The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 04, 1868, Image 2

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SMtc (!rolumhi;uu
Pill DAY MOIIXINII, RP.tT. 4, l0.
r THE COM'Mlll.VJ li.s th, I.irRtM
t'lrenlaltoil In 1'olmnlila ami mtjolltllifr
toittltl. of any paper here, anil
I ntio ft much larger sheet (hftn any of
tl.eot.mporarlr.l rtml I. Ihtrefurelliehesl
meillnin for aitt .rlLIng I" II'' section of
III Rlate.
Attention 1 Democrat! II
Ik order Hint I'lieitp renilliiB mutter
limy bo fiirnWicd the pcoplo until iiCUt
tlie flection, we miiUe the fiillow lti of
'Hint wo will wnd 'I'm; Coi.umiiian
from now until rtftir Hie I'rHdentlHl
elei'tlon to cluli" or twenty ion jmvk
imii.i.a its. This I only Twenty five
ivntu ii miiiitii'i'niul Jiwt uintm the
owl of the i"i per on willed It It printed.
The pnper eontidiit vY.tli week .tt.xtcen
In ro column, of entertaining llterury
uud polltlcnl tiew.t.
No Democrat la so poor hut what lie
can give twenty five cents to aid In the
entiling content, and he should see Hint
his Itadlcal neighbor has a copy.
Clubs should ho formed Ht every Tost
KvKtivnoDY knows John Hickman,
of Chester County, Pa. Our neighbor
of the Mornlmj Post Is u special admi
rer of lilt, and will therefore, doubtless
fully appreciate tho followlngresoiutlon
offered by him in the Thirty-seventh
Congress. Mr. Hickman, rising In his
Bent, said :
Mr. Speaker, I beg leavj to nominatc-fcontract
for tho Speakership of this House. Clen
iTonclt P. lllnir, Jr., of Missouri, a
gentleman who has Inaugurated a war
policy in that Stnto which has elicited
tho enthusiastic approbation of every
loyul American citizen.
He received forty votes on tho llrst
ballot, und then withdrew Ids name.
Among mose who voted lor mm we
llnd tho names of John A. Iilngham, of
Ohio ; KoscoeConkllng, of Now York,
now United States Senator; Kelley, of
Pennsylvania ; Lovcjoy, of Illinois;
Bhcrinan, of Ohio, and SchuylctColfax,
of Indiana. Then, General lllnir was
such an able, upright, honest, good man
that hu was In their estimation the
proper person to bo tho Speakor of tho
House of Representatives. Xow,tliou
very same Itiullcnls cannot llnd words
eufllciently bitter to ahu-0 this same
fienend Ulnlr. Hut tlio iteneral lives,
moves, hai his being, and Is growing In
popularity with tho mascot every day,
notwithstanding tho .'landers of
former friends and admirer.
Ti: itudlcals arc t-cnillug the Tribune
to every doubtful Democrat, ami every
doubtful liopubllcan In each township,
nnd In this way they hopn to retain
their own votes, and gain iomojof ours.
Our friends eau, and mutt, keep an
eyeon this scheme. In most cuet, It
can lie found out who they are, and It
Will Iw easy to head oil' this sharp trick
or the p.adical party. Poor men tiro
some times, against their freo will,
obliged to vote for tho negro equality
party, to pk-a-o tonio intolerant land
lord or creditors, nnd our friends have
only to llnd out such cascs.and Insist on
A freo election, lie active and deter
mined, In defence of your principles.
Tub man who says that It It of no
Importance which side wins at the next
election, must remember that the same
was said In 18C0. Somo silly people
even predicted that tho election ofl.lii
coln would settle the Negro question,
to that we would have no moro of it.
Kvery ono now feels that the country
Is not what It used to be when the
Democrats ruled, ana that too, In a
thousand ways. Tho poor man, espe
cially, feels it in hit Increased expenses,
and in .the fact that he Is denied many
enjoyments ho had before. Vote for
Now that Congress has "admitted "
tho States of Alabama, Arkansas, Flor
ida, Gcurgla, Louisiana, North Carolina,
and South Carolina, why K not the
army withdrawn, and the Fieedmen's
liureau discontinued? The first costs
forty and the last llfteen millions of dol
lars per year. If Alabama and Arkan
sas and North Carolina are States in the
Union, they stand on tho same footing
with Pennsylvania and Maine and Io
wa; nnd if Congress hat a right to quar
ter soldiers and feed negroes in the hr.-t,
they certainly have In the last.
Ciiii:k Justict. Chask, by thu integ
rity and Impartiality of his conduct in
the Iri.d of tho President, has earned
for himself the gratitude of every
friend of tho Constitution. No true
Democrat eau just ly withhold from Mm
tho blghe-t honor for his noblo stand In
rei-l'tnncc to I lie aggressions of the rev
olutionary Jacobin in Cougrc-.. When
Horatio Seymour Mud! bo elected, he
will have no wiser counsellor, than Sal
mon P. Chase. The truo friends of
Chate all support Seymour.
Tun peoplo havo paid In taxes mid
loans from tho .'sotli of June, 1601, to the
1st of January, IM18, seeen billions six
hundred andeiyhty-seven millions tight
hundred mid one thoumnd und sixty
our dollar I Was over Mich an
amount of tnxnt Ion peaceably submitted
to by any other peoplo on earth ? Hut
Genera' Grant has no policy In onposl
tlontsthat of (.Vingress, and if ho is
elected, tho debt, taxation und plunder
ing will continue.
Tjtr. m1 nnd activity of tho Radicals
J.D support of their sinking, If ex-
urted in behalf of some good puriov.',
would bo commendable.
Could Democrats bo' induced to bo
equally zealous lu furtherance of their
glorious principles, wo would soon feci
nothing of tho mlsrulu of Hadlcalism.
Wo sutler, because wo havo not the
boldness and mil to attack und crush
out tho pnrly that litis robbed and
ruined us.
I p you lend your neighbor a thousand
dollars, the law taxes you forState.and
othor purposes, but If you Invest In
Pennsylvania Btato loan, which pays
Interest every six months, and is there
fore a safer and hotter paying security,
you need not pay any tax at all. Tho
Itadlcal party exempted thu whole
State loan lu 1607, to till the pockets or
somo of their party friends In Philadel
phia. Vote for Hoy iiiour.
Addrest of ttio Democratic BUto
lli:Mo(.u ni Statu Com. Uhomh, 1
!0t Areh street,
I'tttt.AtiKt.fitiA, Auk. -I, lsra. )
To TIIK l'l.OPl.i: III-' l'nNNHYt.VANI a :
The Uudli'iils re-iirodiieo the stole
Hluniler.t of tho putt, mid try to Ignore
the grave ipiesllont of the present.
They prate of their loyalty and make
It the excuse for their corruption, their
extravagance uud their misrule.
They Imagine that you lmveslept dur
ing three years of their Iniquitous nils,
government, and that you will forget
that taxation oppresses you, that your
commerce laiigtiislic.-, ami that your
hutltics-s It brokon up.
They have proven themselves power
fid to destroy anil powerless to restore.
Their own policy Is hate, and upon
this they n-k a new lease of power, for
getful that a thinking and u practical
people require them to answer:
Why Is the nHlloiiulilebtgreutprnow
than when l.eo surrendered, and why
does it still Increase'.'
What has become of the llfteen bun
dred mllllonsof dollars they have wrung
from the eouifortsund necessltict of tho
people since .lime, 18(W?
Why are more than one hundred mil
lions of dollars annually wasted on tho
unreconstructed South, and why Is It
not made to yield us as much, to reliovo
us from taxation, and aid in paying our
Why is the white man mado tho in
fexinr of the negro In every Southern
Why I? one class of men totally ex
empt from taxation whilst all others
groan beneath tho load they should aid
in bearing?
Why shall tho fi-20 bonds bo paid In
gold when by tho express terms of the
they wcro mado payable In lo-
gal-tender notes?
Why Is the Constitution violated and
tho Union not restored, and why arc
our resources wasted, the peoplo oppress
ed, tho cost of living trebled nnd our
trado destroyed ?
Dkmockats ok Pennsylvania
Aiiofsn the i'kopm:.
Organlro a speaking canvoss In every
locality. Go Into, tho strongholds of Ism, nnd
Direct your arguments to reason and
not to tho passions. Confine them to
tho living Issues of tho pret-cnt and of
the Immcdlato future.
