THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. $u (ifatumlrtmt IILOOMSnUltO, KIUDAY, SKPT. 4, 1K0H, Po.vr full to bo nt tho mooting In tlio Court Houso on Monday evening next. It will bo nililrcsscd by Senator Utickn low, and Hobort 1 Clark, Esq. AM' our friends should lay aside busi ness on Saturday afternoon in order to ntk-nd tlio jrn.s.s McetliiB nt OraiiRevIllu. It U tlio first of tlio eiimpnlgn, nnd shoulil bo a rouscr. Tin: now mill of tlio Hon, l'eter Knt Ii now running on coarso grains, nnd will In a couple of weekH bo making Hour. That portion of tho mill now running Is doing extra work. Hit. maud TAM.Kft. Within a few ilays past threo now billiard tables bavo liri'n put up In this town ; ono ot them at Mr. Stohncr'rt, nnd two nt nilmoro's In Snyder' Hull. Wo nro informed that they nro In uso constantly. Al'fOt.vTMKNTM. It Is with much Malefaction that wo learn of tho np pnlnttncnt of our friends Kphraim W. i:iwell and Martin A. Ammonium as Storo Keepers In this County, under tho Into Internal Itovenuo Law. Tho appointees nro honest and capable, nnd will provo efficient ofllccrs. Tin: Cincirs. This Institution visit ed our town on last Wednesday, but did not make n very ereditnblo appearance, nnd tho attendnneo was very meagre. The people have so many other uses for their stamps that they do not euro to glvo them to n set of strolling vaga bonds. Oiin offers to supply Democratic Clubs with tho Comimiiian for twenty live cents a copy from now on until af ter tlio November election, Is stilt open. A friend in Carbon County raljed us n club of -0 In that Section, and ninny of our homo clubs nro moving in tho mat ter. See the notice nt the head of our columns. What noiis it mean V A Democrat of Orange township, was recently In vited to attend a meeting of tho Loyal League, with u plain intimation that llu-m was money to bo had. Tim Itadlcals aro alarmed, nnd aro dally becoming moro desperate they see that nothing but n free uso of tho money they havo stolen from tho Gov ernment, will snvo them. Democrats, watch theso leaguers, they nro busy, as heretofore, In their midnight plots and villainy. , Scott Townhihv. Tho Radicals are making a desperate nttempt to savo thN, their former Htrong-hold. A fow weeks ago P. John, Row Beckly, nnd n negro named Rcmond made speeches to the "faithful" in that township. Tho darkey finding his labors appreciated, mado another speech at Espy on Tues day nlghtof Inst week for which ho was paid $a,on. Tho Chairman of tho Rad ical County Committee was among the dignitaries present. Inasmuch as Rad ical orators seem to bo senrcowo would suggest to P. John to bend his "colored brother" to other points In tho county. School Kxamination. On lust Saturday applicants for schools In Illoom Township wero examined by tlio Coun ty Superintendent nt tlio Academy. There wero about twenty applicants examined; of theso tho ladies seemed to he the lie-it prepared. Tho spelling with a fow exceptions, was terrible. Out of forty common words some miss ed as high as twenty-eight! Wo aro constrained to beliovo that our Teachers havo not progressed much fur several years. When n good teach er is found, we manage to drive him otf liy lo,v wages, or i-liort terms of school. There Is much room for reform. Tiik Schools is Bi.oom Townshii'. -On Inst Monduy Evening the School Directors made the following appoint ments for our schools: Joseph Garrison, Graded School. Jennie Ureece, Assistant. Miss T. Vanatta, Academy. William Evans, " Miss C. Freeze, Scotttown. " C. Weaver, Miller's Store. Lorenzo I). Knie, Smokctown. Kiminuel Fritz, Bloom Furnace. 11. II. Vandersllce, Morgantown. Chns. Mnnhardt, Port Noble. S. 11. Coleman, Welsh Hill. Tho colored school has not yet been provided for. Six of tho above named teachers tnught here last winter. CoitNKit Stoni: Layinil As was announced lust week, tho eeremonie.tof thu Inlying oftho Corner Stono of Saint Paul's Church, llloomnburu, will bo performed on Friday tho 11th day of Kciiteniher. Tho erection of a now I'liico of Worship has lonp; been un der consideration by tho Congregation ; and whilo they gavo liberal asslstunco to all tho othei religious botlle In thu pluee, In tho building of their respeetlvo commodious edifices, they havo put off tlio erection of their own Church build lug, until tho liuproveniont Inusbecomo nn absoluto necessity. Then tlio Wnr with Its attendant uncertainties and expenses, postponed it, and moro Into ly, largo contributions to our beautiful nnd much needed .school liulldiiig1 again seemed to absorb tho neces.sary means, Tho Parish was admitted In 17.:I (hero being but fifteen older Parishes in tho Diocese, Tho cracked walls and broken celling of tho present building havo for somo years rendered It unlit for tho purposes of puhliii worship; and it Is now proposed to put up a Church Building which in its stylo nnd nrclil tccturo, shall at least not bo behind tho progressiva spirit of our enterprising village. It Is to bo of stono, with toW' eraml spire, and with an tutdltotltim considerably larger than tho ono now occupied. Tho" Episcopal Announcements " promlso tho prosenco of tho l)lshop,and tho ceremonies will bo appropriate nnd Imposing, Tlicro nro many Church families In tho County, who will doubtless endeavor to ho present, and w ho will bo glad to aid with moro buu stantlal assistance, the success of tlio enterprise. o trust it may bo a com pleto success, and that tho Building when consecrated, may bo n worthv oirerlng to tho King of Kings. Wo understand that a collection will bo taken up, on tlio occasion, In aid of tho Church Hulldlng Fund. To such an object, ovory person can contribute freely and thankfully, for "tlio Lord lovoth a cheerful giver. TIIE KALEIDOSCOPE : ,, . A limp of limy Mo, It" fl"i,tiintloiisniHl ltn vuil murcrm." NO. I.XXIl. ri.ANKIXd. Quant was now brought ton stand still. Tho enemy In our front was as defiant as over, nnd nil our efforts to dlslodgo him had resulted lit useless slaughter. Toglvo somo Idea of our losses I would stnlo that nccordlng to Mcado's official report, up to this tlmo they amounted to the enormous total of 33,-nt men 1 An army In Itself, body of men over one-half a larye at f.ce'irholeurml This cstlmnto does not Includo the losses In Ilurnslde's Corps. Learning by bitter experience that "lighting It out on this llne,"wns it los ing business, n tlnnk movement was de termined on, nnd on tho approach of night of the itltli of May, tho Second Corps took up Its lino of march towards Howling Green, cutting loose entirely from tho main body of tlio army. Tho march was mado through fields nnd by ways, without rest or Intermission. About day-light wo reached tho Fred ericksburg A Richmond R. It., near Gulnney Stntion, (whero Stonowall Jackson died,) and then marched along tho main road to Rowling Green. Tim country was a perfect garden, and hav ing been untouched by invading ar mies, formed n pleasant contrast to the Itapldan region. Howling Green was entered without opposition, although tho enemy had by this time becomo awaro of the movement j in fact Long street's Corps was moving by a paral lel road In the same direction, and we could seo their signal Hags waving from distant trees and eminences. Tho con duct of many of our ofllccrs and men was shameful. 1 speak not alono of the pillaging, but of tho InsulU otrered to women, committing on their persons the grossest outrages, nnd burning nnd de stroying all that could not bo carried nwuy. The beautiful town of Howling Green was burned, nnd no doubt Indi rectly caused the retaliation at Cham- bersburg. Hampton's Cavalry mado somo resis tance, but wo soon dispersed them, cap turing a number of prisoners together with tho post-ofllco and its contents. Tlio cars had boon running steadily on this road bringing supplies to Lee, and carrying his wounded to Richmond, but our movement cut off these supplies, secured the bridge across the Mnttapo- ny, nnd placed us directly In the rear of Leo's position nt Spottsylvnnla. Aftor crossing tlio Mnttapony wo at once commenced entrenching on a seml-clr-cular lino of hills, both Hanks resting on tho river, nnd Ina fow hours weroin n condition to resist an attack front Leo's wholo army. Their Cavalry mado n chargo, assisted by boiiio Hying artillery, but no damage was done us. Our only danger was that Lee, who was now compelled to fall back, might pre cipitate his wholo force upon our iso lated Corps. On Sunday, tho iHnil, the other troops quietly withdrew from their positions in front of Spottsylvn nla, and Joined us. Loo at oneo concen trated his cntiro army behind tho North Anna river. Having tlio interior line and best roads, ho moved moro rapidly tlinu we could. On Monday, tlio 23rtl, tlio army re Bttmed Its mitreli, tlio Second Corps pai- Hiii!; lltrour-ii Hliniiy luncs, across ueitiH, and through Intricate forest paths, fin-. any tukliiB tip its position on tho hanks of tho orth Anna, tho rail-road run-1 nln tliroiiKh tho eentreofottr line, 'lhe I enemy wero splendidly protected by detached earth-works, which wero built when JI'Dowoll threatened loapproach ltlchmond from Fredericksburg. In our lmmediato front they hail twenty pieces of Artlllory, many of them belne iSl pounders. For a few hours there was n perfect roar of Artillery, but nei ther party was much injured, as wo wen1 protected by our position, and the' l,y ""'Ir earth-works. (len. Han cock whilo reconnoltering from our Mattery had a very narrow escape. A 20 nouiidershe 11 came whizzing through the air, and struck the ground within two fiet of whero he stood, covering him with dirt. Ho dropped upon his face, and it was tho only time I ever saw him dodge. The boys enjoyed tlio thing, as it showed them the (iencrnl was mortal, llko themselves. riio enemy held a strong earthwork on this sldo of tho river, and it was de termined to tako it by storm. Under cover of our nrtlllery Hlruey's Division formed lu two columns, each advancing from different directions. Tho first broko without u shot.and disgracefully sought cover; tho other, notwithstanding the concentrated llro of tlio enemy, and tho terrlblo straggling of many oftho men, gained tlio work and captured Its do- fenders. iJitringtho night wo threw up en trenchments, but at daylight moved nearer tho river. About noon wo for ced tho passngo of tho river, and met with but little opposition. Tho enemy had burned the rall-road bridge the night previous. Our Itattery was at oneo taken across and placed In several different positions, tho enemy in the meantime fulling back half a mllo to a point strongly entrenched, and covered by a Hwamp. Their Hue of battle mado a right angle, tho point resting on the river. They used Hanover Junction as a bn-o of supplies, and wo could dis tinctly hear the shriek or tho locomo tive and tho rumbling of tlio cars. Wo pushed our foes hard in our front, hut cuuld nccompll-sli nothing, thoughnssls- ted by tho mortar batteries. During tho day wo threw up four different sets of entrenchments. On Thursday night, tho Slth, wo re- crossed tho river, nnd went info battery to cover tho rear of our army, llrant had been again checkmated by Leo's admirablu disposition of his troops, and nothing remained except to "Hank" tho position again. During tho night tho Sixth, Fifth, and Ninth Corps pass ed us towards tlio left, wo keeping up a heavy skirmish flro to conceal tho movements. It rained hard, but fortu nately for us tho soil absorbed tho moisture, and saved us from becoming mud-bound, Wo left tho North Anna about noon on Friday ; and though tho das' svas Intensely hot, tho men march oil rapidly, and kept well dosed up. Tho country svas les-el and open, with a taudy soil well cultivated, but destl tutoof svater. Along tho ontlro lino of march svero scattered tlio carcasses of deiul horses svhlch hnd perished from tho effects of tho heat and for tho lack of food. At this tltno thooutragea of thostrag- glers upon tho inhabitants hnd become so notorioiiri that Urn, Mcttilo issued an order to tho omccrs nnd guards, to shoot down tho mnn who first left tho ranks to pillage, or to commit crimes of any description. Tho Sixth Corps succeed ed In crossing tho Pamunkcy River, nnd was Joined by Gen, "Bnldy" Smith with n com in nnd of nbout 20,000 men composed of portions of tho Tenth nnd Eighteenth Corps, tho latter of which, under Gen. Gllmorc, had been with drawn from South Carolina. Hy our last flank movement wo hnd also secur ed tho York River as n base of supplies, which to us was an Important matter, as we had been without meat for three days. The following tiny we crossed the Pamunkcy on pontoons. It was In tensely hot, nnd many cases of sun stroke occurred. Wo halted for the night nbout ouo mllo beyond tho river, and somo of us wero fortunate enough to find somo delicious strawberries and cherries tho first of the season. Dur ing the succeeding day n rcconnolsanco of one Division from each Corps was mnde, which showed that there was no enemy in our immediate front. The entire country was cut up by entrench ments tho most of it having been done by Gen. Getty's command, during tho Gettysburg campaign. Soon afterdnrk our Corps was again put in motion, and moved to tlio Tolopotany, five miles distant, occupying tlio extremo right of tho Hue. On Monday morning, tho HOtli, tlio Artillery Hrlgade was taken to tho front to bo posted, but as tho fog cleared we found ourselves but a few yards from tho enemy's pickets, and only n short distance from their main line. To our dismay wo. iNo found that wo had ad vanced beyond our skirmish line, and In case of an attack had no support. Happily for us the rebels did not dis cover the blunder, and by "mounting In hot haste" we soon reached ourllnes. Ourmen'theii threw up works within S00 yards of tho enemy's batteries, though their sharpshooters Were unu sually vigilant, and woo to tho man whoexpoiedtlie slightest portion of his body. Our fellows laid on tlieirstomnchs and gradually worked up a heap of dirt sulllcient to cover the guns mid then ran them by hand Into their places. We soon became engaged and did our foes so much damage, they soon had to abandon their guns, but a heavy In fantry force in reserve prevented us from securing them. The Hoops op posed to us proved to bo Hrcchonrldgo's Division which, after defeating Slgel in the Valley, had joined Lee. (Jl'lKN Saiii:? j A QuiIKY. The llepublienn last week published the names of several Demo crats who through misrepresentation signed it petition for the "Special Po lice" arrangement. We challenge him to publish all the names. No skulking, I'alcmon ; face the music. Tin: Guant A Colfax Fi.ah. -This emblem has a double purpose ; in the first place it shows that a few Radicals aro left ia Columbia County ; but Its main object is to Indicate tho location of Chembcrlln's cheap Clothing and Notions Store, Just u few ilo ra liulnw. He would like to glvo both Democrats and Uepubllcans "fits-," and will war rant there will bo no grumbling when tho work is done. ijlsllo,. Stkvbnb elves tlio following BtiitMle-' oftho church In the Diocce of p,.,vivaniii. It will he reiiiemhered tlmt ,)lls lU)(.s uut i,lcimit. tK. Dlecc-oof uthurj-, untler Hihop Kerfoot. Whole number of Clergy. "II! : Whole number of Parishes, 177; U.iptlsins svlthln the year, !IS(H ; Confirmations, I'Jii'i ; Marriage-, Ul; IStirlnK lliSI ; Present number of Communicants, 11.1; Siintliysi'liool teachers, Si-ii ; Sun day school scholars, SV-1"' Win is 111. V That was the question generally asked by the Indies on last Saturday evening its a hniiil.-oino look ing gentleman was seen passing up the street. Afler milking -Irlet imillirlls . 1 .1 , 1, . , . i- 11-ci-i III I lllll lllill II ll MIIV .i wot citizens who had been lo David l.nw- , enherg's Clothing Store nnd piirehasul 1 a bran new suit of clothes. That wns j whnt's tho matter, and others who wish to be attractive will go anil do likewise. A I'KVV Kn.ulihH. When thelahorer leiel,sa dollar he receives but seventv ei l)IK; when lhe bondholder receives!! dollar tic ice, iesa dollar aiul forty. Oilutnttlttit, When tho Democrats svere in power, the Treasury scrip holders received 1 1 interest on 100, svhilo tho laborer re ceived $1 per day. Tho Intere-t bolng Just fouttccn times tho amount receiv ed by tho laborer. "A."- Jliju'liliatn. Will "A" have the goodness to stale when, .nnd in what cas'j, a Democratic Administration paid 1 1 per cent for money borrowed, or to holders of Treas ury scrip '.' II. Receipts of "THE COLUMBIAN" for Aug'. 1808. (' F Steele $ - no.iJeflors.on Fritz 2 on j mi 1 IH) 1 nn 1 nn 2 no 1 no Mrs H iiluo ! nn ID .Mclieurv J lIeislerV Co HI 00 FHmolt.or American Pub- W II Abbott U-hlng Co I 00 (Jeo W Hock D Appleton A l'eter Farver Co L'i! no Alfred Mlllor Jacob Candy I IM) Jacob X I'ifer Win Itutler on win Heaver 'J no James Kdsnn 1 nn j on a i un 'I nn i! nn oil 2 llll H I'ursel 1 M Hitman .1 t) Hnvder 1 .Ml M Millard 2 r.1), Ft) Jltirrlsou 1 (hi John Steele 2 no John S Kllno 1' Wtidsworth John Vanllow 1) W ltobblns .'0 Cail Huberts H Slmrplcss ( Iscar l ICnt oi), J Ilittenbender 1 !H l! OH A Walker ,1 ik( I mijAaron Miller '1 on Wi IF 11 Hnvder ."ill llov A Irv no T II Forsyth (.! W Miller !l nillWm Webber 1 on John ('ox A no.iKllas Sliunmn K on Kilns Watts Hr l: 00 Nathan Creasy 00 Jero O'Connor 1 oO J (1 Freeze Vi 00 V. Melleiiry 00, Rstnto of (leo M lillhlmo 2 in i,l Uartman 7 00 M Mel len ry 2 flo1 John Collins I no A (Jiti)ssOiiTitA(ii:. Acommltteo of itadlcals In Uerwlck, recently waited upon asoldler there and Informed him that unless ho voted tho Republican ticket, titty u-ouM have hit pension flop ped! Can go further'.' When soldleiH Incline dUnbled lu this svar they wero entitled to it pension by tho (iti's.atul yet protended soldiers' friends would rob them of tho little pittance paid them In depreciated paper. Docs this party pretend to own tlio soldiers, so as to dictate how they shall vote? Out upon such canting hypocrites. Tho Iloud-holilcrs and shoddy contractors svho Imvo grown rich by tho svar, and who induced tlicsn poor men to go to tho front to screen their carcasses, now would tako from them tlio pension which they earned in their country's service, liosv can honest men longer assoclato svlth a party so corrupt. Wo aro ready lo substantiate theno facts. MISCELLANEOUS. PUHLIO SALE OF VALUAHLE HKAL CHTATK. In ruirsuanco nr nn order of t1in(irlinns'G'oiirl of Culiimblil comity, on HATUtlDAY. AukiihI Hllli, SW, at lio'clork 111 tlio nrirrnoon, Hiuuuol L'rrmy Lxerutorof tho lost ulll mill tnttnment of Ht'tiry Keililer, l.ilo of Crnlro towiisnlp ilo reonrd. will expose lo inlp, hy public vendue, tho following described rcnl CMntct ono Inlot In Mlllllnvlllc, ronrked nnd described In tho plan of said town. No. I. containing lhrco-clfihtftof nn nerc; ono other lnlot In until town IvliiK between Front nnd Meeond Htrcets, No. Ho, contntnlnu thrcc.fourthi nf nn ncrc; ono othrtr lot In mtld town hounded on tho North by Fifth Htrcet, on the west by MArlcet Hlreel, on tho south hy hind or Hnmucl Creasy, nnd on tho oust by I. mil of George Hhuumii, containing T W O A C R E S; line other lot in Mild town, hounded liy land of (It-orgo Itowman, John Ketlcr ami thu Humu hiintinh Illver containing uno nnd IJiJ actci, tilt In K"od ciiltUatlon.tnte tho efttalcof wild deceas ed. Terinn made knoun tin tlm day of tmlo by HAMl'I.M'ttKAMY, Kx ecu tor, Atiyett 7,'tiS JOT10 E, Theio will ho nn examination ol 'lt'iichci lor Itloom Tmvnulilp held in tho Academy on Third Mruet In Mm town id Illooiiubnrjt, fn Haturday Atitfunt H'th, ronimt'ticlnu at It fyloelc CUA8, (I, IIAItKM.Y, County Hntt. At which tltno thu Honrd id I l rectors of Bloom TownMilp will Kelt ct tcncherH for thoachooN of Mild IHMrlct for the comlm; tcrmoreen month commencing on the tlrst Monday, being tlm 7th day, of Hentcmrcr. Teroni cxpyctlnn or nwnll lug ftchoolft mint ttilcnd the rxatnlmtilnti. wi;sli:y whit, July it I'reVt . Hoard Mchool DlrtrtorM. NOT I C E . All iterNotiH nto forhldilen In trenre tnmn tho Muds or the mibscrlhor In Main township, tor tho purpoxo oftthootlnz or Mfdiltin;. Any one hereafter n otlcndlng, will ho dealt with neeord Intttolaw. JACOtl MlIUM AN, Hr. Mamvillc, .Inly 31,'tW-lt. jgLOOMSni'lUI MTKUAUV INSTITUTE Km Tall term of thti 1 tit llutlnn will open Au Kiittt H, ln, at which time n clans will bo or-K-inlrtd Tor the pmtt-sslonaltralnliit; nrTeaetiein; nnd It N expected Unit ilnrliiu the j ear the insti tution will tin u-coKtileil ius a Htate Nurmul Hchnol wlthall tht p" ivlleemif the other state Inslltutlnim. For in rt her piutlcntiu nor circular atldresH the Trlnclpal. Julyai,'. JII.XtlY OAUVj:it,A. M. T X) T11K I'UHIilC. 1 ho tllitleifliilied lexticetltlllv lofoiliiH his old friends ami cintomcrH that ho has retlttid his Curding Machines and is now ready to ilo wool carding In (jood order, When nod, clean and well prepiued wool Is sent me, my puttons may look lor Kood rolls, t'ulllnir, C'ohnlnj; and dieting Cloth, done to order, U'nothltat llartman'ri sttire, llhnLn hurt;, w 111 ho taken and returned ew-iy two or three wcoIih with bill iftork. 'lhe pay can be leltat JtartmauX Wool lelt nt UraiiKcvllle, at eithei of the stores will boatteudid to jiromptly. No wool wagon Is running for mo this summer only to Itloouithurgand UiaiiKcvlIle, tor the ac coiumnitatloit of thoxo at a dlstancn. (IKOUUi; VAN(.'i:, .lunelit, IMM. Near OranKevllle A V C1RANI) Sl'ItKIVr Cli HA!' Store .vr.w YOI1K I TI. til!. 1.AIU1MI AMI I IlKAlMr HMK'K nt- S 1 K. W uooii" in in ts i iv, wiriiofr i"nn.' Millinery HimhN, Ultiboio., hllks, I'lout-i. l'.u asols, Yanlae Notions, Hkiris, Dies- and t'l iK '1 rimming!, and Fringes, all umli r rr-nilai hi t ew. I.adieM Whalebone fyn'i., 7 n-i 31 oi, and npwaids, cheap. V.MIllliieiKMii.pliol. l'.DWAUD ItlDI.I.S, A. .'UlUOiuud.lMi.M A 7ii Allen Stir. -i Juno l.ViW, Filth llloek Kast li'mn the Ilim.-. w n n 1-: x '.s IMl'HO M) I I UK AMi W VIFJl Vl.nUV '1 ho ad ant ages w hlch this coniposi t ion M,nsetisiH aio many. H Ik both watt Might and tlreprooi. It Is not atlected hy heat or colli. It can bo ap plied to an almost pt I tt clly Hal tool, one Inch to the foot being all that is uqulitd. It Is easily ami iiilckly ltpalrttl. Its covt h Icsh than any other tirc'piooi loot now In um 'ltbtlmoulals Ironi nil parts of tho count ly as to lis iluiabllityt security und cheapms will be shown by .lOHN W. K UAMTIt, JuueStl,', Agent, Hlootusburg, l'a, A tine tpeelmeii i ; tho lonling can he sien at W. H.Kuons mw boito on l ilth street, T MUSK ()!' YOl.'lt ti:i:th AMI IIAVK JllbM Alll-MIMI lo. Ur. Cliivlfutit litivlut; loriitt-tl in lilnoiiiitbuiK lor tilt.' prActli'e ot Ills inoli-ss on, ts uiilot.H toumi- rUE.Sl.KVl. YOl It N ATL KAI. Tl'.J, J II. Tlilrt most llillioitlint litiillt'h ot lli'litlstr lie illscoM'rs luu tiew-r liit-ii puipirly lutrotluitsl, u Until Is luuru ob lous lluiti thai it uiituliil m t ol tri'tti Vi 1th proper euro will lasi Its possessor a Itri'lliue, yet tiu tliiMs ninny persons ulm olijecl lolmWui; llictrtt-MIl MUoilJiulijlii hy hllUrex-pflleln-o that It Is usvli'ss. I'mtui'lt M oxtl'tuW tlu'Coiillal Invitation. lUl.C'llAI.KVM'sOtm-K, lio nil. ex amine ,1 our ti t-!h lleo oreliiilKu aiul eouvlm-o )otlol olll eltnr. Ilo hah IlutliodK ol fllllliK let 111 lieir heloio ptiictleeil III this section ul eoiiitlry, iiikI means ot proving lo tho most sUeplkul tlt-l lite Itllliitf cannot posslhly tie le. llniveil llolil IhectiMtltn. Mi i otihtlelll Is he ol tlllsthal 111 tills ilepiilltlielll Ae 11 lit tiiMtrn tin uuik Jut tt it lvilm. Ilo also Units p-laoliH eiiul ly plejtiun tsl nictiinsi Alt TI I' I I' I A I. TKliTll. il'Jiclllig that they cause pulu. atal ploillleo son nesa In the luuutli, that ttiey must he taken uiilvfheli ealllix, alut that luiiietilly they are lliroun Hsltleiilloitethei. Ill Mewof tills ho wlnllis, 3011 lo UCAII 111m 1 I.11M.S, Ho will put Upllll selol tfelll, upper or hiMet, or pait 01 either, 11I11I lllselt tnelii so that they eimn it ho (UbtliiKUlshist truui natural te, Ih, ulij KU'irantco itatlsliietlon In eeiy ease. Au pernon not pleimeil with his wotk 111 eery purtketilur, nets! not tako It Irutu theollleeoi-pii) ho tt, as ho altOMH ho ease to leave hi. otrlee uhlen plisluees Hie sIlKhlest palli, or vtoulil he likely to elfuto soieliens In tho mouth, lie ex tlai'tA t.elh hy thO Use ot MTIIOL'H OX I in: UAS, nm heimt thennaesthetlo in nenerul iiei.iiiliii oiled hy leading Ueullsts ll use. niul thlouhoul lhe I until Mules. Ilo will liillnllilster eth-l ho ,ieM l to llioso pielerrlut; It. LOMII AND SSi:i:llIM, lie will cxmuluc Jour itiiu, nun Bive uireeiious lor preherui; iiiim III,' ol illlilKC. l-'oinul at all hours 111 hU oftlce, next door to lir. .1. It. I. Mins, .M.iliibt. below .laruet, UliHiius- OIIIK, I II. Jlll J,'UH-1I V. SAMIMiK it CO., MACHINISTS A KNUIN'KKUS, MAIN HT., V I.. iV 11. II. It., 1H-OOMS11UUO, 1A., Ale jtrcjiared to intuWh all Utudt of Machine unlit, tudi a.s STKAM KN(iIXKS, HOMiKHS, Hhaliinti, l'a 1 Icy UanciH.ctiupllnuH, Mill-gear- I n i, saw mandrils, etc., (iiiuu coelm, IVt cockH, hi en in pipe, together wit It alt kinds ofKtcjm tlt- tlnus const ant ly mi liand. Th refill in; Machines ami llorsw Towern mad In kiiUt. Allliludstd Ak'ilcuttuial Machlnt r li'1'.iiitd, May '.V.'on. T" R K A S O .N W II Y TIIH AlAt HKlll V 1HI ITJAH Is thu I'tstid any In the market ; h. Thu rubber pat king that makes thu Joint rests on a muooth shoulder which Is blown in the mould Instead of lu lug giound dow n on the end, conhetpu ntly there Is no nhklng out ot glass In grinding to let the air into thu Jar. width In me cause ot so mucii iruti neiug spout u, i V'nd, You will nee the Is away from the Irult. whereas the ground sliouldern or itnU must ueicKsarllv hrlns ono edge of the lubbtriu eon tact Hlih thu Prult. ,trd. You can t si or loosen the fastenings when the Jar or fiull cofilt, ami see If our coer Is tight; If ho, you Know nt once that your hull will keep. If lhe cocr Is looso jou tail heat oier before It spoils. , . 1th, 'I hey are easy to open, w hU h U the ihohI liupoitant pait after llndlng u Jar that will ket p Pi nit, Tim WIMt KKKl'TOV WOPX ThetteJurn are warranted .MA UK 1 1 IT, MOYP.U IIKOI H. ItH Wholes lie AtfelltM JtlootuHburg.Pa , and hy till country dealetN, Aim. ll,M u o o ?t h n v it o viitvvi i rxa J4IIUIA n r, , Ii, W l'.HU"H H roHtC, M H NTHKt X. TKUMSj Annual HiibscrlterM M") Half Yearly , :t ijuaiterly 1 -VI 'lhis ftubucrlpMlon rntitlcH oue)rson to two itUttrcnt hook at onetime, DAlIA'HlJIlhCUlllKnfi. Pnrloan ot IhioLh nor dav. ner ol.. 3 centu. lially suhnerlh r will be rtfuified lu all aht to It ue u dcptmlt eijuat lu value tut he book, The new hnokti will not be at lowed to anv nub- nrlber lor aloiigcr period than one wetk, or if tt.'l ill tied he Dint that lime, an nddltloiiul i ImrL'H nf H ceiitH per day i nther booUn two wct kn, or if uriaincti iiejona intit inni'.s tent h r tiny, AH Imokit me coiuldeied tld 6 inonthH nfter publication. lUHiUttdamaKud hcrlounly will be charged, July JUjwu MERCHANDISE. NK i:v .stock or (jlothino. Frmh nrrlvn! or I'M.I. AN!) WINTIUl (JO(l.. tiAViii uvi;NiiKnn luvltcrt atlenlloii to hln nlm-k of ClH:AlANI)KAM!tIONAIirKLi,H!nNO. nt his htoio on Main H1i(H,twodoors aIhivc the Anu rlrnu lion I'.lrf ililshlllK, 'a,t while he hr Just rccthcd from New York nnd riilladcl.hla a full assortment of MJ1N ANI liOYH' CU)TI!!N), Includlnn tlm imM rashluuable, durable, and linitdMHitu Illll'-HrtdOOlH. consUUm; ol liOX, HACK, ItOCK', UUM, AND OII.-CI.OTU COATS ANI I 'A NTH, of all iorts,fd7en, and colors. He ban hIno rpttu Khed IiIh already laige Hlix-k id FA IX AND WINTI'.UHHA WUS, STItH'KI), KKHtlU'd), AND PLAIN VlWTH, HHIUTH, CUAVATH.HTOCKH, COlXAlW, HANDKr.ltcmKFS.tHlVm, -tl.Ml'F.Nhr.ltM, AND I'ANCY AUTICI.KH He nas coiistnntly on hand a largo ami well-ne lectcil utoitmeiit of Cl.orilM AND VF.STINas, which ho Is prepAtod lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In the bent ninnner. All Ids clothing Is mnde to wear, and mo.( of It Is of homo manufacture, OOI.D WATCH HM AND JKWKMtY, of cxery dcNcrlptlon, flue and cheap. HUcaneH Jewelry Is not htirpassed in this place. Call and examine his rmral iisHortmcut ol t'l.OTHINO, WATCIUX.JKWKI.UY, At;. david r.owi:Nnuno. M K U C II A X DISK. NOTICT. IS HF.I!i:HY OIVHN Tolny tiiendtnud Hie public nenerally, that nil klndtiol DRY (lOODS, (IKOCKHIES, (lUEENSWAltK, NOTION'S, AC, arc foiiMuutly on h.ind and lor tmie AT IIAUTON'S Ol.n hTANI), - ISLOOMSUCltn, nv JAMIM K. KYKIU nrAho, sole Ajrint lor 1'' rnosriiATK or IM.. Ijnue lot innMlilit!) on blind. ilebS'67. JKW CAHINET WARK HOUSE. J tlK uudi rnlned lakes thin method tulnfoMii Iht I'Ubllc Hint be Iris openiil it Ni:v rtnt.MTtnii: waiii: uoiist: In lhe Wall, r llrli'k llulldhii:,ou Malulinl. iu.oiiMi:ri:u, 1:1., Willi h he has .tltt hUMitlllld IntclldM I. I.i i.riio u.iy Jllhd with I'll i lilt tut- ol . nv Ni ihi.mi: .mam i ai-iimik. i I t'oMl'ltlsLs lu ll I-: I) M A 'I' It K S 8 K s , Mil- K. l.nll.NIIILS MAiiiu.i. -1 1 i cn.vnti: taiilivs i ll Mil- rl'MllllMMi.t'ANKIHirtllMKll, N1 WOOD IKlTTOMKII. IMl:SSIIi.N I'Mll.t'.s, I.OOKINll (1I.AHMKS. I'Alfl.OIt, ('II A M lilOU AND DIN IXtl HOOM KURMTURK. In tuet it toll asMoitment of It K A liV- t i Di: COFI'I N's id all tsles, II lid of rivKin iHiNti i.s'iin: mni:okihmiuadi; Alt id which will he .old c n i: A 1' F U C ASH. 'I ht public are ltn lied to call and ( xamtiir my sloi k befoie i urcluKdiiff eNew here. OKOlllii: W. ( OltKI.U Itt(Kimhurg. August ltl, 1M7, Q1.0TIIF.S DY MAC1UNV.UY. 1 ho luulr tslgutul would nspcc'fuUy call Ih, nltulitlon ofthc public, to Ills new and npploved mi thud of making clutlus hy a system bastsl upon innthematlciil pilnelples, which renders It Impossible to he otheiw Isethan perrcelly accurate lie unites for this method lhe following nd- Mllltiles, l ins i, li rtei I accunicy. SIXONIi. A sa Iiij ol two thirds ot the time usual l lu li en to 111 1 out the el'ith. Tlllltll. Mullly to nieasiire nuy llnuie so as to lii-ur'. a Km "I til. i nr ui it. That 11 dois auuy with Die m-cisslly ot beluu tuiusuiiHl moretluin imicc.iis often is the cu Itom the nilsiipiiieliriisl, n or nilstiilie ot i mcasuier. He would ume tlicpubtlc tolie 11 a lrlal,ns I. Is sallslled Hint It will Kilo in rfecl satisfaction. I lu w ill he lilippv to exhibit uud explain Ita worlt lui; at any tllnc to Ixilors. .1. w. ciir.Mtu:iii.iN Miilch'JI. I'KS .Main M lalow MiirLlt, r. n o w v, 1! hat Dpfiied a tii-t-c.ast ItOOT, slhiK. HAT CAI. AM) 1 l it tsTUUK. at l lift tld Miami mi Main Street, IKllr HIU ! lilt Itlltri IKHIM". I I IK mock is com Iwtd oi th t ry latent nnd ht-HtlyU ever utter fit In 1 14 t-itit us of I'oluinblii I'mintv. llrt-an i the imlillc Itll tlio follow liiKPIs at the 1'twi-ht rales. Mtn's heavy tlouhlw Mtltd rslofeu txiois, iik'Ii'k thaitilc and Hiniflc tap soU-it Kip nniiih, men r nca,v tiioia hiioiN uinu hiiiii nicn'H tint hoots aiidhhot of all Kiadt-, 1ov'k double holed IkhiIs andhot h of all Kinds, nifii'M Blovti Ultl llalmoial hhoes.nicu's, vonic:rK,hoi'K and mlsNfn' hutliiK milters, unnien'K uun kid l'ollsh ciy ilnc.Moiiien'h nnnftcco raliiiorultaiid calf hhocs, women's uny tine kid lndtonel nt. vtH, In shoit tiooisi.l alUIt'stili'tiont pey. ted and nM cd. lie Monlit also call at tent Inn to hU line aMirt mcnt of HATS, ( Al'S. Ti lts AND NOTlUNK. which complin s all the new and popular arl 1 1 Din at pi hi n i hi h cannot tall to Kiitt all. TIicho Kootls are olleied at the lout-xt ca-th ratcH and will he uuaiautttd lttnte hatlstiictlon. A call U Mollcitetl hi tote puit'lucdiiK eUcMhete hh tt Is hcllcet that latter haiKalnt are to ho timid than at imv other place In thu county. Itec, U'liT MANM'ltKHS. Allen A Ni edh s hnpiiAtst hiiu r Phosphate- ot lliuo the old Minnl-iut aitlcle, imlfoim Inquallty thu most llm l i.ieMireilaud ehealu si Phosphate In the Maikei In Hags, vn ,-i.rh. 4,n p. r '.l"l Itik, Amu lab d r i: it 'i i i. i !: it. At know 1 at the prh e lbs, each, f ilxd lo he the burnt valuable manure .itiiulltillu Hih1le, In 1 1 nit", I Vi ; pf i 1 1 ih. M KK (ilLOlWI) HONK ai Miti;i:r it.n;s, IMIUUVIAN iUAN(). We sell only Oovcrnini nt. No, l-iecrlved tllieet fitu the K 1 S II i V. A N . A vpletnlld iiumuie. and one that U ntlracllng mbch atleullon frotu lanuers. Packed lu Har icls, ? liper .nn lbs. A N n V 1 A S T K It. In IhtrieW, at lowest marktt iiitts, A puie ai llele. A tlNt'otint to (IpuIits on uhovo prices. Should the dealer near ou not have our urtlc les, send J our orders dlret I toiiH.aud lhe) will have prompt alleution, Al.l.lvN A NKKDI.KS, onii-i-ii niul htiiu's, lit luwiiro Av, II H, Wilier hi., uml Ii h, HKAI.KKH IN OIIX, l.'AMII.IM, AND (IKS. KIIAI. IDMlllsmoN MCUCIIANTH, I'llII.AIIIM.l'IIIA. kst.mii.ihiii:u in ism,; riirsiita liy Dm llliMiiufctitirif Iron l'. Auiiisi 7, M-3in, G VV THK 1HCST. Aiiiiisou'M Cop nur Tutular Lightning I to. I ll the best protection agahml tllsiulur by ilKhtuliig ever Invented. The subscriber U NKeut for the above Invention, nnd till indent b mull or lu person win ih promptly atieiateti in. MaylV K. H. IU1H.KMAN, DRY GOODS, ETC I'I,ACE In ftet onr money hurl: In K"od K'mmIs ut low priced Ik ut UT. HIIAIII'I.Ksrt HMIDlli:. T Mil- j ust ri:ceivi:d .JIWT IIUCEIVCI) A Iresh Inviilteorllettilu, MuhIIuk, etc. JUST RKCIUVEl) JtlHT ItUCKIVP.I) A freh Invoice ul Hoop Hklrlnorall kinds, embracing pxtru ulivn, Ltneu (,uffs and Col I urn for bulks. l UST HKCKIVKD JUHT HKCi:iVKIl A frehh Invoice or Paper Collais and cuiTii, now htyleM, Linen Khtrt ironts lor Men uud Iloj h. JUST HKCKIVKD .IUMT KHCCIVKI) A new Invoice of Crockery, Llutens ware, Yellowware, etc, JUST RECEIVED .lt!8T HKCKIVKD A new lniitnllnient of llntttH, Dried Ueef, Cod Fish nnd Mackerel. J UHT RECEIVED just iti:ci:iVKi Tito bent tl.00 Syrup In tlietown. fST HKCKIVKD JUHT UIXT.IVKI) Fresh Urlcd Fruits, Apple, Peaches, pared and uupared, lllackberrltt, 1'runen, White Hans, Uarley ami Hominy. TV rANTED nutter. Ki-'kh nutl ltrd ; tor a pi line article cash wlllhopnld. W ANTKI) llaiiiii, shoulders anil ibu-ou. taiDlis I.ODllS (lOOlK (hiiilis sol. II SOLD SOI. II SOldl AT A AT A AT A AT A SMALL SMALL SMALL SMALL ADVANCK. AllVA.Nt'K. ADVA NIT. ADVANI'i: lolt CASH OK ltriADV PAY. Ktlll CASH OH ItKADV PAY, roit cash ok hi:ady pay. Hill CASH (III UKADY PAY. AT L. T. SHAKPLISS'H STOItK. AT t. T. SMAItPLKbSH STOHK. AT ,. T. HIIAItPLKJWH HTOIIK. AT L. T. MIIAUl'LESS H HTOUK. IllooinsburK. Murch 2(1. ls&s. i A. TTENTJON COM l'A NY. '1 ho Ulidirsl.jni it wiiolil In Tumi, 11. tlml huvliil! rebuilt and rellttid lilsTiinneiy ul -.iri, t, ho Is lu Imiuidlato w mil of a LAltOi: QUANTITY OK 1IAIIK lot u hldi the liluhesl tnnilict price will It paid. 11 who 1 iio bnrlc to sell should call nt ..nee, a- 1 m I li to lav in n lirpp shKk, Sun. l,V-tl. .IAMIM S. 'IS'KBt. OTICIJ 'CO STO(:lCllOL.)V'.ll.H. Notice Is hereby Rlvctl thai tho first Inslnln t ot suliseiliitlon to tho Normal Sclionl Jlullitlm; Miisillteoti tho first of Juno Htul Is required lo he piompllv paid to I ho Treasurer. Also uniuil.l suhscrltlons to the lllnnmshuri; I.tterurv Insti tute, which must be paid us tlio old sloel; must be si tlh d. J.'.JIKNIIKNIIAI.I,. Auk. H,'iis-:;t Treasuier. oi' ion, Notlco Is hereby nUcn to Die public.ltmt there are In thu bands ol Jiiines Melleiiry at Catiilirn, two notes for 8'J.V) i ai Ii, idven bylbeiuidersliinid on t tie lath day of July IstS, to I.. J, lijke, for the rluht tosell, useand make "Oshorn's (.'oiuhlned S iiKon ltrnke anil liuuipliiK lieitiej" fur whlih I rtcelMd no Milne, us the puti lit Is wollhlfs. mid w hlih snld uotis I w ill not i av. Ileliloii '1 w p., AUK. 1,'IMIt l't.l i:h. cam:. O 11 H A I. i: . A V A I. I' A II I. K I, II T, Located lu the centre ot the tow n of ItloomsbiiiK on Main htint, lusir the I'ourt Ilouse.tbe llutels,iind principal stores. It tins a tront of JslJ-J lift Mi Mnlu stint, nnd has f reeled U)kui It a IrmneilwillluK bouse Willi nr icssmy out bulldlntis. '1 he sltiintloii Is tidmlia bly udaiteit for a business stand. Inhumation loticeriilUK terms .tc ciin bo obtained from llernhiird Htobnerat bis saloon on Mntu Ktref t. iniHiiusbuiK, Aug., H,'tis-tf S IIKKIFK'S SAliE. ll IrlLie of a H rlt of Plert Curliis tssiu il otl nf the I'ouit nt t'omiuou Pleas ut (,'oluuibln county and to iiiedliiettd, H 111 be exposed to public wilt' or out cry at the omit House in one o' cloi u In the allt i noon, on Mnmlai rt pt Tlh hits, the lollowing real estate, to Hit : Actrlalii tot of gionud Klliiate lu riankliu township, ( ohimblaiounty, toiiialmug i: i j a t a c u i: s, moie or less, bounded on the south hv limit ol Ahiaham Mllc,on the Htstbyluiid id Philip Stisholl, on the north by public mad, aiul on the east by hind of Abraham Jdlley, on w hlch Is ueitiHtn story and a half Dwelling Jlousenlth ti.e npputti naiiios. selzeil, taken in i:etutlou, and to he sold as the pnuty ot Samuel iiui doii. Snausweis M(dtlM'AI Mil. LA 111). Aug. iN, sA, Mm rill. s IIKUIFK'S SAl.K. OK VaM'AIILI; UKAI. 11'1K. Hy vlilue or a writ of Finl Paenis isHiied out of the Court td Common Pleas m Columbia coun ty and to me dlrei ted, will be exposed lo public sale or nut cry at theO uC House In Hlootusburg ut one o'clock lu the alb i ' -inn, on Mnmlav Sept, 7th IN, the lollnwlnu d tale town A tertaln lot ol giodil si'U.ited InCalawlss.i township, Columbia i . nutv containing seeii aeres, more or less, boiiii' i t - n theutst hy hitnl of Samuel lu inn, ii nd the s ui ii ami west by laud nf John Kleth r nnd mi it ' North by public road 'eadlug Imm CalawKsa b. Miitlinlll, with the uppurtt namts, M'itdand tdki n InbieM utlon and to bi-sold as the pi op rly d Josei h It. Jamison. MllHHKCAI Mll.l.Alll'. Mielllt. August -Jl, 1(s. tiiruwitK u-t.h! rti tori,; O.MKTIIINd Ni:V. 'Ihvnndetslned btes Iran to Infoiui hv i hfi lids anil the public gemnll, thai she Uas nprmd In I.KillT STItCKT U 111 kllh s nIi lu the Hue ol Ol ((Oi Mir.MNUUY tllHl TIUMMIMin lo connection with Dits Making; and Is pared lu addllloii, to IDI.OU sri( IW HATH nn lhe shoitest iiollce.aud 111 the hist style o the ail. Prlct h cheap uud woik xatlstai lory, MIW. I, ki.ini:. Light Street, Oilober 1VJ7. ISS I.IZ'.Ii; IIAHKI.CY has jiisi iittnucd i run i phtlad Iphln, ud hat hnuht, und is now onvilng lhe host ukvoi tumid ol PM'Y (iHOIS 'IKIMMlNii4. HONNIUHAc. Ac, ever exhibit! d hi llloomshur, und I pit paiedln makeup tlrtssts and all other articles of reinale Hurdtobe, at chort notice, and In tlie best and IiATKHT HPHINO HTYI.HK Itoomu in the ltanuey Itulldlngs, on Wett Maluhlreet. Call and n-e her vailed flock of Spring flofjtls. B I.0OMSlUfU(l MTMtAHV INSTITni, IIOAUD OP INSTIUJCT10N. iinxiTA CAUvr.u, a. m, Principal an I Pro- Piofessoi or Plillosephy, Ae, Miss Small A. Caner, Piecepliess, Temhf r nt Kreuch, I lot anv uud oina mental I) ran die, UaaeO. Ilest, A. Ih. Professor of Ancient JjuiiiunKes Clunks V.. Hice, A. It., rioftxHur ul Mathematliis, P. M. lhilfti, Ttuchtf of HooU-kecplng A P.ntflUh biumhtst. tl. . II,... t n.,-. Teacher ut liihti ui lien la I M uvJc. SIIm. TmrliiT u( VikiiI .tfuuli'. Miss Julia (lnet, 'i'l'iu'lui lu Titulary 1Siiii (nit i' Hiirlue ti nn isiuiiiiriiciss April lull), itK MISCELLANEOUS. rp ii k s t' c c i: h s Of our Ono Dollar Snlo hits caused .-iich A. COII'LETIC 0 m IN TRADE. That In older to mipply the demand occasioned by oureoustatitlyliicreailngjalroiiAge, wo lme recently made tmKrtations for tho fall tmde.dl leet from Kuropcan Manufacturer. UUCNTIN0 TO NHAIHA fVju.'XU. bo that we ate prepared lo ftcll t crj description of Dry nnd fancy gmd, Hltver j.lated wair, cutlery, watclies, Alhumt!, Jewelry, Ac. Of better finality than any other concern In lhe country f.r the unlfurin price fl si von KAcn auticm:. Uie best id lhnton ami Nt.v York lelei eli tes given qs In tho reliability or i.ur bouse, nnd that our hiedncftN I conducted In the mirtid and tnont legitimate manner Kslbl., and that we gle greater value for tho money than ean be ob tained In any other way. Alt piods diinaed or broken In trannpoitiiUon replaeed Mlthout charge. -fer'Chrck describing articles i:Ii neut to agents In Clubs at rates mentioned below. We guarantee exeryartfeht to cost less than If tiought at any New York Wholesale House. tint COM5II8SIONH TO AttllNTM lifted thoso or every other eKtnhlNhmenl oftho kind. proornrthlsean bo found In comparing our picmlums with those uf others lor clubs m the Mime kI7o, In addition to which wo claim to gUe betti r goods of the same character. Wo wlllfteud to agents freeofelurgc. Tor acluliof thirty and three dollars 1 dozen good linen shirt fronts, I set Kolld gold tttud, All wool easslmero fr pants, fine white eouti terpano large Hire, 1 elegant Jtalmoral Hklrt, IJDyds brown or blenetiediheetlug, good iuatlty.yard wMe.ono (lejat IU) picture Mornoccodiound photo. Album 1 iloilblo leiii Rtereosconu nntl lroielun vluwa. 1 er plated engraveil 6 bottle castor, t elegant Hilk Kan. with Ivory or sandal wood frame, reatiierul eugo and sparkled . 1 htcel carving knife and jork,very best iiuatlty. Ivory balanced bamlle, 1 hatulttomo beaded and Until parasol yds good print, I very lino damask table cover. 1 Ierucsiiuaiiiy lauies serge congress iioow, i uoz line linen towels, Jdoz Holers' best sller Don sert forks 1 ladles' largo real morocco traveling bag, ono fancy ilress pattern, '4 doz elegant sll cridated engtaed napkins ring,l tloz. ladles' merino or cotton (docking, (it ill's hcavj chasctl solid gold ring, 1 pr ladteV high cut Italiuoral Hoots, I clegauldrcps pattern, 1 violin and bow Inbox complete. I het jewelry, pin, ear drops.and leeo button". Friielubof fifty and live dollars I black or ctilored alpacca dress pattern, I srt laen curtains 1 pr all wool blankets, cnraed tdUer plated it bottle revolving castor. 1 beautiful writing de-k I solid gold scarf pin, :ij.( yds ery tlno t'as-dmere tor pants and cd, 1 set ivory balanced handle knives with silver plated fotks, l elegant satin parasot beally beatV'd and lined with silk. 1 pr gent'H calf hoots, Wtjds good print. IP yds good brown or bleached sheeting, d wide, or If) Mtds K wide good finality, 1 lariit s' elegmt moroeeo tiavelinehftg, 1 stjiuio wool shawl, 1 plain Xor wlch poplin dress pattern, l?j dim, width cloth for ladles' cloak, elegant engraed sller plated tea put, Itydi double width water pioofchdh tor i ioitklng. Torn c lubof lOonnd ten dollars I lb h meiino mealno tir thlbi t ilrcs pattern, I pair line da inak lahloclotliHund naplHus to mat h, I pair gents bench calf boots, 1 heay sliver plated en graeil leo pitcher, ery fine all wind cloth for la dles cloak, 1 wet) very Ust qualitv hiouii or bleached Miei-tlne.7;d. tliieeiitoliiieic lor suit I elegant poplin ilress pattern. I ilegant Ltigllsh ht'Uige tiles' pattern. I beautiful i-nglNh bi lave sbaw 1, 1 sel lory balanced handle l.hhes mid h.rlvs, I Indies' or gents, sllvei hunting ease Mate I Hai tlet band, por,ah!e s4ung nuiehliie spb-u ilhl fimlly bible, slf el engtaVilius, Willi licoid and photourah pagps, i iis gnnd he mprai pet lug good color), 1 palrgood marMdlle tjulll I good tt halt el tooli i, I ilegant fur uiutl and cade, one single barrel shot gun gun, I sIIm 1 plated en graved, i. lioitiutl reol imc east nr. cut glas Imi. tics, I eiy line vhuln and bow In eae, I m t tvo t balanced knives and lorks. liecnis fur lcrcr club Incieiin In h mo l.ll.o. SlIXH MONKY H HHlHTHIH.Ii I il'i;!! Catalogue of pwl .nt toany addle. (in . I'AUK'I.U A ' 1 I'llStlltlllllT st., Ilooliiu. Sep, 1,'l-lti. ItKMlV WOl.l, t. . ti in nv. Usui Clssttls III S, I . MllM'.l rpiIK SUDSCItlliFItH lIAVlXd Xltas.d the l'lr.iiltut Mill uud Miiehlne Shop', sniie, will coniinue tho biv nslm -s ol mairilaeturlUK ! it list, SAhll lU.INHS, .MDL'I.lilNU ItiucLMs Av, Wu are also ptcpaicd to furnish dittoed flooring, tililiiKli s and all othi r lumhi r iiiMilriul t II .iiisliiw.lli,n .f l.nll.liiiou Ml ! kliulN tkf turnlni: done at titmrt uotu-e. lillU iir I jnisi mm omcr irame hiuiT mien wiin prompt I ncss and cine. nrdcr rt"pt'itiully tolletttd. Aprlti;, WOI.K is. ItAllKt.N. QCJIUTZK t hVDOhVb 0 (KSTAIIt.ISMKIl IN I'-'H.) Manufactnrcis or tlio new patent MONlTort PLAT1-: IMA.NO FOltTi:. patented IVU-unry 'Jtli, Wnrranteil for Uvo years. WnrerooniK, 4.VJ Itroonie-M., Now Voili. Hm patent Monitor Hate rlanon hy their pe culiar construction aroKUperlor to alt other, and their merit conslHta in tho rent plank la I tut sup W)rted hy the Iron frame, allowing a laigcr pare for the kou tiding hoard tlian U possessed bv anv other kind ot Piano. Hy this means ttmquautlly rK well as tho quality of the tone I largely in creased. 'llifM- IManoH hiie hetii piotioiinccd ly the ht t .llldces to he UliriWllltd lor rowi.i; ani svi;i;tm's av 'ioni:. Tasy and agreeahle touch and tit nutv of llnlsh. Most tlallerfliK l Itlllcaten of evrellciuo tioin 1 halherj:, (!ottsth.ilk(Htiakos( h, Vl-utemps, ui0 a l.irno nunihcr ot the most dlsilnculshel rrofes or and Amateurs. 1'rom lon t xperlenco and Hiipeilor facllltleHior Manufacturing, we aie ena bled to oiler our pianos at as low pi lets us aie. asked hv Interior mukcin. Send lor circular and price list. Mar.( TOIUiIN(STOX A UOl id KINS a a ir Jtoxj; SiJPKR PHOSPJIATK OV LI. MIC, A srANKAUD MANCUi; ioit AND (JltAtN CKOI'H. ilavlng Hithln the past eargicatly Incieaseil and lmpioetl nur facilities tor grinding bonen and nianuracturtug, ho ait piepaied to uuulsh the limner of l'enns lianl.i a stiptrloi aiticlo ol !-LTI'KU PIlO-sPIlAti:. Our nianutattoiy hits beni thoioughly tesletl the past season by piactlcal men ot our liuuie dlale neighboihood and etseHheie, and in eery case the 1 1 suit has hi en tnth rly satlsim lory. Dill- plot-ess ol pul t rliU, H ht l ebv His pie pared lor ami guaranteed 10 PA's.S TIIUI'UII ANY MUM., obviates nn obltctlnn which nttachts toiuanv feiitlleis, and si cuies lit the liirm-1 a saving of mum Mtiuiiuiu lime. Stdd at the matitiriietoi-v 1 ui M s n iv ft s ruri.T St'Mii'Kv, Pi., and by imr agents throughout the country, lu bags m l1"" is. t eh. at s."i pi r ton id fiil Its. Also stpp:i PltOUllhY to iill points accessible I mil oi can. il. oil receiptor i.l.lnl' 'IV, I IIIVt.l- I 111 II 1 1 1.' I VsJ ANo gi nts lor Scjinour, .Morgan A Alhn.s s It IhUkug I ten ir and Mowi v Tlhe Nt w Viik 1 1 ami Prult A suit d ley a Hay and (iialn Ilake, .1. K. Pi I. it, Ag nt. Hloouisburg, P.i. .S(ttyoy it l CU tilt. Pi b.lTMjS I'm ( F A It M i: U S! I'M I Kit (11 A No UiMPANV l A (' I K I (' (i V h soM Hl K A N (. TIM! ATTENTION of Kauuers md oth i ton Mimeis ol KeitlllrelH Is lliNl1e to this Ouano, us woilhy of thelrspeclal uotite, Its Use lor m' r al t-ais la Maiyhind, Yliglnhi and other soiiih t ru states, lor all ciops, htm glicu it a stand. nd chaini-ier lot excLlleuce unt ijualhd bi any nih i'l'. It iHisst'sscs nil llm fill Ii. k in i.r I . 1 1 1 1. 1 1 (Ju.ino w'lih peim.iiitiit iiuahihs md found lu Dial aillele. St It's. t ibis litiatio are loiind uioielhau itiuil to H' lis, id the hist Mipti phosphnlis. It 1 1 pi ns (he w heal cioji hum rive I ii sell ll i!a h i ul lie i than lhe l-hnstil nh s. u ni.-b ! ' " ' ,' . V . ! "iotlt u jahh tul a n i i.' s l.ih. 1 1 al ilisi ouut loth aleis. I ol sale b I J'HIN s. UPIVtl A t it.. (it in tal Aui'itls lor Pacific Una no i o Mi Pelawuie Ae Phlled .t ml TI Miiith Ktm t HitllliiK Miilih'J To 11 tit r I nud Sttlooii krtpt i ul' HIiMiitiB buig and Columbia Couul.- 1 hu- apsilultsl Mr. It, Mnhner agent Tor the s-iiwoi my al-pnrii r In nu n Hlnot nii.l Idi.. r I. . . ,i ill i.i.l i- .ui at thi- sjiuc piii u (uud w nit thi sittueiiiiiclej, as v. -ii i-i lurntsh you from the bit wi ry. Knoow luif i that he will he punctual and mil mive in all who m-i mor him with tin ir tiade, 1 Millctt Im him jourbitppoit, ytlv ipcctnilly, ITIKD l-U'Ml, , Sleaai llieweiy, Ueadlng, Pa. s 0nij: A HAltNlS MAKKli. (lit V Mil VI ht K, ( i It Milt V ill st , pr s v. TUP undersigiiid itspu-tiully Inioim- In frh lids and the public that helms IhiuuIii out THohak Ht'( wi.t, ind will com 1 rue the hushutt ofsADDM; and 11 WIN) Sh MAKINli, m all lt arloutt (he old stand iiUiti -nvth Ca Hotel, and hopes hi de-en e and leeelv i he t id. louage nf nil w M I nrtlclcs lu his line, IVIO.V Ol.ulHIK I HPs, H K.VDKHSHOTT'.S I'lIAIlMACV. OITflllTi; AMKIIIlAN HIII SI, Whno may ht fotiinl in.niin.iiii ns.iitihii ui . fi't'sh uiul iniro MKlHUi.NTH, I)V1 hTlTIH. IOI.OUS. ()i, WINDOW.OI.AN's, I.AMIn, I.ANTniN . mi. DAH, WUIH, AI.I'OIIOI., WINKH A I.K) HllS HVIU'IW, I'Cltfl'MI'.llV, T01I.1T AMI I'ANCY A HTIl I. IN, ulilrli mil ullirisl ntulil Uuik ilci, 'ii.s up, lluiis iKTuriiUly pit nrtsl Jon u'ts-ly. lA V 1 U .S 'I' C Ii A S 8 HOAUIIISU Hl'11001, 10H YOC.Nd I MHlj), I In isiiiueclloii mini llm Klato Noiinul sduml, I , "'"1.'i"..J;ew Jl,'i''V . Tiiliilcliumis, Inoluillnii Ikiu r.l ttiltloii. am) IsKik.l jih si nr, l ur lircu lar llli full iau,.,ilai, Miipiv l .W.g,7,Vi, JUIIN k il MIT lHliuluil REM ON OT ADVEIITISEMENTS. Kni'dnlno' r r.itiillv tt-nal,lnc In tlm t.i n.wl cbtapest ninnner. Ouarantei-d i-oual tonny In tho world! Han nil IhoMitngtli or old rosin snap with tho mild nivl lathering oimlltlesor gimili) t'astlle.Try this splendid mip, Htild by tbp Mdeu Chtmlcal Works, is Not h 1 1 ,nt Utetd I'll In Hept ,'W.jt U'V. O TA J.OCIK AM) IllOX aIOI'N. TAIN UAlI.ltOAfl I'dMPASV u .,n niH, him ii'iii;huu ihjiiu". i t ui nary fUlU All gnat Coupons. Tho farnliiRgnt the eomploto1 loadtol'ilot Knob are now niort tbun tbn lute f-ni nn tin- nilire tuortyaso. Tho pioceed iiT thcMi bonds ate adding to tiiesecurlty ew ry ilov OierSn.wo.'wHiavolMcnspent on tho proptrt. andnototr f,uw,.oinf bumls l-sneI thu fn. Tlioeonstuntly Increasing trafllctifnirr I ng on t with tho propei t of cinirolllng all tlio travel fioin Ht, Louis lothc Moiithein State-, mi si ire nn cnotmous ro,euuo. The Directors own s-loor ihestfK-k Mr ImeMmeut, and nro inttrcsted lo enrich tin ptopetty ns well nsto tconomWe Its expenses. 'llioi. Allen, rres t. Ht. Louis, Mo. e.tho undersigned cordially recommend the r seen ier cent. Mortgauo tM.icH.of thcHt. Itiil Iron Mount ii In Jtallroad as n ginxl recurlty, 1 b reeniiH tif tbtj road will Ik largo nnd tho admin ;Mrailon(.TIhoftiiiilrsiifJthoi'ompanv is In earJi bio and exiteileiieetl hands, nnd Is entitled to tho greatest emitldcneo of the public, .lames H. Thomas, Mayor of Ht,, John J. Uno, l'res t Ml. Iiouls L'hamtier of t n meree. II. W. Vox, Pu't Ht. liouls Hoard ofTra to. liarton Hates, l'ns t North Missouri lull road. i.Il. ltrltton, I'res't Nat. Hank oftho HtntenfMo. )m.L.i:wlng,I,res,tortho Mer. N, H.ofht. Louis "'" ,H. ltea,I'rest Hecond Nat. Hank ofHt.Iouls Jas,H. j',nds, Chief Kng. st. IouIn A lit. IMdgoCo Vir ) hi'i I'iM't. l'acltlo ltallroadtofMo.t m. rasit Pres'trrrndcrh' Hank, Ht- Louis, John It. Lbtnbcrgcr, l'res. T, N, Hank.Ht. I,ouls. Adnlphus Meler.A'Ico I'res't. L. racliln Hallway, Kobert Harth, Pres't. Uermau Ha lug Iiittltutlon Coupons payable in the city id New York. A limited number of tho above named Honds for sab- at Liahty-flve. IMrtie.s living nut ortheeltv can remit by draft or express, and the bonds will b returned by express tree of charges. We In itothe attention of capitalists and others to them no, in our opinion, a cry desirable Invest merit destined to rank us n nrst-class securltv. Descriptive l'amphlets M.or., aiul Information can bad on application to Towiaeinl, Wheten A Ct., No. :m WalnutHt., IMillndelidilit, Agents of thoKt, LouUntidlrou Mountain It. It. Co. I'hllapclithla references: Cambra Iron Co., Gaw, Hacou & Co.,TIioh. A.IUddloi Co. rpo GOOD THUSTY AOKNTS-We X will guaranty f jtl per week nnd expenses, I-'or partlculrirs, address l, W.Jackson and Co,, Haiti moro Md, ALL HTYLKS AND HHAPLH. -(iLTYoriiHron nothin Any ono who sends an order for FlTefS) Axes atone dollar and a half each, with the cash, will receive ono extra, for nothing. We will put our Axo alongside of any other make and prove tt the best finished nnd tho largest steel, measuring two and ii half inches. Wo have made Axes for twenty-two years.nnd won't J I eld the palm In shape to any manufac turer, and et confess thatn ".Sucker of Illinois, called Colburn. beat us In his patent shape. The circular bit und continuous edge makes tbe same labor prod u c twice as much t fleet, nits 1 1' r is liki: the t'its i'atfst xxk. WH l ALL I I" ciil.IlUUN'S I'ATl'NT ii i; ! j A c ic i:t a x i:. A nv nil" w lio sends us mi uidcr for I li Asf of this shape, nt Two 2t miliars inrlu with the cash will leceUr oneextra tor nothlii". All u sponsible Itardwiuo I-raUis k t ltn l.tmiilicnit Axes." liuv fiom them. Hut It then should hiippeii to te one ho unloitiitialiMw not to know ii1-, Mtid us the money and ie w HI be t lire to plfe .ion. UI'I'INCOIT A HA U I IWJXU l'itfstiurtdi, I'a Solo owners nfL'olbiirnV I'.df ' xe. Q I Oi i A YKAlt lo AKcnUlo-dl the O - Wvstarshuttlc SeulusMnclilius. 1'nH particulars irro. Ktia Indueeiinnu to exnuii eiiced Agents. Call on or our nddret's W.d.Wilson A f(., Cleeland, U., lioslon, Mass., oi M, LmiK Missouri, A TA NTKI) AUKXTS. n iT-'i to ?2miper month to f-ell the (jeuulue lmproMnt (Vimtiton sciiko Kamlly tspulntr Ma clilne. Trice only Jin. Anilress HIX OMM A CO., rittsburah, r.i.tor Iloston Ma-s. AlANTJID. Salesmen to travel for l l Maunracturln Compan ami (.til by ham- pic (itHhl Hayes are guaiantci1 Addless Httll No. m heel- lam , it. M. Hamilton . rhlla..r.t. nut AGKNTK WAXTKI) M7o n month to sell tho Genuine Oroide Hunting Cased Matches, best Imitation gold watches made, Price Sll. (lieat inducements totigcuts, Addres Oioldo Watch Co. , Itostou Mt.s. Al.l. wanting omploymetit can luivc n good business by addu-ssing IiuvK and Iho.,";-' .sansoni st., Phil, i ':rj' nvnod axo xv:ni IlundrctUorartfcles for fanillhs at One lnUui each .New Pall CUeutar now itady. Cheeks lOcts each ilesctHdug article, if real Indueeiuenls to agents. SlockiiumA Co., l Wntir st., Hostoti, Mass. iLiiis' nuiN nrfriens 1 J Will en Ich the blood and pieeiit it iroin becoming wateiy and weak, Mnd gie a tlorid com plcx ton, lest on- the appetite and ltilgouite the nj stem. Perfectly harmless tonic and pnhtla ble, aiul can be taken at all times. The Iron III these ('liters u-lly enters into the circulation, being In the form of a J rophosphate, It is tunic leadlly absoibed Into the s stem than any oilier lorm nf Iron, Prepared ind for sae ty Win. PUN IJho. lielawaie A emit'. Philadelphia, and lor sale by thuggists generally. Dlt. CSKIGKU'S Asthma Spec! Ilo U the only pleasant and pcimanent cure for Asthiuaus being testltlctl by many giutt lut pa tients. Hefirtiicts: fieo.lf, Stuart. Ku., 11 Hank st., Plilla., ltev. K. W. Welstr, Manthester, Md. One bottle tJ; tluee for fi. Chas. A-Oelgi r, M. !., Manchestei, Carroll county, Mil. Bli OOl). MANHOOD-Ni Nnthlmr so lnitortaut. Send i ho stumps tir seated 7. bum s on the whole sub ject. Dr. Whlttltr.conildentlal phsltlan,(il? St. CharlesstMLails,Mo, stands pre-eminent ly abm e all others in hisspt ciallly.No mattt r who tailed, state 3 our case. Patients treated hy mail In c eiy State, V (iKNTS WANTKI) TOU THU iV STANHAItli AND Or PIC! I. MVPS Or M'j nuair and lllalr. A book for tierj Ml ran nnd a work ol extiaordlnary lutiitst uud rine hisloilial value; No Patriot can do wlthoui ' or hi.ea Just undeistaiiillugoi the Nsuch helm Hit country, without muling It. llmloucd h. the leading Dcinociats and Const natives of Hi. I nlnu, '1 he claims of the lu innciatic fimdlduh s to the Mill rages o the ptople aie so buclbly poi liaed and t-ltarly show n In this votiime, thw no trlt lids oi constitutional utterly should mil ' 1 1 1 ml it. Ngeuts m all putts oi the oiintrv a. iiutiiiig mis urent siiiiuinrit wmu tin- ncsi npp .csl ,.ptM linn' to miiKc imiiic) rMi iiiic n 1 sie, low pilce, and git at populiiiiu 1 s lis l.iiue i . Iliads 1 1 1 llUVM lll IllH'litl il -t Ml' .( posutVii ihniawt which uiua- is 1 stipplj , stud iri'lteiil.irs. and i 1 teltns Hial a full di'sci Ipthui ol ibo ui sell pi Ion lM d, l the Mnn".. Adilrcss. I VII I isrl" II HI MUM' C" 111 lliniiuie New oil. IO.VATIIAN JIKIhMMtS iONK or Hllteis has never lulled hi cine tic w - Kina ot iKsptpsm; Is the most siiei t ssiul m -a hie et tlhrovertd lor lhe cine ol ( tdisumpt n Dptpsin, lilM'i-Coniplulut, Hioin bins,, no ah disi.e-isol the 'Ihtnal, I hi st nnd loe.s s maile tialiily of rnotw nnd hei). i ne ioti will t onv liiccany niiu who gilisil A l.ill iui No t.unily should he without it, put up hi luiue IhiIIIi s, int'i ait d niu sold b Joiiathun lleishr A Co. i liuj IK ill 1lat u Pa, and bv all Dili! i;M. iiin. I !,'" ly j ' A It It I A( K M AN V l-'ACTOlt Y, .r .... p.liMunsbnri;, Pa, M, C. hLOAN A IlltO'I III u the sucecssors of WIMdAM HI.OA.N A m. continue tho business nf making OAKKIAUUH, HUUinr.8, and every sljlerd i'ANCY WAtiONS, which tlicy have coiutunlly tm hand to suit cut, tomern. Never lining auy material but tho bent and employing IhomoNt experienced workme they hope to continue oh he le to fore to give wutlre aatU fact Ion to every cuitomer. Au Inspection td their work, and of the reasonable price inked :or Ihe same, Is nrtro to lriiure a sale. 1 VlllM.'W'U W1LK1NS & CO., Dealers In 1 iV KOltl'JUN AND D0SIE3T10 DUY UOOlW, No. 503 Market Htirel, l'hll Jtli.lila. QKOUOK l'OKIK Kit A CO., WliultmU' lrnti-iH lu woom n a wn.i.ow w.uu:, OIl.ClolliN, WIcUs, Twliun,'Haliitii, ne i Ir. SID 231 Jlarlm SI., A m Cliurrh HI., riin.l. I.UI IS IIUOW.N, ( HiB, j, KNri ,( 1)110WN A KWAU), .1) 1 I . I WllOl.liAl.K (JUOCHIS, N. K, Cor. Third A Vino Strws, jjiu..u)j:ujua. May S, M...0m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers