THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA . COUNTY, PA. SJEtte. Cpalumbian; lil.OoMSllU.Ha, PA. PIUIIAY MOIIMNU, RKPT. IS, 180. -TIIK COI.U.UIIIA.V It, the l.nrKf.l :lrnlMton In Colnml.lft ntt .riJolnlnR (tnuntlM of ny pnii.r imhll.he.l lirrr, and 1 U l,n a much Inrtfrr .hrrt tl.nn any nf Mrotrmpnrarls aud U thrrrfore Ilia bml itiMlliim fur ndvrrlltlng In Ihli irrflntl nf ,,.; ' ,. . - Attentions Democrat! I! Is order that cheap ri,nllii innttor mny ha ftirnHiMl tho people until after the election, vu mak the following of lir: TIlHtWO Will Willi Till: OlIf.UMllIA.N from now until nficr the l'rrl(lentlal l-"t)o,i h. t-' tl I of IWCIll.V Koll I'JVR loi.i,.r,s. 'I'liN U only Twenty live "ir- m niiinlnr- mill Jut inver tho -: cl'ilie pu-r on uhlrli It It printed. i lie Mper roHtnlin each week sixteen intgv I'oliuiins of imlertulnlna literary j ! jtolltUnl nurt-. No Dwnoomt Nmj poor hut what he nun tflvo twenty tlvomta to ulil In the '-mint; contest, nnl ho hould sco that jli Itmllcal iiclglibor has a copy. i Ittlw fhould ho fovimd at every Fiwt ' fflw. 1840-3.868. Tjiium: arc many jjuutl people lu llils utility, who remember tho contest bo twuuii I(arrIonand Van liurcnln 1811). Tho Democrats had been In power hIiku 1S29, nnd tvs a matter of course, Whig orators, and the Whig press, were loud In domandtng a change, Business was prostrated, for tho country had not recovered from commercial revulsion of 1807. The currency was deranged ; mid abovo nil tho cry of a standing ar my was rabed against Mr. Van Huron, Itf-nuiie his Secretary of War, Mr. Volu ett, had recommended tho organization of an army of flvo hundred thousand militia, throughout the United States, to ho simply In readiness forany emer gency, but In other respects to bo un employed, and at no other expemn to I lie Government. This was qiiita enough at that day, to ahako tho faith of thousands of Dem ocrats, and they abandoned our party, and Harrison of course was elected. Wo recall this scrap of history, for the pnrpopo of Inquiring of tho Whigs of ISIO, whether thero is not n thousand time greater cause for change now,than there was at thai time, uud whether it It not their duty to vote for Seymour, Mail- and Reform? Democratic mootlngs to be held in Columbia county at tho following times and plius-,: Whorovof the placo Is not named, the meeting will bo at the regular club nxiins for tho township. Ilenton, l'rlday Sept. IS, at 1 o'clock V. m. Speakers Robert 1 Clark.IVj. Oil. J. U. Freozo nnd others. Kpy, Huturday Sept. 19, at 7 p. 111., ItulM-rt K. Clark, Kq. UitflWlaen, Saturday Kept. 1S, nt 71 p. in., -Dicii'wIon- Gipt's.; llrockway A Whitmoyer. llioom Twp., Club Rooms, Monday, .Sept., 21, at 7 p. m., Win. H. Shoe jiiaker, Hsr. New Medln,. Monday, Sept.. 21, at "i p. m., Dl-tcusslon Cnpt's., llrockway : i Whitmoyer. Itiickhorn, Tuesday, Sopt., 22, at 7 p. in., C. O. llnrkley, Ksq., l'ino, Wednesday, Bept,, 2il, at 7 i, m., C. W. Miller, Esq. Sugarloaf, Wednesday, Sept., 23, at 7 p. M., Captain llrockway. Berwick, Wednesday, Sept., 23, at 7 p. iu., Robert F. Clark, Esq. Malnvllle, Thursday, Sept., 24, at 7 p. m.,-C. W. Miller, Esq Heaver, Frldy, Sept., 25, at 1 p. m., - -Col. John O. Freeze, Itobert F. Clark Esq., and others. Mifflin, Saturday, Sept., 20, at 1 p. m., Robert F. Clark, Esq., John O. Freeze, and others. Heller's School House, Madison town ship, Friday, Sept., 23, nt 7 p. m., C. O. llarkley, E., Win. 11. Shoemakur. Jones' School House, Mount 1'leasnnt township, Saturday, Sept.. 28; nt 7) p. in., Wm. II. Shoemaker, Esq., lola, Tuesday, Sept., 29, nt 1 p. m., Col. John O. Freeze, E. R. Ikeler, Esq. aud others. Montour Township, Tuesday, Sept., 211, at 73 p. in., C. (!. llarkley, Esq. Ilrlnr Creek, Wednesday, Sept., HO, at 7 11. in., Milton M. Trnugh, Esq., C. W. Miller, Esq. Hohrsburg, Saturday, October 10, ut I p. 111.. Hubert F. Clark, Esq., Col. John U. Freeze, and others. The Vigilance Committees will an nounce and mtiko necessary arrange ments for tho meetings. Democrats, attend; Republicans, you aro Invited to come nml hear tho real Hues of this Important campaign fairly discussed. Tho Indies also aro cordially luvlted. JOHN A. FUNSTON, Chairman Dcm. Co., Com. Illoomsburg, Sept., 16,'tW. R a pica 1. papers are as usual, before election", filled with accounts of ns-as-filiation of HO-callsd Fnion men, in the South, Tho Int'tit 0110 rends In this wlje, "Ne groes la Arkansas liavo boon shot down by dojns, and loyal men sleep in for- n't" Instead of their home, for fear of .w-a-dnatlon. Murder, riot, nnd intimi dation, am dally practiced in many parts of tho Htnto." This would bu awful, If true, but it hounds so much llko the accounts wo um1 to get from Kansas, about tho time John Brown flourished there, that wo moru than ati-ipett that It Is made up for u purpooo, that Is, to Intluonco tho public mind against the people of the South, But suppose It U true, who but tho RadtcaU are to blame for such a state of things? It Is tho fruit of Rad leal rule. What has any ono gained by the overthrow of tho great old party that ruled the country ho wisely slnco the days of Jefferson j except tho holder of ofllcoV Tho annual call or tho U. o. tax collector, and tho groat Increase In tho prlco of all wo eat, drink or, wear, by reason of Indirect taxntlon, Is a viv id reminder of tlio fact that times are not as they were. Secret and oath bound associations, mid stupid speeches about rebels, traitors, and the like, will not pay our taxes, or make tho crime of tho Radical party the loss, for hav ing liitm the cnuso of nil. Congressional Conference. At u iiii'Utlii(t nf (lie Ciinfuri'i's of tlm llllli Citinrt'-ti)iiM DNlrli't.cdtiipol of the countlex of llriulford, I'olunilila, Montour, Sullivan and Wyoming, at the l'eiin. Ivitnla House, in Danville, on TlnirMltiy, lfllh day of September, 1H8, tho following named gentlemen appeared ns Conferees, claimed seats and were admitted to the Conference: llradford Andrew Mcnardliiud Ed ward Herrlek. Columhln- I. E. Jackson nnd Rich ard Fruit. Montour W. 1). Weldeiihamcr nud .1. C. Ainmerm.iii. Sullivan John II. Iawerence and Michael Meylert. Wyoming C. I. (It-nrliurt nnd John On motion of Andrew Mennrdl, M.E. Jnckon, nf ('olumliln conn t , was elec ted chairman of iheionfciencc, and Mi chael Meylert and Edward Herrlek, Jr., Secretaries. Motions for candidates for Congress being then in order. Andrew Meuardl nomldsted t'ol. V. E. l'lolot, of llrad ford : .1. ('. Ainmerman nominated 11. ; K. Rhodes, of Montour j John II. Law rence nominated Hon. Oeorge 1). Jack eon, of