Our grand old Stuto moves steadily
but surely into tier truo placo in the
Democratic hlne.
From every section comes tho glad
news of a dellant and united Democra
cy, nnd of a torpid and dispirited fop.
Organization, energy and united effort
will bring you n glorious victory.
Aiiofsu Tin: Pnoi'i.i:.
Ti:ai;h tub I'koi'i.i:.
Ptmsi.; thi: Kxkmy.
lly order of the DemocratlcStntoCom
mittco, WM. A. WAIil.ACK,
Watch-fires Burning' in Old Colum
bia. 11H.K lt.WSIXO IN UMIOM.
Tho Democrats of Hloom on last
Monday Kvenlng raised in front of
their Club Koom a hickory ovor 70 feet
in length, on which was placed a flno
streamer bearing the inscription "Dem
ocratic Head Quarters." A One flag of
good bun ting, eleven feet in lcngth,was
also run up. The Club Room was crowd
ed to excess ; lu fact nil could not get
In. Addresses appropriate to tho occa
sion were made by Capt. ltrockway
and Gen. Knt, the latter of whom was
accidentally present. Tho Hand was
in attendance, nnd as usual gavo us
some excellent music.
Tho meeting .t llerwiek on Tuesday
night was largely attended by men of
both parties to hear tho discussion be
tween Capt. Whltmoyer and Capt.
Urockway. Peoplo eamo'in large num
bers from Salem, N'escopee, and Urlar
creek, to hear tho debate. Dr. S. E.
Walton was elected President or the
meeting; Huil.-ou Owen and
Vice Presidents, and I.eroy
Thompson und Elliott Secreta
ries. Tho speakers stood on tho Aeado
my porch, while seats wero prepared
for mcst of tho audience in front. Quito
a number of ladles wero in attendance
Tho utmost harmony nnd good order
The discussion at Orangovlllo on hist
Wednesday evening was a matter of
congratulation to both parties. Prof.
Walker kindly gavo tho uo of tho
Academy Hall to tho people, and largo
as H it, It wat tilled lu all Its pirtt by
peoplo drawn from all sections of the
County to hi-nr this novel method of
presenting the l-ues of tho d.iv. Wag
on loads were them from Scott, CVntro.
Flthlngcreek, Greenwood, ami even
Jackon was largely represented. Tho
ladies turned out in unusual numbers,
showing the divp Interest they tako In
tho questions of thu hour. Col. II. It.
Kline was elected President of tho
meeting; S.imuel Acheubach, Vice
President, and Prof. H. D.W'nlker.ainl
Hon. Irani Derr, Secretaries.
vi.Ad n,vi.3iNa
On last Wednesday eveiUng tho Djin
ocratlucltizentof Orango tluow to tho
bree.o a line largo ll.ig, with Hk names
of Seymour A ill.iir Inscribed thereon.
It extends from Snyder's Hotel to
Sloan's Store, and Is a lino tribute to
thnenergy and a"'lvity or our citizens
llKUiw Is tho sum totnl of tho lueomo
tax for each fleat period to date in Hie
Inst six years, and the whole amount or
Internal revenue from ull souices for
tt.o same years i
20.2U 1,731
72.082.1 G9
Aia't Int. Itiv.
S 41,000,000
81 1,000,000
168.) ,
1808 32,000,000
Total 22fl,08:i,101 l,139,000,0O0
Thirteen hundred and slxty-flvo mil
lions taken directly from tho Individu
al Industry of tho country In six yenrsl
And what equivalent havo tho peoplo
received? Peace? No. A restored Un
ion? No. Invigorated trado? No. A
reduction of the debt or tho nation?
No. On the contrary, all this vast sum
has been swallowed up by Increased ex
penditures, and tho peoplo nro com
plaining or hard times.
Tuk Radicals havo dono what King
Goorgo the 3d did not dare to do; thuy
forced an annoying ami expensive
H Lamp; Act upon tho American peoplo.
Questions for tho Feoplo
Von Auditor General whom will the
people choose.? Charles E. Hoylc, tho
Democratic candidate, n, mail of Integ
rity and capacity, against whoso char
acter not a word oven of suspicion dnro
bo breathed, or John V. Hartnuift, tho
Itadlcal candidate, whoso chief recom
mendation lias been that ho was a sol
dier, but who now labors under tho un
refined nnd Irrefutable charge otojjiclal
misconduct, In this, that ho authorised
the iw.'iiiciil of thousands of dollars in
violation of nif .' Ono or tho other of
these candidates must bo elected Audi
tor General. Which ono shall It bo?
Tho man of Irreproacliablo character,
nnd acknowledged Illness, or tho man
who.occupylngthopost of sentinel over
tho Treasury, failed to protect it?
Vor SurvoyorGenciul whom wlllyou
have, people of Pennsylvania? General
Wellington II. Kut, Democrat, an
approved soldier, who bears upon his
person tho scars of actual conflict, and
Is an Intelligent, honest man, who
would honor tho ofllco,or General Jacob
M. Campbell, wliososoldlcrslilp Is to bo
Inferred front his tltlo alone, his deeds
In tho field being unknown to fame?
Tho real soldier, who marched and
fought nnd bled, or tho ono who, wo be
lieve, never smclled powder burnt In
tho face of tho enemy?
You must tako ono of them. Chooso
wisely. Patriot.
Tho Vermont Election.
We presumoour Itadlcal friends will
cackle over tho recent election In Ver
mont, at "the first gun for Grant." It
certainly Is tho first, nndnbouttho last.
"The Dutch havo taken Holland" in-
deed when tho Radicals havo carried
Vermont. Slnco tho days of James
Monroo It never cast n Democratic tick
et. Its votes wero cast against Andrew
Jackson, James K. Polk, Frank Pierce
and James lluchanan. When ovon
"Uiii mcKory" laltca to carry it, no
other man need attempt it.
And yet wo havo cause for congratu
laiiuu. i iiu A.ctiiuuiuta, iiiuuil liuill
ocnng omy nooui iii,uuu wmio mo nan
lcals havo ovcr lJ.000, havo mado a gal
lant light against overwhelming odds.
Lincoln's majority was near !10,onn, and
tho Radical candidate now lin about
27,000, showing nil netual loss of ;i,000,
whereovery ono expected tho usual in
crease. Resides, tho Democratic gain
in votes Is n great deal larger than the
Rndlcal gain.
Inasmuch as wo havo not carried Ver
mont for fifty years.and don't expect to
for lirty years to como, wo aro not dis
appointed. We offsett it by California,
Connecticut, Now lork, Kentucky,Ac
And now for Maine !
Hum n weeks ago thoRrattleboro, Ver
mont, Farmer and Itecord printed the
Let it bo admitted at the outset that
Grant wns onco a drunkard. So much
foundation there doubtless is for tho
reiterated and malignant accusations
or mm that appear from week to week
in tho various organs of "tho whiskey
rinir." Wosnv.Iet this bo nilmlttpii.
becauso Graut's biographers, somo of
wicui at least, iurmsn oviuenco tnat tho
fact was so. Reld for example, in ids
"Ohio in tho War," says: "It would
1)0 dishonest in one nrofesslnir to traco
tuedevelopcment of Grant's character
ana tne events or history to suppress
allusion to the dissipated habits into
. .-1. (. .I.!,. ... ,.( . tin, i
nuiui, ni- luia duiuui nit imi'er ll3t(,J
ho had unfortunately fallen." Rut to
admit that a man was u drunkard in
1654. is not to admit that he is a drunk
ard in 1603. John R. Gough was enco a
perfect sot, but it does not follow from
that that ho is ono now.
Tho Farmer and Itecord now finds
fault with Tub World for not pub
lishing "ovldcncoas to Grant's habits
in 18GS." Wo beg pardon. Wo have
printed tho following as yet unquestion
ed ovidenco as to Grant's habits in 1808,
to wit: Tho Tilton telegram in tho
Independent for tho week ending Jan
uary 31, 1808, about a Presidential can
didate who was "occasionally seen rud
dled In tho streets;" tho story printed
in tho Tribune, April 8 1808, wherein
tho President tells a correspondent that
Giiant had been lntho Executivo Man
sion "so drunk that ho could not stand
on his legs;" tho article signed by
Wknii:m,'s, in tho -dii-Slai-ery
(Standard top tho week ending
April 11, IMS, charging Giiant with
drunkenness ; und tho speech mado by
WKNDiu.r. Pjiii.mi's in Roston, May
20, 1808, in which lie speaks of the "Re
publican candidate for tho Presidency,"
as a man "who cannot stand up beforo
n glass of liquor without falling down."
