thougl:
he has been an Instrument rather than
u leader of party and has contributed
nothing of valuo to the debates or pro
ceodingsof Congress.
Col. Plollct Is a man of unusual enor
gy, and his abilities nro of n very re
Hpcctablu order. As a business man ho
has been very successful, and the largo
interests that have been confided to his
clmrgo, at several times, havo been
managod by him with signal skill and
fidelity, whether ai Contractor or ns
Supcrlntendant upon canal or rail-road
Improvements in Hrndfurd and "VY'vo-
mlng counties, he has performed all his
obligations to State mid Corporation In
a most satisfactory manner, while ho
has won the confidence and attachment
of tho citizens with whom ho has been
brought in contact by moat honorable
and Just conduct towards them.
But it is at home, as Farmer nud
Merchant, that the Colonel appears
most to advantage. J lo has the respect
of all his neighbors, and will receive,
very generally, their sincere support,
not merely because he has ability and
clear opinions upon public alia Irs, but
because they know him to bo a true
man in all the relations of social and
business life, and therefore presumably
tltted for tho ordeal of public service.
The Colonel becomes a candldato at
this time, with particular referenco to
flnancinl reform. Tho taxation of tho
peoplonnd the expenditure of tho pub
lic monies are themes with which ho is
familiar and In which ho feels n deep
Interest. Ho will, If elected, labor with
diligence and zeal to reform taxation
and reduce the public expenses, for he
regards these as tho most important sub
J f cts for consideration by Congress.
Wo shall take pleasure hereafter In
enforcing the claims of Col. l'iollet up
on popular confidence. For ho Is a can
dldato to bo support! with zeal and
without distrust, and thoso who know
his merit must not withhold their tes
timony In his favor.
More Work.
TiiKKKistoo little activity in Penn
sylvania. All acknowledge It to bo tho
battle ground. Tho' Radicals havo
thrown into it their ablest debaters.
What Is tho Democratic State Commit
tee about that they havo not drawn
from Now York and other States the
brilliant orators who could render her
effectivo service? Thocainpalgn ought
to bo aggressive, tho Issues aro with us,
tho voters aro with us, but the canvass
will not proceed of Itself. There nro
still threo week, let them lie weeks of
herculean effort, of sleeph-ss energy,
and make our victory a Waterloo to tho
Radicals; destroying them as a politi
cal organization forever.
Tin: election In Maine shows that
tho Democrats gained almost eight
thousand votes to tho hundred thous
and. Tho whole voto Is less than ono
hundred and thlrty-fivo thousand. That
Is a tremendous gain. Apply the same
ratio of Incrcaso to Pennsylvania, and
wo shall carry the Stiito by fifty thous
and. Aro we making the tamo active
and determined effort ? We ought bD
do so, for our success Is then overwhel
ming certain. In Maine all they could
hope was to reduce majorities. Lot us
Imltuto Maine ami her gallant Democ
racy. Failing to collect tho Illegal nve.
ments mado ngalnst tho Democratic
counties in the State, and not daring to
test the question In tho Courts; Radi
cal tlnrtranft has given notice that ho
will keep back tho appropriation mado
ror common school purposes. So, as they
can't steal any longer from full grown
meu, they propose to filch It from tlto
Utile school child re i. Oh I the beau ties
of Radicalism 1 the party of groat mor
al ldea, of all tho decency and all the
oducatlon, stealing the educational fund
of tho children. In thcro any, other
fund they can get their fingers on bo-
foro tho people wlpo them out? If
there is, they'll bo after It.
Ronner, of tho Ledger, says If tho
tho Republican party don't uiuko more
of Harm Sammy Grant than he (Ron
ncr did out of tho biography written
by the old man, (Grant's father,') they
will havo made a bad Investment. Ho
paid tho old man a good round sum for
that biography, yet It somehow or oth
er it not only did not Increase the circa
latlon of tho papar, but actually reduc
ed It.
Reauino them out. Ono year ago
tho New York Trlbun said t
"Men who hold that none but Whites
should vote, may bo well enough In
their place, but thcro Is no room for
them In tho Republican jarly," I
Another Outpouring of tho People 1
TttK meeting at Hcntoti on I'rlday
last, was a roller and clearly Indicates
tho Interest the people feel In the com
Ingcontest.ThoOrangevlllo llrass Hand
vtwjri;s(;nt,, juid. .Hags and banners
floated In nil directions; showing tho
7.oal of our friends In that section. Wo
wcro clad to poo our friend Aaron Pat
terson of Ornngc, thcro with n six homo
team, loaded down with sturdy DcniO'
cruts, It is, and wo trust It will bo Imi
tated by others, not only during tho
contest, but especially on tho day of
The stand was creeled directly oppo
silo utiles' Hotel on the vacant lot, and
all well and completely arranged. At
about two o'clock order was called by
the choice of the following officers:
President, Peter Kill ; Vice Presidents,
J. 1.. dry olTnnibra, K. X. Tubus nud
Geo. dcarhart of Falrmouut, Aaron
Young and John Ikcler Ilenton, J, J,
Kanccnnd Wm. Ikcler of Fishlngcrcck
Andrew Uiubacli nnd Je.-su Hartinan,
of Sugarliinf, Aaron l'attcraon and Col
II. U, Kllnuof Oronge, Irani Derr of
Jackson. Secretaries, Chas. Conner, P.
Call, J.J. Utiles, Silas W. M'llenry, C,
11. M'llenry, S. llhone.
Kobert F. Clark, Ksip, was then In
troduced, and was listened to with tho
most profound attention : not only,
doubtlevj, or. account of his ability as a
speaker, but becausoof his well-known
previous political position.. Ills address
was in all respects just what It should
Iiavo liccu, ami mat is pernaps all wo
ought tosay of It, not havl'ig taken
any notes. Its effects upon thoso pics
ent, uf tho Iladlcal party, cannot, o
course, be known, but they could hard
ly listen to such n speech, and then go
uwny perfectly satisfied that tho prlncl
pics and practices of their party aro not
antagonistic to the Government, as
formed by Washington. If ho did not
show that, and further, that tho Itadl
cal party does not hold tho principles
of tho Republicans of MG,then all our Ido
asof logic nro at fault. Ilowas frequent
ly ap'.ilaudcd, and evidently gratlflei
all pn-sent, not of tho most extreme
Iladlcal ptirsuasion.
Col. Freeze followed showing how
tho Radicals aro ignoring tho prlncl
pics of Jefferson and carrying out thoso
of tho-momirchlst, Mr. Hamilton ; how
tyranlcal extravagant, and corrupt they
are, and how necessary It Is, that they
should bo driven from power.
Judgo Derr was called for, and in his
usual happy stylo gavous n song, nnd
then ufter cheers for Seymour & Illalr,
for the speakers, and for the Song, all
prepared to return to their homes great'
ly delighted.
Congratulatory Address.
Dkmochatio Statk Con. Room, I
twi Alien St. riiiuADui.puiA. j
So the Democracy of Pcwisyhania :
TiiEsturdy Democracy of Maine havo
covered themselves with glory.
In tho very citadel of Radicalism
they havo demonstrated that you aro
upon the eve of a magnificent victory.
The two parties wero last arrayed at
thcpolls.upon national Issues In 1SG0.
Malno then nolletlii voto nearly equal
to her voto of 1 SGI, whilst Pennsylvania
polled her largest voto.
In 1800 Radicalism received In Maine
Ct,037 votes. In 1808 it received, ns
they themselves estimate, 75,002 votes.
This Is an Increase of 8 per cent, upon
tho voto of 1600.
In 1806 Democracy there received 11,-
017 votes, and in 18G8,lt receives 55,725
votes. This Is an increase of 00 percent,
upon the voto of 1800.
In 1R00 Radicalism received In Penn
sylvania :W7,274 votes, and Democrecy
received 200,090 votes.
Apply the test of Malno to this vote,
nnd Radicalism will receive In l'eiin
syluanla an Increase of S per cent, or
21,531 votes), inukingn total of 331,830
votes, nud lteruocracy will recelvo an
incrcaso of 80 per cent, or 87,028 votes,
making u total of 377,121 Democratic
votes, showing that wo will have a clear
Democratic Jnajarlty of 45.2GD votes.
Whilst tho totals shoivn by this cat!
inato nro too largo for tho voto that wo
will cast in October, no man who kuows
tho condition of public sentiment in
Pennsylvania will assert that thu tela
tivo proportion will he lessened.
Maine voted for John C. Fremont,
yet James lluchanati was elected Presi
dent, and Pennsylvania led thu column
of States that mado him tho Chief Kxe-
cutlvo of tho nation.