Sullivan. On motion, the nominations wcro then closed. Mlchiul Meylert prcscuted a letter from linn. Oeorgo 1). Jackson request ing his name to be withdrawn, and positively declining to become a candi date nt this time and lu obedience to his wishes thus expressed his namo was withdrawn. Tho ballots being then ta kenCol. Y. E. Tiollet received six votes, and U. K. Rhode four. Col. V. E. i'lollet having received n majority of tho votes was declared the nominee of tho Conference. On motion C. D. Gcarhart, tho nom ination of Col. V. E. I'lollet was made unanimous. On motion of J. C. Ammermuii, a committee, was appointed by tho Chair to wait upon Col. I'lollet and introduce htm to the Conference. Thucommlttee consisting of thu Mon tour conferees, J. C. Amuiermau and W. 1). Weldeiihamcr, havldg performed their duty Introduced Col. I'lollet. Who, upon being introduced by M.E. Jackson as chairman of the Conference, and the result of tho Conference com municated to him In Mr. J.'s usual hap py manner, Col. I'lollet In a few Ju dlcl'ins remarks accepted tho nomina tion, nnd eald he should endeavor to fulfill, so farnsln his power, the expec tations of tho peopIe,noiiiInating him and who ho believed could elect him. Mr. Rhodes having been called upon made a few remarks, thanking tho members of the Conference for tho votes given liim, and ruuy endorsing tne uc- tlon of the Conference In making thoi nomination of Cl. I'lollet unanimous, j On motion of C. I). Gcarhart, tlioi next Conference was fixed to beheld at Tunkhannock, on tlio Thursdy follow ing tho fir-t Monday in September, 1870. Jlesoleed, That tho proceedings of this Conferenco bo published In tho Demo cratic papers of tho District. The Confcrenca then adjourned. M. K. Jauksok, Chairman. Michael Meylert, J cIH.r1,riiHi Edward Horrick.Jr., j W"es. Camp-Fires Burning in Old Colum bia. Vn.IA'ILLK. O.v Friday evening last, Capts. Whit moyer and Hrockwny fulfilled their en gagement for a Joint discussion at Mill vllle. Tho use of the Academy Hall was kindly granted them by Prof. C. W. Walker. Although the evening wes stormy and unpleasant, tho Hall was crowded to excess, three-fourths of tho audlenco being Republicans. Tho meeting organized by selecting Samuel Scattergood as President, Jacob Demott and Wm. Robblns, ns VIco-1'resldents, and Ira Johnson and A. P. Young, as Secretaries. The 'penkcrs wcro listened to patiently, while the champions of the two parties advocated their respec tive principle-". )1KM'0.V. The same gentlemen held their Joint debato at this point on Saturday even ing. An appropriate stand had beou erected, and a largo number of seats prepared, but not half enough to ac commodate the multltudo which gath ered In from miles around. It was un doubtedly tho largest meeting held at Benton for many n year. The speakers went over substantially tho same ground they did at other points, except that the "Flshingcreek Confederacy" wcro touched upon more lightly by dipt. W than ut Berwick or Mlllvllle. Hq.,Rhouo presided overthe meeting. 1 1 KM LOCK, At the Club Meeting on Tuesday Evening, the Democrats raised a beau tiful polo nourly ono hundred feet high and after greeting It with three cheers adjourned to the Club Room, which was nt onco filled to its rapacity. Col. Freeze addressed tho Club, exposing the vii'wsand pretensions of tho Radi cal", and tracing their history ns n par ty, from tho days of tho elder Adams and Hamilton to tho present, and prov ing them to liavo been ever actuated by tho same principle, of tho plunder of tho publle nmds and tho public, power. The Club will maico u good return of votes In October. Tim Indian swages are still busy murdering white peoplo on tlio fron tiers. Hundreds of men, women and children, have been driven from their homes, lcaii'Mi our army of TifyOOO men costing annually ono hundred millions, Is In the Southern Stutes helping tho RadlcuLs to force negro equality, and negro rule, on tho white people. How long Will honest Republicans support a party so utterly corrupt, nnd unwilling or Incapable, of defundlug our bravo countrymen on tho frontiers, from sav ogo Indians? Voto for Seymour, Blnlr nnd Reform. It Is estimated that thero wero 99, 600,000 of gallons of whiskey mudo in 1807, In the United Htates.and of courso with a tax of two dollars on each gnllon tho Government ought to liuvo received $160,000,000 hut tho amount did not ex ceed $30,000,000 from that source. 80 it is easy to see hero it Is, that, accord ding to Mr. Wells, n Radical, about TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MI LIONS collected from tho people, nov reaches tho treasury. Scrantox, Njptember 12. Theodora Strong, nf Plltston, was to-day nomina ted for Coiigretis by tho Republican Con vention of tho twclltli IMstrlct. Court Procoodlngs-Contlnued. SllfT. Oth 1808. Jabob Shoemaker vs. Michael C00110. On motion, Samuel Knorrns Auditor lu tho abovo ease Continued. Wm. Fritz Ust. On motion tho up polntmentof E. II. Utile ns Auditor Con. Daniel Morris vs. Oeorgo Loll). On motion tho appointment of John O. Freeze as Auditor Con. Com. vs. Samuel I.elb, Indictment telling liquor on Sunday, notn truo hill nnd county to pay tho costs. Com. vs. JohnSlgllngr. Rccognlznnco selling llqunron Sunday. Rccognlganco of Deft, aud Daniel Codington his hail forfeited to be respited on appearance of Dolt nt next Session, Com. v. Conrad Froland. Recog nizance selling wlskey on Sunday Re cognizance of Deft, nnd Ruben Wnsser his ball forfeited to bo respited on ap pearance nf Deft nt next Session. TiiunsiiAY Sept. loth. Com. vs. Philip Mowrcr. Court di rect that Deft, bo roleased from pay ment of nil except $23.00 of tho mothly dues to bo paid to his wlfo ns ordered heretofore. Jacob Wcnner's est. On motion ap pointment of C. O. llarkley Esq. ns Auditor Con. Com. vs. Franklin Hngcnbuch. Re cognizance Fornication nnd Uastordy. Settled by parties. Com. vs. John T. Hanly. Recog nizance Selling Domestic Wines with out licence. Sottled by parties. Com vs. John Miller. Rccognlznnco neglecting nnd refusing to maintain his wife. Settled by parties. Com. vs. Alfred Yettcr. Indictment Assault and Hattery. Settled by par ties. Adam Lutz est. On motion C. W. Miller Esq appointed Auditor to make distribution of tho balance In tho hands of tho Executor among creditors. Sylvester J. Faux vs. Mary Green Partition. On motion Court order and direct thoShorifl' of Columbia County to cxposo tho real eatajo described In tho writ of partition to public sale on the premises. John Bailor's est. On motion Court order n sale of the real estnto described In