THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUIIG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. farmer's Sqiarttucnt. Fomittallnii Of UlilMltiRi, Tliuuiirubltlty nr miy butlillns will tie urt ntly ciiluum il dy menus of mi I'l'lli'iit fiiiiiiiliitlini. It U iinwlsii policy lit iit it fouiuliitliiti that will yield In i row yeni-H. In ninny luculltlp tlioonrtli li Mi Hift Mint itnllitr imy bo Mink to any ilcslml dvptli wllli it shovel. When liiuvy Inilltlltins uru tTivtfil on hui-Ii Crouiuls, there U tmteli duiiiriT thnt wine, eorner nmy ecttle, to tho serious Injury of the ciUIUin Boards or plunk Inif nru frequently lulil on tho ground beiientli tbu foundation wall. But such 11 pna'tlro etiunot ho denounced in too Htroiitflunsuatfi', hi boariH In such ptiv WK, m f.ivorablo to f pecily deciiy, will won lo-o their colldlty, and tliui allow tlio wall and n portion of tho super Mruriuru to pettlc. Tim Inn; way to pivp.iivu roiiudallitu In iicli places l.i to iwcavato the till I, my fix ImlKtilow it than the bottom ol" the cellar, and lliieo nr inorn feet wide, Mump the e.ivth tliorouulily vttlli a rammer, and lay llilcl; llaitKliiif Moiien on tlir bottom iotliij,'im a bed of cement. Such n Inundation will mil be expensive, and it will remain Intact forae-i iil'ler the men who built tho wall liavo been for gotten. Iftboland U al all epilnsy, let drain tiles bo laid entirely mound tliiMint-iileof the I'laindatlon, In catch and conduct away tiiu i.iim of moist uro in u wouiti rentier tlie or ba-eiueiit luuleslnibly ilauip. A few dollars expended In a proper manner, and at a corn et period, will not fall oiiielliiiis to inliaiuo the value' of a biiIli!ln;;ora cellar moro than a hiindred dollars. A poor foundation beneath a lino suporMriietmo, is often aoii-ee of jrier, that n few dollars can never mitigate. And let mo urj;e, nt this point, tlio Importancoot preparing a permanent lounilatlon for every barn and other outbuilding' I f the country anorin no other inaleriiil-i than hr ck miles away, lay a lino foundation, if inosuper.structuru is to bo nothing but a hennery. And let tho bottom stones, or bricks, bo plated so far beneath tho earth that frost will not disturb them. When the earth freezes and thaws be neath a wall for a few successive win ters, somo p.irt of tho building will most nsjurcdly bo thrown from Its de sired position. Always exerciso unu sual caro in placing tho foundation Mones at each corner. So long as tho corners continue unmoved, tho founda tion wnlNnml tho superstructure will remain firm and whole, ll.irns and otheroutbulldlngs, that do not stand over a cellar proper, should Juivu a con venient basement beneath them. Kven on level ground tho earth may ho ex cavated two or threo feel, and tho con venient room of ono story moro be se cured beneath tho earno roof, by the expenditure of only a few dollars moro than Is required to placo a building on a half foundation. Practical Farmer. rabPagrs u u I'trlil Crop. Farmers who keep cows for milk, and have tried eabbages, nro pleased with tho results. They furnish at a small cost a very largo amount of fod der, at a tlmu when tho pastures fall. They nro highly relished by cows.socure a large How of milk, ana If fed but once a ilny, Immediately after tho morning milking, they Impart no unpleasant taste to the milk. Either old ground or fresh sod may bo taken, and It should bo manured very liberally. We have succeeded well by planting cabbages as a succession crop between rows of early potatoes, setting the plants the last of Juno or first of July, and digging the potatoes from the -Ith to the aitli, of the latter mouth. In this cn-e, superphos phate of lime, bone-dust, or some con centrated fertilizer, should he applied as soon as the plants aro uilrly establish ed. If no other crop Is attempted, plow with a double Michigan plow, and ma nure thoroughly early in the season. Keep the weeds down with the harrow until June, nnd nt any time, from June lt to July 1.1th, set out the plants, three feet a part, and two feet in tho row. Six or .-even thou'and plants can bo raNcd to the acre. The transplanting and cul tivating ran all he done by boys, vo-t-ing not moro than one half as much as the labor of men. If tlio cultivator be Marled soon enough after the transplant ing, the hoe need not bo used at all. A good deal depends upon getting the right varieties or cabbage and seed ol tho best finality. Tho llcrgcn Drum head, Premium Flat Dutch, and stono Mason aro among tho best varieties for Held crops. Sow tho seeds in well work ed, rich seed-beds threo or four weeks before tho plants are wanted. Auicrt ran Ayriciilturist. TMi.llttg rut mote l.umt. ).i: of tho most grievous errors ot the paM and present generation of American farmers, is tliemost insatiable thirst for mora land. Not one In tithou-s-ind though postesncd of llvu times as many acres as ho can profitably or suc cessfully till, is satisfied. Whllo this Is perfectly natural It is at the same tlmu very unwise. Tho farmer recogni zes his wealth In tho multiplication of ins orontl acres, lust as tho merchant or banker does Ids, in the accumulation of greenbacks, but the differences between tho two Is that tlio farmer may add aero to acre, without tho ability to render the Investment productive, whllo the meichaut or banker has no diniculty in finding prulltublo investments for ids greenbacks. It Is always bad policy to buy moro land, and givo manure In homeopathic doses to that already In poscsidoi!. The snfo and suro guide for tho farmer Is to attempt tho cultivation of no moro acres than ho can keep In perfect good heart, and ovcry day's ex perlence demonstrates the fact, that with occasional exception?, n little farm well tilled Is more profitable In tho end than a largo onelmllfforoutly cultivated Wo once raid a story of a Frenchman who had two daughters. One of them married, and received one half of the patrnid vineyard as her dowry. To tho old man's surprise, tho half ho had re served, receiving as much cultivation as ho formerly bestowed upon the whole, yielded us much as ho had done. Tho second married, and hogavo her ono iiairof what ho hud loft, and still luul as many grapes from his remaining fourth at housed to get from tho whole. 