Tho hopo of tho Republic- Is In thu
Democracy of tho Koystonc.
As In 1850, thu responsibility or de
termining thu contest now rests with
Maine bos proven that you can again
bring triumph to tho principles you
Let us arouse to renewed energy and
more determined effort.
Uy order of the Democratic State
Howki.i. Comi, who wns Uuchaimn's
.Secretary of t he Treasury, paid fifteen
per cent, premium on n part of tho Na
tional debt Incurred by tho Mexican
war still unpaid, which he finally can
celled In order to leavu the Treasury
empty when ho run away to euungo lu
tho Itcbelllou. after borrowini? niniu-v
to meet presslnir demands at (irelce per
cent In cold I llepublicun,
all, after tho defeat of the Democrats in
1RC0, when the cloud of woe. debt, and
taxation, that has slnM fallen upon thu
country, was hanging 6yer us. It was
about tho time that Horace Oreeley,
then and now, tho Radical leader, was
advocating tho right of Ho cession, and
when in this community, It was com
mon to bear tho remark from Radicals
" Let tho South bo" " Wo lire better
ofr without them."" They aro an ex
ponsotl us" "They cant bo kicked
out.'i ,
That thu credit of tho Government
wus low, Is probable, but bear in mtnd
It was all In consequence of the defeat
of the great parly that had so lnug rul
ed tho Country, with such wImIoiii and
success, Noto tho fact, moreover, how
unwillingly tin llepublicun has com
plimented Secretary Cobb Wo uro told
that, Instead of appropriating the mon
ey In tho treasury to his own use, or
that of his friends, as a Radical would
havo done ; for fear It would bo wasted
or stolen, by tho party cumlug Into
power, he actually took it and ald olf
the lionda of the Government.
Orand mass Mooting at Ccntralia.
The people fully determined In Ihruil
tielrjiprtisorsfrom J'owcr I A, I
J.v 'accordance with tho. announce-
mcntin tho bills, tho Democracy' of
Ccntralia ami Conyngham township",'
assemuieu nt tno nouso or noiicri'i-ur-
rcll In Ccntralia, on tho afternoon of
tho PJtli Inst. Tho Democracy of
Bchuylklll was largely represented, and
tho Ashland H.uul rtM lent their aid to
tho glorious cauxc. Many Republicans
weru present on the occasion. After n
grand procession through tho town, the
meeting was organized by electing m
Torrey, lisri., President ; W. S. Whit
tier, James Kealey, Robert rarrell, J
P. llannou, Thus. O'Connor, Richard
Thornton and Thru. Conor, Vlco-Prcsl
dents, nnd (!. G. Murphy, J. J. Cough-
lln and w m. llrysou, Secretaries.
The President then announced Jas.
llryson, Jr., ll-q., would address tho
meeting, and after loud and continued
cheering, ho in onoof his mighty bursts
of oratory, depicted In clear and utinn
swcrablo logic, tho living, issues of tho
campaign, and tho unhappy results
coiifcquent on a renewed lea'o of Itiull
oil power. ,
Mr. llryson's lofty stylo, natural ges
turex, extenslvo vocabulary, sublimity
of thought, and elegant compatlsous,
placo him on a level with tho firstspea
kcrs of tho State. Ho held the audience
spell-bound and left the platform, en
circled by n wreath, nmld great enthti
Gen. Knt was then Introduced and
received with applause. Iludellnlatcd
tho object of tho war, the Inconsistency
of Gen. Grant, nnd tho violated pledges
of Congress, with force and reasoning
beyond refutation.
His appcaranco Is pleasing, his man
ncr courteous, nud depend upon It tho
people of this end of tho county will do
their whole duty to innko him their
noxt .Surveyor-General. Ho was fol
lowed by Lawyer Scott of Pottsville
who spoke at length on finance one'
rous taxation, useless expenditures, In
creasing debt, uuwlsu legislation, am
proved beyond tho shadow of doubt
that the party In power aro unlit to con
duct "thu Ship of State" io thu haven
of peace, happlnei-s nnd prosperity, ills
speech was nicely punctuated with hear
ty cheers.
At tho call of tho President threu
checis wero then given for Seymour t
Rlair, and threo more for Gen. Knt and
tho State ticket, after which tho meet
Ing adjourned. C. G. M.
Fortieth Congress Adjourned ScS'
Tin: Senate- was called to order ot 12
o clock. Rev. Dr. Gray, Chaplain, In
thecoursoof his prayer, Invoked tho
wisdom and grnco needful to support
members In their public duties, so that
whatever course they pursuo may meet
thcRlvIno approval and thosnnctlon of
the wholo nation.
Tho Clerk commenced reading tho
Journal, but on motion of Mr. l.d-
munds,tho further reading was dispens
ed with.
Mr. Anthony offered the following
resolution :
Jlcsolred, Uy the Senate, (the! Houso
of Representatives concurring,) that tho
President of tho Senate and tho Speaker
of tho Houso of Representative do ad-
ourn their respectivo llouo until 12
o'clock, noon, on tho 10th day of Octo
ber, 1608 ; nnd that they then, unless
otherwlso ordered by tho two Houses,
further adjourn their respectivo Houses
until tho 10th day of November, 1808,
at 12 o'clock, noon; and that they then,
unless otharwlso ordered, further ad-
ourn their respectivo Hou-.o to tho first
Monday of December.lSOnt 12 o'clock,
On motion of Mr. Sherman there was
a call of tho Senate, when thirty-four
members nnswered to theh- names ex
actly a quorum.
Mr.Anthony stated that his colleague,
Mr. Sprague, was not prcsect, owing to
The question, was taken on tho adop
tion of tho resolution, which was
agreed to yeas 33, nays 1 Mr. Ilueka-
On motion of Mr. Anthony, at 12:15
tho Senato took a recess for half an
fter tho recess n message was receiv
ed from tho Houso that tho latter had
passed tho resolution to adjourn to tho
Uitli of October; if not then otherwNo
ordered, to tho 10th of November, ami
men, unless otherwise ordered, to tho
first Monday of December.
Mr. lluckalow offered n resolution re
questing tho Houso to Inform tho Sen
ato whether n quorum of members wero
present nt tho sitting to-day. Ho Kild
ho was Informed thcro was not when I
that resolution was passed.
Messrs Anthony and Kdinunds
thought It would be discourteous to ask
the House that qcestlon. It was pre
sumed that tho Houso could not put It
without a quorum, nnd besides It wes
Improper thus to Inquire. Tho Houso
resolution was concurred in nnd tho
President declared tho Sennte ftdlnurn-
Atonoo'clock, whllo tho roll was be
ing called In tho House, to get u quo
rum, n message was received from tho
Scnnto announcing tho passngo of tho
Houso resolution by that body, which
Instantly put a btop to tho Houso pro
ceedings. As both Houses having con-
currcii in mi) resolution it was nnwtt
law. Tho Houso adjourned at ten min
utes past ono o'clock. Tho Senato :ul- ..cii.tnitcl .. Inl.. II..,.
Randall, Eldridgr, Roycr, Halght;' In
tho Siinato only two Democrats-RucJsn-lew
and M'Crcery. Tho latter camo lu
alter tho Senate resolution had passed.
Fully 120 members of tho Houso wero
In tho city nud a quorum would havo
been found, lf necessary, at tho next
Congress meeting,
Boi.mkks. Voto against tho party
that for tho sake nnd purposo of making
tho negro your equal, allowed thous
ands of your comrades to f-tnrvo in tho
Audcrsonvlllo prison.
Pooii.MKN,Worklngmen, now Isyuur
time to do Justice to yourslves, by vo
ting down tho party that has oppressed
you for tho last soveu years. Re true to
yourselves, bo true ti thocountry.