the writ of partition, nnd appoint Peter llerimhach nnd Daniel Bailor Trustees. Solomnn Hartmaii's est. On motion rule granted on tho heirs to appear at next Court and accept or refuse tho rc al cstato of said deceased at tho vnlun tlon, orshow cause why thosamoshould not bo sold. Tin: Inquirer yesterday published tho following account of life In tho South, and under the benign Influence of Rad leal reconstruction : Savannah, September 3. A white boy who mysteriously disappeared, has uten rounu muruereu uy negroes near the city. His gun and clothing wcro gone, nnu 11 is supposed no was kihcu for them. An inquest was held, and a verdict rendered that ho was killed by somo persons unknown. Thero Is much excitement in tno city, anu panics nave been out tnreo uays Hunting tne body. They met armed bodies of negroes, who 11a teu tiietn wim precision, rartics are now out scouring tho country iu search of tho murderers. Robberies and assaults on white peo ple, by negroes, on tho roads leading to this city, aro or hourly occurrence. The negroes in and around this city aro thoroughly organized, drilled, nnd well armed. Don Piatt, n leading Radical of Ohio, admits in his nowspapejof Juno 1st, 18G7,that from tho hour of Lincoln's first Inaguratlon, up to his death, tho thlovcs wero all In office. Tho amiable old President crocked Joka over tho ras cality, and said that in hlsopportunlty, ho had to run his hand Into a sack of fifty snakes to find ono cel. Tho Rump Congress havo passed a law, taking from President Johnson, nil power to turn theso Radical thieves out, and of courso thero is no relief, except from tho defeat of Grant, nnd tho election of Seymour nnd Ulalr. IIenuyL. Dawes, a Radical Mem ber of Congress from Massachusetts, declared In n speech in Congress In 1802 that In tho first year of a Republican administration, which camo into power upon tlio professions of retrenchment and reform, thero is unquestioned evi dence, that thoy have PLUNDERED THE l'UBLl o TREASURY, well nigh in that singlo year, ns much ns tho en tiro current yearly expenses of tlio Government under Mr. Buchanan. How can any honest man, support such n party V Mattiiiis to 111: attenii:i) to, Ev ery Democrat must go to work, nctivcly and honestly from this tlmo on. Nev er was there n better prospect of suc cess; tho enemy Is ovidently tottering under tlio heavy blows it receives. Tho Issues aro all against tho Radical party, and the honest men among them nru in a deep study what to do j thousands be ilovn the leadors to bo corrupt, and that thero must bo n change Rally, Demo crats, rally, tho enemy is Hying. The British army of 200,000 men ac tually costs less money than our army of CO.OOO, under Radical rulo. Thu British Government expends for all purpose. ?289,00O,0OO a yeur, iucludlng tho Interest upon their debt, nnd wo ex pend $100,000,000. Just think of It, our Government, In tlmo of peace, under Radical rule, ox- pends about 100,000,000 more, yearly, than thu oxpenslvonrlstocrfttlc Govern' ment of Great Britain ) rat; uauicai papers are. maitlng a great fuss, because tho Legislature of tne statu or Georgia, turned out all tho negro members, on account of their be ing inellglblo under the State Constltu tlon, Let them howl: thoy .will soo some mora of their black laws upsot, before they aro much older. Daylight Is breaking, and tho Iniquities of Radl callsm, aro becoming apparent to thous' amis of honest Republicans. A man named Leslie, who recently kept n dance houso in Now York, is now a leading carpet-bag Senator In tho Legislature of Georgia, and rampant for urant and Colfax. This is tho class of men Radicalism has raised to power In tlio South, and yet Senator Wilson blasphemously proclaimed that the Radical party was built on tho "Rock of Ages." Hon, Sanioui) E. Ciiuitui of Now York, very good authority on such a subject, slated in a recent epcaoh that thero was moro drawn from tho ivooulo of this country, by way of taxation, than tho whole net productive Industry of thu nation. Why a Chango is Needed. Tan National debt Is now twenty-six hundred million of dollars. Leo sur rendered on the 0th day of April, 1805 1 tho Natlounl debt on that day was twen- ty-threo hundred nnd slxty-sovon mil lions. In three years of peneo thu debt has increased two hundred and thirty-threo millions. Tho peoplo havo paid Into tho Treas ury In those thrco years, fifteen hun dred and twenty millions. In 18(13, 501, 572,000; liil800,?l9O,O:ll,OO0,nndin 1807, $171,700,000. Tho official statements show that in the last two months tho debt has Increas ed $13,238,09.1. All of this money camo from tho earnings of tho people, and should have been applied to paying tho debt; for It Is a mortgage upon all of our property, and encumbers and oppresses us in our business. Every article that enters into our dai ly uso and consumption is taxed to raise this money. Tlio poor man's tea pays twcnty-flvo cents in gold; his sugar, four cents; his coffee, live cents; tho leather out of which his shoes are made, thu matches with Which ho lights his fire, the shovel, tho pick, the plow and harrow, all bear their sharo of theso tax es, and all theso Incrcoso tho cost of liv ing. Tho system of taxation Is moro ifovcre on tho poor than tho rich for tho neces sities of a man (nud not ids property) nro tnxed, so that n poor man with a family of six, pays thrco times as much ns tho rich man with n family of two. lu tho year ending Juno 30, 18GS, four hundred uud soventy millions of dollars were taken from tho comforts and neces sities of tho dally lives of tho people, nnd were put Into the Treasury of tho nation. There are thirty millions of peoplo in Hit: Union, nnd this Is moro than four teen dollars for each man, woman and chi'd. This Is mainly paid In buying what wo cat, driuk and wear. About eight days work aro now re quired from the laboring man, to buy a barrel of flour, while In 18G0 four days work would buy ns good a ono. One days work now will only buyflve pounds of coffee, whllo In 1800 It would buy twelve pounds. Tho farmer, the mechanic and the merchant, find their profits nil spent In tho Increased cost of living; in the largo taxes imposed for State, county, muni cipal nud city purposes ; in the Incrcas ed cost of tools, of clothing, of labor hired, nnd of taxes upon Income, and they havo nothing left. Increase of the debt menus Increased hours of labor, Increased taxes, ami in creased privations to tlio mass of the people. The Jladicals have wasted your money, and ought to be turned out. The reconstruction of tho South, with tho negro nbove tho whllo man, pro vents prosperity there. Tho enormous taxes wo pay go to maintain tho army and tho Frecdmeu's Bureau in the South for this purpose Instead of lis paying over 0110 hundred millions each year to do this, the South ought to be put to work to cam two hundred mil lions to help us pay the debt nnd the taxes. Take away the army and the Jlureau, and y ice the white man as good a chance at the negro, and it trill be done. They cannot buy our Iron, cotton ami woolen manufactures as long as we por- sist In keeping them poor. Put them to work to dovelop their resources, and allow them to aid In governing them selves, and wo will relievo ourselves from n grievous burthen. The Jladicals have put the negro above the while man, anil ought to be turned out. Tho exemption of bonds from taxa tion is unjust nnd oppressive. Tho poor man who owns a houso and a lot, has no right to bo taxed to protect tho proper ty and educate tho children of the rich man, who pays nono, because his prop erty is in United States bonds. The Jladicals made this nystcm, and defend it, and they ought to be turned out. A greenback dollar Is now worth about sixty-eight cents In gold. Thero nro sixteen hundred millions of 0-20 bonds, which thu bondholders want paid in gold, but which tho law prom ised to pay lu greenbacks. Wo now pay them 0110 hundred and thirty millions Iu gold interest every year, we find this a grievous load. Tho debt bearing go Id Interest lias increased slxty-soven and n half millions in tho last two months. This has added four millions to our burthens. If tho principal of thu 3-20s bo paid In gold, It will add eight hun dred million? of dollars to tho value of tlio claim they make, and this terrlblo debt will crush tlio energies of thu peo plo. Thoy paid greenbacks for tlio bonds nt fifty cents on tho dollar, and tho contract was thoy wero to take tho samo in pay. The Jladicals are for paying the Jlund- holder in Gold, and ought to be turned out. Reduce tho enormous, useless and corrupt expenses of tho government, nnd thus dispense with taxation and leavo tlio money with tho peoplo. Pay tho debt as rapidly as possible; removo tlio curse of negrolsm In tlio South, aud let tho white man govern himself and holp us pay our debt; tax thu peoplo equally nnd reduco taxation ; reduce tho umount of Interest wo must pay by buying part of tho debt In greenbacks ; restore thu Union nnd obey the consti tution, Pursuo this policy and business Will brighten, our national troubles Will be over, our credit will bu nt par, and n specie currency ro-establlslied. 'Jho Jladlcult reuse to do this and ought to be turned out. Tho debt must bo paid, but wo must commence to pay it now or It will nev er bo paid; the peoplo In power havo learned to bo extravagant, and cannot quit It If they wished to; ti change can mako it no worse ; n chaugu will reduco taxation and ensure tho payment of tho debt. Iitt ui go Jor change and turn the Jladicals out. The "Sinking Fund" set apart by law for tho payment or thu Stnto dobt amounted to twcnty-flvo millions in tho last eight years. During that tlmo, ac cording to tho Radical statement, tho debt has liceu roduccd only thrco mil lions. What has becomo of tho other twonty-two millions? Will Geueral Hortmnft explain 1 A Houiiku says that during tho war h had "hard tack ;" now ho has hard laxe. Tin: Radical Sorgcatit-at-Arms of tho House of Representatives and Congres sional undertaker, Ordway, Is a won derful traveler, far outstripping Muugo Park, Sir John Maudovlllc, Challlu, Stevens, llnyard Taylor nnd Baron Munchanscn. Tho ofllclnl report shows that Ordway traveled, during tho Inst Congress, two hundred and eight thousand, four hundred and thrco miles for which his country paid him 20,000, cxcluslvo of hotel bills at $(5 a day, and French kid gloves, whllo on his travels. Thedlstaneo traveled by Ordway would moro than equal eight times tho clrclo of the earth. A full account of thu ro iiiarkablo travels of this great Radical adventurer may bo found in tho ofllclnl report of tho Hon. Ed. M'Phcrson,Clerk of tho House of Representatives, Houso Document, No. 31, n very interesting work containing much miscellaneous Information. An abridgement has been compiled by Mr. Manker, Wash ington, I). O. Tiiehi: is henrticudlng news from South America. Thirty two thousand persons wero swept out of oxlstcnco In Peru and Ecquador on tho 13th of Au gust by an earthquake, nud thirty thou sand rendered homeless by the sama terrlblo calamity. Cities wero either submerged by a tidal wnve, which roso to tho luiparllclcd height of forty feot, or swallowed by openings in tho earth. In ono caso a vast lake of unknown depth occupies tho spot ivhoro a town recently stood. Tho loss of property Is estimated nt threo hundred millions of dollars, whllo in many localities so numerous wero tlio dead bodies that tlio survivors wcro forced to fly from tho neighborhood to nvold a pestilence. Misery, dismay, and suffering reign su picme in all the smitten region. EAits ago it was very common to hear some of tho gentlemen of this county, now acting with tho Radicals, declaim earnestly against tho folly and wickedness of ulwnys "sticking to par ty" In fact wo remember tho day when they claimed to bo tho peoples party,tho no party party. Iiowlsltnow? Can It bo that theso samo respectable and worthy citizens, have becomo so blind as not to sco that It Is high tlmo to apply the "no party" doctrine to themselves : Look nt tho result of tho Stato clec tlons in tho North, held stneo tlio noin Itiatlon of General Grant : AQAINST CI HA NT. IDAHO, OREGON, MONTANA, COLORADO, KENTUCKY, CONNECTICUT. KOIl OIIANT. MAINE, VERMONT 1 Tar. Philadelphia Zedgersaya: News paper editors must look out now for the reports of" diabolical outrages" recciV' ed from tlio South. Some cattle aud horso thlevos having been captured nt a piaco in Northern Louisiana, where 11 hut was burned nnd a man wounded, tho telegraph reported that 11 party of twenfy men In disgulso killed three persons, wounded two, burned fivo houses, nnd turned n whito woman out of doors, threatening to kill her. PiNdiiiiACK, tho negro Senator of Louslana, who recently declared that if tlio negroes were not permitted to havo their own way, a thousand torches would bo applied to tho city of Now Orleans. Ho received training in the workhouse. In 1802 ho was tried and sentenced to that institution for two years. A fitting champion for tho Rad ical theory. "Lot us have pence." Tup. Umllcnl tiflrtv wna bnrn. raised. and kept alive, 011 the principle of hate towanfs thopeoplo or