'I hero isavolumo of pratlcal truth this llttlo anecdote, its moral Is, at tempt tho cultivation of nonioru laud than you can cultivate well, Journal nf the l iirm. 'I'm: march of Radical despotism no election In Virginia no election In Mississippi no election in Texas no election in Florida. " Let us havo peaco." Husband In tho Kitchen A Worse Xiegcnd, OstT. on a lime there was u man, mi surly and ero-s, lie never thought his wife did anything right In tho house. So one evening, In haymaking time, hn camo home scolding and swearing, and showing his teeth and making a dust. 'Dear love, don't be so angry; tlioro Is a good mini," said Ids goody j "to morrow let's change our wcrk. I'll go out with the mowers and mow, and you shall mind the house at home." Yes I tho husband thought that would do very well. Ho was quite willing ho said. So early next morning his goody took a scythe over Iter shoulder and went In to the hay-Held wllli the mowers, and began to mow; but Ihn man was to mint', the hoiw,tintl wink at home. First of all, be waiilnl to churn but ter, but when he churned awhile ho got thirsty and went down to the cellar to tapa lurrel of ale. So, Just when ho hud knocked in the bung, and was put ting the tap Into the cask, lie heard tho pig come into tin kitchen overhead. ThcnoIVlie ran up tho cellar steps, with the tap In his hand, ns fist as ho eoutd to look after 'tho pig lest It should upset the churn; but when he got up nnd saw the pig had already knocked tho churn over, and stood there grunting amongst the cream which was all over the floor lie got so wild with rago that ho quite forgot the ale-barrel, nnd ran nt tho pig as hard as he could, lie caught it, too, Justus It ran out of (toon, and gavp It such a kick that piggy lay for dead on tho spot. Then all nt once ho remem bered ho had tho tap in his hand; and when ho got down to the cellar ovcry drop or ale hail run out of tho cask. Then ho went Into the dairy nnd found enough cream left to fill tho churn again, and so lie began to churn, for liuttcr they must havo for dinner. hen lie had churned a hit, ho remem bered that their milking cow was still shut up in tho barn, and hadn't n bit to eat or a drop to drink nil tho morning though the sun was high. Then nil at onco ho thought 'twas too far to take her down to the meadow, so he'd Just get her up on tho hou-e-top for tho noiiso you must know, was thatched with sods, and a fine ciop of grass was growing there. Now their house lav close up against a steep down, and ho thought Irlio laid a plunk across to the thatch at tho back, he could easily get tho cow up. Hut still he couldn't leavo the churn. for thero was his llttlo babo crawling aiiout on the floor, and "in Icavo It," ho thought, "the child is suro to upset It." So he took the churn on his back. and went out with it ; but then hotho't he'd better first wnter tho cow, before he turned her out on tho thatch ; so he took up a bucket to draw water out of the well ; but, ns ho stooped down at tho well's brink all tho cream run out of the churn over his shoulders, and so down Into tho water. Now it was near dinner time, and ho litirt'iit even got tho butter yet j so ho thought he'd best boil tho porridge.and filled tho pot with water and hung It over tho nro. When lie trail dono that ho thought the cow might perhaps fall off tho thatch and break her legs or her neck. So ho sot up on tho house to tio her up. Ono end of tho ropo ho mad o fust to tho cow's neck, and tho other end ho slipped down tho chimney nnd tied around his own thigh; and ho had to make haste,for tho water now began to boll In to pot, and ho had still-to grind tlio oatmeal. So ho began to grind nway ; but whllo ho was hard at it, down fell tho cow off tho house top after nil, nnd ns she fell she dragged the man up thechimnoy by the ropo. Thero ho stuck fast , n nd, as for the cow, alio hung hair-way down tho wall,swliiging between heaven and earth, for she could neither get down or up. And now tlio goody had waited sev en lengths nnd seven breadths for her husband to come and call them homelo dinner ; but never a call had they. At lust she thought sho had waited long enough, and went home. Hut when she got there and saw tho cow hanging In such an ugly place, sho ran up and cut tho rope In two with her cythe. Hut, ns sho did this, down camo her husband out of tho chimney ; nnd so when his old dame camo Inside tho kitchen, there sho found him stand ing on Ids head In thoiiorrldcc-not. Hens leads mo to remark, in tho fust place, that thus far they nro a success. '1 hey are domestic, nnd occasionally aro toll". That is owing to t licit not being blled enough lit their younger days ; but the hen ain't tow blame lor thK Hlled hen Is universally respected. j Thero is a great deal of originality too in tho hen exactly how much I cannot tell, historians tight so much nbout cm. Sum say Knower had hens with him In the nrk, nnd sum say ho did not. So it goes, which nnd tother. I can't tell yu which was bom fust. the hen or tho egg ; sometimes I think tho egg wuz, and I sometimes think 1 don't kuo, and I can't tell now which is right for tho lite of me. Laying eggs Is tho hen's best grip. A lien that can't lay eggs-Is laid out. One egg is considered a fair day's work for alien. I have heard of their doing better, but I don't want a hen of mine to do It it is apt to hurt their Constitution and by-laws, nnd thus im pair their future worth. The poet sen beautifully; " has stole our Mew hen, X w Ish they'd It t tier bee, She used tolnySfeWladny, Ami Sundays she laid 8." This sounds now enuffforpoetrv. but I will bet 7" thousand dollars that It nover took place. A 1'itixcixs' W.iiimoiiE.