WoitKiNtiMi:.v, Vote against tho
party thnt caused the War, caused tho
debt, caused tho taxation, caused alio
high prices of (til you eat, drink or
To this Stato tho eyes of tho country
nro now turned. Kncb. party claims It
for ltsclf,ffihd b'dth nro struggling desj
pci-iUclyto niako goqdl Isclal m", yenn
sylwnlajoiicqjp Democratic Stato foj
mariv?vrnrfi hna liecn'cnrrlpil bv tlio lie
puDiicausjuyYiargomnjoiilies.v l.sst
year tno uemoerais innuun vigorous
tight under tho guhlaneo of a most ef.
flcleut JCxccuttvo-Coinmlltee. JXlio.rc.-.
suit was tho election of tho Democratic
candldalo for Justice of AliC Suptoind
Court by 027 majority, tiifi total Voto
of thoStato being 02,71)5 less tlmn-thnt
ol tho previous year. ,Now tomes thu
question, which party will seeuru next
month n majority of these nearly sev
enty thousand votes'.' Hut theronro oth
er questions to bo decided by tho can
vass which aro of more lui portauco than
thocholco of tho Stale officers ; they nro
the election of representatives lu Con
gress and u Statu Legislature, which
latter Is to choose u United Slates Sena-
In placo oflIon. Charles R. Ruckalew,
whoso term of office, will explro on the
Ith of March next. In tho present
Houso of Reprcscntnlatlves thu Pcnn
f.ylvnnia delegation Is polltlealy dlvld
thus: Democrats, 0; Radicals, 18. At
the election last year tho Democrats ( ar
rled nil tho'illstrlcts which they carried
In 1600 nnd four more, besides prcslng
tho Radicals yo closely In another dis
trict (tho Tenth) that tho result was a
tie vote. They have, therefore, reason
nblo grounds for expecting to elect ten
and perhaps eleven of their candidates
for Congressmen, nnd thus secure a
moro honest representation on tho floor
of the House of Representatives than R
has had In several years.
All the Information that has reached
us concerning tho progres of tho cam
paign In this Stato is full of encourage
ment. Tho Democrats navo occn anil
aro working with commendable vigor
and discretion. Their forces aro well
officered mid thoroughly drilled; and
unless some unexpected es-ent occurs
during tho next threo and a half weeks
they will march over tho field on tho
13th of Octoher.and at night -fall rcjotco
with their comrados lu other State over
tho redemption of tho Kcystono State,
and tho consequent triumph of the en-
Democratic party In November.- World.
terrible Sarthpuakcs.
.1 7Jo:cii Cities Destroyed! 30,000 to
00,000 Lives J.ost, and $3oo,oun,uoo
worth of J'roperly imwiiyeti.
A Tinuiiiti.i: earthquake which has
Just dovastcd South America bccins to
havo ranged from Port Conception,
tho southern coast of Chilli, up to Qui
to, 'tho eapltol Kcuador, just below tho
equator. Tho length of coast lino nll'ct-
ed by the several shocks Is estimated nt
about 2,000 miles. Tho extrcmo dis
tance from tho sea coast Into tho Interi
or, whero tho shocks wcro felt, is not
known ; but It H supposed that tho de
vastation extended to tho cast of tho
Cordilleras. Peru, Ecuador, and Chlllo
nro known to hnvo ben tho principal
sufferers srom these great calastrophies.
No advices havo been received from
Rollvla and tho Argentine Republic.
Mariners who had arrived nt Peruvian
Ports reported that vessels in which
they rode wero rocked by a finrful un
dulation far out nt sea.
Tho total lo.s of life by theso earth
quakes, from tho 13th to tho 17th ult.,
was estimated to bo from thirty thous
and to sixty thousand lives I
Tho total lossof property was estimat
ed at threo hundred millions of dollars I
Over four hundred thousand people
wero deprived of shelter. Fifty largo
cities and towns, and more than two
hundred r.maller town nnd village, nro
n ruins. Tito vast mineral province of
Huancavcllca, Peru, lias been utterly
devasted, The agricultural interests of
the country, like, thoso of Ecuador, and
thoso parts of Chilli and Rollvla, are
nearly destroyed ; manufacturing, and
other producing Interests havo also re
ceived an unprecedented shock ; lu tho
various ports of deposit all goods havu
been washed away or badly damaged,
and hundreds of merchants are bank
DilMocr.ATic meetings to be held In
Columbia county at tho following times
nud places :
hcrovcr tho placo is not naiued,tho
meeting will bo at tho regular club
rooms fur tho tow nship.
Reaver, I'rldy, Sept., I'o, nt 1 p. m.,
Col. John O. Freeze. Robert F, Clark
Ksq., and others,
Milllin, Saturday, .Sept., 0, at 1 p.
m., Robert F. Clark, J-q John li.
Freeze, and others.
J teller's School IIoiiso, Madl-on town
ship, Friday, Sept., 2.", at 7J p. in., C,
O. Hartley, Kq., Wm. If. .Shoemaker.
Jones' School House, Mount Pleiuant
township, Saturday, Sept.. '20, at 7J p.
in,, Wm, H, Shoemaker, Esq.,
tola, Tuesday, Sept., '20, at 1 p.m.,
Col. John Cl. Freeze, K. Ji. Jkclcr, Ksq.
and others.
Montour Township, Tuesday, Sent..
20, at 7 p. in., C. O. RarUley, Esq.
lirlar Creek, Wednesday, Sept., HO,
at 75 p. in., Milton M. Traugh, Kki.,
O. W. Miller, Ksq.
Rohrsburg, Saturday, October 10, at
1 p. in Robert F. Clark, Esq., Col.
John (1. Freeze, and others.
The Vigilance- Committees will un
nouneo and niako necessary airaugc
ments for tho meetings. Democrats,
nttond; Republicans, you aro Invited
to come mid hear tho real Issues of this
Important campaign fairly discussed.
i no inilles also aro cordially Invited.
hlghtstreot, Mouday evening, Sep. 28
R. V. Clark.
Franklin, Saturday evo nlng Oct. ti
lt. F. Clark and J". Cl. Freeze.
Mlllvllle. Monday evening Oct. fl
it. '. Clark and J. U. Freeze , -
Centre. Tuesday afternoon Oct. 0, nt
Hill's Caiiipnroun--J-Vecze, Clark nnd
others. '"jAy
Miilnpvlllo, Tuesday uvenlng Oct. 0
Catawlssa, Aednosday uvenlng Oct.
7 Clark & Freeze,
Conyngham twp. t Oermnntown,
Friday evening Oct. 2-J. O. Freeze &
James llryson.
Rloomscurg, Monday evening Oct. 12
Robert F. Clark, Esq. .
Chalrmttti Rom. Co., Com
Rloomshurg, Sopt., 15,'C8.
1'oou-mi:.s', Worklngincti, bo nitlvu
and earnest In your ofl'ortto defeat your
eiiemy, iind tho enemies of free Gov
1'ooh-mi:.v, Worklnirmcu, voto down
tho party, thatwahlstdbrjng you down
to tho lovel of tho Ignorant and brutnl
D om o cralio Ntttionnl Ticket.
ji-on rnK3tnr.NT!
oFxnw yohk.
ron vice-i-iu:.siiii:st:
of StissoOnf.
'Domoorfitlo Stato Ticket.
ion si'uvcYon-acMFUAM
Dcinocratio District Tiokot.
ion cos tiaras
oi' rmADi'oni) countv.
Democratic County Tickot.
roil ltnrilKSKSTATIVK I
rou co.n.Missio.i:it i
rou si'iiVKVon i
von AiimToiii
llrnoM IavM I.r)ttcnl)ortf,.T. H. rnrmnii, John
K. (llriun.
IHmvicK Inlah llowcr, A, I, Bt-ely. Jnetih
l!iirAtitEni; C. T. Steele, JolinG. Jncuby, M
bfrt Hiaitli.
ItNroN J. J. M'llenry. T. Ilenton C'nle, .John
HKAVi:n-Mn,esH(litk-hcr,n.II!nterllttr, cn,
I. l)rolsbirli,
L'KxruALiA John 1', Jltinnon, Thomas O'Cv
lilrty; John HlfjilnRer.
(.'o.NV.vr.HAMJJr. f. II. Woliuilh,anron IVr
son. (, Thornton.
t'uTAwiHSA-lr. J, K. Ilolil.lns Wnltt r Srolt,
Ail.uu l'cilcrolf,
t'i:.NTi:i: Abruliani White, Samml NVjhait,
Hiiinnel liower.
Kit an km s .1. 11. Knlltlf, II. J. lUili-r, Miim'i
V. MMU'iiry.
l'muNui'iirKK M. A Ammennnn, I'rlah
M'llenry, K. tJimncst.
Ottrrxwoon-ti. Utt, Wm. Kramer, Jot. 11.
1 llllUIl
IhMi.ocK Wm.lf. Mioemnltcr.Hitsh M'llrldf.
Z. ltobbins. 1
Jackson Geo. llurliman. J no, M'llenry,
Loci'rtT Hun. 1'. li, Herblne, Dunlfl Hllnv,
fli-rii Hnwer,
Maiiison Jni. Klsner, A. J. Cwr, H"Sl
Main IT,. T, Ounphetl, JohnNuss, ChriH. Fhhvr
aMirrMNUr. It. II. Montgomery. Samml
HfltweppfmliPlsrr.Isnnc JaMj.
MoMoun IVter Ilulmhncli, J, 1. rarehsworth
I'oier i;vnns.
Mt. 1'j-fahant TIioh J, W'elUver, Jno Vi'n
11 Ml Jus. Jnlilisnii.
Oi VNdE-CHarieH Connerji:. O. Itlckctt1", V. II.
nnjui'i .
I'ini: Josppli Slioemalier. Jo. TrlbUbls An
iliew Whltmuyer,
ltuAiiiNfjciti.KK J, I). Houelr, Wm, Drelhbaih,
IVlor Lovun.
srorr ihe.irl lint, Daniel Snyiler, CIiu'h. 11:
tiL'fiAH IrfiAr A.Iiubath, DavM Lewis Um.
Ity ciukr of Rinmllng Conimttep,
JOIKV A. riLN.-STO.N, Ch.ilrnian
lllnimisburg, Aug. J.'H
Tnosi: Jrrovcrmt la in who cnlletl naiiiex niter
n (eitain "Imld Iteutl" of oUl. deherved ihelr un
timely end. lociUiso nt that tiinouo intnaeen hntl
been dNeoveied to its ton tho human liulr upon
tho bnhl KpotH, Itut now Kins' VruHablu vm.
uroiinH Known to i-ososh thu rnro nit rlt of in
vigorating uu1 umts una nuhijc ttiem wi run
lhv, wJino not entirely dead, thai they cannot
help putting lorth n new lmowIIi nlncli
in bounty thu Jocks of youth.
ThoLnent nnionnt of tinio ennsntiied l the
littlies in ilri"Miifiinit mrunglug their hair must
make any arlielo whlelt woultl lessen their labor
laiiicuiaiiy iiPHiitiuie. mn;: eueiuuie aiu
jrosla It nis tho hair In hueh t'omlltkiu as to
lender llmilieln and urrannlu.T i M'ry easy
maltcr, 11 linpatta toll that bpUtullduloHsy up-
peaianct! ho much admired, elcanseH thu henlp
lrom tlatulruir nnd nil liumorH, nnd preeuts
haldneKH ; promoteH ItHiouthnud restores giay
hair to ltHorlglnni color, Julyai.'C'J a
J'rom the "AltOUS? Albany, A. 3'.
Wc mo not In the habit of notlclntr ho-uillod
1'iiteiit MedleliuM ; but wo hnc no heMtntlon hi
oommeiidlnt; tills vuluublo HltterH to thu public
It Is eotnpOMil ot none but the purest and liet
Ingredients, nnd thu thousAudH of tebltmoulaU
to ttHt'iileacy, leinu no duubt that Is tho nn.t
mi Inn hlti frpi-ellle known iortlio eureof Diseases
ot tho I.lvt-r, (,-eneral IMiillty, l''uer,and eotn
plainto arising lrom u DUorUertd Mumueh,
Thenltttrs Is entirely fiee from all Intoxicating
Combines all tho lncrcdlentsof tho ltltter.4 with
purohanta Cruz Hum, orange, uulhc, &e. It is
used lor tho fcaino Ul sea sen tin the Hitlers, lu eases
whero Homo Alchohollo hllmulant Is neeehhary
and makes ' preparation dcllghtltilly jileasaut
nnd ngreeablo to take, lrtnc!pat olllee, !l.ieli
btreet, Philad'n. l'a, bold everywhere.
j tny oi, uvii.
ADintr-sH to Tin: Ni:iivoirs ANiriTiTitrr."
ltatcd, whoso EUlIerlURS havo been protrncletl
lrom hidden causes, ami whoso cases ieulie
f ou nrobUlU'iluu. or hao hu.'Iered. Iiom In-
ountary tllhshnrges, what etreetdoes It nrottueo
upon your general health? Do you kef vtuk,
dt bllilated, earlly tired? Dot s iv IlttUi extra ex
ertltn produce n palpitation of the. heart? Does
our lier,or uiiuary oigan-, or our klduejn,
lreiiucntly gel out of order? Is your uiinu
Komt times ihlek, milky, or ilocUy, or Is It rony
mi hellllng? Ur does a thick scum llsuto the
lopr mt is ft seiumeut at ino uouom nuer h nns
htninl nwhlle? Dojou hae-pellsot hhort breath
ing or uyupcpsiaY .io jour noweis conMipnieii?
Do Mti lmu hpclU of fainting, or rushes ol blood
to the- head? Is your memory Impaired? Is your
mind conslnnllvduellini'Uiilii thin siibiLrt? tn
jnn feel dull, listless, moping, tiled of company
ofllfu? Doiouwlhhlo belettukme, to getaway
nam eirynoay ? jiocsnuy iiiuo imugiuauooti
stnrt or Jump? Hyour sUen broken or resiles?
It, tholustruof lour eio us bijlllant? The bloom
on your cheek ns bright? Do you enjoy yourelf
HI hUL-IULj- US t--l 1'J J "HI 1HI1MIU J OUT UllNllieSS
with tho bamu energy? Dujou reef as much eon
thlencoln yourselt? Aio jour spirits dull nud
liaising, gi en to ills of melancholly? If so, do
not lay It to yourltvcror dyspepsia. Hao ou
lcstlen nUhts? Vour back weak, your kuees
weak, uud Iiao but little appetite, nud you at
trlbuto this todyitensiaor liver-eomplalnt?
Now. leader. tvclAabuse. enereal dlhtTtucn bud.
ly euted, unit sexual oxetNites, nro nil capable of
iMUUiiuiiiit u t-itn.iii.-sn ui niu KviiL-iuuvu orutuis.
The organs nt generation, win u In ierfeet health
muky tlm man. Did youetr think tlmt thoso
bold, dethmt, energetic, pTKeveiing, successful
bust iiess-men uro utunys thoso whoso genert tlvo
oiiiiis nro In perfect htulth? Von neer hear
such men complain of being iiu-htneholly, or
uemmsnefcs, ol palpitation of tho hoart. iht-y
nro never nf j aid they cannot sucreeil lu busluess
lliL-v iton't liiieoino t.idnnd diseon raced ih nro
always pollto nnd pleasant In tho company of
lames, unu iuuk i uu nun uifiii rigoi in mo iacu
nouo of your downcast looks ur nny other
meanness about them, 1 do not mean thoso who
keep tho orgmalnlinted by running to excess.
Tout will not only ruin their constitutions, but
aIm) Uiuho they do business with or for,
J low many men, rom badly-cured diseases,
from tho ollects of self-abuso nnd excesses, hau
hroiiubt about that state of weakness In thoso
organs that linn udueed tho general system so
much lutuliidmuiilmufct it ly otherdlseiise
mmey, lunacy, paruiyni, iiiHiiiwifciion, sun nie
mid almost tiVury oilier form of disease which
humanity 1 lu lr to, and the nnl rauso or tho
trouble bcnrctly over suspected, and have doc
tored lornll but tho right one.
DUaisiHoftlicsoorguns uqulro tho use or n
Dluiclle. Jlclinbord's 1-luld JUlratt Ituthu Is
the great Diuretic, nnd la n certain euro for dis
eases or the lilnddcr. Kldnejs, Orntl, Dropsy.
Oignulo Weakness, t'eiuato t'omnlatuts, (Jeueial
Debility, nnd nil diseases of tho Urinary Organs,
whether existing In Male or 1'eiunlo.froiu what
cer cause originating, nnd no mutter of how
lf no treatment la submitted to. Consumption
or Insanity may ensue. Our Desh and blood are
supjiorted Horn these sources, and the health and
happiness, and that of irosterlty. depends upon
prompt use of a reliable remedy,
Jlelnibold'ri Kxtrnct liurbu .established upward
ui jo
isyeurs, preptireanyit.T, iteitnboid. Drug
ctst, (AH new York, nud m Kouth lUili Htrtet.
i'hlludelphta, l'a. rrlce 81.2a tn-r lottlo. or (1
Nono are ueuulne unless done un In stecben
graved wrappevl, with fac-slmtlo of my Chemical
Warehouse, and signed 1I.T. lli:DMUOJ.D.
loHiiiu wuriiHN nmitiL-r o Ticnnsylvama
Henry It. Munsbergcr, n Dankrupt umler the
.ct of Congress of March 2d, 1nJ7, having npplifd
loro DiHchariro from all hldebts,aud otherclatms
provablo, under suid Act, by order of the Court,
Notice is li tit lhv oivkn, to nUCicditors who
have proved their debts, nnd other perhons Inter
esttd i to appear on the day of Kept., 10$
nt a o'clock, 1. M before 11, Overton, Jr., lq, tho Dxtlmnto Dote),,
to show eaiue, if any they have, why a Disc barge
should not bo granted to the suld lkuikrupt. And
further notice Is hereby given, that the Heeoud
nnd Third Meetluus ufCreditorsof the said Dunk-
runt, required by the '.Mil und 'AMh Htctlous of
r tui aci, win uo nati m-iore tno stuu iu-giicr at
the Hume time and place.
Clerk oru.H, DUtrlc Court for suld District,
Just itKCRiVKD Tho cheapest hoop
HKlUTrtlntUocouuty at
iUitrltet ltfport.
WIir.iL for 1)iiMici.H.......f.M:
. 13 a'.
. i
. ; jo
. n CO
7 W
. 1' w
. n
! Tj
. 1 (V)
. 'i M
, It)
It) IW
IViril " ,777. .
Otttit. " , t7 .,..
( lour per barrel. ... -tttt.
Ctutfersoetl.i7S7;...,. A...;.7......r..
HnX80Od...i7......,. rt....7.1.......77.
ltUttorH.......7m w.r.77?.4.. ...TIT"
'l'tlloV .77.. .777... ...r..T7Un...777
I'otatOCM .7.,....-.K.. :Zi ......777.7
Dried AppIc;.A...;... 7.. ....Tttt...
lurk.M-. .77777..
II runt ir- T.
HUlrfi nnil HhouMers H
Ijfirri ix-r pound
liny per ton
- T.UMnnit.
Ifrinloclc llofiriW tirr thmisruitt feet
, eii io
. l.i (M
... ft W
,.. 7 DO
Tina " " " (ono inch)-
JnM.Hrnntllnff, IMnnlc. (Ilcntloc-k;
Shtnglei, Nu, 1 jer lltuusniul.
Hiding - - " "
ft. .
. IS w
No, 1 Scotch pl..-........
No. a ,r ...
II loom -
.... . ?TJ1
. .en
riitlndelphla MnrheU
U2 lbQV
KI.OU11 r
Northwestern Bupertine ftt .........
isoriuivesiern cxirnn....... - -
Northwestern f family..,..".
reunsylvanla and Western snperilue,
Pennsvlranln nnd ilVVstAm extra
....K.tNI'.l S,l
... H.fXh,ll.M
,.. 7.7.Vs.2.-,
..8..iufS o.iw
Pennsylvania nnd Western family
Pennsylvania nnd Western fancy
Ityo Hour .,
Wheat Pennsylvania ml, V bus
Houthern ,.,
CalirornlJt " " ,
Mhltf "
ItVK Pennsylvania rye, bin
Cons Yellow, "
Oats v'jus ,,
I'ltoVtsioNM Mess Pork, V bb!
Mess Peef, "
Dressed Hfgif'gil
MmoUed Hanis '
M shoulders ft
ati.iia Cloversced hwi .
TluiotliyKit'd V
Plaxseed "
CATTLK-lteef Cattle n ft
Cows, i head
Uoas pl00 ta
,. ?i.i:niti.iJ
HT:ACOCr:-FMrTII-On tho p)h Inst., nt W1L
llnuiHport, hv llev. Tho. M. Itecci iir. V, 12,
lleacock of MlllvlUe, i;x., to Mls Llxlo Smith
ni I'luiniteipmii,
gHEllfFPis" sa i7i:.
Jly virtue of u maii'late tit mo dhecled will bo
esprjscu io piiouu mho u me picnnscs on Miti
urday the Kthdnvnf Octolier onccick
p m of said tiny, the follow lug docrlbcd tract of
innn siiuaie in noh iitwnsnip uoinmoia county,
adjoining lands of Peter Hchug anil Clms. Lee on
the east, Inntts of H 1 ester J, Paiix on tlio south
lands ol Jwiae hlh'nn tlie west, and vmtU of
aarou fiooue on ini' norm, loniuiuiug ijj hereti
cs, with the nppurtt mint s, It being a lot ot If me
totie land ulth lime Ulln mid lltno houses
creeled on Mild premie, 'lube sold ns tho pro
fertv of Hjlvestnr J.I'aux nnd Mary I.'. (Iridic
us iniuuiN iiii-uiiiiii'm,
Sept,l., I MIS
OlIEnil'T'H sam:.
OF VAl.PAIir.l. ItKAI. ust.vti:.
lly lrtuoof n Venditioni l.xpnnns tn mo di
rect eil will lie exiHweil to nubile snlo on thonretn
iseson Friday the otli day of October next at 1
n'eloik n m of paid dnv. th followlnjr descrthii
lotofgiound sltuato In tho town of Catawista
c oia co., coma in ing one na 1 1 oi tin acre more or
less, bounded on tho smith bvn lot nf Hut r.itA.
wissa 11 It company. mi tho weft by the Catawis
sa railroad, on t lie north bv lot of I'lcderick
rmuier, nnu on me cum ny pumic roid.nn which
is creeicm. iruino dwelling 110110 Willi llio r.P
pnrtennncrs." Seized tnken In execution nnd tol. told ns the
proprrlyof Dm hi (inumer.
Sept. 2s,ls, sherlfT.
In purNiinncoof nn nnler nf ttmOrplmns'Conrt
of Colutnliliv county, on HATl'IUiA V. Iholoih
day of (li toljer next nt ten o'clock In the fore
noon, Win. T. Sliuinan, commit teen! Man-John
n lunatic, of Maine tup. lu said countv will ex-m-ia
to Halo In nulillc M'lidup on tho picmlsi !, n
cerlulu trai t ot limit Rltiiato In .Maluo tivt,., 'n
sa Ul county containing
T II I It T Y A C It K st
boumednnd ilehcrlbed nn follow n to wit : hound
ul by Innds or stney John on wcit, noith, east
and sou th, w hereon mo erected n two slorv lmmu
housonmirrnmeb.ini. 1 ho estiita of mM luna
tic tdtuated In the twp.of .Malno and county af
oresaid. t J .nxsr.CUI.lIMAN, rm'ty.
Sept. 25, V.
p i; li u i c 8 a j j: o v
v a r.UA 1 1 sa : in ; a r. i :tati :.
In puisimnce ofnu older id tho cn-ph in's fuuit
oi Columbl icouuty.on Satunlay t health day nt
Octolier nexf, nt ten nVlock a in, Peter Ilcimbi-ch
nil D:iiel It iylor,TiUKUeKiippfiitt d bv tin suld
Court, of John IMylor. hito of Montour tow nship
Irt Kald count?, decvnspd, wilt oxposo to sale by
public enilue, on thnjircmlscM, a ecit.ihi mes
jvai;eor tract of l.miUituate lu Montour twi.,
In Kiltt county , bunmlrd by binds ol Joseph
Monser on tho went, John Itoush on thoravr, Ji,
Wertmau'fi helrnon tho souih ami Cieorge lovy
nud others on thu rmith, conUlninu
moreor ies wlu-icun ureeri'-ud a two story
D w 1: h h 1 tt 11 1 r s k ,
n Io bam, n fprlnj; house, two ijood ,jir!ims of
wnlir near the house, two -'"d npplo i-ieh-irds
on tho place, There are also two einst)fjrnn
Uro on the said preinlseri, ono of Mft and the oth
er of hard ore, iiumlhtf throuuh i-ald puiuWeH
Horn east to went, Thulaudls IuukoikI htate of
cultivation, Jjito the estate of wild dcteasul,
Mluato in ttiu township of Montour and county
JnwII COIXMAN, clerk,
('oinUtious made known on day ol Mile.
Pkthi IlBlMItAril, 1,
DAMU. JlALOlt, f
.in. iinuviai.iiiii ,n-,,-nj( itiilll hllllllX
men, thlew-s, and nil otlu-rperMusai;.tlul lics-i
1 1.1 Ski 11 Ill II 1 1 till. Ol'NUalltlL- 1 1 lilt, fill 111. ,,1 11,1, i.ta
, ., 1. ,
ns ho 1 dclciluimd tonuiIi.h olh-udtrs In llic
lull ot nt ot 1 hi' In iv. jiiii.vh.hui'.ma:."
r-ept, li liirt Jlalno Twp. l'a.
O It S A I. JJ
A l.irao and v.cll aborted lot of
rnoTodKAniir Ari'Aitr.ATus
eoiiklslliirjln part ortho foltowlnir nitlrlcn: ono
I. u-MO iiihtiumi-nt for lahln plintoiaphv. two
hend rents, nnl- hneKLTound nud cloth, ono
pnlr nanll kciilen, omi luMrumtnt to welah II.
iiuldi, 01101.11111111.1111111, ime Iniito jdis-o oil cloih,
ono lot of MiuuuMll .lui, iniinuni ono lot
llkiutk- ciifccs and IraiiiiN, ttirco ilmw ii-huh-n
six) enrd inounl,K.ilntln ho-irds Kiat-i Minu-li
hoitle, Acheliian loiuplt-te list of all nrllelm
ri ifiilred to start liiHne.K.
1'ilco tin I'or lull pnrUeuUrHnpplyat Job-ph
II. Sliuiiian'a llotil.r.liitowu.t-cliiii ll.lll co. l'a.'u. .IO.VAH lim'Nlll:NHKIt.
'Iho tiliilerkluiil nlidllnr npiiolutiil liy II o
Court nlCiiiuuiiin riensot Columbia county to
report lnelM with his opinion in lolho plnpikly
of uruutlllK the ml.-ollho lull CKtalo of .Mnry
John.n luiialli', forllu-iairponi of payiumk-hts
and iliKiiiHliiditMind lho i.ui.pou uud mnln.
tclianiu 01 Mild liiuulle, will liuet dm milles
lor the plilpOM- of lilMippnlulmelil nl hliolllce
111 lllooin.buiK oil the Ihlld dav of beiitember
W ,. '' w- mh..i:u,
Aug. 7,'us-ll. Aiiitllnr.
lttcroraduilnIi,tratlon onthe estato of All.
drew .Mellck, lato of .Ml. I'lea.ant twp., (Uduni.
bin co., deccaHed,hao been crnnted by thu IteitU.
ler ofkiild county to Jacoh Sluilcl: ofMi, 1'nin.
nnt. All iieioim havltiK clalma or iliuiiiud..
nKiilnt tlin iklalo or thadeceduu 1110 rciiuoied
tomaUo Hum known, nnd thono ludibted in
innko pa lucnt,
, . 0,,0 JACOI1 Jir.IJCK,
JnlyS.'m-M, Adiulul.irnliir.
Letlera ti-.tameutary on the i-itiito of Uniuh
LoiiBcnberKer, lato of Heaver town. hip, Colum
bia county hnvo becuBiattttd by thuUiKl.ter of
t olutnhln County to John Ixingenbeiiier nud
Win. K. IioiiKonhcrEcr orirtd Towtmhlp. All per
Bon, havlueclalmsnirallutthoektnloaro rtouenl.
i-il lopriKcnl them for nelllcincnt, unit Uiono U.
debtud to thocMlato either on nolo or Uiok
account will mako payment to the Kxccutuia
without delay, t
John i,ONfiKNin:iiai!it,
. ., W.M. K. I.O.VUK.Nlll IlUl:t,
Bept. ,'01-M, Uxeeulois.
Tho under.litned Iickh leave to Inform tho cltl
xeiiH ofthUpluee und vicinity that he u jirepaied
to furnlHlt.iitiihnrt notice, one of the U.t WdUlJ.
KN l'UMlw for Well. niutcUKriis i-ur otleied
to tho public. They me guaranteed to thiow
more water In lewitlmonud withies, lalmr tlinu
nny other pump lu this part of tho country and
they onnnol be surpiused for beauty or finish, or
simplicity of nrrangemcut,nUncomu!uliiK cheap,
ues. and durability, Utch pump beliiK unrraut
oil to perform Us woifc well or no .ulu, lltiiH
hhuman is ncent for Columbia county, 1'tUo
75 cents per foot placed In tho well. OidCtH by
mnll or otherwise promptly attended to.
Kept, VOLly I'.LIAH HllUilAN, Cntnwlssn l'a.
t ull Hill WUTt US 1I1ST11KT ol' I fcNSl J.v IA.
imnlel W, ltobbins a llankrupt under tho
Ait or Coluiress of March Vd, wt7, havlnit ap
plied for a Ulsehamo lrom all Ids dcbl.,nnd other
clulms pronb!o under said Act, by older ol tho
Court.iiotlcola hereby ult en to all creditors who
ltae prood their debts, und other persons I uier
tsletl, to appear on the lad day of Bept., ISW
at U o'clock U.W., before 1', Overtoil, Jr. I'mi.,
Iteitlster, ut the Kiehunijo Hotel in illoniukhiuu,
lo.howiuuso.lf nny they luie, why u ilbiliorvn
should not be granted to iho said llankrupt. And
further, notice is hereby given, that tlio mcoud
and 'I bird meetings ofCredltors of tho said llank
rupt, renulred by tho.irrtli anil -.i-tli siettoiuiol
;ii!d Act, will behnd before said lleglster, upon
tho some day, ut tho sume place.
, H.lilllUANDI.KRH,
Clerk pf II. H. District (Joint for said liisttli t,
Bept, ,'m-2r
11 F Til II
TItttlTliUNTll ANSUAt. l:.MttllITION
or tii R
TIl'UM'UHAIi AMI jii;tJiAaiuii
to lie m.i.u
AT IlI.OCMHllt'IUI, l'A.,
On Widiiosclnyrhurfdny nnJ l-'iM-iy. Oclnlwr
lnh,! ictii, ism.
Hid Airlcultural Society of,
fulumdln County, AM o!i.linnr toimt cM-ry-
llllnK 111 Ill nei-l 01111 r uuimnuutu v.,......
I lima roninlclolliM yt'ni', "I"' n" Aerlcultnral Ho.
Hi-llcn lima now In- oinu llxod Imtttullnm, nml
ecrv hodyni-kuowloilKCH Hint tlwo 1. n Rrrnt
uinounl fifln format Ion, rcpri-ftl Ion nml nRrft-nnle
nMoplntlnn In ntlewlliiK n woll.poinluctl( auo a
ucll nilcil U l"ntr, tlio Committee, In whom tlio
iiicinDfra Jt tlioinslyont a 1'nlf lnHifentnit-il
Die nmitnuemeiit, would eurnetly nml rcBpeet
fully poltclt ttio eo-opcrntlon nt cury )ieron In
tho comity, hoplnit they will nil hrlnis Koiuelhlim
In the Knlr "1 Colmnula, till, ovtr inoinotahlo
yenr of our Lord, Imii. ... .
An cveiythliiK of tlil.i lilnd muntlinvo n nystom
to enrryit on with nnllr.iclluu, exhibitors nnd
routm.utnrn will 1'lini.e rend tlio tn-ilruotliiiw.
nml coimi to the I'nir rxprctlns tnnlilile hy them
without nKlns! for nnv nltorntlon.
lly order of tho rxeeutlvoConunlttee,
' i;. It. IK l.l.lilt, fecretary.
Win, Hlmlfir, (.Vnln-, Mipt.
Ile.t hlooded Ftnllton,
" Btnlllon for nil work,
" colt not over I yr. old
2d " " " " "
Host pair ilrnUKht lmr-i,
1 ' " , "
n Ile--t pr carrlafio hoe.,
t2 l
12 W
;-, (II)
b it)
" I!cnt brortil innro with colt nt licnMe, hoth
owned by the exhibitor,
r, io
:i w
s on
3 ou
i (
1 1")
Itcst slnglo carrlarjo liorso,
Uest ''( '( ni.u'c,
' lt Eliding between .1 und I y-t eld,
" iiiai'o " "
Krl.lllist " II " -1
" holkCeolL ' 1 " i
1 io
1 on
II lo
.1 W)
2 (III
or iiifitch riill. utiili-i I vrs broken ti
liarnenH, It W
llxJllliltnra under this clasa, will hao their
linraea on tho Brotiliil ny lDoeloelv inursony
Hiliin .I'll,.,, tlinV Will tin KYIlttllrifll.
.1 111I4.--H Jon-pll v, till'., (Ireellttood; Jacob
Kouniaooancr. r raiiKiio: -cin'iiii.ii, jn-iu
101K: 1. 1). .M lienrj , risniUKVieeii,
rillllp('ienuy, Centre, Supcrlntcndi nt
Ihtrhnm Aw-A-.
l!et bull fl j earn old and upwai-s 812 ('
2,1 ., u w
Iliat bullbitwten '.'nmUyeaik old 11 in
,! ,. ,. 1 on
liest hull between 1 and 2yoarsold :i W
2,1 - i ui
h'ciit cow 2 earsntnl upwnnls il 00
2,1 - - " I 1.1
Host heifer, -too
bull calf under 10 ino. 2 00
1! ilufli'HltUllxl Ih.
Ill HI lu'lhT bllMl ell nud .13 If. 4 10
2.1 ,. :lti
'- under 10 mos. 2 10
l'i st bull 3yrs.;ind jipwnrd'
2il " " " "
0 Ol
0 00
1 00
:i 00
' betwiell 2 mid ." m.
1 nml Sy re.
2 m
Unit bull cilfutidi-r 10 mo.
2 00
il 00
1 00
1 uo
:i ki
:i M
-J 00
2 I " utru'Utlnrtit 1 lr.
" cow ii yrs. and upwnrdH,
2d " " " '
" ludfer bctwt-ti. 2 anil 3 5 rs.
2,1 '.! !.'
" " under 10 mo,
Ihst bull ilyrs. nud upwind-,
i 00
0 (4
' hctweetl 2nnd 3 yjH.
' 1 and 2
" under 10 mos.
ati irtiUuntl 1 ttr.
cow a yrs. nud upward.,
heifer betv.xell 2 and 3 yit.
11 m
1 00
:i ki
2 iw
0 f-0
, 1 1 ("I
1 10
2 H3
2 (.0
uudcr 10 mo.
Ilct bull 3 yrs. and upward.
U 00
II do
1 Ul
:i on
2 mi
2 Tsl
6 00
1 00
, I 00
" helwecn 2 and .1 yr.
o betweeu luud2yrs. . ...
-, ,"t under, 10 mo, .
tiortciitntrlit 1 tr,
euw 3yrs. nud upward--,
heifer between 2 and n 3 ri.
li 00
'- uudci 10 ino".
N.irni: a.cti,
2 00
u iri
0 00
0 on
IIo?! bull :l j rs. and upwards,
" bilwien2und Ilrs.
1 " Iniul-' "
1 no
: on
2 ll
" call under 10 mo,
' tlti lcutlurit
' low '1 is. mi' I upward-,
1 lu If- f bilwn 11 2 and "yii-.
2 1.
II 00
1 00
:t no
:i 10
2 (l
uud.'r M mu.
n.M. 1 and hi m:uh.
Hist .Hike 1
Mini iv.
wned nnd 11111 kid by o..
.1 CO
:l no
1 Ol
yoko steers lielweeli 2 and 3 yis.
2,1 ,. ., ,, ,, 2 ou
Kxhibltor.i will Iiavo their stock ready lor the
juntos 111 exuionio iiy iu o cioeic a. u, on jnuis.
dav und to remuln until a o'clock rrvihiv i. m.
.1 uilues-Joliii lletr, Hemlock-, Wllllani II.
IliiKilluuill, r-eott; 1 homiH lUoll, (llti 11 woo-1
Anion Kcmir, .louutiileaaut,
vi..n j-swixi:.
Joshua lelidiuhall,l''-.iuklill rilll."!.
I!i -t btoi-1 how- und piKS (blx 01 inori-l
" lot lal llogi -2ur liioie.)
f II (.0
II ll-l
1 00
bo ir, (
llriKsl sow, (( (t
lot '3 or more) pigs uudu- 6 weeks,
.1 I'll
.1 1 -I
.1 10
.1 01
2 10
:i 110
2 00
2d " - ' i I
Judges "William llemott, 5IadI-'oii; John Mill.
liiau,niott; Lewis ltoat, Montour, bup't.
CXASrl -BlIi:i:i'.
l 11. ill el e, lUoohlllpl.
11 -t buck,
1 " ",
il 00
:i 0)
I 00
2 00 WOOL.,,
Ilest buck,
I " ."
' ce, "
" I 00
.1 m
I 00
11 00
1 10
j no
licit buck,
Ci! " -
'- ewe, -I 10
2d " 3 (10
JinUes Shadcrlcl: V.os, l'inoj Johnson II,
. ci,Ai5ti,oroui,Ti;y.. ,
Joseph fccatterriood, rino; Hup't,
n lli-kt and lnlgesl dikiiiay of poultry,
" i.iirelilckcus,c;irli-ulrurf yr.
l CO
;i co
Tin keys,
1 m
1 i)
I m
1 no
1 irii
und larsest display of lame pisions
pr gcesu
pr ducks
Jlllliri's Tlir
s Thomas lialUmau, Hcolt ; Aaron
Kmlth, llemlock.
r'raucU Iivaiis. llrlarcreek j Hnp't.
lle-st 0iounds of wheat Hour
" " buclvwhcui Hour
" " r o dour
M " eurii luenl
f IM
.1 KI
:l 00
,1 no
.1 m
1 i
I 00
nail luisciovi r aieu
. - timothy tei it
busli rod wheat
" white "
1 so
.1 uu
1 ii
1 00
1 m
1 .vi
1 w
" hutUwhait
M cllow '
" 41 binoUeil 11
half InuUlluXLecd
" Llllal. li.ltal
1 on
1 ul
1 ao
1 !l)
JudKCrt-a U Fowler i tVnttu; Jacoh Ilroun,
. -,- - lilriuilt. Kline, Kun't,
ItesthuKhof irfitatotflof dltl'trint ailctlei (1 CO
' halt hush Hweot potatoes . 2
' huuti Held turnips. 1 6o
" half buuh rutabagas 1 u)
" " maiiKwld m ur I gel I u)
' " hecit 1 UU
earrotH AgricuUurut yr
1 urmlpj
- - lltlHMIr'
hiilfdo. ct mi' v oyuttrs(fcalafy)
" pick torn a to i
" 3 llfiull Of Ctll'i'
M a huucheM ceh ij
" 4 egK plants
" U iu lima hetiiiM
H iju Carolltti beam
11 iiiiu soup beans
" Mimnlmi or konaKh
t (0
I (X)
1 t-u
I Ml
1 tit
1 M
l on
1 11)
1 00
" lot pumpkin, it) or moru) JyrkuUurUt ljr
.Tnd(jen John tJonlcn, Monlourt John bmlltt
h.imucl Nyhart.Cenlre.htip't.
Uisl half huUinuy variety of apple $1 (0
dUplay of applet ( y 00
" " AurUultitrht Ijr
" icas a co
M AgrkulturUtlyr
" ' w
" " Ayrl;Htturit 1 i
jeaeliet 2 W)
, " Agriculturist 1 m
clox cmlncci I ih
.. M
ulHplnygrnnf 3 w
0 chiMem Eiapei, Crovellnj Si
" titUKord firt
H Dlauuu i
" ' Ji Iiim nrci y)
" , " " 4abeiia 60
J 1H fs trupo m
" display laipbenle., 1 -o
" mmpJt, dr(wl applen ii
" " 1- achen 0
w " " utoned therrlei ft)
Jultf" Jame Kvcn, Ortuiijei Hiram J Heeder.
vtMm wi.vro ami i.iqi Ut
L'nnri'f ltflhii,('iilnHln, nU,'
l!il it uinViit wlno
" ' binckbctry wine
" ihcrry
" ryo wlil.l
" elder v In
Jtr I
.luduef-lliriim D. AppMnaii, Cenh i,
M'llenry, Ilenton. ' 11 i
C'fiAHH 10-DO.Ml.S'nc MANLTAC n j;
rratiklMIVM, (lie. uworN), Hap (
Host loaf biead
roll ofhutler (0 Ki or over) '
dapple pln
canned Irnttdlulrciit hind, emi.
pound eako
fclmcer -)
hponto - '
nam pic proven ea
" trultJelly
pkUIcs miy kind
apple btuter
pencil "
urapo "
idiim 11
cured ham
samplo fsntiftag
' yean I
" hard Bonn
H ort
tjstmlt I
pal horghum
JudgeH-aMrn. 1'hlllpCool, Itoarlnaere i;
Jankltm ,:vwli,"i Mtt' "Irmil j'
John O. Quick, Montour; Htip't,
Held 10 vdi flannel
2d " V
" lo " cnrpcl
" ' plain linen
itfairt i- '
knit Moil Morklnyi
" ' Mllteim
' coltou stoeklnct
pr wool hlnnkc Is
niipn miecift A'trimlti i ,
honifiiiadn tnhln rlnth A,,i,.n ,
unen iieei
.TudgcH-wj Hester Purt-el.IIemloek: .Mm
1'. C'innor, Centre ( Minn Kntu A. lietz nnd IL
Jltm tou i(
TMniniMiff, iicmuock; .irH. wn, IInKt'lil-i,.
David Mosteu; Greenwood, Sun't
llefitkuitoullt I
. " tidv
taltliiK work
tipceliiicn head work
o imrr
" V Jenlhcr
.i nnlv
" " wax "
M " ilra.vlnt;
' H palntltiK
' " llk emhroldt ry
' " worsted emornlderj
' " cotton
" ' worMeil mm
" " cotton "
" ' worked ivllpper
" " faney tdn cushion
" " headdtCM
" " illplay nios pnlntliiK
" " collection ot dahlias
" " nithteUI Uowrrx
" " houfe plautH in hioom
" " drltil ftras(
" penmanship
" MUlidy ol tlovu H
.li.cjten Mivrt Sullin K'atlcrou.l, tnii
II Irani 11. Kllnw, uraugc; Mik, KciiIm n , j
UreciiwoiMli MIhi Mary ilciidenhiill, I'rnuU
JaeobOlrard, (Ireenwuol: up
Ileal family canlnge
" open busw
" top
" farm 7ncon
i.irlng wagon f.irm imo
" ' pleniurn
" neeii)iirrov
" Mod
" H.ilkv
Judg.--J. (. WlnteiMecn, Mltllin; J
man, Franklin,
1-Vanrli V, Masters, Plne-hup't
Hi st right hand plow
plow for geiicraluso
" left hand plow
" rlijhl and IcTL lund plow
' t orn plow n
" hubfccdl plow
" briuaio ding 4
" one liorso tuHl-ntor
i. tWI( i ..
" " corn planter
" ono " "
" thithcrnnd teparator cmnhlued i
I !! IlluWCIftlul rL'LT combined t
IM ' " M it)
" nay fork
" porlablo cider pres
" clover huller a
" MiusaKeurliider , m
" clot hen wrlticer
M wanhlngmuci.lna ,
" 'Eruhblns hoo
' ffl mlner'r plckn
" mlltplckH i
" pi fore nod hind hoi bo yhm-n
sliarifiieil drllli
" iiNehaiidlo
" trraln cradlo
tOlkr f. UtlltH
" fa n Ml m; mill
" com Miflier
Hlniw and fodder idler
Judge KIIuh (ii'nnj', Lnriiht; Joseph Mi.n.
Monlonr; .laeoli I,, ciliton, Mudi:ou; I ri'iis 1
ler, Jlrlarcrpi'l;.
CLASH 15-sroVl--, TINWAltl., I.AU n
waiu: Ac.
John Alb li, MadlMiu up'i.
llMt cooking i.tove with tlxiuriH i
parlor "
mtitUia) teeth
" arntj tlnwaiu
" ' earthenware
JudKtfc-Allud Miller, Mimin; Wm il m
Mt. l'kuf-mt.
TANi:itS. Ac.
Jaeob A. SIshert Madison; Hup't
Uisl fcel doublo l.aruiM
" ' tuna ' i n
" " doublo taiiltiu harnci i
' " Kiitslu . t
" hull eluihlna j
nr calf bonis
; kipp
' during btoinl
" (Uliiln cabinet waie
set wlncNor chairs '
" " t-prinaheat "
' loelclnu chair
" hetto
" mad mlt clothlti-
" halt do. broomt lyrmiiln) l
" two jl lea solo li athc'.i 1,1
' Llj. ii
' ' l' iiitrfckin
" K.unplobrieka
Jud-ics cynnCrevellna;Hcott: Thov. llann'
clash i;-ui:i and iikk iuvi.
Ileuben li. Uleh, (In on wood; Hup I
Heat awarm bees
2d AffUi'Unr I
" Miniplo .i IM honey - 11
' beohlvo ' "
JudKca-jA-vl A. nnrlman.ccntiii John
Catan ismi.
cla-s i!-si'oi:tin(( lit,
I'eter Illllmeycr, Itlootu; h'up't.
Ileft t lot tinj; hnrhimr maro over 0 yrs. old i "
' " " M (J yr old a iiiiih
i.ulmnco fco In bolh ense- MO
rAUMiut's i.isr.
Ueitt trottlnhoino mrtieorKelillii'; u
tlaiicu fee flo im
IM Hot beht horse main m (Idlny. I.n
tlaueufeo3.j,oo, -
.Tudtjrs-r.IIMendenhnll, Hentnn; syl -
Faux.M oit: samm l Crcu-llnjr,Centte; 11'
Mllluid, Mlillln.
Wm. 11. Koona, llloom; Hup't.
UeBt run onco nround thee'iurjO(entrau
fio5JceuU) f- "
iM lnt " " i
JiuIkch A, K. Smith, MudUon; John ( Ne
(ArtVIo third of tho ronstltutlon rcqulris pt
sons to imy tho hhhcm mUIoii one dollar to co'i'
tutu nu-mbcriiip. 'iho practice heretofore m
been to buy ticketn on I'airclays. and Unw th
nar.ien recorded nt tho lime.)
I'liit.. llc ypersonUavlutrnrtlcles for exn
billon (i'comptdltlon, must becomo a Memi
of the u-MielatIon bcfoiuenterlda them.
reeniui, jnnoiscau ijecomo menu
hlhltoia when their l areiita aro men
Third, The ft eld oi competition Ui
1'ersoiiH fnm other counties and Htal
rifoiui, jnnoiscau oeeomo iiiemoerH cr 'V
n is onen to ifl
ml Htnltn can w1
eomo oxiitbUors upon tho amo tcim tincllU' uh
"i tun iiiiiuij,
Fourth. Ad nrtlelcs ofTered for comjielltioa
miiHt beowuedby tliiHoinitllor. Fruit, m
tables, Jlmurs Ac, must ho tho gronlh i.l ile
ciMiipcUtor.nnd unmanufactured urtlelea mil'
bo nmdo by thu competitor.
r'lfth. All stock entered must bo what Is ru
relented oi-jueinlum' will be forfeited.
Sixth. Ailartlclertforexhlbltlon or enmptti
Hon must b entered by6o'cloek p m on Weil
nrxilrty iho 1 1th, and except In ImjiosKlbte ca-tH
be oiiuho around by that time, nml remain tlu-ie
unlM I'rld iv a o'clock p. in, when they will hi at
thodlNioNnl of thuexhibitorti.
Hoventh. Slandslormiloof refroKhmenta can
U) o builiio.! by application to tho heeivlary m II,
V, Ilartmun.
Kliihlh. -iiulleenso will be granted aland tlmt
sell wph nous or mult llqiion.
JudKea appointed to examine tho dlll'erent
chwhoti will eon ft r u favor on the AmocUUoii by
eulllntfjt IhoHtereury! mllco e-arlyon Thiui
dav niurnliiK to obtain their InstiiicllouH
Tick e 4 to the Ilatrcuuho obtained at tho dll
lerenthtnieH beforo tlio i'ulrorat tho Ticket Of
lice durintsl'airilayK.
Too Society will also placo on the ground n li
horho power Hteam euulne.whleli cuu bo nttaeheil
to any machinery plat id on exhibition nccdinif
buck niotUi. jiuwer, f
,, , JACOn HAIUIH, l'rea't.
K. It. lKM.Kit,Hee'y.
Dioombburif, Hep, t isai.
Tills Ih tn irlvo linflen i that nn tlm 1 Itti dnv of
AiigiiM, a, ii. jnw, n waiiani in iianitrupiey
wualitmod nuuiiikt tho ebtato of Levi KuUorthv
Dorouah of Ucrukk. In the eounly ol
Columbia, und fjialu of iViinsylvnnln, who haw
been adjudged n Dankrupt on bin own petition t
that tho payment of any cltblii nnd delivery of
uuy piopuiiy betoniiliiK to bucli llankrupt. to
him, ur for bin iuo, und llmlruuhfer of any prop,
erty by hlmuiuforbltlden by law: thatn mtet
lui; of thu CredlUiia of tho nald piov
their debtH, and tn chooMt ono or more iiMtlKiiei
of hUifctaK-. will bo held nt n Court of Ilankiuut
ey.tobe hidden nt lho i'li'lmiineIIoUl,ln
burir, Columbia county, lVmiylvHiiln, tniore
J.dward Overton, Jr., JU tflMer, on thoJidday of
btideuiber. A, 1, l.-V.Ut 2 o'clock p. pi,
T1IUMAH A. iloWLUY, U.H, Marhhul,
Aug. tV(-U. Dy U Ji. ctot.iAvciii, Deputy.
An exteiulvo Atoortinent of dh'h'h
nud boy'a LiNEN HlIIJU' I'ltOMH, l'air
loilarNinid t'ulU, und LAiuta LlMN Collaim
nnd cuKta selllne chenn by
Mur.lBws-U I-.T.ilHAlU'LHa