tlio south. J'iven now after having involved tlio country In a war, costing millions of lives, and thousands of millions of money, they aro not content. It is a party of malig nity, cruolty, and intolerance, and wholly unfit to rulo n free country. Tin: nverago expenso of tho United States Government for ton years before tho war, from 1831 to 1801, wero $37, 000,000. Now, for four years since tho war was over, and during a time of peace, it lins been $180,000,000 eight times as much. How long will thopeo plo tolerate, approve, and sanction a party so utterly corrupt and wicked '.' Gen. Halleck, when ho heard of the nomination ofSoymournnd Blair, Mild: "It may do for somo, but it won't for me." No truo Union General whoever smelled powder will go for Seymour and Blair. JCxchange. This Is tho man who wanted Sherman arrested for treason, and who tried to get him dismissed. You nro wclcomo to such. lie always Jailed. Woiikinome.m, under Radical rule, pay sixteen dollars a barrel for flour, Instead or six. What Is tho equivalent ofl'ered for this change? Negroes in tho cars, negroes lu tho public schools, negroes destroying ten States, negroes heaping up debt for white men to pay. Aro tho latter satisfied? BoNDHOi.iinits aro In favor or reduc ing tho expenses or Government, be cause thoy know well, that tho peoplo cannot long stand tho present amount, of taxation. Every ono of them if wise, will voto against tho party that has, by Its extravgauco, corruption, and rraud, impoverished thu Government. The Republican party has expended lu eight years, slnco they havo had charge or this government, moro I'hau tho whole or its expenses for EIGHTY years down to the war. A tiieb was recently felled lu Aus tralia, tho diameter of which 0110' f but above tho ground was 1 feet, and at 70 feet from tho but end, 9 root ; Its length In a straight lino was 330 reot. Haihl'AIj papers aro exceedingly di ill reading thoy linvo nothing to say b ut rebel traitor, and such llko slang, m td that Is becoming stale oven among t ho very loyal thlovcs themselves. Ir l lorldals ono tho States of t ho Union what right hits tho earpot-b. ig Legislatures to deprive her citizens of tho right to voto for President without their consent? The Radicals tax tho people to the extent of nearly flvo hundred millions or dollars per annum, and thou declare that o ur financial condition is glorious. Too much ho. Tiirwr ulwi wish to understand wliv tin. nntlmiiil debt Is Increasing can net a peep behind tho curtain by perusing tlm fnllnu'lnir official rcnort of tho cost of collecting, and what Is iccclvcd for tho District of llcaurort, Boutn uirou- tlxpoma of coIIdcUiik Internal tnxen... rfoeecdii of collection JI0.G-.t00 , itrjco Ralnnro on wrong Mc of tlio Micct 10,217.60 Falstntir's bill was ninety-nine por cent, of sack and 0110 per cent, of bread, nnd this Is nhout tho proportion of taxes collected with tho amount paid Into tho Treasury by tho carpet-baggers of tlio South. Ten thousand dollars nro wrung from tlio people, nnd nil stolen by flio Radicals ngents but four liutuircu nnu two dollars. This Is a picture for tax payers to contemplate 'The Constitution of tho United States unquestionably Intended to' se cure to tho people n elrculatlnginedlum of gold nnd silver. 'I nm nnd ever havo been opposed to nil kinds of Government paper curren cy, let It bo derived from exchequer or otherwise. "A national paper currency Is a great curse to tho laborer of tho country, for Its depreciation always falls upon tho loborer." Andrew Johnson. With tho prlco of ono day's labor In 1858, a worklngman could curry homo to his family thirty pounds of sugar, Now. all that ho earns for tho samo jic rlod will only produce fifteen pounds. whero docs the balance go? To Idlo nccrocs in the South, throcgh tho Frcedinen's Hureaii, as a reward for voting the Rndleal ticket. Will white men longer support a party which thus robs nnd Impoverishes themselves anil lamllles, and feeds, pets, and pampers negroes ? Seventy millions of debt was all that appeared upon thu books or tho nation when tho Democrats went out of pow er. From 1801 to 1803, four years of war, tho Radicals increased tills debt to 2,000,000,000. From 1803 to 1808, threo years of pcace.they added000,000,000,and nfler fhrei! vnnrs of ncace. mnklni: UK with four years of wnr, seven years of Radical supremacy .tnocoiintry is moro two thousand millions of dollars worse otf than wo wero in 1800. Has Ai.aiiama a Republican govern ment? Her registered voto amounted to 170,013. Only 70,812 votes were cast on the constitution, 11,101 less than wero required by Congress for It adop tion. Gencrnl Mead Immediately tele graphed to General Grant that it had been rejected, and ndvised tho framing of n moro liberal one. But the rejected constitution was Torccd on tho uiiwill ing people. Let us havo psaco I It Is a matter of small moment whoth or General Grant is a good soldier or a poor one. This Is not the question tho neonlo desire to linveanswered just now The popular query Is, "What is his pol Icy? What courso will he pursuo if elected ?" To this query tho General gives tho emphatic reply in his letter of acceptance, "I will have no policy or my own." Two leading Radical olllcinls, now the penitentiary ror mnireasaneo iu of fice, nro still entitled tothclrsaliu JosDo cause, under Radical legislation, the President cannot remove an appolnteo without the consent of tho Senate, and tho Senate has not consented to the re moval of these choice spirits. The Radicals will taku care of their own friends. 1 Tin: Freedmcn's Bureau employs 717 civil employees at 11 cost, for salaries aiono or iS30,!59.3l. Thero nro aio many volunteer officers retained iu tho machine, all on full pay. Howard.hlm scir, gets a major-general's pay and al lowance, though only entitled to tlioso or a brigadier. And all paid out or us. Pakson Ruowni.ow, or Tennessee, whoso blasphemies have shocked thou sands, nnd wlio said "ho would rather "go to hell with a loyal negro than to "Heaven with n copperhead," is active ly engaged in canvassing for Grant and CnKax. The Parson Is a pet or tho Radicals Great Bhitain expends for nil pur po?es $289,000,000, including Interest upon their debt, and wo expend $100, 000,000. Wo expend about $100,000,000 moro yearly than Great Brittaln, and tho outlay is becoming greater each year the Radicals remain lu power. A Radical paper indulges in tho fol lowing strikingly original remarks 1 " Tim wretches who starved your bro thers to death nt Andcrsonville, will "voto tho Democratic ticket." Aro General Grant, and Stanton, and Joo Brown wretches, and will they voto the Democratic tlckot? l lli; luuiicuia UAj't-iivi t.u", ww, .v.. milium lu carrying on tho government .1 ..! It nn.lj II... w.Ml.ll. ... -... 1 w..,licn itn iun n.. Ill lliuu 01 jienci:, il Vwt. I''.v under Democratic administrations only .-7.B71.0iio ner annum to carry on tho government ior wiu jvn.. j...-iiti.t, tlio war. Let us havo peace." Tin: expenses In tho Wur Depart ment for the pasttwo months liavo neon moro than eighteen million dollars. "Let us havo pence;" or, If wo cannot have peace, let us havo an army that can bu put on n penco footing, so far as cost is concerned, at any rate. A Wohkinci MAN has to labor eight days at thoprescnttlmo toeurn 11 barrel of flour. In 1859, four days' work would purchaso tho samo article Tho dlller 'nco between a Radical and Democratic administration or tho oH'alrs of tho na tion. Do working-men nee it ? Money enough lias been raised by taxation slnco tho close of tho war to pay moro than hair of tho national d ebt, or a sUm equal to 2,C00 for every ono of tho negro-inado voters In all tho Southern States. " Let us liavo peace." The Democrats liavo carried Colora do. 1 11 Maine we gain from 7,000 to 10,000 over tho voto or 1800. So wo go. Tlio current is with us and will lead us on to victory. IN 1605 tlio public debt was 2,423, 137, 002,18. InlSG8ltls$l,U13,250,"85. An Increaso or 1219,819,282.82. Let us have peace. Gov, Geahy'h stump efforts lu tho western counties havo earned for him tho sobriquet of "Baby Elephant." Thk second trial of John II. Surrntt is expected to open on Monday ncxt,nt Washington. POLITICAL. Domocratio National Ticket, lull IWMnfiNT! H0HATI0 SKYM0UH, Of NEW YOltK. 1011 vicfc-i'iiisiM-sri GEN. FllAiNCIS 1'. BLAIK, of Missotmt. Domocratio Stato Ticket. FOH AUDITUH-OESEHAt.1 CHARLES E. BOYLE, OF FAYETTE COUNTY. FOllSCnVKVOH-aE.NF.IIAI.I GEN. WELLINGTON H. ENT, OV COLUMBIA COUNTY. Deinocratio County Ticket. rou nnrnusuNTATivr. i GEORGE SCOTT. KOIl COM.MlSSIOMCll l WILLIAM GRIER QUICK. FOIl IM8TIUCT ATTOIINKY I E. R. IKEIjER. POll St'IlVEYOIl I ISAAC A. DEWITT KOIl AVIHTOIl I A. J. ALBEUTSON. Vltlll. ANCK COMMITTEES. II1.00M DnvM I.owcnlicri!,.l. II. I'tirnmii, John I. . (llrlitit. llMiwiiK-Itulfih llowrr, A. I). Hccly, Jncob, llniAiiciiiiKK U. 1". Steele, John O.JHcohy, Al ttorl toiilth. Hkntun J. .1. M'Henry, T. Ilenton Cole, John L. enner. IIkavi it MiweiHi.illchcr.H.Illntcrlller, Oeo, 1'. urt'imi.u'li. Ckntiuma John P. llnnnon, Thintmfi 0"(Je Imily. John wliilltiiser. Convmiiiam Or. It. Wolforth, Anron IVr Mrm. It. 'nutrition. I'ATtAWissA Dr. J. K. ltohhlns Wnlter Scott Atlntn 1'Yileloll. CKNlitK Ahruhani White, Htunncl Nejhnrl K.itiin. 1 Itmwr. KliANKl.lN J. II. Knltttc. 11. J. Ilecucr, Mosch . .M Jiciuy. I IHIIIMil lll' hit .M. j .llllllCrillllll, IJIlilll ai iicnry.j,. ijiiuiici. (llthKNWOOll O. W. r Ult, Wm. Kramer, Jot. It. ration. Ilp.Mi.ncK Win. II. Shuemakor.IItiiih M'llilile. KuhbitiH. .lAi'KhoN eo. Hurllman, Jno. M'Henry, Lnu'sr lion. I. K, Herbine, Dank) Ktlne, flem I lower. Maihwn Ja. ICbuur, A, J, Carr, lluh M'L'olluin, M UN r..T, Cniniiue 11, John Nush, Chan, l-'ltdier Mitri.iN Dr. It. II. Montgomery, Hamucl BchuejipeHhelni'r.lHano I.utr. Mon iodk IYter llelmhai'li, J. Farennworth IVter Kvan. Mt. 1'i.kasant Thm J. Welllvcr, Jno Wn lilch Jus, Johnson. ()Iian(.e Chartes Conner J1I.O. ItlckoltM, W. H. Simler, 1'iNF Joseph Hhoemnker, Jos. TrlhlchU, An drew Whitmoyer. ItoAiUMicHhKK J, I. Houek, Wm. Iirelsbach, Peter I.eai. Sf ott Osmr 1 lint, 1'anlel Hnyder, Clm'B. Hj DeltcilcU. Hi oACi LoAf A. I-aubach, David Lewis, Oeo. HtPiulniiin. Iiy order of Standing CYmimtte JOHN A. FUNfS'lON, Chairman, lllnombburg, Aug. 21,'6rt, SPECIAL NOTICES, Tiiohk Irreverent lads who called mimes after n certain "bald hmd" or old, ilvKervud their un timely end, becaumi nt that time no panacea lmd been discovered to resioie the human hulr upon the bald spots. Hut now King' Vt-ni-tuble Am hrnKla In It now n lu tinui mm t Iitt iurt' merit of 111 - vltforutlutf thttrootM uud lining them ho full of me, wnero not entirely ueiui, nun iney caunoi help puttJiiR torth anew uiowtli m hieli rivals In beauty thu locks or j outti. The meat amount offline consumed by tho ladles in dresnliitfiiud urr.uitilnK their hair must maku any itrticlu uhlch would lineii their lulor particularly desirable. Kind's Vegetable Am (iron I a lemcs the hair lu kui-Ii condition as to rcndi r tliiulreskint; and urratiin.t u ey eay matter. It Imparts to It that splendid Kltny an peuraixebo much itdiulred, ileaiiseN the Miilp iruiu daudrull and nil humors aud prevents baUlneNH; pioiMoti'H Its Krowlh atul rustotes Krny bnlr to Its tirlKliml color. July ai.'U'J 41 J-Yum the "AJltlUS," Albany, A. 1'. IIOUFJ.AND'rt (JICUMAN UITTKIW. Wn art not in the, habit nf noticing no-rnllrd Patent Medicines ; but we hau no hesitation in commending thH valuable liitters to the public ll is composed oi none nut mo purest ami nest innredleuts, aud thu thousands of testimonials to its t tllcaey, leavo no doubt that Is tho mtud valuable kulcUIc know n for the cuio of DIhoilm h of the Liver, general Debility, 1'evers, and coin- piaims unsiut; irom u uihorticreu nioiuncu. Tho Hitters Is entirely free from nil Intoxicating IIOOFLAND'H UKIIMAN TONIO Comblnesnllthe lnnreillentHoftho llltlcru with pureHuata Cruz Hum, orange, nnlso, Ac. It is used for tlio namo diseases us tho Hitters, incases where some Alchohollo Htlmuiant is m-cessary and makes -i preparation dellnlitiully pleasant and nureeablo to take. 1'riuelpitl oillce, Ult Arch street, Phllad'a. 1'u. Hold evciywlieru. July aius-it. ADDKF-SH TO THH NMUVOUS AND DLHIL ltated, whoso sulterliiKs have been protracted fiom hidden causes, uud whoso cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable, If sou uresuilerint.', or have suffered, from in voluutuiy disshurues, what (licet doe It produce upon your general health? Do on feel weak, debilitated, eurily tired? Does a little, extra ex ertion produce a palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urluary oigans, or jour kldnes, freiiuently Kt out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky, or llocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or tloesa Illicit scum rlie to the top? Or is a sediment nt the bottom ufter It has blood n while? Do you luuofpellsnf short breath lug or dvhpepsla? Ale our bowels constipated 7 Do ion huve spells or luintlng, ur lushes oi blood to tne head? Is j our memoiy impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling up m thlsstibject? Do Su reel dull, listltss, lnoptus, tiled ol company oTIIfe? Do sou wish ti be left alone, togetuwuy trom evers body ? Does any Ilttlo thing make srou start or jump? Is your bleep broken or icstless? Is thu liihtie of imreve a brilliant? 'I'lu hlruun on your cheek us bright? Do you uijoy jourself in wii-ii'ij an . wu juu hiimio your OUSIliess with the same eneigy? Do sou leelas much con ridencetn yourselt? Aie jiair s.irits dull uud Hanging, given to fits or intluneholly ? Ii so, do not hi j it to sour Heror dsspephla. Have you restless nights? Your baut wiuk, S'our Itnets weak, and hae but little appetite, uud sou at tribute this todsspcpslu or liver-coinplalut? NuW. leader. selt-aliilKe. Venereal ilUfuut.u Imil. lj- cuied, and sexual excesses, are nil capable of 1 1 1 uu in-1 u k enuuuB m uiu yeuerauve organs. The organs of generation, w hen In perleet health imutu uiu uiiwi. mi j uu er uiuut HUH lltose bold, delluut, energetic, perseveiing, successful busluessmeu are tilwaj s (hose w hose genet et he organs ure lu pert cut health? You neer heur such men complain or being melanehollv, or nervousness, ol palpitation of the heart. Vhey nru ni"ter afraid they cannot succeed in busluebs thes' don't become Mid uud discounted; they ure always polite nnd pleasant In the coiupuny of ladles, und look lou uud them right lu the futo none of our downcast looks or any other meuunesKitbout them, 1 do not mean those who keep the orgrus Inlluttd by running to excess. These will not only inln their tonst iiuilons, but ulso thoso they do business with or lor. How many men, rem budly-cimd diseases, fiom the ellvcts of sell.ubuso und excesses, have brought ubout that slate of weakness lu those organs that has i educed tlie general ssteni so much us to tuduce uluiost eti olheidlheaso IdliK'S', lunacy, parals sis, bplnnl allectlon, tulclde nnd ulmost every other lonu or disease which Immunity Is heir to, und the real cuuso of the trouble scuicely etr siispecttd, and hnvo doe luied lorull but the light one. Dlsiitscsofiluseorgaus require the uso of a Dluiitlc. llelinbolds Fluid hxtrttct Huchu Is thegieut Diuiellc, mid Is a certain cure tor dis eases ot the Jlliuider. Klduess, (iiucl, Dropay, Orguuie Weakness. Ft male Citnii.lalnts, tienerul Dcbllily,und ulldUeaaisot (he llilnury OrgiuiH, whethti existing In MaU-oi 1 emalc,riom what ever cuuseorJgimdlng, und no imitier of how long standing. If no tiiutmintis submitted to, Consumption or insanity may ensue, Oui l!eih uud bluol ure supporled iromlhese soutets.andihe health uud huppliuss,ui)d thut oi 1'iosii ills', depends upon pionipt use of a reliable it-iticdy, Helmbold'u Kxtraet Hiuhu.e'htubllsliedupward oris ; ears, pit pined ls II. 'i. Helmbeld, Diug K0.4.1: ,J'i."'u hJlHuuth luth Stieet, Hilludelphlav Pa. Price-81.3 per Inittle, or tl botl lesfore.Ji',deIliiedto uny nddicss, Hold by all Druggists everywhere. None ure genuine unless dune up In steel-engraved wrupped, with lac-slmlle of my Chemleui Warehouse, uud slguid II, T, HLLMLiOLD, AUgifct7,,0.S-lu. Jj A 11 H K It HM TltY THK ALTA VELA PIIOHPUATK. It contains threo per cent, of Ammonia, an ntuplo quantity to mn activity without Injury tothe vtgutntlon, nnd n huge pctecutaue ol so luble ltonu Phosihnte nt Lime, together with Potash nnd Hda, the essential ek incuts of u COMPI.11 K MAMtltr, The increused fcules to fanners who me using It with highly sutlHucto. rv results Is u niretiuiiranteo of its value, Price, M per ton of lo bauft VU4hs euch, Heud for it pumphlct, Addiess Tin; alta vi:la OUANO CO.. July3; W JIioadwoy.N, Y, A NDIlEWSj WILKINS A CO., lie nlen lu KOIIUION AND DOMEBTIO WKV QOOIW, No. 60S Uarket Html, Hill dilihla. Q.K011QK I'OKl.KKlt & CO., Wliolc.ulo liiulru la WOODl-N 4 W1I.I.OW WAItK, YAIIKH, OII-ClolliB, Wick,1wliHB, llu.keH, etc., clo. m&'M Morkrt Ht., il SM Cliuitli Rl I'bll.Jn jussive. Jllftrkct lliorl. Whput per buMiel , tlii . I .11 1 'it . II Kl Il n ii . i .V; ityp " on, tut. " Klour per tmncl , I lovvrM-t-u .v I'lllXKCCll Ilntlrr KKK" Tallow Pollution urieti Al'l'icn I'orlc ilium SkIph lllnl Hhotllilt'rs h Willi Jtt'l Intuitu Hay per lou Id w . I MO) II) 7 IM H id LUMllCll. Hemtock llonnl per tltouwnntl feet- l ine lliuu in, ii, (.! loiMi.Hmtiilntif. lMnnk.llIemlocki HUlniitcs, Nu. 1 wr thuutnl. Hhllnit " " ft. r.V.V.V'.'.'." mow No. I Scotch pig. No. 'i " " Illoom riilUdclithlft Marked. T HCnSPAY, Bcii Pi.fimi Northwestern superbno nt North wen tem extra Northwestern family rouuHylvniitannd W estern nuierllne. Pennsylvania nnd We tern extra .. l.0lKrt.ll,Vi .. 7.7.'nrf.H,, .HAiil tt.m UUHl: Vi lliittitli.ii, . tl.t.l il , I.2H j, , I.I?M ill Mil' F .N f.M .J , I.I.VI ;si 1 IC lu- l ucuni , lil! .. IIVt(t, " tiii!k'n t'ennnyivnnift nnu wcsiern iiiniii)' rennvlvnuiftnml Western fancy , Kyoilour Wheat iVnmylvftMlareil.H lmn noumrrn " California " " " wlittp Kyf. Pennsylvania rye, y lmi L'okn Yellow, " White, " , OAT-ftnn i'ltuviniurtt ii'ns i uih, f . uui .ii m uri'i, UresRoiI Ilofji, y ft Htnoked Hiiiiih " " Hhoulilernnfe lAril.tttb Sunns CIovei-Hced Vlnn j iiiimnyneeu y ,,U9 - FlRXfteett " Cattle I tee f Cattle lb Cows, A hend HitEKI' y Tb Iloua-y. lou lbs cHarriar)qri, YOm-IIOON-Onttieoth nf Hottt.mi.r.i,v Uev, J. I. Tuslln, Mr. Janien "lout, lu Mi mi. Hannah Ho it, all or Rupert. VANHK'KKr-UKONK-OnthoIOlnst, l,v Jan Klt'hen htq, nt the reMiiencn n the lirUlei Father In JaeltKon .Mr Jeremiah II, Vuiiicie nf SiiK'Tloaf, nud Mist Margaret lthnm of tin. win m place. HMITH In Jllooinnlmm Aturnih, Clmilty .n, ilnrit, ihumhteri.f nnd II. MatlUlu smi Ii nued n months I7ihijs. 1)1 Mich In tho Klngdum of Heaven. NEW ADVEKT1SEMEMS. totici-: to Titi:ssi'Assi:its. N Tho uiiilprslcned would licrptiv warn tmrf. men, thlevc-ff, und nil otner persousnualnst irc inissing, huntlnx.or stealing fruitful his gmuiu'M, ns he Is tieternilned toiamlKh oiienderstn tht lull extent of the law. JOHN K. hI11tMAN" Hcpt. 1 Isiw. Maine Twp. IM, jTo n sa 1 4 k A larqe nnd welt assorted lot or p0T0UApIc, appahhatch consisting In pnrt of the following nrtlchs iu largo Instrument for taking photographs, tn head rests, one but kground und side cloth, nf pnlr Mnull scales, one Instrument to wcluh II tj ulds, one small stand, one larfio plts-e oil d.Hu, one lot of squuro dishes, two uum llslies, one lot likeness cases nnd frames, threo show fratm-N KOOcnrd mounts, n pilntlng boards, glass luimeli bottles, Ae.,belngn complete list of all urt teles required toeturt bttslness. Price 1150. For full purtlcularsnpplvnt Josei h II, Khumnn'B Hotel, Ulugtown, s-chuvlklll co. Pa. Hept. 11,'ttK. JONAH lirnNHMNDKIt. A UDITOIt NOTICK. 'Ihe understuiicd nudllor nnimlnted b tie Court of Common Piean of Columbia counts In report tacts w .ih his opinion us to tho proprUij f eiunlliiK the sale ut the rial estate ol Mary Johu,u lunutlc, lor the purpose of pas lug debt ami eiigugeim tits, nnd the support und inaln ti nance oi Mild lunutlc, will meet the parilen lor the purpi'seH ol his appointment nt hi ellln In ltloomsburg on the third dav of Heptemtt-r A. D.1NW. C. W. MILI.KU. Aug. 7)S-lt. Auditor, ADMINISTKATOH'S NOTICK. 1-.8TATK OK AMiHKW'K, DU KAhU. lA'tternorndinlulstratlon oiitho estate of An drew Melick, late of Mt. PUasuut twp., Colum bia co., deceased.hnvo been granted by I ho HckIs ler of said county to Jacob Melllck of Mt. l'leu. ant. All iersons having claims or demaiuln UK'tliiMt the eKtulo if the deecdent Rio request id toiiiake them known, und those fndebled to mako payment. JACOH MKI.ICK, July .V6H-RI. Administrator. EYKCUTT)!! NOTICK. rSTATK OK ISA I All I.ONIiKNllKIUIEU UK Ii. Letters teslamtulary on the estate of Isitnli Ifougeuherger, lateol Heaver township, Colum bia county have been granted by the Iteglstt r t Columbia, County to John UiLKeiibeiger nud Wm. If, Ixmgenhcrger ol said Township. All si sons having claims itgultist the estate are rtjiie-t ed to present them lor settlement, and those in dehted to the estate either on note or W uecotiut will make pu ment to the Lxccutof without delaj', joiiN i.0N(iii:Nni:iun:ii. WM, K. UJNOHNIU.KUI.ll, Hept. ,iis-t, lIxiHiitia--.. j)UMiS! pumps von saa:. Tho undersigned beirs leave to inform the citi zens ol thlsplace und v IclJilty that ho Is pit puml to furnish, ntshtrliioti( c.onnof the best iul KN PUMP.S for Wells nnd Cisterns ever ot!i-n-- to the public. They ure guaranteed to tlnow more water lu less time and wltti less labor than any other pump In this part of the country atul thes cunnol be surpussed for beauty or lin 11), or simplicity of arrangement .tiKo comb tul tit; cheap ness and durability. Huch pump being wariimt ed to )erform Its work well or no sale, l.Ilan Hhuniun Is iment for Columbia counts. I'lite 7.) cents per foot placed In the well. Oiders l) mail or otherwise prompt I v attemled to. Kept, VM-ly KL1AH HHUAlAN, Cutawisna li B iVNKUUPT NOTICK. IN TUB DlSTIUtTCoullT OPTHB UNnKDSrilM. lOU 1 II K Wlbl I HN lHSlltlCT OK KV i,v AM Daniel W, Uoiiblus n Huukmpl undtr Ihf Act or CoucrcsN or March 'M, lNi, lmvlUK up piled for a dlshurgo irom all hlsde-bls,audotlr claims provable under said Act, by order ol ihr Court, notice W berths given to nil cn dltors ulm hav e proved their debts, und other persons In' r ested, to apjieui on the 3d das nf hept., at tt o'clock n.iu., before :. Overton. Jr., ltegister, ut the Lxehauge Hotel In ni(Kiuiair, to show cause, 11 any they have, why a dlsih.uiif should not be granted tit the said llaukiupt. And flllther, uotlcels hert by given, that the hccoml und Third mcetinus nfCredliorsof thusutd Hank tupt rumiied by the J7th uud 'th section. it said Act, will be hud bclore suld UegUter, wi-m the same day. at the sumo tduce. j H. C.McCANIMS, ' Clerk or IT. H. District Court lor suld Distill Hcjit, l,'(is-iw ANKItUPT NOTICK, I.N TUP. nivritKT COUIIT Ol-THK ITNlTI.D HTATKS tOlt THK WMTKUS 1HSTH1CT OF PEN St J.VA ' Henry H. Hunsherger, b Ilnnkrupt uudir the Act id Congress of March V!d, lstJ7, huvlng nipli"! lorn Discharge fiom ult h is tlebts.uud nihcrchdmt rovuble under suld Act, bv order of the Cnuri nutic'K is ni.HKiiv riiVEN, to ullCiedltors who have proved their debts, und other i-ersons Intt r ested ; to uppeur on the 2 I day of Hejit., nt Uo'clock. P. M., before H. Overton, Jr.. 1-sq Ueglster, ut theKxchunge Hotel, Htoomsburg.ra. to show cause, linns thej huve.w Its a Diseliart should not bo grunted to the said Hunkrupt. Ai" further noilco is hereby given, that tho Hccond und Third Meetings of CredUorsof the said Hank rupt, required by tho Wtli uud ltti hecllouM of snld Act, wMl be hudbefuie the suld Ueglster at the sumo time und place, H. C. McCANDiXSH, Clerk of U. 8, District Court for said District, 8ept.,'Uh-.w TOTICK IX DANKllUl'TCV. its Is to irlve notice l that on tho 11th dav of viikusi, a, ii, iMn, u wurraue ui imimrupH-j wus Issued against tho estute of Levi Kuts of the Horough ol Uerwick, in the county of Columbia, und Htnto of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Ltankrupt on hlsownpetitliiH i that the pus ment ol ans debts nnd delivery of ll in itriiiti.i-lv htlfillL'lllfr tfl .nch Itiltikrlllit. tCt iiliii, ur lor ills use. und the transfer or uny prop erts' hy him ure forbidden by law; thatu meei lug of the Creditors of the said ltankrupt, to prove their debts, und toehuoseoneormore usslgnci of his estate, will be held ut it Court of ltankrupt cy,tobe holueu at the lilooins hurg, Columhhi county, Pennsylvania, bet ure lid w aril Ovei ton, Jr., Itegister, u the -trd day nt' Heptember, a. t, lbUS.ut 'i o'clock p. m. TIIOMAH A. ItOWLllY, U.H. Marshnl, Aug. .'li'-lt. Hy H. H.Coui.iiAUUlt, Deputy, PUBLIC SALE OF ItEALi KSTATK There will he exiosed to publle sale, u liiim situate partly in Montour township, Columbia counts', nud partly lu Cooper township, Montour county, hounded on tho north by lands of John Haylor. und Iluywood bujder, outhetutby Hamuel lJi7urus,on the south hs'Wm. U, Knsu, and on the west by Mathlas Applcuuu). eon t sin Ing one hundred and nlnetw-n ucres uud one hundred and one perchcN, strlot measure, on which are erected the following bulldlugst n lnrge house and stone kitchen, a frame bunk haul und straw shed, it double wagon shed, blacksmith shop, stone m ring hour v, vie. Also a good npnte orchard of ifiu trees oa the farm ; also it body of limestone, nud flomo Iron ore, Ahout eighty ncresclearet,the rest In good white oak and chestnut timber. Also a pood well con venlenttotho house and ham, and u stream of " vf ter running through the place. Lute the estate of Henry Wertman, deo'd. to l snld on Friday, the XHh day or Heptember,A. v., 18tW, nt "i o'clock p, m,, on tlio premises, upon the lullowlng eondltlonsi 1. One tenth of the purchase money to he pall nu the day of sale, one half of the remainder on the llnd day of Aprll.lHOU.and the rest on the M day of April. lH70,wlth Interest fiom the llrst day of Mrll,lMjLut which time possessloit will be given, 2. A deed for tho right, tltIe,nndlnterctof the snld Henry Wertimui In sahl teal estate will be delivered to the purchaser nt hlsovvn expene, at tho puymcnl of the whol of the puichase liioney.' IILNUV WLUTMAN. Jit. Aug, lW,'o!i.ts. Lxecutor, A LL KINDS OF JOIi PUINTINO ueutlv execute! nt Tiih. Coluuuian Kteiir Frintlug drth.