--Tho ward robo of tho 1'rlncess Mcttcrnlch has been carefully enumerated, and contains tho following garments: J19 dresses of silk, trimmed with 1,900 yards oftrlmtnlngs; i in gowns oi various materials, adorn ed with ono million of buttons; 01 watKing dresses and cloaks, ornament' ed with ono ton of bugles; fil shawls of various sizes and colors; 162 petticoats, in variety; L75other under garments! 3f pairs of stocklugs; ISC pairs! of gloves ot overy known color ; If) pairs of boots nnd shoes ; 71 sashes and belts; Hi brooches, in vnrioty; T2 pairs of ear rings, in variety; 31 fans; L'l parasols; 1 umberella. Jt will bo observed that tlio consus taker lias skipped all aliu Blou to bonnets and hat. The odious word calico Is pointedly Ignored. I She DRUGS & MEDICINES. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, Hoofland's German Tonic. Prepared ly Dr. ('. Jl. Jackson, I'atllDaLrsti, Pi. S'Ae Great Xemedlet toft all munis or tie, STOMACH, or DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Hoofland's Gorman Bittera ta compounded ot tha pura Jutcca, (or h lliey sr. mtdltlitally term ti, Kitradn ol itooit, iitro tod lUrkt, nu.k li iTCfiiratlon m (JLi aMt lyru from Al- CbAM0 adtnUiurt qf dnjr Imd. Hoofland's German Tonio, U & eoroMrifctl'in ot ll Iht tmrrcdlrnU ot tlx Bltler. with tli lureil qn kilty of Santa Vrui nun. Orange, ci. nuking out of tht mml pleMni ttvl ateuaUo remedies m crfferai to trie public Tdom preferring t Uedldnt trm tram A.k hii'lo fcdmlit'jre, will uh Hoofland's German Bitters. In cmci of nerrone deprtuloo, whta tost ftlcotioilii iLlrauiUi ! Dceeiiu-j, Hoofland's German Tonio LCOld It UMd. Tht Blttcra or tho Tonle are both oqoal! good, tod contain tlia Mm titclteloal Irtuta. Tho atomoch, from variety of canaca. aach M odlueaUoo, Uja Ppa!, Ncnoua Uali.ltv. te. la ST ,.r.intiA)r. 1U ruiicllona do ( im ratiiai. IT. a ra- ault ol Khlih ta. 1B. BmO tl.ftt fh na.!an. auRcra from aevcVal or moro or tlo folionlng .tiacaacai ConaUpitlon, Flutulcnco, InwiM Pile. Fulnau of Blood to tho Head, Aridity of th Stomach, Natuaa, Hoariburn, Dloiruat for Food, Fulnrai or Wolirht In tht Stomach, Sour Eruc tatiom, BLnkLns or Flut tering; at tho tit of tho Stomach, Stvlmmlna; of tna Bead, Hurried or Difficult Breath. lnr. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choklnz or BuObcatlni Seniatlona whan in Lyini Foature, Dtmncia of Vialon, Dote crWebt before the Sight, Dull Fain In the Bead, DoflcloncT of Peraplratlon, Yellow neea of the Bkln and Kyea, Pain in the -j-p. Side, Back. ChSiu wLlm, (iWlfc ba. etc., Bud. denFlu.heaof IMJp Heat, Burn. In In the .S, Fleah, Con. titani Imaaininfa of Evil, and Oreat Depreaaion of Spirit. Thcao remedlea trill offcctoallr curt Mrer lora.laltt, Janodlco, Dyapopalt, fbronlo or Ntrvoua DtoUlty, Cbroolo tflarrtuae, Ulaaato ol tho Kldncja, and aU blwuta arliln from a tllaorderod Llrcr, tilomacn, or IoUaUse. DEBILITY, llaarLTlfo mom ivr Carta vaiTivai! PKOSTUATION OV TBS SYSTEM. UneoiD ir Strata luaoa, Diuiaira, Biroigii, Firm, aro. Then It ae medicine extant equl Ui thtat rtmtdlet In iiita cam. A tone and vlk-or II lav Iff" J" !";VU Sraltm, tko AnMu U Dtrtnthnied,food - u tnjoyei, tht aUanoch dig tilt TWi prom 4tVr. lb. Uood It tmiided,. JMI Co ubnltrloo tMwoiacatouadaDd ataWi btalUir, tht ytl low tingi It oradlcttod from the ovta, a hloom ta glvta to tht ehtokt, tad tht weak and mrrou laajd bocomeaa atroaf and health Ulag, rertotu Advanced in IAf, AM fttllof Iht hand of tlma velgnlnf Martn a poo thru, with all Ita ttumtanl tfla, wIU find la tht u of thlt UilTEKH, or tht TONIC, aa tllllr thai wtU In. ul now lift Into their Telia, reatoro In a tocaauro tho energj and ardor of mora youthful daje, build op their l&runken forma, and give health aod htrplueat ta their remaining yeara NOTICE. It ll a well eatahllahed fact that fulli one half pf tht fetuali ror tlon of our popn- laUon art leldotu TT In tht enJoiu.Hit oliood l.enlthior, H a to oat their own llpreaalon "ne,rr heaVtaW ftol well." Tliev are langul.1, JovoM of all merge, cttrtiaely ner' eoua, and hat a no tpcUte. .r'!'!,'.cl,,0, Pctiont tht mTTERS.orlU n M fj, la taeclally recotnsictided. WEAK AND DELICATE CHILDREN Art mxtle Hrong If the nit of either of theee remediM. I'll? will curt every wee of MA IlASMUa, wHLyut fall. 7 Tltounii of crtlflct4 hare Keumnlated 'n tne hnJe of the proprietor, but ir see will eJlow of the putlicUun of but a few. Tboee, It wUI UoUcrtcJ.ue inert of not ted of such tUaJ Lng thftt Uiey rauil U beUered. TESTIMONIALS. Hon. Geo. W. Woodward, Cftt'Juitu.t of tfu Suprtmt Court er, writ . . rSitiMphia, Usreh 18. 1M7. i mia iiooi- - . lund i DHtere ' le 4 kimkJ ym toiilc, 1 ia-.eMMejf tlifai Jg iiive ndof rreat Un CaH ULK iinr "I fliiJ Iioof- lund'i Ucrriuil Uwfl In uiity, iii want of ntrvoue laloa lu tht ej item. Voure truly, "ULU. W. WOODWAHD." Hon. James Thompson, Judkt ( tht .Sufrtm Cvurt i'tnniylvanfa. Arlj.V,,.""-., A prtl 2M, "I comliUr 'Hufllaiid'e Umiun linto' fdiwt meidtit In cn.e of ltm ke of lifliyr tluD or I'jf;.i!. 1 cad ceriifi ll.le from uj tlj'trlsiire vt il. " Voure, with ripcct, -jAuts TiioMreoN.- From Rev, Joseph II, Keiiwrd, DD, Faster nf Vu JtiUH Hijut Chunk, I'lHldJ'tfUt. Ir, Jartim Dirnr Hir: 1 lm m f-i'nutiilly rerjiieiaj.l to ctiiinitt my ti irne wih r-tw miitfii- ua.lWIIB Ul UllU-irili ftllaUa Ul HHIIiniH.,, I.u ry, girding the .r rj-,ry r n ' "t " nproprlMte lkT ei-Urv, 1 U, lii Jlcn.i.tJll.nJ; II Jpy I but MM. dwr proof In virloje Ud liiitAiir.' r. tlculnrlyln tny own fumlly, of th unr-rulntM of Dr. .lonllaiufe Oirnun ll.lti-r, I ieMU rr oin from my uiuul course, to eiiri'm ui fit i iouIl tion tlittt, fur gtntral Jtfcii-y f Iht ty$'tm, 0rl ippftvilly Jut Ittir VvmiJamt, ti ti a f atnl inxiuabU prrjKirvtion. In eniiw cuvn uwy r.lj:, J doubt not, It will Uv() Ui iltt.,.1 to U.o ho uifor from the hIhi caum,, Vourn, very mim-lfullv, . II. KhNNAltl., Lilitb, Ulow Coatve Hi From Rey. E. D. Fendali, Jlifitinj editor Chrittian Chroirttt I'hiUdti- fhtiX. h',.I1,,e'1 dcHe4 levftl from tbe uh ot IIooBeM e Utrnittn llitteri, tTiid feel it my prM le ge ui rewmmeu.l ti.eui i raoii f alunlfe toolc Uj U who are iiitlfring from goner debility or from dlee.a iu..lng from derangemeut of tba Ufer. luure truly, i) FKNPALla. CAUTION; llooflanij'e Orrroan lUmedlea art aoartterfelt JACttrfONieoo m tho wrapper of lenelt. bJatMtr rrlnclMl Offlet an 4 Uanufulory at Iht Oar rnaa Uejiclne btore.No.aJl ARCII UuetL VhU adelphla. CUA.BI.Ea, it. EVANS, itermaa Drurlal. 