The.-o papers and peoplo l:no"
their man. They do not deny or recall
what they havo said about him. Their
testimony is trustworthy .
Tin; Ohio Statesman puts tho im
mense character of tho public debt in
tho following familiar form :
At 4-2 per bushel tho public debt rep
resents, 1,201,707,21.-. bushels of wheat.
or !17,8.i:i,m7 tons. To transport this
amount In twodiorso wagons, allowing
ono ton to each, would roquiro ;i7,Vi.':,.
010 wagons and To.TOH.ont hor-es ! Give
each team thirty feet space, and you
havo n cavnlcado which tcotiM encircle
the globe marly nine times,
On tho same subject somo ono has
gone Into a mathematical calculation,
which snows that if our national debt
was reduced to ono dollar bills and
placed ono upon another, tho pllu would
bo three, hundred and ninety-eight and a
half mite high.
Don't hesitate about handing your
Radical neighbor a good Democratic
speech, on the Issues of the day. Our
friends nro far too modest and careless
about such matters they seem to eon
eludo Hint all ttioso who havo hereto
fore voted with tho Radicals, will do so
ngnln. It Is not so. Thousands havo
become disgusted with tho evident dis
honesty of tho leaders, and with tho
attempt to force Negro equality and
Negro rulo upon tho country, lly nil
menus bo suro to speak kindly to your
Radical friend or neighbor It does no
good to quarrel with any ono on tho
subject of polities. Light, is nil an
honest Itadlcal needs to make hlin n
If somebody would onlyroastnfrccd
mau nllve, flay a carpet-baggor's hldu
from his body, or InsultaNow England
school-marm In tho South, ho would
entitle himself to imperishable honor
In Radical estimation at this particular
time. That party it sadly In want of
something of a sensatlomd order to llro
tho public heart. Won't somebody
tread on somebody clso's coat tall ?
I.N 1801, General Grant wrote in re
lation to his proposed nomination for
tho Presidency: "I would regret such
"a consummation ns being highly un
" fortunate to myself and tho country.'
In 1608 tho country agrees with tho
General in both particulars.
Newspaper ratronago.
Tim Hancock (Ohio) Courier com
pletely explains tho condition of things
in tho following nrtlclo in regard to
nowspapcr patronage, :
Many long and weary years of expert-
enco In tho publishing business hat
forced the conviction upon tit that nows
papcr patronage Is n word of many defl
tdtions, and that a great mojarlty of
mankind aro either Iguorautofllio cor
rect dcflnltlou or nro dishonest in a
strict plbllcal senso of tho word. News
paper patronagoit composed of ns mnny
colors ns tho rainbow, nnd It ns change
able at n chameleon.
Ono man conies In and subscribes for
the paper and pays for It In ndvnnce,
nnd goes homo nnd reads It with tho
proud satisfaction that it is his. He
hands In hit advertisement, asks thu
price, pays it, goes to his placo or busi
ness, and reaps tho advantage thereof.
This Is newspaper patronage
Another man says, "you may put my
namo on your books," nnd goes off with
out saying n word about pay. Time
passes on and you want money nnd nsk
him to pny what is honestly duo you.
Ho flics into n passion, perhaps pays,
perhaps not, nnd orders his paper stop
ped. This it called newspaper patron
nge. Another man has been a subscriber a
long time, but has novcr paid a cent,
nnd nt last becomes tired or you nnd
wnnts n change. Ho thinks ho wants n
city papor. Ho tells tho postmaster ho
don't want It, and you'll get a paper
marked " refused." Rut docs ho call
nnd pay? Oh no! Ho wnnts hit money
to pny for tho city paper. He will pay
you nftcr n while, ho says. Rut ho nov
erdoct unless you suo him. And thi;
too, is called newspaper patronage.
Another man brings In a fifty cent
advertisement, nnd wants a two dollar
notice given It, nnd If you refitto ho
goes off mnd. And this Is called news
paper patronage.
Another man lives near you ho doe3
not tnko tho paper he don't iiko tho
editor tho paper it too small for him
yet ho goes regularly to his neighbor's
nnd reads It, nnd finds fault with the
opinions of tho editor. Occasionally he
sees an nrliclo ho likes, nnd begs or
gives half a dlmo for tho number. This
is called newspaper patronage.
Another man takes two or threo city
papers and cannot afford to taken homo
paper, but ho likes Hand comes into
tho office and begt ono whenever ho is
in town. 'I'lils Is called nowspapcr pat
ronage. Another man likes the paper, he ta kes
a copy for himself and family and pays
for it nnd does nil ho can to get now
subscribers ho never grumbles, but nl
ways hat a cheerful word for tho editor.
If any Ilttlo item of interest occurs in
his neighborhood ho Informs tho editor.
This is newspaper patronage.
Another man has a patent and wnnts
you to givo It n two dollar not ico every
week, " It will bo of interest to your
readers," ho says, but although know
ing it will benefit him most of nil, he
does not offer to pny for It. This it call
ed newspaper patronage.
Another man has taken tho paper for
soveral years, but hat not paid for it,
and comes In with a four or flvo dollar
advertisement, nnd nsk you to Inserts
for nothing becauso ho Is nil old natron
of yours. This Is called nowspapcr pat
ronage. Another man--" a young man about
town" no use of hit taking a paper,
knows nil that is going on. Ry-nnd by
ho gets married and hands in tho notico
with "just hand mo a doen copies."
Ho gets them, and when you mention
pay ho looks surprised " you surely
do not chargo for such things." And
thit is called newspaper patronage.
Another mau (bless you It does us
good to see such men) comes in and
says " tho year for which I paid Is about
to expire. I want to pay for another."
Ho does so nnd retires. This Is news
paper patronage.
Now, isn't newspaper patronage a
curious tiling? And in tho great day
when tho gentleman In black gets his
due nt lie surely will how many or
tho patrons enumerated nbovo will rail
to Ids share ? Now it will bo soon that
whllo certain kinds of patronagonrotho
very life and exlstcnco or n newspaper,
tberonro other kinds of patronago moro
destructive than tho "deadly night
shade.' '
Reader ! where do you stand?
Judci: J I lack, stated In his great
speech, recently delivered' nt York that
Radical olllclals and others, had de
frauded tho Government out of not less
Tho Hump Congress, bolt remembered,
has passed a law, taking away from the
President the power of removal, nnd
of course, ho is powerless to prevent
Radical corruption. No wonder the
Radicals, knowing nil this, nro nfraid
to hold their meetings in public, nnd
secretly organlzo oath-bound clubs, in
which to decay tho unwary.
Tin: expenses or tho government for
tho month or July were, us reported by
tho Secretary or tho Treasury, $1(1,510,
000 or equal to Jlee hundred and Jifly.
eiyht millions Jlee hundred and eighty
eight thousand dollars a year. All this
sum is extracted from thu labor, Indus
try and enterpriso of tho masses. It It
no wonder tho peoplo complain ofhard
Part X or Smiths Dictionary or tho
Rlblo Is on our table. Contents, among
many short articles aro as follows :
Hebrews EplBtlo to tho-Hebron
Hell Ilermon Herod Hcrodlns
Hcickiah High Priest II I nnom
Mount IIornosea--Hospltality--IIouso
Hyssop, and ending with tho word
Idol. Tho wholo Is profusely illustrat
ed. Ilurd & Houghton New York.
TllK presiding officer at a meeting of
"all tho Intelligence" party In Maine,
recently Introduced tho speaker or tho
venlng as tho champion or tho gallant
U-sll-t-us Grant. W1U tho Radicals
Jiover learn to know tho correct namo
or their candldato?
Fi vr. cknts tax on each pound ortcn,
under Radical rule, threo cents tax on
each pound of Coffee Of courso tho
poor man uses nt much nt tho rich In
this caso taxes aro equal, but not so
when It comes to Btato Ronds; tho hold-er-t
nro exempt . Voto for Seymour.
Lost. A gold pin In tho shapo or n
T. with u bluo shield upon it, upon
which nrothoGreek initials Delta Mt.
A liberal rownrd will bo given for its
.return to this oHlce, or to Geo, Elwcll.
Black aXailin?.
'LET us itAvn niAcn."
For rrrHlJpiit,
i-or vico rrc'itiPiH,
Oalurlm A, (lrow.Cli'm. (1. V, Hnmcriily.l
W. II. Kcmlile.Trcns, J. 11. M'Afer, )Scc
PlIlI.AKUI.I'lIIA, Aug. 2t),'fi8.
ltOlliniT V. Cl.AltK, Es(J.,
U. 8. Assessor:
Stn: Thu Union Itepubllcun Stnto
Central Committee, being profoundly
Impressed with tho lmportnnco of vig
orously prosecuting tho ensuing politi
cal campaign, earnestly call upon you
for an Immedlato contribution of2 per
cent, on salaries, and such further sums
at you may bo willing to collect or re
mit. All In sympathy with tho purpo
poses or tho Republican party will
readily understand that heavy ex
penses must bo Incurred for organiza
tion, documents nnd speakers, In
suceottuilly conducting an election
campaign. Theso expenses will bo
greatly increased this year In conso
quenco or thero being both n State and
Presidential election. Tho muds con
tributed will bojudiclousiy expended.
The remittance should bo addressed
"Hon. Wm. II. KEMBLE,
No. 110.5 Chestnut St., Phlla.,"
by whom it will bo promptly acknowl
edged. G. A. GROW, Chairman.
Oi:o. W. HAMEIISI.Y, 1 BN,rplnrp
J. R. M'Avi:i:, f secretaries.
From tho above It will bo seen that
tho Radicals nro making n rresh raid on
tho otllco holders lu this Stntc for tho
purpose of rnlslng money to buy their i
way through.thls Fall. l ir't comes a
Circular from tho National Executive
CommIttce,nnd it is followed by onorrom
tho Stato Committee. Mr. Clark does
not propose aiding this party In their
attempts to subvert tho Constitution
and keep tho Union dissolved. Ills
voice, means, nnd infill enco will bo ex
erted to sccuro tho election of our candi
dates. llnaia.iATiON'."Tho Rev. J. It.Shnns-
fell, pastor of tho Baptist church of this
place, has sent In his resignation to tnko
ctrect In October next. His mission in
Pitlston embraces a period of 11 vo years,
during which tlmo ho has organized
what wero but fragments, into a strong
and self-sustaining congregation. At
tiio commencement of his labors the
membership of thollaptlst church num
bered but -11); now itis 170. During tho
period spoken of, tho congregation havo
built a fine church nnd comfortablepar
sonagc, most, If not all of which, lies
been paid for. In tho accomplishment
of theso enterprises, as in his clerical
labors, ho lias been Indefatigable, nnd
that great good and tho most gratify
ing success lias inaikcdhls mission hero
are self-evident truths. Asn zealous,
earnest and working- pastor, ho needs
no better recommendation than his mis
sion In Vittston furnishes. Ho will
leave his present charge accompanied
by tho highest recommendations and
best wishes of not only his own congre
gation, but of tho community general
ly. Pittston Gazelle.
Tin: cost of making a gallon of whis
ky, according to a report of a Commit
tee of Congress, is rromaoto -40 cents.
All that is paid over that, is for, nnd 011
account of tax and profit.
This is a sovero tax upon tho people ;
for thousands enjoy n good drink of
whisky, und vast quantities go into
families lu the shape of medicine, in
spite or all the evil that manifestly re
sults from its use. So far tho laws to
restrain Its uso have been almost whol
ly ineffectual, nnd we believo that tho
difficulties thrown In tho way of its
production aro still too great for tho
good or tho country tho tomptntlonto
defraud tho revenue is still rar too
great for tho times. The Itadlcal party
havo by bad laws, thoroughly debauch
ed tho country.
Andkiisox vi 1.1,1:. AVo clip the fol
fowing from tho Heading (laxrttc
Democrat :
'Tho Radicals In Congress recently
passed 11 bill pardoning three of the,
yuurils of the Andersonvilte prison.
Theso patriotic fellows, whoso bullets
used to whistle along tho dead line, havo
turned Radicals, ami following tho lead
of .loo Drown, thofounderorthu prison,
will voto for Orant. This accounts for
tho sudden tenderness or Congress to
wards theso "(lends In human shapo"
that onco shot down our;bravo fellows
when they reached across tho iJ line
for a drop or water. 'Rah for Grant nnd
Tho following hit from tho Uostou
Post U nono tholess sober prose becau'o
It appears in a poetical garb:
Tho luud Mas doubly tax'tl, wo llto't,
To carry on tho u ur,
Now war is Ion pcrliMl lrou,;ht,
KtlU more our taxes are.
Klrani:-) conduct thlx, all must allow
IIunIi let your inurmurn cime;
You pay these ilouulo tnzen now
To carry on tho peace.
Luzuuxi: County Nominations.
Hon. Geo. W. Woodward was renomi
nated on llrst ballot, receiving 81 votes
out of on. lion. S. G. Turner wns nomi
nated for tho Senatc,and Messrs Howard,
O'Neill, and Westlcr for tho lIouo of
Representatives. Mr. Westlcr Is from
Nescopec, adjoining our County, uud
wo know him to bo 11 man of worth und
merit. Mr. Rlioades received tho
nomination for SherllV.
Wi: observe that tho Romanists havo
established another Sco at Erlo I'cnn'a,
and consecrated the Rev. T. Mullen,
Dlshop thereof. Will our peoplo never
become wiso? Philadelphia, I'lttsburg,
Harrlsburg, Scrantou and Erie, now
havo each a Romisli Dlshop, and will
booh havo a Cathedral and; all other
church appliances. F.
Sincu tho Radicals havo had control
of tho Government, wo havo had a con
stant wall of complaint about fraud
und corruption, everywhere, and that
will contlnuo, so long as tho peoplo do
not crush tho bad party out of exist
ence. Voto for Scymonr, Rlulr and Ro
form. WlllTi: working men in tho North
should remember that tho cost or clerks,
messengers, etc., of tho Erccdmen'n
Ilurenu has beeiiifi30,Jl.VJ10l a year. Not
quite a million u year for agents to tako
euro of tho negroes. Who takes caro ol
whlto men?
Tin: Now York Sun (Radical) states
that n month ago betting on tho Presi
dential election was two to ono In favor
of Orant. Since then Seymour stock
bus advanced to par, and within tho
pnst week it Is at a largo premium.
Tin: Dcmocrnts of Now York havo
nominated Mayor Hoffman for Govern
or by acclamation. This en mres us that
filu(o by M),ono majority.
Domooratio National Tickot,
roll VICK-rilESIIlENT!
Democratio Stato Tickot.
Domooratio County Tickot,
E. It. IKELEft.
I'OH At'llITOH 1
IlrooM David Lowrnlierir,.!. II. Tinman, John
ltFiiwu-K Inhih llowcr, A. It. Heety, .Tacol
ni!tAKriiK:i:i'. 1'. Mi-i-le, John (l..lncoiiy, Al-
li..rl Nmllli.
1 H:ton J, .1. M'irciiry, T. llenton I'olc, John
1;. wenner,
im.u Kit Moves Hlilh hei, II. Illutrrlitrr, cleo.
l'. ureisnam.
Cf.sthai.ia lohn I. ltannnn, Thomas O'Ot-
liArti. Jdlin Hl"llnifi'r.
CoNv.vfiiiAM Ur. K. It. Wnlh'ilh. Aaron l'cr-
sou, H. Thornton,
Cattawissa l)r, J, K". liohhlus Waller f-Yoit
Adam Fedorolf. . . .
CKNTiir Abialmm White, Samuel Nejhart
Hiimoel Itnivpl'.
I-'kahkmn J. II. Knllllc, II, J. Heftier, Moc
W. M'Hcnry. ....
FrsllINOCHFEK M. A. Ammerman, I rlah
M'JIonry, E. UuaneH.
O iikkn wood O. V, L it, Wm. Kramer, Jos. It,
l'nl Inn.
IlKMLonc Wm. II. Shocmaker.IIuah M'Hrlde,
y uoooins.
Jackson Oco. llurllman, Jno. M'llenry
I'mnniiol Hnvnto.
LocrsT Hon. 1. K. llerblne, Daniel Sitlne,
Gem I lower. ,
Maihson .Ian. Klsncr, A, J, Carr, Hngli
Main U.J. Campbell, John Nusi, Chan. 1'lnher
Mifflin Dr. I). II. Montgomery. Hutnucl
SchwcppeiflhetKer.Ihaae I.utr.
MoNTouu lVter Ilelmbaeh, J. F. rareniworth
reier j-;vann.
Mr, rtEAsANT Thou J, W elllver, Jno Wo-
nif-h .InM. .tnlitivnn.
OKANUE-CharCB Connerji:,0. Itlckcltn, V. II.
Fink Joseph Shoemaker. Jo". TrlblehlM, An-
ilrpit' Yih1tniv.r.
ItoAliINCil-KKKK J. II, Houtk, Wm. Drelsbach,
1 ler l.cvan.
hcott Oscar r. Km, Daniel Snyder, Cha V. II:
Ht'nAH i.oAF A. Itubaeh, David Lewlw, (loo.
lly order of Hlandlnir Com ml tee,
llloouiKburtf, Ante, 21,'i)S,
Tho Kreat amount of tlmo consumed by tho
ladles in drcslmtund nrrangtiiK their hair must
make any artlelo which would lessen Ihelr labor
particularly desirable. UIuk'h Vegetable. Aln
lnnsla leaves the hair In such condition lis to
lender thodrefslni;iiiiil arranKluj a very tasy
mutter. It Imoarts to It that snlendld ulossv nn-
pcarancosn much admired, cleanses the scalp
from dutidrull and all humors, and preventa
uaiuness ; promotes ns growin anu resiorea gray
liair 10 lis original color, juiyi.u 1b
From the M-ttfJtW," Albany, ,Y. 1'.
Wo nro not In the habit of noticing no-culled
Patent McdlcliifH : but wu havo no lu-sltutlmi lu
cttinmundlnK thtM Milimhle Hitter to thu imblltt
It composed ot none but the purest nnu best
iiiKreUlcnts, nml thu thousand ut testimonials
io iih eiiienry, iwim iiu uuuui wmi jh me inotti.
vahtablo unecltlu known for tlm cure of JilNeasui
of th Liver, (fcnerai ijeiiiniy, t-etTN,ntid euin
plalnts arising Irani it Dlaonleied Htomach.
The J Utters is entirely free from all intoxicating
propel tics.
Combines nil tlio luriilicntsof th illtters with
pureHutitu Vrii, Itum, orunue, nnlne, Ac, it Is
used tor the hamo dlteasiH as thu Hitters, In cum
where somo Alcholiolta htlmtiluntW necessary
nnd makes t preparation ililUhtlully pleasant
nnd areeabU tn tulu1. Prlncipul olllce, t'"tl Arcli
street, PI i Hurra. Pn, uold vm i,vwlii re.
July Jfl.Wh.
Itated, wh(H sn(1-rlnH liavu bctn protracted
from hidden cause, ami hoxo cases reipilro
Prompt treatment to render exlstt-nco desirable,
f you urehutlerlm, or haNo Mifleretl, liom In
voluntary illssharfses, what ell'ectdoes It jtroduco
upon your tctnerafhealtliV Do you leel weak,
debilitated, eurlly tired? Dots a Ilttlo extra ex
ertion protluco u palpitation of tho heart Doe
your liver, or urinary oiaans, or jour kidneys,
frequently K't out of order? Ji jour urltiti
sometimes thick, milky, or tlocky, or Is It npj
on settllni!',' tr does a thMtMuim rlso to tlie
top'.' Or Is a M-dlmcuL at the lltoiii nfti r It ban
s 1 1 n h t aw hlle',' Doj on JiaOMellsof short breatli
ln or dysiiepvl.i? Aro ymir bowels const lated?
Do j on hao spelts ol faint Inn, or inches m lilood
ti tlio liend? Is jour memory Impaired? Is vour
mlud ciuistimlly ilwellhiBUpon ihlssnhlcct? !)n
vou feel dull, llslless.inoptn.tlred ntcoiupuiiv
(iflll''. Dttjtm wish to boh it ulono, lo net away
trom everybody? loesnny Ilttlo Ihlmimakej-nu
stin t or lump? Is your M ep brl;en ur resiu.H".'
Is thf lu-tro nf j i air eye as hrllllanl ? 'I he Mourn
on ourthcil: as blight? Doou enjoy join sell
in soeli ty as well? Do you pursue jmir biisn ,s
with the sumo enemy? Do sou feefas mucli con
hdeuculn join-sell? Aro nur pirlts dull and
lUtulnir. Riven to His oi inelancholly ? If so, da
not lay it to jour llt ror ilj spcpsla, J Km you
restles lights? Vmir tmel; weal:, your knees
weak, and hao but Ulttoapiietito, and jou at
tribute this to d spepsla or llvrr-eoinplaiut ?
Nuw, reader, sell-ubme, em-renl dlM-ases bad
ly mired, it lid sexual c.ccsses, aio all capablo of
pnxluclnnweaknesHof tho Kcucratlvu organs,
liio organs or Kcneialioij, when lu perfect liealth
muko tlio man. Did joa eer think that thoso
bold, d limit, energetic, rfrsuvcrlng, sueeesstul
buslness-mcu aroulwnyHtlmkowiiose generetlvo
oians art) In peritct litallh? You never hear
such men complain ol belm; mclanchollv, or
nenousness, ol palpitation oi thu heart, 'lhey
aro neer afraid they cannot succeed lu bus in ess
they don't bceomosadaud discouraged; they aro
always polite, and pltasant In tho company of
ladies, and look jou and them right In thu faco
none ol your downcast looks or any otlur
meanness about them I do not mean thoso who
keep the orgrns lutlatul by ruuulnt; to exivss.
Tlieso will not only ruin their constitutions, but
also those they do kindness with or for.
How many men, rom bmlly-uued ilh cases,
from tho eltects of hell-abusc and excesses, have
brought about that statu of weakness lu those
organs tliat hah reduced tlio general system so
much as to liul uce almost tery otherdlseaso
Id locj. I uuaey, pal al sis, spinal allectlon, uu Icldo
and almost eiry otlur lorm of disease which
humaultj In heir to, and tho real tauso of tho
iroublo scarcely ever suiptcted, and liao doc
tored lor all hut the right one.
Dlscasiw ot theso organs remilro tho use of a
Diuietlc, lU'linlH.ld h Fluid Extract Kuchu Is
the great IHurttlc, aud Is a certain euro lor dls
enhesot tho Illaddir, Kldiiejs, (lraet, Drophj.
Ore" ii lu Wi iikiiess. Female Complaluts, tJeueral
Deiillliy, and ull diseases of tho Urinary organs,
win tin. r existing in Main or l-emale. trom w hat
vet cause orlluatlng, aud no matter or how
long standing,
Jt no treatment is submitted to, Consumption
or Iiibiinity may ensue, uur ilcsh ami hlixM aio
supported irom these sources, and thu Ileal th and
happiness, ami that of Prosterlty, depends Uoii
prompt use ol a reliable remedy,
Ileiinbold'H Kx tract lluchii.esiabllshed upward
of 18 j cars, prepared by 11. T. llelmbold, Drug
gist, 6tl New York, uud 101 Houth lUth htrect,
l'lilladelphla, Pa. l'rlce 91,35 per liottle, or (I
bottles pirStfy) .delivered to any addiess. Hold
by all Druggists everywhere.
None art Lft-nnliiM uiilehB done un In ittecNfn
graveu wrapped, wun iacbimne oi i
ny Cliemtcat
Warehouse, and iilgued
11, T, III.
Aiigeiv , wini,
lly Tlrtuo of a writ of Fieri Facia issued out
of tuo Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun
ty and to me directed, will Lu exposed to puullo
vale or out cry ulthu Court House in lllooms-
tho hh day of beoteiuber. litis. Una following
real estate to wltt
Allium certain lot oigroumi iituate in 1,011 -yugham
township coutaiuinu one acre, more or
Jem, bounded ou the vanl by lot late of Win Ash
man. on thu 1101th bv nubile road leudluic to
Oermuittown uud on the houtli und east by
lanus of tho Loc'ut Mountain coaicomjuiny, on
which is erected u Two bturyHlouu Jlouso with
tho borough of Centralla, Columbia county, be
lug two lou lltty leel front, uud ono hundred und
tllty feet deep, bouuded on thu east by CatuwUsa
stru t, uud on l lie wist by-sneet, on theeusi by
an alley, 011 I he north by lot of ground uud
DiueKuniin Kitop wiin i no appurtenance.
He t zed, taken in Kxmitlou und to bo sold as
thu piopcrty of Htephm ThoinaN. Ho answers
Aug.2l,tW. HiierKH
A J 31 K U 8!!
Titv thi;
It cotitaliiH thn-n oer cent, of Ammonia, an
ample, quantity to ittvo activity without Injury
to tho vcualatrou,aud u laruo ircenUaa of so
luble Hone I'hokpliHtu of IJnie, together with
j'uiusn alio rniH, 1110 t-ssi-niiui witm.-iii ui
COMl'LiriKMANUHK. Tho Increased sales lu
furmers whoure usIdkU with highly sutl.tucto
ry results 1. a fcuruuuuranleo of lis alue. 1'rlee,
iSdpertonof 10 bags uxi lbs lacli. Hind lor n
pamphlet. Address
Till! ALT A VELA OlIANO )...
JulyS.'W-ly 6Jllrodwoy,N. V.
Market lUport,
Whent r Imihd U S
lU-o "
Corn " I J-J
Ontii. . " . . . !'
lour ncr barrel u uu
'lovei'st'isl ? 11
'lxu-.l 3 "J
llutter i
Kkr -1
Tullow . '5
1'OtolOM I W
Drlc.l Aplcs J M
I'ork 1"
sulci ntul HhontilerN W
IlntOH - -1
Ijini per lunim! . w
liny ir ion 10 uu
Hemlock Hoard per IbouKantl feet- tlo 00
inn " " " Kmeluchl. IiaSO
Joint, Peantlllij!, Clank, (Hemlock) 15 I "I
Hhinifles, N. 1 perthsunaiul. M 8 W
" " n. r.vr.v.v.v.vjii"'.."'." u w
No.'lHcotch pin M
m 1 " .tl
..loom t
PhlUtWIptiU Market a.
rilCH-HPAY, HfpM. I8U81
Northwestern Btiperhue nt
Northwestern extra
NorthutHteru family
Pemi-.yUiitiliiant W estern superfine,
reimnylvaiitnfttHl Western extra
IVntisylvnnla am! Western family ,
PemiMylvnuIaand Western fauey
, 7.MW 7.50
.. IMHKcill.60
... i.i:mn.Vi
-lUIVitl ll.tM
... J2.WA
... !i(M!i75
... M.1MISI.I0
live nour
WIIKAT Pen n Kyi van t a reil, V bun
California " "
ItYK Pennsylvania ryp. v .
.... Sl.l'KiiSI.W
... tl.liMll.17
.... Slk-frtHSO
... 8'c(40
CoiiN 1 enow, " , ,
t Ullf,
Oats fi bus
Provisions Mean Pork, V ubl
mch iieei,
Dressed Hogs, V tb ,
Hmoked Hams "
" Hhouldcrs it rt
Ijird.'fllh ,
f 'loverieed V bus
nmoinyseeu ous
Flaxseed 11 -.
CattIjK Hcfc-f Cattle ft
Cows, & head
Hit UK!' i P
UoiH-VlWfti Illill.15
I!OWI-:i:-SMITII-On Iho S-ith Inst., nt the
Ihnl-fit. n-il-Hrili-nrn. iv 1 lin 11..V. U. 11. l.v Ml-.
Horace ISowernnd Jllss Itebccca Hmlth, both
01 ininrcieeic.
SWANK--L(l,vai:Nlir.Iinn:-On thosntli Inst.
ni Die lesiiieucn or J. .l- rcy. J'if., ill nesco
peck, by Hev. W. W, Case, assisted by Itev. S,
o. llhoails, .Mr. Joseph Hwanlc nml .Miss 31
Iiougcuhcrgcr, all of Miflltn, Col. cn.
MO'-S-KAIlI, i:H On the .list Inst by .TnlmsW.
Kitchen, !-( at his ofllco In Jackson, Mr.
i i-icrii. .11 oss oi itoss nvi., i.uzeru county nun
.iiiss .iran Kanicroiino same place.
SCllUYI.r.It-TUIlNKlt-On the loth Inst., at tho
in me residence ortne nriuo s ,-uoiner, joiuan
N. Y. by Ki'V.W. C. Ilesser, Mr. Iwls Schuy
ler of (irangevllln I'a. to Miss Cornelia A. 'lur
ucr of Jordan ti. 1.
T.,niTVsj'irnf Acin,. n.n "sin. lilt nt Iho rest
ilenceof the brides rather, by Iho Hey. J . A
Melllck. Frederick Fritx to Miss Mnry A 1 hom-
ns, all nntloomsburg.
CRKVELING In Mght Btrect on tlio 2.1tti IiwlJ
tnanie son oi ujtuh tr venug, ugcu ;in,
Letters testamentnrj' on tho estate of Isaiah
Iinccnbcrccr. lutnnf Itenvcr townsbln. (tlum-
bla county have been granted by tho Kcftlster of
coiuioom loumy to joiin ijongcnuergcr ana
Win. K. loiiceuberger of fiald Township. All per
Minn iiiiY JiiKuiiiiiiii iiKti uini uiu fHiuiuuru re(ueii'
ed to nresent them for settlement, nnd thoso In-
debtetl to thoestato cither on note or book
acenunt wm make payment to the rcxecmors
wiuiuiu oeiuy,
wm. k lon(i;niikuuku.
Hept. ,'ti8-Ct, KxecutorH,
The nnderftlcned bees leftvo to Inform fhn rltl,
reus of this place and vicinity that he 1 prepared
to furalsh.atshort notlce.oneof the bent WOOD
KN PUMPH for Weds und Cisterns ever ottered
to the public, lhey are guaranteed to throw
moro water In less time aud with less labor than
any other pump in this part of tho country and
they cannoi be surpassed for beauty or finish, or
ni ii i ii ien j oi urrHiiKeiiieni.Himi coinuiuingcueap
ness und durability, Kuch iuim be 1 nif warrant
ed to perform Its work well or no hale, Kllaa
Hliumatt Is agent for Columbia county. l'rlc
75 cents per f(Mt placed lntho well. Orders by
II til I L ur ni.ii-rviitf iiruniiniv uiiuuiIUU UU
Wept, i.'iW-ly KLlArt HllUMAN, aiUwissa IM.
n Tiin DisTiutrr Coi'itT of tiik Unitkh .States.
llanlel V. ltotiblns n llankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March id, st7, ImvlliK ai
Idled fur n discharge Irom all hlsdcbts.aud other
claims priiMiblu under said Act, by order or the
('ourl.nollci- Is hereby gcn to all creditors who
have pn ed Ihelr debls, and other persons Inter
ested, to appear on thu 23d day uf Hept.. IMiH
at 11 o'clock a.m., beforo l:. Overtoil, Jr., Ksq.,
Heglster, at the l:xchaugu Hotel In llioouisburg,
lo show cause, irany lhey lmc, why a discharge
should not hu grunted to thesuld Uauklupt. Aud
lurllii-r, notlculs hereby given, that tho Mecond
and Ihlrd meetlngnorcri dltorsortlieHald Hank
runt, ieiUlred by the 27th und 1Mb seel Ions ot
said Ai t, will bu had before said Ueglster, upon
the same day, nt the sumu iihice.
H. l'..MlCANI)I.I-:sS,
Clelk ortr. S. District Court lor said District.
Kept. J.VW-2W
Ileurv JMIutihberKer, n liankrnpt under tho
Act of Congress of March lid, 1S07, liavln ai plied
for a DKeliaruo from all his debtH.andntherclalnm
provablo under Mild Act, by order of tho Court,
NOTiu; ih ithitKiiv 1VKN, to all Creditors who
have. pro cd their debts, and otherpersons inter
ested ; to appear on tlio Etd day of Kept., tvS
at Hn'clock, V. M., beforo II. (etion, .lr., Ksr.
Hesller, nt tlio Kxchuiif-o Hotel, HloomsbiirK.l'a.
t chttw cause, if any they have.why a IHvcharu
should not bo granted to tho said llankrupt. Ami
rurth.-r in.tlco Is hereby plven, that tho Second
and 'J hlid .Me.-lln-s of Creilitorxof Miosald llank
rui.l, requlieil by th L7th and iih hectlous of
.aid Act, utl bo had beiore the Mild lU-Kister at
tho n me tlmo nnd place.
Cletk ofl. B, District Court lorwald District.
It. T A Y Ii o it's
A mild andagre.abJoToulo .stimulant, Ntoni
nctileund Cujminntlvo
a i t t k a s ,
Extracted entirely from Herbs and Knots. High
ly benellclal In
(iknkuaii DKitii.rry,
nnd l.oHi of Apjii'tlto;
and an excellent Cornctlvulor persons suaerlni;
floiu Dlsoiders of the Ilowels, l'Jutulcucc, Ar.
Sold Kvcrywlierc.
Depot, No. II Market Htrect, rhiUvlelphiu.
There will bo exiiosed to itibllu sale, a larm
situate jiartly In Montour township, Columbia
county,and partiy lu CiKiperlowushlp, Montour
i-ituiiiy, uuuiiii.-u on inu norm ny latum oijonu
llaylor. aud Haywood Hnydcr, on the east by
Hamuel Ijizarus.on the south by Win. U, Kuse,
and on the west by Mathlas Applemnn, contain.
ing one uunureu anil nineteen ucres und ono
iiuuoreu uuu one perches, strict measure, on
which nia erected the following buildings! u
large house und stone kllrhen, u fruuiu bank
burn anil straw shed, u double wagon shed,
blacksmith shop.slone, etc. Also
u good apple on hard of 160 trees on Hie rami
also n bisly or llmestoue, and homo Iron ore.
About eighty acrescleured,the rest In good white
liakllllil ihi-stliliL limber. Also 11 vmul ull .......
venlent lo Iho house uud barn, and n stream or
wnii-i running lurougu inu place,
Lnto the estate or Ileury Wertluau, deo'd, to lie
sold on Krlduy, the Itith day of Heptember.A, 11.,
isivi, at 2 o'cloi It p. m., 011 the premises, upon Ibu
toliowlng couditiouMi
1. one tenth of the purchasn money to be paid
on l ie day or sole, one hair oMhe remainder on
the llrst day or April, IMN, anil thu rest on the 1st
day ot April, l7o,wlth Interest from the first day
or April, INiH, ut which lliuo possession will be
2. A Iho right, tltle.nndlnleristof tlm
uud Henry Wertmuii in said estalo will bo
delhendlo the purchaser at his own expense,
at the payment of the whole of I lu. puichase
AUK. i's,'l-l. Kxei-utnr,
oxtunslvu Atuortini'iit nf imoh'h
and laiv'a I.INKN Hllllt-r i-'ihim m iianar
lira Dllll f?llflM 11ml T.imrM I , u u ,V. i . . ..
und ct'vru selling cheap by
Mr.l3,'t-l I..T.HHAItPI,I-JlSl.
Wittciii'W.UioHon.WnniimKlwin, rrmUleiit
Jmlirenf tho Court vt Oyer iuul Terminer nnu
Orneml Jail Iellcry. Court or HimrUr homIoiih
of tlio l'raoonnil Court of Common Pleiw iuul or
Minira Court in uio hh jihiuhu im- i,
! 1 1 1... Mai nr fnlnlnlda KlllllVIltl fllM
Wyoming mul tlio lion. Irnm Iirntiil l'etcr K.
Ierbcln, Avcinto JiuUen of Columbia rountr
Imvo ImhuoiI their prm-iit, LcnrinKilftt" tho nth
day of May In tho sear or our Iml, otie
thoinand, eight hundred and sixty-eight, and to
mo dtrecteil for lioldlnga Court orOeneral Huarler
Hesslons or tho lVnce, nnd Orphan's Court, and
Court or common l'icos 111 iiiooiiisihuk, n.
county or Columbia, on tho first Monday, belnu
tho "Hi day ol Hcptembcr next to contlnuo ouo
Kot'lco Is hereby given, lollio Coroner, to Iho
Justices or the l'ence, nnd tho Constables or the
said county of Columbia, that they bp thennnil
lucre ill ineir iiiuoei fv.i,ui. v
rorcnoon or said day, with their records, Innulsl.
tlons and other remembrances, to do those things
which lo their offices appertain to be done. And
those that are bound by rccognltanco, to prose
cute against tho prisoners that nro or may no In
thojail OI too saiu county oi ioiuiii iin, i v
nnd there to prosecuto them as shall be Just. Ju
rors are requested to bo punctual In their attend
ance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Illooms
burg.tho 15th day or May lutheyear
1 I.. . i or our Iord, ono thousand eight nuu-lv-v-f
dred and slxty-elght.and In the ninety
second year or tho Independence or the united
Btates of America. MOllDWJAI MILLAUI),
JUOOIUSOUrg, AUg. I. 10W. niie.iu.
Q.UAND junons,
run nti iiwmr.u i rav.u,
Illoom Uoss J, Crevellng.Georgo Mannliu,
Centre (Stephen l'oho,
Conynttlmm K. It. Wholforth,
Centralla Uoro. James Kealy.
CatawMHa Oeo. Blrlckcr.
Pnuiklln Joshnn Mendonhall. (Jcomti ,
renstcmacher, John Artlej.
ureeowoim ueii. un, iucnhiv. u. r, t.
liocuit John Yeacer. mm fc
.Madison -Joel U Closer, Geo, M. DuUKlurly,
Itlchard Demott,
Montour Peter Ilelmbaeh, John Q. Rarkley.
Maine Win. II. Utt.
Mt. ricasaut Henry Kitchen,
Orange Abraham Kline.
Pine Valentine Wintersteeii,
Hcott Aaron lloone.
BuKarloafWfllcott Harvey, Ktra (Stephen.
koi; HKlTr.MIir.H tkrm, hw.
Hloom .Tolin C. Harton. A. H. Crosslej. 1. H
Kuhn, N.J. tlendershott, lllljah Hlintt.MtHtlilus
K Appleman, Hohfrt Hoan,
llrlarcreek J.O.Kmlth, Chas. AVhltmlre.
llentonT. II. Cole, lleiijamlu Wurner.
Deaver Allen Mann,
Catawlsa Wm. Creasy, Joseph llrelsh, Mobes
narlman.Haiuuel Wntters Wm. Miller.
Centre Wm. Pettlt. , ,
Franklin Clinton Mendenhall, Jacob Knit tie,
KlshliiRcreek Jonas Dotj.
(Irecnwood Jeremiah Hcaeock,
Hemlock Wm Harrli, John Ktstler.
Jackson Thos. W. Hmlth
1ieust John Hnyder.
Mltllln Samuel Illdleman,
Mt. Pleanant Joseph Ikeler, Hamnel HnrtKel.
Maine Joint Hartrel, John Drelsch, Hudolpk
orance i;il Kline.
Hoaring Creek John Levan,
Hugarloaf Peter Lutu, AllmwCole.
rjiRlAIi LIST.
1. John Hhonk vs John Cain,
2. John H, Illacklston et nl the Lelilyh .t. Ma
hanoy It, It, Co.
y. Peter Hc1iur'uro" vs Wm. A. Caso ?t a I,
I. Hamnel Waters vaGeorco WHIets.
6. Hamuel Waters vs Ueoruo Willets.
ff, Ha rah A. tttine vs Jacob stlne Jr.
7. Wm. Feason et nl nsslgness of thu West
Ilrfliich Insutonco Co. va Hlmon C Shtve.
H. Kdward M'Call et nl v John Hweeuej',
If. F, H. Person vs John Cain.
10. Oldeou ArndtvsJohn U. Ielby.
II, Thomas J. Vnndersllco vs Itobert Howell.
1'2. I jivlna Davenport vs Wm, M. Kllnetop.
13, John II. Leiby vs (Jldcon Arndt.
11. John Coleman Mtchal Cromls.
15. J. U. llnzleton vs II. C. llartman.
Iti, John Cooper vs Daniel Hower et al.
17. John Ollroy s Wm K. HU-ruer.
18. Couynghum township vs Peter I.. Kleeco eto
UK Wm. Hehuyler vh Klisha T. TilTanj'.
a). Kdward Hweet vs John Anderson A Co.
21. Isaac Feijly vs James W. ttankey,
2i Gilbert Fowler vs Heubcn Miller.
i. John Iaverns s Margaret Ilreheny et nl,
'2i, Htacy John s Geo. IjonKenbergcr exr'a
z KUa GeorKe vs Aaron Person.
IM, Kli CrevelliiR Atlin'r. vs J. II. Case.
117. Lucas N. Moycr vs Geo. W. Collamer et al,
IlloomsburK Aug. 7, 1WW.
The followlns appraisements of real and per
sonal property set apart to widows of decetWnts.
havo been filed in tho ofllco of thoKeKlsterof Co
lumbia county, under the Utiles of Court, ami
will bo presented for absolute continuation, tu
tho Orphans' Court to be. held in UloomsburK. in
nndforsald county, on Monday, the hevknth
Day of Bikt, IbtW, nt two o'clock i m.(
of said day, unless exceptions to such confirma
tions aro provlouslj tiled, of which all persons
Interested In said estates will take notice;
1. Widow of Jacob Merkel of Flshlngcreck,
Widow ot Hamuel Klsticrof Greenwood, de
ceased, ;t. Wblow of John Doak of llerwiek, deceasMl.
4. Wldowof John GlKerof Montour, deceased.
6. Widow of Peter Miller ot Centre, deceaneJ.
ii. Widow or Hamuel Uniglerof Hemlock dee'd
7. Widow ol Peter H. llelwlK of Conyiiuham
8. Widow of Charles H.IIess of Mifflin, dee'd.
M. Widow of Andrew Freas of Cent re, dee'd.
1U. Wldowof Elijah It. WllM.nof Flshttiffcreek.
JOHN G. FIlKK.i:, llCRUler.
Dloomsburu, Aur7. iws.
1") EGISTEH'H NOTICE. Notici; is
.! hereby given to all lesateeM, crejlltors atid
outer persons Interested in tho estates of the ie
hlectlodecedentsand minors, thattho follow Ink
administration and guardian accounts luto been
filed lu tho otlleo of the IteitMrr of Columbia
county, nnd will bo presented for confirmation
nml allowancoln thuipliaiiH' Court, to lm held
In liiooni.bur, on Mondaj-, tlio hoventh day of
Hept, I), ut tun o'clock lu tho afternoon ot
bald day,
1. Account ol JolmBtaddonGuardlau of Atnnx
da 11. Hobblus,
First and Dual account or Anthony Men lie j:
administrator or Allred L. Menuez, deceased,
:i Account of Peter Haymau A Jacob HaMnnn
administrators of Jonas Hay man, laioof Green
wood township, deceased,
4. First and final account of Nicholas, Obadiah
and James J. Campbell, executors ot Obarllah
Campbell, deceased.
A. 1 irstand final account of Klwood HuKhes,
eeeutor ot PJucbu 1'. Illcks, deceased,
i. Account or Thomas Hutchison, admlulst ra
tor of Ann Hutchison, latoof Fishluscreek twp ,
7. Final account of Andrew Croll, executor of
Adam Croll latoof Milllln twp., deceased.
X. Thiid ami final account or Jacob aud Wash
limton Yeaer administrators of John YcaKerlato
ol Locust twp., deceased.
, Final accouutot Isaac lllleumu executor of
Michael Hileimm latoof Maulsou twp., deed,
10. Account or plilneiw Cool. and.Illram Cool,
admlnNtrators of Philip Cool, latu uf Hoaring
crtek twp., dee'd,
11. First and tlnal account of Ellrabeth lluckif
lew and P. C. WadHwoith ndtnlulhtralon. of Wm.
liuckalew decabed.
III. Account ore. H.IIess, administrator or K
H. Hess as llled by Hamuel Creasy administrator
ofC. H. Hebs, deeaoed.
13. Partial accouutof James M'Alarney ouo of
tho executors or George Longeuberger dee'd.
II. Final account of John Michael udmlnlslra
tor or Jacob Keller lato of Heaver twp., dee'd.
H. First account of John H.and Isaiah Dletter
I oh udmlulstratoru of John Dletterlch. lato ot
Montour twp,, deceased ,
10. Account or John 11. Moyer, administrator
or George Cramer, lato of Bloom twp., deceased.
17. First account ot John II. Vaudersllce admin
Istrator of Itebeccn Vanderslice, lato of Itlooui
twp., deceased.
is. Final account of 8. Neyhard administrator
of Husrel White, lato of Centre twp. decoaucd.
hi. Account of Hamuel L. Clierrlugton Guardian
ot Klmlra 11 ouch, lato Elmlra Yoeum.
JOHN G. FUEE.E, Ueglster,
Iiloomsburg Aug. 7, lt0M.
The tindorslcned auditor nTinnlntid liv Hip ui L.UUI111UI. i-ieiii ui Loiuuiuiu cuuniy
report laclswilh his opinion as to the proiirl
t.r BinnllnK Iho tale nl tho real estate or M
John, a lunatic, for Iho purpose ol paying dt
Court ut common Pleas of Columhlu county to
mrnnsA .if tin vim. il.-hiM
uuu ciikiik. mem, nuu ine support anu niaiu
teiiancu or said lunatic, will meet tho parties
for the purposes or Ids ni I oinllnenl Bt Ills olllce
luliloninsuurg uu the third day or Hepiember
A. D.1VW. c. V.,
Atlir. 7,'l.g-lt. Auditor.
Ix-tlersoradniluUtrallouonthe estato of An
drow Mellck, hue or Ht. Pleasant twp., L'olum
hia co deccased.liave been cranted hy the Kenls
ler of said county to Jacob .Vlelllck omit. I'leas
ant. All persons hating claims or demands,
against tlui estate of the decedent aro reiucstcdi
to make them known, and those Indebted tu
make payment,
July3,'08.0t. Administrator.
Ihlsis to give notice I that an the llth day of
August, a, ii. I.s, u warrant lu Hnnkruptcy
was Issued against tho estate ol I-eYl Kutlorthe
I urough ol Merwlck, lu tho county of
(.olumhia, and State or I'cnnsylvnnta, who hua
been adjudged a llankrupt on his own petition!
that the payment or any dehls nnd delivery of
auy pronerts; helonglng to such llankrupt, to
Mm, or fur his use. und Uie transfer or any prop
erly hyhlin are roi bidden by laws thata ineel
lug or the Creilltors or tho said prove
the r debls. ami In rhnnkAnim ,,r t,,nru
of his .estate, will bo held at n Court of llankrunt-t-y,to
bu holdi-n at tho Kuchange llolel.ln Uloouis
';u,rHi Ciduinbla county, I'ennsylvunla, beforo
.-.u,. hi ii u t ei iuii, jr., ut-gister, on tne lard day of
bepiemjier, a. ii, Isuh at 2 o'clock p. in.
a f J AH V.WI.Uy. U.H. .Marshal,
Aug. iM.'tJMt. lly j;. ii, coouia un ii, Iiepul y,
puiiiiio s a ii i: o r
Ai.UAiii.E ur.Aii.triiiwo.VAi. rnoi'iniTV
Will lie CTtifikeil lnmilill..nln-i .1...
of tho undersigned lu Orange township. Coluin
Ma rouiily. I'u., on haturday, Hepiember 11, lst,s,
i. ."". ... vriunaeviue, a now ll lis I no IV UI.
Fritz lironcrlv. s lumr.i .... 0i u,-n... . ...I.
feet front uudio feet 111 depth.on which' Ul-lei'l.
ed a frame riioro llouse, a gocs iwu story
Jin Ico house, and a sood barn. Also Iho follow.
Ing personal properly! iIto head or horses out.
span r good carriage Horses, 5 good illlch .-i s
fVrmffimeAj',1:?"!?'""0"' "l'nd. nr
lirininguleuillji Also on cook oe, two par.
. f i",f'.,!"J 1IU" kllcheii fiirnlluie or
Mi"il''m' )U.NKI.IUIli:U(AH.
,"VyJ,I'uldt Tills CoLUMblAM HtaUh
head of young entile, twu sells of S ublil
I'm-o ien5,i'!h' :."!1,,,e "lU"f 'frlago liaVness"
runtlug Offloa.