1'roph.tor, For tali y all proijlau and Dealer! in Utdl- PRICES, Hoonand'l Qerman CllUn,cer hotu rr..., " aoiea..... I at ClUoi.. .. r ' uiqttan 1 la yar bultlt, or a Lalf dozen for 1 M ItT Do not for, tt to tiamlnt well Ut anlcla sbj, la eider le fit thi iiuulna. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC. Jauuarjr il, lu. DRY GOODS. JTILIiKIVS STOUE. fiiesii AimiVAL of FALL AND WINTKIt GOOIW. i Tlie su Wrlbor liai Junt returned from t he ri t leu with another largo nnd nelect OMortment of HPIHNO AND HUMMEIl (100DS. piirchitscd In Now York nnd riillndelplilrt nl the iowe ngure, nna wiilelt ho l determined to oell on iw modernto terms nn enn be procured ehe wneroin luoomsuurs. JUiBtocU comprise liADMaW' DUH8M OOODH of the choicest Mylca nud latest fashions, ttethor with n largo ;nrtsortment of Dry UoodA mid (Irn cerles, consist Ing of the folton lug nrtlcles t Onrpetn, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsiltneics, Bhawln, l-'htniiels, White Goodn, Li nen n, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Ilollowwure Ccdanrare Queensware, I lard Hate Hoots and Shoei, llatu and Cnpa, Hoop Nets, Umbrelloa, LooUlng-ainssos, Tobacco, Coffee, Hugam, TeaJ, Itlce, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, AND NOTIONS GEN KALLY. Iu short, everything usually kept In country gtorefi, to which tie Invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 8. II. A. HON. Arcade Building, nioomsb'irp, Pa. REAT REDUCTION IN PRICK AT PETKIt KNT'S 8TOIIK, IN I.iailT HTKEET, OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS THK dtilncrlbcr Itns Just recclvo.1 itn.l lutu on linnil nt Ills old tniid In Light Street, a large anil select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt the lowest figure, nnd which he determined to sell on ni moderate terms na bo procured eNewltere In Light Street, tvn cAsrr on cou.vtkv rnonttch. Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest lashlons, I'ttllcoett, Mtullna, Olnghams, riannete, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Mmuls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Hallttetts, t'ussltners, Cotlouades, Kentucky Jntn. AC, in i(i GROCERIES, MACKEHajj, Qlteenswnre, Cedarwnre, Hardware, MedlcltteSj Drugs, Oils, Taints, io. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept lu a connlry stere. The patronage of his old friends nnd the public generally, Is respect fully solicited. The highest mat ket price paid for conntry pro duce. FETEH KNT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1607. J J. B R O W E R, Ik now oiiermg to tne public nis Ktock or .y p n i A" a goods consisting lu part of n full line of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Fine cloths and casslmere for tiltcs' coat, HANDSOME DIIKS8 GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlalds aud Trlnts of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BKOWN MUHLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, balmoral" skirts. Good assortment of LADIES' it CIlILDnEXa UA1TEK84 HOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Splccs. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WAItE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL lu oue-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is tho tlmo to luako your selections, as I am offering goods at very low prices, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to bo under sold by any. J. J. IlttOWEU. Bloomsburg, April 12. ISG7. jg A U G II'S COMMEI1CIAL MANUHES. 1IAUOII & .SONS, I'hlladelphla, AND NOHTII-WESTEIIN FE11TILI7.INO CO., Chicago, Solo MnnuTucturcrfl. PRICliS. v IIAUdU'S HAW HONK l'HOSPHATK, (M rer 2000 pounds. HAUGH'S CHICAGO HONE FEllTILIZEIl, f.V) per 3K) pounds. HAIIOH'H CHICAOO I1LOOD MANUllE, SV) per 2(100 pounds. The nboe Manures are furnished In both bugs ttnd barrets.whlchever tustonters prefer, 44'The bags,are,nnlfornt lit weight 100js)itnds,i; The attention of Farmers is especially directed to the. fact that tho souices of thu Haw .Mnterlul of which the above Manures ure com posed, are so wen ttnuer control mill wo call jurtllsii inem of ssrlctly uniform qualliy and condition, imdthut thoy couutltt it larger percentage of nmmoulit tlian any other rlass of mtttiufaetttred mantlles In lite market, IIAUOU hONS, '-O H. Delaware Aeniie, I'lillit, N0HT1I WESTEHN FEUTILIZINfl (O., for, Ijtke and Ijisttlle sis,, Chicsgo, i- Ilitttgh's Comtntrelal Manures may be pro. cured Irom dealers lit any of the prlnclul towns In tlie Udlttd Htates or ltomlnhiu of Canada. I). V. Masters, Mlllvllle, nnd W. Kcott.offut. nwlssa, Agents, (July W.'W-Siii.j . AHTUAN. C. II. MI.UNaEK, F, K, KATMAK, RTMAN, DILLINGER & CO., NO, 220 NOKTH Tlllllll STItEET, Xrarly ciqwslte Jamtl, Kmt, HmUt it Co.) Wholesale Dealers In VAlt.NH, HATTING, WADDINO, CAM PETS Oil, CLOTHS, HHA11ES, FLY KKTtf, GRAIN RAGS, CORDAOE, AC. ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, miVBIIM, TKU.NKS, LOOKINO ULABXK1I, BTC. May 10, 18U7-ly. JOWE, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturera and Wholesale Uealera In COrrON YAIINH, CARPET CHAINS, DATTH, WICKS, TIE YARNS, COUDAOK, BKOO.MS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'O OL.S.SHKS, CLOCKB, KANCY BASKETS TAI1LE, FLOOR, AND CARRI AOE OIL CLOTHS, Aa, ' No, 630 Market Street, south aide, Philadelphia. JOHN O. YEAQEIl & CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATH, CAlW, STRAW OOO DH, AND LADIES' FURS, No, 257 North Third Stre.t, Philadelphia. yyAIlTMAN A ENQELMAN, TOHACCO, SNUFF A HEUAIt MANUFACTORY, JiO. S13 SOKTU TUIRUSTltaiT, Second poor below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WAKIMAW I. KwsatMAH VOR NEAT AND CHEAP .TOT! TJliTM'PTXJCX CALL AT TUK COLUMBIAN OYrtUK 1 itetf RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. On nnd niter May 10th 1N1S, Trains will leavo NottTllf ns follow s i NORTHWAUD. 125 A. M.. Dally to Wllllnmsport, (earcpl ftinday) forKlmlrn, t'ntinndnlgtta. Hot hosier, Ilullalo. Suspension llrldgo, nnd N. Kails, CM I". m., Dally, (except sunditys) fur Elntira and Itttllalnvln Erie, llnttwny front Eltnlra. (1.1! p.m., Dally, (except Sundays) for Williams. port, TllAINS SOUTHWARD. Ml A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Raltlmore, WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. II. On A. A. Dally (cxepnl Sunday's) for Ualllmore, Wnsltlligtolt nnd I'nlladelpfiin. I:i. H, YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS llllltll RAILROAD, on nnd niter May lltlt, ISOs, Passenger Trains will run ns fnliowsi Going South, Going North. Leavo Leavo ArrKo Airle a. in. p. in. n. nt. p. m. Scintitim 5.'jo ::m il. lu i. 17 Leao Pulsion i.m m.:) n.lo Kingston II.2H 4.n l".ll H.l'l Plymotitli il. u l..Vi 7.11 H.23 Hhlckshluny 7.2-J 6.10 lull 7.IW Herwlck 7M nil K.-JO 0..rS Hloom 8.3il II. Vi 7.HI (1.10 Hlipert H.tll 7.01 7. .HI (I.M Danville . 11.10 7.12 7.VJ IU0 Arrlvo Arrlvo Leao Iave Norlh'd ti.SO .'i" 0.2J l.i Tho 11.10 Traill nt Seranton makes connecliotis Willi Exptess Train for New York nt II o'clock p. tn .. arriving iu New York 0,50 p. m. II. A. FONDA, Sllp'l. 1W17. PHILADELPHIA ism. ERIE AND JL KAILHOAII. WINTER TIME TAI1LE. TllltOl'alt AND DIIIECT UOUIK Itl.TWKKN 1'IIILA Dr.U'lIIA, I1ALT1MOUE, II AllltlSIlUlia, WII. LlAMSl'OKT, AND T1IR GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. KLKCJANT SLKEl'INO CAItS On all Night Tlnlns. On and nfler Monday, May lllh IKIS. the iraius on ino I'liiiauciiiiun .K lrlo Itnll itoad will luu us luuuiinj WIJTVAUI. MAIL TRAIN hnf l'lilln.lrlnhln 11.1., tim " " " Xotthumbeiliiiid.aO.n a.m " " nrr, nt V.tiv 8.G0p.m, KRIi; KXritKfcH lcne I,hllmlt'lpihu...l2.00 in. ' ' " Nort'd U..V) p.m. " " nrr. nt Krle lO.Uia.m, laij.Mll.A M.Mlt ICJUL'H 1'I.J UUlf'I plllll K.IMtl.m, " " " Norlh'd 4.'i p. in " ' nrr, at Ixjckllavcn ".ijihin, MAILTUAIN leaves Krlo 11.00 n.m ' North'd 11-0 p.m. " " nrr. nt riillmlclplilu .".to n. in Kltll. IIXPUIlSHlcnveH KilP 7,111 p.m, " " " Not I'd, urr.nt Philadelphia l.uup.m, KLMIRA MAirkncR ImcM Haven 7.10a.m. " " " North'd, nrr. nt IMilhultrhihlii Il.lltii.iii. Mnll nnd Kxpross (onnert8 with all traliu on cers Icavlntr Phlhulplnlila nt 12.(MJ M. arrive nt r vlneton at nnd Oil City nt U.50n.m, U'HVli.jf Phllndtlphlant tww r, M, arrlvo Oil nt uiy nt 4.'tip, m. All truh w rin Wnrrnti .V r run kiln Iliillwnv mnkc Iohu cnnnpctliin nt Oil City with trains Ur rinuKHiiniuuviroieuint.1 litre. iingaajicciu'eUiM IIIIUIIUII. A. TYM1H, Ooncrnl Hiiperlntemh-nt. VllllamtiiK)rt. 11 KADI NO RAIIiHOAI). HUaMMint AltU.VNOnMKNT, May'JUh lnj-f, (Jrrnt Trunk Mno from tho North nnd North WfHt tor l,hlludeIilila,Nt'vlrk, Heading, I'otlK lll(,Tnmnnua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allcntown, L'aston, Lphratn, LItl, Lnncnstrr, Columbia, At., Trains Uhm lliirrKlinru' for Nmv Ynrlr. tin iiil lows: At2,j.,5,'iiniidNlun. in., U,. noon and a.Uj tX l,-kiI.III.,riIllail.'t'llIlR Willi hlllllliir llllllll till tho l'a. ltnilroiul, and nnlvlng nt Now York nt U.trr, ivr.uu IV. ij,.ju 11,111,, iV tl,.W i,tu it iU.-HJ Jl.ll I. Meeplntj earn ncronipniiylnt; tho 2trj0 n.m. mul p.iii. iruins wnnout cuniiKe, Li'Ru lturrlshnri? tnr ltpnillntr. I'oltsvllto. Tn mnqua, MlncrKllle,Ahhland, lli,eJro e. Allt-n- utwn iimi i-i ti ii( e niua nio.iu n.m.. nna i:.ui nna i,iu n.m., Miippintcni lA'uiinon nna principui way miiudiik; uiu p.m. m:utin ccmiu'ruinis mr l'hlladolnlilft nnd I'ohiiiihlnoiilr. Fur l'dttHVllle Kclitivlklll 1 1 live 11 nnd Aiilmiii. via HphnvlklU nml hnsoiu'liannii Rullrnid. Iciivo llnrrlsburir nl V P'tn- RciuriilUKi Jituo New York nt u.tu n.m. ni ul 12.1U in., nml fi.DO nud 11,00 p.m. Hleeplnjj eiirsaccompanilny tl.oU."Oa.m.,nnda,0() nnd 8,(10 p. in,, iruuin wirnout riiaiiRe. nay iikhciirci Train leaves I,lilla(lclphl.iat7.'t0n.m.,ieturnlnK irom j.eauniKni u,.jup.m isiupmiiB ui nil kuuioiin; I'oLtsvHIo nt h' l.i n. in., nnd '2.t ARhlninl H im n.m and 12,l noon, nnd 2,00p.m., Tain aqua ul 8,:H) n, in, nml I,o)and f.t j p, m. nnd Kusquchanua. Railroad ut",io a.m, and l,tn) noon. Rendlnc Accommodation Train lonvrs ltcndim? nt7,'Wa.m.,ifturulng from I'hlladelphla at 5,1 i p.m. Tottfttown Accommodation TrnlmlcaveHrotts town at(j.liii.m..4rcturiihi!. lcaeH l'hlladelnhla nt 4,:to p.m. .(JO n.m.. and tM. p.m. for Kotnuta. Lltiz. Luikum. ttT, Coliiinblii, Ac, j-i'iKioiiH'ji jtnii jiimti i rntiiM ieavo rciKiomen Tunctlnii nt, ll.otJ n.m.. nml j-.M 11. in. ltotitrnltitr LeavoHlclppack nttl.ln,m., and 1,15 p.m., con necllnir wllli Hlnillar tinlnfiu Krndtni' lfjillr.irul On HunduyK, leave New York nt 8,00 p.m., i'hll adelphla tf.oo a.m. nnd :1,13p.m., tho H.ou n.m. train runuliiK only tu Rinding; 1'ottKvtlIo ,M tun.; HarrlsbutK 6,2. n.m. and -1,10 and l,:tj ji.m,, and Rending at 1.10 aud l',i" and 7,15 a.m. for HarrlN- and p.m. for I'hlladelplila. Commutation, Mileage, heaon, Peluiolnnd Kx cnrslon ttektta to nud irom nil point'', at i educed rat en. lianBaRo cheeked through ; 100 poumNnllowed to nch pawiiijer. O. A. NICOLLM, Geneml riupcitutcnduut, Reading, Pa., May 20, Uiw. T UK BEST IS THE CHEAPEST! THK HI NO Kit HAVING MAOI1NK 1IKAPS TlltS J.IHT, And liiuls thei olttiiin 4,tUj8 nhend of nil othciw. i ills aiticniuu ih ino most roruLAU IN usu. It uses the finest necdlo ofnnv Mnchluo In ex- lhtenee. Auy luuy wanting a good SEWING M A 0 II 1 X 13, Will ronbult her own lnterttdH hy buying a hINGKR. Jtlseuslcrto run. Unrn nnd keep In order thunnny Machlno in tho world. 0T.n 350,000 OF Til KM IN UKK. TtiofnlIet lnstructloii Given lhosn nlm inir. chaM,nnd tho Machine wii.i. itn waiwiantf.u to you for one j ear. l'lenhuinllat myHtorennd satisfy yourKelvcH, Hero j on will find Needles, '1 bread uud Hllk. DAVID I.OWKNIIKRU, Auent April :i,' Kloomohurg, Pa, c O h V M IJ I A HOUSE, IIEltNAUD BTOHNER. Havino lately purchased and filled up tho welNknowti Uoblson Hotel Property, located ft FEW I100RS ABOYB THE COUltT IIOUSK, on tlio hanio sldo of the street. In tlio town of lUooinsburg; and having obtained a license for the Kit mo in u llKSTAUBANT, the Proprietor has determined to give to tho peo- liu visiting u.u iuivu uu uuinea or pieuaure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. Ills stnhllng also la extensive, and Is fitted up to put buggies and carriages In the dry. Ho prom lues thnt everything itbout his establishment shnll bo conducted In nil orderly and lawful manner; aud he respectfully solicits a share of tho publlo 1 atrunage. myl7'07-iu, J 1'. BEARD, Uh LIFPINCOTT.BONDACO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In H ATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW (I00D8, No. (13 Market Street, Philadelphia. s NYDER, HARRIS & UASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 62$ Market, and 623 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Q. W. IJLABON & CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. Warehouse, No. LII North Third Street Philadelphia, J H. WALTER, Lata Waller Kaub, liuiwter and Dealer Id CHINA, O LASS, AND QUEENSWAHK, No. 231 North Third Street, botween Race aud,Vlne Philadelphia. C. II. IIOllMK. W, H.HlKfJ. J. U, HEYHKHT JOHN STROUP & CO., Successors to Htroup it Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No, iM North Wharvea, and 23 North Watr tt., Philadelphia. GROCERIES, &c, S ON V EC T 10 N K K Y . c The lind.rslant-tl wnttlil rfsnMlnillr nnnonnco In tho imblla tltal he ltan opened a FIIIST-CLASS CX)NFlXT10NnHY STOUE, In Ihnlmlltllng laleljr ocetiplotl hy llrmnnl Blnh. iter, svhero ho la preparedlo ruriilsh nil ttlntlstir PLAIN A FANCY CANDHS, I'ltKNCIICANDIIX, KonnaN a noMnsTic rituiTH, NUTS, ItAIHlNSiC., AC, AC. 1IY WIIOI.HIAI.C OH IlETAII.. Ill ahort, ft full nssorlmrnt of nil nomls In lila line or business. A great variety or DOtitiH, TOYS, Ac, aitllahle for tlio Holiday. Particular Attention Ktveti to IIIIUAI) AND CAKHR, of all kinds, fresh every day, UliniSTMAS OANUIKK, OIIIBTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, and tatlsfuttlou will ho guaranteed. Nov. 22. 1687. KCKUART JACOI1S. REMOVAL OP C. C. MARK'S N E W STOUE to sinr k's n i.oc k, ON THK COItNKK OK MAIIKKT AND tltOV yTKKETH. The tttiderslgncd having letelved from the elty n full and complete supply of 8PRINO AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CKDAIt A.Vfl H'It.tOM:iRK, CONVlXTIONERV, OLAKS-WARE, TOD A C CO, A T S A X 1) .V II O K ,S', FLOUR, SALT, 1'ISII, AND MEAT, nil of which I propose selling nt a very low figure ror cash or produce. Call and see. April 11, 1WI7. I', C. .MARK. G RAND OPENING (IIIANII IH'KNING (IRANI) (ll'KNIN (IIIANII OI'HM.Vd tlRAND OI'IONINO FALL AMI WINTEII noons FALL AND WINTEII (lonl)H FALL AND WINTER (IOOIW FALL AND WINTER OOOIls FALL AND WINTER UOOIKs) ronslsllng ol cotislsiln nf efinslstlnir of insisting of ciuslstliit; of DRY (lOOIW, DRY (KlOIW DRY (10(1111, DRY (I001W, DRY OOODH, HATS AND CAIN. II ATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAl-s; HATS AMI (.'A IN HATS AND CAIHI HOOTS AND SII0E9 HOOTS AND SIIOIX HOOTS AND MllDEs' HOOTS AND HIlOEs HOOTS AND SIIOIW, READY-MADE CLOTHINd. READY-MADE rl.OI'lll.N() READY-MADF. CLOTHINd, READY-MADE CLOTHINd, READY-MADE CLUl'lHNd) LOOKINO-OIUSHES, I.IHHvl.-tl-ltl.,NWIs. IXHIKINII-ULAKSIX! I.OOICI.Vd-dLAS-iEs! l.lli)KINU-dl ASSIX NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OllJt, PAINTS AND OI I.M, PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTS AND OILS PAINT'S AND OILS! onocEiiins, (IKOCKItlls, (lltOUIiltlES, OKUCEItlEs UltOCEUILM, QITEENSWARK, liUEENSWARE, (J UEENSWAHE, liUEENSWARE, hueenswahe; iiardwahe, iiariiware, hardware, hard ware hardware, TINWARE, TINWARE, I IN WAItE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, h ALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH, FITH FISH, ORAIN (1RAIN (IRAIN (1HAIN OltAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEIW, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, Ac. AT NEAL ft CO.'S, NEAL CO.'S, NEAL ft CO.'s! NEAL it CO.'S. NEAL & CO.'S. .Main ami Market Streets, Main and Market Streets, Maui and Market Streets, Main aud Market Streets, alcKELVY, McKELVY, McKEl.VY, MrKEI.VY, McKELVY, Norlhwest corner of Northwtsl corner of Nortltwr si .'timer of Northwest .urner of Northwest co rutr of iam mm .uuiuei nireets, IILOOMSIUIRO, PA., lILOOMSIIURd PA IlLOOMSIIimo PA., lILOOMSIIURd PA. HlAlOMSIIUHd, l'A. IRON AND NAILS, I RON AND NAILH, I RON AND NA1W IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS In larce utinutttlts anil at L.tni.t rut.. ..tu.... on htmd. ' gCHELL, liERaER & CO., umhwi, (XI.M.MISSION MERCHANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Aft, Nos. 12! and 121 North Wharves, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Hulo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Urease. In bar rels, kegs, and runs. "yy A I N WRI G IIT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N, E, Corner Second nud;Arcli Streets, PlllI.ADKI.rUIA, Denlers In TEAS, HYItUFH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSI. HICK, Sl'ICKS, III C'AltB SODA, iC, Ac. ts. Orders will receive prompt nttcntlou. May 10, 1807-ly, JJ V. PETERJIAN, with LIPPINCOTT TROTTER, WHOLESALE 0 ROCERS, No. Jl North Waler Street, and No, SO North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. EAVER & SPRANKLE, WHOLESALE OROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 23 and 7.7 Arch Street Philadelphia. jyj m. siarple, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY OOODS, No. 63 North Third Street, Philadelphia. j ately" qpenedT Im'!?, V,!""" '1 wonW respectfully Inform the eltliensof llliHiiiikburgand vicinity: that hehaj Jus t opened H shopoit Iron Street, between Mnln and Tltlril, where ho will lollow tie cabinet la. klug husliuss lu all Its brunches. Orders for METALLIC OR OTHER COFFINS tilled with promptness and despoteh. Repairs cheaply made to all kluds of lurullufe, Inelud. tig the lepla tlitgof raue-botlomed chairs. Pat. terns for castings made neatly and eipcul ilous. .'.'.n'"1,'.',";"" ' "llclled elllier lu per.ouor by in all, picture Haines made lo order at short ntA ? ROIIKItr 1K1AN. April 10,'tm-tr. MERCHANT'S HOTEL, M BoaTu rouurn btiiiit, PHILADELPHIA. . W. O. M'KHIIIIN, Proarletor. May 10, 1887-ly, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. C IIARIjES W. SNYDER, DF.AI.Glt IM H A R I) W A R E, IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AC, AC, AC. MAIN STREET, J1I.OOMS11URO, PENN'A. Tako this method of Informing llioritlrrtisof Co lumbia routy, that ho has opened nn extensive Hardware store on Main street, lu Hloomsburg, near Iron street, nnd that ha hits on hand ft LARGER STOCIC AND BETTER ASSORTED than win ho round any where else In the county, and which ho Intends In sell at prices which defy competition. CHAINS, AXES, STEEL, IRON. 1 have chains, all axes, all make nnd weight, steel, all alecs, Iron, oil shapes, nnd nil very low. BUILDER'S HARDWARE, of every descriptions. Nails, nxle pnlleys, sash cords, latches, locks and knobs, butt screws, sash fasts, window springs, base knobs, strap hinges, hasps and staples, hooks nnd staples, nnd In fact everything needed lu that line. COACH & WAGON MAKERS' HARDWARE, enibrnclng almost every thlng'ln that line. Also HARNESS MAKERS' HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned buckles, silver plated ; bltta of every kind , Hames, lronipad trcest IIaues, wood j saddlo trees, gig trees, girth web, worsted aud cot tout thread, silk, nwlsnnd uecdlcs, tools of nil kinds. SHOEMAKER'S HARDWARE, A full assortment for carpenters. 1 have planes all kinds, saws ; hand, panucl, rip, and compass, squares steel. Iron, and try t boring machines, chlsles, augers, hovels, mallets, braces, gauges, plows, rules, bits, and nbout evcrythlug for car penters. FOR THE PEOPLE GENERALLY' I hnve con) hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, lant erns,tnblecutlery,pocket cutlery, plated spoons, plated foi ks, servers, tea and cof fee pots.butler kulvcs,ml!l saws, el oss cut saws, cl rcu lar saws, gang snws, Hies, horse shoes.wre itches, rlvets,hnm mers, hatchels, maltneks, picks, forks, grub bing hoes, shovels, spades, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed plus, twlne,slcates, plows, collln trim mings, Emery, led chalk, uhllechalk, wire, ltorso nails, meat cutlers, scales, wash boards, horse buckets, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mnts, par lor mats, coin poppers, paint brushes, horse brushes, sleigh bells, heel cnlks.etinmet ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, stewkettlcs.sauce pntis,liroad axes, nails, Sledges, curtain Hxturcs, Thlmbtcskclus nnd boxeiv Pumps, lead pipe, etc., l an in ropo aim hundreds of articles not ,eniv inernted constantly on hand at CHARLES W.SNYDER'S, Main Street, Hloomsburg. Q.EORGE H. ROBERTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. SU North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JAI'OII lv. SMITH. J. It. SKI.T7.ER gM ITH & SELTZER, liupoitersunil Dealers In Foreign nndDomestlo H A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. IU!) J, TIllltDSTRFKT, AIl.rAM.OWIUI.I PHILADELPHIA. Nov. .07-tr. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATION Ah FOUNDRY, Illoonisbuig, Columbia County, Pa. Tho subscriber, ornnrltnr r,r ! ..tu.un.. exteuslvu establishment, Is uow prepared to ro celvo orders for nil kinds nf MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATION. RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ac Ho Is nlso tirenared to irnikn sinvn. nt ntt .t.n. and patterns, Plow-Irons, and et erythlng usually IMH.IU ut iii-hi-ciass r oununes. His extensive fucllitlCM nml nrnotlnnt ,pn-t..n.n wan-nut him In rrrelvlm; the lurie.t i-ntitm... n.. tho most reasonablo terms. Grain of nil kinds will b tnken in t,.i.,, rn Castings, This establishment Is !,wnto.t .... it... ,..., wanna and Hloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER MLLMYER. gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT nntiouuces to his friends nnd customers that continues the nbovo busluess at his old place on MA1JJ STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, aud every va- tiv,) ui uruciu loiuio. in n move nna Tiuwaro Es tablishment In tlniMtluu .ml able terms. RepaliluBdouoatthoshortestnotice. 23 DOZEN MILIC-PANS on hand for sale. N TEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STKIET, NEAIllY OI'I'OSITK UI1.LKR' eioits;, BLOOMSHURG, PENN'A. THK linilerMtcnil line t.ict ftlta.l i.n.n.l ao..I his new J STOVE AND TIN SHOP. In this place, where he Is prepared to mako tip new T in Wauk of nil kinds in his line, and do repairing with neatness nnd dlspntch, upon tho most rensounble terms. He also keeus on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers! Hive lliln n eiill. tin lu .. n...l deserving of tlio publlo patronage. ' Hloomsburg, April 20. 1807. JAl-UU WtI& TOBACCO & SBGARS. fjiilli ONLY PLACE to get the best TOHACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND REI'AIU nt HUNOSBEROER'S. u lew doors below the American House, Hloomsburg, Pa. He has the largest aud most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOHACCO ever offered to the clllienB of lllooiusbtirg. All ...ujunry uiailUSOI SEOARS. and the best Fine-cut aud Plug CHEWING TOBACCO. call be had at his counters. TOBACCO PIPES In great variety are among his largo Hock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. H. Jl. HUNSBEllGER. JJ W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE. No, 119 North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia, Q L. WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOBACCOS, CIGARS, PIPES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. QMNIBUS LINE. The undersigned would rcsiwctfully announce to tha citizens, of Bloomsbnrg and the publlo gene, rally tint he Is running nu nsrsmiiTu r w....uw .,.sr. between this place and the different railroad de notSllalll'tMlin.ln... ..l.ll . . .. . ... , ,.-.iTO, iu ruiiuect wnn tne several tralus going South nnd West on the Catu wls.u nnd Wllllamsport lUllroad, nnd with those Itolnu N'nrli. .mil Mnnit. n. .1.. v -..1 Tn ".7 .7 aJieautvanna BUtl Bloonisburg Railroad, HlsOinuibussesaro la good condition, coraino dlotis and comfortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do P art, can be accomodated ujkju i easonable charge by leaving timely notice nt any of the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor, DRUGS & MEDICINES. AVE YOUR MONEY! s GREAT INDUCEMENTS! G REAT E U INDUCEMENTS! GREATEST INDUCE M E N T S AT THE OLD DRUG STORE or L. N. MOYER, Where can be found tho nnd nrsr as soitT.wr.ST, ever offered to tho citizens of this county, of Drugs, Chcmlcnls, Paints, Oils, OlnsB, Varnishes, Putty, llrnshes, DyeSlufls, Mixed Palms, all of theso nro of the best knuwu make and nrs warranted as pure nnd unndalterntnlr The nm si and largest stock of FANCY ARTICLE s to be found In thlsnr ndjnlulug counties Perfumery, Hair Dyes, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Cosmetics, HnlrOlls, Toilet Articles, Stationery, Pocket Ilnnks T O 11 A C C O E H . Smoking and chcwlns, Cigars of nil descriptions, Pipes, cigar Holders. HOUHIUIOLI) ARTICLES. Lamps, assorted sizes and styles, Lamps, Chimneys, Siiadks, Buiinsiis, MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. Sponges, Chamois skins, Catheters, Speculttms, Syringes, Breast Pumps, Rubber Goods, Trusses of nil approved patterns Ac, Ac. I.KIDOIIS. A fine assortment of nro liquors for medical purposes constantly on linnd and the he.i known kinds of STOMACH BITTERS. Pati:nt MEiiiciNKsof every descrltlnn, In. eluding tlio best varieties of pills unit tonics. PltVStt'IAN'ftritF.SCKIPTIONaCAItEFL'I.t.V l'ltl. I'AltCll. No such stock has ever been presented lo Uiy people of this section of country. Tho prtcesnro assinnll ns the stock Is large. Tho Wholesale Jt icca aro moro favorable lo tlie puichitser than ever, ns nrrungcineitts have bet it effected with tlio wholcsnlo dealers In tho lart r cities, so that goods can bo procured In BIikiiiin. burgascheaplyns In New York or Pkilntlelphlii. S-Country dealers nro earnestly Invited tn study their own Interests, by examining this stock. Remember t lio place Exciianu r Block abo e Exchange Hotel, Main street, Bloonisburg. Jan. 31, lstis. Cm VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE AGE! Orny-IIciiltil XV-njiln tlttir locks restored by it to lite tlatl, lustrous, silken trtses of youth, nml aro happy ! Yoiin3lVoplo,wltlil'iVi,u((i(oriiIIalr1 liao theso iinf.isliiounblo folots changed to n beautiful auburp, anil rejoice I People wlioso heads aro covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, ami e clean coats ami clear and healthy scalps! lIall-IT-nlt-l VctomiiH lmie tlteir remaining locks tiglttcnetl, and tin haro apots covered with n luxuriant crow III of Hair, and danco for joy I Vounj? Gentlemen use it because It li richly perfumed I Younu Ladies u.o it because It keeps their Hair In place! Kvcrybody must anil iciVi use it, liccatue it is thu cleanest and Lest article in the market I For Sale by DruggisU generally. AND 1011 SALE 1IY L. N. MOYER and E. P. LUTZ, Dmgglsta, BlonmsburK, anil M. M. BROIiBT, Catav. Issa, January HI, lsos-3. J R. MOYER, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUGGIST, COIl.NEll OK MAIN AND MARKET aruELlS, BLOOMSBURG, PA., where will bo round n large and select slock ,. Drugs, MEDICINES AND CIIEJIICALS Also nil tho l'ATENT MEDICINES OF THE DAY, I am also prepared to furnish Country stores nil It Castor Oil, Godfrey's Cordial, TURLINGSTON'S BALSAM, and all other medicines kept In their line at City prices. 09- Prescriptions carefully compounded at nil hours. In medicines, quality is of the first Importance. Bloomsburg, Jnno7, HOT fHE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE 1 AND Kflltk'.WA Ih. IIN.HlMI.1 ttl.l IIS 01 Columbia County witnessed the trial of hit) lorks on the farm of Mr. 1'ursel, In Hemlock Inwushlp, on Montlny, May 7, ihul, between the Amerlt iili Hay Knife iitnl Fork luitiiurttctured by SLIl'l It, WALIJs, SHRINER A Co., of wls. I'lirg, 11i and the Rundel's Patent Hay llisik, Ihe American Fork lifted moro hay III one 1 raugltt than the Ruiidel In three. Wo are sails lied It will take as much hay Into tho mow ns two l'ihsI horses can draw. Wo also saw It cutting j, iimi miiiik 11 canuot no Dent as a liny mine, and cheerfully recommend It as the best hay fork nnd knife wo have ever seen. l;v".'.IT.fNlltriu'I"i O. HAllillsos, W. II. K'OOSS, JoilN DOAK, John DtTEiticK, Daniel Novek, H. DiaLESlll.LEK, SVLVESTElt 1'UK.SEL, Mlt'HAKI, llKLLEH, JOHN Wol.F, 'J hey also manufacture the celebrated lltlckeya Reaper and Muwer, and oilier agricultural Imple ments, r J N S U R A N 0 13 A OK N U Y . Wyoming HiO.m JTAna i.ouo.tx; Commerce 400,000 Fulton. 300,ou) Noi Hi America 3CO,ooo City Internntlonul 1,100,04 Niagara jEtua Llvo SttK'k 600,000 IMtnnm aio.otu Mcrchunts xio.uu Sprlnglleld 670,000 Insurance Company of State Peun'n KW.OiiO Couneclleitt tnliinl, North American Transit. Wldoo FRIiAS BROWN, Agent, mar8o7-Iy, Bloomsuuiiu, Pa, RMBRUSTER & BROTHER, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, Slum's AND DRAWERS, mrrrriKu ciitqiu-sti.lm.u HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TJIIIKADS, SEWING BILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTK MONNAIEH, SOAPS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTfnvH nvvt-ii . t t s- Also Manufacturers of ' BRUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMM, ROPES, TWINES, Ac, No. 800 North Third Streol, above Vlue, Philadelphia. jyILLER it HOST, Successors to Franklin p. Soltzor A Co., Bl aTLKl X VI V importers and Wholesale Dealers In I LIQUORS, WINES, Ac, Nos. 110 and m North Third Street, Philadelphia. JUrsRS,Iy.EI-Th0 CllCMJHt HOOP Mar.l.V(i-tr L.X.HHAUPI.E8H'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers